SAP ABAP Table - Index T, page 54
Table - T
# Table name Short Description Table Category Delivery Class
1 TN11I IS-H: Allowed Hierarchy Relshps Between Build. Unit Categ. TRANSP C
2 TN11N IS-H: Blocking Reason for Availability of Building Units TRANSP C
3 TN11O IS-H: Assign Building Units to Org. Units TRANSP A
4 TN11P IS-H: Planning Characteristics of Building Unit TRANSP A
5 TN11T IS-H: Texts for Building Unit Facilities TRANSP C
6 TN11U IS-H: Block. Reason Texts for Availability of Build. Units TRANSP C
7 TN120 IS-H: Responsibility for Position TRANSP C
8 TN121 IS-H: Assign Person to Position TRANSP C
9 TN124 IS-H: Position TRANSP C
10 TN128 IS-H: Assignment Position/Org. Unit/Institution TRANSP C
11 TN12P IS-H: Parameters for Transferring Persons From RP TRANSP C
12 TN12R IS-H: Physician Ranks TRANSP C
13 TN12S IS-H: Texts for Physician Ranks TRANSP C
14 TN12T IS-H: Text for Position TRANSP C
15 TN13A IS-H: Parishes TRANSP C
16 TN14A IS-H: Movement Categories TRANSP C
17 TN14B IS-H: Movement types TRANSP C
18 TN14C IS-H: Accident Types TRANSP C
19 TN14D IS-H: Discharge Disposition of Patient TRANSP C
20 TN14E IS-H: Status for outpatient visits TRANSP C
21 TN14F IS-H: Texts for external statuses of outpatient visits TRANSP C
22 TN14G IS-H: Movement Reasons (EDI) TRANSP C
23 TN14H IS-H: Referral Types TRANSP C
24 TN14I IS-H: Emergency Services TRANSP C
25 TN14K IS-H: Mode of Arrival TRANSP C
26 TN14M IS-H: Treatment Program TRANSP C
27 TN14N IS-H: Texts for Treatment Codes (Medical Program) TRANSP C
28 TN14O IS-H: Surgery Types TRANSP C
29 TN14P IS-H: Priorities TRANSP C
30 TN14Q IS-H: Priority texts TRANSP C
31 TN14R IS-H: Movement reasons (§301) - Text TRANSP C
32 TN14S IS-H: Texts for Mode of Arrival TRANSP C
33 TN14T IS-H: Texts of Movement Categories TRANSP C
34 TN14U IS-H: Texts for Movement Types TRANSP C
35 TN14V IS-H: Texts for Accident Types TRANSP C
36 TN14W IS-H: Texts for Discharge Disposition TRANSP C
37 TN14X IS-H: Texts for type of surgery TRANSP C
38 TN14Y IS-H: Texts for referral types TRANSP C
39 TN14Z IS-H: Texts for Emergency Services TRANSP C
40 TN15A IS-H: Case Types TRANSP C
41 TN15B IS-H: Functions of Case-to-Case Assignment TRANSP C
42 TN15C IS-H: Case Category TRANSP C
43 TN15D IS-H: Case End Data TRANSP C
44 TN15E IS-H: Birth Procedures TRANSP C
45 TN15F IS-H: Delivery Categories TRANSP C
46 TN15G IS-H: Employee Types TRANSP C
47 TN15H IS-H: Choice of Ward Class TRANSP C
48 TN15I IS-H: Severity of Illness (SOI) for DRG TRANSP C
49 TN15J IS-H: Risk of Mortality (ROM) for DRG TRANSP C
50 TN15O IS-H: Texts for Risk of Mortality (ROM) for DRG TRANSP C
51 TN15P IS-H: Function of case-to-person assignment internal-extern. TRANSP C
52 TN15Q IS-H: External category of case-to-person assignment, text TRANSP C
53 TN15R IS-H: Case End Data - Texts TRANSP C
54 TN15S IS-H: Case Categories - Texts TRANSP C
55 TN15T IS-H: Case type texts TRANSP C
56 TN15U IS-H: Texts on the functions of case-to-case assignment TRANSP C
57 TN15V IS-H: Birth procedure texts TRANSP C
58 TN15W IS-H: Category of Delivery - Text TRANSP C
59 TN15X IS-H: Texts for Employee Types TRANSP C
60 TN15Y IS-H: Texts for Choice Accommodation Categories TRANSP C
61 TN15Z IS-H: Texts for Severity of Illness (SOI) for DRG TRANSP C
62 TN16 IS-H: Insurance Contract Schemes TRANSP C
63 TN16A IS-H SG: Default Value Ext. Contract Scheme TRANSP A
64 TN16B IS-H: Rules for Calculating Contract Scheme Maximum TRANSP C
65 TN16C IS-H: Insurance Subgroups TRANSP C
66 TN16DC IS-H SG: Medisave claim estimation parameters TRANSP C
67 TN16M IS-H: Types of Insurance Coverage TRANSP C
68 TN16OP IS-H SG: Medisave Tables of Operation TRANSP C
69 TN16P IS-H SG: Contract Scheme Items TRANSP C
70 TN16T IS-H: Type of Insurance Coverage - Text Table TRANSP C
71 TN16U IS-H: Text Table for Insurance Contract Schemes (TN16) TRANSP C
72 TN16V IS-H: Insurance Subgroups - Text Table TRANSP C
73 TN16W IS-H: Texts for Rules for Calculating Contract Scheme Max. TRANSP C
74 TN17A IS-H: Form-of-Address Key TRANSP C
75 TN17B IS-H: Relationship Types TRANSP C
76 TN17D IS-H: Identity Document Types TRANSP C
77 TN17E IS-H: Drug Allergies - Routes of Administration TRANSP C
78 TN17F IS-H: Drug Allergies - Organs Affected TRANSP C
79 TN17G IS-H: Sex Indicator TRANSP C
80 TN17H IS-H: Drug Allergies - Probability TRANSP C
81 TN17I IS-H: Drug Allergies - Reaction Type TRANSP C
82 TN17J IS-H: Protectable Fields in NV2000 TRANSP S
83 TN17K IS-H: Change Reasons for Protected Fields TRANSP C
84 TN17K_T IS-H: Change Reasons for Protected Fields TRANSP C
85 TN17N IS-H: Drug allergy - text for reaction type TRANSP C
86 TN17O IS-H: Drug allergy: text for organ affected TRANSP C
87 TN17P IS-H: Drug allergies: text for probability TRANSP C
88 TN17Q IS-H: Drug allergy - texts for routes of administration TRANSP C
89 TN17R IS-H: Race TRANSP C
90 TN17S IS-H: Race texts TRANSP C
91 TN17T IS-H: Texts for Sex Indicators TRANSP C
92 TN17U IS-H: Address texts TRANSP C
93 TN17V IS-H: Texts for Types of Relationship TRANSP C
94 TN17W IS-H: Identity document types TRANSP C
95 TN18 IS-H: Insurance Provider Types TRANSP C
96 TN18A IS-H: Causes of Death TRANSP C
97 TN18B IS-H: Propose Contract Scheme by Ins. Prov. Type TRANSP A
98 TN18C IS-H: INACTIVE - will be deleted after 4.72 POOL C
99 TN18D IS-H: INACTIVE - will be deleted after 4.72 POOL C
100 TN18E IS-H: Types / Categories of Hospital TRANSP C
101 TN18F IS-H: Texts for Hospital Types TRANSP C
102 TN18I Institution-Dependent Insurance Provider Type Attributes TRANSP C
103 TN18R IS-H: Business Partner-to-Service Function Indicators TRANSP C
104 TN18S IS-H: Text function business partners reg. sp. activities TRANSP C
105 TN18T IS-H: Cause of death texts TRANSP C
106 TN18U IS-H: Texts for Insurance Provider Types TRANSP C
107 TN19A IS-H: Certificate Categories TRANSP C
108 TN19B IS-H: Certificate Types per Certificate Category TRANSP C
109 TN19C IS-H: Status of Treatment Certificates TRANSP C
110 TN19G IS-H: Reasons for Coverage Rejection TRANSP C
111 TN19H IS-H: Reasons for Coverage Rejection - Texts TRANSP C
112 TN19I IS-H: Assign IV Documents to Processing Agent TRANSP G
113 TN19R IS-H: Text Table for Insurance Verification Sort Procedures TRANSP G
114 TN19S IS-H: Sort Procedure for Insurance Verification Requests TRANSP G
115 TN19T IS-H: Text Table of Certificate Categories TRANSP C
116 TN19U IS-H: Text Table Certificate Types per Certificate Category TRANSP C
117 TN19V IS-H: Texts for treatment certificate status TRANSP C
118 TN19W IS-H*MED: Texts for Visit Types (Initial, Follow-Up Visit) TRANSP C
119 TN1AETITLE IS-H*MED RAD: Assignment of RAD and PACS Resources TRANSP C
120 TN1DEVICE Medication: Administration Devices TRANSP C
121 TN1DEVICEEXT Medication: Administration Device External Key TRANSP C
122 TN1DEVICET Medication: Administration Devices - Texts TRANSP C
123 TN1ESTATUS IS-H*MED: Status for Drug Event TRANSP C
124 TN1ESTATUST IS-H*MED: Status for Drug Order - Texts TRANSP C
128 TN1LINTYPT IS-H*MED: Row Type - Texts TRANSP C
129 TN1LST Service Facility Categories POOL C
130 TN1LSTT ISHMED: Text for Service Facility Cat. POOL C
131 TN1MEDCLASS IS-H*MED: Medication Classes TRANSP C
132 TN1MEDCLASST IS-H*MED: Medication Groups - Texts TRANSP C
133 TN1MEDCLGRPA IS-H*MED: Medication Groups TRANSP C
134 TN1MEDGROUP IS-H*MED: Medication Groups TRANSP C
135 TN1MEDGROUPT IS-H*MED: Medication Groups - Texts TRANSP C
136 TN1MELOC IS-H*MED: Localization for Medication TRANSP C
137 TN1MELOCT IS-H*MED: Lokalization for Medication - Description TRANSP C
138 TN1MEPRSCFORM IS-H*MED: Prescription Print Forms TRANSP C
139 TN1MEUNIT IS-H*MED: Medication - Units for Orders TRANSP C
140 TN1OEPR IS-H*MED: Physician-OU Relatshp for Expanding Med.Basic Srvs TRANSP C
141 TN1OSTATUS IS-H*MED: Status for Drug Order TRANSP C
142 TN1OSTATUST IS-H*MED: Status for Drug Order - Texts TRANSP C
143 TN1OTYPE IS-H*MED: Medication, Type of Order TRANSP C
144 TN1OTYPET IS-H*MED: Medication, Order Type - Text Table TRANSP C
146 TN1PHFORM Medication: Dosage Form TRANSP C
147 TN1PHFORMEXT Medication: Dosage Form External Key TRANSP C
148 TN1PHFORMT Medication: Pharmaceutical Form - Texts TRANSP C
149 TN1RADACT IS-H*MED: Actions of the RAD Module TRANSP C
150 TN1RCIND Medication: Reason Code (Institution-Independent) TRANSP C
151 TN1RCINDT Medication: Reason Code (Institution-Independent) Texts TRANSP C
153 TN1RCODET IS-H*MED: Reason Key - Texts TRANSP C
154 TN1ROUTE Medication: Administration Routes TRANSP C
155 TN1ROUTEEXT Medication: Administration Route External Key TRANSP C
156 TN1ROUTET Medication: Administration Routes - Description TRANSP C
158 TN1TC_GLOB_SET Treatment Contract - General Settings TRANSP C
159 TN1TC_OU_RESP Treatment Authorization - Jurisdictions for Org. Units TRANSP C
160 TN1TC_OU_RESPT Texts for OU Jurisdictions TRANSP C
161 TN1TC_OU_RESP_OU Treatment Authorization - OU Jurisdictions for Org. Units TRANSP C
162 TN1TC_RESP_ROLE Treatment Contract - Assignments of OU Jurisdiction to Roles TRANSP C
163 TN1TC_TIMES_INST Treatment Contract - Deadlines for OU Jurisdiction TRANSP C
164 TN1TC_TIMES_OU Treatment Contract - Deadlines of OU Constellation TRANSP C
165 TN20 IS-H: Service Categories TRANSP C
166 TN20A IS-H: Service Catalog Column Determination TRANSP C
167 TN20K Service-to-Class Assignment TRANSP C
168 TN20S Spaltenermittlung EBM TRANSP C
169 TN20T IS-H: Text Table for Service Categories TRANSP C
170 TN21 IS-H: Billing Types TRANSP C
171 TN21A IS-H: Billing Type Determination TRANSP C
172 TN21B IS-H: Absence Control TRANSP C
173 TN21BUKRS Company Code for Direct Patient Billing TRANSP C
174 TN21L IS-H: SAP Message Control TRANSP S
175 TN21M IS-H: Customer-Specific Message Control TRANSP C
176 TN21P IS-H: Condition Types Usage TRANSP C
177 TN21S IS-H: Invoice Creation Control TRANSP C
178 TN21T IS-H: Texts for Billing Types TRANSP C
179 TN21U IS-H: Text for Direct Patient Billing Condition Types TRANSP C
180 TN21X IS-H: Text For Individual Billing Categories TRANSP C
181 TN21Y IS-H: Billing Categories for Indiv. Control of Billing TRANSP C
182 TN21Z IS-H: Incoming Payments Control Parameters TRANSP C
183 TN21Z1 IS-H: Define Cash Desk for Incoming Payments TRANSP C
184 TN22A IS-H: Copayment Waivers TRANSP C
185 TN22B IS-H: Gründe Entfall der ambulanten Zuzahlungspflicht TRANSP C
186 TN22C IS-H: Zuordnung Leistung zu Befreiungsgrund (amb. Zuz.) TRANSP C
187 TN22D IS-H: Steuerungstabelle für Art der ambulanten Zuzahlung TRANSP C
188 TN22E Ermittlung der Verwendung für ambulante Zuzahlung TRANSP C
189 TN22F IS-H: Steuerungsparameter FI-Buchung amb. Zuzahl.anforderung TRANSP C
190 TN22G IS-H: Steuerungsparameter FI-Buchung amb. Zuzahlung TRANSP C
191 TN22K IS-H: Copayment Amount per Ins. Provider/Ins. Provider Type TRANSP C
192 TN22P IS-H: Control Parameters FI Posting Down Payment TRANSP C
193 TN22Q IS-H: Control Parameters FI Posting Copayment Request TRANSP C
194 TN22Q1 Entlassungsgründe für zuzahlungsfreien Entlassungstag TRANSP C
195 TN22R IS-H: Control Params FI Posting Copayment/Copay.Cred.Memo TRANSP C
196 TN22S IS-H: Control Parameters FI Posting Down Payment Request TRANSP C
197 TN22T IS-H: Text for TN22A (reasons why no copayment obligation) TRANSP C
198 TN22U IS-H: Texte zu TN22B (Gründe Entfall amb. Zuzahlungspflicht) TRANSP C
199 TN23B IS-H: Workers' Comp. Fund Billing - OU-to-Person Assignment TRANSP C
200 TN23F IS-H: Field Table for BDT Format TRANSP G
201 TN23OEBS DE: Outpatient P301 Billing: OU-POWN Assignment TRANSP C
202 TN23R IS-H: Rule Table for BDT Format TRANSP G
203 TN23S IS-H: BDT Format Versions TRANSP G
204 TN23T IS-H: text table for BDT versions TRANSP G
205 TN23V IS-H: Fixed Values for BDT Format (OU-Related) TRANSP A
206 TN24 IS-H: Treatment Categories TRANSP C
207 TN24F IS-H: Case Classification By Treatment Category TRANSP C
208 TN24L IS-H: Proposed Services By Treatment Category TRANSP C
209 TN24T IS-H: Text for the treatment category of a case TRANSP C
210 TN25A IS-H: Controlling Ctrl Params for Pat. Acctg TRANSP C
211 TN26A IS-H*MED: Types of Diagnosis Assignments TRANSP C
212 TN26B IS-H*MED: Diagnosis Priority TRANSP C
213 TN26C IS-H: Diagnostic Certainty TRANSP C
214 TN26D IS-H*MED: Diagnostic Supplement TRANSP C
215 TN26E IS-H: Definition of Medical Localizations TRANSP C
216 TN26F IS-H*MED: Input Help for Coding Diagnoses TRANSP C
217 TN26G IS-H*MED: OU-Related Keyword Catalog TRANSP C
218 TN26T IS-H*MED: Texts for categories table of diagnoses asgmts TRANSP C
219 TN26U IS-H*MED: Texts for diagnosis priority TRANSP C
220 TN26V IS-H: Texts for Diagnostic Certainty TRANSP C
221 TN26W IS-H*MED: Texts for diagnosis addition TRANSP C
222 TN26X IS-H: Texts for Medical Localization TRANSP C
223 TN26Y Diagnosis Qualifier TRANSP C
224 TN26Z Texts for Diagnosis Qualifiers TRANSP C
225 TN27 IS-H: Revenue Accrual Posting Parameters TRANSP C
226 TN28 IS-H: Service Summary Codes TRANSP C
227 TN28T IS-H: Text Table for Service Summary Codes TRANSP C
228 TN29 IS-H: Procedure for Calculating Estimated Bill TRANSP C
229 TN29R IS-H: Assign FMs -> Estimation Procedure Rules TRANSP E
230 TN29R1 IS-H: Customer default for asgmt of FMs to EstimProc. rules TRANSP C
231 TN29T IS-H: Text table for TN29R TRANSP E
232 TN2APPLOG IS-H*MED: Application Logging Component Selection TRANSP C
233 TN2BABK IS-H*MED: Reason Category for Treatment Contract TRANSP C
234 TN2BABKT IS-H*MED: Language-Dependent Texts of Reason Category TRANSP C
235 TN2BIACT Base Items: Base Item Type Actions TRANSP E
236 TN2BIACTT Base Items: Base Item Type Actions Texts TRANSP E
237 TN2BIGROUP Base Items: Base Item - Groups TRANSP E
238 TN2BIGROUPT Base Items: Base Item Groups - Texts TRANSP E
239 TN2BIPROPS Base Items: Base Item Type - Supported Functions TRANSP E
240 TN2BITYP Base Items: Base Item Types TRANSP E
241 TN2BITYPEF Base Items: Base Item Types - Filter Values TRANSP E
242 TN2BITYPEFT Base Items: Base Item Types - Filter Values, Texts TRANSP E
243 TN2BITYPT Base Items: Base Item Types - Texts TRANSP E
244 TN2BITYPUSE Base Items: Base Item Type Application Area TRANSP E
245 TN2BIXCOMPONENT Filter Values Base Items with Component Technology TRANSP E
246 TN2BIXCOMPONENTT Filter Values Base Items with Component Technology - Texts TRANSP E
247 TN2BIXCORDER Filter Value Base Item Type Clinical Order TRANSP E
248 TN2BIXCORDERT Filter Value Base Item Type Clinical Order - Texts TRANSP E
249 TN2BIXDIAGNOSIS Base Items: Filter Value Base Item Diagnoses TRANSP E
250 TN2BIXDIAGNOSIST Filter Value Base Item Diagnoses TRANSP E
251 TN2BIXPATHWAY Filter Value Base Item Treatment Pathway TRANSP E
252 TN2BIXPATHWAYT Filter Value Base Item Treatment Pathway - Texts TRANSP E
253 TN2BIXPROBLEM Base Items: Filter Value Base Item Problem TRANSP E
254 TN2BIXPROBLEMT Base Items: Filter Value Base Item Problem TRANSP E
255 TN2BIXPROCEDURE Filter Value Base Item Procedures TRANSP E
256 TN2BIXPROCEDURET Filter Value Base Item Procedures - Texts TRANSP E
257 TN2BIXPROGRESS Filter Values Base Item Progress Entry TRANSP E
258 TN2BIXPROGRESST Filter Values Base Item Progress Entry - Texts TRANSP E
259 TN2BIXSERVADM Filter Value Base Item Adm. Service TRANSP E
260 TN2BIXSERVADMT Filter Value Base Item Adm. Service TRANSP E
261 TN2BIXTA Filter Value Base Item Transaction TRANSP E
262 TN2BIXTAT Filter Value Base Item Transaction - Texts TRANSP E
263 TN2BIXURL Filter Value Base Item URL TRANSP E
264 TN2BIXURLT Filter Value Base Item URL - Texts TRANSP E
265 TN2CAT Categories: Categories in Category Set TRANSP E
266 TN2CATAREA Categories: Category Areas TRANSP E
267 TN2CATAREAT Categories: Category Areas (Texts) TRANSP E
268 TN2CATC Categories: Categories for End Users TRANSP E
269 TN2CATCM Categories: Main Categories TRANSP E
270 TN2CATCMT Categories: Main Categories (Texts) TRANSP E
271 TN2CATCONT Categories: Category Container TRANSP E
272 TN2CATCONTT Categories: Category Container (Texts) TRANSP E
273 TN2CATCT Categories: Categories for End Users (Texts) TRANSP E
274 TN2CATLBL Categories: Category Areas in Customizing TRANSP E
275 TN2CATLBLT Categories: Category Areas in Customizing (Texts) TRANSP E
276 TN2CATSET Categories: Category Set TRANSP E
277 TN2CATSETT Categories: Category Set (Texts) TRANSP E
278 TN2CAT_REL Categories: Category Container Relations TRANSP E
279 TN2CA_CORD_DTID Assignment Long Text Fields of Prefindings to CORD TRANSP C
280 TN2COM_DOCFORMAT Document Category Settings for Document Dispatch TRANSP C
281 TN2COM_DOCTYPMAP Image of Relationship Between Internal & External Doc. Categ TRANSP C
282 TN2COM_PART_WS Partner Data for Web Service Communication TRANSP C
283 TN2COM_STATTYPES Status for Document Dispatch TRANSP E
285 TN2COM_SYSTID Maintain Sender Settings TRANSP C
286 TN2DEVDOC_ACT Interface - Document Assignment dep. on OK Code TRANSP C
287 TN2DEVDOC_CUST Interface Fields - Document Assignment TRANSP C
288 TN2DEVENQ Lock Table for Data Transfer TRANSP L
289 TN2DEVICES Interface Information / Formats TRANSP C
290 TN2DICTATION Dictation and Speech Recognition System for WordContainer TRANSP C
291 TN2DI_SYSTEM Dictation System TRANSP C
292 TN2DI_SYSTEMTRMN Dictation System - Terminal Assignment TRANSP C
293 TN2DI_TEXTKEY Assignment of Keywords to Text Fields TRANSP C
294 TN2DKATID2EXTID IS-H*MED: Diagnosis Catalog Types TNK00 by External Version TRANSP C
295 TN2DLV_ADTYP Dispatch - Address Types TRANSP E
296 TN2DLV_ADTYP_T Address Types (Text) TRANSP E
297 TN2DLV_RECART Dispatch Control - Recipient Types TRANSP E
298 TN2DLV_RECART_T Dispatch Control - Recipient Type (Text) TRANSP E
299 TN2DLV_VSART Dispatch - Dispatch Types TRANSP E
300 TN2DLV_VSART_T Dispatch Control - Dispatch Type (Text) TRANSP E
301 TN2DOCARCH IS-H*MED: Settings for Archiving Documents TRANSP C
302 TN2DOCEXE_CUST PMD Customizing for Branch to File Processing TRANSP C
303 TN2DOKKAT IS-H*MED: Document Categories TRANSP C
304 TN2DOKKATT IS-H*MED: Text for Document Categories TRANSP C
305 TN2DSDVSART Dispatch - Dispatch Types TRANSP E
306 TN2DSDVSART_T Dispatch - Dispatch Types (Texte) TRANSP E
307 TN2DS_GDT_CUST PMD Customizing for Data Transfer via GDT TRANSP C
308 TN2DTAPPL Document Category: Permitted Applications TRANSP E
309 TN2DTAPPLFORMAT Document Category: Special Format of Action TRANSP E
310 TN2DTAPPLT Document Cat.: Permitted Applications - Texts TRANSP E
311 TN2DTFORMAT Document Type: Display Formats TRANSP E
312 TN2DTFORMATSCR Format-Dependent Screen Configuration TRANSP E
313 TN2DTFORMATT Document Category: Display Formats - Texts TRANSP E
314 TN2DWS DWS Work Station TRANSP E
315 TN2DWST DWS Work Station Text TRANSP E
316 TN2DWSWL_AVAIL Completion and Lifetime of Situations TRANSP C
317 TN2DWSWL_WL_LAYO Basic Setting for Display of Doc. Work Station Task List TRANSP C
318 TN2DWS_COMP DWS Component Management TRANSP E
319 TN2DWS_COMPT DWS Component Description TRANSP E
320 TN2DWS_COMP_USE Usage of DWS Components and Documentation Objects TRANSP E
321 TN2DWS_CTXVIEW Filter Values for DWS Context View BAdI TRANSP E
322 TN2ERFABT Cardiological Departments with Separate Number Ranges TRANSP G
323 TN2FDBSTN12S Texts on Doctors' Ranks TRANSP C
324 TN2FLAG Is-H*MED: Flags (special indicators) for documents TRANSP C
325 TN2FO_APPL FO: Application XSL:FO Data Administration TRANSP C
326 TN2GENDIA Diagnoses for Document Content TRANSP C
327 TN2GLFLTBADI Filter Value Base Item BAdI TRANSP E
328 TN2GLFLTBADIT Filter Values Base Item BAdI (Text) TRANSP E
329 TN2GLFLTDOC Filter Values Base Item Document TRANSP E
330 TN2GLFLTDOCT Filter Values Base Item BAdI (Text) TRANSP E
331 TN2GLFLTPRN Filter Values Base Item Form Print TRANSP E
332 TN2GLFLTPRNT Filter Value for Form Print Base Item - Texts TRANSP E
333 TN2GLFLTREQ Base Items: Filter Value for Base Item Type Request TRANSP E
334 TN2GLFLTREQT Base Items: Filter Value for Base Item Type Request - Texts TRANSP E
335 TN2GL_ACT_CUST Pathways: Settings for Activities TRANSP C
336 TN2GL_INFO_COMP : Pathways - Definition of Information Units TRANSP E
337 TN2GL_INFO_COMPT : Pathways - Definition of Information Units TRANSP E
338 TN2GL_INFO_COMPU : Pathways - Override Information Units TRANSP C
339 TN2GL_KEYWORD IS-H*MED: Treatment Pathway Keyword TRANSP C
340 TN2GL_NOTECAT IS-H*MED: Categories of Step Notes TRANSP C
341 TN2GL_NOTECATT IS-H*MED: Categories of Step Notes TRANSP C
342 TN2GL_PLAN IS-H*MED: Reasons for Re-Planning Patient Pathway TRANSP C
343 TN2GL_PLANT IS-H*MED: Reasons for Re-Planning Patient Pathway (Text) TRANSP C
344 TN2GL_PROFESSION Occupational Group TRANSP C
345 TN2GL_PROPERTY IS-H*MED: System Properties of Graphical Editor TRANSP C
346 TN2GL_RPPW_CUST pathways Customer Customizing for Call of Evaluations TRANSP C
347 TN2GL_RPPW_CUSTT pathways Customer Customizing for Evaluations - Text Table TRANSP C
348 TN2GL_RPPW_STD pathways Standard Customizing for Call of Evaluations TRANSP S
349 TN2GL_RPPW_STDT pathways Standard Customizing for Evaluations - Text Table TRANSP S
350 TN2GL_RP_CUST pathways Customer Customizing for Log TRANSP C
351 TN2GL_RP_CUSTT pathways Customer Customizing for Log - Text Table TRANSP C
352 TN2GL_RP_STD pathways Standard Customizing for Logs TRANSP S
353 TN2GL_RP_STDT pathways Standard Customizing for Logs - Text Table TRANSP S
354 TN2GL_SMARTFORM IS-H*MED: Customer Smart Form for Pathways TRANSP C
355 TN2K0 IS-H*MED: Nursing catalog categories TRANSP C
356 TN2K1 IS-H*MED: Nursing standard catalog categories TRANSP C
357 TN2K2 IS-H*MED: Classification area catalog categories TRANSP C
358 TN2K3 IS-H*MED: Service catalog - classification catalog asgmt TRANSP C
359 TN2K4 IS-H*MED Nursing: Catalog categories of nurs. plan profiles TRANSP C
360 TN2K4T IS-H*MED Nursing: Text to catalog categs.of nurs.pln.profile TRANSP C
361 TN2KUM01 IS-H*MED: Group headers for cumulative findings TRANSP C
362 TN2KUM02 IS-H*MED: Asgmt Services->Groups for cumulative findings TRANSP C
363 TN2KUM03 IS-H*MED: Customizing for cumulative findings TRANSP C
364 TN2KUM04 IS-H*MED: Customizing transfer of structured lab data TRANSP C
365 TN2KUM05 IS-H*MED: Process cumulative finding TRANSP C
366 TN2KUM06 IS-H*MED: Assignment of cumulative finding to doc. category TRANSP C
367 TN2KUM07 IS-H*MED: Assignm. of service groups for cumulative findings TRANSP C
368 TN2LINKHTMLBDS IS-H*MED: Images from Pages Stored in BDS TRANSP E
369 TN2LIZENZBASIS IS-H*MED: Basic License Structure License Texts TRANSP S
370 TN2MATKLAS IS-H*MED: Classification of the Materials TRANSP C
371 TN2MIME Mime Types with Assignment to Document Content Format TRANSP G
372 TN2PCA IS-H*MED: Applications - language-dependent TRANSP S
373 TN2PCB IS-H*MED: Applications - language dependence TRANSP S
374 TN2PCDESK IS-H*MED: Desktop components - user settings TRANSP C
375 TN2PCT IS-H*MED: Applications - language-dependent text TRANSP S
376 TN2PKATID2EXTID IS-H*MED: Service Catalog TNK01 by External Version TRANSP C
378 TN2RADEVIEW_TEXT IS-H*MED: RAD Type of Exam View Descriptions TRANSP E
379 TN2RADVBTDAN RAD: Default Table (Techn. Parameter Angiography) TRANSP C
380 TN2RADVBTDCT RAD: Default Table (Techn. Parameter CT) TRANSP C
381 TN2RADVBTDKR RAD: Default Table (Techn. Parameter Convent. X-ray) TRANSP C
382 TN2RADVBTDMR RAD: Default Table (Techn. Parameter MRT) TRANSP C
383 TN2RADVBTDNU RAD: Default Table (Techn. Parameter Nuclear Medicine) TRANSP C
384 TN2RADVBTDSO Defaults for the Examination Documentation (Sonography) TRANSP C
385 TN2RAD_ATTRMAP IS-H*MED RAD: Prod.Rules RAD Day --> Target Day TRANSP C
386 TN2SAPFTP Control Parameter for SAPFTP TRANSP C
387 TN2SFFRINT IS-H*MED: Control of Smart Form with Form Printing TRANSP C
388 TN2STAMPADM IS-H*MED: Stamp Administration TRANSP C
389 TN2STAMPGP IS-H*MED: Assignment of Stamp to Person TRANSP C
390 TN2STAMPORG IS-H*MED: Preferred Stamp of Employee in Surgery TRANSP C
391 TN2STATUS_ICON Documents: Document Status Icon TRANSP C
392 TN2STATUS_SWITCH Documents: Control of Status Updating TRANSP C
393 TN2URLDEFINE URL Customizing for External Systems TRANSP C
394 TN2USRMA IS-H*MED: Assignment of SAP user ID to employee TRANSP C
395 TN2VDTYPE IS-H*MED PD: Progress Documentation Type TRANSP E
396 TN2VDTYPE_TEXT IS-H*MED PD: Lang.-Dep. Text Type of Progress Documentation TRANSP E
397 TN2_DWS_WORKAREA Work Area <---> View Type Assignment TRANSP S
399 TN2_RADPARMCAT IS-H*MED RAD: Catalog of General Parameters TRANSP E
400 TN2_RADPARMCATXT IS-H*MED RAD: Description of General Parameter TRANSP E
401 TN2_RAD_LSTUDY TermId rel. DICOM-AETitle Source/Target, Load-Study Parms TRANSP C
402 TN2_RAD_PARAM IS-H*MED RAD: General Parameters TRANSP C
403 TN30K HCO: Assign IS-H Key Figures to CO Statistical Key Figures TRANSP C
404 TN30S HCO: Statistical Key Figures TRANSP E
405 TN30T IS-HCO: Text table for Asgmt of IS-H Stat. Key Figures to CO TRANSP E
406 TN31M HCO: Supported Characteristics TRANSP S
407 TN32M HCO: Assign Classifying IS-H Characteristics to CO TRANSP C
408 TN32T IS-H: Characteristics text table TRANSP C
409 TN39A IS-H: Risk Factor Catalog TRANSP C
410 TN39T IS-H: Risk Factor Catalog (Text Table) TRANSP C
411 TN40A IS-H: Text for Scheduling Type TRANSP C
412 TN40B IS-H: Scheduling Types TRANSP C
413 TN40C IS-H: Alternative Scheduling Types TRANSP C
414 TN41 IS-H: Services for Discharge Days (Singapore Only) TRANSP C
415 TN42A IS-H: Waiting List Type TRANSP C
416 TN42B IS-H: Reasons for Removal From Waiting List TRANSP C
417 TN42C IS-H: Preregistration Status TRANSP C
418 TN42D IS-H: Reasons for Absence From Waiting List TRANSP C
419 TN42T IS-H: Waiting List Type (Text Table) TRANSP C
420 TN42U IS-H: Reasons for Removal From Waiting List TRANSP C
421 TN42V IS-H: Waiting List Status (Texts) TRANSP C
422 TN42W IS-H: Reasons for Absence From Waiting List TRANSP C
423 TN45 IS-H: Billing Area for PPA Billing TRANSP C
424 TN45T IS-H: Texts for Billing Areas for PPA Billing TRANSP C
425 TN46 IS-H: Person Group / Examination Category for PPA Billing TRANSP C
426 TN46T IS-H: Text for Person Group (PPA Billing) TRANSP C
427 TN82A IS-H: No Longer Used TRANSP C
428 TNA16 IS-H: IP Types/Types of Coverage VAT Assessment Austria TRANSP C
429 TNA21A IS-H: Determining the flat rate type (VERA) TRANSP C
430 TNA21C IS-H: Flat rate exclusions (AT) TRANSP C
431 TNA21P IS-H: Outpatient flat rate types (AT) TRANSP C
432 TNA21PT IS-H: Texts for outpatient flat rates (BCM) TRANSP C
433 TNA21R IS-H: Flat rate rules (AT) TRANSP C
434 TNA21S IS-H: Scaled flate rates (VERA) TRANSP C
435 TNA30A IS-H AT: Selektionsschema für Krankenanst.-Statistiken TRANSP A
436 TNA30B IS-H: Selection procedure - bed classes and services TRANSP A
437 TNA30C IS-H AT: Selektionsschema für KH-Stat A2 Fall.klass. TRANSP A
438 TNA30E IS-H: Geographical areas - locations (AT) TRANSP A
439 TNA30S IS-H: Line texts for age structure TRANSP A
440 TNA30V IS-H: Insurance statistics (AT) TRANSP A
441 TNA40S IS-H AT: Leistungsregeln Höchstwertstaffelung TRANSP A
442 TNA40V IS-H AT: Leistungsregeln Abrechenbarkeit/Pauschalierung TRANSP A
443 TNA40Z IS-H AT: Zeiten für Zuschlagsleistungen TRANSP C
444 TNABETTEN IS-H AT: Bettenanzahl pro Station TRANSP C
445 TNACC IS-H: Accommodation Categories for Bed Planning TRANSP C
446 TNACCT IS-H: Texts for accommodation category TRANSP C
447 TNACM Parameter Maintenance - SAP Ambulatory Care Management TRANSP C
448 TNAD1 Output Control: Printers by Sales Organization POOL C
449 TNAD2 Output Control: Printers for Sales Org/Dist.Chan/Division POOL C
450 TNAD3 Output Control: Printers by Sales Office POOL C
451 TNAD4 Output Control: Printers by Sales Group POOL C
452 TNAD5 Output Control: Printers by Shipping Point POOL C
453 TNAD7 Output Control: Printer per Storage Location POOL C
454 TNAD8 Output Control: Printers by Shipping Point POOL C
455 TNAD9 Output Determination: Printer per SLoc. and User Group TRANSP C
456 TNADP WFMC: Valid printing parameters TRANSP S
457 TNADPT WFMC: Valid printing parameters, text table TRANSP S
458 TNADR Output Control: do not use, will be deleted POOL G
459 TNADU Output Determination: Printer per User TRANSP A
460 TNAHWFG IS-H AT: Leistungshöchstwerte pro Fall und Fachgebiet TRANSP C
461 TNAISP IS-H AT: Datenaustausch ELDA - Institutsspezifika TRANSP C
462 TNAKR IS-H-ACM: Settings for Outpatient Coding Guidelines TRANSP C
463 TNAKRF1 IS-H: KRARAF Data Carrier, Function Codes/Dept TRANSP C
464 TNAMB_ACTFATYP IS-H: Activation of Case Category for Case Types TRANSP C
465 TNAMB_BWART2FATY IS-H: Assignment of Movement Types to Case Categories TRANSP C
466 TNAMB_FATYCLASS IS-H: Case Category - Classification TRANSP C
467 TNAMB_REDOMA IS-H: Renewable Document Mgmt - Document Type Assignment TRANSP C
468 TNAMECHANGE Namensersetzung: Umschlüsselung TRANSP A
469 TNAMN Puffer for Keywords (NAMETAB) TRANSP S
470 TNAPN Output Control: Output By Partner Function POOL G
471 TNAPR Processing programs for output TRANSP G
472 TNATI Condition Types: Output Title POOL G
473 TNAUMLEI IS-H AT: Umschlüsselung Leistung TRANSP C
474 TNAUNF IS-H AT: Umschl. Unfallkennzeichen (nicht mehr unterstützt) TRANSP C
475 TNC301AS IS-H: EDI Assign Indicators to Service TRANSP A
476 TNC301C0 IS-H: Control/Options Table for Specific EDI Procedures TRANSP C
477 TNC301EE IS-H: EDI Error Messages (External) TRANSP E
478 TNC301EI IS-H: EDI Error Messages (Internal, Asgmt to Ext. Errors) TRANSP E
479 TNC301EX IS-H EDI: Msg Exclusions for IP - Obsolete => TNC301MX TRANSP C
480 TNC301F0 IS-H EDI Table for File Name Composition TRANSP A
481 TNC301G0 IS-HCM: EDI Procedures TRANSP E
482 TNC301GC IS-H EDI Procedure Checks TRANSP E
483 TNC301GE IS-HCM: EDI Procedure Events TRANSP E
484 TNC301GF IS-HCM: EDI Procedure Function Calls TRANSP E
485 TNC301GI IS-HCM: EDI Procedure in Institution TRANSP A
486 TNC301GS IS-H EDI: Assign Standards to Procedures TRANSP E
487 TNC301GT IS-HCM: Texts for EDI Procedures TRANSP E
488 TNC301MX IS-H EDI: Message Exclusions for Insurance Providers TRANSP A
489 TNC301SA IS-H EDI: Application Status for Communication TRANSP E
490 TNC301SC IS-H EDI: Status Table for Detailed Communication Status TRANSP G
491 TNC301T1 IS-H EDI: Application Status Text for Communication TRANSP E
492 TNC301T2 IS-H EDI: Texts for Detailed Communication Status TRANSP E
493 TNC301VER IS-H: EDI - Version Validity Period TRANSP C
494 TNC301X IS-HCM: EDI - Connection Data Transfer System TRANSP A
495 TNC301XI IS-H EDI: Sender Communication Specs (Institution-Specific) TRANSP A
496 TNCASREV IS-H: Case Revision - Customizing Settings TRANSP C
497 TNCATD IS-H: Specify Discharge Date for Catalog Determination TRANSP C
498 TNCD0 IS-HCM: Express Communication Options TRANSP S
499 TNCD1 IS-HCM Dispatch Control for Direct Communication TRANSP C
500 TNCD2D_D IS-H: Einstellungen D2D-Kommunikation TRANSP C