SAP ABAP Data Element - Index D, page 12
Data Element - D
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | DCMXSTATE | DD: status of a table with regard to its TNAMP entry | DXMXSTATE | CHAR |
2 | DCM_ACTIVITY | Processing Type - Not Yet Usable in mySAP ERP | DCM_ACTIVITY | CHAR |
3 | DCM_AFNAM | Person requesting change | AFNAM | CHAR |
4 | DCM_BUDAT | Posting date of version | DATUM | DATS |
5 | DCM_DIFWR | Value change due to version | WERTV7 | CURR |
6 | DCM_EXTNR | External Change Number of Version | CHAR20 | CHAR |
7 | DCM_LENGTH | Length of Decimal Places | NUMC | |
8 | DCM_LINNO | Line Number | INT4 | INT4 |
9 | DCM_REVOK | Status "version completed" | XFELD | CHAR |
10 | DCNAMSPACE | DD: Check for correct specification of a namespace | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
11 | DCNDTABLCHK | DD: Controls whether a node table will be checked | DCNDTABLCHK | CHAR |
12 | DCNOCHECK | DD: No checks during activation of tablepool or cluster | DD_ACTEXE | CHAR |
13 | DCNREASTXT | Text for disconnection reason | TEXT40 | CHAR |
14 | DCNTABCMP | DD: Flag: Has nametab comparison been performed? | DD_ACTEXE | CHAR |
15 | DCNTAB_GEN | DD: Success of nametab generation | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
16 | DCNTGEN | DD: Flag: Nametab generation switched on/off | DD_ACTEXE | CHAR |
17 | DCNTSTATE | DD: Flag ('N', 'A'): Is nametab written inactiv./active ? | DD_ACTEXE | CHAR |
18 | DCNULLCHG | DD: insert possible for views in table ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
19 | DCNV_CMIS_DLANGUFLG | Language Field Indicator | CNV_CMIS_DDLANGUFLG | CHAR |
20 | DCOCO | Country of departure from organizational unit for leg. ctrl | DCOCO | CHAR |
21 | DCODE | Data Code - Finnish Format | CHAR4 | CHAR |
22 | DCONLY | Only Distribution Centers | XFELD | CHAR |
23 | DCONVERT | Date loan was converted to EURO | DATE | DATS |
24 | DCOPERATN | Database operation on DD Repository table | DCOPERATN | CHAR |
25 | DCOPY | Do Not Copy Main Operation Data to Subnetwork | DCOPY | CHAR |
26 | DCORRECT | Date for adjustment flows resulting from EURO conversion | DATE | DATS |
27 | DCPACKCHK | DD: Check Packages of Used Objects | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
28 | DCPERISTDDLCONT | Contains info whether DDL content (view, ent.) is persisted | DCPERISTDDLCONT | CHAR |
29 | DCPOCL0001 | Test: Is table type OK? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
30 | DCPOCL0002 | Test: Does active pool/cluster exist? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
31 | DCPREPARE | DD: Controls preparation of table for activation | DD_ACTEXE | CHAR |
32 | DCPROC | Number of processes currently running | DCPROC | CHAR |
33 | DCPUCS | Context switches per second | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
34 | DCPUIDLAVG | Idle CPU time in percent | INT2 | INT2 |
35 | DCPUIDLE | Idle CPU utilization for all CPUs in the system | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
36 | DCPUIDLETRU | True Idle CPU Utilization for All CPUs in the System | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
37 | DCPUINT | Interrupts per second | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
38 | DCPUIOWAIT | I/O Wait CPU Utilization for All CPUs in the System | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
39 | DCPULOAD1 | CPU load average for the last 1 minute | DEC5_2 | DEC |
40 | DCPULOAD15 | CPU load average for the last 15 minutes | DEC5_2 | DEC |
41 | DCPULOAD5 | CPU load average for the last 5 minutes | DEC5_2 | DEC |
42 | DCPUNBRCPU | Number of CPUs in the system | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
43 | DCPUSYSAVG | CPU System Utilization in Percent | INT2 | INT2 |
44 | DCPUSYSC | System calls per second | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
45 | DCPUSYSTEM | System CPU utilization for all CPUs in the system | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
46 | DCPUTSTATE | DD: Contains version in which DD sources are updated | DD_ACTEXE | CHAR |
47 | DCPUUSER | User CPU utilization for all CPUs in the system | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
48 | DCPUUSRAVG | User CPU Utilization in Percent | INT2 | INT2 |
49 | DCPUVIRTAIXAVAILABLE | Available Physical CPUs | INT4 | |
50 | DCPUVIRTAIXAVAILABLECONS | Percent of Available Physical CPUs Consumed | INT4 | |
51 | DCPUVIRTAIXCAPPED | Capped (On, Off) | INT2 | |
52 | DCPUVIRTAIXENTITLEMENT | Physical CPU Entitlement | INT4 | |
53 | DCPUVIRTAIXENTITLEMENTCONS | Percent of Physical CPU Entitlement Consumed | INT4 | |
54 | DCPUVIRTAIXFREQUENCY | Processor Frequency | INT4 | |
55 | DCPUVIRTAIXMODELNAME | System Model Type | CHAR | |
56 | DCPUVIRTAIXPARTCONFIG | Bitmap of AIX SPLPAR configuration | INT2 | INT2 |
57 | DCPUVIRTAIXPARTID | Partition ID | INT4 | |
58 | DCPUVIRTAIXPARTNAME | Partition Name | CHAR | |
60 | DCPUVIRTAIXPHYSCPUCONS | Physical CPU Consumed | INT4 | |
62 | DCPUVIRTAIXPOOLCPU | Number of CPUs in Pool | INT4 | |
63 | DCPUVIRTAIXPOOLUTILAUTH | Pool Utility Authorization (On, Off) | INT2 | |
64 | DCPUVIRTAIXPROCESSOR | Processor type | CHAR | |
65 | DCPUVIRTAIXSMTMODE | SMT Mode (On, Off) | INT2 | |
66 | DCPUVIRTAIXTHREADS | Number of SMT Threads | INT2 | |
67 | DCPUVIRTAIXVIRTCPU | Number of Virtual CPUs | INT4 | |
68 | DCQNT | Committed quantity | MENG13 | QUAN |
69 | DCREATEEKA | Creation date of last external account statement | CK_DATUM | DATS |
70 | DCREFPROT | DD: Contains info on if and how reference log is written | DCREFPROT | CHAR |
71 | DCRRACTION | CRR Transition/Operation | CHAR | |
72 | DCRRBUFFERNAME | Name of Original Buffer | CRRBUFFERNAME | CHAR |
73 | DCRRCHANGEREC | Value for change record request | DCRRCHANGEREC | CHAR |
75 | DCRRCOMPONENT | CRR compoenent id type | CHAR | |
76 | DCRRERRSTATE | Error state of a CRR task | DCRRERRSTATE | CHAR |
77 | DCRRERRSTRATEGY | CRR task error handling strategy | DCRRERRSTRATEGY | CHAR |
78 | DCRRGROUP | Task Group in CRR | CHAR | |
79 | DCRRLOGID | CRR Logger ID | CHAR20 | CHAR |
81 | DCRRMSGTEXT | CRR Message Text | CHAR | |
82 | DCRRNOTE | Note number | NUMC | |
83 | DCRRNUMBEROFRECORDS | CRR: Number of Records | DEC | |
84 | DCRROPSTATE | CRR operation status | DCRROPSTATE | CHAR |
85 | DCRROPTASKDP | CRR operation task dependency variant | DCRROPTASKDP | CHAR |
86 | DCRRPERCENTAGE | CRR Percentage | DEC | |
87 | DCRRPNAME | CRR parameter name | CHAR | |
88 | DCRRPREFIX | Prefix for CRR names | CHAR | |
89 | DCRRPROCESSID | CRR Process ID | INT1 | INT1 |
90 | DCRRPVALUE | CRR parameter value | CHAR | |
94 | DCRRTASKID | CRR Task ID | CHAR | |
97 | DCRRTRANSITION | CRR Transition | CHAR | |
98 | DCRRTRTYPE | CRR Transport Request Classification | DCRRTRTYPE | CHAR |
100 | DCRR_MSG_LEVEL | Message Level | DCRR_MSG_LEVEL | NUMC |
101 | DCRTYPEKEY | DD: Check: Key def. valid for category of line type | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
102 | DCSAAH0001 | Test: Does table name exist? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
103 | DCSAAH0002 | Test: Is the name of the table too long? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
104 | DCSAAH0003 | Test: Does table name contain any blanks? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
105 | DCSAAH0004 | Test: Is there a hyphen ('-') in table name? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
106 | DCSAAH0005 | Test: Does table name start with letters? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
107 | DCSAAH0006 | Open | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
108 | DCSAAH0007 | Test: Does table name contain only allowed characters? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
109 | DCSAAH0008 | Test: Is underscore 2nd or 3rd character in table name? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
110 | DCSAAH0009 | Test: Is table name reserved? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
111 | DCSAAN0001 | Test: Does name exist? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
112 | DCSAAN0002 | Test: Is name too long? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
113 | DCSAAN0003 | Test: Does name contain blanks? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
114 | DCSAAN0004 | Test: Does name contain '-'? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
115 | DCSAAN0005 | Test: Does name start with a letter? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
116 | DCSAAN0006 | Open | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
117 | DCSAAN0007 | Test: Does name contain only allowed characters? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
118 | DCSAAN0008 | Test: Is 2nd or 3rd char. of name an underscore? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
119 | DCSAAN0009 | Test: Is name reserved? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
120 | DCSAAN0010 | Check whether table is in QCM namespace | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
121 | DCSAAN0011 | Check whether name begins with a period but is <> .INCLU | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
122 | DCSAAN0012 | DD: Check if the last character is a '_' | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
123 | DCSAAN0013 | Check for invalid language-specific character | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
124 | DCSAAN0014 | Test for string betweeen /.../ | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
125 | DCSAAN0015 | Test for Uppercase/Lowercase | DCSAAN0015 | CHAR |
126 | DCSAANAME | DD: Check of name of a DD object for SAA norm | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
127 | DCSECKEYCHK | DD: Check: Secondary Keys | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
128 | DCSECKEYRESTR | DD: Secondary Index Restrictions | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
129 | DCSECKEYROWT | DD: Sec. Index Consistency Check | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
130 | DCSELDEP | DD: Select dependencies from tables of dependencies | DDBOOL | CHAR |
131 | DCSENDBEG | DD: String for storing the begin message | DCSENDMESS | CHAR |
132 | DCSENDFAIL | DD: String, which end message is sent for failure | DCSENDMESS | CHAR |
133 | DCSENDNAME | DD: Flag if name/date/time should be sent | DDBOOL | CHAR |
134 | DCSENDSUCC | DD: Flag if/which end message sent for success | DCSENDMESS | CHAR |
135 | DCSETLEVEL | DD: Flag: Is log level changed during activation ? | DD_ACTEXE | CHAR |
136 | DCSHAT0001 | Test if all search help attachments belong to search help | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
137 | DCSHAT0002 | Test for type compatibility in search help attachments | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
138 | DCSHAT0003 | Test if field of a search help attachment exists | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
139 | DCSHAT0004 | Test if search help field assignments have overlaid returns | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
140 | DCSHAT0005 | Test if field assgn. have overlaid further transp. | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
141 | DCSHAT0007 | Test if all search help attachments permit a return | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
142 | DCSHCO0001 | Test if all search help inclusions belong to search help | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
143 | DCSHCO0002 | Test if HIDEFLAG contains a valid value | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
144 | DCSHCO0003 | Test if only elementary search helps are included | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
145 | DCSHCO0004 | Test if 2 elem. search helps with same short cut included | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
146 | DCSHCO0005 | Test if no append search helps are included | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
147 | DCSHCO0006 | Test for maximum number of elementary search helps contained | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
148 | DCSHCO0007 | Test for Maximum Number Including Deactivated Search Helps | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
149 | DCSHFD0001 | Test if all fields belong to the search help | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
150 | DCSHFD0002 | Test if the names of the search help fields are valid | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
151 | DCSHFD0003 | Test if a search field name occurs twice | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
152 | DCSHFD0004 | Test if active data elems. are assigned to srch. help fields | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
153 | DCSHFD0005 | Test if the flags assigned to the fields have boolean values | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
154 | DCSHFD0006 | Test whether SELDIS and SELPOS are consistent | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
155 | DCSHFD0007 | Test if select. and list descr. only for elem. search help | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
156 | DCSHFD0008 | Test if a field has a function at all | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
157 | DCSHFD0009 | Test if pure displ. field is import field or has default val | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
158 | DCSHFD0010 | Test if search help has at least one output field | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
159 | DCSHFD0011 | Test if information about index is okay | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
160 | DCSHFD0012 | Test if position entry of field is meaningful | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
161 | DCSHFD0013 | Test if positions on selection screen are consistent | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
162 | DCSHFD0014 | Test if positions in hit list are consistent | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
163 | DCSHFD0015 | Test if search help also exists in the selection method | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
164 | DCSHFD0016 | Test if types of src. help field and sel. field are compat. | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
165 | DCSHFD0017 | Test if default value is meaningful | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
166 | DCSHFD0018 | Test if default value for field type is suitable | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
167 | DCSHFD0019 | Test if total width of result fields is too large | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
168 | DCSHFD0020 | Test if hit list contains at least one field | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
169 | DCSHFD0021 | Test if client field is used | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
170 | DCSHFD0022 | Test if too many fields in selection popup screen | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
171 | DCSHFD0023 | Test if data element of a parameter is of atomic size | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
172 | DCSHFD0024 | Test if the data element type is a string type | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
173 | DCSHFD0025 | Test if the search help allows a personal help | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
174 | DCSHFD0026 | Test if the first export parameter changed | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
175 | DCSHFD0027 | Test whether field only exists in primary table of help view | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
176 | DCSHFD0028 | Test whether referenced data element is generated proxy DE | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
177 | DCSHHD0001 | Test if name of search help is valid | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
178 | DCSHHD0002 | Test if search help exists | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
179 | DCSHHD0003 | Test if search help name is same as that specified in header | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
180 | DCSHHD0004 | Test if a valid selection type was defined | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
181 | DCSHHD0005 | Test if a valid value is entered in ELEMEXI | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
182 | DCSHHD0006 | Test if the specified selection method is correct | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
183 | DCSHHD0007 | Test if the function module defined as exit is okay | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
184 | DCSHHD0008 | Test if entry for short cut of a search help is okay | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
185 | DCSHHD0009 | Test if search help is both elem. and collective search help | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
186 | DCSHHD0010 | Test if collective search help includes at least one s.h. | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
187 | DCSHHD0011 | Test if there is a valid value in NOFIELDS | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
188 | DCSHHD0012 | Test if there is a valid value in ATTACHEXI | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
189 | DCSHHD0013 | Test if a meaningful dialog type is maintained | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
190 | DCSHHD0014 | Test if it is possible to select from the selection method | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
191 | DCSHHD0015 | Test if the definition of a selection method is meaningful | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
192 | DCSHHD0016 | Test if elementary search help has a selection method | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
193 | DCSHHD0017 | Test if selection method is a help view | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
194 | DCSHHD0018 | Test if the selection method is too wide | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
195 | DCSHHD0019 | Test if the search help exit is active | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
196 | DCSHHD0020 | Test if append search helps have suitable interfaces | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
197 | DCSHHD0021 | Test if appending structure is okay | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
198 | DCSHHD0022 | Test if append search help has no search help exit | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
199 | DCSHHD0023 | Test whether search help is switched on (SFV) | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
200 | DCSHHD0024 | Test whether a valid value is entered in AUTOSUGGEST | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
201 | DCSHHD0025 | Test whether a valid value is entered in FUZZY_SEARCH | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
202 | DCSHHD0026 | Test whether a valid value is entered in FUZZY_SIMILARIT | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
203 | DCSHRS0002 | Flag if sources of the objects used were read successfully | DDBOOL | CHAR |
204 | DCSHSH0001 | Test if types of parameters in search help incl. are compat. | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
205 | DCSHSH0002 | DD: Test if dupl. short cuts occur if short cut is changed | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
206 | DCSQCL001 | Tests the Key of a Table Cluster | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
207 | DCSQCL002 | Test of the Data Fields of a Table Cluster | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
208 | DCSQCL003 | Decimal type can only be used without decimal places | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
209 | DCSQFD001 | SAA Name Test | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
210 | DCSQFD002 | Test for Duplicate Field Names | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
211 | DCSQFD003 | Tests Field Contents for Permitted Values, eg Key Fld 'X'/'' | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
212 | DCSQHD001 | Check for SAA Name and Name Range Through DD_CHECK_NAME | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
213 | DCSQHD002 | Test for Structure Changes in Table Pool or Cluster | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
214 | DCSQHD003 | Tests Field Contents for Permitted Values | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
215 | DCSQHD004 | Contains the Result from Reading the Nametab | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
216 | DCSQHD005 | Contains the Result from Generating the Nametab | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
217 | DCSQHD006 | Tests whether a requested database change is allowed | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
218 | DCSQHD007 | Prevents table pool activation | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
219 | DCSQPO001 | Test whether the table pool has the correct field structure | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
220 | DCSQPO002 | Tests the key of a table pool | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
221 | DCSQPO003 | Tests the data fields of a table pool | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
222 | DCSQTT001 | Tests the values for the size category | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
223 | DCSTA | Delay status | STATV | CHAR |
224 | DCSTK | Delay status | STATV | CHAR |
225 | DCSTP | Number of documents per processing package | NUMC3 | NUMC |
226 | DCSTRGEXIS | TBFK_CHK: Check field cannot be type string | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
227 | DCSTRINGFL | Check whether a field with data type string exists in index | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
228 | DCTABAPPGEN | DD: Flag ('X', '') whether tab./ be generated for node | DCTABAPPGEN | CHAR |
229 | DCTABLCHK | DD: Flag: Carry out table checks ? | DCTABLCHK | INT2 |
230 | DCTABN0001 | Test: Is significant part of table name new ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
231 | DCTABN0002 | Test: Does table name have at least four characters ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
232 | DCTABTCHK_ | DD: Flag if technical settings should be checked | DCTABTCHK | INT2 |
233 | DCTABTGET_ | DD: Flag for version to be read | DCTABTGET | CHAR |
234 | DCTABTPUT | DD: Flag whether technical settings are written | DCTABTPUT | CHAR |
235 | DCTABTYPE | DD: check accuracy of views for table type change | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
236 | DCTBEXP000 | Check if an include is allowed at all | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
237 | DCTBEXP001 | Message if no append or CI include is allowed | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
238 | DCTBEXP002 | Message if a (normal) include is missing | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
239 | DCTBEXP003 | Message if an append is missing | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
240 | DCTBEXP004 | Mesage if a customizing include is missing | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
241 | DCTBEXP005 | Message if an append is added for the first time | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
242 | DCTBEXP006 | Message if a previous append is no longer found | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
243 | DCTBEXP007 | Check if an include chain contains several DB tabs | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
244 | DCTBEXP008 | Check if a view was included | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
245 | DCTBEXP009 | Check if field name + suffix is too long | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
246 | DCTBEXP010 | Check if inclusion is cyclic | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
247 | DCTBEXP011 | Check for too many nested includes | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
248 | DCTBEXP012 | Syntax check of include and suffix definitions | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
249 | DCTBEXP013 | Check if an append was included | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
250 | DCTBEXP014 | Check if foreign key is overwritten by an append | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
251 | DCTBEXP015 | Check if search help attachment is overwritten by append. | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
252 | DCTBEXP016 | Message whether a stream or locator field is missing | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
253 | DCTBFD0001 | Test: Duplicate field names | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
254 | DCTBFD0002 | Test: Do fields use active data elements? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
255 | DCTBFD0003 | Test: Is client field (if it exists) in first position? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
256 | DCTBFD0004 | Test: Is data type correct? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
257 | DCTBFD0005 | Test: Are key fields unchanged? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
258 | DCTBFD0006 | Test: Is data type VARC used? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
259 | DCTBFD0007 | Test: Is table too long for the database ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
260 | DCTBFD0008 | Test: Are fields of types CHAR and DEC too long? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
261 | DCTBFD0009 | Cluster table test: Is key correct? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
262 | DCTBFD0010 | Open | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
263 | DCTBFD0011 | Test: Is translation-relevance meaningful ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
264 | DCTBFD0012 | Test: Does the table contain any fields? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
265 | DCTBFD0013 | Test: Is SAP field in customer namespace? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
266 | DCTBFD0014 | Test: Is customer field in SAP namespace? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
267 | DCTBFD0015 | Test: Is field from special development in SAP table ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
268 | DCTBFK0001 | Test: Have foreign keys been deleted? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
269 | DCTBFK0002 | Test: Does value table exist? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
270 | DCTBFK0003 | Test: Is check field transitively dependent on value table? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
271 | DCTBFK0004 | Test: Is check table active? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
272 | DCTBFK0005 | Test: Are check table and table different? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
273 | DCTBFK0006 | Test: Are dependency factor and cardinality allowed ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
274 | DCTBFK0007 | Test: Is cardinality correct with dependency factor TEXT | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
275 | DCTBFK0008 | Test: Is dependency factor correct? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
276 | DCTBFK0009 | Test: Is condition for TEXT foreign key fulfilled? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
277 | DCTBFK0010 | Test: Are message and work area correct ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
278 | DCTBFK0011 | Test: Is check field contained in foreign key ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
279 | DCTBFK0012 | Test: Are foreign key fields from foreign key table? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
280 | DCTBFK0013 | Test: Is foreign key complete? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
281 | DCTBFK0014 | Test: Does check table have enough key fields? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
282 | DCTBFK0015 | Test: Do domains correspond? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
283 | DCTBFK0016 | Test: Does foreign key field exist in table? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
284 | DCTBFK0017 | Check the syntax of partial and constant foreign keys | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
285 | DCTBFK0018 | Flag: Is CHECKTABLE entry to be generated? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
286 | DCTBHD0001 | Test: Is table type corr. & consis. with pool/cluster entry | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
287 | DCTBHD0002 | Test: Was a valid delivery class specified ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
288 | DCTBHD0003 | Test of structure change | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
289 | DCTBHD0004 | Test: Was expanding carried out correctly? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
290 | DCTBHD0005 | Open | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
291 | DCTBHD0006 | Test: Is the table a cluster table? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
292 | DCTBHD0007 | Test: Are the cluster tables buffered? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
293 | DCTBINDXAC | Activation Mode of Caller | CHAR | |
294 | DCTBIX0001 | Base table must be active (active nametab) | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
295 | DCTBIX0002 | Base table must be active (inactive nametab) | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
296 | DCTBIX0003 | Test: Is base table transparent ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
297 | DCTBIX0004 | Test: Have restrictions on numbers been fulfilled? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
298 | DCTBIX0005 | Test: Has length restriction been fulfilled? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
299 | DCTBIX0006 | Test: Are all field names unique? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
300 | DCTBIX0007 | Test: Does index contain fields? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
301 | DCTBIX0008 | Test: Do the fields exist in the base table ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
302 | DCTBIX0009 | Test: Is client field included (in UNIQUE Indexes) | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
303 | DCTBIX0010 | Test: Does any other index have identical definition ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
304 | DCTBIX0011 | Test: Is index included as initial item in other | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
305 | DCTBIX0012 | Test: Is maximum allowed number of indexes included? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
306 | DCTBIX0013 | Flag: Delete old A versions | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
307 | DCTBIX0014 | Test: Is conversion necessary? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
308 | DCTBIX0015 | Test: Does index already exist in the database? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
309 | DCTBIX0016 | Test: Is database index also defined in ABAP/4 Dictionary? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
310 | DCTBIX0017 | Test: Is index name allowed? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
311 | DCTCL_PS | Document Type of Clearing Document | BLART_KK | CHAR |
312 | DCTESH0001 | Test: Are buff. setting and technical settings consistent ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
313 | DCTESH0002 | Test: Have data class and size category been maintained ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
314 | DCTESH0003 | Test: Are any technical settings superfluous? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
315 | DCTIMER_ON | DD: Flag ('X',''): Switch on timer ? | DD_ACTEXE | CHAR |
316 | DCTTRECURS | DD: Check: Type definition recursive | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
317 | DCTTYPGEN | DD: Check whether table type is generic | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
318 | DCTTYPLEN | DD: Check length of table type | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
319 | DCTTYPUSED | DD: Check: Generic table type already used | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
320 | DCTUNIT | PMIS: Unit for Actual Costs per Operating Hour | MEINS | UNIT |
321 | DCTYPEGEN | DD: Check whether line type is not generic | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
322 | DCTYPLEDEC | DD: check effect of type, length or decimal change | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
323 | DCUSTCOSTS | PMIS: template for freely definable value/cost key figure | WERTV8 | CURR |
324 | DCUSTHOURS | PMIS: Template for freely definable quantity/hour key figure | MENGV8 | QUAN |
325 | DCVALH0001 | Test: Is table type allowed? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
326 | DCVALH0002 | Test: Does client-dependency flag have allowed value? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
327 | DCVALH0003 | Test: Is buffering flag allowed ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
328 | DCVALH0004 | Test: Is compression flag allowed? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
329 | DCVALH0005 | Test: Does activation flag have allowed value ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
330 | DCVIAM0001 | Activation with inactive nametab (inactive procedure) | DDBOOL | CHAR |
331 | DCVIAM0002 | Read status A or M (A: N-version remains unchanged) | OBJSTATE | CHAR |
332 | DCVIAM0003 | X: Authority check for DB object should be executed | DDBOOL | CHAR |
333 | DCVIAM0004 | X: Commit (and rollback) may be performed internally | DDBOOL | CHAR |
334 | DCVIAM0005 | Reduced dependency checks for upgrade | DDBOOL | CHAR |
335 | DCVIAM0006 | Call mass actv. program (caller activates dependent objects) | DDBOOL | CHAR |
336 | DCVIAM0007 | X: Check mode. Do not change object | DDBOOL | CHAR |
337 | DCVIAM0008 | Database object should be adjusted | DDBOOL | CHAR |
338 | DCVIAM0009 | Basis tables were placed in buffer prior to call | DDBOOL | CHAR |
339 | DCVIAM0010 | Activation as dependent object | DDBOOL | CHAR |
340 | DCVIAM0011 | Table of dependent objects was transferred | DDBOOL | CHAR |
341 | DCVIAM0012 | Not possible to compute change for dependent objects | DDBOOL | CHAR |
342 | DCVIAM0013 | DD: Info whether a CDS view exists influences the check | DDBOOL | CHAR |
343 | DCVIAM0014 | DD: Overwrites getstate for reading DDL View sources | DDBOOL | CHAR |
344 | DCVIAM0019 | Terminate activation if dependent objects are incorrect | DDBOOL | CHAR |
345 | DCVIBT0001 | Test: Are all base tables active? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
346 | DCVIBT0002 | Test: Has view any secondary tables? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
347 | DCVIBT0003 | Test of source tables of type VIEW | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
348 | DCVIBT0004 | Test: Are all source tables transparent | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
349 | DCVIBT0005 | Test: Are source tables DB tables? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
350 | DCVIBT0006 | Check if base tables were included in duplicate | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
351 | DCVIBT0007 | Maximum number of buffered views for a base table | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
352 | DCVIBT0008 | Only customizing views/tables as base table | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
353 | DCVIBT0009 | Same development class for view and primary table | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
354 | DCVIBT0010 | DD: Test whether all base objects are transparent or views | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
355 | DCVIEWEXCHK | DD: Checks whether the view already exists as active | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
356 | DCVIFD0001 | Test: Does at least one field exist? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
357 | DCVIFD0002 | Test: Do source fields exist for the view? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
358 | DCVIFD0003 | Test if base fields of view in its base tables | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
359 | DCVIFD0004 | Test: Do view field and base field have same name? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
360 | DCVIFD0005 | Test: Are DEs of view field and base field identical? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
361 | DCVIFD0006 | Test: Do view field and base field point to same domain? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
362 | DCVIFD0007 | Test: Are required fields in view key? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
363 | DCVIFD0008 | Test: Name clashes | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
364 | DCVIFD0009 | Test: Are key fields are together at the start? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
365 | DCVIFD0010 | Test if all the key fields of the primary table included | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
366 | DCVIFD0013 | Check, if view field and base field have same type | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
367 | DCVIFD0014 | Check if all unions contain all view fields | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
368 | DCVIFD0015 | Test if all the fields show different unions on same DTEL | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
369 | DCVIFD0016 | Test if all computed foreign keys are contained | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
370 | DCVIFD0017 | Test if fields with * or - were entered | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
371 | DCVIFD0018 | Test If View Is to Be Client-Specific | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
372 | DCVIFD0019 | Test if append view is allowed | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
373 | DCVIFD0029 | Test whether group names are allowed | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
374 | DCVIFD0030 | Test whether domain LANGU is in key | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
375 | DCVIFD0031 | Test whether view field corresponds to sequence in basis tab | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
376 | DCVIGE0001 | Flag: Is a view to be generated for a view table? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
377 | DCVIGE0002 | Flag: Generate selection report? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
378 | DCVIGE0003 | Flag: Adjust reference fields? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
379 | DCVIGE0004 | Flag: Make entry in TBATG? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
380 | DCVIGE0005 | Flag: Converter control | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
381 | DCVIGE0006 | Flag: Make TATAF entry? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
382 | DCVIGE0007 | Flag: Are database actions to be executed immediately? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
383 | DCVIGE0008 | Flag: whether and in which status to be updated | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
384 | DCVIGE0009 | Flag: Is COMMIT to be executed? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
385 | DCVIGE0010 | Flag: Should EDM inheritance be executed? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
386 | DCVIGE0011 | Result of header check | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
387 | DCVIGE0012 | Result of the field check | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
388 | DCVIGE0013 | Result of the check of the base tables | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
389 | DCVIGE0014 | Result of the check of the selection conditions | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
390 | DCVIGE0015 | Result of the check of the joins | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
391 | DCVIGE0016 | Flag: timing information is logged | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
392 | DCVIGE0017 | Flag: debug information is to be output | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
393 | DCVIGE0018 | View, activate with inactive nametab | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
394 | DCVIGE0019 | Flag for message if view must be created | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
395 | DCVIGE0020 | Flag for message if view must be deleted | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
396 | DCVIGE0021 | Flag for message if view must be converted | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
397 | DCVIGE0022 | Mode in which table activating program is called | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
398 | DCVIGE0023 | Flag if conversion message only for structure changes | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
399 | DCVIGE0024 | Flag: Check activation authorization ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
400 | DCVIGE0025 | Flag: Table is generated without key flags | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
401 | DCVIGE0026 | Flag if authority check was made for DB changes | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
402 | DCVIGE0027 | Flag: Foreign keys passed on to view structure | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
403 | DCVIGE0028 | Update buffering flag in the nametab of the base tables | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
404 | DCVIGE0029 | Flag that search help attachment should be inherited to view | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
405 | DCVIGE0030 | Activate dependent objects immediately | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
406 | DCVIGE0031 | Maximum severity when checking the dependent objects | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
407 | DCVIGE0032 | Minimum or Upgrade Severity While Checking Dependents | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
408 | DCVIGE0033 | Mode for determining the dependent objects | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
409 | DCVIGE0034 | Do not change partially active flag (ACTFLAG) | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
410 | DCVIGE0035 | View change cannot be calculated | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
411 | DCVIGE0036 | Set logging flag for at least one logged basis table | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
412 | DCVIGE0037 | Result of Package Check | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
413 | DCVIGE0039 | DD: Check Definition of External View Against Database | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
414 | DCVIGE0040 | Drop/Create Synonym for External View | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
415 | DCVIGE0041 | DDL view parser will be called in weaker mode | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
416 | DCVIHD0001 | Test: First help view for table? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
417 | DCVIHD0002 | Test: Is classification in ABAP Dictionary correct | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
418 | DCVIHD0003 | Test: Is aggregate type correctly defined? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
419 | DCVIHD0006 | Test: Was allowed view class defined? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
420 | DCVIHD0007 | Test: Was allowed maintenance status defined? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
421 | DCVIHD0008 | Test: Was allowed delivery class defined? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
422 | DCVIHD0009 | Check for SAA Name and Name Range Through DD_CHECK_NAME | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
423 | DCVIHD0010 | Warning that technical settings were deleted | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
424 | DCVIHD0012 | Test for Valid Values of Maintenance Flag | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
425 | DCVIJN0001 | Test: Does foreign key dependency exist for join | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
426 | DCVIJN0002 | Test: Is foreign key for join semantic? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
427 | DCVIJN0003 | Test: Is Join defined through :1 foreign key relationship ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
428 | DCVIJN0004 | Test: Is foreign key for join not partial ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
429 | DCVIJN0005 | Test: Is foreign key for join not constant | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
430 | DCVIJN0006 | Test: SYST foreign key fields in join? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
431 | DCVIJN0007 | Test: Are all foreign key fields in base tables ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
432 | DCVIJN0008 | Test: Are all foreign key fields from foreign key table | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
433 | DCVIJN0009 | Test: Do foreign key fields exist for join ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
434 | DCVIJN0010 | Test if language field exists for TEXT reference | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
435 | DCVIJN0011 | Check if freely defined joins exist | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
436 | DCVIJN0012 | Test if types of joined fields are identical | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
437 | DCVIJN0013 | Test if client fields are joined | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
438 | DCVIJN0014 | Test if all tables are joined somehow | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
439 | DCVIJN0015 | Test for invalid types for joins (LRAW, LCHR) | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
440 | DCVIJN0016 | Test for joins within a single table | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
441 | DCVIJN0017 | Test for incorrect operator in the join condition | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
442 | DCVIJN0018 | Quotes to automatically insert test constants | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
443 | DCVIJN0019 | Test whether integer constants specified in quotation marks | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
444 | DCVIJN0020 | Warning for uppercase field with lowercase selection cond. | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
445 | DCVISC0001 | Test: Are selection operators correct? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
446 | DCVISC0002 | Test: Do fields exist for the selection condition ? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
447 | DCVISC0003 | Test: Client field in the selection condition? | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
448 | DCVISC0004 | Test: selection conditions (projection view) | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
449 | DCVISC0005 | Field names as selection constants | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
450 | DCVISC0006 | Test if external field name was specified | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
451 | DCVISC0007 | Test if type of constants fits field type | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
452 | DCVISC0008 | Test if integer constants are entered in inverted commas | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
453 | DCVISC0009 | Test if constant on type which cannot be checked | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
454 | DCVISC0010 | Check if SY field was specified as constant | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
455 | DCVISC0011 | Quotes to automatically insert test constants | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
456 | DCVISC0012 | Warning for uppercase field with lowercase selection cond. | DD_CHECK | CHAR |
457 | DCWRACTFLD | DD: Write ACTFLAG for dependent TABL -> VIEW | DCWRACTFLD | CHAR |
458 | DCWRACTFLG | DD: Write ACTFLAG for all dependent objects | DDBOOL | CHAR |
459 | DCWRITE | DD: Defines whether an object is written | DCWRITE | CHAR |
460 | DCXMLCBACK | Callback Program for XML Representations | PROGNAME | CHAR |
461 | DCXMLD0C | Handling of Zeros After the Decimal Point | DCXMLD0C | CHAR |
462 | DCXMLERROR | Error Handling During Conversion of XML to ABAP | DCXMLERROR | CHAR |
463 | DCXMLGUID | GUID for XML Representation | SYSUUID | RAW |
464 | DCXMLHEX | Handling of HEX Values in RAW Fields | DCXMLHEX | CHAR |
465 | DCXMLINIT | Handling of Initial Components | DCXMLINIT | CHAR |
466 | DCXMLSCHNO | Explicitly Specify Default Values for min/maxOccurs | DDBOOL | CHAR |
467 | DCXMLSCHVR | Version for XML Schema | DCXMLSCHVR | CHAR |
468 | DCXMLTELEM | Display of Elementary Components in XML Template | DCXMLTELEM | CHAR |
469 | DCXMLTTYPM | Selecting Tables in XML Templates | DCXMLTTYPM | CHAR |
470 | DCXMLWARN | Warning Handling During Conversion of XML to ABAP | DCXMLWARN | CHAR |
471 | DD | Annual Demand | ORFCALC1 | DEC |
472 | DD07V_TXT | Type of translation | AS4TEXT | CHAR |
473 | DDABAPSYSTVAR | DD: ABAP system variable as field in an association | DDABAPSYSTVAR | CHAR |
474 | DDABTYPE | ABAP data type (nametab interface coded) | DDINT1 | INT1 |
475 | DDABTYPED | ABAP data type (nametab interface coded) | CHAR | |
476 | DDABTYPE_D | DD: Name of an ABAP Type | DDABTYPE_D | CHAR |
477 | DDACCESSCTRL_TARGET | DD: Target entity for a view generated from the DCL | DDSTRUCOBJNAME | CHAR |
478 | DDACLTAB | DD: Name of an ACL Table for RBAM | TABNAME | CHAR |
479 | DDACT | Key DD10L, act. semaphore | CHAR1 | CHAR |
480 | DDACTART | DD10L, act. type (T,D,R,S) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
481 | DDACTCOUNT | Activation counter in DD10L | DDACTCOUNT | INT4 |
482 | DDACTION | Action in the ABAP Dictionary | DDACTION | CHAR |
483 | DDACTKIND | DD: Activation mode (direct/N, direct/A, direct/A) | DDBOOL | CHAR |
484 | DDACTMODE | DD: Mode of an activation | DDACTMODE | CHAR |
485 | DDACTOK | DD: Flag: Check activation authorization | DD_ACTEXE | CHAR |
486 | DDACTS | DD: Activates single activation by mass activation program | DDACTS | CHAR |
487 | DDADDFIELD | Flag indicating whether the table has ADD FIELDS | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
488 | DDADDTYPE | Whether and how to read information about referenced types | DDADDTYPE | CHAR |
489 | DDALIGN | Table alignment | DDINT1 | INT1 |
490 | DDALIGND | Table alignment | CHAR | |
491 | DDALLDATAINCLU | DD: DataAging: Handle data as hot and cold if switched on | DDALLDATAINCLU | CHAR |
492 | DDALWAYSTRP | Table is always transparent on selective database | DDALWAYSTRP | CHAR |
493 | DDAMENGE | Number of transport requests | INT4 | INT4 |
494 | DDAMPMFORMAT | DD: Indicator whether AM/PM time format is required | DDAMPMFORMAT | CHAR |
495 | DDAMT_FLB2 | Deduction amount | NUM10 | NUMC |
496 | DDANNOTATION_KEY | DD: Key/Name for Annotation | DDANNOTATION_KEY | CHAR |
497 | DDANNOTATION_VAL | DD: Value of an Annotation | CHAR | |
498 | DDANONYM | Anonymization Indicator (for User Fields) | DDANONYM | CHAR |
499 | DDAPPCHK | DD: for check for existing appends before and after SPDD | DDFLAG | CHAR |
500 | DDAPPDEL | DD: determines if appends are deleted | DDFLAG | CHAR |