SAP ABAP Table - Index T, page 9
- T-1 T-2 T-3 T-4 T-5 T-6 T-7 T-8 T-9 T-10 T-11 T-12 T-13 T-14 T-15 T-16 T-17 T-18 T-19 T-20 T-21 T-22 T-23 T-24 T-25 T-26 T-27 T-28 T-29 T-30 T-31 T-32 T-33 T-34 T-35 T-36 T-37 T-38 T-39 T-40 T-41 T-42 T-43 T-44 T-45 T-46 T-47 T-48 T-49 T-50 T-51 T-52 T-53 T-54 T-55 T-56 T-57 T-58 T-59 T-60 T-61 T-62 T-63 T-64 T-65
Table - T
# | Table name | Short Description | Table Category | Delivery Class |
1 | T5D7SUM | Definition of Assignment of Statistics Rows to Totals Row | TRANSP | C |
2 | T5D7T | Evaluation Areas - Texts -PSG- | TRANSP | C |
3 | T5D7U | Assignment of Evaluation Area to Internal Key | TRANSP | C |
4 | T5D7V | Definition of Exceptions in Statistics | TRANSP | C |
5 | T5D7W | Exception Indicator Texts in Statistics -PSG- | TRANSP | C |
6 | T5D7X | Assignment of Exception Indicator to Variable Key | TRANSP | C |
7 | T5D7Y | Assignment of Exception Indicator(s) to Service Types | TRANSP | C |
8 | T5D7Z | Assignment of Exception Indicator to Job | TRANSP | C |
9 | T5D80 | Tax Table Benefits Payment | TRANSP | C |
10 | T5D80_ABRST | Address Data of Accounting Offices | TRANSP | C |
11 | T5D81 | Control Indicator Pension Reference - Texts | TRANSP | C |
12 | T5D82 | Pay Scale Information for Calculation of Minimum Pension | TRANSP | C |
13 | T5D82T | Function Model Texts: Minimum Pension | TRANSP | C |
14 | T5D83 | Payroll Number - Pension Insurance Institution (D) | TRANSP | E |
15 | T5D84 | Models for Maternity Pay Supplement | TRANSP | C |
16 | T5D84T | Function Model Texts: Supplement to Maternity Pay | TRANSP | C |
17 | T5D85 | Wage Types for Non-Rec. Payts of Maternity Pay Supplement | TRANSP | C |
18 | T5D86 | Public Sector Functions | TRANSP | E |
19 | T5D86T | Public Sector Functions (Texts) | TRANSP | E |
20 | T5D87 | Assignment of Public Sector Function Models | TRANSP | C |
21 | T5D88 | Function Models for Leave and Sick Pay Premium | TRANSP | C |
22 | T5D88T | Function Model Texts: Leave and Sick Pay Premium | TRANSP | C |
23 | T5D89 | Wage Type Models for Leave and Sick Pay Premium | TRANSP | C |
24 | T5D89T | Wage Type Models for Leave and Sick Pay Premium (Texts) | TRANSP | C |
25 | T5D8A | Name of Activity | TRANSP | C |
26 | T5D8AE | Name of Activity | TRANSP | C |
27 | T5D8B | Use of Organizations | TRANSP | C |
28 | T5D8BE | Utilization of Organizations | TRANSP | C |
29 | T5D8C | Subject to Approval | TRANSP | C |
30 | T5D8CE | Approval obligation | TRANSP | C |
31 | T5D8D | Work Indicator | TRANSP | C |
32 | T5D8DE | Work Indicator | TRANSP | C |
33 | T5D8E | Accommodation, Infotype 30 (payments in kind) | TRANSP | C |
34 | T5D8F | Non-Monetary Remuneration: Meals, Infotype 0330 | TRANSP | C |
35 | T5D8G | Non-Monetary Remuneration: Meals, Infotype 0330 | TRANSP | C |
36 | T5D8H | Colleges | TRANSP | C |
37 | T5D8I | Assignment of Exception Indicator to Position | TRANSP | C |
38 | T5D8J | Assignment of Exception Indicator to Org. Key | TRANSP | C |
39 | T5D8K | Assignment of Exception Indicator to Organizational Unit | TRANSP | C |
40 | T5D8L | Assignment of Exception Indicator to Supervisor Area | TRANSP | C |
41 | T5D8M | Position Table for College Statistics | TRANSP | C |
42 | T5D8N | Table of Employment Offices | TRANSP | C |
43 | T5D8O | Regional Board | TRANSP | C |
44 | T5D8P | Programs for Rehabilitation | TRANSP | C |
45 | T5D8PT | Programs for Rehabilitation (Texts) | TRANSP | C |
46 | T5D8Q | Properties of Rehabilitation Programs | TRANSP | C |
47 | T5D8R | Logging of Technical Conversions | TRANSP | C |
48 | T5D8S | Payroll Numbers | TRANSP | C |
49 | T5D8S_BANK | Bank Details for Payroll Numbers | TRANSP | C |
50 | T5D8S_ZAV | Payroll Numbers with Connection to UWL | TRANSP | C |
51 | T5D8S_ZAVT | Payroll Numbers with Connection to BAS (TEXT) | TRANSP | C |
52 | T5D8V | Function Models | TRANSP | E |
53 | T5D8VT | Function Models (Text Table) | TRANSP | E |
54 | T5D90 | Events at Start of Calc. Period for Leave/Sick Pay Premium | TRANSP | E |
55 | T5D90T | Events at Start of Calc. Period for Leave/Sick Pay Premium | TRANSP | E |
56 | T5D91 | Models for Events at Start of Premium Calculation Period | TRANSP | C |
57 | T5D92 | Models for Start of New Premium Calculation Period | TRANSP | C |
58 | T5D92T | Models for Events at Start of Premium Calculation Period | TRANSP | C |
59 | T5D93 | Employment Locations | TRANSP | C |
60 | T5D93T | Employment Locations (Texts) | TRANSP | C |
61 | T5D94 | Assignment of Country Level to Employment Location | TRANSP | C |
62 | T5D95 | Foreign Service Bonus | TRANSP | C |
63 | T5D96 | Basic Amounts: Bonus for Foreign Service Bonus | TRANSP | C |
64 | T5D97 | Supplement for Child Living Abroad | TRANSP | C |
65 | T5DA1 | Semiretirement model | TRANSP | E |
66 | T5DA1T | SR Model Texts | TRANSP | E |
67 | T5DA2 | Supplement Percentages for Semiretirement Model | TRANSP | E |
68 | T5DA3 | Assessment Bases for SR Model | TRANSP | C |
69 | T5DA4 | Special Rule for Semiretirment | TRANSP | C |
70 | T5DA4T | Text for Semiretirement Special Rule | TRANSP | C |
71 | T5DA5 | SR.M: Work Phases for Semiretirement | TRANSP | C |
72 | T5DA5T | SR: Phase Names | TRANSP | C |
73 | T5DA6 | Semiretirement: Value Credit According to Labor Legislation | TRANSP | E |
74 | T5DA7 | Dynamic Modification of Value Credit | TRANSP | C |
75 | T5DB0 | Construction Industry: Work Cooperatives | TRANSP | C |
76 | T5DB1 | Trainee Remuneration | TRANSP | C |
77 | T5DB2 | External Data for Breakdown of Trade Tax (Construction Ind.) | TRANSP | A |
78 | T5DB4 | HR Construction Site File | TRANSP | A |
79 | T5DB5 | Construction Site File: Work Breakdown Structure Element | TRANSP | A |
80 | T5DB6 | Construction Site File: Order | TRANSP | A |
81 | T5DB7 | Team Description | TRANSP | A |
82 | T5DB8 | Construction Sector: Team Assignment to Work Site | TRANSP | A |
83 | T5DB9 | Construction Pay Evaluation Records for Social Fund Proc. | TRANSP | A |
84 | T5DBA | Social Funds in the Building Sector | TRANSP | E |
85 | T5DBB | Social Funds Contributions for Construction | TRANSP | C |
86 | T5DBC | Construction Industry: Partners in Work Cooperatives | TRANSP | C |
87 | T5DBD | Construction: Meal+Separation Allowances/Travel Costs | TRANSP | C |
88 | T5DBE | Constr. Ind.: Company Number Assignment to Social Funds | TRANSP | C |
89 | T5DBF | Construction Industry Leave | TRANSP | C |
90 | T5DBG | Texts for Construction Pay Expenses | TRANSP | C |
91 | T5DBH | Construction Attributes | TRANSP | E |
92 | T5DBI | Construct. Pay: Effects of Short Indicators for Trans. Data | TRANSP | C |
93 | T5DBJ | Texts for Construction Pay Constants | TRANSP | E |
94 | T5DBK | Construction Pay Constants | TRANSP | E |
95 | T5DBL | Construction Pay: Short Indicator Transaction Data | TRANSP | C |
96 | T5DBM | Construction Pay Expenses Tax Evaluation | TRANSP | E |
97 | T5DBN | Construction Work Key | TRANSP | C |
98 | T5DBO | Construction Pay Expenses: Permissible Entries | TRANSP | C |
99 | T5DBP | Data for Year-End Bonus (Construction Industry) | TRANSP | C |
100 | T5DBQ | Texts for Construction Keys | TRANSP | C |
101 | T5DBR | Construction Industry: Flexible Working Hours Model | TRANSP | C |
102 | T5DBS | Flexible Working Hours Models - Texts | TRANSP | C |
103 | T5DBT | Construction Pay: Short Indicator Texts - Transaction Data | TRANSP | C |
104 | T5DBU | Construction Industry: Statement Wage Types Expenses | TRANSP | C |
105 | T5DBV | Construction Pay: Cost Assignment: Hostels | TRANSP | C |
106 | T5DBW | Construction Industry: Hostel Management | TRANSP | C |
107 | T5DBX | Construction Pay: Incentive Wage Connection | TRANSP | C |
108 | T5DBY | Construction Pay Data Center Numbers / SFP Data Medium | TRANSP | A |
109 | T5DBZ | Construction Pay: Cancell. Records (Keys) for SFP Data Media | TRANSP | A |
110 | T5DB_KTARTATTR | Attributes for Absence Quota Types for IT 2006 | TRANSP | E |
111 | T5DB_KTARTATTT | Texts for Attributes for Absence Quota Types for IT 2006 | TRANSP | E |
112 | T5DB_KTARTGRP | Absence Quota Types Groups for IT 2006 | TRANSP | C |
113 | T5DB_KTARTGRT | Texts for Absence Quota Types Groups for IT 2006 | TRANSP | C |
114 | T5DB_REISEZIEL | Destination for Expenses - Construction Industry | TRANSP | C |
115 | T5DB_REISEZIELT | PY-DE-CI:Text Table Destination / Expenses: Const. Industry | TRANSP | C |
116 | T5DB_SKBER | (SF) Contribution Areas (Entity Table for P01B_SKBER) | TRANSP | E |
117 | T5DB_UREGELN | Leave Regulations for IT 2006 | TRANSP | C |
118 | T5DB_ZUORDUREG | Assignments for Leave Regulations for IT 2006 | TRANSP | C |
119 | T5DC0 | Control Screen Types for Entitlements | TRANSP | C |
120 | T5DC1 | Constants for Company Pension Scheme | TRANSP | E |
121 | T5DC2 | Texts for Constants for Company Pension Schemes | TRANSP | E |
122 | T5DC3 | Pension Organization for Company Pension Scheme | TRANSP | C |
123 | T5DC3MQ | RBM: Settings for WebSphere MQ | TRANSP | C |
124 | T5DC4 | Control Increase (Increase and Attribution Time) | TRANSP | C |
125 | T5DC5 | Process Control Pension Calculation | TRANSP | C |
126 | T5DC5T | Text for Processing Subtypes | TRANSP | C |
127 | T5DC6 | Processing Steps for Pension Calculation | TRANSP | C |
128 | T5DC7 | CPS Groupings | TRANSP | C |
129 | T5DC7T | Texts for CPS Groupings | TRANSP | C |
130 | T5DC9 | Grouping Texts | TRANSP | E |
131 | T5DCA | Entitlements / Benefit Types | TRANSP | C |
132 | T5DCB | Control of Contribution Reimbursement | TRANSP | C |
133 | T5DCC | Texts for Benefit Types | TRANSP | C |
134 | T5DCD | Control Information: Entitlements | TRANSP | C |
135 | T5DCE | Control Data for Pension Type | TRANSP | C |
136 | T5DCF | Method for Calculation of Conversion Amount | TRANSP | E |
137 | T5DCFT | Text Table for Conversion Method | TRANSP | E |
138 | T5DCG | CPS Indicator | TRANSP | E |
139 | T5DCGT | Texts for CPS Indicator | TRANSP | C |
140 | T5DCH | Assignment of Statement Data Type to CPS Table Name | TRANSP | E |
141 | T5DCI | Administration of Reduction for Surviving Dependents | TRANSP | C |
142 | T5DCJ | Pension Adjustment Table | TRANSP | C |
143 | T5DCK | Dynamic Field Texts | POOL | C |
144 | T5DCL | Transfer Basic Data (Income) | TRANSP | C |
145 | T5DCM | Calculation Method for Calculated/Actual Contributions | TRANSP | C |
146 | T5DCN | Calculation Method Employment Period/Income | TRANSP | C |
147 | T5DCO | Income Areas for Employment Period Valuation | TRANSP | C |
148 | T5DCP | Valuation using Employment Period Scales | TRANSP | C |
149 | T5DCQ | Working Time Calculation Method | TRANSP | C |
150 | T5DCR | ONE-TIME PAYMENT Calculation Method | TRANSP | C |
151 | T5DCS | Contribution Calculation Rules | TRANSP | C |
152 | T5DCST | Contribution Calculation Rules | TRANSP | C |
153 | T5DCU | Account Assignment: Basic Pension Pay | TRANSP | C |
154 | T5DCV | Entitlement Status | TRANSP | C |
155 | T5DCVACDB | Basis Tables for Reduction for Pension Equalization Payment | TRANSP | C |
156 | T5DCVACZP | Times for Benefit Reduction for Pension Equalization Payment | TRANSP | C |
157 | T5DCVAKLG | Grouping of Benefit Reduction PEP | TRANSP | C |
158 | T5DCVAKLGT | Name for Grouping of Benefit Reduction PEP | TRANSP | C |
159 | T5DCVARGL | Processing Rules for Pension Equalization Payment | TRANSP | C |
160 | T5DCVARGLT | Name of Processing Rules for Pension Equalization Payment | TRANSP | C |
161 | T5DCVT | Entitlement Status Text | TRANSP | C |
162 | T5DCW | CPS Pension Plans | TRANSP | C |
163 | T5DCWT | Texts for CPS Pension Plans | TRANSP | C |
164 | T5DCX | Interest Calculation for Contribution Reimbursements | TRANSP | C |
165 | T5DCY | Company Pension Scheme Parameters | TRANSP | C |
166 | T5DCZ | Imputation Rules for Company Pension Scheme | TRANSP | C |
167 | T5DDE | Constr. Ind. Company Number Assignment SFP - From FYC2002/03 | TRANSP | C |
168 | T5DF0 | Statement Parameters - Basic Settings | TRANSP | E |
169 | T5DF0T | Statement Parameters Basic Settings - Text Table | TRANSP | E |
170 | T5DF1 | Statement Wage Types | TRANSP | E |
171 | T5DF1T | Statement Wage Types - Text Table | TRANSP | E |
172 | T5DF2 | Control of Statement Functions | TRANSP | E |
173 | T5DF3 | Table Assignment and Window/Element Control for Form | TRANSP | E |
174 | T5DF4 | Control Statement Wage Types | TRANSP | C |
175 | T5DF5 | Functional Areas for Statements | TRANSP | C |
176 | T5DF5T | Functional Areas for Statements - Text Table | TRANSP | C |
177 | T5DF6 | Statement Parameters - Customer Settings | TRANSP | C |
178 | T5DF7 | Wage Type Bases | TRANSP | E |
179 | T5DF7T | Wage Type Bases - Text Table | TRANSP | E |
180 | T5DF8 | Statement Functions | TRANSP | E |
181 | T5DF8T | Statement Functions - Text Table | TRANSP | E |
182 | T5DF9 | Permitted Tables | TRANSP | E |
183 | T5DF9T | Permitted Tables - Text Table | TRANSP | E |
184 | T5DFB | Assignment of Wage Type Bases to Wage Types | TRANSP | C |
185 | T5DL1 | Absence Events | TRANSP | C |
186 | T5DL2 | Texts for Absence Events | TRANSP | C |
187 | T5DL3 | Rules for Absence Events | TRANSP | C |
188 | T5DL4 | Texts for Rules for Absence Events | TRANSP | C |
189 | T5DL5 | Rule Type for Absence Events | TRANSP | C |
190 | T5DP1 | PAISY Interface | TRANSP | C |
191 | T5DP2 | Conversion of Infotype Fields -> PAISY | TRANSP | C |
192 | T5DP3 | Conversion of Wage Type Infotypes 0008/0011/0014 -> PAISY | TRANSP | C |
193 | T5DP4 | Assignment PAISY Company - Superordinate Company | TRANSP | C |
194 | T5DP5 | Conversion of Wage Type Infotype 0010 -> PAISY | TRANSP | C |
195 | T5DP6 | Conversion of Infotype 0013 -> PAISY | TRANSP | C |
196 | T5DP7 | Conversion of Infotype 0079 -> PAISY | TRANSP | C |
197 | T5DP8 | Conversion of Infotype 0026 -> PAISY | TRANSP | C |
198 | T5DP9 | Conversion of HI Fund Infotypes 0013/0079 -> PAISY | TRANSP | C |
199 | T5DPBS01 | Models for Special Payments and Non-Recurring Payments | TRANSP | E |
200 | T5DPBS01T | Models for Special Payments and Non-Recurring Payments | TRANSP | E |
201 | T5DPBS02 | Entitlement Prerequisites for Special and Non-Recurr. Payts | TRANSP | E |
202 | T5DPBS02T | Entitlement Prerequisites for Special and Non-Recurr. Payts | TRANSP | E |
203 | T5DPBS03 | Modules for Calculating Special and Non-Recurring Payments | TRANSP | E |
204 | T5DPBS03T | Modules for Calculating Special and Non-Recurring Payments | TRANSP | E |
205 | T5DPBS04 | Reduction Variants for Special and Non-Recurring Payments | TRANSP | E |
206 | T5DPBS04T | Reduction Variants for Special and Non-Recurring Payments | TRANSP | E |
207 | T5DPBS05 | Groupings for Model Assignment for SNrP | TRANSP | C |
208 | T5DPBS05T | Groupings for Model Assignment for SNrP | TRANSP | C |
209 | T5DPBS06 | Spec. and Non-Rec. Payts: Percentages for Cumul. Wage Types | TRANSP | C |
210 | T5DPBS07 | Special and Non-Recurring Payments: Constants | TRANSP | C |
211 | T5DPBS08 | Spec. and Non-Rec. Payts, Fixed Amts for Each Pay Scale Grp | TRANSP | C |
212 | T5DPBS09 | Spec. and Non-Rec. Payts, Cumul. WTs for Each Pay Scale Grp | TRANSP | C |
213 | T5DPBS0A | Assignment of Models for Special and Non-Recurring Payments | TRANSP | C |
214 | T5DPBS0B | Entitlements for Special and Non-Recurring Payments | TRANSP | C |
215 | T5DPBS0C | Calculation Modules for Special and Non-Recurring Payments | TRANSP | C |
216 | T5DPBS0D | Filter-Dependent Models of Special/Non-Recurring Payments | TRANSP | C |
217 | T5DPBS0E | Spec. and Non-Rec. Payments: Pay Scale-Dependent Percentages | TRANSP | C |
218 | T5DPBS0F | Models for Control of Annual Special Payment (TVoeD/TV-L) | TRANSP | C |
219 | T5DPBS1A | Decision Value for Own Position | TRANSP | C |
220 | T5DPBS1AT | Text for Decision Value of Own Position | TRANSP | C |
221 | T5DPBS1B | Decision Value for Higher Duty | TRANSP | C |
222 | T5DPBS1BT | Text for Decision Value for Higher Duty | TRANSP | C |
223 | T5DPBS1C | Basis for Activity with Higher Rate of Pay | TRANSP | C |
224 | T5DPBS1D | Selective Activation of Gross Overpayment | TRANSP | C |
225 | T5DPBS1E | Repayment Wage Types for Gross Overpayment | TRANSP | C |
226 | T5DPBS1F | Variable Key for Step Increase | TRANSP | E |
227 | T5DPBS1FT | Variable Key for Step Increase (Texts) | TRANSP | E |
228 | T5DPBS1G | Validity of Variable Key for Each Pay Scale Group | TRANSP | C |
229 | T5DPBS2A | ZfA Error Messages | TRANSP | C |
230 | T5DPBS2AT | ZfA: Error Text | TRANSP | C |
231 | T5DPBS2MQ | ZfA: Settings for WebSphere MQ | TRANSP | C |
232 | T5DPBS3A | Transfer to TVoeD: Assignment Pay Scale Type Old/New | TRANSP | C |
233 | T5DPBS3B | Assignment to Internal Pay Scale Group | TRANSP | C |
234 | T5DPBS3C | Transfer to TVoeD: Assignment EEGrp/Subgrp Old/New | TRANSP | C |
235 | T5DPBS3D | TVoeD: Structural Adjustment | TRANSP | C |
236 | T5DPBS3E | TVoeD: COLA Class for Guaranteed Payment (Children) | TRANSP | C |
237 | T5DPBS3F | Absence Categories for Pay Scale Level Increase | TRANSP | E |
238 | T5DPBS3FT | Absence Categories for Pay Scale Level Increase (Texts) | TRANSP | E |
239 | T5DPBS3G | Assignment of Absence to Absence Category | TRANSP | C |
240 | T5DPBSZVAB | Temporal Validity of Deregistration Reasons | TRANSP | C |
241 | T5DPBSZVABT | Valid Deregistration Reasons: Texts | TRANSP | C |
242 | T5DPBSZVAG | Employer-Specific Settings | TRANSP | C |
243 | T5DPBSZVAGE | Employer-Specific Settings: Entity | TRANSP | C |
244 | T5DPBSZVAGT | Employer-Specific Settings: Text | TRANSP | C |
245 | T5DPBSZVAV | Ring-Fencing of Supplementary Pension Institute | TRANSP | C |
246 | T5DPBSZVAVT | Ring-Fencing of Supplementary Pension Institute | TRANSP | C |
247 | T5DPBSZVBG | SP Assessment and BAT-I Thresholds | TRANSP | C |
248 | T5DPBSZVBGT | SP Assessment and BAT-I Thresholds: Text | TRANSP | C |
249 | T5DPBSZVER | Valid Events Relevant for Notification: Entity | TRANSP | E |
250 | T5DPBSZVERT | Valid Events Relevant for Notification: Entity | TRANSP | E |
251 | T5DPBSZVME | Assignment of Notification Events/Notification Type | TRANSP | S |
252 | T5DPBSZVMTSA | Events Relevant for Notif. -> Reasons for Notif., Rec. Types | TRANSP | C |
253 | T5DPBSZVPY | Payroll Control | TRANSP | C |
254 | T5DPBSZVPYT | Payroll Control: Text | TRANSP | C |
255 | T5DPBSZVPZ | Percentages and Contract Models | TRANSP | C |
256 | T5DPBSZVPZT | Percentages and Contract Models: Text | TRANSP | C |
257 | T5DPBSZVRZ | Data Center Information | TRANSP | C |
258 | T5DPBSZVRZT | Data Center Information: Text | TRANSP | C |
259 | T5DPBSZVST | Notification Record Structures for Data Medium | TRANSP | C |
260 | T5DPBSZVSTT | Notification Record Structures for Data Medium: Text | TRANSP | C |
261 | T5DPBSZVTY | Valid Notification Types: Entity | TRANSP | E |
262 | T5DPBSZVTYT | Valid Notification Types: Texts | TRANSP | E |
263 | T5DPBSZVZGE | Definition of SPI Group: Entity | TRANSP | E |
264 | T5DPBSZVZGT | Valid Reasons for Notification for SPI Group: Text | TRANSP | E |
265 | T5DPBSZVZVE | Supplementary Pension Institute | TRANSP | C |
266 | T5DPBS_VA_UB | Maint. Payment (Req. Entry) for Entry Reason/Pension Scheme | TRANSP | C |
267 | T5DPS | PAISY Sequential Record Numbers for Subrecord Type 15 | TRANSP | C |
268 | T5DR1 | AVmG: Investment Types | TRANSP | E |
269 | T5DR2 | AVmG: Modules | TRANSP | C |
270 | T5DR3 | AVmG: Contract Models | TRANSP | C |
271 | T5DR4 | AVmG: Specifications of Modules | TRANSP | C |
272 | T5DR5 | AVmG: Instances of Contract Models | TRANSP | C |
273 | T5DR6 | AVmG: Processing Routines | TRANSP | E |
274 | T5DR7 | AVmG: Processing Rules | TRANSP | E |
275 | T5DR8 | AVmG: Processing Types | TRANSP | E |
276 | T5DR9 | AVmG: Conversion Wage Type Groups | TRANSP | C |
277 | T5DRA | AVmG: Assignment of Wage Types to Conversion Groups | TRANSP | C |
278 | T5DRB | AVmG: Investment Institute | TRANSP | C |
279 | T5DRC | AVmG (BVV): Assignment Pay Scale to Contract Model | TRANSP | C |
280 | T5DRD | AVmG: Permitted Modules for Contract Models | TRANSP | C |
281 | T5DRE | BVV: Conversion Table for AVmG | TRANSP | C |
282 | T5DRF | BVV: Conversion of Modules Added Manually | TRANSP | C |
283 | T5DRU | AVmG: Texts for Conversion Wage Type Groups | TRANSP | C |
284 | T5DRV | AVmG: Texts for Processing Rules | TRANSP | E |
285 | T5DRW | AVmG: Texts for Processing Routines | TRANSP | E |
286 | T5DRX | AVmG: Texts for Contract Models | TRANSP | C |
287 | T5DRY | AVmG: Texts for Modules | TRANSP | C |
288 | T5DRZ | AVmG: Texts for Investment Types | TRANSP | E |
289 | T5DTM_URL | Absence Quota Types Specific to Germany | TRANSP | C |
290 | T5DV1 | Value Types of Retirement Pension Plan | TRANSP | E |
291 | T5DV1T | Wage Types of Retirement Pension Plan | TRANSP | E |
292 | T5DV2 | Entitlement Assignment of Value Types | TRANSP | C |
293 | T5DV2T | Entitlement Assignment of Value Types | TRANSP | C |
294 | T5DVA | Value Type Properties of CPS | TRANSP | C |
295 | T5DVB | PEP: Calculation Control Pension Equalization Payment | TRANSP | C |
296 | T5DVBT | PEP: Calc. Control Pension Equalization Payment - Texts | TRANSP | C |
297 | T5DVL | PEP: Calculation of Costs Pension Equalization Payment | TRANSP | C |
298 | T5DVLT | PEP: Cost Calculation Pension Equalization Payment | TRANSP | C |
299 | T5DVN | Definition of DC Conversion Models | TRANSP | C |
300 | T5DVNT | Text Table for Definitions of DC Conversion Models | TRANSP | C |
301 | T5DVO | Availability of Conversion Models | TRANSP | C |
302 | T5DVP | Definition of Identifiers for Default Values | TRANSP | C |
303 | T5DVPT | Text Table for Default Values and Conversion Models | TRANSP | C |
304 | T5DW0 | Special Functions for Contribution Calculation | TRANSP | C |
305 | T5DW1 | CPS Identification Features | TRANSP | C |
306 | T5DW1T | Text for CPS Identification Features | TRANSP | C |
307 | T5DW3 | Pension Organizations for CPS Statement Information | TRANSP | C |
308 | T5DW4 | Control Data for Basic Calculation (Income/Contributions) | TRANSP | C |
309 | T5DW5 | Processing Types for Pension Calculation | TRANSP | C |
310 | T5DW5T | Processing Types for Pension Calculation | TRANSP | C |
311 | T5DW6 | Wage Type Filter for Calculation of Basis Amount | TRANSP | C |
312 | T5DW7 | Permissibility of Pension Calculation Actions | TRANSP | C |
313 | T5DW8 | Bonus/Deduction Rules | TRANSP | C |
314 | T5DW8T | Texts for Bonus/Deduction Rules | TRANSP | C |
315 | T5DW9 | Assignment of Benefit Types to CPS Imputation Groups | TRANSP | C |
316 | T5DWA | CPS Pension Plans | TRANSP | C |
317 | T5DWB | Entitlements of a Pension Plan | TRANSP | C |
318 | T5DWC | Entitlements/Benefit Types of a Pension Plan | TRANSP | C |
319 | T5DWD | Deductions/Payments for Reimbursements | TRANSP | C |
320 | T5DWE | Calculation Variants per Entitlement | TRANSP | C |
321 | T5DWET | Texts for Calculation Variants per Entitlement/Benefit Type | TRANSP | C |
322 | T5DWF | CPS Currency Key | TRANSP | C |
323 | T5DWFT | CPS Currency Key (Texts) | TRANSP | C |
324 | T5DWH | Entitlement Control for Deferred Compensation | TRANSP | C |
325 | T5DWI | Control Continued Payment of Surviving Dependent Payments | TRANSP | C |
326 | T5DWJ | Assignment of Text Elements to Statements | TRANSP | C |
327 | T5DWK | Permitted Structure Names in CPS Statements | TRANSP | E |
328 | T5DWL | Control Logical Pages in CPS Statements | TRANSP | C |
329 | T5DWM | Payroll Control of Income Calculation | TRANSP | C |
330 | T5DWN | Statement Structure Fields (Conversion, Status...) | TRANSP | E |
331 | T5DWO | Annuitization Table | TRANSP | C |
332 | T5DWOG | Annuitization Table | TRANSP | C |
333 | T5DWOGT | Annuitization Table - Texts | TRANSP | C |
334 | T5DWOT | Annuitization Table | TRANSP | C |
335 | T5DWP | Rules for Final Processing | TRANSP | C |
336 | T5DWPT | Texts for Final Processing Rules | TRANSP | C |
337 | T5DWQ | Transfer Basic Data (Contributions) | TRANSP | C |
338 | T5DWR | Pension Adjustment Control | TRANSP | C |
339 | T5DWS | Control Table for Statements CPS | TRANSP | C |
340 | T5DWT | Text Modules for Pension Calculation | TRANSP | S |
341 | T5DWU | Check of Method in Deferred Compensation Infotype | TRANSP | C |
342 | T5DWV | Member Status | TRANSP | C |
343 | T5DWVT | Membership Status Text | TRANSP | C |
344 | T5DWW | Wage Type Control | TRANSP | E |
345 | T5DWX | Payment control | TRANSP | C |
346 | T5DWXT | Texts for Payment Control | TRANSP | C |
347 | T5DWY | Functions for Company Pension Scheme | TRANSP | E |
348 | T5DWZ | Bonus for Company Pension Scheme | TRANSP | C |
349 | T5E01 | Personnel areas and subareas | TRANSP | C |
350 | T5E02 | Company tax data | TRANSP | C |
351 | T5E03 | IA/ID and NID healthcare companies | TRANSP | C |
352 | T5E04 | Registered company and work center names | TRANSP | C |
353 | T5E05 | Social Insurance branch offices | TRANSP | C |
354 | T5E06 | Social Insurance contributing companies | TRANSP | C |
355 | T5E07 | Health services amounts for company contributing to S.I. | TRANSP | A |
356 | T5E08 | Time-dependent characteristics of CACs | TRANSP | C |
357 | T5E10 | Extension of pay scales | TRANSP | C |
358 | T5E11 | Assignation of head office to corporate group | TRANSP | C |
359 | T5E12 | Assignment of Social Insurance center | TRANSP | C |
360 | T5E1T | Corporate group texts | TRANSP | C |
361 | T5E20 | Provinces | TRANSP | C |
362 | T5E2T | Contract type keys for Social insurance | TRANSP | E |
363 | T5E30 | Adjust Social Insurance reasons and actions | TRANSP | C |
364 | T5E31 | Actions and situations for affiliation messages | TRANSP | E |
365 | T5E32 | Healthcare company codes - Social Insurance | TRANSP | E |
366 | T5E33 | Assign countries to Social Insurance key (RED System) | TRANSP | C |
367 | T5E34 | Pay scale codes | TRANSP | C |
368 | T5E35 | Towns according to INEM | TRANSP | C |
369 | T5E36 | Reasons for legal situation of unemployment | TRANSP | C |
370 | T5E36T | Texts: Reasons for legal situation of unemployment | TRANSP | C |
371 | T5E37 | Estimation of annual income | TRANSP | C |
372 | T5E38 | Reasons for IRPF percentage change | TRANSP | C |
373 | T5E39 | Check digit for specifying taxpayer reference number (NIF) | TRANSP | E |
374 | T5E3A | Pay scale codes | TRANSP | C |
375 | T5E3T | Keys for Social insurance contribution groups | TRANSP | E |
376 | T5E40 | Employment tax deduction percentages | TRANSP | E |
377 | T5E41 | Payment subkeys | TRANSP | E |
378 | T5E42 | Contract types for Social Insurance | TRANSP | E |
379 | T5E43 | Contribution bases for non-industrial risks | TRANSP | E |
380 | T5E44 | Contribution bases for IA and ID quotas | TRANSP | E |
381 | T5E45 | Social Insurance contribution types | TRANSP | E |
382 | T5E46 | Social Insurance epigraphs | TRANSP | E |
383 | T5E48 | Groups of professional categories | TRANSP | C |
384 | T5E4A | Contribution limits by non-industrial risks | TRANSP | E |
385 | T5E4B | Employment texts | TRANSP | E |
386 | T5E4C | Employments (IA and ID contribution) | TRANSP | E |
387 | T5E4D | CNAE texts | TRANSP | E |
388 | T5E4E | CNAE: National Business Activities Classification | TRANSP | E |
389 | T5E4F | CNAES entity table | TRANSP | C |
390 | T5E4G | CNAE ocupational permissibility | TRANSP | E |
391 | T5E4H | CNAE texts | TRANSP | C |
392 | T5E4I | Contribution limits according to full remunerations | TRANSP | E |
393 | T5E4J | Contribution groups | TRANSP | E |
394 | T5E4JT | Text table for contribution groups | TRANSP | E |
395 | T5E4L | Configuration of special payment wage types | TRANSP | E |
396 | T5E4T | Description of Social Insurance branch-office types | TRANSP | C |
397 | T5E50 | Minimum bases for part-time contracts | TRANSP | E |
398 | T5E51 | Seniority bonuses | TRANSP | C |
399 | T5E52 | Seniority calculation methods | TRANSP | C |
400 | T5E53 | Amounts of seniority bonuses | TRANSP | C |
401 | T5E55 | Social Insurance office types | TRANSP | E |
402 | T5E57 | Union dues | TRANSP | C |
403 | T5E5T | Texts of Social Insurance contribution types | TRANSP | E |
404 | T5E60 | Contract entity according to the company | TRANSP | C |
405 | T5E61 | Contract transformations allowed | TRANSP | C |
406 | T5E64 | Length of temporary contracts according to Soc. Ins. Admin. | TRANSP | E |
407 | T5E65 | Work schedule in part-time contracts according Soc. Ins. Ad. | TRANSP | E |
408 | T5E66 | Contract validity acc. to Soc. Insurance, laws and decrees | TRANSP | E |
409 | T5E67 | Special contracts according to Social Insurance | TRANSP | E |
410 | T5E68 | Assignment of contracts to groups | TRANSP | E |
411 | T5E6A | Contract set | TRANSP | E |
412 | T5E6B | Contract groupers | TRANSP | C |
413 | T5E6C | Sets of contracts and associated wage types | TRANSP | E |
414 | T5E6D | Contribution calculation for sets of contracts | TRANSP | E |
415 | T5E6F | Calculation methods | TRANSP | E |
416 | T5E6I | Contract texts according to company | TRANSP | C |
417 | T5E6J | Contract texts according to Social Insurance | TRANSP | E |
418 | T5E6K | Contract grouper texts | TRANSP | C |
419 | T5E6L | Calculation method texts | TRANSP | E |
420 | T5E6M | Contract set texts | TRANSP | E |
421 | T5E6T | Title texts | TRANSP | E |
422 | T5E70 | INEM offices | TRANSP | C |
423 | T5E75 | Work center commitment code | TRANSP | C |
424 | T5E76 | Allowance group code | TRANSP | E |
425 | T5E77 | Academic qualification according to INEM code | TRANSP | E |
426 | T5E7I | Spanish Office of Employment (INEM) branch texts | TRANSP | C |
427 | T5E8M | Reasons for IRPF percentage change | TRANSP | C |
428 | T5E8S | Assignation of professional categories to modifiers | TRANSP | C |
429 | T5E8T | Modifiers for professional categories | TRANSP | C |
430 | T5E8U | Texts of professional categories modifiers | TRANSP | C |
431 | T5E91 | Assignation of customer subtypes to legal classes | TRANSP | C |
432 | T5E92 | Deduction groups for garnishments | TRANSP | E |
433 | T5E92T | Deduction group texts for garnishments | TRANSP | E |
434 | T5EA0 | Seniority calculation procedures | TRANSP | C |
435 | T5EA0T | Calculation procedure texts | TRANSP | C |
436 | T5EA1 | Seniority payment methods | TRANSP | C |
437 | T5EA1T | Payment method texts | TRANSP | C |
438 | T5EA2 | Seniority payment symbols | TRANSP | C |
439 | T5EA2T | Payment symbol texts | TRANSP | C |
440 | T5EA3 | Definition of valuation methods | TRANSP | C |
441 | T5EA3T | Valuation method texts | TRANSP | C |
442 | T5EA4 | Associate valuation wage type with valuation method | TRANSP | C |
443 | T5EA5 | Calculation sequences by payment method | TRANSP | C |
444 | T5EA6 | Actions and reasons affecting seniority | TRANSP | C |
445 | T5EAE | Business activities | TRANSP | E |
446 | T5EB1 | Retirement plans: attributes for Form 345 | TRANSP | C |
447 | T5EC1 | Directory of payroll results used in the TC | TRANSP | A |
448 | T5ECP | Generation of personal calendar | TRANSP | E |
449 | T5ED1 | Place type | TRANSP | C |
450 | T5ED1T | Place type | TRANSP | C |
451 | T5ED2 | Variance | TRANSP | C |
452 | T5ED2T | Variance | TRANSP | C |
453 | T5ED3 | Type of work | TRANSP | C |
454 | T5ED3T | Work type | TRANSP | C |
455 | T5ED4 | Specific physical activity | TRANSP | C |
456 | T5ED4T | Specific physical activity | TRANSP | C |
457 | T5ED5 | Contact method | TRANSP | C |
458 | T5ED5T | Contact method | TRANSP | C |
459 | T5ED6 | Injured body part | TRANSP | C |
460 | T5ED6T | Injured body part | TRANSP | C |
461 | T5ED7 | Description of the injury | TRANSP | C |
462 | T5ED7T | Description of the injury | TRANSP | C |
463 | T5ED8 | Material agents | TRANSP | C |
464 | T5ED8T | Material agents | TRANSP | C |
465 | T5ED9 | Worker employment codes | TRANSP | C |
466 | T5ED9T | Description of worker employment codes | TRANSP | C |
467 | T5EDH | Local tax offices/authorities | TRANSP | C |
468 | T5EF1 | Infotypes used to calculate DAQ fields | TRANSP | E |
469 | T5EF2 | Directory of INEM forms generated | TRANSP | A |
470 | T5EF3 | Directory of INEM forms generated | TRANSP | A |
471 | T5EF4 | Templates for INEM forms | TRANSP | A |
472 | T5EF5 | Definition of assignment trees | TRANSP | C |
473 | T5EF6 | DDIC structures for logical forms | TRANSP | E |
474 | T5EF7 | DAQ fields definition extension | TRANSP | E |
475 | T5EFI | Severance payment calculation | TRANSP | C |
476 | T5EG0 | Gross/net model features | TRANSP | C |
477 | T5EG1 | Special Rule | TRANSP | C |
478 | T5EG2 | Special rule description | TRANSP | C |
479 | T5EG3 | Special rule calculation | TRANSP | C |
480 | T5EG4 | Features of non-exempt amount model | TRANSP | C |
481 | T5EG5 | Features of relationship with other debts model | TRANSP | C |
482 | T5EG6 | Default values | TRANSP | C |
483 | T5EG9 | Garnishee fee | TRANSP | C |
484 | T5EI1 | Employment tax deduction rates | TRANSP | E |
485 | T5EI2 | Wage exempt of employment tax deduction | TRANSP | E |
486 | T5EI3 | Employment tax control constants | TRANSP | E |
487 | T5EI4 | Employment tax amount constants | TRANSP | E |
488 | T5EI5 | Wage types valid for Spanish IRS evaluations | TRANSP | C |
489 | T5EI6 | Arrears by period and grouper | TRANSP | A |
490 | T5EI7 | Default behaviour for arrears groupers | TRANSP | C |
491 | T5EI8 | Lowering of deduction type for challenged persons | TRANSP | S |
492 | T5EIA | Payment keys | TRANSP | E |
493 | T5EII | Employment tax control constant texts | TRANSP | E |
494 | T5EIJ | Texts of unemployment tax amount constants | TRANSP | E |
495 | T5EL1 | Protected data access log | TRANSP | A |
496 | T5EL2 | Protected data logical files | TRANSP | E |
497 | T5EL3 | Last record of access to protected data by user | TRANSP | A |
498 | T5EL4 | Protected TemSe fields | TRANSP | E |
499 | T5EL5 | Protected data access log | TRANSP | A |
500 | T5EL6 | LOPD. High-level data fields and structures | TRANSP | C |