SAP ABAP Function Module - Index B, page 13
Function Module - B
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | BAPI_TDINFOSET_GET_DATA | R | Delivers Data for a Line Area |
2 | BAPI_TDINFOSET_SELECT_DATA | R | Executes the SQL Command for an InfoSet |
3 | BAPI_TDINFOSET_SET_COMMAND_TXT | R | Creates an MDDATASET Runtime Object |
4 | BAPI_TDPROVIDER_GET_COLUMNS | R | Delivers a List of Columns (Columns Rowset) |
5 | BAPI_TDPROVIDER_GET_TABLES | R | Delivers a List of Tables (Tables Rowset) |
6 | BAPI_TEMPLATECO_CREATE | R | CreateFromData for Business Object TemplateCO |
7 | BAPI_TEMPLATECO_DELETE | R | Delete for Business Object TemplateCO |
8 | BAPI_TEMPLATECO_EVALUATE | R | Evaluates a template |
9 | BAPI_TEMPLATECO_EVALUATEMULTI | R | Evaluates multiple templates |
10 | BAPI_TEMPLATECO_GETLIST | R | Get a list of templates |
11 | BAPI_TEMPLATECO_GET_DETAIL | R | GetDetail for Business Object TemplateCO |
12 | BAPI_TEM_EXPOSURE_CHANGE | R | Change Exposure |
13 | BAPI_TEM_EXPOSURE_CREATE | R | Create Exposures |
14 | BAPI_TEM_EXPOSURE_DELETE | R | Delete Exposure |
15 | BAPI_TEM_EXPOSURE_GETDETAIL | R | Return Exposure Details |
16 | BAPI_TEM_EXPOSURE_RELEASE | R | Release Exposure |
17 | BAPI_TEM_EXPOS_GETLIST | R | Get List of Exposures |
18 | BAPI_TERRITORY_ADD_VALIDITY | R | Create New Validity Period For Territory |
19 | BAPI_TERRITORY_ATTR_CHANGE | R | Change Data for Territory Attributes |
20 | BAPI_TERRITORY_CHANGE | R | Change Data for Territory |
21 | BAPI_TERRITORY_CREATE | R | Create Territory |
22 | BAPI_TERRITORY_EXPIRE | R | End Territory Validity |
23 | BAPI_TERRITORY_GETDETAIL | R | Print Territory Details |
24 | BAPI_TERRITORY_GETLIST | R | Determine Territory List |
25 | BAPI_TEXTCRS_SAVE | R | Save BAPI for text information |
27 | BAPI_TF_ENDP_ADD_CUSTOMER | R | add customer in SRT_TF_BAPI_TES1 table |
28 | BAPI_TF_ENDP_DEL_CUSTOMER | R | deletes a customer from SRT_TF_BAPI_TES1 table |
29 | BAPI_THA_HEDGEPLAN_CHANGE | R | Change Hedge Plan |
30 | BAPI_THA_HEDGEPLAN_CREATE | R | Create Hedge Plan |
31 | BAPI_THA_HEDGEPLAN_DELETE | R | Delete Hedge Plan |
32 | BAPI_THA_HEDGEPLAN_GETDETAIL | R | Get Details for Hedge Plan |
33 | BAPI_THA_TRANS_FX_CHANGE | R | Change Individual FX Transaction |
34 | BAPI_THA_TRANS_FX_CREATE | R | Create Individual FX Transaction |
35 | BAPI_THA_TRANS_FX_DELETE | R | Delete Individual FX Transaction |
36 | BAPI_THA_TRANS_FX_GETDETAIL | R | Display FX Transactions/Exposures |
37 | BAPI_THA_TRANS_IR_CHANGE | R | Change Individual IR Transaction |
38 | BAPI_THA_TRANS_IR_CREATE | R | Create Individual IR Transaction |
39 | BAPI_THA_TRANS_IR_DELETE | R | Delete Individual IR Transaction |
40 | BAPI_THA_TRANS_IR_GETDETAIL | R | Get Details for IR Transaction/Exposure |
41 | BAPI_TIMEAVAILSCHEDULE_BUILD | R | Generate List of Employee Availability |
42 | BAPI_TIMEQUOTA_GETDETAILEDLIST | R | BAPI: Determines Quota Data for a Personnel Number |
44 | BAPI_TIMESHEET_HR_COLL_CHECK | R | Collision Check in CATS II Against HR |
45 | BAPI_TIMESHEET_HR_DATA_TRNSFER | R | Transfer of CATS II Data to HR |
47 | BAPI_TIMESHEET_HR_QUOTA_CHECK | R | Quota Check in CATS II Against HR |
48 | BAPI_TOA_DARA_SENDLIST | R | Funktionsbaustein zum BAPI BARCODE.SendList |
49 | BAPI_TRADE_ELMT_EXIST_CHECK | R | Marketing Planning - Check Existence of Trade Element |
50 | BAPI_TRADE_EXISTENCE_CHECK | Marketing Planning - Check Existence of Trade | |
51 | BAPI_TRADINGCONTRACT_CHANGE | R | Trading Contract: Change Template Data |
52 | BAPI_TRADINGCONTRACT_CREATE | R | Trading Contract: Create from Template Data |
53 | BAPI_TRADINGCONTRACT_GETSTATUS | R | Trading Contract: Supply Status of Trading Contract |
54 | BAPI_TRADINGCONTRACT_GET_FLOW | R | Trading Contract: Read Document Flow |
55 | BAPI_TRADINGCONTRACT_GET_LIST | R | Trading Contract: Determine Document Information |
56 | BAPI_TRADINGCONTRACT_HISTORY | R | Trading Contract: Changes to a Contract |
57 | BAPI_TRADINGCONTRACT_RELEASE | R | Trading Contract: Release |
58 | BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT | R | Execute external Commit when using BAPIs |
59 | BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK | R | Execute external Rollback when using BAPIs |
60 | BAPI_TRIP_APPROVE | R | Approve Trip |
61 | BAPI_TRIP_CANCEL | R | Cancel Trip |
62 | BAPI_TRIP_CHANGE_STATUS | Ändern des Status einer Reise | |
63 | BAPI_TRIP_CHECK_STATUS | R | Establish Status of Trip |
64 | BAPI_TRIP_COLLECT_MILEAGE | R | Determination of Trip Legs for Employee |
65 | BAPI_TRIP_CREATE_FROM_DATA | R | Create Employee Trip with CallTransaction on PR01 |
66 | BAPI_TRIP_DELETE | R | Delete Trip |
67 | BAPI_TRIP_EXISTENCECHECK | R | ExistenceCheck Object: EmployeeTrip (BAPI interface) |
68 | BAPI_TRIP_GET_DETAILS | R | Print Detail Tables For Trip (Receipt Entry) |
69 | BAPI_TRIP_GET_FORM | R | Travel Expense Form as Internal Table/Display Form |
70 | BAPI_TRIP_GET_FORM_HTML | R | Ouput of Travel Expense Form as HTML Table |
71 | BAPI_TRIP_GET_OPTIONS | R | Import Personal Data and Travel Expense Tables |
72 | BAPI_TRIP_REPORT_CREATE | R | Create Simple Weekly Report (PR04) |
73 | BAPI_TRIP_REPORT_GET_DATA | R | Weekly Report Detail (Output of Tables) |
74 | BAPI_TRIP_REPORT_INIT | R | Tables Needed for REPORT_CREATE (Local Workspace) |
75 | BAPI_TRIP_SET_ON_HOLD | R | Set Trip Status to "On Hold" |
76 | BAPI_TRKOBJ_ACKNSTATUS | R | Acknowledge changes to tracking object in appl. system |
77 | BAPI_TRVACCDOC_DISPLAY_AWKEY | R | Display Trip Source Document (From RW) |
78 | BAPI_TSCPRCONNE_DETAIL_CPR | R | Überleitung der CATS Detail-Daten nach cProjects |
79 | BAPI_TSCPRCONNE_TRANSFER_CPR | R | Überleitung der CATS II Daten nach cProjects |
80 | BAPI_TSLOCONNEC_TRANSFER_CO | R | Transfer of CATS II Data into PS, PM, and CO |
81 | BAPI_TSLOCONNEC_TRANSFER_PM | R | Transfer of CATS II Data into PS, PM, and CO |
82 | BAPI_TSLOCONNEC_TRANSFER_PS | R | Transfer of CATS II Data into PS, PM, and CO |
83 | BAPI_TSW_LOC_EXISTENCECHECK | R | Check if TSW location exists |
84 | BAPI_TSW_LOC_GETDETAIL | R | Read TSW Locations and Materialassignement Details |
85 | BAPI_TSW_LOC_GETLIST | R | Supply List of TSW Locations for Search Criteria Transferred |
86 | BAPI_TSW_NOM_GETLIST | R | TSW Nomination : read Nomination Data for specified selection |
87 | BAPI_TSW_PART_CREATEFROMDATA | R | BAPI Function to create TSW Partner |
88 | BAPI_TSW_PART_EXISTENCECHECK | R | Check if TSW Partner Role exists |
89 | BAPI_TSW_PART_GETDETAIL | R | Get Detail Data of TSW Partner |
90 | BAPI_TSW_PART_GETLIST | R | Get list of TSW Partner Data for specified selections |
91 | BAPI_TSW_TS_EXISTENCECHECK | R | Check if TSW Transport System exists |
92 | BAPI_TSW_TS_GETDETAIL | R | Read TSW Transport System and Its Assigned Locations and Materials |
93 | BAPI_TSW_TS_GETLIST | R | Supply List of TSW Locations for Search Criteria Transferred |
94 | BAPI_UI_CHANGE | R | BAPI: Change Existing Interface Design |
95 | BAPI_UI_CREATE | R | BAPI: Create Interface Design |
96 | BAPI_UI_DELETE | R | BAPI: Delete Interface Design |
97 | BAPI_UI_EXISTENCECHECK | R | BAPI: Checks Whether Interface Design Exists |
98 | BAPI_UI_GETDETAIL | R | BAPI: Load Detail Information for Interface Design |
99 | BAPI_UI_SAVEM | R | Create or Change Interface Design |
100 | BAPI_UPD_TSPEND_REBATE_STAT | Update Trade Spend Rebate Agreement Status | |
101 | BAPI_UPLOAD_DATA | Upload Data via RFC | |
102 | BAPI_USER_ACTGROUPS_ASSIGN | R | Change User-Role Assignments |
103 | BAPI_USER_ACTGROUPS_DELETE | R | Delete User-Role Assignments |
104 | BAPI_USER_APPLICATION_OBJ_ADD | Assign user to application object | |
105 | BAPI_USER_APPLICATION_OBJ_DEL | Assign user to application object | |
106 | BAPI_USER_APPLICATION_OBJ_GET | Assign user to application object | |
107 | BAPI_USER_APPLICATION_OBJ_PUT | Change all user application object assignments | |
108 | BAPI_USER_CHANGE | R | Change User |
109 | BAPI_USER_CLONE | R | Create/Change Users (Only Usable by CUA Distribution) |
110 | BAPI_USER_CREATE | R | Benutzer anlegen (obsolet: BAPI_USER_CREATE1 verwenden) |
111 | BAPI_USER_CREATE1 | R | Create users |
112 | BAPI_USER_DELETE | R | Delete User |
113 | BAPI_USER_DISPLAY | R | Display Users |
114 | BAPI_USER_EXISTENCE_CHECK | R | Check a user exists |
115 | BAPI_USER_GETLIST | R | Search for Users |
116 | BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL | R | Read User Details |
117 | BAPI_USER_INTERNET_CREATE | R | Create a user in the Internet |
118 | BAPI_USER_LOCACTGROUPS_ASSIGN | R | Change User-Role Assignments in CUA Central System |
119 | BAPI_USER_LOCACTGROUPS_DELETE | R | Delete User-Role Assignments in CUA Central System |
120 | BAPI_USER_LOCACTGROUPS_READ | R | Read User-Role Assignments in CUA Central System |
121 | BAPI_USER_LOCK | R | Lock User |
122 | BAPI_USER_LOCPROFILES_ASSIGN | R | Change User-Profile Assignments in CUA Central System |
123 | BAPI_USER_LOCPROFILES_DELETE | R | Delete User-Profile Assignments in CUA Central System |
124 | BAPI_USER_LOCPROFILES_READ | R | Read User-Profile Assignments in CUA Central System |
125 | BAPI_USER_PROFILES_ASSIGN | R | Change User-Profile Assignments |
126 | BAPI_USER_PROFILES_DELETE | R | Delete User-Profile Assignments |
127 | BAPI_USER_SYSTEM_ASSIGN | R | Change User-System Assignments in Central CUA System |
128 | BAPI_USER_UNLOCK | R | Unlock User |
129 | BAPI_USER_WP_PERS_DATA_READ | R | Reading the WP Personalization Data for a User |
130 | BAPI_USER_WP_PERS_DATA_SAVE | R | Writing the WP Personalization Data for a User |
131 | BAPI_USR01DOHR_GETEMPLOYEE | R | Determine employee from user name |
133 | BAPI_VALUE_GESPOS | R | NO LONGER IN USE !!! This module has been closed down! |
134 | BAPI_VALUE_GESVBUND | R | NO LONGER IN USE !!! This module has been closed down! |
135 | BAPI_VALUE_IMPTAB | R | NO LONGER IN USE !!! This module has been closed down! |
136 | BAPI_VALUE_IMPTAB_RMVCT | R | NO LONGER IN USE !!! This module has been closed down! |
137 | BAPI_VALUE_IMPTAB_RSUBD | R | NO LONGER IN USE !!! This module has been closed down! |
138 | BAPI_VALUE_PIVOT | R | NO LONGER IN USE !!! This module has been closed down! |
139 | BAPI_VALUE_POSDATEN | R | NO LONGER IN USE !!! This module has been closed down! |
140 | BAPI_VEHICLE_CHANGE_MULTIPLE | R | Change One or More Vehicles |
141 | BAPI_VEHICLE_CREATE | R | Create a Single Vehicle |
142 | BAPI_VEHICLE_DELETE_MULTIPLE | R | Delete One or More Vehicles from the Database |
143 | BAPI_VEHICLE_DISPLAY | R | Dialog: Display Vehicle |
144 | BAPI_VEHICLE_EXISTENCECHECK | R | Check Vehicle Existence |
145 | BAPI_VEHICLE_GETLIST | R | Read One or More Vehicles |
146 | BAPI_VEHICLE_GET_HISTORY | R | Read Vehicle History |
147 | BAPI_VEHICLE_SEARCH | R | Search for Vehicles and their Configurations |
148 | BAPI_VENDORSETTL_CANCELMULT | R | Agency Business: BAPI - Reverse Vendor Settlements |
149 | BAPI_VENDORSETTL_CHANGEMULT | R | Agency Business: BAPI - Change Vendor Settlement |
150 | BAPI_VENDORSETTL_RELEASE | R | Agency Business: BAPI Release Vendor Settlements to FI |
151 | BAPI_VENDOR_CHANGEPASSWORD | R | Change Vendor Password |
152 | BAPI_VENDOR_CHECKPASSWORD | R | Check Vendor Password |
153 | BAPI_VENDOR_CREATE | R | Create Vendor Master Online |
154 | BAPI_VENDOR_CREATEPASSWORD | R | Create entry for vendor password |
155 | BAPI_VENDOR_DELETE | R | Set Deletion Indicator Online for Vendor |
156 | BAPI_VENDOR_DELETEPASSWORD | R | Delete entry for vendor password |
157 | BAPI_VENDOR_DISPLAY | R | Display Vendor Online |
158 | BAPI_VENDOR_EDIT | R | Change Vendor Master Online |
159 | BAPI_VENDOR_EXISTENCECHECK | R | Check Existence |
160 | BAPI_VENDOR_FIND | R | Vendor Matchcode |
161 | BAPI_VENDOR_GETDETAIL | R | Vendor Detail Information |
162 | BAPI_VENDOR_GETINTNUMBER | R | Supplies New Internal Vendor Numbers |
163 | BAPI_VENDOR_GETPASSWORD | R | Read the Entry for the Vendor Password |
164 | BAPI_VENDOR_INITPASSWORD | R | Initialize Vendor Password |
165 | BAPI_VENDOR_SAVECHARVALREPLICA | R | maintain vendor characteristic values |
166 | BAPI_VENDOR_SAVEMATCHARVALREPL | R | Maintenance of Vendor Article Characteristics |
167 | BAPI_VENDTRIGCBDLIST_CANCELMUL | R | Agency Business: Cancel Posting Lists |
168 | BAPI_VENDTRIGCBDLIST_CHANGEMUL | R | Agency Business: Change Posting Lists BAPI |
169 | BAPI_VENDTRIGCBDLIST_CREATEMUL | R | Agency business: Generate Bapi posting lists |
170 | BAPI_VENDTRIGCBDLIST_GETDETAIL | R | Agency Business: BAPI Posting List Detailed Data |
171 | BAPI_VENDTRIGCBDLIST_GETLIST | R | Agency Business: BAPI Determine Posting List Detailed Data |
172 | BAPI_VENDTRIGCBDLIST_RELEASE | R | Agency Business: BAPI Release Posting Lists Document to FI |
173 | BAPI_VENTURE_CHANGE | R | Change joint operating agreement |
174 | BAPI_VENTURE_CREATE | R | Create joint venture |
175 | BAPI_VENTURE_DELETE | R | Delete JOA equity group |
176 | BAPI_VENTURE_GETDETAIL | R | Get detailed information for joint operating agreement |
177 | BAPI_VENTURE_GETLIST | R | Get data extract list of joint operating agreement |
178 | BAPI_W4W5INFOUSGETDETAILEDLIST | R | Employee W4/W5 Information: Read Instances with Data |
179 | BAPI_W4W5INFOUS_APPROVE | R | Employee W4/W5 Information: Unlock Record |
180 | BAPI_W4W5INFOUS_CHANGE | R | Employee W4/W5 Information: Change Record |
181 | BAPI_W4W5INFOUS_CREATE | R | Employee W4/W5 Information: Create Record |
182 | BAPI_W4W5INFOUS_DELETE | R | Employee W4/W5 Information: Delete Record |
183 | BAPI_W4W5INFOUS_DELIMIT | R | Employee W4/W5 Information: Delimit Record |
184 | BAPI_W4W5INFOUS_GETDETAIL | R | Employee W4/W5 Information: Read Record |
185 | BAPI_W4W5INFOUS_GETLIST | R | Employee W4/W5 Information: Read Instances |
186 | BAPI_W4W5INFOUS_REQUEST | R | Employee W4/W5 Information: Create Locked Record |
187 | BAPI_WAGECOMPEXT_CHANGE | R | Ändern eines externen Gehaltsbestandteils |
188 | BAPI_WAGECOMPEXT_CREATE | R | Anlegen eines externen Gehaltsbestandteils |
189 | BAPI_WAGECOMPEXT_DELETE | R | Löschen eines externen Gehaltsbestandteils |
190 | BAPI_WAGECOMPEXT_GETDETAIL | R | Detailanzeige eines externen Gehaltsbestandteils |
191 | BAPI_WAGECOMPEXT_GETLIST | R | Liste der Überleitungsschlüssel externer Gehaltsbestandteile |
193 | BAPI_WAGETYPE_GETLIST | R | Read Wage Types |
194 | BAPI_WAGE_COMP_EXT_CHANGE | R | Modification of External Wage Component |
195 | BAPI_WAGE_COMP_EXT_CREATE | R | Creation of Infotype Record for External Wage Component |
196 | BAPI_WAGE_COMP_EXT_DELETE | R | Deletion of External Wage Component |
197 | BAPI_WAGE_COMP_EXT_GET_DETAIL | R | Detail Display of External Wage Component |
198 | BAPI_WAGE_COMP_EXT_GET_LIST | R | List of Keys for External Wage Components |
199 | BAPI_WAGE_TYPE_GET_LIST | R | List of Wage Types for a Country |
200 | BAPI_WAGE_TYPE_GET_LIST_EXT | R | List of All Wage Types Permitted for Interface to Payroll |
201 | BAPI_WAGE_TYPE_REGISTER_EXT | R | Registration of Wage Type for Interface to Payroll |
202 | BAPI_WAGE_TYPE_UNREGISTER_EXT | R | Deregistration of Wage Type for Interface to Payroll |
203 | BAPI_WARRANTYCLAIM_ADD_VERSION | R | Create Warranty Claim Version for Claim |
205 | BAPI_WARRANTYCLAIM_CHANGE2 | R | Change Warranty Claim |
206 | BAPI_WARRANTYCLAIM_CREATE | R | Create Warranty Claim |
207 | BAPI_WARRANTYCLAIM_INITIAL | R | Intializing Temporary Data Buffer Warranty Claim |
208 | BAPI_WARRANTYCLAIM_SET_ACTION | R | Call Action for Warranty Claim |
209 | BAPI_WASTEORDERWEIGH_UPLOAD | R | Upload weighing data for waste disposal order |
210 | BAPI_WASTEORDER_CREATEFROMDATA | R | Create Order with Data |
211 | BAPI_WASTEORDER_UPLOAD | R | Upload confirmations for waste disposal order |
213 | BAPI_WASTEWEIGHING_DOWNLOAD | R | Abholen der für die offline Waage relevanten Daten |
214 | BAPI_WASTEWEIGHING_UPLOAD | R | Wiegedatensätze zur offline Waage hochladen |
215 | BAPI_WCDATED_CHANGE | R | Change Well Completion Dated |
216 | BAPI_WCDATED_CREATE | R | Create Well Completion Dated |
217 | BAPI_WCDATED_DELETE | R | Delete Well Completion Dated |
218 | BAPI_WCDATED_GETDETAIL | R | Bapi Well Completion dated get detail |
219 | BAPI_WCDC_CHANGE | R | Change BAPI for WC Downhole Commingled |
220 | BAPI_WCDC_CREATE | R | Create BAPI for WC Downhole Commingled |
221 | BAPI_WCDC_DELETE | R | Delete BAPI for WC Downhole Commingled |
222 | BAPI_WCDC_GETDETAIL | R | Get Detail BAPI for WC Downhole Commingled |
223 | BAPI_WCDPS_CHANGE | R | Change WC Daily Pressures |
224 | BAPI_WCDPS_CREATE | R | Create WC Daily Pressures |
225 | BAPI_WCDPS_DELETE | R | delete WC Daily Pressures |
226 | BAPI_WCDPS_GETDETAIL | R | Get detail records |
227 | BAPI_WCDVL_CHANGE | R | WC Daily Volumes change |
228 | BAPI_WCDVL_CREATE | R | WC Daily Volume Create |
229 | BAPI_WCDVL_DELETE | R | WC Daily Volumes delete |
230 | BAPI_WCDVL_GETDETAIL | R | WC Daily Volumes get detail |
231 | BAPI_WCDVL_GETDETAIL_HEADER | R | WC Daily Volumes get detail |
232 | BAPI_WCTST_CHANGE | R | well test change |
233 | BAPI_WCTST_CREATE | R | well test create |
234 | BAPI_WCTST_DELETE | R | well test delete |
235 | BAPI_WCTST_GETDETAIL | R | well test get detail |
236 | BAPI_WEBINVOICE_GETDETAIL | R | Web Billing Documents from the Backend System |
237 | BAPI_WEBINVOICE_GETLIST | R | Web Billing Documents from the Backend System |
238 | BAPI_WEC_WEBINVOICE_GETDETAIL | R | Web Billing Documents, Detailed Selection - Wrapper |
239 | BAPI_WELLCOMP_CHANGE | R | Changes a Well Completion Record |
240 | BAPI_WELLCOMP_CREATE | R | Creates a Well Completion Record |
241 | BAPI_WELLCOMP_GETDETAIL | R | Gets Well Completion Detail |
242 | BAPI_WELLID_CHANGE | R | Change well identification |
243 | BAPI_WELLID_CREATE | R | Create well identification |
244 | BAPI_WELLID_DELETE | R | Deletes well ID |
245 | BAPI_WELLID_GETDETAIL | R | Gets Well ID detail |
246 | BAPI_WFRES_CHANGEAVAILMULTI | R | Change Availability Period of a WFM Resource |
247 | BAPI_WHSE_STOCK_GET_DETAIL | R | BAPI for Stock Data per Quant |
248 | BAPI_WHSE_STOCK_GET_LIST | R | BAPI for Details of Stock per Material |
249 | BAPI_WHSE_TO_CREATE_STOCK | R | BAPI for Stock Data per Quant |
250 | BAPI_WHSE_TO_GET_DETAIL | R | BAPI for Header and Item Data per Transfer Order |
251 | BAPI_WHSE_TO_GET_LIST | R | BAPI for Transfer Order List |
252 | BAPI_WRF_LAYMODFIX_READ | R | Reading of Fixtures with Description(s) |
253 | BAPI_WRF_LAYMODFIX_SAVEREPLICA | R | Updating of Fixtures with Description(s) |
254 | BAPI_WRF_LAYMOD_SAVEREPLICA | R | Verteilung von Layoutbausteinen |
258 | BAPI_WRF_PPW_MDP_GET | R | |
265 | BAPI_XBP_ADD_JOB_STEP | R | Hinzufügen eines Jobsteps |
266 | BAPI_XBP_APPL_INFO_GET | R | Anwendungsinfo |
267 | BAPI_XBP_APPL_LOG_CONTENT_GET | R | Anwendungsprotokolleinträge |
268 | BAPI_XBP_BTC_EVTHISTORY_GET | R | Liefert Events aus der Event History zurück |
269 | BAPI_XBP_BTC_EVTHIST_CONFIRM | R | Einträge in der Eventhistory auf CONFIRMED setzen |
270 | BAPI_XBP_BTC_STATISTIC_GET | R | Lesefunktion der Batchstatistik |
271 | BAPI_XBP_CONFIRM_JOB | R | General confirmation of jobs |
272 | BAPI_XBP_CONV_EX_2_IN | R | Allgemeine Conversion Exit Funktion |
273 | BAPI_XBP_DESCHEDULE_JOB | R | Job ausplanen |
274 | BAPI_XBP_EVENT_DEFINITIONS_GET | R | Liefert Batch Events zurück |
275 | BAPI_XBP_EVENT_RAISE | R | Auslösen eines Event |
276 | BAPI_XBP_EXT_COMM_SEARCH | R | Value help for external commands |
277 | BAPI_XBP_FACT_CALENDERS_GET | R | Fabrikkalender lesen |
278 | BAPI_XBP_GET_APPLICATION_RC | R | Applikations-RC lesen |
279 | BAPI_XBP_GET_ARCHIVE_OBJECTS | R | Liste der Archivobjekte zurückliefern |
280 | BAPI_XBP_GET_BP_RESRC_ON_DATE | R | Determine all Background Resources Available on a Particular Date |
281 | BAPI_XBP_GET_BP_SRVRES_ON_DATE | R | Determine Background Resources of Server on Particular Date |
282 | BAPI_XBP_GET_CURR_BP_RESOURCES | R | Determine Background Resources Currently Available in System |
283 | BAPI_XBP_GET_DL_LIST | R | Verteilerlisten auslesen |
284 | BAPI_XBP_GET_FREE_SELECTIONS | R | freie Selektionen eines Reports auslesen |
285 | BAPI_XBP_GET_INTERCEPTED_JOBS | R | Get intercepted jobs |
286 | BAPI_XBP_GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS | R | Read Print Parameter Defaults |
287 | BAPI_XBP_GET_SPOOL_AS_DAT | R | ABAP-Spoolauftrag im DAT-Format zurückliefern |
288 | BAPI_XBP_GET_SPOOL_AS_PDF | R | Spoolliste eines ABAP-Job-Steps nach PDF konvertieren und lesen |
289 | BAPI_XBP_GET_SPOOL_ATTRIBUTES | R | Attribute eines Spoolauftrags auslesen |
290 | BAPI_XBP_GET_STEP_INFORMATION | R | aktualisierte Stepinformationen lesen |
291 | BAPI_XBP_GET_USER_LIST | R | SAP Benutzer auslesen |
292 | BAPI_XBP_HOL_CALENDERS_GET | R | Feiertagskalender lesen |
293 | BAPI_XBP_INTRFACE_DESCRIBE_INT | Each SMAPI Delivers 'Its' Long Text Name via This Type of Function | |
294 | BAPI_XBP_JOBLIST_STATUS_GET | R | Informationen zu einer Liste von Jobs |
295 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_ABAP_STEP_MODIFY | R | Assign ABAP Program to a Specific Job Step |
296 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_ABORT | R | Cancel Job |
297 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_ADD_ABAP_STEP | R | Add Job Step with ABAP Program to a Job |
298 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_ADD_EXT_STEP | R | Assign an External Program to a Job Step |
299 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_CHILDREN_GET | R | Liste aller Kinder eines Jobs besorgen |
300 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_CLOSE | R | Complete job definition |
301 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_COPY | R | Kopieren eines Jobs |
302 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_COUNT | R | Count how many jobs there are with a particular name |
303 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_DEFINITION_GET | R | Read job definition |
304 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_DELETE | R | XBP: Delete Background Job |
305 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_EXT_STEP_MODIFY | R | Assign an External Program to a Particular Job Step |
306 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_HEADER_MODIFY | R | change job header information (start conditions etc) |
307 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_JOBLOG_READ | R | Read Job Log for a Job |
308 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_JOBLOG_TO_PDF | R | Jobprotokoll eines Jobs lesen |
309 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_OPEN | R | Create Job |
310 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_PARENT_CHILD_INFO | R | Einige Parent-Child Informationen eines Jobs lesen |
311 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_READ | R | read contents of the job |
312 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_READ_SINGLE_SPOOL | R | Spoolliste eines ABAP-Job-Steps lesen (XBP Version 2.0) |
313 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_SELECT | R | Select Background Job According to Specific Criteria |
315 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_SPOOLLIST_READ_20 | R | Spoolliste eines ABAP-Job-Steps lesen (XBP Version 2.0) |
317 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_START_ASAP | R | Start job as soon as possible |
318 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_START_IMMEDIATELY | R | Start job immediately |
319 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_STATUS_CHECK | R | Reconcile job status according to DB with actual status |
320 | BAPI_XBP_JOB_STATUS_GET | R | Determine Status of a Job |
321 | BAPI_XBP_MODIFY_CRITERIA_TABLE | R | Modify criteria table function module. |
322 | BAPI_XBP_MODIFY_JOB_STEP | R | Change job step |
323 | BAPI_XBP_NEW_FUNC_CHECK | R | Reads, set, and clears status of the new functionality |
324 | BAPI_XBP_OUTPUT_DEVICE_SEARCH | R | Value help for output devices |
325 | BAPI_XBP_PRINT_FORMAT_SEARCH | R | Value help for print formats |
326 | BAPI_XBP_READ_SELSCREEN | R | Lesen des Selektionsbildes |
327 | BAPI_XBP_READ_SPOOL_BIN | R | Spoolliste eines ABAP-Job-Steps nach PDF konvertieren und auslesen |
328 | BAPI_XBP_REPORT_SEARCH | R | Value help for reports |
329 | BAPI_XBP_SELECT_INTERCEPTED_JO | R | Select intercepted jobs function module. |
330 | BAPI_XBP_SPECIAL_CONFIRM_JOB | R | Special confirmation of jobs |
331 | BAPI_XBP_SYNCHRONIZE_JOBS | R | Jobs aus SAP System lesen |
332 | BAPI_XBP_VARIANT_CHANGE | R | eine Variante ändern |
333 | BAPI_XBP_VARIANT_COPY | R | eine Variante kopieren |
334 | BAPI_XBP_VARIANT_CREATE | R | Anlegen einer Variante |
335 | BAPI_XBP_VARIANT_DELETE | R | eine Variante löschen |
336 | BAPI_XBP_VARIANT_INFO_GET | R | Determine all defined variants of an ABAP program |
337 | BAPI_XBP_VARINFO | R | Informationen zu allen Varianten eines Reports |
338 | BAPI_XBP_VERSIONS_GET_INT | Each Interface Attaches Its Version to an Existing Table | |
339 | BAPI_XBP_VERSION_CHECK_INT | Die Version des externen Tools wird gegen die unterstützte Vers. verprobt | |
340 | BAPI_XMI_CHECK_VERSION | R | Check Whether a Particular Version of an Interface is Supported |
341 | BAPI_XMI_DESCRIBE_INTERFACE | R | Query Long Name of an Interface |
342 | BAPI_XMI_ENTER_LOGMSG | R | Enter External Message in XMI Log |
343 | BAPI_XMI_GET_AUDITLEVEL | R | Auditlevel lesen |
344 | BAPI_XMI_GET_VERSIONS | R | Query Supported Versions of XMI Interfaces |
345 | BAPI_XMI_LOGOFF | R | Log Off an External Management Tool |
346 | BAPI_XMI_LOGON | R | Log onto an external management tool |
347 | BAPI_XMI_MSG_FORMATS_UPLOAD | R | Obsolete: ... external message formats |
348 | BAPI_XMI_SELECT_LOG | R | Selection of Translated Entries in XMI Log |
349 | BAPI_XMI_SET_AUDITLEVEL | R | Set Audit Level of an XMI Session |
350 | BAPI_XMI_UPLOAD_MSG_FORMATS | R | Transfer of External Message Formats |
351 | BAPI_XSI_GET_VTRK_G | R | Tracking info |
352 | BAPO20B_DISPONENT_FOR_MATERIAL | Get disponent for a material | |
353 | BAPO20B_GET_ALERT | Get schedule release items | |
354 | BAPO20B_GET_SYSTEMS | Get numbers of systems connected to APO | |
355 | BAPO20B_INFORECORD_GETLIST | Display purchasing info records | |
356 | BAPO20B_INIT_ALERT | Get schedule release items | |
357 | BAPO20B_MATERIAL_GETDETAIL | Get material details | |
358 | BAPO20B_MATNR_FOR_BMATN | Get material number for internal material (material on stock) | |
359 | BAPO20B_PO_GETDETAIL | Get details of the header of an order from APO - R/3 | |
360 | BAPO30A_DPO_TRANSFER | R | Transfer DPO to APO system |
361 | BARCHART_CREATE | Produce a bar chart control | |
362 | BARCHART_SET_FUNCTION_CODE | Deliver Function Code to Control | |
363 | BARC_ADD_CALENDAR | Create a calendar | |
364 | BARC_ADD_CHART | Create a chart | |
365 | BARC_ADD_CURVE_AXIS | R | Create vertical axis for curves |
366 | BARC_ADD_DATELINE | Generate date line | |
367 | BARC_ADD_GRID | Create a Time Fence (Grid) | |
368 | BARC_ADD_INTERVAL | Create a Time Interval | |
369 | BARC_ADD_LAYER | Create a layer (graphical element) | |
370 | BARC_ADD_LEGEND_NODE | Create legend nodes | |
371 | BARC_ADD_LINE | Set horizontal lines | |
372 | BARC_ADD_RIBBON | Create a ribbon | |
373 | BARC_ADD_SAPUNIT | Set an SAP unit | |
374 | BARC_ADD_SECTION | Create a section of the time axis | |
375 | BARC_ADD_SUMMARY_NODE | Create summary nodes | |
376 | BARC_ADD_TIME_OBJECT | Create a time object | |
377 | BARC_ADD_TIME_PROFILE | Create a time profile | |
378 | BARC_CONVERT_DATE | Generate a date string in bar chart format | |
379 | BARC_DEF_MAKRO | Macro identification | |
380 | BARC_DEF_PROTOTYPE | Prototype definition | |
381 | BARC_GET_COLOR_SET | Get color settings from bar chart | |
382 | BARC_GET_COLUMN_WIDTH | Get new column widths | |
383 | BARC_GET_PROFILE_CONTENTS | Determine customizing profile contents | |
384 | BARC_GET_TEXTINDEX | Determine the text index belonging to a field | |
385 | BARC_GRAPHIC_PAI | Analyze data returned by the graphic (PAI) | |
386 | BARC_GRAPHIC_PBO | Bar chart control (PBO) | |
387 | BARC_INIT | Initialization | |
388 | BARC_LOGIC | Logic administration | |
389 | BARC_POPUP_TO_GET_PROFILE | Pop-up for determining graphics profile | |
390 | BARC_REVERT_DATE | Transform date string in bar chart format into date and time | |
391 | BARC_SET_CALENDAR_ATTRIB | Set attributes for a calendar | |
392 | BARC_SET_CHART_ATTRIB | Set chart attributes | |
393 | BARC_SET_COLOR_SET | Set bar chart color settings | |
394 | BARC_SET_COLUMN_ATTRIB | Set column attributes | |
395 | BARC_SET_COLUMN_WIDTH | Determine column width | |
396 | BARC_SET_CURVE_AXIS_ATTRIB | R | Set attributes of the axes for the curves |
397 | BARC_SET_DATELINE_ATTRIB | Set date line attributes | |
398 | BARC_SET_GRID_ATTRIB | Set grid attributes | |
399 | BARC_SET_ILAB | Set text index for search window | |
400 | BARC_SET_INTERVAL_ATTRIB | Set time interval attributes | |
401 | BARC_SET_LABELS | Positioning of chart display | |
402 | BARC_SET_LAYER_ATTRIB | Set layer attributes | |
403 | BARC_SET_LEGEND_ATTRIB | Set attributes for the legend | |
404 | BARC_SET_MAXCHARTS | Set no. of maximum charts sent | |
405 | BARC_SET_OPTIONS | Change settings | |
406 | BARC_SET_POPUP_DATA | Create object-specific menus in the bar chart | |
407 | BARC_SET_RIBBON_ATTRIB | Set ribbon attributes | |
408 | BARC_SET_RIBBON_TEXTS | Set ribbon texts | |
409 | BARC_SET_ROW_ATTRIB | Set line attributes | |
410 | BARC_SET_ROW_HEIGHT | Set line height | |
411 | BARC_SET_SECTION_ATTRIB | Set section attributes | |
412 | BARC_SET_SUMMARY_NODE_ATTRIB | Set attributes for a summary node | |
413 | BARC_SET_TIME_AXIS | Set start and end of the time axis | |
414 | BARC_SET_TIME_PROFILE_ATTRIB | Set time profile attributes | |
415 | BARRIER_PRICE_EURO_RUB | Preis einer europäischen Barrieroption nach Rubinstein | |
416 | BARWERT_USEREXIT_ANALYSE | R | Example Module for External Net Price Calculation |
417 | BARWERT_USEREXIT_BEWERTUNG | R | Example Module for External Net Present Value Calculation (Event T2) |
418 | BAR_CODE_TRANS | Bar code translation | |
419 | BASE_LAYOUT_AREA_DYNPRO | Aufruf Dynpro für Pflege Basis-Layoutbereich | |
420 | BASE_UGMD_BAPIADFAX_GET | GET-Baustein für BAPIADFAX-Daten | |
422 | BASE_UGMD_BAPIADTEL_GET | GET-Baustein für BAPIADTEL-Daten | |
423 | BASE_UGMD_BUT000_GET | GET-Baustein für BUT000-Daten | |
424 | BASE_UGMD_DATA_INSTANCE_GET | Dateninstanz und Kopfdaten holen | |
425 | BASE_UGMD_DATA_INSTANCE_SET | Dateninstanz setzen (um BDT-Screens außerhalb des BDTs zu nutzen) | |
426 | BASE_UGMD_EVENT_AUTH1 | Zeitpunkt AUTH1 | |
427 | BASE_UGMD_EVENT_DCHCK | Zeitpunkt DCHCK: Sichtübergreifende Prüfungen | |
428 | BASE_UGMD_EVENT_DINP1 | Zeitpunkt DINP1: Direct Input, Einstiegsfelder füllen | |
429 | BASE_UGMD_EVENT_DLVE1 | Zeitpunkt DLVE1: Aktualgedächtnis initialisieren | |
430 | BASE_UGMD_EVENT_DLVE2 | Zeitpunkt DLVE2: Gesamtgedächtnis aktualisieren | |
431 | BASE_UGMD_EVENT_DSAVB | Zeitpunkt DSAVB: Daten in besitz. Anwendung sammeln | |
432 | BASE_UGMD_EVENT_DSAVC | Zeitpunkt DSAVC: Daten vervollständigen | |
433 | BASE_UGMD_EVENT_DSAVE | Zeitpunkt DSAVE: Daten sichern | |
434 | BASE_UGMD_EVENT_DTAKE | Zeitpunkt DTAKE: Daten übernehmen in LM | |
435 | BASE_UGMD_EVENT_FCODE | Zeitpunkt FCODE: Eigene OK-Codes behandeln | |
436 | BASE_UGMD_EVENT_FMOD2 | Zeitpunkt FMOD2: Feldmod. f. Feldgr. (allg. f. GUI-Kl.-Abhängigkeit) | |
437 | BASE_UGMD_EVENT_ISDAT | Zeitpunkt ISDAT: Daten lesen | |
438 | BASE_UGMD_EVENT_ISSTA | Zeitpunkt ISSTA: Initialisierung | |
439 | BASE_UGMD_EVENT_XCHNG | Zeitpunkt XCHNG: Daten auf Änderungen prüfen | |
440 | BASE_UGMD_PAI_BAS005 | PAI zu Dynpro 0005 | |
441 | BASE_UGMD_PAI_BAS101 | PAI zu Dynpro 0101 | |
442 | BASE_UGMD_PAI_BAS101_CHANGE | Kennzeichen fuer ALV Datenmodifikation | |
443 | BASE_UGMD_PAI_BAS200 | PAI zu Dynpro 0200 | |
444 | BASE_UGMD_PAI_BAS201 | PAI zu Dynpro 0201 | |
445 | BASE_UGMD_PAI_BAS202 | PAI zu Dynpro 0202 | |
446 | BASE_UGMD_PAI_BAS203 | PAI zu Dynpro 0203 | |
447 | BASE_UGMD_PAI_BAS230 | PAI zu Dynpro 0230 | |
448 | BASE_UGMD_PAI_BAS231 | PAI zu Dynpro 0231 | |
449 | BASE_UGMD_PAI_BAS251 | PAI zu Dynpro 0251 | |
450 | BASE_UGMD_PAI_BAS252 | PAI zu Dynpro 0252 | |
451 | BASE_UGMD_PAI_BAS253 | PAI zu Dynpro 0253 | |
452 | BASE_UGMD_PBO_BAS005 | PBO zu Dynpro 0005 | |
453 | BASE_UGMD_PBO_BAS101 | PBO zu Dynpro 0101 | |
454 | BASE_UGMD_PBO_BAS200 | PBO zu Dynpro 0200 | |
455 | BASE_UGMD_PBO_BAS201 | PBO zu Dynpro 0201 | |
456 | BASE_UGMD_PBO_BAS202 | PBO zu Dynpro 0202 | |
457 | BASE_UGMD_PBO_BAS203 | PBO zu Dynpro 0203 | |
458 | BASE_UGMD_PBO_BAS230 | PBO zu Dynpro 0230 | |
459 | BASE_UGMD_PBO_BAS231 | PBO zu Dynpro 0231 | |
460 | BASE_UGMD_PBO_BAS251 | PBO zu Dynpro 0251 | |
461 | BASE_UGMD_PBO_BAS252 | PBO zu Dynpro 0252 | |
462 | BASE_UGMD_PBO_BAS253 | PBO zu Dynpro 0253 | |
464 | BASIC_PURCHASE_PRICE_READ | Lesen des Einkaufsgrundpreises aus Infosatzdaten | |
465 | BASIC_PUR_PRICE_KOMK_KOMP_GET | Lesen des Einkaufsgrundpreises aus Infosatzdaten | |
466 | BATCH_CONVERSION_FACTOR | Chargenspezifische Umrechnung von Maßeinheiten (Klassifikation) | |
467 | BATCH_DATA_SELECTION | Ermitteln von zu übertragenden Chargen zu gegebenen Materialien | |
468 | BATCH_IS_ORIGINAL_BATCH | Charge ist Ursprungscharge ? (Rückgabe: 'ja' oder 'nein') | |
469 | BATCH_KEY_SELECTION | Ermitteln von relevanten Materialien zu gegebener Material-Range-Tabelle | |
470 | BATCH_LINK | Transfer of process orders including material to external systems | |
471 | BATCH_REQUEST | 'Alter Aufruf' der SM36 (aus Kompatibilitätsgründen ) | |
472 | BATCH_REQUEST_NEW | 'Alter Aufruf' der SM36 (aus Kompatibilitätsgründen ) | |
473 | BATMAN_CATT_DATA_EXP | R | Füllt BTM_TDATA mit Daten aus dem CATT |
474 | BATMAN_DEPEND_ADD | R | Adds BAPI Test Manager dependency definitions |
475 | BATMAN_DEPEND_DELETE | R | Deletes entries in BAPI Test Manager dependency table |
476 | BATMAN_DEPEND_GET_ENTRIES | R | Retrieves BAPI Test Manager test dependencies |
477 | BATMAN_DEPEND_UPDATE | R | Updates BAPI Test Manager dependency table |
478 | BATMAN_DETERMINE_SYSTEM | Ermittelt die Daten für das Login von BaTMan | |
479 | BATMAN_ERMITTELN_AKTUELLES_SYS | Ermittelt die Daten für das Login von BaTMan | |
480 | BATMAN_FILL_TABLE | R | Liest Daten aus der Batman_Table aus und übergibt Cont. an BTM. |
481 | BATMAN_GETKEYS | R | Retrieves list of test keys in table for BAPI Test Manager |
482 | BATMAN_GET_POPUP_NAME | Ermittelt den Titel des Fensters von CATT-Baustein | |
483 | BATMAN_REMOTE_CATT_DATA | Ruft BATMAN_CATT_DATA_EXP in entfernten Systemen auf | |
484 | BATMAN_SEQ_ADD | R | Adds entries to BAPI Test Manager sequence table |
485 | BATMAN_SEQ_DELETE | R | Deletes entries in BAPI Test Manager sequence table |
486 | BATMAN_SEQ_GET_ENTRIES | R | Obtains list of BAPI Test Manager sequences for a test key |
487 | BATMAN_SEQ_UPDATE | R | Updates the BAPI Test Manager sequence table |
488 | BATMAN_TD_ADD | R | Adds entries to BAPI Test Manager testdata dependencies table |
489 | BATMAN_TD_DELETE | R | Deletes entries in the BAPI Test Manager sequence table |
490 | BATMAN_TD_GET_ENTRIES | R | Obtains BAPI Test Manager sequences for a test key |
491 | BATMAN_TD_UPDATE | R | Updates the BAPI Test Manager sequence table |
492 | BAV_DEPO_FILL | Anlegen, Anzeigen und Ändern von BAV-Daten | |
493 | BAV_IDENTNUMMER | Generiert die Identifikationsnummer für das BAV-Meldewesen | |
494 | BAV_LOGIK | Prüft, ob die Eingabe auf Objekt-Ebene korrekt ist | |
495 | BAV_LOGIK_2 | Prüft, ob die Eingabe auf Objekt-Ebene korrekt ist | |
496 | BAV_PLAUSI | BAV_Plausibilitäten_in Bezug_zum_Objekt | |
497 | BAV_STOCKVERZEICHNIS | Anlegen, Anzeigen und Ändern von BAV-Daten | |
498 | BAV_SUBMIT | BAV-Meldewqesen: Starten einer BAV-Liste als Batchjob aus Hauptmenue | |
499 | BAV_UMBUCHUNGEN | BAV_Umbuchung | |
500 | BBP0_BUPA_EVENT_DLVE1 | Zeitpunkt DLVE1: Verlassen der Pflege für einen Geschäftspartner |