SAP ABAP Data Element - Index H, page 13
Data Element - H
# Data Element Short Description Domain Data Type
1 HTEST_D EDI IDoc: Test option EDI_TEST CHAR 
2 HTEXCMODE Mode for Granting Special Approval HTEXCMODE CHAR 
3 HTEXT Resource Name TEXT25 CHAR 
4 HTEXT40 Text 40 characters long TEXT40 CHAR 
5 HTEXT_CA Text on Document Origin TEXT40 CHAR 
6 HTEXT_KK Text: document origin TEXT40 CHAR 
7 HTITEL_030 Title line CHAR79 CHAR 
8 HTML4096 Container for HTML Tags HTML4096 CHAR 
10 HTML_EMP HTML Page for Employee Search SYCHAR40 CHAR 
11 HTPGEO Geographical Hierarchy Type Number HTPGEO CHAR 
12 HTTPACTION User Action for HTTP Communication HTTPACTION CHAR 
15 HTTPCODE ICF: HTTP Status Code for Redirecting Error Pages HTTPCODE CHAR 
17 HTTPNAME Name of Http indicator ICFSTRING STRG 
20 HTTPVALUE Authorization Value for HTTP Communication HTTPVALUE CHAR 
24 HTTP_DESTINATION RFC Destination for saphttp RFCDEST CHAR 
25 HTTP_FIELD Authorization Categories for HTTP Communication HTTP_FIELD CHAR 
27 HTTP_HOST Web Server CHAR100 CHAR 
28 HTTP_OUT Web Access to Finished Template W3_HTML CHAR 
30 HTTP_SUBMIT Submit HTTP Address for Transferring Trip Data to ITS W3_HTML CHAR 
31 HTTP_USER_FIEB User Name for HTTP Server CHAR30 CHAR 
32 HTTP_VALUE Authorization Value for HTTP Communication HTTP_VALUE CHAR 
34 HTYPROUT Route Hierarchy Type HTYPROUT CHAR 
35 HT_DOCID Relative URL of a document loaded in the HTML Viewer CHAR255 CHAR 
36 HT_MSTYPE MIME subtype of a document loaded in the HTML Viewer CHAR20 CHAR 
37 HT_MTYPE MIME type of a document loaded in the HTML Viewer CHAR20 CHAR 
38 HUACTIV Handling unit management active XFELD CHAR 
39 HUACTIVEKEY SAP key to activate HU function in the foreground TEXT20 CHAR 
40 HUDEASS Delete HU Assignment HUDEASS CHAR 
41 HUEVENTCHARG Indicator: Batch-Field Available for Input at Goods Movement XFELD CHAR 
42 HUEVENTGRUND The Reason Field is Available for Input at Goods Movement XFELD CHAR 
43 HUEVENTGSBER Business-Area Field is Available for Input at Goods Movement XFELD CHAR 
44 HUEVENTKONTO Account Field is Avaliable for Input at Goods Movement XFELD CHAR 
45 HUEVENTKOSTL Cost-Center Field is Available for Input at Goods Movement XFELD CHAR 
46 HUEVENTKUNNR Customer-Number Field Available for Input at Goods Movement XFELD CHAR 
47 HUEVENTLGORT Storage-Location Field is Available for Input at Goods Mvmnt XFELD CHAR 
48 HUEVENTLIFNR Vendor Field is Available for Input at Goods Movement XFELD CHAR 
49 HUEVENTMATNR Material-Number Field is Available for Input at Goods Mvmnt XFELD CHAR 
50 HUEVENTSOBKZ Special-Stock Indicator: Available for Input at Goods Mvmnt XFELD CHAR 
51 HUEVENTSONUM Special-Stock-Number Field Available for Input at Goods Mvmt XFELD CHAR 
52 HUEVENTWERK Plant Field is Available for Input at Goods Movement XFELD CHAR 
53 HUINV_COUNTED Inventory document/item is completely counted XFELD CHAR 
54 HUINV_COUNT_NR Count Indicator for Item XFELD CHAR 
55 HUINV_CRTIME Time at which the data record was added UZEIT TIMS 
56 HUINV_DATA_CH Date on which the data record was changed DATUM DATS 
57 HUINV_DELETE Inventory document/item was deleted XFELD CHAR 
58 HUINV_DISPALL Display all inventory items at the same time XFELD CHAR 
59 HUINV_ERDAT Date on which the data record was added DATUM DATS 
60 HUINV_HUEXIST Handling unit physically exists XFELD CHAR 
61 HUINV_HUEXNOT Handling unit does not physically exist XFELD CHAR 
62 HUINV_INV Physical Inventory   CHAR 
63 HUINV_ITEMNR Item Number from the Inventory Document   NUMC 
64 HUINV_NBWART Movement Type for Negative Differences BWART CHAR 
65 HUINV_NR Inventory Document Number   NUMC 
66 HUINV_NULL Item was counted with zero quantity XFELD CHAR 
67 HUINV_PBWART Movement Type for Positive Differences BWART CHAR 
68 HUINV_PERC Percentage variance allowed for an inventory count PRZ32 DEC 
69 HUINV_POSTED Inventory document/item was cleared XFELD CHAR 
70 HUINV_TIME_CH Time at which the data record was changed UZEIT TIMS 
71 HUINV_TOP_HU Identification of the highest HU in a hierarchy EXIDV CHAR 
72 HUINV_USER Nmae of the user who created the data record USNAM CHAR 
73 HUINV_USER_CH Name of the user that changed the data record USNAM CHAR 
74 HUINV_WM Inventory document is the detail doc. for a WM inventory XFELD CHAR 
75 HUMSYS HU and IM Stock in Separate Systems HUMSYS CHAR 
76 HUMZEILE ID for an HU Item Line SYST_LONG INT4 
78 HUM_AR_ARCHABLE Indicator: Handling Unit Can be Archived XFELD CHAR 
79 HUM_AR_ARCH_CREATE Archiving Handling Units - Indicator: Create Archive? XFELD CHAR 
80 HUM_AR_ARCH_DELETE Archiving HU Indicator: Deletion Program in Test Mode? XFELD CHAR 
81 HUM_AR_DETAILINFO Indicator: Display Details XFELD CHAR 
82 HUM_AR_ENHANCED_ON Archive Active Free HUs without IM XFELD CHAR 
83 HUM_AR_HUNUM Handling-Unit Group's Sequence Number   INT4 
84 HUM_AR_HUSTATUS HU Archiving: HU Status Relevant for Archiving HUM_AR_HUSTATUS CHAR 
85 HUM_AR_LEVEL Hierarchy Level of a Handling Unit   INT4 
86 HUM_AR_REASON Reason that Handling Unit Cannot be Archived HUM_AR_REASON CHAR 
87 HUM_AR_RESTIME Handling Unit's Residence Time (in Days) NUMC04 NUMC 
88 HUM_AR_SHOW_ARCHIVABLE Indicator: Also Display Archivable HUs XFELD CHAR 
89 HUM_AR_TEST_DELETE Archiving Handling Units: Deletion Program in Test Mode? XFELD CHAR 
90 HUM_AR_TEST_RELOAD Archiving Handling Units: Reload in Test Mode? XFELD CHAR 
91 HUM_EPSILON Tolerance for rounding   QUAN 
93 HUM_KZPGN Indicator: Generate Delivery Items HUM_KZPGN_DOM CHAR 
94 HUM_LGNUM Warehouse Number / Warehouse Complex LGNUM CHAR 
95 HUM_LGORT Storage Location LGORT CHAR 
96 HUM_MATEXIDV Entry Field for Packing Handling Units or Materials CHAR60 CHAR 
97 HUM_PASTTYPE Type of Packing Station: for Deliveries, Non-Assigned HUs,.. HUM_PAST CHAR 
98 HUM_PROCESS Current processing activity HUM_PROCESS_DOMA CHAR 
99 HUM_PROFILE Name of Packing Station Profile CHAR20 CHAR 
100 HUM_RES HU Item has a Tentative Assignment XFELD CHAR 
101 HUM_RFCDEST RFC Destination for a Scale RFCDEST CHAR 
102 HUM_SCALENAME Name of the Scale that Is To Be Used at Packing Station CHAR10 CHAR 
103 HUM_STSMA Status Profile for Handling-Unit User Status J_STSMA CHAR 
104 HUM_TARAVAR Indicator: Tare Weight of Packaging Material is Variable XFELD CHAR 
105 HUM_VHILMEXIDV Input Field for Existing or New HUs EXIDV CHAR 
107 HUM_XFELDEXTERN Indicator: Create HU by Assigning External Numbers? XFELD CHAR 
108 HUM_XFELDGRID Indicator If Grid or Table Control Is Used at Packing Statn XFELD CHAR 
109 HUM_XFELDQUAN Quantity Proposal for Packing Station HUM_QUAN CHAR 
110 HUM_XFELDSCALE Indicator for Weighing at Packing Station Using Button XFELD CHAR 
111 HUM_XFELDWA Indicator for Posting GI/GR for In/Outbnd Dlvs at PackStatn XFELD CHAR 
112 HUNIT Unit in scheduling interval MEINS UNIT 
113 HUOBJITM Item of an Object with HU-Relevance VEPOS NUMC 
114 HUOBJKEY Object Key for Objects That are HU-Relevant CHAR22 CHAR 
115 HUOBJNR Handling Unit's General Object Number J_OBJNR CHAR 
117 HUPOS Indicator: Delivery item is a HU item HUPOS CHAR 
118 HUSTOCK_DIFFQUAN_D HU Difference Quantity   QUAN 
119 HUSTOCK_HUQUAN_D Handling Unit Quantity   QUAN 
120 HUSTOCK_HU_D Handling Unit Exists   CHAR 
121 HUSTOCK_ID Identification of HU/SUn EXIDV CHAR 
122 HUSTOCK_LE_D Storage Unit Exists   CHAR 
124 HUWBEVENT Process That Uniquely Identifies an HU Goods Movement HUWBEVENT CHAR 
125 HUWBEVENT_VL Process That Uniquely Identifies an HU Goods Movement HUWBEVENT_VL CHAR 
126 HU_COMPLETENESS Material ident. completeness HU in dialog as icon SYCHAR132 CHAR 
127 HU_CONSUMPTION GI posting of HU in dialog as icon SYCHAR132 CHAR 
128 HU_CONVERTA Convert amounts CHECKBOX CHAR 
129 HU_CORR_RUN Correction Run XFELD CHAR 
130 HU_DIRECTION Packing: Pack in HU Stor.Loc. / Unpack in HU Stor.Loc. HU_DIRECTION CHAR 
131 HU_DISPLAY Default overview for calling up packing HU_DISPLAY CHAR 
132 HU_F_VALUE Value of field to be changed CHAR40 CHAR 
133 HU_HANDLING Handling unit processing requested XFELD CHAR 
134 HU_ID Handling Unit Identification Goods Movement POSNR NUMC 
135 HU_INACT Indicator: Status Is Inactive J_INACT CHAR 
136 HU_INDIREKT Lower-level item CHAR004 CHAR 
137 HU_LGORT Content is Located at an HU-managed Storage Location HU_LGORT CHAR 
138 HU_LVS_EVENT Type of WM action: Create or Confirm TO CHAR1 CHAR 
139 HU_LVS_MENGE Describes which quantity field is to be used CHAR1 CHAR 
141 HU_OBJECT Object Key's Object Type HU_OBJECT CHAR 
142 HU_POSTING_TYPE_D Posting Type of Material Doc. with which the HU was Posted HU_POSTING_TYPE_DOM CHAR 
143 HU_P_MAT Material number of partner (customer / supplier) IDNEX CHAR 
144 HU_RECORD_TYPE Record Type used for EC-List   CHAR 
145 HU_SEQUENCE Material ident. sequence check HU in dialog as icon SYCHAR132 CHAR 
146 HU_STATUS Handling unit status HU_STATUS CHAR 
147 HU_STSMA Status Profile (Handling Units) J_STSMA CHAR 
148 HU_ST_ACTIVITY Business Transaction for Handling Units HU_ST_ACTIVITY_DOM CHAR 
149 HU_ST_INIT Physical Status of the Handling Unit HU_ST_INIT_DOM CHAR 
150 HU_SYSSTATUS System Status of a Handling Unit HU_SYSSTATUS CHAR 
151 HV053 Text key for segment text template CHAR5 CHAR 
152 HVBTR Amount of Increased Insurance BETRG CURR 
153 HVERS Rule: Take Into Account Increased Insurance CHAR2 CHAR 
154 HVFLAG Flag indicating whether view created as help view AS4FLAG CHAR 
155 HVKORG Higher-level sales organization VKORG CHAR 
156 HVORG1072_KK Main Transaction for Overpayment from Biller Direct HVORG_KK CHAR 
157 HVORGTXT_CA Main Transaction for Line Item TEXT50 CHAR 
158 HVORGTXT_KK Text for Main Transaction TXT30 CHAR 
159 HVORG_BILL_KK Main Transaction for Billing HVORG_KK CHAR 
160 HVORG_BP_KK (Summarization) Main Transaction of Business Partner Item HVORG_KK CHAR 
161 HVORG_BRAC_ITAGCY Main Transaction Postings on Account Agencies HVORG_KK CHAR 
162 HVORG_BRAC_STAT_ITAGCY Statistical Postings: Main Transaction HVORG_KK CHAR 
163 HVORG_BRO Main Trans. for New Created Open Items from Broker Report HVORG_KK CHAR 
164 HVORG_CA Main Transaction for Line Item HVORG_CA CHAR 
165 HVORG_CLAR_BRO Main Transaction for Clarification Posting (Sub-Ledger) HVORG_KK CHAR 
166 HVORG_CUAC_ITAGCY Main Transaction Postings on Account Agencies HVORG_KK CHAR 
167 HVORG_HABEN_KK Main Transaction for Credit Posting for Line Item HVORG_KK CHAR 
168 HVORG_H_KK Main Transaction For Credit Posting HVORG_KK CHAR 
169 HVORG_INT_VK Main Transaction for Items for Interest Calculation HVORG_KK CHAR 
170 HVORG_KK Main Transaction for Line Item HVORG_KK CHAR 
171 HVORG_NOINT_VK Main Transaction for Items not for Interest Calculation HVORG_KK CHAR 
172 HVORG_OLD_KK Not Used (Main Transaction for Interest Keys) HVORG_KK CHAR 
173 HVORG_RD_KK Main Transaction of Rounding Item from Invoice Rounding HVORG_KK CHAR 
174 HVORG_REV_KK Main Transaction for Offsetting Item for Reversal HVORG_KK CHAR 
175 HVORG_SOLL_KK Main Transaction for Debit Posting for Line Item HVORG_KK CHAR 
176 HVORG_S_KK Main Transaction For Debit Posting HVORG_KK CHAR 
177 HVORG_TC_ITAGCY Main Transaction Postings in Temporary Collections HVORG_KK CHAR 
178 HVORG_TEMPCOLL_PREM_ITAGCY Main Transaction Posting Premiums in Temp. Collections HVORG_KK CHAR 
179 HVORG_TOL_KK Main Transaction for Rounding Item To Be Written Off HVORG_KK CHAR 
180 HVORG_TRANSI_VK Main Transaction for Line Item when Posting HVORG_KK CHAR 
181 HVORG_TRANSO_VK Main Transaction for Line Item with Write-Off HVORG_KK CHAR 
182 HVORG_TXT Name of Main Transaction TEXT30 CHAR 
183 HVORZ_KK Main transaction for next document HVORG_KK CHAR 
184 HVSTL Beginning balance (Hovedstol) BETRG CURR 
185 HVTV_AKT_VK Main and Subtransactions Active XFELD CHAR 
186 HVTWEG Higher-level distribution channel VTWEG CHAR 
187 HVTXT_KK Description of Main Transaction TEXT30 CHAR 
188 HW2_OLD_KK Local Currency 2 Before Euro Conversion WAERS CUKY 
189 HW3_OLD_KK Local Currency 3 Before Euro Conversion WAERS CUKY 
190 HWABBANF Budget reduction amount due to down payment request (LC) WERTV8 CURR 
191 HWABBANZ Budget reduction amount due to down payments (local crcy) WERTV8 CURR 
192 HWABBAPP Usage amount to be released (LC) WERTV8 CURR 
193 HWABGANF Reduction amount due to down payment requests (local crcy) WERTV8 CURR 
194 HWABGANZ Reduction amount due to down payments (local currency) WERTV8 CURR 
195 HWAE Local Currency Key WAERS CUKY 
196 HWAE2 Currency Key of Second Local Currency WAERS CUKY 
197 HWAE3 Currency Key of Third Local Currency WAERS CUKY 
198 HWAE4 Currency key of the fourth local currency WAERS CUKY 
199 HWAEN Number of the Local Currency HWAEN NUMC 
200 HWAER Local Currency WAERS CUKY 
201 HWAERBAS Tax Base Amount in Reporting Currency WERTV9 CURR 
202 HWAERBASDP Tax Base Amount from Down Payments in Reporting Currency WERTV9 CURR 
203 HWAERS_KK Local Currency Key WAERS CUKY 
204 HWAER_CA Currency Key for Local Currency WAERS CUKY 
205 HWAER_CURD Local Currency WAERS CUKY 
206 HWAER_F05A Local Currency Document WAERS CUKY 
207 HWAER_FPM Local Currency WAERS CUKY 
208 HWAER_KK Local Currency Key WAERS CUKY 
209 HWAMO Invoice Amount in Local Currency WERTV8 CURR 
210 HWANAF Output Tax not To Be Paid Over in Reporting Currency WERT7 CURR 
211 HWANAF3 Non-payable, rounded output tax in reporting currency WERT7 CURR 
212 HWANZ_KK Display in Local Currency XFELD CHAR 
213 HWAPSE Application server hardware HARCHA CHAR 
214 HWAUSTE Output Tax Amount in Reporting Currency WERT7 CURR 
215 HWAUSTE2 Output Tax Amount To Be Paid Over in Reporting Currency WERT7 CURR 
216 HWAUSTE3 Payable, rounded output tax in reporting currency WERT7 CURR 
217 HWAUSTEA Output Tax Payable WERT7 CURR 
218 HWBAD_MWST Tax Base Amount in Local Currency (Tax Line Items) WERT8 CURR 
219 HWBAS Tax Base Amount in Local Currency WERT7 CURR 
220 HWBASV Tax Base Amount in Local Currency with +/- Sign WERTV8 CURR 
221 HWBAS_BI Tax Base Amount in Local Currency CHAR16 CHAR 
222 HWBAS_BSES Tax Base Amount in Local Currency WERTV8 CURR 
223 HWBAS_DEF Tax Base Amount in Local Currency WERTV8 CURR 
224 HWBA_1 1. Tax Base Amount (FI Interface) WERTV8 CURR 
225 HWBA_2 2. Tax Base Amount (FI Interface) WERTV8 CURR 
226 HWBA_3 3. Tax Base Amount (FI Interface) WERTV8 CURR 
227 HWBIS Subworkflow to Amount NUMC15 NUMC 
228 HWBIS_FRB Amount up to which persons w.release author.are authorized WERT8 CURR 
229 HWBIS_SWF Amount up to which the amount release is triggered WERT8 CURR 
230 HWBIS_WFFI Release amount up to NUMC15 NUMC 
231 HWBLKS_KB Empty blocks (kb) above High Water Mark DEC11 DEC 
232 HWBTR Amount Above Which a Release Procedure Is To Be Run WERT7 CURR 
233 HWBTR_DEF Gross Amount in Local Currency WERTV8 CURR 
234 HWBTR_DEFTAX_ITEM Gross Amount in Local Currency WERTV8 CURR 
235 HWBWF Amnt from Which a Release Approval Procedure Is To Run WERT7 CURR 
236 HWCUR Local Currency WAERS CUKY 
237 HWDBSE DB server hardware HARCHA CHAR 
238 HWFIX Fixed Portion of Costing Value in Local Currency CVAL8 CURR 
239 HWFLG_EURO Reconcile local currency CHAR1_X CHAR 
240 HWGES Total Value of Cost Estimate in Local Currency CVAL8 CURR 
241 HWGESAPP Item amount to be released (local currency) WERTV8 CURR 
242 HWGN Amount to be approved in LC WERTV8 CURR 
243 HWGROSS Total from base amount and tax amount in reporting currency WERTV9 CURR 
244 HWHAB Credit Amount in Local Currency (16 Digits) CURR16 CURR 
245 HWKEY Hardware Key HWKEY CHAR 
246 HWMET Method with Which the Local Currency Amount Was Determined HWMET CHAR 
247 HWNAD_MWST Non-Deductible Tax (Local Currency Tax Line Items) WERT7 CURR 
248 HWNAF Non-Deductible Input Tax in Local Currency WERT7 CURR 
249 HWNAF2 Non-Deductible Input Tax in Reporting Currency WERT7 CURR 
250 HWNAF3 Non-deductible, rounded input tax in reporting currency WERT7 CURR 
251 HWNAF4 Non-Paid Over/Non-Deductible Tax in Local Currency WERT7 CURR 
252 HWNAF5 Non-Paid Over/Non-Deductible Tax, Rounded Off in LC WERT7 CURR 
253 HWNAG_BSEZ Non-Deductible Tax in Loc.Curr. Already Posted (in CDC Item) WERT7 CURR 
254 HWNG Rejected document amount in LC WERTV8 CURR 
255 HWOPENTAX Open Portion of Tax on Sales/Purchases in Local Currency WERT7 CURR 
256 HWPARAMO Cleared Portion of Invoice Amount in Local Currency WERTV8 CURR 
257 HWPARTAX Cleared Portion of Tax on Sales/Purchases in Local Currency WERT7 CURR 
258 HWPRSE Presentation server hardware HARCHA CHAR 
259 HWREVAL Amount revalued and approved WERTV8 CURR 
260 HWREVALAPP Revalued amount to be approved WERTV8 CURR 
261 HWSALDO Balance in Local Currency WRTV8 CURR 
262 HWSALDO2 Balance in Reporting Currency WERT7 CURR 
263 HWSALDO3 Rounded balance in reporting currency WERT7 CURR 
264 HWSDIFF Difference from Calculated Tax in Reporting Currency WERT7 CURR 
265 HWSDIFF3 Difference for rounded taxes in reporting currency WERT7 CURR 
266 HWSKB Cash Discount Base Amount (Local Currency) WERT8 CURR 
267 HWSOL Debit Amount in Local Currency (16 Digits) CURR16 CURR 
268 HWSTD_MWST Tax Amount in Local Currency (Tax Line Items) WERT7 CURR 
269 HWSTE Tax Amount in Local Currency WERT7 CURR 
270 HWSTE2 Calculated Tax Amount in Document Currency WERT7 CURR 
271 HWSTE3 Rounded tax amount in reporting currency WERT7 CURR 
272 HWSTEAA Tax Deductible/Payable WERT7 CURR 
273 HWSTEV Tax Amount in Local Currency with +/- Sign WERTV7 CURR 
274 HWSTE_BSET_DEF Tax Amount in Local Currency WERT7 CURR 
275 HWSTE_DEF Tax Amount in Local Currency WERT7 CURR 
276 HWST_1 1. Tax Amount (FI Posting Interface) WERT7 CURR 
277 HWST_2 1. Tax Amount (FI Posting Interface) WERT7 CURR 
278 HWST_3 3. Tax Amount (FI Posting Interface) WERT7 CURR 
279 HWTEXT_ALV Output Note Text for Log CHAR70 CHAR 
280 HWTSP Legal Control: Max. Export License Indicator XFELD CHAR 
281 HWTYP Local Currency Type (1,2,3) HWTYP CHAR 
282 HWVENDOR Hardware Manufacturer HWVENDOR CHAR 
283 HWVOSTE Input Tax Amount in Reporting Currency WERT7 CURR 
284 HWVOSTE2 Deductible Input Tax Amount in Reporting Currency WERT7 CURR 
285 HWVOSTE3 Deductible, rounded input tax in reporting currency WERT7 CURR 
286 HWVOSTEA Deductible Input Tax WERT7 CURR 
287 HWZBA_BSEZ Additional Tax Base Amount in Local Currency WERT7 CURR 
288 HWZBA_MWST Additional Tax Base Amount in Local Currency WERT8 CURR 
289 HWZUZ Provision Amount in Local Currency WERT7 CURR 
290 HWZUZ_BI Additional Tax in Local Currency (Batch Input Field) CHAR16 CHAR 
291 HWZWF Amount from Which a Release for Payment Is To Be Carried Out WERT7 CURR 
292 HW_OLD_KK Old Local Currency Before Euro Conversion WAERS CUKY 
293 HW_PLANNING Plan second currency CHAR1 CHAR 
295 HYPNO IS-H: Psychopharmakotherapie: Hypnotika XFELD CHAR 
296 HZAEHL Help counter NUMC3 NUMC 
297 HZART Types of heating systems TEXT2 CHAR 
298 HZBAUFRM Description of a heating installation HZBAUFRM CHAR 
299 HZBISG IS-M: Affix at End of Undelivered Area (Even) HNRZUSATZ CHAR 
300 HZBISU IS-M: Affix at End of Undelivered Area (Odd) HNRZUSATZ CHAR 
301 HZDAT Date on Which Record Was Created DATUM DATS 
302 HZEIN Manufacturer drawing number HZEIN CHAR 
303 HZINS_EB Credit interest HZINS_EB DEC 
304 HZKUENKZ Heating Installation was Canceled KENNZX CHAR 
305 HZPST Payee: Postal Code for PO Box (if Defined), else Postal Code PSTLZ CHAR 
306 HZSTATUS Processing status of special agreement for heating inst. HZSTATUS CHAR 
307 HZUON Assignment Number for Special G/L Accounts ZUONR CHAR 
308 HZUON_KK Assignment Number in G/L Document ZUONR CHAR 
309 HZUOR Assignment to Hierarchy HZUOR NUMC 
310 HZUOR_BI Hierarchy assignment (batch input) CHAR2 CHAR 
311 HZUOR_DI Assignment to Hierarchy (Direct Input) CHAR2 CHAR 
312 HZVERD IS-M: Total Wage Limit for Employment Relationship ISPWV072 CURR 
313 HZVONG IS-M: Affix at Start of Undelivered Area (Even) HNRZUSATZ CHAR 
314 HZVONU IS-M: Affix at Start of Undelivered Area (Odd) HNRZUSATZ CHAR 
315 H_64 External planning tool: host PFS_64 CHAR 
316 H_AB Validity date from which a time slice is valid DATUM DATS 
317 H_ABSTVORG Budget billing credit sub-transaction TVORG_KK CHAR 
318 H_ANLAGE Installation for which historical values are being searched ANLAGE CHAR 
319 H_BELNR Document number for billing E_BELNR CHAR 
320 H_BIS Date at Which a Time Slice Expires DATUM DATS 
321 H_DATUM IS-M: Date of End of Validity Period Note (Contract) DATUM DATS 
322 H_DN_DES Delivery Network Name H_DN_DES CHAR 
323 H_FIPOS Higher commitment item FIPOS CHAR 
324 H_FIPOS_TXT Text for higher commitment item TEXT20 CHAR 
325 H_LEVEL Hierarchy level of a document INT4 INT4 
326 H_MASS Unit of measurement MEINS UNIT 
327 H_OPERAND Operand for displaying historical consumption E_OPERAND CHAR 
328 H_SALDO_KK Credit Balance Normal, Debit Balance Requires Restructuring XFELD CHAR 
329 H_STATUS_SORT Help Field for Sorting Status Column   CHAR 
330 H_TEXT Operand text TEXT30 CHAR 
331 H_TVORG Credit sub-transaction for billing TVORG_KK CHAR 
332 H_WERT1 Entry value (installed value) for a device OPWERT DEC 
333 H_WERT2 Value to be billed OPWERT DEC 
334 H_WERT3 Previous annual consumption OPWERT DEC 
335 H_WERT4 Average consumption value OPWERT DEC