SAP ABAP Data Element - Index D, page 34
Data Element - D
# Data Element Short Description Domain Data Type
1 DTACH740 Recipient Additional Description (SAD Switzerland) CHAR30 CHAR 
2 DTACH740P Additional Name for Recipient Bank CHAR35 CHAR 
3 DTACH745 Recipient Street (SAD Switzerland) CHAR30 CHAR 
4 DTACH745P Recipient Bank Street CHAR35 CHAR 
5 DTACH750 Recipient Postal Code (SAD Switzerland) CHAR6 CHAR 
6 DTACH750P Recipient Bank Postal Code/City CHAR35 CHAR 
7 DTACH755 Recipient City (SAD Switzerland) CHAR24 CHAR 
8 DTACH757R Reserve (SAD Switzerland) CHAR6 CHAR 
9 DTACH758 Segment No. 03 (SAD Switzerland) NUMC2 NUMC 
10 DTACH760 Final Beneficiary Surname/First Name (SAD Switzerland) CHAR30 CHAR 
11 DTACH760P Name/First Name of Payee CHAR35 CHAR 
12 DTACH760R Reserve (SAD Switzerland) CHAR30 CHAR 
13 DTACH765 Final Beneficiary Additional Description (SAD Switzerland) CHAR30 CHAR 
14 DTACH765P Additional Name for Payee CHAR35 CHAR 
15 DTACH765R Reserve (SAD Switzerland) CHAR30 CHAR 
16 DTACH770 Final Beneficiary Street (SAD Switzerland) CHAR30 CHAR 
17 DTACH770P Payee Street CHAR35 CHAR 
18 DTACH770R Reserve (SAD Switzerland) CHAR30 CHAR 
19 DTACH775 Final Beneficiary Postal Code (SAD Switzerland) CHAR6 CHAR 
20 DTACH775P Payee Postal Code/City CHAR35 CHAR 
21 DTACH775R Reserve (SAD Switzerland) CHAR6 CHAR 
22 DTACH780 Final Beneficiary City (SAD Switzerland) CHAR24 CHAR 
23 DTACH780R Reserve (SAD Switzerland) CHAR24 CHAR 
24 DTACH782R Reserve (SAD Switzerland) CHAR6 CHAR 
25 DTACH783 Segment No. 04 (SAD Switzerland) NUMC2 NUMC 
26 DTACH785R Reserve (SAD Switzerland) CHAR8 CHAR 
27 DTACH790 Messages (Block 1) (SAD Switzerland) CHAR28 CHAR 
28 DTACH790P Messages Block 1 CHAR35 CHAR 
29 DTACH791 Messages (Block 2) (SAD Switzerland) CHAR28 CHAR 
30 DTACH792 Messages (Block 3) (SAD Switzerland) CHAR28 CHAR 
31 DTACH793 Messages (Block 4) (SAD Switzerland) CHAR28 CHAR 
32 DTACH793P Messages Block 2 CHAR35 CHAR 
33 DTACH794P Messages Block 3 CHAR35 CHAR 
34 DTACH795P Messages Block 4 CHAR35 CHAR 
35 DTACH795R Reserve (SAD Switzerland) CHAR6 CHAR 
36 DTACH796 Segment No. 05 (SAD Switzerland) NUMC2 NUMC 
37 DTACH798 Messages (Block 5) (SAD Switzerland) CHAR28 CHAR 
38 DTACH800 Reserve CHAR6 CHAR 
39 DTACH800R Reserve (SAD Switzerland) CHAR67 CHAR 
40 DTACH801 Reserve CHAR3 CHAR 
41 DTACH802 Revision Code CHAR1 CHAR 
42 DTACH802R Reserve (SAD Switzerland) CHAR31 CHAR 
43 DTACH803 Segment No. 06 (SAD Switzerland) NUMC2 NUMC 
44 DTACH805 Sold-To Party Surname/First Name (SAD Switzerland) CHAR30 CHAR 
45 DTACH805P Payer Name/First Name CHAR35 CHAR 
46 DTACH810 Sold-To Party Additional Description (SAD Switzerland) CHAR30 CHAR 
47 DTACH810P Additional Payer Name CHAR35 CHAR 
48 DTACH815 Sold-To Party Street (SAD Switzerland) CHAR30 CHAR 
49 DTACH815P Payer Street CHAR35 CHAR 
50 DTACH820 Sold-To Party Postal Code (SAD Switzerland) CHAR6 CHAR 
51 DTACH825 Sold-To Party City (SAD Switzerland) CHAR24 CHAR 
52 DTACH825P Payer City CHAR29 CHAR 
53 DTACH827R Reserve (SAD Switzerland) CHAR6 CHAR 
54 DTACH830 Reserve CHAR4 CHAR 
55 DTACH90 Field Number for Field 90 (DME Switzerland) CHAR3 CHAR 
56 DTACH900 Currency Element for Total Record (SAD Switzerland) NUMC21 NUMC 
57 DTACH900A Number of Transactions (SAD Switzerland) NUMC6 NUMC 
58 DTACH900B Currency Total Amount (SAD Switzerland) NUMC13 NUMC 
59 DTACH900W Currency Code (Always '01') (SAD Switzerland) NUMC2 NUMC 
60 DTACH90A Total Amount (DME Switzerland) CHAR16 CHAR 
61 DTACH912R Reserve (SAD Switzerland) CHAR13 CHAR 
62 DTACH980R Reserve (SAD Switzerland) CHAR35 CHAR 
63 DTACHABID DME Sender Identification (DME Switzerland) CHAR5 CHAR 
64 DTACHABSID DME CH LSV Plus Sender Identification CHAR5 CHAR 
65 DTACHASEQ Output Sequence Number (DME Switzerland) CHAR5 CHAR 
66 DTACHBFLG Editing Flag (DME Switzerland) CHAR1 CHAR 
67 DTACHCR Carriage Return, Line Feed (DME Switzerland) CHAR2 CHAR 
68 DTACHCRD Carriage Return, Line Feed, Colon (DME Switzerland) CHAR3 CHAR 
69 DTACHCRM Carriage Return, Line Feed, Minus (DME Switzerland) CHAR3 CHAR 
70 DTACHCRP Carriage Return, Line Feed, Plus (DME Switzerland) CHAR3 CHAR 
71 DTACHEBCL Receiving Bank Clearing (DME Switzerland) CHAR12 CHAR 
72 DTACHEDAT Creation Date (DME Switzerland) CHAR6 CHAR 
73 DTACHESEQ Input Sequence Number (DME Switzerland) CHAR5 CHAR 
74 DTACHETX End of Text (DME Switzerland) CHAR1 CHAR 
75 DTACHEUGIP EU Bank Transfer with Giro International Plus XFELD CHAR 
77 DTACHHDR Header (See DTATCHA) (DME Switzerland) CHAR51 CHAR 
78 DTACHHDRS Control Area (SAD Switzerland) CHAR50 CHAR 
79 DTACHLSVID DME CH LSV Plus Payee Identification CHAR5 CHAR 
80 DTACHR009 RESERVE Switzerland CHAR9 CHAR 
81 DTACHR01 Reserve (DME Switzerland) CHAR1 CHAR 
82 DTACHR05 Reserve (DME Switzerland) CHAR5 CHAR 
83 DTACHR06 Reserve (DME Switzerland) CHAR6 CHAR 
84 DTACHR11 Reserve (DME Switzerland) CHAR11 CHAR 
85 DTACHR14 Reserve (DME Switzerland) CHAR14 CHAR 
86 DTACHR16 Reserve (DME Switzerland) CHAR16 CHAR 
87 DTACHR18 Reserve (DME Switzerland) CHAR18 CHAR 
88 DTACHR25 Reserve (DME Switzerland) CHAR25 CHAR 
89 DTACHR30 Reserve (DME Switzerland) CHAR30 CHAR 
90 DTACHR46 Reserve (DME Switzerland) CHAR46 CHAR 
91 DTACHR54 Reserve (DME Switzerland) CHAR54 CHAR 
92 DTACHREC Record Type (DME Switzerland) CHAR2 CHAR 
93 DTACHSBCL Sending Bank Clearing (DME Switzerland) CHAR7 CHAR 
94 DTACHSCS /C/ (DME Switzerland) CHAR3 CHAR 
95 DTACHSEQ Sequence Number (DME Switzerland) CHAR5 CHAR 
96 DTACHSOH Start of Header (DME Switzerland) CHAR1 CHAR 
97 DTACHTANR Transaction Type (DME Switzerland) CHAR3 CHAR 
98 DTACHVDAT Processing Day Requested (DME Switzerland) CHAR6 CHAR 
99 DTACHZART Payment Type (DME Switzerland) CHAR1 CHAR 
101 DTADT_D Transfer date DATUM DATS 
102 DTAE3 Reserve CHAR5 CHAR 
103 DTAE4 Number of C Data Records PL4 DEC 
104 DTAE4_D Number of C Data Records NUMC07 NUMC 
105 DTAE5 Total of the Amounts from the C Data Records PL7 DEC 
106 DTAE5_D Total of the Amounts from the C Data Records NUMC13 NUMC 
107 DTAE6 Total Account Numbers PL9 DEC 
108 DTAE6_D Total Account Numbers NUMC17 NUMC 
109 DTAE7 Total of the Bank Numbers of the Last Beneficiary Fin. Insts PL9 DEC 
110 DTAE7_D Total of the Bank Numbers of the Last Beneficiary Fin. Insts NUMC17 NUMC 
111 DTAE8 Reserve PL7 DEC 
112 DTAE8_D Reserve NUMC13 NUMC 
113 DTAE9 Reserve CHAR104 CHAR 
114 DTAE9_D Reserve CHAR51 CHAR 
115 DTAEN Information screen when changing data DTAEN CHAR 
117 DTAFI_FBWE Generate DME file XFELD CHAR 
118 DTAFRA DME Record Code France CHAR2 CHAR 
119 DTAFRB1 DME Operation Code France CHAR2 CHAR 
120 DTAFRB2 DME Filler B2 France CHAR8 CHAR 
121 DTAFRB3 DME Sender Number France CHAR6 CHAR 
122 DTAFRC1 DME C1 France CHAR12 CHAR 
123 DTAFRC2 DME Name1 France CHAR24 CHAR 
124 DTAFRD1 DME Filler D1 France CHAR24 CHAR 
125 DTAFRD11 DME Recipient Address France CHAR20 CHAR 
126 DTAFRD12 Foreign DME Code France CHAR4 CHAR 
127 DTAFRD21 DME Filler D2 France CHAR2 CHAR 
128 DTAFRD22 DME Filler D2 France CHAR6 CHAR 
129 DTAFRD3 DME Counter Code France CHAR5 CHAR 
130 DTAFRD4 DME Account Number France CHAR11 CHAR 
131 DTAFRE DME Amount France CHAR16 CHAR 
132 DTAFRF DME Text France CHAR31 CHAR 
133 DTAFRG1 DME Bank Code France CHAR5 CHAR 
134 DTAFRG2 DME G2 Filler France CHAR6 CHAR 
135 DTAGE Difference days WERT2 DEC 
136 DTAID Indicator: Data Medium Format (Continued Pay) CHAR2 CHAR 
137 DTAID_045T User ID for DME CHAR25 CHAR 
138 DTAIT1002 Order Number NUM7 NUMC 
139 DTAIT1003 Creation Date CHAR6 CHAR 
140 DTAIT1004 Sender Value Date CHAR6 CHAR 
141 DTAIT1005 Recipient Value Date NUM6 NUMC 
142 DTAIT1006 Payment Reason NUM5 NUMC 
143 DTAIT1007 Amount NUM13 NUMC 
144 DTAIT1008 +/- Sign CHAR1 CHAR 
145 DTAIT1009 ABI Indicator NUM5 NUMC 
146 DTAIT1010 CAB Indicator NUM5 NUMC 
147 DTAIT1011 Payer Account Number CHAR12 CHAR 
148 DTAIT1012 ABI Indicator NUM5 NUMC 
149 DTAIT1013 CAB Indicator NUM5 NUMC 
150 DTAIT1014 Payee Account Number CHAR12 CHAR 
151 DTAIT1015 Company name CHAR5 CHAR 
152 DTAIT1016 Transfer Type CHAR1 CHAR 
153 DTAIT1017 Internal Code CHAR16 CHAR 
154 DTAIT1018 Filler CHAR6 CHAR 
155 DTAIT1019 Currency Field CHAR1 CHAR 
156 DTAIT2003 Payer Address Segment 1 CHAR30 CHAR 
157 DTAIT2004 Payer Address Segment 2 CHAR30 CHAR 
158 DTAIT2005 Payer Address Segment 3 CHAR30 CHAR 
159 DTAIT3003 Payee Address Segment 1 CHAR30 CHAR 
160 DTAIT3004 Payee Address Segment 2 CHAR30 CHAR 
161 DTAIT3005 Payee Address Segment 3 CHAR30 CHAR 
162 DTAIT4003 Payee Street and House Number CHAR30 CHAR 
163 DTAIT4004 Payee Postal Code CHAR5 CHAR 
164 DTAIT4005 Payee City CHAR25 CHAR 
165 DTAIT4006 Payee Bank Counter CHAR30 CHAR 
166 DTAIT5003 Note to Payee Segment 1 CHAR45 CHAR 
167 DTAIT5004 Note to Payee Segment 2 CHAR45 CHAR 
168 DTAIT7002 Reference Indicator CHAR15 CHAR 
169 DTAIT7003 Reference Indicator CHAR15 CHAR 
170 DTAIT7004 Description CHAR85 CHAR 
171 DTAIT7005 Payee CIN Code CHAR1 CHAR 
172 DTAITEF02 Sender CHAR5 CHAR 
173 DTAITEF03 Payee NUM5 NUMC 
174 DTAITEF04 Creation Date NUM6 NUMC 
175 DTAITEF05 Data Medium Name CHAR20 CHAR 
176 DTAITEF06 Not in Use CHAR6 CHAR 
177 DTAITEF07 Total Number of Orders NUM7 NUMC 
178 DTAITEF08 Total Negative Amounts NUMC15 NUMC 
179 DTAITEF09 Total Positive Amounts NUM15 NUMC 
180 DTAITEF10 Total Number of Records NUM7 NUMC 
181 DTAITEF11 Filler CHAR8 CHAR 
182 DTAITEF12 Filler CHAR16 CHAR 
183 DTAITEF13 Currency Field CHAR1 CHAR 
184 DTAITHR00 Not in Use CHAR1 CHAR 
185 DTAITHR01 Record Type CHAR2 CHAR 
186 DTAITHR02 Sender CHAR5 CHAR 
187 DTAITHR03 Payee NUM5 NUMC 
188 DTAITHR04 Creation Date NUM6 NUMC 
189 DTAITHR05 Data Medium Name CHAR20 CHAR 
190 DTAITHR06 Processing Date NUM6 NUMC 
191 DTAITHR07 Filler CHAR3 CHAR 
192 DTAITHR08 Filler CHAR2 CHAR 
193 DTAITHR09 Filler CHAR1 CHAR 
194 DTAITHR10 Filler CHAR62 CHAR 
195 DTAITHR11 Currency Field CHAR1 CHAR 
196 DTAKZ_046S Indicator for notification via DME CHAR10 CHAR 
197 DTALIGNMEN Alignment of a table/structure   CHAR 
198 DTAMS Report key for data medium exchange DTAMS CHAR 
199 DTANDAT Creation Date of Downtime DATUM DATS 
200 DTANF Start date for display horizon DATS DATS 
201 DTANF_ER Start date for selection horizon DATS DATS 
202 DTANLEG Downtimes Created By USNAM CHAR 
203 DTAR10 Area Number NUMC02 NUMC 
204 DTAR11 SCB Company Number of the Payer NUMC05 NUMC 
205 DTAR12 SCB Industry of the Payer NUMC03 NUMC 
206 DTAR13 Reserve CHAR68 CHAR 
207 DTAR3 Bank Number of the Institution Receiving the Magnetic Tape NUMC08 NUMC 
208 DTAR4 Customer Number (Sort Number) NUMC10 NUMC 
209 DTAR5A Ordering Party Name 1 CHAR35 CHAR 
210 DTAR5B Ordering Party Name 2 CHAR35 CHAR 
211 DTAR5C Payer's Street/Post Office Box CHAR35 CHAR 
212 DTAR5D Payer's City CHAR35 CHAR 
213 DTAR6 Creation Date NUMC06 NUMC 
214 DTAR7 Current Daily Number NUMC2 NUMC 
215 DTAR8 Run Deadline NUMC06 NUMC 
216 DTAR9 Create Central Bank Report (Y/N) CHAR1 CHAR 
217 DTARGU Target Unit for Converting Consumption Key Figures MEINS UNIT 
218 DTART Type of MRP list DTART CHAR 
219 DTAT11 Order Memo CHAR35 CHAR 
220 DTAT12 Account Number of Beneficiary Account CHAR35 CHAR 
221 DTAT13 Order Currency ISO Code CHAR3 CHAR 
222 DTAT14A Amount (Before Decimal Place) NUMC14 NUMC 
223 DTAT14B Amount (After Decimal Place) NUMC03 NUMC 
224 DTAT15 Note to Payee CHAR35 CHAR 
225 DTAT16 Instruction key 1 DTWSX NUMC 
226 DTAT16_BI Instruction Key 1 (Batch Input Field) CHAR2 CHAR 
227 DTAT17 Instruction key 2 DTWSX NUMC 
228 DTAT17_BI Instruction Key 2 (Batch Input Field) CHAR2 CHAR 
229 DTAT18 Instruction key 3 DTWSX NUMC 
230 DTAT18_BI Instruction Key 3 (Batch Input Field) CHAR2 CHAR 
231 DTAT19 Instruction key 4 DTWSX NUMC 
232 DTAT19_BI Instruction Key 4 (Batch Input Field) CHAR2 CHAR 
233 DTAT20 Instruction Key Additional Information TEXT25 CHAR 
234 DTAT21 Cost Allocation Key NUMC02 NUMC 
235 DTAT22 Payment Type Indicator NUMC02 NUMC 
236 DTAT23 Variable Text Only for Payer Settlement CHAR27 CHAR 
237 DTAT24 Contact Person for Paying Bank (Name and Telephone Number) CHAR35 CHAR 
238 DTAT25 SCB Indicator NUMC01 NUMC 
239 DTAT26 Reserve CHAR51 CHAR 
240 DTAT27 Indicator for Additional Information NUMC02 NUMC 
241 DTAT3 Bank Number of Account to be Debited NUMC08 NUMC 
242 DTAT4A ISO Code of Account to be Debited CHAR3 CHAR 
243 DTAT4B Account Number of Account to be Bebited NUMC10 NUMC 
244 DTAT6 Charge Account Bank Number NUMC08 NUMC 
245 DTAT7A ISO Currency Code for Charge Account CHAR3 CHAR 
246 DTAT7B Account Number of the Charge Account NUMC10 NUMC 
247 DTAT8 SWIFT Code or Bank Number of the Beneficiary Bank CHAR11 CHAR 
248 DTAT9A ISO Country ID of Beneficiary's Bank CHAR03 CHAR 
249 DTAT9B Name 1 of Beneficiary's Bank CHAR35 CHAR 
250 DTAT9C Name 2 of Beneficiary's Bank CHAR35 CHAR 
251 DTAT9D Street of Beneficiary's Bank CHAR35 CHAR 
252 DTAT9E City/Country of Beneficiary's Bank CHAR35 CHAR 
253 DTATX Transfer identification TEXT20 CHAR 
255 DTAU3 Purchasing Country Goods Import CHAR7 CHAR 
256 DTAU4 Country Key for Purchasing Country Goods Import CHAR03 CHAR 
257 DTAU5 Goods Import Purchase Price Part. Amount 1 (Before Decimal) NUMC12 NUMC 
258 DTAU6 Reserve CHAR229 CHAR 
259 DTAUF Message if material is used in WM transfer order FEDIA CHAR 
260 DTAUSADD2 Addenda Type Code NUMC02 NUMC 
261 DTAUSADD3 Payment related Information CHAR80 CHAR 
262 DTAUSADD4 Addenda Sequence Number NUMC04 NUMC 
263 DTAUSADD5 Entry Detail Sequence Number NUMC07 NUMC 
264 DTAUSBC10 Originating DFI Identification CHAR08 CHAR 
265 DTAUSBC11 Batch Number NUMC07 NUMC 
266 DTAUSBC2 Service Class Code NUMC03 NUMC 
267 DTAUSBC3 Entry/Addenda Count NUMC06 NUMC 
268 DTAUSBC4 Entry Hash NUMC10 NUMC 
269 DTAUSBC5 Total Debit Entry Dollar Amount NUMC12 NUMC 
270 DTAUSBC6 Total Credit Entry Dollar Amount NUMC12 NUMC 
271 DTAUSBC7 Company Identification CHAR10 CHAR 
272 DTAUSBC8 Message Authentication Code CHAR19 CHAR 
273 DTAUSBC9 Reserved CHAR06 CHAR 
274 DTAUSBH10 Settlement Date (Julian) - inserted by ACH operator CHAR3 CHAR 
275 DTAUSBH11 Originator Status Code CHAR1 CHAR 
276 DTAUSBH12 Originating DFI Identification NUMC08 NUMC 
277 DTAUSBH13 Batch Number NUMC07 NUMC 
278 DTAUSBH2 Service Class NUMC03 NUMC 
279 DTAUSBH3 Company Name CHAR16 CHAR 
280 DTAUSBH4 Company discretionary data CHAR20 CHAR 
281 DTAUSBH5 Company Identification CHAR10 CHAR 
282 DTAUSBH6 Standard Entry Class Code CHAR3 CHAR 
283 DTAUSBH7 Company Entry Description CHAR10 CHAR 
284 DTAUSBH8 Company descriptive date CHAR6 CHAR 
285 DTAUSBH9 Effective Entry Date DATE6 CHAR 
286 DTAUSBK Heating costs exchange balance sheet/ costs TEXT20 CHAR 
287 DTAUSCCD10 Addenda Record Indicator NUMC01 NUMC 
288 DTAUSCCD11 Trace Number NUMC15 NUMC 
289 DTAUSCCD2 Transaction Code NUMC02 NUMC 
290 DTAUSCCD3 Receiving DFI Identification NUMC08 NUMC 
291 DTAUSCCD4 Check Digit for Receiving DFI Identification NUMC01 NUMC 
292 DTAUSCCD5 DFI Acount Number CHAR17 CHAR 
293 DTAUSCCD6 Amount ($$$$$$$$cc) NUMC10 NUMC 
294 DTAUSCCD7 Identification Number CHAR15 CHAR 
295 DTAUSCCD8 Receiving Company Name (Receiving Individual Name in PPD) CHAR22 CHAR 
296 DTAUSCCD9 Discretionary Data CHAR2 CHAR 
297 DTAUSCTX10 Reserved CHAR2 CHAR 
298 DTAUSCTX11 Discretionary Data CHAR2 CHAR 
299 DTAUSCTX12 Addenda Record Indicator NUMC01 NUMC 
300 DTAUSCTX13 Trace Number NUMC15 NUMC 
301 DTAUSCTX2 Transaction Code NUMC02 NUMC 
302 DTAUSCTX3 Receiving DFI Identification NUMC08 NUMC 
303 DTAUSCTX4 Check Digit NUMC01 NUMC 
304 DTAUSCTX5 DFI Account Number CHAR17 CHAR 
305 DTAUSCTX6 Total Amount NUMC10 NUMC 
306 DTAUSCTX7 Identification Number CHAR15 CHAR 
307 DTAUSCTX8 Number of Addenda Records NUMC04 NUMC 
308 DTAUSCTX9 Receiving Company Name/ID Number CHAR16 CHAR 
309 DTAUSFC2 Batch Count NUMC06 NUMC 
310 DTAUSFC3 Block Count NUMC06 NUMC 
311 DTAUSFC4 Entry/Addenda Count NUMC08 NUMC 
312 DTAUSFC5 Entry Hash NUMC10 NUMC 
313 DTAUSFC6 Total Debit Entry Dollar Amount in File NUMC12 NUMC 
314 DTAUSFC7 Total Credit Entry Dollar Amount in File NUMC12 NUMC 
315 DTAUSFC8 Reserved CHAR39 CHAR 
316 DTAUSFH1 Record type code NUMC01 NUMC 
317 DTAUSFH10 Format code NUMC01 NUMC 
318 DTAUSFH11 Immediate destination name CHAR23 CHAR 
319 DTAUSFH12 Immediate Origin name CHAR23 CHAR 
320 DTAUSFH13 Reference code CHAR8 CHAR 
321 DTAUSFH2 Priority code NUMC02 NUMC 
322 DTAUSFH3 Immediate destination NUMC10 NUMC 
323 DTAUSFH3_FICA Immediate Destination, Leading Blank (Payment Medium ACH) CHAR10 CHAR 
324 DTAUSFH4 Immediate origin NUMC10 NUMC 
325 DTAUSFH4_FICA Immediate Origin (Payment Medium ACH) CHAR10 CHAR 
326 DTAUSFH5 File creation date DATE6 CHAR 
327 DTAUSFH6 File creation time TIME4 CHAR 
328 DTAUSFH7 File ID Modifier CHAR1 CHAR 
329 DTAUSFH8 Record size NUMC03 NUMC 
330 DTAUSFH9 Blocking factor NUMC02 NUMC 
331 DTAUSHVERZ Directory for files TEXT50 CHAR 
332 DTAUSLM Heating costs exchange record type L/M file name TEXT20 CHAR 
333 DTAUSNAMEA Heating costs exchange file name record type A TEXT20 CHAR 
334 DTAUSNAMEB Heating costs exchange record type B file name TEXT20 CHAR 
335 DTAUSNAMED Heating exchange record type D file name TEXT20 CHAR 
336 DTAUSNAMEK Heating costs exchange record type K file name TEXT20 CHAR 
337 DTAUSTRENN File name list separator (data medium exchange) TEXT1 CHAR 
338 DTAV10 Indicator: Not Sold in Storage Domestically CHAR1 CHAR 
339 DTAV11 Indicator: Not Sold in Storage Abroad CHAR1 CHAR 
340 DTAV12 Goods Description of Sold Transported Goods CHAR27 CHAR 
341 DTAV13 Goods List Number of Transported Goods that have been Sold NUMC09 NUMC 
342 DTAV14 Due Date for Sales Revenue from Transported Goods CHAR4 CHAR 
343 DTAV15 Purchasing Country for Transported Goods CHAR7 CHAR 
344 DTAV16 Country Key of Purchasing Country CHAR03 CHAR 
345 DTAV17 Sales Price of Transported Goods (Whole Currency Units) NUMC12 NUMC 
346 DTAV18 Supplementary Details of Transported Goods CHAR40 CHAR 
347 DTAV19 Reserve CHAR87 CHAR 
348 DTAV3 Goods Description of Purchased Transported Goods CHAR27 CHAR 
349 DTAV4 Goods List Number of Transported Goods that have been Bought NUMC09 NUMC 
350 DTAV5 Purchasing Country Transported Goods CHAR7 CHAR 
351 DTAV6 Country Key for Purchasing Country Transported Goods CHAR03 CHAR 
352 DTAV7 Purchasing Price Transported Goods (Whole Currency Units) NUMC12 NUMC 
353 DTAV8 Indicator: Sale Outside of own Area CHAR1 CHAR 
354 DTAV9 Indicator: Sale Within own Area CHAR1 CHAR 
355 DTAW10 Specific Details About the Reason for Payment CHAR140 CHAR 
356 DTAW11 Reserve CHAR75 CHAR 
357 DTAW3 Document type for the report record DTAW3 NUMC 
358 DTAW4 Indicator service specifications (suppl.LV to AWV) NUMC03 NUMC 
359 DTAW5 Intended Country CHAR7 CHAR 
360 DTAW6 Country Key of Intended Country CHAR03 CHAR 
361 DTAW7 Country of Investment in Capital Transactions CHAR7 CHAR 
362 DTAW8 Country Key of the Country of the Investment CHAR03 CHAR 
363 DTAW9 Miscellaneous Amount (Whole Currency Units) NUMC12 NUMC 
364 DTAWS Instruction key for data medium exchange DTAWS CHAR 
365 DTAWT Text Explaining the Instruction Key TEXT50 CHAR 
366 DTAXR Deferred Tax Rule DTAXR CHAR 
367 DTAZ3 Total of all Amounts (Whole Currency Units) NUMC15 NUMC 
368 DTAZ4 Number of T Data Records NUMC15 NUMC 
369 DTAZ5 Reserve CHAR221 CHAR 
370 DTAZDEA03 POfS: Ordering Party Postal Bank Number NUMC09 NUMC 
371 DTAZDEA04 POfS: Ordering Party Post Office Bank Acct No. NUMC09 NUMC 
372 DTAZDEA05 POfs: Ordering Party Name CHAR27 CHAR 
373 DTAZDEA06 POfs: Ordering Party Postal Code and City CHAR21 CHAR 
374 DTAZDEC06 POfS: Fees Code (G Ordering Party, Otherwise Blank) CHAR1 CHAR 
375 DTAZDEC09 POfS: Order Number NUMC07 NUMC 
376 DTAZDEC10 POfS: Recipient Name CHAR27 CHAR 
377 DTAZDEC11 POFS: Recipient Postal Code CHAR5 CHAR 
378 DTAZDEC12A POfs: Recipient City CHAR22 CHAR 
379 DTAZDEC13 POfS: Service Details (Street) CHAR27 CHAR 
380 DTAZDEC14 POfS: File Extension Indicator NUMC01 NUMC 
382 DTAZV_EUZ1 EU Standard Bank Transfer with Reporting Data XFELD CHAR 
383 DTAZV_STZ1 Foreign Bank Transfer instead of EU Standard Bank Transfer XFELD CHAR 
384 DTAZV_Z4 Report Using Z4 XFELD CHAR 
385 DTA_RP Creation of data carrier CHAR1 CHAR 
386 DTA_TAX Indicator: Create DME file for tax return? XFELD CHAR 
387 DTBED Message if material used in WM transfer reqmt/posting change FEDIA CHAR 
388 DTBER Date of calculation DATUM DATS 
389 DTBID DME Bank Identification CHAR5 CHAR 
390 DTBIS Valid-to date DATUM DATS 
391 DTBLD There is a detail screen for the item CHAR1 CHAR 
393 DTBUFPAR2 Length of generic key in bytes   CHAR 
394 DTBUFPARM1 Number of fields in generic key   CHAR 
395 DTBUFPARM2 Length of generic key in bytes   CHAR 
396 DTBUFSTATE Category of Dictionary object used   CHAR 
397 DTBWK Beginning Date of Week in Weekly Report DATS DATS 
398 DTCAT_EBJP Data category (1:Header, 2:Data, 8:Trailer, 9:End) NUMC1 NUMC 
399 DTCHECKTAB Check table name of the foreign key   CHAR 
400 DTCLPOS Position number of client field   CHAR 
401 DTCMAPVL Doc. Type for Credit Memo Autom. Posting With Value Variance AUART CHAR 
402 DTCMAPVQ Doc. Type for credit Memo Auto.Posting w. Qty/Value Variance AUART CHAR 
403 DTCMOIVL Doc. Type for Credit, New Open Item With Value Variance AUART CHAR 
404 DTCMOIVQ Doc. Type for Credit, New Open Item With Qty/Value Variance AUART CHAR 
405 DTCTI Downtime Category ID DTCTID CHAR 
406 DTCTTEXT Downtime Category Description TEXT40 CHAR 
407 DTC_ACTIVE Flag: Assignment of line on control CHAR1 CHAR 
409 DTC_COLHEA Name of table header TEXT40 CHAR 
410 DTC_COLLEN Output length of column TEXT40 CHAR 
411 DTC_COLNAM Name of column of internal table TEXT40 CHAR 
412 DTC_COLPOS Position of entry in table 1 (right) or 2 (left)   INT4 
413 DTC_COLS Columns for double table control TEXT40 CHAR 
414 DTC_COLTYP Column Type CHAR10 CHAR 
415 DTC_GROUP KEY for group assignment   INT4 
416 DTC_INT Integer value   INT4 
417 DTC_KEY60 Key fields for TCs CHAR60 CHAR 
418 DTC_MARK Entry selected? CHAR1 CHAR 
420 DTC_PROP Property of items   CHAR 
421 DTDAB Valid-from date for RU/RA participation in settlement DDAT DATS 
422 DTDAB_TAGE Valid-from date and no. of days for info system analyses CHAR14 CHAR 
423 DTDAT Downtime Date DATUM DATS 
424 DTDAUER Downtime Duration DTVALUE DEC 
425 DTDBB Processing date to - relative value NUMC3 NUMC 
426 DTDBIS Valid-to date for RU/RA participation in settlement DDAT DATS 
427 DTDBV Processing date from - relative value NUMC3 NUMC 
428 DTDDFLPOS Position number of table field   CHAR 
429 DTDELTA Last Changed MENG13 QUAN 
430 DTDEPTH Depth in nested structures   CHAR 
431 DTDER Duration Entered for Downtimes MENG13 QUAN 
432 DTDEREX Duration Entered for Downtimes CHAR11 CHAR 
433 DTDFB MRP date to - relative value NUMC3 NUMC 
434 DTDFV MRP date from - relative value NUMC3 NUMC 
435 DTDI Downtime on Tuesday MENG13 QUAN 
436 DTDIEX Downtime on Tuesday CHAR11 CHAR 
437 DTDIS Date of end of planning DATUM DATS 
438 DTDMAPVL Doc. type for (debit) Autom. Posting With Value Variance AUART CHAR 
439 DTDMAPVQ Doc. Type for Debit Autom. Posting With Qty/Value Variance AUART CHAR 
440 DTDMOIVL Doc. Type for Debit, New Open Item With Value Variance AUART CHAR 
441 DTDMOIVQ Doc. Type for Debit, New Open Item Qty/Value Variance AUART CHAR 
442 DTDO Downtime on Thursday MENG13 QUAN 
443 DTDOEX Downtime on Thursday CHAR11 CHAR 
444 DTDPL Planned Duration of Downtime MENG13 QUAN 
445 DTDPLEX Planned Duration of Downtime CHAR11 CHAR 
446 DTDVO Default Duration of Downtimes MENG13 QUAN 
447 DTDVOEX Default Duration of Downtimes CHAR11 CHAR 
448 DTDYN FM control dialog: Texts determined by caller XFELD CHAR 
449 DTEH Downtime Unit MEINS UNIT 
450 DTEILNB Participation start date DATUM DATS 
451 DTEILNE Date of participation end DATUM DATS 
452 DTELI Downtime Element ID DTELID CHAR 
453 DTELIEX Downtime Element ID CHAR32 CHAR 
454 DTELLONG Data Element for Drag&Relate CHAR30 CHAR 
455 DTELT Description of the Downtime Element DTELTX CHAR 
456 DTELZ Bank Number of the Bank Receiving the Data Medium BANKL CHAR 
457 DTEL_DEFAULT Name of the Tab Page in the Class Data FLAG CHAR 
459 DTEL_MEDNAME Description TEXT20 CHAR 
460 DTEL_MVSE_CONFIG_TYPE Material Variant Category   CHAR 
462 DTEL_SYS_WIDE_VIS Flag for system-wide visible hierarchy CHAR1 CHAR 
463 DTEL_TABNAME Name of the Tab Page in the Class Data TEXT10 CHAR 
464 DTEL_TEXT40 Long Text TEXT40 CHAR 
465 DTEND End date of display horizon DATS DATS 
466 DTEND_ER End Date of Selection Horizon DATS DATS 
467 DTERST Output to data carrier CHAR1 CHAR 
468 DTEVENTID Local interpretation of the Downtime Event ID   INT4 
469 DTEX1_KORR Name of First Date Specification TEXT20 CHAR 
470 DTEX2_KORR Name of Second Date Specification TEXT20 CHAR 
471 DTEXT Action Text TEXT40 CHAR 
472 DTEXT_F02D Customer Master Record Screen Title TEXT20 CHAR 
473 DTEXT_F02K Vendor Master Record Screen Title TEXT20 CHAR 
474 DTEXT_F02L Customer master credit management screen title TEXT20 CHAR 
476 DTE_AIS_DS_HOTSPOT Flag Data Series as Hotspot for Detail View DOM_AIS_DS_HS_TYPE CHAR 
478 DTE_BW_FIELDNAME Value of a Field (Character)   CHAR 
479 DTE_BW_FIELDVALC Field Name from Field Repository (Example: Characteristic)   CHAR 
480 DTE_BW_RSATRNAVNM Name of the Navigation Attribute (in Reporting Structure) RSIOBJNM CHAR 
481 DTE_BW_RSATTRINM Master Data Attribute FDNAME CHAR 
483 DTE_BW_RSBWAPPL BW Application (Name Space)   CHAR 
484 DTE_BW_RSCHACONST Constant for Characteristic DO_BW_RSCHAVL CHAR 
485 DTE_BW_RSCHANAV Navigation Indicator for Characteristics and Entities DO_BW_RSCHANAV CHAR 
486 DTE_BW_RSCHAPRSNT Display of Characteristics and Entities DO_BW_RSCHAPRSNT CHAR 
487 DTE_BW_RSCHASEL Selection Criteria for Characteristics DO_BW_RSCHASEL CHAR 
488 DTE_BW_RSCONTTIMESTMP Content Time Stamp: Last Modification to Object by SAP TZNTSTMPS DEC 
489 DTE_BW_RSDBEXFL ODS object can be used for BEx Reporting   CHAR 
490 DTE_BW_RSDDEFMEMBER Default Value for Characteristic DO_BW_RSCHAVL CHAR 
491 DTE_BW_RSDF4ORDER Sequence of Attributes in Input Help DO_BW_RSDF4ORDER NUMC 
493 DTE_BW_RSDKFTP Category of Derived Key Figure DO_BW_RSDKFTP CHAR 
494 DTE_BW_RSDODSADATCLS Data Class for ODS Tables (Active Records( (Update Table) TABART CHAR 
495 DTE_BW_RSDODSASIZCAT Size Category for ODS Tables (Active Records)/(Update Table) TABKAT CHAR 
497 DTE_BW_RSDODSOTYPE Category of ODS Object   CHAR 
499 DTE_BW_RSDSIDMONFL Indicator showing whether the SID retains the order DO_BW_RS_BOOL CHAR 
500 DTE_BW_RSDTXTFROMCHAFL Use Texts from Characteristic XFELD CHAR