SAP ABAP Domain - Index I, page 4
Domain - I
# Domain Name Short Description Data type Length Decimals
1 IDM_BADI_APPL Identity Management BADI Application Filter CHAR 20    
2 IDM_FLAG Result whether record (I)NSERTED, (D)ELETED or (M)ODIFIED CHAR   
3 IDNEX External Material Number CHAR 35    
4 IDNEX22 External material number CHAR 22    
5 IDNEX_OLD External material number (obsolete) CHAR 22    
6 IDNNR Maintenance request NUMC 10    
7 IDNRK BOM object CHAR 18    
8 IDOCFCT ALE/EDI: Function for CCMS runtime monitoring CHAR   
9 IDOCFLD002 Field in IDoc segment with length 2 CHAR   
10 IDOCFLD003 Field in IDoc segment with length 3 CHAR   
11 IDOCFLD004 Field in IDoc segment with length 4 CHAR   
12 IDOCFLD006 Field in an IDoc segment of length 6 CHAR   
13 IDOCFLD010 Field in IDoc segment with length 10 CHAR 10    
14 IDOCFLD015 Field in IDoc segment with length 15 CHAR 15    
15 IDOCFLD017 Field in IDoc segment with length 17 CHAR 17    
16 IDOCFLD020 Field in IDoc segment with length 20 CHAR 20    
17 IDOCFLD025 Field in IDoc segment with length 25 CHAR 25    
18 IDOCFLD030 Field in IDoc segment with length 30 CHAR 30    
19 IDOCFLD035 Field in IDoc segment with length 35 CHAR 35    
20 IDOCFLD040 Field in IDoc segment with length 40 CHAR 40    
21 IDOCFLD050 Field in IDoc segment with length 50 CHAR 50    
22 IDOCFLD070 Field in IDoc segment with length 30 CHAR 70    
23 IDOCLINE IDOC string of maximum length CHAR 1000    
24 IDOCLOGIC_KK Logic of Interface for Creating G/L Items NUMC   
25 IDOCNO Number of IDocs DEC   
26 IDOC_03 IDoc format P3 NUMC   
27 IDOC_07 Reference domain for IDOC transfer NUMC 14    
28 IDOC_CHAR1 IDoc: Character length 1 CHAR   
29 IDOC_QUALF IDOC Qualifier: Terms of Delivery CHAR   
30 IDPOS Identification flag for the document type NUMC   
31 IDPROGTCKONTEXT ID for program - table control - TC context (T435i) CHAR   
32 IDPST_TYP Posting identification CHAR   
33 IDPT_A01DPORT Edict number NUMC   
34 IDPT_A01FREE_REVAL Free Revaluation Edict Number     
35 IDPT_A02EXCEP Exception CHAR   
36 IDPT_A02TIMOB Asset category CHAR   
37 IDPT_A07FLAG Flag for assets which use electric energy CHAR   
38 IDPT_A099OPERA Logical operator CHAR   
39 IDPT_A09CHAVE Validation key CHAR 15    
40 IDPT_DS_172 Digital Signature PT: Character String with 172 Characters CHAR 172    
41 IDPT_DS_DATA_ACCESS Digital Signature PT: Kind of Data Access to ODN/DS Data CHAR   
42 IDPT_DS_SEQUENCE Digital Signature PT: Document Sequence CHAR   
43 IDPT_LMVEHNONELEC Limit for vehicles which does not use electric energy DEC 13 
44 IDPT_NUM_RULE Type of Numbering for Reporting/Legal Number Check CHAR   
45 IDPT_NUM_TYPE Type of Numbering for Reporting/Legal Number Creation CHAR   
46 IDPT_ODN_PRE_CREA ODN PT: Prefix Creation for ODN CHAR   
47 IDPT_SAFT_INTCODE_CREA Digital Signature PT: Internal Code Creation of Invoice Num. CHAR   
48 IDPT_SAFT_SERIES_CREA Digital Signature PT: Series Creation of Invoice Num. CHAR   
49 IDREPFW_ACTGR_ENABLE Enable/Disable Reporting Group CHAR   
50 IDREPFW_ACTGR_TYPE Type of Activate Rep.Group Customizing (SAP or Customer) CHAR   
51 IDREPFW_CH_SEPARATOR Rep.Framework: Character Separator CHAR   
52 IDREPFW_CMP Comparison Operator CHAR   
53 IDREPFW_CRCH_ID Cross Check Identification CHAR 10    
55 IDREPFW_CUSTID Identification of predefined Report value CHAR 25    
57 IDREPFW_DATAX Binary content RSTR   
58 IDREPFW_EVENT Event Identification NUMC   
59 IDREPFW_EVN_GROUP Group of Events Called in Reporting CHAR   
60 IDREPFW_FIELD_VALUE_LONG Field Value (Long) for Events 002x CHAR 1024    
61 IDREPFW_FILTY Server/local file type CHAR   
62 IDREPFW_GROUPC Group of Columns - Field Names CHAR 10    
63 IDREPFW_INTKEY Rep.Framework: Report internal key CHAR 40    
64 IDREPFW_LINE_VLONG_TEXT Line Description CHAR 250    
65 IDREPFW_LOCALFILE Local File for Upload (Used in Events 002x) CHAR 255    
66 IDREPFW_MASK Mask: attributes of fields CHAR 250    
67 IDREPFW_MASKATR1 Mask attribute: xml output options CHAR   
68 IDREPFW_MASKATR2 Mask attribute: pdf output options CHAR   
69 IDREPFW_MASKATR3 Mask attribute: usage mode CHAR   
70 IDREPFW_MASKATR4 Mask attribute: color options CHAR   
71 IDREPFW_MASKATR5 Will be defined CHAR   
72 IDREPFW_MASKATR6 Will be defined CHAR   
73 IDREPFW_MASKATR7 Will be defined CHAR   
74 IDREPFW_MASKATR8 Will be defined CHAR   
75 IDREPFW_MAX_SIZE Maximal Size of XML File in kB NUMC 10    
76 IDREPFW_MSGTY Message Type CHAR   
77 IDREPFW_MSSCELL Missing Cell Reaction CHAR   
78 IDREPFW_NODE_TYPE Type of Node in Parsed Path CHAR   
79 IDREPFW_NODE_TYPE_TREE Type of node in alv tree CHAR   
81 IDREPFW_PARAM Parameter for Application File Name Generation CHAR 50    
82 IDREPFW_PATH Path of Nodes Used in Mapping Rules CHAR 255    
84 IDREPFW_REP_GROUP Reporting Group CHAR   
85 IDREPFW_REP_ID Report Identification CHAR 10    
86 IDREPFW_REP_LINEMAP Rep.Framework: Line Mapping ID CHAR   
87 IDREPFW_REP_SECTION_ID Rep.Framework: Section ID NUMC   
88 IDREPFW_REP_SRCID Data Source Identification CHAR 10    
89 IDREPFW_REP_SRCTY Data Source Type CHAR   
90 IDREPFW_REP_VERSN Report Version CHAR   
91 IDREPFW_RULE_ID Cross Check Rule Identification CHAR   
92 IDREPFW_RULE_SIDE Cross Check Rule Side CHAR   
93 IDREPFW_RUNID Run Identification NUMC   
94 IDREPFW_SEQNO Sequential Number NUMC   
95 IDREPFW_SE_ELEMENTS_SET Name of Parameter Set CHAR 15    
96 IDREPFW_SE_ELEMENT_ID Selection Parameter ID CHAR 10    
97 IDREPFW_SE_PARAM_POSITION Position of Selection Parameter NUMC   
98 IDREPFW_SE_SEL_AREA Selection Area CHAR   
99 IDREPFW_SE_TABSTRIP Tab Page Number (Maximum of 4 Tab Pages) NUMC   
100 IDREPFW_SE_TEXTS Description Texts of Dynamic Selection CHAR 40    
102 IDREPFW_SE_TYPE_ELEMENT Type of Selection Screen Element (Value, Range, CheckBox) CHAR   
103 IDREPFW_SE_VALUE Default Value of Selection Parameter CHAR 25    
104 IDREPFW_TRANS_SECTIONS Reporting Framework Sections for Show/Hide F4 Help CHAR 60    
105 IDREPFW_TRANS_SHOWHIDE Show/Hide Section of Reporting Framework Using Trans. Code CHAR 60    
106 IDREPFW_TRANS_TACTIV Possible Activities for Trans. Code (Display/Change/Blocked) CHAR   
107 IDREPFW_TRANS_TPARAMS Parameters Setup for Transaction Code Customizing CHAR 20    
108 IDREPFW_TRANS_TTYPE Type of Transaction Code Customizing (SAP or Customer) CHAR   
109 IDREPFW_UPBEH Behavior when updating existing Record CHAR   
110 IDREPFW_USR_ADDFIELD Additional User Field (1154 Characters Long) CHAR 1154    
111 IDREPFW_VLTEXT Long Description CHAR 240    
113 IDSAU_WT_CANC Certificate Cancelled Indicator CHAR   
114 IDSAU_WT_CERTDT Withholding tax certificate date DATS   
115 IDSRV_KK Identification of application for sort variants CHAR 10    
116 IDTFR_FROM_TO Loans - Direction of Transfer CHAR   
117 IDTRAN_METH Transfer method in Balance sheet transfer for Brazil CHAR   
118 IDT_DIRECTION Direction indicator for ETA calculation CHAR   
119 IDT_ESTQUA Arrival/Departure ID binding in time estimation CHAR   
120 IDT_EVTQUA Indicator: arrival departure CHAR   
121 IDT_QUA Indicator: arrival departure CHAR   
122 IDT_WRKQUA_1 Delivery date ID was binding CHAR   
123 IDT_WRKQUA_2 New delivery date ID is binding CHAR   
124 IDT_WRKQUA_3 Indicator inbound type Tracking point CHAR   
125 IDT_WRKQUA_4 Update delivery date ID carried out CHAR   
126 IDUAE_DETAILS Details of Fund Transfer System CHAR   
127 IDUAE_TRANS_TYPE Transaction Type CHAR   
128 IDXBD Condition Index Requirement NUMC   
129 IDXCLIENT Port Maintenance in IDoc Adapter: Client CLNT   
130 IDX_DESCR_VBRK Meaning of an index field (object SD_VBRK) CHAR   
131 IDX_LADEN IDoc Adapter: Reload Structure Information CHAR   
132 IDX_LAYER XI Acknowledgment Layer CHAR   
133 IDX_PORT Port in IDoc Adapter CHAR 10    
134 IDX_RESET IDoc Adapter: Time After which Structures to Be Reloaded NUMC   
135 IDX_SYNCHK IDoc Adapter Syntax Check Required CHAR   
136 IDZEITGRAD Key for performance efficiency rate CHAR   
137 IDZOL Foreign Trade: Customs ID number CHAR 30    
138 ID_BTRTY Amount Type CHAR   
139 ID_BUPLA Business Place CHAR   
140 ID_CARD_EX Indicator "Confirmation contains identification number" CHAR   
141 ID_CHAR16 General CHAR16 Domain for Function-Module Interfaces CHAR 16    
142 ID_CHAR4 General CHAR4 Domain for Function-Module Interfaces CHAR   
143 ID_CORR Identifier for correction records in RPSCO CHAR   
144 ID_ESR_ID POR ID CHAR 10    
145 ID_ESR_PROC POR Procedure NUMC   
146 ID_ESR_TEXT POR ID Description CHAR 30    
147 ID_FORKEY Foreign key line ID: *DD* CHAR   
148 ID_GROUP Grouping of ID types NUMC 10    
149 ID_NAME2 Domain for storing the ID name CHAR 20    
150 ID_PRZNT Percentage DEC
151 ID_SIGN Debit/Credit Sign (+/-) CHAR   
152 ID_TYP Variable identification types NUMC 10    
153 IE4N_MODE IE4N Mode for Customizing Selection CHAR 10    
154 IE4N_MSGIND CC: IE4N - Message Indicator CHAR   
155 IE4N_NEW_MODE IE4N Modes CHAR 30    
156 IE4N_ORGTYP IE4N Organization Unit Type CHAR   
157 IENMNG Quantity withdrawn, in character format CHAR 17    
158 IEQ_BACKUP Data Backup NUMC   
159 IEQ_EVENT_TYPE Type of Event CHAR   
160 IEXCT_KK Exception Category in Interest Calculation CHAR   
161 IE_CONTR_TYPE Sub-contractor Types INT1   
162 IE_NOTFN_UPD_TYPE Notification update type CHAR 10    
163 IE_PENSION_EXC Indicator: subcontractor excluded from industry pension CHAR   
164 IE_POSTPN_DATE Post payment date DATS   
165 IE_RCT_CHECKBOX Checkbox CHAR   
166 IE_RCT_NR Domain for number range for RCT NUMC 10    
167 IE_RTYPE Update Type CHAR   
168 IE_SECTOR Sector of work INT1   
169 IFAOBAR Type of Relationship (BOR 2002) CHAR   
170 IFATTRLINE Line with attributes or carry-forward indicators CHAR 500    
171 IFMODIFTYP Indicator: Type of modification CHAR   
172 IFP_BODY_TEXT Contents of E-Mail CHAR 512    
173 IFP_DOCUMENT_TYPE Type of Document CHAR   
174 IFP_SENDMSG_TEXT Success Message Text After Sending CHAR 100    
175 IFP_TRACE_LEVEL Level for Trace NUMC   
176 IFP_TRANSFORMATION_TYPE Type of Transformation of XML Data to ABAP Data CHAR   
177 IFR_TYPTYP IFR Internal: Type of Definition of DDIC Reference CHAR   
178 IFSAVEMODE Interface: Procedure in the event of errors CHAR   
179 IFSTABILTY Packet interface stability CHAR   
180 IFTNR Sequential number for CO interface table NUMC 10    
181 IFUNITMODE Interface: type of unit transfer CHAR   
182 IFUNKTION Function code CHAR   
183 IFW_DO_BILL_BLOCK Billing Blocking Reason CHAR   
184 IFW_DO_BILL_SCEN SD billing scenario CHAR   
185 IFW_DO_BILL_TYPE Billing Document Type CHAR   
187 IFW_DO_DET_RULE Determination Rule CHAR   
188 IFW_DO_INVDD_DET Invoice due date control CHAR   
189 IFW_DO_INV_CAT Invoice Category CHAR   
190 IFW_DO_INV_NR Invoice number CHAR 16    
191 IFW_DO_INV_TYPE Invoice Type CHAR   
192 IFW_DO_ITEM_PAID Indicator: Item Paid CHAR   
193 IFW_DO_PAYDD_DET Payment due date control CHAR   
194 IFW_DO_REF_OBJ Invoice reference object CHAR 16    
195 IFW_DO_REF_TYPE Type of invoice reference object CHAR   
196 IFW_DO_RELEVANCY_TYPE Item Relevancy Type CHAR   
197 IFW_DO_ROOT_DOC Source document CHAR 20    
198 IFW_DO_WL_STATUS Status of Record in Invoice Forecasting Worklist CHAR   
199 IFW_DO_XBLNR Reference document number CHAR 30    
200 IGIC Identification of IGIC Tax Code CHAR   
201 IGN_ACT_GRP_CAT Activity Management: Activity Grouping Category CHAR   
202 IGN_BOOLE_D Like a 1-bit flag (space = false, "X" = true) CHAR   
203 IGN_CHAR_255 Char 255 domain for general purposes CHAR 255    
204 IGN_CONTROL_EVENT Control Event CHAR   
205 IGN_ITEM_TEXT Tree Item Text CHAR 32    
206 IGN_MAX_EXTEND_LIMIT Activity Management: Maximum Number of Limit Extensions NUMC   
207 IGN_SEARCH Search CHAR 20    
208 IGN_SEARCH_APPLICATION Search Application CHAR 30    
209 IGN_SEARCH_CATEGORY Category of a Search CHAR   
210 IGN_SEARCH_CONCATENATION Logical Linking of Search Sequence Hit Lists CHAR 20    
211 IGN_SEARCH_CRIT_REQUIRED Behavior of Search If Values Are Missing CHAR   
212 IGN_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION Description CHAR 80    
213 IGN_SEARCH_LINES Number of Lines in the Hit List NUMC 10    
214 IGN_SHORT_TEXT Short Text CHAR 80    
215 IGN_TREE_TEXT255 Text for Nodes and Items CHAR 255    
216 IGRUP Internal group CHAR   
217 IHC_DOM_ACCT Account number for current account CHAR 10    
218 IHC_DOM_ACTEXT External account number CHAR 35    
219 IHC_DOM_ACTION_DESCRIPTION IHC: Description of the Action CHAR 50    
220 IHC_DOM_AMS_TYPE Posting System Category CHAR   
221 IHC_DOM_AUTH_GROUP IHC: Authorization Group CHAR 12    
222 IHC_DOM_BALGRN Granularity of Balance CHAR   
223 IHC_DOM_BALTYP Type of Balance CHAR   
224 IHC_DOM_BANSTA_FORMAT Bank Statement Format CHAR   
225 IHC_DOM_BNK_AREA Bank Area CHAR   
226 IHC_DOM_BNK_KEY Bank Key CHAR 15    
227 IHC_DOM_BNK_PROCESS Processes in BCA CHAR   
228 IHC_DOM_CASHBX Position number CHAR 20    
229 IHC_DOM_CF_CHAR20 Container Field (Case Sensitive) CHAR 20    
230 IHC_DOM_CF_CHAR35 Container Field (Case Sensitive) CHAR 35    
231 IHC_DOM_CHANNEL IHC: Input Channel CHAR   
232 IHC_DOM_CL_PRTNR_DESCR Clearing Partner: Description CHAR 60    
233 IHC_DOM_CMACTION Actions for Creating IHC Financial Status CHAR   
234 IHC_DOM_CMGROUP Group for Transferring Data to Cash Management CHAR 10    
235 IHC_DOM_CMVARIANT Variant for Transferring Data to Cash Management CHAR 10    
236 IHC_DOM_DBK_NUM Daybook number CHAR 12    
237 IHC_DOM_DOC_NUM BCA: Document Number NUMC 12    
238 IHC_DOM_FLOWSEED Indicator: Internally Initiated Turnover CHAR   
239 IHC_DOM_FLOW_CAT Credit/Debit Indicator CHAR   
240 IHC_DOM_GUI_ACTION Payment Order Interface Action CHAR 30    
241 IHC_DOM_GUI_ACTION_NAME Description of a GUI Action CHAR 50    
243 IHC_DOM_GUI_DOC_TYPE Type of (External) Posting CHAR   
244 IHC_DOM_GUI_FREE_SEL_FIELDTYPE Type of Field in Free Selection CHAR   
245 IHC_DOM_GUI_SCREEN_CODE IHC: Field Control Code in Screen RAW   
246 IHC_DOM_GUI_STATUS IHC: External Status CHAR   
247 IHC_DOM_GUI_STATUS_NAME Description of a Status CHAR 50    
248 IHC_DOM_GUI_STRUCTURE_TYPE IHC: Structure Category in GUI CHAR 15    
249 IHC_DOM_GUI_TRANSACTION IHC: Customizable Transaction CHAR 20    
250 IHC_DOM_IDOC_CHECK_RULE IHC: Check Formats of IDoc Fields CHAR 10    
251 IHC_DOM_IHC_ACTION Action Relevant to Authorization Check in IHC CHAR   
253 IHC_DOM_INSTRUCTION_DESCR Discription of Instruction CHAR 50    
254 IHC_DOM_INSTRUCTION_KEY IHC: Instruction Key CHAR 16    
256 IHC_DOM_ITEM_AMT Amount Field for Item PL12 (Now Only PL9 Possible) CURR 17 
257 IHC_DOM_ITEM_CAT Item Category CHAR   
258 IHC_DOM_ITEM_TYP Type of Payment Item CHAR   
259 IHC_DOM_LOG_CONTEXT Context Name in Log CHAR 20    
260 IHC_DOM_LOG_CONTEXT_FIELD_TYPE Context Field Category CHAR   
261 IHC_DOM_LOG_FIELDNAME Field Name in a Context CHAR 30    
262 IHC_DOM_LOG_FIELD_VALUE Local Field Value CHAR 100    
263 IHC_DOM_LOG_LAYER_TYPE View Category CHAR   
264 IHC_DOM_LOG_STRUCTURE_STATUS Status of the Generated Structure of a Context CHAR   
265 IHC_DOM_PAYEXT_CAT Indicator: Bank Transfer/Debit Memo CHAR   
266 IHC_DOM_PAYMENT_BEHAVIOUR Processing a Payment in IHC CHAR   
268 IHC_DOM_PN_CLR_TYPE IHC: Clearing Partner Type CHAR   
269 IHC_DOM_PN_CONTAINER_VALUE Container Field Value CHAR 150    
270 IHC_DOM_PN_EXTPAY Indicator: External Payment CHAR   
271 IHC_DOM_PN_NUMBER Payment Order Number NUMC 10    
272 IHC_DOM_POS_NUM Document Item NUMC   
273 IHC_DOM_PROC_ACTION IHC: Internal Action in Processes CHAR   
274 IHC_DOM_PROC_ACTION_PRIV IHC: IHC: Internal Private Action in Processes CHAR   
275 IHC_DOM_REFERENCE_DESCR Reference Type Description CHAR 50    
276 IHC_DOM_REFERENCE_TYPE Reference Type for Log Field CHAR   
277 IHC_DOM_REF_ACCT_NUM_EXT External account number CHAR 35    
278 IHC_DOM_REF_IBAN International Account Number CHAR 35    
279 IHC_DOM_REF_NUM Reference no. CHAR 20    
281 IHC_DOM_RT_ACTION IHC: Action Entering Set of Rules CHAR   
282 IHC_DOM_RT_COND_TYPE IHC: Type of Argument for a Route Condition CHAR   
283 IHC_DOM_RT_LINK_OPERATOR IHC: Binding Operator for Route Condition CHAR   
284 IHC_DOM_RT_OPERATOR IHC: Logical Operator Determining the Route CHAR   
285 IHC_DOM_SELECTION_VARIANT IHC: Selection Variant CHAR 14    
286 IHC_DOM_SETTLEMNT_CAT Settlement Category CHAR   
287 IHC_DOM_STRING Payment Notes as String STRG 256    
288 IHC_DOM_TMPPOST Processing of Postings in IHC CHAR   
289 IHC_DOM_TOAMT Amount Field for Totals CURR 23 
290 IHC_DOM_TO_AMT Amount Field for Totals PL12 CURR 23 
292 IHC_DOM_TRANSACTION_TYPE_DESCR Transaction Type: Name CHAR 60    
293 IHC_DOM_TRAN_CODE Business transaction code CHAR   
294 IHC_DOM_TRAN_TYP Transaction type CHAR   
295 IHC_DOM_UNIT IHC Clearing Area CHAR   
297 IHC_DOM_VARIANT_DESCR Variant Description CHAR 40    
298 IHC_DOM_X_NO_PST Flag: Balancing not Posted CHAR   
299 IHC_DO_CONTEXT_OBJ_DESCR Description of Object in Context (Log) CHAR 50    
300 IHC_DO_CONTEXT_OBJ_ID Identification of Object in Context (Log) CHAR 12    
301 IHC_DTE_EXT_FLAG Indicator: External AMS System CHAR   
303 IHC_PI_DOM_ACTEXT External Account Number from BCA Current Account CHAR 35    
304 IHVOR_KK Internal main transactions CHAR   
305 IIACHAR16 IIA: Character 16 CHAR 16    
306 IIACHAR5 IIA: Character 5 CHAR   
307 IIANUMC16 IIA: Character 16 NUMC 16    
308 IIBUNAME Name CHAR 84    
310 IIND General indicator; values allowed: ' ' and 'X' CHAR   
311 II_INHERIT_SHOW_FLAG Data Transfer Installation Structure: Display Flag CHAR   
312 II_LEVEL IBase Sync: Object Level in Structure NUMC   
313 II_OBJECTNR IBase Sync: Object Number of Technical Object (Equi./FL) NUMC 18    
314 II_STRUCNR IBase Sync: Structure Number NUMC   
315 IKEYD_KK Key date in month (monthly interest calculation) NUMC   
316 IKEY_KK Interest key for FI-CA CHAR   
317 IKON_2 Icon for ALV / VL35 CHAR   
318 IKO_HIETYP IS-PAM: Content component hierarchy type CHAR   
319 IKO_HIEVAR IS-PAM: Content component hierarchy variant CHAR   
320 IKO_HIEVER IS-M/AM: Content components - hierarchy version CHAR   
321 IKO_MC IS-PAM: Content component for match code CHAR   
322 ILACTION Installation Action CHAR   
323 ILART Maintenance activity type CHAR   
324 ILEN Field length INT4 10    
325 ILEVL Tax Calculation Level (Japan) NUMC   
326 ILINR IDoc line item number NUMC   
327 ILMARCH_TYPE Valuation: History Data to Be Archived CHAR 30    
328 ILMARCH_TYPE_STEUER Valuation: History Data to Be Archived CHAR 30    
330 ILM_ACTION_TYPE ILM Actions (Archiving, Data Destruction, Snapshots) CHAR   
331 ILM_BUFFER_KIND Buffer Type for ILM Data Adjustment Level CHAR   
332 ILM_CDE_APPL_CHAR60LOW CDE: Domain for 60-Character CHAR Field with Lower-Case CHAR 60    
333 ILM_CDE_APPL_NAME CDE: Domain for Name of CDE Application CHAR   
334 ILM_CDE_APPL_PACK CDE: Domain for CDE Application Package CHAR   
335 ILM_CDE_APPL_SEGNAME CDE: Domain for Name of a CDE Segment CHAR 30    
336 ILM_CDE_APPL_SEGTYPE CDE: Domain for CDE Segment Type NUMC   
337 ILM_CDE_APPL_TD_MD CDE: Domain for Indicator Master or Transaction Data (BI) CHAR   
339 ILM_DATE_TEXT Date as Text ("Unknown" Can Be a Value) CHAR 50    
340 ILM_FILESIZE File Size DEC 15 
341 ILM_JOB_PERIODS Period Settings for a Job CHAR   
342 ILM_JOB_START_MODE Start Mode of a Job CHAR   
343 ILM_OBJECT_KIND Object Type CHAR   
344 ILM_PERIOD Time Period CHAR   
345 ILM_PHYSFILE Physical File Name CHAR 255    
346 ILM_PROCESSING_OPTION Process Control (Test, Live) CHAR   
347 ILM_SCHEMA_ID ILM Hierarchy Schema ID CHAR   
349 ILM_STATE State CHAR   
350 ILM_STORAGE_TABLE_TYPE ILM DB Store: Row/Column Store Table Type CHAR   
351 ILM_STOR_AGENT ILM Storage: Agent ID CHAR 50    
352 ILM_STOR_API_VERSION ILM Storage: API Version INT4 10    
353 ILM_STOR_BG_OPERATION ILM DB Store: Identification of Background Operations CHAR 15    
354 ILM_STOR_BG_PROCESS ILM DB Store: Familiar Background Processes CHAR   
355 ILM_STOR_CERT_TYPE ILM Storage: Type of Certificate CHAR   
356 ILM_STOR_CUST_TYPE ILM Storage: Data Type of a Setting CHAR   
357 ILM_STOR_DESCRIPTION ILM DB Store: Description Field CHAR 60    
358 ILM_STOR_EVENT_AREA ILM DB Store: Area ID for Eventing INT2   
359 ILM_STOR_EVENT_NAME ILM DB Store: Name of an Event INT4 10    
360 ILM_STOR_EVENT_STEP ILM DB Store: Timepoint in an Event INT1   
361 ILM_STOR_FILENAME ILM DB Store: File Name in File System CHAR 1024    
362 ILM_STOR_MON_AGENT_NAME ILM DB Store: Monitoring Agent Name CHAR 32    
364 ILM_STOR_MON_AREA ILM DB Store: KPI Area CHAR 32    
365 ILM_STOR_MON_AREA_TYPE ILM DB Store: Monitoring Area Type (data element) CHAR 30    
366 ILM_STOR_MON_CLEANER_NAME ILM DB Store: Cleaner Name For Retention Cleansing CHAR 32    
367 ILM_STOR_MON_CLEANER_STATUS ILM DB Store: Cleaner Status For Retention Cleansing CHAR   
368 ILM_STOR_MON_EXECUTION_TYPE ILM DB Store: Monitoring Agent Execution Type CHAR   
369 ILM_STOR_MON_KPI_DECIMALS ILM DB Store: Monitoring KPI Decimals INT1   
370 ILM_STOR_MON_KPI_GROUP ILM DB Store: Monitoring KPI Group ID CHAR 20    
372 ILM_STOR_MON_KPI_UNIT ILM DB Store: Monitoring KPI Unit CHAR   
375 ILM_STOR_MON_RETENTION_DAYS ILM DB Store: Retention Time (in days) INT4 10    
376 ILM_STOR_MON_TIMESTAMP ILM DB Store: Monitoring Timestamp DEC 15    
377 ILM_STOR_MON_TIME_UNIT ILM DB Store: Monitoring Time Unit CHAR   
378 ILM_STOR_NAMESPACE ILM Storage: Customizing Namespace CHAR 12    
379 ILM_STOR_ORIGIN ILM Storage: Origin CHAR 32    
380 ILM_STOR_POOL_FLAG ILM Storage: Properties of a Pool Entry CHAR   
381 ILM_STOR_PROP_VALUE ILM DB Store: Value of a Property STRG   
382 ILM_STOR_RESS_KIND ILM Storage: Resource Type CHAR   
383 ILM_STOR_RESS_TYPE ILM Storage: Types of Resources CHAR   
384 ILM_STOR_SETTING_VALUE ILM Storage: Customizing Value of a Setting CHAR 50    
385 ILM_STOR_STATUS ILM DB Store: Status of an Element INT4 10    
386 ILM_STOR_TEST_SCENE ILM DB Store: Test Scenario CHAR 10    
387 ILM_STOR_URI ILM DB Store: URI CHAR 255    
388 ILM_STOR_WD_PROPERTY_ACTION ILM Storage: WebDAV Property Action CHAR   
389 ILM_TREE_LEVEL Time Period CHAR   
390 ILOADB Object connection: Individual database ILOA CHAR   
391 ILOAK Object connection: Processing status CHAR   
392 ILOAN PM Object Location and Account Assignment CHAR 12    
393 ILOM_ALKEY Labeling system for functional locations CHAR   
394 ILOM_IFLCU Internal number for Customizing entry NUMC 12    
395 ILOM_ISTYP Object category for Industry Solutions (IS) CHAR   
396 ILOM_OWNER Object Reference Indicator CHAR   
397 ILOM_STATE Status of "Alternative labeling" functionality CHAR   
398 ILOM_STRNO Functional location label CHAR 40    
399 ILOM_TPSTA Domane for status of IFLOS records CHAR   
400 ILOWNER char(30) for InsChk CHAR 30    
401 ILSEG_NAME char(128) for installation check CHAR 128    
402 ILSTAT_CM_CA Item List Status CHAR   
403 ILTOOL Tool for carrying out the action CHAR 10    
404 IL_ACCESS Extensions of Relationship Type Accessories CHAR   
405 IL_BOMHED Relationship Type Extensions Header of BOM CHAR   
406 IL_BOMITM Relationship Type Extensions Item of BOM CHAR   
407 IL_DAMCHC Interlinkage DAMCHC CHAR   
408 IL_DAMFRS Interlinkage DAMFRS CHAR   
409 IL_DAMIRS Interlinkage DAMIRS CHAR   
410 IL_DAMLIR Interlinkage DAMLIR CHAR   
411 IL_DSCOPE Enhancements of Relationship Type "Definition Scope" CHAR   
412 IL_DTYPE Enhancements of Relationship Type: Data Types CHAR   
413 IL_EQUIAS Relationship Type Extensions Equipment assignment CHAR   
414 IL_EXGRP Relationship Type Extensions Exchange Group CHAR   
415 IL_FSPCAT Extensions with Relationship Category FS Relationships CHAR   
416 IL_IOBRL Relationship Type Extensions Object Relations CHAR   
417 IL_IPSMAT Relationship Type Extensions Related Sales Mater. CHAR   
418 IL_IPUCX Relationship Type Extensions Underl.Comp.Explicit CHAR   
419 IL_PRDBP Extensions of Relationship Type Partner CHAR   
420 IL_PRDCPN Extensions of Relationship Type Customers CHAR   
421 IL_PRDCTP Extensions of Relationship Type Content Provider CHAR   
422 IL_PRDMPN Extensions of Relationship Type Manufacturer CHAR   
423 IL_PRDVND Extensions of Relationship Type Vendors CHAR   
424 IL_PROPRD Enhancements to the Process Products Relationship Type CHAR   
425 IL_PROREF Extensions of Relationship Type Reference Product CHAR   
426 IL_PSCBA Enhancements of Relationship Category Contract Object Basis CHAR   
427 IL_PSCCEX Enhancements of Relationship Category PSOB Exception Times CHAR   
428 IL_PSCCO Enhancements of Relationship Category PSOB Correspondence CHAR   
429 IL_PSCCR Enhancements of Relationship Category PSOB Corr. Recipient CHAR   
430 IL_PSCEX Enhancements of Relationship Category PSOB Exception Times CHAR   
431 IL_PSCIC Enhancement of Relationship Category PSOB Inbound Correspon. CHAR   
432 IL_PSCIP Enhancements of Relationship Category PSOB Incoming Payment CHAR   
433 IL_PSCOP Enhancements of Relationship Category PSOB Outgoing Payment CHAR   
434 IL_SCCFG Extensions of Relationship Type: Value Inheritance CHAR   
435 IL_SCCRS Extensions of Relationship Type: Cross Selling CHAR   
436 IL_SCDEC Extensions of Relationship Type: Dependent Components CHAR   
437 IL_SCPCHR Enhancements of Relationship Type "Definition Scope- Char." CHAR   
438 IL_SCRPC Extensions of Relationship Type: Rate Plan Combinations CHAR   
439 IL_SCSLC Enhancements to the Sales Bundle Relationship Type CHAR   
440 IL_SCTXT Extensions of Relationship Type: Language-Dependent Desc. CHAR   
441 IL_SCUPS Extensions of Relationship Type: Up-Selling for Telco CHAR   
442 IL_SERVI Extensions of Relationship Type Services CHAR   
443 IL_SLSBDL Enhancements to the Sales Bundle Relationship Type CHAR   
444 IL_SPARE Extensions of Relationship Type Spare Parts CHAR   
445 IMAGEFLAG Image or Option flag indicator CHAR   
446 IMA_AMORT Payback period in years with 3 decimal places DEC
447 IMA_APOSNR Internal number - Appropriation request 12 characters CHAR 12    
448 IMA_APPLKEY Application key CHAR 30    
449 IMA_AQZIFS Equivalence number, order settlement, total field DEC 13    
450 IMA_AUFART Distribution type for dep. simulation CHAR   
451 IMA_BWERT Assessment criteria for appropriation request variants CHAR   
452 IMA_FUNC Functions for mass change to appropriation requests CHAR   
453 IMA_IVART Appropriation request type CHAR   
454 IMA_KAPRAT Disc. cash flow rate DEC
455 IMA_NUMBERBOXES No.of list boxes INT1   
456 IMA_NUMVG Control of number assignment with measure CHAR   
457 IMA_POSID Appropriation request for external use CHAR 24    
458 IMA_POSNR Internal number - appropriation request CHAR 12    
459 IMA_PRODD Approp. requests - switch for Test / Production / Transfer CHAR   
460 IMA_PROZ Multiplied percentage rate of percent. dist. by org.units FLTP 16  16 
461 IMA_REQ_CH Assignment of measures to approp. request NUMC   
462 IMA_RESTRICTION Additional restriction for selection screen CHAR   
463 IMA_ROUND Round to nearest CHAR   
464 IMA_SYSTLONG Long version for status CHAR 200    
465 IMA_USRCHAR10 Domain for user field- 10 characters with value table CHAR 10    
466 IMA_USRNR Numbers of user fields for IMA_USR02 and IMA_USR03 CHAR   
467 IMA_VALUETYPE Value type view in tabstrip CHAR 20    
468 IMA_VARNT Variant of appropriation request CHAR   
469 IMA_XUPDATE Update Flag for BAPI Change Parameter CHAR   
470 IMA_ZUOKZ Assignment indicator for appropriation requests CHAR   
471 IMCCHAR1 Character field length 1 (large/small) CHAR   
472 IMCCHAR128 Character Field with Length 128 (Uppercase/Lowercase) CHAR 128    
473 IMCCHAR255 Character field lengthe 255 (large/small) CHAR 255    
474 IMCCHAR32 Character field length 32 (large/small) CHAR 32    
475 IMCCHAR64 Character field length 64 (large/small) CHAR 64    
476 IMCDOC Description of functionality of IMC service name CHAR 255    
477 IMCMODEID Character field length 64 (large/small) CHAR 64    
478 IMC_CVERS Summarization version in Info system for inv. programs CHAR   
479 IMC_DISPNO Internal: Status number of characteristic for display NUMC   
480 IMC_KOSTL IM Summarization: Cost center CHAR 10    
481 IMC_MEASR Measure: ID in internal format CHAR 26    
482 IMC_MSREXT Measure: ID in external format CHAR 26    
483 IMC_POSNO Summarization inv. programs: position no. of program pos. NUMC   
484 IMC_PRCTR IM Summarization: Profit centers CHAR 10    
485 IMC_RECNO Record number for summarization of investment programs NUMC   
486 IMC_RPOSID Appropriation request: Identifier in external format CHAR 24    
487 IMC_STPLNR IM Summarization: Functional location (reduced for drilldwn) CHAR 22    
488 IMC_TPLNR IM Summarization: Functional location CHAR 30    
489 IMC_WERKS IM Summarization: Plant CHAR   
490 IMEINS Normal duration/unit CHAR   
491 IMETH_KK Procedure used for interest calculation. CHAR   
492 IMGEINH Quantity unit of production resource/tool (IDOC CHAR) CHAR   
493 IMGFLAG Image flag CHAR   
494 IMGSOL Requirements quantity CHAR 15    
495 IMIGTAB Table in Incremental Migration CHAR 30    
496 IMKEY Internal key for Real Estate object CHAR   
497 IMPDATEN Import data CHAR   
498 IMPER EU Fixed Value Date Indicator CHAR   
499 IMPORTIN_3 Name of IMPORTING parameter CHAR 30    
500 IMPORTVA_3 Contents of IMPORT parameter CHAR 40