SAP ABAP Table - Index H
Table - H
# Table name Short Description Table Category Delivery Class
1 H000 Condition Table for Batch Search Strategy $ TRANSP A
2 HBNK_LOGADR_FIEB Assignment of House Bank to Logical Address TRANSP C
3 HBSAFF Affected building in Home Building Solution TRANSP A
4 HBSAUT Helper table for auto generation ... TRANSP A
5 HBSCMP Community Plan Data within Home Building Solution TRANSP A
6 HBSCNB Configuration <-> condition indexing TRANSP A
7 HBSCREASON Contingency reasons TRANSP C
8 HBSCREASONT Contingency reason text TRANSP C
10 HBSFSP Help dummy table TRANSP L
11 HBSPPH Permitted Development Phases TRANSP A
12 HBSRLC Characteristics for Rules TRANSP A
13 HBSRLS Affected Building List TRANSP A
14 HBSSPH Permitted Sales Phases TRANSP A
15 HBS_NETWORK List of Networks to be scheduled with next mass scheduling TRANSP A
17 HCSKW_APPL Application (for Assignment to KW Documents) TRANSP L
18 HCSKW_APPLASS KW Document: Assignment to Applications TRANSP L
19 HCSKW_CLOS Relations of KW Documents (Closure) TRANSP L
20 HCSKW_COMPASS KW Document: Assignment to Components TRANSP L
21 HCSKW_DIR Directory for Static KW Help TRANSP L
22 HCSKW_DOC KW Document (LOIO, Static Help) TRANSP L
23 HCSKW_REFLOIO Conversion Relations Between KW Documents TRANSP L
24 HCSKW_REL Relations of KW Documents (Direct) TRANSP L
25 HCSKW_RELH Relations of KW Documents (Only Temporary) TRANSP L
26 HCSKW_STRUCASS KW Document: Assignment to Structures TRANSP L
27 HCSKW_STRUCTURE List of Structures to Be Analyzed TRANSP L
28 HCSKW_TEST_DIR Test Data Repository (Directories) TRANSP W
29 HCSKW_TEST_FILE Test Data Repository (File) TRANSP W
30 HCSKW_TEST_RES Test Data Repository (Result) TRANSP W
31 HCSKW_TEXT KW Document: Content TRANSP L
32 HDB_ABAPCLIENT HANA: global parameters for ABAP Client TRANSP L
33 HDB_APPL ERP Accelerators: Applications TRANSP S
34 HDB_DBCON ERP Accelerators: Connections TRANSP C
35 HDB_RANGES ERP Accelerators: Generic Restrictions TRANSP C
36 HDB_SETLEAF1 Leaf view for SLT hierarchy replication (primary) TRANSP L
37 HDB_SETLEAF2 Leaf view for SLT hierarchy replication (secondary) TRANSP L
38 HDB_SETNODE Node view for SLT hierarchy replication TRANSP L
39 HDB_STATUS ERP Accelerators: Generic Status TRANSP C
40 HDUN_HEADER Handling unit header data TRANSP A
41 HDUN_IDENT Handling Unit Header Identification TRANSP A
42 HDUN_ITEM Handling unit item data TRANSP A
43 HIERARCHY_ENTRY Entries for Hierarchical Customizing TRANSP C
44 HIER_TEXT2 Hierarchy Information TRANSP A
45 HIKO Order master data history TRANSP A
46 HIMA PM order history - materials TRANSP A
47 HIT_CMP_AUS Output Structure for Hit List Compare TRANSP S
48 HIVG PM order history - operations TRANSP A
50 HLPNA Table for messages classes of DDIC (for GETMSGAL) TRANSP A
51 HLPREF Help: Assign topic to structures TRANSP S
52 HLPREFEXT Help: Assign structure to Winhelp project names TRANSP S
53 HLPREFM Help: Assign topics to M links TRANSP S
54 HLPRESOL Enhancement Sequence - Help Processor TRANSP G
55 HLPRESOLC Client-Dependent Context Chains TRANSP C
56 HLPRESOLS Default Context Chain TRANSP C
57 HLPSETTING User-specific settings for online help TRANSP L
58 HLPSTAT_F1 Access F1 statistics TRANSP L
59 HLPTXT Help: Topic titles TRANSP S
60 HNZLVPAY Table for modified LVPAY cluster table records TRANSP A
61 HNZ_PTQ Deduction of Time Quotas TRANSP A
63 HOTEXCMODE Mode for Exception Checks (HOTPACKEXC) TRANSP W
64 HOTIEXPERT Experts for Interface Changes TRANSP W
65 HOTPACKEXC Exception List for Support Package Creation TRANSP W
66 HOTPACKMOD Set Development/Maintenance Mode at Package Level TRANSP L
68 HOTPACKRUL Modifiability Rules for Support Packages TRANSP W
69 HOTPACKWRN Logging Confirmed Hotpackrul Warnings TRANSP L
70 HOTSPOT_DEF Hot spot definitions TRANSP L
71 HPDDICCHK Table for Storing Table Changes TRANSP S
72 HRAAERR Error Table for Activity Allocation Documents in HR TRANSP A
73 HRAAHDR HR Interface Table: Document Header for Activity Allocation TRANSP A
74 HRAAITM HR Interface Table: Document Item for Activity Allocation TRANSP A
75 HRALETMP HR: File of Future Master Data Changes TRANSP A
76 HRARCENQ Table for Lock Object E_HR_ARC_P TRANSP S
77 HRATTRTPL Template for Attribute Indices TRANSP L
78 HRAUTH_DIST_REP Executable Reports Without LDB for Distributed Reporting TRANSP C
79 HRBWDELTA Customizing Table for Controlling Delta-Update TRANSP E
80 HRBW_REC_DT PY-XX-RECON : Country specific reports detailed results TRANSP A
81 HRBW_REC_HD PY-XX-RECON: Country specific reports header data TRANSP A
82 HRC1002 Customer Clipboard for Standard Infotype 'Description' TRANSP C
83 HRC1206 Customer Clipboard for Work Item Text for Standard Task TRANSP C
84 HRC1212 Customer Enhancement IT 1212 Events (with Binding) TRANSP C
85 HRCCE_T_QR_PAIRS CE Shared Quotas : Grouping Rules for Different Quota Types TRANSP C
86 HRESSAPPROVER Store Last Approver to be Chosen TRANSP L
87 HRFPM_2FC HRFPM: Two-Face-Commit Table for Communication with FM TRANSP A
88 HRFPM_2FC_DIFF HRFPM: Two-Face-Commit Tab Prsnl Cost Svngs for Comm with FM TRANSP A
89 HRFPM_AL_ADD_LOG HRFPM: Application Log - Exception Class - Additional Log TRANSP E
90 HRFPM_AL_ADD_PAR HRFPM: Application Log - Exception Class - Additional Param. TRANSP E
91 HRFPM_BPREP_DATA Preprocesses Data for BPREP Data Extraction TRANSP A
92 HRFPM_BU_HIERBU Assign BS Element Type to Hierarchy Column TRANSP E
93 HRFPM_BU_HIERCOL Hierarchy Columns TRANSP E
94 HRFPM_BU_HIERCOT Hierarchy Columns TRANSP C
95 HRFPM_BU_HIERVAR Formatting Variants TRANSP E
96 HRFPM_BU_HIERVAT Description of Hierarchy Variants TRANSP E
99 HRFPM_CHGE_DOC_F HRFPM: Change Document Flag Customizing TRANSP E
100 HRFPM_COLUMN_CON Buffer for Columns in HRPBCM TRANSP A
101 HRFPM_CUST_DIAGN HRFPM: Customizing Diagnosis TRANSP S
102 HRFPM_DIFFERENCE HRFPM: Personnel Costs Savings/ Overrun TRANSP A
103 HRFPM_ENCUMB_IV HRFPM: Create encumbrance in this intervals for that object TRANSP A
104 HRFPM_ENGINE_LOG HRFPM: Central Log of Commitment Run TRANSP A
105 HRFPM_EXC_ACCASS HRFPM: Exceptions with Account Assgmts Attribute ACC_ASS TRANSP S
107 HRFPM_FM_DOC_BU HRFPM: FM Documents for Budget TRANSP A
108 HRFPM_FM_POS HRFPM: FM Documents - Items TRANSP A
109 HRFPM_FM_POS_BU HRFPM: FM Documents - Items for Budget TRANSP A
110 HRFPM_FPM_DOC HRFPM: FPM Document Headers for Commitment TRANSP A
111 HRFPM_FPM_DOC_BU HRFPM: FPM Document Headers for Budget TRANSP A
113 HRFPM_FPM_POS_BU HRFPM: FPM Documents - Items for Budget TRANSP A
114 HRFPM_INIT_LOG HRFPM: Log Table Initial Commitment Creation TRANSP A
115 HRFPM_INTEG_IV HRFPM: Integration Status TRANSP A
116 HRFPM_JOB_ADMIN HRFPM: Run Administration TRANSP A
118 HRFPM_MDIR_TABS Tab Pages for Direct Infotype Maintenance PS TRANSP S
119 HRFPM_OBJECTS HRFPM: Object table of the commitment engine TRANSP A
120 HRFPM_RUNADMINS HRFPM: Administration Information for Commitment Runs TRANSP A
121 HRFPM_SMARTFORMS HR-FPM: Use of Smart Forms in Reports TRANSP C
122 HRFPM_SP_ASSPERS HRFPM: Assignment Percentages S-P TRANSP A
123 HRH1222 Infotype 1222: Reserved for Enhancements TRANSP L
124 HRHAP Appraisal Document TRANSP A
125 HRHAP_ACT_LOG Appraisal Document: Action Log - Additional Data TRANSP A
126 HRHAP_ANON Appraisal Document: Anonymous Appraiser Assignments TRANSP A
127 HRHAP_APPEE Appraisal Document: Appraisee Assignment TRANSP A
128 HRHAP_APPER Appraisal Document: Appraiser Assignment TRANSP A
129 HRHAP_BASIC Appraisal Document: Basic Element Data TRANSP A
130 HRHAP_EL_CONF UI Configurations for an Appraisal Element TRANSP C
131 HRHAP_FINAL Appraisal Document: Cell Values of Final Appraisal Column TRANSP A
132 HRHAP_FURTHER App. Document: Cell Values of Additional Particpnts' Column TRANSP A
133 HRHAP_OBJECT Appraisal Document: Cell Values of Objective Columns TRANSP A
134 HRHAP_OFFLINE Appraisal Document Offline Lock Table TRANSP A
135 HRHAP_OTHERS Appraisal Document: Additional Participant Assignment TRANSP A
136 HRHAP_P Appraisal Document: Reference Appraisal TRANSP A
137 HRHAP_PART Appraisal Document: Cell Values of Part Appraisal Columns TRANSP A
138 HRHAP_PROCESS Appraisal Document: Processed Appraisal Functions TRANSP A
139 HRHAP_P_APPER Appraisal Document: Part Appraiser Assignment TRANSP A
140 HRHAP_P_D Appraisal Document: Reference Appraisal (Structure) TRANSP A
141 HRHAP_P_E Appraisal Document: Reference Appraisal (Data) TRANSP A
142 HRHAP_P_T Reference Appraisal Names TRANSP A
143 HRHAP_SEM_OBJ Strategic Objectives from SEM System TRANSP A
144 HRHAP_T Appraisal Document Name TRANSP A
145 HRHAP_TAB Appraisal: WD Tab Configuration TRANSP C
146 HRHAP_TAB_DATA Appraisal: Layout Configuration Data TRANSP C
147 HRHAP_TAB_T Appraisal: Tab Configuration Name TRANSP C
148 HRHCP_PLAN Personnel Cost Planning Master Records TRANSP A
149 HRHCP_PLAN_T Personnel Cost Plan Texts TRANSP A
150 HRHCP_PLRU Relationship Between Planning Runs and Personnel Cost Plans TRANSP A
151 HRIADATANR Additional Data Numbers TRANSP C
152 HRICP_D_CH_PTR Change Pointer for Infotype Changes TRANSP A
153 HRICP_D_CONSM Timestamp of Last Delta Run per Consumer TRANSP A
154 HRICP_D_IT_CUST Infotypes to Be Tracked per Consumer TRANSP C
155 HRICP_D_IT_REG Infotype to Be Tracked per Registered Consumer TRANSP A
156 HRICP_D_IT_SYST Infotypes to Be Tracked per Consumer TRANSP S
157 HRINTE30 Personnel Numbers to be Processed per Integration TRANSP L
158 HRITABNR References to Table Extensions TRANSP C
159 HRLDAP_PERNR Personnel Numbers that Must be Sent to LDAP TRANSP A
160 HRMDORIGIN HR Master Data Distribution: Original Systems TRANSP A
161 HRMDRGIN HR Master Data: Registry for Serialization in ALE Inbound TRANSP A
162 HRMDRGOUT HR Master Data: Registry for Serialization in ALE Outbound TRANSP A
163 HRMMSRVIF Interface Table: Time Recording in MM-SRV TRANSP A
164 HRMS_BIW_PPDELTA BW: Delta management for posting-data extractors TRANSP A
165 HRMS_BW_PY_CUST1 DataSource 0HR_PY_1: Criterion for Assignment to BW Month TRANSP C
166 HROBJ HR: Objects TRANSP S
167 HRP1000 Infotype 1000 DB Table TRANSP C
168 HRP1001 Infotype 1001 DB Table TRANSP C
169 HRP1001_ARCH Infotype 1001: Inverse Relationship After Archiving TRANSP C
170 HRP1002 Infotype 1002 DB Table TRANSP C
171 HRP1003 Infotype 1003 DB Table TRANSP C
172 HRP1004 Infotype 1004 DB table TRANSP C
173 HRP1005 DB Table for Infotype 1005 (Planned Compensation) TRANSP C
174 HRP1006 Infotype 1006 DB table TRANSP C
175 HRP1007 Infotype 1007 DB Table TRANSP C
176 HRP1008 Infotype 1008 DB Table TRANSP C
177 HRP1009 Infotype 1009 DB table TRANSP C
178 HRP1010 Infotype 1010 DB table TRANSP C
179 HRP1011 Infotype 1011 DB Table TRANSP C
180 HRP1013 Infotype 1013 DB Table TRANSP C
181 HRP1014 Infotype 1014 DB Table TRANSP C
182 HRP1015 Infotype 1015 DB table TRANSP C
183 HRP1016 Infotype 1016 DB Table TRANSP C
184 HRP1017 Infotype 1016 DB Table TRANSP C
185 HRP1018 DB Table for Infotype 1018 Cost Distribution TRANSP C
186 HRP1019 DB Table for Infotype 1019 Required Positions TRANSP C
187 HRP1020 Infotype 1020 DB table TRANSP C
189 HRP1023 Infotype 1023 DB table TRANSP C
192 HRP1026 Infotype 1026 DB table TRANSP C
193 HRP1027 Infotype 1027 DB table TRANSP C
194 HRP1028 Infotype 1028 DB Table TRANSP C
195 HRP1029 Infotype 1029 DB table TRANSP C
196 HRP1030 Infotype 1030 DB table TRANSP C
197 HRP1031 Infotype 1031 DB table TRANSP C
198 HRP1032 Infotype 1032 DB Table TRANSP C
199 HRP1033 DB table for infotype 1033 TRANSP C
200 HRP1034 Infotype 1034 DB table TRANSP C
201 HRP1035 Infotype 1035 DB Table TRANSP C
202 HRP1036 Infotype 1036 DB table TRANSP C
203 HRP1037 Infotype 1037 DB Table TRANSP C
204 HRP1038 Infotype 1038 DB table TRANSP C
205 HRP1039 Database Table for Infotype 1039 TRANSP C
206 HRP1040 Database Table for Infotype 1040 TRANSP C
207 HRP1041 DB Table for Infotype 1041 TRANSP C
208 HRP1042 Infotype 1042 DB Table TRANSP C
209 HRP1043 DB Table for Infotype 1043 TRANSP C
210 HRP1044 DB Table for Infotype 1044 TRANSP C
211 HRP1045 DB Table for Infotype 1045 TRANSP C
212 HRP1046 Database Table for Infotype 1046 TRANSP C
213 HRP1047 DB Table for Infotype 1047 TRANSP C
214 HRP1048 DB Table for Infotype 1048 TRANSP C
215 HRP1049 Database Tables for Infotype 1049 TRANSP C
216 HRP1050 DB Table for Infotype 1050 (Job Evaluation Results) TRANSP C
217 HRP1051 DB Table for Infotype 1051 (Survey Results) TRANSP C
218 HRP1055 DB Table for Infotype 1055 TRANSP C
219 HRP1060 DB Table for Infotype 1060 TRANSP C
220 HRP1061 DB Table for Infotype 1061 TRANSP C
221 HRP1062 DB Table for Infotype 1062 TRANSP C
222 HRP1063 DB Table for Infotype 1063 TRANSP C
223 HRP1070 DB table for infotype 1070 TRANSP C
224 HRP1071 DB Table for Infotype 1071 TRANSP C
225 HRP1072 DB Table for Infotype 1072 TRANSP C
226 HRP1080 DB Table for Infotype 1080 TRANSP C
227 HRP1081 DB Table for Infotype 1081 TRANSP C
228 HRP1082 DB Table for Infotype 1082 TRANSP C
229 HRP1201 Infotype 1201 DB Table TRANSP C
230 HRP1205 Infotype 1205 DB Table TRANSP C
231 HRP1206 Infotype 1206 DB Table TRANSP C
232 HRP1208 Infotype 1208 DB Table TRANSP C
233 HRP1209 Infotype 1209 DB Table TRANSP C
234 HRP1210 Infotype 1210 DB Table TRANSP C
235 HRP1211 Infotype 1211 DB Table TRANSP C
236 HRP1212 Infotype 1212 DB Table TRANSP C
237 HRP1213 Infotype 1213 DB Table TRANSP C
238 HRP1214 Infotype 1214 DB Table TRANSP C
239 HRP1215 Infotype 1215 DB Table TRANSP C
240 HRP1216 Infotype 1216 DB Table TRANSP C
241 HRP1217 Infotype 1217 DB Table TRANSP C
242 HRP1218 DB Table for Infotype 1218 TRANSP C
243 HRP1220 DB Table for Infotype 1220 Activity Profile TRANSP C
244 HRP1221 DB Table for Infotype 1221 Excluded Activities TRANSP C
245 HRP1222 Infotype 1222: General attribute maintenance TRANSP C
246 HRP1223 (Reserved for Generic Attributes) TRANSP L
247 HRP1230 DB Table for Infotype 1230 TRANSP C
248 HRP1240 DB Table for Infotype 1240 TRANSP C
249 HRP1250 DB table for infotype 1250 TRANSP C
250 HRP1251 DB table for infotype 1251 TRANSP C
251 HRP1252 DB table for infotype 1252 TRANSP C
252 HRP1253 DB table for infotype 1253 TRANSP C
253 HRP1254 DB Table for Infotype 1254 TRANSP C
254 HRP1260 DB Table for Infotype 1260 TRANSP C
255 HRP1261 DB Table for Infotype 1261 TRANSP C
256 HRP1262 DB Table for Infotype 1262 TRANSP C
257 HRP1263 DB Table for Infotype 1263 TRANSP C
258 HRP1270 DB Table for Info Type 1270 TRANSP C
259 HRP1271 DB Table for Infotype 1271 TRANSP C
260 HRP1291 Database Table for Infotype 1291 TRANSP C
261 HRP1403 DB table for infotype 1403 TRANSP C
262 HRP1404 DB table for infotype 1404 TRANSP C
263 HRP1500 DB Table for Infotype 1500 TRANSP C
264 HRP1501 DB Table for Infotype 1501 TRANSP C
265 HRP1502 DB Table for Infotype 1502 TRANSP C
266 HRP1503 DB Table for Infotype 1503 TRANSP C
267 HRP1504 DB Table for Infotype 1504 TRANSP C
268 HRP1505 DB Table for Infotype 1505 TRANSP C
269 HRP1506 DB Table for Infotype 1506 TRANSP C
270 HRP1507 DB Table for Infotype 1507 TRANSP C
271 HRP1509 DB Table for Infotype 1509 TRANSP C
272 HRP1511 DB Table for Infotype 1511 TRANSP C
273 HRP1512 DB Table for Infotype 1512 TRANSP C
274 HRP1513 DB Table for Infotype 1513 TRANSP C
275 HRP1514 DB Table for Infotype 1514 TRANSP C
276 HRP1515 DB Table for Infotype 1515 TRANSP C
277 HRP1516 DB Table for Infotype 1516 TRANSP C
278 HRP1517 DB-Table for Infotype 1517 TRANSP C
279 HRP1518 DB Table for Infotype 1518 TRANSP C
280 HRP1519 DB Table for Infotype 1519 TRANSP C
281 HRP1520 DB Table for Infotype 1520 TRANSP C
282 HRP1600 Database Table for Infotype 1600 TRANSP C
283 HRP1601 Database Table for Infotype 1601 TRANSP C
284 HRP1630 DB Table for Infotype 1630 TRANSP C
285 HRP1631 DB Table for Infotype 1631 TRANSP C
286 HRP1632 DB Table for Infotype 1632 TRANSP C
287 HRP1633 DB Table for Infotype 1633 TRANSP C
288 HRP1650 DB-Tabelle zum Infotyp 1650 TRANSP C
289 HRP1653 DB Table for Infotype 1653 TRANSP C
290 HRP1654 TRANSP C
291 HRP1660 DB Table for Infotype 1660 TRANSP C
292 HRP1661 DB Table for Infotype 1661 TRANSP C
293 HRP1675 DB Table for Infotype 1675 TRANSP C
294 HRP1676 DB Table for Infotype 1676 TRANSP C
295 HRP1680 DB Table for Infotype 1680 TRANSP C
296 HRP1681 DB Table for Infotype 1681 TRANSP C
297 HRP1682 DB Table for Infotype 1682 TRANSP C
298 HRP1683 DB Table for Infotype 1683 TRANSP C
299 HRP1684 DB Table for Infotype 1684 TRANSP C
300 HRP1685 BD table for infotype 1685 TRANSP C
301 HRP1686 DB Table for Infotype 1686 TRANSP C
302 HRP1687 DB Table for Infotype 1687 TRANSP C
303 HRP1690 DB Table for Infotype 1690 TRANSP C
304 HRP1691 DB Table for Infotype 1691 TRANSP C
305 HRP1701 DB Table for Infotype 1701 TRANSP C
306 HRP1702 DB Table for Infotype 1702 TRANSP C
307 HRP1703 DB Table for Infotype 1703 TRANSP C
308 HRP1704 DB Table for Infotype 1704 TRANSP C
309 HRP1705 DB Table for Infotype 1705 TRANSP C
310 HRP1706 DB table for infotype 1706 TRANSP C
311 HRP1707 Database Table for Infotype 1707 TRANSP C
312 HRP1708 DB Table for Infotype 1708 TRANSP C
313 HRP1710 DB Table for Infotype 1710 TRANSP C
314 HRP1711 DB Table for Infotype 1711 TRANSP C
315 HRP1712 DB Table for Infotype 1712 TRANSP C
316 HRP1713 DB Table for Infotype 1713 TRANSP C
317 HRP1714 DB Table for Infotype 1714 TRANSP C
318 HRP1716 DB Table for Infotype 1716 TRANSP C
319 HRP1718 DB Table for Infotype 1718 TRANSP C
320 HRP1719 DB Table for Infotype 1719 TRANSP C
321 HRP1721 DB Table for Infotype 1721 TRANSP C
322 HRP1722 DB Table for Infotype 1722 TRANSP C
323 HRP1724 Database Table for Infotype 1724 TRANSP C
324 HRP1725 Database Table for Infotype 1725 TRANSP C
325 HRP1728 DB Table for Infotype 1728 TRANSP C
326 HRP1730 DB Table for Infotype 1730 TRANSP C
327 HRP1731 DB Table for Infotype 1731 TRANSP C
328 HRP1732 DB table for infotype 1732 TRANSP C
329 HRP1733 DB Table for Infotype 1733 TRANSP C
330 HRP1735 DB Table for Infotype 1735 TRANSP C
331 HRP1736 DB Table for Infotype 1736 TRANSP C
332 HRP1737 Database Table for Infotype 1737 TRANSP C
333 HRP1738 DB Table for Infotype 1738 TRANSP C
334 HRP1739 DB Table for Infotype 1739 TRANSP C
335 HRP1741 DB Table for Infotype 1741 TRANSP C
336 HRP1742 DB table for infotype 1742 TRANSP C
337 HRP1743 DB Table for Infotype 1743 TRANSP C
338 HRP1744 DB Table for Infotype 1744 TRANSP C
339 HRP1746 DB Table for Infotype 1746 TRANSP C
340 HRP1747 DB Table for Infotype 1747 TRANSP C
341 HRP1748 DB Table for Infotype 1748 TRANSP C
342 HRP1749 DB Table for Infotype 1749 TRANSP C
343 HRP1750 DB Table for Infotype 1750 TRANSP C
344 HRP1751 DB Table for Infotype 1751 TRANSP C
345 HRP1752 DB Table for Infotype 1752 TRANSP C
346 HRP1753 DB Table for Infotype 1753 TRANSP C
347 HRP1754 DB Table for Infotype 1754 TRANSP C
348 HRP1755 DB Table for Infotype 1755 TRANSP C
349 HRP1756 DB Table for Infotype 1756 TRANSP C
350 HRP1757 DB Table for Infotype 1757 TRANSP C
351 HRP1758 DB Table for Infotype 1758 TRANSP C
352 HRP1759 DB Table for Infotype 1759 TRANSP C
353 HRP1760 DB Table for Infotype 1760 TRANSP C
354 HRP1761 DB Table for Infotype 1761 TRANSP C
355 HRP1762 DB Table for Infotype 1762 TRANSP C
356 HRP1763 DB Table for Infotype 1763 TRANSP C
357 HRP1764 DB Table for Infotype 1764 TRANSP C
358 HRP1766 DB Table for Infotype 1766 TRANSP C
359 HRP1767 DB Table for Infotype 1767 TRANSP C
360 HRP1769 DB Table for Infotype 1769 TRANSP C
361 HRP1770 DB Table for Infotype 1770 TRANSP C
362 HRP1771 DB Table for Infotype 1771 TRANSP C
363 HRP1772 DB Table for Infotype 1772 TRANSP C
364 HRP1773 DB Table for Infotype 1773 TRANSP C
365 HRP1774 DB Table for Infotype 1774 TRANSP C
366 HRP1775 DB Table for Infotype 1775 TRANSP C
367 HRP1776 DB Table for Infotype 1776 TRANSP C
368 HRP1777 DB Table for Infotype 1777 TRANSP C
369 HRP1778 DB Table for Infotype 1778 TRANSP C
370 HRP1779 DB Table for Infotype 1779 TRANSP C
371 HRP1780 DB Table for Infotype 1780 TRANSP C
372 HRP1782 DB Table for Infotype 1782 TRANSP C
373 HRP1783 DB Table for Infotype 1783 TRANSP C
374 HRP1785 DB Table for Infotype 1785 TRANSP C
375 HRP1786 DB Table for Infotype 1786 TRANSP C
376 HRP1790 DB Table for Infotype 1790 TRANSP C
377 HRP1795 DB Table for Infotype 1795 TRANSP C
378 HRP1796 DB Table for Infotype 1796 TRANSP C
379 HRP1800 DB Table for InfoType 1800 TRANSP C
380 HRP1801 DB Table for InfoType 1801 TRANSP C
381 HRP1802 DB Table for InfoType 1802 TRANSP C
382 HRP1803 DB Table for InfoType 1803 TRANSP C
383 HRP1804 DB Table for InfoType 1804 TRANSP C
384 HRP1805 DB Table for InfoType 1805 TRANSP C
385 HRP1806 DB Table for InfoType 1806 TRANSP C
386 HRP1810 Database Table for Infotype 1810 TRANSP C
387 HRP1811 DB Table for Infotype 1811 TRANSP C
388 HRP1812 DB Table for Infotype 1812 TRANSP C
389 HRP1813 DB Table for Infotype 1813 TRANSP C
390 HRP1814 DB Table for InfoType 1814 TRANSP C
391 HRP1815 DB Table for Infotype 1815 TRANSP C
392 HRP1816 DB Table for Infotype 1816 TRANSP C
393 HRP1817 DB Table for Infotype 1817 TRANSP C
394 HRP1818 DB Table for Infotype 1818 TRANSP C
395 HRP1819 DB Table for Infotype 1819 TRANSP C
396 HRP1820 DB Table for Infotype 1820 TRANSP C
397 HRP1821 DB Table for Infotype 1821 TRANSP C
398 HRP1822 DB Table for Infotype 1822 TRANSP C
399 HRP1823 DB Table for Infotype 1823 TRANSP C
400 HRP1824 DB Table for Infotype 1824 TRANSP C
401 HRP1844 DB Table for Infotype 1844 TRANSP C
402 HRP1845 DB Table for Infotype 1845 TRANSP C
403 HRP1846 DB Table for Infotype 1846 TRANSP C
404 HRP1847 DB Table for Infotype 1847 TRANSP C
405 HRP1848 DB Table for Infotype 1848 TRANSP C
406 HRP1849 DB Table for Infotype 1849 TRANSP C
407 HRP1850 DB Table for Infotype 1850 TRANSP C
408 HRP1851 DB Table for Infotype 1851 TRANSP C
409 HRP1852 DB Table for Infotype 1852 TRANSP C
410 HRP1853 DB Table for Infotype 1853 TRANSP C
411 HRP1855 DB Table for Infotype 1855 TRANSP C
412 HRP1856 DB Table for Infotype 1856 TRANSP C
413 HRP1857 DB Table for Infotype 1857 TRANSP C
414 HRP1858 DB Table for Infotype 1858 TRANSP C
415 HRP1859 DB Table for Infotype 1859 TRANSP C
416 HRP1880 DB Table for Infotype 1880 TRANSP C
417 HRP1881 DB Table for Infotype 1881 TRANSP C
418 HRP1882 DB Table for Infotype 1882 TRANSP C
419 HRP1883 DB Table for Infotype 1883 TRANSP C
420 HRP1884 DB Table for Infotype 1884 TRANSP C
421 HRP1885 DB Table for Infotype 1885 TRANSP C
422 HRP1886 DB Table for Infotype 1886 TRANSP C
423 HRP1887 DB Table for Infotype 1887 TRANSP C
424 HRP1888 DB Table for Infotype 1886 TRANSP C
425 HRP1889 DB Table for Infotype 1889 TRANSP C
426 HRP1896 DB Table for Infotype 1896 TRANSP C
427 HRP1897 DB Table for Infotype 1897 TRANSP C
428 HRP1898 DB Table for Infotype 1898 TRANSP C
429 HRP1899 DB Table for Infotype 1899 TRANSP C
430 HRP1930 DB Table for Infotype 1930 TRANSP C
431 HRP1931 DB Table for Infotype 1931 TRANSP C
432 HRP1932 DB Table for Infotype 1932 TRANSP C
433 HRP1933 DB Table for Infotype 1933 TRANSP C
434 HRP1934 DB Table for Infotype 1934 TRANSP C
435 HRP1936 DB Table for Infotype 1936 TRANSP C
436 HRP1950 DB Table for Infotype 1950 TRANSP C
437 HRP1951 DB Table for Infotype 1951 TRANSP C
438 HRP1952 DB Table for Infotype 1952 TRANSP C
439 HRP1953 DB Table for Infotype 1953 TRANSP C
440 HRP1954 DB Table for Infotype 1954 TRANSP C
441 HRP1955 DB Table for Infotype 1955 TRANSP C
442 HRP1956 DB Table for Infotype 1956 TRANSP C
443 HRP1957 DB Table for Infotype 1957 - Obsolete, DO NOT USE TRANSP C
444 HRP1958 DB Table for Infotype 1958 TRANSP C
445 HRP1959 DB Table for Infotype 1959 TRANSP C
446 HRP1980 DB Table for Infotype 1980 TRANSP C
447 HRP1981 DB Table for Infotype 1981 TRANSP C
448 HRP1982 DB Talbe for Infotype 1982 TRANSP C
449 HRP1983 DB Talbe for Infotype 1983 TRANSP C
450 HRP1984 Database Table for Infotype 1984 TRANSP C
451 HRP1985 DB Talbe for Infotype 1985 TRANSP C
452 HRP1986 Database Table for Infotype 1986 TRANSP C
453 HRP1990 DB Table for Infotype 1990 TRANSP C
454 HRP5003 DB Table for Infotype 5003 TRANSP C
455 HRP5004 DB Table for Infotype 5004 TRANSP C
456 HRP5006 DB Table for Infotype 5006 TRANSP C
457 HRP5007 DB Table for Infotype 5007 TRANSP C
458 HRP5008 DB Table for Infotype 5008 TRANSP C
459 HRP5009 DB Table for Infotype 5009 TRANSP C
460 HRP5010 Database Table for Infotype 5010 TRANSP C
461 HRP5020 DB Table for Infotype 5020 TRANSP C
462 HRP5021 DB Table for Infotype 5021 TRANSP C
463 HRP5022 DB Table for Infotype 5022 TRANSP C
464 HRP5023 DB Table for Infotype 5023 TRANSP C
465 HRP5024 DB Table for Infotype 5024 TRANSP C
466 HRP5025 DB Table for Infotype 5025 TRANSP C
467 HRP5026 DB Table for Infotype 5026 TRANSP C
468 HRP5027 DB Table for Infotype 5027 TRANSP C
469 HRP5028 Process Definition TRANSP C
470 HRP5030 Database Table for Infotype 5030 TRANSP C
471 HRP5031 Database Table for Infotype 5031 TRANSP C
472 HRP5032 Database Table for Infotype 5032 TRANSP C
473 HRP5041 DB Table for Infotype 5041 TRANSP C
474 HRP5042 DB Table for Infotype 5042 TRANSP C
475 HRP5043 DB Table for Infotype 5043 TRANSP C
476 HRP5044 DB Table for Infotype 5044 TRANSP C
477 HRP5045 DB Table for Infotype 5045 TRANSP C
478 HRP5046 DB Table for Infotype 5046 TRANSP C
479 HRP5047 DB Table for Infotype 5047 TRANSP C
480 HRP5048 DB Table for Infotype 5048 TRANSP C
481 HRP5049 DB Table for Infotype 5049 TRANSP C
482 HRP5050 DB Table for Infotype 5050 TRANSP C
483 HRP5070 DB Table for Infotype 5070 TRANSP C
484 HRP5102 DB Table for Infotype 5102 TRANSP C
485 HRP5103 DB Table for Infotype 5103 TRANSP C
486 HRP5104 DB Table for Infotype 5104 TRANSP C
487 HRP5105 DB Table for Infotype 5105 TRANSP C
488 HRP5106 DB Table for Infotype 5106 TRANSP C
489 HRP5107 DB Table for Infotype 5107 TRANSP C
490 HRP5108 DB Table for Infotype 5108 TRANSP C
491 HRP5110 DB Table for Infotype 5110 TRANSP C
492 HRP5111 DB Table for Infotype 5111 TRANSP C
493 HRP5112 DB Table for Infotype 5112 TRANSP C
494 HRP5115 Database Table for Infotype 5115 TRANSP C
495 HRP5121 DB Table for Infotype 5121 TRANSP C
496 HRP5122 DB Table for Infotype 5122 TRANSP C
497 HRP5125 DB Table for Infotype 5125 TRANSP C
498 HRP5126 DB Table for Infotype 5126 TRANSP C
499 HRP5127 DB Table for Infotype 5127 TRANSP C
500 HRP5128 DB Table for Infotype 5128 TRANSP C