SAP ABAP Function Module - Index B
Function Module - B
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | B2B_STATUS_READ | spool JOb | |
3 | B31I_ACCSERV_CHECKACCASSIGNMT | R | Remote COBL check for Create Scenario |
4 | B31I_ACC_GOODS_MOVEMENT_CHECK | Driver for ACC Goods Movement | |
5 | B31I_ACC_GOODS_MOVEMENT_POST | Driver for ACC Goods Movement | |
6 | B31I_ACC_INVOICE_RECEIPT_CHECK | Driver for ACC Invoice | |
7 | B31I_ACC_INVOICE_RECEIPT_POST | Driver for ACC Invoice | |
8 | B31I_ACC_PURCHASE_ORDER_CHECK | Post purchase order commitment | |
9 | B31I_ACC_PURCHASE_ORDER_POST | Post purchase order commitment | |
10 | B31I_ACC_PURCHASE_REQUI_CHECK | Post purchase order commitment | |
11 | B31I_ACLPAY_IDOCCREATE | R | Posting Invoice to Accounts Payables |
12 | B31I_ACPJOU_IDOCCREATE | R | General Ledger Posting |
13 | B31I_BUDGET_READ | read budget data from backend | |
14 | B31I_COMMITMENT_ITEM_GETLIST | R | List of FM commitment items |
15 | B31I_COMPANYCODE_GETLIST | R | List of company codes |
16 | B31I_CONVERSION_EXT2INT | R | Conversion of external Values into internal representation |
17 | B31I_CONVERSION_INT2EXT | R | Conversion of internal Values into external representation |
18 | B31I_CORE_AVAILABLE | R | check if CORE system is available |
19 | B31I_COSTCENTER_GETLIST | R | List of cost centers |
20 | B31I_CO_AREA_FIND | R | Find CO_AREA |
21 | B31I_CREATE_ASSET | driver for meta_create_asset | |
22 | B31I_CREDITOR_EXISTENCECHECK | R | Checks the existence Creditors |
23 | B31I_CREDITOR_GETCURRENCY | R | Get currency of the vendor for purchasing |
24 | B31I_CREDITOR_GETLIST | R | List of Creditors |
25 | B31I_CURRENCY_GETTABLES | R | Transfer Currency Tables |
26 | B31I_DPO_TRANSFER | R | Creation DPO |
27 | B31I_EXRATE_GETTABLES | R | Transfer Exchange Rate Table |
28 | B31I_EXTREQ_FULFILLMENT | Rückmeldung erledigter externer Anforderungen | |
29 | B31I_FI_DOCUMENT_READ | R | 45a driver for amount quantity propose |
30 | B31I_FUNDSRES_GETLIST | R | List of Funds Reservations |
31 | B31I_FUNDS_CENTER_GETLIST | R | List of FM funds centers |
32 | B31I_FUND_GETLIST | R | List of FM funds |
33 | B31I_GET_ACCOUNT | R | Get GL account |
34 | B31I_GET_MM_DATA | driver for meta_get_mm_data, bbp_rp | |
35 | B31I_GLACCOUNT_GETDETAIL | Get Details from G/L Account | |
36 | B31I_GLACCOUNT_GETLIST | R | List of G/L Accounts |
37 | B31I_GOODSMVT_CREATE | R | Post goods movements with IDOC WMMBID01 |
38 | B31I_GOODSMVT_CREATE_CHECK | Check account data when creating goods movement | |
39 | B31I_GOODSMVT_UPDATECHECK | R | checks IDOC status for Goods Movement update |
40 | B31I_HELPVALUES_GET | R | Helpvalues for BAPI Parameters |
41 | B31I_INFORECORD_GETLIST | Display purchasing info records | |
42 | B31I_INTERNALORDER_GETLIST | R | List of internal orders |
43 | B31I_INTERPRETE_DATA | R | Interpretes the data of the requirement items in the R/3 |
44 | B31I_INVOICE_ACCCHECK | R | Remote COBL check Goods Movement |
45 | B31I_MATERIAL_AVAILABILITY | Read Material - Mara, Marc, Makt, Mbew | |
47 | B31I_MATERIAL_GETBATCHES | R | Create Batch List for a Material |
48 | B31I_MATERIAL_GETDETAIL | Get material details | |
49 | B31I_MATERIAL_READ | Read Material - Mara, Marc, Makt, Mbew | |
50 | B31I_ORDER_GETLIST | R | List of internal orders |
51 | B31I_PAYMTERMS_GET | Get payment terms from backend system - Release 31I/45B version | |
52 | B31I_PCSTAT_ACCCHECK | R | Remote COBL check Procurement Card Statements |
53 | B31I_PLANTS_GET | Get plants from backend system - Release 3.1I version | |
54 | B31I_PMORDER_GET_LIST | Get PM/CS Order List | |
55 | B31I_PO_CREATE | R | Create Purchase Order |
56 | B31I_PO_DELETE | Delete purchase order | |
57 | B31I_PO_GETDETAIL | Display purchase order items | |
58 | B31I_PO_GETITEMS | Display purchase order items | |
59 | B31I_PO_READ_ITEMS_INVOICE_BE | R | Read PO items for Invoice entry in the backend system |
60 | B31I_QMSYSTEMS_GET | Get QM-systems from backend system - Release 31I version | |
61 | B31I_READ_TABLE | Read Table in Core System | |
62 | B31I_REASONS_GET | R | Determine allowed input values (F4) for Movement reasons |
63 | B31I_REQUISITION_CREATE | Create Requisition | |
64 | B31I_REQUISITION_DELETE | Delete requisition | |
65 | B31I_REQUISITION_GETDETAIL | Read Details of a requisition in 3.1I | |
66 | B31I_RESERVATION_CREATE | Create reservation | |
67 | B31I_RESERVATION_DELETE | Delete reservation | |
68 | B31I_RESERVATION_GETDETAIL | Read Details of a requisition in 3.1I | |
69 | B31I_SHLP_CALL | RFC-Aufruf einer Suchhilfe | |
70 | B31I_SOURCEDETERMIN_GETSOS | R | Determine sources for material/material group |
71 | B31I_STATUS_READ | Read status information in the core | |
72 | B31I_SYSTEMDATA_GETDETAIL | System data of backend system | |
73 | B31I_TAX_CALCULATE_DOC | Steuerberechnugn im Backend | |
74 | B31I_TAX_CALCULATE_NET_AMOUNT | Nicht verwenden ! | |
75 | B31I_VENDOR_GET_DATA | Get vendors from backend system | |
76 | B31I_VENDOR_GET_LIST2 | get vendor list driver module, 31I/40B/45A/45B/46B, | |
77 | B31I_VENDOR_GET_LIST3 | get vendor list driver module, 31I/40B/45B/46A/46B | |
78 | B31I_VENDOR_PURCHDATA_GET | Get payment terms from backend system - Release 31I/45B version | |
79 | B31I_WBS_GETLIST | R | List of work breakdown structures |
80 | B3I_MATERIAL_GETDETAIL | Get material details | |
81 | B40B_ACCSERV_CHECKACCASSIGNMT | R | Remote COBL check for Create Scenario |
82 | B40B_ACC_GOODS_MOVEMENT_CHECK | Driver for ACC Goods Movement | |
83 | B40B_ACC_GOODS_MOVEMENT_POST | Driver for ACC Goods Movement | |
84 | B40B_ACC_INVOICE_RECEIPT_CHECK | Driver for ACC Invoice | |
85 | B40B_ACC_INVOICE_RECEIPT_POST | Driver for ACC Invoice | |
86 | B40B_AMOUNT_QUANTITY_PROPOSE | R | 45a driver for amount quantity propose |
87 | B40B_CREDITOR_CHECKPASSWORD | R | Check Vendor Password |
88 | B40B_CREDITOR_FIND | Find Creditor | |
89 | B40B_CREDITOR_GETDETAIL | Get Details from Creditor Data | |
90 | B40B_CTR_UPLOAD | Contract upload from R/3 backend system | |
91 | B40B_CURRENCY_GETTABLES | R | Transfer Currency Tables |
92 | B40B_EMPLOYEE_CHECKEXISTENCE | R | Check Employee Existence |
93 | B40B_ENTRYSHEET_CREATE | R | Create entry sheet |
94 | B40B_ENTRYSHEET_GETDETAIL | R | Entry sheet get detail |
95 | B40B_ENTRYSHEET_GETLIST | R | Entry sheet get list |
96 | B40B_EXRATE_GETTABLES | R | Transfer Exchange Rate Table |
97 | B40B_FI_DOCUMENT_READ | R | 45a driver for amount quantity propose |
98 | B40B_GOODSMVT_CREATE_CHECK | check the account data when creating goods movement | |
99 | B40B_HELPVALUES_GET | R | Helpvalues for BAPI Parameters |
100 | B40B_INFORECORD_GETLIST | Display purchasing info records | |
101 | B40B_INVOICE_ACCCHECK | R | Remote COBL check Goods Movement |
102 | B40B_INVOICE_MRM_ASSIGNMENT | R | Read PO items for Invoice entry in the backend system |
103 | B40B_IV_CREATE | Rechnung buchen über IDOC | |
104 | B40B_MATERIAL_AVAILABILITY | Read Material - Mara, Marc, Makt, Mbew | |
105 | B40B_MATERIAL_GETLIST | R | Provides a List of Materials for the Search Criteria Transferred |
106 | B40B_PCSTAT_ACCCHECK | R | Remote COBL check Procurement Card Statements |
107 | B40B_PLANTS_GET | Get plants from backend system - Release 4.0B version | |
108 | B40B_PMORDER_COMP_CREATE | Create Components in PM/CS Order | |
109 | B40B_PMORDER_GET_LIST | Get PM/CS Order List | |
110 | B40B_PO_CREATE | R | Create Purchase Order |
111 | B40B_PO_DELETE | Delete purchase order | |
112 | B40B_PO_GETDETAIL | Display purchase order items | |
113 | B40B_PSPROJECT_GET_LIST | Get PM/CS Order List | |
114 | B40B_QMSYSTEMS_GET | Get QM-systems from backend system - Release > 31I version | |
115 | B40B_READ_TABLE | Read Table in Core System | |
117 | B40B_REQUISITION_DELETE | Delete requisition | |
118 | B40B_REQUISITION_GETDETAIL | Read Details of a requisition in 4.0B | |
119 | B40B_RESERVATION_CREATE | Create reservation | |
120 | B40B_RESERVATION_DELETE | Delete reservation | |
121 | B40B_RESERVATION_GETDETAIL | Read Details of a requisition in 3.1I | |
122 | B40B_SERVICE_GET_DETAIL | R | Read detailed data for a service master record |
123 | B40B_SHLP_CALL | RFC-Aufruf einer Suchhilfe | |
124 | B40B_TRANSACTION_COMMIT | R | 40b driver for amount quantity propose |
125 | B40B_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK | R | 40b driver for amount quantity propose |
126 | B40B_VENDOR_GET_DATA | Get Suppliers from Backend System | |
127 | B45A_ADV_MED_GET_ITEMS | Produktkatalog-Positionen lesen | |
128 | B45A_ADV_MED_GET_LAYOUT | Produktkatalog-Layout lesen | |
129 | B45A_ADV_MED_GET_LIST | Katalogliste lesen | |
130 | B45A_ADV_MED_GET_PRICES | Produktkatalog-Positionspreise lesen | |
131 | B45A_ADV_MED_GET_VARIANT_LIST | Produktkatalogvarianten lesen | |
132 | B45A_AP_ACC_GETBALANCEDITEMS | R | Display purchase order details |
133 | B45A_COMPANYCODE_GETDETAIL | R | Company code details |
134 | B45A_CONVERSION_EXT2INT | R | Converts Parameters of BAPIs from the External to the internal format |
135 | B45A_CONVERSION_INT2EXT | R | Converts Parameters of BAPIs from the internal to the external format |
136 | B45A_CREDITOR_CHECKPASSWORD | R | Check Vendor Password |
137 | B45A_CREDITOR_GETDETAIL | Get Details from Creditor Data | |
138 | B45A_CURRENCY_GETTABLES | R | Transfer Currency Tables |
139 | B45A_EMPLOYEE_CHECKEXISTENCE | R | Check Employee Existence |
140 | B45A_EMPLOYEE_GETDATA | Get Data for Employee | |
141 | B45A_ENTRYSHEET_CREATE | R | Create entry sheet |
142 | B45A_ENTRYSHEET_GETDETAIL | R | Entry sheet get detail |
143 | B45A_ENTRYSHEET_GETLIST | R | Entry sheet get list |
144 | B45A_EXRATE_GETTABLES | R | Transfer Exchange Rate Table |
145 | B45A_FI_DOCUMENT_READ | R | 45a driver for amount quantity propose |
146 | B45A_GOODSMVT_CREATE | R | Post goods movements with MB_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT |
147 | B45A_HELPVALUES_GET | R | Determine allowed input values (F4) for fields in BAPI parameters |
148 | B45A_MATERIAL_AVAILABILITY | R | ATP information |
149 | B45A_MATERIAL_GETBATCHES | R | Create Batch List for a Material |
150 | B45A_MATERIAL_GETLIST | R | Provides a List of Materials for the Search Criteria Transferred |
151 | B45A_PMORDER_COMP_CREATE | Create Components in PM/CS Order | |
152 | B45A_PMORDER_GET_LIST | Get PM/CS Order List | |
153 | B45A_PO_CREATE | Create purchase order | |
154 | B45A_PO_GETDETAIL | R | Display purchase order details |
155 | B45A_PO_GETITEMS | Display purchase order items | |
156 | B45A_PO_GETRELINFO | Display purchase order release information | |
157 | B45A_PSPROJECT_GET_LIST | Get PM/CS Order List | |
158 | B45A_REASONS_GET | R | Determine allowed input values (F4) for Movement reasons |
159 | B45A_REQUISITION_CHANGE | R | Change purchase requisition |
160 | B45A_REQUISITION_CREATE | Create Requisition | |
161 | B45A_REQUISITION_DELETE | R | Delete/close purchase requisition |
162 | B45A_REQUISITION_GETDETAIL | Display requisition details | |
163 | B45A_REQUISITION_GETITEMS | Display requisition items | |
164 | B45A_REQUISITION_GETRELINFO | Get Releasease Info for requisitions | |
165 | B45A_RESERVATION_CREATE | Create reservation | |
166 | B45A_RESERVATION_DELETE | Delete reservation | |
167 | B45A_RESERVATION_GETDETAIL | Get Details from reservation | |
168 | B45A_RESERVATION_GETITEMS | Get reservation items | |
169 | B45A_SERVICE_GET_DETAIL | R | Read detailed data for a service master record |
170 | B45A_SOURCEDETERMIN_GETSOS | R | Determine sources for material/material group |
171 | B45A_TRANSACTION_COMMIT | R | 45a driver for amount quantity propose |
172 | B45A_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK | R | 40b driver for amount quantity propose |
173 | B45B_INVOICE_MRM_ASSIGNMENT | R | Read PO items for Invoice entry in the backend system |
174 | B45B_PLANTS_GET | Get plants from backend system - Release 4.5B version | |
175 | B45B_VENDOR_GET_DATA | Get Suppliers from Backend System | |
176 | B46A_GOODSMVT_CREATE_CHECK | 46a Driver to Run Goods MvT Create in Test Mode | |
177 | B46A_GOODSMVT_UPDATECHECK | 46A driver for IDOC status check of Goods Movement update | |
178 | B46B_CTR_CHANGE | Change contract | |
179 | B46B_CTR_CHECK | ||
180 | B46B_CTR_CHECK_2 | ||
181 | B46B_CTR_CREATE | Create contract | |
182 | B46B_CTR_TRANSFER | Change contract | |
183 | B46B_DPO_TRANSFER | R | Creation DPO |
184 | B46B_IDOC_INPUT_BLAREL | Call API to write back quantities and values into central contract | |
185 | B46B_PAYMTERMS_GET | Get payment terms from backend system - Release 46B version | |
186 | B46B_PO_CREATE | Create Purchase Order | |
187 | B46B_PO_GETITEMS | Display purchase order items | |
188 | B46B_SOURCEDETER_GETSOS_MULTI | Determine sources for material/material group for SOCO | |
189 | B46B_TAX_CALCULATE_DOC | Steuerberechnugn im Backend | |
190 | B46B_TAX_CALCULATE_NET_AMOUNT | Nicht verwenden ! | |
191 | B46B_VENDOR_GET_DATA | Retrieve Suppliers from Backend System | |
192 | B46C_ACC_OBJECTS_DESCRIPTION | Beschreibung von Kontierungsobjekten | |
193 | B46C_ATTACHMENT_CREATE | Create Attachment | |
194 | B46C_ATTACHMENT_DELETE | Create Attachment | |
195 | B46C_CTR_INIT_UPLOAD | Driver function module for Intial Upload | |
196 | B46C_ENTRYSHEET_CANCEL | Cancel Entrysheet | |
197 | B46C_EXRATE_GETTABLES | R | Transfer Exchange Rate Table |
198 | B46C_GET_WT_INFO | Treiber für die Quellensteuer Info | |
199 | B46C_INVOICE_SIMULATE | Rechnung simulieren | |
200 | B46C_PO_CREATE | Create purchase order | |
201 | B46C_PO_GETITEMS | Display purchase order items | |
202 | B46C_PO_READ_ITEMS_INVOICE_BE | R | Read PO items for Invoice entry in the backend system |
203 | B46C_REQUISITION_CREATE | Create Requisition | |
204 | B46C_RESERVATION_DELETE | Delete Reservation | |
205 | B46C_VENDOR_GET_DATA | ||
206 | B46C_VENDOR_GET_LIST2 | Get Supplier List Driver Module, 46C/46D/470/ERP10, | |
207 | B46C_VENDOR_GET_LIST3 | Get Supplier List Driver Module, 46C/46D/470/ERP10, | |
208 | B46_CREATE_ASSET | driver for meta_create_asset | |
209 | B46_PLANTS_GET | Get plants from backend system - Release 4.6 version | |
210 | B470_ACCSERV_CHECKACCASSIGNMT | R | Remote COBL check for Create Scenario |
211 | B470_BUDGET_READ | read budget data from backend | |
212 | B470_DPO_TRANSFER | R | Creation DPO => OBSOLET!!!!!!!!!!! |
213 | B470_ENTRYSHEET_CREATE | R | Create entry sheet |
215 | B470_INV_GETDETAIL | Retrieve Invoice Details | |
216 | B470_PO_CREATE | Create purchase order | |
217 | B470_PO_GETDETAIL | R | Display purchase order details |
218 | B470_REQUISITION_CHANGE | R | Change purchase requisition |
219 | B470_REQUISITION_CREATE | Create Requisition | |
220 | B470_REQUISITION_GETDETAIL | Display requisition details | |
221 | B470_RESERVATION_CREATE | Create reservation | |
222 | B470_RESERVATION_GETDETAIL | Get Details from reservation | |
223 | B470_SHLP_CALL | RFC-Aufruf einer Suchhilfe | |
224 | B470_VENDOR_GET_DATA | Get vendors from backend system | |
226 | B47_PLANTS_GET | Werke aus Backend-System replizieren, 4.7 version | |
227 | B50A_PO_PAYPLAN_GET_BILL | RFC call to get Payment plan customization | |
228 | B50A_PO_PAYPLAN_GET_CUST | RFC call to get Payment plan customization | |
229 | B700_ACC_PURCHASE_ORDER_CHECK | CHECK purchase order commitment/budget | |
230 | B700_ACC_SC_FOLLOW_ON_COLLECT | Get all follow-on documents of a list of SC line items | |
231 | B700_PROD_REVLV_CHECK | Get revision levels for a product | |
232 | B700_PROD_REVLV_GETLIST | Get revision levels for a product | |
233 | BACKORDER_PROCESSING | Rueckstandsaufloesung fuer SD (Auftrag) PP(Reservierung) Einkauf (Umlag.) | |
234 | BACKTEST_DATA_GET_WITH_PH | RM: Datenbeschaffung Backtesting | |
235 | BADI_IMPLEMENTATION_LAYER_GET | Lesen Layer einer BAdI Implementierung | |
236 | BADI_IMPLEMENTATION_LAYER_SET | Setzen Implementierungslayer | |
237 | BADI_IMPLEMENTATION_SET_CHANGE | Änderbarkeit des Layer Subscreens | |
238 | BADI_PWL_SP_DETERMINATION_INIT | Instanziierung des BAdIs für Generierung des Kalkulationsvorrats | |
239 | BADI_SD_COM_COUNTRY | Pufferungsbaustein für das LänderBAdI im SD | |
240 | BADI_SD_COM_COUNTRY_NEW | Pufferungsbaustein für das LänderBAdI im SD | |
241 | BADI_SORTER_LAYER_GET | BADI_IMPL_LAYER Datenversorgung | |
242 | BADI_SORTER_LAYER_PUT | BADI_IMPL_LAYER Datenversorgung | |
243 | BADI_SORTER_LAYER_SET_CHANGE | Setzten Änderungsstatus | |
245 | BADI_TTE_DOCUMENT_GET_INSTANCE | Get instance of TTE BAdI | |
246 | BAEB_FILL_MAT_WRK_TABLE | Füllen der Material-Werks-Tabelle für die Einzelbelege | |
247 | BAEB_GET_MAT_PLT_FROM_DOCUMENT | Alle MAT-Werk-Kombinationen aus Einzelbelegen ermitteln | |
248 | BAEB_GET_MAT_WRK_TABLE | Abrufen der Material-Werks-Tabelle für die Einzelbelege | |
249 | BALANCE_SHEET_TRANSFER | Bestandsumbuchung: Erzeugen der Bewegungen | |
250 | BALW_BAPIRETURN_GET | Fills the BAPI Return Parameter | |
251 | BALW_BAPIRETURN_GET1 | Fills the BAPI Return Parameter as of 4.0 | |
252 | BALW_BAPIRETURN_GET2 | Fills the BAPI Return Parameter with Field Entries as of 4.0A | |
253 | BALW_CONVERT_DOCU_LINKS | Konvertieren von SAPscript Links in Links für das HTML Control | |
254 | BALW_RANGES_CHECK | Checks selection operators of SIGN and OPTION fields according to range | |
255 | BALW_RET1_TO_RET2 | Map Structure BAPIRET1 to Structure BAPIRET2 | |
256 | BALW_RETURN_TO_RET2 | Map Structure BAPIRETURN to Structure BAPIRET2 | |
257 | BALW_SHLP_BAPI_FILL | Fills BAPI Structures with F4 Values from Values of DDIC F4 Modules | |
258 | BAL_ARCHIVE_LOAD | Anwendungs-Log: Archiv: Protokolle laden | |
259 | BAL_ARCHIVE_SEARCH | Anwendungs-Log: Archiv: Protokolle suchen | |
261 | BAL_CNTL_CREATE | ||
262 | BAL_CNTL_FREE | ||
264 | BAL_DAAG_OBJRESID | F4-Exit für Objekte bei Residenzzeitpflege | |
265 | BAL_DAAG_SUBOBJRESID | F4-Exit für Unterobjekte bei Residenzzeitpflege | |
266 | BAL_DBDEL_COCPR_ERR | Callback-Baustein für BAL_INDX-Reorg | |
267 | BAL_DBDEL_COCRM_ERR | Callback-Baustein für BAL_INDX-Reorg | |
268 | BAL_DBDEL_EACC | löscht Belegkontext | |
269 | BAL_DBDEL_FDU1 | Data Transfer: Deletion of Application Log Data | |
270 | BAL_DBDEL_FINB_MSG | Callback zum Löschen von Kontexten (Varianten) | |
271 | BAL_DBDEL_HRHAP00 | CALLBACK !!! - Appraisal Document: Delete Own Action Log Data | |
272 | BAL_DBDEL_MDG_MSG | Callback for Deletion of Contexts (Variants) | |
273 | BAL_DBDEL_REAJ | Callback Objekt REAJ (Konditionsanpassung) | |
274 | BAL_DBDEL_RECA | Callback Objekt RECA (Übergreifend) | |
275 | BAL_DBDEL_RECD | Callback Objekt RECD (Konditionen und Finanzstrom) | |
276 | BAL_DBDEL_RECO | Callback Objekt RECO (Controlling) | |
277 | BAL_DBDEL_RECP | Callback Objekt RECP (Korrespondenz) | |
278 | BAL_DBDEL_REIT | Callback Objekt REIT (Optionssatz und Vorsteuer) | |
279 | BAL_DBDEL_REMI | Callback Objekt REMI (Migration) | |
280 | BAL_DBDEL_REMM | Callback Objekt REMM (Mandatsverwaltung) | |
281 | BAL_DBDEL_REOR | Callback Objekt REOR (Angebot und Immobiliengesuch) | |
282 | BAL_DBDEL_RERA | Callback Objekt RERA (Mietenbuchhaltung) | |
283 | BAL_DBDEL_RESC | Callback Objekt RESC (Nebenkosten und Betriebskosten) | |
284 | BAL_DBDEL_RESR | Callback Objekt RESR (Umsatzmiete) | |
285 | BAL_DB_COMMIT_2ND_CONNECTION | Anwendungs-Log: Datenbank: Commit auf der sekundären Datenbankverbindung | |
287 | BAL_DB_CONVERT_INTO_VER0000 | ||
288 | BAL_DB_DELETE | Application Log: Database: Delete Logs from Database | |
289 | BAL_DB_DEQUEUE | Application Log: Database: Unlock log | |
290 | BAL_DB_ENQUEUE | Application Log: Database: Lock log | |
291 | BAL_DB_INTERNAL_IN_UPDATE_TASK | Anwendungs-Log: Datenbank: INTERN: Protokolle sichern in UPDATE TASK | |
292 | BAL_DB_INTERNAL_NO_UPDATE_TASK | Anwendungs-Log: Datenbank: INTERN: Protokolle ohne UPDATE TASK | |
293 | BAL_DB_LOAD | Application Log: Database: Load Logs | |
294 | BAL_DB_LOAD_OLD_VERSIONS | Application Log: Database: Load Logs | |
295 | BAL_DB_LOGNUMBER_GET | Application Log: Database: Get internal log number from number range | |
296 | BAL_DB_RELOAD | Application Log: Database: Reload messages of a log | |
297 | BAL_DB_SAVE | Application Log: Database: Save logs | |
298 | BAL_DB_SAVE_OLD_VERSIONS | Application Log: Database: Load Logs | |
299 | BAL_DB_SAVE_PREPARE | Application Log: Database: Preparation (replace temp. numbers) | |
300 | BAL_DB_SEARCH | Application Log: Database: Find Logs | |
301 | BAL_DSP_ICON_MSGTY_READ | Application Log: Display: Read message type text | |
302 | BAL_DSP_LOG_DISPLAY | Application Log: Fullscreen log output | |
303 | BAL_DSP_LOG_PARAMETERS | Application Log: Display: Display log header parameter set | |
304 | BAL_DSP_LOG_PRINT | Application Log: Print log | |
305 | BAL_DSP_LOG_TECHNICAL_DATA | Application Log: Display: Display log header technical data | |
306 | BAL_DSP_LOG_TEXTFORM | Display application log as text | |
307 | BAL_DSP_MSG_LONGTEXT | Application Log: Display: Display message long text | |
308 | BAL_DSP_MSG_PARAMETERS | Application Log: Display: Display message parameter set | |
309 | BAL_DSP_MSG_TECHNICAL_DATA | Application Log: Display: Display message technical data | |
310 | BAL_DSP_OUTPUT_FREE | Application Log: Subscreen output : End | |
311 | BAL_DSP_OUTPUT_INIT | Application Log: Subscreen output: Initialization | |
312 | BAL_DSP_OUTPUT_PAI | Application Log: Module no longer needed | |
313 | BAL_DSP_OUTPUT_SET_DATA | Application Log: Subscreen output: Set output data | |
314 | BAL_DSP_PRINT_TEXTFORM | R | Anwendungsprotokoll als Text ausdrucken |
315 | BAL_DSP_PROFILE_DETLEVEL_GET | Application Log: Display profile: Hierarchy by message DETLEVEL | |
316 | BAL_DSP_PROFILE_NO_TREE_GET | Application Log: Display profile: Display without tree (fullscreen) | |
317 | BAL_DSP_PROFILE_POPUP_GET | Application Log: Display profile: Display without tree (popup) | |
318 | BAL_DSP_PROFILE_SINGLE_LOG_GET | Application Log: Display profile: Standard profile (SLG1) for one log | |
319 | BAL_DSP_PROFILE_STANDARD_GET | Application Log: Display profile: Standard profile (SLG1) for several logs | |
320 | BAL_DSP_TXT_ALMODE_READ | Application Log: Display: Read operating mode text | |
321 | BAL_DSP_TXT_ALSTATE_READ | Application Log: Display: Read processing status text | |
322 | BAL_DSP_TXT_ALTCODE_READ | Application Log: Display: Read transaction code text | |
323 | BAL_DSP_TXT_DEL_BEFORE_READ | Application Log: Display: Read 'Display before expiry' flag text | |
324 | BAL_DSP_TXT_DETLEVEL_READ | Application Log: Display: Read level of detail text | |
326 | BAL_DSP_TXT_MSGID_READ | Application Log: Display: Read application area text | |
327 | BAL_DSP_TXT_MSGTY_READ | Application Log: Display: Read message type text | |
328 | BAL_DSP_TXT_MSG_READ | Application Log: Display: Message text | |
329 | BAL_DSP_TXT_OBJECT_READ | Application Log: Display: Read object text | |
330 | BAL_DSP_TXT_PROBCLASS_READ | Application Log: Display: Read problem class text | |
331 | BAL_DSP_TXT_SUBOBJECT_READ | Application Log: Display: Read subobject text | |
332 | BAL_DSP_USER_COMMAND_DATA_GET | Application Log: Get user command data | |
334 | BAL_GLB_AUTHORIZATION_GET | Application Log: Global: Authorization assigned | |
335 | BAL_GLB_AUTHORIZATION_RESET | Application Log: Global: Cancel authorization | |
336 | BAL_GLB_CONFIG_GET | Application Log: Global: Read configuration | |
337 | BAL_GLB_CONFIG_SET | Application Log: Global: Set configuration | |
338 | BAL_GLB_MEMORY_EXPORT | Application Log: Global: Export memory | |
339 | BAL_GLB_MEMORY_IMPORT | Application Log: Global: Import and insert memory | |
340 | BAL_GLB_MEMORY_REFRESH | CAUTION: Resets the ENTIRE des Application Log memory (=> FM doc.) | |
341 | BAL_GLB_MSG_CURRENT_HANDLE_GET | Application Log: Global: Get current message handle | |
342 | BAL_GLB_MSG_DEFAULTS_GET | Application Log: Global: Read message defaults | |
343 | BAL_GLB_MSG_DEFAULTS_SET | Application Log: Global: Set message defaults | |
344 | BAL_GLB_SEARCH_LOG | Application Log: Global: Find log(s) (in memory) | |
345 | BAL_GLB_SEARCH_MSG | Application Log: Global: Find message(s) (in memory) | |
346 | BAL_INTERNAL_CHANGE_START | Intern: Start einer Protokolländerung | |
347 | BAL_INTERNAL_ENQMODE_SWITCH | Änderung des Sperrmodus | |
348 | BAL_INTERNAL_ENQUEUE | Intern: Sperren eines Protokolls | |
349 | BAL_INTERNAL_ENQUEUE_ARRAY | Array-Operationen auf Enqueue | |
350 | BAL_INTERNAL_GET_ROLLED_BACK | Intern: Logs holen, die zurückgerollt wurden | |
351 | BAL_INTERNAL_LOCK_ON_DBACCESS | Intern: Sperren beim direkten Zugriff auf DB | |
352 | BAL_INTERNAL_LOCK_ON_LOAD | Intern: Sperren beim Laden | |
353 | BAL_INTERNAL_LOCK_ON_SAVE | Intern: Sperren beim Sichern | |
354 | BAL_INTERNAL_RELOAD | Intern: aus DB neu laden | |
355 | BAL_INTERNAL_UNLOCK_ON_DBCOMM | Intern: Entsperren von Protokollen nach DB Commit | |
356 | BAL_INTERNAL_UNLOCK_ON_REFRESH | Intern: Entsperren vom Protokoll nach Entfernen aus Hauptspeicher | |
357 | BAL_LOG_CREATE | Application Log: Log: Create with Header Data | |
358 | BAL_LOG_DELETE | Application Log: Log: Delete log (from DB also at save) | |
359 | BAL_LOG_EXCEPTION_ADD | Application Log: Log: Add Exception | |
360 | BAL_LOG_EXCEPTION_CHANGE | Application Log: Log: Exception: Change | |
361 | BAL_LOG_EXCEPTION_DELETE | Application Log: Log: Delete Exception | |
362 | BAL_LOG_EXCEPTION_READ | Application Log: Log: Exception: Read Data and Texts | |
363 | BAL_LOG_EXC_ADD | Application Log: Log: Exception: Add | |
364 | BAL_LOG_EXIST | Application Log: Log: Check existence (in memory) | |
365 | BAL_LOG_HDR_CHANGE | Application Log: Log: Header data: Change | |
366 | BAL_LOG_HDR_CHECK | Application Log: Log: Header data: Check | |
367 | BAL_LOG_HDR_READ | Application Log: Log: Header Data: Read Data and Texts | |
368 | BAL_LOG_MSG_ADD | Application Log: Log: Message: Add | |
369 | BAL_LOG_MSG_ADD_FREE_TEXT | Application Log: Log: Message: Insert as free text | |
370 | BAL_LOG_MSG_CHANGE | Application Log: Log: Message: Change | |
371 | BAL_LOG_MSG_CHECK | Application Log: Log: Message: Check | |
372 | BAL_LOG_MSG_CUMULATE | Application Log: Log: Message: Add Cumulatively | |
373 | BAL_LOG_MSG_DELETE | Application Log: Log: Message: Delete | |
374 | BAL_LOG_MSG_DELETE_ALL | Application Log: Log: Message: Delete All Messages | |
375 | BAL_LOG_MSG_EXIST | Application Log: Log: Message: Check existence (in memory) | |
376 | BAL_LOG_MSG_READ | Application Log: Log: Message: Read data and texts | |
377 | BAL_LOG_MSG_REPLACE | Application Log: Log: Message: Replace last | |
378 | BAL_LOG_READ | Get application log | |
379 | BAL_LOG_REFRESH | Application Log: Log: Delete log from memory | |
380 | BAL_MSG_DISPLAY_ABAP | Application Log: Display: Display message as ABAP message | |
384 | BAL_OBJECT_SELECT | Application Log: Select object | |
385 | BAL_OBJECT_SUBOBJECT_CHECK | Application Log: Check object/subobject validity | |
386 | BAL_STATISTICS_GLB_GET | Nicht freigegeben: Statistik (global): Lesen | |
390 | BAL_SUBOBJECT_SELECT | Application Log: Select subobject | |
391 | BAL_TABLE_SORT | ||
392 | BAM0_SCAN_RANGE_TEMPLATE | Vorlage für Lesebausteine | |
393 | BAM0_SD_CHECK_AV_CHECK_TABLES | Tabellenstatistik zu Tabellen der Verfügbarkeitsprüfung | |
394 | BAM0_SD_CHECK_BATCHES_TABLES | Tabellenstatistik zu Tabellen der Chargenfindung | |
395 | BAM0_SD_CHECK_CLASSES | Analyse des Klassensystems | |
396 | BAM0_SD_CHECK_COND_TAB | Analyse der Konditionstabellen | |
397 | BAM0_SD_CHECK_CONFIG_TABLES | Tabellenstatistik zu Tabellen der Konfiguration | |
398 | BAM0_SD_CHECK_CONSISTENCY | Konsistenz-Check | |
399 | BAM0_SD_CHECK_CREDIT_MGMT | Analyse des Kreditmanagements (Customizing) | |
400 | BAM0_SD_CHECK_MAT_DET_LIS_EXCL | Analyse: Material: Listung, Ausschluss, Findung | |
401 | BAM0_SD_CHECK_OUTPUT_FUNCTION | Analyse der Nachrichtenfindung | |
402 | BAM0_SD_CHECK_TEXT_FUNCTION | Analyse der Textfindung (Customizing) | |
403 | BAM0_SD_COMBINE_ANALYSIS | Kombinationsanalysen | |
404 | BAM0_SD_CREATE_PRICING_PROT | Erzeugen des Preisfindungsprotokolls | |
405 | BAM0_SD_CREATE_TEXT_DET_PROT | Erzeugen des Textfindungsprotokolls | |
406 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_ACCESS_SEQUENCES | Analyse von Zugriffsfolgen und Konditionsarten | |
407 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_KNVP_RANGE | Analyse des Kundenstamm Partnerrollen | |
408 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_KONV_RANGE | Analyse der Konditionen | |
409 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_LIKP_RANGE | Analyse der Lieferungsbelegköpfe | |
410 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_LIPS_RANGE | Analyse der Lieferungsbelegpositionen | |
411 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_MARC_RANGE | Analyse des Materialstamms | |
412 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_NAST_RANGE | Analyse der Nachrichten | |
413 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_STXH_RANGE | Analyse der Textfindung (STXH) | |
414 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_VBAK_RANGE | Analyse der Verkaufsbelegköpfe | |
415 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_VBAP_RANGE | Analyse der Verkaufsbelegpositionen | |
416 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_VBBE_RANGE | Analyse der Einzelbedarfe | |
417 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_VBBS_RANGE | Analyse der Summenbedarfe | |
418 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_VBEP_RANGE | Analyse der Verkaufsbelegeinteilungen | |
419 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_VBOX_RANGE | Analyse des Bonusindex | |
420 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_VBPA_RANGE | Analyse der Partnerfindung | |
421 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_VBRK_RANGE | Analyse der Faktura Köpfe | |
422 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_VBRP_RANGE | Analyse der Faktura Positionen | |
423 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_VBSK_RANGE | Sammelgangsanalyse | |
424 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_VEPVG_RANGE | R | Analyse des Versandfälligkeitsindex |
425 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_VETVG_RANGE | R | Analyse des Versandfälligkeitsindex für Umlagerungen |
426 | BAM0_SD_SCAN_VKDFS_RANGE | Analyse des Fakturaauslöser-Vertriebsindex | |
427 | BAM0_XX_GET_TAB_STAT | Tabellenstatistik für ausgesuchte Tabelle lesen | |
428 | BAM0_XX_SCAN_TBTCP_RANGE | Analysen zur Hintergrundverarbeitung | |
429 | BAM1_ANALYSE_PROGRAMS | Analyse von Quelltexten nach möglichen unperformanten Anweisungen | |
430 | BAM1_DISPLAY_ANALYSE_RESULTS | Baumstruktur eines analysierten Programms | |
431 | BAM1_GET_MODIFIED_OBJECTS | Ermitteln der modifizierten Reports und Includes | |
432 | BAM1_PERFORMANCE_SCAN_PROGRAM | Analyse von Programmen, Suche nach teuren Anweisungen | |
433 | BAM1_READ_MOD_OBJ_ANALYSIS | Lesen der Liste der modifzierten Reports und Includes | |
434 | BAM1_READ_SCAN_RESULTS | Lesen von Analyseergebnissen | |
435 | BAM1_SAVE_MOD_OBJ_ANALYSIS | Speichern der Liste der modifzierten Reports und Includes | |
436 | BAM1_SAVE_SCAN_RESULTS | Speichern der Analyseergebnisse | |
437 | BAM1_SD_GET_USER_EXIT_NAMES | Rückgabe der Namen der SD-User-Exits | |
438 | BAM3_BUILD_MAIN_TREE | Anwendungsanalyse: Aufbau des Haupt-Baumes | |
439 | BAM3_GET_MAIN_TREE | Anwendungsanalyse: Importiere Haupt-Baum aus MONI | |
440 | BAM3_GET_TREE_DIRECTORY | Anwendungsanalyse: Verzeichnis der vorhandenen Analysebäume | |
441 | BAM4_AUTHORITY_CHECK | Berechtigung prüfen | |
442 | BAM4_CREATE_ANALYSIS_JOB | Analyse-Job erzeugen | |
443 | BAM4_CREATE_SEQNO_AND_LOCK | Erzeugen einer Sequenznummer mit SAP-Sperre auf Sequenznummer | |
444 | BAM4_GET_ANALYSIS_DIRECTORY | R | Auslesen des Detailanalyse-Verzeichnis |
445 | BAM4_GET_ANALYSIS_ENVIRONMENT | R | Auslesen der Analyseumgebung |
446 | BAM4_GET_ANALYSIS_EXTENDED_DIR | Auslesen des (erweiterten) Analyseverzeichnis | |
447 | BAM4_GET_TYPE_DESCRIPTION | Ermittlen von Typinformationen (Liste der Feldnamen) | |
448 | BAM4_READ_DETAIL_ANALYSIS | Lesen der Detailanalyse-Daten | |
449 | BAM4_READ_DETAIL_ANALYSIS_RFC | R | Lesen der Detailanalyse-Daten via RFC |
450 | BAM4_RELEASE_SEQNO_LOCK | Löschen der SAP-Sperre auf Sequenznummer | |
451 | BAM5_PP_GET_USER_EXIT_NAMES | Rückgabe der Namen der SD-User-Exits | |
452 | BAM5_PP_MRP_VARIANT_CONTENTS | Select-options + Parameter (mit Werten) | |
453 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_AFFW | Analyse der Nachbearbeitungssätze | |
454 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_AFFW_DETAIL | Detailanalyse der Nachbearbeitungssätze | |
455 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_AVCH_ATP | VFP: ATP-Server aktiv | |
456 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_CUST_T001L | Customizing zur Rückmeldung | |
457 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_CUST_T437S | Customizing der Serienfertigungsprofile | |
458 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_KBED | MRP: Analyse der Kapazitätsbedarfe | |
459 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_KBKO | MRP: Analyse der Kapazitätsbedarfe | |
460 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_MARC | Analyse des Materialstammes, Segment MARC | |
461 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_MCHB | Analyse der Chargenbestände | |
462 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_MDTB | MRP: Dispositionsbelege (MDTB) | |
463 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_MDVM_0 | MRP: Analyse der Planungsvormerkung-Tabelle | |
464 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_MRP_MM61XMDV | MRP: Analyse der Paralleloption | |
465 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_MRP_STATISTICS | MRP: Aufbereiten und Ausgabe der MRP-Statistik | |
466 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_MRP_T399D | MRP: Übersicht Customizingparameter pro Werk | |
467 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_MRP_T438M | MRP: Horizonte pro Dispogruppe und Werk (T438M) | |
468 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_MRP_T462A | MRP: Analyse der Paralleloption | |
469 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_MRP_VARID | MRP: Customizing, aktuelle Varianten | |
470 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_MSSA | Analyse der Kundenauftragsbestände | |
471 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_MSSL | Analyse der Sonderbestände beim Lieferanten | |
472 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_MSSQ | Analyse der Projektbestände | |
473 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_PBED | MRP: Analyse der Primärbedarfe | |
474 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_PBHI | MRP: Analyse der Primärbedarfe | |
475 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_PBIM | MRP: Analyse der Primärbedarfe | |
476 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_PLAF | Analyse der Serienaufträge | |
477 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_RANGE_TEMPLATE | Vorlage für Lesebausteine | |
478 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_RESB_INDEX_M | Analyse der Reservierungen und Sekundärbedarfe (using Index M) | |
479 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_RESB_MINIMAL_VIEW | Analyse der Reservierungen und Sekundärbedarfe | |
480 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_SAFK | Analyse der Serienaufträge-Nachbearbeitungssätze | |
481 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_STKO | MRP: Auswertung Stücklistenköpfe (STKO) | |
482 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_STPO | MRP: Auswertung Stücklistenpositionen (STPO) | |
483 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_TBTCP | Frequenz von CORUAFFW0/P bzw. MF47 | |
484 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_TCX00 | MRP: Kapazitätsplanungsebene pro Werk und Auftragstyp (TCX00) | |
485 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_TCX02 | MRP: Terminierungshorizont pro Werk und Auftragstyp (TCX02) | |
486 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_TEST_T001L | MRP: Planungshorizont pro Werk | |
487 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_V_AUF_RESB | Verfügbarkeitsprüfung | |
488 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_V_CAUFV_MI | Analyse der Fertigungsaufträge | |
489 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_V_CAUF_RES | Materialbewegungen pro Rückmeldung/Anteil retr. Rückmeldung | |
490 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_V_PBIM_ED | MRP: Analyse der Primärbedarfe | |
491 | BAM5_PP_SCAN_V_PLA_RESB | Materialbewegungen pro Rückmeldung/Anteil retr. Rückmeldung | |
492 | BAM6_CO_CHECK_COPA_TABLES | Tabellenstatistik zu Tabellen im CO | |
493 | BAM6_CO_GET_USER_EXIT_NAMES | Rückgabe der Namen der CO-User-Exits | |
494 | BAM6_CO_MERKMAL_GENERATOR | Merkmalsausprägungen der CE4xxxx Tabellen | |
495 | BAM6_CO_SCAN_AUFK2_RANGE | Internal order aging | |
496 | BAM6_CO_SCAN_AUFK_RANGE | Analyse der Ergebnisbereiche | |
497 | BAM6_CO_SCAN_CEDB2_RANGE | Merkmale Customizing | |
498 | BAM6_CO_SCAN_CEDB_RANGE | Analyse der Ergebnisbereiche | |
499 | BAM6_CO_SCAN_CEPC_RANGE | Analyse der Profitcenter Stammdatentabelle | |
500 | BAM6_CO_SCAN_COEPS_RANGE | Analyse der Ergebnisbereiche |