Where Used List (Table) for SAP ABAP Table TTXJ (Check Table for Tax Jurisdiction)
SAP ABAP Table TTXJ (Check Table for Tax Jurisdiction) is used by
# | Object Type | Object Name | Object Description | Package | Structure Package | Software Component |
1 | Table | /CUM/AFVGD | CU: Dialog Table for Table AFVG (Order Operation) | /CUM/ORDER | EA-PLM | EA-APPL |
2 | Table | /CUM/BAPI_CUDESIGN_I | CU: CU design | /CUM/BASE | EA-PLM | EA-APPL |
3 | Table | /CUM/CUDESIGNI | CU: CU design include | /CUM/BASE | EA-PLM | EA-APPL |
4 | Table | /CUM/PRF_ORD | CU: Profile for Order Generation | /CUM/ORDER | EA-PLM | EA-APPL |
6 | Table | /ISDFPS/BAPI_WBS_ELEMENT | BAPI Structure WBS Elements Incl. Some Date Fields PRTE | /ISDFPS/UPS_EXTENSIONS_FI | EA-DFPS | EA-DFPS |
7 | Table | /MRSS/T_RM_PRCT2 | Profit Center | /MRSS/RMS | /MRSS/MAIN | MRSS_NW |
8 | Table | /OLC/AFVGD | OLC: Dialog Table extension for Table AFVG (Order Operation) | /OLC/OPCOST | EA-FIN | EA-APPL |
9 | Table | A053 | Taxes Using Jurisdiction Code | VKON | APPL | SAP_APPL |
10 | Table | ABUZ | Help Structure for Line Items to be Generated Automatically | FBAS | APPL | SAP_FIN |
11 | Table | ACT01_UPDATE_RELEVANT | Fields relevant to update from AFVC,V,V (sim. vers.) | CNVS | APPL | SAP_APPL |
12 | Table | ACTR | Order Activity Structure for Project Reporting | CNIS | APPL | SAP_APPL |
13 | Table | AFVGI | General include structure of the operation data | CO | APPL | SAP_APPL |
14 | Table | ANLAV | Asset Reporting: ANLA Fields Plus Cost Center... | AA | APPL | SAP_FIN |
15 | Table | ANLZ | Time-Dependent Asset Allocations | AA | APPL | SAP_FIN |
16 | Table | ANTS | Substructure of Asset Master Record (ANLA) | AB | APPL | SAP_FIN |
17 | Table | AUFK | Order master data | KAUF | APPL | SAP_FIN |
18 | Table | AUFKR | Order Master Data Structure for Project Reporting | CNIS | APPL | SAP_APPL |
19 | Table | AUFK_UPDATE_RELEVANT | Fields that are relevant for update from AUFK (sim. vers.) | CNVS | APPL | SAP_APPL |
20 | Table | BAPI2075_7 | Create Order Master Data for BAPIs | KAUF | APPL | SAP_FIN |
21 | Table | BAPI2075_MASTERDATA_ALE | Create Order Master Data for BAPIs in ALE Scenario | KAUF | APPL | SAP_FIN |
22 | Table | BAPIACGL01_CHECK | Foreign Keys | ACID | APPL | SAP_FIN |
23 | Table | BAPIACGL03 | Posting in FI/CO: Invoice Receipt (Item) | ACID | APPL | SAP_FIN |
24 | Table | BAPIACGL04_CHECK | Foreign Keys | ACID | APPL | SAP_FIN |
25 | Table | BAPIACGL05_CHECK | Foreign Keys | ACID | APPL | SAP_FIN |
26 | Table | BAPIACGL06_CHECK | Foreign Keys | ACID | APPL | SAP_FIN |
27 | Table | BAPIACIC | Communication structure: Payment document item data | WZRE | APPL | SAP_APPL |
28 | Table | BAPIACITEM | Communication structure: Payment document item data | WZRE | APPL | SAP_APPL |
29 | Table | BAPIACITEMO | Communication structure: Payment document item data | WZRE | APPL | SAP_APPL |
30 | Table | BAPIACTX01_CHECK | Foreign Keys | ACID | APPL | SAP_FIN |
31 | Table | BAPICDIC | Communication Structure: Change Item Data - Cust. Settlement | WZRE | APPL | SAP_APPL |
32 | Table | BAPICDITEMO | Communication Structure: Customer Settlement Item Data | WZRE | APPL | SAP_APPL |
33 | Table | BAPICSIC | Comm. Structure: Change Expenses Settlement Item Data | WZRE | APPL | SAP_APPL |
34 | Table | BAPICSITEM | Communication Structure: Expenses Settlement Item Data | WZRE | APPL | SAP_APPL |
35 | Table | BAPICSITEMO | Communication Structure: Expenses Settlement Item Data | WZRE | APPL | SAP_APPL |
36 | Table | BAPIDFKKCL | Clearing Items for Document in Contract A/R + A/P | FKKB | FI-CA | FI-CA |
37 | Table | BAPIDFKKOP | BAPI: Business Partner Items for Open Item Account Document | FKKB | FI-CA | FI-CA |
38 | Table | BAPIDFKKOPK | G/L Account Items in Open Item Account Document | FKKB | FI-CA | FI-CA |
39 | Table | BAPIESKN | Communication Structure: Account Assignment: Entry Sheet | ML | APPL | SAP_APPL |
40 | Table | BAPIESLL | Communication Structure: Service Line | ML | APPL | SAP_APPL |
41 | Table | BAPIESLLC | Communication Structure: Create Service Line | ML | APPL | SAP_APPL |
42 | Table | BAPIFKKEPOS | BAPI: Account Balance: All Item Data | FKKB | FI-CA | FI-CA |
43 | Table | BAPIKNA105 | Optional Customer Data Structure for BAPIs for BO Customer | VS | APPL | SAP_APPL |
44 | Table | BAPILFIC | Communication Structure Change Vend.Billing Doc Item Data | WZRE | APPL | SAP_APPL |
45 | Table | BAPILFITEM | Communication Structure: Vend. Billing Doc. Item Data | WZRE | APPL | SAP_APPL |
46 | Table | BAPILFITEMO | Communication Structure: Vend. Billing Doc. Item Data | WZRE | APPL | SAP_APPL |
47 | Table | BAPIPARNR | Communications Fields: SD Document Partner: WWW | VACR | APPL | SAP_APPL |
48 | Table | BAPIPARTNR | Communications Fields: SD Document Partner: WWW | VAW | APPL | SAP_APPL |
49 | Table | BAPIREQUEST_ITEM_IN | BAPI Import: Request Items | FKK_ORDER | FI-CA | FI-CA |
50 | Table | BAPIREQUEST_ITEM_OUT | BAPI Export: Request Items | FKK_ORDER | FI-CA | FI-CA |
51 | Table | BAPISDESLLBOS | Communication Structure Service LIne for SD | AD_BOS_01 | DIMP | ECC-DIMP |
52 | Table | BAPISDESLLCBOS | Communication Structure Create Service LIne in SD | AD_BOS_01 | DIMP | ECC-DIMP |
53 | Table | BAPISHIPTO | Ship-to Party's View of the Customer Master Record | VAW | APPL | SAP_APPL |
54 | Table | BAPISRITEMO | Communication structure: Payment document item data | WZRE | APPL | SAP_APPL |
55 | Table | BAPIVSITEMO | Communiation Structure: Item Data Vendor Settlement | WZRE | APPL | SAP_APPL |
56 | Table | BAPI_ACT_STRUCTURE | BAPI structure network activity | CNIF | APPL | SAP_APPL |
57 | Table | BAPI_EKPOLIGHT | Purchasing Document Item: Data Part | DI_VVA_MEEE | DIMP | ECC-DIMP |
58 | Table | BAPI_EXTDOC_I | Items in External Billing system | FSCR_INV | FI-CAX | FI-CAX |
59 | Table | BAPI_FMCA_EXTDOC_I | Items of External PSCD Billing Document | FMCA_INV | IS-PS-CA | IS-PS-CA |
60 | Table | BAPI_INCINV_COMPLAIN_ITEM | Transfer Struct.: Item Data in Incoming Invoice (Complaint) | MRM | APPL | SAP_APPL |
61 | Table | BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_ACCOUNT | Transfer Structure for Invoice Acct Assignment Data (Create) | MRM | APPL | SAP_APPL |
62 | Table | BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_GL_ACCOUNT | Transfer Struct.: G/L Acct Posting Incoming Invoice (Create) | MRM | APPL | SAP_APPL |
63 | Table | BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_ITEM | Transfer Structure for Invoice Item Data (Create) | MRM | APPL | SAP_APPL |
64 | Table | BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_TM_ITEM | Transfer Structure TM Item Data Incoming Invoice (Create) | MRM | APPL | SAP_APPL |
65 | Table | BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_ACCOUNT | Transfer Structure for Invoice Acct Assignment Data (Create) | MRM | APPL | SAP_APPL |
66 | Table | BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_ITEM | Transfer Structure for Invoice Item Data (GetDetail) | MRM | APPL | SAP_APPL |
67 | Table | BAPI_IST_EXTDOC_I | Items in External Telco Billing Document | IS_T_INV | IS-T | IS-UT |
68 | Table | BAPI_NETWORK | Network BAPI structure | CNIF | APPL | SAP_APPL |
69 | Table | BAPI_NETWORK_ACTIVITY | BAPI structure for network activities | CNIF | APPL | SAP_APPL |
71 | Table | BAPI_NETWORK_EXP_APP1 | Append for Foreign Key BAPI_NETWORK_EXP | CNIF | APPL | SAP_APPL |
72 | Table | BAPI_PROJECT_DEFINITION | BAPI structure project definition | CNIF | APPL | SAP_APPL |
73 | Table | BAPI_PROJECT_DEFINITION_EX | Project definition BAPI structure (Export) | CNIF | APPL | SAP_APPL |
74 | Table | BAPI_PTK53 | Trip Costs Assignment Specification with TE Key for BAPI | PTRA | HR | SAP_HRGXX |
75 | Table | BAPI_PTK54 | Trip Costs Accounting Results with TE Key for BAPI | PTRA | HR | SAP_HRGXX |
76 | Table | BAPI_RE_ADVPAY_EXT | AP - Legacy Data Transfer | RE_RA_AP | EA-FIN | EA-FIN |
77 | Table | BAPI_RE_ADVPAY_EXT_DAT | AP - Legacy Data Transfer - Data | RE_RA_AP | EA-FIN | EA-FIN |
78 | Table | BAPI_RE_ADVPAY_EXT_DATC | AP - Legacy Data Transfer - Data - Change Fields | RE_RA_AP | EA-FIN | EA-FIN |
79 | Table | BAPI_RE_TERM_PY | Posting Term of an RE Object | RE_TM_FI | EA-FIN | EA-FIN |
80 | Table | BAPI_RE_TERM_PY_DAT | Posting Term of an RE Object - Data | RE_TM_FI | EA-FIN | EA-FIN |
81 | Table | BAPI_RE_TERM_PY_DATC | Posting Term of an RE Object - Data - Change Fields | RE_TM_FI | EA-FIN | EA-FIN |
82 | Table | BAPI_WBS_ELEMENT | BAPI Structure WBS Elements incl. some Date Fields PRTE | CNIF | APPL | SAP_APPL |
83 | Table | BAPI_WBS_ELEMENT_EXP | BAPI structure WBS elements (export) | CNIF | APPL | SAP_APPL |
84 | Table | BBP_ES_SRV_LINE | SRV: Service Lines | BBP_ES_ERP_INT | PI_APPL | SAP_APPL |
85 | Table | BEKPO | Transfer Structure Items for Purchasing Documents | ME | APPL | SAP_APPL |
86 | Table | BETR | Plants | WLIF | APPL | SAP_APPL |
87 | Table | BFKKOP | Items for accts rec/pay doc (batch input) | FKKB | FI-CA | FI-CA |
88 | Table | BFKKOPK | Items for accts rec/pay doc (batch input) | FKKB | FI-CA | FI-CA |
89 | Table | BP1020 | BP: Business Partner - Fiscal Data | FBPAR | APPL | SAP_APPL |
90 | Table | BPDTAX | BP Structure for Tax Data | FBPAR | APPL | SAP_APPL |
91 | Table | BSEG | Accounting Document Segment | FBAS | APPL | SAP_FIN |
92 | Table | BSEG_ADD | Entry View of Accounting Document for Additional Ledgers | FAGL_DB_PERSISTENCY | ECC_FINANCIALS | SAP_FIN |
93 | Table | BSET | Tax Data Document Segment | FBAS | APPL | SAP_FIN |
94 | Table | BSMMESLLC | Communication Structure: Create Service Line | AD_BOS_01 | DIMP | ECC-DIMP |
95 | Table | CAUFVDQ | Order header structure | CO | APPL | SAP_APPL |
96 | Table | CAUFVTAB | Maps Database View CAUFV as Internal Table | CO | APPL | SAP_APPL |
97 | Table | CEPC | Profit Center Master Data Table | KE1 | APPL | SAP_FIN |
98 | Table | CEPCB | Structure of Profit Center Master for Change Documents | KE1A | APPL | SAP_FIN |
99 | Table | CMDT_ADR_STRUC | Generic Master Record: Address | KBAS | APPL | SAP_FIN |
100 | Table | CNMASS_ACTIVITY_ELEMENT | Mass change activity element | CNMASS | APPL | SAP_APPL |
101 | Table | CNMASS_NETWORK | Network mass changes | CNMASS | APPL | SAP_APPL |
102 | Table | CNMASS_NETWORK_ACTIVITY | Activity mass changes | CNMASS | APPL | SAP_APPL |
103 | Table | CNMASS_WBS_ELEMENT | Mass changes for WBS elements | CNMASS | APPL | SAP_APPL |
104 | Table | CRNUM_KONT | Credit Card Master Record: Default Account Assignments | FCRD | APPL | SAP_FIN |
105 | Table | CSKS | Cost Center Master Data | KBASCORE | APPL_TOOLS | SAP_FIN |
106 | Table | CSKSB | Cost center master strucure for change documents | KBAS | APPL | SAP_FIN |
107 | Table | EAMS_S_SP_ORD_OPER | Business Object Order - Operation Data | EAMS_MDP_MISC | EA-PLM | EA-APPL |
108 | Table | EBSEG | Doc.Segment of Fin.Accntng External Documents | FBAS | APPL | SAP_FIN |
109 | Table | EKPO | Purchasing Document Item | ME | APPL | SAP_APPL |
110 | Table | EKPODATA | Purchasing Document Item: Data Part | ME | APPL | SAP_APPL |
111 | Table | EKPOLIGHT | Purchasing Document Item: Data Part | DI_VVA_MEEE | DIMP | ECC-DIMP |
112 | Table | ESUH | Ext. Services Management: Unpl. Service Limits: Header Data | ML | APPL | SAP_APPL |
113 | Table | FBSET | Change Document Structure: Generated by RSSCD000 | FBAS | APPL | SAP_FIN |
114 | Table | FCOMS_COSTCENTER_DQUERY | BOL : Cost Center Master Data Dynamic Query | FCOM_MASTERDATA_CORE | APPL | SAP_FIN |
115 | Table | FCOM_ISR_IO | ISR: Create/Change Internal Order | FCOM_MASTERDATA | EA-FIN | EA-FIN |
116 | Table | FCOM_ISR_IO_DBDATA | ISR: Create/Change Internal Order - Source Data | FCOM_MASTERDATA | EA-FIN | EA-FIN |
117 | Table | FCRD_DOC | Card Document: (Header) Data of Cash Desk Document | FCRD | APPL | SAP_FIN |
118 | Table | FCRD_KONT | Card Document: (Item) Account Assignment Data for FI Doc. | FCRD | APPL | SAP_FIN |
119 | Table | FKKINVBILL_I_DATA | Data of Billing Document Item | FKKINV | FI-CA | FI-CA |
120 | Table | FKKINV_EXTDOC_I | Items of External Billing Document | FKKINV | FI-CA | FI-CA |
121 | Table | FKKOP | Business Partner Items in Contract Account Document | FKKB | FI-CA | FI-CA |
122 | Table | FKKOPK | G/L Account Items in Open Item Account Document | FKKB | FI-CA | FI-CA |
123 | Table | FKKORDERALV | Requests: Structure for ALV Grid | FKK_ORDER | FI-CA | FI-CA |
124 | Table | FUD_BSEG | BSEG For FIN UI-Decoupling | FIN_UI_DECO_SERVICES | APPL | SAP_FIN |
125 | Table | FVVZEV | Incoming pmnts distribution/max. amount of valid sort fields | FVVD | EA-FINSERV | EA-FINSERV |
126 | Table | GSEG | Offsetting Items for B-Segment in Reporting | FREP | APPL | SAP_FIN |
127 | Table | HRCA_COMPANY | HR-CA: Interfaces for Company Code | PPCA | HR | SAP_HRRXX |
128 | Table | IFKKVKP_DEF_PS | Data Include for TFICA_DEF (Public Sector Template Values) | FMCAD | IS-PS-CA | IS-PS-CA |
129 | Table | IMSEG3 | MMIM: Input Structure for FM to Post Goods Mvmt: Data | MB | APPL | SAP_APPL |
130 | Table | ISCJ_POSTINGS | Cash Journal Structure Screen 0100 SAPMFCJ0 | CAJO | APPL | SAP_FIN |
131 | Table | ISMAM_TXW_JGTSADR | DART IS-M/AM: Enhanced Address Management | JAS | IS-M | IS-M |
132 | Table | JGTSADR | IS-M: Extended Adress Management | JMDGEN | IS-M | IS-M |
133 | Table | JVT8JV | Extension for 3.0 Upgrade | GJVA | EA-JVA | EA-FIN |
134 | Table | J_1BINNAD | Interface: partner name and address | J1BA | APPL | SAP_APPL |
135 | Table | J_1BNFPDET | Interface: partner name and address | J1BA | APPL | SAP_APPL |
136 | Table | J_1INEWJCODE | VAT Transition Dummy Jurisdiction Code | J1I2 | APPL | SAP_APPL |
137 | Table | J_1ITCJCMAP | Tax code and Jurisdiction code mapping | J1I2 | APPL | SAP_APPL |
138 | Table | KMA1L | Dynpro fields list processing SAPMKMA1 | KBAS | APPL | SAP_FIN |
139 | Table | KMZEI | FI: Account Assignment Model Item Information | FBAS | APPL | SAP_FIN |
140 | Table | KOMG | Allowed Fields for Condition Structures | VKON | APPL | SAP_APPL |
141 | Table | KOMGFNEW | Condition Index: New Entries in Index | VKON | APPL | SAP_APPL |
142 | Table | KOMGFOLD | Condition Index: Old Entries for Index | VKON | APPL | SAP_APPL |
143 | Table | KOMKM_DATA_KEY | Portfolio Determination: Communication Header Key | WPORTFOLIO | EA-GLTRADE | EA-GLTRADE |
144 | Table | KOMK_KEY_UC | Pricing Communication Header Unicode-Enabled | VKON | APPL | SAP_APPL |
145 | Table | KOMLFK_ERF | Maintenance Structure Vendor Billing Document in Contract | WB2B | EA-GLTRADE | EA-GLTRADE |
146 | Table | KOMLFL_LI | List Fields, Remuneration List, Item Fields | WZRE | APPL | SAP_APPL |
147 | Table | KOMLFP_LI2 | Prepare list data at item level | WZRE_ADD_ON | EA-RETAIL | EA-RETAIL |
148 | Table | KUWEV | Ship-to Party's View of the Customer Master Record | VZ | APPL | SAP_APPL |
149 | Table | MCVBRP | Billing Document: Item Data ; | MCV | APPL | SAP_APPL |
150 | Table | MCVBRPB | Reference Structure from MCVBRP for Function Module | MCV | APPL | SAP_APPL |
151 | Table | MEGUI_MASSCH_ALLOWED_FIELDS | Field for Fast Change, Enjoy Purchase Order | ME | APPL | SAP_APPL |
152 | Table | MEOUT_ITEM_DATA | Outline Agreement Item: Changeable Fields | MMPUR_OUTLINE_AGREEMENT | APPL | SAP_APPL |
153 | Table | MEPO1211GRID_DATA | Grid Control Structure for PO ALV Grid: Data Part | ME | APPL | SAP_APPL |
154 | Table | MEPO1317 | Item Details: Dates from Materials Planning Viewpoint | ME | APPL | SAP_APPL |
155 | Table | MEPOITEM | Purchase Order Item | ME | APPL | SAP_APPL |
156 | Table | MEPOITEM_DATA | PO Item (Changeable Fields) | ME | APPL | SAP_APPL |
157 | Table | MMPUR_PRINT_ML_ESLL | Print Structure for ML_ESLL | MMPUR_PRINT | APPL | SAP_APPL |
158 | Table | MMSRV_ACCOUNT_DATA_STY | Structure for Service Account data | MMSRV_UI_MODEL | APPL | SAP_APPL |
159 | Table | MSEG | Document Segment: Material | MB | APPL | SAP_APPL |
160 | Table | MXML_INCINV_CREATE_ITEM | Transfer Structure for Invoice Item Data (Create) | MRM | APPL | SAP_APPL |
161 | Table | NETZR | Network Master Data Structure for Project Reporting | CNIS | APPL | SAP_APPL |
162 | Table | PRCT1 | CEPC + CEPCT | KE1 | APPL | SAP_FIN |
163 | Table | PRCT2 | Selection Structure for Profit Center Master Record | KE1 | APPL | SAP_FIN |
164 | Table | PROJ | Project definition | CN_PSP_OPR | APPL | SAP_APPL |
165 | Table | PROJ2_INC | PS: Data portion of project definition include | CN_PSP_OPR | APPL | SAP_APPL |
166 | Table | PROJR | Project Definition Structure for Project Reporting | CNIS | APPL | SAP_APPL |
167 | Table | PROJS | Standard project definition | CN_PSP_STD | APPL | SAP_APPL |
168 | Table | PROJ_BAPI | BAPI fields: PROJ | CNIF | APPL | SAP_APPL |
169 | Table | PROJ_UPDATE_RELEVANT | Fields from PROJ (sim.vers.) that are relevant to the update | CNVS | APPL | SAP_APPL |
170 | Table | PRPS | WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master Data | CN_PSP_OPR | APPL | SAP_APPL |
171 | Table | PRPS2_INC | PS: Data portion of WBS element master data Include | CN_PSP_OPR | APPL | SAP_APPL |
172 | Table | PRPSR | WBS Element Structure for Project Reporting | CNIS | APPL | SAP_APPL |
173 | Table | PRPSS | Standard WBS element (WBS element) - Master data | CN_PSP_STD | APPL | SAP_APPL |
174 | Table | PRPSS_R | Reporting structure standard WBS element | CN_PSP_STD | APPL | SAP_APPL |
175 | Table | PRPS_R | Project Hierarchy Reporting Structure | CNIS | APPL | SAP_APPL |
176 | Table | PRPS_UPDATE_RELEVANT | Fields from PRPS (sim.vers.) that are relevant to the update | CNVS | APPL | SAP_APPL |
177 | Table | PSB_GENIL_WBS_ATTR_ST | WBS Element Attribute BOL Structure | PSB_GENIL | EA-PLM | EA-APPL |
178 | Table | PSHLP_CON_ACTY_OVR_ST | Activity Overview - Control Data | PS_HLP_MD | EA-PLM | EA-APPL |
179 | Table | PSHLP_CON_WBS_OVR_ST | WBS Overview - Control Data | PS_HLP_MD | EA-PLM | EA-APPL |
180 | Table | REBD_BUILDING_X | Building + Additional Fields (VIBDBU) | RE_BD_BU | EA-FIN | EA-FIN |
181 | Table | REBD_BUSINESS_ENTITY_X | Business Entity + Additional Fields (VIBDBE) | RE_BD_BE | EA-FIN | EA-FIN |
182 | Table | REBD_PROPERTY_X | Property and Additional Fields (VIBDPR) | RE_BD_PR | EA-FIN | EA-FIN |
183 | Table | REBPVENDORCA | Vendor Master (General Section) | RE_BP_BP | EA-FIN | EA-FIN |
184 | Table | RECONST_PROJ | Project Definition Structure for Project Reporting | RECONST | APPL | SAP_APPL |
185 | Table | RECP_OI_DOC_BE_DETAIL | Basic Data of Business Entity | RE_XX | EA-FIN | EA-FIN |
186 | Table | REEX_AR_CLEARING | ALV Grid Structure: Clearing of Receivables | RE_EX_FI | EA-FIN | EA-FIN |
187 | Table | REEX_PL_PLAIN_L | Posting Log: Flat Display | RE_EX_FI | EA-FIN | EA-FIN |
188 | Table | REPRDYNP_ITEM | Dynprofelder: Belegzeilendaten | RE_MI_HO | EA-FIN | EA-FIN |
189 | Table | RF82T | Screen and Work Fields SAPMF82T (Tax Maintenance) | FBAS | APPL | SAP_FIN |
190 | Table | RFKH7 | Short Account Assignments for Transfer Postings | FKKB | FI-CA | FI-CA |
191 | Table | RIH_ORDER_OPERATION_LIST | ALM: List Structure for Orders and Operations | IHREP | EA-PLM | EA-APPL |
192 | Table | RJGAU_GPK | IS-M/SD: Data Transfer, Vendor Data | JMDGEN | IS-M | IS-M |
193 | Table | RJH_OP_CONTACTPERSON_OLD | IS-M: Object Provider Attributes for Existing Contact Pers. | JAS | IS-M | IS-M |
194 | Table | RJH_OP_PARTNER_OLD | IS-M: Object Provider Attributes For Old Business Partner | JAS | IS-M | IS-M |
195 | Table | ROIO_HD_PM_LIST_CMP | Fields for list of PM order components | OIO | IS-OIL | IS-OIL |
196 | Table | RSEG | Document Item: Incoming Invoice | MRM | APPL | SAP_APPL |
197 | Table | SI_COBL | Coding Block - Special Fields for RW / LO | GKNT | APPL | SAP_FIN |
198 | Table | SI_KNA1 | General Data in Customer Master | VS | APPL | SAP_APPL |
199 | Table | SI_KNA1_DI | Customer Master (General Part) Direct Input | FLBPD | ECC_COMMON_OBJECTS | SAP_APPL |
200 | Table | SI_LFA1 | Vendor Master (General Section) | WLIFCORE | APPL_TOOLS | SAP_APPL |
201 | Table | SI_T001W | Plants/branches | WFIL | APPL | SAP_APPL |
202 | Table | SRV_DATA | Data Fields for Service Lines | ML | APPL | SAP_APPL |
203 | Table | T169RETENTION | Tax Code for Retention Amounts | MRM | APPL | SAP_APPL |
204 | Table | T169V | Default Values, Invoice Verification | MR | APPL | SAP_APPL |
205 | Table | T8JZ | JV Global Company Parameters | GJVA | EA-JVA | EA-FIN |
206 | Table | TCJ_POSITIONS | Cash Journal Document Items | CAJO | APPL | SAP_FIN |
207 | Table | TFK007M | Maximum Tax | FKKB | FI-CA | FI-CA |
208 | Table | TTXJT | Text Table for Tax Jurisdiction | VTAX_DET | ABA | SAP_ABA |
209 | Table | TXI_TTXJ | Check Table for Tax Jurisdiction | FA_ILM | APPL | SAP_APPL |
210 | Table | VBRPVB | Reference Structure for XVBRP/YVBRP | VF | APPL | SAP_APPL |
211 | Table | VSAUFK_CN | Version: Order master data | CNVS | APPL | SAP_APPL |
212 | Table | VSPROJ_CN | Version: Project definition | CNVS | APPL | SAP_APPL |
213 | Table | VSPRPS_CN | Version: WBS element master data | CNVS | APPL | SAP_APPL |
214 | Table | WBHI_NEW | New Fields In WBHI | WB2B | EA-GLTRADE | EA-GLTRADE |
215 | Table | WBRL | Agency business: Item in document list | WZRE | APPL | SAP_APPL |
216 | Table | WBRP | Agency business: Item | WZRE | APPL | SAP_APPL |