SAP ABAP Function Module - Index B, page 38
Function Module - B
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | BKK_COND_SELECT_FOR_CATEGORY | Transfer Condition for a Condition Category | |
2 | BKK_COND_SEL_DATE_TO_CONVDATE | Date Conversion into an Inverted Date for a Selection Table | |
3 | BKK_COND_SEL_FOR_ID | Read Conditions for an ID | |
4 | BKK_COND_SET_CONDGR_GM | Füllen der Globalen Tabellen | |
5 | BKK_COND_SET_COND_TABLES_GM | Fill Global Tables from Payment Transactions | |
6 | BKK_COND_SET_DATA_SIMULATION | TEST: Set Data for Account Simulation | |
7 | BKK_COND_SET_LOGICAL_IND | Resets the Logical, Saved Individual Conditions with Condition ID | |
8 | BKK_COND_SET_STORE_TYPE | Set Save Type in Mixer | |
9 | BKK_COND_SHOW_FEES_PREP | Formatting Charge Conditions for Overview Display | |
10 | BKK_COND_SHOW_FEES_PREP_LE | Formatting Charge Conditions for Overview Display | |
11 | BKK_COND_SHOW_INT_PREP | Formatting Interest Conditions for Overview Display | |
12 | BKK_COND_SHOW_INT_PREP_LE | Formatting Interest Conditions for Overview Display | |
13 | BKK_COND_SIMULATE_PROD_OFFER | Offer Simulation for a Product | |
14 | BKK_COND_SIM_MERGE_PO_IT_PL | Merging of Planned Orders and Items for Simulation | |
15 | BKK_COND_STD_COND_CONVERT | Format Standard Conditions, Place in Global Data | |
16 | BKK_COND_STORE_ADVINT_GM | Save Interest Penalty (Table) | |
17 | BKK_COND_STORE_ADVINT_T | Save Interest Penalty (Table) | |
18 | BKK_COND_STORE_CHECK | Check if INSERT or UPDATE of Condition on Database is Required | |
19 | BKK_COND_STORE_CTL | Save Global Condition Memory on Database: Control | |
20 | BKK_COND_STORE_USEDTILL_CTL | Saving USEDTILL for the Condition and Condition Assignment to the Database | |
21 | BKK_COND_STORE_USEDTILL_GM | Saving Conditions in Global Memory for UPDATE of USEDTILL | |
22 | BKK_COND_SUBTOCOL_DATE_DET | Determines 'Subject to Final Payment' Date | |
23 | BKK_COND_TIMEPROPCALC_GET | Reading Short Text for Pro Rata Calculation | |
24 | BKK_COND_TIMEUNIT_GET | Read Short Text for Time Unit | |
25 | BKK_COND_TRNSACT_FEE_CALC | Transaction Charge Calculation | |
26 | BKK_COND_TRNSACT_INTEREST_CALC | Transaction Interest Calculation | |
27 | BKK_COND_TTRNTYP_AITRNTYP_CONV | Assignment of Transaction Type to Interest Transaction Type | |
28 | BKK_COND_TTRNTYP_FTRNTYP_CONV | Assignment of Transaction Type to Charge Transaction Type | |
29 | BKK_COND_TTRNTYP_ITRNTYP_CONV | Assignment of Transaction Type to Interest Transaction Type | |
30 | BKK_COND_UNLOCK_COND | Unlocks Conditions | |
31 | BKK_COND_USER_DATA_DISPLAY | Display Author, Changer and Releaser of Conditions | |
32 | BKK_COND_USER_DATA_INSERT | Entering User Data in Condition and Position | |
33 | BKK_COND_VALUE_DATE_DET | Determines Value Date | |
34 | BKK_COND_VAL_DATE_MAINTAIN | Determine Value Date According to Interest Calculation Method | |
35 | BKK_COND_WHTAX_AFTER_DATA_WRIT | Writes Return Data from Capital Yield Tax Module to Log | |
36 | BKK_COND_WHTAX_BATCH_DELETE_DB | Account Balancing (CYT Calculation in Batch Mode): Import from Database | |
37 | BKK_COND_WHTAX_BATCH_EXPORT_DB | Account Balancing (CYT Calculation in Batch Mode): Export to Database | |
38 | BKK_COND_WHTAX_BATCH_IMPORT_DB | Account Balancing (CYT Calculation in Batch Mode): Import from Database | |
39 | BKK_COND_WHTAX_EXEC | Execute Capital Yield Tax Calculation: OPEN-BKK Interface | |
40 | BKK_COND_WHTAX_EXEC_CTL | Controls Capital Yield Tax Determination | |
41 | BKK_COND_WHTAX_EXEC_NOTIFY | Capital Yield Tax: Notify Locked Accounts | |
42 | BKK_COND_WHTAX_GET_DATA | Capital Yield Tax: Notify Locked Accounts | |
43 | BKK_COND_WHTAX_INIT | Capital Yield Tax: Initialization of Global Data | |
44 | BKK_COND_WHTAX_POSTING_PREP | Capital Yield Tax Determination: Preparation for Postings | |
45 | BKK_COND_WHTAX_PREPARE | Preparation for Call-Up of Capital Yield Tax Calculation | |
46 | BKK_COND_WHTAX_SET_DATA | Capital Yield Tax: Notify Locked Accounts | |
47 | BKK_CONVERSION_EXIT_DATEX_INP | convert a relative or shortened date | |
48 | BKK_CONVERT_ACEXT_INPUT_BKL | Conversion of Ext. Accnt Number with Leading Zeros using Country (Input) | |
49 | BKK_CONVERT_ACEXT_OUTPUT_BKL | Conversion of Ext. Accnt Number with Leading Zeros using Country (Output) | |
51 | BKK_CONVERT_INVERTED_DATE | Convert Inverted Date to Date | |
52 | BKK_CORR_DB_GET_BKK45_CORR | Retreive Correspondence Receiver data from database | |
53 | BKK_CORR_DB_SAVE_BKK45_CORR | Update database table bkk45_corr | |
54 | BKK_CORR_FILL_BKKCORRACCNT | Complete Table BKKCORRACCNT with the Corresponding Values | |
55 | BKK_CORR_FILL_BKKCORRITEM | Complete Table BKKCORRITEM with Values from BKKIT | |
56 | BKK_CORR_REC_GET_ADDR | Get Bank Statement for Item | |
57 | BKK_CREATE_BANK_CHECK_DIG_ES | Calculation of Bank Control Key for Spain | |
58 | BKK_CREATE_BANK_CHECK_DIG_FR | Calculation of Bank Control Key (RIB) for France | |
59 | BKK_CREATE_BANK_CHECK_DIG_IT | Calculation of Bank Control Key for Italy | |
60 | BKK_CREATE_BANK_CHECK_DIG_PT | Calculation of Bank Control Key for Portugal | |
61 | BKK_CREATE_WHERE_COND_FIELD | Table of Where Conditions for SELECT Query Relating to a Field | |
62 | BKK_CUR_CHANGE_GET_CURRENCY | Supplies the Target Currency for a Currency Conversion | |
63 | BKK_CUR_CHANGE_IS_PERIOD | Are we in the dual currency phase? | |
64 | BKK_CUST_FIELDS_GET_ALL | Attributes for All Container Fields for Bank Area | |
65 | BKK_CUST_FIELDS_GET_ATTRIBUTES | Read Display Attributes for Container Fields | |
66 | BKK_CUS_SCR_FLDS_GET | Function Module to retrieve the screen field names of BCA | |
67 | BKK_DATEINTV_ADD_DATE | Add Date to Time Period | |
68 | BKK_DATEINTV_MERGE | Group Time Periods | |
69 | BKK_DATE_STRING_CONVERT | Conversion of a Relative or Abbreviated Date Specification | |
70 | BKK_DB_BKK58_UPDATE | Update term master table - bkk58 | |
71 | BKK_DB_BKKF_GET_BY_SKY | Fetches term details by semantic key | |
72 | BKK_DB_BKKF_GET_MLT | Fetches multiple term details by primary key | |
73 | BKK_DB_BKKF_REFRESH | Refresh the db buffer for a single account by primary key | |
74 | BKK_DB_BKKF_REFRESH_ALL | Refresh DB buffer | |
75 | BKK_DB_BKKF_SAVE_MLT | Saves term details of multiple accounts by primary key | |
76 | BKK_DB_BKKTERMPPRC_UPDATE | Update term postprocessing table - bkktermpprc | |
77 | BKK_DB_BKKTERM_UPDATE | Update term details table - bkkterm | |
78 | BKK_DB_GET_TABLE_FIELDS | Read Table Fields | |
79 | BKK_DC_READ_DECLINE_TEXT | Release: Read Texts for Rejection Reasons | |
80 | BKK_DELETE_LEADING_ZERO | Deletion of Leading Zeros | |
81 | BKK_DEQUE_TBKK_REPENQ | Remove Report Lock | |
82 | BKK_DOCUMENT_SENDER_SU | Original Document Statement from FI (Entry in TTYP) | |
83 | BKK_DOMAIN_TEXTS_READ | Read Texts for Domains | |
84 | BKK_DTAUS_CONVERT_IN_INTERN | Fill Table in Internal Format with DTAUS Data | |
85 | BKK_DTAUS_FILL_FIELDS_FROM_A | Fill Fields with the A Record Data | |
86 | BKK_DTAUS_FILL_FIELDS_FROM_C | Fill Fields with C Record Data | |
87 | BKK_DTAUS_FINISH_LOGICAL_FILE | Close Logical File (Check E Record) | |
88 | BKK_DTA_CONVERT_POST_ITEMS | BCA: Converts and Posts Imported Items | |
89 | BKK_DTA_CREATE_FILE_NAME | BCA: Generate Complete File Name | |
90 | BKK_DTA_FILL_IMPORT_TABLE | BCA: Convert Data to Transfer Structure of BAPI | |
91 | BKK_DTA_FIND_TRNSTYP_TO_TXTKEY | Find Transaction Type for Text Key | |
92 | BKK_DTA_GET_TRNSTYPE_TO_TXTKEY | Selects All Transaction Types for a Text Key (Without Supplementation) | |
93 | BKK_DTA_SAVE_TRNSTYPE | BCA: Update Transaction Type | |
94 | BKK_DTA_UPLOAD_FROM_DISK | Read Data from Disk or Hard Drive | |
95 | BKK_DTA_UPLOAD_FROM_UNIX | Read Data from Application Server | |
96 | BKK_DURA_EXISTS | Check if Term or Term Stage Exists | |
97 | BKK_DYNSAL_EXISTS | Check Existence of a Dynamic Balance | |
98 | BKK_EMPLOYEE_ACCOUNT_CHECK | Checks if Account is an Employee Account | |
99 | BKK_EMP_ACCNT_METHOD_GET_TEXT | Reads the Name of an Object Method | |
100 | BKK_EMP_ACC_CHECK_METHOD | Checks if an Object Method Is Permitted (Authorization for Employee Accts) | |
101 | BKK_EMP_ACC_CHECK_TRNSTYPE | Checks if a Transaction Type Is Permitted (Auth. for Employee Accounts) | |
102 | BKK_EMP_ACC_METHODS_GET_ALLOWD | Shows Permitted Methods for an Object(Authorization for Employee Accounts) | |
103 | BKK_EMP_ACC_METHODS_GET_ALLWD | Tests if Employee Account and Shows Permitted Methods for an Object | |
104 | BKK_ENQUE_TBKK_REPENQ | Lock Against Duplicate Start of Report | |
105 | BKK_EURO_COMPENSATION_CHECK | Check Netting Between Different Currencies | |
106 | BKK_EURO_CONVERT | Converts One Joining Currency to Another Joining Currency | |
107 | BKK_EURO_GL_ACCT_CHECK | Account Changeover: Check that Balance Sheet Preparation Is Completed | |
108 | BKK_EURO_GL_CUST_CHECK | Account Changeover: Read/Check Customizing GL Op. Currency Changeover | |
109 | BKK_EURO_GL_CUST_GET_TRNSTYPES | Supplies Transaction Types for Currency Changeover | |
110 | BKK_EURO_GL_POST_NEW_CURR | Account Changeover: Add New Currency to General Ledger | |
111 | BKK_EURO_GL_REVERSE_OLD_CURR | Account Changeover: Remove Old Currency from General Ledger | |
112 | BKK_EURO_IS_EWU_CURRENCY | Is a Currency a Joining Currency? | |
113 | BKK_EXCHNGRATE_CONVERT | Exchange Rate Conversion (External -> Internal) | |
114 | BKK_F4IF_STACK_PLACE | Example of a Search Help Exit for a Search Help | |
115 | BKK_F4IF_STACK_SCR_ADD | Only Display First Stack when Outputting Checks | |
116 | BKK_F4_ACEXT | Search Help Exit: External Account Number | |
117 | BKK_F4_PRODUCT_EXIT | Example of a Search Help Exit for a Search Help | |
118 | BKK_F4_PRODUCT_NTC_EXIT | Example of a Search Help Exit for a Search Help | |
119 | BKK_F4_PRODUCT_TO_BKKRS_EXIT | Search Help via External Product Number | |
120 | BKK_F4_PROGDATE_EXIT | Search Help User Exit for Field PROGDATE in Table BKK92 | |
121 | BKK_F4_PROGNO_EXIT | Search Help User Exit for Field PROGNO in Table BKK92 | |
122 | BKK_F4_TERMUNIT | Search Help Exit TERMUNIT | |
124 | BKK_FA_DIALOG | Change Allowance Balances in the Dialog | |
125 | BKK_FA_ENQUE_BKK_FA_USED | Lock on Entries BKK_FA_USED | |
126 | BKK_FA_GET_FA_USED | Read Allowance Utilized | |
127 | BKK_FA_RFC_SET | R | Module to Transfer Available Bal. Series and Special Revenue Allow. Amount |
128 | BKK_FA_SET_INIT_VALUE | Module to Transfer Available Bal. Series and Special Revenue Allow. Amount | |
129 | BKK_FA_SET_INIT_VALUE_DB | Database Update for Available Balance Series Data Transfer | |
130 | BKK_FA_SHOW_ACCNT | Display Allowances for an Account | |
131 | BKK_FA_UPDATE_FA_USED | Database Update of Allowances Utilized | |
132 | BKK_FBC9_CLEAR_MEMORY | Deletion of the Global Memory | |
133 | BKK_FBK4_CLEAR_MEMORY | Deletion of Global Data | |
134 | BKK_FBK8_CLEAR_MEMORY | Deletion of Global Data | |
135 | BKK_FBKH_CLEAR_MEMORY | Deletion of Global Data | |
136 | BKK_FIKEY_CHECK | FI Key: Check General Payment Item Preparation; Therefore Restricted | |
137 | BKK_FIKEY_CHECK_TRANSFER | FI Key: Check if Transfer to General Ledger Possible | |
138 | BKK_FIKEY_CREATE | FI Key: Generate New FI Key | |
139 | BKK_FIKEY_DELETE_LAST | FI Key: Delete Payment Item Transferred by PREPARE_POST | |
140 | BKK_FIKEY_FIDOC_GENERATE | FI Key: Generate FI Documents for BCA Posting Totals | |
141 | BKK_FIKEY_GET | FI Key: Read FI Key | |
143 | BKK_FIKEY_GET_FOR_BKKRS | Read All FI Keys for Bank Area (with Range) | |
144 | BKK_FIKEY_GET_FOR_PROCESS | FI Key: Read Current and Next FI Key for Process | |
145 | BKK_FIKEY_GET_FOR_TRANSFER | FI Key: All Open and Closed; Separated for Current and Legacy Data | |
146 | BKK_FIKEY_GET_PROCESS | FI Key: Read Processes for FI Key | |
147 | BKK_FIKEY_GET_RANGES | FI Key: Read FI Key with Ranges | |
148 | BKK_FIKEY_GET_RANGES_DATE | FI Key: Read FI Key with Ranges, Including Date/Counter | |
149 | BKK_FIKEY_GET_RANGES_LIST | FI Key: Read FI Key with Ranges, Detail | |
150 | BKK_FIKEY_GET_SUMS | FI Key: Read Posting Totals for Table Entries | |
151 | BKK_FIKEY_GET_SUMS_BSEG | FI Key: Read Posting Totals for Table Entries (BSEG) | |
152 | BKK_FIKEY_GET_SUMS_IA | FI Key: Read Posting Totals for Table Entries for Int. Accrual/Deferral | |
153 | BKK_FIKEY_LIST_DETAIL | BCA, General Ledger: Detail List FI Key Data | |
154 | BKK_FIKEY_PREPARE_DELETE | FI Key: Delete Parked Payment Item | |
155 | BKK_FIKEY_PREPARE_MODIFY | FI Key: Park Parked Payment Item on Other Account | |
156 | BKK_FIKEY_PREPARE_POST | FI Key: Prepare Posting of Payment Item | |
157 | BKK_FIKEY_PREPARE_POST_ENQ | FI Key: Prepare Posting of Payment Item for Item from Lock Table | |
158 | BKK_FIKEY_PREPARE_POST_NOITEM | FI Key: Posting Process Without Preparing Payment Items | |
159 | BKK_FIKEY_PREPARE_RELEASE | FI Key: Release Parked Payment Item | |
160 | BKK_FIKEY_PREPARE_REVERSE | FI Key: Prepare Payment Item Reversal | |
161 | BKK_FIKEY_PROCESS_CLOSE | FI Key: Close at End of General Ledger Operation | |
162 | BKK_FIKEY_PROCESS_OPEN | FI Key: Set for Start of General Ledger Operation | |
163 | BKK_FIKEY_REFRESH_ALL | FI Key: Initialize for General Ledger Update | |
164 | BKK_FIKEY_SET_FOR_PROCESS | FI Key: Set Current and Next FI Key for Process | |
165 | BKK_FIKEY_SET_GET_TABLES | FI Key: Exit for Corrections | |
166 | BKK_FIKEY_SET_GL_SUMSZ | FI Key: Set Total Record Counter for General Ledger | |
167 | BKK_FIKEY_SET_STATUS | FI Key: Set Transfer Status to 'Closed'/'Transferred' | |
168 | BKK_FIKEY_UPDATE | FI Key: Transfer to Update Task for GL Update | |
169 | BKK_FIKEY_UPDATE_DB | FI Key: Update Databse for General Ledger Update | |
170 | BKK_FIKEY_UPDATE_DB_ACCT_CHG | FI Key: Update Database for Account Changes (GL Group, Netting Key) | |
171 | BKK_FIKEY_UPDATE_DB_BPRUN | FI Key: Update Table for Indicating Balance Sheet Preparation Run | |
172 | BKK_FIKEY_UPDATE_DB_BS_PREPARE | FI Key: Update Database for Balance Sheet Preparation | |
173 | BKK_FIKEY_UPDATE_DB_CURR_CHG | FI Key: Update Database for Account Currency Change (Changeover to Euro) | |
175 | BKK_FREE_AMOUNTS_CREATE_FA | Prepare New Allowance | |
176 | BKK_FREE_AMOUNTS_CR_YIELD_FA | Create and Post Special Revenue Allowance Amount | |
178 | BKK_FREE_AMOUNTS_ENQUE_BKKVRS | Set Locks on Entries in BKKVRS | |
179 | BKK_FREE_AMOUNTS_GET_ACCOUNT | Read Allowances for an Account | |
180 | BKK_FREE_AMOUNTS_GET_AI | Determine Interest Penalty for a Payment Item | |
181 | BKK_FREE_AMOUNTS_GET_NEW_VRSNO | Get New Available Balance Series Number | |
182 | BKK_FREE_AMOUNTS_GET_SALDO | Read Allowance Balances to Global Memory | |
183 | BKK_FREE_AMOUNTS_PREPARE_POST | Preparation and Checking of Allowances for Database Update | |
184 | BKK_FREE_AMOUNTS_PREPARE_RESET | Reset Allowances | |
185 | BKK_FREE_AMOUNTS_REFRESH | Delete Global Memory | |
186 | BKK_FREE_AMOUNTS_SET_DATE | Determination of Start and End of Withdrawal Period | |
187 | BKK_FREE_AMOUNTS_UPDATE | Create and Change Allowance | |
188 | BKK_FREE_AMOUNTS_UPDATE_SALDO | Update Allowance Balance | |
189 | BKK_FREE_AMOUNTS_WRITE_CHDOC | Write Change Documents | |
190 | BKK_FREE_SELVAR_EXPORT_BKKINDX | BCA: Export Selection Variant (Free Selection) from BKKINDX | |
191 | BKK_FREE_SELVAR_IMPORT_BKKINDX | BCA: Import Selection Variant (Free Selection) from BKKINDX | |
192 | BKK_FTD_UI_GET | Check the active BDT application for Fixed Term | |
193 | BKK_FUNCTION_EXISTS | Check if Function Exists | |
194 | BKK_FUNCTION_F4_PERIOD | F4 Help: Periodic Functions | |
195 | BKK_FUNCTION_GET_ALL | Returns All Functions in an Internal Table | |
196 | BKK_FUNCTION_GET_TEXT | Determine Function Description | |
197 | BKK_FUNCTION_GET_WORKDAYSHIFT | Read Settings for Working Day Shift | |
198 | BKK_FUNCTION_IS_PERIOD | Checks if a Function Is Periodic | |
199 | BKK_FUNCTION_SHOW | Displays a List of All Features with Red and Green Traffic Lights | |
200 | BKK_FUNCT_GRP_GET_ALL_FUNCT | Returns All Functionality for Multiple Functionality Groups | |
201 | BKK_GENERAL_SET_TRACE_FLAG | Sets a Trace Flag for Area Dep. on Entries in TBKKTRACE | |
202 | BKK_GEN_PROD_F4 | BCA: General Product F4 for Acct Bal/Bank Stat Progs | |
203 | BKK_GET_ACTIVITY_TEXT | Select Texts for Activities | |
204 | BKK_GET_ALT_CURRENCY | Returns the Alternative Currency Key | |
205 | BKK_GET_AUTH_MESSAGE_TEXT | Select Texts for Objects and Activities | |
206 | BKK_GET_BANK_DATA | Read Bank Data | |
207 | BKK_GET_BKKC30_DETAIL | General Ledger: Fill Detail Data in Balance Sheet Preparation | |
208 | BKK_GET_BKKC30_DETAIL_COMPL | General Ledger: Balance Sheet Preparation Detail Display Data Complete | |
209 | BKK_GET_BKKCNOITGL_DETAIL | General Ledger: Fill Detail Data in Balance Sheet Preparation | |
210 | BKK_GET_DAY_OF_WEEK | Supplies the Description of a Weekday | |
211 | BKK_GET_FIELDS_IN_STRUCTURE | Determine Field Name for a Structure | |
212 | BKK_GET_GLACTION_TEXT | General Ledger: GL Action Import Texts in a List | |
213 | BKK_GET_LASTWEEK_OF_YEAR | Determine Last Calendar Week of a Year | |
214 | BKK_GET_MONTH_LASTDAY | Determine Last Day of Month | |
215 | BKK_GET_NEXT_POSTDATE | Supplies the Next Posting Date After the Transferred Date | |
216 | BKK_GET_NEXT_WORKDAY | Calculates the Next Working Day for a Day | |
217 | BKK_GET_PRIOR_WORKDAY | Calculate Previous Working Day | |
218 | BKK_GET_PYNOT_FORMAT | Returns the Payment Note Format | |
219 | BKK_GET_QUARTER_DATE | Determine Quarterly Dates | |
220 | BKK_GET_RTRN_KEY | Supplies Return Reasons and Descriptions | |
221 | BKK_GET_RTRN_KEY_TEXT_SINGLE | Supplies the Text for a Return Reason | |
222 | BKK_GET_RTRN_PMNT_NOTE_LINES | Determination of Number of Original Payment Notes in Front | |
223 | BKK_GET_RTRN_PMNT_NOTE_SYMBOLS | Payment Notes for Returns, Text Symbols for SAPScript | |
224 | BKK_GET_RTRN_PMNT_NOTE_TEXT | Determination of Non-Formatted Texts for Payment Notes Return | |
225 | BKK_GET_TBKK01E | Customizingdata special CPD-account | |
226 | BKK_GET_TBKKG10 | Provide Data for TBKKG10 | |
227 | BKK_GET_TBKKG2_DATE_PL | BCA: Import TBKKG2_DATE_PL for Tolerance for Planned Posting Date | |
229 | BKK_GET_TBKKIO1_DATA | Read Data from TBKKIO1 | |
230 | BKK_GET_TBKKI_06 | Read Field Control Data for Payment Order | |
231 | BKK_GET_TBKKI_RCV | Recipient Bank Identification Types | |
232 | BKK_GET_TBKKI_VDAT | Reads the table tbkki_vdat and fills into global memory | |
233 | BKK_GET_TBKK_BKS | Read Control of Bank Control Key | |
234 | BKK_GET_TBKK_CTRY_ZERO | Read data from TBKK_CTRY_ZERO | |
235 | BKK_GET_TBKK_PO_AUTO | BCA: Import TBKKG2_DATE_PL for Tolerance for Planned Posting Date | |
236 | BKK_GET_TBKK_PYNT_TY_OFF | Read the Offsetting Payment Type from Table TBKK_PYNT_TYP | |
237 | BKK_GET_TEXT_KEY | BCA: Retrieve Text Key for Transaction Type | |
238 | BKK_GET_VALUE_RANGE_FOR_DTEL | Supplies Fixed Value Text for Data Element and Fixed Value | |
239 | BKK_GL_ACCGRP_CHECK | Check General Ledger Group Customizing | |
240 | BKK_GL_ACCGRP_CHECK_DEL | General Ledger Group Deletion Permitted? | |
241 | BKK_GL_ACCGRP_EXISTS | Check if General Ledger Group Exists | |
242 | BKK_GL_ACCGRP_GET_TEXT | Read Text for General Ledger Group | |
243 | BKK_GL_ACCNT_CHANGE_DB_INS | General Ledger:Update Changes to GL Fields in Acct for Balance Sheet Prep. | |
244 | BKK_GL_ACCNT_CHANGE_PREP_INS | General Ledger: Flag Changes to GL Fields in Acct for Balance Sheet Prep. | |
245 | BKK_GL_ACCNT_CHANGE_UPDATE | General Ledger: Transfer to Update for Change to GL Fields in Account | |
246 | BKK_GL_ACCNT_CHECK_REF_ACCNT | Checks if Direct Posting is Possible to Reference Acct for Two Bank Areas | |
247 | BKK_GL_ACTIVITY_CHECK | Check General Ledger Operation Customizing | |
248 | BKK_GL_ACTIVITY_CHECK_DEL | General Ledger Operation Deletion Permitted? | |
249 | BKK_GL_ACTIVITY_GET | Determine General Ledger Variant Customizing | |
250 | BKK_GL_ACTIVITY_GET_ALL | Determine General Ledger Variant Customizing | |
251 | BKK_GL_ASSIGN_CHECK | Check Customizing for General Ledger Account Assignment | |
252 | BKK_GL_ASSIGN_GET | Determine General Ledger Account Assignment | |
253 | BKK_GL_ASSIGN_GET_FOR_ITEM | Determines General Ledger Account Assignment for an Item | |
254 | BKK_GL_AT_GET_FIDATA | R | Read FI Data |
255 | BKK_GL_AUTH_LOSS | Authorization Management for Posting Loss on Receivables | |
256 | BKK_GL_AUTH_RECONCILIATION | Authorization Management for General Ledger Reconciliation and Verificatn | |
257 | BKK_GL_AUTH_VALUE_ADJ | Obsolete | |
258 | BKK_GL_AUTH_VALUE_ADJ_CHECK | Authorization Check for Individual Value Adjustment | |
259 | BKK_GL_AW_FIELDS_PUT | General Ledger: Split AW Fields into Bank Area/FI Key/Document No. | |
260 | BKK_GL_AW_FIELDS_SET | General Ledger: Determine AW Fields from FI Key etc. | |
261 | BKK_GL_BKKC10_GET_ALL_LAST | Determines Records with the Latest Posting Date from BKKC10 | |
262 | BKK_GL_BKKC10_GET_LAST | General Ledger: Read Newest BKKC10 Record for BCA Account, Return Date | |
263 | BKK_GL_BKKC12_GET_LAST_DATE | General Ledger: Read BKKC12 for BCA Account and Return Last Date | |
264 | BKK_GL_BKKC12_GET_LIST_ACCT | General Ledger: Read All BKKC12 for BCA Account | |
265 | BKK_GL_BKKCNOITGL_DATE_GETMULT | Selects from BKKNOITGL Using Bank Area; Process and Posting Date | |
266 | BKK_GL_BKKCNOITGL_DATE_PROCESS | Selects from BKKNOITGL Using Bank Area; Process and Posting Date | |
267 | BKK_GL_BS_PREP_ACCT_CHANGE | GL: Balance Sheet Preparation, Transfer Postings for New Netting Key | |
268 | BKK_GL_BS_PREP_BKKC11_POST | General Ledger: Prepare Posting BKKC12/BKKC02 with BKKC11 Data | |
269 | BKK_GL_BS_PREP_CALC | GL: Balance Sheet Preparation, Calculate Division of Payables/Receivables | |
270 | BKK_GL_BS_PREP_CALC_POSTOLD | GL: Balance Sheet Preparation for Posting with Old Posting Date | |
271 | BKK_GL_BS_PREP_CHG_ACT_TO_OLD | BKKC12 Convert Data from "Current Posting Date" to "Backdated Posting" | |
272 | BKK_GL_BS_PREP_DET_LIST_COMPL | GL: Add Missing Data to Detail List | |
273 | BKK_GL_BS_PREP_REFRESH_ALL | General Ledger: Refresh Int. Tab. (After Commit) | |
274 | BKK_GL_BS_PREP_UPDATE_DB_ACCHG | General Ledger: Update Database for Account Changes | |
275 | BKK_GL_BS_PREP_UPDATE_DB_CALC | General Ledger: Update Database for Balance Sheet Preparation | |
276 | BKK_GL_CLRGRP_CHECK | Check Customizing for Transfer Posting Group | |
277 | BKK_GL_CLRGRP_GET | General Ledger: Read Entry for Transfer Posting Account | |
278 | BKK_GL_CLRGRP_GET_LIST | General Ledger: Read Entries for Transfer Posting Accounts | |
279 | BKK_GL_CONVERT_TO_FOREIGN_CURR | R | BCA: Supplies Current Balance for Period for an FI Account |
280 | BKK_GL_DECIDE_ALV_GLPROCESS | General Ledger: Go to Different List Processes Using GLPROCESS | |
281 | BKK_GL_F4_EXIT_IA | Supports Search Help BKK_GL_GROUP_HELP | |
282 | BKK_GL_FIKEY_PRINT_LIST | General Ledger: Output List FI Key/General Ledger Accounts/Amounts | |
283 | BKK_GL_FIKEY_PRINT_LIST_OLD | General Ledger: Output List FI Key/General Ledger Accounts/Amounts | |
284 | BKK_GL_FI_PERIOD_CHECK | R | FM Checks if Posting Period Is Open According to T001B |
285 | BKK_GL_FI_PERIOD_DETERMINE | R | Determines the Period and Fiscal Year from the Posting Date |
286 | BKK_GL_GET_GLPROCESS_TEXT | General Ledger: Read Text for General Ledger Process | |
287 | BKK_GL_GET_LAST_BSRUN_INFO | Reads the Table to Evaluate if a Balance Sheet Preparation is Running | |
288 | BKK_GL_GET_LAST_TRANSFER_DATE | Determines Date of Last Transfer to General Ledger | |
289 | BKK_GL_GLPROCESS_FROM_PROCESS | Returns Assigned General Ledger Process for a Process | |
290 | BKK_GL_GL_ACCESS_ACCNT_BALANCE | R | BCA: Supplies Current Balance for Period for an FI Account |
291 | BKK_GL_GL_ACCESS_ACCNT_DETAIL | Determines Detail Data for a General Ledger Account | |
292 | BKK_GL_GL_ACCESS_COMP_DETAIL | Determines General Settings for a Company Code | |
293 | BKK_GL_GL_ACCESS_DOCNO_BYAWKEY | R | Determines Document Number for a AWKEY |
294 | BKK_GL_GL_ACCESS_GETFIDOCSUMSZ | BCA: Select FI Document Data (with Totals Record Counter from BCA) | |
295 | BKK_GL_GL_ACCESS_GET_BKPF_BSEG | Select Document Data from General Ledger | |
296 | BKK_GL_GL_DATA_GET | Read Company Code Settings from BCA Copy | |
297 | BKK_GL_GL_DATA_UPDATE | Write Settings for Company Code to BCA Copy | |
298 | BKK_GL_GL_TEXT_GET | Read Short and Long Texts for GL Accounts from BCA | |
299 | BKK_GL_GL_TEXT_UPDATE | Write Short and Long Texts for GL Accounts from BCA | |
300 | BKK_GL_GROUP_HELP_EXIT | Supports Search Help BKK_GL_GROUP_HELP | |
301 | BKK_GL_GSBER_GET_TEXT | R | Read Business Area Text |
302 | BKK_GL_INTACRUAL_LIST | General Ledger: Creation of Interest Accrual/Deferral List | |
303 | BKK_GL_ITEM_GET | BCA: Read General Ledger Payment Items | |
304 | BKK_GL_ITEM_GET_FIKEY | BCA: Read General Ledger Payment Items with FI Key | |
305 | BKK_GL_ITEM_GET_ITEM | Read General Ledger Payment Items (+ BKKIT Data) | |
306 | BKK_GL_ITEM_GET_TABLE | Selection of General Ledger Items for Payment Items | |
307 | BKK_GL_ITEM_LIST | General Ledger: List of General Ledger Information for a BCA Item | |
308 | BKK_GL_LOSS_DIALOG | Dialog: Post Loss on Receivables | |
309 | BKK_GL_NOPAYM_PREPARE | Prepare GL Postings for Process Without Payment Items | |
310 | BKK_GL_NOPAYM_PROCESS_END | Actions for GL Update when Ending Process Without Payment Item | |
311 | BKK_GL_NOPAYM_PROCESS_START | Actions for GL Update when Starting Process Without Payment Item | |
312 | BKK_GL_NOPAYM_REFRESH_ALL | Initialization for GL Update for Processes Without Payment Items | |
313 | BKK_GL_NOPAYM_UPDATE | Transfer to Update Task for GL Update | |
314 | BKK_GL_PAYM_ITEM_GET_FIKEY | BCA: Read GL Payment Item with FIKEY / WAERS | |
315 | BKK_GL_READ_BKKC02 | Read BKKC02 for Bank Area and FIKEY | |
316 | BKK_GL_REC_BALANCES | Determines BCA Balances for a General Ledger Account on a Key Date | |
317 | BKK_GL_REC_BALANCE_BY_DATE | Balance According to BKKC10 on a Date | |
318 | BKK_GL_REC_BALANCE_PREP | Verification FI Document Payment Items | |
319 | BKK_GL_REC_DISPATCH | R | Verification of FI Document Dispatcher |
320 | BKK_GL_REC_NOPAYM_ITEMS | Verification FI Doc. Post Without Payment Items (IVA; Accrual/Deferral) | |
321 | BKK_GL_REC_PAYM_ITEMS | Verification FI Document Payment Items | |
322 | BKK_GL_REC_PAYM_ITEMS_SHOW | Verification FI Document Payment Items | |
323 | BKK_GL_REP_GLACCNT_TEXT_GET | Supplies the Long Text Stored in FI for a G/L Account | |
324 | BKK_GL_REP_GLACT_TEXT_GET | Supplies the Text Stored for a G/L Operation | |
325 | BKK_GL_REP_GLPROCESS_TEXT_GET | Supplies the Text Stored for a G/L Process and Action | |
326 | BKK_GL_REP_INTACRUAL_LIST | Internal Table of Interest Expenses and Interest Earned for a Posting Date | |
327 | BKK_GL_REP_PAYMACTION_TEXT_GET | Supplies the Text Stored for a G/L Posting | |
328 | BKK_GL_SIGN_TO_FI_ACCOUNT | General Ledger: Provide FI Amount with Plus/Minus Sign | |
329 | BKK_GL_TBKKCASS_GET | Retrieve Data Records from Tab. TBKKCASS for a GL Variant | |
330 | BKK_GL_TRNSTYPE_CHECK | Check Customizing for Assignment of PT Transaction Type/GL Transaction | |
331 | BKK_GL_TRNSTYPE_CHECK_DEL | General Ledger Variant Deletion Permitted? | |
332 | BKK_GL_VARIANT_CHECK | Check General Ledger Variant Customizing | |
333 | BKK_GL_VARIANT_CHECK_DEL | General Ledger Variant Deletion Permitted? | |
334 | BKK_GL_VARIANT_GET | Determine General Ledger Variant Customizing | |
335 | BKK_GL_VA_CALC_AND_POST | Calculate Individual Value Adjustment and Post for FI | |
336 | BKK_GL_VA_CALC_VALUE_TO_POST | Calculates the Amount to Be Posted for an Individual Value Adjustment | |
337 | BKK_GL_VA_CHANGE_CURR_AMOUNTS | Converts Individual Entry from BKKCVA (IVA) into Target Currency | |
338 | BKK_GL_VA_CHANGE_CURR_POST | Do Not Use; For Deletion | |
339 | BKK_GL_VA_CHANGE_CURR_UPDATE | Conversion of Entries for Individual Value Adjustment (Table BKKCVA) | |
340 | BKK_GL_VA_CHECK_DATAS | Checks if Values for an Individual Value Adjustment Are Consistent | |
341 | BKK_GL_VA_DATAS_EXIST_ACCOUNT | Check if Relevant IVA Data Exists for Account | |
342 | BKK_GL_VA_DEQUEUE | Remove Lock for Changing/Posting Individual Value Adjustment | |
343 | BKK_GL_VA_DIALOG | Dialog Individual Value Adjustment | |
344 | BKK_GL_VA_ENQUEUE | Set Lock for Changing/Posting Individual Value Adjustment | |
345 | BKK_GL_VA_ITEM_CHECK | Extend and Check Payment Item for Individual Value Adjustment | |
346 | BKK_GL_VA_ITEM_POST | Extend, Check and Post Payment Item for Individual Value Adjustment | |
347 | BKK_GL_VA_MAINTAIN | Displays Data for Individual Value Adjustment of an Account | |
348 | BKK_GL_VA_READ_BKKCVA_ACCOUNT | Read IVA in Table BKKCVA Entries for Account | |
349 | BKK_GL_VA_READ_BKKCVA_BKKRS | Read IVA in Table BKKCVA Entries for Bank Area | |
350 | BKK_GL_VA_READ_BKKCVA_ORG | Read Original Entry for Change Document Creation | |
351 | BKK_GL_VA_REFRESH_BKKCVA | Deletes Buffer for BKKCVA | |
352 | BKK_GL_VA_VALUATION | Selection of Accounts for Evaluation Run for Individual Value Adjustment | |
353 | BKK_GL_VA_VALUATION_GET | Selection: Accounts for Evaluation Run for Individual Value Adjustment | |
354 | BKK_GL_VA_VALUATION_LIST | List of Accounts for Evaluation Run for Individual Value Adjustment | |
355 | BKK_GL_VA_WRITE_BKKCVA | Update Values for Individual Value Adjustment | |
356 | BKK_GL_VA_WRITE_BKKCVA_DB | Update: Values for Individual Value Adjustment | |
358 | BKK_HY_ACCNT_IN_RELEV_HY | Determines Current Valid Hierarchy Using Bank Area and Acct No. Root Acct | |
359 | BKK_HY_ACCNT_LIFETM_COR_INTERV | Checks if Account Is Valid in New Period (Creation/Closure Date) | |
360 | BKK_HY_ACCNT_LORO_NOSTRO | Checks if Account Is Loro/Nostro Account | |
361 | BKK_HY_ACCOUNT_CROSS_REFERENCE | Determines the Hierarchies which Contain a Specified Account | |
362 | BKK_HY_ACCOUNT_CROSS_REF_COMBO | Determines the Hierarchies which Contain a Specified Account | |
363 | BKK_HY_ACCOUNT_POSSIBLE | Checks if an Account Can Be Added to Hierarchy due to Currency | |
364 | BKK_HY_ADMINISTER_ALL_ACCOUNTS | Manages All Accounts of All Hierarchies of a Hierarchy Type | |
365 | BKK_HY_AUTHORITY_CHECK | Authorization Check for Hierarchies | |
366 | BKK_HY_BKKRS | Temporary Module for Deactivating Bank Area if Only One Active | |
367 | BKK_HY_CALL_CHECK_MODULE | Calls the Function Module for Checks Corresponding to the Hierarchy | |
368 | BKK_HY_CC_PROD_POSSIBLE | Checks if Accounts Can Occur in CC Based On Their Product Features | |
369 | BKK_HY_CD_EXRA_INT | Assignment of Int. Number to Ext. Root Account for Change Document BKK625 | |
370 | BKK_HY_CHECK_ACCOUNT_NOT_USED | Displays Error if Account Supplied Is Already in a Hierarchy | |
371 | BKK_HY_CHECK_COPY_PATTERN_OK | Checks if Template Hierarchy Can Be Copied and Fills Tables | |
372 | BKK_HY_CONTROL_AND_DISPLAY | Hierarchy Management: Display Hierarchy and Evaluate User Entries | |
373 | BKK_HY_CONTROL_INTERVAL_D10 | Account Hierarchy: Check or Propose an Interval for an Account | |
374 | BKK_HY_CUST_SELECT_TBKK60_60T | Import Customizing Table TBKK60 and TBKK60T in Current Language | |
375 | BKK_HY_CUST_SELECT_TBKK61 | Import Customizing Table TBKK62 | |
376 | BKK_HY_CUST_SELECT_TBKK65 | Import Customizing Table TBKK65 | |
377 | BKK_HY_DEQUEUE_ACCOUNT | Unlocks Account on Hierarchy Creation (After Save) | |
378 | BKK_HY_DEQUEUE_ALL | Unlocks Account on Hierarchy Creation (After Save) | |
379 | BKK_HY_DYNPRO_CONTROL_D20 | Account Hierarchy: Control of Account and Amount Entries (Screen 20+30) | |
380 | BKK_HY_DYNPRO_CONTROL_D40 | Account Hierarchy: Control of Interval Change (Screen 40) | |
381 | BKK_HY_DYNPRO_CONTROL_D50 | Account Hierarchy: Control for Account Where-Used List (Screen 50) | |
382 | BKK_HY_DYNPRO_CONTROL_D60 | Setting for Payment Transaction Information with External Accounts | |
383 | BKK_HY_DYNPRO_CONTROL_D70 | Account Hierarchy: Control of Account Change (Screen 70) | |
384 | BKK_HY_ENQUEUE_ACCOUNT | Sets Lock for Accounts that Are New in Hierarchy | |
385 | BKK_HY_GET_ACC_FRM_ADMIN_ONE_H | Table of Accounts of a Hierarchy Managed Using BKK_HY_ADMINISTER_ALL_ACC | |
386 | BKK_HY_GET_ALL_ACC_FROM_ADMIN | Table of All Accts of a Hier. Type Managed Using BKK_HY_ADMINISTER_ALL_ACC | |
387 | BKK_HY_GET_EX_RA_BY_DATE | Returns External Data of Root Account for Tree Number/Date Entered | |
388 | BKK_HY_GET_ROOTACCOUNTS | Selection of Root Accounts | |
389 | BKK_HY_GET_ROOTACC_INFOSTRING | Converts Details of the Root Account to a String - for Messages | |
390 | BKK_HY_INIT_ROOT_AND_RELATIONS | Gets Internal Table of Root Accouts and Dependencies from Buffer or DB | |
391 | BKK_HY_MANAG_CHECK_MAX_LEVEL | Checks the Maximum Possible Depth of a Hierarchy | |
392 | BKK_HY_MIGRATION | R | Migration of Account Hierarchies |
393 | BKK_HY_ROOT_ACC_SELECT | Dialog Box to Select Root Account | |
394 | BKK_HY_SELECT_ADD_CC_TABLES | Selects the Specific Data of a Cash Concentration for a Hierarchy | |
395 | BKK_HY_SELECT_ADD_CF_TABLES | Selects Cash Pooling Specific Tables (Can Be Restricted) | |
396 | BKK_HY_SELECT_ADD_IC_TABLES | Selects Cash Pooling Specific Tables (Can Be Restricted) | |
397 | BKK_HY_SELECT_BKK610_EXT_RA | Database Selection in BKK610 for Internal Root Accounts | |
398 | BKK_HY_SELECT_BKK610_INT_RA | Database Selection in BKK610 for Internal Root Accounts | |
399 | BKK_HY_SELECT_CHANGEDOC20 | Gets the Values from CHHDR Again Using the Selection Criteria Entered | |
400 | BKK_HY_SELECT_CHANGEDOCUMENTS | Gets the Values from CHHDR Using the Selection Criteria Entered | |
401 | BKK_HY_SELECT_COUNT_ENTRIES | Determines if There Are Entries in BKK610 | |
402 | BKK_HY_SELECT_GET_TREE_TABLES | Account Hierarchy: Determination of General Hierarchy Information | |
403 | BKK_HY_SELECT_HIGHEST_TREENR | Determines the Highest Tree Number for Number Range Interval Setting | |
404 | BKK_HY_SELECT_JOIN_610_600 | Selections Using a Join from BKK600 and BKK610 | |
405 | BKK_HY_SELECT_MIN_MAX_TREENR | Determine Minimum and Maximum Hierarchy Number for a Hierarchy Type | |
406 | BKK_HY_SELECT_TREE_INFOS | Account Hierarchy: Determine All Entries for Account Entered in Bank Area | |
407 | BKK_HY_SEL_IS_IN_HY | Determination if Account Is in a Hierarchy | |
408 | BKK_HY_SEL_IS_IN_HY_AT_DATE | Determination if Account Is in a Hierarchy on a Date | |
409 | BKK_HY_SHOW_CHANGEDOC | Display Change Documents for Account Hierarchies | |
410 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CC_AFTER_UPDATE | Function Module for Calls After Saving the Hierarchy to the DB | |
411 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CC_CHECK | Checks when Creating or Changing a Hierarchy | |
412 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CC_CHG_TRANSF_MODE | Setting of Modes for the Transfer of a Cash Concentration Hierarchy | |
413 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CC_CONTROL_D20 | Cash Concentration : Control of New Account and Amount Entries | |
414 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CC_CONTROL_D30 | Account Hierarchy: Control of Account and Amount Entries (Screen 20+30) | |
415 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CC_COPY_FRM_PAT | Copies Hierarchy-Specific Tables from the Template | |
416 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CC_CREATE | Cash Concentration-Relevant Actions when Creating a Hierarchy | |
417 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CC_DATE_FROM | Determination of Start Date in Initial Case for Cash Concentration | |
418 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CC_GET_CHNGDOC | Supplies Change Documents for Hierarchy-Specific Tables | |
419 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CC_GET_EXT_POST | Determines Customized Transaction Types and Payment Method for Cash Conc. | |
420 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CC_GET_TABLES | Imports Cash Concentration-Specific Tables for a Hierarchy | |
421 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CC_HANDLE_AFTER_UC | Manipulation of Extended Tables with Info from the Tree Change | |
422 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CC_HANDLE_TREE_COM | Special Handling of OK_CODE from Tree Admin. for Cash Concentration | |
423 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CC_INIT | Cash Concentration-Relevant Actions on Initialization | |
424 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CC_SET_STATUS | Sets the PF Status for Cash Concentration Hierarchies | |
425 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CC_UPDATE_TABLES | Save Cash Concentration-Specific Tables | |
426 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CF_ACCNT_NOT_USED | Displays Error if Account Supplied Is Already in a Hierarchy | |
427 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CF_CHECK | Checks when Creating or Changing a Hierarchy | |
428 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CF_CHG_METHOD | Assignment of Method for Interest Compensation Hierarchy | |
429 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CF_CHK_ACC_HLDR | Check Business Partner According to Pool Method | |
430 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CF_CHK_DATE_FROMTO | Checks From/To Date Against Posting Date or Next Balancing Date | |
431 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CF_CHK_INT_METHOD | Checks if Interest Calculation Methods Match | |
432 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CF_CHK_SUBAC_MATCH | Checks if Subaccount has the same Balancing Dates as Higher-Level Account | |
433 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CF_COPY_FRM_PAT | Copies Hierarchy-Specific Tables from the Template | |
434 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CF_CREATE | Cash Pooling-Relevant Actions when Creating a Hierarchy | |
435 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CF_DATE_FROM | Determination of Start Date in Initial Case for Cash Concentration | |
436 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CF_GET_CHNGDOC | Supplies Change Documents for Hierarchy-Specific Tables | |
437 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CF_GET_TABLES | Imports the Cash Pooling-Specific Tables for a Hierarchy | |
438 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CF_HANDLE_AFTER_UC | Manipulation of Extended Tables with Info from the Tree Change | |
439 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CF_HANDLE_TREE_COM | Special Handling of OK_CODE from Tree Admin. for Interest Compensation | |
440 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CF_HIERARCHY_USED | Determines if Hierarchy Has Already Been Used (Relating to Posting Date) | |
441 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CF_INIT | Cash Concentration-Relevant Actions on Initialization | |
442 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CF_REFERENCE_ACCNT | Check if Account Is Reference Account or Referenced To; for Balancing | |
443 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CF_SET_STATUS | Sets the PF Status for Interest Compensation Hierarchies | |
444 | BKK_HY_SPEC_CF_UPDATE_TABLES | Save Cash Pooling-Specific Tables | |
445 | BKK_HY_SPEC_IC_ACCNT_NOT_USED | Displays Error if Account Supplied Is Already in a Hierarchy | |
446 | BKK_HY_SPEC_IC_CHECK | Checks when Creating or Changing a Hierarchy | |
447 | BKK_HY_SPEC_IC_CHG_METHOD | Assignment of Method for Interest Compensation Hierarchy | |
448 | BKK_HY_SPEC_IC_CHK_ACC_HLDR | Check Business Partner According to Pool Method | |
449 | BKK_HY_SPEC_IC_CHK_DATE_FROMTO | Checks From/To Date Against Posting Date or Next Balancing Date | |
450 | BKK_HY_SPEC_IC_CHK_INT_METHOD | Checks if Interest Calculation Methods Match | |
451 | BKK_HY_SPEC_IC_CHK_SUBAC_MATCH | Checks if Subaccount has the same Balancing Dates as Higher-Level Account | |
452 | BKK_HY_SPEC_IC_COPY_FRM_PAT | Copies Hierarchy-Specific Tables from the Template | |
453 | BKK_HY_SPEC_IC_CREATE | Cash Pooling-Relevant Actions when Creating a Hierarchy | |
454 | BKK_HY_SPEC_IC_DATE_FROM | Determination of Start Date in Initial Case for Cash Concentration | |
455 | BKK_HY_SPEC_IC_GET_CHNGDOC | Supplies Change Documents for Hierarchy-Specific Tables | |
456 | BKK_HY_SPEC_IC_GET_TABLES | Imports the Cash Pooling-Specific Tables for a Hierarchy | |
457 | BKK_HY_SPEC_IC_HANDLE_AFTER_UC | Manipulation of Extended Tables with Info from the Tree Change | |
458 | BKK_HY_SPEC_IC_HANDLE_TREE_COM | Special Handling of OK_CODE from Tree Admin. for Interest Compensation | |
459 | BKK_HY_SPEC_IC_HIERARCHY_USED | Determines if Hierarchy Has Already Been Used (Relating to Posting Date) | |
460 | BKK_HY_SPEC_IC_INIT | Cash Concentration-Relevant Actions on Initialization | |
461 | BKK_HY_SPEC_IC_REFERENCE_ACCNT | Check if Account Is Reference Account or Referenced To; for Balancing | |
462 | BKK_HY_SPEC_IC_SET_STATUS | Sets the PF Status for Interest Compensation Hierarchies | |
463 | BKK_HY_SPEC_IC_UPDATE_TABLES | Save Cash Pooling-Specific Tables | |
464 | BKK_HY_STANDARD_CHECK | Checks when Creating or Changing a Hierarchy | |
465 | BKK_HY_START_DYNPRO_D10 | Account Hierarchy: Control of Selection Screen (Screen 10) | |
466 | BKK_HY_TO_LOCK_ACCOUNTS | Determines Acct No. of Hierarchy for Transfer to Lock Mgmt for Balancing | |
467 | BKK_HY_UPDATE_ADD_CC_TABLES | Update Module for Account Hierarchy Maintenance in Cash Concentration Area | |
468 | BKK_HY_UPDATE_ADD_CF_TABLES | Update Module for Account Hierarchy Maintenance in Cash Pooling Area | |
469 | BKK_HY_UPDATE_ADD_IC_TABLES | Update Module for Account Hierarchy Maintenance in Cash Pooling Area | |
470 | BKK_HY_WRITE_CHDOC | Call Up Change Document Creation | |
471 | BKK_HY_WRITE_CHDOC20 | Call Up Change Document Creation | |
472 | BKK_IBAN_CHECK | Check Validity of IBAN | |
473 | BKK_IBAN_CHECK_BBAN | Check and Correction of BBAN for Special Characters | |
474 | BKK_IBAN_CONCAT | Create Account Number in IBAN Format from BBAN | |
475 | BKK_IBAN_CONVERT_CHAR | Conversion of Capital Letters in Number | |
476 | BKK_IBAN_CREATE | Generation of IBAN | |
477 | BKK_IBAN_CREATE_01 | Generation of IBAN | |
478 | BKK_IBAN_CREATE_02 | Generation of IBAN | |
479 | BKK_IBAN_CREATE_BBAN | Generation of BBAN (Basic Bank Account Number) | |
480 | BKK_IBAN_CREATE_BBAN_CH | Generation of BBAN According to Swiss Standard | |
481 | BKK_IBAN_CREATE_BBAN_DE | Generate BBAN According to German Standard | |
482 | BKK_IBAN_CREATE_BBAN_US | IBAN number for country US | |
483 | BKK_IBAN_GET_COUNTRY_CODE | Determination of Two-Character IBAN Country Code | |
484 | BKK_IC_CHECK_SUB_ACCNT | Checks for sub-accounts | |
485 | BKK_IC_CHK_ACC_ALLOW_REF_PAIR | Determination if Account Reference is allowed ( not both in IC at a time) | |
486 | BKK_IC_CHK_ACC_ALOW_AS_REF_ACC | Determination if Account Is in a Hierarchy on a Date | |
487 | BKK_IC_CHK_ACC_ALOW_AS_SUB_REF | Determination if Account Is in a Hierarchy on a Date | |
488 | BKK_IC_CHK_ACC_HLDR_CHG_ALLOW | Determination if Account Is in a Hierarchy on a Date | |
489 | BKK_IC_CHK_BAC_VAL_DT_TXN_ALLW | Determination if Account Is in a Hierarchy on a Date | |
490 | BKK_IC_GET_HDRACCS_CNT_BNK_REP | Determine Header Accounts that Need to Be Reported to Central Bank | |
491 | BKK_IC_GET_POOLMETH_AND_ATTRB | Read Attributes for Pool Methods | |
492 | BKK_IC_HY_ACCNT_GET_POOLS | Supplies All Cash Pool Hierarchies in Which an Account Appears from <Date> | |
493 | BKK_IC_HY_ACCNT_IS_ROOTACCNT | Determination if Account Is Root Account of a Cash Pooling Hierarchy | |
494 | BKK_IC_HY_ACCNT_IS_SUBACCNT | Determination if Account Is Subaccount of a Cash Pooling Hierarchy | |
495 | BKK_IC_HY_GET_GRAPH | Determines the Graph of a Cash Pool for a Root Account | |
496 | BKK_IC_HY_GET_HDRACC_POSTDATE | Determination of Header Account for a Posting Date | |
497 | BKK_IC_HY_GET_HDRACC_VALDATE | Determination of Header Account on a Value Date | |
498 | BKK_IC_HY_GET_POOL_METH | Supplies Cash Pooling-Specific Data for a Hierarchy | |
499 | BKK_IC_HY_GET_ROOTACC_IN_INTER | Selection of Hierarchies of Category Cash Pooling from an Interval | |
500 | BKK_IC_HY_GET_SUBACC_DATE_INTV | Determination of Root Accounts and Relationships in a Time Interval |