SAP ABAP Function Module - Index R, page 62
Function Module - R
# Function Module Mode Short Description
1 RS_DME_ADA_INIT_DB Initialisation of input data 
2 RS_DME_ADA_INIT_DB_30A Initialisation of input data 
3 RS_DME_ADA_NEW_LIS Generation of large itemsets 
4 RS_DME_ADA_TRAIN_MODEL_AP Interface to the algorithm for genertaing association rules 
5 RS_DME_ADA_TRAIN_MODEL_AP_30A Interface to the algorithm for genertaing association rules 
6 RS_DME_ADA_TRAIN_MODEL_AP_NEW Interface to the algorithm for genertaing association rules 
7 RS_DME_ADG_CREATE_INDEX_LIS Creation of index on LIS tables 
8 RS_DME_ADG_CREATE_TAB_ENUMDATA Creation of enumerated data table 
9 RS_DME_ADG_CREATE_TAB_LIS Creation of table for LIS 
10 RS_DME_ADG_DELETE_ALL_TABLES Deletion of tables generated during training 
11 RS_DME_ADG_DELETE_INDEX_LIS Deletion of index of LIS table 
12 RS_DME_ADG_DELETE_TABLE Deletion of generated tables 
13 RS_DME_ADG_DEL_LARGE_LISRULES Deletion of large itemsets and association rules of a model 
14 RS_DME_ADG_DEL_LISRULES Deletion of large itemsets and association rules of a model 
15 RS_DME_ADG_DEL_LISRULES_30A Deletion of large itemsets and association rules of a model 
16 RS_DME_ADG_ENUMERATE_DATA Data enumeration 
17 RS_DME_ADG_GEN_ENUMPGM Generate subroutine pool for enumeration 
18 RS_DME_ADG_VALIDATE_MODEL_COLS Validation of user parameters 
19 RS_DME_ADG_VALIDATE_USERPARAMS Validation of user parameters 
20 RS_DME_ADO_GET_LIS Retreiving the large itemsets 
21 RS_DME_ADO_GET_LIS_30A Retreiving the large itemsets 
22 RS_DME_ADO_GET_RULES Retreiving association rules 
23 RS_DME_ADO_GET_RULES_30A Retreiving association rules 
24 RS_DME_ADO_GET_RULES_CHECK1 Retreiving association rules 
25 RS_DME_ADO_GET_RULES_EXTR Retreiving association rules 
26 RS_DME_ADO_GET_RULES_EXTR_CURS Retreiving association rules - Using Cursors 
27 RS_DME_ADO_GET_RULES_RFC R Get analysis results from DME 
28 RS_DME_ADO_GET_RULES_TEST Retreiving association rules 
29 RS_DME_ADX_DS_CONSISTENCY_CHK Consistency check for Extraction in Association Engine 
30 RS_DME_ADX_GET_GUID_ATTR_VALS Get GUID attributes Information 
31 RS_DME_ADX_GET_XSTR For the generation of Extract Structure specififc to the Model 
32 RS_DME_ANA_WB_GEN_DISPLAY_HELP DIsplays dataelement help 
33 RS_DME_ANA_WB_GET_DOM_FIXVALUE Determines Texts for Domains 
35 RS_DME_AWO_ABC_LIST_OUT ABC Output Visualisation with Excel Integration 
36 RS_DME_AWO_ABC_OUT ABC Output Visualisation with Excel Integration 
37 RS_DME_AWO_ASSODISC Association discovery 
38 RS_DME_AWO_ASSODISC_NEW Association discovery 
39 RS_DME_AWO_CL_OUTPUT_EXCEL Clustering Output Visualisation with Excel Integration 
40 RS_DME_AWO_CL_OUTPUT_EXCEL_NEW Clustering Output Visualisation with Excel Integration 
41 RS_DME_AWO_CL_OUTPUT_IGS_BASED Clustering Output Visualisation with Excel Integration 
42 RS_DME_AWO_DECTREES Decision trees output - hierarchy 
43 RS_DME_AWO_DECTREES_NEW Decision trees output - hierarchy 
44 RS_DME_AWO_SC_OUTPUT_EXCEL Scoring Output Visualisation with Excel Integration 
45 RS_DME_AWO_SC_OUTPUT_EXCEL_NEW Scoring Output Visualisation with Excel Integration 
46 RS_DME_AWO_SHOW_RESULT to show the output of mining models 
47 RS_DME_BAPI_CALL_WHATIF R Execute What-If Prediction for given field values - INBOUND function 
48 RS_DME_BAPI_GET_MODEL_DETAILS R Get details of a model 
49 RS_DME_BAPI_GET_PMML R Execute What-If Prediction for given field values - INBOUND function 
50 RS_DME_BAPI_SAP_CL_GET_ATTRVAL R Get field values for Clustering Model 
51 RS_DME_BAPI_SAP_DT_GET_ATTRVAL R Get Field Values for Decision Tree Model 
52 RS_DME_BAPI_SEARCH_MODELS R Search for model(s) 
53 RS_DME_BWG_CHECK_FOR_UPLOAD Check if BW Upload is possible (Generic - For All Engines) 
54 RS_DME_BWG_CHECK_OBJ_SCHEDULED Check if a BW object is already scheduled for update 
56 RS_DME_BWG_GET_MODEL_KEYS Returns list of Model Keys and Compounds (if any) 
57 RS_DME_BWG_GET_UPD_ATTR Get a list of uploadable attributes 
58 RS_DME_BWG_GET_UPD_ATTR_DETAIL Details of Uploadable Attribute - to get Data 
59 RS_DME_BWG_PUT_BATCH_DTLS Insert Data into batch tables for Generic BW Upload 
60 RS_DME_BWG_START_BW_UPLOAD Generic Start Function for BW Upload - MD & ODS 
61 RS_DME_BWG_UPLOAD_DATA_GENERIC Generic function module to return data in BW format 
62 RS_DME_BWH_CHECK General Checks - Model/Infoobject/Hierarchy 
63 RS_DME_BWH_CHECK_HIERARCHY Check the given Hierarchy Details are consistent 
64 RS_DME_BWH_CHECK_IOBJNM Check if the given infoobject is hierarchy enabled 
65 RS_DME_BWH_CHECK_MODEL Check before creating the target group 
66 RS_DME_BWH_CREATE_HIERARCHY Create Hierarchy for DTree using RSNDI_SHIE functions 
67 RS_DME_BWH_GET_BATCH_DETAILS BW Hierarchy Creation - Get Batch Details 
68 RS_DME_BWH_PUT_BATCH_DETAILS BW Hierarchy Creation - Put Batch Details 
69 RS_DME_BWH_STR_BW_HIER_CREATE Generic Start Function for BW Hierarchy Creation for Decision Trees 
70 RS_DME_BWH_TRANSFORM_TO_BWHIER Transform Decision Tree to BW hierarchy format 
71 RS_DME_BWM_CHECK Check function for BW Master Data Upload 
72 RS_DME_BWM_CHECK_COMPDS Check function for BW Master Data Upload 
73 RS_DME_BWM_CHECK_MAPPING Check function for BW Master Data Upload 
74 RS_DME_BWM_UPLOAD_DATA Upload Mining Results into BW Infoobject Master Data 
76 RS_DME_BWO_DATA_READ Read data from a transactional ODS object 
77 RS_DME_BWO_LOAD_DATA Load Data into ODS 
78 RS_DME_BWO_UPLOAD_DATA Upload Mining Results into BW Infoobject Master Data 
79 RS_DME_BWU_GET_BATCH_DETAILS Get Batch Details for BW Upload 
80 RS_DME_BWU_PUT_BATCH_DETAILS Put Batch Details for BW Upload into Database 
81 RS_DME_CLB_GET_UPD_ATTR Get a list of uploadable attributes 
82 RS_DME_CLB_GET_UPD_ATTR_DETAIL Details of Uploadable Attribute - to get Data 
83 RS_DME_CLG_CREATE_KEY_DBTAB Create a Key Table 
84 RS_DME_CLG_CREATE_TABLES Create Enumeration Tables 
85 RS_DME_CLG_DELETE_TABLE Delete Enumeration Table 
86 RS_DME_CLG_FILL_USERPARAMS Fill Userparameter Structures 
87 RS_DME_CLG_GET_PMML Function module to retrieve the PMML 
88 RS_DME_CLG_GET_WEIGHTED_DBTAB Create Weighted Table 
89 RS_DME_CLG_MAP_INTERNAL Map external parameters to engine specific attributes 
90 RS_DME_CLG_OUTPUT Store results to DDIC Tables 
91 RS_DME_CLG_PREPROCESS_DATA Preprocess Attributes in the Input Data 
92 RS_DME_CLG_PROCESS_ATTR Process attributes 
93 RS_DME_CLG_TRAIN_INTERFACE Model Training Interface 
94 RS_DME_CLG_TRAIN_INTERFACE_NEW Model Training Interface 
95 RS_DME_CLG_UPDATE_ATTR_DTL Update Attr detail 
96 RS_DME_CLG_UPDATE_ATTR_HEAD Update Attr header 
97 RS_DME_CLG_VALIDATE_COLPARAMS Column Parameters validation 
98 RS_DME_CLG_VALIDATE_MOD_COLUMN Model Columns validation 
99 RS_DME_CLG_VALIDATE_USERPARAMS User Parameters validation 
100 RS_DME_CLK2_ASSIGN_TO_CLUSTERS Assign records to clusters 
101 RS_DME_CLK2_COMPARE_MEANS Compare means between iterations 
102 RS_DME_CLK2_CUMULATE_WT Cummulate Weight & update mean details 
103 RS_DME_CLK2_CUMULATE_WT_UPD Cummulate Weight & update mean details 
104 RS_DME_CLK2_FIND_DISTANCE Distance Calculator 
105 RS_DME_CLK2_GET_DISTRIBUTION Get Distribution of attributes across clusters 
106 RS_DME_CLK2_INIT_MEAN Initialize means 
107 RS_DME_CLK2_INIT_MEAN_FINAL Final Mean Initialization 
108 RS_DME_CLK2_LOOP_ON_INPUT Loop on input 
109 RS_DME_CLK2_LOOP_ON_INPUT_FIN Final Loop on input 
110 RS_DME_CLK2_MERGE_SAMPLES Merge samples 
111 RS_DME_CLK2_SAMPLE_DATA_2 Sampling of Input data 
113 RS_DME_CLK2_UPDATE_MEAN Update mean details 
114 RS_DME_CLK2_UPDATE_MEAN_FINAL Final update mean details 
115 RS_DME_CLKG_ASSIGN_TO_CLUSTERS Assign records to clusters 
116 RS_DME_CLKG_COMPARE_MEANS Compare means between iterations 
117 RS_DME_CLKG_CUMULATE_WT Cummulate Weight & update mean details 
118 RS_DME_CLKG_CUMULATE_WT_UPD Cummulate Weight & update mean details 
119 RS_DME_CLKG_FIND_DISTANCE Distance Calculator 
120 RS_DME_CLKG_GET_DISTRIBUTION Get Distribution of attributes across clusters 
121 RS_DME_CLKG_INIT_MEAN Initialize means 
122 RS_DME_CLKG_INIT_MEAN_FINAL Final Mean Initialization 
123 RS_DME_CLKG_LOOP_ON_INPUT Loop on input 
124 RS_DME_CLKG_LOOP_ON_INPUT_FIN Final Loop on input 
125 RS_DME_CLKG_MERGE_SAMPLES Merge samples 
126 RS_DME_CLKG_SAMPLE_DATA Sampling of Input data 
128 RS_DME_CLKG_UPDATE_MEAN Update mean details 
129 RS_DME_CLKG_UPDATE_MEAN_FINAL Final update mean details 
130 RS_DME_CLK_ASSIGN_TO_CLUSTERS Assign records to clusters 
131 RS_DME_CLK_COMPARE_MEANS Compare means between iterations 
132 RS_DME_CLK_CUMULATE_WT Cummulate Weight & update mean details 
133 RS_DME_CLK_FIND_DISTANCE Distance Calculator 
134 RS_DME_CLK_GET_DISTRIBUTION Get Distribution of attributes across clusters 
135 RS_DME_CLK_INIT_MEAN Initialize means 
136 RS_DME_CLK_INIT_MEAN_FINAL Final Mean Initialization 
137 RS_DME_CLK_LOOP_ON_INPUT Loop on input 
138 RS_DME_CLK_LOOP_ON_INPUT_FINAL Final Loop on input 
139 RS_DME_CLK_MERGE_SAMPLES Merge samples 
140 RS_DME_CLK_SAMPLE_DATA Sampling of Input data 
142 RS_DME_CLK_UPDATE_MEAN Update mean details 
143 RS_DME_CLK_UPDATE_MEAN_FINAL Final update mean details 
144 RS_DME_CLO_DELETE_CLUSTER_TXTS Insert Language Specific Texts 
146 RS_DME_CLO_DELETE_PREDINSTANCE Delete Model Results for prediction instance 
147 RS_DME_CLO_DELETE_TRAIN_RESULT Delete Model Results 
148 RS_DME_CLO_GENERATE_PMML Generates PMML for a model in stores in database 
149 RS_DME_CLO_GENERATE_PMML_NEW35 Generates PMML for a model in stores in database - No Extensions 
150 RS_DME_CLO_GENERATE_PMML_NOEXT Generates PMML for a model in stores in database - No Extensions 
151 RS_DME_CLO_GET_ATTR_DETAIL Get Attribute Header Details for a Model 
152 RS_DME_CLO_GET_ATTR_HEADER Get Attribute Header Details for a Model 
154 RS_DME_CLO_GET_CLUSTER_TXTS Insert Language Specific Texts 
155 RS_DME_CLO_GET_KEYTAB_INFO Get Key Table Information for given Datasource 
156 RS_DME_CLO_GET_MEAN_INFO Get Mean Header & Details for a Model 
157 RS_DME_CLO_INSERT_CLUSTER_TXTS Insert Language Specific Texts 
158 RS_DME_CLO_PREDICT Predict Cluster Group for a given Datasource 
159 RS_DME_CLO_PREDICT_CLUSTER_INT Model Prediction Interface Enmass 
160 RS_DME_CLO_PREDICT_FLDVAL Cluster Predictions for Field Value Pairs - Fieldlist 
161 RS_DME_CLO_UPDATE_KEYTABLE Update Key Table with Cluster ID Information 
162 RS_DME_CLO_UPDATE_MOD_PRED Update Model Predicition Details 
163 RS_DME_CLX_DS_CONSISTENCY_CHK Consistency check for Extraction in Clustering Engine 
164 RS_DME_CLX_GET_DATA_CURS Get clustering mining results using cursors 
165 RS_DME_CLX_GET_GUID_ATTR_VALS Get GUID attributes information for clustering 
166 RS_DME_CLX_GET_XSTR For the generation of Extract Structure specififc to the Model 
167 RS_DME_COM_ADDMSG_NOLOG Add Messages to Application Log 
168 RS_DME_COM_CREATE_LOG Testing Log Functionality 
169 RS_DME_COM_DELETE_LOGS Delete Logs Permanently 
170 RS_DME_COM_DEQUEUE Enqueue mining model 
171 RS_DME_COM_ENQUEUE Enqueue mining model 
172 RS_DME_COM_GET_TABLE_NEXTID Next Number for Generated Extract Table 
173 RS_DME_COM_GET_VALDIST_CNT Get Value Distribution for Continuous Attribute 
174 RS_DME_COM_GET_VALDIST_CNT_EXT Get Value Distribution for Continuous Attribute 
175 RS_DME_COM_GET_VALDIST_DST Value Distribution for Discrete Model Field 
176 RS_DME_COM_LOG_MESSAGES Add Messages to Application Log 
177 RS_DME_COM_LOG_RETURN_MSG Log Return Message 
178 RS_DME_COM_MAPPING Data source fields to model fields mapping 
180 RS_DME_COM_TADIR_ENTRY Create TADIR entry for generated result tables 
181 RS_DME_COM_TRANSP_SERVICE Transport of service meta data 
182 RS_DME_COM_TRANSP_SRV_TYPE Transport of service types 
183 RS_DME_CRM_CL_CHECK Check before creating the target group 
184 RS_DME_CRM_CL_CREATE_TGT_GROUP Creation of Target Group for Decision Tree 
185 RS_DME_CRM_CL_GET_BPARTNERS Get Business partners (related) for given leaf nodes 
186 RS_DME_CRM_CL_GET_BP_COUNT Get Business partners (related) for given leaf nodes 
187 RS_DME_CRM_DT_CHECK Check before creating the target group 
188 RS_DME_CRM_DT_CREATE_TGT_GROUP Creation of Target Group for Decision Tree 
189 RS_DME_CRM_DT_GET_BPARTNERS Get Business partners (related) for given leaf nodes 
190 RS_DME_CRM_TGT_GROUP_ADD_TEXT Add Text Lines to a target group 
191 RS_DME_CUS_CHECK_ENG_EXIST Check if engines exist under a given instance 
192 RS_DME_CUS_CHECK_ENG_EXISTS Check engine exists 
193 RS_DME_CUS_CHECK_INST_EXISTS Instance uniqueness check 
194 RS_DME_CUS_CHECK_MODELS_EXIST Check Models exist corresponding to an engine 
195 RS_DME_CUS_CHECK_VDNR_EXISTS Check if given vendor already exists on the DB 
196 RS_DME_CUS_DEREG_ENG DeRegister Engine 
197 RS_DME_CUS_DEREG_INSTANCE DeRegister Instance 
198 RS_DME_CUS_GET_ENG_LIST_DB Get List of Engines Supported 
199 RS_DME_CUS_GET_INST_DETAILS Get Details of Instance 
200 RS_DME_CUS_GET_INST_LIST Get Instance List 
201 RS_DME_CUS_MODIFY_ENG Modify engine details 
202 RS_DME_CUS_MODIFY_INST Modify Instanace 
203 RS_DME_CUS_REGISTER_ENG Register Engine 
204 RS_DME_CUS_REGISTER_INST Register Instance 
205 RS_DME_CUS_UI_INST_UPR Upgrade Instance 
206 RS_DME_DECISION_TREE_RANDOM Random number generator 
207 RS_DME_DMMO_USAGE List of ANMO / ANSO using given BW object 
208 RS_DME_DMP_CUS_UI_INST_REG Instance Registration 
209 RS_DME_DMP_CUS_UI_MAIN Customising - Initial Screen 
210 RS_DME_DTB_GET_UPD_ATTR Get a list of uploadable attributes 
211 RS_DME_DTB_GET_UPD_ATTR_DETAIL Details of Uploadable Attribute - to get Data 
212 RS_DME_DTC_FILL_USERPARAMS Fill the User parameter Structure 
213 RS_DME_DTC_PREDICT_ENMASS Prediction for Large Data Sets (usually in Batch Mode) 
214 RS_DME_DTC_PREDICT_FIELDLIST Prediction for Small Data sets (data as Attribute-Value Pairs) 
215 RS_DME_DTC_PREDICT_FLDLST_RFC Prediction for Small Data sets (data as Attribute-Value Pairs) 
217 RS_DME_DTC_PREDICT_ITAB Prediction for Smaller Data sets (data in Internal Tables) 
218 RS_DME_DTC_UPDATE_KEYTABLE Update Key Table with Cluster ID Information 
219 RS_DME_DTE_CHECK_RELEVANCE Gain Calculations for Discrete Attributes 
220 RS_DME_DTE_GAINS_CONTIN_ATTR Gain Calculations for Continuous Attribute 
221 RS_DME_DTE_GAINS_DISCRETE_ATTR Get the Splitting Attribute by Entropy based Calculations 
222 RS_DME_DTE_GET_SPLITTER Gain Calculations for Discrete Attributes 
223 RS_DME_DTG_APPEND_RECORDS Append Misclassified Records into Learning Table 
224 RS_DME_DTG_CREATE_KEY_DBTAB Create a Key Table 
225 RS_DME_DTG_CREATE_TABLES Create Enumeration Tables 
226 RS_DME_DTG_CREATE_WINDOW Create Sample Data for Training 
227 RS_DME_DTG_DELETE_KEY_TABLE Delete Enumeration Table 
228 RS_DME_DTG_DELETE_TABLE Delete Enumeration Table 
229 RS_DME_DTG_ENUMERATE_DATA Enumerate Discrete Attributes in the Input Data 
230 RS_DME_DTG_FILL_USERPARAMS Fill Userparameter Structures 
231 RS_DME_DTG_FORM_TREE Tree Forming Process 
232 RS_DME_DTG_FORM_TREE_GEN Tree Forming Process 
233 RS_DME_DTG_FORM_WINDOW Form Sample Data from the Enumerated Input Data 
234 RS_DME_DTG_GENERATE_PMML Generates PMML for a model in stores in database 
235 RS_DME_DTG_GENERATE_PMML_NEW35 Generates PMML for a model in stores in database 
236 RS_DME_DTG_GENERATE_RULES Generate Rules from the Tree 
237 RS_DME_DTG_GENPGM_DBREADS Generate Sub.pool for Enumload and run the same 
238 RS_DME_DTG_GEN_ENUMPGM Generate Sub.pool for Enumload and run the same 
239 RS_DME_DTG_GETCOUNTS_GENDBREAD Get Frequency Distribution using SQL Aggregation Methods 
240 RS_DME_DTG_GETCOUNTS_MANUAL Get Frequency Distribution using SQL Aggregation Methods 
241 RS_DME_DTG_GETCOUNTS_OPTIMIZED Get Frequency Distribution using SQL Aggregation Methods 
242 RS_DME_DTG_GETCOUNTS_SQL Get Frequency Distribution using SQL Aggregation Methods 
243 RS_DME_DTG_GET_PMML Function module to retrieve the PMML 
244 RS_DME_DTG_MAP_INTERNAL Update Global Data Structures 
245 RS_DME_DTG_NO_WINDOWING_PROC Windowing Process for Learning the Data 
246 RS_DME_DTG_RELEVANCE_ANALYSIS Attribute Relevance Analysis 
247 RS_DME_DTG_STORE_INTO_DDIC Store Results into DDIC Tables 
248 RS_DME_DTG_TRAINING_INTERFACE Model Training Interface 
249 RS_DME_DTG_TRAIN_INTERFACE_NEW Model Training Interface 
250 RS_DME_DTG_VALIDATE_COLPARAMS Validation of User Parameters 
251 RS_DME_DTG_VALIDATE_MOD_COLUMN Validation of Model Columns 
252 RS_DME_DTG_VALIDATE_USERPARAMS Validation of User Parameters 
253 RS_DME_DTG_WINDOWING_PROCESS Windowing Process for Learning the Data 
256 RS_DME_DTO_GETRULES Get Rules for a given Model 
257 RS_DME_DTO_GETRULES_UI Get Rules for a given Model 
258 RS_DME_DTO_GET_ATTR_VALUES Get Rules for a given Model 
259 RS_DME_DTO_GET_CONFMTX_UI Get Rules for a given Model 
260 RS_DME_DTO_GET_KEYTAB_INFO Get Key Table Information for given Datasource 
264 RS_DME_DTO_GET_NODE_COUNT_HIER Get node counts if Hierarchy is created 
265 RS_DME_DTO_GET_PRED_STATISTICS Get Key Table Information for given Datasource 
266 RS_DME_DTO_GET_TREE Get Rules for a given Model 
267 RS_DME_DTO_GET_TREE_UI Get Rules for a given Model 
268 RS_DME_DTO_GET_TREE_UI_PRED Get Rules for a given Model 
269 RS_DME_DTO_HTML_RULE_FOR_NODE Given a Node, get the rule in HTML format 
271 RS_DME_DTO_UPDATE_MOD_PRED Update Model Predicition Details 
272 RS_DME_DTP_EVALUATE Evaluate Tree 
274 RS_DME_DTP_PRUNE_REDERR_OPTIMA Reduced Error Pruning Methods for Pruning Trees - New 
275 RS_DME_DTP_PRUNE_RULES_FISCHER Prune Rules using Fischer Exact Test 
276 RS_DME_DTP_PRUNE_TREE Prune Tree - Pre-processing 
277 RS_DME_DTP_PRUNE_TREES_REDERR Reduced Error Pruning Methods for Pruning Trees 
278 RS_DME_DTX_DS_CONSISTENCY_CHK Consistency check for Extraction in Clustering Engine 
279 RS_DME_DTX_GET_DATA_CURS Get Decison Tree mining results using cursors 
280 RS_DME_DTX_GET_GUID_ATTR_VALS Get GUID attributes information for decision tree 
281 RS_DME_DTX_GET_XSTR For the generation of Extract Structure specififc to the Model 
282 RS_DME_EXG_CHECK_CREATION Basic check functions for extraction 
283 RS_DME_EXG_CHECK_DS_CONSISTENT Check for Datasource consistency in mining extractors 
284 RS_DME_EXG_CODE_GEN Code generation specific to each Model from a Template of the Service 
285 RS_DME_EXG_CREATE_DS For the creation of DataSource. 
286 RS_DME_EXG_DELETE_DS_EVENT to delete ds 
287 RS_DME_EXG_DELETE_DS_EVENT_NEW to delete ds 
288 RS_DME_EXG_DELETE_STRUCTURE Delete Enumeration Table 
289 RS_DME_EXG_FIND_DS Check for Datasource Availability 
290 RS_DME_EXG_GENERATE_DS For the generation of DS for the Model Keys/Item InfoObject. 
291 RS_DME_EXG_GET_DATA Generic function to extract data from mining models 
292 RS_DME_EXG_GET_DATA_NEW Generic function to extract data from mining models 
293 RS_DME_EXG_GET_XSTR For the generation of Extract Structure specififc to the Model 
294 RS_DME_EXG_META_DELETE_BWD Sets The Inactive Flag in RSDMTP_DSRC_BWD for The Mining Source and DS 
295 RS_DME_EXG_META_DELETE_DS_KEYS Delete from the relation between model keys to datasource relation 
296 RS_DME_EXG_META_GET_DS Check for Association of a Mining Source with a DS. 
297 RS_DME_EXG_META_INSERT_BWD Inserts relationship between MIning Source and Data Source 
298 RS_DME_EXG_META_INSERT_DS_KEYS Flag all Mining Sources attached to given Datasource 
299 RS_DME_EXG_META_INVALIDATE_BWD Flag all Mining Sources attached to given Datasource 
300 RS_DME_EXG_META_LOCK To lock the DataSource-Model relation table 
301 RS_DME_EXG_META_UNLOCK To lock the DataSource-Model relation table 
302 RS_DME_EXG_META_UPDATE_BWD Updates the time Option in RSDMTX_DSRC_BWD Table. 
303 RS_DME_EXG_UPDATE_GUID Update GUID information via RSNDI_MD function(Wrapper) 
304 RS_DME_EXH_HIER_CATALOG Function to List Decision Tree Hierarchy for a given Datasource - Generic 
305 RS_DME_EXH_HIER_TRANSFER Transfer DTree hierarchy to BW - Generic Function 
306 RS_DME_IGS_GENERATE_CHART Generates A Single Chart For The Values Passed 
307 RS_DME_IGS_GENERATE_CLUSTERS Generates Clustering Output Through IGS 
320 RS_DME_ISU_SET_PARAMETERS Set Parameters for the Call Package 
321 RS_DME_IS_UI_GET_ENGINE Select Engine 
323 RS_DME_IS_UI_SAP_SC_SET_CTRL Set IS UI Controller 
324 RS_DME_MCI_BW_OBJ_USAGE List of ANMO / ANSO using given BW object 
325 RS_DME_MCI_CONV_GUID_TO_REF R Convert Source GUID to Ref Name 
326 RS_DME_MCI_CONV_REF_TO_GUID R Convert Ref Name to Source GUID 
327 RS_DME_MCI_COPY R Copy the model 
328 RS_DME_MCI_DSRC_ACTIVATE Activate data source for the model 
329 RS_DME_MCI_DSRC_ACTIVATE_TR Activate data source for the model 
330 RS_DME_MCI_DSRC_CREATE R Column mapping between model column and data source fields 
331 RS_DME_MCI_DSRC_DELETE R Delete a data source 
332 RS_DME_MCI_DSRC_DELETE_TR R Delete a data source 
333 RS_DME_MCI_DSRC_GETDETAIL R Get data source details 
334 RS_DME_MCI_DSRC_GETLIST R Get the list of data sources 
335 RS_DME_MCI_DSRC_MODIFY R Modify data source 
336 RS_DME_MCI_DSRC_RESET Reset the results of the data source 
337 RS_DME_MCI_DSRC_RESET_TR Reset the results of the data source 
338 RS_DME_MCI_DSRC_SET_PARAM R Get the runtime parameters for the data source 
339 RS_DME_MCI_DSRC_SET_TO_ACTIVE R Delete Modified(Inactive) version of data source 
340 RS_DME_MCI_DSRC_STATUS_GET R Status of the Data source 
341 RS_DME_MCI_DS_SET_TO_ACTIVETR R Delete Modified(Inactive) version of data source 
342 RS_DME_MCI_EVALUATE R Evaluation Interface 
343 RS_DME_MCI_EXTRACT R Data Extraction Interface 
344 RS_DME_MCI_MODEL_ACTIVATE Activate model 
345 RS_DME_MCI_MODEL_ACTIVATE_TR Activate model 
346 RS_DME_MCI_MODEL_CREATE R Create a model 
347 RS_DME_MCI_MODEL_DELETE R Delete Model Definition and Training 
348 RS_DME_MCI_MODEL_DELETE_TR R Delete Model Definition and Training 
349 RS_DME_MCI_MODEL_GETDESC Description of the Model in different languages 
350 RS_DME_MCI_MODEL_GETDETAIL R Ananlytical Model Details 
351 RS_DME_MCI_MODEL_GETLIST R List of all the analytical models 
352 RS_DME_MCI_MODEL_LOCK Activate model 
353 RS_DME_MCI_MODEL_MODIFY R Modify Model - Add, Delete and Change 
354 RS_DME_MCI_MODEL_RESET R Reset all the results of the model 
355 RS_DME_MCI_MODEL_SET_TO_ACTIVE R Delete Model Definition and Training 
356 RS_DME_MCI_MODEL_STATUS_GET R Status of the model 
357 RS_DME_MCI_MODEL_UNLOCK Activate model 
358 RS_DME_MCI_MOD_SET_TO_ACTIVETR R Delete Model Definition and Training 
359 RS_DME_MCI_PREDICT R Prediction Interface 
360 RS_DME_MCI_SEARCH_LIST R List used for search 
361 RS_DME_MCI_SRV_CTYPE_GET R List of Content type supported by service 
362 RS_DME_MCI_SRV_DTYPE_GET R List of Distribution types supported by service 
363 RS_DME_MCI_SRV_GETDESC Description in different languages 
364 RS_DME_MCI_SRV_GETDETAIL R Details of a service 
365 RS_DME_MCI_SRV_GETLIST R List of services available 
366 RS_DME_MCI_SRV_GETLIST_PROCESS R List of services based on the process it supports 
367 RS_DME_MCI_SRV_PARAM_GET R List of the Service Parameters 
368 RS_DME_MCI_SRV_TYPE_GET R List of different types of services available 
369 RS_DME_MCI_TRAIN R Runs the service for training a model 
372 RS_DME_MCO_SAP_AD_LIS_GET R Get Large Item Set (SAP Association Discovery) 
373 RS_DME_MCO_SAP_AD_RULES_GET R Get SAP Association Discovery rules 
374 RS_DME_MCO_SAP_CL_GET_ATTRVALS R Get PMML for Clustering Model 
375 RS_DME_MCO_SAP_CL_GET_PMML R Get PMML for Clustering Model 
376 RS_DME_MCO_SAP_CL_PRED_FLDLIST R Prediction Interface for Decision Tree 
377 RS_DME_MCO_SAP_CL_RESULT_GET R Get SAP Clustering rules 
378 RS_DME_MCO_SAP_DT_GET_ATTRVALS R Get PMML for Clustering Model 
379 RS_DME_MCO_SAP_DT_GET_PMML R Get PMML for Decision Tree Model 
380 RS_DME_MCO_SAP_DT_PRED_FLDLIST R Prediction Interface for Decision Tree 
381 RS_DME_MCO_SAP_DT_RULES_GET R Get SAP Decision Tree rules 
382 RS_DME_MCO_SAP_DT_TREE_GET R Get Tree (SAP Decision Tree) 
383 RS_DME_MCO_SAP_PRED_RESULT_GET R Get Prediction results 
384 RS_DME_MCO_SAP_SC_PRED_FLDLIST R Prediction Interface for Decision Tree 
385 RS_DME_MCO_START_CRM_TG_CREATE Generic Start Function for CRM Target Group Creation 
386 RS_DME_MDD_BATCH_DELETE Delete entries in batch table 
387 RS_DME_MD_CHECK_DS_PARAM_EXIST Check for runtime parameters for Data Source 
388 RS_DME_MD_COLUMNS_GET R Get columns list from data source 
389 RS_DME_MD_COL_MAP Map model columns to data store columns 
390 RS_DME_MD_DATA_GET BW data is got and stored locally 
391 RS_DME_MD_DATA_SRC_GETLIST List of data source 
392 RS_DME_MD_SERVICE_COPY Copy a mining service 
393 RS_DME_MD_SERVICE_DELETE Copy a mining service 
394 RS_DME_MD_SRC_GETLIST List of all the various sources 
395 RS_DME_MG_CHECK_COL_MAP R Check column mapping 
396 RS_DME_MG_CHECK_COL_PARAM R Checks for column parameters 
397 RS_DME_MG_CHECK_COL_VAL R Checks for column values 
398 RS_DME_MG_CHECK_DATASOURCE Checks for datasource 
399 RS_DME_MG_CHECK_DS_PARAM Checks for Datasource parameters 
400 RS_DME_MG_CHECK_MODEL Checks for model 
401 RS_DME_MG_CHECK_MOD_COL R Checks for model columns 
402 RS_DME_MG_CHECK_MOD_PARAM R Check if the input value is compatible with the data element 
403 RS_DME_MG_CRM_CL_CHECK Check before creating the target group 
404 RS_DME_MG_CRM_DT_CHECK Check before creating the target group 
405 RS_DME_MG_GENERATE_GUID Generates and returns a Guid 
406 RS_DME_MG_GENERATE_GUID2 Generates and returns a Guid 
407 RS_DME_MMD_BATCH_GETDETAIL Details about the batch job 
408 RS_DME_MMD_CRMTG_GET_BATCH_DTL CRM Target Group Creation - Get Batch Details 
409 RS_DME_MMD_CRMTG_PUT_BATCH_DTL CRM Target Group Creation - Put Batch Details 
410 RS_DME_MMD_DSRC_GETTIME Latest time and user details for each process 
411 RS_DME_MMD_REFRESH R Check batch jobs and update model / data source status 
412 RS_DME_MMD_UPDATE_STATUS Update Model Status 
413 RS_DME_MPI_EVALUATION_CALL Call the service for evaluation 
414 RS_DME_MPI_EXTRACT_DATA Extraction of Data into local store 
415 RS_DME_MPI_PREDICTION_CALL Call the service for prediction 
416 RS_DME_MPI_TRAINING_CALL Run the service to train the model 
418 RS_DME_RFC_ER_GET_AVBL_ENGINES Get available engines 
419 RS_DME_RFC_ER_GET_ENG_LIST Get List of Engines Supported 
420 RS_DME_RFC_ER_INST_PING Ping the Instance 
421 RS_DME_RFC_MD_FLD_PARAM_CHECK R Check Field Parameters 
422 RS_DME_RFC_MD_FLD_VAL_CHECK R Check Field Values 
423 RS_DME_RFC_MD_GET_FIELDLIST R Get field list of model 
424 RS_DME_RFC_MD_GET_FLD_PRM_META R Get Meta Data of field parameters defined for engine 
425 RS_DME_RFC_MD_GET_FLD_VAL_TYPE R Get possible field value types for specified field type 
426 RS_DME_RFC_MD_GET_MODDETAILS R Get details of a model 
427 RS_DME_RFC_MD_GET_MODLIST Get list of models 
428 RS_DME_RFC_MD_GET_MOD_PRM_META R Get metadata for model parameters for an engine 
429 RS_DME_RFC_MD_GET_PRED_FLD_CNT R Support Check - General 
430 RS_DME_RFC_MD_GET_PROC_TYPES R Get possible field value processing types 
431 RS_DME_RFC_MD_MOD_CHECK R Check model for consistency 
432 RS_DME_RFC_MD_MOD_EXISTS R Check if model on database 
433 RS_DME_RFC_MD_MOD_FLD_CHECK R Check Model Columns 
434 RS_DME_RFC_MD_MOD_GET_AS_PMML R Get Model output as PMML 
435 RS_DME_RFC_MD_MOD_NAME_CHECK R Check the proposed model name 
436 RS_DME_RFC_MD_MOD_PARAM_CHECK R Check Model Parameters 
437 RS_DME_RFC_MD_SUPPORT_CHECK R Support Check - General 
438 RS_DME_RFC_MD_SUPP_CNT_TYPES R Get supported content types for an engine 
439 RS_DME_RFC_PR_CALL_PRED_DB R Run DB based Prediction 
440 RS_DME_RFC_PR_CALL_PRED_FILE R Run file based Prediction 
441 RS_DME_RFC_PR_CALL_WHATIF R Execute What-If Prediction for given field values 
442 RS_DME_RFC_PR_CHECK_INPUT R Perform check for prediction input metadata 
443 RS_DME_RFC_PR_CHECK_READY R Check if model is ready for prediction 
444 RS_DME_RFC_PR_GET_CALL_TYPE R Get data access mode - by File or by DB 
445 RS_DME_RFC_PR_GET_F4_FLD_VAL R F4 for Model Field Values 
446 RS_DME_RFC_PR_GET_FILE_INFO R Get File Details for file based prediction 
447 RS_DME_RFC_PR_GET_PARAMS_META R Get Prediction Parameters metadata 
448 RS_DME_RFC_PR_GET_PRED_FIELDS R Get Prediction Output Fields 
449 RS_DME_RFC_PR_GET_TARGET_VALS R Get Target (Class) Values 
450 RS_DME_RFC_PR_SUPPORT_CHECK R Support Check - Related to Prediction 
451 RS_DME_RFC_TR_ABORT_TASK R Reset model results 
452 RS_DME_RFC_TR_CALL_TRAIN_DB R RFC Call - Training using DDIC tables - for engine with metadata in SAP 
453 RS_DME_RFC_TR_CALL_TRAIN_DB_TL R RFC Call - Training using DDIC tables - For Engines with own metadata 
454 RS_DME_RFC_TR_CALL_TRAIN_FILE Call File Based Training 
455 RS_DME_RFC_TR_CHECK_READY R Check if model is ready for Training 
456 RS_DME_RFC_TR_GET_CALL_TYPE R Get data access mode - by File or by DB 
457 RS_DME_RFC_TR_GET_FILE_INFO R Get File Details for file based Training 
458 RS_DME_RFC_TR_RESET R Reset model results 
459 RS_DME_RFC_TR_SUPPORT_CHECK R Support Check - Related to Training 
460 RS_DME_RFC_UI_GET_CONTEXT_MENU R return context menu options 
461 RS_DME_RFC_UI_GET_F1 R handle f1 help request 
462 RS_DME_RFC_UI_GET_FCODE_PARAMS R launch workbench/model details 
463 RS_DME_RFC_UI_GET_TOOLBAR R get custom toolbar options 
464 RS_DME_RFC_UI_HANDLE_ACTION R handle the given function code 
465 RS_DME_RFC_UI_SUPPORT_CHECK R Support Checks - UI Related 
466 RS_DME_RFC_UI_WB_DISPLAY R launch workbench/model details 
467 RS_DME_SAP_PRED_RECORD R Einzelsatz-Vorhersage mit Intelligent Miner Scoring 
470 RS_DME_SCX_DS_CONSISTENCY_CHK Consistency check for Extraction in Scoring Engine 
471 RS_DME_SCX_GET_DATA_CURS Get Scoring mining results using cursors 
472 RS_DME_SCX_GET_GUID_ATTR_VALS Get GUID attributes information for decision tree 
473 RS_DME_SCX_GET_XSTR For the generation of Extract Structure specififc to the Model