SAP ABAP Software Component SAP_ABA (Cross-Application Component)
Basic Data
Software Component SAP_ABA   
Short Description Cross-Application Component   
Component type S   Netweaver Basis Component
Contained Application Component
Application Component Application Component ID Short Description
CA-GTF-TS-PGC /GC1/ABA0000331 Persistent Garbage Collector 
CA-GTF-TS-PPO /SAPPO/ABA0000332 Postprocessing Office 
FS-BP KFM0000891 Business Partner 
CA HLB0009110 Cross-Application Components 
CA-GTF HLB0006310 General Application Functions 
SCM-BAS /SCMB/AP91000002 SCM Basis 
CA-FS ABA0000322 Financial Services 
OPU ABA0000642 Occasional Platform User 
AP-MD-PRO A4C0000261 Central Part of Product Master 
CA-GTF-TS-BRHF HLB0100210 Basis-Related Help Functions, Appl. Log, Formula Intepreter 
BI ABA0000621 Business intelligence solutions 
CA-GTF-TS-GMA ABB0000002 Generating, Monitoring for Mass Data Archiving Solutions 
FIN ABA0000152 Financials 
AP ABA0000311 Application Platform 
CA-FS-ARE KBI0000083 Archiving Engine 
CA-GTF-BS HLB0006312 Business Application Support 
CA-TS HLB0100231 Time Sheet 
CA-BFA-ABL B200000068 ALE Business Process Library 
CA-BFA-TRA B200000102 Transceiver 
CA-GTF-TS-CD KBI0000042 Change Document Display and Time Stamp Management 
CA-GTF-TS-PPM ABA0000192 Batch-Oriented Parallel Processing of Mass Data 
CA-GTF-TS-WSI ABA0000293 Integration of Catalogs, Partner Directories (OCI, OPI) 
CA-GTF-PS ABA0000103 Cross-Application Objects in Project System 
CA-GTF-TS-PDC ABA0000191 Framework for the Principle of Dual Control 
CA-CL HLB0006402 Classification 
CA-GTF-TS HLB0006311 Technical Application Support 
BC-SRV-BSF-CUR B200001478 Currency Conversion/Expiring Currency 
CA-CUS B200000122 Global Organization Customizing 
CA-DMS HLB0006401 Document Management System 
CA-CL-ENV HLB0006810 Environment 
AP-MD-BP I290007530 SAP Business Partner 
CA-SOA ABA0000561 Enterprise SOA 
CA-EUR-CNV HLB0100273 Local Currency Changeover 
CA-BK ABA0000001 Bank 
CA-GTF-GL PAB0000031 Cross-Application Services General Ledger 
CA-GTF-PSM ABA0000571 Cross Application Objects Public Sector Management 
CA-GTF-TS-CE PAB0000041 Conversion Exits 
CA-BFA-AAP B200000067 BAPI Concept 
CA-GTF-GDP ABA0000251 Data Access in Agreement with German Tax Law 
BC-MID-API HLB0009822 BAPI Tools (for BAPIs see Note 813411) 
CA-GTF-DCM ABA0000111 Data Transfer 
CA-GTF-TS-SMT ABA0000091 General status management 
BC-MID-ALE-UTI HLB0100226 Tools 
CA-HR PAB0000011 Cross-Application Objects in HR 
BC-SRV-BRF ABA0000261 Business Rule Framework 
CA-GTF-MF HLB0006313 Mathematical Functions 
AP-MD-BF-TFW PAB0000027 Templates 
CA-GTF-SMP ABA0000101 Market Prices for Securities 
AP-MD-PCA ABA0000002 Payment Cards 
AP-MD-BP-UI ABA0000241 Dialog SAP-GUI 
AP-MD-BP-XTN PAB0000023 Generated Enhancements (Easy Enhancement Workbench) 
AP-MD-BP-GRH ABA0000281 Account Hierarchy 
AP-MD-BP-BP I290007531 Data 
CA-GTF-CSC ABA0000141 Country-Specific Objects 
AP-MD ABA0000312 Master Data 
CA-BFA-DXW HLB0006314 Data Transfer Workbench 
CA-GTF-BS-SQ ABA0000104 Screen Sequence Control 
CA-GTF-TS-FAW ABA0000102 Central Field Selection 
CA-GTF-DEP ABA0000133 Object Dependencies 
CA-GTF-EHS ABA0000351 Environment, Health and Safety: Master Data 
CA-GTF-ECM ABA0000132 Engineering Change Management 
CA-GTF-GPL ABA0000062 Generic Project Planning 
CA-GTC-MDC ABA0000142 Actions After Master Data Changes 
CA-CL-CLS HLB0006415 Classes 
CA-CL-CL HLB0006416 Classification 
CA-CL-SEL HLB0006855 Object Selection 
AP-CME S6D0000006 Classification System (New) 
CA-GTF-TS-CNS PBK0000011 Change Pointer Service 
CA-GTF-PCU-BP S6D0000001 Dialog People-Centric UI for Business Partner 
CA-GTF-MDF S6D0000010 Master Data Framework 
AP-MD-PRO-CAT PLC0000002 Hierarchies and Categories 
AP-MD-IL S6D0000005 Relationships Between Objects with GUID Identification 
AP-MD-IL-XTN PAB0000024 Generated Enhancements (Easy Enhancement Workbench) 
AP-MD-PRO-BF PLC0000003 Basic functions 
AP-MD-PRO-TFW PAB0000025 Templates 
AP-MD-PRO-BF-ARC S6D0000004 Archiving 
CA-GTF-PCU-PRO S6D0000003 Dialog People-Centric UI for Products 
AP-MD-PRO-SET PLC0000001 Set Types and Attributes 
AP-MD-PRO-OBJ PLC0000004 Objects 
AP-MD-PRO-UI S6D0000002 Dialog SAP-GUI 
CA-GTF-PCF-SRV-SAM ABA0000303 Application Manager 
BC-DOC-TTL HLB0006322 Translation Tools 
CA-GTF-PCF ABC0000051 People Centric UI Framework 
CA-GTF-PCF-CUS ABC0000061 People-Centric UI Framework Customizing 
CA-GTF-PCF-SRV-ADR ABA0000302 Addresses 
CA-CL-CHR HLB0006414 Characteristics 
CA-GTF-DRT HLB0100372 Data Retention Tool 
CA-NO BIO0000031 Messages 
CA-DSG ABA0000041 Digital Signature 
SV-SMG-SVD-SWB B200000244 Service Session Workbench 
SV-SMG-SDD B200001818 Service Data Download 
CA-GTF-PWB ABA0000011 Print Workbench 
CA-GTF-TS-GC ABA0000271 Link to Geographic Information System 
CA-GTF-EEW ABA0000031 Easy Enhancement Workbench 
CA-ESS BIO0000081 Employee Self-Service 
FS KK40000021 Financial Services 
CA-FS-ECH ABA0000491 Error and Conflict Handler 
CA-FIM-FCO ABA0000392 Financial Conditions 
CA-FIM-FMA PAB0000055 Financial Mathematics 
CA-GTF-COR ABA0000134 Correspondence Tool 
CA-FS-AD ABA0000381 Link Between Address Management and Objects 
CA-FS-CDC ABA0000492 Check Digit Calculation 
CA-FS-HDS KBI0000075 Hierarchical Derivation Service 
FS-FND-AF FSD0000001 Agent Framework 
CA-GTF-SCM B200000222 Schedule Manager 
CA-GTF-EEW-GEN ABA0000032 EEW Generator 
BC-ILM-RW ABA0000551 Retention Warehouse 
CA-GTF-MS HLB0100412 Cross-Application Mass Maintenance 
AP-MD-BF-SYN PAB0000028 Master Data Synchronization 
CA-GTF-EEW-SRV ABA0000034 EEW Services 
CA-GTF-EEW-WB ABA0000033 EEW Interface 
CA-GTF-AP-PM ABA0000292 Appraisal, Valuation, and Survey Tool 
CA-AUD AEC0000474 Audit Management 
CA-GTF-AP-AP PAB0000012 Appraisal Systems 
CA-GTF-QR PAB0000013 Qualifications and Requirements 
CA-GTF-TM ABA0000501 Talent Management 
CA-GTF-XF ALN0000011 SAP Expert Finder 
CA-GTF-TS-RFW ABA0000021 Reconciliation Framework 
CA-GTF-RCM ABB0000001 Records and Case Management 
CA-SUR ABA0000071 Web Survey 
CA-GTF-UPS PAB0000021 Distribution Unit / Distribution Packet 
CA-GTF-TS-TAX ABA0000194 Central Functions: Jurisdiction Code/Taxes 
CA-GTF-WUI L1B0000012 WebClient UI - External Features 
BC-MUS ABA0000411 Musing Tools 
XAP S6D0000013 Collaborative Cross Applications