SAP ABAP Data Element - Index X, page 3
Data Element - X
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | XCHKPASSWORD | IS-M: Password can be used for check | XFELD | CHAR |
2 | XCHKPHONENO | IS-M: Telephone number can be used for check | XFELD | CHAR |
3 | XCHKRDEL | Indicator: display "deleted invoices" | XFELD | CHAR |
4 | XCHKRFEH | Indicates whether inv. containing errors should be displayed | XFELD | CHAR |
5 | XCHKRGEP | Indicates whether completed invoices should be displayed | XFELD | CHAR |
6 | XCHKRINP | Indicates whether invoices being verified are t/b displayed | XFELD | CHAR |
7 | XCHKRKOR | Indicates whether correct invoices should be selected | XFELD | CHAR |
8 | XCHKRUNG | Indicates whether unverified invoices are to be displayed | XFELD | CHAR |
9 | XCHNC_KK | Reporting of Incorrect Bank Data: Change Old Notification | XFELD | CHAR |
10 | XCHNG | Change object | XFELD | CHAR |
11 | XCHNG_ARI | Indicator: Object was changed? | XFELD | CHAR |
12 | XCHNG_KK | Ssummarization line item changed | XFELD | CHAR |
13 | XCHNG_KNKK | Indicator: credit limit must be recreated | XFELD | CHAR |
14 | XCHPB | Transfer payment block when changing terms of payment? | XFELD | CHAR |
15 | XCHPF | Batch management requirement indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
16 | XCHPF_HART | Ind.: batch management requirement set by the system | CHAR1 | CHAR |
17 | XCHPM | Transfer payment method when changing terms of payment? | XFELD | CHAR |
18 | XCHRG | Materials handled in batches only | XFELD | CHAR |
19 | XCHRONOLOGICALPROCESSES | IS-M: Issue Sequence with Chronological Subsequent Processes | XFELD | CHAR |
20 | XCHUM | Batch conversion due to change of definition level | XFELD | CHAR |
21 | XCHUSEAR | Checkbox: Changeability of "Archive as Data Input" | XFELD | CHAR |
22 | XCHUSEDB | Checkbox: Changeability of "Database as Data Input" | XFELD | CHAR |
23 | XCHVA | Batch where-used list deactivated | XFELD | CHAR |
24 | XCHVK_KK | Change Contract Account | XFELD | CHAR |
25 | XCHVT_KK | Change Contract Reference | XFELD | CHAR |
26 | XCHVW | Synchronous posting of batch where-used records | XFELD | CHAR |
27 | XCHZA | Batch status management active | XFELD | CHAR |
28 | XCHZN | Batch status management not active | XFELD | CHAR |
29 | XCH_AUSW | IS-M: Print Box Number Security Slip Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
30 | XCH_PRODUNIT | IS-M: Flag - Also Change Production Unit Implicitly | XFELD | CHAR |
31 | XCICAUTO_REFRESH | IS-M: CIC, Automatic Refresh of the Order Overview | XFELD | CHAR |
32 | XCICCOMP_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED | IS-M: CIC, 'No Component Change' Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
33 | XCID | Name of customer characteristic value | TEXT30 | CHAR |
34 | XCIFSEL | Object Selection for Application Log | XFELD | CHAR |
35 | XCINF_KK | Information to Collection Is Permitted | XFELD | CHAR |
36 | XCIPAYM_VK | Indicator: Report Customer-Initiated Payments | XFELD | CHAR |
37 | XCITY_IDENT_KK | Indicator: City Identical | XFELD | CHAR |
38 | XCJCLOSEDF4 | Exclude Closed Cash Journals in F4 Help? | XFELD | CHAR |
39 | XCJCM_KK | Cash Journal: Display Monetary Cash Balance Cumulated | XFELD | CHAR |
40 | XCLAC_KK | Cash Journal: Display Cash Desk Clearing Account | XFELD | CHAR |
41 | XCLARDOC_BRO | Indicator: Document Number from Clarification Processing | XFELD | CHAR |
42 | XCLAR_CA | Item was Placed in Clarification Worklist | XFELD | CHAR |
43 | XCLAR_KK | Line item included in clarification worklist | XFELD | CHAR |
44 | XCLAR_PAY | Include in Clarif. Worklist | XFELD | CHAR |
45 | XCLAS | Classify object | XFELD | CHAR |
46 | XCLDEL_KK | Cluster was deleted | XFELD | CHAR |
47 | XCLDOC_KK | Indicator: Post Clearing Document for Zero Rounding | XFELD | CHAR |
48 | XCLEARING_VK | Indicator: Report Clearing | XFELD | CHAR |
49 | XCLEARXRELP | Mark for cancelation | XFELD | CHAR |
50 | XCLEAR_F107 | Credit Memo(s) Offset (Cleared) Against Invoice | XFELD | CHAR |
51 | XCLEAR_ITEMS_ITAGCY | Flag: Difference Rule Clears Open Items | XFELD | CHAR |
52 | XCLEA_KK | FSCM Biller Direct: Direct Clearing of Receivable | XFELD | CHAR |
53 | XCLFBLLIST | Parameter: Summarized display "Generate issue mixes" | XFELD | CHAR |
54 | XCLLT_KK | Permit Closing of Lots in Cash Journal | XFLAG | CHAR |
55 | XCLON_KK | Clear Items Without Follow-On Posting | XFELD | CHAR |
56 | XCLOSAV_KK | Close Payment Advice Note | XFELD | CHAR |
57 | XCLOSCM_KK | Close Check Lot | XFELD | CHAR |
58 | XCLOSCR_KK | Close Check Management | XFELD | CHAR |
59 | XCLOSE | IS-M/SD: Closure of subscription | XFELD | CHAR |
60 | XCLOSED_ITAGCY | Flag Whether Cash Desk Is Closed | XFELD | CHAR |
61 | XCLOSED_KK | Check Number Lot Closed | XFELD | CHAR |
62 | XCLOSING_DATE_FOR_VSOP | Indicator: Take Account of Order Deadline for Shipping Order | XFELD | CHAR |
63 | XCLOSRL_KK | Close returns lot | XFELD | CHAR |
64 | XCLOSTRANSF_BRO | Indicator: Close Broker Report | XFELD | CHAR |
65 | XCLOST_KK | Clear Items Without Follow-On Posting | XCLOST_KK | CHAR |
66 | XCLOSZE_KK | Close Payment Lot | XFELD | CHAR |
67 | XCLOS_KK | No Further Postings Allowed | XFELD | CHAR |
68 | XCLR_LOCK_KK | Clearing Lock | XFELD | CHAR |
69 | XCLSEL_IT | Selection: Cleared Items | XFELD | CHAR |
70 | XCLSE_KK | Permit Closing of Cash Desks in Cash Journal | XFLAG | CHAR |
71 | XCLS_F4_KK | Determine closed reconciliation key | XFELD | CHAR |
72 | XCLTR_KK | Transfer to Other Clarification Account | XFELD | CHAR |
73 | XCLUP_KK | Cluster Updated | XFELD | CHAR |
74 | XCLUS_KK | Close used reconciliation keys | XFELD | CHAR |
75 | XCL_KK | Line Item Cleared | XFELD | CHAR |
76 | XCMACTIVE_VI | Flag: CM Active | XFELD | CHAR |
77 | XCMDSTAT | Status of an external operating system command | CHAR1 | CHAR |
78 | XCMPL_FOPT | Only complete documents can be parked | XFELD | CHAR |
79 | XCMPRE0 | IS-M/AM: Credit management | XFELD | CHAR |
80 | XCMP_FAILED | IS-M/AM: Credit check failed | XFELD | CHAR |
81 | XCNET_KK | Change Due Date for Net Payment | XFELD | CHAR |
82 | XCNT_KK | Estimation of Items in Account Balance | XFELD | CHAR |
83 | XCOAC_KK | Add or Determine CO Account Assignments | XCOAC_KK | CHAR |
84 | XCODE | Function code | FCODE | CHAR |
85 | XCODN_KK | Permit Display of Cash Balance in Cash Journal | XFLAG | CHAR |
86 | XCODT_CLUST_KK | Cluster Data Part is Used | XFELD | CHAR |
87 | XCODT_CLUST_VI | Data Container Used | XFELD | CHAR |
88 | XCODT_KK | Data Part Is Used | XFELD | CHAR |
89 | XCOINS_ACT_BROK_MD | FS-CD: Flag: Broker Transfers Coinsurance Shares | XFELD | CHAR |
90 | XCOINS_BRO | Flag: Item Contains Coinsurance Shares | XFELD | CHAR |
91 | XCOL | Color for WRITE | XCOL | INT1 |
92 | XCOLLAM_CA | FI-CA Display Collection Amount | XFELD | CHAR |
93 | XCOLLBILL_VK | Indicator: Invoice is a Collective Invoice | XFELD | CHAR |
94 | XCOLLCASE_CM_CA | Enforcement Work Item | XFELD | CHAR |
95 | XCOLL_AUT_CA | Automatically Derive Collection Agency | XFELD | CHAR |
96 | XCOLL_CA | Submit to Collection Agency | XFELD | CHAR |
97 | XCOLL_KK | Submission to Collection Agency | XFELD | CHAR |
98 | XCOLL_SHOW_CA | Type of Items to Show for Release / Undo Release to Coll. | XCOLL_SHOW_CA | CHAR |
99 | XCOLL_UNDO_CA | Undo Release to Collection Agency | XFELD | CHAR |
100 | XCOLOR | Hexadecimal Color Value | CHAR6 | CHAR |
101 | XCOMA_FKB4 | Hide Column for Command Entry | XFELD | CHAR |
102 | XCOME_FKB4 | Display Column for Command Entry | XFELD | CHAR |
103 | XCOMMIT | Indicator: The call program uses COMMIT | XFELD | CHAR |
104 | XCOMM_ON_ORIBRO_BRO | Commission Postings on Account for Original Broker | XFELD | CHAR |
105 | XCOMNAME | IS-HCM: Name of the Communication Partner in Table TXCOM | XUHDEST | CHAR |
106 | XCOMP | Indicator: First check and then close period | XFELD | CHAR |
107 | XCOMPL | Indicator: Asset history sheet completely defined | XFELD | CHAR |
108 | XCOMPLAINT | IS-M/SD: Complaint order | CHAR1 | CHAR |
109 | XCOMPLAMOCREDIT | Complaint: Credit Memo for Issue on Liability Account | XFELD | CHAR |
110 | XCOMPLCRED | Complaint: Credit Memo for Issue | XFELD | CHAR |
111 | XCOMPLETED | IS-M/SD: Incoming payments completed | XFLAG | CHAR |
112 | XCOMPLMANUELL | Complaint: Edit Quantities Manually | XFELD | CHAR |
113 | XCOMPLNOACTION | Complaint: Neither Subs.Delivery nor Credit Memo for Issue | XFELD | CHAR |
114 | XCOMPLSUBS | Complaint: Subsequent Delivery for Issue | XFELD | CHAR |
115 | XCOMPL_CREATED | IS-M/SD: At Least One Complaint Created | XFELD | CHAR |
116 | XCOMPL_DIALOG | IS-M/SD: Short Dialog Active for Complaints in Central Acc. | XFELD | CHAR |
117 | XCOMPR | Indicate Whether Form is to Be Compressed | XFELD | CHAR |
118 | XCOMP_KK | Compress Display | XFELD | CHAR |
119 | XCONDENS | Shortened Log Display | XFELD | CHAR |
120 | XCONDITIONS | Conditions for item although no invoice | XCONDITIONS | CHAR |
121 | XCONDPAYDATA | Keep Payment Data for Condition-Based Flows Acc to Cond. | XFELD | CHAR |
122 | XCONF | Indicator: Change confirmation status | XFELD | CHAR |
123 | XCONF_055G | Indicator: Field change is to be confirmed | XFELD | CHAR |
124 | XCONF_AVIK | Indicator: Payment confirmed | CHAR1 | CHAR |
125 | XCONF_CA | Create FI-CA Promise to Pay Confirmation Letter | XCONF_CA | CHAR |
126 | XCONS_FIS | Consolidator Issues Bill | BOOLE | CHAR |
127 | XCONT | Indicator: Continue processing? | XFELD | CHAR |
128 | XCONTACT | Establish Contact with Agent | XFELD | CHAR |
129 | XCONTAINER | IS-M: Container packing possible for this delivery type | XFELD | CHAR |
130 | XCONTAV_KK | Process Payment Advice Note Further | XFELD | CHAR |
131 | XCONTRACTASSIGNED | IS-M: Delivery quantity assigned to contract | XFELD | CHAR |
132 | XCONTRACTLINK_CA | Navigation Target for Contract Object | XCONTRACTLINK_CA | CHAR |
133 | XCONTRACT_PO | Contract from Limit Purchase Order Item | XFELD | CHAR |
134 | XCONTRACT_REF | Invoice Item with Contract Reference | XFELD | CHAR |
135 | XCONTTYPE1_ITAGCY | Flag: Transaction Category Valid for Third-Party Collections | XFELD | CHAR |
136 | XCONTTYPE2_ITAGCY | Flag: Transaction Category Valid for Third-Party Collections | XFELD | CHAR |
137 | XCONTTYPE3_ITAGCY | Flag: Transaction Category Valid for Clarif. Container | XFELD | CHAR |
138 | XCONTTYPE4_ITAGCY | Flag: Transaction Category Valid for Auto Creation Cont. | XFELD | CHAR |
139 | XCONTZE_KK | Further Process Payment Lot | XFELD | CHAR |
140 | XCONT_CLOSE_ITAGCY | Authorization to Close Containers | XFELD | CHAR |
141 | XCONT_DIRECT_REF | Invoice Item with Direct Contract Reference | XFELD | CHAR |
142 | XCONT_EDIT_ITAGCY | Authorization to Create/Change/Delete Containers | XFELD | CHAR |
143 | XCONT_KK | Display Contact Data | XFELD | CHAR |
144 | XCONT_PREPCLOSE_ITAGCY | Authorization to Prepare for Closing Containers | XFELD | CHAR |
145 | XCONT_REOPENCONT_ITAGCY | Authorization: Reopen Container | XFELD | CHAR |
146 | XCONT_REOPEN_ITAGCY | Authorization: Reopen Container | CHAR | |
147 | XCOP2_FCU1 | Indicator: Are tables entries to be included ? | XFELD | CHAR |
148 | XCOP2_SPRA | Transport account name in all languages | XFELD | CHAR |
149 | XCOP3_FCU1 | Indicator: Are tables entries to be included ? | XFELD | CHAR |
150 | XCOPA | IS-M/SD: CO-PA Link with IS-M/SD Active / Inactive | XFELD | CHAR |
151 | XCOPA_KK | CO-PA update done directly | XFELD | CHAR |
152 | XCOPM_FPM | Payment Medium for Business Partner (Correspondence) | XCOPM_FPM | CHAR |
153 | XCOPYBER | New depreciation area: Create by copying | XFELD | CHAR |
154 | XCOPYCM | Copy Data from Client 000 | XFELD | CHAR |
155 | XCOPYCOND | IS-M/SD: Credit Memo Generation - Conditions from Order | XFELD | CHAR |
156 | XCOPYNR_SET_DEFAULT | Execute Exit to Define Default Copy Number | XFELD | CHAR |
157 | XCOPYTRANS | Indicator: Copy field group from reference asset | XFELD | CHAR |
158 | XCOPY_AD_SPEC_DOCS | IS-M/AM: Indicator - Also Copy Ad Spec Documents | XFELD | CHAR |
159 | XCOPY_FCU1 | Indicator: Include table entries ? | XFELD | CHAR |
160 | XCOPY_HEADER_DOCS | IS-M/AM: Indicator - Also Copy Header Documents | XFELD | CHAR |
161 | XCOPY_ITEM_DOCS | IS-M/AM: Indicator - Also Copy Item Documents | XFELD | CHAR |
162 | XCORASSIGEND | IS-M: Correction Quantities Assigned to Contract | XFELD | CHAR |
163 | XCORF_KK | Display Selection of Correspondence Form | XFELD | CHAR |
164 | XCORM | Batch determination: correction mode | XFELD | CHAR |
165 | XCORPZAWE_KK | Change Pymt Meth. in Item | XCORPZAWE_KK | CHAR |
166 | XCORR | Indicator: Correct Item? | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
167 | XCORRECT | Correct jurisdiction code if wrongly entered | XFELD | CHAR |
168 | XCORRESP_ACTIVE | Flag indicating if Correspondence in BCA is Activated | XFELD | CHAR |
169 | XCORRREQU_BRO | Correspondence Request was Delivered | XFELD | CHAR |
170 | XCORR_ARCHIVING_MODE_KK | Archiving Indicator: '' Application, 'X' Tool | XFELD | CHAR |
171 | XCORR_ARCH_DISP_KK | Also Display from Data Archive | XFELD | CHAR |
172 | XCORR_FORCE_NEW_SPOOL | Create New Spool Request for Each Package | XFELD | CHAR |
173 | XCORR_FPM | Indicator: Payment Correspondence | XFELD | CHAR |
174 | XCORR_KK | Indicator: Correction session after "Unsuccessful search"? | XFELD | CHAR |
175 | XCOS | Cost of sales accounting status | XCOS | CHAR |
176 | XCOST | Flag: Account is cost element | XFELD | CHAR |
177 | XCOUNCREL | "County Code" Indicator Relevant in Circulation Book | XFELD | CHAR |
178 | XCOUNT | Count indicator for list of retail price changes | XFELD | CHAR |
179 | XCOUPON | IS-M: Ad Spec is a Coupon Advertisement Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
180 | XCOVR | Indicator: hedge request active | XFELD | CHAR |
181 | XCPAG_LSEP | Indicator: Cover Sheet Required ? | XFELD | CHAR |
182 | XCPART_KK | Inform Collection Agency of Master Data Changes | XFELD | CHAR |
183 | XCPDA | Indicator: Propose entry date | XFELD | CHAR |
184 | XCPDD | Indicator: Address and Bank Data Set Individually | XFELD | CHAR |
185 | XCPDK | Indicator: Is the account a one-time account? | XFELD | CHAR |
186 | XCPDS | Indicator: Account group for one-time accounts? | XFELD | CHAR |
187 | XCPHW | Recalculate Local Currency Amounts | XFELD | CHAR |
188 | XCPRF | Checkbox for Commodity Repricing in Invoice Verification | CHAR1 | CHAR |
189 | XCPRI_KK | Correspondence printing status | XFELD | CHAR |
190 | XCPST_KK | Post Check Encashment Automatically Despite Lock | XFELD | CHAR |
191 | XCRAN_KK | Execute Tax on Sales/Purchases Posting at Clearing | XFELD | CHAR |
192 | XCRBK_KK | Reporting of Incorrect Bank Data: Create Bank Data | XFELD | CHAR |
193 | XCRCL_KK | Check Transferred to Clarification | XFELD | CHAR |
194 | XCRDH_KK | FSCM Biller Direct: Processing of Credit Memos | XCRDH_KK | CHAR |
195 | XCRDS_KK | Payment card lot | XFELD | CHAR |
196 | XCRDT_KK | Credit Cleared Charges | XFELD | CHAR |
197 | XCRE1 | Credit Balance | XFELD | CHAR |
198 | XCREARL_KK | Create return directly (transfer bank storage) | XFELD | CHAR |
199 | XCREATE | Create Quantity Planning Records Automatically | XFELD | CHAR |
200 | XCREATEKON | Generate Sales Activities Automatically from Standard Letter | XFELD | CHAR |
201 | XCREATENEW | Creation of Tax Lines Allowed | XCHAR | CHAR |
202 | XCREATEPQP | Create Purchase Order Planning Records Automatically | XFELD | CHAR |
203 | XCREATE_CHANGE_AFTER_DEADLINE | Created or Changed After the Order Deadline | XFELD | CHAR |
204 | XCREAZE_KK | Create Payment Lot Directly (Transfer from Memory) | XFELD | CHAR |
205 | XCREDIT_CA | FI-CA Customer Overview Display Credit Data | XFELD | CHAR |
206 | XCRED_KK | Debit Memo Notification also for Outgoing Payments | XFELD | CHAR |
207 | XCREO_KK | Correspondence Reorganization Status | XFELD | CHAR |
208 | XCRFILRL_KK | Create transfer file for returns lot | XFELD | CHAR |
209 | XCRFILZE_KK | Creation of transfer file for payment lot | XFELD | CHAR |
210 | XCRIT_ARCH | Archiving data could conflict with database conversion | XFELD | CHAR |
211 | XCRIT_DBCV | Database conversion could conflict with archived data | XFELD | CHAR |
212 | XCRIT_READ | Reading could conflict with database conversion | XFELD | CHAR |
213 | XCRIT_RELO | Reloading could conflict with database conversion | XFELD | CHAR |
214 | XCRLT_KK | Permit Lot Creation in Cash Journal | XFLAG | CHAR |
215 | XCROC | Cross-company code transaction display | XFELD | CHAR |
216 | XCRRT | Daily Exchange Rates | XFELD | CHAR |
217 | XCSACTIVE_VI | Flag: CS Active | XFELD | CHAR |
218 | XCSEG | Indicator: Copy Segment / Partner Segment | XFELD | CHAR |
219 | XCU10 | EMU: Company code's first local currency is converted | XFELD | CHAR |
220 | XCU11 | EMU: Credit control area currency from company code | XFELD | CHAR |
221 | XCUCONV_KK | Handling with Different Currency and Different Amount | XFELD | CHAR |
222 | XCULW | EMU: Country currency from company code is converted | XFELD | CHAR |
223 | XCURR | Indicator: Suppress Currency Translation? | XFELD | CHAR |
224 | XCURR_DATE | Planned Date | DATE | DATS |
225 | XCURR_INIT | Filter According to Initial Planned Date | XFELD | CHAR |
226 | XCURR_XPO | Indicator: Totals per local currency only? | XFELD | CHAR |
227 | XCURS | Cursor position must be determined | XFELD | CHAR |
228 | XCUSF | Indicator:Bank Details Inaccessible due to Customer Function | XFELD | CHAR |
229 | XCUST1_EBPP | Bill in Customer-Specific Format 1 (Biller Direct) | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
230 | XCUST1_FIS | Biller Direct: Bill in Customer-Specific Format 1 | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
231 | XCUST1_INV_CA | Invoice in Customer-Specific Format 1 | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
232 | XCUST2_EBPP | Bill in Customer-Specific Format 2 Biller Direct) | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
233 | XCUST2_FIS | Biller Direct: Bill in Customer-Specific Format 2 | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
234 | XCUST2_INV_CA | Invoice in Customer-Specific Format 2 | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
235 | XCUSTACTION | IS-M/SD: Customer Action | XFELD | CHAR |
236 | XCUSTOI_ITAGCY | Flag: Collection of Open Items from Customers | XFELD | CHAR |
237 | XCUSTSEL_BRO | Also select customers that belong to broker | XFELD | CHAR |
238 | XCUST_KK | Customer screen | XFELD | CHAR |
239 | XCUW2 | EMU: Company code's second local currency is converted | XFELD | CHAR |
240 | XCUW3 | EMU: Company code's third local currency is converted | XFELD | CHAR |
241 | XCVCR | Indicator: Create A/R summary? | XFELD | CHAR |
242 | XCVRD | Indicator: Read A/R summary during credit check? | XFELD | CHAR |
243 | XCWESB | Valuated Goods Receipt Blocked Stock, Batch | XFELD | CHAR |
244 | XCWHRK | Short text for currency of payment amount | TEXT15 | CHAR |
245 | XCWHRL | Long text for currency of payment amount | TEXT40 | CHAR |
246 | XCWMAT | Material Is Activated for Catch Weight | XFELD | CHAR |
247 | XCYCLE_FIN | IS-M/SD: Amortization Complete for Liability Account | XFELD | CHAR |
248 | XDABV_KK | Reporting Incorrect Bank Data: Delete Outgoing Bank ID | XFELD | CHAR |
249 | XDACHDECK | Roofing material | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
250 | XDACHTR | Roof construction type | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
251 | XDAILY | Depreciation calculation to exact day | XFELD | CHAR |
252 | XDALL_KK | Delete All Locks | XFELD | CHAR |
253 | XDALV | Old document display or as list (with listviewer) | XFELD | CHAR |
254 | XDANP_F150 | Indicator: Adjust date details ? | XFELD | CHAR |
255 | XDARK_AV | Indicator: Process payment advice in the background? | XFELD | CHAR |
256 | XDART | Type of loan | CHAR1 | CHAR |
257 | XDATA | Reserve field PX030 | CHAR6 | CHAR |
258 | XDATA_ALL | IS-M: Process all records in input file | XFELD | CHAR |
259 | XDATA_IN_TEMPTAB | IS-M: Data Stored in Temporary Table | XFELD | CHAR |
260 | XDATA_KK | Adapt Date when Copying Parameters | XFELD | CHAR |
261 | XDATE | National table for cluster PC | NUM04 | NUMC |
262 | XDATU | Radio button: Field catalog for date fields | XFLAG | CHAR |
263 | XDATUEBAKT | IS-M: Data transfer currently active | XFELD | CHAR |
264 | XDATUMSORT | Indicator: Sort primarily according to publication date | XFELD | CHAR |
265 | XDAUB_KK | Payment by Standing Order | XFELD | CHAR |
266 | XDAUS | Indicator: data retention levels only on request | XFELD | CHAR |
267 | XDAUSG | Display field for a calendar date | CHAR12 | CHAR |
268 | XDAYINT_KK | Calculate Interest per Day | XFELD | CHAR |
269 | XDAYS | Vector for all days in a month | CHAR31 | CHAR |
270 | XDAZUST | Condition of roof | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
271 | XDBBQ_KK | Only Due or (Partially) Paid Budget Billing | XFELD | CHAR |
272 | XDBEXIST | IS-M: Media issue already exists on database | XFELD | CHAR |
273 | XDBPLAN | IS-M: German rail timetable | XFELD | CHAR |
274 | XDBUP | Database update | XFELD | CHAR |
275 | XDCHK_KK | Transferred data has been checked already | XFELD | CHAR |
276 | XDCTY_KK | Biller Direct: Type of Relationship between Bill/Cr. and Pyt | XDCTY_KK | CHAR |
277 | XDCUR_KK | Amounts in Transaction Currency Only | XFELD | CHAR |
278 | XDDAN_KK | Debit Memo after Notification Possible | XFELD | CHAR |
279 | XDDAS_KK | SEPA: Direct Debit Pre-Notification Possible | XFELD | CHAR |
280 | XDEAKT | Indicator: Deactivate fixed asset | XFELD | CHAR |
281 | XDEB1 | Debit Balance = x, Credit Balance Space | XFELD | CHAR |
282 | XDEBI | Indicator: Customer account type | XFELD | CHAR |
283 | XDEBI_021 | Indicator: Line layout for customer account type ? | XFELD | CHAR |
284 | XDEBI_047A | Indicator: Customer account type? | XFELD | CHAR |
285 | XDEBI_MGR | Indicator: No field check against table "BSID" ? | XFELD | CHAR |
286 | XDEBI_ZGR | Indicator: Useable for Customers? | XFELD | CHAR |
287 | XDEBV_KK | Reporting Incorrect Bank Data: Delete Incoming Bank ID | XFELD | CHAR |
288 | XDECL | Display accounts refused | XFELD | CHAR |
289 | XDECREASE_OFFER | IS-M/SD: Reduce Offer Amount by Write-Off Amount? | XFELD | CHAR |
290 | XDEFAULT | Flag for Standard Variant | CHAR1 | CHAR |
291 | XDEFAULTP | IS-M: Default Value on Item Detail Screen Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
292 | XDEFAULTPM_ITAGCY | Flag: Standard Payment Method | XFELD | CHAR |
293 | XDEFAULT_DIRDEB | Indicator: Default Letter Text for Debit Memos | XFELD | CHAR |
294 | XDEFAULT_GPNR | IS-M/AM: 'Default Business Partner' Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
295 | XDEFAULT_NO_BU | IS-M: Default Grouping If No BU Exists Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
296 | XDEFAULT_PAYMENT | Indicator: Default Letter Text for Payments | XFELD | CHAR |
297 | XDEFAULT_SAPR | IS-M/SD: Indicator for default gift in campaign framework | XFELD | CHAR |
298 | XDEFRUNDE | IS-M: Default value for ad pre-print order | XFELD | CHAR |
299 | XDEFT | Default in the case of several texts having same priority | XFELD | CHAR |
300 | XDEGU_KK | Delete Unused Closed Reconciliation Keys | XFELD | CHAR |
301 | XDEKO_BI | Indicator: delete all partner functions via batch input | XFELD | CHAR |
302 | XDELARIDX | Flag to Delete Archive Indexes | XFELD | CHAR |
303 | XDELAZAWE_KK | Returns Activity: Delete Outgoing Payment Method in Account | XFELD | CHAR |
304 | XDELAZAWE_VT_KK | Returns Activity: Delete Outgoing Pmt Method on Contract | XFELD | CHAR |
305 | XDELCOL_GB | Deduct Gutter Bleed Column for Calculation of Technical Size | XFELD | CHAR |
306 | XDELE | Indicator: Production Run Data Deleted | XFELD | CHAR |
307 | XDELETE | Delete object | XFELD | CHAR |
308 | XDELEZAWE_KK | Delete payment method with account instead of changing | XDELEZAWE_KK | CHAR |
309 | XDELEZAWE_VT_KK | Delete Incoming Payment Method on Contract | XDELEZAWE_KK | CHAR |
310 | XDELE_BI | Indicator: Delete entry using batch input ? | XFELD | CHAR |
311 | XDELE_PAY | Payment Run Data Can Be Deleted | XFELD | CHAR |
312 | XDELE_SFAP | Indicator: Fields cannot be entered? | XFELD | CHAR |
313 | XDELI | Indicator: Read Additional Data for Detail Screen | XFELD | CHAR |
314 | XDELIV | Create Delivery (Shipping) | XFELD | CHAR |
315 | XDELIV_FIXED | IS-M/SD: No Del.Viability Optimization (Parameters Fixed) | XFELD | CHAR |
316 | XDELIV_OPT | IS-M/SD: Delivery Viability Optimization for Release | XFELD | CHAR |
317 | XDELI_KK | Delete Item | XFELD | CHAR |
318 | XDELPZAWE_KK | Delete Payment Method in Item | XDELPZAWE_KK | CHAR |
319 | XDELSCIDX | Flag to Delete Secondary Index | XFELD | CHAR |
320 | XDELT | Indicator: Recurring entry carried out (can be deleted) ? | XFELD | CHAR |
321 | XDELTA_CA | FI-CA Dispute: Flag: Attribute Value is Difference | BOOLE | CHAR |
322 | XDELT_VERK | Indicator: Delete previous table entries? | XFELD | CHAR |
323 | XDELU_KK | Delete Unused Open Reconciliation Keys | XFELD | CHAR |
324 | XDEL_CLFBL | Delete Previous Issue and Insert Mixes | XFELD | CHAR |
325 | XDEL_CLFRH | Delete Previous Ad Insert Total Market Coverage | XFELD | CHAR |
326 | XDEL_CLFVT | Delete previous ad insert distribution | XFELD | CHAR |
327 | XDEL_DISP1 | Delete planning for backdated subscriptions | XFELD | CHAR |
328 | XDEL_KGSCH | Delete municipality key in order | XFELD | CHAR |
329 | XDEL_MANU | IS-M: Entry Was Deleted Manually | XFELD | CHAR |
330 | XDEL_PAKET | IS-M: Delete previous results | XFELD | CHAR |
331 | XDEL_VERS2 | Delete Previous Total Market Coverage | XFELD | CHAR |
332 | XDEL_VERS3 | Delete previous ad pre-print distributions | XFELD | CHAR |
333 | XDEL_VERSV | Delete previous insert mixes | XFELD | CHAR |
334 | XDEPOTIOB_VK | Indicator: Account Contains Deposit Contracts | XFELD | CHAR |
335 | XDEPOT_PAYFORM_VK | Indicator: Create Insufficient Coverage Letter | XFELD | CHAR |
336 | XDEPOT_VK | Indicator: Deposit Account | XFELD | CHAR |
337 | XDEREN_SC | Indicator: Debt Recognition | XFELD | CHAR |
338 | XDERF | Date created | DATUM | DATS |
339 | XDESC_KK | Sort in descending order | XFELD | CHAR |
340 | XDESC_XPO | Indicator: Sort in descending order | XFELD | CHAR |
341 | XDESTS | Indicator: Selection of output device control | XFELD | CHAR |
342 | XDETA | Indicator: display detail screen | XFELD | CHAR |
343 | XDETAIL | IS-M: Further details recorded | XFELD | CHAR |
344 | XDETAILFULLSCREEN_KK | Do Not Show Detail Screen as Dialog Box | XFELD | CHAR |
345 | XDETA_CC | Indicator: Display Detail Log? | XFELD | CHAR |
346 | XDETDOCRDI_KK | Individual Document Posting for Revenue Distribution | XFELD | CHAR |
347 | XDETV_KK | Distribution amounts changed manually | XFELD | CHAR |
348 | XDET_ABRE | IS-M: Detailed Settlement Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
349 | XDEZP | Decimal point format | XFELD | CHAR |
350 | XDEZV | Indicator: Local processing? | XFELD | CHAR |
351 | XDFAI_CC | Indicator: Delete Logs of Incorrect Transmissions? | XFELD | CHAR |
352 | XDFLT | Initial Value | XFELD | CHAR |
353 | XDFLTCHANG_BRO | Default values were changed | XFELD | CHAR |
354 | XDFRC_KK | Permit Posting of Differences in Cash Journal | XFLAG | CHAR |
355 | XDFYV | Allow Different Fiscal Year Variants | XFELD | CHAR |
356 | XDGRD | Document Display: Document Overview as ALV Grid | XFELD | CHAR |
357 | XDIAA_KK | Dialog Admissb. | XFELD | CHAR |
358 | XDIAL | FCode in Connection with Dialog Box or Call Dialog | CHAR1 | CHAR |
359 | XDIALOG_KK | Calculate Interest Online (Internal) | BOOLE | CHAR |
360 | XDIAL_053 | Indicator: Control display online? | XFELD | CHAR |
361 | XDIAL_KK | Documents of this Origin can be Posted in Dialog | XFELD | CHAR |
362 | XDIAL_KORR | Indicator: Online required | XFELD | CHAR |
363 | XDIEN_NR | IS-M: Copy Service Number Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
364 | XDIEN_TYP | IS-M: Copy Service Type Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
365 | XDIFB | Post inventory differences | XFELD | CHAR |
366 | XDIFF | Difference posted | XFELD | CHAR |
367 | XDIFF_BBE | IS-M: Alternative planned/actual basic booking unit | XFELD | CHAR |
368 | XDIFF_COL | IS-M: Alternative Planned/Actual Color Scheme | XFELD | CHAR |
369 | XDIFF_D | Indicates difference between rtl pr. in conditions and val. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
370 | XDIFF_PLZ | IS-M: Alternative planned/actual positioning | XFELD | CHAR |
371 | XDIFF_SIZE | IS-M: Alternative Actual Size | XFELD | CHAR |
372 | XDIFF_TERM | IS-M: Alternative planned/actual date | XFELD | CHAR |
373 | XDIKO_030 | Indicator: Different accounts for debit/credit ? | XFELD | CHAR |
374 | XDINV | Indicator for Differential Invoicing | CHAR1 | CHAR |
375 | XDIRBELIEF | IS-M: Delivery type for top-ups | XFELD | CHAR |
376 | XDIRECTDEBIT_CA | Bank Direct Debit - Flag | XFELD | CHAR |
377 | XDIRECT_KK | Do Not Run Item Selection Screen (Internal Only) | BOOLE | CHAR |
378 | XDIREKTVB | Identification text for direct consumption | XKBEZ | CHAR |
379 | XDIRP | Switch from Batch Input to Direct Posting (See F1 Help!) | XFELD | CHAR |
380 | XDIRPS | Direct Posting | XFELD | CHAR |
381 | XDIS | Indicator: Operation/cap. rqmt. is dispatched | FLAG | CHAR |
382 | XDISM_KK | Dispute Management: Dispute Case Processing Active | XFELD | CHAR |
383 | XDISP | Radio buttons for field control | XFELD | CHAR |
384 | XDISP1LIST | Parameter: Summarized version of planning log | XFELD | CHAR |
385 | XDISP1_REDO | Indicator: Do Not Process Backdated Items Without Issues | XFELD | CHAR |
386 | XDISPATCH | Distribution of Physical Inventory Differences | XFELD | CHAR |
387 | XDISPLAY_MEDIAPRODUCT | IS-M: Indicator - Display Media Product in Audit Report | XFELD | CHAR |
388 | XDISPO | Indicator: relevant to planning | XFELD | CHAR |
389 | XDISPOLIST | Parameter: Summarized version of planning log | XFELD | CHAR |
390 | XDISPOSITI | IS-M: Planning Has Taken Place Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
391 | XDISPO_CP | IS-M: Copy Planning Data | XFELD | CHAR |
392 | XDISPO_REL | IS-M: Planning-Relevant Ads Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
393 | XDISPTRG | Indicator: Check planning status of deliveries | XFELD | CHAR |
394 | XDISP_CA | FI-CA Customer Overview Display Dispute Case Data | XFELD | CHAR |
395 | XDISP_EB | Create cash management payment advices | XFELD | CHAR |
396 | XDISP_SFAP | Indicator: Fields can only be displayed ? | XFELD | CHAR |
397 | XDISR_SFAP | Indicator: Display with Values Required | XFELD | CHAR |
398 | XDIST_SC | Indicator: Manual Distribution of Amount in Item | XFELD | CHAR |
399 | XDIVERT_ADDR | IS-M: Divert Address Indicator (Origin=5) | XFELD | CHAR |
400 | XDJAHR | Validity period (year) | GJAHR | NUMC |
401 | XDKBZ | Sec.acct position short description | XKBEZ | CHAR |
402 | XDKZS | Indicator: Display customer and vendor items together? | XFELD | CHAR |
403 | XDLDNR | Store average in the same ledger | XFELD | CHAR |
404 | XDLI | Send list of exceptions via distribution list | XFELD | CHAR |
405 | XDLOD_KK | Ignore Dunning Levels from Other Dunning Procedures | XFELD | CHAR |
406 | XDLST | Document Display: Overview as ALV Classic List | XFELD | CHAR |
407 | XDME1_FPM | Indicator: Payment Medium w/o Documents (DME, EDI, OFX) | XFELD | CHAR |
408 | XDME1_PAY | Payment medium (DME) without documents | XFELD | CHAR |
409 | XDMEE_FPM | Indicator: Use of DME Mapping Engine | XFELD | CHAR |
410 | XDMON | Validity period (month) | NUM2 | NUMC |
411 | XDOCMIN_KK | Check Minimum Interest Amounts at Document Level | XFELD | CHAR |
412 | XDOCUMENT | Indicator if all dependent documents are read | XFELD | CHAR |
413 | XDOC_BRO | Further Document Numbers Exist for Item | XFELD | CHAR |
414 | XDOC_EBPP | Bill in Microsoft Word Format (Biller Direct) | CHAR | |
415 | XDOKBS | Document description text | XDOKBS | CHAR |
416 | XDOLD | Document Display: Classiv Overview | XFELD | CHAR |
417 | XDONATION | IS-M/SD: Recipient of Add. Payment/Refund is Social Facility | XFELD | CHAR |
418 | XDOORBEZ | Door-Plate Description | VIGWXDOORBEZ | CHAR |
419 | XDPCJ_KK | Cash Journal: Enable Difference for All Payment Categories | XFLAG | CHAR |
420 | XDPLT_KK | Permit Display of Open Lot in Cash Journal | XFLAG | CHAR |
421 | XDPOPUPANF | Indicator: No Data Loss Dialog Box on Selection Screen | XFELD | CHAR |
422 | XDPRO_KK | Delete Dunning Proposals Already Executed As Well | XFELD | CHAR |
423 | XDPST_KK | Permit Posting of Deposits in Cash Journal | XFLAG | CHAR |
424 | XDP_DELIVER | IS-M/SD: Indicator - subsequent delivery of missing issues | XFELD | CHAR |
425 | XDP_FREE | IS-M/SD: Indicator - deliveries after expiration date free | XFELD | CHAR |
426 | XDP_PAY | IS-M/SD: Billing performed for delivs after expiration date | XFELD | CHAR |
427 | XDRAH_012D | Payment is to be Carried Out - By Cable | XFELD | CHAR |
428 | XDRAN_F150 | Indicator: Print job with scheduling ? | XFELD | CHAR |
429 | XDRBSHOW | Display Document Relationship Browser in Separate Mode? | XFELD | CHAR |
430 | XDRERZ | Indicator: Reference to publication required | XFELD | CHAR |
431 | XDRERZFRE | Field is Inactive (Third-Party Publication) | XFELD | CHAR |
432 | XDRKEIERF | IS-M: Printing works required | XFELD | CHAR |
433 | XDRUCK | Indicator: Print production resources/tools | XFLAG | CHAR |
434 | XDRVA | Derivation Active | CHAR | |
435 | XDRVLDAT | IS-M: Copy Ad Spec Master Data With Template Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
436 | XDRVL_COPY | IS-M/AM: Create Ad Spec Master With Template | XFELD | CHAR |
437 | XDRVL_CP | IS-M: Ad Spec Master Is Transferred During Copying Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
438 | XDRVL_OVL | IS-M: Copy Ad Spec Master Without Template Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
439 | XDRVN | Derivation Not Active | CHAR | |
440 | XDRVORLKOM | IS-M: Note for Ad Spec Master Exists Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
441 | XDRVRFTMAN | IS-M: Reminder date changed manually indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
442 | XDRV_ERL | IS-M: Ad Spec Master Completed Status | XFELD | CHAR |
443 | XDRV_LTPR | IS-M: Routing Bag Printed Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
444 | XDRV_RUECK | IS-M: Ad Spec Master Status Returned | XFELD | CHAR |
445 | XDRV_UNV | IS-M: Ad Spec Master Incomplete Status | XFELD | CHAR |
446 | XDRV_VOLL | IS-M: Ad Spec Master Complete Status | XFELD | CHAR |
447 | XDRV_WEIT | IS-M: Ad Spec Master Forwarded Status | XFELD | CHAR |
448 | XDSAROBJ | Checkbox: Display the Archiving Object Used | XFELD | CHAR |
449 | XDSEMUCNV | Checkbox: Display Flag "Convert during Reading" | XFELD | CHAR |
450 | XDSKH_BAER | Indicator: Modifiable only as cust.= debit, vend.= credit ? | XFELD | CHAR |
451 | XDSO | Determine DSO Code? | XFELD | CHAR |
452 | XDSPREL_OL | IS-M: Online Planning Relevance Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
453 | XDSPREL_SI | IS-M: Ad Insert Planning Relevance Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
454 | XDSPREL_WS | IS-M: Commercial Planning Relevance Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
455 | XDSUSEAR | Checkbox: Display Flag "Archive as Data Input" | XFELD | CHAR |
456 | XDSUSEDB | Checkbox: Display Flag "Database as Data Input" | XFELD | CHAR |
457 | XDTYP | Loan category | CHAR2 | CHAR |
458 | XDUBIOS | IS-M: No Longer Used - Credit Query Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
459 | XDUE1 | Indicator: Cash discount term 1 is due on item? | XFELD | CHAR |
460 | XDUED | In Days | XFELD | CHAR |
461 | XDUEDATE | Determine Due Date from Due Date of Bill | XDUEDATE | CHAR |
462 | XDUEM | In Months | XFELD | CHAR |
463 | XDUEN | Indicator: Item is due net? | XFELD | CHAR |
464 | XDUET_KK | Item is due | XFELD | CHAR |
465 | XDUEW | Entry in Weeks | XFELD | CHAR |
466 | XDUEY | In Years | XFELD | CHAR |
467 | XDUNK | Post physical inventory differences in background | XFELD | CHAR |
468 | XDUNN | Document to be Dunned | XFELD | CHAR |
469 | XDUNNZW | Payment method for incoming payments to be dunned | XFELD | CHAR |
470 | XDUPPL | No runtime error for duplicate database records | XFELD | CHAR |
471 | XDYNAMIC_KK | Dynamic Interval Creation | X | CHAR |
472 | XDYNP | Process data? | XFELD | CHAR |
473 | XDYNPER | Indicator: Dynamic calculation of time of analysis | X | CHAR |
474 | XDYNP_WT | Edit withholding tax data? | XFELD | CHAR |
475 | XEANZ_KK | Item is a real down payment | XFELD | CHAR |
476 | XEBOK_KK | Single Posting of Payment Already Completed | XFELD | CHAR |
477 | XEBPP_KK | Payment Method for FSCM Biller Direct | XEBPP_KK | CHAR |
478 | XECHT | Indicator: Production Run Carried Out? | XFELD | CHAR |
479 | XECHTL | Update Run | XFELD | CHAR |
480 | XECHTLAUF | Update Run | XFELD | CHAR |
481 | XECHT_KK | Update Run or Test Run | CHAR1 | CHAR |
482 | XEDATKORR | Indicator: Publication Date Corrected Automatically | XFELD | CHAR |
483 | XEDI1_FPM | Indicator: Payment Medium Without Docs. (EDI, IFX Messages) | XFELD | CHAR |
484 | XEDI1_PAY | Payment medium (EDI) without documents | XFELD | CHAR |
485 | XEDIP | Indicator: Send Payment Advices by EDI | XFELD | CHAR |
486 | XEFDAU | Depreciation with expired effective life | XFELD | CHAR |
487 | XEFDAU_NEW | Depreciation with curb | XFELD_DEFAULT | CHAR |
488 | XEFRE | Del. costs to price diff. acct when purch. acct active | XFELD | CHAR |
489 | XEGDR | Indicator: Triangular deal within the EU ? | XFELD | CHAR |
490 | XEGDRNUM | Indicator: Triangular Deal within the EU | XEGDRNUM | CHAR |
491 | XEGDR_HU | EU Triangular Deal within EU for Hungary | XEGDR_HU | CHAR |
492 | XEGLD | Indicator: European Union Member? | XFELD | CHAR |
493 | XEGMD | EC reporting country deleted | XFELD | CHAR |
494 | XEGMIT | Own funds in acc. Para. 53c (3) | WERT4 | CURR |
495 | XEGSRV | Indicator: Service in EU Area VAT 2010 | XEGSRV | CHAR |
496 | XEGYYY | Dependency source qty | MENGV8 | QUAN |
497 | XEIBH_KK | Create Separate Document in General Ledger | XFELD | CHAR |
498 | XEIBK_KK | Create Separate Document per Reconciliation Account | XFELD | CHAR |
499 | XEIBV_KK | Own Bank Details from Contract Acct/Contract Has Priority | XFELD | CHAR |
500 | XEIEI_KK | Line Item in Individual Document | XFELD | CHAR |