SAP ABAP Table - Index T, page 55
- T-1 T-2 T-3 T-4 T-5 T-6 T-7 T-8 T-9 T-10 T-11 T-12 T-13 T-14 T-15 T-16 T-17 T-18 T-19 T-20 T-21 T-22 T-23 T-24 T-25 T-26 T-27 T-28 T-29 T-30 T-31 T-32 T-33 T-34 T-35 T-36 T-37 T-38 T-39 T-40 T-41 T-42 T-43 T-44 T-45 T-46 T-47 T-48 T-49 T-50 T-51 T-52 T-53 T-54 T-55 T-56 T-57 T-58 T-59 T-60 T-61 T-62 T-63 T-64 T-65
Table - T
# | Table name | Short Description | Table Category | Delivery Class |
1 | TNCDALE | DALE-UV: Einstellungen | TRANSP | C |
2 | TNCDF0 | IS-H: DRG Coding and Grouping System Master Data Table | TRANSP | C |
3 | TNCDF1 | IS-H: DRG Coding and Grouping System Customizing Table | TRANSP | C |
4 | TNCDF2 | IS-H: DRG Coding and Grouping System File Name Table | TRANSP | C |
5 | TNCDF3 | IS-H: DRG Coding and Grouping System User Customizing Table | TRANSP | C |
6 | TNCDF4 | IS-H: DRG Coding and Grouping System Payer Determination | TRANSP | C |
7 | TNCEM_EL | Listener Attributes Managed by Event Manager | TRANSP | E |
8 | TNCEM_ORD | Determines Event Sequence Relation | TRANSP | E |
9 | TNCEM_SUBSCRIPT | Listener Subscription Data for Event Manager | TRANSP | E |
10 | TNCF0 | IS-HCM Message Fields | TRANSP | E |
11 | TNCF1 | IS-HCM Message Fields - Texts | TRANSP | E |
12 | TNCH10 | IS-H CH: Postal Code-to-Region Assignment | TRANSP | A |
13 | TNCH11 | IS-H CH: Canton Tariff-to-Geographical Area Assignment | TRANSP | A |
14 | TNCH12 | IS-H CH: Canton Tariff | TRANSP | C |
15 | TNCH12T | IS-H CH: Canton Tariff - Texts | TRANSP | C |
16 | TNCH13 | IS-H CH: Convention | TRANSP | C |
17 | TNCH13T | IS-H CH: Agreements - Texts | TRANSP | C |
18 | TNCH20 | IS-H CH: Code Groups for AHV Numbers | TRANSP | C |
19 | TNCH30 | IS-H CH: Patient Category | TRANSP | C |
20 | TNCH31 | IS-H CH: Patient Type | TRANSP | C |
21 | TNCH32 | IS-H CH: Service Text Codes | TRANSP | C |
22 | TNCH32T | IS-H CH: Service Text Codes - text | TRANSP | C |
23 | TNCH33 | IS-H CH: Tariff Types | TRANSP | C |
24 | TNCH33T | IS-H CH: Tariff Types | TRANSP | C |
25 | TNCH40 | IS-H CH: Absence Rules | TRANSP | C |
26 | TNCH40T | IS-h CH: Absence Rules - Texts | TRANSP | C |
27 | TNCH50 | IS-H CH: Billing Agreements | TRANSP | C |
28 | TNCH50T | IS-H CH: Texts for Billing Agreements | TRANSP | C |
29 | TNCH51 | IS-H CH: Billing Agreement Items | TRANSP | C |
30 | TNCH52 | IS-h CH: Determination of Billing Agreements | TRANSP | C |
31 | TNCH53 | IS-H CH: Quantity Determination Service Generation | TRANSP | C |
32 | TNCH53T | IS-H CH: Texts for Quantity Rules | TRANSP | C |
33 | TNCH54 | IS-H CH: Gültigkeiten von ABRV für Externen Auftrag | TRANSP | C |
34 | TNCH60 | IS-H CH: Times for Surcharge Services | TRANSP | C |
35 | TNCH61 | IS-H CH: Percentage Services | TRANSP | C |
36 | TNCH62 | IS-H CH: Percentage Reduction | TRANSP | C |
37 | TNCI0 | IS-HCM Receipt: Event - General Message Type - Assignment | TRANSP | S |
38 | TNCI1 | IS-HCM Receipt Parameters for Partner Systems | TRANSP | C |
39 | TNCMAPP | IS-H Mapping Table, Assignment to External Codes | TRANSP | C |
40 | TNCMSCO | IS-H: Scoring - Conversion of the HINR | TRANSP | C |
41 | TNCO0 | IS-HCM Dispatch: Event - General Message Type - Assignment | TRANSP | S |
42 | TNCO1 | IS-HCM Dispatch Control Without Dependencies | TRANSP | C |
43 | TNCO2 | IS-HCM Dispatch Control with Org. Unit Dependency | TRANSP | C |
44 | TNCRESPO | IS-HCM: Outstanding Acknowledgements for Subsystem (CommMod) | TRANSP | L |
45 | TNCS0 | IS-HCM Message Segments | TRANSP | E |
46 | TNCS1 | IS-HCM Message Segments - Texts | TRANSP | E |
47 | TNCS2 | IS-HCM Message Segment - Field Assignment | TRANSP | E |
48 | TNCS3 | IS-HCM: Segment-to-Group Segment Assignment | TRANSP | E |
49 | TNCST | IS-HCM Communication Standards | TRANSP | E |
50 | TNCSU | IS-HCM Communication Standards - Texts | TRANSP | E |
51 | TNCT0 | IS-HCM Message Types | TRANSP | E |
52 | TNCT1 | IS-HCM Message Types - Texts | TRANSP | E |
53 | TNCT2 | IS-HCM Message Type-Segment Assignment | TRANSP | E |
54 | TNCTY | Is-H: Definition of Country Versions | TRANSP | S |
55 | TNCTYT | Is-H: Name of Country Version | TRANSP | S |
56 | TND01 | IS-H: Borrowing purposes for documents | TRANSP | C |
57 | TND02 | IS-H: Texts for borrowing reasons | TRANSP | C |
58 | TND03 | Document Management: Borrower category | TRANSP | S |
59 | TNDBG | IS-H: Authorization Groups for Screen Modification | TRANSP | C |
60 | TNDBT | IS-H: Authorization Group Texts for Screen Modifications | TRANSP | C |
61 | TNDCV | IS-H: Screen Fields Dependent on Country Version | TRANSP | S |
62 | TNDIA | IS-H: Diagnosis Processing Parameters | TRANSP | C |
63 | TNDKG | IS-H: GHA-SC structure (TO) | TRANSP | G |
64 | TNDR2 | IS-H: Screens Used to Create & Change RF Customer in R/2 | POOL | G |
65 | TNDRG | IS-H: DRG Billing Parameters | TRANSP | C |
66 | TNDYM | IS-H: Screen Modifications | TRANSP | G |
67 | TNE00 | IS-H: SAP User Exits | TRANSP | S |
68 | TNE01 | IS-H: Customer User Exits | TRANSP | C |
69 | TNE0T | IS-H: SAP User Exit - Description | TRANSP | S |
70 | TNE2G | IS-H: Conversion tables SEM <-> CCP (TO) | TRANSP | G |
71 | TNEBM | IS-H: SEM Structure (TO) | TRANSP | G |
72 | TNEHC_DOCTYPE | IS-H: EHIC Health Insurance Card - Document Categories | TRANSP | C |
73 | TNEHC_DOCTYPET | IS-H: EHIC Health Insurance Card - Document Category Texts | TRANSP | C |
74 | TNEI0 | IS-H: Parameters for Data Transfer IS-H -> EIS | TRANSP | C |
75 | TNEIS | IS-H: Character, Key Figure Determination (FM) EIS | TRANSP | S |
76 | TNEO_BILLTYP_DET | IS-H: External Orders - Billing Type Determination | TRANSP | C |
77 | TNEO_CHARFAC_DET | IS-H: Charge Factor Value Determination for External Orders | TRANSP | C |
78 | TNEO_FEEDIST_DET | IS-H: External Orders - Determine Fee Breakdown Code | TRANSP | C |
79 | TNEO_ORDER_CAT | IS-H: Order Categories of External Order | TRANSP | C |
80 | TNEO_ORDER_CATT | IS-H: Order Categories - Texts of External Order | TRANSP | C |
81 | TNEO_ORDER_TYPE | IS-H: Order Types of External Order | TRANSP | C |
82 | TNEO_ORDER_TYPET | IS-H: Order Types - Texts of External Order | TRANSP | C |
83 | TNEO_WORK_ORG | IS-H: Form Control for External Orders | TRANSP | C |
84 | TNETMAC | Maintenance of mac addresses in SAP network monitor | TRANSP | L |
85 | TNETMONINF | Network Monitor:Configuration data and work information | TRANSP | L |
86 | TNF01 | IS-H: Catalog of Work Organizer Types | TRANSP | S |
87 | TNF02 | IS-H: Description of Work Organizer Types | TRANSP | S |
88 | TNF03 | IS-H: Work Organizers: Keys | TRANSP | C |
89 | TNF04 | IS-H: Work Organizer Type-Event Assignment SAP Defaults | TRANSP | S |
90 | TNF05 | IS-H: Form Windows and Elements for Work Organizers | TRANSP | C |
91 | TNF06 | IS-H: User Control: Event and Work Organizer Type | TRANSP | C |
92 | TNF07 | IS-H: Assign Output Device to Input Device (Printer-Term.) | TRANSP | C |
93 | TNF08 | IS-H: Work Organizer-to-Printer Assignment | TRANSP | C |
94 | TNF09 | IS-H: Texts for Work Organizers | TRANSP | C |
95 | TNF10 | IS-H: Techn. Work Organizer - Org. Unit Assignment | TRANSP | C |
96 | TNF11 | IS-H: Event - Technical Work Org. Filter | TRANSP | C |
97 | TNF30 | IS-H: Work Organizers Without Selection Conditions | TRANSP | C |
98 | TNF31 | IS-H: Work Organizers with Ins. Prov. Conditions | TRANSP | C |
99 | TNF32 | IS-H: Work Organizers with Billing Type and Ins. Prov. Cond. | TRANSP | C |
100 | TNF40 | IS-H: Smart Forms for Work Organizer Type | TRANSP | S |
101 | TNFAS | IS-H: Department Status for Basic Medical Documentation | TRANSP | C |
102 | TNFAS_FS | IS-H: Dependency of Case Status on Dept-Related Status | TRANSP | C |
103 | TNFCL | IS-H: Case Categorization for Data Transfer IS-H -> SAP BW | TRANSP | C |
104 | TNFPS1 | IS-H: Control Parameters for Determining FR/PS | TRANSP | G |
105 | TNFPSE | IS-H: Rule Table for FRs Per Case and PSs | TRANSP | G |
106 | TNFPSE_EXT_NDX | IS-H: Index on Table TNFPSE_EXT | TRANSP | S |
107 | TNFPSE_NDX | IS-H: Index on ICPM of Table TNFPSE | TRANSP | S |
108 | TNGOA | IS-H: CCP Structure (TO) | TRANSP | G |
109 | TNGRP0 | IS-H: Set Parameters for DRG Documentation | TRANSP | C |
110 | TNGRP1 | IS-H: DRG Grouper Assignment | TRANSP | C |
111 | TNGRP2 | IS-H: DRG Grouper | TRANSP | C |
112 | TNGRP3 | IS-H: DRG Grouper File Conventions | TRANSP | C |
113 | TNHCF_BO | Business Objects | TRANSP | E |
114 | TNHCF_BOT | HCF: Business Objects - Text table | TRANSP | E |
115 | TNHCF_ID_DESC | Description of Business Object identification | TRANSP | G |
116 | TNHCO | IS-H: Basic Settings HCO | TRANSP | C |
117 | TNHCO_COLORD | HCO: Definition Coll. Orders for Outpat.Case-Based Orders | TRANSP | C |
118 | TNHCO_CORD_SEL | HCO: Char. Sel. for Coll. Orders for Outpat. Case-Bsd Orders | TRANSP | C |
119 | TNHL7 | IS-HCM HL7 Conversions | TRANSP | C |
120 | TNICPM | IS-H: ICPM structure - Delivery of ICPM catalog | TRANSP | S |
121 | TNIEBILL | IS-H: Internet-Enabled Estimated Invoice - Not Supported Now | TRANSP | C |
122 | TNIRS | IS-H: Settings for Insurance Relationships | TRANSP | C |
123 | TNIW3 | Lowest Value: Document Types | POOL | C |
124 | TNIW4 | Lowest Value: Movement Types | POOL | C |
125 | TNIW5 | Lowest Value: Deval. by Rge of Coverage | POOL | C |
126 | TNIW5N | Lowest Value: Devaluation by Range of Coverage (w. Version) | TRANSP | C |
127 | TNIW5W | Lowest Value: Devaluatn by Range of Cov. for Each Val. Area | TRANSP | C |
128 | TNIW6 | Lowest Value: Deval. for Reasons of Slow/Non-Movement | POOL | C |
129 | TNIW6N | Lowest Value: Devaluation by Slow/Non-Movement (w. Version) | TRANSP | C |
130 | TNIW6W | Lowest Value: Devaluation for Slow/Non-movement by Val.Area | TRANSP | C |
131 | TNIW7 | Weighting Factors for Consumption Values (Deter.Lowest Val.) | TRANSP | C |
132 | TNIW8 | Weighting of Stock Quantities (Deter.Low.Val.) | POOL | C |
133 | TNIW8H | Weighting of Stock Quantities per Period (Lowest Value) | TRANSP | C |
134 | TNIW9 | Reduction of Sales Prices (Lowest Value) | TRANSP | C |
135 | TNK00 | IS-H: Diagnosis Coding Catalog Categories | TRANSP | C |
136 | TNK01 | IS-H: Service Catalog Types | TRANSP | C |
137 | TNKAT | IS-H: Texts for Classif. Types of Case Class. Categories | TRANSP | C |
138 | TNKAV | IS-H: Medical Record Management Parameters | TRANSP | C |
139 | TNKAV1 | IS-H: Medical Records to Be Borrowed | TRANSP | C |
140 | TNKFA | IS-H: Code Specialties | TRANSP | C |
141 | TNKFH | IS-H: Hierarchy of Specialties | TRANSP | C |
142 | TNKFO | IS-H: Specialty-to-Organizational Unit Assignment | TRANSP | A |
143 | TNKFT | IS-H: Text for User-Defined Specialty Category | TRANSP | C |
144 | TNKIV | IS-H: Insurance Provider Attributes - Integrated Care | TRANSP | C |
145 | TNKLA | IS-H: Classification Types for Case Classific. Categories | TRANSP | C |
146 | TNKRS | IS-H: Number Ranges | TRANSP | C |
147 | TNKTR_KV | IS-H: Settings for Federal PPA Insurance Provider Master | TRANSP | C |
148 | TNKTT | IS-H: Texts for Case Classification Categories | TRANSP | C |
149 | TNKTY | IS-H: Case Classification Categories | TRANSP | C |
150 | TNKVK | IS-H: Define Terminal For Import HC Smart Card | TRANSP | C |
151 | TNKVMSGATTR | IS-H: Message Assignment for PPA Work Station | TRANSP | S |
152 | TNLB | IS-H: Key Table for Multiplication Factor Reasons | TRANSP | C |
153 | TNLBSN_ACT | Burger service nummer BSN werte übername | TRANSP | C |
154 | TNLBSN_ID_STAT | Burger service nummer ausweis status | TRANSP | C |
155 | TNLBSN_PARAM | Burger service nummer algemeines parameters | TRANSP | C |
156 | TNLBSN_SOURCE | Burger service nummer BSN quelle | TRANSP | C |
157 | TNLBSN_STATUS | Burger service nummer status | TRANSP | C |
158 | TNLBT | IS-H: Text table for exception billing comments | TRANSP | C |
159 | TNLCINV01 | Sammelrechnung record information fur anzeiger | TRANSP | S |
160 | TNLCINV02 | Sammelrechnung ruckgabe kodes | TRANSP | C |
161 | TNLDBC_01 | Abrechnungs arten von Diagnose Behandlung Combinationen | TRANSP | C |
162 | TNLDBC_REFZEIT | Bezugslaufzeiten DBC's pro Spezialgebiet | TRANSP | C |
163 | TNLDBC_TRDBC1 | IS-H NL: Dummy DBC per Leistung | TRANSP | C |
164 | TNLDBC_TRDBC2 | IS-H NL: Dummy DBC per anfragender Arzt | TRANSP | C |
165 | TNLDBC_TRDBC3 | IS-H NL: Dummy DBC per Kostenträger | TRANSP | C |
166 | TNLDBC_TRDBC4 | IS-H NL: Dummy DBC pro ausfuhrend arzt | TRANSP | C |
167 | TNLGGZ_ACT_CODE | Geisteskrankheit activität kode | TRANSP | C |
168 | TNLGGZ_CARETYPE | Geisteskrankheit sorgfrage | TRANSP | C |
169 | TNLGGZ_CIRCUIT | Geisteskrankheit behandlungs kreis | TRANSP | C |
170 | TNLGGZ_CLOSE | Geisteskrankheit sper kennzeichen | TRANSP | C |
171 | TNLGGZ_CO_HOUR | Geisteskrankheit: Kostpreis Stundentarif | TRANSP | C |
172 | TNLGGZ_CO_STAY | Geisteskrankheit: Kostpreis Aufenthaltskosten | TRANSP | C |
173 | TNLGGZ_DIAGN | Geisteskrankheit diagnosen | TRANSP | C |
174 | TNLGGZ_GAF | Geisteskrankheit GAF punktestand | TRANSP | C |
175 | TNLGGZ_GROUP | Geisteskankheit gruppe | TRANSP | C |
176 | TNLGGZ_HITLIST | NL GGZ Hitlist Entries | TRANSP | C |
177 | TNLGGZ_PARAM | Geisteskrankheit parameter tabelle | TRANSP | C |
178 | TNLGGZ_PAT_GRP | Geisteskrankheit patient gruppe | TRANSP | C |
179 | TNLGGZ_PERFORM | Geisteskrankheit leistungscode ermittung | TRANSP | C |
180 | TNLGGZ_PRODUCT | Geisteskrankheit productkode | TRANSP | C |
181 | TNLGGZ_PROF | Geisteskrankheit berufsgruppe | TRANSP | C |
182 | TNLGGZ_SCHEMA | Geisteskrankheit Behandlungsplan | TRANSP | C |
183 | TNLGGZ_SERVICE | Geisteskrankheit leistungs gruppe | TRANSP | C |
184 | TNLGGZ_TARIFF | Geisteskrankheit DBC tariff | TRANSP | C |
185 | TNLGGZ_VAL_DEC | Geisteskrankheit validierungsbaum | TRANSP | C |
186 | TNLMR1 | IS-H NL: LMR-instellingsnummer (WCC-code) | TRANSP | C |
187 | TNLMR2 | IS-H NL: LMR Afdelingscodes / LAZR Polikliniek- of locatie | TRANSP | C |
188 | TNLMR3 | IS-H NL: LMR Artscodes | TRANSP | C |
189 | TNLMR4 | IS-H NL: LMR Verzekeringscodes | TRANSP | C |
190 | TNLMR5 | IS-H NL: LMR Bewegingscodes | TRANSP | C |
191 | TNLMR6 | IS-H NL: LMR Landcodes | TRANSP | C |
192 | TNLONGTERMSVC | IS-H: Maintain Long-Term Accommodation Services | TRANSP | C |
193 | TNLS | Nielsen ID | TRANSP | C |
194 | TNLST | Description of Nielsen Indicators | TRANSP | C |
195 | TNLZR0 | IS-H NL:LAZR Einstellungen für Schnittstellebearbeitung | TRANSP | C |
196 | TNLZR1 | IS-H NL: LAZR Medische behandeling / Financieel consult | TRANSP | C |
197 | TNLZR2 | IS-H NL:LAZR Afspraaksoort | TRANSP | C |
198 | TNLZR3 | IS-H NL: LAZR Veldverplichting | TRANSP | C |
199 | TNLZR4 | IS-H NL:LAZR Integriteitscheck | TRANSP | C |
200 | TNLZR4T | IS-H NL: LAZR Integriteitscheck Teksten | TRANSP | C |
201 | TNM01 | IS-H MM: Assign Plants to Institution | TRANSP | C |
202 | TNM02 | IS-H MM: Material Requisition Parameters | TRANSP | C |
203 | TNM03 | IS-H MM: Procurement Type Determination | TRANSP | C |
204 | TNM04 | IS-H MM: Determine Materials for CO Reposting | TRANSP | C |
205 | TNM10A | IS-H MM: Approval Types | TRANSP | C |
206 | TNM10K | IS-H MM: Approval types (texts) | TRANSP | C |
207 | TNM20H | IS-H MM: Hierarchy for Material Input Help | TRANSP | C |
208 | TNM20HT | IS-H MM: Hierarchy for material input facility (texts) | TRANSP | C |
209 | TNM20L | IS-H: MM hierarchic material selection | TRANSP | C |
210 | TNM20N | IS-H: MM hierarchic material selection (nodes) | TRANSP | C |
211 | TNM50A | IS-H MM: Active Ingredients | TRANSP | C |
212 | TNM50T | IS-H MM: Active Ingredients (Texts) | TRANSP | C |
213 | TNM60A | IS-H MM: Medical Categories for Materials | TRANSP | C |
214 | TNM60T | IS-H MM: Medical Categories for Materials | TRANSP | C |
215 | TNMAP | Assignment of global to (instance)local table names | TRANSP | C |
216 | TNMATLEI | Define Default Material Service | TRANSP | C |
217 | TNNA1 | IS-H NL: Billing parties per service (group) | TRANSP | C |
218 | TNNA2 | IS-H NL: Dummy services by billing party | TRANSP | C |
219 | TNNA3 | IS-H NL: Shifts | TRANSP | S |
220 | TNNC1 | IS-H NL: Insurance verification procedures | TRANSP | C |
221 | TNNC2 | IS-H NL: Insurance provider types (internal) | TRANSP | C |
222 | TNNC3 | IS-H NL: Kostenübernahme von leistungen | TRANSP | C |
223 | TNNC4 | IS-H NL: Anfordertypen bei WDS Kostenübernahme | TRANSP | C |
224 | TNND2 | IS-H NL: Assign Requests to Business Partner and Category | TRANSP | C |
225 | TNNE1 | IS-H NL: Gültigkeit Behandlungsscheine | TRANSP | C |
226 | TNNE2 | IS-H NL: Reihenfolge Behandlungsscheine definieren | TRANSP | C |
227 | TNNE3 | NL: Geschäftspartner | TRANSP | C |
228 | TNNE4 | NL: Scheine und Leistungen | TRANSP | C |
229 | TNNE5 | NL: Zeitpunkte zum Leistungsgenerierung | TRANSP | C |
230 | TNNF1 | IS-H NL: Abrechnung Parameter | TRANSP | C |
231 | TNNG1 | IS-H NL: Ordering business partner categories | TRANSP | C |
232 | TNNL1 | IS-H NL: LMR discharge type | TRANSP | C |
233 | TNNL2 | IS-H NL: LMR insurance file | TRANSP | C |
234 | TNNL3 | IS-H NL: Dutch cities LMR | TRANSP | C |
235 | TNNL4 | IS-H NL: Country code LMR | TRANSP | C |
236 | TNNLACTIV | Sorge Aktivität kode | TRANSP | C |
237 | TNNLBLCKPHYS | Blockieren pro Arzt | TRANSP | C |
238 | TNNLCAGR | Sorge produkt kode gruppe | TRANSP | C |
239 | TNNLCARE | Sorge produkt kode | TRANSP | C |
240 | TNNLCLAIM | Haftungs code | TRANSP | C |
241 | TNNLCLASS_CAT | Meldung Klassifikation Katalog | TRANSP | C |
242 | TNNLCLASS_MESS | Meldung Klassifikation meldungen | TRANSP | C |
243 | TNNLCLOSE | Abschlußkode | TRANSP | C |
244 | TNNLCLRU | Abschließ regeln | TRANSP | C |
245 | TNNLCPCAT | Sorge produkt Kategorie | TRANSP | C |
246 | TNNLCPRE | Sorge produkt Relation | TRANSP | C |
247 | TNNLDIRE | Diagnose Sorge produkt gruppe Beziehung | TRANSP | C |
248 | TNNLREJCLAS_CAT | ISH NL Rejection Classification Catalogue | TRANSP | C |
249 | TNNLREJCLAS_MESS | Rejection Classification Messages | TRANSP | C |
250 | TNNLRULES | Regeln für Registrierung, Schließen und Zusamenstellen DBC's | TRANSP | C |
251 | TNNLRULES_CLOSE | Verknüpfung abschuß regeln und abschluß kode | TRANSP | C |
252 | TNNLTARIFF | Tariff | TRANSP | C |
253 | TNNLTP | IS-H NL: An zu wenden Regeln auf Leistungen | TRANSP | C |
254 | TNNL_GRPMSG_MAP | Grouper Msg Id nach SAP meldung Mapping | TRANSP | C |
255 | TNNP1 | IS-H NL: Patient day services | TRANSP | C |
256 | TNNP2 | IS-H NL: Insurance ranking order -> patient day class | TRANSP | C |
257 | TNNP3 | IS-H NL: Service classes | TRANSP | C |
258 | TNNP4 | IS-H NL: Classes for IP Types / Default Values | TRANSP | C |
259 | TNNR1 | IS-H NL: Service exclusions (calculation rule) | TRANSP | C |
260 | TNNR2 | IS-H NL: Service inclusions (calculation rule) | TRANSP | C |
261 | TNNR3 | IS-H NL: Time-related rules | TRANSP | C |
262 | TNNR4 | IS-H NL: Time-related rules | TRANSP | C |
263 | TNNR5 | IS-H NL: Service Rules At Admission | TRANSP | C |
264 | TNNR6 | IS-H NL: Define in- and exclusion rules | TRANSP | C |
265 | TNNRG | IS-H NL: Zuweisung leistung(sgruppe) zu werte-regel | TRANSP | C |
266 | TNOBAPI | BAPIs with exceptions that are not checked | TRANSP | S |
267 | TNOBJ | IS-H: Objects for Client Reset Program | TRANSP | S |
268 | TNODE01 | Node Table for General Structure Storage | TRANSP | S |
269 | TNODE01R | General Structure Storage References | TRANSP | S |
270 | TNODE01T | General Structure Storage Node Names | TRANSP | E |
271 | TNODE02 | Test Organizer, Node Table | TRANSP | E |
272 | TNODE02A | Test Organizer, Test Catalog, Plan, Package Attributes | TRANSP | E |
273 | TNODE02R | Test Organizer, References | TRANSP | E |
274 | TNODE02T | Test Organizer, Texts | TRANSP | E |
275 | TNODE02_A | Test case attributes: Management | TRANSP | W |
276 | TNODE02_AC | Test case attributes: CATT-specific | TRANSP | W |
277 | TNODE02_AP | Test case attributes: Problem message data | TRANSP | W |
278 | TNODE02_AS | Test case attributes: Training-specific CATT attributes | TRANSP | W |
279 | TNODE02_AT | Test case attributes: Short texts | TRANSP | W |
280 | TNODEE | Definition of attributes of a node type | TRANSP | S |
281 | TNODEH | List of valid node types | TRANSP | E |
282 | TNODEIMG | Node table for the new IMG | TRANSP | S |
283 | TNODEIMGR | References for the new IMG | TRANSP | S |
284 | TNODEIMGT | General Structure Storage Node Names | TRANSP | S |
285 | TNODEPR | Node Table for General Structure Storage | TRANSP | E |
286 | TNODEPRR | General Structure Storage References | TRANSP | E |
287 | TNODEPRT | General Structure Storage Node Names | TRANSP | E |
288 | TNODERELN | Node Table for General Structure Storage | TRANSP | S |
289 | TNODERELNR | General Structure Storage References | TRANSP | S |
290 | TNODERELNT | General Structure Storage Node Names | TRANSP | E |
291 | TNODEREV | Structure Item Table for Review Structures | TRANSP | E |
292 | TNODEREVR | References for Review Structures | TRANSP | E |
293 | TNODEREVT | Structure Item Descriptions for Review Structures | TRANSP | E |
294 | TNODERTYPE | Node type: Assignable link types | TRANSP | E |
295 | TNODES | Node type: Valid sub-node types | TRANSP | E |
296 | TNODET | Name of valid node types | TRANSP | E |
297 | TNONOCL | Project class node type note type assignment | TRANSP | G |
298 | TNOTATW | Note: Attribute table | TRANSP | G |
299 | TNOTECL | Project class note type assignment | TRANSP | G |
300 | TNOTEED | Valid editors for creating notes | TRANSP | G |
301 | TNOTEEPR | Project management note types | TRANSP | G |
302 | TNOTEFPR | Assignment of file extensions to doc. types | TRANSP | G |
303 | TNOTEP | Project note type | TRANSP | G |
304 | TNOTESAV | Note document temporary save | TRANSP | L |
305 | TNOTETEM | Templates for notes | TRANSP | G |
306 | TNOTETPR | Project management: Note type text | TRANSP | G |
307 | TNOTFPR | Notes: Project link | TRANSP | G |
308 | TNOTFPR_VERS | Versioning Data from Table TNOTFPR | TRANSP | G |
309 | TNOTFTW | Test Workbench status: Connection to test package | TRANSP | G |
310 | TNP00 | IS-H: Controlling the Customizing of Parameter Tables | TRANSP | S |
311 | TNP01 | IS-H: Patient Classes | TRANSP | C |
312 | TNP01T | IS-H: Text for patient classes | TRANSP | C |
313 | TNP0T | IS-H: Controlling the Customizing of Parameters - Texts | TRANSP | S |
314 | TNPC1 | IS-H: Coding of Occupancy Characteristics | TRANSP | C |
315 | TNPC1T | IS-H: Coding of Occupancy Characteristics (Texts) | TRANSP | C |
316 | TNPEPP | IS-H: PEPP Billing Parameters for Psychiatry/Psychosomatics | TRANSP | C |
317 | TNPEPP0 | IS-H: Define Parameters for PEPP Documentation | TRANSP | C |
318 | TNPGR | IS-H: Patient groups for PPR (Germany) | TRANSP | C |
319 | TNPOL | IS-H: Modules for NV2000/BAPI Processing | TRANSP | S |
320 | TNPPR | IS-H: Nursing Acuity Classification Parameters | TRANSP | C |
321 | TNPROC_MAT_REL | Assignment of Single-Qty PrCd. to Material and Summary PrCd. | TRANSP | C |
322 | TNPROC_SERVICE | Procedure Generation Using Services | TRANSP | C |
323 | TNR00 | IS-H: Report Control: Applications and Texts | TRANSP | S |
324 | TNR01 | IS-H: Report Control: Group - Application Asgmt. | TRANSP | C |
325 | TNR01T | IS-H: Report Control: Texts for Groups | TRANSP | C |
326 | TNR02 | IS-H: Report Control: Report - Group Asgmt | TRANSP | C |
327 | TNREL | IS-H: Insurance Provider - Relationships | TRANSP | C |
328 | TNRGT | Text for number range object groups | POOL | C |
329 | TNRO | Definition of number range objects | TRANSP | E |
330 | TNROS | TNRO Shadow Table for Number Range Object Transport | TRANSP | W |
331 | TNROST | TNROT Shadow Table for Number Range Object Transport | TRANSP | W |
332 | TNROT | Text for number range object | TRANSP | E |
333 | TNRS1 | IS-H: Assignment of Service Rule Types to Callup Points | TRANSP | E |
334 | TNRS2 | IS-H: Check procedure for service rules | TRANSP | C |
335 | TNRS2_CT | IS-H: Check Procedure for Rules - Case Category Restriction | TRANSP | C |
336 | TNRS6 | Number range sub-objects | TRANSP | L |
337 | TNRSF | IS-H: No Longer Use (New: TN39A/TN39T) | TRANSP | C |
338 | TNRSO | Number range sub-objects | POOL | L |
339 | TNRSO4 | Number range sub-objects | TRANSP | L |
340 | TNRT2 | Test no.ranges: with, w/o subobj.;indep.grp;1 no.range field | POOL | L |
341 | TNRT2T | Test no.ranges: with, w/o subobj.;indep.grp;1 no.range field | POOL | L |
342 | TNRT2X | Test no.ranges: with, w/o subobj.;indep.grp;1 no.range field | POOL | L |
343 | TNRT2XT | Test no.ranges: with, w/o subobj.;indep.grp;1 no.range field | POOL | L |
344 | TNRT3 | Test no.ranges:with,w/o subobj.;indep.grp; 2 no.range fields | POOL | L |
345 | TNRT3T | Test no.ranges:with,w/o subobj.;indep.grp; 2 no.range fields | POOL | L |
346 | TNRT5 | Test no.ranges: with, w/o subobj.;indep.grp;1 no.range field | POOL | L |
347 | TNRT5T | Test no.ranges:with,w/o subobj.;indep.grp; 2 no.range fields | POOL | L |
348 | TNRT6 | Test no.ranges:with,w/o subobj.;indep.grp; 2 no.range fields | POOL | L |
349 | TNRT6T | Test no.ranges:with,w/o subobj.;indep.grp; 2 no.range fields | POOL | L |
350 | TNRT7 | Test no.range:with subobject;dep. grp;1 no.range field | POOL | L |
351 | TNRT7T | Test no.range:with subobject;dep. grp;1 no.range field | POOL | L |
352 | TNRT8 | Test no.ranges:with subobject;;2 no.range fields | POOL | L |
353 | TNRT8A | Test no.ranges:with subobject;;2 no.range fields | POOL | L |
354 | TNRT8AT | Test no.range:with subobject;dep. grp;1 no.range field | POOL | L |
355 | TNRT8OT | Test NoRanges:with Sobj;Rel. Grp;2 No. Range fields | POOL | L |
356 | TNRT8T | Test no.range:with subobject;dep. grp;1 no.range field | POOL | L |
357 | TNS00 | IS-H: Program Lock When Creating Statistics | TRANSP | S |
358 | TNS01 | IS-H: Institution with a block for statistics transfer | TRANSP | C |
359 | TNS02 | IS-H: Age-Group Classification for Statistics | TRANSP | C |
360 | TNS03 | IS-H: Mandatory master record fields for the service stats. | TRANSP | C |
361 | TNS04 | IS-H: Check table for mandatory master record fields | TRANSP | S |
362 | TNS06 | IS-H: Switch for controlling the statistics transfer | TRANSP | C |
363 | TNS07 | IS-H: Check table for the switch for statistics transfer | TRANSP | S |
364 | TNS08 | IS-H: Algorithms for calc. quantities for service stats. | TRANSP | G |
365 | TNS09 | IS-H: Re-Map Services for Service Statistics | TRANSP | C |
366 | TNS20 | IS-H: Service Statistics | TRANSP | C |
367 | TNS21 | IS-H: Descriptive Texts for Statistics | TRANSP | C |
368 | TNS22 | IS-H: Line Texts for Statistics | TRANSP | C |
369 | TNS23 | IS-H: Assignment of Services to Lines in Statistics | TRANSP | C |
370 | TNS24 | IS-H: Log File for Totals Records File Services | TRANSP | L |
371 | TNS25 | IS-H: Factors for Determining Std Billing Days | TRANSP | L |
372 | TNS26 | IS-H: Discount Factors for Specific Case Classifications | TRANSP | C |
373 | TNS27 | IS-H: Variable Totaling of Geog. Statistics | TRANSP | C |
374 | TNS28 | IS-H: Assignment of org. units to services in statistics | TRANSP | C |
375 | TNSRVF01 | IS-H: Form-Based Service Entry Header (Form Attributes) | TRANSP | C |
376 | TNSTA0 | IS-H: Used Profiles Status Med. Basic Documentation | TRANSP | C |
377 | TNSTS | IS-H AT: Zeitstempel für Statistikaufbau (veraltet !!!) | TRANSP | A |
378 | TNT0 | IS-H: Categories of Service Assignments | TRANSP | C |
379 | TNT0T | IS-H: Texts for Category Table of Service Assignments | TRANSP | C |
380 | TNT1 | IS-H: Specialty-Related Service Catalogs | TRANSP | C |
381 | TNT2 | IS-H: Struct. Def. for Data Transfer from Seq. Files | TRANSP | G |
382 | TNT2S | IS-H: Record Types | TRANSP | G |
383 | TNT3 | IS-H: Definition of Service Rule Types | TRANSP | E |
384 | TNT3A | IS-H: Use of Service Rule Types | TRANSP | E |
385 | TNT3T | IS-H: Texts for Rule Types | TRANSP | E |
386 | TNTHCLASS | Medication: Therapeutic Classes | TRANSP | C |
387 | TNTHCLASST | Medication: Therapeutic Classes - Texts | TRANSP | C |
388 | TNTHSYS | Medication: Classification System of Therapeutic Classes | TRANSP | C |
389 | TNTHSYST | Medication: Classification System of Therap. Classes - Texts | TRANSP | C |
390 | TNTP | International Article Number (EAN) Categories | TRANSP | G |
391 | TNTPB | Descriptions of EAN Categories | TRANSP | G |
392 | TNTRABR | Subsequent Settlement: Central Control Table | TRANSP | C |
393 | TNTRARCHIVE | Customizing Settings for Archiving Arrangements | TRANSP | C |
394 | TNUSERTERM | Assignment of User and Terminal | TRANSP | C |
395 | TNUSR | IS-H: Fixed Values User Master | TRANSP | C |
396 | TNVRGC | IS-H: Bus.Transaction Check on Single Field Level (Customer) | TRANSP | C |
397 | TNVRGR | IS-H: Business Transaction Check on Single Field Level (SAP) | TRANSP | S |
398 | TNVSL | IS-H: Rules for Determining Multiplication Factors | TRANSP | C |
399 | TNVVA | IS-H: Relationship to main insured | TRANSP | C |
400 | TNVVB | IS-H: Texte der Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse | TRANSP | C |
401 | TNV_SUBOBJ | Progress Tracking Object:Activities and Networks | TRANSP | A |
402 | TNWATBETTEN | IS-H AT: Bettenanzahl pro Abteilung und Station | TRANSP | A |
403 | TNWATDIA_STERNKR | IS-H AT: Diagnosen: Stern-Kreuz-Plausibilität | TRANSP | A |
404 | TNWATFCO | IS-H AT: ELDA Fehlercodes | TRANSP | G |
405 | TNWATINTENS | Systemsteuerungsparameter Intensivdokumentation | TRANSP | A |
406 | TNWATKBDIA | IS-H AT: Leistungsgenerierung - Ausschluß über Diagnosen | TRANSP | C |
407 | TNWATKBGEN | IS-H AT: Leistungsgenerierung | TRANSP | C |
408 | TNWATLROPGR | IS-H AT: Leistungsregel - Höherreihung OP-Gruppen | TRANSP | C |
409 | TNWATLROPLST | IS-H AT: Leistungsregel - Höherreihung OP-Gruppen | TRANSP | C |
410 | TNWATLRTKGR | IS-H AT: Lregel - Höher. Tageskliniken - TK-Gruppen | TRANSP | C |
411 | TNWATLRTKLST | IS-H AT: Lregel - Höher. Tageskliniken - spez. TK-Leistung | TRANSP | C |
412 | TNWATOEARZT | IS-H AT: Arztzuordnung zu OE | TRANSP | C |
413 | TNWATRDNOT | IS-H AT: ELDA Codes für Rückmeldung-Entlassung | TRANSP | G |
414 | TNWATSCD | IS-H AT: Systeminformationen für EDI-Scoring | TRANSP | A |
415 | TNWAT_AAD | IS-H AT: Ausschluss ambulanter Datenaustausch | TRANSP | C |
416 | TNWAT_ABB_BEFRGR | IS-H AT: Befreiungsgründe für die Ambulanzgebühren | TRANSP | C |
417 | TNWAT_ABB_BEFRGT | IS-H AT: Befreiungsgründe für die Ambulanzgebühren (Text) | TRANSP | C |
418 | TNWAT_ABB_KBL | IS-H AT: Ambulanzbeitrag KB-Leistungen | TRANSP | C |
419 | TNWAT_ANATOMY | Codes für Anatomie fein | TRANSP | G |
420 | TNWAT_BETR | IS-H AT: Ermittlung Betreuungsschein | TRANSP | C |
421 | TNWAT_DEKADE_H | IS-H AT: Customizingtabelle für Dekaden (Kopfdaten) | TRANSP | C |
422 | TNWAT_DEKADE_P | IS-H AT: Customizingtabelle für Dekaden (Positionsdaten) | TRANSP | C |
423 | TNWAT_DEK_KOST | IS-H AT: Dekaden (Kostenträgerdaten) | TRANSP | C |
424 | TNWAT_EDI_CODES | IS-H AT: EDIVKA EDI Verfahren Codelisten | TRANSP | G |
425 | TNWAT_EDI_FACDEF | IS-H AT: EDIVKA Korrekturenfaktoren und Nebenbedingungen | TRANSP | C |
426 | TNWAT_EDI_KOM | IS-H AT: EDI Kommentar (K12) - Vorlagen | TRANSP | A |
427 | TNWAT_EDI_KONDMP | IS-H AT: EDIVKA Konditionen zu Korrekturfakt./Nebenbeding. | TRANSP | C |
428 | TNWAT_EDI_SERVMP | IS-H AT: EDIVKA Ermittlg Arzt-/Haus-Leist. über Tarifgruppen | TRANSP | C |
429 | TNWAT_EDI_VERTR | IS-H AT: EDIVKA Vereinbarungen Krankenhaus und Versicherung | TRANSP | C |
430 | TNWAT_EURS | IS-H AT: Ermittlung Ursache der Behandlung | TRANSP | C |
431 | TNWAT_GIN_PINCD | IS-H AT: GINA PIN-Code der O-Card zur Dialogpoolerzeugung | TRANSP | C |
432 | TNWAT_GIN_PORTS | IS-H AT: GINA Portdefinition (log. Port für GINA-Proxy) | TRANSP | C |
433 | TNWAT_GIN_PORTVP | IS-H AT: GINA Port-Vertragspartnernummerzuordnung | TRANSP | C |
434 | TNWAT_GIN_TERMCR | IS-H AT: GINA Zuordnung Terminal - CardReader | TRANSP | C |
435 | TNWAT_GIN_USRTRM | IS-H AT: GINA Zuordnung User - Terminal | TRANSP | C |
436 | TNWAT_GIN_VERS | IS-H AT: GINA Schnittstellen- und Proxyversionseinstellungen | TRANSP | S |
437 | TNWAT_LEIKOM_HDR | IS-H AT: Leistungskombinationen umschlüsseln - Header | TRANSP | C |
438 | TNWAT_LEIKOM_POS | IS-H AT: Leistungskombinationen umschlüsseln - Position | TRANSP | C |
439 | TNWAT_NKRS_NEW | IS-H AT: neue Nummernkreise für jährliche Umstellung via Job | TRANSP | C |
440 | TNWAT_OE_ABBEXC | IS-H AT: Ambulanzbehandlungsarten für Ambulanzgebühren | TRANSP | C |
441 | TNWAT_OE_VPNR | IS-H AT: Vertragspartnernummern für Ambulanzen | TRANSP | C |
442 | TNWAT_SCOEWKOMM | IS-H AT: Scoring - Std-Kommentar für akzept. Errors/Warnings | TRANSP | C |
443 | TNWAT_SCOMSGCL | IS-H AT: Scoring Nachrichten-Klassifizierung | TRANSP | C |
444 | TNWAT_SCOMSGCLT | IS-H AT: Scoring Nachrichten-Klassifizierung - Texte | TRANSP | C |
445 | TNWAT_SCOMSGID | IS-H AT: Scoring Nachrichten (+ Klassifizierung) | TRANSP | C |
446 | TNWAT_SCOMSGIDT | IS-H AT: Scoring Nachrichten - Texte | TRANSP | C |
447 | TNWAT_SCOPARAM | IS-H AT: Scoring - Parameter | TRANSP | C |
448 | TNWAT_SCOVARI | IS-H AT: Scoring- Standard-Layout (Karteireiter) | TRANSP | A |
449 | TNWAT_SCO_HGRS | IS-H AT: Höchstgrenzen für Scoring | TRANSP | A |
450 | TNWAT_SRULE_OPT | IS-H AT: Einstellungen fürs Leistungsstorno abh. Leistungen | TRANSP | C |
451 | TNWCH10 | IS-H CH: Anästhesierisikoklasse | TRANSP | C |
452 | TNWCH100 | IS-H CH: Honoraraufteilkennzeichen | TRANSP | C |
453 | TNWCH100T | IS-H CH: Texte zu den Honoraraufteilkennzeichen | TRANSP | C |
454 | TNWCH101 | IS-H CH: Pools für Honorarabrechnung | TRANSP | A |
455 | TNWCH101T | IS-H CH: Texte zu den Pools | TRANSP | C |
456 | TNWCH102 | IS-H CH: Positionen zum Pool | TRANSP | A |
457 | TNWCH103 | IS-H CH: Ermittlung des Aufteilungscodes | TRANSP | A |
458 | TNWCH104 | IS-H CH: Customizing Verrechnungskonto | TRANSP | C |
459 | TNWCH105 | IS-H CH: Buchungsvarianten | TRANSP | C |
460 | TNWCH106 | IS-H CH: Kontenfindung (Honorarabrechnung) | TRANSP | C |
461 | TNWCH107 | IS-H CH: Abrechnungsartenermittlung für Honorarabrechnung | TRANSP | C |
462 | TNWCH108 | IS-H CH: Punktwertermittlung für Honorarabrechnung | TRANSP | C |
463 | TNWCH10T | IS-H CH: Anästhesierisikoklasse - Texte | TRANSP | C |
464 | TNWCH11 | IS-H CH: Anästhesietyp | TRANSP | C |
465 | TNWCH11T | IS-H CH: Anästhesietyp - Texte | TRANSP | C |
466 | TNWCH12 | IS-H CH: Anästhesiecode | TRANSP | C |
467 | TNWCH12T | IS-H CH: Anästhesiecode - Texte | TRANSP | C |
468 | TNWCH13 | IS-H CH: Sitzungscode | TRANSP | C |
469 | TNWCH13T | IS-H CH: Sitzungscode - Texte | TRANSP | C |
470 | TNWCH14 | IS-H CH: Mengenermittlung Leistungsregel OP | TRANSP | C |
471 | TNWCH14T | IS-H CH: Texte zu den Mengenformeln der LstRegel OP | TRANSP | C |
472 | TNWCH150 | IS-H CH: Definition Zeit-/Maßeinheiten | TRANSP | C |
473 | TNWCH150T | IS-H CH: Texttabelle zu Zeitmarken | TRANSP | C |
474 | TNWCH20 | IS-H CH: Radiologiegruppe | TRANSP | C |
475 | TNWCH20T | IS-H CH: Radiologiegruppe - Texte | TRANSP | C |
476 | TNWCH21 | IS-H CH: Radiologie-Gruppendefinition | TRANSP | C |
477 | TNWCH30 | IS-H CH: TarMed Leistungsdauer umschlüsseln | TRANSP | C |
478 | TNWCH70 | IS-H CH: Classes | TRANSP | C |
479 | TNWCH70T | IS-H CH: Classes - Texts | TRANSP | C |
480 | TNWCH71 | IS-H CH: Service in Enhancement to Other Insurers | TRANSP | C |
481 | TNWCH71T | IS-H CH: Service in Enhancement to Other Insurers - Texts | TRANSP | C |
482 | TNWCH72 | IS-H CH: IV Procedures | TRANSP | C |
483 | TNWCH72T | IS-H CH: IV Procedures Texts | TRANSP | C |
484 | TNWCH73 | IS-H CH: Rejection Reason Codes | TRANSP | C |
485 | TNWCH73T | IS-H CH: Rejection Reason Codes - Texts | TRANSP | C |
486 | TNWCH74 | IS-H CH: Vertragstypen Zuordnungstabelle | TRANSP | C |
487 | TNWCH75 | IS-H CH: Zuordnung KÜ-Verfahren <<->> Kantonstarif | TRANSP | A |
488 | TNWCH76 | IS-H CH: Zuordnung Kostenübernahme - Rückweisbegründung Code | TRANSP | A |
489 | TNWCH77 | IS-H CH: KÜ-Verfahren | TRANSP | C |
490 | TNWCH77T | IS-H CH: KÜ Verfahren Texte | TRANSP | C |
491 | TNWCH78 | IS-H CH: Zuordnung KÜ-Verfahren => Klasse | TRANSP | C |
492 | TNWCH79 | IS-H CH: Zuordnung KÜ-Verfahren => Kantonstarif | TRANSP | A |
493 | TNWCH80 | IS-H CH: Charge Factor Value Determination | TRANSP | C |
494 | TNWCH81 | IS-H CH: Billing Type Determination | TRANSP | C |
495 | TNWCH82 | IS-H CH: Punktwertermittlung für TARMED-Leistungen | TRANSP | C |
496 | TNWCH83 | Ermittlung der Baserate | TRANSP | C |
497 | TNWCH84 | Ermittlung des Kostenteilers | TRANSP | C |
498 | TNWCH85 | Verwendung Kostenteiler pflegen | TRANSP | C |
499 | TNWCH90 | IS-H CH: Honorarrelevanz | TRANSP | C |
500 | TNWCH90R | IS-H CH: Zuordnung Rolle->Konditionsart | TRANSP | C |