SAP ABAP Table - Index T, page 36
- T-1 T-2 T-3 T-4 T-5 T-6 T-7 T-8 T-9 T-10 T-11 T-12 T-13 T-14 T-15 T-16 T-17 T-18 T-19 T-20 T-21 T-22 T-23 T-24 T-25 T-26 T-27 T-28 T-29 T-30 T-31 T-32 T-33 T-34 T-35 T-36 T-37 T-38 T-39 T-40 T-41 T-42 T-43 T-44 T-45 T-46 T-47 T-48 T-49 T-50 T-51 T-52 T-53 T-54 T-55 T-56 T-57 T-58 T-59 T-60 T-61 T-62 T-63 T-64 T-65
Table - T
# | Table name | Short Description | Table Category | Delivery Class |
1 | TCYDT | Texts for overall profile detailed list | TRANSP | E |
2 | TCYE | Capacity planning: Object type table for detailed cap. list | TRANSP | S |
3 | TCYET | Capacity planning: Object table for detail list | TRANSP | S |
4 | TCYF | Profile detailed list: Displayed fields | TRANSP | E |
5 | TCYFT | Texts for displayed fields profile | TRANSP | E |
6 | TCYMI | Matrix identifications | TRANSP | C |
7 | TCYMIT | Definition of transition matrix | TRANSP | C |
8 | TCYMPP | Customizing Settings for Workforce Planning | TRANSP | E |
9 | TCYMPPT | Texts for Workforce Planning Profiles | TRANSP | E |
10 | TCYMPP_PERIODS | Period Split for Workforce Planning | TRANSP | E |
11 | TCYP | Profile detailed list: Criteria grouping | TRANSP | E |
12 | TCYPT | Texts for criteria grouping | TRANSP | E |
13 | TCYS | Profile detailed list: Sort criteria | TRANSP | E |
14 | TCYST | Texts for sort criteria profile | TRANSP | E |
15 | TCYTM | Transition matrix | TRANSP | C |
16 | TCZ01 | Source Files for Application | TRANSP | C |
17 | TCZ02 | Language-dependent source for original application files | TRANSP | C |
18 | TCZ02T | Descriptions for laguage dependent source for originals | TRANSP | C |
19 | TCZGL | Global DMS Settings | TRANSP | C |
20 | TD01 | Table for collateral keys | TRANSP | C |
21 | TD01T | Text elements for TD01 Collat.sec.type | TRANSP | C |
22 | TD02 | Table of Loan Classes | TRANSP | C |
23 | TD02T | Text Table for TD02 Loan Classes | TRANSP | C |
24 | TD03 | Assign Loan Type -> Product Type | TRANSP | C |
25 | TD03A | Define Loan Type | POOL | C |
26 | TD03T | Texts for Table TD03 security types | TRANSP | C |
27 | TD04 | Reason for Notice | TRANSP | C |
28 | TD04T | Text table for TD04 (notice types) | TRANSP | C |
29 | TD05 | Target group table | POOL | C |
30 | TD05T | Texts for table TD05 target groups | POOL | C |
31 | TD05T_AT | IS-IS: Texts for TD05_AT | TRANSP | C |
32 | TD05T_AT_FS | IS-IS: Texts for TD05_AT | TRANSP | C |
33 | TD05_AT | IS-IS: ÖNB-Target groups | TRANSP | C |
34 | TD05_AT_FS | IS-IS: ÖNB-Target groups | TRANSP | C |
35 | TD06 | Document type | POOL | C |
36 | TD061 | Value table for type of file | TRANSP | C |
37 | TD06A | Text table for TD061 Type of File | TRANSP | C |
38 | TD06F | Texts for document groups | POOL | C |
39 | TD06G | Document group | POOL | C |
40 | TD06T | Text table for TD06 document types | POOL | C |
41 | TD06U | Document groups dependent on statuses of transaction types | POOL | C |
42 | TD07 | Purpose of loan | TRANSP | C |
43 | TD07T | Purpose of loan (Texts for table TD07) | TRANSP | C |
44 | TD09 | Loan Maturity | TRANSP | C |
45 | TD09T | Term of loan (texts) | TRANSP | C |
46 | TD10 | Indicator for special treatment of loan | TRANSP | C |
47 | TD10T | Indicator for special treatment of loan (texts) | TRANSP | C |
48 | TD11 | Home statement | POOL | C |
49 | TD11T | Home statement (texts) | POOL | C |
50 | TD12 | Storage location indicator for file original documents | POOL | C |
51 | TD12T | Filing indicator name for file original documents | POOL | C |
52 | TD13 | Type of offer or contract acceptance | POOL | C |
53 | TD13T | Text table for TD13 (Contact/offer acceptance type) | POOL | C |
54 | TD14 | Value table for tax preferential treatment ID | POOL | C |
55 | TD14T | Text table for TD14 (Tax preferential treatment ID) | POOL | C |
56 | TD15 | Residential development financing types | POOL | C |
57 | TD15T | Residential development financing types (text table) | POOL | C |
58 | TD16 | Borrower's note security value table | TRANSP | C |
59 | TD16T | Texts for borrower's note loan securities | TRANSP | C |
60 | TD17 | Branch office | TRANSP | C |
61 | TD17T | Branch office text table | TRANSP | C |
62 | TD18 | Business regions | TRANSP | C |
63 | TD18T | Business region text table | TRANSP | C |
64 | TD19 | Organizational Unit (Contract Management) | TRANSP | C |
65 | TD19T | Organizational Unit (Contract Management) | TRANSP | C |
66 | TD20 | Allocation of key for wording / Order | POOL | C |
67 | TD20T | Texts for TD20 | POOL | C |
68 | TD21 | Reasons for generating incoming payments immediately | TRANSP | C |
69 | TD21T | Reasons for generating incom.pmnts immed. (texts) | POOL | C |
70 | TD22 | Special arrangement indicators | POOL | C |
71 | TD22T | Texts for special arrangement indicators | POOL | C |
72 | TD27 | Loan notice types | TRANSP | C |
73 | TD27T | Notice Type for the Loan | TRANSP | C |
74 | TD28 | Notice arrangements (lender) | TRANSP | C |
75 | TD28T | Notice arrangements (lender) | TRANSP | C |
76 | TD29 | Notice Arrangement for Borrower | TRANSP | C |
77 | TD29T | Notice arrangements (borrower) | TRANSP | C |
78 | TD30 | Distribution Channel | TRANSP | C |
79 | TD30T | Distribution Channel | TRANSP | C |
80 | TD47D | Form selection legal dunning procedure in loans | TRANSP | C |
81 | TD47E | Form selection for dunning notices | TRANSP | C |
82 | TDA10 | Alloc. of to ok-codes and screen overview | POOL | S |
83 | TDA11 | Allocation of OK-codes to the | POOL | S |
84 | TDA12 | Loans master data field control | TRANSP | S |
85 | TDA14 | Field Control Loan Master Data Loans for Business Operations | TRANSP | S |
86 | TDA5 | Non-Accept.Reason | TRANSP | C |
87 | TDA5T | Reason for non-acceptance (texts for TDA5) | TRANSP | C |
88 | TDACCOUNTDETS | Account Determination Open Item Transfer Posting | TRANSP | C |
89 | TDACCOUNT_DET_S | Account Determination Open Item Transfer Posting | TRANSP | C |
90 | TDACC_PRINCIPLE | Accounting Principles for Parallel Valuation | TRANSP | C |
91 | TDALE_EXP | ALE Export Relevance per Company Code | TRANSP | C |
92 | TDALE_EXP_GROUP | ALE Processing Groups | TRANSP | E |
93 | TDALE_EXP_GROUPT | ALE Processing Groups Text Table | TRANSP | E |
94 | TDALE_EXP_LOAN | ALE Export Relevance Per Loan | TRANSP | C |
95 | TDAPPLBUDAT | Check Table: Permitted Defaults Posting Date per Application | TRANSP | S |
96 | TDAPPLICATIONS | Field Catalog - Applications | TRANSP | S |
97 | TDAPPLICATIONST | Field Catalog - Applications Text Table | TRANSP | S |
98 | TDATAGROUPS | Datensatzgruppen | TRANSP | A |
99 | TDATASET | CATT-Daten | TRANSP | A |
100 | TDATS | R/3 DD: Control for Generating Data Interfaces | TRANSP | S |
101 | TDB08 | Flow Types per Posting Application Additional Data | TRANSP | C |
102 | TDB1 | Flow types for incoming payment rejections | POOL | C |
103 | TDB23 | Activity Type - Control of Requirements | TRANSP | C |
104 | TDBAFINGP | Customizing Table for Roles Relevant for BaFin | TRANSP | C |
105 | TDBBB | Allocation of program-internal flow types | TRANSP | C |
106 | TDBILL_CATEG | Invoice categories | TRANSP | S |
107 | TDBILL_CATEGT | Description of Billing Categories | TRANSP | S |
108 | TDBILL_FORMAT | Bill Format (Paper Bill / Paperless Bill) | TRANSP | C |
109 | TDBILL_FORMATT | Description of Bill Format (with Print / without Print) | TRANSP | C |
110 | TDBILL_PAR | Settings for Billing | TRANSP | C |
111 | TDBL | Form line items (credit stnd.check, doc.values, csh budget) | POOL | C |
112 | TDBLT | Text table for TDBL (debit and income types) | POOL | C |
113 | TDBOCLICALC_REL | Processing Options for CLI Differ. for Each Bus. Op. Subcat. | TRANSP | C |
114 | TDBO_BALANCE | Flow Grouping for Calculation of Interest on Arrears | TRANSP | C |
115 | TDBO_BALANCET | Text Table for Flow Grouping to Calculate Int. on Arrears | TRANSP | C |
116 | TDBO_CFEXC_IN | Exception Table for Inflow Behavior | TRANSP | C |
117 | TDBO_CFEXC_OUT | Exception Table for Outflow Behavior | TRANSP | C |
118 | TDBO_CFHEAD_IN | Header Entry for Control of Inflow Behavior | TRANSP | C |
119 | TDBO_CFHEAD_OUT | Header Entry for Control of Outflow Behavior | TRANSP | C |
120 | TDBSELVER | SVER: Testtabelle für Double-Byte Selektionen. | TRANSP | L |
121 | TDBUDAT | Default Posting Date | TRANSP | S |
122 | TDBUDAT_T | Texts: Default Posting Date | TRANSP | S |
123 | TDCAPTR_GSTEER | General Control Data of Capital Transfer | TRANSP | C |
124 | TDCAPTR_POSTPR | Indicator Manual Postprocessing | TRANSP | C |
125 | TDCAPTR_POSTPRT | Texts for Manual Postprocessing Capital Transfer | TRANSP | C |
126 | TDCAPTR_REASON | Capital Transfer Reasons | TRANSP | C |
127 | TDCAPTR_REASONT | Texts Capital Transfer Reasons | TRANSP | C |
128 | TDCAPTR_REPCH | Repayment Change Indicator Capital Transfer | TRANSP | C |
129 | TDCAPTR_REPCHT | Texts for Repayment Change Indicator Capital Transfer | TRANSP | C |
130 | TDCAPTR_TEMPL | Templates for Capital Transfer | TRANSP | C |
131 | TDCAPTR_TEMPLTXT | Texts for Capital Transfer Templates | TRANSP | C |
132 | TDCAPTR_TRANSB | Transfer Behavior Capital Transfer | TRANSP | C |
133 | TDCAPTR_TRANSBT | Texts for Transfer Behavior | TRANSP | C |
134 | TDCAP_CUST | Settings/Preassignments for Capitalization of Overdue Items | TRANSP | C |
135 | TDCAP_GSTEER | General Control Data | TRANSP | C |
136 | TDCAP_POSTPR | Customizing Table: Reason for Postprocessing Capitalization | TRANSP | C |
137 | TDCAP_POSTPRT | Customizing Table: Reason for Postprocessing Capital. Texts | TRANSP | C |
138 | TDCAP_REASON | Reason for Capitalizn | TRANSP | C |
139 | TDCAP_REASONT | Reason for Capitalization: Texts | TRANSP | C |
140 | TDCBRSTATFLD | Assignment of Status Field No. to Credit Bureau Field Name | TRANSP | S |
141 | TDCBRSTSMA | Assignment of Status Profile to Credit Bureau Field | TRANSP | C |
142 | TDCBR_PAR | Define Parameters for Credit Bureau | TRANSP | C |
143 | TDCHARAC | Processing Characteristics | TRANSP | E |
144 | TDCHARAC2 | Processing Characteristics | TRANSP | S |
145 | TDCHARAC2_T | Processing Characteristics Text Table | TRANSP | S |
146 | TDCHARACVALUE | Values for Processing Characteristics | TRANSP | E |
147 | TDCHARACVALUE2 | Values for Processing Characteristics | TRANSP | S |
148 | TDCHARACVALUE2_T | Processing Characteristic Value Text Table | TRANSP | S |
149 | TDCHARACVALUE_T | Processing Characteristic Value Text Table | TRANSP | E |
150 | TDCHARAC_T | Processing Characteristics | TRANSP | E |
151 | TDCHARGE_GSTEER | General Control Data | TRANSP | C |
152 | TDCHGCATG | Change Category | TRANSP | S |
153 | TDCHGCATGSUB | Change Sub-Category | TRANSP | S |
154 | TDCHGCATGSUB_T | Change Sub-Category Text Table | TRANSP | S |
155 | TDCHGCATG_T | Change Category Text Table | TRANSP | S |
156 | TDCLD | Hypertext: control table | POOL | E |
157 | TDCLI_INSURANCE | Table of Credit Life Insurance Rates | TRANSP | C |
158 | TDCLI_INSURANCET | Text Tables for CLI - Rates | TRANSP | A |
159 | TDCLI_INS_1 | Table of Credit Life Insurance Rates | TRANSP | C |
160 | TDCLI_OCCUP | Table of Occupational Keys for Credit Life Insurance | TRANSP | C |
161 | TDCLT | Hypertext: text on control table | POOL | E |
162 | TDCL_EXCEPTION | Consumer Loans: Correspondence Without Correspondence Tool | TRANSP | C |
163 | TDCOMPONENTS | Field Catalog - Components | TRANSP | S |
164 | TDCOMPONENTST | Field Catalog - Componenets Text Table | TRANSP | S |
165 | TDCOMPVAR | Field Catalog - Components Variants | TRANSP | S |
166 | TDCOMPVART | Field Catalog - Components Varients Text Table | TRANSP | S |
167 | TDCONDCATEGORY | Condition Category | TRANSP | S |
169 | TDCONDVER_ACP | Condition Verification: Permitted Condition Constellation | TRANSP | S |
170 | TDCONDVER_CPV | Condition Verification: Permitted Condition Constellation | TRANSP | S |
171 | TDCONDVER_CUMSG | Condiotion Verification: List of Customizable Checks | TRANSP | S |
172 | TDCONDVER_CUMSGT | Condition Verification: Texts for Customizable Checks | TRANSP | S |
173 | TDCONDVER_FC | Condition Verification: Define Field Properties | TRANSP | S |
174 | TDCONDVER_FP | Condition Verfier: Field Item Customizing | TRANSP | S |
175 | TDCONDVER_FV | Condition Verification: Define Permitted Field Values | TRANSP | S |
176 | TDCONDVER_MSG | Condition Verification: Update Checks and Define Msge Type | TRANSP | C |
177 | TDCONDVER_SBFIMA | Condition Verification: Permitted Flow Categories | TRANSP | S |
178 | TDCONDVER_SBZITI | Condition Verfication: Permitted Calculation Categories | TRANSP | S |
179 | TDCOND_PROP | Currency-Dependent Default Setting of Conditions | TRANSP | C |
180 | TDCORRESP | Fields for Correspondence, e.g. Action if Undeliverable | TRANSP | C |
181 | TDCOTYP_ACT | Assignment Business Operation/Role ---> Correspondence Type | TRANSP | C |
182 | TDCOT_FLDCTRL | Field Control for Condition Item | TRANSP | S |
183 | TDCOT_LOANFUNC | List of Application Functions Supported (Condition Table) | TRANSP | S |
184 | TDCO_OPT_TEXT | Correspondence Tool: Optional Text Modules | TRANSP | C |
185 | TDCO_USER_TEXT | Definition of Custom Text for Correspondence Tool | TRANSP | C |
186 | TDCREDIT_CUSTOM | Customer-Specific Solution for Borrowing | TRANSP | S |
187 | TDCT | Dialog Modules | TRANSP | W |
188 | TDCUSTCHECK | Control Table Customizing Checks | TRANSP | E |
189 | TDCUSTFIELDST | Field Catalog - Customizing Field Status | TRANSP | C |
190 | TDDAT | Maintenance Areas for Tables | POOL | G |
191 | TDDC_TABSTRIP | Tabstrips Control | TRANSP | C |
192 | TDDC_TABSTRIPT | Tabstrip Text Control | TRANSP | C |
193 | TDDEBTTR_GSTEER | General Control Data | TRANSP | C |
194 | TDDEBTTR_PAYM | Payment info. for reactivated items after borrower change | TRANSP | C |
195 | TDDEBTTR_REASON | Reason for the Borrower Change | TRANSP | C |
196 | TDDEBTTR_REASONT | Text Table for Borrower Change Reason | TRANSP | C |
197 | TDDEBTTR_STATUS | Status Transfer Matrix | TRANSP | S |
198 | TDDEFCMETH | Determination of Counter Method Using Dunning Procedure | TRANSP | S |
199 | TDDEFPROD | Control Dunning Using Product Type | TRANSP | C |
200 | TDDEF_CUST | Settings/Preassignments for Deferral | TRANSP | C |
201 | TDDEF_GSTEER | General Control Data | TRANSP | C |
202 | TDDEF_POSTPR | Customizing Table: Reason for Postprocessing | TRANSP | C |
203 | TDDEF_POSTPRT | Customizing Table: Reason for Postprocessing Texts | TRANSP | C |
204 | TDDEF_REASON | Reason for Deferral | TRANSP | C |
205 | TDDEF_REASONT | Texts for Reason for Deferral | TRANSP | C |
206 | TDDG1 | Value table 1 User-specific loans key | TRANSP | C |
207 | TDDG2 | Value table 2 User-specific loans key | TRANSP | C |
208 | TDDG3 | Value table 3 User-specific loans key | TRANSP | C |
209 | TDDG4 | Value table 4 User-specific loans key | TRANSP | C |
210 | TDDGA | User-specific loans key 1 text table | TRANSP | C |
211 | TDDGB | User-specific loans key 2 text table | TRANSP | C |
212 | TDDGC | User-specific loan key 3 text tables | TRANSP | C |
213 | TDDGD | User-specific loan key 4 texts | TRANSP | C |
214 | TDDIR | Active field exits for data elements | TRANSP | C |
215 | TDDIRS | Field exits on particular screens | TRANSP | C |
216 | TDDISB_GSTEER | General control data | TRANSP | C |
217 | TDDISB_REASON | Reasons for Manual Postprocessing | TRANSP | C |
218 | TDDISB_REASONT | Texts for Reasons for Manual Postprocessing | TRANSP | C |
219 | TDDISB_TEMPL | Disbursement: Template | TRANSP | C |
220 | TDDISB_TEMPLTXT | Disbursement: Sample Text | TRANSP | C |
221 | TDDUNNLVL | Dunning Levels by Number of Overdue Installments | TRANSP | C |
222 | TDDUNN_CORRESP | Fields for Correspondence, e.g. Action if Undeliverable | TRANSP | C |
223 | TDEPEND | Abhängigkeiten | TRANSP | A |
224 | TDESC_REASON | Reason Categories | TRANSP | C |
225 | TDESC_REASONT | Reason Descriptions | TRANSP | C |
226 | TDESC_TYPEMAP | Assign a New Key to Escrow Flow Category for FIMA | TRANSP | S |
227 | TDESRT049E | CML Corr.: Assignment of Posting Area - ISR Partic. Number | TRANSP | C |
228 | TDESRTZB0A | CML Corr.: Sequence for Printing Items | TRANSP | C |
229 | TDESRVDINVIH | CML Corr.: Invoice Header | TRANSP | A |
230 | TDESRVDINVIP | CML Corr.: Invoice Positions | TRANSP | A |
231 | TDEVC | Packages | TRANSP | W |
232 | TDEVCT | Texts for Packages | TRANSP | W |
233 | TDEVOBJCL | Assignment of Development Objects to a Project Class | TRANSP | G |
234 | TDEVOBJP | Object List of Program Objects in a Project | TRANSP | S |
235 | TDFFB_CFHEXEPT_O | Exception Table for Controlling Outflow Behavior | TRANSP | C |
236 | TDFFB_CFHHEAD_O | Header Entry for Controlling Outflow Behavior | TRANSP | C |
237 | TDFIELDCATALOG | Field Catalog - Field Catalog | TRANSP | S |
238 | TDFIELDGROUP | Field Catalog - Field Groups | TRANSP | S |
239 | TDFIELDGROUPT | Field Catalog - Field Groups Text Table | TRANSP | S |
240 | TDFLDCATALOGT | Field Catalog - Field Catalog Text Table | TRANSP | S |
241 | TDFLOW_EXT | Permitted Flow Types Per Region | TRANSP | C |
242 | TDG03 | DG: Specify Transport Type | TRANSP | C |
243 | TDG04 | DG: Short Description for Transport Type | TRANSP | C |
244 | TDG09 | DG: Define dangerous goods classes | TRANSP | C |
245 | TDG10 | DG: Label for dangerous goods classes | TRANSP | C |
246 | TDG101 | Dangerous Goods Packaging Status | TRANSP | G |
247 | TDG102 | Dangerous Goods Packaging Status Descriptions | TRANSP | G |
248 | TDG103 | Indicators for Transport | TRANSP | C |
249 | TDG104 | Description of Transport Indicators | TRANSP | C |
250 | TDG105 | Assign Transport Indicators to Dangerous Goods Regulation | TRANSP | C |
251 | TDG107 | DG Indicator: Display Old Indicators in DG Supplement | TRANSP | C |
252 | TDG11 | DG: Define Classification Code (Risk Potential) | TRANSP | C |
253 | TDG111 | Profiles for Additional Information for Danger Label | TRANSP | C |
254 | TDG112 | Description of Profiles for Additional Information | TRANSP | C |
255 | TDG12 | DG: Description for Classification Code | TRANSP | C |
256 | TDG15 | Water Pollution Classes | TRANSP | C |
257 | TDG153 | EHS: Collective Mode-of-Transport Categories | TRANSP | C |
258 | TDG16 | DG: Label for water pollution class | TRANSP | C |
259 | TDG17 | DG: Define danger label | TRANSP | C |
260 | TDG18 | DG: Description for danger label number | TRANSP | C |
261 | TDG21 | DG: Link table to text IDs | TRANSP | C |
262 | TDG22 | DG: Description for user-defined texts | TRANSP | C |
263 | TDG27 | DG: Hazard notes | TRANSP | C |
264 | TDG28 | Descriptions for hazard notes | TRANSP | C |
265 | TDG29 | DG: Labels for Printing | TRANSP | C |
266 | TDG30 | DG: Text table for printing labels | TRANSP | C |
267 | TDG31 | DG: Hazard Identification Numbers | TRANSP | C |
268 | TDG32 | Text table for hazard identification numbers | TRANSP | C |
269 | TDG33 | DG: Hazard-Inducing Substances | TRANSP | C |
270 | TDG34 | DG: Description for hazard-inducing substances | TRANSP | C |
271 | TDG35 | DG: VbF Classes | TRANSP | C |
272 | TDG36 | DG: Description for VbF classes | TRANSP | C |
273 | TDG37 | DG: Dangerous Goods Storage Class | TRANSP | C |
274 | TDG38 | DG: Description for Storage Hazard Classes | TRANSP | C |
275 | TDG39 | DG: Processing status for DG master data | TRANSP | C |
276 | TDG40 | DG: Description for processing status | TRANSP | C |
277 | TDG41 | DG: DG Indicator Profiles for Material Master | TRANSP | C |
278 | TDG42 | DG: Desc. DG indicator profiles for material master | TRANSP | C |
279 | TDG43 | DG: Selection date for DG documents and DG checks | TRANSP | C |
280 | TDG47 | DG: Text names for DG material-master independent texts | TRANSP | C |
281 | TDG48 | DG: Description for DG material-independent texts | TRANSP | C |
282 | TDG49 | DG: Permitted Primary Languages | TRANSP | C |
283 | TDG51 | DG: Derivation of Secondary Language | TRANSP | C |
284 | TDG61 | DG: Regulations | TRANSP | C |
285 | TDG63 | DG: Derivation of Regulations | TRANSP | C |
286 | TDG65 | DG: Dangerous goods mode of transport category (dummy) | TRANSP | C |
287 | TDG66 | DG: Text Table for Mode of Transport Categories | TRANSP | C |
288 | TDG67 | DG: Define UN numbers (new) | TRANSP | C |
289 | TDG68 | DG: Text table for UN number (new) | TRANSP | C |
290 | TDG69 | DG: Define Checkbox Structure for Filling/Distribution | TRANSP | C |
291 | TDG70 | DG: Checkbox Structure Description for Filling/Distribution | TRANSP | C |
292 | TDG71 | DG: Define Checkbox Struct. for Filling/Distribution (Pack.) | TRANSP | C |
293 | TDG72 | DG: Checkbox Structure Desc. for Filling/Distrib. (Packag.) | TRANSP | C |
294 | TDG73 | DG: Identification Number Type | TRANSP | C |
295 | TDG74 | DG: Description of Identification Number Type | TRANSP | C |
296 | TDG75 | DG: Hide Messages when Writing Log | TRANSP | C |
297 | TDG77 | DG: Priorities for Validity Areas per Regulation | TRANSP | C |
298 | TDG79 | DG: Making Filling More Flexible: Assignment Table | TRANSP | C |
299 | TDG81 | Dynamic Tab Titles for Dangerous Goods Master | TRANSP | G |
300 | TDG82 | Descriptions for Dynamic Tab Titles | TRANSP | G |
301 | TDG85 | Exceptions to DG Regulations: Assignment Profiles | TRANSP | C |
302 | TDG86 | Exceptions to DG Regulations: Assgmt Profile Descriptions | TRANSP | C |
303 | TDG87 | Exceptions to DG Regulations: Assgmt Objects to Assgmt Prof. | TRANSP | C |
304 | TDG91 | Text Pattern Profiles | TRANSP | C |
305 | TDG92 | Description for Text Pattern Profiles | TRANSP | C |
306 | TDG93 | Assign Text Pattern Profile to Output Types | TRANSP | C |
307 | TDG95 | DG: Define Level of Dangerous Goods Packaging | TRANSP | G |
308 | TDG96 | DG: Text Table for Level of Dangerous Goods Packaging | TRANSP | G |
309 | TDG97 | DG: Approval Code Types | TRANSP | C |
310 | TDG98 | GG: Text Table for Approval Code Types | TRANSP | C |
311 | TDGA1 | DG: Activating Dangerous Goods Checks | TRANSP | C |
312 | TDGA11 | DG: Relevant Dangerous Goods Master Tables for SD Process | TRANSP | C |
313 | TDGA3 | DG: Dangerous goods - check schema - determination routine | TRANSP | C |
314 | TDGA5 | DG: Dangerous goods - check methods | TRANSP | C |
315 | TDGA6 | DG: Labels for dangerous goods check routines | TRANSP | C |
316 | TDGA7 | DG: Usage profile for dangerous goods check routines | TRANSP | C |
317 | TDGA9 | DG: Check Schema Determination Routines for Shipment Docs | TRANSP | C |
318 | TDGB1 | DG: Defining dangerous goods check schema | TRANSP | C |
319 | TDGB2 | DG: Description for dangerous goods check schema | TRANSP | C |
320 | TDGB3 | DG: Assignment DG check schema/DG check methods/reaction | TRANSP | C |
321 | TDGB5 | DG: Assign DG Check Schemas for Shipping Documents | TRANSP | C |
322 | TDGB7 | DG: Assign DG check schemata for transport documents | TRANSP | C |
323 | TDGB9 | DG: Assign Dangerous Goods Check Schemas for Sales Documents | TRANSP | C |
324 | TDGC1 | DG: Output Conditions for Material Master Fields | TRANSP | C |
325 | TDGC3 | DG: Output Conditions for DG-Independent Texts | TRANSP | C |
326 | TDGC5 | DG: Dangerous Goods Management Profile for SD Documents | TRANSP | C |
327 | TDGC6 | Text table for DG indicator profiles in the delivery header | TRANSP | C |
328 | TDGC7 | DG: Controlling EDI Processing | TRANSP | C |
329 | TDGD1 | DG: Definition of a Regulation Profile | TRANSP | C |
330 | TDGD11 | EHS: Determ. Routine for Templ. Proc. in Shipping and Sales | TRANSP | C |
331 | TDGD13 | EHS: Validity Template Processing for Sales Documents | TRANSP | C |
332 | TDGD15 | EHS: Validity Template Processing for Shipping Documents | TRANSP | C |
333 | TDGD17 | EHS: Determ. Routine for Template Processing in Shipment | TRANSP | C |
334 | TDGD19 | EHS: Validity Template Processing for Shipment Documents | TRANSP | C |
335 | TDGD2 | DG: Description Regulation Profile | TRANSP | C |
336 | TDGD3 | DG: Assignment Regulation to Regulation Profile | TRANSP | C |
337 | TDGD5 | DG: Definition of an Indicator Category | TRANSP | G |
338 | TDGD6 | DG: Description Indicator Category | TRANSP | C |
339 | TDGD7 | DG: Assignment Indicator Category / Regulation Profile | TRANSP | C |
340 | TDGD9 | DG: Specify Checkbox Struct. for Temp./One-Time Mat. Maint. | TRANSP | C |
341 | TDGS1 | DG: Table fields for long texts in DGTMD | TRANSP | S |
342 | TDGS2 | DG: Field Names for DGTMD and DGTM2 (DG Master) | TRANSP | S |
343 | TDGS3 | DG: Field Names for DGTPK (Packing Requirement) | TRANSP | S |
344 | TDGT1 | DG: Alloc. route, dep. country, dest. country a. RoRo ind. | TRANSP | C |
345 | TDGT2 | DG: Transit countries, leg indicator, indicator sea/air | TRANSP | C |
346 | TDHIERKRIT | Evaluation Criteria | POOL | C |
347 | TDHIERKRITPRIO | Incoming Payment: Order of Evaluation Criteria | TRANSP | C |
348 | TDHIERKRITSORT | Incoming Payment: Assignment Table | TRANSP | C |
349 | TDHIERKRITT | Incoming Payments: Assignment Criteria Texts | TRANSP | C |
350 | TDHIERPLAN | Hierarchy Plan | TRANSP | C |
351 | TDHIERSET | Hierarchy Settings | TRANSP | C |
352 | TDI01 | Entity Type - View Assignment | TRANSP | W |
353 | TDIAGTPL_ATTR | template attribute part | TRANSP | S |
354 | TDIAGTPL_ELEM | template element | TRANSP | S |
355 | TDIAGTPL_PARAM | Table of dynamic parameters for templates | TRANSP | S |
356 | TDIAGTPL_PARAM_T | Translation table for dynamic templates | TRANSP | S |
357 | TDIAGTPL_TRANS | table containing the translatable fields used in templates | TRANSP | S |
358 | TDIA_OPAY_ORD | Outgoing Payment Sequence of Evaluation Criteria | TRANSP | C |
359 | TDIA_ORD_ASSIGN | Outgoing Payment Assignment Table | TRANSP | C |
360 | TDIA_ORD_CRIT | Outgoing Payment Evaluation Criteria | TRANSP | C |
361 | TDIA_ORD_CRITT | Outgoing Payment Evaluation Criteria Texts | TRANSP | C |
362 | TDIBP | DDS: context | TRANSP | C |
363 | TDIBP_T | DDS: context - language-dependent description | TRANSP | C |
364 | TDICO | DDS: type of copy | TRANSP | C |
365 | TDICO_T | Language-dependent description of copy type | TRANSP | C |
366 | TDICT | DDS: communication type | TRANSP | C |
367 | TDICT_T | Language-dependent description of communication type | TRANSP | C |
368 | TDIEV | DDS: context - event allocation | TRANSP | C |
369 | TDIEX | DDS: user exits for the distribution types | TRANSP | C |
370 | TDIM | DDS: medium | TRANSP | C |
371 | TDIMCT | DDS: possible media for communication type | TRANSP | C |
372 | TDIMPLEMENTRULES | Processing Rules for Contracts with Stop Codes | TRANSP | C |
373 | TDIM_T | DDS: language-dependent texts for medium | TRANSP | C |
374 | TDINSURE_CAT0 | Do Not Use: Insurance Categories | TRANSP | S |
375 | TDINSURE_TYPE0 | Do Not Use: Insurance Categories | TRANSP | C |
376 | TDINSURE_TYPE_T0 | Temporary Use: Insurance Categories - Texts | TRANSP | C |
377 | TDINTEB | Internal Level of Financial Assets Management | TRANSP | S |
378 | TDINTEBT | Name for Internal Level of Financial Assets Management | TRANSP | S |
379 | TDINTER_FIELDCAT | Field Catalog for Converting Modification Groups | TRANSP | S |
380 | TDIOA_BAL_COND | Assignment Condition Type to Flow Type Grouping - IOA Calc. | TRANSP | C |
381 | TDIOA_BO | Interest on Arrears Active in BO Interest on Arrears Calc. | TRANSP | C |
382 | TDIOA_FT_BALANCE | Assignment of Flows to Flow Type Grouping - IOA Calculation | TRANSP | C |
383 | TDIOA_GSTEER | General Control Data for Interest on Arrears Calculation | TRANSP | C |
384 | TDIOA_NOPOSTCALC | Flow Types Without Recalculation | TRANSP | C |
385 | TDIOA_SCHEMET | Text Table for Profile Definition IOA Calculation | TRANSP | C |
386 | TDIOA_SCHEME_BAL | Assignment of Product Type to Profile and Flow Type Grouping | TRANSP | C |
387 | TDIOA_SCHEME_DEF | Profile Definition for Interest on Arrears Calculation | TRANSP | C |
388 | TDIOA_TEMPL | Template for Interest On Arrears Calculation | TRANSP | C |
389 | TDIOA_TEMPLTXT | Template Texts for Interest on Arrears Calculation | TRANSP | C |
390 | TDIOA_TRIV_AMT | Trivial Amount per Currency and Profile IOA Calculation | TRANSP | C |
391 | TDIPDPLAN | Payment Plan Hierarchy | TRANSP | C |
392 | TDIPDPLANT | Texts for Payment Plan Hierarchy | TRANSP | C |
393 | TDIPDRULES | Customizing Table, Definition of Processing Rules | TRANSP | C |
394 | TDIPDRULEST | Text Table for Rule Key | TRANSP | C |
395 | TDIPR | DDS: definition of plotters | TRANSP | C |
396 | TDKK1 | Definition of Correspondence Class | TRANSP | C |
397 | TDKK2 | Predefine Correspondence Class Assignment for Partner | TRANSP | C |
398 | TDKKT | Correspondence Class Texts | TRANSP | C |
399 | TDKWG | GBA control table-Output | TRANSP | S |
400 | TDKZ | Exception Table for DE, DO, TB in Customer Res. with "Y"/"Z" | POOL | S |
401 | TDL1 | Collat.securities preferential treatment ID table | POOL | C |
402 | TDL1T | Collat.securities special treatment ID text table | POOL | C |
403 | TDL2 | Indicator Table Guarantee Type 1 | POOL | C |
404 | TDL21 | Indicator Table Guarantee Type 2 | POOL | C |
405 | TDL21T | Text Table Indicator Guarantee Type 2 | POOL | C |
406 | TDL2T | Text Table for Guarantee Type 1 Indicator | POOL | C |
407 | TDL3 | Pledge status indicator table | TRANSP | C |
408 | TDL3T | Pledge status indicator text table | TRANSP | C |
409 | TDLO | Loan report layout parameters | TRANSP | S |
410 | TDLOANFKO | Condition Types per Application Partial Function Loans | TRANSP | C |
411 | TDLOANFUNC | Flow Types per Application Subfunction for Loans | POOL | C |
412 | TDLOANREPLACE | General Data for Discharging Loan | TRANSP | C |
413 | TDLOANSUBFUNC | Application subfunction for loans | TRANSP | S |
414 | TDLOANSUBFUNCT | Name of Application Subfunction in Loans | TRANSP | S |
415 | TDLOAN_CPPART | Default Sttng of Permitted Roles and Roles for Partner Copy | TRANSP | C |
416 | TDLOC_ACTIVE | Activate Localization | TRANSP | C |
417 | TDLOC_FEAS_FUNC | Define Country-Specific Functions | TRANSP | S |
418 | TDLOC_FEAS_FU_T | Text Table for Country-Specific Functions | TRANSP | S |
419 | TDLOS_CONTROL | Loan Origination: Control Parameters | TRANSP | C |
420 | TDLOS_DISCHANNEL | Loan Origination: Assignment of Sales Channels | TRANSP | C |
421 | TDLOS_FEE_CODE | Loan Origination: Permitted Charges/Insurance Policies | TRANSP | C |
422 | TDLOS_FEE_CODET | Loan Origination: Permitted Charges | TRANSP | C |
423 | TDLOS_INS_BP | Loan Origination: Business Partner Data for CLI Calculation | TRANSP | C |
424 | TDLOS_MAP_COND | Loan Origination: Assignment of Conditions | TRANSP | C |
425 | TDLOS_MAP_PAYF | Loan Origination: Assignment of Payment Methods | TRANSP | C |
426 | TDLOS_MAP_TARIF | Loan Origination: Assignment of Insurance Rates | TRANSP | C |
427 | TDLOS_ORIGINATOR | Loan Origination: Loan Originator | TRANSP | C |
428 | TDLOS_PURPOSE | Loan Origination: Assignment of Loan Purpose | TRANSP | C |
429 | TDLOS_SAVE | Loan Origination: SAVE modules for saving loans | TRANSP | S |
430 | TDM01 | Data Model Conversion Log | TRANSP | E |
431 | TDM02 | Assignment of Entities to SAP Tables | TRANSP | E |
432 | TDM03 | Entity Short/Long Name | TRANSP | E |
433 | TDM04 | Entity Type | TRANSP | E |
434 | TDM05 | Data Model Short/Long Name | TRANSP | E |
435 | TDM06 | Data Model | TRANSP | E |
436 | TDM07 | Assignment of Entities to Data Models | TRANSP | E |
437 | TDM08 | Relationships Between Entities | TRANSP | E |
438 | TDM09 | Entity Attributes | TRANSP | E |
439 | TDM10 | Assignment Synonyms-Entity | TRANSP | E |
440 | TDM11 | Assignment Entity - Alias Name | TRANSP | E |
441 | TDM12 | Attribute Short/Long Name | POOL | E |
442 | TDM13 | Attributes of entity types, assignment of data elements | TRANSP | E |
443 | TDM14 | Customizing attributes of entity types | TRANSP | E |
444 | TDM19 | Specialization category | POOL | E |
445 | TDM20 | Specialization | POOL | E |
446 | TDM21 | Entity Specialization Category | TRANSP | E |
447 | TDM22 | Entity Specialization Category Text | TRANSP | E |
448 | TDM23 | Assign Specialization Category to Target Entity | TRANSP | E |
449 | TDM25 | Assign Entities to Data Element | POOL | E |
450 | TDM26 | Specialization Category: Short/Long Name | POOL | E |
451 | TDM27 | EDM Cluster: Short/Long Name | TRANSP | E |
452 | TDM28 | EDM Clusters | TRANSP | E |
453 | TDM29 | EDM Cluster Assignment: Data Model-Entity Type | TRANSP | E |
454 | TDM30 | User Directory | TRANSP | E |
455 | TDM31 | Check Table for Owner | TRANSP | E |
456 | TDM99 | User Authorization for EDM Tool | POOL | C |
457 | TDMAHNS_MAN | Loans: Manual Dunning Level | TRANSP | C |
458 | TDMAHNS_MANT | Loans: Text for Manual Dunning Level | TRANSP | C |
459 | TDMAZNB | Customizing: Automatic Incoming Payment Postprocessing | TRANSP | C |
460 | TDMFC | ADW Data with Incorrect Code | POOL | E |
461 | TDMODEL_FIELDFLT | Hidden Fields for Loans | TRANSP | S |
462 | TDMODEL_FIELDTXT | Field Texts for Consumer Loans | TRANSP | C |
463 | TDMV1 | EDM varchart positions | TRANSP | E |
464 | TDNONDUEITEMS | "Billed but Not Due" Charges | TRANSP | C |
465 | TDNOTEPAY_ACT_C | Define Country for Extension Note to Payee | TRANSP | S |
466 | TDNOTEP_REFTYP | Assign Note to Payee in PMW | TRANSP | C |
467 | TDNOTEP_REFTYPFP | Assign Note to Payee in PMW | TRANSP | C |
468 | TDNOTICE_INTACC | Receivables Interim Account for Business Operation Notice | TRANSP | C |
469 | TDNOTICE_INTACCT | Texts for Receivables Interim Account | TRANSP | C |
470 | TDO1 | Object construction methods table | POOL | C |
471 | TDO10 | Indicator for Condition of Object | TRANSP | C |
472 | TDO10T | Indicator for Condition of Object (Description) | TRANSP | C |
473 | TDO11 | Indicator for Collateral Object Fixtures and Fittings | TRANSP | C |
474 | TDO11T | Indicator for Collateral Object Features (Description) | TRANSP | C |
475 | TDO12 | Indicator: Area Description for Object | TRANSP | C |
476 | TDO12T | Object Area Description Indicator (Description) | TRANSP | C |
477 | TDO1T | Texts for TD01 Object Construction Methods | POOL | C |
478 | TDO2 | Part of building name | POOL | C |
479 | TDO2T | Text table for TD02 part of building name | POOL | C |
480 | TDO3 | Valuation qualification indicator | POOL | C |
481 | TDO3T | Valuation qualification ID// Text for TD03 | POOL | C |
482 | TDO4 | Type of valuation procedure | POOL | C |
483 | TDO4T | Type of valuation procedure// Texts for TDO4 | POOL | C |
484 | TDO5 | Valuation rating base | POOL | C |
485 | TDO5T | Rating base valuation// Texts for TDO5 | POOL | C |
486 | TDO6 | Land register type indicator | POOL | C |
487 | TDO6T | Text table for land registry indicator | POOL | C |
488 | TDO7 | Administration cost types | POOL | C |
489 | TDO7T | Text table for administration cost elements | POOL | C |
490 | TDO8 | Property Conditions for Collateral Objects | TRANSP | C |
491 | TDO8T | Property Conditions for Collateral Objects (Description) | TRANSP | C |
492 | TDO9 | Heritable Building Right Indicator for Collateral Objects | TRANSP | C |
493 | TDO9T | Type of Heritable Building Right (Descriptions) | TRANSP | C |
494 | TDOCU | Control Table for the Document Manager | POOL | S |
495 | TDOKU | Documentation: Class Table | POOL | S |
496 | TDOKUIMG | Node Table for General Structure Storage | TRANSP | E |
497 | TDOKUIMGR | General Structure Storage References | TRANSP | E |
498 | TDOKUIMGT | General Structure Storage Node Names | TRANSP | E |
499 | TDOPAPPL | Application Descriptions CML | TRANSP | S |
500 | TDOPAPPL_T | Application Indicators Text Table | TRANSP | S |