SAP ABAP Table - Index V
Table - V
# Table name Short Description Table Category Delivery Class
1 V000 EHS: Conditions for Variant Matching TRANSP A
2 V54IV_SELOPT Incoming Invoice: Selection Transportation Service Provider TRANSP A
3 VACSPLT FI Document Parking (Enjoy): Amount Split TRANSP A
4 VAKCR Sales Index: Orders in Credit Management TRANSP A
5 VAKGU Sales Index: Quotation Validity TRANSP A
6 VAKPA Sales Index: Orders by Partner Function TRANSP A
7 VALC_FORW_PROC OLD! Rate Valuation Procedure: Forward TRANSP C
8 VALC_FORW_PROC_T OLD! TR: Texts for Rate Valuation Procedures - Forwards TRANSP C
9 VALC_RPVALPROC_T OLD! TR: Texts for Price Valuation Procedures TRANSP C
10 VALC_RPVAL_PROC OLD! TR: Definition - Price Valuation Procedures TRANSP C
11 VALC_TIFE_PROC OLD! Procedures for One-Step Price Valn, Sec. Valn, FX Valn TRANSP C
12 VALC_TIFE_PROC_T OLD! Texts for One-Step Price Valn, Sec. Valn, FX Valuation TRANSP C
13 VALC_VAL_PROC OLD! TR: Definition - Valuation Procedure TRANSP C
14 VALC_VAL_PROC_T OLD! TR: Texts for Valuation Procedures TRANSP C
15 VALTAB_MAPPING Stores Value mapping Data for relevant fields and segments TRANSP S
16 VALT_SP_VAL_SEC Security Prices and NPV for Special Valuation TRANSP A
17 VALUE_F4_FB F4 Help Modules for Condition Editor Parameter Values TRANSP C
18 VALW Delivery Plan: Definition of Route Schedule TRANSP C
19 VALWP Route Schedule Periods TRANSP C
20 VALWPV Route Schedule Periods TRANSP C
21 VALWT Delivery Plan: Description of Route Schedule TRANSP C
22 VAL_AKH Permitted Values for Application Components in Roles TRANSP C
23 VAL_AKHT Permitted Values for the Flat Application Component TRANSP C
24 VAPMA Sales Index: Order Items by Material TRANSP A
25 VAPPE_ASGN Assignment of Predefined Price Element to Sales Doc. Type TRANSP C
26 VARI ABAP/4: Variant storage (similar to INDX) TRANSP W
27 VARIANT_COND Variant Condition Key TRANSP A
28 VARIANT_CONDH Variant Condition Key TRANSP A
29 VARICON Selection variants: Content TRANSP E
30 VARICONCI Selection Variants: Content (Cross-Client) TRANSP W
31 VARID Variant directory TRANSP E
32 VARIDESC Selection Variants: Description TRANSP E
33 VARIDESCCI Selection Variants: Description (Cross-Client) TRANSP W
34 VARID_CI Variant Catalog, Cross-Client TRANSP W
35 VARINUM Internal number assignment for variants TRANSP L
36 VARIS Assignment of variant to selection screen TRANSP E
37 VARIS_CI Assignment of Variant to Selection Screen TRANSP W
38 VARIT Variant Texts TRANSP E
39 VARIT_CI Variant Texts, Cross-Client TRANSP W
40 VARK Delivery Plan: Customer-Specific Itinerary TRANSP A
41 VARZ Delivery Plan: Zone-Specific Itinerary TRANSP A
42 VAT_CZ Maintain details for line items of transferred VAT TRANSP C
43 VAWA Delivery Plan: Exclusion of Itinerary TRANSP A
44 VAWK Delivery Plan: Itinerary Determination, Customer-Specific TRANSP A
45 VAWZ Delivery Plan: Itinerary Determination, Zone-Specific TRANSP A
46 VBAG Sales Document: Release Data by Schedule Line in Sch.Agrmt. TRANSP A
47 VBAK Sales Document: Header Data TRANSP A
48 VBAP Sales Document: Item Data TRANSP A
49 VBBE Sales Requirements: Individual Records TRANSP A
50 VBBS Sales Requirement Totals Record TRANSP A
51 VBCC_APP2 V2 Application Definition table TRANSP E
52 VBCC_APP_MS_ASGN V2 Application Map Stack Assignments TRANSP E
53 VBCC_GC_SERV Geo-Location Service Definitions Header TRANSP E
54 VBCC_MAP_PRODUCT Map Product Definitions Header TRANSP E
55 VBCC_MAP_SERVER Map Product Server Definitions TRANSP E
56 VBCC_MAP_SERVERC Map Product Server Definitions TRANSP C
57 VBCC_MAP_STACK Map Stack Definition Header TRANSP E
58 VBCC_MSTACK_ASGN Map Product assigment to Map Stacks TRANSP E
59 VBCC_PROP_CONT Property Container Customizing TRANSP S
60 VBCC_SERV_URL Geo Location Service URLs TRANSP E
61 VBCC_SERV_URLC Geo Location Service URLs TRANSP C
62 VBCD_ACF_TRACELV User specific ACF trace level (for debugging issues) TRANSP A
63 VBCD_APP Main Visual Business Model TRANSP S
64 VBCD_APP_OBJ Main Visual Business Model XML Streams TRANSP S
65 VBCD_CLNT_TRACE User specific parameters for client tracing TRANSP A
66 VBCD_CNTXT Model context TRANSP G
67 VBCD_CONF_STORE Configuration Store TRANSP E
68 VBCD_CONTEXT Application Context TRANSP S
70 VBCD_CROSS_CONFG Configuration Store TRANSP S
72 VBCD_DO Data Objects TRANSP W
74 VBCD_MO Visual Business Message Objects TRANSP S
75 VBCD_MODEL Main Visual Business Model TRANSP E
76 VBCD_MODEL_OBJ Main Visual Business Model XML Streams TRANSP E
77 VBCD_MSG_LOG User specific parameters for logging of messages TRANSP A
78 VBCD_PERS Personalization TRANSP A
80 VBCD_SERV_ENDP Service Endpoints TRANSP G
81 VBCD_TXT Visual Business Texts TRANSP S
83 VBCD_TXT_OBJ_T Text Objects (language dependent texts) TRANSP E
84 VBCD_TXT_T Visual Business Texts (language dependent) TRANSP S
86 VBCD_VO Visual Objects TRANSP S
87 VBDATA Update data TRANSP L
88 VBEH Schedule line history TRANSP A
89 VBEP Sales Document: Schedule Line Data TRANSP A
90 VBEPDG Appendix Table for Dangerous Goods Data TRANSP A
91 VBEPDGAP DG: Appendix Table for VBEPDG TRANSP A
92 VBERROR Update error information TRANSP L
93 VBEX SD Document: Export Control: Data at Item Level TRANSP A
94 VBFA Sales Document Flow TRANSP A
95 VBFS Error Log for Collective Processing TRANSP A
96 VBHDR Update header TRANSP L
97 VBIC_APP Application Definition table TRANSP E
98 VBIC_APP_MS_ASGN Application Map Stack Assignments TRANSP E
99 VBIC_GC_SERV Geo-Location Service Definitions Header TRANSP E
101 VBIC_MAP_PRODUCT Map Product Definitions Header TRANSP E
102 VBIC_MAP_SERVER Map Product Server Definitions TRANSP E
103 VBIC_MAP_SERVERC Map Product Server Definitions TRANSP C
104 VBIC_MAP_STACK Map Stack Definition Header TRANSP E
105 VBIC_MSTACK_ASGN Map Product assigment to Map Stacks TRANSP E
106 VBIC_PROJECTIONS Projection Definitions TRANSP E
107 VBIC_PROP_CONT Property Container Customizing TRANSP S
109 VBIC_SERV_URL Geo Location Service URLs TRANSP E
110 VBIC_SERV_URLC Geo Location Service URLs TRANSP C
111 VBID_ACF_TRACELV User specific ACF trace level (for debugging issues) TRANSP A
112 VBID_CLNT_TRACE User specific parameters for client tracing TRANSP A
113 VBID_P13N_STORE Visual Business Personalization data storage TRANSP A
114 VBKA Sales Activities TRANSP A
115 VBKD Sales Document: Business Data TRANSP A
116 VBKFZ Cumulative Quantity Corrections TRANSP A
117 VBKK SD Doc.Export Letter of Credit TRANSP A
118 VBKOF SD index: Open sales activities by partner function TRANSP A
119 VBKPA SD index: Sales activities by partner function TRANSP A
120 VBKPF Document Header for Document Parking TRANSP A
121 VBLB Sales document: Release order data TRANSP A
122 VBLK SD Document: Delivery Note Header TRANSP A
123 VBMOD Update function modules TRANSP L
124 VBMUE Sales Document: Characteristic Overview TRANSP A
125 VBMUET Sales Document: Characteristic Overview Description TRANSP A
126 VBMUEZ Sales Document: Characteristic Overview Assignments TRANSP A
127 VBOX SD Document: Billing Document: Rebate Index TRANSP A
128 VBPA Sales Document: Partner TRANSP A
129 VBPA2 Sales document: Partner (used several times) TRANSP A
130 VBPA3 Tax Numbers for One-Time Customers TRANSP A
131 VBPK Sales Document: Product Proposal Header TRANSP A
132 VBPM Supplement for Sales Document Items: Technical PM Objects TRANSP A
133 VBPV Sales Document: Product Proposal TRANSP A
134 VBREF SD Object Link to Item References TRANSP A
135 VBREVAC Revenue Recognition: Compression of FI Revenue Postings TRANSP A
136 VBREVC Revenue Recognition: Worklist of Changed Sales Documents TRANSP A
137 VBREVE Revenue Recognition: Revenue Recognition Lines TRANSP A
138 VBREVK Revenue Recognition: Control Lines TRANSP A
139 VBREVR Revenue Recognition: Reference Document Lines TRANSP A
140 VBRK Billing Document: Header Data TRANSP A
141 VBRL Sales Document: Invoice List TRANSP A
142 VBRP Billing Document: Item Data TRANSP A
143 VBSEC Document Parking One-Time Data Document Segment TRANSP A
144 VBSEGA Document Segment for Document Parking - Asset Database TRANSP A
145 VBSEGD Document Segment for Customer Document Parking TRANSP A
146 VBSEGK Document Segment for Vendor Document Parking TRANSP A
147 VBSEGS Document Segment for Document Parking - G/L Account Database TRANSP A
148 VBSET Document Segment for Taxes Document Parking TRANSP A
149 VBSK Collective Processing for a Sales Document Header TRANSP A
150 VBSN Change status relating to scheduling agreements TRANSP A
151 VBSP SD Document Item for Models of Material Structures TRANSP A
152 VBSS Collective Processing: Sales Documents TRANSP A
153 VBUK Sales Document: Header Status and Administrative Data TRANSP A
154 VBUP Sales Document: Item Status TRANSP A
155 VBUST Arten der Börsenumsatzsteuer TRANSP C
156 VBUSTINTER Intervall BUST-Meldung TRANSP A
157 VBUV Sales Document: Incompletion Log TRANSP A
158 VBWF01 Company Code-Dependent Release Data TRANSP C
159 VBWF02 Workflow Procedure TRANSP C
160 VBWF03 Release Approval Paths TRANSP C
161 VBWF04 Line Item Fields Reversal Release TRANSP C
162 VBWF05 Determination of Release Approval Path TRANSP C
163 VBWF06 Subworkflow Determination TRANSP C
164 VBWF07 Release Groups TRANSP C
165 VBWF08 Release Groups TRANSP C
166 VBWF09 People with Release Authorization for Document Parking TRANSP C
167 VBWF10 Release Approval Paths (Texts) TRANSP C
168 VBWF11 Objects for Full Release TRANSP C
169 VBWF12 Objects for Full Release (Texts) TRANSP C
170 VBWF15 People with Release Authorization for Document Parking TRANSP C
171 VBWF16 Relevant Document Types for Releasing Payments TRANSP C
172 VBWRK Update: Worklist for mass processing TRANSP S
173 VCKUN Assign customer-credit card TRANSP A
174 VCLDIR Viewcluster directory TRANSP S
175 VCLDIRT Viewcluster directory text table TRANSP S
176 VCLMF User routines called from view maintenance TRANSP S
177 VCLSTRUC Viewcluster: Structure table TRANSP S
178 VCLSTRUCT Viewcluster structure text table TRANSP S
179 VCLSTRUDEP Viewcluster: Dependencies between object fields TRANSP S
180 VCNUM Credit card master TRANSP A
181 VCRSELA Cross Selling Analysis TRANSP A
182 VCRSELA_RES Cross Selling Analysis: Results TRANSP A
183 VDAD_CONTROL Table with Dates for Auto Debit Run TRANSP A
184 VDAD_HIST Auto Debits, Historical Data TRANSP A
185 VDAD_RESULT Result Table for Auto Debit Collection TRANSP A
186 VDAKTE File with documents for loan allocation TRANSP A
187 VDARC_DOC_ADM Admin. Table for Reorganization of Loan Document Data TRANSP A
188 VDARC_DOC_IND Index Table for the Loan Document Data Archiving TRANSP A
189 VDARC_DOC_REC Carryforward Records for Reorganization of Loan Doc. Items TRANSP A
190 VDARC_DOC_REC_EU Carry-Forward Recs of Loan Doc. Item Reorg. bef. EURO Convsn TRANSP A
192 VDARLDVS Print and dispatch control data for VDARL TRANSP A
193 VDARLINSURE Do Not Use: Insurance Policies for Loan (Relationship Table) TRANSP A
194 VDARLOBJ Loan objects relationship table TRANSP A
195 VDARLSIC Collateral for loan (relationship table) TRANSP A
196 VDARL_EU Loans: Currency Data Before EURO Conversion TRANSP A
197 VDARL_PAYM_PLAN References from Premium Plans to Relevant Objects TRANSP A
198 VDARL_RLS Direct Debits Per Contract TRANSP A
199 VDARL_RP Loan Contract - Data of Repayment Plan TRANSP A
200 VDAUSZ Drawings on Disbursement TRANSP A
201 VDAUSZ_EU Disbursement Drawings Before EURO Conversion TRANSP A
202 VDAVIS Payment advice note table TRANSP A
203 VDBED Selection conditions for loans TRANSP A
204 VDBEKI Flow Data: Document Header for Actual Record TRANSP A
205 VDBEKI_SHADOW Shadow Table for VDBEKI (Restrictions) TRANSP A
206 VDBEL Document relationship between FI and subledger document TRANSP A
207 VDBEPI Posted line items for document header TRANSP A
208 VDBEPI_EU Flow Data / Actual Position Before EURO Conversion TRANSP A
209 VDBEPI_SHADOW Shadow Table for VDBEPI (Restrictions) TRANSP A
210 VDBEPP Flow Data - Planned Item TRANSP A
211 VDBEPP_EU Flow Data / Planned Items Before EURO Changeover TRANSP A
213 VDBILL_HIST Billing History TRANSP A
215 VDBILL_RES_HEAD Bill Results Header TRANSP A
216 VDBIW_DATA Extractor Flow Data - Data of Last Extraction TRANSP A
217 VDBLBAW Collateral Value Building Value TRANSP A
218 VDBLBEWI Administration costs TRANSP A
219 VDBLBOW Land value collateral value TRANSP A
220 VDBLEW Revenue value collateral value TRANSP A
221 VDBLKO Debit types-Header data TRANSP A
222 VDBLPO Debit types-Items TRANSP A
223 VDBLREW Collateral Value Gross Revenue Value per Building Part TRANSP A
224 VDBLSS Collateral Val. Real Value Other TRANSP A
225 VDBLSWT Collateral Value Real Value Resid. Prop./Part-Owners. TRANSP A
226 VDBOBEPP Business Operation: Entered and Activated Flow Data TRANSP A
227 VDBOBEPP_EU Flow Data / Planned Items Before EURO Changeover TRANSP A
228 VDBOHEAD Business Operation: Header TRANSP A
229 VDBOHEAD_EU Business Operation: Header TRANSP A
230 VDBOINS Business Operation Insurance Data TRANSP A
231 VDCAPITAL Data for Capitalization of Overdue Items TRANSP A
232 VDCAPTR CAPTR: Master Data of Capital Transfer TRANSP A
233 VDCBR_CONTROL Data Selection for Credit Bureau TRANSP A
234 VDCBR_HIST History of Data Supplied to Credit Bureau TRANSP A
235 VDCBR_RES_DATA Table of Data Reported to Credit Bureau (Per Loan) TRANSP A
236 VDCBR_RES_HT Header and Totals Records for Data Reported to Credit Bur. TRANSP A
237 VDCBR_RES_PART Partner Data Reported to Credit Bureau (Pro Loan) TRANSP A
238 VDCFWAREHOUSE Cash Flow Management TRANSP A
239 VDCHARACDOC Processing Characteristics: Change Documents TRANSP A
240 VDCHGPTR Change Pointers Loan TRANSP A
241 VDCHK_AWKEY Storage of unique links between FI and CML doc TRANSP A
242 VDCHK_DOC_IP Payments to be Posted Later TRANSP A
244 VDCHK_IOA Results of Interest on Arrears Check TRANSP A
245 VDCHK_IOA_OI Check Interest on Arrears - Open Items TRANSP L
246 VDCHK_PARAM Table for Global Parameters TRANSP C
248 VDCLI_CNCL_DIS Business Operation: CLI Rescission/Notice TRANSP A
249 VDCNCL Rescission of Business Operation TRANSP A
250 VDCNTL_CASH_FLOW Display Interval for Cash Flow TRANSP C
251 VDCORR_ALOI Loans: Search Index for Correspondence (Document Finder) TRANSP A
252 VDCORR_CNTRL Control Table for Creation of Correspondence TRANSP A
253 VDCOT Condition Table TRANSP A
254 VDCOTT Texts for Condition Table TRANSP A
255 VDCOT_VER Versions of Condition Tables TRANSP A
256 VDCOT_VER_CON Conditions in the Condition Table TRANSP A
257 VDCOT_VER_CONT Texts for Conditions TRANSP A
258 VDCOT_V_CON_PO Condition Items in the Condition Table TRANSP A
259 VDCO_PRO_ASS1 Assignment: Product + Parameters ---> Condition Table TRANSP A
260 VDCO_PRO_ASS2 Assignment: Product ---> Condition Table TRANSP A
261 VDCSPREAD Credit Spread per Loan TRANSP A
262 VDDAB Data Transfer - Loans - Flows - Actual Records TRANSP L
263 VDDARL Table for entering loan numbers and customers TRANSP A
264 VDDAST TR-EDT: Transfer Loans TRANSP L
265 VDDD_HEADER Loans: Header Data - Lines Layout TRANSP S
266 VDDD_HEADER_COL Loans: Header Data - Columns Layout TRANSP S
267 VDDD_HEADER_VER Loans: Header Data - Version Layout TRANSP S
268 VDDEBTTRANS Borrower Change Without Capital Transfer TRANSP A
270 VDDEF_COUNTER Number of Times in Arrears per Days Past Due Category TRANSP A
271 VDDISB Disbursement Specific Header Data TRANSP A
272 VDDISBTEMP Disbursements That Were Not Released TRANSP A
273 VDDUNN Dunning run data per loan and dunning run TRANSP A
274 VDDUNNPARAMETER Parameters of Dunning Run for Treasury Loans TRANSP A
275 VDDUNN_DISP Dunning run data per loan and dunning run TRANSP A
276 VDESCROW0 TEMPORARY USE: Escrow-Specific Master Data TRANSP A
277 VDESCROWGUID Escrow Reference Table for VDARL TRANSP A
280 VDEXTSKIP Master Data Extension and Skip TRANSP A
281 VDGPO Loan: Relationship Partner/Role Object TRANSP A
282 VDHGRPF Encumbrances on real estate table TRANSP A
283 VDHINT Loans Interested Parties TRANSP A
284 VDHOBJ Collateral Objects TRANSP A
285 VDHOBJBL Determination of collateral value/Expert report of object TRANSP A
286 VDHOBJGT Object building parts TRANSP A
287 VDHOKO Main file header TRANSP A
288 VDINSURE_HEADER0 Do Not Use: Insurance - Header Data TRANSP A
289 VDINSURE_ITEM0 Do Not Use: Insurance - Fields with Changeable Content TRANSP A
290 VDINSURE_PARTNE0 Do Not Use: Link Partner <-> Insurance TRANSP A
291 VDIOA_CALC_CF Original Documents Without Model Account Int. on Arrears TRANSP A
292 VDIOA_CALC_DET Progress (Interest) of Model Account IOA Calculation TRANSP A
293 VDIOA_CALC_HEAD Calculation Details for Interest on Arrears Calculation TRANSP A
294 VDIRE Vergleichstabelle: Test des Massenverteilers TRANSP S
295 VDKOKO_EU Condition Header Data Before EURO Conversion (Loans) TRANSP A
296 VDKOPO_EU Condition Item Data Before EURO Conversion (Loans) TRANSP A
297 VDKOREF Worklist File for Bal. Sheet Transfer / Acct Assignment Ref. TRANSP A
298 VDLOANCHARAC Processing Characteristics per Loan TRANSP A
299 VDLV Contracts/Credit (life ins., build.savings etc) basic data TRANSP A
300 VDLVABL Maturity data for collateral (Life insurances) TRANSP A
301 VDMAP_LABELS Loans: Mapping Table Data Fields for Descriptions TRANSP S
302 VDMEKO Condition Table: Header TRANSP A
303 VDMEPOM Condition Table: Modification Item TRANSP A
304 VDMEPOV Condition Table: Variant Item TRANSP A
305 VDMSG_FOR_COND Message Type for the Condition Type TRANSP C
307 VDORDER Borrower's note loan order data TRANSP A
308 VDORDER_EU Order Data for Borrower's Note Loans Before EURO Conversion TRANSP A
309 VDPN Prima nota number TRANSP L
310 VDPNNR Customizing prima nota number TRANSP C
311 VDPNS Assign prima notas to super prima nota TRANSP L
312 VDPOKO File header TRANSP A
313 VDPOPO File item TRANSP A
314 VDPOST_CONTROL Data Selection for Debit Position TRANSP A
315 VDREF_INT Customizing table for Reference Interest Rate TRANSP C
316 VDREMIT_BUS Assignment of Partner to Remittance Code TRANSP A
317 VDREPAYMENT Payoff Master Data TRANSP A
318 VDRISKCLASS Risk Classification for Individual Value Adjustment TRANSP A
319 VDSDV4 Loan collateral in acc. with BAV/PRF4 TRANSP A
320 VDSDV5 Collateral in securities in acc. with BAV/PRF5 TRANSP A
321 VDSEPA_AUTODEB_O Records for new auto debit (SEPA direct debit) TRANSP A
322 VDSEPA_DD SEPA DD - Lead Time Determination TRANSP C
323 VDSEPA_DD_ACC Settings for Access Sequence (SEPA Direct Debit) TRANSP C
324 VDSEPA_MND_USG Overview of mandates used in Loans Management TRANSP A
325 VDSEPA_PM CML specific Customizing for Payment Method (SEPA) TRANSP C
329 VDSEPA_RETRSNT SEPA Return Reasons (Text) TRANSP C
330 VDSONSI Special Arrangements for Collateral TRANSP A
331 VDSTAT Status table for loan CATT procedures TRANSP L
332 VDSTOP_VDARL_A Assign Stop to Loan TRANSP A
333 VDUNTR File documents for loan allocation TRANSP A
334 VDVORK Table for preemption conditions TRANSP A
335 VDVORTR Loan carry-forward totals TRANSP A
336 VDWAIVE_PROFILE Rule Set for Waiver Profile TRANSP A
337 VDWAIVE_PR_DESC Texts for Waiver Profile TRANSP A
338 VDWAIVE_PR_HEAD Waiver Profile Header TRANSP A
339 VDWORKLIST Loan Worklist for Postprocessing TRANSP A
340 VDZKP Assign Partner / Correspondence Class not Required TRANSP A
341 VDZNB_HEAD Pmnt Postproc.: Header for a Payment Postprocessing Activity TRANSP A
342 VDZNB_PAYINFO Payment Postprocessing: Payment Inform. for a PPP Activity TRANSP A
343 VDZNB_PAYMENT Payment Postprocessing: Payments for a PPP Activity TRANSP A
344 VDZNB_SEPA Recall of SEPA Credit Transfers TRANSP A
345 VDZNB_USAGE Payment Postprocessing: Usage of a Payment Postpr. Activity TRANSP A
346 VDZSB Relationship Agent/Activity Type/Object TRANSP A
347 VDZV Payment Details for the Loan TRANSP A
348 VEDA Contract Data TRANSP A
349 VEDAPO Contract Data TRANSP A
350 VEDG DG: Supplement Table for DG Data (Handling Unit) TRANSP A
351 VEG_INST Instances and logical ports for Deep Server TRANSP C
352 VEG_JOBLOG Job Ids of business objects with status TRANSP A
353 VEG_JOB_DETAIL Job details for multiple conversion TRANSP A
354 VEG_REG Registration entries for conversion TRANSP A
355 VEG_TAG Tag Category for Meta Data TRANSP E
356 VEG_TAGC Tag Category TRANSP E
357 VEG_TAGC_BCV_T Tagging for BCV meaning TRANSP C
358 VEG_TAGC_T Text Table for Tag Category TRANSP E
359 VEG_TAG_T Text Tabe for Tag TRANSP E
361 VEKAA KOBRA (A+D Record) Export TRANSP A
362 VEKAB KOBRA (B Record) Export TRANSP A
363 VEKAC KOBRA (C Record) Export TRANSP A
364 VEKP Handling Unit - Header Table TRANSP A
365 VEN000 Business Partner: General Vendor Data TRANSP A
366 VEN001 Business Partner: Vendor - Our Number at Vendor TRANSP A
367 VENDNO Obsolete from 2.0C on. Use VENMAP Instead TRANSP A
368 VENMAP Mapping Table Partner GUID - R/3 Number TRANSP A
369 VENPC Business Partner: Assignment: Procurement Card - Vendor TRANSP A
370 VEPADMINFLAG Table for Administrative Services TRANSP S
371 VEPCROSSREF Table for where-used list TRANSP S
372 VEPELEMTYPE Virtual Interface: Elementary Data Type TRANSP W
373 VEPELETYPSOAP Virtual Interface: Elementary Type of SOAP Extension TRANSP W
374 VEPENDPOINT Virtual Interface Endpoint TRANSP S
375 VEPFAULT Virtual Interface: Exception of Function TRANSP W
376 VEPFIELDREF WS Virtual Interface: Field References, Default Values TRANSP W
377 VEPFUNCSOAPEXT Virtual Interface: Associated Functions of SOAP Extension TRANSP W
378 VEPFUNCST Simple Transformation of VI _function TRANSP W
379 VEPFUNCTION Virtual Interface: Associated Functions TRANSP W
380 VEPGENCLASS Virtual Interface: Generated Class TRANSP W
381 VEPHEADER Virtual End Point Definition: Administrative Data TRANSP W
382 VEPO Packing: Handling Unit Item (Contents) TRANSP A
383 VEPPARAMETER WS Virtual Interface: Parameter(s) of a Function TRANSP W
384 VEPPARAMIDDEFS WS Virtual Interface: Fixed Values TRANSP W
385 VEPPARAMIDS Parameter ID of VI (Generated) TRANSP S
386 VEPPARASOAPEXT Virtual Interface: Associated Parameter SOAP Extension TRANSP W
387 VEPPLUGINOBJS Virtual Interface Plug-In Objects TRANSP S
388 VEPPLUGINOBJST Virtual Interface Plug-In Texts TRANSP S
389 VEPSTRUTYPE Virtual Interface: Structure Type TRANSP W
390 VEPTABLETYPE Virtual Interface: Table Type TRANSP W
391 VEPTABTYPSOAP Virtual Interface: Table Type SOAP Extension TRANSP W
392 VEPTYPE Virtual Interface: Associated Type TRANSP W
393 VEPTYPESOAPEXT Virtual Interface: Associated Type of SOAP Extension TRANSP W
394 VEPTYPEST Simple Transformation of VI Type TRANSP W
395 VEPVG Delivery Due Index TRANSP A
396 VEPVISOAPEXT Virtual Interface: Associated VI SOAP Extension TRANSP W
397 VER01969_MASTER Printer verification master data TRANSP A
398 VER03984_STRING Tabelle für Veri 03984 - Strings im SHM und auf der DB TRANSP A
399 VER04400_LOCK Tabelle für Enqueue-Objekte bei parallelen SHO Veri-Läufen TRANSP L
400 VER05155_TEST Testfälle für SPUMG ( VER05155) TRANSP S
401 VER203I_01 Table used with VERI203I TRANSP L
402 VERAIRPORT Context-Veri: Flughäfen TRANSP S
403 VERCARR Context-Veri: Fluggesellschaft TRANSP S
404 VERFK Process header data TRANSP A
405 VERFT Process texts TRANSP A
406 VERFUNC Veris : PureCoverage Info auf Funktionenebene TRANSP S
407 VERGEOCITY Context-Veri: Geographische Lage einer Stadt TRANSP S
412 VERIDEST destination for RFC Connectivity Veris TRANSP L
413 VERIRUNSPQ Tabelle der Veri-Läufe für Transaktion SVPQ TRANSP L
414 VERI_1_C Tabelle mit nur einem C-Feld TRANSP S
416 VERI_BT_VB Tabelle zum Test der Verbuchung im Batch TRANSP L
417 VERI_BUFF Verifikation der SAP-SQL-Sprachelemente aus ABAP/4-Sicht TRANSP W
418 VERI_CLNT Verification of SAP SQL Key Words from ABAP/4 View TRANSP W
420 VERI_DBTAB_KB1 Testtabelle für den Syntaxcheck bei DELETE dbtab FROM wa TRANSP A
421 VERI_DBTAB_KB2 Testtabelle für den Syntaxcheck bei DELETE dbtab FROM wa TRANSP A
422 VERI_INDX ABAP/4 verification: Export/import database TRANSP L
423 VERI_JOIN Verifikation des SAPSQL-Sprachelements SELECT mit JOIN TRANSP W
424 VERI_OK_INDX Verzeichnis für korrekte Muster TRANSP L
425 VERI_OPEN_SQL Testtabelle für Open SQL Veris TRANSP A
426 VERI_PROG_DIR Verzeichnis für Anweisungs-Index TRANSP L
427 VERI_STMT_INDX Index für ABAP-Anweisungen in Programmen TRANSP L
428 VERI_STRG Verifikation von STRING-Feldern TRANSP W
429 VERI_STRG2 Verifikation von STRING-Feldern beschränkter Länge TRANSP W
430 VERI_TYPES Verifikation der Open-SQL-Sprachelemente aus ABAP-Sicht TRANSP W
431 VERME Assignment of CAPP methods to CAPP processes TRANSP A
432 VERMOD Veris : PureCoverage Info auf Modulebene TRANSP S
433 VERPFLI Context-Veri: Verbindungsangebote für Flüge TRANSP S
434 VERSNTAB Structures of the sub-objects of versionable objects TRANSP S
435 VERSOBJ List of the Versionable Objects TRANSP S
436 VERSOBJ_ALIAS List of Active Alias Object Types TRANSP W
437 VERSOBJ_ALIAS_IN List of Inactive Alias Object Types TRANSP W
438 VERSSUBOBJ Table structures for a versionable object TRANSP S
439 VERSTRING Testtabelle zum Verbuchen von Strings TRANSP S
440 VERS_CONTENT Objects Versioned when Copied TRANSP E
441 VERS_CONTENT_TAB Objects Versioned when Copied TRANSP E
442 VERS_HEADER Objects Versioned when Copied TRANSP E
443 VERS_HEADER_CONT Content version assigned to content when copied TRANSP E
444 VERS_IFLDS List of fields that are not relevant for comparison TRANSP S
445 VERS_OBJECT Objects Versioned when Copied TRANSP E
446 VERS_OBJECT_TAB Objects Versioned when Copied TRANSP E
447 VERS_TABS DDIC structures used in version management TRANSP S
448 VERS_UDEFS Version management user settings TRANSP L
449 VERTE Assignment of CAPP processes to work centers TRANSP A
451 VER_SEC_INDX Data-Cluster TRANSP A
452 VER_SEC_TAB1 Verification Security Checks TRANSP L
455 VETVG Delivery Due Index for Stock Transfer TRANSP A
456 VEVW Where-Used List for Handling Units TRANSP A
458 VFKGRP (Freight) Group Conditions TRANSP A
459 VFKK Shipment Costs: Header Data TRANSP A
460 VFKN Account Determination in Shipment Costs Item TRANSP A
461 VFKONV (Freight) Conditions TRANSP A
462 VFKONX Conditions: Dimension-Dependent Data TRANSP A
463 VFKP Shipment Costs: Item Data TRANSP A
464 VFORK Formula header data TRANSP A
465 VFORP Characteristics for formulas TRANSP A
466 VFORS Formula strings TRANSP A
467 VFORT Formula texts TRANSP A
468 VFPA Partner for Shipment Costs TRANSP A
469 VFPLA Billing Plan TRANSP A
470 VFPLT Billing Plan: Dates TRANSP A
471 VFPRCC_COND2VIEW Pricing Condition Type to View Mapping TRANSP C
472 VFPRCC_PRCE2VIEW Pricing Elements to View Mapping TRANSP C
473 VFPRCC_PROFILE Definition of the Pricing UI Profile TRANSP C
474 VFPRCC_PROFILE_T Pricing UI Profile Text TRANSP C
475 VFPRCC_TREE_DTLP Profiles for Replacement of Details Screens in Pricing View TRANSP C
476 VFPRCC_TREE_DTLS Replace Details Screens in Pricing View TRANSP C
477 VFPRCC_TREE_NCG Pricing View - Tree Node Configuration TRANSP C
478 VFPRCC_TREE_NCGC Pricing View - Tree Node Configuration TRANSP C
479 VFPRCC_TREE_TXT Pricing View - Tree Node Text TRANSP C
480 VFPRCC_TREE_TXTC Pricing View - Tree Node Text TRANSP C
481 VFPRCC_TREE_WCGC Pricing View - Tree Width in Percent TRANSP C
482 VFPRCC_UERATTR_C Relevant attributes of pricing user exits (Customer) TRANSP C
483 VFPRCC_UERATTR_S Relevant attributes of pricing user exits (SAP delivery) TRANSP S
484 VFPRCC_UE_META_C Meta Data of Pricing User Exits TRANSP C
485 VFPRCC_UE_META_S Meta Data of Pricing User Exits TRANSP S
486 VFPRCC_VIEW_ASGN Pricing View - Allowed View Assignment TRANSP C
487 VFPRCC_VIEW_DET Pricing View Determination TRANSP C
488 VFPRCC_VIEW_FCG Pricing View - Field Configuration TRANSP S
489 VFPRCC_VIEW_FCGC Pricing View - Field Configuration TRANSP C
490 VFPRCC_VIEW_REG Pricing View Definition TRANSP E
492 VFPRCC_VIEW_TXT Pricing View Name TRANSP E
493 VFPRCC_VIEW_TXTC Pricing View Name Override TRANSP C
495 VFSCAH Scale Header TRANSP A
496 VFSCAHT Descriptions for Scales TRANSP A
497 VFSCAID Scale Item: Gross Weight TRANSP A
498 VFSCAIF Scale Item: Gross Volume TRANSP A
499 VFSCAIF0 Scale Item: Measuring TRANSP A
500 VFSCAIL0 Scale Item: Postal Code TRANSP A