SAP ABAP Data Element - Index N, page 22
Data Element - N
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | NETTO_F05A | Net Total of the Active Items | WERTV9 | CURR |
2 | NETTO_KK | Net amount (+/-) in item currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
3 | NETTO_KQST | Amount after Withholding Tax | WERTV7 | CURR |
4 | NETTO_KZ | Sales figures are net amounts | JFLAGG | CHAR |
5 | NETTRACKOP | Path optimization in network graphics | NETTRACKOP | CHAR |
6 | NETTRCKFRM | Color frame track | W_COLOR | CHAR |
7 | NETTS | Net Amount in Local Currency with Protective Asterisks | TEXT18 | CHAR |
8 | NETTV | Net Amount in Local Currency with +/- Signs | WRTV7 | CURR |
9 | NETTV_FPM | Net Amount in Local Currency with +/- Signs | WERTV12 | CURR |
10 | NETTW_KK | Net amount in transaction currency with +/- sign | WRTV7 | CURR |
11 | NETTX | Description of object link category | TEXT30 | CHAR |
12 | NETTY | Indicator: Attendee type is relevant for Internet | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
13 | NETTYPE | Type for identifying objects | NETTYPE | CHAR |
14 | NETUDMMODE | Mode for layout | XFELD | CHAR |
15 | NETUNQLKSY | Positioning link symbols | NETUNQLKSY | NUMC |
16 | NETUSERPOP | Flag: activate object-sensitive popup | XFELD | CHAR |
17 | NETUSESAVE | Flag: Activate Symbol for Saving | XFELD | CHAR |
18 | NETVALSFL | Flag: Use of values in value tables | TEXT2 | CHAR |
19 | NETVALSVAL | Value in value table | TEXT80 | CHAR |
20 | NETVIEW1BG | Background color for view 1 | W_COLOR | CHAR |
21 | NETVIEW2BG | Background color for view 2 | W_COLOR | CHAR |
22 | NETVIEW3BG | Background color for view 3 | W_COLOR | CHAR |
23 | NETVL | Total Item Value | WERTV8 | CURR |
24 | NETVOFFSET | Vertical offset for scrolling | NETOFFSET | NUMC |
25 | NETWF | Order value in foreign currency | WERT7 | CURR |
26 | NETWN | Negative Net Value Indicator | WLF_NETWN | CHAR |
27 | NETWR | Net Value in Document Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
28 | NETWRC | Net value as num. field - 00000901 equals 9,01 | NUMC15 | NUMC |
29 | NETWRD_LF | Agency value: Net Value in Document Currency (Customer-Side) | WERTV8 | CURR |
30 | NETWRD_LFP | Net value of the item in document currency (customer-side) | WERTV8 | CURR |
31 | NETWRD_PL | Net value of the posting list in document currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
32 | NETWRG | Total net value of the header billing plan in doc. curr. | WERTV8 | CURR |
33 | NETWRP | Net value for item billing plan in document currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
34 | NETWRRL_T | Transferred Net Value in Original Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
35 | NETWRT_MM | Global Trade: Value in PO Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
36 | NETWR_AK | Net Value of the Sales Order in Document Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
37 | NETWR_ALL | Total net value for all shipments in the program run | WERTV8 | CURR |
38 | NETWR_AP | Net value of the order item in document currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
39 | NETWR_BI | Net value for BI | CHAR21 | CHAR |
40 | NETWR_EP | Net value of the schedule line in document currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
41 | NETWR_ESSR | Net Value of Entry Sheet | WERT11 | CURR |
42 | NETWR_FP | Net value of the billing item in document currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
43 | NETWR_ISP | IS-M: Net price in document currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
44 | NETWR_KR | Net value of the billing item | CHAR | |
45 | NETWR_LF | Agency Business: Net value in document currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
46 | NETWR_LFP | Net value of the item in document currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
47 | NETWR_LP | IS-M: Net Value of Settlement Item in Document Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
48 | NETWR_P | Net value in currency of shipment cost item | WERTV8 | CURR |
49 | NETWR_PAY | Agency business: Net value for posting list | WERTV8 | CURR |
50 | NETWR_RL | Agency business: New value of item in a list | WERTV8 | CURR |
51 | NETWR_SORT | IS-H: Sort sequence by amount (billing) | ISH_SORT04 | NUMC |
52 | NETWR_T | Transferred Net Value | WERTV8 | CURR |
53 | NETWR_U | Net value of sub-item in currency of shipment cost item | WERTV8 | CURR |
54 | NETWR_UNG | Portion from Unplanned Services | WERT11V | CURR |
55 | NETXPERCNT | Vertical window division in percent | NETXYPERCN | NUMC |
56 | NETXPOSIT | Initial horizontal position of the graphics window | SPROZENT | NUMC |
57 | NETXSIZE | Width of graphics window | SPROZENT | NUMC |
58 | NETXT | Network ID short text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
59 | NETYP | Link category | NETYP | CHAR |
60 | NETYPERCNT | Horizontal division of are in percent | NETXYPERCN | NUMC |
61 | NETYPOSIT | Initial vertical position of the graphics window | SPROZENT | NUMC |
62 | NETYSIZE | Height of graphics window | SPROZENT | NUMC |
63 | NETZGER | Indicator: Certification of devices in grid | KENNZBG | CHAR |
64 | NETZKONT | Indicator for the account assignment of a network(hdr/act.) | NETZKONT | CHAR |
65 | NETZOBERFL | Indicator: Network header visible to end user | X | CHAR |
66 | NETZOOMFAC | Initial zoom factor | NETZOOMFAC | NUMC |
67 | NETZPLAN | Network number | NETZPLAN | CHAR |
68 | NETZTEXT | Short description of the network | TEXT40 | CHAR |
69 | NETZU | Price can only be changed on condition screen | XFELD | CHAR |
70 | NETZ_UEBER | Superior network number | AUFNR | CHAR |
71 | NET_AUFNR | Order | AUFNR | CHAR |
72 | NET_EXPL | Indicator: Multi-level reading of collective order | KREUZ | CHAR |
73 | NET_INCL | RW object number WBS elem. including networks | SELKZ_EA | CHAR |
74 | NET_KAUF | Third-Party Req. for Sales Order Account Assignment Category | KNTTP | CHAR |
75 | NET_PROJ | Third-Party Req. for WBS Element Account Assignment Category | KNTTP | CHAR |
76 | NET_SHIFT | Scheduling indicator: Shift network | XFELD | CHAR |
77 | NEUAUF_BEW | Indicator: Statistical setup - Inventory Controlling | CHAR1 | CHAR |
78 | NEUA_DCIDX | Flag: "Delete/Set Up Secondary Indices" for LIS Stat. Setup | FLAG | CHAR |
79 | NEUDM | Revaluation Amount in Local Currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
80 | NEUEDATAB | Move-out: date from which new customer data is valid | DATUM | DATS |
81 | NEUEERSART | IS-M: New substitution type | GP_ERS_ART | CHAR |
82 | NEUEI | Indicator: New entry | XFELD | CHAR |
83 | NEUE_VARI | IS-M: New Variant in Process | XFELD | CHAR |
84 | NEUKA | Pricing levels without general sales price only | XFELD | CHAR |
85 | NEUKZMM | Indicator: New table entry | UPDKZ | CHAR |
86 | NEULAUFZR | New run | X | CHAR |
87 | NEUPR | New partner role determination | XFELD | CHAR |
88 | NEURH | Revaluation Value Entered (in Local Currency) | WRTV7 | CURR |
89 | NEURO | IS-H: Psychopharmakotherapie: Neuroleptika | XFELD | CHAR |
90 | NEURW | Revaluation Value Entered (in Foreign Currency) | WRTV7 | CURR |
91 | NEUSOBKZ | Special stock indicator for new device | SOBKZ | CHAR |
92 | NEUTE | Reschedule deliveries | NEUTE | CHAR |
93 | NEUTOBJART | Neutral object type for generation | NEUTOBJART | CHAR |
94 | NEUTOBJEKT | Neutral object for generation | NEUTOBJEKT | CHAR |
95 | NEUTOBJRTE | IS-M: Structure for truck route generation rule | NEUTOBJRTE | CHAR |
96 | NEUTR | Language-Independent Processing | NEUTR | CHAR |
97 | NEUTVARTYP | Neutral variant type for generation rules | NEUTVARTYP | CHAR |
98 | NEUWR | Revaluation Amount in Foreign Currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
99 | NEU_ZUO | IS-M/SD: New truck route-edition assignment | XFELD | CHAR |
100 | NEV_ACT | Indicator: Status was never active | XFELD | CHAR |
101 | NEWAFFNR | New family allowances number | NUM5 | NUMC |
102 | NEWAU | Number of 'new' exceptions in the list | CHAR2 | CHAR |
103 | NEWAV | ATP Server: status of material data/neu data available | DATAV | CHAR |
104 | NEWBK | Company Code for the Next Line Item | BUKRS | CHAR |
105 | NEWBS | Posting Key for the Next Line Item | BSCHL | CHAR |
106 | NEWBW | Asset transaction type | BWASL | CHAR |
107 | NEWDATA | Receipt: New Field Contents | TEXT50 | CHAR |
108 | NEWDC_KK | Dun New Documents Immediately | XFELD | CHAR |
109 | NEWDEFTAX | New Deferred Tax Code: Yes/No | XFELD | CHAR |
110 | NEWDISCNO | Disconnection document number of subsequent disconn. documnt | DISCNO | CHAR |
111 | NEWGENER | Regeneration required due to change in DDIC | XFELD | CHAR |
112 | NEWGR | Indicates beginning of new group in assortment list | XFLAG | CHAR |
113 | NEWHP | Determine new stop point | CHAR1 | CHAR |
114 | NEWITF | New Infotype Framework | XFELD | CHAR |
115 | NEWJOBCLS | longer job class name | BPJOBCLS | CHAR |
116 | NEWKEY_MIG_CA | Object Key | CHAR | |
117 | NEWKO | Account or Matchcode for the Next Line Item | KTO17 | CHAR |
118 | NEWKO_BI | Do Not Use Field - Use Field NEWKO | CHAR10 | CHAR |
119 | NEWKO_ZIEL | Target account | KTO17 | CHAR |
120 | NEWLINE | Pushbutton: Blank line | CHAR01 | CHAR |
121 | NEWLST | New list in spool | XFELD | CHAR |
122 | NEWNAME | New object name | OBJCT_FAV | CHAR |
123 | NEWOBJID | ID of Object to be Inserted | CHAR40 | CHAR |
124 | NEWOTYPE | Type of Object to be Inserted | OTYPE | CHAR |
125 | NEWOUTLINE | New hypertext structure | OUTLINE | CHAR |
126 | NEWPAGE | New page per month | XFELD | CHAR |
127 | NEWPATCHLV | Support Package Level of Current Software Component Release | CHAR10 | CHAR |
128 | NEWREPID | Use New Report ID for Historical Table | XFELD | CHAR |
129 | NEWSC | Scheduling was carried out in planned order processing | XFELD | CHAR |
130 | NEWSDATE | ABAP/4 Dictionary: Date of the last Dictionary News | AS4DATE | DATS |
131 | NEWSEQNR | New sequence number | NUM2 | NUMC |
132 | NEWSTAT | Derived Status | GUI_STATUS | CHAR |
133 | NEWSTEXT | Text Field Abbreviation | CHAR9 | CHAR |
134 | NEWSTOPAR | Storage parameters used for conversion/creation | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
135 | NEWS_BODY | News Text | NEWS_BODY | LCHR |
136 | NEWS_CHANGE | Change News | CHAR4 | CHAR |
137 | NEWS_CHANGE_STATE | Change Status of a Message | CHAR4 | CHAR |
138 | NEWS_CLIENT | Client for news | NEWS_CLIENT | CLNT |
139 | NEWS_COUNT | Counter for Line of News | NUMC04 | NUMC |
140 | NEWS_DATE | Date for news | NEWS_DATE | DATS |
141 | NEWS_DATE_END | End of Validity of a Message | DATUM | DATS |
142 | NEWS_DATE_START | Start of Validity of a Message | DATUM | DATS |
143 | NEWS_DELETE | Delete News | CHAR4 | CHAR |
145 | NEWS_INT2 | Int2 for news text | NEWS_INT2 | INT2 |
146 | NEWS_LINE_TYPE | Line Type of News | NEWS_LINE_TYPE | CHAR |
147 | NEWS_MEMBER | News Member | NEWS_MEMBER | CHAR |
148 | NEWS_NUMMER | Sort Sequence of News | NEWS_NUMMER | NUMC |
149 | NEWS_STATUS | News Status | NEWS_STATUS | CHAR |
150 | NEWS_TEXT | Text for News | CHAR128 | CHAR |
151 | NEWS_TIME | Time for news | NEWS_TIME | TIMS |
152 | NEWS_TYPE | News Type | NEWS_TYPE | CHAR |
154 | NEWTASK | Data determined in parallel in a new task | XFELD | CHAR |
155 | NEWUM | Special G/L Indicator for the Next Line Item | UMSKZ | CHAR |
156 | NEWVALUE | New parameter value | CHAR255 | CHAR |
157 | NEWVALUE_ALV | New Parameter Value | CHAR255 | CHAR |
158 | NEWWM | Indicator: Open time ticket | NEWWM | CHAR |
159 | NEW_BANKDATA_KK | SEPA Mandate: Behavior with New Bank Details ID | NEW_BANKDATA_KK | CHAR |
160 | NEW_BEG | New Start Date | DATUM | DATS |
161 | NEW_BOM | Indicator: Select new bill of material | KREUZ | CHAR |
162 | NEW_CHANGEM | Customizing for Price Catalog: Use New Eng. Change Mgmt | FLAG | CHAR |
163 | NEW_CLASS_CA | FI-CA Dispute: New Classification of an Object | CHAR | |
164 | NEW_COND_MNT | Selection: Condition lines handling (SD document change) | NEW_COND_MNT | CHAR |
165 | NEW_CONT_COUNT | New Number of Containers | E_FAKTOR | INT4 |
166 | NEW_DATE | Customizing for Price Cat.: New Date for New Creation Mat. | FLAG | CHAR |
167 | NEW_DELTA | Delta of value for limit update | WERT13N | CURR |
168 | NEW_END | New End Date | DATUM | DATS |
169 | NEW_FIELD | Field and/or secondary table included in structure | XFELD | CHAR |
170 | NEW_FPLAN | IS-M: New area of validity for timetable | XFELD | CHAR |
171 | NEW_HISTO | Set Historical Record Flag When Delimiting | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
172 | NEW_INDEX | Meter for new register relationship | INDEXNR | NUMC |
173 | NEW_INST | New internal obj. no. (for assignment of values to variants) | CUOBJ | NUMC |
174 | NEW_INSTALL | Installation Not Yet Read | KENNZX | CHAR |
175 | NEW_INST_V | New int. object no. for value asgnmt for sel. char. planning | CUOBJ | NUMC |
176 | NEW_IS | Latest version of IS release | NEW_IS | CHAR |
177 | NEW_ITEM | New purchase order item | XFELD | CHAR |
178 | NEW_LANGU | New Language for Language-Dependent Infotype Change | SPRAS | LANG |
179 | NEW_LINE_BTN | "Insert line" Button Active? | XFELD | CHAR |
180 | NEW_LIST_MOD | Deactivate Dedicated Buffer Logic for Sales Data | XFELD | CHAR |
181 | NEW_NUM | Include task list with renumbering | FLAG | CHAR |
182 | NEW_OBJECT | Switch: Create New Object | CHAR1 | CHAR |
183 | NEW_OFFER | New Offer from Shipper | XFELD | CHAR |
184 | NEW_OI | New Open Item Indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
185 | NEW_PAGE | Page break per object | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
186 | NEW_PAGENR | New (vertical) page | NUMC4 | NUMC |
187 | NEW_PAYM_DATE | Alternative Payment Date | DATUM | DATS |
188 | NEW_PERF_MESS | Indicator: Determine Performance Measure | XFELD | CHAR |
189 | NEW_PO | New purchase order | XFELD | CHAR |
190 | NEW_ROUT | Indicator: Select new routing | KREUZ | CHAR |
191 | NEW_SAKNR | New G/L Account | SAKNR | CHAR |
192 | NEW_SAP | Latest version of SAP release | NEW_SAP | CHAR |
193 | NEW_SEFFMETH_ALV | Effective Interest Rate Method (New) | CHAR62 | CHAR |
194 | NEW_START | Indicator: Maintenance Plan Restart | X | CHAR |
195 | NEW_STAT | New status in document pricing | DOC_STAT | CHAR |
196 | NEW_STATUS | New F status | GUI_STATUS | CHAR |
197 | NEW_TB_PYIELD_ALV | Effective Interest Rate (Calculated with New Method) | DECV3_7 | DEC |
198 | NEW_USEFACTOR | New usage factor | USEFACTOR | DEC |
199 | NEW_VAL | New Value | CHAR40 | CHAR |
200 | NEW_VALUE | Value of field after update | DECV15_3 | DEC |
201 | NEW_VAL_C | Value After the Update (Character) | CHAR_30 | CHAR |
202 | NEW_VLFAR | IS-M: New assignment of variant to delivery type | XFELD | CHAR |
203 | NEW_VPLAN | IS-M: New shipping schedule | XFELD | CHAR |
204 | NEW_VPPLZ | IS-M: New shipping schedule-postal code assignment | XFELD | CHAR |
205 | NEW_VPVA | IS-M: New assignment of variant to edition | XFELD | CHAR |
206 | NEW_VPWTAG | IS-M: New assignment of shipping schedule to weekdays | SFELD | CHAR |
207 | NEW_VTIME | IS-M: New assignment of variant to validity period | XFELD | CHAR |
208 | NEXAZ | Number of kanbans for the next change of the control cylce | BEHAZ | NUMC |
209 | NEXDT | Date of the next change of a kanban control cycle | DATUM | DATS |
210 | NEXKZ | Pricing: Fill SP fields of export structure PE_I_SPR | NEXKZ | CHAR |
211 | NEXMG | Quantity per Kanban for Next Change of a Control Cycle | MENG13 | QUAN |
212 | NEXT | NEXT flag for navigation | NEXT | CHAR |
213 | NEXTEXT | Oracle: dba_tables.next_extent | DEC17 | DEC |
214 | NEXTEXTENT | Current size of next extent | DEC14 | DEC |
215 | NEXTEXTSIZ | Next extent size for a table (used in tables history in DB02 | DEC15 | DEC |
216 | NEXTIBDY | Date when next price change starts | DATUM | DATS |
217 | NEXTINT | Valuate quantity portions already started using full price | NEXTINT | CHAR |
218 | NEXTKBYTE | NextKByte | INT4 | INT4 |
219 | NEXTNS | Number of Extents in a Table | SINT4_NOS | INT4 |
220 | NEXTPRDY | Date on which the next promotion starts | DATUM | DATS |
221 | NEXTQ | In case of exclusion, continue quota arrangement search | XFELD | CHAR |
222 | NEXTRI | Next Trigger Point of a Control Cycle | BEHAZ | NUMC |
224 | NEXTSIZ | Size of Next Extents in KiloBytes | SINT4_NOS | INT4 |
225 | NEXTSYSTEM | Next system of a transport request | SYSNAME | CHAR |
226 | NEXT_ABLG | IS-M: Pointer to next common drop-off | ABLGNR | NUMC |
227 | NEXT_BI_ORDER | Next Meter Reading Date | DATUM | DATS |
228 | NEXT_BLOCK | Next Block | CHAR10 | CHAR |
229 | NEXT_DUEDATE_MD | FS-CD: Next Due Date | DATS | DATS |
230 | NEXT_DUE_AMOUNT_CA | Next Due Amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
231 | NEXT_DUE_DATE_CA | Next Due Date | DATUM | DATS |
232 | NEXT_EXT | NextExtent: Size of next extent | INT4 | |
233 | NEXT_MCKEY | Next Mass Change Key | CHAR5 | CHAR |
234 | NEXT_REM | Repeat reminder after/by days | NUMC2 | NUMC |
235 | NEXT_REPFIELD | Next Repeat Field | FDNAME | CHAR |
236 | NEXT_SCHEDULE | Next Meter Reading Date According to Scheduling | DATUM | DATS |
237 | NEXT_SERVICE_DATE | Next Service Due | DATUM | DATS |
238 | NE_HEFT | IS-M: Copy Number for the Next/Last Publication | PAM_PERIOD | CHAR |
239 | NE_TERMIN | IS-M: Next/Last Publication Date | DATUM | DATS |
240 | NFABD | Next JIT Delivery Schedule Transmission | DATUM | DATS |
241 | NFALNR301 | IS-HCM: Case number coded acc. to §301 with case-rel. ins. | CHAR12 | CHAR |
242 | NFAM_LFDNR | IS-H: Sequence Number of Message - Billing | NFAM_LFDNR | NUMC |
243 | NFCATSTRUCTURE | Structure for Field Catalog | OBJECTNAME | CHAR |
244 | NFCATTABTYP | Table Type for Field Catalog | OBJECTNAME | CHAR |
245 | NFCOD | Function code that is the default on the subsequent screen | FCODE | CHAR |
246 | NFDAT | Settlement date for deadline | DATUM | DATS |
247 | NFELD | Field name | CHAR10 | CHAR |
248 | NFFACT | Factor for the from-currency units | DEC9 | DEC |
249 | NFICH | Form name | NFICH | CHAR |
250 | NFIEL | Field name | HR_FIELD | CHAR |
251 | NFILE | Name of file to be read | CHAR7 | CHAR |
252 | NFILESIZE | IS-HCM Size of file in no. of characters (incl. control ch.) | NUM10 | NUMC |
253 | NFIND | New Message Determination Process for Change Messages | XFELD | CHAR |
254 | NFIRST | Line no. of first element displayed from selection positions | DEC4 | DEC |
255 | NFKEY | Function Key | NFKEY | NUMC |
256 | NFLAG | List Extendable Storage Locations Only (Collective Entry) | XFELD | CHAR |
257 | NFLAG_KK | Calculation of Minimum from Net Value | XFELD | CHAR |
258 | NFLUR | Number of Tract of Land in Land Register | NFLURNR | CHAR |
259 | NFLURNR | Number of Tract of Land in Land Register | NFLURNR | CHAR |
260 | NFL_DEF | Default Value for Number of Aircraft | ORFCALC1 | DEC |
261 | NFL_Q1 | Source for Number of Aircraft | ACT_DEF | CHAR |
262 | NFMAT | Follow-up material | MATNR | CHAR |
263 | NFMAT_FLAG | Follow-up material | XFELD | CHAR |
264 | NFMNG | Follow-up quantity | MENGE | QUAN |
265 | NFOEX | A form exists for the current entry in table T185 | XFELD | CHAR |
266 | NFOLGE | Display sequence of condition types within the group | VVNFOLGE | NUMC |
267 | NFPRIO | Sequence Number of Function in Pushbutton | NUMC3 | NUMC |
268 | NFSAC | Sequence for batch determination: availability check | CHAR1 | CHAR |
269 | NFSCL | Sequence for batch determination: class selection | CHAR1 | CHAR |
270 | NFSDB | Sequence for batch determination: database selection | CHAR1 | CHAR |
271 | NFUGR | Function Group | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
272 | NFUGR_PROGNAME | Name of Main Program of Function Group | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
273 | NFUML | NOT USED: Quantity transfer factor for follow-up material | NFUML | DEC |
274 | NFUMOD | Function Module | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
275 | NFVARID | Identification of Function Variant | CHAR15 | CHAR |
276 | NFVARPTTXT | Function Name | N1WCHAR50 | CHAR |
277 | NFVBC | Take restricted-use stock into account (only for batches) | XFELD | CHAR |
278 | NFVLEVEL | IS-H: Hierarchy Level | NUMC | |
280 | NFVTYPE | IS-H: Field Type | NFVTYPE | CHAR |
281 | NFVVALUE | IS-H: Value of a Single Field | STRG | |
282 | NF_IM_VB | Message determination in update task | XFELD | CHAR |
283 | NF_NUR_1_MAL_PRO_POS | Message determination only once per item, then copy | XFELD | CHAR |
284 | NF_PARTNER_TYP | Nota Fiscal Partner Type (R/3) | NF_PARTNER_TYP | CHAR |
285 | NGAFLG | Ind.: Amortization of negative goodwill | X | CHAR |
286 | NGAPWIDTH | IS-H: Search Range | NUMC3 | NUMC |
287 | NGBAZ | Number of Kanbans in a Control Cycle That Are Not Locked | BEHAZ | NUMC |
288 | NGDAYS | Negative Grace Period | INT1 | INT1 |
289 | NGESCHNR | Floor Number for Condominium | CHAR5 | CHAR |
290 | NGGEW | Weighting factor for movements (movement rate analysis) | VBGEW | DEC |
291 | NGJAHR | Initial Argument for Fiscal Year | GJAHR | NUMC |
292 | NGMAXDAT | Upper date limit for goods movements | DDAT | DATS |
293 | NGMINDAT | Lower date limit for goods movements | DDAT | DATS |
294 | NGSBE | Ext.Receiving Comp.Code Configuration: Business Area Check | XFELD | CHAR |
295 | NGT_LST | Log contains usages in deleted task lists | FLAG | CHAR |
297 | NHDCL | Eligibility string for next day's holiday class | CHAR10 | CHAR |
298 | NHFLG | Indicator: Notification received for new EE | CHAR1 | CHAR |
299 | NHIER | Display hierarchy for entry of new conditions | NUMC1 | NUMC |
300 | NHISU_KK | No Historical Update | XFELD | CHAR |
301 | NHOLDKZ | IS-H: Indicator that File Has not yet Been Processed | XFELD | CHAR |
302 | NHOURS | Effective business event duration in hours | DEC6_2 | DEC |
303 | NHOURS10 | Effective Bus. Event Duration in Hrs (10 Char. for IDoc) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
304 | NHRDA | Date on which new ER received SSP1(L) form | DATUM | DATS |
305 | NIACLENTRY | Network Filter: Line of ACL File | CHAR | |
306 | NIARE | NI arrears brought forward | PRBETRG | CURR |
307 | NIARR | NI contribution | NIPAY | DEC |
308 | NICAT | NI category (GB) | NICAT | CHAR |
309 | NICEE | NI contribution | NIPAY | DEC |
310 | NICER | NI contribution | NIPAY | DEC |
311 | NICHTAKTIV | Color of the blocked nodes in the graphic display | GLXCOLOURS | CHAR |
312 | NICKNAME | Nickname or name used | CHAR40 | CHAR |
313 | NIDEF | Obsolete (used to be NI CA2700 certificate) | XFELD | CHAR |
314 | NIDNR | New material | MATNR | CHAR |
315 | NIECO | No. of contributing company | NUM3 | NUMC |
316 | NIEERW | IS-H: nicht erwerbstätig oder arbeitslos | XFELD | CHAR |
317 | NIELS | Nielsen ID | NIELS | CHAR |
318 | NIHC_AMNT | Amount | NIHC_AMNT | CURR |
319 | NIHC_CURR | Currency | WAERS | CUKY |
320 | NIHC_DAT | Date Object Created or Changed | DATUM | DATS |
321 | NIHC_EXRATE | Exchange Rate | NIHC_EXRATE | DEC |
322 | NIHC_IBAN | International Bank Account Number | NIHC_ACIBAN | CHAR |
323 | NIHC_TIM | Time when the object was created or changed | UZEIT | TIMS |
324 | NIHC_USR | User that created or changed the object | USNAM | CHAR |
325 | NIHON | Add. information: Usage of code no. (excl.) f. Foreign Trade | NIHON | NUMC |
326 | NINDEXES | INFORMIX: Number of indexes (for specified table) | INT2 | INT2 |
327 | NINIT | Sum of non-initial values | NUM5 | NUMC |
328 | NINKB_B_KK | Uncollectable Amount | CHAR16 | CHAR |
329 | NINKB_KK | Uncollectable Amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
330 | NINOUTSIGN | IS-HCM: Outbound - Inbound Message(s) Indicator | NINOUTSIGN | CHAR |
331 | NINST_CA | Number of Installments | ANZRATE_CA | NUMC |
332 | NINST_KK | Number of Installments | ANZRATE_KK | NUMC |
333 | NINUM | National Insurance number | NINUM | CHAR |
334 | NINVOICE | Billing document without invoicing | NINVOICE | CHAR |
335 | NIPAY | NI contribution | NIPAY | DEC |
336 | NIPMA | Not ready for input if pr. ref. mat./fixed price is defined | XFELD | CHAR |
337 | NIROUTER | Network interface router | MSHOST | CHAR |
338 | NISS1 | Company CA code | NUM11 | NUMC |
339 | NISS2 | CA code for training contracts | NUM11 | NUMC |
340 | NISS3 | CA Code for Foreigners | NUM11 | NUMC |
341 | NISSC | Center identifier | NUM3 | NUMC |
342 | NISSE | SI code for company (Spain) | NUM10 | NUMC |
343 | NITEM | Number of screen lines entered | NUM3 | NUMC |
344 | NITEM_CC | Payment Cards: Number of Settled Items | NUM06 | NUMC |
345 | NITF_ADM | Permissibility of Infotype for New Framework | NITF_ADM | CHAR |
346 | NIWE_PREIS | Result of lowest value determination (new price) | FLTP | FLTP |
347 | NIWE_PRS | Price from Lowest Value Determination | WERT11 | CURR |
348 | NI_ACLFILE | ACL File | CHAR | |
349 | NI_ADDR_LOCAL | Local Network Address/Interface | RAW | |
350 | NI_ADDR_TYPE | Network Address Type | NI_ADDR_TYPE | INT4 |
351 | NI_BUFFER_STAT | Buffer Status | NI_BUFFER_STAT | INT1 |
352 | NI_HOSTBUF_TYPE | Host Buffer Entry Type | NI_HOSTBUF_TYPE | CHAR |
353 | NI_HOSTNAME | Host Name | CHAR | |
354 | NI_INDEX | Index | INT4 | |
355 | NI_IPV4ADDR | IPv4 Address | NI_IPV4ADDR | CHAR |
356 | NI_IPV4ADDR_BIN | IPv4 Address (Binary) | RAW | |
358 | NI_NODEADDR_BIN | IP Address (Binary) | RAW | |
360 | NI_PROTO_FAM | Network Protocol Family | NI_PROTO_FAM | INT4 |
361 | NI_ROUTE | Route | CHAR | |
362 | NI_SERVNAME | Service Name | CHAR | |
363 | NI_SERVNO | Service Nummer | NI_SERVNO | INT2 |
364 | NJASS | Number of assimilated days | CHAR7 | CHAR |
365 | NJBMJ | Number of jobs for multiple payroll | NUM4 | NUMC |
366 | NJREM | Number of days payed | CHAR7 | CHAR |
367 | NJVAC | Number of holidays | CHAR7 | CHAR |
368 | NKANAL | Name of communication channel | CHAR10 | CHAR |
369 | NKBAN | Number range for purchase requisitions | CHAR2 | CHAR |
370 | NKCRQ | Number range for total requirements | CHAR2 | CHAR |
371 | NKDIS | Number range for MRP lists | CHAR2 | CHAR |
372 | NKETP | External no.range for external transporation planning system | NUMKR | CHAR |
373 | NKEY | Key | STRG | |
374 | NKFIX | Cut off places after decimal point | X | CHAR |
375 | NKFOGU | amnt btwn adv.pmnt + incid. costs share of costs | WERT7 | CURR |
376 | NKFOGUCUK | Difference adv.payment and cost portion for SC, in 2nd curr. | WERT7 | CURR |
377 | NKKANTCUK | Share of costs for service charges in second currency | WERT7 | CURR |
378 | NKKOSTANT | Share of costs for service charges | WERT7 | CURR |
379 | NKLV_BISNR | Upper interval limit of number range | BELNR | CHAR |
380 | NKLV_DATKZ | Name of file for number range | NKLV_DATKZ | CHAR |
381 | NKLV_STAND | Current number level within number range | BELNR | CHAR |
382 | NKLV_VONNR | Lower interval limit of number range | BELNR | CHAR |
383 | NKMOD | Number range grouping code | NKMOD | CHAR |
384 | NKMPR | Date according to check sampling inspection (deactivated) | DATUM | DATS |
385 | NKNRE | Number range number for external number assignment | CHAR2 | CHAR |
386 | NKNRI | Number range number for internal number assignment | CHAR2 | CHAR |
387 | NKNUM | Kanban Calculation: Number Assignment for New Kanbans | NKNUM | NUMC |
388 | NKOBJ | Number range object | NROBJ | CHAR |
389 | NKOKZ | Assignment of Repayment Balance in Normal Range | P016_KKOST | CHAR |
390 | NKOMO | Monthly costs in normal range | WERT05 | CURR |
391 | NKOST | Subsequent cost center | KOSTL | CHAR |
392 | NKOUV | Interest-free costs in normal range | WERT05 | CURR |
393 | NKOZI | Interest-bearing costs in normal range | WERT05 | CURR |
394 | NKPAF | Number range for planned orders | CHAR2 | CHAR |
395 | NKPRI | Foreign Trade: Number Range Objects - Printing Documents | NKPRI | CHAR |
396 | NKPRTN | Partner number for costing | NUM6 | NUMC |
397 | NKRES | Number range for stock transfer reservations | CHAR2 | CHAR |
398 | NKRUECK | Indicator: Individual and cumulated reprocessing records | CHAR1 | CHAR |
399 | NKSAF | Number range of simulative planned order | CHAR2 | CHAR |
400 | NKSBD | Number range for simulative dependent requirements | CHAR2 | CHAR |
401 | NKSP_REFNR | IS-H: Reference field of an IV item (external reference) | NKSP_REFNR | CHAR |
402 | NKSTE | Ext.Receiving Comp.Code Configuration: Cost Center Check | XFELD | CHAR |
403 | NKTOA | Ext.Receiving Co.Code Configuratn: Acct in Chrt/Accts Check | XFELD | CHAR |
404 | NKTOB | Ext.Receiving Co.Code Configuration: Acct in Co.Code Check | XFELD | CHAR |
405 | NKTPL_030 | Chart of Accounts Which Will Be Copied Into | KTOPL | CHAR |
406 | NK_FOEQGU | Adv. pmnt clears share of costs for incidental costs | XFELD | CHAR |
407 | NK_GUTHBN | Credit for incidental costs | XFELD | CHAR |
408 | NK_STEUER | X - Tax amount exists for incidental expenses | XFELD | CHAR |
409 | NLABD | Next Forecast Delivery Schedule Transmission | DATUM | DATS |
410 | NLAG | Non-stock material | TEXT25 | CHAR |
411 | NLANG | Only Display in the Selected Language | CHAR1 | CHAR |
412 | NLASTNRIN | IS-HCM: EDI - Last external file number (inbound) | VNNR | NUMC |
413 | NLASTNROUT | IS-HCM: EDI - Last file number (outbound) | VNNR | NUMC |
414 | NLBEKAT | Behandlungskategorie | CHAR1 | CHAR |
415 | NLBGLJ | Certification year same as installation year | KENNZX | CHAR |
416 | NLBWIDT_ONT | Datum entlassung | CHAR1 | CHAR |
417 | NLBWIDT_VER | Datum leistung | CHAR1 | CHAR |
418 | NLCHK | Check that the delivery is not in another subsequent leg | XFELD | CHAR |
419 | NLDAUER | Dauer | CHAR1 | CHAR |
420 | NLDBOCODE | BOE code (only relevant for The Netherlands) | NUM02 | NUMC |
421 | NLDIAG | ISH: Diagnose | CHAR1 | CHAR |
422 | NLDITXT_ONT | Diagnose entlassung | CHAR1 | CHAR |
423 | NLDITXT_OPN | Diagnose aufnahme | CHAR1 | CHAR |
424 | NLEDATUM | IS-M: Expected End of Home Delivery (Date) | DATUM | DATS |
425 | NLEG97 | Certification/seal extension control | KENNZX | CHAR |
426 | NLEIUP | IS-H: Events for Aligning NLEI with NBEW | NLEIUP | CHAR |
427 | NLENG | Length or decimal places | SYNUM03 | NUMC |
428 | NLETTER | Output Letter in Place of Icon | CHAR1 | CHAR |
429 | NLEUHRZEIT | IS-M: Expected End of Home Delivery (Time) | UHRZEIT | TIMS |
430 | NLFDEIG | Owner to an object consecutive number | VVNLFDEIG | CHAR |
431 | NLFD_ANG | Offer consecutive number | LFNR3 | NUMC |
432 | NLFD_ANGBI | Offer consecutive number | CHAR3 | CHAR |
433 | NLFD_AN_BI | Offer consecutive number | CHAR3 | CHAR |
434 | NLFD_TAG | Day consecutive number | NUMC2 | NUMC |
435 | NLFLG | Indicator: not kept in stock | CHAR1 | CHAR |
436 | NLFZ3_BI | Follow-up time (BTCI) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
437 | NLFZ4_BI | Follow-up time (BTCI) | CHAR4 | CHAR |
438 | NLFZT | Lead-Time Offset | NLFZT | DEC |
439 | NLFZT_BI | Follow-up time (BTCI) | CHAR4 | CHAR |
440 | NLFZV_BI | Lead-time offset for operation (BTCI) | CHAR4 | CHAR |
441 | NLGAR | Start from wage type | LGART | CHAR |
442 | NLGBDAT | Geburtsdatum | CHAR1 | CHAR |
443 | NLGBNAS | IS-H: standardisierter Geburtsname | NLGBNAS | CHAR |
444 | NLGRSGMIND | IS-HCM: Indicator for Logical Group Segment | XFELD | CHAR |
445 | NLGSCHL | Geschlechtskennzeichen | CHAR1 | CHAR |
446 | NLINEX | ISH NL: EPB ein- / Ausschließung besuchart / behandeln kat. | INEX | CHAR |
447 | NLIPR | Indicator: Carry out listing check again even if no change | XFELD | CHAR |
448 | NLISTBOX_TYPE | List Box Type (Screen or ALV Grid or ...) | NLISTBOX_TYPE | CHAR |
449 | NLMAT | Carry out subsequent listing, yes/no | NLMAT | CHAR |
450 | NLMATFB | ID: Carry out subsequent listing | NLMATFB | CHAR |
451 | NLMATFB_TX | Text for ID perform subsequent listing ? | AS4TEXT | CHAR |
452 | NLMENGE | Number of Copies for Subsequent Delivery | MENGGPOS | QUAN |
453 | NLNAME2 | IS-H: Pseudonym, Ordensname | NLNAME2 | CHAR |
454 | NLNAMS | IS-H: standardisierter Nachname | NLNAMS | CHAR |
455 | NLNAMZU | IS-H: Namenszusatz | NLVORSW | CHAR |
456 | NLNKY | Indicator: Declaration of a numerical country key DtA | XFELD | CHAR |
457 | NLOCK | Kanban Calculation: Locking of New Kanbans | NLOCK | CHAR |
458 | NLORGNA | Bezeichnung der Organisationseinheit | CHAR1 | CHAR |
459 | NLORGPF | OrgEinheit, die einem Fall zugewiesen wird | CHAR1 | CHAR |
460 | NLSBUCHN | Real properties register number | NLSBUCHN | NUMC |
461 | NLSBUCHN_BI | Liegenschaftbuchnummer | CHAR6 | CHAR |
462 | NLSINSTACT | Indicator for active row in table TCP01 | BOOLE | CHAR |
463 | NLSINSTITM | Parameter for I18n System Configuration | TEXT20 | CHAR |
464 | NLS_PAGE_D | Write Direction of Page | NLS_BIDI | CHAR |
465 | NLTHERA | IS-H: Therapie | CHAR1 | CHAR |
466 | NLU | IS-HCM: Logical Unit of Communication Partner | LU | CHAR |
467 | NLVORSW | IS-H: Vorsatzwort | NLVORSW | CHAR |
468 | NLWLPRI | Priorität in Warteliste | CHAR1 | CHAR |
469 | NLWWD | Normal number of weekly work days | NUM1 | NUMC |
470 | NLZORGV | ISH: Sorgfrage | CHAR1 | CHAR |
471 | NM1VB_EB | Post in G/L accounting only | FLAG | CHAR |
472 | NMAIL | Advertising material indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
473 | NMANCHG | IS-H: Changed Manually | XFELD | CHAR |
474 | NMANZL | Number of Normal Bookings Already Received | DEC3 | DEC |
475 | NMART | New material type | MTART | CHAR |
476 | NMAX_IT | Maximum Number of Items | INT4_NOS | INT4 |
477 | NMBER | Sequential No. for Identification of a Sub-Selection Cond. | NUMC2 | NUMC |
478 | NMBLO_KK | Number of Blocks for Spaced Type | NUM1 | NUMC |
479 | NMDIG_KK | Character Set | NMDIG_KK | NUMC |
480 | NMEDIUM | IS-HCM: Medium for data exchange (data carrier type) | NMEDIUM | CHAR |
481 | NMFL1 | Numeric field allowed for in-house medical service | XFELD | CHAR |
482 | NMFLD | Value | DECV6_2 | DEC |
483 | NMFMT_005 | Standard name format | AD_NAMFORM | CHAR |
484 | NMHIG_KK | Maximum value | CHAR20 | CHAR |
485 | NMIDD | Indicator: Do not display default values | XFELD | CHAR |
486 | NMINB | Reorder point: display field | FLDNN | CHAR |
487 | NMKRE | Number range for external number assignment | CHAR2 | CHAR |
488 | NMKRS | Number range for internal number assignment | CHAR2 | CHAR |
489 | NMLEN_KK | Length of Number | NUMC2 | NUMC |
490 | NMLOW_KK | Minimum value | CHAR20 | CHAR |
491 | NMODAPPCAP | IS-H/IS-H*MED: Number of Time Slots | NMODAPPCAP | NUMC |
492 | NMODDATFRM | IS-H/IS-H*MED: Modification Start Date | DATE | DATS |
493 | NMODDATTO | IS-H/IS-H*MED: Modification End Date | DATE | DATS |
494 | NMODDSPTYTXT | IS-H/IS-H*MED: Modification of Scheduling Type Text | NMODDSPTYTXT | CHAR |
495 | NMODFRTIM | IS6H/IS-H*MED: Modification Time From | UHRZT | TIMS |
496 | NMODID | IS-H/IS-H*MED: Modification ID | NMODID | NUMC |
497 | NMODINACTIVE | IS6h/IS-H*MED: Indicator for Planning Object Inactive | XFELD | CHAR |
498 | NMODNAME | New name | MODNAME | CHAR |
499 | NMODPOB | IS-H/IS-H*MED: Modification Planning Object | ISH_POBNR | NUMC |
500 | NMODRMTXT | IS-H/IS-H*MED: Time-Related Comment | NMODRMTXT | CHAR |