SAP ABAP Software Component IS-UT (SAP Utilities/Telecommunication)
Basic Data
Software Component IS-UT   
Short Description SAP Utilities/Telecommunication   
Component type I   Industry Solution - Layer 1
Contained Application Component
Application Component Application Component ID Short Description
IS-U-IDX KK90000001 Enhanced Intercompany Data Exchange 
IS-U I110004800 SAP Utilities 
IS-U-MD I110004805 Master Data 
IS-U-BF-RS I110004802 Regional structure 
IS-U-CS I110004859 Customer Service 
IS-U-CS-BT-IO I110004862 Move-In/Out 
IS-U-DM-DI I110004815 Device installation 
IS-U-DM I110004814 Device Management 
IS-U-BF-PS I110004803 Portioning and scheduling 
IS-U-DM-MR I110004821 Meter Reading 
IS-U-BI I110004839 Contract Billing 
IS-U-IN I110004854 Invoicing 
IS-U-IN-PC I110004856 Invoice Processing 
IS-U-TO-ARC I500000161 Archiving 
IS-U-CA I110004893 Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable 
IS-U-IS-ST I110004881 Statistics 
IS-U-TO I110004865 Tools 
IS-U-CS-FO I110004870 Front Office 
IS-U-IDE SK40000003 Intercompany Data Exchange 
IS-U-CS-CRM SK40000001 Integration: Customer Relationship Management 
IS-U-TO-MI I110004868 Migration 
IS-U-TO-MMA KK42002062 Monitoring of Mass Runs 
FI-CA-BF-PW I110004804 Print workbench 
IS-U-BF I110004801 Basic Functions 
IS-U-WA I500000071 Waste Management 
IS-U-CS-ISS SK40000002 Internet Self-Services 
IS-U-WM-PC I500000013 Processing 
IS-U-WM-IF I500000014 Interfaces 
IS-U-WM-MB KK42002082 Work Management Mobile Business 
IS-U-WM-MD I500000012 Master Data 
IS-U-CS-BT-CG I110004863 Customer Grouping 
IS-U-CS-MA I110004874 Marketing 
IS-U-IS-ST-PR KK42002072 Process Statistics 
IS-U-EDM I500000200 Energy Data Management 
IS-U-MD-POD SK40000011 Point of delivery 
IS-T I230008702 Industry Solution - Telecommunications 
IS-T-MD I500000031 Master Data 
IS-T-CA I500000033 Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable 
IS-T-NM I500000037 Network Management 
IS-T-NM-NEL I500000038 Network Element Logistics 
IS-T-TO I500000039 Tools 
IS-T-MD-RS I500000132 Regional Structure 
IS-T-CS I500000034 Customer Service 
IS-T-INV ANI3000001 Fakturierung ins Vertragskontokorrent