SAP ABAP Data Element - Index X, page 6
Data Element - X
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | XKOAA | Indicator: Are postings to assets permitted? | XFELD | CHAR |
2 | XKOAD | Indicator: Are postings to customer permitted? | XFELD | CHAR |
3 | XKOAK | Indicator: Are postings to vendor permitted? | XFELD | CHAR |
4 | XKOAM | Indicator: Are postings to material account permitted? | XFELD | CHAR |
5 | XKOARTK | Name of condition type | XKBEZ | CHAR |
6 | XKOARTL | Name of condition type | XMBEZ | CHAR |
7 | XKOARTM | Condition type text | XBEZ20 | CHAR |
8 | XKOAS | Indicator: Are postings to G/L account permitted? | XFELD | CHAR |
9 | XKOBA_012D | Payment is to be Carried Out by Cable to Correspondent Bank | XFELD | CHAR |
10 | XKOERL | Indicates that correct invoices are autom. set to completed | XFELD | CHAR |
11 | XKOIV | Account assignment offsetting entry in intercompany billing | XFELD | CHAR |
12 | XKOKO | Cost element accounting | XKOKO | CHAR |
13 | XKOMB | Indicator: Combined items ? | XFELD | CHAR |
14 | XKOMBIBE_VIEW | IS-M: Display combined booking unit | XFELD | CHAR |
15 | XKOMBISHOW | IS-M: combined, selected combined | XFELD | CHAR |
16 | XKOMBI_BE | IS-M: Indicator: BU consists of other BUs | XFELD | CHAR |
17 | XKOMMENTAR | IS-M: SAPscript comment exists | XFELD | CHAR |
18 | XKOMMFRGB | IS-M: Commercial release necessary but not performed | XFELD | CHAR |
19 | XKOMO_030 | Indicator: Relevant to account modification (FI) ? | XFELD | CHAR |
20 | XKOMPL | Indicator: Asset is created as group asset | XFELD | CHAR |
21 | XKOMPP | IS-M: Full period (billing) | XFELD | CHAR |
22 | XKONDAREL | Indicator "Customer Price Group" Relevant in Circ. Book | XFELD | CHAR |
23 | XKONDUEB | Copy conditions for split route | XFELD | CHAR |
24 | XKONKAUSAZ | IS-M: Competitor Exclusion Active for Ad Items? | XFELD | CHAR |
25 | XKONKAUSDI | IS-M: Competitor Exclusion Active for Service Item? | XFELD | CHAR |
26 | XKONKAUSSI | IS-M: Competitor Exclusion Active for AI Item? | XFELD | CHAR |
27 | XKONKAUSVT | IS-M/AM: Competitor Exclusion is Active for DT Item | XFELD | CHAR |
28 | XKONKAUSWS | IS-M: Competitor Exclusion Active for Commercial Item? | XFELD | CHAR |
29 | XKONR_043G | Indicator: Transfer payment conditions from the invoice ? | XFELD | CHAR |
30 | XKONSIST | Indicator: Consistency of carrier route structure | XFELD | CHAR |
31 | XKONT | Indicator: Field relevant in case of contract | XFELD | CHAR |
32 | XKONTNEU_KK | Account Assignments Were Changed (Transfer To G/L) | BOOLE | CHAR |
33 | XKONTO | Indicator: Maintain account control for investments | XFELD | CHAR |
34 | XKONTRA | Text field for contracting party | CHAR10 | CHAR |
35 | XKONT_030 | Indicator: Procedure with account determination? | XFELD | CHAR |
36 | XKONT_F02E | Indicator: copy without transferring the accounts ? | XFELD | CHAR |
37 | XKONT_KORR | Indicator: Account specification required | XFELD | CHAR |
38 | XKONZERN | IS-M: Group Contract | XFELD | CHAR |
39 | XKOPFEINST | IS-M: Access Order from Basic Header Data | XFELD | CHAR |
40 | XKOP_VIEW | Indicator: Copy authorization for asset view | XFELD | CHAR |
41 | XKORREKT | Indicates if the invoice is correct | XFELD | CHAR |
42 | XKORRVORF | Correspondence activity: Name | XDOKBS | CHAR |
43 | XKORR_KK | Reconciliation Key Corrected with RFKKGL20 | XFELD | CHAR |
44 | XKOSA | Access planning table via run schedule header header | RBUTTON | CHAR |
45 | XKOST | Indicator for read cost center data | XFELD | CHAR |
46 | XKOSTENLOS | Selection indicator: Item in free order | XFELD | CHAR |
47 | XKOSTENLOSMNO | Free items with automatic transformation to chargeable | XFELD | CHAR |
48 | XKOSTENLOSONO | Free items without automatic transformation to chargeable | XFELD | CHAR |
49 | XKOSTLV | Indicator Time relation to responsible cost center | CHAR1 | CHAR |
50 | XKOTYPK | Condition type short name | XKBEZ | CHAR |
51 | XKOTYPM | Condition type name | XMBEZ | CHAR |
52 | XKPROZGRD | Reason for percentage rate increase | XKBEZ | CHAR |
53 | XKPRVRUECK | Indicator: No commission clawback | XFELD | CHAR |
54 | XKRAE_KK | Posting to Clarification Account | XFELD | CHAR |
55 | XKRED | Indicator: Vendor account type | XFELD | CHAR |
56 | XKREDI | IS-M: Indicator: Vendor Exists | XFELD | CHAR |
57 | XKRED_021 | Indicator: Line layout for vendor account type ? | XFELD | CHAR |
58 | XKRED_047A | Indicator: Vendor account type? | XFELD | CHAR |
59 | XKRED_MGR | Indicator: No field check against table "BSIK" ? | XFELD | CHAR |
60 | XKRED_ZGR | Indicator: Useable for Vendors? | XFELD | CHAR |
61 | XKRES | Indicator: Can Line Items Be Displayed by Account? | XFELD | CHAR |
62 | XKRI | ID for critical authorization in table USKRIA | XKRI | CHAR |
63 | XKRIT | Indicator: Changes to sensitive fields only? | XFELD | CHAR |
64 | XKRITEXT | Text field for outputting users with critical auths | XKRITEXT | CHAR |
65 | XKRKV_M007 | Indicator: Distribute additional tax ? | XFELD | CHAR |
66 | XKRNR_M007 | Indicator: Additional tax is a neutral expenditure | XFELD | CHAR |
67 | XKRSB_M007 | Indicator: Separate posting to expense acct for ? | XFELD | CHAR |
68 | XKRSR | Indicator: Set exchange rate from first line item | XFELD | CHAR |
69 | XKRVO | IS-M: Credit-Side Transaction Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
70 | XKSAK_F05L | Indicator: G/L account line items? | XFELD | CHAR |
71 | XKSCHL_KK | Categories Used for Tax Items | XFELD | CHAR |
72 | XKSPEM | Blocked consignment stock | XFELD | CHAR |
73 | XKSTARK | General cost element name | TEXT20 | CHAR |
74 | XKSTARL | Name of cost element | TEXT40 | CHAR |
75 | XKSTART | Name of cost element | XTEXT15 | CHAR |
76 | XKSTPFLAUF | IS-M: Order is subject to charge | XFELD | CHAR |
77 | XKTDAU | Below zero account after end of planned life | XFELD | CHAR |
78 | XKTEXT | Checkbox: graphic with description (short text) | X | CHAR |
79 | XKTIE | Reservations without account assignment | XFELD | CHAR |
80 | XKTIN_KK | Account Holder | XFELD | CHAR |
81 | XKTOD_044A | Display at open item level | XFELD | CHAR |
82 | XKTOM_044A | Display by reconciliation acct | XFELD | CHAR |
83 | XKTOPL | Chart of accounts | KTOPL | CHAR |
84 | XKTREND | Radio button: requirements for trend analysis | XFELD | CHAR |
85 | XKTRS | Indicator: Do not update control totals | XFELD | CHAR |
86 | XKTXT | Indicator: Document header text ready for input | XFELD | CHAR |
87 | XKUBO | IS-M: Indicator Customer Bonus Contract | XFELD | CHAR |
88 | XKUDIF | Display of Exchange Rate Differences | XKUDIF | CHAR |
89 | XKUEFR | Description of period of notice type | AS4TEXT | CHAR |
90 | XKUEND_AKT | IS-M: Perform termination | XFELD | CHAR |
91 | XKUGR | Reason for notice | XMBEZ | CHAR |
92 | XKUMU | Indicator: cumulate deliveries and invoices | XFELD | CHAR |
93 | XKUNDE_KK | Use Customer Settings | XFELD | CHAR |
94 | XKUNDMODIF | Indicator: Customer-specific modifications to data | XFELD | CHAR |
95 | XKUNK_NOTW | IS-M: Customer correction necessary but not performed | XFELD | CHAR |
96 | XKURSF | Exchange rate | XKURSF | CHAR |
97 | XKURSHK | Price source | CHAR10 | CHAR |
98 | XKURSINV | Indicator: inverted rate entry | XFELD | CHAR |
99 | XKURZBEZ | Short name for ATAB tables | XKBEZ | CHAR |
100 | XKUSPE | IS-M/SD: Lock Indicator for Sales Customer | XFELD | CHAR |
101 | XKUUML | Stock in Transfer for Customer Consignment (Plant to Plant) | XFELD | CHAR |
102 | XKWASSER | Short name: Type of water mains connection | XKBEZ | CHAR |
103 | XKZAE | Indicator: Preference indicators changeable ? | XFELD | CHAR |
104 | XKZBEST | Portfolio indicator | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
105 | XKZBEW | Propose movmt type despite diff. movmt type indicator | XKZBEW | CHAR |
106 | XKZPAM | IS-M: IS-M/AM active | XFELD | CHAR |
107 | XKZPAMSI | IS-M: IS-M/AM ad insert insertion active | XFELD | CHAR |
108 | XKZPAMVRTL | IS-M: IS-M/AM ad insert distribution active | XFELD | CHAR |
109 | XKZPSD | IS-M: IS-M/SD active | XFELD | CHAR |
110 | XLAAUFTRAG | Indicator: Order delivery type | XFELD | CHAR |
111 | XLABST | Unrestricted-use stock | XFELD | CHAR |
112 | XLAEXTERN | IS-M: External delivery type | XFELD | CHAR |
113 | XLAGE | Loc. of RU | SMELAG | CHAR |
114 | XLAGEWEK | Short description of location of business entity | XKBEZ | CHAR |
115 | XLAGEWEM | Description of location of business entity | XMBEZ | CHAR |
116 | XLAGK | Description of location class for rep.list of rents | XMBEZ | CHAR |
117 | XLAGKM | Description of location class rep.list of rents | XMBEZ | CHAR |
118 | XLALES | IS-M/SD: Delivery Type for Transfer to LES Interface | XFELD | CHAR |
119 | XLALOGIST | Indicator: Logistics delivery type | XFELD | CHAR |
120 | XLAND | Indicator: Country | XFELD | CHAR |
121 | XLANDAKTREL | Indicator "Current Delivery Country" Relevant in Circ. Book | XFELD | CHAR |
122 | XLAND_005 | Country version flag | XLAND_005 | CHAR |
123 | XLANGBEZ | ATAB tables long name | XLBEZ | CHAR |
124 | XLANGU | Language Key | SPRAS | LANG |
125 | XLANGU2 | Language Key | SPRAS | LANG |
126 | XLASTMOT | IS-M: Assign Most Recent Ad Spec to Schedule Line | XFELD | CHAR |
127 | XLASTPAGE | IS-M: Form printing - indicator 'Print last page' | XFELD | CHAR |
128 | XLAST_KK | Only Process Last Object | XFELD | CHAR |
129 | XLAST_SC | Indicator for Very Last Item of a Scheduling Item | XFELD | CHAR |
130 | XLAUF | Indicator: prepare list? | XFELD | CHAR |
131 | XLAUFLIST | IS-M: Generate carrier round sequence during release | XFELD | CHAR |
132 | XLAUFLISTE | Sort carrier list by round sequence | XFELD | CHAR |
133 | XLAUT | Automatic creation of storage location allowed | XFELD | CHAR |
134 | XLBEZ | Name | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
135 | XLBEZR96 | Long name for circular R96 | XTEXT80 | CHAR |
136 | XLBEZ_FS | Description of OeNB Target Group | TEXT50 | CHAR |
137 | XLBPD | Price difference posting in GR for subcontract oder | XFELD | CHAR |
138 | XLBSE | Indicator: Interface allows country/industry filter | XFELD | CHAR |
139 | XLBUML | Stock in Transfer for Subcontracting (Plant to Plant) | XFELD | CHAR |
140 | XLCHG_KK | Change Lock | XFELD | CHAR |
141 | XLCLASS | LDAP group in user master maintenance | XLCLASS | CHAR |
142 | XLCUR_KK | Only Docs in Company Code Currency | WAERS | CUKY |
143 | XLDBR | Indicator: Document Selection Required? | XFELD | CHAR |
144 | XLDDS | Indicator: Customer Master Data Selection Required? | XFELD | CHAR |
145 | XLDEL_KK | Delete Lock | XFELD | CHAR |
146 | XLDEPO | Securities account ID | XLDEPO | CHAR |
147 | XLDGRP | Indicator: Ledger Group is selected | XFELD | CHAR |
148 | XLDKS | Indicator: Select Creditor Master Data Record? | XFELD | CHAR |
149 | XLDSS | Indicator: Select G/L Account Master Data? | XFELD | CHAR |
150 | XLDTXT | Ledger name | TEXT30 | CHAR |
151 | XLDTXT2 | Ledger name | TEXT30 | CHAR |
152 | XLEAID | Indicator: Leasing data long text | XFELD | CHAR |
153 | XLEAS | Indicator: Leased asset | XFELD | CHAR |
154 | XLEDGER | Posting to Subsidiary Ledger Active | XFELD | CHAR |
155 | XLEERGD | Vacancy reason | XMBEZ | CHAR |
156 | XLEERGUT | "Empties" material | XFELD | CHAR |
157 | XLEERZL | Indicator: Blank line after total for main number | XFELD | CHAR |
158 | XLEGITIM | Indicator: Authorized Drawer | X | CHAR |
159 | XLEINSK | Description of length unit | TEXT10 | CHAR |
160 | XLEINSL | Description of length unit | TEXT30 | CHAR |
161 | XLEIT | Post with primary entry | XFELD | CHAR |
162 | XLESACTIVE | IS-M/SD: LES Interface Active | XFELD | CHAR |
163 | XLFART | IS-M: Delivery type is not for home delivery | XFELD | CHAR |
164 | XLFARTAUREL | Indicator "Order Delivery Type" Relevant in Circulation Book | XFELD | CHAR |
165 | XLFARTLOGREL | Indicator "Logistical Delivery Type" Relevant in Circ. Book | XFELD | CHAR |
166 | XLFBARBEND | IS-M: Delivery viability set closed | XFELD | CHAR |
167 | XLFBG_VK | Contract Benefit-Exempt for Target Date | XFELD | CHAR |
168 | XLFGUPDNEWCB | IS-M: Schedule deliveries for repeated circ. book update | XFELD | CHAR |
169 | XLFIK_VK | Benefit-Exempt Period: Extend Date Limits | XFELD | CHAR |
170 | XLFNG | Check Deliveries | XFELD | CHAR |
171 | XLFNGNVERP | Determine deliveries not packed | XFELD | CHAR |
172 | XLFNGPOST | Check deliveries (postal shipping) | XFELD | CHAR |
173 | XLFNGVERP | Determine packed deliveries | XFELD | CHAR |
174 | XLFNGWRAP | Check if deliveries are packed | XFELD | CHAR |
175 | XLFNG_ALLE | All Selected Deliveries | XFELD | CHAR |
176 | XLFNG_AUS_VORRAT | Only deliveries from worklist for quantity correction | XFELD | CHAR |
177 | XLFNG_OHNE_AUSST | Only deliveries (w/o mix) for which assignment is allowed | XFELD | CHAR |
178 | XLFPL | Indicator: Field relevant for delivery scheduling agreement | XFELD | CHAR |
179 | XLFTSFORTS | Daily delivery statistics updated | XFELD | CHAR |
180 | XLFT_BLOB | BLOB | RSTR | |
181 | XLFT_BOOL | Boolean ('X'=true SPACE=false) | XLFT_BOOL | CHAR |
182 | XLFT_COUNTER | Counter for numbers from 1 to 99,999 | XLFT_COUNTER | NUMC |
183 | XLFT_SHORTKEY | A "short" textkey (using only 26 characters instead of 32) | XLFT_SHORTKEY | CHAR |
185 | XLFZA | Indicator: Alternative payee using account number | XFELD | CHAR |
186 | XLFZAEN | IS-M: Validity Period in Contract Changed | XFELD | CHAR |
187 | XLFZB | Indicator: Alternative payee using account number | XFELD | CHAR |
188 | XLF_DETAIL | Indicator: Delivery quantities listed separately | XFELD | CHAR |
190 | XLGCLR | Clearing Specific to Ledger Groups | XFELD | CHAR |
191 | XLIEFBAR | Determine delivery viability | XFELD | CHAR |
192 | XLIEFBEZ | IS-M: Delivery to a carrier route (reserve) | XFELD | CHAR |
193 | XLIEFERUNG | IS-M: Delivery OK | XFELD | CHAR |
194 | XLIEFGP | IS-M: Delivery to business partner | XFELD | CHAR |
195 | XLIEFSE | Delivery to social facility | XFELD | CHAR |
196 | XLIEF_EINT | IS-M: Schedule line delivered | XFELD | CHAR |
197 | XLIEF_FEHL | Error message if delivery via.set missing from sales order | XFELD | CHAR |
198 | XLIEF_WARN | Warning if delivery viability set missing from sales order | XFELD | CHAR |
199 | XLIFEC | Reduce useful life to the end of fiscal year | XFELD | CHAR |
200 | XLIFECHECK | Indicator: Check Index Lives Prior to Construction | XFELD | CHAR |
201 | XLIFN | Indicator: Different vendor | XFELD | CHAR |
202 | XLIFO | LIFO/FIFO-relevant | XFELD | CHAR |
203 | XLIFO_ERASE | Deselect LIFO/FIFO indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
204 | XLIFO_SET | Select LIFO/FIFO indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
205 | XLIFT | Elevator available/not available | XMBEZ | CHAR |
206 | XLIFTBISK | Short description of last floor reached by elevator | VVXSTOCKK | CHAR |
207 | XLIFTBISL | Description of last floor reached by elevator | XMBEZ | CHAR |
208 | XLIFTBISM | Short description of last floor reached by elevator | XKBEZ | CHAR |
209 | XLIMITVALUE_D | Indicator Whether ICLPOLL Entry Is a Limit | XLIMITVALUE | CHAR |
210 | XLIN1 | Accessing the planning table using a production line | RBUTTON | CHAR |
211 | XLINE | Line index for internal table processing | XLINE | INT4 |
212 | XLINE_05O | Indicator: Branch to the item in the document | XFELD | CHAR |
213 | XLISH | Planning table view: production line and shift | RBUTTON | CHAR |
214 | XLISJ1INI | Initialize key figures for update in sales order | XFELD | CHAR |
215 | XLISJ2INI | Initialize key figures for update of correction order | XFELD | CHAR |
216 | XLISJ3INI | Initialize key figures for update of delivery data | XFELD | CHAR |
217 | XLISJ4INI | Initialize key figures for billing update | XFELD | CHAR |
218 | XLISJ5INI | Initialize key figures for update of home delivery sett. | XFELD | CHAR |
219 | XLISJ6INI | Initialize key figures for service company settlement update | XFELD | CHAR |
220 | XLISJ7INI | Initialize key figures for commission settlement update | XFELD | CHAR |
221 | XLISJ8INI | Initialize key figures for update of distrib.error message | XFELD | CHAR |
222 | XLISREKL | Update complaints | XFELD | CHAR |
223 | XLISREMI | Update returns | XFELD | CHAR |
224 | XLIST | List entry | XFELD | CHAR |
225 | XLISTS | Indicator: Select list control | XFELD | CHAR |
226 | XLISTZE_KK | Export List to Memory | XFELD | CHAR |
227 | XLIST_05O | Indicator: Branch to list display of complete document | XFELD | CHAR |
228 | XLIST_CC | Payment Cards: Output List on Screen? | XFELD | CHAR |
229 | XLIST_EXPAND | IS-M/SD: Expand Order List | XFELD | CHAR |
230 | XLIST_KK | Reporting List | XFELD | CHAR |
231 | XLIST_PAY | Print Payment Summary | XFELD | CHAR |
232 | XLLKA | Late Lock Active | CHAR | |
233 | XLLKN | Late Lock Not Active | CHAR | |
234 | XLMST_KK | Item Reached Last Dunning Level | XFELD | CHAR |
235 | XLNDKBEZ | Land short name | XKBEZ | CHAR |
236 | XLNDLBEZ | Land long name | XLBEZ | CHAR |
237 | XLNRED_047H | Do Not Reduce Dunning Level if Minimum Amount Not Reached | XFELD | CHAR |
238 | XLOCKESC | Exclusive lock escalations since connect | CHAR | |
239 | XLOCK_SC | Indicator: Item with Document Lock | XFELD | CHAR |
240 | XLOC_WIN | IS-M/AM: Check Local Window Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
241 | XLOEK | Item is deleted | XFELD | CHAR |
242 | XLOEK_ALT | BOM explosion number: old deletion indication | XFELD | CHAR |
243 | XLOEK_NEU | BOM explosion number: new deletion indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
244 | XLOES | IS-M: Deletion Flag for Address | XFELD | CHAR |
245 | XLOESCH | IS-M: Deletion Flag (Role-Specific) | XFELD | CHAR |
246 | XLOESCHKZ | IS-M: Deletion Indicator (Role-Specific) | XFELD | CHAR |
247 | XLOEV | Indicator: Account marked for deletion? | XFELD | CHAR |
248 | XLOEVM | Process Only Objects Marked for Deletion | XFELD | CHAR |
249 | XLOEV_ANKA | Ind.: Asseet class marked for deletion | XFELD | CHAR |
250 | XLOEV_ANKB | Indicator: Class/area marked for deletion | XFELD | CHAR |
251 | XLOEV_BUK | Indicator: Account marked for deletion? | XFELD | CHAR |
252 | XLOEV_KTP | Indicator: Account marked for deletion? | XFELD | CHAR |
253 | XLOGO | Print Logo | XFELD | CHAR |
254 | XLOGONSCREEN | IS-M: Logon Screen Exists | XFELD | CHAR |
255 | XLOKZ | Cross-System Transit | XLOKZ | CHAR |
256 | XLONG | Negative stocks allowed in storage location | XFELD | CHAR |
257 | XLOOSER_KK | List of Bank Details Not Transferred | CHAR1 | CHAR |
258 | XLORT | Storage location necessary | XFELD | CHAR |
259 | XLOSE | IS-M: Indicator for "loose" ad insert | XFELD | CHAR |
260 | XLOST_BI_SHOW | IS-M/AM: Display Deleted Manually Changed Billing Dataset | XFELD | CHAR |
261 | XLOTE | Indicator that the stated LOTKZ already exists | XFELD | CHAR |
262 | XLOTTO | IS-M: Lottery Agent Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
263 | XLOTW | Overview Value of Stock in Transit | WERT13N | CURR |
264 | XLO_AMDAYS | Days Since Last Goods Movement | INT1 | INT1 |
265 | XLO_HIST_READ | Internal Indicator: Read Depth for Purchase Order History | CHAR1 | CHAR |
266 | XLO_STATUS | Display Status for Deliveries in Transit Process | XLO_STATUS | NUMC |
267 | XLPAY | Partial Payment by Fund: Last payment indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
268 | XLSET_KK | Set Lock | XFELD | CHAR |
269 | XLST1_FPM | Indicator: Additional List for Payment Medium | XFELD | CHAR |
270 | XLST1_PAY | Extra list for payment medium | XFELD | CHAR |
271 | XLSTAR | Indicator: activity type dependent planning | XFELD | CHAR |
272 | XLSTAU | Indicator: Activity type independent planning | XFELD | CHAR |
273 | XLSVPLUS | IS-M: Indicator for "Debit Memo Plus" Procedure | XFELD | CHAR |
274 | XLTEXT | Text in LDAP Master record | XLTEXT | CHAR |
275 | XLTXID | Indicator: Long text active | XFELD | CHAR |
276 | XLTXT | Long Text for BAV Lists | LTXT | CHAR |
277 | XLTYP | Material Is a Variant | XFELD | CHAR |
278 | XLVNR | Contract / account number | CHAR15 | CHAR |
279 | XLVOCA | Include batches with deletion flag | X | CHAR |
280 | XLVORM | Include materials with deletion flags | X | CHAR |
281 | XLVTARIF | Contract Rate/Group | XKBEZ | CHAR |
282 | XLZBGRP | Header SCB group | TEXT15 | CHAR |
283 | XMABER | Description of dunning area | TEXT50 | CHAR |
284 | XMABE_047 | Dunning by dunning area | XFELD | CHAR |
285 | XMABLGR | Reason for rejection | XMBEZ | CHAR |
286 | XMACC | Multiple Account Assignment | CHAR1 | CHAR |
287 | XMADR_KK | Change Address ID | XFELD | CHAR |
288 | XMAER | Indicator: Manual entry of revenue | XFELD | CHAR |
289 | XMAFA | Indicator: Manage transfer of reserves | XFELD | CHAR |
290 | XMAHN_KK | Restrict Dunning Lock | XFELD | CHAR |
291 | XMAIL | Indicator: send MAIL automatically | XFELD | CHAR |
292 | XMAIL1 | Indicator: send mail | XFELD | CHAR |
293 | XMAINAGENT | IS-M/SD: Indicator for Main Sales Agent | XFELD | CHAR |
294 | XMAINSPLIT | Item for this Alternating Add. Element is a Main Sub-Item | XFELD | CHAR |
295 | XMAIN_ELE | IS-M/SD: Main Element in Home Delivery Alternation Group | XFELD | CHAR |
296 | XMAKO | Indicator: Payment notice for payment on account | XFELD | CHAR |
297 | XMAKO_KK | Update Status for MAKO | XFELD | CHAR |
298 | XMAKT_KK | Update Status for MAKT | XFELD | CHAR |
299 | XMAL_N | IS-M: Number Leading Sign for Contract Update | XMAL_N | CHAR |
300 | XMANAKZ | Indicates manually accepted invoices | XFELD | CHAR |
301 | XMANB_KK | Can be posted manually | XFELD | CHAR |
302 | XMAND | Indicator: Enter tax on sales/purchases in detail form | XMAND | CHAR |
303 | XMANDATE_CHECK | IS-M/SD: Check Mandate During Billing Document Creation | XFELD | CHAR |
304 | XMANE | Indicator: Void reason is set manually | XFELD | CHAR |
305 | XMANF | Indicator: release invoices manually | XFELD | CHAR |
306 | XMANL_CA | Exclude Item from Dunning Run | XFELD | CHAR |
307 | XMANL_KK | Exclude Item from Dunning Run | XFELD | CHAR |
308 | XMANRK | Indicator for manually reduced invoices | XFELD | CHAR |
309 | XMANSPITZE | IS-M: Form odd bundle manually | XFELD | CHAR |
310 | XMANU | X - Manual check | XFELD | CHAR |
311 | XMANUEL | Tax is entered manually | XMANUEL | CHAR |
312 | XMANUELL | IS-M: Manual post-editing has taken place | XFELD | CHAR |
313 | XMANUELL1 | IS-M: Contract Assignments Changed Manually Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
314 | XMANUELLSP | IS-M: Pack odd bundle manually | XFELD | CHAR |
315 | XMANUL | IndIcator: You can make manual entries | XFELD | CHAR |
316 | XMANUSKRIP | IS-M: Processing of Ad Booking Details Requested Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
317 | XMANU_F107 | Valuate items manually | XFELD | CHAR |
318 | XMANU_SC | Identifier: Payment Plan for Manual Distribution of Amount | XFELD | CHAR |
319 | XMANU_SEL | IS-M: Additional Dates Assigned Manually Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
320 | XMANU_VK | Manual Broker Reports | XFELD | CHAR |
321 | XMANZUO | IS-M: Level of Manual Influence for a Contract Assignment | JH_MANZUO | CHAR |
322 | XMAN_GENER | IS-M/AM: Generate Schedule Lines Manually | XFELD | CHAR |
323 | XMAN_GEN_SL | IS-M/AM: Schedule Lines Generated Manually Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
324 | XMAN_NEU | IS-M: Indicator override manual assignments | XFELD | CHAR |
325 | XMARAEXIST | IS-M: Media Issue Already Exists on Database | XFELD | CHAR |
326 | XMARK | Indicator: Line selected | XFELD | CHAR |
327 | XMARKADR | IS-M/SD: Divert Address Selected | XFELD | CHAR |
328 | XMARKFIELD | Line selected | XFELD | CHAR |
329 | XMARKITEM | IS-M/SD: Item selected | XFELD | CHAR |
330 | XMARK_FBWD | Include bill of exchange in further processing | XFELD | CHAR |
331 | XMARK_FCU2 | Indicator: Object selected for transport ? | XFELD | CHAR |
332 | XMARK_FOT | Item Selected | XMARK_FOT | CHAR |
333 | XMARK_KK | Item selected | XMARK_KK | CHAR |
334 | XMASK | Indicator: Generic entries permitted | XFELD | CHAR |
335 | XMASS_ENQ_KK | Interval Lock Set on Business Partner/Contract Account | XFELD | CHAR |
336 | XMASS_PAY | Mass activity run of payment program | XFELD | CHAR |
337 | XMAT | Flag for "is a material" | X | CHAR |
338 | XMATER | Checkbox: graphic with materials | X | CHAR |
339 | XMATNR_SET_DEFAULT | Execute Exit to Define Default Media Issue Number | XFELD | CHAR |
340 | XMATVERGRF | IS-M: Material out of stock | XFELD | CHAR |
341 | XMAXREMMG | Expected return quantity is maximum return quantity | XFELD | CHAR |
342 | XMAZE_KK | Update Status for MAZE | XFELD | CHAR |
343 | XMBCORR | Indicator: combination is relevant for correction | XFELD | CHAR |
344 | XMBDOM | Domain Name | TEXT64 | CHAR |
345 | XMBELBEZ | Occupancy obligation name | XMBEZ | CHAR |
346 | XMBEL_KK | Sample document | XFELD | CHAR |
347 | XMBEW_FI | Error between MM valuation view and FI stock account | XFELD | CHAR |
348 | XMBEW_MM | Error between valuation view and stock | XFELD | CHAR |
349 | XMBEZ | Normal name (30 characters) | XMBEZ | CHAR |
350 | XMBFAKTURA | Indicator: Combination is Relevant for Billing | XFELD | CHAR |
351 | XMBONI | Description of credit standing of application | XMBEZ | CHAR |
352 | XMBRART | Norm. description of heating costs firm fuel type | XMBEZ | CHAR |
353 | XMBTMC | Indicator: Combination is Market Coverage | XFELD | CHAR |
354 | XMBUCH | X: Required posting | XFELD | CHAR |
355 | XMBVT_KK | Change Bank Details ID | XFELD | CHAR |
356 | XMB_QID2WS | Edited: Edited: Edited: Name einer XI-Queue (für QoS = EOIO) | CHAR | |
357 | XMB_TEST_FUNCTION1WS | Edited: Edited: Edited: | CHAR | |
358 | XMCAPPB | Check box: application such as inventory controlling | X | CHAR |
359 | XMCAPPE | Check box: application such as purchasing | X | CHAR |
360 | XMCAPPEX | Check box application as external data | X | CHAR |
361 | XMCAPPF | Check box: application such as shop floor | X | CHAR |
362 | XMCAPPI | Checkbox for the application Plant Maintenance | X | CHAR |
363 | XMCAPPQ | Checkbox for the application Quality Management | X | CHAR |
364 | XMCAPPT | Checkbox: application such as Transportation | X | CHAR |
365 | XMCAPPV | Check box: Application such as sales and distribution | X | CHAR |
366 | XMCAPPVI | Check box application like Financial Assets Mgt. Real Estate | X | CHAR |
367 | XMCAPPW | Checkbox: Application like Retail | X | CHAR |
368 | XMCAPPWF | Checkbox: Application like Workflow | X | CHAR |
369 | XMCH1 | Batch unique at material level | XFELD | CHAR |
370 | XMCH2 | Batch unique at client level for a material | XFELD | CHAR |
371 | XMCH2X | Batches at client level (several materials) | XFELD | CHAR |
372 | XMCHA | Batch unique at plant level | XFELD | CHAR |
373 | XMCINF | Indicator that info structure should be transferred | FLAG | CHAR |
374 | XMCNG | Negative stocks allowed in plant | XFELD | CHAR |
375 | XMCODER | Indicator: requirements linked with "or" | XFELD | CHAR |
376 | XMCRD_KK | Change Credit Card ID | XFELD | CHAR |
377 | XMCUND | Indicator: requirements linked with "and" | XFELD | CHAR |
378 | XMDCH_KK | Reporting of Incorr. Bank Data: Master Data Change Required | XFELD | CHAR |
379 | XMDEB_XPO | Indicator: Also display customer items ? | XFELD | CHAR |
380 | XMEDAUSGBMATNRSYNC | IS-M: Synchronize MATNR for media issue | XFELD | CHAR |
381 | XMEDFAMMATNRSYNC | IS-M: Synchronize MATNR for media family | XFELD | CHAR |
382 | XMEDIAK | IS-M: Media customer | XFELD | CHAR |
383 | XMEDPRODMATNRSYNC | IS-M: Synchronize MATNR for media product | XFELD | CHAR |
384 | XMEFO | Do Not Update Quantity | XFELD | CHAR |
385 | XMEHR | Multiple printout: Multiple printing of GR/GI slip | XFELD | CHAR |
386 | XMEHRS | Indicator: Multiple program starts | XFELD | CHAR |
387 | XMEHR_KK | Additional Functions | XFELD | CHAR |
388 | XMEIKE | Sales order, restricted-use stock | XFELD | CHAR |
389 | XMEIKL | Sales order stock | XFELD | CHAR |
390 | XMEIKQ | Sales order stock in quality inspection | XFELD | CHAR |
391 | XMEIKS | Blocked sales order stock | XFELD | CHAR |
392 | XMEMO_KK | Items not yet in database | XFELD | CHAR |
393 | XMEM_ALLOC | Amount of additional virtual shared memory | SINT4_NOS | INT4 |
394 | XMENG | Indicator: Retirement based on quantity | XFELD | CHAR |
395 | XMENGE | Completed quantity base UoM; 1st letter = sales doc. type | MENG13 | QUAN |
396 | XMENGE0 | Zero quantity allowed | XFELD | CHAR |
397 | XMENGEV | Compltd qty (category P) in sales unit; 1st place=VBAK-VBTYP | MENG13 | QUAN |
398 | XMENGE_AFABE | Area Is Relevant for Quantity Update | BOOLE | CHAR |
399 | XMENGE_FLTV | Completd qty (category F) in sales unit;1st place=VBAK-VBTYP | RFMNG_FLO | FLTP |
400 | XMENGE_N | IS-M/AM: Quantity Sign for Contract Update | XMENGE_N | CHAR |
401 | XMENGE_PAR | Quantity not converted for product units | XFELD | CHAR |
402 | XMERCHDFLT_ITAGCY | Flag: Standard Handler ID | XFELD | CHAR |
403 | XMERK | Radio button: field catalog for characteristics | XFLAG | CHAR |
404 | XMERKM | Radio button: characteristics in EWS (LIS) | XFELD | CHAR |
405 | XMERKMA | Description of characteristic | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
406 | XMERKW | Display field: true - values saved for characteristics | XFELD | CHAR |
407 | XMERK_IT | Selection: Noted Items | XFELD | CHAR |
408 | XMESR_49E | Indicator: Printing of dunning notices with ISR | XFELD | CHAR |
409 | XMESS | Warning or error message | XFELD | CHAR |
410 | XMESSAGING | IS-M/SD: Message for Delivery Viability Optimization | XFELD | CHAR |
411 | XMESS_AV | Output type for error message | XMESS_AV | CHAR |
412 | XMESS_KK | Indicator: Module Called Sends Messages Itself | XFELD | CHAR |
413 | XMEVO | Propose quantities | XFELD | CHAR |
414 | XMFAC_KK | Days in arrears+dunning freq. by factory calendar | XFELD | CHAR |
415 | XMFAK_CA | Dunning Level is Optional | XFELD | CHAR |
416 | XMFAK_KK | Dunning Level is Optional | XFELD | CHAR |
417 | XMFLG_MHNK | Indicator: Is a dunning notice sent? | XFELD | CHAR |
418 | XMFRW | Indicator: Update quantity in RW | XFELD | CHAR |
419 | XMGBUCH | Indicator: Dunning Charges Should be Posted | X | CHAR |
420 | XMGER_047A | Always Print Dunning Notice in Legal Dunning Procedure? | XFELD | CHAR |
421 | XMGES | Indicator: Trading partner can be entered manually | XFELD | CHAR |
422 | XMGPA_KK | Change Partner for Payment | XFELD | CHAR |
423 | XMGRH_KK | Dun. freq., days in arrears or min/max amount not reached | XFELD | CHAR |
424 | XMHNU_KK | Transfer Dunning Level | XFELD | CHAR |
425 | XMIAGEDAYS | Age of XMI Log Entry (in Days) | INT4 | |
426 | XMIAGETIME | Age of XMI Log Entry (in hrs, mins and secs) | SYTIME | TIMS |
427 | XMIARGTXT | Argument string for an XMI log | CHAR128 | CHAR |
428 | XMIARGTYP | Argument type of an XMI log entry | XMIARGTYPE | CHAR |
429 | XMIEND | End Date of Lease-Out or "Unlimited" | CHAR15 | CHAR |
430 | XMIETR | Tenancy law long text | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
431 | XMIETSPL | Description of representative list of rents | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
432 | XMIEXTMSG | The expanded (translated) message for ext. tools | CHAR255 | CHAR |
433 | XMILANGU | Language ID for lang.-depend. messages in XMI log | CHAR1 | CHAR |
434 | XMILOGACC | Access method for XMI log | CHAR18 | CHAR |
435 | XMILOGACTN | XMI logging: Name of function module of XMI interface | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
436 | XMILOGAREA | XMI logging: Name of area for XMI action | TEXT16 | CHAR |
437 | XMILOGAUDI | A higher audit level means more detailed logs | XMILOGAUD1 | NUMC |
438 | XMILOGCOMP | XMI logging: company name of external management tool | TEXT16 | CHAR |
439 | XMILOGDATE | XMI logging: Date of log entry | SYDATS | DATS |
440 | XMILOGEUSR | XMI logging: Name of user in external management tool | TEXT16 | CHAR |
441 | XMILOGID | XMI logging: Unique DB key of log entry | XMILOGID | CHAR |
442 | XMILOGIFAC | Interface ID (for example, XBP) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
443 | XMILOGMID | Message ID for an XMI log entry | XMSGID | CHAR |
444 | XMILOGMSG | XMI logging: Comment on XMI action | TEXT50 | CHAR |
445 | XMILOGOBJ | XMI logging: Name of object (job name, spool ID ...) | TEXT50 | CHAR |
446 | XMILOGPROG | XMI logging: Program name of external management tool | TEXT16 | CHAR |
447 | XMILOGSRVN | XMI logging: Name of server, on which XMI action was exectd | MSNAME | CHAR |
448 | XMILOGSUSR | XMI logging: SAP user name of external management tool | XUBNAME | CHAR |
449 | XMILOGTIME | XMI logging: Time an entry was logged | SYTIME | TIMS |
450 | XMILOGTIMX | Log time stamp is displayed for external tools | INT4 | |
451 | XMIMSGTXT | Actual text of message | CHAR128 | CHAR |
452 | XMINBETRAG | Minimum Interest Amount | BOOLE | CHAR |
453 | XMINCPCITY | IS-M: Capacity of the lower level BUs is greater | XFELD | CHAR |
454 | XMINI_KK | Account Balance: Minimum Form of Item Selection | XFELD | CHAR |
455 | XMISESSNID | ID of XMI session | XMILOGID | CHAR |
456 | XMISS_KK | Not all documents are contained in the totals | XFELD | CHAR |
457 | XMITARB | IS-M: Employee Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
458 | XMITARB1 | Selection Indicator for Employees | XFELD | CHAR |
459 | XMITARB2 | Selection Indicator for Non-Employees | XFELD | CHAR |
460 | XMITBCH | Indicator: Change automatic entry control | XFELD | CHAR |
461 | XMITD | Indicator: Schedule Post and Print | XFELD | CHAR |
462 | XMITK | Indicator: Reconcil.acct ready for input at time of posting? | XFELD | CHAR |
463 | XMITK_F05M | Indicator: Notify customer ? | XFELD | CHAR |
464 | XMITL | Indicator: Schedule Payment Lists Too | XFELD | CHAR |
465 | XMITNR | Employee Number in Lease-Out | XMBEZ | CHAR |
466 | XMITTEL | Indicator: Mean value method | XFELD | CHAR |
467 | XMITZBON | IS-M: Assignment Counts Towards Bonus Fulfillment | XFELD | CHAR |
468 | XMITZRAB | IS-M: Assignment Counts Towards Discount Fulfillment | XFELD | CHAR |
469 | XMIVERSION | Version of XMI interface delivered for check purposes | XVERSION | CHAR |
470 | XMKABRF | Norm.desc. of heating costs/heating systems accountancy firm | XMBEZ | CHAR |
471 | XMKEKK | Consignment at customer, restricted-use stock | XFELD | CHAR |
472 | XMKEKL | Returnable packaging at customer, restricted-use stock | XFELD | CHAR |
473 | XMKEX | Selection | XFELD | CHAR |
474 | XMKLASS | Descr.of characteristics category for list | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
475 | XMKLKK | Customer consignment | XFELD | CHAR |
476 | XMKLKL | Returnable packaging with customer | XFELD | CHAR |
477 | XMKLV | IS-M: Deletion Flag for Media Customer | XFELD | CHAR |
478 | XMKPF | Material Document | XFELD | CHAR |
479 | XMKQKK | Consignment (at customer) in quality inspection | XFELD | CHAR |
480 | XMKQKL | Customer returnable packaging in quality inspection | XFELD | CHAR |
481 | XMKRD_XPO | Indicator: Also display vendor items ? | XFELD | CHAR |
482 | XMKSPE | IS-M: Lock Indicator for Media Customer | XFELD | CHAR |
483 | XMKUBL | Stock of Material Provided by Customer | XFELD | CHAR |
484 | XMKUKK | Customer Consignment Stock in Transfer | XFELD | CHAR |
485 | XMLDAT_KK | Designate Exported Report Entries As Reported | XFELD | CHAR |
487 | XMLFILE_NAME | File Name | CHAR30 | CHAR |
488 | XMLFORMAT | Indicator:XML Data Format Exists During Load to R/3 Back End | CHAR1 | CHAR |
489 | XMLGESCH | Location in floor long description | XMBEZ | CHAR |
490 | XMLIFT | Lift type long description | XMBEZ | CHAR |
494 | XMLPARSED | Indicator: Data Exists in BAPIMTCS Structure (XML Parsed) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
495 | XMLST_AVIS | Status of XML Payment Advice | XMLST_AVIS | CHAR |
496 | XML_CH | EPO Return File in XML Format | XFELD | CHAR |
497 | XML_DRIVE | Target Drive for the HTML Export from XML | CHAR64 | CHAR |
498 | XML_FILE_NAME | XML file name | CHAR | |
499 | XML_FLAG | Create File | CHAR1 | CHAR |
500 | XML_NODE_NAME_PS | Name of Node in XML Tree | XML_NODE_NAME_PS | CHAR |