SAP ABAP Table - Index K
Table - K
# Table name Short Description Table Category Delivery Class
1 K002 Condition(s) for Customer TRANSP A
2 K003 Sales Tax, Germany TRANSP A
3 K9001 Derivation table for derivation rule A01 POOL A
4 K9RALR0000472SAP Derivation Rule: Destination from Flight Segment TRANSP C
5 K9RALR0000473SAP Derivation Rule: Departure Location from Flight Segment TRANSP C
6 K9RALR0000474SAP Derivation Rule: Rotation from Flight Number TRANSP C
7 K9RALR0000475SAP Derivation Rule: Region from Destination TRANSP C
8 K9RALR0000476SAP Derivation Rule: Flight Type from Flight Number TRANSP C
9 K9RALR1000001SAP Derivation Rule: Strategic Business Unit from Customer Group TRANSP C
10 K9RKI48050002 Derivation rule:Derive act. group from value type only TRANSP C
11 K9RKI48050003 Derivation rule:Derivation using original CO transaction and TRANSP C
12 K9RP000000019SAP Derivation Rule: Main Product Group from Material Group TRANSP C
13 K9RP991000002SAP Derivation Rule: Strategic Business Unit from Customer Group TRANSP C
14 KAKO Capacity Header Segment TRANSP A
15 KAKT Capacity Description TRANSP A
16 KALA Costing Run: General Data/Parameters TRANSP A
17 KALAMATCON1 Selection List for Costing Run TRANSP A
18 KALAMATCON2 Selection List for Costing Run: Material List TRANSP A
19 KALAUSER User-Dependent Settings for Costing Run TRANSP A
20 KALC Material Quantity Calculation - Formulas TRANSP A
21 KALD Costing Run: Low-Level Codes TRANSP A
22 KALF Costing Run: Error Log Header TRANSP A
23 KALM Costing Run: Costing Objects TRANSP A
24 KALO Costing Run: Costing Objects (KVMK) TRANSP A
25 KALS Costing Run: Costing Levels TRANSP A
26 KALSTAT Costing Run: Statistical Info for Separate Steps TRANSP A
27 KALT Material Quantity Calculation: Header TRANSP A
28 KALV Costing Run: Costing Variants TRANSP A
29 KANZ Assignment of Sales Order Items - Costing Objects TRANSP A
30 KAP8_TIMEST BW PS: Time Stamp Tables for Delta Extraction TRANSP L
31 KAPA Shift Parameters for Available Capacity TRANSP A
32 KAPE Capacity unit of measure allocation TRANSP A
33 KAPS CO Period Locks TRANSP C
34 KAP_PSR_OBJ Object: Element, Sample TRANSP G
35 KAP_PSR_OBJ_KYB Details on Attribute/Key Figure Blocks TRANSP G
37 KAP_PSR_OBJ_TXT Texts for Objects TRANSP G
38 KAP_PSR_SHT Sample Sheets TRANSP G
41 KAP_PSR_TEXTS Texts for Language-Dependent User Guide TRANSP S
42 KAP_PSR_USR User-specific settings TRANSP G
43 KAZY Interval of Available Capacity TRANSP A
44 KBED Capacity Requirements Records TRANSP A
45 KBEROBART Customizing Interval Entry for RESPAREA TRANSP C
46 KBEROBJ Settings for authorization objects in Cost Center Accounting TRANSP S
47 KBEZ Add. data for table KBED (for indiv. capacities/splits) TRANSP A
48 KBKO Header Record for Capacity Requirements TRANSP A
49 KBLE Document Item Processing: Manual Document Entry TRANSP A
51 KBLEW Item development amounts in various currencies TRANSP A
52 KBLK Document Header: Manual Document Entry TRANSP A
53 KBLKKRED Vendors for Funds Reservations TRANSP A
54 KBLK_USER Fields for addtl funds commt, funds precommt etc. hdr data TRANSP A
55 KBLP Document Item: Manual Document Entry TRANSP A
56 KBLPAYK Payment Plan Header TRANSP A
57 KBLPAYP Payment Plan Items TRANSP A
58 KBLPS Earmarked Funds: Value Adjustment Documents TRANSP A
59 KBLPW Document item amounts in different currencies TRANSP A
60 KBVL Individual Customer Plng File Entry, MRP Area Long-Term Plng TRANSP A
61 KBVM Individual Customer Planning File Entry, MRP Area TRANSP A
62 KBXXN_TC_ORDER Field Sequence in Table Control for Manual Actual Postings TRANSP S
63 KCDAP Data Transfer: Application Programs TRANSP S
64 KCDBN Data transfer: package of sender structures TRANSP C
65 KCDBNS Data transfer: package - sender structures TRANSP C
66 KCDBNT Data transfer: sender structure package - texts TRANSP C
67 KCDEDATAR Flexible Excel Upload: Data Area TRANSP C
68 KCDEFILE Flexible Excel Upload: File Name - File_id TRANSP C
69 KCDEHEAD Flexible Excel Upload: Header TRANSP C
70 KCDEKEY Flexible Excel Upload: Keys TRANSP C
71 KCDER_H Flexible Excle Upload: Assignment Header -> Data Area TRANSP C
72 KCDMSF Data transfer: rename sender fields for generated rule TRANSP C
73 KCDRA Data Transfer Rules: Attributes of Receiver Fields TRANSP C
74 KCDRF Data Transfer Rules: Formulas TRANSP C
75 KCDRM Data Transfer Rules: Offsets and Lengths of Sender Fields TRANSP C
76 KCDRS Data Transfer Rules: Selection Criteria of Sender Fields TRANSP C
77 KCDRUL Data Transfer: Texts for General Rules TRANSP C
78 KCDSM Data transfer: Sender structure TRANSP C
79 KCDSMT Sender structure texts TRANSP C
80 KCDSP Sender structure (part) TRANSP C
81 KCDVAR Data transfer: variables TRANSP C
82 KCDVART Data Transfer: Texts for Variables TRANSP C
83 KCD_CURDES External data transfer: target currency TRANSP C
84 KCD_MKAZ External Data Transfer: Display of Can/Must Control TRANSP S
85 KCD_PMDEL External data transfer: delete log messages TRANSP C
86 KCD_SAFD External Data Transfer: Sender Str., Output Fields, Default TRANSP S
87 KCD_SEAF External Data Transfer: Sender Structure, Output Fields TRANSP C
88 KCD_SEPTYP External Data Transfer: Types of Sender Programs TRANSP C
89 KCD_SEPTYT External Data Transfer: Texts for Types of Sender Programs TRANSP C
90 KCD_TYPADD EDT: Additional Specifications for Certain Trans. Categories TRANSP S
91 KCD_TYPUBA External Data Transfer: Type Used By Application (TYPUBA) TRANSP S
92 KCD_TYVPES External Data Transfer:Types, Template Programs, Sender Str. TRANSP S
93 KCD_TYVPEST External data transfer: types of text TRANSP S
94 KCD_TYVPES_ADM Ext. Data Transfer: Creation Date of Entries in KCD_TYVPES TRANSP C
95 KCONS Consent Data: Consent data provided for legal entity TRANSP A
96 KCONS_CHNL Consent Data: Communication Channels TRANSP G
97 KCONS_CHNL_T Consent Data: Communication Channels description TRANSP G
98 KCONS_CUST_ORG Consent Data: Customer defined Legal Entity TRANSP C
99 KCONS_CUST_ORG_T Consent Data: Customer defined Legal Entity description TRANSP C
100 KCR_T_APPL Allowed Data Types for Application Type TRANSP S
101 KCR_T_APPL_TEXT Allowed Data Types for Application Type: Text TRANSP S
102 KCR_T_BPRC Data Model for Business Process TRANSP A
103 KCR_T_CCAT Data Model for Cost Center/Activity Type TRANSP A
104 KCR_T_CCAT_TD Data Model for Cost Center/Activity Type - Time-Dependent TRANSP A
105 KCR_T_CO_OBJECT Referenced Controlling Objects TRANSP A
106 KCR_T_LINK Assignment of Link to Data (Double-Concatenated List) TRANSP A
107 KCR_T_MAPPING Mapping of Resource/Application to Link TRANSP A
108 KCR_T_RSRC iPPE Resources (Test Environment) TRANSP A
109 KCR_T_RSRC_TEXT iPPE Resource: Text (Test Environment) TRANSP A
110 KCSL SAP-EIS: Data slices TRANSP C
111 KCSLA SAP-EIS: assigning data slices to tables TRANSP C
112 KCSLO SAP-EIS: Selection requirements for data slices TRANSP C
113 KCSLT SAP-EIS: data slice meaning TRANSP C
114 KCSLU SAP-EIS: assigning data slices to users TRANSP C
115 KCSLV SAP-EIS: data slices - variables - parameters TRANSP C
116 KCVAR SAP-EIS: data slice variables TRANSP C
117 KCVART SAP-EIS: data slice variable meanings TRANSP C
118 KDL_LOIO KEN: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
119 KDL_LOIOT KEN: Description of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
120 KDL_LOPR KEN: Attributes of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
121 KDL_LORE KEN: Outgoing Links of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
122 KDL_LORI KW: Incoming Links of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
123 KDM_CHKF KPro Demo: File Name of Last Check-Out TRANSP A
124 KDM_CHKO KPro Demo: Check-Out Data for Physical Information Object TRANSP A
125 KDM_CONT1 KPro Demo: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) TRANSP A
126 KDM_IDXSTA KPro Demo: Status Table for Indexing Documents TRANSP E
127 KDM_LOIO KPro Demo: Instance of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
128 KDM_LOIOT KPro Demo: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
129 KDM_LOPR KPro Demo: Attribute Values Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
130 KDM_LORE KPro Demo: Outbound Logical Information Objects TRANSP L
131 KDM_LORI KPro Demo: Inbound Relationships of Logical Info Objects TRANSP A
132 KDM_PHF KPro Demo: Files of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
133 KDM_PHHR KPro Demo: Oubound Hyperlinks from Physical Objects TRANSP A
134 KDM_PHIO KPro Demo: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
135 KDM_PHNM KPro Demo: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP A
136 KDM_PHPR KPro Demo: Attributes of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
137 KDM_PHRE KPro Demo: Outbound Relationships of Physical Info Objects TRANSP A
138 KDM_PHRI KPro Demo: Inbound Relationships of Physical Info Objects TRANSP A
139 KDPL Index customer order -> planned order TRANSP A
140 KDP_CHKF KW: File Name of Last Check-out TRANSP L
141 KDP_CHKO KW: Physical Information Object Check-out Data TRANSP L
142 KDP_IDXSTA SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents: IWB1 TRANSP E
143 KDP_PHF KW: Physical Information Object Files TRANSP E
144 KDP_PHHR KW: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects TRANSP E
145 KDP_PHIO KW: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
146 KDP_PHNM KW: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP E
147 KDP_PHPR KW: Physical Information Object Attributes TRANSP E
148 KDP_PHRE KW: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
149 KDP_PHRI KW: Incoming Links of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
150 KDST Sales Order to BOM Link TRANSP A
151 KDS_NODE Node Table for General Structure Storage TRANSP E
152 KDS_NODER General Structure Storage References TRANSP E
153 KDS_NODET General Structure Storage Node Names TRANSP E
154 KDVL Individual Customer Planning File Entry, Long-Term Planning TRANSP A
155 KDVM Individual Customer Planning File Entry TRANSP A
156 KE1_WU_ANL PCA Where-Used List: Assets TRANSP A
157 KE1_WU_BP PCA Where-Used List: Cost Centers TRANSP A
158 KE1_WU_CO PCA Where-Used List: Cost Centers/Processes TRANSP A
159 KE1_WU_FCAT PCA Where-Used List: Field Catalog TRANSP S
160 KE1_WU_IM PCA Where-Used List: Real Estate Objects TRANSP A
161 KE1_WU_IM_ITEM PCA Where-Used List: Itemization for Real Estate TRANSP A
162 KE1_WU_ITEM PCA Where-Used List: Itemization TRANSP A
163 KE1_WU_KS PCA Where-Used List: Cost Centers TRANSP A
164 KE1_WU_KTR PCA Where-Used List: Cost Objects TRANSP A
165 KE1_WU_MAT PCA Where-Used List: Material TRANSP A
166 KE1_WU_OR PCA Where-Used List: Orders TRANSP A
167 KE1_WU_PS PCA Where-Used List: Projects TRANSP A
168 KE1_WU_RUNID PCA Where-Used List: Runs TRANSP A
169 KE1_WU_RUNID_T PCA Where-Used List: Run Names TRANSP C
170 KE1_WU_SELOPT PCA Where-Used List: Selection Table TRANSP L
171 KE1_WU_TABCAT PCA Where-Used List: Table Catalog TRANSP S
172 KE1_WU_VB PCA Where-Used List: Sales Documents TRANSP A
173 KECRM_T8A10 PCA: Substitution for CRM Integration TRANSP C
174 KEFV_ADDON Distribution Key Maintenance - Application-Specific Add-Ons TRANSP S
175 KEKO Product Costing - Header Data TRANSP A
176 KEKO_CC Additional Data for Concurrent Costing TRANSP A
177 KEPH Product Costing: Cost Components for Cost of Goods Mfd TRANSP A
178 KEYGEN_ERR To Log Error for Keygen Service TRANSP L
179 KEYWORD Keyword Definitionen für PureQuantify TRANSP S
180 KFM_CATEGORY Define Key Figure Categories TRANSP C
182 KFM_INTERVAL Define Intervals for Value Determination of Key Figures TRANSP C
184 KFM_KF_ADM_VAR Variants for Administrator Key Figures TRANSP C
185 KFM_KF_ADM_VART Variants for Administrator Key Figure Texts TRANSP C
186 KFM_KF_ADM_VAR_H History for Administrator Key Figure TRANSP C
187 KFM_KF_CACHE Key Figure Value Storage TRANSP A
188 KFM_KF_COMMENT Comments on Key Figure Values TRANSP A
189 KFM_KF_COMPARE User-Specific Key Figure Comparisons TRANSP A
190 KFM_KF_GROUP Key Figures in Key Figure Group TRANSP A
191 KFM_KF_GROUP_HDR Header Data: User-Specific Key Figure Group TRANSP A
192 KFM_KF_USR_VAR User Key Figures TRANSP A
193 KFM_KF_USR_VAR_H History of User Key Figures TRANSP A
194 KFM_PF_BW_ASSIGN Field Assignments Key Fig. Report - Personalization Framewk TRANSP C
195 KFM_PF_R3_ASSIGN Field Assignments Key Fig. Report - Personalization Framewk TRANSP C
196 KFM_USR_KF_VIEW Assignment of Key Figure Users to Views TRANSP A
197 KFM_USR_VIEW User, Context, and Role-Specific Views TRANSP A
198 KFPE Transfer Price Agreement: Allocation History TRANSP A
199 KFPEW Clearing Amounts in Various Currencies TRANSP A
200 KFPK Document Header: Transfer Price Agreement/Allocation TRANSP A
201 KFPP Document Header: Transfer Prices for Tasks TRANSP A
202 KFPPI Index of Transfer Price Agreements for an Object TRANSP A
203 KFPPW Document Item Amounts in Different Currencies TRANSP A
204 KFPSV Individual Tasks for Collective Agreements TRANSP A
205 KINX Marking Table for Completed Actions TRANSP A
206 KJCCSJ3DBI01 Rate Categories for Reestimation TRANSP C
207 KJCCSJ3DBI02 Rate Types WITHOUT Reestimation TRANSP C
208 KJCCSJ3DBI03 Naming Convention for Operands for Installed Demand TRANSP C
209 KJCCSJ3DBI03T Naming Convention for Operands for Installed Demand TRANSP C
210 KKBMM Characteristic Assignment for Selection Screens for Ord. Sel TRANSP G
211 KKBSB Selection Screens for Order Selection TRANSP G
212 KKBSBT Text Table for Selection Screens TRANSP G
213 KKROBJ_LOCK Lock Table for Parallel Processing in KKRV TRANSP L
214 KLABEPOS Line Items for the Risk of the Position TRANSP A
215 KLADDONFAK Determination of the Add-On Factor TRANSP C
216 KLAH Class Header Data TRANSP A
217 KLARP Default Risk Line Items TRANSP A
218 KLARPOS Line Items for Default Risk TRANSP A
219 KLARRC Definition of Default Risk Rule TRANSP C
220 KLARRCRS Definition of Default Risk Rule TRANSP C
222 KLARRZU01 Assign BCA Product to Default Risk Rule, Limit Prod Group TRANSP C
223 KLARRZU02 Define Default Risk Rule, Limit Product Group for Accounts TRANSP C
224 KLARRZU03 Assign DRR and Limit Product Group to BCA Product (New) TRANSP C
225 KLARRZU04 Variable Transaction: Assign DRR to Limit Product Group TRANSP C
226 KLARRZU05 Risk Object: Assign Default Risk Rule, Limit Product Group TRANSP G
227 KLAT Classes: Long Texts TRANSP A
228 KLAUSFWKT Default Risk Probabilities TRANSP C
229 KLBBASID Calculation Base ID TRANSP S
230 KLBBASIDT Text Table for KLBBASID: Calculation Base TRANSP S
231 KLBEPOS Line Items for the Risk of the Position TRANSP A
232 KLBESTZU Assignment of Product Type to CL Default Risk Rule TRANSP C
233 KLBEWFAK Define Valuation Factor Determination TRANSP C
234 KLBEWFAKT Define Valuation Factor Determination TRANSP C
235 KLCLUST Cluster for Distributed Data Use TRANSP L
236 KLCLUSTER Cluster for Distributed Data Use TRANSP L
237 KLCMMAPPING Mapping Table for CM and Business Partner TRANSP A
238 KLCOCU Assignment of County <-> Domestic Currency/Currencies TRANSP C
239 KLDATESHIFT Shift Validity Date of Settlement Risk for FX Option TRANSP C
240 KLEGZU Assignment of TR Product/Tran. Type to CL Default Risk Rule TRANSP C
241 KLEVC Determination-Procedure-Specific Settings TRANSP C
242 KLEVCT Text Table in Customizing for Determination Procedure TRANSP C
243 KLEVDEF Definition of Determination Procedures TRANSP C
244 KLEVDEFT Text Table for the Definition of Determination Procedures TRANSP C
245 KLEXTKZ Allocate Ext. Key Figures to Int. Key Figure Categories TRANSP C
246 KLFAZ01 Facilities (Header) TRANSP A
247 KLFAZ06 Facility Type TRANSP C
248 KLFAZ06T Facility Type Text TRANSP C
249 KLFAZ07 Facility Type - Limit Product Group Assignment TRANSP C
250 KLFB Assignment: Class to template TRANSP A
251 KLFILLCHECK Permitted Risk Filter Combinations for End-of-Day Processing TRANSP S
253 KLFORMIDT Text Table for KLDORMID: Formulas TRANSP S
254 KLGEWFAK Weighting Factor for Settlement Risk TRANSP C
255 KLINTNR Credit Limit: Admin. of Internal Key for Check Transactions TRANSP L
256 KLINTORG Internal Organizational Unit TRANSP C
258 KLLIMITEXCEEDED Management of Exceeded Limits per Product/Transaction Type TRANSP A
259 KLLR01 Assignment of Country - Rating/Recovery Rate Determination TRANSP C
260 KLLR02 Assignment of Country - VaR% TRANSP C
261 KLLR03 Assignment of CEQ Class - CEQ in Percentage TRANSP C
262 KLLR04 Country Default Probabilities TRANSP C
263 KLLR05 Assignment of LEQ Class / LEQ in Percentage TRANSP C
264 KLLRB Table for Country Risk Areas TRANSP C
265 KLLRBT Text Table for KLLRB TRANSP C
266 KLLRDEF01 Definition of Country Risk Rating TRANSP C
267 KLLRDEF01T Text Table for Country Risk Rating TRANSP C
268 KLLRDEF02 Definition of Credit Equivalent Class (CEQ Class) TRANSP C
269 KLLRDEF02T Text Table for Credit Equivalent Class (CEQ Class) TRANSP C
270 KLLRDEF03 Definition of Loss Equivalent Class (LEQ Class) TRANSP C
271 KLLRDEF03T Text Table for the Loss Equivalent Class TRANSP C
272 KLMAXLIMIT Limit per Product Type/Transaction Type TRANSP A
273 KLMWAERBD Determination of MVC and RCP TRANSP C
274 KLNT01 Definition of Netting Group TRANSP C
275 KLNT01T Text Table for KLNT01 TRANSP C
276 KLNT02 Definition of Netting Factor Assignment TRANSP C
277 KLNT02T Text Table for KLNT02 TRANSP C
278 KLORDERZU Assign Prod. Type to CL DRR for Sec. Order and For.Sec. TRANSP C
279 KLORDERZUARR Assign Prod. Type to CL DRR for Sec. Order and For.Sec. TRANSP C
280 KLPA Customer/Vendor Linking TRANSP A
281 KLPARAM Credit Limit: Tab for Controlling Ext. Default Risk Rates TRANSP A
282 KLPREHLOG Persistent Error Handling TRANSP L
283 KLRATINGRRFZU Assignment of Rating to Recovery Rate Determination TRANSP C
284 KLRECEIVER User-Recipient Relationship TRANSP C
285 KLREGDEF Definition of Variable Assignment Rule TRANSP C
287 KLREP Risk Line Items TRANSP A
288 KLREPISRUN Cross-Client Conversion Reports: Trigger Once Only TRANSP L
289 KLREPOS Risk Line Items TRANSP A
290 KLRISKBEGIN Start Date for Risk Calculation TRANSP C
291 KLRISKSENSI Definition of Risk Sensitivity TRANSP C
292 KLRISKSENSIT Text Table for KLRISKSENSI (Risk Sensitivity) TRANSP C
293 KLRRDEF Maintainance of Values for Recovery Rates TRANSP C
294 KLRRFINDDEF Definition of Recovery Rate TRANSP C
295 KLRRFINDDEFT Definition of Recovery Rate Determination TRANSP C
296 KLSBV Collateral Valuation Procedure TRANSP S
298 KLSDCPARAM Credit Limit: Controlling External Default Risk Rates (NEW) TRANSP A
299 KLSDCPROT0 Log Generation for Single Transaction Check: Meta Data TRANSP L
300 KLSDCPROT1 Log Gen. for Single Transaction Check: Header Information TRANSP L
301 KLSDCPROT2 Log Generation for Single Transaction Check: Items TRANSP L
302 KLSDCPROT3 Log Gen. for Single Transaction Check: Result in ALV Format TRANSP L
304 KLSDCPROTS Status of Log of Single Transaction Check TRANSP G
305 KLSDCTRPASS Assignments to Single Transaction Check Product TRANSP C
306 KLSDCTRPDEF STC Transaction Control: Definition TRANSP C
308 KLSI01 Collateral Provision (Header) TRANSP A
309 KLSI01T Collateral Provision (Header) Text Table TRANSP A
310 KLSI01_BAK Backup for Euro Changeover for Collateral Provision (Header) TRANSP A
311 KLSI02 Collateral Agreements TRANSP A
312 KLSI02_BAK Backup for Euro Changeover for Collateral Agreements TRANSP A
313 KLSI03 Collateral Agreements (Items) TRANSP A
314 KLSI03_BAK Backup for Euro Changeover for Collateral Agreements (Items) TRANSP A
315 KLSI04 Global Collateral (Items) TRANSP A
316 KLSI04_BAK Backup for Euro Changeover for Global Collateral (Items) TRANSP A
317 KLSI05 Single-Transaction-Related Collateral (Item) TRANSP A
318 KLSI05_BAK Backup for Euro Changeover for Single-Tran.-Rel. Collateral TRANSP A
319 KLSI06 Global Collateral (Assignment) TRANSP A
320 KLSI06_BAK Backup for Euro Changeover for Global Collateral (Assignmt) TRANSP A
321 KLSI07 Single-Transaction-Related Collateral (Assignment) TRANSP A
322 KLSI07_BAK Backup for Euro Changeover for Single-Tran.-Rel. Collateral TRANSP A
323 KLSIART Collateral Type TRANSP C
324 KLSIARTT Text Table for Collateral Type TRANSP C
325 KLSIBESART Collateral Valuation Control Type TRANSP C
327 KLSIFDUMK Definition of Required/Optional Fields for EDT of Collateral TRANSP S
328 KLSIPRIO Collateral Priority TRANSP C
329 KLSIPRIOT Text Table for Collateral Priority TRANSP C
330 KLTAGENDSF Selection Filter for End-of-Day Processing TRANSP C
331 KLTAGENDSF1 Table for View Maintenance for End-of-Day Processing TRANSP C
333 KLTERMFIND Date Determination Rules TRANSP S
335 KLXAKT Global Settings for Default Risk and Limit System TRANSP G
336 KLXCMRT CM Data for Risk Objects Derived from Cash Management TRANSP A
337 KLZUEXTOBJ Assignment of External Administration Key to Object Number TRANSP A
338 KMI_CHKF KMI: File Name of Last Check Out TRANSP E
339 KMI_CHKO KMI: Check Out Data for a Physical Information Object TRANSP E
340 KMI_CONT KMI:: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) TRANSP E
341 KMI_IDXSTA KMI: Status Table for Indexing Documents TRANSP E
342 KMI_LOIO KMI: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
343 KMI_LOIOT KMI: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
344 KMI_LOPR KMI: Attr. Values of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
345 KMI_LORE KMI: Out-Going Relationships of Logical Info. Objects TRANSP E
346 KMI_LOREPR KMI: Attributes of Out-Going Relationships of LOIOs TRANSP E
347 KMI_LORI KMI: In-Coming Relationships of Logical Info. Objects TRANSP E
348 KMI_PHF KMI: Data of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
349 KMI_PHHR KMI: Out-Going Hyperlinks From Physical Objects TRANSP E
350 KMI_PHIO KMI: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
351 KMI_PHNM KMI: Usage of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP E
352 KMI_PHPR KMI: Attributes of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
353 KMI_PHRE KMI: Out-Going Relationships of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
354 KMI_PHREPR KMI: Attributes of Out-Going Relationships of PHIOs TRANSP E
355 KMI_PHRI KMI: In-Coming Relationships of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
356 KMKPF FI: Account Assignment Model Header Information TRANSP A
357 KMS_ADDRESS CRM Middleware Key Mapping Service: Key mapping of addresses TRANSP A
358 KMZEI FI: Account Assignment Model Item Information TRANSP A
359 KNA1 General Data in Customer Master TRANSP A
360 KNAS Customer master (VAT registration numbers general section) TRANSP A
361 KNAT Customer Master Record (Tax Groupings) TRANSP A
362 KNB1 Customer Master (Company Code) TRANSP A
363 KNB4 Customer Payment History TRANSP A
364 KNB5 Customer master (dunning data) TRANSP A
365 KNBK Customer Master (Bank Details) TRANSP A
366 KNBW Customer master record (withholding tax types) X TRANSP A
367 KNC1 Customer master (transaction figures) TRANSP A
368 KNC1_BAK Customer Master (Transaction Figures) TRANSP A
369 KNC3 Customer master (special G/L transaction figures) TRANSP A
370 KNC3_BAK Customer Master (Special G/L Transaction Figures) TRANSP A
371 KNEA Assign Bank Details and Payment Methods to Revenue Type TRANSP A
372 KNEX Customer Master: Legal Control - Sanctioned Party List TRANSP A
373 KNKA Customer master credit management: Central data TRANSP A
374 KNKK Customer master credit management: Control area data TRANSP A
375 KNKKF1 Credit Management: FI Status Data TRANSP A
376 KNKKF2 Credit Management: Open Items by Days in Arrears TRANSP A
377 KNKO Assignment of Cost Est. Number to Config. Object TRANSP A
378 KNMT Customer-Material Info Record Data Table TRANSP A
379 KNMTK Customer-Material Info Record Header Table TRANSP A
380 KNOB Assignment of Cost Est. Number to Config. Object TRANSP A
381 KNVA Customer Master Unloading Points TRANSP A
382 KNVD Customer master record sales request form TRANSP A
383 KNVH Customer Hierarchies TRANSP A
384 KNVI Customer Master Tax Indicator TRANSP A
385 KNVK Customer Master Contact Partner TRANSP A
386 KNVL Customer Master Licenses TRANSP A
387 KNVP Customer Master Partner Functions TRANSP A
388 KNVS Customer Master Shipping Data TRANSP A
389 KNVT Customer Master Record Texts for Sales TRANSP A
390 KNVV Customer Master Sales Data TRANSP A
391 KNZA Permitted Alternative Payer TRANSP A
392 KOMU Account Assignment Templates for G/L Account Items TRANSP A
393 KONA Agreements TRANSP A
394 KONAIND Index: Groups of Conditions/Header Record Conditions TRANSP A
395 KONBBYH Bonus Buys: Header TRANSP A
396 KONBBYPRQ Bonus Buys: Prerequisites TRANSP A
397 KONBBYT Bonus Buys: Text TRANSP A
398 KOND Conditions (Data) TRANSP A
399 KOND3 Conditions: Campaign Determination - Data Part TRANSP A
400 KONDD Material Substitution - Data Division TRANSP A
401 KONDDP Conditions: Additional Materials for Material Determination TRANSP A
402 KONDH Conditions: Batch Strategy - Data Division TRANSP A
403 KONDI Conditions: Data part for certificates TRANSP A
404 KONDIND General Document Index for Conditions TRANSP A
405 KONDN Conditions: Free goods - Data section TRANSP A
406 KONDNS Conditions: Free goods determination - scales TRANSP A
407 KONDP Conditions: Packing Object Data Section TRANSP A
408 KONDR Conditions: Derivation strategy - data part TRANSP A
409 KONDRPR Conditions: Derivation strategy - recipient item data TRANSP A
410 KONDRPS Conditions: Derivation strategy - sender item data TRANSP A
411 KONDV Conditions: Data part for certificates TRANSP A
412 KONDW Conditions: Data part for DRM Rules TRANSP A
413 KONH Conditions (Header) TRANSP A
414 KONHM Portfolio Determination - Data Part TRANSP A
415 KONH_CONV_TRG Trigger table for KONH TRANSP L
416 KONM Conditions (1-Dimensional Quantity Scale) TRANSP A
417 KONMATGRP Material Grouping: Header TRANSP A
418 KONMATGRPP Material Grouping: Items TRANSP A
419 KONMATGRPT Material Grouping: Text TRANSP A
420 KONMATGRPX Material Grouping: Exceptions TRANSP A
421 KONP Conditions (Item) TRANSP A
422 KONPTOCPFGUID Linking of master data condition to CPF TRANSP A
423 KONR Resource Prices: Help Table for Variable Fields TRANSP C
424 KONR1 Resource Prices: Help Table for Variable Fields TRANSP C
427 KONTS Kontenplan Spirituosen TRANSP C
428 KONTW Kontenplan Weine TRANSP C
429 KONV Conditions (Transaction Data) CLUSTER A
430 KONVTOCPFGUID Linking of document condition to CPF TRANSP A
431 KONV_CONV_TRG KONV Conversion Trigger TRANSP L
432 KONW Conditions (1-Dimensional Value Scale) TRANSP A
433 KONX Overhead Rates: Help Table for Variable Fields TRANSP C
434 KONX1 Overhead Rates: Help Table for Variable Fields TRANSP C
435 KOPA Rebate Arrangement/Partner Assignment TRANSP A
436 KOSA_BALT Procurement Alternative for Prod Cost Coll. in Make-to-Order TRANSP A
437 KOT4001 Debited Company Code TRANSP A
438 KOT4002 Debited Company Code/Debited Business Area TRANSP A
439 KOT4003 Debited Company Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient TRANSP A
440 KOT4004 Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient/Equi. Type TRANSP A
441 KOT4005 Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient/Equipment TRANSP A
442 KOT4006 Condition Table for Price List Determination TRANSP A
443 KOT4007 Condition Table for Price List Determination TRANSP A
444 KOT4008 Condition Table for Price List Determination TRANSP A
445 KOT4009 Condition Table for Price List Determination TRANSP A
446 KOT4012 Condition Table for Price List Determination TRANSP A
447 KOTD001 Conditions: Substitution - Sample Structure TRANSP A
448 KOTD002 SOrg/DistrCh/Material Entered TRANSP A
449 KOTD011 Material TRANSP A
450 KOTD020 EAN/GV Type/Sales org./Distr. Chl/Division/County/Customer TRANSP A
451 KOTE001 Customer/Material TRANSP A
452 KOTE002 Customer/Rebate Group TRANSP A
453 KOTE003 Customer TRANSP A
454 KOTE004 Customer Hierarchy TRANSP A
455 KOTE005 Customer Hierarchy/Material TRANSP A
456 KOTE006 Vendor/Material TRANSP A
457 KOTE007 Vendor/Accounting Group TRANSP A
458 KOTE008 Vendor TRANSP A
459 KOTE009 Vendor/VSR TRANSP A
460 KOTE010 Vendor Hierarchy: Rebate TRANSP A
461 KOTE011 Vendor Hierarchy: Material Rebate TRANSP A
462 KOTE012 Vendor Hierarchy: Vendor Sub-Range Rebate TRANSP A
463 KOTE013 SOrg/Vendor/Customer TRANSP A
464 KOTE017 Campaign ID/Customer/Material TRANSP A
465 KOTE201 Sales Organization/Partner Object TRANSP A
466 KOTF001 Material/Sales Org./Distrib.Channel TRANSP A
467 KOTF002 Customer/Sales Org./Dist.Channel/Division TRANSP A
468 KOTF003 SD Document/Item TRANSP A
469 KOTF004 Service No./Plant/PurchOrg/Vendor/Package Number/Line Number TRANSP A
470 KOTF005 Search Term TRANSP A
471 KOTF006 Tax exemption license number TRANSP A
472 KOTF290 IS-M: Condition Index for Book.Unit /Sales Org./Dist Channel TRANSP A
473 KOTF291 IS-M/AM: CondIndex Service/Sales Org./Distribution Channel TRANSP A
474 KOTF293 IS-M/AM: Condition Index for Agent Contract TRANSP A
475 KOTF294 IS-M: Condition Index for Commission Key/Purchasing Org. TRANSP A
476 KOTF296 IS-M: Condition Index for Publication/BBU/Sales Org. TRANSP A
477 KOTF297 IS-M: Condition Index for Publication/Combined BU/Sales Org. TRANSP A
478 KOTG001 Customer/Material TRANSP A
479 KOTG002 Customer/Material/Unit of Measure TRANSP A
480 KOTG003 Plant/Material/Unit of Measure TRANSP A
481 KOTG004 Cust/Material w/ Organiz. Units TRANSP A
482 KOTG401 GG: Listing - Material entered / Material TRANSP A
483 KOTG402 IS-SW Product List Exclusion TRANSP A
484 KOTH001 Material TRANSP A
485 KOTH002 Customer/Material TRANSP A
486 KOTH003 Customer/Plant/Material TRANSP A
487 KOTH004 Destination Country/MatGroup TRANSP A
488 KOTH005 Destination Country TRANSP A
489 KOTH006 Material group TRANSP A
490 KOTH007 Customer Hierarchy TRANSP A
491 KOTH008 Customer Hierarchy/Material TRANSP A
492 KOTH010 Warehouse number TRANSP A
493 KOTH011 Warehouse No./Movement Type TRANSP A
494 KOTH020 Movement Type TRANSP A
495 KOTH021 Movement Type/Plant TRANSP A
496 KOTH022 Movement Type/Material TRANSP A
497 KOTH023 Plant/Material TRANSP A
498 KOTH024 Movement Type/Plant/Material TRANSP A
499 KOTH025 Plant TRANSP A
500 KOTH030 Order Type/Plant/Component TRANSP A