SAP ABAP Data Element - Index N, page 21
Data Element - N
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | NBKST_EBBE2 | Statement number | CHAR3 | CHAR |
2 | NBKST_KKBE | Statement number | CHAR3 | CHAR |
3 | NBLATTNR | Land register page number | TEXT15 | CHAR |
4 | NBLNR | Number of recount document | BELNR | CHAR |
5 | NBM_BBP | NBM Code (Brazil) | STEUC_BBP | CHAR |
6 | NBNDS | Number of bonds | NUM3 | NUMC |
7 | NBQS_ABSCH | BQS: Discount for a Module | CURRV13 | CURR |
8 | NBQS_BEGDA | BQS: Start Date of the Service Period | RI_DATUM | DATS |
9 | NBQS_ENDDA | BQS: End Date of the Service Period | RI_DATUM | DATS |
10 | NBQS_FPSE | BQS: Assignment Flat Rate Per Case/Procedures Surcharge | NBQS_FPSE | CHAR |
11 | NBQS_FREI | BQS: "QA Required/Voluntary" Indicator | NBQS_FREIW | CHAR |
12 | NBQS_FTYPE | BQS: Specialty Category of the Assignment | CHAR1 | CHAR |
13 | NBQS_ICD1 | BQS: Identification of the First Diagnosis | DIAID | CHAR |
14 | NBQS_ICD2 | BQS: Identification of the Second Diagnosis | DIAID | CHAR |
15 | NBQS_ICDS | BQS: Assignment Dependent on Diagnoses | NBQS_ICDS | CHAR |
16 | NBQS_ICPML1 | Surgical Procedure Code Secondary Procedure | TARLS | CHAR |
17 | NBQS_ICPML2 | Surgical Procedure Second Secondary Procedure | TARLS | CHAR |
18 | NBQS_LNRIC1 | Sequence Number Secondary Procedure 1 | ISH_LNRIC | CHAR |
19 | NBQS_LNRIC2 | Sequence Number Secondary Procedure 2 | ISH_LNRIC | CHAR |
20 | NBQS_LNRLS | BQS: Service Number FR/PS | LNRLS | CHAR |
21 | NBQS_MOTXT | BQS: Name of Module | CHAR40 | CHAR |
22 | NBQS_OPS1 | BQS: Identification of the First OPS Surgical Procedure Code | TARLS | CHAR |
23 | NBQS_OPS2 | BQS: Identification of the Second OPS Surgical Proced. Code | TARLS | CHAR |
24 | NBQS_OPS3 | BQS: Identification of the Third OPS Surgical Proced. Code | TARLS | CHAR |
25 | NBQS_OPSST | BQS: Assignment Independent of Procedures | NBQS_OPSST | CHAR |
26 | NBQS_OPTLEI | BQS: Service Proposal According to the Option Model | TARLS | CHAR |
27 | NBQS_PFREI | Control of Voluntary Documentation by User Parameter | NBQS_FREIW | CHAR |
28 | NBQS_PORG | Control of Specialty Determination by User Parameter | NBQS_PORG | CHAR |
29 | NBQS_STUFE | BQS: Classification According to BQS | NBQS_STUFE | CHAR |
30 | NBQS_UBOGEN | BQS - Indicator for a Section | CHAR1 | CHAR |
31 | NBQS_ZUSCH | BQS: Surcharge for a Module | CURRV13 | CURR |
32 | NBRDEL | No. of deletions | INT4 | INT4 |
33 | NBREX | Number of exemptions | NUM2 | NUMC |
34 | NBREXCLUDE | Excludes for a client copy | INT4 | INT4 |
35 | NBREX_CHAR | Number of exemptions | CHAR2 | CHAR |
36 | NBREX_LIM | Limits on number of exemptions | NUMC2 | NUMC |
37 | NBRINS | No. of inserts | INT4 | INT4 |
38 | NBRISSUES | IS-M/SD: Number of copies | NBRISSUES | DEC |
39 | NBRM0 | Number of months | CHAR2 | CHAR |
40 | NBRMS | Number of months | CHAR3 | CHAR |
41 | NBRMS_AU | Number of months | CHAR3 | CHAR |
42 | NBROBJ | Number of objects collected | INT4 | |
43 | NBRTAB | Number of Tables | INT4 | INT4 |
44 | NBRTF | Number of female TVA subject at the end of quarter | CHAR5 | CHAR |
45 | NBRTH | Number of male TVA subject at the end of quarter | CHAR5 | CHAR |
46 | NBRTOTAL | Total no. of tables to be copied | INT4 | INT4 |
47 | NBRTR | Number of workers | CHAR5 | CHAR |
48 | NBRUPD | No. of updates | INT4 | INT4 |
49 | NBR_OF_INTERV_KK | No. of Intervals from Parallelization Variant to Trans. Data | CFINT4 | INT4 |
50 | NBSCH | Ext.Receiving Comp.Code Configuration: Posting Key Check | XFELD | CHAR |
51 | NBSEG | BSEG Field Name | FDNAME | CHAR |
52 | NBTFM | Number of workers for increased fixed deduction | CHAR5 | CHAR |
53 | NBTGK | Sideline Job | CHAR1 | CHAR |
54 | NBTRF | Number of female workers | CHAR5 | CHAR |
55 | NBTRH | Number of male workers | CHAR5 | CHAR |
56 | NBTRP | Amount meal tickets | CHAR9 | CHAR |
57 | NBTRV | Number of workers in file | CHAR7 | CHAR |
58 | NBTXT | Field Label | TEXT10 | CHAR |
59 | NBTYB | Type of settlement document | CHAR30 | CHAR |
60 | NBUPF | NIA supplementary insurance | CHAR1 | CHAR |
61 | NBUTTONNR | Pushbutton Number of Pushbutton | NUMC3 | NUMC |
63 | NBWDY | Number of days worked | DEC6_2 | DEC |
64 | NBYTES | Size of Tables in kilobytes | SINT4_NOS | INT4 |
65 | NC1 | IS-H: Field CHAR 1 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
66 | NC10 | IS-H: Field CHAR 10 | CHAR10 | CHAR |
67 | NC12 | IS-H: Field CHAR 12 | CHAR12 | CHAR |
68 | NC16 | IS-H: Field CHAR 16 | CHAR16 | CHAR |
69 | NC2 | IS-H: Field CHAR 2 | CHAR2 | CHAR |
70 | NC20 | IS-H: Field CHAR 20 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
71 | NC3 | IS-H: Field CHAR 3 | CHAR3 | CHAR |
72 | NC30 | IS-H: Field CHAR 30 | CHAR30 | CHAR |
73 | NC4 | IS-H: Field CHAR 4 | CHAR4 | CHAR |
74 | NC40 | IS-H: Field CHAR 40 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
75 | NC45 | IS-H: Field CHAR 45 | CHAR45 | CHAR |
76 | NC5 | IS-H: Field CHAR 5 | CHAR5 | CHAR |
77 | NC50 | IS-H: Field CHAR 50 | CHAR50 | CHAR |
78 | NC6 | IS-H: Field CHAR 6 | CHAR6 | CHAR |
79 | NCH16_EB | Amount, 16 characters with edit mask | CHAR16 | CHAR |
80 | NCHAR | Display Characteristic in Language-Independent Form | XFELD | CHAR |
81 | NCHKZ | Indicator: Activity is successor to selected activity | XFELD | CHAR |
82 | NCH_ABREISE | IS-H CH: Count departure as absence | XFELD | CHAR |
83 | NCH_ABRV | IS-H CH: Billing agreement | NCH_ABRV | CHAR |
84 | NCH_ABWANZ | IS-H CH: Number for absence limit | NUMC3 | NUMC |
85 | NCH_ABWANZEH | IS-H CH: Unit for absence limitation | NCH_ABWANZEH | CHAR |
86 | NCH_ABWLIMIT | IS-H CH: Absence limit | NCH_ABWLIMIT | CHAR |
87 | NCH_ABWRGL | IS-H CH: Absence rule | NCH_ABWRGL | CHAR |
88 | NCH_ABWRGLTXT | IS-H CH: Absence rule - text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
89 | NCH_ABWVER | IS-H CH: Maximum number of billable days of absence | NUMC3 | NUMC |
90 | NCH_ABWVEREH | IS-H CH: Unit for maximum absence billing | NCH_ABWVEREH | CHAR |
91 | NCH_AGREEMENT | IS-H CH: Convention (Hospital <-> Canton) | NCH_AGREEMENT | CHAR |
92 | NCH_AGREEMENTTXT | IS-H CH: Convention description | TEXT25 | CHAR |
93 | NCH_AHVNG | IS-H CH: Name group for pension insurance number | CHAR07 | CHAR |
94 | NCH_AHVNR | IS-H CH: Code for pension insurance number | NUMC03 | NUMC |
95 | NCH_ANREISE | IS-H CH: Count arrival as absence | XFELD | CHAR |
96 | NCH_ANZ | IS-H CH: Number for delimitation (patient category, type) | NUMC05 | NUMC |
97 | NCH_ANZABB | IS-H CH: Number of Previous Terminations of Pregnancy | NCH_ANZSCH | NUMC |
98 | NCH_ANZSCH | IS-H CH: Number of Previous Pregnancies | NCH_ANZSCH | NUMC |
99 | NCH_ANZTOT | IS-H CH: Number of Previous Miscarriages or Stillbirths | NCH_ANZSCH | NUMC |
100 | NCH_AUHWKH | IS-H CH: Admission from higher ranking hospital | XFELD | CHAR |
101 | NCH_AUWEHD | IS-H CH: Change main diagnoses (admission movement) | XFELD | CHAR |
102 | NCH_AZ_LL | IS-H CH: Number for the service maximum value period | NUMC3 | NUMC |
103 | NCH_BISC06 | Merkmalwert6 | ATWRT | CHAR |
104 | NCH_BISC07 | Merkmalwert7 | ATWRT | CHAR |
105 | NCH_BISC08 | Merkmalwert8 | ATWRT | CHAR |
106 | NCH_BISDRG | IS-H CH: Diagnosis Related Group bis | TARLS | CHAR |
107 | NCH_BISFPP | IS-H CH: Fallpreispauschale bis | TARLS | CHAR |
108 | NCH_CCTYPE | IS-H CH: Insurance provider category | KOSTR_ART | CHAR |
109 | NCH_CLASS1 | IS-H CH: Checkbox for first class | XFELD | CHAR |
110 | NCH_CLASS2 | IS-H CH: Checkbox for second class | XFELD | CHAR |
111 | NCH_CLASS3 | IS-H CH: Checkbox for third class | XFELD | CHAR |
112 | NCH_CLASS_INT | IS-H CH: Billable class - internal | NCH_CLASS_INT | CHAR |
113 | NCH_DATBIS | IS-H CH: End of validity | DATUM | DATS |
114 | NCH_DATVON | IS-H CH: Start of validity | DATUM | DATS |
115 | NCH_EINH | IS-H CH: Permitted time units for delimitation | NCH_EINH | CHAR |
116 | NCH_EINHEIT | IS-H CH: Unit | NUMC3 | NUMC |
117 | NCH_ENINDP | IS-H CH: Discharge upon third-party initiative | XFELD | CHAR |
118 | NCH_ENINPA | IS-H CH: Self-discharge | XFELD | CHAR |
119 | NCH_ENWEHD | IS-H CH: Change of main diagnosis (discharge movement) | XFELD | CHAR |
120 | NCH_FEIER | IS-H CH: Indicator whether public holiday surcharge | XFELD | CHAR |
121 | NCH_FPAUS | IS-H CH: Flat rate per case | XFELD | CHAR |
122 | NCH_FUNCNAME | IS-H CH: Name of function module for service rules | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
123 | NCH_FUNCNAME_GEN | IS-H CH: Name des Funktionsbausteins für Leistungsgener. | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
124 | NCH_FUNCNAME_RED | IS-H CH: Bedingung für prozentuelle Reduktion | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
125 | NCH_GEBNR | IS-H CH: Internal seq. no. of birth (acc. to midwife reg.) | NCH_GEBNR | NUMC |
126 | NCH_GESTA1 | IS-H CH: Gestational Age 1 | NCH_GESTA | NUMC |
127 | NCH_GESTA2 | IS-H CH: Gestational Age 2 | NCH_GESTA | NUMC |
128 | NCH_KONMIS | IS-H CH: Congenital malformation | NCH_KONMIS | CHAR |
129 | NCH_KP_MAXBTR | IS-H CH: Maximalbetrag | WERTV8 | CURR |
130 | NCH_KP_MAXCASEBTR | IS-H CH: Maximalbetrag pro Fall | WERTV8 | CURR |
131 | NCH_KP_MAXTXP | IS-H CH: Maximalbetrag gemäß Taxpunktangabe | ISH_PZAHL | DEC |
132 | NCH_KP_MINBTR | IS-H CH: Minimalbetrag | WERTV8 | CURR |
133 | NCH_KP_MINTXP | IS-H CH: Minimalbetrag gemäß Taxpunktangabe | ISH_PZAHL | DEC |
134 | NCH_KP_PR | IS-H CH: Periode für prozentuale Reduktion | NCH_KP_PR | CHAR |
135 | NCH_KP_PZ | IS-H CH: Periode für prozentualen Zuschlag | NCH_KP_PZ | CHAR |
136 | NCH_KTXT | IS-H CH: Short text for billing agreement | TEXT15 | CHAR |
137 | NCH_LTXT | IS-H CH: Long text for billing agreement | TEXT40 | CHAR |
138 | NCH_MANMOD | IS-h CH: Indicator : changed manually | XFELD | CHAR |
139 | NCH_MERKI | IS-H: Unterstütztes Merkmal | NCH_MERKI | CHAR |
140 | NCH_MERKN | IS-H CH: Nummer zur Kriterienbestimmung fuer Sammelauftraege | NCH_MERKN | NUMC |
141 | NCH_MNGRGL | IS-H CH: Quantity rule | NCH_MNGRGL | CHAR |
142 | NCH_MNGTEXT | IS-H CH: Text for quantity rule | TEXT40 | CHAR |
143 | NCH_MSGTY | IS-H CH: Message type (E, W, I, S) | NCH_MSGTY | CHAR |
144 | NCH_NACHT | IS-H CH: Indicator whether night tariff | XFELD | CHAR |
145 | NCH_PATART | IS-H CH: Patient type | NCH_PATART | CHAR |
146 | NCH_PATTYP | IS-H CH: Patient category | NCH_PATTYP | CHAR |
148 | NCH_POSNO | IS-H CH: Item number | NUMC4 | NUMC |
149 | NCH_PRIO | IS-H CH: Priorität fuer Zuordnung von Sammelaufträgen | NCH_PRIO | NUMC |
150 | NCH_RANKI | IS-H CH: Rank of billing agreement item | ISH_RANG | CHAR |
151 | NCH_RA_LL | IS-H CH: Rule type for service maximum values | NCH_RA_LL | CHAR |
152 | NCH_RA_LS | IS-H CH: Rule type for service breakdown (HP tariff) | NCH_RA_LS | CHAR |
153 | NCH_RA_OP | IS-H CH: Regelart für Generierung von OP-Leistungen | NCH_RA_OP | CHAR |
154 | NCH_RA_RD | IS-H CH: Regelart für Radiologieumschlüsselung | NCH_RA_RD | CHAR |
155 | NCH_RA_VP | IS-H CH: Rule type for flat rate consolidation/billability | NCH_RA_VP | CHAR |
156 | NCH_RA_ZS | IS-H CH: Regelart für Generierung von Zuschlagsleistungen | NCH_RA_ZS | CHAR |
157 | NCH_ROLNO | IS-H CH: Rollenumschlüsselungsnummer | NUMC4 | NUMC |
158 | NCH_RP_ALZS | Analyse - Periode für Abrechenbarkeit von Leistungen | NCH_RP_ALZS | CHAR |
159 | NCH_RP_LG | IS-H CH: Periode für Leistungsgenerierung | NCH_RP_LG | CHAR |
160 | NCH_RP_LL | IS-H CH: Period for service maximum values | NCH_RP_LL | CHAR |
161 | NCH_RP_OP | IS-H CH: Periode für die Generierung der OPS-Leistungen | NCH_RP_OP | CHAR |
162 | NCH_RP_RD | IS-H CH: Periode für Radiologieregel | NCH_RP_RD | CHAR |
163 | NCH_RP_VP | IS-H CH: Period for service billability | NCH_RP_VP | CHAR |
164 | NCH_RP_ZS | IS-H CH: Periode für die Generierung der Zuschlagsleistung | NCH_RP_ZS | CHAR |
165 | NCH_SAMSTAG | IS-H CH: Indicator whether Saturday tariff applies | XFELD | CHAR |
166 | NCH_SONNTAG | IS-H CH: Indicator whether surcharge on Sundays | XFELD | CHAR |
167 | NCH_SPLITART | IS-H CH: Service breakdown type | NCH_SPLITART | CHAR |
168 | NCH_SPLITPRO | IS-H CH: Percentage for Service Breakdown | NUMC3 | NUMC |
169 | NCH_SPLITTXT | IS-H CH: Description of breakdown type | TEXT120 | CHAR |
170 | NCH_TARCDE | IS-H CH: Canton Tariff | NCH_TARCDE | CHAR |
171 | NCH_TARCDETXT | IS-H CH: Description of canton tariff | TEXT25 | CHAR |
172 | NCH_TARKTR | IS-H CH: Insurance Provider Regulating Pricing | XFELD | CHAR |
173 | NCH_UNFKZ | IS-H CH: Accident indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
174 | NCH_VDATB | IS-H CH: Validity end date of billing agreement | DATUM | DATS |
175 | NCH_VDATV | IS-H CH: Validity from date of billing agreement | DATUM | DATS |
176 | NCH_VONC06 | Merkmalwert6 | ATWRT | CHAR |
177 | NCH_VONC07 | Merkmalwert7 | ATWRT | CHAR |
178 | NCH_VONC08 | Merkmalwert8 | ATWRT | CHAR |
179 | NCH_VONDRG | IS-H CH: Diagnosis Related Group von | TARLS | CHAR |
180 | NCH_VONFPP | IS-H CH: Fallpreispauschale von | TARLS | CHAR |
181 | NCH_ZEITB | IS-H CH: Time to | TIME5 | CHAR |
182 | NCH_ZEITV | IS-H CH: Time from | TIME5 | CHAR |
183 | NCLE1 | Personnel officer from infotype 0001 (Org.Assignment) | CHAR26 | CHAR |
184 | NCLE2 | Personnel officer for unsolicited application group | CHAR26 | CHAR |
185 | NCLE3 | Personnel officer for action vacancy | CHAR26 | CHAR |
186 | NCMAININCL | IS-HCM: Main include for message standard version | PROGNAME | CHAR |
187 | NCM_TEXT120 | Text Line Length 120 | TEXT120 | CHAR |
188 | NCNAME | NCName: XML "non-colonized" Name | NCNAME | STRG |
189 | NCOBL | COBL Field Name | FDNAME | CHAR |
190 | NCODEKEY | IS-HCM: Agreed Encryption Key for EDI | NUMC10 | NUMC |
191 | NCOMPNAME | CORD/PREG: Component Name | CHAR20S | CHAR |
192 | NCOMPR | IS-HCM: Compression Method | NCOMPR | CHAR |
193 | NCONCAT | Concatenated name | CHAR25 | CHAR |
194 | NCONF | Configured on multiple levels | XFELD | CHAR |
195 | NCONT | Number of normal bookings | NUMC5 | NUMC |
196 | NCONV | Conversion for field editing | CHAR2 | CHAR |
197 | NCRQYBP | Reduction applied to special buy quantity for reconciliation | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
198 | NCRQYNL | Reduction applied for reconciliation of normal lot quantity | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
199 | NCSIDEINCL | IS-HCM: Secondary include for message standard version | PROGNAME | CHAR |
200 | NCTEXT | Description of a realignment | TEXT20 | CHAR |
201 | NCTOID | IS-H: ID of Context-to-Object Assignment | NUMC10 | NUMC |
202 | NCTOORDNM | IS-H: Sequence of Context-to-Object Assignment | NUMC3 | NUMC |
203 | NCTOTY | IS-H: Context-to-Object Assignment Type | NCTOTY | CHAR |
204 | NCUM_LOADTYPE | Type of Non-Cumulative Data for Loading | NCUM_LOADTYPE | CHAR |
205 | NCURR | New currency key | WAERS | CUKY |
206 | NCXICON | IS-H: Context - Icon | ICON | CHAR |
207 | NCXID | IS-H: Context Identification | NUMC10 | NUMC |
208 | NCXORDLST | CORD/PREG: Treatment Context of Clinical Order | XFELD | CHAR |
209 | NCXOTYP | CORD/PREG: Context for Structuring Hit List CORD | XFELD | CHAR |
210 | NCXPREREG | IS-H: Treatment Context | XFELD | CHAR |
211 | NCXPRTLST | Context for Structuring Preregistration Hit List | XFELD | CHAR |
212 | NCXSICON | IS-H: Icon for Context Status | ICON | CHAR |
213 | NCXSINIT | IS-H: Context Status, Initial Status Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
214 | NCXSORD | IS-H: Sequence of Context Status | NUMC3 | NUMC |
215 | NCXSTA | IS-H: Context Status | CHAR3 | CHAR |
216 | NCXSTANM | IS-H: Name of Context Status | TEXT20 | CHAR |
217 | NCXSTDEF | IS-H: Context - Status Required | XFELD | CHAR |
218 | NCXSVCREQ | Context for Structuring the Request Hit List | XFELD | CHAR |
219 | NCXTYP | IS-H: Context | NCXTYP | CHAR |
220 | NCXTYPNM | IS-H: Name of Context | TEXT30 | CHAR |
221 | NCXTYPSN | IS-H: Context Identifier | TEXT15 | CHAR |
222 | NCXVALD | IS-H: Expiry Date of Findings in the Context | DATE | DATS |
223 | NCYCL | Name for different personnel calculation rule | CCYCL | CHAR |
224 | NC_PZAHL | IS-H: Charge Factor as CHAR Field for Data Transfer | CHAR10 | CHAR |
225 | NC_STATUS_KK | Noncash security deposit status | NC_STATUS_KK | NUMC |
226 | NC_TARAS | IS-H: Multiplication Factor as CHAR Field | CHAR8 | CHAR |
227 | NC_TBTRAG | IS-H: Price (per quantity unit) as CHAR field | CHAR14 | CHAR |
228 | NDABJ | Expired useful life in years at start of the fiscal year | JARAF | NUMC |
229 | NDABJ_ALTD | Expired useful life in years (Legacy Data Transfer FI-AA) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
230 | NDABP | Expired useful life in periods at start of fiscal year | PERAF | NUMC |
231 | NDABP_ALTD | Expired useful life in periods (legacy data transfer FI-AA) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
232 | NDASCHAR | IS-HCM: ASCII string (Communication Module) | NDASCHAR | CHAR |
233 | NDASLANG | IS-HCM: Number of used characters of the ASCII table | NDASLANG | NUMC |
234 | NDASNAME | IS-HCM: Name of the transfer file (communications module) | NDASNAME | CHAR |
235 | NDASQUDAT | IS-HCM: Date when Data Passed to Application (Comm.Mod.) | DATUM | DATS |
236 | NDASQUITT | IS-HCM: Acknowledgment for Communication Module | NDASQUITT | CHAR |
237 | NDASQUTIM | IS-HCM: Time when Data Passed to Application (Comm.Mod.) | UZEIT | TIMS |
238 | NDATE | Retro.acct.for net part as of | DATUM | DATS |
239 | NDAYS | Restart on day from current month | KTAG | NUMC |
240 | NDBCLK | Double-Click Function (Yes/No) | XFELD | CHAR |
241 | NDBD_COMMIT_US | NewDB Commit Time in Microseconds | INT4 | |
242 | NDBD_HDB_SERVER_US | Time for HDB Index Server in Microseconds | INT4 | |
244 | NDB_WAITS | Number of times a process had to wait to obtain a nonDB lock | INT4 | INT4 |
245 | NDB_W_TIME | Cumulative time (millisec.) spent on non-DB lock waits | INT4 | INT4 |
246 | NDC | NDC Type | NDC | CHAR |
247 | NDECIMALS | Decimal places | SYNUM02 | NUMC |
248 | NDECL | Kind of SI declaration | CHAR1 | CHAR |
249 | NDIALOG | Maximum number of messages | NUMC | |
250 | NDIFFPHYSSENDER | IS-H EDI: Alternative sender specif. for data transmission | TEXT20 | CHAR |
251 | NDIFW | Negative inventory difference value | WERTV9 | CURR |
252 | NDIREL | NDI Release Name | NDIREL | CHAR |
253 | NDISP | Do not display screen (skip) | XFLAG | CHAR |
254 | NDI_SYSTYP | NDI System Type | NDI_SYSTYP | CHAR |
255 | NDJAR | Planned useful life in years | JARAF | NUMC |
256 | NDJAR_ALTD | Planned useful life in years (Legacy Data Transfer FI-AA) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
257 | NDM_ABC_ZONE | Newspaper Designated Market Zone for ABC | NDM_ABC_ZONE | CHAR |
258 | NDPER | Planned useful life in periods | PERAF | NUMC |
259 | NDPER_ALTD | Planned useful life in periods (Legacy Data Transfer FI-AA) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
260 | NDPROF_TXT | Selection of graphic object type - description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
261 | NDPROZ | Different useful life percentage rate for dep.simulation | NDPROZ | NUMC |
262 | NDSPTYX | Sched. Type Manually Changed/Auto Determination Prohib | XFELD | CHAR |
263 | NDSTO | Do Not Explode Stock Transport Order | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
264 | NDTXT_KK | Account balance: Function text for items to be hidden | TXT20 | CHAR |
265 | NDURJ | Original useful life in years | JARAF | NUMC |
266 | NDURJ_ALTD | Original useful life in years (Legacy Data Transfer FI-AA) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
267 | NDURP | Original useful life in periods | PERAF | NUMC |
268 | NDURP_ALTD | Original Useful Life in Periods (Legacy Data Transfer AA) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
269 | NDYM_PROG | IS-H: Module Pool Name | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
270 | NDYNLFD | Screen sequence number (for sequence of screens) | NUMC2 | NUMC |
271 | NDYNPZUST | No longer used | DYNPRONR | NUMC |
272 | NDYTP | Eligibility string for day type on next day | CHAR10 | CHAR |
273 | NEAUM | Select new exceptions only | XFELD | CHAR |
274 | NEBEN | Additional Costs | WERTV5 | CURR |
275 | NEBTR | Net Payment Amount | WERT7 | CURR |
276 | NEBTR_AV | Net Payment Amount with +/- Sign | WRTV7 | CURR |
277 | NEBTR_CA | Payment Amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
278 | NEBTR_KK | Payment amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
279 | NECUR_KK | Payment Currency | WAERS | CUKY |
280 | NEDAT | Posting Date of the next Payment Run | DATUM | DATS |
281 | NEDIINQNT | IS-H EDI Number of EDI Messages Uploaded/Received | NUMC10 | NUMC |
282 | NEDIOUTQNT | IS-H EDI Number of EDI Messages Created/Sent | NUMC10 | NUMC |
283 | NEGABS | Negative absolute deviation that is tolerated | WERTV8 | CURR |
284 | NEGAT | Negative material | CHAR1 | CHAR |
285 | NEGATION | Negative operator | CHAR3 | CHAR |
286 | NEGBL_KK | Rule for Negative Postings | NEGBL_KK | CHAR |
287 | NEGBS | Negative stock | MENG13 | QUAN |
288 | NEGBU_KK | Control Field for Negative Posting | NEGBU_KK | NUMC |
289 | NEGCONFIRMED | Negative Confirmation of Waste Disposal Order | CHAR1 | CHAR |
290 | NEGCONF_ANZ | Negative Confirmed Number in Statistics | STATANZ | INT4 |
291 | NEGKO_KK | Rule for Negative Postings for General Ledger Correction | NEGKO_KK | CHAR |
292 | NEGKZ | Ind.: Negative depreciation differences | XFELD | CHAR |
293 | NEGO_CARRATE_CODE | Code of Negotiated Car Rental Rate | CHAR12 | CHAR |
294 | NEGO_CAR_CODE | Car rental specification of necotiated rate | FTPD_CAR_CODE | CHAR |
295 | NEGO_CAR_GEO | Geographical Area of Negotiated Car Rental Rate | FTPD_GEO_ID | CHAR |
296 | NEGO_CAR_GEO_TYPE | Geographical area type | FTPD_GEO_TYPE | CHAR |
297 | NEGO_CAR_RATE_CODE | Negotiated car rental rate | FTPD_CAR_RATE_CODE | CHAR |
298 | NEGO_FARE | Price of negotiated rate | FTPD_PRICE | CURR |
300 | NEGO_FARE_CURRENCY | Currency of negotiated rate | WAERS | CUKY |
301 | NEGO_FARE_TYPE | Type of Negotiated Airfare Rate | FTPD_NEGO_FARE_TYPE | CHAR |
302 | NEGO_FLI_DEST | Arrival Location of Negotiated Airfare Rate | FTPD_IATA_LOCATION | CHAR |
303 | NEGO_FLI_ORG | Departure location of negotiated airfare rate | FTPD_IATA_LOCATION | CHAR |
304 | NEGO_HOTEL_BEDTYPE | Bed type of negotiated rate | FTPD_BEDDING_TYPE | CHAR |
305 | NEGO_HOTEL_CLASS | Hotel category | FTPD_HOTEL_CLASS | CHAR |
306 | NEGO_HOTEL_GEO | Geographical area of negotiated hotel rate | FTPD_GEO_ID | CHAR |
307 | NEGO_HOTEL_GEO_TYPE | Geographical area type | FTPD_GEO_TYPE | CHAR |
308 | NEGO_HOTEL_NUMBER_OF_BEDS | Negotiated rate: Number of beds | CHAR1 | CHAR |
309 | NEGO_HOTEL_PROPERTY_CODE | Identification of individual hotel | FTPD_HOTEL_PROP | CHAR |
310 | NEGO_HOTEL_RATE_CODE | Negotiated hotel rate | FTPD_HOTEL_RATE_CODE | CHAR |
311 | NEGO_HOTEL_ROOMTYPE | Room type of negotiated rate | FTPD_HOTEL_ROOMTYPE | CHAR |
312 | NEGO_LONG_TEXT | Rate Description | TEXT132 | CHAR |
313 | NEGO_PROVIDER | Provider of negotiated rate | FTPD_PROVIDER_CODE | CHAR |
314 | NEGO_SHORT_TEXT | Description of Rate | TEXT20 | CHAR |
315 | NEGPRZ | Negative percentage deviation that is tolerated | PRZ21 | DEC |
316 | NEGP_DEB | Indicator: Negative Posting in Debit | XFELD | CHAR |
317 | NEGTEST | Indicator: Scale Negative Tracing Factors | NEGTEST | NUMC |
318 | NEGVAL | Indicator: Document has Negative Amounts | XFELD | CHAR |
319 | NEG_LINES_IGNORE_PS | Ignore Negative Items | XFELD | CHAR |
320 | NEG_PREC | Negative Percent Deviation | SPROZENT | NUMC |
321 | NEG_SUMS_ACCEPT_PS | Accept Negative Invoice Total | XFELD | CHAR |
322 | NEG_SUMS_FORMKEY_PS | Application Form for Credit Memos | FORMKEY | CHAR |
323 | NEHWR | Net value of purchasing document item in local currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
324 | NEIN | Entry field: No | CHAR1 | CHAR |
325 | NEINHEITW | Assessed value base year | GJAHR | NUMC |
326 | NEINHEITWBI | Assessed value base year | CHAR4 | CHAR |
327 | NEIN_0220 | Text field contents: No | CHAR20 | CHAR |
328 | NEISB | Safety stock: display field | FLDNN | CHAR |
329 | NEIST | Net actual value | FLTP | FLTP |
330 | NEKORG | Purchasing Organization | EKORG | CHAR |
331 | NENDDATUM | End Date of the New Interval | DATUM | DATS |
332 | NEND_DATE | IS-H: End Date of Period | DATUM | DATS |
333 | NEND_IST | Actual finish for collective order (date) | DATUM | DATS |
334 | NEND_TRM | Scheduled finish date of collective order (date) | DATUM | DATS |
335 | NENERRQNT | IS-HCM Number of incorrect received messages via HCM | NUMC10 | NUMC |
336 | NENNBEL | Nominal load | NENNBEL | DEC |
337 | NENNBELADM | Nominal load | NENNBELADM | CHAR |
338 | NENNBELB | To-nominal load | NENNBEL | DEC |
339 | NENNBELV | From-nominal load | NENNBEL | DEC |
340 | NENNER | Legal check: Total foreign portion | WERT15 | CURR |
341 | NENNERHS | Reduction denominator for reducing maximum rate | CHAR2 | CHAR |
342 | NENNERPS | Reduction denominator for reducing lump sums | CHAR2 | CHAR |
343 | NENNERS | Reduction denominator | DEC4 | DEC |
344 | NENNR | Denominator for conversion into SI unit | INT4 | |
345 | NENNR_WS | Denominator for a ratio | INT4 | INT4 |
346 | NENQNT | IS-HCM Number of received messages by the HCM | NUMC10 | NUMC |
347 | NENT_IST | Actual finish collective order (time) | UHRZT | TIMS |
348 | NENT_TRM | Scheduled finish collective order (time) | UHRZT | TIMS |
349 | NEO_ORDCAT | External Order - Order Category | NEO_ORDCAT | CHAR |
350 | NEO_ORDTYP | External Order - Order Type | NEO_ORDTYP | CHAR |
351 | NEPGR | Indicator: No Price Point Group | XFELD | CHAR |
352 | NEQ_DEF | Default Value for Parts per Aircraft | ORFCALC1 | DEC |
353 | NEQ_Q1 | Source of Number of Parts per Aircraft | IP_DEF | CHAR |
354 | NERRORFLAG | IS-H: Error Indicator (X Field) | XFELD | CHAR |
355 | NERRORINF | Information about an Error (Which Error) | NUMC04 | NUMC |
356 | NERTWR_OP | Open Still Expected Value | WERTV8 | CURR |
357 | NESHB_X8 | Net Payment Amount with +/- Sign | WRTV8 | CURR |
358 | NESTED | Flag for nested structure | SYCHAR01 | CHAR |
359 | NESTEDORA | Oracle: dba_tables.nested | CHAR3 | CHAR |
360 | NESTLEVEL | Nesting level for lock waiters | INT2 | INT2 |
361 | NETADJCONF | Suppress dialog box when aligning | XFELD | CHAR |
362 | NETALIVE | Interval for graphic to respond | NETALIVE | NUMC |
363 | NETAMNTTR_BRO | Reported Net Amount in Transaction Currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
364 | NETAMNTTR_X_BRO | Reported Net Amount in Transaction Currency (Ext. Display) | CHAR16 | CHAR |
365 | NETAMNT_PREM_BRO | Fast Entry: Premiums | WRTV7 | CURR |
366 | NETAMODAL | Flag: activate amodal processing | XFELD | CHAR |
367 | NETAN | Net annual salary | P12_WERTV7 | CURR |
368 | NETAU | Indicator: Net Scrap | XFELD | CHAR |
369 | NETAUTOADJ | Flag for activation of automatic alignment | XFELD | CHAR |
370 | NETAUTOCLS | Mode for positioning frames during alignment | NETAUTOCLS | CHAR |
371 | NETAUTOPRT | Mode for unbundling links | NETAUTOPRT | CHAR |
372 | NETBMPDISP | Name of the graphic symbol for the display area | VCGMFFILE | CHAR |
373 | NETBMPNAV | Name of the graphic symbol file for the navigation area | VCGMFFILE | CHAR |
374 | NETBMPNOD | Name of the graphic symbol file for the node area | VCGMFFILE | CHAR |
375 | NETBOXTYPE | Box type in network/hierarchy graphics | CHAR1 | CHAR |
376 | NETBRKCON | Deactivate link mode after executing once | XFELD | CHAR |
377 | NETBRKLGND | Wrap in legend | XFELD | CHAR |
378 | NETBT | Net Amount | PRBETRG | CURR |
379 | NETBUTPOS | Toolbox position | NETBUTPOS | CHAR |
380 | NETCLCOLS | Number of columns in cluster editor | NETCLCOLS | NUMC |
381 | NETCLCOLWD | Width of columns in cluster editor | NETCLCOLWD | NUMC |
382 | NETCLDELS | Space between columns in frame editor | NETCLDELS | NUMC |
383 | NETCLROWS | Number of Rows in the Cluster Editor | NETROWCOL | NUMC |
384 | NETCLSTBMP | Name of the graphic symbol file used for the frame | VCGMFFILE | CHAR |
385 | NETCLUSPOS | Field Position in Graphical Cluster Editor | NUMC3 | NUMC |
386 | NETCLUSPRO | Frame group for network/hierarchy graphics | NETCLUSPRO | CHAR |
387 | NETCOMMENT | Comment field for table TNETMAC (Network Monitor) | CHAR120 | CHAR |
388 | NETCOMPACT | Mode for positioning isolated nodes | COMPACTNOD | CHAR |
389 | NETCOMPIND | Flag: Align in area "insertable nodes" | XFELD | CHAR |
390 | NETCONFIRM | Flag: activate CONFIRM mode | XFELD | CHAR |
391 | NETCONMODE | Mode when linking nodes | NETCONMODE | CHAR |
392 | NETCUSMODE | Flag: activate saving of options profile | XFELD | CHAR |
393 | NETDATE | Due Date | DATUM | DATS |
394 | NETDATUM | Due date for net payment | DATUM | DATS |
395 | NETDBCLICK | Flag: support double-click | XFELD | CHAR |
396 | NETDIAGLIN | Diagonal links in network | XFELD | CHAR |
397 | NETDISPBG | Background color for display area | W_COLOR | CHAR |
398 | NETDT | Due Date for Net Payment | DATUM | DATS |
399 | NETDT_MIN | Earliest Due date (Net) for Discounting | DATUM | DATS |
400 | NETDUPMODE | Mode for copying nodes | NETDUPMODE | CHAR |
401 | NETFLDKEY | Field identification | NETFLDKEY | CHAR |
402 | NETFL_F05A | Indicator: Display Net Amounts ? | XFELD | CHAR |
403 | NETFMTATTR | Format attribute | CHAR2 | CHAR |
404 | NETFMTFL | Format flag | CHAR1 | CHAR |
405 | NETFMTKEY | Name of form definition | NETFMTKEY | CHAR |
406 | NETFMTNAME | Format name | CHAR7 | CHAR |
407 | NETFMTVAL | Format value | CHAR80 | CHAR |
408 | NETFW | Net Amount in Foreign Currency | WERT7 | CURR |
409 | NETH2 | Net Amount in Second Local Currency | WERT7 | CURR |
410 | NETH3 | Net Amount in Third Local Currency | WERT7 | CURR |
411 | NETHLTFL | Highlight flag | CHAR1 | CHAR |
412 | NETHLTKEY | Name of color definition | NETHLTKEY | CHAR |
413 | NETHLTNAME | Highlight name | CHAR6 | CHAR |
414 | NETHLTVAL | Value of highlight | CHAR80 | CHAR |
415 | NETHOFFSET | Offset for horizontal scrolling | NETOFFSET | NUMC |
416 | NETHW | Net Amount in Local Currency | WERT7 | CURR |
417 | NETID | Network identification | NETID | CHAR |
418 | NETIGNORE | Flag: ingnore user entries | XFELD | CHAR |
419 | NETINFONUM | Text index for info text | VCTCENTRY | CHAR |
420 | NETINODESZ | Initial size of nodes in "insertable nodes" area | NETNODESZ | NUMC |
421 | NETINPICKM | Indicator: Inner pickmarks at frame | XFELD | CHAR |
422 | NETINSATLK | Return link ID when inserting nodes | XFELD | CHAR |
423 | NETINSMODE | Mode when inserting nodes | NETINSMODE | CHAR |
424 | NETINSNDPO | Flag: Give node positions when inserting | XFELD | CHAR |
425 | NETKANPROF | Link group for links in Network/Hierarchy Graphics | NETKANPROF | CHAR |
426 | NETKNOPROF | Node group in Network/Hierarchy Graphics | NETKNOPROF | CHAR |
427 | NETKOST | Net value of attendance fees | CURR16 | CURR |
428 | NETLABTEXT | Text in labels table | CHAR80 | CHAR |
429 | NETLAYBG | Background color in partitioning window | W_COLOR | CHAR |
430 | NETLAYFG | Line color in partitioning window | W_COLOR | CHAR |
431 | NETLAYORD | Sequence of the display, node and navigation areas | NETLAYORD | CHAR |
432 | NETLAYOUT | Mode for aligning graph in network | NETLAYOUT | CHAR |
433 | NETLAYSTL | Area division | NETLAYSTL | CHAR |
434 | NETLBUTTBG | Background color for symbols in partitioning window | W_COLOR | CHAR |
435 | NETLBUTTFG | Line color in partitioning symbols | W_COLOR | CHAR |
436 | NETLEGEND | Position of the legend in the network | NETLEGEND | CHAR |
437 | NETLINESAB | Relationship of links | CHAR2 | CHAR |
438 | NETLINKINC | Flag: Links within a frame | XFELD | CHAR |
439 | NETLINKOPT | Flag: Link optimization in Network Graphics | XFELD | CHAR |
440 | NETMACNRS | Number of unknown MAC addresses in table TNETMAC | INT4 | INT4 |
441 | NETMARKND | Node/frame marking type | NETMARKND | CHAR |
442 | NETMASTERV | Drawing mode for the navigation window | NETMASTERV | CHAR |
443 | NETMG | Net margin | DEC3_3 | DEC |
444 | NETMODMODE | Change Mode | NETMODMODE | CHAR |
445 | NETMRKLINK | Link marking type | NETMRKLINK | CHAR |
446 | NETMVBTMPS | Movement of bitmaps | XFELD | CHAR |
447 | NETNAVBG | Background color for navigation area | W_COLOR | CHAR |
448 | NETNAVFRM | Color of frame in navigation area | W_COLOR | CHAR |
449 | NETNOBOXMV | Flag: Do not allow box movement | XFELD | CHAR |
450 | NETNODEBG | Background color of node area | W_COLOR | CHAR |
451 | NETNODELMS | Time interval for status text display | NETNODELMS | NUMC |
452 | NETNODELPO | Flag: Suppress confirmation for deletion | XFELD | CHAR |
453 | NETNODESZ | Initial node size in display area | NETNODESZ | NUMC |
454 | NETNODUPMV | Indicator: Position boxes/nodes overlapping | XFELD | CHAR |
455 | NETNOSLWRN | Suppress object reference dialog box | XFELD | CHAR |
456 | NETNOWARN | Flag: Ignore warnings | XFELD | CHAR |
457 | NETNUMC4 | Dummy | NUMC4 | NUMC |
458 | NETNZ | Net Arrears Payment | PRBETRG | CURR |
459 | NETOBJID | Identifier for graphical objects | CHAR10 | CHAR |
460 | NETOBJTYPE | Object type | NETOBJTYPE | CHAR |
461 | NETOBUTTBG | Background color of symbols in ordering window | W_COLOR | CHAR |
462 | NETOBUTTFG | Line color for ordering symbols | W_COLOR | CHAR |
463 | NETOPTPROF | Name of the options profile | NETOPTPROF | CHAR |
464 | NETORDBG | Background color in sequence window | W_COLOR | CHAR |
465 | NETORDFG | Foreground color in sequence window | W_COLOR | CHAR |
466 | NETOWNLGND | Flag: Font field | XFELD | CHAR |
467 | NETPC | Tax-free percentage of deduction | DEC5_2 | DEC |
468 | NETPHNTBND | Movement response of phantoms in network | NETPHNTBND | CHAR |
469 | NETPILEMOD | Flag: Automatic scrolling through stack | XFELD | CHAR |
470 | NETPL | Net requirements segment in the planning table | CHAR1 | CHAR |
471 | NETPORTSIZ | Link symbol size in 1/100 mm | NETPORTSIZ | NUMC |
472 | NETPR | Net price | WERTV6 | CURR |
473 | NETPRFGRUP | Profile group (sort graphics profiles) | NETPRFGRUP | CHAR |
474 | NETPRFINDX | Profile index for graphics profiles | CHAR1 | CHAR |
475 | NETPRFNAME | Name of graphic profile in Network/Hierarchy Graphics | CHAR12 | CHAR |
476 | NETPRICE | Net Price | WERTV9 | CURR |
477 | NETPRO | Old Net Price | WERTV6 | CURR |
478 | NETRANG | Rank for network layout calculation | XFELD | CHAR |
479 | NETRASTER | Flag: Display grid in frame editor | XFELD | CHAR |
480 | NETROUNDED | Flag: Use rounded corners in graphics | XFELD | CHAR |
481 | NETRPONLY | Positioning only with Y coordinates | NETRPONLY | CHAR |
482 | NETSELLINC | Color for link selection | W_COLOR | CHAR |
483 | NETSELOMOD | Selection mode for object type | NETSELOMOD | CHAR |
484 | NETSELTMOD | Mode for selection type | NETSELTMOD | CHAR |
485 | NETSHORTLK | Flag: move nodes together as close as possible | XFELD | CHAR |
486 | NETSTATBG | Background color for status line (is no longer used) | W_COLOR | CHAR |
487 | NETSTATFG | Status line foreground color (no longer used) | W_COLOR | CHAR |
488 | NETSTUFE | Level of detail for (standard) networks | NETSTUFE | NUMC |
489 | NETSUBCHRT | Indicator: Area restriction active | XFELD | CHAR |
490 | NETSUBINDX | Text index for area restriction | NUMC2 | NUMC |
491 | NETT1 | Net Wage | DEC6_2 | DEC |
492 | NETT2_KK | Net amount in second local currency with +/- sign | WRTV7 | CURR |
493 | NETT3_KK | Net amount in third local currency with +/- sign | WRTV7 | CURR |
494 | NETTBXZOOM | Zoom with arrow keys | XFELD | CHAR |
495 | NETTH_KK | Net amount in local currency with +/- signs | WRTV7 | CURR |
496 | NETTIMER | Time interval for transferring control to calling program | NETTIMER | NUMC |
497 | NETTITLBOX | Print/display header | NETTITLBOX | CHAR |
498 | NETTO | Payroll performed for net part | XFELD | CHAR |
499 | NETTOBTR | Net amount of billing line item | WRTV7 | CURR |
500 | NETTOFRMD | Amount in foreign currency with +/- sign | WRTV7 | CURR |