SAP ABAP Table - Index POOL
Table - POOL
# Table name Short Description Table Category Delivery Class
1 A001 Not Used in Standard POOL A
2 A004 Material POOL A
3 A005 Customer/Material POOL A
4 A006 Price List Type/Currency/Material POOL A
5 A007 Division/Customer POOL A
6 A009 Additional Selling Plant/EAN POOL A
7 A010 Additional Selling Plant/Material POOL A
8 A012 Additional Selling Plant/Material Group POOL A
9 A015 Not Used in Standard POOL A
10 A016 Contract Item POOL A
11 A017 Material Info Record (Plant-Specific) POOL A
12 A018 Material Info Record POOL A
13 A019 Contract Header POOL A
14 A021 Vendor/Material/Unit of Measure POOL A
15 A022 Material/Unit of Measure POOL A
16 A023 Additional Selling Plant/Material/Unit of Measure POOL A
17 A024 Distribution Channel/Material/Unit of Measure POOL A
18 A025 Info Record for Non-Stock Item (Plant-Specific) POOL A
19 A026 Controlling Area/Cost Center POOL A
20 A028 Info Record for Non-Stock Item POOL A
21 A030 Customer/Material Pricing Group POOL A
22 A032 Price group/Material POOL A
23 A044 Vendor POOL A
24 A045 Vendor Condition Group POOL A
25 A046 Material Group Prices POOL A
26 A047 Material Group Prices (Plant-Specific) POOL A
27 A049 Market Price for Material POOL A
28 A051 Invoicing Party POOL A
29 A052 Invoicing Party (Specific to Info Record) POOL A
30 A053 Taxes Using Jurisdiction Code POOL A
31 A054 Market Price for Material Group POOL A
32 A058 Controlling Area/Cost Center Type POOL A
33 A059 Controlling Area/Company Code POOL A
34 A060 Controlling Area/Business Area POOL A
35 A061 Controlling Area/Cost Center Type/Cost Center POOL A
36 A062 Controlling Area/Company Code/Cost Center POOL A
37 A063 Controlling Area/Business Area/Cost Center POOL A
38 A400 IS-H: External Physician Discount § BPflV Per Service (A400) POOL A
39 A401 IS-H: Personal Item Discount §8 BPflV Per Service (A401) POOL A
40 ARCH_NUM Cross-client Number Assignment for Archive Run POOL L
41 AT01 Transaction Category POOL S
42 AT01T Name of Transaction Category POOL S
43 AT02 Transaction Activity Category POOL S
44 AT02T Transaction Activity Category: Description POOL S
45 AT100 Treasury Additions to User Master POOL C
46 AT14 Status Transfers POOL C
47 AT181 Treasury: Subsequent Screen Control - Initial Item Groups POOL S
48 AT181T Treasury: Texts for Subsequent Screen Control Init.Pos.Group POOL S
49 AT30 Formula Table for Financial Mathematics POOL S
50 AT40 Calculation Categories of Cash Flow Calculator POOL S
51 AT40T Calculation Category Texts for the Cash Flow Calculator POOL S
52 AT53 Due Date Category POOL S
53 AT60 Definition of Treasury Functions for Activity Processing POOL S
54 AT60T Description of Treasury Functions for Activity Editing POOL S
55 B006 SOrg/DstCh/Division/Customer POOL A
56 B030 Specification Department POOL A
57 B055 C Status, Laboratory POOL A
58 B061 Purchasing Group POOL A
59 B062 Laboratory/Engineering and Design Office POOL A
60 B063 Planner Group POOL A
61 B064 Capacity Planner POOL A
62 B065 MRP Controller POOL A
63 B066 Cost center POOL A
64 BC325V00 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
65 BC325V10 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
66 BC325X00 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
67 BC325X01 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
68 BC325X02 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
69 BC325X03 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
70 BC325X04 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
71 BC325X05 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
72 BC325X06 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
73 BC325X07 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
74 BC325X08 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
75 BC325X09 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
76 BC325X10 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
77 BC325X11 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
78 BC325X12 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
79 BC325X13 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
80 BC325X14 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
81 BC325X15 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
82 BC325X16 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
83 BC325X17 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
84 BC325X18 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
85 BC325X19 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
86 BC325X20 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
87 BC325X21 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
88 BC325X22 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
89 BC325X23 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
90 BC325X24 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
91 BC325X25 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
92 BC325X26 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
93 BC325X27 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
94 BC325X28 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
95 BC325X29 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
96 BC325X30 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
97 BC325X31 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
98 BC325X32 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
99 BC325X33 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
100 BC325X34 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
101 BC325X35 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
102 BC325X36 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
103 BC325X37 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
104 BC325X38 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
105 BC325X39 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
106 BC325X40 Sample Table for BC325 POOL C
107 CF002 Human Resources POOL A
108 CF004 Stock Prices POOL A
109 CHK_DECIDE Verification table for decider in DD_DECIDE POOL S
110 DDPAMSCTRL DD: Controls Parallel Handling during Mass Activation POOL S
111 DDSYN Parameters for Buffer Synchronization POOL S
112 DICS_T150 Physical Inventory Stock Types and Allocated Movement Types POOL S
113 DICS_T150F Stock Types and Allocated Fields in Physical Inventory POOL S
114 DICS_T156B Back Up Table Movement Type Screen Sel. - Internal only POOL G
115 DICS_T156C Stock Types and Their Values POOL S
116 DICS_T156F Back UP Table Fields in Quantity String - Internal Only POOL S
117 DICS_T156M Back Up Table Posting String Quantity - Internal Only POOL E
118 DICS_T156V Availability Table POOL S
119 DICS_T157B Descr. of Qty Fields (Plant Stock Avail., Stock Display) POOL E
120 DICS_T157H Help Texts for Movement Types POOL E
121 DVK00 unused dummy structure xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx POOL A
122 DVKTX R/2-R/3 Link: Delivery texts R2 -> R3 POOL L
123 FB03 Financial Transactions POOL S
124 FINK Text Key -> Pointer (SAPfind) POOL A
125 FINP Pointer -> Text Key (SAPfind) POOL A
126 FINT Title of the Indexed Texts (SAPfind) POOL A
127 FKKCLEDRI Auxiliary Structure for Lock Object EFKKCLEDRI POOL C
128 FKKCLEGP Help structure for lock object EFKKVKOPA POOL C
129 FKKCLEGPI Help structure f. lock object EFKKCLEGPI POOL C
130 FKKCLEVK Auxillary Structure for Lock Object EFKKCLEVK POOL C
131 FKKCLEVKI Help structure f. lock object EFKKCLEVKI POOL C
132 FKKCLEZW2I Help structure for lock object EFKKCLEZ2FI POOL C
133 FKKCLEZWFI Auxiliary Structure for Lock Object EFKKCLEZWFI POOL C
134 FKKNRRANGE Internal Structure for Lock Object Document Number Ranges POOL L
135 FKKNUMKR Help structure for lock object EFKKNUMKR POOL C
136 FKKVKOPA Help structure for lock object EFKKVKOPA POOL C
137 FMVALID Validation for Funds Management POOL C
138 GB91T Texts for validations POOL C
139 GLP1 Local Logical General Ledger Plan Line Items POOL A
140 GLP2 Global Special Purpose Ledger Plan Line Item Table POOL A
141 GLPPC Profit Center Accounting: Plan line items POOL A
142 GLS1 Local Logical General Ledger Actual Line Items POOL A
143 GLS2 Global logical Consolidation line items POOL A
144 GLSPC Profit Center Accounting: Line Items POOL A
145 GLT1 Local General Ledger Summary Table POOL A
146 GLT2 Consolidation totals table POOL A
147 ICLUSCNTXT User Context in Claim Applications POOL C
148 INDEXDT Security price type - Text table POOL C
149 ISUERDK Help Structure for Lock Object Eisuerdk POOL L
150 ISUNUMKR Help Structure for Lock Object IS-U Document Number Range POOL L
151 JSDTPAER Business Partner: Functions in Partner Determination Proced. POOL C
152 JVS1 JV Line Items POOL A
153 J_POOL01 VMC-Testobjekt POOL S
154 J_POOL_F01 VMC-Testobjekt POOL S
155 J_POOL_G01 VMC-Testobjekt POOL S
156 J_POOL_S01 VMC-Testobjekt POOL S
157 K9001 Derivation table for derivation rule A01 POOL A
158 MCLIK Grouping of Classifying Attributes in LIL POOL E
159 MCLIL Classifying Attribute Texts in LIL POOL E
160 MCLIM Classifying Group Texts in LIL POOL E
161 MWCURM Customizing: MM Configuration POOL C
162 M_MTVMA Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MTVM -A POOL  
163 M_MTVMB Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MTVM -B POOL  
164 M_MTVMC Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MTVM -C POOL  
165 M_MTVMD Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MTVM -D POOL  
166 M_MTVME Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MTVM -E POOL  
167 M_MTVNF Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MTVN -F POOL  
168 M_MTVNG Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MTVN -G POOL  
169 M_MTVNH Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MTVN -H POOL  
170 M_MTVNI Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MTVN -I POOL  
171 M_MTVNJ Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MTVN -J POOL  
172 M_MTVNK Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MTVN -K POOL  
173 M_MTVNL Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MTVN -L POOL  
174 M_MTVOA Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MTVO -A POOL  
175 M_MTVOB Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MTVO -B POOL  
176 M_MTVOC Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MTVO -C POOL  
177 M_MTVOE Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MTVO -E POOL  
178 M_MVERA Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MVER -A POOL  
179 M_MVERB Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MVER -B POOL  
180 M_MVERC Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MVER -C POOL  
181 M_MVERD Generated pooled table for matchcode ID MVER -D POOL  
182 POTAB Log pool table POOL A
183 PTEST2 Pool Test Table 2 POOL L
184 PUVT1 Pool: Unbuffered VERI Table POOL L
185 PUVT2 Pool: Unbuffered VERI Table POOL L
186 PVEG1 Generically Buffered Pooled Table for Verification POOL L
187 PVERI_CLNT Verification of SAP SQL Key Words from ABAP/4 View POOL W
188 PVEU11 Pooled Table for Verification Runs (Various Fields, Unbuff.) POOL L
189 PVEU12 Pool. Tab. for Verif. Runs (Various Unaligned Fields, Unbuf) POOL L
190 PVEU13 Pooled Table for Verification Runs (Various Fields, Unbuff.) POOL L
191 PVEU14 Pool. Tab. for Verif. Runs (Various Unaligned Fields, Unbuf) POOL L
192 PYONUMKR Auxiliary structure for lock object EPYONUMKR POOL C
193 RFCTA RFC stub generation - ABAP/4 data types, RFC data type POOL W
194 RFCTYPE Type of RFC connection POOL S
195 RSDCX Exceptions Table for Short Text Statistics POOL S
196 RSNTR Table not Taken into Account for Language Entries POOL S
197 RVTXOBJ SD Text Determination: Allowed Text Objects POOL S
199 SFIA Attribute Table for SAPfind POOL A
200 SFIAT Attribute Text Table POOL A
201 SFICD Class Description Table for SAPfind POOL E
202 SFICL Class Table for SAPfind POOL E
203 SFICT SAPfind: Language-dependent Class Description POOL A
204 SFINO SAPfind: Pointer Administration/Assignment (annually) POOL A
205 SFITH SAPfind: Terms for CUA Access to FIND POOL A
206 SMOG_TACOB temporary storage for objects to be activated POOL L
207 STXXFILTER Filter for Logging SAP Script Texts POOL C
208 T000C Table for Installing FI-SL Customizing POOL C
209 T001E Company Code-Dependent Address Data POOL C
210 T001F Company code-dependent form selection POOL C
211 T001I Company Code - Parameter Types POOL E
212 T001J Company Code - Parameter Type Names POOL E
213 T001R Rounding Rules for Company Code and Currency POOL C
214 T001S Accounting Clerks POOL C
215 T001T Company code-dependent texts POOL C
216 T001X Configuration of External Receiving Comp.Codes POOL C
217 T001Z Additional Specifications for Company Code POOL C
218 T003A Document Types for Posting with Clearing POOL C
219 T003M Transaction/Event Types for SAPMM07M/SAPMM07I POOL G
220 T003T Document Type Texts POOL C
221 T004F Field status definition groups POOL C
222 T004G Field Status Definition Group Texts POOL C
223 T004R Rules index for sample accounts POOL C
224 T004S Texts for sample account rules POOL C
225 T004T Chart of Account Names POOL C
226 T004V Field Status Variant POOL C
227 T004W Text Table for T004V POOL C
228 T005Q Country Keys for Withholding Tax Calculation POOL C
229 T005R Country Keys for the Withholding Tax: Names POOL C
230 T007B Tax Processing in Accounting POOL C
231 T007G Table no Longer Used -> T007K/L POOL C
232 T007H Table no Longer Used -> T007K/L POOL C
233 T007S Tax Code Names POOL C
234 T008 Blocking Reasons for Automatic Payment Transcations POOL C
235 T008T Blocking Reason Names in Automatic Payment Trans. POOL C
236 T009 Fiscal Year Variants POOL C
237 T009B Fiscal year variant periods POOL C
238 T009C Period names POOL C
239 T009T Fiscal year variant names POOL C
240 T009Y Shortened fiscal years in Asset Accounting POOL C
241 T010O Posting Period Variants POOL C
242 T010P Posting Period Variant Names POOL C
243 T011P Table no longer in use POOL C
244 T011Q Table no longer in use POOL C
245 T011Z Table no longer in use POOL C
246 T012E EDI-compatible house banks and payment methods POOL C
247 T014N New credit control areas to be set up POOL L
248 T015L SCB Ratios POOL C
249 T015M Names of the months POOL C
250 T015W Instruction keys POOL C
251 T015Z Digits and numbers in words POOL C
252 T016 Industries POOL C
253 T016T Industry Names POOL C
254 T017 is being deleted POOL C
255 T018C Cash Concentration: Intermediate Acct and Amt Stipulations POOL C
256 T018D Forms for Cash Management and Forecast POOL C
257 T018P Post office bank branches POOL C
258 T019 Financial Accounting Screen Selection POOL S
259 T019W Financial Accounting Window Selection POOL S
260 T020 FI/AM Transaction Control POOL S
261 T021 Fields for Line Item and Document Line Layout POOL C
262 T021A Forms for Additional Information POOL C
263 T021B Line Item Total Variants POOL C
264 T021C Summary Variant Short Names POOL C
265 T021D Line Layout Fast Entry: Administration POOL C
266 T021F Line Layout Fast Entry: Variants POOL C
267 T021G Line Layout Fast Entry: Description of Variants POOL C
268 T021J Fast Entry: Inactive Standard Variants POOL C
269 T021N Name of Sort Variants POOL C
270 T021P Default Val.Parametrizatn f.Line Layout/Total var. POOL S
271 T021Q Fast Entry Line Layout: Control POOL S
272 T021R Field selection for spec.functions (list displays) POOL C
273 T021T Line Layout Variant Texts POOL C
274 T021V Default Values for Layouts POOL C
275 T021Z Line Layout Variants POOL C
276 T027C Codes for Compliance with Shipping Instructions POOL C
277 T027D Compliance with Shipping Instructions: Texts POOL C
278 T028A Bank Statement Table POOL A
279 T028B Transaction Type of Sender Bank POOL C
280 T028D Define Internal Transactions in Electronic Banking POOL C
281 T028E Text Table for T028D POOL C
282 T030 Standard Accounts Table POOL C
283 T030A Transaction Keys and Assignment to Groups POOL S
284 T030B Standard Posting Keys POOL C
285 T030C Global Standard Account Table POOL C
286 T030D Acct Determ.for Open Item Exch.Rate Differences POOL C
287 T030E Acct Determ.for Open Item Exch.Rate Differences POOL C
288 T030F Provision Method for Doubtful Receivables POOL C
289 T030G Standard Accounts Table - Business Area Breakdown POOL C
290 T030H Acct Determ.for Open Item Exch.Rate Differences POOL C
291 T030HB Acct Determ.for Open Item Exch.Rate Differences POOL C
292 T030I Acct Determination for Intercompany Cost Flow (CE Ledger) POOL C
293 T030K Tax Accounts Determination POOL C
294 T030Q Clearing Accounts for Distributed Systems POOL C
295 T030R Rules for Determination of Standard Accounts POOL C
296 T030S Accts for Foreign Currency Assets Exchange Rate Differences POOL C
297 T030V Account Conversion Tables for Distributed Systems POOL C
298 T030W Transaction Key Names POOL S
299 T030X Groups of Transaction Keys POOL S
300 T030Y Transaction Group Names POOL S
301 T031 Bill Discount Note POOL C
302 T031S Bill of Exchange Status POOL C
303 T031T Name of Bill of Exchange Status POOL C
304 T033A Account Determination: Applications POOL S
305 T033B Account Determination: Name of Applications POOL S
306 T033D Account Determination: Account Determination Key Names POOL S
307 T033E Account Determination: Control Data POOL C
308 T033F Account Determination: Posting Rules POOL C
309 T033G Acct determination: Replacing the account symbols POOL C
310 T033I Acct Determination: Account Symbols POOL C
311 T033J Account Determination: Account Symbol Descriptions POOL C
312 T033O Account Determination: Account Determination Key Values POOL S
313 T033P Accout Determination: Name of Acct Determination Key Values POOL S
314 T033U Account Determ.for Balance Sheet Transfer Postings POOL C
315 T035V Allocate G/L Account to Segmentation (temporarily not used) POOL C
316 T036O Symbols for Allocating Levels for Updating POOL S
317 T036P Texts for Level Symbols in T0360 POOL S
318 T036Q Allocating Levels for T0360 POOL C
319 T036S Planning Levels with Payment Blocks POOL C
320 T037 Planning Types POOL C
321 T037A Archiving Categories POOL C
322 T037R Texts for T037S POOL C
323 T037S Account Assignment References acc. to Transaction Type POOL C
324 T037T Planning Type Texts POOL C
325 T038V Distribution for Cash Mgmt Position and Liquidity Forecast POOL C
326 T040 Dunning keys POOL C
327 T040A Dunning key names POOL C
328 T040S Blocking reasons for dunning notices POOL C
329 T040T Dunning block reason names POOL C
330 T041A Clearing Transactions POOL C
331 T041T Clearing Transaction Names POOL C
332 T042 Parameters for payment transactions POOL C
333 T042A Bank selection for payment program POOL C
334 T042D Available amounts for payment program POOL C
335 T042F Payment method supplements POOL C
336 T042G Groups of company codes ( payment program ) POOL C
337 T042H Text table for additional payment methods POOL C
338 T042I Account determination for payment program POOL C
339 T042J Bank charges determination POOL C
340 T042K Accounts for bank charges POOL C
341 T042L Bank transaction code names POOL C
342 T042M User Numbers At The Bank POOL C
343 T042N Bank transaction codes POOL C
344 T042P Bank selection by postal code POOL C
345 T042S Charges/expenses for automatic pmnt transactions POOL C
346 T042V Value date for automatic payments POOL C
347 T043 Assign Accounting Clerks --> Tolerance Group POOL C
348 T043G Tolerances for Groups of Customers/Vendors POOL C
349 T043K Control of Payment Notices to Customers/Vendors POOL C
350 T043S Tolerances for Groups of G/L Accounts POOL C
351 T043T FI tolerance groups for employees POOL C
352 T044A Foreign Currency Valuation Methods POOL C
353 T044B Valuation method names POOL C
354 T044E Foreign Currency Valuation: Items with Special Cover POOL A
355 T044Z Customer/Vendor Accounts with Changed Reconciliation Account POOL C
356 T045B Expense/Bank Accounts and Tax Codes for Bill Presentation POOL C
357 T045D Available amounts for bill of exchange presentation POOL C
358 T045E Presentation to Bank POOL C
359 T045G Bank charges table for bill of exchange presentation POOL C
360 T045L Charges table for bill/ex.presentation (country-specific) POOL C
361 T046 Bill of Exchange Tax POOL C
362 T046T Bill of Exchange Tax Code Names POOL C
363 T047 Company Code Dunning Control POOL C
364 T047A Account Level Dunning Control POOL C
365 T047B Dunning level control POOL C
366 T047C Dunning charges POOL C
367 T047D Form selection for legal dunning proceedings POOL C
368 T047E Form selection for dunning notices POOL C
369 T047F Sorting of dunning letters POOL C
370 T047H Marginal amounts POOL C
371 T047M Dunning areas POOL C
372 T047N Dunning area texts POOL C
373 T047R Grouping rules for dunning notices POOL C
374 T047S Name of grouping rules POOL C
375 T047T Dunning procedure names POOL C
376 T048 Correspondence Types POOL E
377 T048B Report Assignment for Automatic Correspondence POOL C
378 T048I Correspondence type properties POOL C
379 T048K Indicator for Periodic Account Statements POOL C
380 T048L Indicator Texts for Periodic Bank Statements POOL C
381 T048T Correspondence texts POOL E
382 T049C Evaluation of the Autocash Tapes POOL L
383 T049E Control Data for Swiss ISR Procedure POOL C
384 T049F Cashed Checks Control Table POOL C
385 T049L Lockboxes at our House Banks POOL C
386 T050T General texts POOL S
387 T052A Known/Negotiated Leave POOL C
388 T052R Rules for Issuing Invoices POOL C
389 T052S Terms of Payment for Holdback/Retainage POOL C
390 T052T Negotiated Leave Name POOL C
391 T053 Line Item Texts POOL C
392 T053E Reason Code Conversion POOL C
393 T053V Reason Code Conversion Version POOL C
394 T053W Reason Code Conversion Version Names POOL C
395 T054 Run Schedule for Recurring Documents POOL C
396 T054A Settlement Data for Recurring Entry Schedules POOL C
397 T054T Name of Run Schedules for Recurring Documents POOL C
398 T055G Field groups (master data) POOL C
399 T055T Field group names POOL C
400 T056 Interest settlement POOL C
401 T056A Time-dependent conditions POOL C
402 T056B Transaction Types POOL C
403 T056D Form names for interest for days overdue POOL C
404 T056F Reference interest rates POOL C
405 T056L Function modules for int.transaction types POOL C
406 T056S Interest scale interest terms (acct POOL C
407 T056T Text table for transaction types(int.calc.reports) POOL C
408 T056U Control table for calculation of interest on arrears POOL C
409 T056X Text table for interest indicators POOL C
410 T056Y Assign special G/L indicator to interest indicator POOL C
411 T057 Preference Indicator POOL C
412 T057T Subsidy indicator names POOL C
413 T059A Type of Recipient For Vendors POOL C
414 T059B Withholding Tax Classes for Vendors: Names POOL C
415 T059F Formulas for Calculating Withholding Tax POOL C
416 T059L Regional tax minimum amounts for 1099 reporting POOL C
417 T059M Minority Indicators POOL C
418 T059T Texts for Minority Indicators POOL C
419 T060 Rules for A/R and A/P information system POOL C
420 T060A Evaluation types in A/R and A/P information system POOL C
421 T060B Texts for T060A - evaluatn types in A/R and A/P info system POOL C
422 T060O Evaluation views for A/R and A/P information system POOL C
423 T060S Evaluation views for A/R and A/P information system POOL C
424 T060T Evaluation names in the FI information system POOL C
425 T060U Description of evaluation views for A/R and A/P info system POOL C
426 T063 Screen Control: Inventory Management POOL S
427 T063C Call-Screen Control: Inventory Management POOL S
428 T063F Function Codes: Inventory Management POOL S
429 T063O OK Codes in Inventory Management POOL S
430 T063T Transactions Called Up From Inventory Management POOL S
431 T064F Function Codes: Physical Inventory POOL S
432 T064S Stock Mngmt Levels for Inventory Sampling POOL C
433 T064T Physical Inventory: Texts POOL S
434 T066 Screen Selection, Invoice Verification POOL S
435 T066K Window Coordinates, Invoice Verification/Valuation POOL S
436 T068A Exchange rate indicators POOL C
437 T068B Text table for T068A POOL C
438 T069 Certificate Categories POOL C
439 T069Q Control Data for Source Determination and Checking POOL S
440 T069T Certificate Categories: Text Description POOL C
441 T070 FI Document Archiving - Document Lives POOL C
442 T071 FI Document Archiving - Account Lives POOL C
443 T074 Special G/L Accounts POOL C
444 T074A Special G/L Transaction Type Names POOL S
445 T074T Special G/L Indicator Names POOL C
446 T077S G/L account groups POOL C
447 T077T Table no longer in use POOL C
448 T077X Account Group Names (Table T077D) POOL G
449 T077Y Account Group Names (Table T077K) POOL G
450 T077Z Account Group Names (Table T077S) POOL C
451 T078S Action Type Screen Selection for G/L Acct Master Data POOL C
452 T078W Transaction-dependent screen selection Plant Master POOL G
453 T082A Field string asset master record maintenance POOL C
454 T082E Description asset views POOL C
455 T082S Dynpro control of the views POOL S
456 T083L Leasing types POOL C
457 T083S Leasing types-Description POOL C
458 T083T Description of leasing cycle POOL L
459 T084A Restart information for legacy asset data transfer POOL L
460 T086A Call up of AM reports per transaction function POOL G
461 T086T Names for Reporting Sort Versions POOL E
462 T087I Reason for investment POOL C
463 T087J Text POOL C
464 T088 Selection Table for Italian Asset Register POOL C
465 T089T Text table for T089 (appreciations) POOL C
466 T090I Depreciation simulation (Reporting) POOL C
467 T090W Short Texts for Depreciation Trace POOL S
468 T090X Simulation Versions POOL C
469 T090Y Weighting of depreciation periods POOL C
470 T092 Property classification key POOL C
471 T092T Description of the Property Classification Key POOL C
472 T093D Control dep. posting POOL C
473 T093F Check rules dep. calc. (not used!) POOL C
474 T093N Number assignment alloc. AA POOL C
475 T093S Value Field Names for Depreciation Areas POOL C
476 T093U Options for asset legacy data transfer POOL C
477 T093Y Shortened fiscal year POOL C
478 T094 Index Figures for Replacement Values POOL C
479 T094C Index Class POOL G
480 T097 Property indicator POOL C
481 T097T Description of the Property Indicator POOL C
482 T098 Basis manual property evaluation POOL C
483 T098T Description of the reasons for manual property values POOL C
484 T099B Insurance premiums POOL C
485 T099V Insurance Tariff Description POOL C
486 T100C Message Control by User POOL C
487 T100S Configurable system messages POOL E
488 T130C Definition of required tables POOL S
489 T130D Screen data POOL S
490 T130G Selection group and its tables POOL S
491 T130M Transaction control parameters: material master maintenance POOL G
492 T130O SAP components for material master record maintenance POOL S
493 T130P Status and table POOL S
494 T130S General Control Indicators in Master Data Maintenance POOL G
495 T130Z Use of material master views POOL S
496 T131A Change code, selection group, and material master table POOL S
497 T131T Screen Descriptions POOL S
498 T131V Change code plus maintenance status POOL S
499 T131X Change Codes with Descriptions POOL S
500 T134W Initial Status of Batch POOL C
501 T135A Field Selection: Initial Screen POOL S
502 T136 Stock Display: Basic List/Breakdown List POOL C
503 T136V Assignment of Stock Line to Version for Segregated List POOL G
504 T138A Fields for Mass Change: Material Master Records POOL S
505 T138B Material master screen sequence control POOL S
506 T138C Individual Transaction Code for Mass Change POOL S
507 T138M Masking of the entries in table T138B POOL S
508 T138V Versions for Mass Change: Material Master Records POOL S
509 T139A Exception Messages: Period Closing Program POOL S
510 T139B Exception Messages: Period Closing Program POOL S
511 T147 Control Table for Vendor Evaluation POOL C
512 T147A Definition for Main Criteria for Vendor Evaluation POOL C
513 T147C Definition for Subcriteria for Vendor Evaluation POOL C
514 T147E Definition of Weighting Keys by Main Criterion POOL C
515 T147H Intervals for Delivery Time Statistics POOL C
516 T147K Vendor Evaluation: Assignment Percentages - Points Scores POOL C
517 T147L Intervals for Quantity Reliability Statistics POOL C
518 T147M Definition of Scope of List: Vendor Evaluation POOL C
519 T147N Texts for Scope of List in Vendor Evaluation POOL C
520 T147O Scope of List: Vendor Evaluation POOL C
521 T148A Field selection on initial screen of special stock maint. POOL S
522 T148B Screen sequence: special stock maintenance POOL S
523 T148G Field selection: special stocks POOL G
524 T148M Transaction control parameters: special stocks POOL S
525 T150 Physical Inventory Stock Types and Allocated Movement Types POOL S
526 T150F Stock Types and Allocated Fields in Physical Inventory POOL S
527 T156B Movement Types: Screen Selection POOL G
528 T156C Stock Types and Their Values POOL S
529 T156H Help Texts for Movement Type (up to Rel. 2.0, then T157H) POOL L
530 T156K Account Assignment Fields in Field Selection (up to 2.1) POOL G
531 T156N Next Movement Type POOL E
532 T156V Availability Table POOL S
533 T157B Descr. of Qty Fields (Plant Stock Avail., Stock Display) POOL E
534 T157D Reason for Movement POOL C
535 T157E Text Table: Reason for Movement POOL C
536 T157F Display Fields: Plant Availability POOL C
537 T157H Help Texts for Movement Types POOL E
538 T157N Fields in Stock Balance Display (Inventory Management) POOL E
539 T157O Routine Selection for Plant Availability POOL C
540 T157P Display Rules POOL E
541 T157Q Inventory Mgmt.: Display Rules for Plant Stock Availability POOL E
542 T157R Display Rule for Availability Block POOL E
543 T157T Description of Fields in Availability Block POOL E
544 T158 Transaction Control: Inventory Management POOL G
545 T158B Check Table: Movement Type for Transaction Code POOL E
546 T158I Transaction Control: Physical Inventory POOL S
547 T158N Next Transaction Code in Inventory Management POOL E
548 T158T Inv. Management: Text Table for Trans./Event Types Allowed POOL S
549 T158V Inv. Mngmt - General: Transaction/Event Types Allowed POOL S
550 T158W Long Text for Transaction/Event Type POOL S
551 T159B Parameters for Batch Inputs in Inventory Management POOL C
552 T159E IM Print Func.:Determ.No.of Copies f. Label Print. POOL C
553 T159G Default Values for Inventory Sampling Profile POOL C
554 T159H Long Text for Inv. Sampling Profile POOL C
555 T159M Inv. Managmt Print Function: Active Form Version, Labels POOL G
556 T159N Invent. Mgmt Print Function: Active Form Versions POOL G
557 T159O Inv. Mngmt Print Function: Maintain Text Name for Labels POOL G
558 T159P Parameters for Printing GR/GI Slips POOL C
559 T159Q Inventory Management Print Function: Value Table for KZDRU POOL G
560 T159R IM Document Reorganization - Life of Documents POOL C
561 T159S Inventory Mgmt Print Function: Printer Combination POOL C
562 T159T Invntry Mgmt. Printing: Text Table for Table T159Q POOL E
563 T160 SAP Transaction Control, Purchasing POOL G
564 T160B SAP Transaction Control, List Displays, Purchasing POOL G
565 T160C SAP Transaction Control for List Displays in CALL POOL G
566 T160D Function Authorizations: Purchase Order POOL C
567 T160E Function Authorizations: Purchasing: Descriptions POOL C
568 T160I Control of Intrastat Reports POOL G
569 T160J Text Table for Intrastat Reports POOL G
570 T160L Scope of Purchasing Lists POOL C
571 T160O Description of Scope of List POOL C
572 T160P Entities Table Routines POOL S
573 T160Q Scope of List: Buyer's Negotiation Sheet: Routines POOL G
574 T160R Routines for Buyer's Negotiation Sheet POOL S
575 T160S Selection Parameters for Purchasing Lists POOL C
576 T160T Description of Selection Parameters POOL C
577 T160V Default Values for Purchasing POOL C
578 T160W Description for Default Values for Purchasing Operations POOL C
579 T160X Scope of List: Buyer's Negotiation Sheet POOL G
580 T160Y Scope of List: Buyer's Negotiation Sheet: Description POOL G
581 T161A Linkage of Requisition Doc. Type to Purchasing Document Type POOL G
582 T161B Default Business Transaction Type for Import POOL C
583 T161E Release Codes POOL C
584 T161F Release Point Assignment for Purchase Requisition Release POOL C
585 T161G Release Prerequisite, Purchase Requisition POOL C
586 T161H Fields for Release Procedure, Purchase Requisition POOL S
587 T161I Determination of Release Strategy POOL C
588 T161N Message Determination Schemas: Assignment POOL G
589 T161R REORG Control, Purchasing POOL G
590 T161S Release Indicator, Purchase Requisition POOL C
591 T161U Texts for Release Indicator POOL C
592 T161V Shipping-Specific Data for Stock Tfr. for Purch. Doc. Type POOL G
593 T161Z Additional Checks for Outline Agreements on Reorganization POOL G
594 T162K Field Selection, Account Assignment Fields, Purchasing POOL G
595 T162T Description of Field Selection Reference Key POOL G
596 T162X Description of Field Groups from T162/T162K POOL S
597 T162Y Groups: Field Selection POOL S
598 T163A Check Item Category/Account Assignment Category POOL G
599 T164A SAPcomm: System Parameters POOL C
600 T164C SAPcomm: Destination server assignment POOL C
601 T164O SAPcomm: Server location POOL C
602 T164U Regional subscriber number characteristic POOL C
603 T164Y SAPcomm: Incoming Mail Recipients POOL C
604 T165K Copying Options: Header Texts POOL G
605 T165P Copying Options: Item texts POOL G
606 T166T Change Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts POOL G
607 T166U Headings in Purchasing Document Printout POOL G
608 T167 Number Range Management for Purchasing Master Data POOL S
609 T167T Transaction Description POOL S
610 T168 Screen Control, Purchasing POOL S
611 T168F Function Codes, Purchasing POOL S
612 T168T Screen Titles POOL S
613 T169 SAP Transaction Control, Invoice Verification/Valuation POOL S
614 T169A Posting String for Invoice Verification POOL S
615 T169B Notifiable PO Supplement Types POOL C
616 T169E Tolerance Limit Keys POOL S
617 T169F Transaction-Dependent Defaults: Invoice Verification POOL G
618 T169G Tolerance Limits, Invoice Verification POOL C
619 T169K Default Values, Account Maintenance POOL C
620 T169O Account Assignment Block: Fields To Be Excluded from IV POOL S
621 T169P Parameters, Invoice Verification POOL C
622 T169S Tolerance Limit Keys POOL S
623 T169T Text Table for Tolerance Limits POOL C
624 T169V Default Values, Invoice Verification POOL C
625 T169W Posting Strings (Values) for SAPMM08R POOL S
626 T169X Transaction Texts: Invoice Verification POOL S
627 T180T Reporting: Display Variants - Texts POOL E
628 T180U Reporting: Display Variants - Headings POOL E
629 T180V Reporting: Default Values POOL G
630 T181F Customizing Lists: Inactive Functions POOL S
631 T181S Customizing List: Possible Display Groups POOL S
632 T181T Reporting: Screen Texts for Sales POOL S
633 T184 Sales Documents: Item Category Determination POOL G
634 T184L Sales Documents: Item Category Determination POOL G
635 T237 Name of report structure POOL C
636 T2410 Language table system control parameters POOL S
637 T2411 Description of parameter groups POOL S
638 T241E Text to sort reports into report portfolio POOL C
639 T241H Text for report portfolio hierarchy POOL C
640 T241S Sender field description POOL G
641 T241Z User profile text table POOL C
642 T2421 Parameter groups for system control parameters in SAP-EIS POOL S
643 T242E Sort reports into report portfolio POOL C
644 T242H Hierarchies in report portfolio POOL C
645 T242I Sender information POOL G
646 T242N Report composed of individual windows POOL C
647 T242S SAP-EIS: Collection programs and sender structures POOL G
648 T242T Texts POOL G
649 T242Z Hierarchy index POOL C
650 T243A Set TR-CM Subsystems and Company Codes POOL C
651 T243B Convert Sender Planning Group POOL C
652 T243C Convert Sender Planning Level POOL C
653 T243D Convert Sender Business Areas POOL C
654 T2512 Table of characteristic values POOL A
655 T2513 Table of Characteristic Values POOL A
656 T2514 Table of characteristic values POOL A
657 T2538 Table of Characteristic Values POOL A
658 T258A Determining the costing sheet for condition access POOL C
659 T258E Table for managing external data transfer POOL A
660 T258F CO-PA access control for Product Costing POOL C
661 T258I Assignment: Condition types -> CO-PA value fields POOL C
662 T258K Assignment of Cost Components to CO-PA Value Fields POOL C
663 T258W Assignment: DDIC structures -> CO-PA structures POOL C
664 T25B2 Text table for characteristics POOL A
665 T25B3 Text table for characteristic values POOL A
666 T25B4 Text table for characteristic values POOL A
667 T25D8 Text table for characteristic values POOL A
668 T340 WM Transactions POOL G
669 T341 WM Screen Selection POOL S
670 T342 Control of Screen Sequence in WM POOL S
671 T350W Maintenance control parameters: Order type plant POOL C
672 T354S Set parameter for calling master data transactions POOL S
673 T365 Initial values for PM notification transactions POOL S
674 T365A Start values for notification transactions - Customizing POOL C
675 T370 Start Values for PM Master Data Transactions POOL S
676 T370A Activity Category for PM Lists POOL S
677 T370Z History-related fields POOL C
678 T371A IB: Installed Base Category POOL E
679 T371A_T IB: Text table for T371A POOL E
680 T371D IB: Installation Component - Object Type POOL E
681 T390 PM: Shop papers for print control POOL E
682 T390D PM: Destinations and database names for download POOL C
683 T390_O PM: Shop paper control by order type POOL G
684 T390_T PM: Shop paper description POOL G
685 T392 PM: DDIC structures for print diversion POOL E
686 T399J Maintenance parameters (client) POOL C
687 T399P Maintenance item category parameter POOL C
688 T399W Maintenance Plan Category Parameter POOL C
689 T401M Transaction control paramters: MRP profiles POOL S
690 T401Z Collection of changed profiles for batch framework POOL W
691 T409 Relationships between task list types and material types POOL G
692 T437D Control Parameter Plant for Repetitive Mfg POOL C
693 T437T Documentation Element for Repetitive Manufacturing POOL S
694 T437V Distribution key in MRP POOL C
695 T437W MRP distribution key (texts) POOL C
696 T437Z Row Texts for Maintaining Run Schedule Headers POOL S
697 T439F Handling of planning flag at abnormal termination POOL G
698 T439I PP planning periods: schedule lines (periods) POOL C
699 T439J PP planning periods: calculation rule POOL C
700 T440B Control table for creating MRP record POOL S
701 T440F Exception messages for the forecast POOL E
702 T440G Weighting Groups for Finding the Moving Average Value POOL C
703 T440L Correction Factors: Forecast POOL C
704 T440X Allocation of forecast model to model groups POOL S
705 T440Z Allocate error -> error class in the forecast POOL E
706 T441M Forecast transaction control POOL S
707 T444K LIS Planning: Screen Sequence Control Table POOL E
708 T444M Planning: Control Table - Key Matrix Screen POOL E
709 T445S Collision Matrix for Locking Product Groups POOL S
710 T449U Settings for Collective Display of MRP List POOL S
711 T450 MRP transaction control POOL S
712 T450A Control Table of PF Status for Run Schedule Modification POOL S
713 T450F Field selection maintaining independent requirements POOL E
714 T450P Transaction control for maintaining ind. requirements POOL E
715 T457A Processing key for planning run POOL E
716 T457G MPS evaluation: evaluation profile POOL E
717 T457H MPS evaluation: hierarchy of MRP elements POOL E
718 T457I MPS evaluations: long texts POOL E
719 T457J MPS evaluation: user-specific layout POOL E
720 T457K MPS evaluation: user-specific schedule lines POOL L
721 T457L MPS evaluation: receipts/issues texts POOL E
722 T457S Block table for MRP and forecast run POOL L
723 T457T Description of MRP elements POOL G
724 T457TBLP Description MRP Elements for TBLP POOL G
725 T459C Default values for independent requirements POOL G
726 T459R Reference requirements table POOL G
727 T460B Special Procurement Key Conversion POOL S
728 T460D Order/Purchase order types for planned order POOL G
729 T460Q Special Procurement Types per Procurement Type POOL S
730 T488T Texts for the fields of Table T488 POOL S
731 T490 Transactions PP - orders - order category POOL S
732 T496B CIM order: Assigning document types to reference doc. types POOL C
733 T496F CIM order: Form description of the list POOL C
734 T496K CIM order: Entity table of possible table identifiers POOL S
735 T496N CIM order: List descriptions POOL C
736 T496R Print PP shop papers: Report control POOL C
737 T496T Print PP shop papers: Transaction control POOL C
738 T498 Distribution function POOL G
739 T498T Distribution Function Texts POOL G
740 T506T Loan Condition Texts POOL C
741 T510E Dynamic Standard Pay Increase II POOL C
742 T510L Step Table POOL C
743 T510N Pay Scales for Annual Salaries (NA) POOL C
744 T510O Cost-of-Living Allowances -BAT- POOL C
745 T510V Check Table For Processing Types in T510S (WT Generation) POOL E
746 T510Y Special Rules for Wage Type Generation POOL E
747 T511M Wage Type Models POOL C
748 T512C Wage Types to be Distributed POOL E
749 T512H Assignment of Text Elements to Forms POOL C
750 T512I System Documentation - Kwic Index POOL S
751 T512V RPDSYS00 - Cross References POOL S
752 T513D Job Groups POOL C
753 T513K RPDSYS00 - Relations POOL S
754 T513L RPDSYS00 - Exploding Functions POOL S
755 T513M RPDSYS00 - Origin of Documentation POOL S
756 T513N RPDSYS00 - Supplementary Information POOL S
757 T513O RPDSYS00 - Structure of DLIB Docu POOL S
758 T513P Pension Reserve Groups POOL C
759 T513Q RPDSYS00 - Print Control for Chapters POOL S
760 T517A Educational Establishment Types/Final Certificates POOL C
761 T517Z School Types/Branches of Study POOL C
762 T518E Education/Training Categories/E&T POOL C
763 T520M Cash Breakdown List POOL E
764 T520S Text Key for Data Carrier POOL E
765 T521C Check Table for Payees POOL C
766 T521T Institution Texts - No longer used POOL C
767 T522F Format for HR Name Format POOL C
768 T522N HR Name Format POOL C
769 T526 Administrators POOL C
770 T527 Organizational Key: Control POOL C
771 T527A Organizational Key Creation Rules POOL C
772 T527O Organizational Key Validation POOL C
773 T52CX Cross References via Generated Schemas POOL S
774 T535Q HR Test Cases: no longer supported POOL E
775 T535R PI Area Numbers POOL E
776 T535T DUEVO Occupational Status POOL E
777 T535W ASB Reporting Schema POOL E
778 T536A Addresses POOL C
779 T536T Education and Training (DUEVO) POOL E
780 T538B Units of Time/Measurement POOL C
781 T538C Permissibility of Time/Measurement Units for Infotypes POOL E
782 T538Z Permissibility of Time/Measurement Units for Infotypes POOL L
783 T541A Types of Guaranteed Net Amount POOL E
784 T541N Guaranteed Net Amounts POOL E
785 T541T Texts for Types of Guaranteed Net Amounts POOL E
786 T546 Employee Subgroup for PersCalcRule/CollAgreemProvision POOL C
787 T548S Date Conversion POOL C
788 T549Q Payroll Periods POOL C
789 T549S Personnel Date Specifications Per Payroll Period POOL C
790 T555S PDC Record Type Conversion POOL C
791 T564T Insurance Company Texts POOL C
792 T569W Texts for Recalculation Categories POOL C
793 T578A Medical Doctors POOL C
794 T578Y Examination Results POOL C
795 T582B Infotypes That Are Created Automatically POOL E
796 T585A Infotypes with Documents POOL C
797 T585B Field Group Definition POOL C
798 T585C Field Group Characteristics POOL C
799 T588A Transaction Codes POOL S
800 T588B Infotype Menus POOL C
801 T588C Infotype Menus/Info Groups POOL C
802 T588F - is no longer used (now T588G) - POOL C
803 T588I Assignment of Header ID/Country Grouping to Header Modifier POOL C
804 T588J Infotype Header Definition POOL C
805 T589A Status and Input Mode in Screen Painter Screens POOL S
806 T596F HR Subroutines POOL S
807 T596U Conversion Table POOL S
808 T5A1B SI Contribution Groups POOL E
809 T5A1C SI Contributions/Contribution Amounts POOL E
810 T5A1X Control for Determining SI Contributions (A) POOL E
811 T5A2C Texts for Tax Exemption POOL E
812 T5A2D Tax procedure / reasons for tax exemption POOL E
813 T5A2E Income Tax Rates POOL E
814 T5A2M Damaging Actions/Reasons POOL C
815 T5A2S Deduction Amounts: Tax (A) POOL E
816 T5A2T Tax Procedure (A) POOL E
817 T5A3A Family allowance POOL E
818 T5A3T Family Allowance Texts POOL E
819 T5A4 Process Control for Continued Pay POOL C
820 T5A4A General Absence Data POOL C
821 T5A4B Seniority POOL C
822 T5A4C Entitlement Quotas (Obsolete) POOL C
823 T5A4F Absence Categories for Collective Contract/Company Agreement POOL C
824 T5A4G Use of Absence Categories POOL C
825 T5A4H Date Specifications (Continued Pay) POOL C
826 T5A4I Absence Categories of Particular Importance POOL C
827 T5A4O Description of Attendance/Absence Categories POOL C
828 T5A4P Attendance/Absence Categories POOL C
829 T5A4T Valuation According to Absence Duration POOL C
830 T5A4U Entitlement Quotas POOL C
831 T5A4V Entitlements per Absence POOL C
832 T5A4W Entitlements in Observation Period POOL C
833 T5A5T Print Position Texts for Sickness Certificates POOL E
834 T5A5U Forms for Leave Sickness Certificates POOL E
835 T5B0A Text Table SI Categories Employees (B) POOL C
836 T5B0B Text Table SI Categories Employers (B) POOL C
837 T5B0C Text Table SI Specifications Employees (B) POOL C
838 T5B0D Text Table SI Notifications Employees (B) POOL E
839 T5B0E Text Table Function SI Hourly Paid without Regulation (B) POOL E
840 T5B0F Country Codes & Nationalities (B) POOL E
841 T5B0G Profession Groups (B) POOL C
842 T5B0I Text Table Deduction of SI Contribution Employer (B) POOL C
843 T5B1A Text Table Type Tax Calculation (B) POOL C
844 T5B1B Text Table Spouse's Professions (B) POOL E
845 T5B1C Text Table Leave Regulation Taxes (B) POOL C
846 T5B1D Text Table Marital Status (B) POOL E
847 T5B62 Text Table Collective Agreements (B) POOL C
848 T5B63 Joint Commissions (B) POOL C
849 T5B6B Pay Scale Agreements (B) POOL C
850 T5B7A Text Table Systems Work Schedules (B) POOL C
851 T5B7B Text Table Weekly Workdays "regime" (B) POOL E
852 T5B7C Text Table for Work Schedule Regulations (B) POOL C
853 T5B9G Employee Groups/Subgroups (B) POOL C
854 T5BP1 Control of Personal Calendar (B) POOL C
855 T5BP2 Grace period and regulations (B) POOL C
856 T5BP3 Responses personnel calendar POOL C
857 T5C0P HR CH: Personnel Subarea Supplements POOL C
858 T5C13 HR-CH: Additional jobs POOL C
859 T5C14 HR-CH: RWH number of public holidays POOL C
860 T5C15 HR-CH: RWH vacation and public holidays reimbursement POOL C
861 T5C16 HR-CH: Exception Events for Reduced Hours POOL C
862 T5C1E Transaction Types POOL C
863 T5C1F Total Transaction Types POOL C
864 T5C1G Percentages POOL C
865 T5C1H Pension Types POOL C
866 T5C1I Texts for Pension Types POOL C
867 T5C1J Pension Rates (CH) POOL C
868 T5C1K HR-CH: insurance contributions POOL C
869 T5C1P EO Compensation (CH) POOL C
870 T5C1Q HR-CH: Company department short-time work POOL C
871 T5C1R Text for Company Department POOL C
872 T5C1S Withholding Tax Rates (CH) POOL C
873 T5C1T Texts for Withholding Tax POOL C
874 T5C1W ASM statistic texts POOL C
875 T5C1Y Fee for Withholding Tax POOL C
876 T5C1Z Company Pension Fund Factors POOL C
877 T5D0C Absence Distribution POOL C
878 T5D13 Jobs (Germany) POOL C
879 T5D14 Features of Earnings Survey for State Statistics Office POOL C
880 T5D1B Special SI Rules POOL E
881 T5D1C Texts for Special Rules for SI POOL E
882 T5D1D Help View for SI Attribute Combinations POOL E
883 T5D1E Social Insurance Attributes and Their Various Combinations POOL E
884 T5D1F Reasons for Exemption from SI Contributions POOL E
885 T5D1G Contribution Scales for Supplementary Insurance POOL C
886 T5D1I Health Insurance Contributions for the Compulsory Insured POOL C
887 T5D1L SI Withholding Deductions (D) POOL C
888 T5D1N Calculation of HI Amount POOL E
889 T5D1O Health Insurance Funds, Voluntary Contributions POOL C
890 T5D1Q Special Rules for Supplementary Insurance POOL E
891 T5D1R Special Rules Supplementary Insurance Texts POOL E
892 T5D1T SI Assessment Threshold POOL E
893 T5D1U SI Processing POOL E
894 T5D1V SI Processing Routines POOL E
895 T5D1W Supplementary Pensions POOL C
896 T5D1X Supplementary Pension (D) Percentage Rates POOL C
897 T5D2C Check I Taxes (D) POOL E
898 T5D2E Check II Taxes (D) POOL E
899 T5D2F Gross Taxable Amounts (D) POOL E
900 T5D2G Tax Procedure (D) POOL E
901 T5D2H Church Tax Rates (D) POOL E
902 T5D2N Religious Denomnations Liable for Tax (D) POOL E
903 T5D2S Derived Tax Wage Types POOL E
904 T5D3C Workers' Compensation Associations - Texts POOL C
905 T5D3D Hazard Pay Areas of Workers' Compensation Associations POOL C
906 T5D4A DEUEV Occupation Codes POOL E
907 T5D4B DEUEV Occupation Code Texts POOL E
908 T5D4G DEUEV Activity Keys for Miners' and Mine Employees' Ins. POOL C
909 T5D4H DEUEV Occupation Code for Miners' and Mine EEs' Insurance POOL C
910 T5D4J Special Key: Miners' and Mine Employees' Insurance POOL E
911 T5D5A OBSOLETE: Check Table for COLA Level/Partner Indicator POOL S
912 T5D5F Case groups POOL C
913 T5D5K Case Group Catalog POOL C
914 T5D5L Family-Related Bonus Classes and Career Assignment POOL C
915 T5D5T Case Group Catalog - Texts POOL C
916 T5D6D Fields for Special Cases for Garnishment POOL E
917 T5D6E Execution Rules for Garnishment Special Cases POOL E
918 T5D6G Employer Costs - Garnishment POOL C
919 T5DCK Dynamic Field Texts POOL C
920 T5F03 Employee groups/subgroups - special features (France) POOL C
921 T5F2C Grace period and continued pay POOL C
922 T5F2M Sickness compensation period POOL C
923 T5F2P Continued pay in case of sickness POOL C
924 T5F3A Payment reasons for profit sharing POOL C
925 T5G1T Pension Fund Texts POOL C
926 T5G20 SSP System Data (GB) POOL S
927 T5G21 SMP System Data POOL S
928 T5G22 SSP Qualifying Day Pattern POOL C
929 T5G23 Time Models for SSP Qualifying Day Patterns POOL C
930 T5G24 SSP Qualifying Day Pattern Calendars POOL C
931 T5G2F SSP/SMP Exclusion Reasons POOL S
932 T5K0Q Industry Sector Texts POOL C
933 T5K13 Jobs POOL C
934 T5M03 Employee Groups/Subgroups (Denmark) POOL C
935 T5M13 !Not Used: Jobs (Denmark) POOL C
936 T5M1P Client/Plant/Plant Section (Denmark) POOL C
937 T5M1T !Not used: Field 27 Texts POOL C
938 T5M2D !Not Used: Default Values for Infotype 0073 POOL C
939 T5M2P !Not Used: Pension Type (Denmark) POOL C
940 T5M2S !Not Used: ATP Records POOL C
941 T5M2T !Not Used: Pension Texts (Denmark) POOL C
942 T5M3O !Not Used: OSI Bank Transfer Information POOL C
943 T5M3U Bank Transfer Types (Denmark) POOL S
944 T5M4F !Not Used: Default Values for Leave POOL C
945 T5M4S !Not Used: Default Values for SH POOL C
946 T5S3A Tax Table (SE) POOL S
947 T5S3B Tax Column (SE) POOL S
948 T5S3C EE Tax Type Texts - SE POOL S
949 T5S3D Tax Adjustment Texts - SE POOL S
950 T5S3E Extra Taxes Texts - SE POOL S
951 T5S3I Extra Taxes (SE) POOL S
952 T5S3J Tax Adjustment (SE) POOL S
953 T5S3L Employer's Contribution Type (SE) POOL S
954 T5S3M Employer's Contribution Type Texts - SE POOL S
955 T5S3Q EE Tax Type (SE) POOL S
956 T5S4A Insurance rule (SE) POOL E
957 T5S4B Insurance rule text (SE) POOL E
958 T5S5A Order of deduction Garnishment (SE) POOL E
959 T5W2F (Old) RSA Tax Procedures POOL S
960 T605Z Foreign Trade: Proposal for Bus. Transaction Type in Export POOL C
961 T616Z Foreign Trade: Proposal for Procedure in Export POOL C
962 T630L Shipping Determination: Loading Times POOL C
963 T630R Delivery Scheduling: Pick/Pack Time for Materials POOL C
964 T672 Conditions: View Sequence POOL C
965 T681U Parameters for creating pricing reports POOL E
966 T681X Condition tables for lists POOL E
967 T681Z Conditions: Dependent Data for Application/Usage POOL S
968 T682V Conditions: Condition Type/Access (Execute Header Check) POOL C
969 T684G Condition Exclusion Groups: Condition Types POOL C
970 T684S Condition Exclusion: Procedure Assignment POOL C
971 T687 Account Determination: Account Key POOL C
972 T687T Account Determination: Account Key Texts POOL C
973 T688 Condition: Copying Rules for Condition Tables POOL G
974 T688K Condition: Copying Rules for Condition Types POOL C
975 T688T Condition: Copying Rules for Condition Tables POOL G
976 T691A Credit management risk categories POOL G
977 T691B "Credit Management Groups" POOL C
978 T691C Credit management group names POOL C
979 T691I Document Value Class for Credit Management POOL C
980 T691J Document Value Class Description for Credit Management POOL C
981 T691T Credit management risk classes text POOL G
982 T6B2F Rebate : Permitted Condition Types/Tables per Group POOL C
983 T6WL1 Standard Delivery Cycles POOL C
984 T6WP5 Check Table for Waste Disposal Type POOL S
985 T703 Incentive Wages: Operation Features POOL C
986 T703A Incentive Wages: Replaced by T703H POOL C
987 T703N Incentive Wages: Allowed Wage Types POOL C
988 T703Z Incentive Wages:Admissibility of Parameters and Result Types POOL C
989 T704M Control Table for Statements POOL E
990 T704O Batch Requests for Statements POOL C
991 T705S Assignment of Control Station Group -> PDC Group POOL C
992 T731 Key Figures in Info Library (Transport Table) POOL S
993 T731N Info Sets in LIL (Transport Table) POOL S
994 T731O Info Set Texts in LIL (Transport Table) POOL S
995 T731P Info Set Assignment in LIL (Transport Table) POOL S
996 T731T Key Figure Texts (Transport Table) POOL S
997 T752A Last Send Date for Object IDs POOL G
998 T770C Restrictions POOL S
999 T800V RW: Variables POOL S
1,000 T800W RW: Texts for Parameter Contents POOL S
1,001 T800X FI-SL Set Line Texts (before Release 4.0) POOL E
1,002 T801A Report Writer: Exceptions in Row/Column Coordinates POOL C
1,003 T801C Report Writer: Parallel Report Windows POOL E
1,004 T801N Report Writer: Library Texts POOL C
1,005 T801P Report Writer: Key Figures for Libraries POOL C
1,006 T801R Report Writer: Standard Layouts (Language-Dependent Part) POOL E
1,007 T801U Report Writer: Standard Layouts (Language-Independent Part) POOL E
1,008 T801V Report Writer: Standard Layout Texts POOL C
1,009 T802A Report Writer: Definition of Receiver Reports POOL E
1,010 T803A Report Writer: Key Figure Blocks (Header) POOL C
1,011 T803B Report Writer: Key Figure Blocks (Descriptions) POOL C
1,012 T803C Report Writer: Key Figure Blocks (Rows) POOL C
1,013 T803D Report Writer: Key Figure Blocks (Row/Column Texts) POOL C
1,014 T803E Report Writer: Key Figure Blocks (Columns) POOL C
1,015 T803I Report Writer: Row Formulas / Texts POOL C
1,016 T803Z Obsolete: Report Usage POOL E
1,017 T804D Report Writer: Texts of Data Field Descriptions POOL E
1,018 T80U FI-SL: Control Table for User Exits POOL S
1,019 T80UT FI-SL: Control Table for User Exits POOL S
1,020 T810A Set usage in sets (before Release 4.0) POOL E
1,021 T820F Planning Parameters: Field Group Information POOL C
1,022 T821V User distribution key POOL G
1,023 T868 Elimination of IC profit and loss POOL C
1,024 T884B Assignment valuation methods to company codes POOL C
1,025 T884C Control Balance Carried Forward POOL E
1,026 T887 Activity/Ledger/CCode Information POOL L
1,027 T887C Activity/Ledger/Company Information POOL L
1,028 T889A Number Ranges for Document Types for Local Objects POOL C
1,029 T889B Number Ranges for Document Types for Global Objects POOL C
1,030 T889C FI-SL Document Types - Global Company IDs POOL L
1,031 T889T Document Type Texts POOL C
1,032 T891B Validation for Special Purpose Ledger / Company Code POOL C
1,033 T891C Validation for Special Purpose Ledger / Global Company POOL C
1,034 T892B Substitution for Special Purpose Ledger / Company Code POOL C
1,035 T892C Substitution for Special Purpose Ledger / Global Company POOL C
1,036 T895 Local Fiscal Year-Dependent Version Parameters POOL C
1,037 T895C Global Fiscal Year-Dependent Version Parameters POOL C
1,038 T8JAC JV Clearing Billing Indicator POOL C
1,039 T9COM Components POOL S
1,040 T9DEV Assignment of Components to Development Classes POOL S
1,041 T9PRO Products POOL S
1,042 TABS1_VER DD Verification: Includes POOL L
1,043 TABS2_VER DD Verification: Includes POOL L
1,044 TABWB Transaction types AuC (no longer used) POOL C
1,045 TABWI Allowed asset classes per transaction type group POOL C
1,046 TABWK Trans. types for posting prop. values and depreciation POOL E
1,047 TABWN Item Titles in the Asset History Sheet POOL E
1,048 TABWV Default transaction types POOL G
1,049 TACO1 Table for activating DD objects POOL S
1,050 TALLG Help Structure for Pool MSTTALLG POOL A
1,051 TAM0T Application Monitor: Texts POOL S
1,052 TAME0 Application Monitor: Table - Event POOL S
1,053 TAPGPCB Verifikation, Typ 'CB', gen. gepuffert (Doku Report VERIGEN) POOL L
1,054 TAPLP Applications Directory for Programs, Function Modules, DBs POOL S
1,055 TAPLT Program Application Long Texts POOL S
1,056 TAPOL Automatic Allocation of Materials to LIFO Pools POOL C
1,057 TAPOPA Verifikation, Typ 'A', ungepuffert (s. Doku Report VERIGEN) POOL L
1,058 TAPOPB Verifikation, Typ 'B', ungepuffert (s. Doku Report VERIGEN) POOL L
1,059 TAPOPBA Verifikation, Typ 'BA', ungepuffert (s. Doku Report VERIGEN) POOL L
1,060 TAPOPCB Verifikation, Typ 'CB', gen. gepuffert (Doku Report VERIGEN) POOL L
1,061 TAPOPM Verifikation, Typ 'M', ungepuffert (s. Doku Report VERIGEN) POOL L
1,062 TAPPL R/3-DDIC: Application classes POOL S
1,063 TAPPPA Verifikation, Typ 'A', Tupelpufferung (Doku Report VERIGEN) POOL L
1,064 TAPPPB Verifikation, Typ 'B', Tupelpufferung (Doku Report VERIGEN) POOL L
1,065 TAPPPBA Verifikation, Typ 'BA', Tupelpufferung (Doku Report VERIGEN) POOL L
1,066 TAPPPCB Verifikation, Typ 'CB', gen. gepuffert (Doku Report VERIGEN) POOL L
1,067 TAPVPA Verifikation, Typ 'A', 100% gepuffert (Doku Report VERIGEN) POOL L
1,068 TAPVPB Verifikation, Typ 'B', 100% gepuffert (Doku Report VERIGEN) POOL L
1,069 TAPVPBA Verifikation, Typ 'BA', 100% gepuffert (Doku Report VERIGEN) POOL L
1,070 TAPVPCB Verifikation, Typ 'CB', gen. gepuffert (Doku Report VERIGEN) POOL L
1,071 TAUUM Sales Documents:Types: Language-Dependent Conversion POOL G
1,072 TBACN Bank EDI file version numbers POOL C
1,073 TBEKR Application Area - Package Assignment POOL W
1,074 TBER Application area POOL W
1,075 TBERG Authorization Check in DDIC POOL S
1,076 TBERX Texts for R/3 Application Areas (Table TBER) POOL W
1,077 TBKOW Valuation Difference Temporary Storage POOL L
1,078 TBLP_MODF Groups in Field Selection Bar POOL S
1,079 TBLP_MODG Name of Groups in Field Selection Bar POOL S
1,080 TBLP_MODO Items in Field Selection Definitions POOL E
1,081 TBLP_MODP Name of Items in Field Selection Definitions POOL E
1,082 TBP1A Budget/Plan Profile POOL C
1,083 TBP1B Budget / Plan Profile Texts POOL C
1,084 TBPFC Availability Control: Tolerance Limits POOL C
1,085 TBSL Posting Key POOL C
1,086 TBSLT Posting Key Names POOL C
1,087 TBSP1 Test Terminology Database POOL S
1,088 TBVZ CO-PA report library (no longer used) POOL L
1,089 TBVZT CO-PA Report library POOL L
1,090 TC03 Control of dynamically suppressed function codes POOL S
1,091 TC28A Move time matrix POOL C
1,092 TC29 Distribution key for capacity load POOL E
1,093 TC29F Distribution function for capacity planning POOL E
1,094 TC29L Description of distribution keys POOL E
1,095 TC29R Descriptions of distribution strategy POOL E
1,096 TC29S Distribution strategy POOL E
1,097 TC29T Descriptions of distribution functions POOL E
1,098 TC29V Distribution function POOL E
1,099 TC30C Work center category screen selection POOL E
1,100 TC34 Allocating operation to object type for the check routine POOL S
1,101 TC35A Definition of period pattern POOL C
1,102 TC62 Sequence of detail screens when processing header externally POOL S
1,103 TCA01 Task list types POOL S
1,104 TCA01A SAP Table for Task List Types POOL S
1,105 TCA01B Task List Types POOL S
1,106 TCA02 Language-dependent texts for TCA01: Task list types POOL S
1,107 TCA03 Customer Table for Task List Types (Language Dependent) POOL G
1,108 TCA04 Task list types permitted for creating task lists by copying POOL S
1,109 TCA05 Transaction parameters for routings POOL S
1,110 TCA09 Task list applications POOL G
1,111 TCA09T Language-dependent table for TCA09: Task list applications POOL S
1,112 TCA10 Task lists: Messages depending on the task list type POOL S
1,113 TCA11 Object selection for object overviews POOL S
1,114 TCA12 Lang-depend. texts for TCA11: Obj. selection for obj. overv. POOL S
1,115 TCA13 Layouts of object overview versions POOL S
1,116 TCA14 Object overview versions POOL S
1,117 TCA15 Lang.-dependent texts for TCA14: Object overview versions POOL S
1,118 TCA17 Language-dependent key word alternatives POOL E
1,119 TCA18 Objects in routings POOL S
1,120 TCA19 Language-dependent texts for TCA18: Objects for routings POOL S
1,121 TCA21 Lang.-depend. texts for TCA20: Grouping cat. for obj. overv. POOL S
1,122 TCA22 Value tab. for the layout of lines in obj. overview versions POOL S
1,123 TCA31 Add.criteria for controlng. of screen sequence in task lists POOL S
1,124 TCA33 Verification / input facility in task lists POOL E
1,125 TCA34 Task list type table: SAP area POOL S
1,126 TCA35 General control data POOL G
1,127 TCA42 Sub-object Versions POOL S
1,128 TCA43 Automatic selection of task lists (alternatives) POOL C
1,129 TCA44 User exit for selection of task lists (alternatives) POOL C
1,130 TCA60 Sequence keys for input facility and verification POOL S
1,131 TCA61 Sequence key text for entry tool POOL S
1,132 TCA64 Sequence key for validation POOL S
1,133 TCA65 Sequence key for validation POOL S
1,134 TCA9T Language-dependent table for TCA09: Task list applications POOL G
1,135 TCALA Object overview POOL E
1,136 TCAM1 CAPP menus, level 1 POOL A
1,137 TCAM2 CAPP menus, level 2: header lines POOL A
1,138 TCAM3 CAPP menus, level 3: menu components POOL A
1,139 TCAPR Rounding rules POOL C
1,140 TCAPS Files that can be read in CAPP POOL S
1,141 TCDOB Objects for change document creation POOL S
1,142 TCDOBT Texts for objects for change document creation POOL S
1,143 TCER1 Parameter ID for rounding and additional value keys POOL C
1,144 TCETV Indicator for rules (text) POOL S
1,145 TCEVC Control table for CAPP-based calculation of std. values POOL C
1,146 TCEVV Rule indicators for characteristics in methods POOL S
1,147 TCEVVT Indicator for rules (text) POOL S
1,148 TCF06 Field groups in the PRT master for reference POOL S
1,149 TCF07 Language-dependent texts for field groups in PRT master POOL S
1,150 TCF08 Assignment of PRT master fields to field groups POOL S
1,151 TCIC CAD Process and Sub-process Codes POOL C
1,152 TCIM Set Parameters for CAD Transfer Strings POOL C
1,153 TCIQ CAD Control Table for Screens and Field Sets and Tables POOL S
1,154 TCIR Definition of User-defined Functions POOL C
1,155 TCJO2 Parameters for Transferring Texts of Totals Records POOL G
1,156 TCK21 CO Object Functions POOL S
1,157 TCKHA Cost Element/Origin Assignment with Additive Costs POOL C
1,158 TCKM1 Material Ledger Table POOL E
1,159 TCKM2 Valuation Area Control Table POOL C
1,160 TCKMT Material Ledger Type (Text Table) POOL E
1,161 TCLC Classification Status POOL G
1,162 TCLD Characteristic Data from Standard POOL L
1,163 TCMV Default Values for Characteristics Management POOL C
1,164 TCN05 Distinguishing Item Groups for Network Screen Sequence POOL S
1,165 TCNRT Texts for RMCS0F00 (Project Information System) POOL S
1,166 TCO01 Sequence/operations control in logicstics orders POOL S
1,167 TCO03 CIM order: Texts for TCO01, Description of order categories POOL S
1,168 TCO04 Table for controlling the screen sequence group POOL S
1,169 TCO09 CIM order: Text IDs of objects in orders POOL S
1,170 TCO10 Valuation variant for order costing POOL C
1,171 TCO11 Control table for production orders - availability check POOL C
1,172 TCO41 CIM order: Default values for generating operations POOL C
1,173 TCO60 Sequence keys for input facility and verification POOL E
1,174 TCO61 Sequence key for PP orders POOL E
1,175 TCO63 Sequence of detail screens when maintaining components POOL G
1,176 TCOBD Coding Block: Field Name BSEG/COBL, if not the same POOL S
1,177 TCOBF Coding Block: Assignment of Modif and Field Names from COBL POOL S
1,178 TCOBK Coding Block: Components per Field POOL S
1,179 TCOBL Coding Block: Include Screens Selection Table POOL E
1,180 TCOBM Coding Block: Modification Numbers POOL E
1,181 TCOKO Constants for PP orders POOL G
1,182 TCOLL Configuration: Data collection for performance monitoring POOL S
1,183 TCORV Table with Routines for structureing variable loop lines POOL C
1,184 TCORW Confirmation: Window Control POOL S
1,185 TCP02 Character Set Definitions (Simple Hex Codes) POOL E
1,186 TCP03 Character Set Definitions (Multiple Hex Codes) POOL E
1,187 TCP04 Translation Table for Uppercase Letters POOL S
1,188 TCP05 Manufacturer Identifications POOL S
1,189 TCP06 Character Replacements POOL S
1,190 TCPIC CPIC test POOL L
1,191 TCPS Define Characters in Templates POOL C
1,192 TCRH0 Graphic profile for the hierarchy POOL C
1,193 TCS01 Screen Sequence Control for Item Detail Screens POOL S
1,194 TCS05 Transaction-Specific Defaults for BOMs POOL S
1,195 TCS07 Default Sort Sequence for BOM items POOL S
1,196 TCS11 BOM Objects POOL S
1,197 TCS13 Object Status for BOM Layout Variants POOL S
1,198 TCS19 BOM Item Object Types POOL S
1,199 TCS22 BOM Item Object Types: external --> internal POOL C
1,200 TCS31 BOM Field Selection - Usage (T416) POOL C
1,201 TCS32 BOM to Plant Allocation - Field Selection POOL S
1,202 TCS33 BOM Field Selection (SAP) POOL S
1,203 TCS34 BOM Field Selection - Control Data (TCS03) POOL G
1,204 TCURB Exchange Rate Calculation Indicator POOL C
1,205 TCURD Max.Exch.Rate Differences for Postings in Foreign Currency POOL C
1,206 TCURL Leading Currency POOL C
1,207 TCURM Customizing: MM Configuration POOL C
1,208 TCUSCUST Customizing table for SCUI POOL C
1,209 TCUSX Customizing Country Versions POOL S
1,210 TCVAL Currency and Valuation Types POOL S
1,211 TCX01 Control Table for Scheduling POOL C
1,212 TCX02 Scheduling Parameters for Scheduling - Planned Orders POOL C
1,213 TCX03 Control Parameters for Scheduling: SOP Orders POOL C
1,214 TCY01 Combination of selection sets POOL E
1,215 TCY02 Combinations of selection sets - descriptions POOL E
1,216 TCY05 Classification of fields as primary or secondary sel. fields POOL S
1,217 TCY06 Overall profiles for capacity planning POOL E
1,218 TCY09 List profiles (standard settings for lists) POOL E
1,219 TCY10 Descriptions of overall profiles (Table TCY06) POOL E
1,220 TCY11 Texts for selection profile-table TCY07 POOL E
1,221 TCY12 Descriptions of option profiles (Table TCY08) POOL E
1,222 TCY13 Descriptions of list profiles (Table TCY09) POOL E
1,223 TCY14 Variable overview - column names POOL E
1,224 TCY15 Variable overview - column description POOL E
1,225 TCY16 Variable overview - column definition POOL E
1,226 TCY17 List version - keys POOL E
1,227 TCY18 Variable overview - description of overview versions POOL E
1,228 TCY19 Variable overview - definition of overview versions POOL E
1,229 TCY20 Variable overview - column headings for overview vers. POOL E
1,230 TCY21 Graphics profiles POOL E
1,231 TCY22 Descriptions of graphics profiles (Table TCY21) POOL E
1,232 TCY23 Max. no. of data records to be read in capacity planning POOL E
1,233 TCY36 Table with selection fields with structure and original name POOL S
1,234 TCY40 Control tables for flow control POOL S
1,235 TCY40K Definition of control POOL S
1,236 TCY40T Texts defining a control POOL S
1,237 TCY41 Statuses of the flow control POOL S
1,238 TCY41T Texts defining the statuses of the flow control POOL S
1,239 TCY42 Actions in flow control POOL S
1,240 TCY42T Texts for actions in flow control POOL S
1,241 TCY43 Messages for flow control POOL S
1,242 TCY43T Texts for messages for flow control POOL S
1,243 TD03A Define Loan Type POOL C
1,244 TD05 Target group table POOL C
1,245 TD05T Texts for table TD05 target groups POOL C
1,246 TD06 Document type POOL C
1,247 TD06F Texts for document groups POOL C
1,248 TD06G Document group POOL C