SAP ABAP Message Class C+ (Material ledger messages)
Basic Data
BBPCRM (Software Component) BBPCRM
   CRM (Application Component) Customer Relationship Management
     CRM_APPLICATION (Package) All CRM Components Without Special Structure Packages
       CKML (Package) Material ledger
Message class C+
Short Description Material ledger messages  
Changed On 20140121 
Last Changed At 110429 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 000 Internal error. Notify your system administrator Space: object requires documentation
2 001 Error posting &. Notify your system administrator Space: object requires documentation
3 002 The newly assigned costing number is incorrect Space: object requires documentation
4 003 Table & is empty  
5 004 Material & not converted for the material ledger  
6 005 Manual creation of ML master data is not supported Space: object requires documentation
7 006 Currency type &1 not defined in valuation area &2  
8 007 No master record exists for period &1 of fiscal year &2  
9 008 Material ledger master data is being saved  
10 009 No material ledger master data exist  
11 010 Material ledger master data already exist  
12 011 Material ledger type & does not exist  
13 012 Material ledger is not active in valuation area &  
14 013 Inconsistent data. No master data for the current period  
15 014 Material price determination & performed Space: object requires documentation
16 015 Material description for material &1 not available Space: object requires documentation
17 016 Material &1 &3 does not exist in valuation area &2  
18 017 Plant & not found (check your entry) Space: object requires documentation
19 018 Explanation component material ledger not active in valuation area & Space: object requires documentation
20 019 No material ledger header data found for material &1  
21 020 Valuation area & not yet productive with material ledger  
22 021 Cumulation of material &1 is not allowed Space: object requires documentation
23 022 Component split from &1 &2 corrected. Check the results Space: object requires documentation
24 023 Valuation area & unable to be locked  
25 024 No texts for currency types in logon language found  
26 025 Currency settings in T169P are incorrect for company code &1 Space: object requires documentation
27 026 No data found for period and year Space: object requires documentation
28 027 Enter a material  
29 028 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
30 029 & index records archived  
31 030 & index records deleted from data base  
32 031 & index records deleted from data base Space: object requires documentation
33 032 & period records archived  
34 033 & period records deleted from data base  
35 034 & period records deleted from database Space: object requires documentation
36 035 Enter the same price control for all currencies Space: object requires documentation
37 036 Price units for & & in val. area & unchanged in foreign currencies  
38 037 Price unit changes only possible in currencies 2 and 3  
39 038 Price would be 0. Change in price unit not possible Space: object requires documentation
40 039 Material ledger currencies were changed  
41 040 Currency was not defined at production startup Space: object requires documentation
42 041 Multilevel price variances &1 in currency &2 amount to &3% Space: object requires documentation
43 042 Comparison price &2, new price &3, change &4 %, currency &1 Space: object requires documentation
44 043 Price unit of 0 is not allowed  
45 044 No plant with active Material Ledger found  
46 045 Material ledger inconsistencies found for &1 &2 in &3  
47 046 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
48 047 Price no longer zero after price determination Space: object requires documentation
49 048 Valuation of material &1 &2 in valuation area &3 inconsistent  
50 049 Field ACCIT-MLMAA incorrectly filled  
51 050 Valuation of material &1 &2 in valuation area &3 consistent  
52 051 Different unit of measure for material & in valuation area & Space: object requires documentation
53 052 Valuation of material &1 &2 in valuation area &3 would be inconsistent  
54 053 You are not authorized to release a cost estimate  
55 054 You have no authorization for valuation area &  
56 055 No authorization to work with material type & Space: object requires documentation
57 056 Field overflow during price calculation  
58 057 Please enter either a sales order or A WBS element Space: object requires documentation
59 058 Please enter a valuation type  
60 059 No valuation types found for material &1 Space: object requires documentation
61 060 You are not authorized to start up production Space: object requires documentation
62 061 Enter a plant Space: object requires documentation
63 062 Material &1 is managed without a valuation view Space: object requires documentation
64 063 Material &1 is not carried in the material ledger Space: object requires documentation
65 064 Accounting view for material &1 &2 in &3 is not maintained  
66 065 Error reading material ledger header record Space: object requires documentation
67 066 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
68 067 New price determination &1 = previous price determination &2 Space: object requires documentation
69 068 Price determination & not possible. Check your entry Space: object requires documentation
70 069 Enter a company code Space: object requires documentation
71 070 Internal error: Price determination &1 cannot be processed Space: object requires documentation
72 071 Material update structure for valuation area &1 not found Space: object requires documentation
73 072 Error reading price table CKMLPR for material &1 Space: object requires documentation
74 073 Error reading material ledger period records Space: object requires documentation
75 074 Error reading the material ledger currency record Space: object requires documentation
76 075 & material ledger records were deleted from the database Space: object requires documentation
77 076 & material ledger records were deleted from the database. Space: object requires documentation
78 077 XPRA not executed, because source release requires no conversion Space: object requires documentation
79 078 Application: Material Ledger, Client: &1, Valuation area &2 Space: object requires documentation
80 079 & material ledger records were reloaded into the database Space: object requires documentation
81 080 & material ledger records would be reloaded into the database Space: object requires documentation
82 081 The production indicator could not be deleted Space: object requires documentation
83 082 XPRA sucessfully edited &1 valuation area Space: object requires documentation
84 083 No inconsistent data found Space: object requires documentation
85 084 No authorization to execute the conversion Space: object requires documentation
86 085 The material ledger is productive in valuation area & Space: object requires documentation
87 086 Valuation area & was not converted Space: object requires documentation
88 087 Material ledger is already productive in valuation area &2 Space: object requires documentation
89 088 Conflict: Material ledger in valuation area &2 with profile &1 Space: object requires documentation
90 089 Conflict: material ledger in company code &4 with profile &1 Space: object requires documentation
91 090 No operations were selected Space: object requires documentation
92 091 Currency types and valuations in material ledger not constant in CO Space: object requires documentation
93 092 Purchase order history from Release 3.X was corrected Space: object requires documentation
94 093 The material ledger is not supported in a SAP Retail system Space: object requires documentation
95 094 Valuation area &1 in client &2 contains no productive indicator Space: object requires documentation
96 095 Function not available Space: object requires documentation
97 096 Material ledger closing entry & was saved Space: object requires documentation
98 097 Material &1 is not available Space: object requires documentation
99 098 Enter a sales order, WBS element or vendor Space: object requires documentation
100 099 Internal error in FORM/FUNCTION &1 in position &2 with RC &3 Space: object requires documentation
101 100 Valuation area & is not maintained fully Space: object requires documentation
102 101 & & & & Space: object requires documentation
103 102 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
104 103 Account determination not maintained  
105 104 Material & is not available. Please check your entry Space: object requires documentation
106 105 Material &1 &2 blocked by another user  
107 106 Account determination for material &3 &2 not maintained  
108 107 Error while blocking material &3 &2 in valuation area &1 Space: object requires documentation
109 108 No valuation are could be selected Space: object requires documentation
110 109 Reference to material could not be found  
111 110 Valuation area & was converted Space: object requires documentation
112 111 & price cost component split records were reloaded Space: object requires documentation
113 112 & price cost component split records would be reloaded Space: object requires documentation
114 113 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
115 114 No materials selected. Check the entries Space: object requires documentation
116 115 No period record for material ledger found  
117 116 Table entry for company code & missing  
118 117 Table entry for company code & missing  
119 118 Table entry for transaction code & missing  
120 119 Table entry for transaction code & missing  
121 120 No ML doc. found for mat.doc. &1, &2, item &3: Documents are translated Space: object requires documentation
122 121 Price not determined for material & & (negative price) Space: object requires documentation
123 122 No data for mat. doc. &1, &2, item &3 for currency-/valuation type &4 Space: object requires documentation
124 123 & & & : field overflow during currency translation to &  
125 124 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
126 125 Enter a period between 001 and &1 Space: object requires documentation
127 126 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
128 127 Choose a From-Year that comes before the To-Year. Space: object requires documentation
129 128 Please enter a "From period" that comes before the "To period" Space: object requires documentation
130 129 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
131 130 Please determine the material price with the appropriate function. Space: object requires documentation
132 131 The price for material &1 &2 will be negative Space: object requires documentation
133 132 Caution: Only stock materials will be displayed -> Long text Space: object requires documentation
134 133 No authorization to execute in plant & Space: object requires documentation
135 134 No authorization to execute in company code & Space: object requires documentation
136 135 The price must be calculated based on the receipts line (currency &1) Space: object requires documentation
137 136 The periodic unit price of previous period must be used (currency &1) Space: object requires documentation
138 137 S price of the current period must be used as the price (currency &1) Space: object requires documentation
139 138 The price must be determined based on beginning inventory (currency &1) Space: object requires documentation
140 139 The material's price changes in currency/valuation &1 by &4 % / &2% Space: object requires documentation
141 140 Material &1 &2, valuation area &3, vendor &4 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
142 141 Enter "from" date Space: object requires documentation
143 142 "To" date is earlier than "from" date. Space: object requires documentation
144 143 No order exists for number &1. Space: object requires documentation
145 144 History for order &1 is blank. Goto order possible Space: object requires documentation
146 145 & records for activities were deleted from the database Space: object requires documentation
147 146 & records for activities would be deleted from the database Space: object requires documentation
148 147 & quantity structure records were deleted from the database Space: object requires documentation
149 148 & quantity structure records would be deleted from the database Space: object requires documentation
150 149 Controlling document for document &1 could not be found Space: object requires documentation
151 150 Please correct entry in field - New price control Space: object requires documentation
152 151 Price control (new) must be S for price determination (new) 3 Space: object requires documentation
153 152 All data was converted sucessfully Space: object requires documentation
154 153 Error updating table & Space: object requires documentation
155 154 No data selected Space: object requires documentation
156 155 &1 materials have no period records in period &2 Space: object requires documentation
157 156 &1 material has no period records in period &2 Space: object requires documentation
158 157 Order &1 settles to PCC &2. History of the PCC is displayed Space: object requires documentation
159 158 Processing terminated by user Space: object requires documentation
160 159 Text module & is not available in language & ---> Long Text Space: object requires documentation
161 160 Table &1 was edited sucessfully Space: object requires documentation
162 161 There are no clients maintained in table t000 Space: object requires documentation
163 162 Client &1, number range object &2: Insufficient free numbers available Space: object requires documentation
164 163 Number range object &1 not maintained in client &2 Space: object requires documentation
165 164 The status of table &1 is correct. The table will not be edited. Space: object requires documentation
166 165 Information for index &1 in table &2 could not be read Space: object requires documentation
167 166 Attributes for index &1 in table &2 could not be set Space: object requires documentation
168 167 Secondary index &1 from table &2 could not be activated Space: object requires documentation
169 168 Secondary index &1 from table &2 could not be created Space: object requires documentation
170 169 Error in table &4: No entry for company code &1 &2 &3 Space: object requires documentation
171 170 This function cannot be performed in company code &1 Space: object requires documentation
172 171 Error &1 while determining the currency types for &2 &3 Space: object requires documentation
173 172 No data exists in VRPMA for material &1 in time between &2 and &3 Space: object requires documentation
174 173 No data found in VBRP for document &1 and item &2 Space: object requires documentation
175 174 Material document does not exist in VBFA for sales and dist. doc. &1 &2 Space: object requires documentation
176 175 Material document not in MKPF: &1 Space: object requires documentation
177 176 Item does not exist in MSEG for &1 &2 &3 Space: object requires documentation
178 177 No Financial Accounting document in BKPF for &1 &2 Space: object requires documentation
179 178 GBB account in BSEG does not exist for &1 &2 Space: object requires documentation
180 179 BWKEY in T001W for plant &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
181 180 No materials for COS found in CKMLHD for company code Space: object requires documentation
182 181 Material with invalid status for COS: &1 &2 Space: object requires documentation
183 182 No valuation class exists for material &1 &2 &3 in MBEW Space: object requires documentation
184 183 No data in CKMLPP Space: object requires documentation
185 184 Error &1 accessing &2 Space: object requires documentation
186 185 Valuation key &1 and company code &2 do not exist in T001K Space: object requires documentation
187 186 No data for currency key &1 &2 Space: object requires documentation
188 187 No price diff. account could be determined for &1 &2 &3 &4 Space: object requires documentation
189 188 Revaluation of COS only possible for year &1 and period &2 in CCode &3 Space: object requires documentation
190 189 Reserved for cost of sales Space: object requires documentation
191 190 Reserved for cost of sales Space: object requires documentation
192 191 Reserved for cost of sales Space: object requires documentation
193 192 Reserved for cost of sales Space: object requires documentation
194 193 Reserved for cost of sales Space: object requires documentation
195 194 Reserved for cost of sales Space: object requires documentation
196 195 Reserved for cost of sales Space: object requires documentation
197 196 Reserved for cost of sales Space: object requires documentation
198 197 Error occured during Financial Accounting posting: no update Space: object requires documentation
199 198 Subsequent adjustment to cost of sales posted successfully Space: object requires documentation
200 199 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
201 200 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
202 201 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
203 202 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
204 203 Problem with error collector initialization Space: object requires documentation
205 204 Error collector not active  
206 205 No valuation area found for plant &  
207 206 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
208 207 Test run: All postings and database changes reset  
209 208 Negative price in one or more currencies. 0 will be set  
210 209 Negative price activated. Posting not allowed Space: object requires documentation
211 210 The currency entered is not managed in the Material Ledger Space: object requires documentation
212 211 Only materials with price determination indicator 1 or 2 will be settled. Space: object requires documentation
213 212 Price changes are not permitted for all materials Space: object requires documentation
214 213 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
215 214 The material ledger can be reconciled with FI in valuation area &1 Space: object requires documentation
216 215 & materials were selected for individual processing Space: object requires documentation
217 216 Table &1 is not a valid input value here. Space: object requires documentation
218 217 Attributes for index &1 in table &2 could not be set Space: object requires documentation
219 218 Secondary index &1 from table &2 could not be activated Space: object requires documentation
220 219 Secondary index &1 from table &2 could not be created (&3). Space: object requires documentation
221 220 & records for activity types were reloaded in the database Space: object requires documentation
222 221 & records for activity types would be reloaded into the database Space: object requires documentation
223 222 & quantity structure records were reloaded in the database Space: object requires documentation
224 223 & quantity structure records would be reloaded into the database Space: object requires documentation
225 224 & price cost component split records were reloaded Space: object requires documentation
226 225 & price cost component split records would be reloaded Space: object requires documentation
227 226 & cost component split records were reloaded Space: object requires documentation
228 227 & cost component split records would be reloaded Space: object requires documentation
229 228 & cost component split records were reloaded Space: object requires documentation
230 229 & cost component split records would be reloaded Space: object requires documentation
231 231 Cost component split in multilevel document with &1 in &2 is inconsistant Space: object requires documentation
232 232 Error while reading valuation area table with BWKEY = <&1> Space: object requires documentation
233 236 Material &1 &2 was not closed in period &3 &4 Space: object requires documentation
234 237 Activity type &1 &2 was not closed in period &3 &4 Space: object requires documentation
235 250 Material &1 does not have currency type &3 in period &2 Space: object requires documentation
236 251 Period records for material &1 already exist Space: object requires documentation
237 252 Period record for material &1 is missing in the current period Space: object requires documentation
238 253 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
239 254 &1 period records were converted Space: object requires documentation
240 255 Material &1 in period &3 already exists for currency type &4 Space: object requires documentation
241 256 Price control can not be changed in the previous year Space: object requires documentation
242 257 Price control can not be changed in the previous period Space: object requires documentation
243 270 Consumption quant. procurement alternatives &1 more than total quant. &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
244 300 Please enter number of items in accounting document  
245 301 Company code & not found (check your entry)  
246 302 Material ledger not active in plant & Space: object requires documentation
247 303 Material ledger already productive in plant & Space: object requires documentation
248 304 No material ledger type assigned to valuation area &  
249 305 Exchange rate type & not defined  
250 306 Error while issuing costing numbers  
251 307 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
252 308 Error updating material ledger period records  
253 309 Error updating material ledger header records  
254 310 Error updating valuation data for material &  
255 311 Valuation area could not be flagged internally as in production  
256 312 Error updating material ledger administrative data Space: object requires documentation
257 313 Balance on acct &1, CoCd/BusArea &2 cannot be explained by subledger Space: object requires documentation
258 314 Document type could not be determined  
259 315 Valuation area cannot be put into production Space: object requires documentation
260 316 Valuation area & not found. Please check you entry  
261 317 Material ledger already in production in valuation area &  
262 318 Material ledger not active in valuation area & Space: object requires documentation
263 319 Plant & is now productive Space: object requires documentation
264 320 Error evaluating stock account: &1  
265 321 Error updating material ledger currency entries  
266 322 Material &1 &2 contains no costing number in valuation area &3  
267 323 Threshold value for warning message smaller than for error message  
268 324 Company code & put in production for material ledger  
269 325 Company code & can be put into production for material ledger  
270 326 If material ledger planned for further valuation areas -> see long text  
271 327 No company code found for valuation area &  
272 328 No plants found for valuation area &  
273 329 Production startup only possible at company code level &2 (see long text)  
274 330 Due to long runtime please execute program in background Space: object requires documentation
275 331 Material price determination must be performed for a whole valuation area Space: object requires documentation
276 332 Differing material ledger currencies in company code &1 Space: object requires documentation
277 333 Caution: Material Leder will be deactivated Space: object requires documentation
278 334 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
279 335 Functionality required for deactivating Material Ledger missing Space: object requires documentation
280 336 Please refer to the long text  
281 337 Material ledger not active in valuation area & Space: object requires documentation
282 338 Valuation area &1 is already productive in the material ledger Space: object requires documentation
283 339 More than 3 currencies / valuations are assigned to valuation area &1 Space: object requires documentation
284 340 Plant & can be set to productive for the material ledger Space: object requires documentation
285 341 The material ledger is not set to productive in valuation area & Space: object requires documentation
286 342 Company code &1 was already reconciled Space: object requires documentation
287 343 Step: Block materials in plant Space: object requires documentation
288 344 Step: Delete material ledger master data Space: object requires documentation
289 345 Step: Generate master data for stock materials Space: object requires documentation
290 346 Step: Create purchase order history in additional currency Space: object requires documentation
291 347 Step: Adjust material master Space: object requires documentation
292 348 Step: Save currencies Space: object requires documentation
293 349 Step: Save productive indicator Space: object requires documentation
294 350 The following plant is being processed: &1 Space: object requires documentation
295 351 Step: Unlock materials in plant Space: object requires documentation
296 352 Adjustment account &1 does not have the required attributes Space: object requires documentation
297 353 Company code &1 is now reconciled Space: object requires documentation
298 354 Company code &1 can be reconciled Space: object requires documentation
299 355 Step: Delete purchase order history in additional currencies Space: object requires documentation
300 356 Step: Generate master data for sales order materials Space: object requires documentation
301 357 Step: Generate master data for project material Space: object requires documentation
302 358 Plant &1 was already productive in Release &2 -> conversion program Space: object requires documentation
303 359 Material ledger productive in valuation area &1 Space: object requires documentation
304 360 Following company code is being processed: &1 Space: object requires documentation
305 361 Material ledger is not active and binding in company code & Space: object requires documentation
306 362 Material ledger is already productive in company code & Space: object requires documentation
307 363 Company code &1 was already productive in release &2 ->Conversion program Space: object requires documentation
308 364 Company code & is now productive Space: object requires documentation
309 365 Company code & can be put into production for material ledger Space: object requires documentation
310 366 Step: Block materials in company code Space: object requires documentation
311 367 Step: Unlock materials in company code Space: object requires documentation
312 368 Step: Set EKPO-MLMAA The short text describes the object sufficiently
313 370 Enter a material number Space: object requires documentation
314 371 Enter a company code Space: object requires documentation
315 372 Enter plant Space: object requires documentation
316 373 Enter the item number of the sales document Space: object requires documentation
317 374 Either only a sales document, WBS element or vendor number Space: object requires documentation
318 375 Enter either the sales document/item or WBS element Space: object requires documentation
319 376 Enter either the sales document/item or vendor number Space: object requires documentation
320 377 Enter either only WBS element or only vendor number Space: object requires documentation
321 378 Select the type of special stock Space: object requires documentation
322 380 Error when migrating the order history to plant &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
323 385 Step: Delete production order history in additional currencies The short text describes the object sufficiently
324 400 Manual individual process. and background process. are mutually exclusive Space: object requires documentation
325 401 Rules were already used Space: object requires documentation
326 402 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
327 403 First maintain the rules Space: object requires documentation
328 404 Rules table is defective, please maintain rules manually Space: object requires documentation
329 405 Specify date Space: object requires documentation
330 406 Marking date is in the past Space: object requires documentation
331 407 Messages have been collected. Please check the message log Space: object requires documentation
332 408 Currencies with the rule "No changes" are not displayed Space: object requires documentation
333 409 Manual individual maintenance only possible for fewer than 200 materials The short text describes the object sufficiently
334 450 Doubled cost estimate numbers can not be repaired automatically! Space: object requires documentation
335 451 Incorrect assignment of cost estimate number to the material key The short text describes the object sufficiently
336 470 Missing connection of material &1 in plant &2 to the material ledger Space: object requires documentation
337 500 No items could be found for the purchase order Space: object requires documentation
338 501 Entry in table &1 not found. Inform your system administrator Space: object requires documentation
339 502 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
340 503 Error updating in table &1 Space: object requires documentation
341 504 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
342 505 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
343 506 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
344 507 ML currencies missing in the MLBECR for the EKBE-&1 (&2/&3) Space: object requires documentation
345 508 ML currencies missing in the MLBECR for the EKBZ-&1 (&2/&3) Space: object requires documentation
346 509 Internal error in program &1 in position &2 (RC = &3) Space: object requires documentation
347 510 Process category could not be determined Space: object requires documentation
348 511 No material update structure is assigned to valuation area &1 Space: object requires documentation
349 512 No entry in table CKMLMV009 for process type &1. Space: object requires documentation
350 513 Check settings for material update structure &1 Space: object requires documentation
351 514 Internal error in function module &1 Space: object requires documentation
352 515 Error in function module CKMW_CREATE_PO_HISTORY in table &1 Space: object requires documentation
353 516 Error in function module CKMO_POST_ORDER_HISTORY in table &1 Space: object requires documentation
354 550 External ending inventory price is negative Space: object requires documentation
355 551 External ending inventory price is zero Space: object requires documentation
356 600 Material ledger document &1 for calendar year &2 not available. Space: object requires documentation
357 601 Internal Error: Reference to material & could not be found Space: object requires documentation
358 602 Document header missing for the material price determination Space: object requires documentation
359 603 New session started Space: object requires documentation
360 604 Internal Error: T_DOCUMENT not positioned Space: object requires documentation
361 605 Document has too many items. Please inform your system administrator Space: object requires documentation
362 606 Number assignment for ML document is incorrect Space: object requires documentation
363 607 Document header missing for the price change Space: object requires documentation
364 608 Document not found Space: object requires documentation
365 609 Transaction type does not exist Space: object requires documentation
366 610 Internal Error: price change, doc. AND price deter. buffer table filled Space: object requires documentation
367 611 No document for material &1 in period &2, year &3 found. Space: object requires documentation
368 612 No currency key for currency type & could be found Space: object requires documentation
369 613 Material ledger document & was posted Space: object requires documentation
370 614 Update data for currency/valuation type & does not exist Space: object requires documentation
371 615 Local currency converted to other currencies using current exchange rate Space: object requires documentation
372 616 Building ML Document: old period record in CKMLPP/CR not found Space: object requires documentation
373 617 Material Ledger: inconsistency in buffer table & Space: object requires documentation
374 618 You are not authorized to use currency or valuation & Space: object requires documentation
375 619 Enter only price change documents Space: object requires documentation
376 620 Please check number range interval (approaching interval end) Space: object requires documentation
377 621 Please check number range interval (end of interval reached) Space: object requires documentation
378 622 & buffer table records were written to the archive Space: object requires documentation
379 623 & buffer table records were deleted from the database Space: object requires documentation
380 624 & buffer table records would be deleted from the database Space: object requires documentation
381 625 & buffer table records were imported into the database Space: object requires documentation
382 626 & buffer table records would be imported into the database Space: object requires documentation
383 627 &2 materials could not be archived in valuation area &1 Space: object requires documentation
384 628 New table records for material &1 &2 already exist Space: object requires documentation
385 629 No material update structure has been assigned to valuation area & Space: object requires documentation
386 630 Number range interval for the material ledger document is incorrect Space: object requires documentation
387 631 Account maintenance for valuation area & is performed Space: object requires documentation
388 632 Error in account maintenance in valuation area & Space: object requires documentation
389 633 Current currency settings in valuation area & differ from the archive Space: object requires documentation
390 634 No repairs were performed for currency type & Space: object requires documentation
391 635 Not all selected materials could be locked Space: object requires documentation
392 636 Not all documents selected were archived Space: object requires documentation
393 637 No automatic translation into foreign currency occurred Space: object requires documentation
394 638 Period &2 could not be archived in company code &1 Space: object requires documentation
395 639 No released standard cost estimate exists for material &1 in &2 Space: object requires documentation
396 640 No released mixed cost estimate exists for material &1 in &2 Space: object requires documentation
397 641 Document &1 (&2) was not found in the Archive Information System Space: object requires documentation
398 642 Internal error when accessing the Archive Information System Space: object requires documentation
399 650 Internal Error: Fields for price determination 3 filled by price det. 2 Space: object requires documentation
400 651 Internal Error: Fields for price determination 2 filled by price det. 3 Space: object requires documentation
401 652 No FI/CO document found Space: object requires documentation
402 653 No FI/CO document able to be displayed Space: object requires documentation
403 654 Source document not able to be displayed Space: object requires documentation
404 655 Choose a valid row Space: object requires documentation
405 656 Last item already reached Space: object requires documentation
406 657 First item already reached Space: object requires documentation
407 658 Latest periods already reached Space: object requires documentation
408 659 Earliest periods already reached Space: object requires documentation
409 660 Negative prices! Display fields affected are set to 999999999.99 Space: object requires documentation
410 661 Summarization record for material &1, period &2/&3 created Space: object requires documentation
411 662 Summarization records for periods &1/&2 were created Space: object requires documentation
412 663 Position cursor on material line Space: object requires documentation
413 664 & currency records for cost component structures were deleted Space: object requires documentation
414 700 No period records were found for material & valuation type & Space: object requires documentation
415 701 Data in internal interface not able to be processed Space: object requires documentation
416 702 A system error occurred during the blocking procedure Space: object requires documentation
417 703 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
418 704 Material &1 &2 in valuation area &3 has inconsistant ML data Space: object requires documentation
419 705 Revaluation amount exists. Please check (SAP Note 802632 refers) Space: object requires documentation
420 706 Price for material &1 determined Space: object requires documentation
421 707 Cumulated quantity is zero, therefore the valuation will not be changed. Space: object requires documentation
422 708 No changes were carried out during the test run Space: object requires documentation
423 709 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
424 710 Material &1 locked by user &2: price determination not possible Space: object requires documentation
425 711 Error reading master data for material &1 &2 in valuation area &3 Space: object requires documentation
426 712 You cannot perform price determination in period &1 / &2 Space: object requires documentation
427 713 Buffer for material &1 &2 could not be updated Space: object requires documentation
428 714 &1 material(s) sucessfully processed Space: object requires documentation
429 715 You are not allowed to execute closing entries in period &1 / &2 Space: object requires documentation
430 716 You can not reverse closing entries in period &1 /&2 Space: object requires documentation
431 717 Test run result: &1 materials can be sucessfully edited Space: object requires documentation
432 718 The log was saved under the number &1 Space: object requires documentation
433 719 The log could not be saved Space: object requires documentation
434 720 Log &1 does not exist. Check your entry. Space: object requires documentation
435 721 No data is avaliable for material & in period &. Space: object requires documentation
436 722 No data is avaliable for material & in period &. Space: object requires documentation
437 723 Periodic unit price of the material will be negative Space: object requires documentation
438 724 Internal error: not all periods were read from the buffer Space: object requires documentation
439 725 Periodic unit price will be zero in currency/valuation &1 Space: object requires documentation
440 726 Consumption for newly created materials is valuated with standard price Space: object requires documentation
441 727 BADI (price check) has rejected the determined price Space: object requires documentation
442 728 Cannot process cycle due to material lock Space: object requires documentation
443 729 The material has been changed since the beginning of the iteration Space: object requires documentation
444 750 No apportionment structure found. Costs are copied over completely Space: object requires documentation
445 751 No apportionment structure found. Costs were not copied Space: object requires documentation
446 752 Input quantities are reduced to avoid negative price in the proc. alt. Space: object requires documentation
447 753 Input quantities reduced to reduce price variances in the procurement alt Space: object requires documentation
448 754 Price of procurement alternative &1 is negative Space: object requires documentation
449 755 Price of procurement alt. &4 changes in currency/valuation &1 by &2 % Space: object requires documentation
450 756 Material price determination performed with reduced actual BOM Space: object requires documentation
451 757 Checking against the V price in the previous period is not possible Space: object requires documentation
452 758 Field overflow for price of procurement alternative &1 (currency &2) The short text describes the object sufficiently
453 800 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
454 801 Data in internal interface not able to be processed Space: object requires documentation
455 802 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
456 803 Updating values for material &1 &2 is not possible Space: object requires documentation
457 804 Price determination is only possible for materials with price control 'S' Space: object requires documentation
458 805 Carry out period-end closing for material &1 &2 in the previous period Space: object requires documentation
459 806 Closing entry for material &1 &2 already made Space: object requires documentation
460 807 The closing entry for material &1 &2 is not allowed Space: object requires documentation
461 808 Closing entry for material &1 &2 must be canceled in following period Space: object requires documentation
462 809 Closing entry for material &1 &2 not possible Space: object requires documentation
463 810 Closing entry for material &1 &2 must be canceled in following period Space: object requires documentation
464 811 Price changes for material &1 &2 is not possible Space: object requires documentation
465 812 Changing master data is not allowed for material &1 &2 Space: object requires documentation
466 813 No Authorization to grant permission for valuation area & Space: object requires documentation
467 814 No authorization for material type & Space: object requires documentation
468 815 First determine prices (1-lvl) for input material &1 &2 valuation area &3 Space: object requires documentation
469 816 First determine price (m-lvl) for input material &1 &2, valuation area &3 Space: object requires documentation
470 817 First determine price (1-lvl) for material &1 &2, valuation area &3 Space: object requires documentation
471 818 Multi-level price determination is not possible Space: object requires documentation
472 819 Price change not possible for material &1 &2 in the previous month Space: object requires documentation
473 820 Closing entry for material &1 &2 already made Space: object requires documentation
474 821 Closing entry for material &1 &2 already reversed Space: object requires documentation
475 822 First reverse the closing entry for input material &1 &2 val.area &3 Space: object requires documentation
476 823 First reverse closing entries for material &1 &2 valuation area &3 Space: object requires documentation
477 824 Perform the selection and sequencing again Space: object requires documentation
478 825 Price determination for period &1 / &2 was already allowed Space: object requires documentation
479 826 Price determ. is now allowed in valuation area &1 for period &2 / &3 Space: object requires documentation
480 827 Closing entries in valuation area &1 for period &2 / &3 are now allowed Space: object requires documentation
481 828 Closing entries for period &1 / &2 were already allowed Space: object requires documentation
482 829 First allow price determination for period &1 / &2 Space: object requires documentation
483 830 You must first allow price determination for period &1 / &2 Space: object requires documentation
484 831 You must first allow closing entries for period &1 / &2 Space: object requires documentation
485 832 First determine material prices before performing closing entries Space: object requires documentation
486 833 Closing entries for costing run &1 are now allowed Space: object requires documentation
487 834 Material price determination is already allowed Space: object requires documentation
488 835 Post closing is already allowed Space: object requires documentation
489 836 Allow material price determination first Space: object requires documentation
490 837 Execute WIP price determination for material &1 &2 first Space: object requires documentation
491 838 No WIP was determined for material &1 &2 in this period Space: object requires documentation
492 839 Determine price for material &1 &2 first Space: object requires documentation
493 840 Closing entry for material &1 &2 already made Space: object requires documentation
494 850 No longer used Space: object requires documentation
495 851 More than 999 entries were selected Space: object requires documentation
496 852 Enter the item number for sales order &1 Space: object requires documentation
497 869 Post closing entry for material &1 in plant &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
498 870 Error at position 1 in material valuation document-update Space: object requires documentation
499 871 No document found Space: object requires documentation
500 872 Not all documents found Space: object requires documentation
501 873 Price control &1 is mandatory for material type &2 Space: object requires documentation
502 874 Price determination IDs are different: MBEW = &1, CKMLHD = &2 Space: object requires documentation
503 875 Changing the valuation type may cause problems. See long text Space: object requires documentation
504 876 Enter a company code Space: object requires documentation
505 877 No data selected. Check your entries Space: object requires documentation
506 878 Revaluation has not been performed Space: object requires documentation
507 879 The closing entry has not been performed Space: object requires documentation
508 880 The closing entry was faulty Space: object requires documentation
509 881 No activity types were used on processes Space: object requires documentation
510 882 Special stocks can only be changed to price control 2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
511 883 Real moving average price logic activated The short text describes the object sufficiently
512 884 Invoice can only be posted using EDI Space: object requires documentation
Last changed on/by 20140121  SAP 
SAP Release Created in