SAP ABAP Table - Index D
Table - D
# Table name Short Description Table Category Delivery Class
1 D000 Condition Table for Material Determination $ TRANSP A
2 D010DBOBJ Directory of DB Procedures and Types Managed by ABAP TRANSP L
3 D010DBOBJDEL Obsolete ABAP Managed DB Procedures and Types TRANSP L
4 D010DBOBJDEP Dependency Management for AMDP Generator TRANSP L
5 D010INC Where-Used Table for ABAP INCLUDEs TRANSP W
6 D010TAB Table for Use Report<->Tables TRANSP W
7 D020S System table D020S (screen sources) TRANSP W
8 D020T Screen Short Description TRANSP W
9 D021T Screen Key Word Texts TRANSP W
10 D0GEN Control table for generation mode TRANSP L
11 D1GEN Import Status for APG (Anticipatory Program Generation) TRANSP L
12 D301T Texts for Program Functions and Menu Bars TRANSP W
13 D342L Table for long CUA objects TRANSP W
14 D344L Header for language load of master language TRANSP W
15 D345T Table for Long GUI Objects (Texts) TRANSP W
16 D346T Table for Long GUI Objects (Texts) TRANSP W
17 D347T GUI Title TRANSP W
18 DAAG_GRP Groups - Metadata TRANSP C
19 DAAG_GRP_RNG Relationship bet. Partitioning and Interval Default Values TRANSP C
20 DAAG_GRP_TAB Table for a Partitioning Object TRANSP C
21 DAAG_GRP_TXT Text Table for Partitioning Objects TRANSP C
22 DAAG_OBJECTS Data Aging Objects - Metadata TRANSP E
23 DAAG_OBJECTS_ACT Data Aging Objects - Activation Data TRANSP C
24 DAAG_OBJECTS_BAD BAdI List of an Extensible Data Aging Object TRANSP E
25 DAAG_OBJECTS_CUS Customizing of Data Aging Object TRANSP G
26 DAAG_OBJECTS_DEF Definition of a Data Aging Object TRANSP E
27 DAAG_OBJECTS_TXT Text Table for Data Aging Objects TRANSP E
28 DAAG_OBJ_REUSE Data Aging Object and Reuse Object Relationships TRANSP E
29 DAAG_OGRP Data Aging Group TRANSP C
30 DAAG_OGRP_OBJ DAg Objects of a Data Aging Group TRANSP C
31 DAAG_OGRP_TXT Texts for Data Aging Groups TRANSP C
32 DAAG_PARTITIONS History of Partitions Created for Tables TRANSP A
33 DAAG_PTO Partitioning Object - Metadata TRANSP E
34 DAAG_PTO_RNG Relationship bet. Partitioning and Interval Default Values TRANSP E
35 DAAG_PTO_TAB Table for a Partitioning Object TRANSP E
36 DAAG_PTO_TXT Text Table for Partitioning Objects TRANSP E
37 DAAG_RNG Header Table for Partitioning Intervals TRANSP G
38 DAAG_RNG_PROP Default Values for Intervals TRANSP G
39 DAAG_RNG_TXT Text Table for Partitioning Intervals TRANSP G
40 DAAG_RT_SFLIGHT Data Aging: Test Object DAAG_SFLIGHT for Residence Times TRANSP G
41 DAAG_RUN Header Data for Data Agings Runs TRANSP L
42 DAAG_RUN_OBJ List of Data Aging Objects in a Data Aging Run TRANSP L
43 DAAG_RUN_STATS Run Statistics for Data Aging Runs TRANSP A
44 DAAG_SBOOK Single Flight Booking TRANSP A
46 DAAG_SPFLI Flight Schedule TRANSP A
47 DARTEOL_LOG Lock object for log file TRANSP C
48 DARTT DD: Data Class in Technical Settings: Texts TRANSP E
50 DAS_COL_INDEX ILM SRS: Relationship Between Indices and Collections TRANSP L
51 DAS_COL_PROP ILM SRS: Collection Properties; ORIGINS TRANSP L
52 DAS_COL_STORE ILM SRS: Relationship Between Collection and Store TRANSP L
55 DAS_INDEX_DICT ILM SRS: Directory of Indices and Their Definitions TRANSP L
56 DAS_INV_REASON ILM SRS: Reason for Setting a Resource to Invalid TRANSP L
58 DAS_STORES ILM SRS: Store Administration TRANSP L
59 DATES_SM Relevant Data for Issues, Actions, Messsages... TRANSP L
60 DB02N_ANA Detailed analyses in ST04N TRANSP S
61 DB02N_ANAT Detailed analyses in ST04N (Node names) TRANSP S
62 DB02_COLL_LOG Oracle monitoring: DB02 collector log TRANSP S
63 DB02_COLL_PLAN Oracle monitoring: List of coll. functions for DB02 TRANSP S
64 DB2ALERTSLIMITS Table needed for collecting data for DB2 limits alert monit. TRANSP A
65 DB2BPTUNE DB2/390: Buffer Pool Tuning Settings TRANSP E
66 DB2CCACCOR Parameters of Control Center stored procedure DSNACCOR TRANSP E
67 DB2CCACCOX Parameters stored procedure DSNACCOX TRANSP E
68 DB2CCDAILY List of TS/IXS needing utility treatment (DSNACCOR Daily) TRANSP L
69 DB2CCDAILYX List of TS/IXS needing utility treatment (DSNACCOX Daily) TRANSP L
70 DB2CCDL_OUTTS DSNACCDL: History of output table TRANSP L
71 DB2CCDL_PARMS DSNACCDL: History of execution parameters for DB13 jobs TRANSP L
72 DB2CCDS_IN DSNACCDS: History of input table for DB13 jobs TRANSP L
73 DB2CCDS_PARMS DSNACCDS: History of execution parameters for DB13 jobs TRANSP L
74 DB2CCHOUR List of TS/IXS needing utility treatment (DSNACCOR Hourly) TRANSP L
75 DB2CCMO_ERROR DSNACCMO: History of error info with length > 255 CHAR TRANSP L
76 DB2CCMO_IN1 History of input table 1 for DB13 jobs executed via DSNACCMO TRANSP L
77 DB2CCMO_IN2 History of input table 2 for DB13 jobs executed via DSNACCMO TRANSP L
78 DB2CCMO_OBJERR DSNACCMO: History of failed utility executions TRANSP L
79 DB2CCMO_OUTTS History of output table for DB13 jobs executed via DSNACCMO TRANSP L
80 DB2CCMO_PARMS History of execution parameters for DB13 jobs via DSNACCMO TRANSP L
81 DB2CONVTOOL DB2 z/OS: Recommendations for data conversions TRANSP L
82 DB2COPYI DB2 copy information from SYSIBM.SYSCOPY TRANSP L
83 DB2DB02CONTROL Control table for information in DB02 TRANSP S
84 DB2DB02EXTENTS Tx DB02: Data for DB02's Extent Monitor TRANSP L
85 DB2DB02IXDYN Tx DB02: Dynamics of the size of indexes TRANSP L
86 DB2DB02IXSIZE Tx DB02: List of indexspace datasets TRANSP L
87 DB2DB02IX_SUM Tx DB02: Summary of Index info. Partitions are summed up TRANSP L
88 DB2DB02MISSOBJ Tx DB02: Missing objects TRANSP L
89 DB2DB02SUMMARY Tx DB02: Summary information on first screenincl. size histo TRANSP L
90 DB2DB02TBDYN Tx DB02: Dynamics of the size of tables TRANSP L
91 DB2DB02TBSIZE Transaction DB02: List of tables and tablespace (Details) TRANSP S
92 DB2DB02TBTOPGROW Tx DB02: Top Twenty of table growth for fast access TRANSP L
93 DB2DB02TSDYN Tx DB02: Dynamics of the size of tablespaces TRANSP L
94 DB2DB02TSSIZE Transaction DB02: List of tablespace datasets TRANSP L
95 DB2DB02TS_HIS Tx DB02: Short history of TS info TRANSP L
96 DB2DB02TS_SUM Tx DB02: Summary of TS info. Partitions are summed up TRANSP L
97 DB2DB02VOLFREE Tx DB02: Volume freespace list TRANSP L
98 DB2IREORG Information for Database Reorgcheck: Indexes TRANSP S
99 DB2IXBACK List of indexes that need a backup TRANSP E
100 DB2JOB JCL Jobs for OS/390 TRANSP E
101 DB2JOBIDMAP Maps JCL Job ID for backwards compatibility with FTP JES ID TRANSP L
102 DB2JSINF Header Table of JCL Administration TRANSP E
103 DB2JSTATUS Status of Submitted JCL Jobs TRANSP L
104 DB2JU TSO User on OS/390 TRANSP C
105 DB2LODLK RFC - Deadlock Table TRANSP L
106 DB2LODRS RFC - Deadlock Resources TRANSP L
107 DB2LOGS RFC - Active Log Shortage TRANSP L
108 DB2LOTHW RFC - Timeout Waiter and Holder TRANSP L
109 DB2LOTRS RFC - Timeout Resources TRANSP L
110 DB2LRUR RFC - Long Running URs TRANSP L
111 DB2LSCONFIG DB2 Landscape Tool Configuration TRANSP S
112 DB2MISC Miscellaneous CCMS on DB2 for z/OS settings and properties TRANSP E
113 DB2MON DB2/390 Monitor Table TRANSP S
114 DB2NETSTATS Contains network statistics collected by DB2 Connect TRANSP L
115 DB2NORUN Exclude table spaces from RUNSTATS ALL TRANSP E
116 DB2PROC Stored procedures for DB2/390 TRANSP S
118 DB2REOTS REORG of Tablespaces TRANSP E
119 DB2RFCCONN RFC - Connection TRANSP L
120 DB2SAPSYS SAP systems located in one DB2 subsystem TRANSP L
121 DB2TBLX RFC - Table Extents TRANSP L
123 DB2TREORG Information for Database reorgcheck: Tables TRANSP S
124 DB2TSBACK List of tablespaces that need a backup TRANSP E
125 DB2TSSIZE_T DB2/390: Storage Information on R/3 Tablespaces TRANSP L
126 DB2UTILS_OUT History of output table for DB13 jobs executed via DSNUTILS TRANSP L
127 DB2UTILS_PARMS History of execution parameters for DB13 jobs via DSNUTILS TRANSP L
128 DB2UTPARM DB2/390: Parameters for DB2 Utilities TRANSP E
130 DB4BACKUP Store DB4 Backup Data TRANSP L
131 DB4INDEX_HIST History of Index Sizes in the Database TRANSP L
132 DB4INDEX_STAT Index Sizes in the Database TRANSP L
133 DB4OX iSeries: CCMS Object Existence Check TRANSP L
134 DB4TABLE_HIST History of Table Sizes in the Database TRANSP L
135 DB4TABLE_STAT Table Sizes in the Database TRANSP L
136 DB4_CLUSTER iSeries: Temporary Statistics Data TRANSP L
137 DB6ALRTCFG DB6: Alert Configuration Data TRANSP S
138 DB6ALRTCT DBA Cockpit: Table for holding alert context data TRANSP L
139 DB6ALRTMSG DB6: Alert Log Table for Database System Check TRANSP L
140 DB6AUDITDT DB6: Audit log for maintenance actions TRANSP L
141 DB6AUDITHD DB6: Audit log for maintenance actions TRANSP L
142 DB6CSTRACE DB6: Results Table for DB6 CS Trace (Cumulative DBSL Trace) TRANSP L
143 DB6GSDTBS DB6: Cumulated Table-Specific Snapshot Data TRANSP L
144 DB6HISTBS DB6: Cumulated Table-Specific Snapshot Data TRANSP L
146 DB6IREORG DB6: Database REORG Check Information: Indexes TRANSP S
147 DB6JOBTAB DB6: parallel processing of tables through jobs TRANSP L
148 DB6MON DB6: Datacluster for monitor reset data TRANSP L
149 DB6NAVSYST DB6: System Registration Table TRANSP S
150 DB6PMCK_P DB6: All Backed Up Tablespaces of History File TRANSP L
151 DB6PMHCDM DB6: Database and Database Manager Parameter Changes TRANSP L
152 DB6PMHSB DB6: Buffer Pool Statistics History TRANSP L
153 DB6PMHSD DB6: Database Performance Statistics History TRANSP L
154 DB6PMHST DB6: Snapshot Table History TRANSP L
155 DB6PMHT DB6: Detail Record of Table and Index Space Statistics TRANSP L
156 DB6PMHT_HD DB6: Summary Record of Table and Index Space Statistics TRANSP L
157 DB6PMHXP DB6: Detail Record of Tablespace and DB Space Statistics TRANSP L
158 DB6PMHXPHD DB6: Summary Record of Tablespace And DB Space Statistics TRANSP L
159 DB6PMHXT DB6: Detail Record of Tablespace and DB Table/Index Stats TRANSP L
160 DB6PMHXTHD DB6: Summary Rec. of Tablespace and DB Table/Index Stats TRANSP L
161 DB6PMPROT DB6: Protocol Table for DBA Actions TRANSP L
162 DB6PMSQ_DBS DB6: Temporary database store for SQL Cache TRANSP L
163 DB6PM_CLN DB6: Cleanup of History Tables TRANSP L
164 DB6PM_DLK DB6: Table to Store the Output of Detected Deadlocks TRANSP L
165 DB6PM_TIME DB6: Protocol Record of Statistical Data Collection TRANSP L
166 DB6SCRIPT DB6: SQL Script Source TRANSP C
167 DB6TREORG DB6: Database REORG Check Information: Tables TRANSP S
168 DB6_BW_HEALTH DB6: Results of BW Health Checks TRANSP L
169 DB6_MDC_ADV_PART DB6 MDC Advisor: Table for Restriction on PARTTIM TRANSP A
170 DB6_MDC_ADV_RES DB6 MDC Advisor: Result Table TRANSP A
171 DB6_MDC_ADV_STAT DB6 MDC Advisor: Status Table TRANSP A
172 DB6_MDC_ADV_TMPT DB6 MDC Advisor: Storage of temporary BW tables TRANSP A
173 DB6_MDC_ADV_TSHL DB6 MDC Advisor: Save Query and TempTab Thresholds TRANSP A
174 DB6_OPTPROFILE Optimizer Profiles for SQL Statements TRANSP L
175 DB6_PC_INTENDED DB6: Approved Deviations from Parameter Check TRANSP S
176 DB6_RESET_DATA DB6: Datacluster for monitor reset data TRANSP L
177 DBABARL Data Backup - Data Recovery TRANSP S
178 DBABD Information About the Data Files (Oracle) TRANSP S
179 DBABL Information About Archive Log Files (Oracle) TRANSP S
180 DBACUST Tool-Specific Settings for DB24 TRANSP S
181 DBADFL Details About Reorganization and Memory Modifications TRANSP S
182 DBAERR Look-Up Table for Database Operation Errors TRANSP S
183 DBAEXTL Memory Space Changes TRANSP S
184 DBAFID Look-Up Table for Database Operations TRANSP S
185 DBAFIZ General information (n:1) TRANSP S
186 DBAGRP Lookup Table Operation Group Tables TRANSP S
187 DBAML Job / Job Step Utility View TRANSP S
188 DBAN Buffer for dban_state TRANSP L
189 DBAOBJL Object Status TRANSP S
190 DBAOPTL DB Optimization - Table Statistics TRANSP S
191 DBAPHAL Object Status TRANSP S
192 DBARCL Sub-operations TRANSP S
193 DBAREOL Reorganization TRANSP S
194 DBASPAL Memory Allocation TRANSP S
195 DBATID Lookup Table for Database Tasks TRANSP S
196 DBATL Central Task / Job Information TRANSP S
197 DBATRIAL Look-Up Tables for Database Sub-Operations TRANSP S
198 DBA_ALRT_MET DBA: Alerting Metrics TRANSP L
199 DBA_ALRT_MET_C DBA: Alerting Metric Components TRANSP L
200 DBA_ALRT_MET_R DBA: Alerting Metrics Rules TRANSP L
202 DBA_CHK_MSG_VARS DBA-CHK: DBA cockpit Infrastructure Checks Msg Var TRANSP S
203 DBA_CHK_RESULTS DBA-CHK: DBA Cockpit Infrastructure Checks Results TRANSP S
204 DBA_CONFIG DBA Cockpit: Monitoring Settings TRANSP L
205 DBA_DBH_CATEGORY DBA-DBH: Category for Web Templates TRANSP E
206 DBA_DBH_CAT_TEXT DBA-DBH: Category for Web Templates TRANSP E
207 DBA_DBH_COLL_CFG DBA-DBH: Collector Configuration TRANSP S
208 DBA_DBH_COLL_JOB DBA-DBH: Collector Controller Jobs TRANSP S
209 DBA_DBH_COLL_OPT DBA-DBH: Collector Options TRANSP C
210 DBA_DBH_COLL_RUN DBA-DBH: Collector Runtime Statistics nad Return Codes TRANSP L
211 DBA_DBH_COLL_WRK DBA-DBH: Collector Worklist TRANSP L
214 DBA_DBH_SRV_DBSL DBA-DBH: Application Servers and installed DBSL TRANSP L
215 DBA_DBH_TPL DBA-DBH: Collector Template TRANSP C
216 DBA_DBH_TPL_COLL DBA-DBH: Collecor Template Collectors TRANSP C
217 DBA_DBH_TPL_OPT DBA-DBH: Collector Template Options TRANSP C
218 DBA_DBH_TPL_TEXT DBA-DBH: Collector Template Texts TRANSP C
219 DBA_LOG_DETAIL DBA: Details for Audit/Trace Log for DBA Cockpit TRANSP L
220 DBA_LOG_HEADER DBA: Audit/Trace Log for DBA Cockpit TRANSP L
223 DBA_TEST_SET DBA: Test Header Data TRANSP S
225 DBA_XCHG_DATA DBA Cockpit: Exchange Data for Action Controllers TRANSP L
226 DBCHECKDB2 Configuration of DB2/390 System Check Parameters TRANSP S
227 DBCHECKORA Configuration of Database Check TRANSP S
228 DBCHK Exceptions for data base checks TRANSP S
229 DBCON Description of Database Connections TRANSP L
230 DBCONUSR SAP DB: Database Users TRANSP L
231 DBDATA Data Browser Procedure Data TRANSP W
232 DBDCDEPTB DD: Persisting of Dependencies Between DD Objects TRANSP L
233 DBDCGENTB DD: Persisting Activating Ojects in Mass Activation TRANSP L
234 DBDIFF Definition of (Intended) Differences Between DD and DB TRANSP S
235 DBDIFFINDX DD: Additional Info on DBDIFF-KEY and INDX Entries TRANSP S
236 DBDIFFINFO Further Info on DBDIFF (Differences between DD and DB) TRANSP S
237 DBEOSB IS-U On-Site Billing TRANSP A
238 DBERCHR Discnt for Bill.Line Item TRANSP A
239 DBERCHT Texts for billing documents TRANSP A
240 DBERCHU Conversion Steps per Billing Line Item TRANSP A
241 DBERCHV Consumption History TRANSP A
242 DBERCHZ Individual Line Items TRANSP A
243 DBERCHZ1 Individual line items TRANSP A
244 DBERCHZ2 Individual line items (device data) TRANSP A
245 DBERCHZ3 Individual line items (amount and price data) TRANSP A
246 DBERCHZ4 Individual line items (rarely used fields) TRANSP A
247 DBERCHZ5 Individual line items (unimportant rows) TRANSP A
248 DBERCHZ6 Document line items (device data, unimportant rows) TRANSP A
249 DBERCHZ7 Document line items (amount/price data, unimportant rows) TRANSP A
250 DBERCHZ8 Document line items (rarely used fields, unimportant) TRANSP A
251 DBERDL Print Document Line Items TRANSP A
252 DBERDLB Reference of a Print Doc. Line Item to a Bill.Doc. Line Item TRANSP A
253 DBERDR DB Table: Discount Lines - Print Document TRANSP A
254 DBERDTAX Tax Indicator Information for a Print Document TRANSP A
255 DBERDTAX_ADD Additional Information for Print Document Tax Indicator TRANSP A
256 DBERDU Conversion Steps per Billing Line Item TRANSP A
257 DBERDZ DB Table: Individ. Lines - Print Document TRANSP A
258 DBESTA_BWPROT Log Recordc for BW Sales Statistics Update TRANSP A
259 DBESTA_BWPROTE Single Document Log Record of BW Sales Statistics TRANSP A
260 DBESTA_UISPROT Log Record for UIS Sales Statistics Update TRANSP A
262 DBH_CUBE_AGGR DBA-DBH: Cube Aggregation Status TRANSP S
263 DBH_CUBE_DATA DBA-DBH: Meta Data of InfoCubes Content TRANSP S
264 DBMSGDB2 DB2/390 System Check Messages TRANSP L
265 DBMSGORA Database Check: Messages TRANSP L
266 DBOBJ Composition of Hybrid Objects TRANSP S
267 DBPR Material Index MRP Area for Forecast TRANSP A
268 DBPROF Forecast Error with MRP Areas TRANSP A
269 DBPRON Reproc. of Forecast Errors and Excpn Messages with MRP Area TRANSP A
270 DBPROPERTIES Database Installation Properties TRANSP S
271 DBSMSGORA Structure for DB System Check Messages (Acc. to DBMSGORA) TRANSP W
272 DBSNP Database snapshots TRANSP L
273 DBSTAIHADA Actual size of indices on the database (history) TRANSP L
274 DBSTAIHDB2 DB2/390 Statistics for Indexes TRANSP L
275 DBSTAIHDB4 History of Index Sizes in the Database TRANSP L
276 DBSTAIHORA Actual size of indices on the database (history) TRANSP L
277 DBSTATC Configuration of Statistics Creation TRANSP S
278 DBSTATHADA Actual size of tables on the database (history) TRANSP L
279 DBSTATHDB2 DB2/390 Statistics for Tables (History) TRANSP L
280 DBSTATHDB4 History of Table Sizes in the Database TRANSP L
281 DBSTATHDB6 DB6: Statistical History of Application Monitor TRANSP L
282 DBSTATHINF INFORMIX update statistical information TRANSP S
283 DBSTATHORA Actual size of tables on the database (history) TRANSP L
284 DBSTATIADA Actual size of indices on the database TRANSP L
285 DBSTATIDB2 DB2/390 Statistics for Indexes TRANSP L
286 DBSTATIDB4 Index Sizes in the Database TRANSP L
287 DBSTATIDB6 DB6: Statistics for Indexes (Application Monitor) TRANSP L
288 DBSTATIORA Actual size of indices on the database TRANSP L
289 DBSTATS Control for Application Monitor and CBO: Setup TRANSP S
290 DBSTATTADA Actual size of tables on the database TRANSP L
291 DBSTATTDB2 DB2/390 Statistics for Tables TRANSP L
292 DBSTATTDB4 Table Sizes in the Database TRANSP L
293 DBSTATTDB6 DB6: Table Statistics for Application Monitor TRANSP L
294 DBSTATTINF INFORMIX update statistical information TRANSP S
296 DBSTATTORA Actual size of tables on the database TRANSP L
297 DBSYCHKDB2 DB2/390: Global Information for Database System Check TRANSP L
298 DBTABLOG Log Records of Table Changes TRANSP L
299 DBTABPRT Table of log records for table tupel changes TRANSP A
300 DBTMPORA DB Optimizer Control (Statistics Creation) TRANSP S
301 DBVL Planning File Entry, MRP Area, Long-Term Planning TRANSP A
302 DBVM Planning File Entry, MRP Area TRANSP A
303 DBVSE Table for Oracle DB Snapshots of V$SYSTEM_EVENT TRANSP L
304 DCERRLIST DD: Tabelle für die Speicherung fehlerhafter DD-Objekte TRANSP S
305 DCFLC_BO Decoupling: Business Object (Entity) TRANSP S
306 DCFLC_BOT Decoupling: Business Object (Texttable) TRANSP S
307 DCFLC_BO_OPERAT Decoupling: Used Variant for BO and used Structures for BO TRANSP S
308 DCFLC_BO_STEP Decoupling: Implementation of steps for each BO TRANSP S
309 DCFLC_STEP Decoupling: Step (Entity) TRANSP S
310 DCFLC_STEPT Decoupling: Step (Texttable) TRANSP S
311 DCFLC_STEP_IF Decoupling: Interfaces for Steps TRANSP S
312 DCFLC_STEP_VAR Decoupling: Step Variants with steps TRANSP S
313 DCFLC_VARIANT Decoupling: Step Variants (Entity) TRANSP S
314 DCFLC_VARIANTT Decoupling: Step Variants (Texttable) TRANSP S
315 DCIMPDD DD: Handle actions following DD import TRANSP L
316 DD01L Domains TRANSP W
317 DD01T R/3 DD: domain texts TRANSP W
318 DD02ALL Table Parameters for ALLBASE TRANSP L
319 DD02B DD: Header for Structured Objects TRANSP W
320 DD02BND DD: List of Nodes for a Structured Object TRANSP W
321 DD02BNDT DD: Text Table for Nodes of Structured Objects TRANSP W
322 DD02BT Texts for Structured Objects TRANSP W
323 DD02DB2 DB2/390: Table Parameters TRANSP S
324 DD02DB6 DB6: Table Parameters for DB2 Version 2 TRANSP S
325 DD02INF Table Parameters for INFORMIX, Version 6 TRANSP S
326 DD02L SAP Tables TRANSP W
327 DD02MSS Table Parameters for Microsoft SQL Server TRANSP L
328 DD02T SAP DD: SAP Table Texts TRANSP W
329 DD03L Table Fields TRANSP W
330 DD03ND DD: Attributes of a Node of a Structured Object TRANSP W
331 DD03NT DD: Texts for fields (Language-Dependent) (Struct.Object) TRANSP W
332 DD03T DD: Texts for fields (language dependent) TRANSP W
333 DD04L Data elements TRANSP W
334 DD04T R/3 DD: Data element texts TRANSP W
335 DD05B DD: Associations for Structured Objects: Fields TRANSP W
336 DD05F DD: Associations Filter Info for Structured Objects TRANSP W
337 DD05S Foreign key fields TRANSP W
338 DD06L Pool/cluster structures TRANSP W
339 DD06T R/3 DD: texts on SQL tables TRANSP W
340 DD07L R/3 DD: values for the domains TRANSP W
341 DD07T DD: Texts for Domain Fixed Values (Language-Dependent) TRANSP W
342 DD08B DD: Associations (Headers) for Structured Objects TRANSP W
343 DD08BT DD: Texts for Association Headers, Structured Objects TRANSP W
344 DD08L R/3 DD: relationship definitions TRANSP W
345 DD08T Texts on the relationship definitions TRANSP W
346 DD09C ABAP/4: Sytem-dependent attributes of tech. settings TRANSP C
347 DD09L DD: Technical settings of tables TRANSP W
348 DD10B DD: Parameters for Structured Objects, for ex. View Entities TRANSP W
349 DD10L Lock table for DD activation TRANSP W
350 DD12B DD: Secondary Index Headers for Structured Objects TRANSP W
351 DD12BT Text Table for DD12B (Texts for Nodes Indexes) TRANSP W
352 DD12DB2 DB2/390: Index Parameters TRANSP S
353 DD12DB6 DB6: Index Parameters for DB2 Universal Database Version 2 TRANSP S
354 DD12INF Index parameter for INFORMIX TRANSP S
355 DD12L R/3 S_SECINDEX: secondary indexes, header; TRANSP W
356 DD12MSS Index Parameters for MS SQL Server TRANSP L
357 DD12T Text Table for DD12L (Short Descriptions of Sec. Indexes) TRANSP W
358 DD14S R/3 DD: components of SAP objects TRANSP W
359 DD15L R/3 DD: SAP objects TRANSP W
360 DD15T R/3 DD: texts on SAP objects TRANSP W
361 DD16S R/3 DD: SQL table fields TRANSP W
362 DD17B DD: Secondary Indexes Fields for Structured Objects TRANSP W
363 DD17S R/3 S_SECINDEX: secondary indexes, fields TRANSP W
364 DD20L Matchcode objects TRANSP W
365 DD20T AS400-T_MCOBJECT: MC Object Texts TRANSP W
366 DD21S S-MCIDTABLE: Tables for a MC ID TRANSP W
367 DD23L Matchcode ID TRANSP W
368 DD23T AS400_L-MCID: Matchcode ID Texts TRANSP W
369 DD24S Fields of a matchcode ID TRANSP W
370 DD25L Aggregate Header (Views, MC Objects, Lock Objects) TRANSP S
371 DD25T Short Texts for Views and Lock Objects TRANSP W
372 DD26S Base tables and foreign key relationships for a view TRANSP W
373 DD27S Fields in an Aggregate (View, MC Object, Lock Object) TRANSP W
374 DD28S Lines of a selection condition TRANSP W
375 DD29L Selection Condition for Views and MC IDs TRANSP W
376 DD29T AS400_L-SELCOND: Selection Condition Texts TRANSP W
377 DD30L Search helps TRANSP W
378 DD30T Search help texts TRANSP W
379 DD31S Assignment of search helps to collective search helps TRANSP W
380 DD32S Search Help Parameter TRANSP W
381 DD33S Assignment of search help fields TRANSP W
382 DD35L Search help attachments to structures: Headers TRANSP W
383 DD36S Parameter-field assignments for search help attachment TRANSP W
384 DD40L Table types (internal tables defined in DD) TRANSP W
385 DD40T Text on table types TRANSP W
386 DD42S Key fields for table types (internal tab. defined in DD) TRANSP W
387 DD43L Secondary Key for Table Types TRANSP W
388 DD43T Text Table for DD43L (Secondary Key for Table Types) TRANSP W
389 DD90L Header Information for External Index TRANSP S
390 DD90T R/3-DD: Text for External Index TRANSP S
391 DD91S DocID Key Definition of External Index TRANSP S
392 DD92S Mapping of R/3 Data on External Index TRANSP S
393 DD93S Attributes of an External Index TRANSP S
394 DD94S Languages of an Index Category TRANSP S
395 DD96S Synchronization Tables TRANSP S
396 DD97S Statements for Trigger and Stored Procedures TRANSP S
397 DDACL Exclusion times for ABAP/4 Dictionary actions TRANSP W
398 DDALIAS DD: Second name for accessing tables TRANSP L
399 DDART DD: Data Class in Technical Settings TRANSP E
400 DDBUF DD: For transferring the new buffering parameters TRANSP S
401 DDCDIM DD: Conversion, number of table lines TRANSP S
402 DDCNVCOUNT DD: Logeinträge der inkrementellen Umsetzungen protokolliere TRANSP L
403 DDCNVEXIT DD: External conversion methods TRANSP S
404 DDCNVSTAT DD: Statistical Data for Conversion TRANSP L
405 DDCNVTABL DD: Contains incr. conv. tables depend. on release/component TRANSP S
406 DDCNVTIMES DD: Exclusion times for conversion TRANSP L
407 DDCNVUSR DD: Exception table of converter TRANSP S
408 DDCPRO DD: Conversion projects TRANSP S
409 DDCPROT DD: Text on conversion projects TRANSP S
410 DDCPROTAB DD: Table for conversion projects TRANSP S
411 DDCQUEUE DD: Queue for CNV Operations TRANSP L
412 DDCSTA DD: Conversion, number of table lines TRANSP L
413 DDCSTAT DD: Statistics table for conversions TRANSP S
414 DDDBFEATURES DD: Transfer Structure for DB-Specific Features TRANSP S
415 DDDBFEATUREST DD: Contains DB-spec.features & re. who has implemented it TRANSP S
416 DDDBFUNC DD: Creation/Transport of Database Functions TRANSP S
417 DDDBSTMTHD DD: Information on DB Statements TRANSP S
418 DDDBSTMTPAR DD: Parameters for Generation of Database Statements TRANSP S
419 DDDBSTMTS DD: Statements for CDS Objects TRANSP S
420 DDDBSTMTUCINFO DD: Unicode-Relevance for Generating Database Statements TRANSP S
421 DDDB_PREDEF_FUNC DD: Predefined Functions on the Database TRANSP S
422 DDDDLCHARTYPES DD: Helper Table for Functions TRANSP L
425 DDDDLNUMTYPES DD: Helper Table for Functions TRANSP L
429 DDDTRENUPG DD: Table for Renaming Data Elements During Upgrade TRANSP S
430 DDF4GP Management data, generated programs for F4 help TRANSP L
431 DDF4PSINDX Contains Information for Personalizing the F4 Help TRANSP C
432 DDFIELDANNO DD: Generic Annotations: Fields TRANSP S
433 DDFTX Run-time object with Screen Painter texts TRANSP W
434 DDHEADANNO DD: Annotations: Header TRANSP S
435 DDICNVADM IMIG Tabellen Administration TRANSP S
436 DDICNVCTRL Control String for Transaction ICNV TRANSP L
438 DDICNVDIST Distribution of data records of base tables TRANSP L
439 DDICNVEXC Arbeitstabelle MDS - Ausschlusstabellen für IMIG TRANSP A
440 DDICNVLST Contains information on converter exits TRANSP S
441 DDLBBUFTST Test: Recognize Access to Buffered Tables TRANSP L
442 DDLDEPENDENCY DD: Objects in a DDL Source TRANSP S
443 DDLOADD R3load-data table for migration TRANSP L
444 DDLOADH R3load-header table for migration TRANSP L
445 DDLOG Buffer Synchronization TRANSP S
446 DDMIMETYPES Mime Types (for Full-Text Index) TRANSP S
447 DDMIMETYPES_T Mime Types (for Full-Text Index) TRANSP S
448 DDMTF Nametab Field Structure for Delayed Writing TRANSP W
449 DDMTF_1 Nametab Feldstruktur für verzögertes Schreiben TRANSP W
450 DDMTF_ISU Nametab Field Structure for Delayed Writing TRANSP W
451 DDMTF_SAV Nametab Feldstruktur für verzögertes Schreiben TRANSP W
452 DDMTT Nametab header structure for delayed writing TRANSP W
453 DDMTT_1 Nametab Headerstruktur für verzögertes Schreiben TRANSP W
454 DDMTT_ISU Nametab header structure for delayed writing TRANSP W
455 DDMTT_SAV Nametab Headerstruktur für verzögertes Schreiben TRANSP W
456 DDNTDONE DD: For restart in nametab generation with Include TRANSP W
458 DDPAMSCTRL DD: Controls Parallel Handling during Mass Activation POOL S
459 DDPART DD: Partitioned form of TBATG TRANSP L
460 DDPATH DD: Definition of access paths TRANSP W
461 DDPRH R/3 DD: Log header TRANSP W
462 DDPROF DD: Settings for DDIC programs TRANSP S
463 DDPRS R/3 DD: log lines TRANSP W
464 DDPRTUVAR User settings for printing DD objects TRANSP S
465 DDREPLICATOR DD: Information on Metadata Transfer TRANSP S
466 DDREPLICATORVI DD: Information on Metadata Transfer TRANSP S
467 DDREPLICLNTMAP DD: Mapping between HPA client and original client TRANSP L
468 DDREPLICNVDATA DD: Information on Metadata Transfer: Fields - Data Convers. TRANSP S
469 DDREPLICREF DD: Information on Metadata Transfer: Fields TRANSP S
470 DDREPLINDATA DD: Information on Metadata Transfer: New Fields TRANSP S
471 DDREPLINTABFD DD: Nametab Field Structure TRANSP L
472 DDREPLINTABHD DD: Nametab Header Structure (for Temporary Storage) TRANSP L
473 DDREPLITST1 DD: Test for Replication TRANSP L
474 DDSCALARFUNC DD: Scalar DB functions, not defined on all DBs TRANSP S
475 DDSCHEMAMAP DD: Schema Mapping for Replication Applications TRANSP L
476 DDSERVPERF DD: Performance Key Figures of Server for Par. Execution TRANSP L
477 DDSHDEFSH Default value - search help per user and collective s.h. TRANSP L
478 DDSHENTITY Table of data elements which need the value table help TRANSP L
479 DDSHHVALUE Historic Help Values TRANSP L
480 DDSHLPVERS Current Version of Search Help Activator TRANSP S
481 DDSHPVAL50 Personal Help Values from Release 5.0 TRANSP L
482 DDSHPVALUE Personal Help Values TRANSP L
483 DDSPAR Storage clause for tables and indexes TRANSP S
484 DDSPAR1 Storage clause for tables and indexes TRANSP S
485 DDSPAR2 Storage clause for tables and indexes TRANSP S
486 DDSQLSCCAT Index of Database Procedure Proxies TRANSP L
487 DDSQLSCDDIC DDIC Dependencies of Database Procedure Proxies TRANSP S
488 DDSQLSCSRC Source Code Buffer for Database Procedure Proxies TRANSP W
489 DDSQLSCT Texts for SQL Scripts TRANSP W
490 DDSTATHIST DD: Statistical Data for Conversion TRANSP L
491 DDSTORAGE Storage clause for tables and indexes TRANSP S
492 DDSTORAGE1 Storage clause for tables and indexes TRANSP S
493 DDSTORAGE2 Storage clause for tables and indexes TRANSP S
494 DDSYN Parameters for Buffer Synchronization POOL S
497 DDTPOOLCNV DD: Names of tablepools to convert TRANSP S
498 DDTYPES Table of all Dictionary types and classes TRANSP W
499 DDTYPET Texts on Type Groups TRANSP W
500 DDXTF Nametab Field Structure for Delayed Writing TRANSP W