SAP ABAP Data Element - Index D, page 13
Data Element - D
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | DDAPPENDNM | Name of an append structure | AS4TAB | CHAR |
2 | DDAPPEXI | DD: Indicator that at least one domain append exists | DDAPPEXI | CHAR |
3 | DDAPPLICATION | DD: Application (for example, SAP Netweaver BI Accelerator) | CHAR | |
4 | DDAPPVAL | DD: Defines whether value of appender belongs to append | DDAPPVAL | CHAR |
5 | DDASSKIND | Type of Association | DDASSKIND | INT1 |
6 | DDASSNAME | Dictionary: Assembler name (table field structure R/2 ) | DDASSNAME | CHAR |
8 | DDASSOCNAME_RAW | DD: Association Name Original Spelling | DDASSOCNAME_RAW | CHAR |
9 | DDASSORIGIN | DD: Origin of an Association | DDASSORIGIN | CHAR |
12 | DDATE | Date | DATUM | DATS |
13 | DDATEX | D-record exists with values not equal to zero | XFLAG | CHAR |
14 | DDATEXT | DD: text for an action | DDATEXT | CHAR |
15 | DDATOM | Flag: Atomic field | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
16 | DDATTRLENGTH | DD: Runtime Length of a BO Attribute | DDATTRLENGTH | CHAR |
17 | DDATUM | Corporate action key date | DATUM | DATS |
18 | DDATU_CC | Date for Deletion of Logs | DATUM | DATS |
19 | DDATY_KK | Debit Memo Notification: Category of Payment Method | DDATY_KK | CHAR |
20 | DDAUER | Seniority in years | NUM4 | NUMC |
21 | DDAUTH | Dictionary: Authorization object name (domain structure R/2) | DDAUTH | CHAR |
22 | DDAUTHCHK | DD: Authority check necessary | DDBOOL | CHAR |
23 | DDAUTHLVL | Access level | DDAUTHLVL | NUMC |
24 | DDAUTH_CHK | DD: flag whether authority check should be made | DDFLAG | CHAR |
25 | DDAUTOSUGGEST | Proposal Search for Input Fields | DDAUTOSUGGEST | CHAR |
26 | DDAUTTHCL | Activation type | DDBOOL | CHAR |
27 | DDAYNUM | Daily ID for ABAP/4 Dictionary activation | DDAYNUM | NUMC |
28 | DDBAB | Date from which entitled to dividends | DATUM | DATS |
30 | DDBASETAB | Base table of incremental conversion | ICNVTAB | CHAR |
31 | DDBASTAB | Output position: base tables | DDPOS | NUMC |
32 | DDBEGTIME | Start of action lock | AS4TIME | TIMS |
33 | DDBIDICTRL | DD: No Filtering of BIDI Formatting Characters | DDBOOL | CHAR |
34 | DDBITPOSD | Position of bit in question | CHAR | |
35 | DDBITTEXTD | Description of a bit | CHAR | |
36 | DDBITVALD | Value of a bit | CHAR | |
37 | DDBOACTMODE | DD: Activation Mode for DDIC BO | DDBOACTMODE | INT2 |
38 | DDBOCLASS | DD: Types of a BO Structure | DDBOCLASS | CHAR |
39 | DDBOCLASSNAME | DD: Name of Generated Class for a BO | DDBOCLASSNAME | CHAR |
40 | DDBOKIND | DD: Type of a BO | DDBOKIND | CHAR |
41 | DDBONAME | Name of a BO in the ABAP Dictionary | DDBONAME | CHAR |
42 | DDBOOKAUSF | Output in the field list | DDBOOKAUS | CHAR |
43 | DDBOOKAUSI | Check box if information is output | DDBOOKAUS | CHAR |
44 | DDBOOKLDE | Output length: data element name | DDBOOKLDE | NUMC |
45 | DDBOOKLDO | Output length: domain name | DDBOOKLDO | NUMC |
46 | DDBOOKLENF | Length of an output | DDBOOKLENF | NUMC |
47 | DDBOOKLTX | Output length: short text | DDBOOKLTX | NUMC |
48 | DDBOOKPOSB | Position of an output block | DDBOOKPOS | NUMC |
49 | DDBOOKPOSF | Position in the field list | DDBOOKPOS | NUMC |
50 | DDBOOL_D | DD: truth value | DDBOOL | CHAR |
51 | DDBUFP1D | Buffer parameter 1 | CHAR | |
52 | DDBUFP2D | Buffer parameter 2 | CHAR | |
53 | DDBUFPARM1 | Number of fields in generic key | DDINT1 | INT1 |
54 | DDBUFPARM2 | Length of generic key in bytes | DDINT1 | INT1 |
55 | DDB_AUTHOR | Author of a DDB entry | CHAR30 | CHAR |
56 | DDB_SEGM | Segment of dynamic database | CHAR30 | CHAR |
57 | DDCARDINALITY | DD: Cardinality of an Association, Minimum, Maximum | DDCARDINALITY | INT4 |
58 | DDCEXITS | DD: List of exit routines | DDCEXITS | CHAR |
59 | DDCHANGE | DD: 'X': change was made, ' ': no change | DDBOOL | CHAR |
60 | DDCHAR | Dictionary: 1-character indicator (table fields R/2 ) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
61 | DDCHAR3 | DD: 3-Digit CHAR Field | CHAR | |
62 | DDCHDATE | Last Changed On | DATS | |
63 | DDCHECKINDICATOR | DD: Carries the information whether check should take place | DDCHECKINDICATOR | CHAR |
64 | DDCHECKTB | Indicator if a check table is in use | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
65 | DDCHKDDLDEP | DD: Checks DDLDEPENDENCY during name check | DDCHKDDLDEP | CHAR |
66 | DDCHKSCHED | DD: 'X' if scheduler was scheduled for conversion | DDFLAG | CHAR |
67 | DDCHTIME | Last Changed At | TIMS | |
68 | DDCHUNK | DD: Long name of work list last processed | DDCHUNK | CHAR |
69 | DDCLASS | Object class | DDCLASS | CHAR |
70 | DDCLASSIFIED | Table Is Classified | DDFLAG | CHAR |
71 | DDCLHIST | Cluster history entry of current nametab exists | DDFLAG | CHAR |
72 | DDCLIINDEP | DD: Indicator for cross-client (CLNT and 1st key field) | DDCLIINDEP | CHAR |
73 | DDCLPOS | Position number of the client field in the table | DDINT1 | INT1 |
74 | DDCLPOSD | Position of client field | CHAR | |
75 | DDCMPCHBOX | Flag if output should be in the form of a CHECKBOX | DDFLAG | CHAR |
76 | DDCMPDICOL | Output column of a field | DDCMPNUMC4 | NUMC |
77 | DDCMPDILEN | Output length of a field | DDCMPNUMC4 | NUMC |
78 | DDCMPFNAME | Field name from the ABAP Dictionary | FDNAME | CHAR |
79 | DDCMPKEYFL | Flag whether field should be seen as key field | DDFLAG | CHAR |
80 | DDCMPKIND | Source of information for comparison table (DB check) | DDCMPKIND | CHAR |
81 | DDCMPNTLEN | Length from the nametab | DDCMPNUMC4 | NUMC |
82 | DDCMPNTOFF | Offset from the nametab | DDCMPNUMC4 | NUMC |
83 | DDCMPNTTYP | Type of a field from the nametab | CHAR1 | CHAR |
84 | DDCMPTITLE | Column heading | DDCMPTITLE | CHAR |
85 | DDCMPUPDCN | Returns number of changes | DDCMPNUMC4 | NUMC |
86 | DDCNVCHG | Conversion required (really or due to threat of data loss) | DDCNVCHG | CHAR |
87 | DDCNVMETHD | Conversion method | DDCNVMETHD | CHAR |
88 | DDCNVMETHO | Method of table conversion | DDCNVMETHO | CHAR |
89 | DDCNVRES | Results of a conversion step | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
90 | DDCNVRESET | DD: Steps for Resetting a Conversion | DDBOOL | CHAR |
91 | DDCOLKIND | DD: Describes how a field is to be handled | DDCOLKIND | CHAR |
92 | DDCOMP | DD: Component in which a conversion takes place | TEXT30 | CHAR |
93 | DDCOMPCNT | ABAP Dictionary: Number of Fields with Depth 0 | NTABLONG | RAW |
94 | DDCOMPINDICATOR | DD: Carries the information whether a composition exists | DDCOMPINDICATOR | CHAR |
95 | DDCOMPR | Payment key date for summarization of loan document data | DATUM | DATS |
96 | DDCOMPRESS | DD: Compress BO Structure | DDCOMPRESS | CHAR |
97 | DDCONVEXIT | Indicator if a conversion exit is in use | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
98 | DDCOSTATE | Zustand des Laufzeitobjekt für Konstanten: aktiv / inaktiv | CHAR | |
99 | DDCOT_KK | Correspondence Type for Debit Memo Notification | DDCOT_KK | CHAR |
100 | DDCOVERS | Version der Tabelle mit dem Laufzeitobjekt von Konstanten | NUMC | |
101 | DDCREPID | DD: Report for including conversion exits | CHAR40 | CHAR |
102 | DDCRUCNT | Create DB table for Unicode nametabs | DDBOOL | CHAR |
103 | DDCSCOPE | DD: Locality of a conversion procedure | DDCSCOPE | CHAR |
104 | DDCTEXT | DD: text for a class | DDCTEXT | CHAR |
105 | DDCTRDESC | Deductor Description | CHAR75 | CHAR |
106 | DDCTRTYPE | Deductor Type | DDCTRTYPE | CHAR |
107 | DDCYCLEOBJ | DD: Object Occurs in a Cycle | CHAR | |
108 | DDDATE | Dictionary: date of last change | DDDATE | DATS |
109 | DDDATMOD | Status of a date | DDDATMOD | CHAR |
110 | DDDAY | DD: Day of week for exclusion times for incremental convers. | DDDAY | CHAR |
111 | DDDBCHKOPT | Delta option for DB check | DDDBCHKOPT | CHAR |
112 | DDDBCOLNAME | DD: Column Name on Database | CHAR | |
113 | DDDBFUNCNAME | DD: Name of a Function on the Database | DDDBFUNCNAME | CHAR |
114 | DDDBFUNCTYPE | DD: Type of DB Function (Function or Procedure) | DDDBFUNCTYPE | CHAR |
117 | DDDBLENGT2 | ABAP Dictionary: Length on Database | DDINT4 | INT4 |
118 | DDDBLENGTH | Field Length in ABAP | DDINT2 | INT2 |
120 | DDDBOPER | Name of a database operation | DDDBOPER | CHAR |
121 | DDDBPOSSEL | Select * witout selection list possible for the table | DDFLAG | CHAR |
122 | DDDBSPACED | DBSpace / Tablespace | CHAR | |
123 | DDDBSTATEMENT | DD: Statement | STRG | |
124 | DDDBSTMTNR | DD: Number of Statements (for more than one stmnt per DB) | INT1 | |
126 | DDDBTRFUNCNAME | Function on the Database - Transport | DDDBTRFUNCNAME | CHAR |
127 | DDDBUCNBTA | DD: Cancel pushbutton adjustment | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
128 | DDDBUCNCTA | DD: Continue pushbutton adjustment | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
129 | DDDBUCNDTA | DD: Analyze pushbutton adjustment | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
130 | DDDBUCNVIN | Activate pushbutton and adjust database (index) | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
131 | DDDBUCNVMP | Activate pushbutton and adjust database (matchcode ID pool) | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
132 | DDDBUCNVTA | Activate pushbutton and adjust database (tables) | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
133 | DDDBUCNVVI | Activate pushbutton and adjust database (views) | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
134 | DDDBUCREIN | Create pushbutton database index | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
135 | DDDBUCREMI | Create pushbutton database table | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
136 | DDDBUCREMO | Create pushbutton database table (matchcode object) | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
137 | DDDBUCREMP | Build pushbutton data (matchcode ID pool) | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
138 | DDDBUCRESQ | Create pushbutton database table (TPOOL/TCLUSTER) | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
139 | DDDBUCRETA | Create pushbutton database table | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
140 | DDDBUCREVI | Create pushbutton database view | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
141 | DDDBUDDAMP | Delete radio button data (matchcode ID pool) | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
142 | DDDBUDDATA | Delete radio button data (table) | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
143 | DDDBUDELIN | Delete radio button database index | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
144 | DDDBUDELMO | Delete pushbutton database table (matchcode object) | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
145 | DDDBUDELMP | Delete data pushbutton (matchcode ID pool) | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
146 | DDDBUDELPC | Delete pushbutton data | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
147 | DDDBUDELSQ | Delete pushbutton database table (TPOOL/TCLUSTER) | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
148 | DDDBUDELTA | Delete pushbutton database table | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
149 | DDDBUDELVI | Delete pushbutton database view | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
150 | DDDBUSDAMP | Build radio button data (matchcode ID pool) | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
151 | DDDBUSDATA | Keep radio button data (table) | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
152 | DDDBUTREQS | DD: Database utility, request status | DDDBUTREQS | CHAR |
153 | DDDBVERSION | DD: Database Version | DDDBVERSION | CHAR |
154 | DDDDLEN2 | Length of Field on Database | CHAR | |
155 | DDDDLEND | Length of field in Dictionary | CHAR | |
156 | DDDDLPARSERINACT | DD: Ntab status with which DDL parser is called | DDDDLPARSERINACT | CHAR |
158 | DDDECD | Number of decimal places in the field | CHAR | |
159 | DDDECFLOATEX | Displays whether at least one decfloat column exists | DDDECFLOATEX | CHAR |
160 | DDDECKBL | Output: Cover sheet | DDBOXES | CHAR |
161 | DDDEEP | Table type used as type at depth 0 | DDFLAG | CHAR |
162 | DDDELALL | DD: Flag if all versions should be deleted | DDDELALL | CHAR |
163 | DDDELNOREF | DD: Flag if all versions should be deleted | DDDELNOREF | CHAR |
164 | DDDELNT | DD: Flag if the QCM nametabs should be deleted | DDFLAG | CHAR |
165 | DDDELREP | DD: Delete repair which contains all ICNV candidates | DDFLAG | CHAR |
166 | DDDEL_ALV | Number of Deleted Documents | CDINT4 | INT4 |
167 | DDDEPACT | DD: Flag if dependent objects should be activated | DDBOOL | CHAR |
168 | DDDEPTH | Depth in nested structures | NTABSHORT | RAW |
169 | DDDEPTHD | Depth in nested structures | CHAR | |
170 | DDDEPTHUP | Depth in nested structures | NTABSHORT | RAW |
171 | DDDEPTYPE | DD: Type of a dependency between objects of DDIC | DDDEPTYPE | CHAR |
172 | DDDEPTYPES | DD: Additional Info on Relationship Between DD Objects | DDDEPTYPE | CHAR |
173 | DDDIGITS | Indicator of ABAP data type P | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
174 | DDDIGITSD | Dictionary length for DEC, CURR, QUAN types | CHAR | |
175 | DDDIST | DD: Execute distribution | DDFLAG | CHAR |
176 | DDDMENGE | Size of the transport files | INT4 | INT4 |
177 | DDDOMAAPPEND | Help on Selection of Name of a Fixed Value Append | DOMNAME | CHAR |
178 | DDDONAME | DD: Name of a Dependent Object | DDBONAME | CHAR |
179 | DDDONE | DD: Indicator as to whether an operation is complete | DDDONE | CHAR |
180 | DDDOPATH | DD: DO prefixes also concatenated at target (DO path) | DDDOPATH | CHAR |
181 | DDDTEL031 | Dictionary object does not have a nametab field entry | DDFLAG | CHAR |
182 | DDDTYPD | Data type in Dictionary | CHAR | |
183 | DDDTYPE | Directory type for log in the ABAP/4 Dictionary | DDDTYPE | CHAR |
184 | DDDUE_KK | Collection Date | DATUM | DATS |
185 | DDDYNNAME | Dictionary: Screen name | DDDYNNAME | CHAR |
186 | DDECIFIELD | Number of decimal places for a specific field output | INT1 | INT1 |
187 | DDECIMALS | Number of decimal places is determined externally | CHAR1 | CHAR |
188 | DDEKSE | RM: Date on which the average purchase price was determined | DATUM | DATS |
189 | DDELNO | Delivery Note Number to Determine Sales Document | XFELD | CHAR |
190 | DDELONO | Delivery Order for Delivery Determination | XFELD | CHAR |
191 | DDEMODE | Execution mode (individual or mass processing) | DDEMODE | CHAR |
192 | DDEMSTOP | DD: Emergency stop, FB must be terminated | DDFLAG | CHAR |
193 | DDENABLED | DD: Indicator whether a field is active | DDENABLED | CHAR |
194 | DDENDTIME | End of action lock | AS4TIME | TIMS |
195 | DDENQARG | Output position: Lock arguments | DDPOS | NUMC |
196 | DDENQBAS | Output position: base tables | DDPOS | NUMC |
197 | DDENQCOLL | Flag whether locks should only be collected first | DDBOOL | CHAR |
198 | DDENQFLDT | Data element name for lock argument | DDPOS | NUMC |
199 | DDENQFLLE | Field Length for Lock Argument | DDPOS | NUMC |
200 | DDENQFLTX | Short description for lock argument | DDPOS | NUMC |
201 | DDENQFLTY | Data type for lock argument | DDPOS | NUMC |
202 | DDENQINFO | Output position: general information | DDPOS | NUMC |
203 | DDENQOPCOD | Code whether to lock or unlock | DDENQOPCOD | NUMC |
204 | DDENQSCOPE | Control lock behavior when calling the update task | DDENQSCOPE | NUMC |
205 | DDENQSYNC | Flag: synchronous unlocking? | DDFLAG | CHAR |
206 | DDENQTAB | Base table for lock argument | DDPOS | NUMC |
207 | DDENQTABF | Field name in base table for lock argument | DDPOS | NUMC |
208 | DDENQUEUE | DD: Lock for the mass activation program (shared/exclusive) | DDENQUEUE | CHAR |
209 | DDENQUPAR | Lock parameter | FDNAME | CHAR |
210 | DDENQWAIT | Flag indicating whether lock attempt is to be repeated | DDFLAG | CHAR |
211 | DDENQXPAR | Flag indicating whether initial value is to be prec. locked | DDFLAG | CHAR |
213 | DDEST | Printer | LDEST | CHAR |
214 | DDEUTYPE | DD object type in DE management system | DDEUTYPE | CHAR |
215 | DDEXCOMMIT | 'X': Commit after each object, ' ': No commit | DDBOOL | CHAR |
216 | DDEXLEND | Output Length | CHAR | |
217 | DDEXPAND | DD: Flag if expanded and how to react to error | DDEXPAND | CHAR |
218 | DDEXPR_IS_USED | DD: In the view, at least one expr. used (current append) | DDEXPR_IS_USED | CHAR |
219 | DDEXROUT | Flag if table to be compressed | DDINT1 | INT1 |
220 | DDEXTCLASS | Enhancement Category | DDFLAG | CHAR |
221 | DDEXTENTSD | Extents | INT4 | |
222 | DDEXTVIEW_INCLUDED | DD: Contains at least one external view in the hierarchy | DDEXTVIEW_INCLUDED | CHAR |
223 | DDEXTYP | DD: Type of specification of conversion methods | DDEXTYP | CHAR |
224 | DDF4AVAIL | Does the field have an input help | DDBOOL | CHAR |
225 | DDF4CONST | Constant for key mapping EXTIDX | CHAR | |
226 | DDF4HELPEX | F4 help exists | DDFLAG | CHAR |
227 | DDF4IDNAME | Logical name of an external index | CHAR | |
228 | DDF4MULATT | Flag: Multiple index attribute | CHAR | |
229 | DDF4PROCNM | Name of a stored procedure | CHAR | |
230 | DDF4PRSFLD | Name of a column in the hit list | FDNAME | CHAR |
231 | DDF4PRSOPT | Optimization of a column of the hit list | CHAR | |
232 | DDF4PSFLAG | Flag for making personal F4 help | CHAR | |
233 | DDF4PSNOSP | Deactivate display of selection popup window | CHAR | |
234 | DDF4PSPROP | Property name for making personal F4 help | CHAR | |
235 | DDF4PSSHSP | Activate display of selection popup | CHAR | |
236 | DDF4SECONT | Flag: Attribute is component of document contents | CHAR | |
237 | DDF4SERANK | Rank of a hit for external search machines | NUMC | |
238 | DDF4SQLSTM | SQL statements | CHAR | |
239 | DDF4TRLINE | Line count for trigger code | NUMC | |
240 | DDF4TXTSE | Description free text field for fuzzy F4 help | CHAR | |
241 | DDFCT | Actions for DD objects with direct input | DDFCT | CHAR |
242 | DDFDELEENQ | Length of data element name | DDOFFSET | NUMC |
243 | DDFDELEMC | Length of data element name | DDOFFSET | NUMC |
244 | DDFDPOS | DD: Marked Position in a Repeat Group | DDFDPOS | INT4 |
245 | DDFEATURE_NR | Number of DB Feature | DDFEATURE_NR | INT4 |
246 | DDFIELDFL | Flag, if fields of an ABAP/4 Dict. object are treated | DDBOOL | CHAR |
247 | DDFIELDLABEL | DD: Text for Input/Output Fields | DDFIELDLABEL | CHAR |
248 | DDFIELDNAME_L | DD: Concatenated Field Name | DDFIELDNAME_L | CHAR |
249 | DDFILE | File name: also contains op.sys-specific path name | TRFILE | CHAR |
250 | DDFILENAME | File name | TRFILENAME | CHAR |
251 | DDFINDSTR | Search String in the Dictionary | CHAR30 | CHAR |
252 | DDFIRSTD | First extent | INT4 | |
253 | DDFKEYFL | Flag, if foreign key of an ABAP/4 Dict. object treated | DDBOOL | CHAR |
254 | DDFKTXFL | Flag, if texts for the foreign keys are read | DDBOOL | CHAR |
255 | DDFLAG | Flag for internal table | CHAR1 | CHAR |
256 | DDFLAG1D | Flag 1 for fields in nametab | CHAR | |
257 | DDFLAG1HD | Flag of nametab header | CHAR | |
258 | DDFLAG2D | Flag for fields in nametab | CHAR | |
259 | DDFLAG2HD | Flag of nametab header | CHAR | |
260 | DDFLAG3D | Flag for fields in nametab | CHAR | |
261 | DDFLAG3HD | Flag of nametab header | CHAR | |
262 | DDFLAG4D | Flag for fields in nametab | CHAR | |
263 | DDFLAG4HD | Flag of nametab header | CHAR | |
264 | DDFLAG5D | Flag for nametab header | CHAR | |
265 | DDFLAG5HD | Flag of nametab header | CHAR | |
266 | DDFLAG6D | Flag for nametab header | CHAR | |
267 | DDFLAG6HD | Flag of nametab header | CHAR | |
268 | DDFLDCD | Number of fields | CHAR | |
269 | DDFLDCNT | Number of table fields | DDINT2 | INT2 |
270 | DDFLDLEENQ | Length of field name | DDOFFSET | NUMC |
271 | DDFLDLEMC | Length of field name | DDOFFSET | NUMC |
272 | DDFLDNAME | Dictionary: Field name | DDFLDNAME | CHAR |
273 | DDFLDNAMLE | Length of field name | DDOFFSET | NUMC |
274 | DDFLDNUM | Number of fields of a table | DDFLDNUM | NUMC |
275 | DDFLDORIGIN | DD: Origin of a BO Structure Node Field (STOBJ) | DDFLDORIGIN | CHAR |
276 | DDFLDPATH | DD: field name with full path | DYNFNAM | CHAR |
277 | DDFLDTXFL | Flag, if texts for fields of an ABAP/4 Dict. obj. treated | DDBOOL | CHAR |
278 | DDFLDTYPD | ABAP data type (coded) | CHAR | |
279 | DDFLDTYPE | ABAP data type (coded) | DDINT1 | INT1 |
280 | DDFLG | Dictionary: Flag byte (R/2 domain structure) | DDFLG | RAW |
281 | DDFLG_EURO | Delete transaction data | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
282 | DDFLOAT | Floating Point Field for Table DDLOADD (DB Migration) | FLTP | FLTP |
283 | DDFLPOS | Position number of table field | DDINT2 | INT2 |
284 | DDFMODUS | Mode in which a file is accessed | DDFMODUS | CHAR |
285 | DDFMT | Dictionary: Format for domain structure R/2 ? | DDFMT | CHAR |
286 | DDFNAMLEVI | Length of field name | DDOFFSET | NUMC |
287 | DDFOBJNAME | Fully qualified ABAP Dict. name (incl. type,...) | CHAR34 | CHAR |
288 | DDFORMAT | Dictionary: Assembler format (domain structure R/2 ) | DDFORMAT | CHAR |
289 | DDFRCACT | DD: Force Activation | DDFRCACT | CHAR |
290 | DDFREED | Free (KB) | INT4 | |
291 | DDFREETEXT | Free text for search engines | CHAR128 | CHAR |
292 | DDFRKSRC | Defining append of a foreign key | TABNAME | CHAR |
293 | DDFSARBGB | Application area | ARBGB | CHAR |
294 | DDFSMSGNR | Message number | MSGNR | CHAR |
295 | DDFTXLEENQ | Length of short text | DDOFFSETT | NUMC |
296 | DDFTXLEMC | Length of short text | DDOFFSETT | NUMC |
297 | DDFULLTEXT | DD: Full Text Index | DDFULLTEXT | CHAR |
298 | DDFULLTXTPARS | DD: Checks the parameters of a full text index | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
299 | DDFUNC | DD: abbreviation for a DD action | DDFUNC | CHAR |
300 | DDFUNCACTION | DD: Action for Functions | DDFUNCACTION | CHAR |
301 | DDFUNCNAME | DD: Name of a function - example, LPAD, MOD | DDFUNCNAME | CHAR |
302 | DDFUNKTION | Function in the Dictionary maintenance | EUFCT | CHAR |
303 | DDFUZZY_SEARCH | Full Text Fuzzy Search | DDFUZZY_SEARCH | CHAR |
304 | DDFUZZY_SIMILARITY | Accuracy Value for Error-Tolerant Full Text Search | DDFUZZY_SIMILARITY | DEC |
305 | DDFVOPTION | Option for domain fixed values | DDFVOPTION | CHAR |
306 | DDGETVRS | DD: Retrieve the versions with MODEFLAG <> 'U' | DDFLAG | CHAR |
307 | DDGLBNAME | Dictionary: Global name (domain structure R/2) | DDGLBNAME | CHAR |
308 | DDGOTSTATE | Status of an ABAP/4 Dictionary object | DDGOTSTATE | CHAR |
309 | DDGROUP | Group name for named includes | DDGROUP | CHAR |
310 | DDGRP_KK | Number of Debit Memo Notification | CHAR10 | CHAR |
311 | DDHASH32 | Hash 32 | CHAR | |
312 | DDHEADERFL | Flag, if header of an ABAP/4 Dict. object is treated | DDBOOL | CHAR |
313 | DDHIDEFLAG | Flag if the search help inclusion is hidden | DDHIDEFLAG | CHAR |
314 | DDHISTORY | History nametab entry of current nametab exists | DDFLAG | CHAR |
315 | DDHYPHEN | Field contains character '-' | DDFLAG | CHAR |
316 | DDIC | Flag for DDIC type | SYCHAR01 | CHAR |
317 | DDICFLD | Name of the data dictionary field. Identifies program field | CHAR30 | CHAR |
318 | DDICFZU | Name of DDIC field additional data | CHAR30 | CHAR |
319 | DDICK | Existence check control of Incoterms for financial documents | XFELD | CHAR |
320 | DDICNAMOUNT | Datenvolumen in der Umsetzung | DEC | |
321 | DDICNVDAY | Days of week for exclusion interval | DDICNVDAY | CHAR |
322 | DDICNVOK | DD: Defines if ICNV should be executed for an object | DDICNVOK | CHAR |
323 | DDICNVSTAT | Status of the incremental conversion | DDICNVSTAT | CHAR |
324 | DDICTXT | Adapt header to DDIC field names ('K', 'M', 'L') | DDICTXT | CHAR |
325 | DDIC_OBJ | Dictionary object | DDOBJNAME | CHAR |
326 | DDIC_TXT | text from DDIC object | CHAR | |
327 | DDID | Identification of comp. objects of ABAP Dictionary objects | DDID | CHAR |
328 | DDIDELTRI | Name of delete trigger | CHAR30 | CHAR |
329 | DDIDXFUZZY | Degree of fuzziness for searching an external index | INT1 | |
330 | DDIDXLANIN | Language-independ. of an external index | CHAR | |
331 | DDIDXMDTIN | Cross-client external index | CHAR | |
332 | DDIENLKOST | PMIS: PM costs for services | WERTV8 | CURR |
333 | DDIFATTRIBUT | DD: Interface Attribute (for Association Constants) | DDIFATTRIBUT | CHAR |
334 | DDIINSTRI | Name of current insert trigger | OBJECTNAME | CHAR |
335 | DDIMIGDEST | Destination for step of ICNV/IMIG | DDIMIGDEST | CHAR |
336 | DDIMPLEMENTED_BY | Implementing DB Systems | SSTR | |
337 | DDIMPROC | Incremental Migration Process | DDIMPROC | CHAR |
338 | DDIMPSTAR | Implicit Asterisk for Search | XFELD | CHAR |
339 | DDINACT | DD: Inactive activation DOMA/DTEL/TABL without dep. objects | DDFLAG | CHAR |
340 | DDINACTIVE | 'X': Inactive, ' ': Active nametab is written | DDBOOL | CHAR |
341 | DDINCLEX | Table/structure contains at least one Include | DDFLAG | CHAR |
342 | DDINDDB | Switch indexes on the database on/off | DDFLAG | CHAR |
343 | DDINDDBOFF | Switch off index on the database | DDFLAG | CHAR |
344 | DDINDDBON | Switch on index on the database | DDFLAG | CHAR |
345 | DDINDEXFL | Flag, if indexes of an ABAP/4 Dict. object are treated | DDBOOL | CHAR |
346 | DDINDIKATO | Indicator field for incremental conversion | CHAR30 | CHAR |
347 | DDINEXSTAT | Next status of incremental conversion | DDICNVSTAT | CHAR |
348 | DDINHALT | Output: Table of contents | DDBOXES | CHAR |
349 | DDINIT | Dictionary: Initial value (table field structure R/2) | DDINIT | CHAR |
350 | DDINS_ALV | Number of Added Documents | CDINT4 | INT4 |
351 | DDINT | Integer 4 for Table DDLOADD (DB Migration) | INT4 | |
352 | DDINT2 | DD: 2-Byte Integer | INT2 | INT2 |
353 | DDINT4 | ABAP Dictionary: 4-Byte Integer | INT4 | |
354 | DDINTABEX | DD: Check if inactive nametab is empty | DDFLAG | CHAR |
355 | DDINTDECIM | Number of decimal places in the field | DDINT1 | INT1 |
356 | DDINTLEN | Dictionary length for DEC, CURR, QUAN types | DDINT2 | INT2 |
357 | DDINTLENG | Dictionary length for DEC, CURR, QUAN types | NTABLONG | RAW |
358 | DDIPOSTAT | Next status of incremental conversion | CHAR128 | CHAR |
359 | DDIPROC | Incremental conversion process | DDIPROC | CHAR |
360 | DDIPROP | Attributes of ICNV tools | DDIPROP | CHAR |
361 | DDISCHEMA | Template report for incremental table conversion | CHAR40 | CHAR |
362 | DDISECOND | Schema for second and all subsequent conversion runs | CHAR30 | CHAR |
363 | DDISEXTIND | DD: Flag if index is extension index | DDISEXTIND | CHAR |
364 | DDISEXTVIEW | An external view exists | DDBOOL | CHAR |
365 | DDISFIRST | Schema for first conversion run | CHAR30 | CHAR |
366 | DDISKKBSEC | KB transferred per second | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
367 | DDISKNAME | Device file name of disk | CH36_OSMON | CHAR |
368 | DDISKOPSEC | Operations per second | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
369 | DDISKQUEU | Average queue length | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
370 | DDISKRESP | Response time of the disk | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
371 | DDISKSERV | Service time in milliseconds | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
372 | DDISKSTATUS | Disk Status: (Physical/Shared Pool) | ST06_INT_5 | INT2 |
373 | DDISKUTIL | Disk Utilization in Percent | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
374 | DDISKWAIT | Wait time in milliseconds | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
375 | DDISLAST | Schema for last conversion run | CHAR30 | CHAR |
376 | DDISLOBSTRUC | Displays whether a derived LOB structure exists | DDISLOBSTRUC | CHAR |
377 | DDISMASTER | DD: Database object determines structured object | DDISMASTER | CHAR |
378 | DDISMIG | Schema for incremental migration | CHAR30 | CHAR |
379 | DDISP | Message if material is used in MRP | FEDIA | CHAR |
380 | DDISPO | Payment Date | DATUM | DATS |
381 | DDISUSED | Specifies Whether DTEL or TTYP Are Used Actively | CHAR | |
382 | DDIS_DDL_VIEW | DD: Flag whether generated view table comes from DDL view | CHAR | |
383 | DDIUPDTRI | Name of update trigger | CHAR30 | CHAR |
384 | DDIVALUE | Alphanumeric value | DDIVALUE | CHAR |
385 | DDIXDBSEL | Choose a database system for DB-specific indexes | DDIXDBSEL | CHAR |
386 | DDIXDBSTAT | Status of index on the database | DDIXDBSTAT | CHAR |
387 | DDIXDBTXT | Display database-specific setting of indexes | TEXT60 | CHAR |
388 | DDIXINCEX | List of DB systems used as list of inclusions/exclusions | DDIXINCEX | CHAR |
389 | DDIXTXFL | Flag, if texts for indexes of an ABAP/4 Dict. obj. treated | DDBOOL | CHAR |
390 | DDJAVAONLY | Write access only with JAVA | DDBOOL | CHAR |
391 | DDJCONSTANT | DD: Literals in the On condition | DDJCONSTANT | CHAR |
392 | DDJOIN_PATH | Data element for Join Path | CHAR | |
393 | DDKENNUNG | ID of an index or a matchcode ID | INDEXID | CHAR |
394 | DDKEYCD | Number of key fields | CHAR | |
395 | DDKEYCNT | Number of key fields in table | DDINT1 | INT1 |
396 | DDKEYCNTMAX | DD: Maximum Number of Key Fields | INT1 | |
397 | DDKEYLD | Width of the key fields in bytes | CHAR | |
398 | DDKEYLENG | Length of table key in bytes | DDINT1 | INT1 |
399 | DDKEYLENMAX | DD: Maximum Width Key Fields | DDKEYLENMAX | INT2 |
400 | DDKLASSE | Class of an object in the ABAP Dictionary | DDKLASSE | CHAR |
401 | DDLANGUAGE | Language Key | SPRAS | LANG |
402 | DDLANGUA_1 | Short text | DDLANGUA_1 | LANG |
403 | DDLANGUFLG | DD: Indicator for a Language Field | DDLANGUFLG | CHAR |
404 | DDLBSELECTION | Value for Dropdown List Key Selection | CHAR | |
405 | DDLB_TEXTFIELD | Text Field for Dropdown List Box | FDNAME | CHAR |
406 | DDLEAFCNT | ABAP Dictionary: Leaf Content of Structure | NTABLONG | RAW |
407 | DDLEN | Length of Field (Number of Characters) | DDLEN | NUMC |
408 | DDLENG | Length (No. of Characters) | DDLENG | NUMC |
409 | DDLENMAX | DD: Maximum Width Table or View | DDLENMAX | INT4 |
410 | DDLEVELNR | Number of level for topological sorting | INT4 | INT4 |
411 | DDLFCNT | ABAP Dictionary: Leaf Content of Structure | CHAR | |
412 | DDLFIELDNAME | DD: Long Field Name (concatenated) | DDLFIELDNAME | CHAR |
413 | DDLNAME | Name of a DDL Source | PROGNAME | CHAR |
414 | DDLOCAL | DD: 'N': Latest version/'A': Active version is activated | AS4LOCAL | CHAR |
415 | DDLOCKACT | DD: Flag: Is activation locked? | DD_ACTEXE | CHAR |
416 | DDLOCKEU | DD: Check if DE is locked | DDFLAG | CHAR |
417 | DDLOCKOBJ | DD: Lock objects which have to be converted | DDFLAG | CHAR |
418 | DDLOGTAB | Logging table for incremental conversion | ICNVTAB | CHAR |
419 | DDLONGSTR | Displays whether at least one long string exists | DDFLAG | CHAR |
420 | DDLPARENT | DD: Name of main DDL source in the case of an extension | PROGNAME | CHAR |
421 | DDLSOURCE | Report in which the DDL source is stored | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
422 | DDLSQL | Number of DDL statements since connect | CHAR | |
423 | DDLTRFLDDI | Basic write direction has been defined LTR (left-to-right) | DDBOOL | CHAR |
424 | DDMAINOBJEX | DD: Indicator whether a main object exists | DDMAINOBJEX | CHAR |
425 | DDMAXDBVAL | DD: For a DB max. value - for ex. Index/Tab./View Columns | INT4 | |
426 | DDMAXEXTD | Max extents | INT4 | |
427 | DDMAXNAMAU | Object name for Dictionary authorization | DDMAXNAMAU | CHAR |
428 | DDMAXTASKS | Maximum number of parallel tasks | INT4 | |
429 | DDMCBASTAB | Output position: base tables | DDPOS | NUMC |
430 | DDMCFLD | Output position: Field list of a matchcode | DDPOS | NUMC |
431 | DDMCFLDT | Position field list: data element name | DDPOS | NUMC |
432 | DDMCFLLE | Position Field List: Field Length | DDPOS | NUMC |
433 | DDMCFLTX | Position field list: Short description | DDPOS | NUMC |
434 | DDMCFLTY | Position field list: data type | DDPOS | NUMC |
435 | DDMCIDLIST | Output position: List of IDs of the MC object | DDPOS | NUMC |
436 | DDMCIDS | Output of individual MC IDs | DDBOXES | CHAR |
437 | DDMCINFO | Output position: General information on matchcode object | DDPOS | NUMC |
438 | DDMCLASS | Authorization group for DD objects | DDBRGRU | CHAR |
439 | DDMCSYNC | Status of synchronous matchcode maintenance | SYCHAR01 | CHAR |
440 | DDMCTAB | Position field list: base table for field | DDPOS | NUMC |
441 | DDMCTABF | Position field list: field name in base table | DDPOS | NUMC |
442 | DDMEDIUM | DD: Category of input medium in mass activation program | CHAR3 | CHAR |
443 | DDMEMORYID | Indicator if a set/get parameter ID is in use | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
444 | DDMESSAGE | DD: Message from T100 (appl. area and number) | DDMESSAGE | CHAR |
445 | DDMESSFLAG | Flag indicating whether error is proc. by calling program | DDMFLAG | CHAR |
446 | DDMHAB | Customers: Credit Amount | WERTV12 | CURR |
447 | DDMIME_TYPE_DESCR | DD: Mime Type Description | DDMIME_TYPE_DESCR | CHAR |
449 | DDMIN | DD: Minutes def.: Exclusion times: Incremental conversion | DDMIN | NUMC |
450 | DDMOD | DD: 'X': ICNV table modified, '': no modification | DDICNVMOD | CHAR |
451 | DDMODE | Dictionary: Mode of the entry | DDMODE | CHAR |
452 | DDMODIFY | Dictionary: Modification indicator | DDMODIFY | RAW |
453 | DDMODKZ | Modification ID | DDMODKZ | CHAR |
454 | DDMONITOR | DD: Start monitor | DDFLAG | CHAR |
455 | DDMSCHK001 | Week mode | DDFLAG | CHAR |
456 | DDMSCHK002 | Compare Dictionary with database | DDFLAG | CHAR |
457 | DDMSCHK003 | Compare Dictionary with runtime object | DDFLAG | CHAR |
458 | DDMSCHK004 | Find part. active objects | DDFLAG | CHAR |
459 | DDMSCHK005 | Find new/revised objects | DDFLAG | CHAR |
460 | DDMSCHK006 | Test activation | DDFLAG | CHAR |
461 | DDMSCHK007 | Split by package | CHAR60 | CHAR |
462 | DDMSCHK013 | Reactivate inconsistent runtime objects | DDFLAG | CHAR |
463 | DDMSCHK014 | Reactivate partially active objects | DDFLAG | CHAR |
464 | DDMSCHK015 | Activate new/revised objects | DDFLAG | CHAR |
465 | DDMSCHK016 | Check component separation | DDBOOL | CHAR |
466 | DDMSCHK020 | Postpone start time for consecutive jobs | NUMC3 | NUMC |
467 | DDMSCHK021 | Start date of first job to be scheduled | AS4DATE | DATS |
468 | DDMSCHK022 | Start time of first job to be scheduled | AS4TIME | TIMS |
469 | DDMSCHK02N | With DB objects without Dictionary definition | DDFLAG | CHAR |
470 | DDMSCHK030 | Format Test Activation for Transaction TODO | DDFLAG | CHAR |
471 | DDMSCHK031 | Send results to mail system MLP | DDFLAG | CHAR |
472 | DDMSCHK032 | MLP user to whom results are sent | CHAR10 | CHAR |
473 | DDMSCHK033 | Generate object list and start clean-up immediately | DDFLAG | CHAR |
474 | DDMSCHK034 | Generate only the object list | DDFLAG | CHAR |
475 | DDMSCHK035 | Clean-up with existing object list | DDFLAG | CHAR |
476 | DDMSCHK036 | Flag if only missing checks should be performed | XFELD | CHAR |
477 | DDMSCHK037 | Reference day for weekly mode | DDMSCHK037 | CHAR |
478 | DDMSCHK038 | Reference time for weekly mode | AS4TIME | TIMS |
479 | DDMSCHK039 | Immediate start of check job | CHAR | |
480 | DDMSCHK03N | With runtime objects without Dictionary definition | DDFLAG | CHAR |
481 | DDMSCHK040 | Without Test Packages | DDFLAG | CHAR |
482 | DDMSOL | Customers: Debit Amount | WERTV12 | CURR |
483 | DDMSPRAS | Alternative language for messages | SPRAS | LANG |
484 | DDMSSCENE | DD: Scenario for parallel mass activation | DDMSSCENE | CHAR |
485 | DDNAM | Field Name | CHAR14 | CHAR |
486 | DDNAME | Name of an ABAP Dictionary object | DDNAME | CHAR |
487 | DDNAMECOCL | Class of name conflicts | DDNAMECOCL | CHAR |
488 | DDNAMEDIN | Tabelle/structure contains at least one named Include | DDFLAG | CHAR |
489 | DDNAMLEMC | Length of table name | DDOFFSET | NUMC |
490 | DDNAMLEVIE | Length of table name | DDOFFSET | NUMC |
491 | DDNESTED | Structure is used as type at depth 0 | DDFLAG | CHAR |
492 | DDNEWKEY | In 3.0 field will become a key field of the table | DDBOOL | CHAR |
493 | DDNEWPROT | Indicates whether new convention has been used for logs | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
494 | DDNEXTD | Next extent | INT4 | |
495 | DDNODEKIND | Type of a Node in the ABAP Dictionary | DDNODEKIND | CHAR |
496 | DDNODENAME | Node Name of a BO in the ABAP Dictionary | DDNODENAME | CHAR |
497 | DDNODENAME_S | DD: Node name if source field comes from a different node | DDNODENAME | CHAR |
498 | DDNODEORIGIN | DD: Origin of a BO Node | DDNODEORIGIN | CHAR |
499 | DDNODOKU | DD: Transport object with or without documentation | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
500 | DDNOHISTORY | DD: Flag for Deactivating Input History in Screen Field | DDBOOL | CHAR |