SAP ABAP Table - Index K, page 2
Table - K
# Table name Short Description Table Category Delivery Class
1 KOTH031 Order Type/Plant/Production Material/Component TRANSP A
2 KOTI001 Material TRANSP A
3 KOTI002 Material/Customer TRANSP A
4 KOTI003 Material group TRANSP A
5 KOTJ001 Debited Company Code TRANSP A
6 KOTJ002 Debited Company Code/Debited Business Area TRANSP A
7 KOTJ003 Debited Company Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient TRANSP A
8 KOTJ004 Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient/Equi. Type TRANSP A
9 KOTJ005 Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient/Equipment TRANSP A
10 KOTJ006 Debited Company Code/Recipient Category TRANSP A
11 KOTJ007 Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient Category TRANSP A
12 KOTJ008 Debited Co. Code/Debited Bus. Area/Debited Plant/Recpnt Cat. TRANSP A
13 KOTJ009 Document Category TRANSP A
14 KOTJ012 Document Category/Recipient/Material Group/Activity Type TRANSP A
15 KOTM001 Responsiblities for Material Groups TRANSP A
16 KOTM002 Material TRANSP A
17 KOTN001 Info Record: Plant-Specific per Order Unit TRANSP A
18 KOTN002 Info record per order unit TRANSP A
19 KOTN010 Customer / material TRANSP A
20 KOTN017 Campaign ID/Material TRANSP A
21 KOTN201 Sales Org./Distr.Channel/Bonus Buy/Material/Sales Unit TRANSP A
22 KOTN202 SalesOrg./SalesChan/PriceList/BonusBuy/Material/SalesUnit TRANSP A
23 KOTN203 SalesOrg./SalesChan/Plant/BonusBuy/Material/SalesUnit TRANSP A
24 KOTP001 Material TRANSP A
25 KOTP002 Material TRANSP A
26 KOTP003 Material/Ship-To Party/Unloading Point TRANSP A
27 KOTP004 Material/Ship-To Party/Shipping Type TRANSP A
28 KOTP100 Material/ship-to party TRANSP A
29 KOTP101 Vendor/Material TRANSP A
30 KOTP110 Material/Ship-To Party/Use TRANSP A
31 KOTP200 Material/Plant TRANSP A
32 KOTP210 Material/plant/storage location TRANSP A
33 KOTP400 Material/Vendor TRANSP A
34 KOTP410 Material/Plant/Vendor TRANSP A
35 KOTP499 Referenzmaterial für gleich verpackbare Materialien TRANSP A
36 KOTR001 Material Number TRANSP A
37 KOTR002 Material Type TRANSP A
38 KOTR010 Sender Material Number TRANSP A
39 KOTR011 Sender Material Type TRANSP A
40 KOTR012 Receiving Material + Sending Material TRANSP A
41 KOTR013 Receiving Material Type + Sending Material Type TRANSP A
42 KOTW001 Matl grp 2/Matl grp 3/Price list TRANSP A
43 KOTW002 Sales org./Distr. chl/Division/Material TRANSP A
44 KOTW501 Material TRANSP A
45 KPEP_WL_APPL Application Reference for the Worklist Category TRANSP S
46 KPEP_WL_CAT Settings for the Worklist Type TRANSP S
47 KPEP_WL_HIE Hierarchy Information for Worklists of Schedule Manager TRANSP A
48 KPEP_WL_M Worklist in the Schedule Manager TRANSP A
49 KPEP_WL_O Object-Related Data in the Worklist of the Schedule Manager TRANSP A
50 KPEP_WL_OBJORG Source Object for the Object Status in the SCMA Worklist TRANSP A
51 KPEP_WL_OMSG Step and Object-Related Messages in the Worklist TRANSP A
52 KPEP_WL_OMSGSUB Subobject Information for Messages TRANSP A
53 KPEP_WL_OS Object Data Specific to Steps in Schedule Manager Worklist TRANSP A
54 KPEP_WL_PSHIER Hierarchy for WL Type Projects in Schedule Manager Worklist TRANSP A
55 KPEP_WL_ROLES Assignment of Role to Object Type TRANSP S
56 KPEP_WL_S Step Data in the Worklist for the Schedule Manager TRANSP A
57 KPEP_WL_VIEW View of Worklist TRANSP A
58 KPER Period Values for Workforce Planning TRANSP A
59 KPP0R CO planning: directory of generated reports TRANSP L
60 KPP0V CO planning: Assignment layout <-> validation TRANSP A
61 KPP1CHKF KPP: File name of last check-out TRANSP A
62 KPP1CHKO KPP: Check-out data for a physical information object TRANSP A
63 KPP1CONT1 KPP: Document contents table (import/export) TRANSP E
64 KPP1LOIO KPP: Instances for Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
65 KPP1LOIOT KPP: Descriptions of logical information objects TRANSP E
66 KPP1LOPR KPP: Attribute values of logical information objects TRANSP E
67 KPP1LORE KPP: Outgoing relationships of logical info objects TRANSP E
68 KPP1LORI KPP: Incoming relationships of physical info objects TRANSP E
69 KPP1PHF KPP: Files for logical info objects TRANSP E
70 KPP1PHHR KPP: Outgoing hyperlinks of physical objects TRANSP E
71 KPP1PHIO KPP Instances for Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
72 KPP1PHNM KPP: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP E
73 KPP1PHPR KPP: Attributes of physical info objects TRANSP E
74 KPP1PHRE KPP: Outgoing relationships of physical info objects TRANSP E
75 KPP1PHRI KPP: Incoming relationships of physical info objects TRANSP E
76 KPP1RE KPP: Relationship Instances TRANSP E
77 KPP1REPR KPP: Relationship attributes TRANSP E
78 KPP2D CO planning: directory of generated dumps TRANSP S
79 KPP2K CO Planning Processor: Context of user configurations TRANSP S
80 KPPT CO planning: planning area entity table TRANSP S
81 KPPTT CO Planning: Text table for entity table. planning areas TRANSP S
82 KPROCHKF KPRO: File name of last check-out TRANSP L
83 KPROCHKFCD KPRO: CD: File Name of Last Check-out TRANSP A
84 KPROCHKO KPro: check-out data for a physical information object TRANSP L
85 KPROCHKOCD KPRO: CD: Check-out Data for a Physical Information Object TRANSP A
86 KPROIDXSTA KPRO: Status table for indexing documents TRANSP E
87 KPROLOIOTD KPRO: CD: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
88 KPROLOPRCD KPRO: CD: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
89 KPROLORECD KPRO:CD:: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Info Objects TRANSP A
90 KPROLORICD KPRO: CD: Incoming Relationships of Logical Info Objects TRANSP A
91 KPROPHF KPRO: Files of physical information objects TRANSP E
92 KPROPHFCD KPRO: CD: Files of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
93 KPROPHHR KPRO: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects TRANSP E
94 KPROPHHRCD KPRO: CD: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects TRANSP A
95 KPROPHIO KPRO: Instances of physical information objects TRANSP E
96 KPROPHNM KPRO: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP E
97 KPROPHNMCD KPRO: CD: Usage of Target Documents in Physical Objects TRANSP A
98 KPROPHPR KPRO: Attributes of physical information objects TRANSP E
99 KPROPHPRCD KPRO: CD: Attributes of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
100 KPROPHRE KPRO: Outgoing links of physical information objects TRANSP E
101 KPROPHRECD KPRO: CD: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Info Objects TRANSP A
102 KPROPHRI KPRO: Incoming links of physical information objects TRANSP E
103 KPROPHRICD KPRO: CD: Incoming Relationships of Physical Info Objects TRANSP A
104 KPRO_LOIO KPRO: CD: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
105 KPRO_PHIO KPRO: CD: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
106 KRIF Richie Riffle TRANSP A
107 KSML Characteristics of a Class TRANSP A
108 KSSK Allocation Table: Object to Class TRANSP A
109 KSSK_CONV Allocation Table: Object to Class TRANSP A
110 KTADIR Directory of Repository Objects TRANSP W
111 KUSE Prod.Cstg: User-Specific Settings (Depends on Cstg Variant) TRANSP A
112 KWBCHKF KW BDS Demo:: File Name of Last Check Out TRANSP L
113 KWBCHKO KW-BDS-Demo:: Check-Out Data for a Physical Info Object TRANSP L
114 KWBCONT HJRTest: Table for Document Content (Import/Export) TRANSP E
115 KWBIDXSTA KW BDS Demo:: Status Table for Document Indexing TRANSP E
116 KWBLOIO KW BDS Demo:: Logical Information Object Instances TRANSP E
117 KWBLOIOT KW BDS Demo:: Logical Information Object Descriptions TRANSP E
118 KWBLOPR KW BDS Demo:: Logical Information Object Attribute Values TRANSP E
119 KWBLORE KW BDS Demo:: Outgoing Relationships of Logical IOs TRANSP E
120 KWBLOREPR KWB: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs TRANSP E
121 KWBLORI KW BDS Demo:: Incoming Relationships of Logical IOs TRANSP E
122 KWBLORIPR KWB: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of LOIOs TRANSP E
123 KWBPHF KW BDS Demo:: Physical Information Object Files TRANSP E
124 KWBPHHR KW BDS Demo:: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Info Objects TRANSP E
125 KWBPHHRPR KWB:: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships TRANSP E
126 KWBPHIO KW BDS Demo:: Instancies of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
127 KWBPHNM KW BDS Demo:: Usage of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP E
128 KWBPHNMPR KWB:: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships TRANSP E
129 KWBPHPR KW BDS Demo:: Physical Information Object Attributes TRANSP E
130 KWBPHRE KW BDS Demo:: Outgoing Relationships of Physical IOs TRANSP E
131 KWBPHREPR KWB:: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of PHIOs TRANSP E
132 KWBPHRI KW BDS Demo:: Incoming Relationships of Physical IOs TRANSP E
133 KWBPHRIPR KWB:: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of PHIOs TRANSP E
134 KWBS Assignment of WBS No. - Costing Objects TRANSP A
135 KWCHAIN KEN: Industry sectors and their root sectors TRANSP E
136 KWDELTA_TR IWB: Transport Requests for Delta Delivery TRANSP L
137 KWDELTA_WL IWB: Worklist for Delta Delivery (Content) TRANSP L
138 KWDEL_HEAD Content Deletion Report: History TRANSP L
139 KWDEL_RES_OBJ Content Deletion Report: Details for Info Objects TRANSP L
140 KWD_CL_VSP Virus Scan Profile for PHIO Class TRANSP G
141 KWD_RETROFIT1 Retrofit for IWBHELP: Initial Folders and Results TRANSP L
142 KWD_RETROFIT2 Retrofit for IWBTRAIN & XML_TRAIN: Initial Folders & Results TRANSP L
143 KWD_RETROFIT3 Retrofit for XML_DOCU: Initial Folders and Results TRANSP L
145 KWD_RETROFITH Retrofit: Header Info TRANSP L
146 KWD_RFC2BI RFC Destinations for Different Contexts TRANSP C
147 KWFOLDERS Folders that are processed by 'Reorg' Report TRANSP L
148 KWH_BG Background Processes for Knowledge Warehouse TRANSP C
149 KWMCHKF KW Media demo: File name of last check-out TRANSP L
150 KWMCHKO KW Media demo: Check-out data for a physical info object TRANSP L
151 KWMIDXSTA KW Media Demo: Status Table for Indexing Documents TRANSP E
152 KWMLOIO KW Media Demo: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
153 KWMLOIOT KW Media Demo: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
154 KWMLOPR KW Media Demo: Attribute Values of Log. Information Objects TRANSP E
155 KWMLORE KW Media Demo: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information TRANSP E
156 KWMLORI KW Media Demo: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information TRANSP E
157 KWMPHF KW Media Demo: Files of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
158 KWMPHHR KW Media Demo: Outgoing Hyperlinks of Physical Objects TRANSP E
159 KWMPHIO KW Media Demo: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
160 KWMPHNM KW Media Demo: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP E
161 KWMPHPR KW Media Demo: Attributes of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
162 KWMPHRE KW Media Demo: Outgoing Relationships of Phys. Information TRANSP E
163 KWMPHRI KW Media Demo: Incoming Relationships of Phys. Information TRANSP E
164 KWNCHKF KW: File Name of Last Check-out TRANSP L
165 KWNCHKO KW: Physical Information Object Check-out Data TRANSP L
166 KWNIDXSTA SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents: IWB2 TRANSP E
167 KWNLOIO KEN: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
168 KWNLOIOT KEN: Description of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
169 KWNLOPR KEN: Attributes of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
170 KWNLORE KEN: Outgoing Links of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
171 KWNLORI KW: Incoming Links of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
172 KWNPHF KW: Physical Information Object Files TRANSP E
173 KWNPHHR KW: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects TRANSP E
174 KWNPHHRPR EPF: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships TRANSP E
175 KWNPHIO KW: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
176 KWNPHNM KW: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP E
177 KWNPHNMPR EPF: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships TRANSP E
178 KWNPHPR KW: Physical Information Object Attributes TRANSP E
179 KWNPHRE KW: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
180 KWNPHREPR EPF: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs TRANSP E
181 KWNPHRI KW: Incoming Links of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
182 KWNPHRIPR EPF: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs TRANSP E
183 KWN_NODE Node Table for General Structure Storage TRANSP E
184 KWN_NODER General Structure Storage References TRANSP E
185 KWN_NODET General Structure Storage Node Names TRANSP E
186 KWPWCHKF KW: File Name of Last Check-out TRANSP L
187 KWPWCHKO KW: Physical Information Object Check-out Data TRANSP L
188 KWPWCONT1 KWPW Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) TRANSP E
189 KWPWIDXSTA SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents: IWB1 TRANSP E
190 KWPWLOIO KEN: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
191 KWPWLOIOT KEN: Description of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
192 KWPWLOPR KEN: Attributes of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
193 KWPWLORE KEN: Outgoing Links of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
194 KWPWLORI KW: Incoming Links of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
195 KWPWNODE Node Table for General Structure Storage TRANSP E
196 KWPWNODER General Structure Storage References TRANSP E
197 KWPWNODET General Structure Storage Node Names TRANSP E
198 KWPWPHF KW: Physical Information Object Files TRANSP E
199 KWPWPHHR KW: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects TRANSP E
200 KWPWPHHRPR EPF: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships TRANSP E
201 KWPWPHIO KW: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
202 KWPWPHNM KW: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP E
203 KWPWPHNMPR EPF: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships TRANSP E
204 KWPWPHPR KW: Physical Information Object Attributes TRANSP E
205 KWPWPHRE KW: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
206 KWPWPHREPR EPF: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs TRANSP E
207 KWPWPHRI KW: Incoming Links of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
208 KWPWPHRIPR EPF: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs TRANSP E
209 KWTCHKF SKWF Test: File Name of Last Check Out TRANSP L
210 KWTCHKO SKWF Test: Check Out Data for a Physical Information Object TRANSP L
211 KWTCONT SKWF Test: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) TRANSP E
212 KWTFLOIO SKWF Test: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
213 KWTFLOIOT SKWF Test: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
214 KWTFLOPR SKWF Test: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
215 KWTFLORE SKWF Test: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Info Objects TRANSP E
216 KWTFLOREPR SKWF Test: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs TRANSP E
217 KWTFLORI SKWF Test: Incoming Relationships of Logical Info Objects TRANSP E
218 KWTIDXSTA SKWF Test: Status Table for Indexing Documents TRANSP E
219 KWTLOIO SKWF Test: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
220 KWTLOIOT SKWF Test: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
221 KWTLOPR SKWF Test: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
222 KWTLORE SKWF Test: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Info Objects TRANSP E
223 KWTLOREPR SKWF Test: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs TRANSP E
224 KWTLORI SKWF Test: Incoming Relationships of Logical Info Objects TRANSP E
225 KWTPHF SKWF Test: Files of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
226 KWTPHHR SKWF Test: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects TRANSP E
227 KWTPHIO SKWF Test: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
228 KWTPHNM SKWF Test: Use of Target Anchor in Physical Objects TRANSP E
229 KWTPHPR SKWF Test: Attributes of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
230 KWTPHRE SKWF Test: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Info Objects TRANSP E
231 KWTPHREPR SKWF Test: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of PHIOs TRANSP E
232 KWTPHRI SKWF Test: Incoming Relationships of Physical Info Objects TRANSP E
233 KX9RABA0000108 Ableitungsregel:df TRANSP C
234 KZAZU Key Figure Assignment for Aggregate Version Copy TRANSP C