SAP ABAP Function Module - Index R, page 44
- R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 R-7 R-8 R-9 R-10 R-11 R-12 R-13 R-14 R-15 R-16 R-17 R-18 R-19 R-20 R-21 R-22 R-23 R-24 R-25 R-26 R-27 R-28 R-29 R-30 R-31 R-32 R-33 R-34 R-35 R-36 R-37 R-38 R-39 R-40 R-41 R-42 R-43 R-44 R-45 R-46 R-47 R-48 R-49 R-50 R-51 R-52 R-53 R-54 R-55 R-56 R-57 R-58 R-59 R-60 R-61 R-62 R-63 R-64 R-65 R-66 R-67
Function Module - R
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | RSDBS_EDIT | Index Banf/Bestellung zu Einzelbestandsreservierungen im Netzplan | |
2 | RSDB_CREATE_WITH_EBAN | Erzeugen des Indexes RSDB beim Generieren einer Direktbestellanforderung | |
3 | RSDB_CREATE_WITH_EKPO | Erzeugen des Indexes RSDB beim Überführen einer Direktbanf in eine Bestel. | |
4 | RSDB_CREATE_WITH_PLAF | Erzeugen des Indexes RSDB beim Generieren eines Direktplanauftrages | |
5 | RSDB_DELETE | Löschen Index RSDB beim Löschen des verurs. Sekundärbedarfes oder Planauf. | |
6 | RSDB_DELETE_WITH_EBAN | Löschen des Indexes RSDB beim ( logischen ) Löschen einer Banf | |
7 | RSDB_DELETE_WITH_EKPO | Löschen des Indexes RSDB beim ( logischen ) Löschen einer Bestellung | |
8 | RSDC_AREA_F4_DYNP_UPDATE | F4 for InfoAreas with screen update | |
9 | RSDC_CUBE_F4_DYNP_UPDATE | F4 for InfoCubes, Multi / Hybrid provider with screen update | |
10 | RSDC_DAT_CLS_FOR_SHLP | Search Help Exit for Data Type | |
11 | RSDC_DTA_F4_DYNP_UPDATE | F4 for InfoProvider with screen update | |
12 | RSDC_FINEST_TIMNM | Determines the Most Detailed Time Characteristic of Two Input Values | |
13 | RSDC_GET_VERSION_TXT | Read version text | |
14 | RSDC_IOBC_F4_DYNP_UPDATE | F4 for InfoObject Catalogs with screen update | |
15 | RSDC_ISXX_F4_DYNP_UPDATE | F4 for InfoSources with dynpro update | |
16 | RSDC_LISTPROV_F4_DYNP_UPDATE | F4 for InfoProvider with screen update | |
17 | RSDC_MULTI_FINEST_TIMNM | Determines Most Detailed Time Characteristic (Input Table with TIMs) | |
18 | RSDC_ODSO_F4_DYNP_UPDATE | F4 for data stores with screen update | |
19 | RSDC_SHOW_MESSAGES_POPUP | Display Messages in Popup | |
20 | RSDC_SIZ_CAT_FOR_SHLP | Search Help Exit for Size Category | |
21 | RSDC_SLOGSYS_CHECK | Checking: source ystem | |
22 | RSDC_SLOGSYS_F4 | F4 help source systems | |
23 | RSDC_SLOGSYS_F4_DYNP_UPDATE | F4 for logocal system dynpro update | |
24 | RSDC_VIOBJ_TO_IOBJ_SG | Converts InfoObjects from Type RSD_S_VIOBJ to RSDO_S_IOBJ_SG (OO) | |
25 | RSDC_VIOBJ_TO_SGIOBJ | Converts InfoObjects of type RSD_S_VIOBJ to RSD_S_SGIOBJ | |
26 | RSDDB_BISS_READ | BI-SelfService VIPs, die aus TREX/BIA auslesen | |
27 | RSDDB_F4_BIA_INDEX | F4 input help for BIA index types | |
28 | RSDDB_UI_INDEX_DISPLAY | SE16 for Index Data | |
29 | RSDDB_UI_PROT_SELECT | Call of the screen to select the application log | |
30 | RSDDB_UI_START | Start module for transaction RSDDB | |
31 | RSDDCVER_AGGREGATES | Read information form aggregates | |
32 | RSDDCVER_ATRNAV | Master data navigation attributes of an InfoCube | |
33 | RSDDCVER_ATRNAV_IOBJ | Master data for an individual navigation attribute | |
34 | RSDDCVER_ATRNAV_SINGLE | Checks the master data of a navigation attribute | |
35 | RSDDCVER_CHECK_MAINTFL | Tests for a database table, if Table Maintenance SE16 turned on | |
36 | RSDDCVER_COB_PRO | Properties of the InfoObjects of an InfoCube | |
37 | RSDDCVER_COUNT_TAB_COLS | Counts different column entries for a table | |
38 | RSDDCVER_CUBE_CHECK | Consistency of the InfoCube definition | |
39 | RSDDCVER_CUBE_DDIC | Entries of the InfoCube in Data Dictionary | |
40 | RSDDCVER_DB_INDEXES | Indices of an InfoCube and its aggregate | |
41 | RSDDCVER_DB_PARAMETERS | Parameters of the database | |
42 | RSDDCVER_DB_STATISTICS | DB statistics of an InfoCube and its aggregates | |
43 | RSDDCVER_DB_TABLE_INFO | DB information on tables of an InfoCube | |
44 | RSDDCVER_DIM | Dimensions and MID tables of the InfoCube | |
45 | RSDDCVER_DIM_DUPLICATE | Multiple entries in the dimensions of an InfoCube | |
46 | RSDDCVER_DIM_NUMBER_RANGE | Compare number ranges of dimensions and max. DIMID | |
47 | RSDDCVER_DIM_SINGLE | Checks all SID-tables to a Dimensions of an InfoCube | |
48 | RSDDCVER_DIM_UNUSED | Unused entries in the dimensions of an InfoCube | |
49 | RSDDCVER_FACT | Fact table and dimension table of an InfoCube | |
50 | RSDDCVER_FACT_SINGLE | Compare a dimension of a fact table with a dimension table | |
51 | RSDDCVER_GET_FB_SHORTTEXT | Returns the short text (description) of a function module | |
52 | RSDDCVER_GET_INFO | Information about the InfoCube | |
53 | RSDDCVER_HIEOLAP | Hierarchies (OLAP) for the characteristics of an InfoCube | |
54 | RSDDCVER_HIEOLAP_IOBJ | Hierarchies (OLAP) of an individual InfoObject | |
55 | RSDDCVER_HIEOLAP_SINGLE | Hierarchies (OLAP) of an individual characteristic | |
56 | RSDDCVER_INFOSOURCE | Checking InfoSource (transaction data) | |
57 | RSDDCVER_INFOSOURCE_MDATA | Checking InfoSource (master data) | |
58 | RSDDCVER_IOBJNM_SID | SID table of the InfoObject | |
59 | RSDDCVER_LIST_HEADER | Description of the output format used | |
60 | RSDDCVER_MAINTAIN | Analysis of objects in the Business Information Warehouse | |
61 | RSDDCVER_MDATA | Consistency of the master data for the characteristics of an InfoCube | |
62 | RSDDCVER_MDATA_SINGLE | Consistency of the master data for an individual InfoObject | |
63 | RSDDCVER_MDATA_USAGE | Characteristic values (master data) not used in InfoCubes | |
64 | RSDDCVER_MDATA_USAGE_ALL | Unused attribute values ##of all basic characteristic | |
65 | RSDDCVER_MDATA_USAGE_IOBJ | Characteristic values of a characteristic that are not used | |
66 | RSDDCVER_MDATA_USAGE_SINGLE | Using master data of a single InfoObject | |
67 | RSDDCVER_MDATA_VAL | Characters in characteristic values (master data) that are not allowed | |
68 | RSDDCVER_MDATA_VAL_ALL | Not permitted characters in characteristic values of all basic chars | |
69 | RSDDCVER_MDATA_VAL_HIERA | Disallowed characters in a hierarchies of a single InfoObject | |
70 | RSDDCVER_MDATA_VAL_IOBJ | Not permitted characters in characteristic values of a characteristic | |
71 | RSDDCVER_MDATA_VAL_REPAIR | Unauthorised values ##of a characteristic | |
72 | RSDDCVER_MDATA_VAL_SINGLE | Disallowed characters in master data for a single InfoObject | |
73 | RSDDCVER_MESSAGE_HANDLING | Message-Handling for InfoCube verification | |
74 | RSDDCVER_MESSAGE_HANDLING_INI | Initializes message handling for BW analysis | |
75 | RSDDCVER_MESSAGE_OUTPUT | Show collected messages from checking InfoCubes | |
76 | RSDDCVER_MESSAGE_OUTPUT_LTXT | Shows long text of a message in window | |
77 | RSDDCVER_NUMBER_RANGE | Balance number range and max. SID | |
78 | RSDDCVER_NUMBER_RANGE_ALL | Check number range and max. SID (all characteristics) | |
79 | RSDDCVER_PSA_INFO_GET | Partition information for PSA Tables | |
80 | RSDDCVER_PSA_PARTITION | Compare number ranges of dimensions and max. DIMID | |
81 | RSDDCVER_QUERIES | Check queries for an InfoCube | |
82 | RSDDCVER_QUERY | Check an individual query | |
83 | RSDDCVER_QUERY_XREF | Check query consistency (query element references) | |
84 | RSDDCVER_REPAIR | Evaluates collected messages and launches the appropriate repair | |
85 | RSDDCVER_RFC_BW_AGGR_STAT | R | Compressed data sets on the BW Statistics for agregates via RFC |
86 | RSDDCVER_RFC_BW_STATISTICS | R | Compressed data of BW statistics by RFC |
87 | RSDDCVER_RFC_BW_STATISTICS_2 | R | BW statistics on RFC: TOP N of queries |
88 | RSDDCVER_RFC_BW_WHM_STAT | R | Compressed data sets on the BW Statistics for agregates via RFC |
89 | RSDDCVER_RFC_ORA_PARA | R | Check the database parameters (Oracle) |
90 | RSDDCVER_ROUTINES_DELETE | Deletion of Utility Programs | |
91 | RSDDCVER_ROUTINES_ID_CREATE | Determine a number for managing a generated utility program | |
93 | RSDDCVER_SHOW_FBDOCU | Displays documentation for a function module | |
94 | RSDDCVER_SID | MID table and master data of the characteristics | |
95 | RSDDCVER_SID_ALL_CHABAS | SID table and master data of all (basic) characteristics | |
96 | RSDDCVER_SID_IOBJ | SID table and master data of an individual characteristic | |
97 | RSDDCVER_SID_SINGLE | Checks the SID table for an InfoObject | |
98 | RSDDCVER_TABS_OF_CHAR | Columns on master data tables | |
99 | RSDDCVER_UNITS | Units and key figures in fact table blank | |
100 | RSDDCVER_USAGE_MDATA_BY_SID | Where-used list for master data in SID tables | |
101 | RSDDCVER_USAGE_MDATA_HIERA | Where-used list for master data in hierarchies | |
102 | RSDDCVER_USAGE_MDATA_ODSO | Master Data - Cross-reference in DataStore objects | |
103 | RSDDCVER_VERIFY_BG | Check of BW objects - call from background job | |
104 | RSDDG_AUTHY_CHECK | Authorization Check | |
105 | RSDDG_UT_X_GET_QUERY_URL | X | return URL Query |
106 | RSDDG_UT_X_IOBJ_CMP | R | Review InfoObject bracketting |
107 | RSDDG_X_BIDATA_CREATE | R | Write data into BI objects |
108 | RSDDG_X_BIDATA_DELETE | X | delete data from InfoProvider |
109 | RSDDG_X_BI_DESCRIBE_TARGET | R | Description of the data targets for demo data |
110 | RSDDG_X_BI_MD_CREATE | X | Generate Master Data |
111 | RSDDG_X_BI_MD_GET | X | Read Master Data |
112 | RSDDG_X_GET_POOLVAL_RELATION | X | Returns values ##from proposal pool, which are in dependend |
113 | RSDDG_X_POOL_GET | X | Data read out from the proposal pool |
114 | RSDDG_X_POOL_MAPPING_GET | X | Accessing Proposal Pool - Assignment Iobj |
115 | RSDDK_AGGRBUFFER_INVALIDATE | Invalidate the aggregate directory buffer | |
116 | RSDDK_AGGRCAT_CUBES | Read all InfoCubes for which aggregates exist | |
117 | RSDDK_AGGRCAT_DELETE | Impact of "Delete an InfoCube" on the Aggregate | |
118 | RSDDK_AGGRCAT_INIT | Initializing the Aggregate Catalog for an InfoCube | |
119 | RSDDK_AGGRCAT_READ | Reading in the aggregate catalog for an InfoCube | |
120 | RSDDK_AGGRCAT_SORT | Form a Tree for the Aggregate for the Aggregate Catalog | |
121 | RSDDK_AGGRCOMP_CLEANUP | Cleaned Up M-Version of an Aggregate Definition | |
122 | RSDDK_AGGRDIR_GET | BW Aggregates: Read the Aggregate directory | |
123 | RSDDK_AGGRDIR_MODIFY | Adjustment of the Aggregate Directory After a Realignment Run | |
124 | RSDDK_AGGRDIR_READ | Reading of an Aggregate Definition | |
125 | RSDDK_AGGRDIR_UPDATE | Save the Aggregate Definition | |
126 | RSDDK_AGGREGATES_ACTIVATE | Copying the M Objvers of the Aggregate into the A Obj Vers | |
127 | RSDDK_AGGREGATES_ACTIVE_CHECK | Returns the Active Aggregates from a List of Aggregates | |
128 | RSDDK_AGGREGATES_CHECK | Checks aggregates of an InfoCube | |
129 | RSDDK_AGGREGATES_CONDENSE | Condenses all the given aggregates | |
130 | RSDDK_AGGREGATES_DEACTIVATE | Deactivating Aggregates (Deleting the Data in the Fact Table) | |
131 | RSDDK_AGGREGATES_FILL | Filling Aggregates for an InfoCube | |
132 | RSDDK_AGGREGATES_MAINTAIN | Adopts all aggregates in change run | |
133 | RSDDK_AGGREGATES_PDIM_CLEAN | Deletes Unused Req.-Part. and P Dims | |
134 | RSDDK_AGGREGATES_ROLLUP | Roll up all the aggregates of an InfoCube | |
135 | RSDDK_AGGREGATES_SORT | Sorting a Specified List of Active and Inactive Aggregates | |
136 | RSDDK_AGGREGATES_TRUNCATE | Deletes the data from aggregates | |
137 | RSDDK_AGGREGATE_CHECK | checks an aggregate (from parallel start) | |
138 | RSDDK_AGGREGATE_CONDENSE | Condenses an Aggregate | |
139 | RSDDK_AGGREGATE_FILL | Fills an aggregate | |
140 | RSDDK_AGGREGATE_FILL_PREANALYS | Information about the Filling Process of an Aggregate | |
141 | RSDDK_AGGREGATE_INACTIVE_SET | Sets an Aggregate to Inactive So That It Can No Longer Be Read From | |
142 | RSDDK_AGGREGATE_MAINTAIN | Does a change in the aggregate in the change run | |
143 | RSDDK_AGGREGATE_OVERVIEW | Summary status of the aggregates in AWB | |
144 | RSDDK_AGGREGATE_ROLLUP | High-rolling for an aggregate | |
145 | RSDDK_AGGREGATE_ROLLUP_DELTA | Internal: Roll up of a delta set | |
146 | RSDDK_AGGREGATE_WRITE | Intern: Writing an Aggregate | |
147 | RSDDK_AGGROBJ_SFC_CONVERT | Conversion of the Description for the Aggregate in TH_SFC and TH_SEL | |
148 | RSDDK_AGGRSTATISTIC_SET | Updates statistics for the aggregate | |
149 | RSDDK_AGGR_CHILDS_GET | Provides Lower Level, Next Lower Level of an Aggregate | |
150 | RSDDK_AGGR_COPY_VERSION | BW aggregates: Copies aggregates between versions | |
151 | RSDDK_AGGR_EXIST_CHECK | Checks Whether an Amount of Aggregates Still Exists | |
152 | RSDDK_AGGR_F4_LIST | BW Repository: List all aggregates for F4 | |
153 | RSDDK_AGGR_MAINTAIN | Start the aggregate maintenance | |
154 | RSDDK_AGGR_MDDEL_IMPACT | clean up aggregates after master data deletion | |
155 | RSDDK_AGGR_PROT_SELECT | selection for the aggregate logs | |
156 | RSDDK_AGGR_USE_OK | Verifies that aggregates can be defined | |
157 | RSDDK_ATTRIBUTE_AGGREGATE_USED | Where used, wich aggregate has the characteristic as attribute | |
158 | RSDDK_BEST_AGGRUID_FIND | Find the best aggregate (internal) | |
159 | RSDDK_BIW_GET_DATA | BW statistics: transmission of transaction data | |
160 | RSDDK_BLOCKSIZE_GET | read BLOCKSIZE parameters in Table RSADMINC | |
161 | RSDDK_BLOCK_CHA_GET | determine block characteristic for aggregate definition | |
162 | RSDDK_CAN_AGGR1_BUILD_AGGR2 | Can Aggregat 2 build up by Aggregat 1? | |
163 | RSDDK_CHANGE_DELTA | Delta Adjustment of an Aggregate at Hier/Attr Changes | |
164 | RSDDK_CHANMATTR_AGGREGAT_USED | Where-Used List: Attributes of a Char. -> Aggregates | |
165 | RSDDK_CHECKID_F4 | F4 help for the CheckID of Aggregate checks | |
166 | RSDDK_CHECKID_F4_DYNP_UPDATE | Screen fields for selection via F4 help for CheckID | |
167 | RSDDK_CHECKS_GET | Read Checks from DB tables | |
168 | RSDDK_CHECK_AGGREGATE | Check Aggregate Against Source | |
169 | RSDDK_CHECK_AGGREGATE_CONFIRM | Confirm final settings for a check | |
170 | RSDDK_CHECK_AGGREGATE_MAINT | Start of aggregate Maintenance Check | |
171 | RSDDK_CHECK_AGGREGATE_START | Infocube Selection for Aggregate Check Maintenance | |
172 | RSDDK_CHECK_SELOPT_GET | Selection options for the aggregate check | |
173 | RSDDK_CHNGID_TO_SEL_APPEND | intern: Includes the Values for the CHGID in the SEL | |
174 | RSDDK_COMPLEX_AGGRCAT_GET | Internal: Turns aggrdir and aggrcomp into the complex structure aggrcat | |
175 | RSDDK_FACTTABLES_GET | Determines the Affected Fact Tables | |
176 | RSDDK_FIND_AGGR_BY_AGGRCUBE | Reads Aggregate data from RSDDAGGRDIR for cube names | |
177 | RSDDK_GET_AGGR_PROP_SELECT | Suggest the aggregates: Selection | |
178 | RSDDK_HIERA_AGGREGAT_USED | Where-used list: hierarchy -> aggregates | |
179 | RSDDK_INDEXES_AGGR_RECREATE | Rebuilds the Indexes for Aggregates Again | |
180 | RSDDK_INFOCUBE_AGGREGAT_USED | Where used list : Aggregates of an Infocube | |
181 | RSDDK_IOBJNM_AGGREGAT_USED | Where-used list: InfoObject -> aggregates | |
182 | RSDDK_KEY_TIM_GET | Determines the Position of Time Characteristics and Indicators | |
183 | RSDDK_MAINTENANCE_START | Starts the screen to manage | |
184 | RSDDK_MODNEW_AGGREGATES_GET | Aggregates That Were Newly Created During Realignment Run | |
185 | RSDDK_MODNEW_RENAMED_SET | Sets the Indicator Modnewfl to rsddaggridir | |
186 | RSDDK_NUM_DISTINCT_VALUES_GET | Determines the number of different values ##of a characteristic | |
187 | RSDDK_PARENTAGGR_GET | Provides the Source Aggregate or the InfoCube for an Aggreg. Description | |
188 | RSDDK_PREANALYSIS_OPTIONS_GET | Options for the pre-analysis of the aggregate-filling | |
189 | RSDDK_REPLACED_VAR_DELETE | Export of the replaced variables | |
190 | RSDDK_REPLACED_VAR_EXPORT | Export of the replaced variables | |
191 | RSDDK_REPLACED_VAR_IMPORT | Import of the replaced variables | |
192 | RSDDK_SELECT_CHECK_MODE | Popup for selecting the Auto check mode | |
193 | RSDDK_SET_AGGR_TABLESPACE | Sets table space for aggregates | |
194 | RSDDK_SFC_AGGROBJ_CONVERT | Conversion of the TH_SFC in the description of the aggregates | |
195 | RSDDK_SRDATE_CHECK | Verifies that the deadline of the aggregate is correct | |
196 | RSDDK_SRDATE_VAR_GET | gets the key date variables | |
197 | RSDDK_SRDATE_VAR_REPLACE | gets a data from the variable for SRDATE | |
198 | RSDDK_STA_ADD_AGGR | Add statistical data for an aggregate | |
199 | RSDDK_STA_ADD_CONDENSOR | Add statistics for InfoCube condenser | |
200 | RSDDK_STA_ADD_DELETOR | Add statistics for InfoCube Content content deletion | |
201 | RSDDK_STA_ADD_WHM | Save BW statistics data for the warehouse management | |
202 | RSDDK_STA_AGGR_CLOSE | End: collect statistic data to aggregates | |
203 | RSDDK_STA_AGGR_OPEN | Beginning: to collect statistic data to aggreagtes | |
204 | RSDDK_STA_AGGR_OPTIMIZE | Optimize aggregate selection | |
205 | RSDDK_STA_ANALYZE_QSTAT | Determine Aggregates from BW statistics data | |
206 | RSDDK_STA_ANALYZE_QSTAT_DB | Determine Aggregates from BW statistics - DB Tables | |
207 | RSDDK_STA_ANALYZE_QUERIES | Identifies proposals for aggregates from query definitions | |
208 | RSDDK_STA_CONTENT_ACTIVATE | Statistikdaten für Übernahme (Aktivierung) Business Content | |
209 | RSDDK_STA_DB_TO_FILE | BW Statistics: transaction and master data in files | |
210 | RSDDK_STA_DEL_DATA | BW Statistics: delete data in database tables (buffer) | |
211 | RSDDK_STA_GET_ACTUAL_STAT | BW Statistik: Aktuelle Daten lesen | |
212 | RSDDK_STA_INFOCUBE | BW Statistics: Transaction data in the InfoCube directly via interface | |
213 | RSDDK_STA_STATUS_MAINTAIN | BW Statistics: Setting the recording mode | |
214 | RSDDK_STA_STATUS_WHM | Returns status, if statistics WHM are to be collected | |
215 | RSDDK_STA_TIMING_GET | Returns Table with Timing | |
216 | RSDDK_STA_TIMING_RESET | Löscht die Tabelle mit den gesammelten Zeiten | |
217 | RSDDK_STA_TIMING_SHOW | Displays Times Measured as a List | |
218 | RSDDK_TIMEDEP_CHECK | Checks Whether an Aggregate Has Time-Dependent Components | |
219 | RSDDK_VARCOMP_AGGREGATE_USED | Retrieves all the components that depend on variables | |
220 | RSDDK_VARIABLE_AGGREGAT_USED | Where used list : Aggregates of an Infocube | |
221 | RSDDLTIP_CLOSE_CUR_OBJ | Complete processing of the current object | |
222 | RSDDLTIP_GET_CUR_OBJ | supply Currently selected object | |
223 | RSDDLTIP_GET_PROV_ICON | get icon for providers (with Objstat) | |
224 | RSDDLTIP_GET_PROV_INFO | gets information about a transient provider | |
225 | RSDDLTIP_LTIP_CREATE | Create Analytic Index | |
226 | RSDDLTIP_LTIP_DELETE | Deleting an OLAP index | |
227 | RSDDLTIP_LTIP_F4 | value Help for analytical index | |
228 | RSDDLTIP_LTIP_MAINTAIN | Maintenance of analytical index | |
229 | RSDDLTIP_LTIP_TEMPLATE | Copy Template | |
230 | RSDDLTIP_LTIP_WHERE_USED | Where used lists in tabular output | |
231 | RSDDLTIP_SET_NEW_OBJ | take new object in processing | |
232 | RSDDLTIP_UI_MAIN_DYNPRO | Call: main dynpro trans.Provider UI | |
233 | RSDDSTAT_DATA_GET_RFC | R | Reading the query statistics for a UID |
234 | RSDDSTAT_DTA_GET_DATA | Template: Übertragung von Bewegungsdaten | |
235 | RSDDSTAT_QUERYSTAT_READ | Read the OLAP statistics for a query | |
236 | RSDDSTAT_SEL_GET_DATA | Template: Übertragung von Bewegungsdaten | |
237 | RSDDSTAT_SEL_MAINTAIN | Customizing of selection statisitics | |
238 | RSDDSTAT_STATISTICS_DELETE | Delete data in statistical tables | |
239 | RSDDSTAT_STATISTICS_MAINTAIN | Maintenance of the query statistics properties | |
240 | RSDDS_AGGREGATES_MAINTAIN | Adjust Aggregate to Structural Changes | |
241 | RSDDS_AGGREGATES_VAR_MAINTAIN | Adapt Aggregate to Variable Changes | |
242 | RSDDS_AGGR_MOD_CLOSE | log end of the run change | |
243 | RSDDS_AGGR_MOD_OPEN | Log start of change run | |
244 | RSDDS_AGGR_MOD_STATE_GET | Putput state of change run | |
245 | RSDDS_ATTRCHANGES_EXPORT | Exports changed master data | |
246 | RSDDS_ATTRCHANGES_IMPORT | Exports changed master data | |
247 | RSDDS_ATTRIBUTES_ACTIVATE | activate attributes in the master data table | |
248 | RSDDS_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGES_FIND | Searches the changes in the master table | |
249 | RSDDS_CHANGED_OBJECTS_GET | Provides list of characteristics and hierarchies to be activated | |
250 | RSDDS_CHANGERUN_MONITOR | Monitor for Change Run | |
251 | RSDDS_CHANGERUN_TMPTABLS_DEL | Deleting the Old Temp. Change Run Tables | |
252 | RSDDS_CHANGE_CHA_DELETE | Delete note | |
253 | RSDDS_CHANGE_CHA_MAINTAIN | Create Comment That CHCKTAB Has Changed in Change Catalog | |
254 | RSDDS_CHANGE_HIE_DELETE | Delete note from change catalog for hierarchy | |
255 | RSDDS_CHANGE_HIE_MAINTAIN | Create note in the change catalog that INCLTAB has changed | |
256 | RSDDS_CHANGE_INFOCUBE | Set mark in change log that Infocube is touched | |
257 | RSDDS_MD_HIER_ACTIVATE | Activation of Master Data and Hierarchies | |
258 | RSDDS_STRUC_CHANGES_GET | Gets all hierarchies and characterist which are marked for activation | |
259 | RSDDS_TMP_NAME_GET | Converts ia table name nto a tmp table name | |
260 | RSDDTMPTAB_CLEANUP | Release All Names Currently Locked | |
261 | RSDDTMPTAB_EXTEND_RANGE | Extend Number Range Buffer for Hierarchy Views | |
262 | RSDDTMPTAB_GET_NAMETYPE | Defines the Table Type | |
263 | RSDDTMPTAB_GET_NEW_NAME | Request (and Lock) Unused, Temporary Name for Table or View | |
264 | RSDDTMPTAB_GET_NEW_TABLE | Request (and Lock) Unused, Temporary Name for Table or View | |
265 | RSDDTMPTAB_RELEASE_NAME | Release / Lock Temporary Name for Table or View | |
266 | RSDDTMPTAB_RELEASE_TABLE | Release / Lock Temporary Name for Table or View | |
267 | RSDDTPS_ACTIVATE_AUTH | permissions activate / customize | |
268 | RSDDTPS_ACTIVATE_CONV | Conversions activate / adjust | |
269 | RSDDTPS_ACTIVATE_HIER | Hierarchies enable / adjust | |
270 | RSDDTPS_ACTIVATE_PROV | Enable providers to install / adapt | |
271 | RSDDTPS_ACTIVATE_SETTINGS | Explorer features enable / adjust | |
272 | RSDDTPS_BW_EXPLORER_AUDIT | License Audit: Number of Explorer objects | |
273 | RSDDTPS_CLOSE_CUR_OBJ | Complete processing of the current object | |
274 | RSDDTPS_DELETE_SNAPSHOT | Deleting a snapshot index | |
275 | RSDDTPS_F4_EXPLOBJNM | F4 help for Explorer objects | |
276 | RSDDTPS_FML_MAINTAIN | fill Permissions | |
277 | RSDDTPS_GET_CUR_OBJ | supply Currently selected object | |
278 | RSDDTPS_GET_PROV_ICON | get icon for providers (with Objstat) | |
279 | RSDDTPS_HIER_INDEX | index hierarchies | |
280 | RSDDTPS_HIER_INDEX_DELETE | Selection: Log Information | |
281 | RSDDTPS_HIER_UPDATE | Updating the hierarchy of an IP | |
282 | RSDDTPS_INDEX_ACT_FILL | Creating a snapshot index | |
283 | RSDDTPS_LAST_CHANGE | Last Changed | |
284 | RSDDTPS_LOG_DISPLAY | Display backup log for InfoCubes | |
285 | RSDDTPS_LOG_SELECT | Selection: Log Information | |
286 | RSDDTPS_MAINTAIN | expand BIA index for Polestar | |
287 | RSDDTPS_MAINTAIN_AUTH | fill Permissions | |
288 | RSDDTPS_MPRO_INDEX | create MultiProvider for Polestar | |
289 | RSDDTPS_PC_VARIANT_MAINT | Maintain process variant | |
290 | RSDDTPS_SET_GLOBAL_SETTINGS | set Global settings | |
291 | RSDDTPS_SET_NEW_OBJ | take new object in processing | |
292 | RSDDTPS_SHOW_GLOBAL_SETTINGS | Show global settings | |
293 | RSDDTPS_TLOGO_F4 | F4 Help Objecttypes Explorer | |
294 | RSDDTPS_UI_MAIN_DYNPRO | Call: main dynpro BW P* UI | |
295 | RSDDTPS_UPDATE_RKFCKF | Hierarchies enable / adjust | |
296 | RSDDTREX_ADMIN_MAINTAIN | Maintenance of the TREX parameters | |
297 | RSDDTREX_AFTER_ACTIVATION | Performs adjustments to a BIA index | |
298 | RSDDTREX_AFTER_CUBE_ACTIVATION | Performs adjustments to a BIA index | |
299 | RSDDTREX_AFTER_IOBJ_ACTIVATION | Performs adjustments to a BIA index | |
300 | RSDDTREX_AFTER_UPGRADE_70X_73X | Cleaning up RSMDATASTATE after upgrade 70x-> 73x | |
301 | RSDDTREX_AGGREGATE_MAINTAIN | BIA index create, delete, ... | |
302 | RSDDTREX_BEFORE_ACTIVATION | Writes the old version to the DB | |
304 | RSDDTREX_BIASTATS_VIP | BIA Statistiken auslesen | |
305 | RSDDTREX_BIA_ACTIVATE_FILL | activates and fills a BIA-Index | |
306 | RSDDTREX_BIA_ACTIVATE_FILL_PC | Create and Fill BIA-Indexes (from ProcessChain) | |
307 | RSDDTREX_BIA_CR_CLEANUP | take BIAs out of the CR | |
308 | RSDDTREX_BIA_CR_POSTPROCESS | BIAs that are set to inactive adopt after CR | |
309 | RSDDTREX_BIA_DELETE | Deleting a BIA index type InfoCube | |
310 | RSDDTREX_CHECK_GET | Read check data for ID | |
311 | RSDDTREX_DELTAINDEX_MERGE | Merge main and delta index per cube | |
312 | RSDDTREX_F4_BIAINDEX | F4 help for BIA Indexes | |
313 | RSDDTREX_F4_CHECKID | F4 help for the checks | |
314 | RSDDTREX_F4_INFOOBJECTS | F4 help for the info objects in a BIA index | |
315 | RSDDTREX_F4_KEYFIGURE | F4 help for key figures in a BIA index | |
316 | RSDDTREX_F4_TABLES | Tables / indexes in F4 help for BIA index | |
317 | RSDDTREX_INDEX_ADJUST_RFC | R | RFC-Baustein für das Anpassen eines BIA-Index |
318 | RSDDTREX_INDEX_CHECK | select Test Modes for Index Checks | |
319 | RSDDTREX_INDEX_CHECK_CHANGERUN | Index checks run after changing course | |
320 | RSDDTREX_INDEX_CHECK_MAINTAIN | maintain settings for index check | |
321 | RSDDTREX_INDEX_CHECK_RFC | R | RFC-enabled module for the index-check by Cube |
322 | RSDDTREX_INDEX_CHECK_ROLLUP | Run BIA index checks after high-rolling | |
323 | RSDDTREX_INDEX_DELETE | Function module to delete BIA Indexes | |
324 | RSDDTREX_INDEX_F4 | F4 help for index tables for a BIA index | |
325 | RSDDTREX_INDEX_LOAD_UNLOAD | BIA index data upload and delete from main memory | |
326 | RSDDTREX_INDEX_TABLE | R | Called as aRFC from the main process for Indexing |
327 | RSDDTREX_INDEX_WRITE | Parallel initial filling of the BIAs from ALL_REBUILD | |
328 | RSDDTREX_INDEX_WRITE_PARALLEL | Parallel filling of TREX indexes | |
329 | RSDDTREX_MAINTAIN | BIA Index Maintenance | |
330 | RSDDTREX_MAINTAIN_HIER | create BIA-index for hierarchies of an InfoObject | |
331 | RSDDTREX_MAINTAIN_IOBJ | create BIA index for InfoObjects | |
332 | RSDDTREX_NEWMD_INDEX | X | INdexing of new Master Data from Queue into BIA |
333 | RSDDTREX_NEWMD_INDEX_PARALLEL | Parallel filling of TREX indexes | |
334 | RSDDTREX_NEWTEXT_INDEX | Indexing of DATA from Text Queue into BIA | |
335 | RSDDTREX_NEWTEXT_QUEUE_WRITE | Write CHAVLs new texts into the Queue for BIA | |
336 | RSDDTREX_PC_F4 | InfoProvider selection for process chain type | |
337 | RSDDTREX_RECOVERY_SIMULATE | Determine recovery mode of the indices | |
338 | RSDDTREX_SET_TREX_RFC_DEST | R | Sets the RFC Destination of the BI Accelerator (TREX) |
339 | RSDDTREX_SHOW_LOG_INDEX | Display Index | |
340 | RSDDTREX_SINGLE_TABLE_INDEX | creates a single table (of a T-Aggregate) as index | |
341 | RSDDTREX_SNAPSHOTS_GET | read all BIA snapshot | |
342 | RSDDTREX_SNAPSHOT_DELETE | delete BIA data snapshot in the BIA | |
343 | RSDDTREX_SNAPSHOT_EXPORT | BIA data snapshot export | |
344 | RSDDTREX_SNAPSHOT_IMPORT | load BIA data snapshot into the BIA | |
346 | RSDDTZA2_DISPLAY_TRACE | Display Trace (Python Trace, Plan, Trace) | |
347 | RSDDTZA2_MEMORY_PER_INFOPROV | Memory Consumption for Each InfoProvider | |
348 | RSDDTZA2_PERFORMANCE_TRACE | TREX Performancetrace | |
350 | RSDDTZA_BIA_INITIALIZE | First call of the BWA monitor | |
351 | RSDDTZA_NAC_BIAMON | BWA-monitor version for BOA7.20 Enterprise | |
352 | RSDDTZA_REINDEX_RANK_GET | determine order for re-indexing | |
353 | RSDDTZA_SHORT_START | R | Call start screen |
354 | RSDDTZA_START | R | call start screen TEST |
355 | RSDDTZA_TEXT_FROM_POOL_GET | Gets a Text Using Text Symbol | |
356 | RSDD_AGGREGATE_WRITE_GENERATE | Generating an Aggreagte InfoCube Write Program | |
357 | RSDD_COPR_MAINT_AWBN_CALL_TOOL | Call Tool for Navigation | |
358 | RSDD_COPR_XML_EDITOR | Starts COPR XML Editor | |
359 | RSDD_CS_BROWSER_SHOW | Browser for Calculation Scenario | |
360 | RSDD_CS_INFOPROV_IN_RSRT2 | R | display InfoProvider in query monitor |
361 | RSDD_CUBE_WRITE_TST_UPD | Write a package of data into the specified infocube (RFC) | |
362 | RSDD_FREE_DELTA_PKGS | R | Sharing already processed delta packages |
363 | RSDD_GUI_LM_START | Starts Lean Modeler | |
364 | RSDD_GUI_LOCAL_DATA_START | BW Workspace local data Start | |
365 | RSDD_GUI_RKF | GUI for Restricted Key Figures | |
366 | RSDD_HDB_INFOPROV_INDEX_CREATE | X | Regeneration of logical indexes after migrating |
367 | RSDD_HDB_INFOPROV_INDEX_DELETE | X | Regeneration of logical indexes after migrating |
368 | RSDD_HDB_POSTMIGR_INDEX_CREATE | Regeneration of logical indexes after migrating | |
369 | RSDD_HM_PUBLISH | Publish SAP HANA Model | |
370 | RSDD_INFOCUBE_WRITEPROG_DROP | Delete the write program, if cube is deleted | |
371 | RSDD_INFOCUBE_WRITEPROG_GEN | Generate InfoCube write program | |
372 | RSDD_INFOCUBE_WRITE_GENERATE | Generate InfoCube write program | |
373 | RSDD_INFO_REQUID_DELETE | Deleting the Entries for a REQUEST in the InfoCube | |
374 | RSDD_INFO_REQUID_GET | Check whether the Packetid in Infocube exists | |
375 | RSDD_LM_COPR_DOC | Creation of HTML page | |
376 | RSDD_LOC_DATA_F4 | F4 Help for Local Data | |
377 | RSDD_LTIP_APD_DISPATCHER | R | Distribute facts write calls |
379 | RSDD_LTIP_MAINTAIN_ATR | maintain Attribute | |
380 | RSDD_LTIP_PUBLISH | Publish indexes as Infoproivder | |
381 | RSDD_LTIP_PUBLISH_DELETE | Undo Publication | |
382 | RSDD_LTIP_PUBLISH_UI | Publish logical index (UI input) | |
383 | RSDD_RESET_DIM_NUMBER_RANGE | Reset the number range field of a Dimension | |
384 | RSDD_U_CUBE_GUI_INIT | Initialize GUI out of DTP model | |
385 | RSDD_U_CUBE_GUI_RESET | Initialize GUI out of DTP model | |
386 | RSDD_XLS_RANGE_F4 | Input Help for Excel Ranges | |
387 | RSDD_XLS_READ | R | Reads Excel File |
388 | RSDD_X_CUBE_GUI_INIT | Initialize GUI out of DTP model | |
389 | RSDD_X_CUBE_GUI_RESET | Initialize GUI out of DTP model | |
390 | RSDD_X_DS_GUI_INIT | Initialize GUI out of DTP model | |
391 | RSDD_X_DS_GUI_RESET | Initialize GUI out of DTP model | |
392 | RSDD_X_ISET_GUI_INIT | Initialize GUI out of DTP model | |
393 | RSDD_X_ISET_GUI_RESET | Initialize GUI out of DTP model | |
394 | RSDD_X_MPRO_GUI_INIT | Initialize GUI out of DTP model | |
395 | RSDD_X_MPRO_GUI_RESET | Initialize GUI out of DTP model | |
396 | RSDD_X_QPROV_GUI_INIT | Initialisiere QPROV-GUI aus DTP-Modell | |
397 | RSDD_X_QPROV_GUI_RESET | Initialisiere GUI aus DTP-Modell | |
398 | RSDEW_GET_RSDDSTAT | Lesen der RSDDSTAT in eine CSV Datei | |
399 | RSDEW_INFOCUBE_DESIGNS | Modellierungs-Informationen über aktive Infocubes im System | |
400 | RSDFPS_EXT_INTERVAL_MERGE | Merge von Zeitintervallen für BI Fortschreibung | |
401 | RSDFPS_GET_QUERY | R | Query Informationen auslesen |
402 | RSDFPS_GET_QUERY_FULL | R | Query Informationen auslesen |
403 | RSDF_FRONTEND_WIZARD_START | Start Wizard | |
404 | RSDF_GENERATE_CUBE | Create InfoCube | |
405 | RSDF_GENERATE_DTPA | Create DTP | |
406 | RSDF_GENERATE_HYBR | Create Hybrid Provider | |
407 | RSDF_GENERATE_IOBJ_LIST | Create InfoObjects for field list | |
408 | RSDF_GENERATE_IOBJ_SIMPLE | Create InfoObject without attributes or texts | |
409 | RSDF_GENERATE_IOBJ_TARGET | Generate Info object as data target | |
410 | RSDF_GENERATE_IPAK | Create Info Package | |
411 | RSDF_GENERATE_ISOURCE | Generate Info object as data target | |
412 | RSDF_GENERATE_ODSO | Create DataStore | |
413 | RSDF_GENERATE_TRFN | Create transformation | |
414 | RSDF_GUI_CALL_HEADER_POPUP | Show properties of a data flow | |
415 | RSDF_GUI_COMPLETE_DATAFLOW | Display settings of DTP and IPAK | |
416 | RSDF_GUI_COPY_POPUP | Copy data flow - Popup | |
417 | RSDF_GUI_CREATE_POPUP | Popup for Creating Data Flows | |
418 | RSDF_GUI_DISPLAYSETTINGS_POPUP | Display settings of DTP and IPAK | |
419 | RSDF_GUI_ENTRY_VIEW | Initial view for the processing of data flows | |
420 | RSDF_GUI_GET_CURRENT_R_GUI | provides current instance of the UI instance | |
421 | RSDF_GUI_GET_LPOA_CREATE_TLOGO | returns the type for a LPOA | |
422 | RSDF_GUI_GET_NAME_NOTPERSITOBJ | Pop: the name of a non-persistent object | |
423 | RSDF_GUI_GET_OBJECTDOCU | R | Load documentation of single TLOGO objects |
424 | RSDF_GUI_OPEN_DOCU_PREVIEW | Show Preview of Dataflow Dokumentation | |
425 | RSDF_GUI_POPUP_ACTIVATE_OBJ | Which objects of the data flow to be activated? | |
426 | RSDF_GUI_SAVE_SETTINGS_POPUP | Settings to save the Dataflow | |
427 | RSDF_GUI_START_UI | Maintaining a data flow | |
428 | RSDF_GUI_TAKE_OVER_DATAFLOW | Popup: Apply Data Flow | |
429 | RSDF_IOBJTP_FOR_DATATYPE | Determine default InfoObject from data type | |
430 | RSDF_READ_FIELDLIST | Reading list of any field goal | |
431 | RSDGDB_AFTER_DB_MODIFICATION | (Infocube) Post Work after activation | |
432 | RSDGDB_GET_DB_PAR | Set DB-specific parameters | |
433 | RSDG_ACTIVATE_TABL_FORCED | Activate Table in "Force Mode" and Create Primary Index | |
434 | RSDG_ACT_DEL_DDIC_OBJECTS | Activates or Deletes Generated DDIC Objects | |
435 | RSDG_ATR_NAV_INFOPROV_DIALOG | Dialog for Navigation Attributes of a Characteristic as InfoProvider | |
436 | RSDG_BUILD_SBSC_NAME | Forms Database Table rsdg_s_sbsc_name with InfoObject Fields | |
437 | RSDG_CHABASLOC_DEL_UNUSED | Deletes Unreferenced Local Property (RSDCHABASLOC) of InfoObjects | |
438 | RSDG_CHABASLOC_INSERT | Creates Local Properties (RSDCHABASLOC) of InfoObjects | |
439 | RSDG_CHACONST_CONV_TO_EXT | Converting a characteristic constant into the external format | |
440 | RSDG_CHACONST_CONV_TO_INT | Converts a characteristic constant into internal format | |
441 | RSDG_CHANGE_TO_WITH_MASTERDATA | Change character. without master data to character. with master data | |
442 | RSDG_CHECK_TABLE_FOR_DDIC_CNV | Checks Whether Table Is Currently Being Converted by DDIC | |
443 | RSDG_CHKTAB_CONSISTENCY | Überprüft die Stammdatentabelle auf Konsistenz | |
444 | RSDG_CHKTAB_GET_FIELDS | Obsolete - Use cl_rsd_iobj_vers=>get_fields_of_chktab | |
445 | RSDG_CUBE_ACTIVATE | Activates InfoCube | |
446 | RSDG_CUBE_AFTER_ACTIVATE | Actions after activation of InfoCube/HybridProvider | |
447 | RSDG_CUBE_AFTER_DELETE | Actions after deletion of an InfoCube | |
448 | RSDG_CUBE_BEFORE_ACTIVATE | Actions before activating an InfoCube | |
449 | RSDG_CUBE_BEFORE_DELETE | Actions before deletions of an InfoCube | |
450 | RSDG_CUBE_CHECK | Checks an InfoCube / MultiProvider | |
451 | RSDG_CUBE_CHECK_DDIC | Checks/lists DDIC objects of an InfoCube | |
452 | RSDG_CUBE_CLEAR_ACTIVFL | Resets the active flag of an InfoCube | |
453 | RSDG_CUBE_COPY_TO_VERSION | Copies one InfoCube to another version | |
454 | RSDG_CUBE_DB_TAB_DROP_RECREATE | Deletes the database tables for the InfoCube and creates them in new | |
455 | RSDG_CUBE_DDIC_SAVE_GET | Save and / or collecting the DDIC objects of an InfoCube | |
456 | RSDG_CUBE_DELETE | Deletes an InfoCube | |
457 | RSDG_CUBE_INIT_DATASTATE | Sets the flags for the data state of an InfoCube / MultiProvider | |
458 | RSDG_CUBE_SAVE | Save an InfoCube | |
459 | RSDG_CUBE_SAVE_DATASTATE | Sets the flags to the data state of an InfoCube | |
460 | RSDG_CUBE_SAVE_FLAGS | Sets additional flags of an InfoCube | |
461 | RSDG_CUBE_SAVE_TEXTS | Saves text to an InfoCube in a particular version | |
462 | RSDG_CUBE_SAVE_VERSION | Saves am InfoCube in a particular version | |
463 | RSDG_CUBE_SET_INACTIVE | Resets the active status of an InfoCube | |
464 | RSDG_CUBE_SET_TIME_STAMP | Sets the timestamp for an InfoCube | |
465 | RSDG_DB_TAB_CREATE | Recreates the Database Table for an InfoCube/Dimension | |
466 | RSDG_DB_TAB_DELETE | Deletes Database Table for InfoCube/Dimension | |
467 | RSDG_DDIC_CHECK_TAB_LEN | Checks (Key) Length of Table Fields | |
468 | RSDG_DDIC_GET_MAX_KEYLEN | Gets Maximum Key Length of a DDIC Table in Bytes | |
469 | RSDG_DDIC_GET_MAX_TABLEN | Gets Maximum Length of a DDIC Table in Bytes | |
470 | RSDG_DELETE_TADIR_ENTRY | Deletes TADIR Entry of an Object | |
471 | RSDG_DIMELOC_CLEAN | Clean up entries in RSDDIMELOC | |
472 | RSDG_DIMELOC_DEL_UNUSED | Deletes not refereed local prop. (RSDDIMELOC) of dimensions | |
473 | RSDG_DIME_INI_GEN_DEL_OBJECTS | Initializes / Generates / Deletes the number range object of a dimension | |
474 | RSDG_DIME_INSERT_INITIAL_REC | Inserting an initial record in a dimension | |
475 | RSDG_DIME_MULTI_DELETE | Deletes dimensions of an InfoCube | |
476 | RSDG_DIME_MULTI_SAVE | Saves dimensions of an InfoCube | |
477 | RSDG_DIME_REMOVE_INITIAL_REC | Deletes the initial set of a dimension | |
478 | RSDG_DIME_REMOVE_UNUSED | Deletes remaining dimensions of an InfoCube | |
479 | RSDG_DIME_SAVE_TEXTS | Saves text to dimensions of an InfoCube | |
480 | RSDG_DIME_SAVE_VERSION | Saves a dimension in a specific version | |
481 | RSDG_DISPLAY_MASS_ACT_PROT | Display Log of Mass Activation Program | |
482 | RSDG_GET_SBSC_NAME | Get Field Names for InfoObject Maintenance | |
483 | RSDG_HDATTR_MAPPING_EXECUTE | Mapping selection by user | |
484 | RSDG_HDBATTR_MAPPING_EXECUTE | Mapping proposal | |
485 | RSDG_HDBATTR_MAPPING_PROPOSE | Mapping proposal | |
486 | RSDG_HYBR_ACTIVATE | R | Activate HybridProvider |
487 | RSDG_HYBR_CHANGE | R | Modifies a hybrid provider |
488 | RSDG_HYBR_CREATE | R | Creates a hybrid provider |
489 | RSDG_HYBR_GETDETAIL | R | Read the details of a hybrid provider |
490 | RSDG_HYBR_GETLIST | R | Creates a list of hybrid providers |
491 | RSDG_ID_GET_FROM_LOGSYS | R | Gets Source System ID of a Logical System |
492 | RSDG_INDEXES_SAVE | Save Indexes | |
493 | RSDG_INITIAL_MD_INSERT | Erzeugen des Initialeintrags für Stammdatentabelle | |
494 | RSDG_INSERT_LOC_OBJ_IN_TADIR | Creates TADIR Entries for Local Objects | |
495 | RSDG_IOBC_ACTIVATE | Activates an InfoObject Catalog | |
496 | RSDG_IOBC_CHECK | Checks a InfoObjectCatalog | |
497 | RSDG_IOBC_COPY_TO_VERSION | Copies a InfoObjectCatalog in another version | |
498 | RSDG_IOBC_DELETE | Deletes an InfoObject Catalog | |
499 | RSDG_IOBC_REORG | Reorganizes all system InfoObject Catalogs (type" not "assigned" ") | |
500 | RSDG_IOBC_SAVE_TEXTS | Saves text to a InfoObjectCatalog in a specific version |