SAP ABAP Table - Index T, page 13
- T-1 T-2 T-3 T-4 T-5 T-6 T-7 T-8 T-9 T-10 T-11 T-12 T-13 T-14 T-15 T-16 T-17 T-18 T-19 T-20 T-21 T-22 T-23 T-24 T-25 T-26 T-27 T-28 T-29 T-30 T-31 T-32 T-33 T-34 T-35 T-36 T-37 T-38 T-39 T-40 T-41 T-42 T-43 T-44 T-45 T-46 T-47 T-48 T-49 T-50 T-51 T-52 T-53 T-54 T-55 T-56 T-57 T-58 T-59 T-60 T-61 T-62 T-63 T-64 T-65
Table - T
# | Table name | Short Description | Table Category | Delivery Class |
1 | T5N5F | Text: Special Indicators (UVI) | TRANSP | E |
2 | T5N5G | Primary Insurance Cover/Capacity of the Insured (NL) (New) | TRANSP | S |
3 | T5N5GT | Text: Primary Insurance Cover/Capacity of the Insured (NL) | TRANSP | S |
4 | T5N5H | Correct Combinations of Social Security Schemes (NL) | TRANSP | S |
5 | T5N5L | Text: Calculation Methods (NL) | TRANSP | E |
6 | T5N5M | Calculation Methods for Pensions (NL) | TRANSP | E |
7 | T5N5N | Check Table for Pension Schemes (NL) | TRANSP | C |
8 | T5N5O | Text: Pension Schemes (NL) | TRANSP | C |
9 | T5N5P | Pension Schemes (NL) | TRANSP | C |
10 | T5N5Q | Calculation Table for Pensions (NL) | TRANSP | C |
11 | T5N5R | Text: Pension Indicators (NL) | TRANSP | C |
12 | T5N5S | Text: Professional Group Code (NL) | TRANSP | E |
13 | T5N5T | Text: Primary Insurance Cover/Capacity of Insured (NL) | TRANSP | E |
14 | T5N5U | Text: Pay Scale [CAO] Indicator | TRANSP | C |
15 | T5N5V | Marital Status for Evaluations | TRANSP | C |
16 | T5N5W | Professional Group Code | TRANSP | E |
17 | T5N6A | Regulations | TRANSP | C |
18 | T5N6AT | Description of Regulations | TRANSP | C |
19 | T5N6B | Calculation Components of Regulation | TRANSP | C |
20 | T5N6BT | Description of Calculation Components of Regulation | TRANSP | C |
21 | T5N6C | Link between Regulations and Calculation Components | TRANSP | C |
22 | T5N6D | Calculation Codes for Regulations | TRANSP | C |
23 | T5N6DT | Description of Calculation Codes | TRANSP | C |
24 | T5N6E | Calculation Data for Entitlements | TRANSP | C |
25 | T5N6F | Calculation Data for Reservations | TRANSP | C |
26 | T5N6G | Calculation Data for Pay-out and Forwarding | TRANSP | C |
27 | T5N71 | Flexibility and Security Phase Categorization Code/Obsolete | TRANSP | E |
28 | T5N71T | Flexib. and Security Phase Categorization Code Text/Obsolete | TRANSP | E |
29 | T5N72 | Indicator of Type of Work Relationship for Wage Return | TRANSP | E |
30 | T5N72T | Text Table Indicator of Type of Work Relationship | TRANSP | E |
31 | T5N73 | Indicator of Collective Agreement for Wage Return | TRANSP | C |
32 | T5N73T | Text Table for Collective Agreement Indicator | TRANSP | C |
33 | T5N74 | Insurance Obligation Influence Code | TRANSP | E |
34 | T5N74T | nsurance Obligation Influence Code Text | TRANSP | E |
35 | T5N75 | Flexibility and Security Phase Categorization Indicator | TRANSP | E |
36 | T5N75T | Flexibility and Security Phase Categorization Indic. Text | TRANSP | E |
37 | T5N76 | Municipal Personal Records Database [GBA] Code Countries | TRANSP | C |
38 | T5N81 | EE Grouping for ER Contrib. to Life-Course Savings Scheme | TRANSP | C |
39 | T5N81T | EE Grouping for ER Contrib. to Life-Course Savings Scheme | TRANSP | C |
40 | T5N82 | Employer Contribution to Life-Course Savings Scheme | TRANSP | C |
41 | T5N9A | Authority Addresses (NL) | TRANSP | C |
42 | T5N9B | Text: Authority Text (NL) | TRANSP | E |
43 | T5N9C | Text: Authorities (NL) | TRANSP | E |
44 | T5N9D | Executive Authority and Tax Office Notification (NL) | TRANSP | C |
45 | T5N9E | Text: Authority Notifications (NL) | TRANSP | C |
46 | T5N9F | Tab. f. Comb. of Pers. Actions and Reasons for Pers. Actions | TRANSP | E |
47 | T5N9G | Text Table for Comb. of Type of Pers. Action and Reason | TRANSP | E |
48 | T5N9H | Assign Events to Pers. Actions and Reasons f. Pers. Actions | TRANSP | C |
49 | T5N9I | External Agencies | TRANSP | C |
50 | T5N9J | Text: External Agencies | TRANSP | C |
51 | T5N9O | Representing Legal Person Text | TRANSP | C |
52 | T5N9P | Representing Legal Persons (for External Agencies) | TRANSP | C |
53 | T5N9R | Relationship Repr. Legal Person and External Agencies | TRANSP | C |
54 | T5NA1 | GBA status | TRANSP | S |
55 | T5NA1T | Omschrijving van GBA status | TRANSP | S |
56 | T5NA2 | Autorisatietabel GBA | TRANSP | S |
57 | T5NA2T | Omschrijving autorisatietabel GBA | TRANSP | S |
58 | T5NA3 | Land conversie tabel | TRANSP | C |
59 | T5NA4 | Constante tabel | TRANSP | C |
60 | T5NA5 | Definitie van adhoc aanvragen | TRANSP | C |
61 | T5NA7 | Teksten voor ad-hoc aanvragen | TRANSP | C |
62 | T5NA8 | Triggering van rubrieken | TRANSP | S |
63 | T5NA9 | Triggering van gebeurtenissen | TRANSP | E |
64 | T5NAA | Triggering van velden | TRANSP | C |
65 | T5NAB | Triggering van processen | TRANSP | E |
66 | T5NAC | Toewijzing van waarden | TRANSP | C |
67 | T5NAD | Conversie van infotype velden naar dynpro velden | TRANSP | C |
68 | T5NBB | Omschrijving pensioenproducten (ALM/FAS interface) | TRANSP | C |
69 | T5NBC | TRANSP | C | |
70 | T5NBF | Prioriteitsbepaling gebeurtenissen (ALM/FAS interface) | TRANSP | C |
71 | T5NBG | Berekeningsmethode (FAS/ALM interface) | TRANSP | C |
72 | T5NBH | Omschrijving gebeurtenis (ALM/FAS interface) | TRANSP | C |
73 | T5NBI | Pensioenprodukt (ALM/FAS interface) | TRANSP | C |
74 | T5ND1 | HR-CH: Pension fund postings | TRANSP | A |
75 | T5ND2 | HR-CH: Pension fund postings | TRANSP | C |
76 | T5ND3 | HR-CH: Pension fund postings | TRANSP | C |
77 | T5ND4 | HR-CH: Pension fund postings | TRANSP | C |
78 | T5ND5 | Action per Event for retroactive Accounting for NL Pension | TRANSP | C |
79 | T5NDA | Log tabel voor euroconversie van IT0279 waardecomponenten | TRANSP | C |
80 | T5NDB | Log tabel voor euroconversie van tabel T5CPB | TRANSP | C |
81 | T5NDC | Log tabel voor euroconversie van tabel T5NE3 VK Reporting | TRANSP | C |
82 | T5NDD | Log tabel voor euroconversie van tabel T5NEA VK Reporting | TRANSP | C |
83 | T5NDE | Log tabel voor euroconversie van IT0665 | TRANSP | C |
84 | T5NDF | HR-NL: Output-groeperingen | TRANSP | C |
85 | T5NDFT | HR-NL: Teksten voor gebeurtenissen | TRANSP | C |
86 | T5NDG | HR-NL: Output-sequentie voor output-groepering | TRANSP | C |
87 | T5NDH | HR-NL: Output-groepering voor gebeurtenis | TRANSP | C |
88 | T5NDI | HR-NL: Eigenschappen van gebeurtenissen | TRANSP | C |
89 | T5NDJ | HR-NL: Mapping van gebeurtenissen | TRANSP | C |
90 | T5NDK | HR-NL: Gebeurtenissentabel SAP HR Pension Funds Netherlands | TRANSP | A |
91 | T5NDL | TRANSP | C | |
92 | T5NE1 | Groepsdefinitie (VK-rapport) | TRANSP | C |
93 | T5NE2 | Omschrijving groepen (VK-rapport) | TRANSP | C |
94 | T5NE3 | Standentabel (VK-rapport) | TRANSP | C |
95 | T5NE4 | Definitie van VK-rapport | TRANSP | C |
96 | T5NE5 | VK-rapport omschrijving | TRANSP | C |
97 | T5NE6 | Berekeningsmethode (VK-rapport) | TRANSP | C |
98 | T5NE7 | Definitie van variabelen (VK-rapport) | TRANSP | C |
99 | T5NE8 | Variabele omschrijving (VK-rapport) | TRANSP | C |
100 | T5NE9 | Account (VK rapport) | TRANSP | A |
101 | T5NEA | Account (VK rapport) | TRANSP | A |
102 | T5NF1 | PA-PF-NL: Pensionsprodukte | TRANSP | C |
103 | T5NF2 | PA-PF-NL: Pensionsprodukttexte | TRANSP | C |
104 | T5NF3 | PA-PF-NL: Feldzuordnung für Infotyp 279 | TRANSP | C |
105 | T5NF4 | TRANSP | C | |
106 | T5NG1 | Status per subtyp voor waardeoverdracht | TRANSP | C |
107 | T5NG2 | Omschrijving status voor waardeoverdracht | TRANSP | C |
108 | T5NG3 | Verloop toelaatbare status i.v.m. waardeoverdracht | TRANSP | C |
109 | T5NG4 | Waardevelden voor waardeoverdracht | TRANSP | C |
110 | T5NG5 | Omschrijving waardevelden voor waardeoverdracht | TRANSP | C |
111 | T5NG6 | Circuits voor waardeoverdracht | TRANSP | C |
112 | T5NG7 | Omschrijving circuits voor waardeoverdracht | TRANSP | C |
113 | T5NG8 | TRANSP | C | |
114 | T5NG9 | TRANSP | C | |
115 | T5NGA | TRANSP | C | |
116 | T5NH1 | TRANSP | C | |
117 | T5NH1T | TRANSP | C | |
118 | T5NH2 | TRANSP | C | |
119 | T5NH2T | TRANSP | C | |
120 | T5NH3 | TRANSP | C | |
121 | T5NH4 | TRANSP | C | |
122 | T5NH5 | TRANSP | C | |
123 | T5NH6 | TRANSP | C | |
124 | T5NH6T | TRANSP | C | |
125 | T5NH7 | TRANSP | C | |
126 | T5NH7T | TRANSP | C | |
127 | T5NH8 | TRANSP | C | |
128 | T5NH8T | TRANSP | C | |
129 | T5NH9 | TRANSP | C | |
130 | T5NH9T | TRANSP | C | |
131 | T5NI1T | Descriptions PW Activities | TRANSP | E |
132 | T5NI2 | Eligibility for Perm. Inv. Benefit (Restrictions) Act plan | TRANSP | C |
133 | T5NI2T | Description of 'Permanent Invalidity Benefit' plan | TRANSP | C |
134 | T5NI3 | Default PW Plan | TRANSP | C |
135 | T5NI4 | PW Absence Types | TRANSP | C |
136 | T5NI5 | PW Activities | TRANSP | E |
137 | T5NII | Income Indicators (NL) | TRANSP | E |
138 | T5NK1 | TRANSP | C | |
139 | T5NK1T | TRANSP | C | |
140 | T5NK2 | TRANSP | C | |
141 | T5NK3 | TRANSP | C | |
142 | T5NK3T | TRANSP | C | |
143 | T5NK4 | TRANSP | C | |
144 | T5NK4T | TRANSP | C | |
145 | T5NK5 | TRANSP | C | |
146 | T5NK5T | TRANSP | C | |
147 | T5NK6 | TRANSP | C | |
148 | T5NK6T | TRANSP | C | |
149 | T5NK7 | TRANSP | A | |
150 | T5NK8 | TRANSP | A | |
151 | T5NK9 | TRANSP | A | |
152 | T5NKA | TRANSP | A | |
153 | T5NKB | TRANSP | C | |
154 | T5NKBT | TRANSP | C | |
155 | T5NKC | TRANSP | C | |
156 | T5NKCT | TRANSP | C | |
157 | T5NKD | TRANSP | A | |
158 | T5NKDT | TRANSP | A | |
159 | T5NKE | TRANSP | A | |
160 | T5NKF | TRANSP | C | |
161 | T5NKFT | TRANSP | C | |
162 | T5NKG | TRANSP | C | |
163 | T5NKGT | TRANSP | C | |
164 | T5NKH | TRANSP | A | |
165 | T5NKHT | TRANSP | A | |
166 | T5NKI | TRANSP | A | |
167 | T5NKJ | TRANSP | C | |
168 | T5NKJT | TRANSP | C | |
169 | T5NKK | TRANSP | C | |
170 | T5NKKT | TRANSP | C | |
171 | T5NKL | TRANSP | A | |
172 | T5NKLT | TRANSP | A | |
173 | T5NKM | TRANSP | A | |
174 | T5NKN | TRANSP | C | |
175 | T5NKNT | TRANSP | C | |
176 | T5NKO | TRANSP | C | |
177 | T5NKOT | TRANSP | C | |
178 | T5NKP | TRANSP | C | |
179 | T5NKPT | TRANSP | C | |
180 | T5NKQ | TRANSP | C | |
181 | T5NKQT | TRANSP | C | |
182 | T5NKR | TRANSP | C | |
183 | T5NKRT | TRANSP | C | |
184 | T5NKS | TRANSP | A | |
185 | T5NKST | TRANSP | A | |
186 | T5NKT1 | TRANSP | A | |
187 | T5NKT2 | TRANSP | A | |
188 | T5NKU | TRANSP | C | |
189 | T5NKUT | TRANSP | C | |
190 | T5NKV | TRANSP | C | |
191 | T5NKVT | TRANSP | C | |
192 | T5NKW | TRANSP | A | |
193 | T5NKWT | TRANSP | A | |
194 | T5NKX | TRANSP | A | |
195 | T5NKY | TRANSP | C | |
196 | T5NKYT | TRANSP | C | |
197 | T5NKZ | TRANSP | C | |
198 | T5NKZT | TRANSP | C | |
199 | T5NL0 | TRANSP | A | |
200 | T5NL0T | TRANSP | A | |
201 | T5NL1 | TRANSP | A | |
202 | T5NL2 | TRANSP | C | |
203 | T5NL2T | TRANSP | C | |
204 | T5NL3 | TRANSP | C | |
205 | T5NL4 | TRANSP | C | |
206 | T5NM1 | Signal Grouping for MOMI | TRANSP | C |
207 | T5NM1T | Dscription of Signal Grouping for MOMI | TRANSP | C |
208 | T5NM2 | Signals for MOMI | TRANSP | E |
209 | T5NM2T | Description of Signals (not used) | TRANSP | E |
210 | T5NM3 | Assignment of Signal to Signal Grouping | TRANSP | C |
211 | T5NP0 | TRANSP | C | |
212 | T5NP1 | TRANSP | C | |
213 | T5NP2 | TRANSP | C | |
214 | T5NP3 | HR-Gran: Mapping table VALTY - LGART for Simulation | TRANSP | C |
215 | T5NRE | Retirement Age (AOW Age) | TRANSP | E |
216 | T5NU1 | TRANSP | C | |
217 | T5P03 | HR-PT: Employee Groups / Subgroups - Classification | TRANSP | C |
218 | T5P0P | HR-PT: Personnel Subarea Supplements | TRANSP | C |
219 | T5P1F | HR-PT: Tax offices | TRANSP | S |
220 | T5P1J | HR-PT: Grouping and characteristics of legal entity (JUPER | TRANSP | C |
221 | T5P1P | HR-PT: Table of tax rates | TRANSP | C |
222 | T5P1R | HR-PT: Tax rates table | TRANSP | S |
223 | T5P1S | HR-PT: Tax status table | TRANSP | S |
224 | T5P1T | HR-PT: Text table for the relation of tax calc. | TRANSP | S |
225 | T5P1U | HR-PT: Relation of reference amount WTs for tax calculation | TRANSP | S |
226 | T5P1W | HR-PT: Relation of wage types in tax calculation | TRANSP | S |
227 | T5P2A | HR-PT: Social Security Infotype Subtypes | TRANSP | E |
228 | T5P2B | HR-PT: Social Security Infotype Subtypes | TRANSP | E |
229 | T5P2C | HR-PT: Contract Types | TRANSP | S |
230 | T5P2E | HR-PT: Social Security Contributor | TRANSP | C |
231 | T5P2I | HR-PT: Social Security Institutions | TRANSP | E |
232 | T5P2J | HR-PT: Social Security Subregional Services | TRANSP | S |
233 | T5P2L | HR-PT: Voluntary Social Insurance Levels | TRANSP | S |
234 | T5P2M | HR-PT: Social Security - Wage Types for 13th/14th Month | TRANSP | S |
235 | T5P2P | HR-PT: Social Security Regimes - Payroll Processing | TRANSP | E |
236 | T5P2Q | HR-PT: Social Security Regimes - Contribution Parameters | TRANSP | E |
237 | T5P2R | HR-PT: Social Security - Master Data Regimes | TRANSP | E |
238 | T5P2S | HR-PT: Assignment to Social Security Regimes | TRANSP | E |
239 | T5P2U | HR-PT: Social Security Contributor | TRANSP | C |
240 | T5P2V | HR-PT: Social Security Institutions | TRANSP | E |
241 | T5P2W | HR-PT: Voluntary Social Insurance Levels | TRANSP | S |
242 | T5P2X | HR-PT: Social Security - Master Data Regimes | TRANSP | E |
243 | T5P2Y | HR-PT: Contract Types | TRANSP | S |
244 | T5P3E | HR-PT: Legal entities for issuing disability documents | TRANSP | E |
245 | T5P3L | HR-PT: Disability levels | TRANSP | C |
246 | T5P4G | HR-PT: Vacation and Christmas allowance groupings | TRANSP | C |
247 | T5P4Y | HR-PT: Text table for vacation and Christmas all.groupings | TRANSP | C |
248 | T5P5T | HR-PT: Text table for the Functional Structure designation | TRANSP | C |
249 | T5P6C | HR-PT: Councils | TRANSP | S |
250 | T5P6D | HR-PT: Districts | TRANSP | S |
251 | T5P6P | HR-PT: Parishes | TRANSP | S |
252 | T5PA0 | HR-PT: Assignment of coverage rules | TRANSP | C |
253 | T5PA1 | HR-PT: Coverage rules | TRANSP | E |
254 | T5PA2 | HR-PT: Splitting rules | TRANSP | E |
255 | T5PA3 | HR-PT: Counting rules | TRANSP | E |
256 | T5PA4 | HR-PT: Influence of absence types in counting rules | TRANSP | E |
257 | T5PA5 | HR-PT: Map WTs in absence evaluation rule | TRANSP | C |
258 | T5PA6 | HR-PT: Coverage rule texts | TRANSP | E |
259 | T5PA7 | HR-PT: Counting rule texts | TRANSP | E |
260 | T5PA8 | HR-PT: Splitting rule texts | TRANSP | E |
261 | T5PA9 | HR-PT: Splits in splitting rules | TRANSP | E |
262 | T5PAB | HR-PT: Absence/Attendance types - Reporting classification | TRANSP | C |
263 | T5PBSR1A | Type of National Service and Unit | TRANSP | C |
264 | T5PBSR1AT | Text For Type of National Service And Unit | TRANSP | C |
265 | T5PBSR1B | National Service Status | TRANSP | C |
266 | T5PBSR1BT | Text For National Service Status | TRANSP | C |
267 | T5PBSR1C | RANK at ORD / Reservist | TRANSP | C |
268 | T5PBSR1CT | Text For Rank at ORD / Reservist | TRANSP | C |
269 | T5PBSR1D | Vocation | TRANSP | C |
270 | T5PBSR1DT | Text For Vocation | TRANSP | C |
271 | T5PBSR1E | Commendation | TRANSP | C |
272 | T5PBSR1ET | Text For Commendation | TRANSP | C |
273 | T5PBSR1F | Performance rating for national service | TRANSP | C |
274 | T5PBSR1FT | Text For Performance Rating | TRANSP | C |
275 | T5PBSR1G | Conduct rating for national service | TRANSP | C |
276 | T5PBSR1GT | Text For Conduct Rating | TRANSP | C |
277 | T5PBSR1H | Mobilisation Code | TRANSP | C |
278 | T5PBSR1HT | Text For Mobilisation | TRANSP | C |
279 | T5PBSR1J | Level Of Clearance | TRANSP | C |
280 | T5PBSR1JT | Text For Level Of Clearance | TRANSP | C |
281 | T5PBSR1K | Status Of Clearance | TRANSP | C |
282 | T5PBSR1KT | Text For Status Of Clearance | TRANSP | C |
283 | T5PBSR1L | Types Of Voluntary Services / ECA | TRANSP | C |
284 | T5PBSR1LT | Text For Voluntary Services / ECA | TRANSP | C |
285 | T5PBSR1M | Position Held In Voluntary Service / ECA | TRANSP | C |
286 | T5PBSR1MT | Text For Position Held In Voluntary Service / ECA | TRANSP | C |
287 | T5PBSR1N | Representation | TRANSP | C |
288 | T5PBSR1NT | Text For Representation | TRANSP | C |
289 | T5PBSR1O | Subject | TRANSP | C |
290 | T5PBSR1OT | Text For Subject Code | TRANSP | C |
291 | T5PBSR1P | Asset Type | TRANSP | C |
292 | T5PBSR1PT | Text For Asset Type | TRANSP | C |
293 | T5PBSR1Q | Dialect Group | TRANSP | C |
294 | T5PBSR1QT | Text For Dialect Group | TRANSP | C |
295 | T5PBSR1T | Link table for absence and NS Type (No longer in use) | TRANSP | C |
296 | T5PBSR2A | Stores the employer MediSave reference number | TRANSP | C |
297 | T5PBSR2B | SI contr. table for Govt Pensionable Employees. | TRANSP | C |
298 | T5PBSR2C | PR contr. table for govt. pensionable employees. | TRANSP | C |
299 | T5PBSR2D | SI contr. table for Govt Non-pensionable Employees | TRANSP | C |
300 | T5PBSR2E | PR contr. table for Govt. non-pensionable employees. | TRANSP | C |
301 | T5PBSR2F | Special MSO Calculation Rules | TRANSP | C |
302 | T5PBSR3A | Leave scheme types | TRANSP | E |
303 | T5PBSR3AT | Text table for leave schemes | TRANSP | E |
304 | T5PBSR3B | Leave entitlement | TRANSP | C |
305 | T5PBSR3BI | Group identifier for leave entilement | TRANSP | C |
306 | T5PBSR3BIT | Text for group identifier for leave entilement | TRANSP | C |
307 | T5PBSR3C | Leave Quota Entitlement | TRANSP | C |
308 | T5PBSR3CI | Group for leave quota | TRANSP | C |
309 | T5PBSR3CIT | Text for group for leave quota | TRANSP | C |
310 | T5PBSR3D | Leave allowance and daily rate of make up vac lv - scheme 73 | TRANSP | C |
311 | T5PBSR3DI | Group for leave allowance | TRANSP | C |
312 | T5PBSR3DIT | Text for group for leave allowance | TRANSP | C |
313 | T5PBSR3G | Division | TRANSP | E |
314 | T5PBSR3GT | Division text | TRANSP | C |
315 | T5PBSR3H | Salary Grouping | TRANSP | C |
316 | T5PBSR3I | Define the maximum number of absence days w/o proration | TRANSP | C |
317 | T5PBSR3J | Guideline for proration | TRANSP | E |
318 | T5PBSR4A | Appointment type | TRANSP | C |
319 | T5PBSR4AT | Appointment type description | TRANSP | C |
320 | T5PBSR4B | Tenure of office | TRANSP | C |
321 | T5PBSR4BT | Tenure of office description | TRANSP | C |
322 | T5PBSR6A | Scheme of Services | TRANSP | E |
323 | T5PBSR6AT | Text for Scheme of Services | TRANSP | C |
324 | T5PBSR6B | Salary Code | TRANSP | C |
325 | T5PBSR6BT | Text for Salary Code | TRANSP | C |
326 | T5PBSR6C | Assignment between Scheme Code and Salary Code | TRANSP | C |
327 | T5PBSR6D | (Not used, will be deleted in 4.6) | TRANSP | C |
328 | T5PBSR6E | Annual Wage Adjustment for Basic Component | TRANSP | C |
329 | T5PBSR6F | Monthly Salary Scale | TRANSP | C |
330 | T5PBSR6G | Basic Component | TRANSP | C |
331 | T5PBSR6H | NPVP Increment Detail | TRANSP | C |
332 | T5PBSR6HI | NPVP Increment Eligibility Group | TRANSP | C |
333 | T5PBSR6HIT | Text for Eligibility Group for NPVP Adjustment | TRANSP | C |
334 | T5PBSR6I | Guideline for Salary Components | TRANSP | E |
335 | T5PBSR6J | Annual Wage Adjustment for MVC Component | TRANSP | C |
336 | T5PBSR6M | Assignment between Pay Scale Types and Scheme Code | TRANSP | C |
337 | T5PBSR6N | Assignment between Pay scale area and division | TRANSP | C |
338 | T5PCE | HR-PT: Contract Elements | TRANSP | C |
339 | T5PCP | HR-PT: Postal codes | TRANSP | S |
340 | T5PEA | HR-PT: Economical Activity Code (CAE) | TRANSP | S |
341 | T5PED | HR-PT: Education Levels | TRANSP | C |
342 | T5PFD | HR-PT: (Entities) Properties | TRANSP | C |
343 | T5PFN | HR-PT: (Entities) Properties | TRANSP | C |
344 | T5PFT | HR-PT: (Entities) Valid Properties Texts | TRANSP | S |
345 | T5PFV | HR-PT: (Entities) Valid Properties | TRANSP | S |
346 | T5PIT | HR-PT: Infotype subtype - Classification | TRANSP | E |
347 | T5PLA | HR-PT: Lunch allowance valuation rules | TRANSP | C |
348 | T5PNC | HR-PT: Nationality Codes | TRANSP | C |
349 | T5PP1 | HR-PT: Professional categories assignment | TRANSP | C |
350 | T5PP2 | HR-PT: Professional categories | TRANSP | C |
351 | T5PP3 | HR-PT: Professional classification (CNP or CPP) | TRANSP | S |
352 | T5PP4 | HR-PT: Professional Category designation | TRANSP | C |
353 | T5PP5 | HR-PT: Functional Structure designation | TRANSP | C |
355 | T5PPBS1B | SIADAP: Buttons | TRANSP | C |
356 | T5PPBS1CA | SIADAP: Column A | TRANSP | C |
357 | T5PPBS1N | SIADAP: Object nature | TRANSP | E |
358 | T5PPBS1NT | SIADAP: Object nature - Text | TRANSP | E |
359 | T5PPBS1R | SIADAP: Roles | TRANSP | C |
360 | T5PPBS1RB | SIADAP: Roles | TRANSP | E |
361 | T5PPBS1RBT | SIADAP: Roles - Text | TRANSP | E |
362 | T5PPBS1S | SIADAP: Scale Ranges | TRANSP | C |
363 | T5PPBS1T | SIADAP: Appraisal template | TRANSP | C |
364 | T5PPBS2F | Family Allowance Data | TRANSP | C |
365 | T5PPBS3B | Assignment/competency for Jobs objects | TRANSP | C |
366 | T5PPBS3BT | Assignment/competency for Jobs objects text table | TRANSP | C |
367 | T5PPBS3D | Functional comp. level/manager level based on pay scale | TRANSP | C |
368 | T5PPBS3DT | Text of funct.comp. level/manager level based on pay scale | TRANSP | C |
369 | T5PPBS3V | Check values for PD infotype fields | TRANSP | C |
370 | T5PPBS3VT | Text of values for PD infotype fields | TRANSP | C |
371 | T5PPBS5CC | Maintain Performance Classification Values | TRANSP | C |
372 | T5PPBS5CCT | Maintain Performance Classification Values | TRANSP | C |
373 | T5PPBS5P | Career path | TRANSP | C |
374 | T5PPBS5SS | Progression depending on seniority session table | TRANSP | A |
375 | T5PPBS6G | ADSE Treatment Group | TRANSP | C |
376 | T5PPBS6T | ADSE Treatment Type | TRANSP | C |
377 | T5PPBS7I | Standard Mobility Types | TRANSP | C |
378 | T5PPBS7IT | Mobility Types | TRANSP | C |
379 | T5PPBS7O | Organizations | TRANSP | C |
380 | T5PPBS7OT | Organizations | TRANSP | C |
381 | T5PPBS7P | Standard Special Mobility Phases | TRANSP | C |
382 | T5PPBS7PT | Special Mobility Phases | TRANSP | C |
383 | T5PPBS8A | Index Value for Pay Scale Type, Area, Group, and Level | TRANSP | C |
384 | T5PPBS8B | Index 100 Grouping | TRANSP | C |
385 | T5PPBS9B | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Scenarios | TRANSP | C |
386 | T5PPBS9C | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Scenarys and Blocks | TRANSP | C |
387 | T5PPBS9D | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Country Codes | TRANSP | C |
388 | T5PPBS9FA | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Function Area | TRANSP | C |
389 | T5PPBS9FAT | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Function Area Texts | TRANSP | C |
390 | T5PPBS9FG | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Function Group | TRANSP | C |
391 | T5PPBS9FGT | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Function Group Texts | TRANSP | C |
392 | T5PPBS9GS | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Service Codes | TRANSP | C |
393 | T5PPBS9GST | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Service Codes Texts | TRANSP | C |
394 | T5PPBS9GW | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Workplace Codes | TRANSP | C |
395 | T5PPBS9GWT | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Workplace Codes Texts | TRANSP | C |
396 | T5PPBS9L | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Schedule Codes Interface | TRANSP | C |
397 | T5PPBS9M | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Juridical Relationship Codes | TRANSP | C |
398 | T5PPBS9MT | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Juridical Relationship Text | TRANSP | C |
399 | T5PPBS9N | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Professional Situation | TRANSP | C |
400 | T5PPBS9NC | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Carrers Codes | TRANSP | C |
401 | T5PPBS9NCT | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Carrers Codes Texts | TRANSP | C |
402 | T5PPBS9NG | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Profissional Groups | TRANSP | C |
403 | T5PPBS9NGT | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Profissional Groups Texts | TRANSP | C |
404 | T5PPBS9NR | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Role Type Codes | TRANSP | C |
405 | T5PPBS9NRT | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Role Type Codes Texts | TRANSP | C |
406 | T5PPBS9NT | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Category Codes | TRANSP | C |
407 | T5PPBS9NTT | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Category Codes Texts | TRANSP | C |
408 | T5PPBS9O | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Education | TRANSP | C |
409 | T5PPBS9P | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Education Mapping Interface | TRANSP | C |
410 | T5PPBS9PA | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Thematic Areas | TRANSP | C |
411 | T5PPBS9PAT | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Thematic Areas Texts | TRANSP | C |
412 | T5PPBS9PG | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Thematic Areas Groups | TRANSP | C |
413 | T5PPBS9PGT | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Thematic Area Groups Texts | TRANSP | C |
414 | T5PPBS9PS | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Thematic Areas Sub-Groups | TRANSP | C |
415 | T5PPBS9PST | Portugal Public Sector - BDAP - Thematic A. Sub-Group Texts | TRANSP | C |
416 | T5PPBSAB | HR-PT-PS: Absence/Attendance types - Reporting clas. for PS | TRANSP | C |
417 | T5PPBSIOE | SIOE: Organization code | TRANSP | C |
418 | T5PPBSRM | HR-PT-PS: Reasons for actions (Public Sector) | TRANSP | C |
419 | T5PPS | HR-PT: Pay scale types additional information | TRANSP | C |
420 | T5PPT | HR-PT: Professional category designations | TRANSP | C |
421 | T5PRA | HR-PT: Legal reasons for actions | TRANSP | S |
422 | T5PRC | HR-PT: Reasons for changes - Mapping for legal reasons | TRANSP | C |
423 | T5PRM | HR-PT: Reasons for actions - Mapping for legal reasons | TRANSP | C |
424 | T5PRT | HR-PT: Legal reasons for actions texts | TRANSP | S |
425 | T5PS1 | HR-PT: professional categories assignment (IRC code) | TRANSP | C |
426 | T5PS2 | HR-PT: Professional categories | TRANSP | C |
427 | T5PS2T | HR-PT: Professional category designations | TRANSP | C |
428 | T5PS4 | HR-PT: Professional Category designation | TRANSP | C |
429 | T5PS4T | HR-PT: text table for professional category designation | TRANSP | C |
430 | T5PSC | HR-PT: Pay scale types additional information | TRANSP | C |
431 | T5PSS | Wage types for social protection regime calculation | TRANSP | C |
432 | T5PST | HR-PT: text table for additional information wage types | TRANSP | C |
433 | T5PTC | HR-PT: Time objects classification | TRANSP | C |
434 | T5PTT | HR-PT: Time object value texts | TRANSP | E |
435 | T5PTV | HR-PT: Time object values | TRANSP | E |
436 | T5PV1 | HR-PT: Assignment of quota type selection rule group | TRANSP | E |
437 | T5PV2 | HR-PT: Classification of absence quota types | TRANSP | C |
438 | T5PVA | HR-PT: Processing variants for vacation allowance | TRANSP | E |
439 | T5PVT | HR-PT: Processing variants for vacation allowance (text) | TRANSP | E |
440 | T5PWS | HR-PT: Work Schedules - Classification | TRANSP | C |
441 | T5Q0P | Personnel area, business subsection (Australia) | TRANSP | C |
442 | T5Q30 | Termination Reasons for Actions | TRANSP | C |
443 | T5QGM | Payroll Highlight Messages Australia | TRANSP | S |
444 | T5QGO | Group Certificate Overrides | TRANSP | A |
445 | T5QGP | Personnel area, business subsection (Australia) | TRANSP | C |
446 | T5QGT | Messages Area Check Table Australia | TRANSP | S |
447 | T5QIA | PS Specific Characteristic for absence type | TRANSP | C |
448 | T5QIG | Leave Quota Grouping | TRANSP | C |
449 | T5QIT | Calculation rule for transfer frequency | TRANSP | C |
450 | T5QLA | Australian Leave Accrual Unpaid Absence Rules | TRANSP | C |
451 | T5QLG | Leave Type Grouping Australia | TRANSP | C |
452 | T5QLH | Leave Type Grouping text Australia | TRANSP | C |
453 | T5QLK | Leave Liability Constants | TRANSP | C |
454 | T5QLL | Australian Leave Loading - international leave | TRANSP | C |
455 | T5QLP | Leave Provisions - Australia | TRANSP | C |
456 | T5QLR | Leave Accrual Rules Australia | TRANSP | C |
457 | T5QLT | Leave Accrual-Id description Australia | TRANSP | C |
458 | T5QPBS0A | Industry within a HR country | TRANSP | C |
459 | T5QPBS1A | Minimum number of days to receive Higher duty allowance | TRANSP | C |
460 | T5QPBS1B | Reason for performing Higher duty | TRANSP | C |
461 | T5QPBS1BT | Text for Reason code | TRANSP | C |
462 | T5QPBS1C | Superannuation contributor status | TRANSP | E |
463 | T5QPBS1CT | Text for Contributor status | TRANSP | E |
464 | T5QPBS1D | Superannuation funds for Public Sector | TRANSP | C |
465 | T5QPBS1E | National Wage Case (NWC) increase for Superannuation | TRANSP | C |
466 | T5QPBS1F | Work schedules for Shifts/Non-shifts for Superannuation | TRANSP | C |
467 | T5QPBS1G | EPSC Contribution Table | TRANSP | C |
468 | T5QPBS1H | Priority Table used in calculating HDA super salary comp. | TRANSP | C |
469 | T5QPBS1J | Additional contribution table for Public sector | TRANSP | C |
470 | T5QPBS2A | Parameter setting for Prior Service and Leave Management | TRANSP | C |
471 | T5QPBS2B | Nature of leave type | TRANSP | E |
472 | T5QPBS2BT | Leave nature text | TRANSP | E |
473 | T5QPBS2C | Master leave code and their characteristic | TRANSP | C |
474 | T5QPBS2CT | Texts for master leave code | TRANSP | C |
475 | T5QPBS2D | Mapping business rules between PS Infotype 0573 and 2001 | TRANSP | C |
476 | T5QPBS2E | Parallel deduction sequence of quota types | TRANSP | C |
477 | T5QPBS2F | LWOP/UNAL impact on individual leave type | TRANSP | C |
478 | T5QPBS2G | Accrual Transfer Frequency Rules | TRANSP | C |
479 | T5QPBS2GT | Text for Accrual Transfer Frequency Rules | TRANSP | C |
480 | T5QPBS2H | Flexible Accrual Transfer Rules (check table for 13TRF) | TRANSP | C |
481 | T5QPBS2HT | Text for Flex. Accrual Transfer Rules(check table for 13TRF) | TRANSP | C |
482 | T5QPBS2I | Calculation rule for transfer frequency | TRANSP | C |
483 | T5QPBS2IT | Text for Accrual Transfer Frequency Rules | TRANSP | C |
484 | T5QPBS2J | PS Specific Characteristic for absence type | TRANSP | C |
485 | T5QPBS2K | Control table for infotype 0573 popup | TRANSP | C |
486 | T5QPBS2L | Leave Provision for Australia - Public sector | TRANSP | C |
487 | T5QPBS2M | Repeat structure for Infotype 0573 | TRANSP | A |
488 | T5QPBS2N | Orgn change & simulation quota for Absence Quotas | TRANSP | C |
489 | T5QPBS2O | Impact of Organizational change | TRANSP | A |
490 | T5QPBS2P | Absence records prior to Hiring | TRANSP | C |
491 | T5QPBS2R | Grouping for LWOP/UNAL impact on leave accrual | TRANSP | C |
492 | T5QPBS2RT | Text for Grouping for LWOP/UNAL impact on leave accrual | TRANSP | C |
493 | T5QPBS2S | Reduction Rules for Absence Quota Generation-HR:AU:PBS | TRANSP | E |
494 | T5QPBS2T | To determine the Seniority based on the Anniversary date | TRANSP | C |
495 | T5QPBS3A | Eligibility Criteria for Increment | TRANSP | C |
496 | T5QPBS3AT | Text for Eligibility Criteria for Increment | TRANSP | C |
497 | T5QPBS4A | Payment Type for terminations & redundancies | TRANSP | C |
498 | T5QPBS4AT | Text for Payment Type for terminations & redundancies | TRANSP | C |
499 | T5QPBS4B | Termination Payment Type | TRANSP | C |
500 | T5QPBS4C | Assignment between payment formula and payment rule group | TRANSP | C |