SAP ABAP Table - Index T, page 38
Table - T
# Table name Short Description Table Category Delivery Class
1 TE540C Update Quantities to CO-PA TRANSP E
2 TE540T Texts for Quantity-Based Statistics Group TRANSP E
3 TE540U Update Quantities to the UIS Communication Structure TRANSP E
4 TE541 Amount Statistics Group TRANSP E
5 TE541C Update Amounts to CO-PA TRANSP E
6 TE541T Texts for Amount-Based Statistics Group TRANSP E
7 TE541U Update Amounts to the UIS Communication Structure TRANSP E
8 TE543 Time slice generator TRANSP E
9 TE543T Time slice generator TRANSP E
10 TE544 Grouping Partial Bill Document Document Line Items TRANSP C
11 TE545 Criteria for Grouping Partial Bills TRANSP C
12 TE550 Activate/Deactivate Concession TRANSP C
13 TE551 Fixed Temp. TRANSP C
14 TE551T Fixed Temp. (Texts) TRANSP C
15 TE552 Classification Indicator for Billing Line TRANSP C
16 TE552T Classification Indicator for Billing Line (Text) TRANSP C
17 TE554 Random No. Table acc. to DIN 5741 TRANSP S
18 TE555 On-Site Billing Billing Groups TRANSP C
19 TE555T On-Site Billing: Billing Groups (Texts) TRANSP C
20 TE556 On-Site Billing Settings TRANSP C
21 TE557 Minimum Charge/Amount Limit for BB TRANSP C
22 TE558 Amount/Process Limits for Pay.Scheme Adjustment in Invoicing TRANSP C
23 TE560 Percentage Limits for Manual Payment Scheme Changes TRANSP C
24 TE561 Deactivation Reason for Payment Scheme TRANSP C
25 TE564 Control Parameters for Bill Printout TRANSP C
26 TE567 Est. Reasons TRANSP C
27 TE567T Est. Reasons (Text) TRANSP C
28 TE569 Average Monthly Energy Feeding TRANSP C
29 TE571 Sample Devs per Sample Lot TRANSP A
30 TE580N Dynamic Notes to Field Service TRANSP E
31 TE580T Dynamic Notes to Field Service (Texts) TRANSP E
32 TE582 Static Notes to Field Service TRANSP C
33 TE582T Static Notes to Field Service (Texts) TRANSP C
34 TE584 Form Group of Note to Field Service TRANSP C
35 TE584T Description of Form Group TRANSP C
36 TE587 Search Term for Command Grp TRANSP C
37 TE587T Search Terms for Com. Groups (Txt) TRANSP C
38 TE593 Types of Device Group TRANSP E
39 TE593T Types of Device Group (Text) TRANSP E
40 TE595 Allocation of Group Type to Division TRANSP E
41 TE608 MR Reasons (Values) for Which MR Results Can Be Generated TRANSP S
42 TE608T MR Reasons (Texts) TRANSP S
43 TE609 MR Reasons (Values) TRANSP S
44 TE609T MR Reasons (Texts) TRANSP S
45 TE610 Priority of MR Reasons for Interval Validation TRANSP C
46 TE611 Interpolation of MR Reasons TRANSP C
47 TE613 Priority of Meter Reading Reasons When Times Are the Same TRANSP S
48 TE614 MR Types: Categorization of Meter Reading Type TRANSP S
49 TE614T Meter Reading Categories (Texts) TRANSP S
50 TE620 List of Customer-Specific Dependent Validations TRANSP E
51 TE620T Language-Dependent table: Customer-Specific Dep. Val. Point TRANSP E
52 TE621 Allocation of Customer-Specific Validations to Val. Group TRANSP C
53 TE622 Customer-Specific Validation Points: Independent validations TRANSP E
54 TE622T Independent Validations (Texts for Value Table) TRANSP E
55 TE625 Multiple Register Validations (Value Tables) TRANSP S
56 TE625T Dependent Validations (Texts for Value Table) TRANSP S
57 TE627 Multiple Register Validations (Control Table) TRANSP C
58 TE629 Control of Variable Scheduled Meter Reading Dates TRANSP C
59 TE630 Control of Meter Reading Proc. TRANSP C
60 TE633 System Parameters for Budget Billing Plan TRANSP C
61 TE634 SAP Customizing Table for KAR_DATUM Test TRANSP A
62 TE635 Control Table: Yearly Advance Payment TRANSP C
63 TE637 Control Parameter for Payment Scheme TRANSP C
64 TE638 Payment Scheme Category TRANSP C
65 TE639 Control Parameters for Express Transaction BB Change TRANSP C
66 TE643 Processing Status TRANSP C
67 TE643T Processing Status Texts TRANSP C
68 TE645 Contract Types for Franchise Contr. TRANSP C
69 TE645T Contract Types for Franchise Contr. (Texts) TRANSP C
70 TE647 Dynamic Determination of BB Cycle TRANSP C
71 TE654 Dynamic period control TRANSP E
72 TE654T Dynamic period control TRANSP E
73 TE655 Category of the current billing period TRANSP E
74 TE655T Category of the current billing period TRANSP E
75 TE656 Period basic categories of the periods to set up TRANSP E
76 TE656T Period basic categories of the periods to set up TRANSP E
77 TE658 Periods to set up TRANSP C
78 TE658T Periods to set up TRANSP C
79 TE659 Dynamic backbilling groups TRANSP C
80 TE659T Dynamic backbilling groups TRANSP C
81 TE661 Reasons for proration TRANSP E
82 TE661T Reasons for proration (texts) TRANSP E
83 TE667 Doc.Type Cats TRANSP C
84 TE667T Doc.Type Cat. TRANSP C
85 TE669 Gas Proced. TRANSP C
86 TE669T Gas Procedure (Txts) TRANSP C
87 TE671 Cal. Val. to be Billed TRANSP C
88 TE672 Grouping Types of Installation Groups TRANSP C
89 TE672T Names of Grouping Types TRANSP C
90 TE673 Installation Roles in an Installation Group TRANSP C
91 TE673T Names of Installation Roles TRANSP C
92 TE674 Installation Roles for Grouping Type TRANSP C
93 TE675 Distribution Types for Installation Groups TRANSP C
94 TE675T Distribution Types for Installation Groups TRANSP C
95 TE676 Data Exchange: Secondary Installation to Primary Inst. TRANSP C
96 TE677 Heat.Inst. Description TRANSP C
97 TE677T Heating Inst. Descript. (Texts) TRANSP C
98 TE678 Data Exchange from Primary Installation to Secondary Inst. TRANSP C
99 TE679 Charging Control of Heat. Inst. TRANSP C
100 TE679T Charging Ctrl for Heating Inst. (Texts) TRANSP C
101 TE681 Processing Status of Heat. Inst. Special Agreement TRANSP C
102 TE681T Process. Status of Spec. Agreement for Heating Inst. (Texts) TRANSP C
103 TE683 Periodic Repl. Variants TRANSP A
104 TE684 Control Parameter: Periodic Repl. TRANSP C
105 TE685 Vol. Corr. Fac. Proc. TRANSP C
106 TE685T Vol. Corr. Factor Proc.(Txts) TRANSP C
107 TE687 Contract Cat. of Heat. Install. TRANSP C
108 TE687T Texts: Contract Cat. of Heat. Installation TRANSP C
109 TE690 Control Parameters for Creation of Orders and Notifications TRANSP C
110 TE691 Control Parameters Disaggregation SD/CS TRANSP C
111 TE695 Gas Press. Levs TRANSP C
112 TE695T Gas Press. Levs (Texts) TRANSP C
113 TE696 Gas Pressure Level at Installation Level (Grid) TRANSP C
114 TE696T Gas Pressure Level at Installation Level (Grid) (Texts) TRANSP C
115 TE697 Classification of Employees TRANSP C
116 TE697T Classification of Employees (Texts) TRANSP C
117 TE757 General Amount Adjustment Factor for BB Plan TRANSP C
118 TE759 Reason for Supply Guarantee TRANSP C
119 TE759T Reason for Supply Guarantee TRANSP C
120 TE760 CO-PA Characteristic Derivation from IS-U Objects TRANSP C
121 TE761 Control CO-PA Posting by Consumption Months TRANSP C
122 TE761_COKEY Control CO-PA Posting Acc. to Consumption Months per COKEY TRANSP C
123 TE762 Unbilled Revenue Reporting: CO-PA Characteristic Derivation TRANSP C
124 TE770 Contract: Statistics Groups TRANSP C
125 TE770T Contract: Statistics Groups - Texts TRANSP C
126 TE771 Rate Category: Statistics Groups TRANSP C
127 TE771T Rate Category: Statistics Groups - Texts TRANSP C
128 TE775 Update Group Determination TRANSP C
129 TE776 UIS: Alloc. of Billing Unit of Meas. -> Stat. Unit of Meas. TRANSP C
130 TE777_BIW BW: Specify Statistics Currency TRANSP C
131 TE777_UIS UIS: Specify Statistics Currency TRANSP C
132 TE778 Reduce Data Quantity in Sales Statistics Extractor TRANSP C
133 TE789 Trans. Stats Categories TRANSP S
134 TE789C Control for Updating Transaction Stats TRANSP C
135 TE789T Texts for Transaction Statistics Categs TRANSP S
136 TE790 Stock Statistics Categories TRANSP S
137 TE790C Control for Updating Transaction Stats TRANSP C
138 TE790T Texts for Transaction Statistics Categs TRANSP S
139 TE791 Mod.Reasons TRANSP C
140 TE791T Rec. Reasons (Txt) TRANSP C
141 TE809 Parameter Groups for Mass Changes to MRU TRANSP A
142 TE810 Paramter group meter reading unit TRANSP A
143 TE835 Line Item Type TRANSP E
144 TE835T Line Item Type (Texts) TRANSP E
145 TE871 Validity period for PROFEST values TRANSP C
146 TE900 Validations: Check Codes + Funct. Module Names TRANSP S
147 TE901 User-Defined Validations TRANSP C
148 TE902 Function Modules for Pop Codes (Dependent Validations) TRANSP S
149 TE903 User-Defined Dependent Validations TRANSP C
150 TE907 Annual Air Pressure TRANSP C
151 TE921 Energy Feeding Per Calorific Value District TRANSP C
152 TE923I Input Operands TRANSP E
153 TE923O Output Operands TRANSP E
154 TE927 Parametr. for Device TRANSP C
155 TE927T Parametrzn for Device (Txt) TRANSP C
156 TE929 Fixed Vol.Correct. Factors TRANSP C
157 TE935 Automatic Meter Reading Monitoring TRANSP C
158 TE937 Seal Code for Sample Lot TRANSP C
159 TE937T Seal Codes for Sample Lot (Text) TRANSP C
160 TE950 Customizing special features log TRANSP G
161 TE950B Special features log (blocks) TRANSP S
162 TE960 Reasons for Contract Change TRANSP C
163 TE960T Text for table TE90: reasons for contract change TRANSP C
164 TE970 Configuration for Move-In/Out (EC60) TRANSP C
165 TE970A General PRocessing Variants for Move-In/Out TRANSP C
166 TE970AT Text for Processing Variants for Move-In/Out (te970a) TRANSP C
167 TE970B Special Procesing Variants for Move-In/Out TRANSP C
168 TE980A Conversion Table EIAC_ENROLLMENT -> Product Names TRANSP S
169 TE990 Reason for customer change TRANSP C
170 TE990T Reason for customer change TRANSP C
171 TE9XX1 Help Table for Specifying Material/Equipment Ref. TRANSP C
172 TEABSTVOR Define Debit/Credit ID for BB Amount Subtransactions TRANSP C
173 TEACTSCHEME Activity Schema TRANSP C
174 TEAMS Table for Controlling the Setting of Statuses TRANSP G
175 TEAPPRVLNR Alloc. of Manufacturer/Cat. Desc. to Inspection No. (B/NL) TRANSP C
176 TEARGIPER ARGENTINA: Revenue tax municipal rate TRANSP C
177 TEARGROUP ARGENTINA: Legal report group TRANSP C
178 TEARGROUPT ARGENTINA: Legal report group description TRANSP C
179 TEARMACOF ARGENTINA: Revenue tax municipal distribution coefficient TRANSP C
180 TEARREPCONTRT ARGENTINA: Legal report revenue tax control table TRANSP A
181 TEARREPCONTST ARGENTINA: Legal report sales tax control table TRANSP A
182 TEARREPTAXID ARGENTINA: Legal report relevant TAXID per report TRANSP S
183 TEARREVTAX_M ARGENTINA: Legal report revenue tax attributes at municipe TRANSP C
184 TEARREVTAX_P ARGENTINA: Legal report revenue tax attributes at province TRANSP C
185 TEARSALESTAX ARGENTINA: Legal report sales tax parameters TRANSP C
186 TEARSORT ARGENTINA: Legal report sorting for output and subtotals TRANSP C
187 TEARSORTDEF ARGENTINA: Legal report sorting for output and subt. def. TRANSP C
188 TEARSORTT ARGENTINA: Legal report sorting for output and subt. desc. TRANSP C
189 TEARTAXID ARGENTINA: Legal report variant assignment to TAXID TRANSP C
190 TEARTAXID1 ARGENTINA: Legal report variant assignment to STRKZ_EE TRANSP C
191 TEARVARI ARGENTINA: Legal report selection variant TRANSP C
192 TEARVARIDEF ARGENTINA: Legal report selection variant definition TRANSP C
193 TEARVARIT ARGENTINA: Legal report selection variant description TRANSP C
194 TEAUTHCHCKSWITCH IDEX: Deregulation Switch for Authorization Checks TRANSP C
195 TEBCO CO/SD Interface: Product Number Determination from CO TRANSP C
196 TEBO Volume Rebate Groups, Purchasing POOL C
197 TEBOT Volume Rebate Groups (Purchasing): Texts POOL C
198 TEBPPADDRESS Contact Person Key for the Partner TRANSP A
199 TEBPPCAT Log Categories Control Part SAP TRANSP S
200 TEBPPCATCOCD Inactive Company Code for each Log Category TRANSP C
201 TEBPPCATCUST Log Categories Control Part Customer TRANSP C
203 TEBPPCATT Text Table for Log Entries TRANSP S
204 TEBPPCOMMFLAG Notification Methods for Communication Events TRANSP A
205 TEBPPCOMMPRD Assign Communication Event to a Time Period Group TRANSP C
206 TEBPPEXTSTATUS External description of the invoice TRANSP C
208 TEBPPINQUIRYRES Reason code of the vendor inquiry TRANSP C
210 TEBPPINQUIRYSW Switches to select vendor inquiry system TRANSP C
211 TEBPPPERIOD Biller Direct Notification Periods TRANSP E
212 TEBPPPERIODT Texts for Time Period Groups TRANSP E
213 TEBPPPMNTDESCR SAPScript used for payment descrption per company TRANSP C
214 TEBPP_COMMEVENT Communication Event in Biller Direct TRANSP S
215 TEBPP_COMMEVENTT Texts for Communication Events in Biller Direct TRANSP S
216 TEBPP_REC_INV SAP Biller Direct: Bill Receipt Processing TRANSP A
217 TEBPP_REC_INV_A SAP Biller Direct: Bill Receipt Processing: Archive TRANSP A
218 TEBPP_REC_INV_C Biller Direct: Set Bill Receipt Processing TRANSP C
219 TEBPP_REC_INV_I SAP Biller Direct: Bill Receipt Processing: IDoc TRANSP A
221 TEBP_ADR_ADD Supplementary Table for TEBP_ADR_SHIP_TO TRANSP A
222 TEBP_ADR_SHIP_TO Link Address Number of Business Partner to Ship-To Party TRANSP A
223 TEBUPINFOREL Release Status for Business Partner Data TRANSP C
224 TEBUPINFORELT Relese status for business partner data (text table) TRANSP C
225 TECAMIOFLDVIS IS-U: Pre-entry Variants / Field Visibility TRANSP E
226 TECAMIOVAR IS-U: Pre-entry Variants TRANSP E
227 TECAMIOVARAM IS-U: Pre-entry Variants / Permitted Master Data Templates TRANSP C
228 TECAMIOVARAMT IS-U: Permitted Master Data Templates (Text Tables) TRANSP C
229 TECAMIOVARAP IS-U: Pre-entry Variants / Permitted Products TRANSP C
230 TECAMIOVARAPT IS-U: Permitted Contract Models (Text Table) TRANSP C
231 TECAMIOVARAS IS-U: Permitted Contract Model for Parking TRANSP C
232 TECAMIOVARAST IS-U: Permitted Contract Models (Text Table) TRANSP C
233 TECAMIOVARSP IS-U: Pre-entry Variants: Division-dependent Data TRANSP C
234 TECAMIOVART IS-U: Pre-entry Variants (Text Table) TRANSP E
235 TECAMIOVARU IS-U: Pre-entry Groups / User Groups TRANSP C
236 TECDE Service Types TRANSP C
237 TECDET Service type text TRANSP C
239 TECHED02_NUMBERS Numbers names TRANSP L
240 TECHED02_UNICODE Demo texts for TECHED 2002 Unicode and ABAP lists TRANSP S
241 TECHED03_COLORS Multilangual demo data TRANSP L
242 TECHED03_RESULT1 Result table for Unicode outside communication exercises TRANSP L
243 TECHED03_RESULT2 Result table for Unicode outside communication exercises TRANSP L
244 TECHED03_UTEXT Some Example texts TRANSP L
245 TECHSTR Changes to Street Names TRANSP A
246 TECHUSAGES Informationen zu installierten Technical Usages TRANSP W
248 TECLEANMETHODT Texts for Cleaning Methods TRANSP C
249 TECLERK_ID Agent IDs for Agent Determination TRANSP C
250 TECLERK_IDT Agent IDs for Agent Determination TRANSP C
251 TECN Effectivity object: change numbers TRANSP A
252 TECOD IS-U: CO account assignment key / allocation TRANSP C
253 TECOK CO account assignment key IS-U contract TRANSP C
254 TECOKT IS-U: CO account assignment key (name) TRANSP C
255 TECONCARDTYP Type of Concession Card TRANSP C
256 TECONCARDTYPT Concession Card Type (Text) TRANSP C
257 TECONDEREG Concession Deregulation TRANSP C
258 TECONISSUER Issuer of Concession Card TRANSP C
259 TECONISSUERT Issuer of Concession Card (Text) TRANSP C
262 TECONTYP Concession Type TRANSP C
263 TECONTYPT Concession Type (Text) TRANSP C
264 TECPPS CO Versions for Project Preliminary Costing TRANSP C
265 TECRMMKT_F Flyers/Standard Texts for Campaign TRANSP C
266 TECS Master Effectivity Object TRANSP A
267 TECST Account Groups for Ref. Customers in IS-U TRANSP C
268 TECT Description of Effectivity Object TRANSP A
269 TEDCT SAP-EDI: Test table for CPIC POOL W
270 TEDE1 EDI process types (outbound) TRANSP G
271 TEDE2 EDI process types (inbound) TRANSP G
272 TEDE3 Function module, which displays EDIDS record POOL G
273 TEDE5 EDI Process codes for error handling TRANSP G
274 TEDE6 IDOC process codes for inbound statuses TRANSP G
275 TEDEF Assign proc. type to funct. module that processes proc. type POOL S
276 TEDEREGSTAT Deregulation status TRANSP C
277 TEDEREGSTATT Deregulation status TRANSP C
278 TEDEVCLTYPE Control Parameters for Linking Classif. System to Dev. TRANSP C
280 TEDIFFCULTAREA Service Area of Note TRANSP C
281 TEDIFFCULTT Texts and Values for Service Notes TRANSP C
283 TEDM_STAT_CONTR Activate Change Documents for Status of EDM Profiles TRANSP C
284 TEDM_STAT_CUST Allocate Profile Values to Status Profile for User Status TRANSP C
285 TEDM_STAT_CUST_1 Priority for Value-Related Status for Longer Interval Lngths TRANSP C
286 TEDM_STAT_CUST_2 Priority for Cond.-Related Status for Longer Interval Lngths TRANSP C
287 TEDM_STAT_CUST_3 Priority for User Status for Longer Interval Lengths TRANSP C
288 TEDNOLINKS IDoc: Negative List for IDoc/Application Object Link TRANSP C
290 TEDS1 IDoc status values TRANSP S
291 TEDS2 Short description of IDoc status values TRANSP S
292 TEDS3 EDI Status: Assignment to Sts Grps, Suitability f. Archiving TRANSP G
293 TEDST SAP EDI Form routines for reading master data TRANSP G
294 TEDTT Partner Types - Language-Dependent Name TRANSP G
295 TEDWL Channel definition for transceiver TRANSP C
296 TEE000 Easy Execution Profile TRANSP C
297 TEE000P Execution Services TRANSP G
298 TEE000PT Text Table Execution Services TRANSP G
299 TEE000T Text Table Easy Execution TRANSP C
300 TEE000Z Assignment of Execution Profile and Permitted Services TRANSP C
301 TEE001 Purchase Requisition from Easy Execution TRANSP G
302 TEE002 Reservation from Easy Execution TRANSP G
303 TEE003 Customizing Purchase Order from Easy Execution TRANSP G
304 TEEF_MIG_STATE Migration Status Table TRANSP L
305 TEEWA_BULKY_CUST Bulk Refuse Order Types TRANSP C
306 TEEWA_BULK_CUSTT Text Table for Bulk Refuse Order Types TRANSP C
307 TEEWA_BULK_CUSTZ Bulk Refuse Order Types TRANSP C
308 TEEXTDOCASSIGNBR Time dependend Nota Fiscal configuration TRANSP C
309 TEEXTDOCBR Issuing branch (Nota Fiscal) TRANSP C
310 TEFKTVOS Tax Table: Relevant Transactions in Convergent Billing TRANSP C
311 TEFKTVOSBILL Contract A/R and A/P items to be transfered for IDoc bill TRANSP C
312 TEFKTVOSBILLT Text for contract A/R and A/P items in IDoc bill TRANSP C
313 TEIHVOR IS-U Internal Transactions (Obsolete) TRANSP S
314 TEIHVORT IS-U Internal Transactions (Obsolete) TRANSP S
315 TEIISVOR Assignment of Internal Transactions to Collective Bill Trans TRANSP S
316 TEIIVOR Internal Transactions for Collective Bills TRANSP S
317 TEIIVORT Internal Transactions for Collective Bills TRANSP S
318 TEINFOREL Release Status for Installations TRANSP C
319 TEINFORELT Release status for installation data (text table) TRANSP C
320 TEISVOR Internal Collective Bill Transactions TRANSP S
321 TEISVORT Collective Bill Transactions TRANSP S
322 TEITVOR Internal Subtransactions (Obsolete) TRANSP S
323 TEITVORT Text Tables: Internal Subtransactions (Obsolete) TRANSP S
324 TEIVV (DON'T FILL/RE AD!!!Alloc. of Intern. Transacts to Trans. TRANSP C
325 TEJOBCO Job Scheduler: Job Information TRANSP L
326 TEJOB_APPL Job Scheduler Applications TRANSP S
327 TEJOB_APPLT Application Texts TRANSP S
328 TEJOB_CONTR Function Modules for Application TRANSP S
329 TEJOB_CONTRT Application Texts TRANSP S
330 TEK060A Loan Categories TRANSP C
331 TEK060T Installment Plan and Loan Categories TRANSP C
332 TEKEMAKZ Seal Indicator (B/NL) TRANSP C
333 TEKENNZIFF Register Codes TRANSP C
334 TEKENNZIFFT Register Code Texts TRANSP C
335 TEKND System Parameters for Standard Customers in IS-U TRANSP C
336 TEKPIC_MSG_SUC Non-Error Messages for Process Statistics (Customer) TRANSP C
337 TEKPI_MSG_SUC Non-Error Messages for Process Statistics (SAP) TRANSP S
338 TELINSEL Line item categories for communication processing TRANSP C
339 TELOT_CRDEF Specifications for Lot Compilation (B/NL) TRANSP C
340 TELOT_LOCKED Blocked Devices During Lot Compilation (B/NL) TRANSP A
341 TELOT_RESULT Results of Lot Allocation for Belgium/Netherlands TRANSP A
342 TELOT_RESULT_TOP Header Table for Lot Allocation Results for B/NL TRANSP A
343 TEMACT IS-U migration: Activities for activity groups TRANSP S
344 TEMACTGRP IS-U migration: Activity groups for question catalog TRANSP S
345 TEMACTGRPT IS-U migration: Text for activity groups in question catalog TRANSP S
346 TEMANUFCAT Combination: Manufact./Manufact.Cat.Descr. and DevCat.(B/NL) TRANSP C
347 TEMBDC IS-U Migration: Recording for BDC Objects TRANSP E
348 TEMCAT IS-U migration: Question catalog TRANSP E
350 TEMCATEGORYT IS-U migration: Question category TRANSP S
351 TEMCATQ IS-U migration: Activities in question catalog TRANSP E
352 TEMCATT IS-U migration: Question catalog name TRANSP E
353 TEMCHECK IS-U migration: check table TRANSP L
354 TEMCLASS IS-U migration: migration classes TRANSP E
355 TEMCLASST IS-U migration: migration class texts TRANSP S
356 TEMCNV IS-U Mig: Conversion objects TRANSP E
357 TEMCNVT IS-U Mig: Conversion objects (text) TRANSP E
358 TEMCNVTAB IS-U Mig: Conversion table TRANSP E
359 TEMCOMPONENT IS-U Mig: Restrict Mig.Objects for Determined Components TRANSP E
360 TEMCONTROL IS-U Migration: Control Parameter TRANSP W
361 TEMCONTROLC IS-U Migration: Control Parameter Customer Settings TRANSP C
362 TEMCONTROLT IS-U Migration: Control Parameter (Texts) TRANSP W
363 TEMC_ATTRD_T Texts for Attribute Fields TRANSP C
364 TEMC_ATTRIBUTE Value Table for Attribute Fields TRANSP C
365 TEMC_ATTRIB_T Texts For Attribute Values TRANSP C
366 TEMC_PERIOD Definition of Planning Periods TRANSP C
367 TEMC_PERIOD_T Text Table for Planning Periods TRANSP C
368 TEMC_PROF_TYPE Type of Exposure Planning Profile TRANSP C
369 TEMC_PROF_TYPE_T Text Table for Type of Exposure Planning Profile TRANSP C
370 TEMC_RAWEXP_PROC Global Setting for Handling Release of Raw Exposures TRANSP C
371 TEMDB IS-U Mig.: Structure of Automation Data TRANSP E
372 TEMDBT IS-U Migration: Structure of Automation Data (Texts) TRANSP E
373 TEMERR IS-U Migration: Clipboard for Error Data (INDX Tab) TRANSP L
374 TEMFE IS-U Mig.: Fxd Vals TRANSP E
375 TEMFECODE IS-U Migration: Table of Program Lines for Fixed Value TRANSP E
376 TEMFET IS-U Mig.: Descriptions for FVs TRANSP E
377 TEMFIKEY IS-U Migration: Determine Reconciliation Key for Each UNAME TRANSP L
378 TEMFIRMA IS-U mig.: company TRANSP E
379 TEMFIRMAT IS-U mig.: company - description TRANSP G
380 TEMFU IS-U Mig.: Transfer Parameters for Service Mods TRANSP E
381 TEMGENCODE IS-U migration: coding for report generation TRANSP E
382 TEMGENFORM IS-U migration: report generation form parameters TRANSP E
383 TEMGENFUBA IS-U migration: generate report FM parameters TRANSP E
384 TEMGENMAIN IS-U migration: control report generation TRANSP E
385 TEMGENTIME IS-U migration: events for report generation TRANSP S
386 TEMGROUP IS-U Migration: Job Group TRANSP L
387 TEMGROUPT IS-U Migration: Job Group Descriptions TRANSP L
388 TEMID ID assignment for IS-U Migration Workbench TRANSP S
389 TEMJOB IS-U Migration: Definition of Import Job TRANSP L
390 TEMKSV IS Migration: Key and Status Management TRANSP L
391 TEMKT_BPSEG Standard values for business partner segmentation TRANSP C
392 TEMKT_BPSEG_BW Standard Values for Extracting Marketing-Relevant Data TRANSP C
393 TEMLOCK IS-U Migration: Lock Table TRANSP L
394 TEMOB IS-U Mig.: Migration Objs TRANSP E
395 TEMOBS IS-U migration: Blocking status of migration object TRANSP E
396 TEMOBT IS-U Mig.: Migration Objects (Txts) TRANSP E
397 TEMPA IS-U Mig.: Current Directory TRANSP L
399 TEMPLATE_HEADER Header Data: Template TRANSP A
400 TEMQUES IS-U migration: List of questions TRANSP S
401 TEMRC IS-U Mig: Conversion rule (conversion definitions) TRANSP E
402 TEMRE IS-U Mig.: Conv. Rules (Fields) TRANSP E
403 TEMRECON IS-U Migration, Customizing Reconciliation TRANSP E
404 TEMRF IS-U Mig.: Conv. Rules (definition of fixed values) TRANSP E
405 TEMRT IS-U Mig.: Conversion rules (definition of ABAP statements) TRANSP E
406 TEMRU IS-U Mig.: Conversion rules (higher-level objects) TRANSP E
407 TEMRUN Mass import: Header data TRANSP L
408 TEMRUNDEFDIST Mass Import Data for Distribution of Run (Defaults) TRANSP L
409 TEMRUNDIST Mass import: Data for distributing the run TRANSP L
410 TEMRUNGROUP Mass Import Group TRANSP L
412 TEMRUNGROUPM Group Import - Run Data TRANSP L
413 TEMRUNJOBS Mass import: Data on started import jobs TRANSP L
414 TEMRUNMASTER Mass import: Data of master job TRANSP L
415 TEMRUNVARIANT Mass import: Number assignment for variant numbers TRANSP L
416 TEMSCHED IS-U Migration: Import Runs TRANSP L
417 TEMSERKEY IS-U Mig: Determine Container Serial Number via UNAME TRANSP L
418 TEMSG System Messages TRANSP L
419 TEMSGU Read System Messages of a User TRANSP L
420 TEMSI Central ID assignment for Express messages TRANSP L
421 TEMSTATISTIK IS-U migration: statistics on performed migrations TRANSP L
422 TEMSTATISTIK_LOG IS-U Migration: Migration Statistic for the Application Log TRANSP L
423 TEMTS_ORIGIN Exposure Origin TRANSP E
424 TEMTS_ORIGIN_T Texts for Exposure Origin TRANSP E
425 TEMTS_PRCSTATE Release Status of a Raw Exposure TRANSP S
426 TEMTS_PRCSTATE_T Release Status for Raw Exposures TRANSP S
427 TEMT_FILTER Filter Values for Planning Profile TRANSP A
428 TEMT_POLICY Hedging Policy TRANSP A
429 TEMT_PROFILE Planning profile TRANSP A
430 TEMT_PROFILE_T Text for Planning Profile TRANSP C
432 TEMT_VERSEXPOS Versioned Exposure TRANSP A
433 TEMT_VERSION Versions of a Planning Profile TRANSP A
434 TEMUS IS-U Mig.: Managmnt TRANSP C
435 TEMUS2 IS-U Migration: Hidden Objects per User TRANSP L
436 TEMUSERINFO Messages for IS-U Migration Workbench User TRANSP E
437 TEMUSERINFOREAD Message Read from IS-U Migration Workbench User TRANSP C
438 TEM_BBP_CB IS-U Mig: Assgt of BB Due Date for Collective Document No. TRANSP L
439 TEM_BBP_CB_CNTRL IS-U mig.: Processing control for table TEM_BBP_CB TRANSP C
440 TEN399A Control: Automatic Creation of Maint./Serv. Notification TRANSP C
441 TENABP Assignment of Projects to Enablement Map Nodes TRANSP G
442 TENOCODE Allocation of Notification Codes to Notification Profiles TRANSP C
443 TENOCODES Notification Codes TRANSP E
444 TENOCODEST Notification Codes (Texts) TRANSP E
445 TENOCODET Allocation of Notif. Codes to Notif. Profiles (Texts) TRANSP C
446 TEOBJRESP Def. Partner Roles and Note for Persons Responsible for Obj. TRANSP C
447 TEOPERFIELD Allocation Operand for Billing-Relevant Field TRANSP C
448 TEOPOU Use of Outline Contract Operands TRANSP C
449 TEPERMITMAP IS-U: Allocation of Catalog, Code Group, Code to Permit TRANSP C
450 TEPFC Payment frequency TRANSP C
451 TEPFCS Obsolete- do not use! TRANSP C
452 TEPFCT Text for Payment Frequency TRANSP C
453 TEPPM Prepayment Meter TRANSP C
454 TEPPMT Prepayment Meter Texts TRANSP C
455 TEPREPAY Customizing Settings for Prepayment Meter TRANSP C
456 TEPREPAY_NATURE Description of Complaint Reason TRANSP C
457 TEPRREL Inspection Relevance of Devices: Indicator TRANSP C
458 TEPRRELT Inspection Relevance of Devices: Indicator (Text) TRANSP C
459 TEPRV Obsolete- do not use! TRANSP C
460 TEPRVT Obsolete- do not use! TRANSP C
461 TEPSCUS EPS Client: Customizing TRANSP C
462 TEPSDELI EPS Client: Delivery Requests TRANSP L
463 TEPSIN EPS Client: Inbox TRANSP L
464 TEPSNUM EPS Client: Current Parcel Number TRANSP L
465 TEPSOUT EPS Client: Outbox TRANSP L
466 TEPYPM Contract history for generating payment schedule TRANSP A
467 TEPYPM_TEMPLATE Templates for contract history, payment plan generation TRANSP A
468 TEQUIVDOM Domains with Same Semantic TRANSP E
469 TEQUIVDOMT Comments on Equivalent Domains TRANSP E
470 TEQUI_HIER Definition of Hierarchies for Equipment TRANSP C
472 TER10 Terminology Database Print Area TRANSP S
473 TER11 Terminology Protocol TRANSP S
474 TER12 Reductions of Terminology Entries TRANSP S
475 TER13 List of Stop Words for Terminology TRANSP S
476 TER14 Search objects POOL S
477 TER15 Spell check table TRANSP S
478 TER16 Assign Package to Terminology Maintenance Unit TRANSP S
479 TER17 Additional info POOL S
480 TERC_FT_ASSGN Assign Update Types for the Rights Exercise TRANSP C
481 TEREGPERMIT IS-U: Alloc. of Permits to Service Obj. and Reg.Struc.Area TRANSP C
482 TEREGPLANT Allocation of Plant to Service Object and Reg. Struc. Area TRANSP C
483 TEREGPLANTWC Allocation of Workplace to Service Obj. and Regional Group TRANSP C
484 TEREGPLNOTIF Alloc. of Planning Plant to Notif.Profile and Reg.Struc.Area TRANSP C
485 TERKR CO-PA structure TRANSP C
486 TERKT Texts for operating concern structures TRANSP C
487 TERM Terminology Table TRANSP E
488 TERM1 TERM Application Hierarchy POOL S
489 TERM2 Node and Scroll Texts TRANSP S
490 TERM3 Glossary Terms TRANSP E
491 TERM4 Non-Application-Specific Header Entries TRANSP S
492 TERM5 Non-Application-Specific Inverse Header Table TRANSP S
493 TERM6 Header for Individual Entries TRANSP S
494 TERM7 Link Table for Terminology Entries TRANSP S
495 TERM8 Link Management TRANSP S
496 TERM9 Terminology Authorizations TRANSP C
497 TERMB Authorizations for Transaction TERM POOL L
498 TERMC1 Terminology entries, definitions CLUSTER S
499 TERMC2 Glossary terms, definitions CLUSTER E
500 TERMC3 Terminology entries, cross-references CLUSTER S