SAP ABAP Function Module - Index SLASH, page 45
Function Module - /
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | /MRSS/RMI_READ_ADD_ASG_INFO | Read additional assignment information | |
2 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_ACKNALERTS | Create Event TextChanged_WS | |
3 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_ASGN_DATA_CHANGED | Assignment Data Changed | |
4 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_AUTO_ACKN | Auto Acknowledge Alert | |
5 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_CANDI_EMAIL | Send Email from Proposed to Requester | |
6 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_CD_REMOVED | Candidate Removed | |
7 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_CHKVALIDATED | Check Validated or Higher | |
8 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_CORP_RM | Check if user / pernr is Corporate RM | |
9 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_CO_VB_CHDOC_KEY | Muster-FB zur Berechung des Objektschlüssels | |
10 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_CR_CDAG_EVENTS | Create CDAG Events | |
11 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_CR_DMAG_EVENTS | Create DMAG Events | |
12 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_CR_ROAG_EVENTS | Create ROAG Events | |
13 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_GETROLEOWNERS | Get Role Owners | |
15 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_GET_CORP_SPN | Get Corporate SPN from CD Key | |
16 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_GET_EMPMGR | RM Get Candidate Manager | |
18 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_GET_EXT_RCCMSP | Get RC CM SP from External Candidate | |
19 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_GET_PCGROUP | Get PC Group from a Consultant | |
20 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_GET_RESCONTACT | RM Get Candidate Manager | |
21 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_GET_RLCL_AGENTS | Get Role Close Agent and Trigger Events | |
22 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_NEWROLE_AGENTS | Get Agents for Newly Added Role | |
23 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_REBROADCAST | Rebroadcast WF | |
24 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_REQ_CAND_COMMENTS | Pure requester candidate comments - workflow alerts | |
25 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_ROLE_CLOSE | Agents to be notified on Role Close | |
26 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_RORG_CHANGED | RO-Role Group Changed | |
27 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_RO_GRP_CHGD | RO Role group changed | |
28 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_SBCHANGE_BCK | Soft book date change in backward integration | |
29 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_SEND_ROLE_EMAIL | Send Validation Email | |
30 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_SOFTBOOK_CHGD | Change of Soft Booking Expiry date | |
31 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_TRIGGERHDTEXT | Head Text Changed | |
32 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_TRIGGERROTEXT | Role Text Changed | |
33 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_TRIG_RO_SUBMIT | RO Submit | |
34 | /MRSS/RMI_WF_TRIG_RQ_SUBMIT | RQ Submit | |
35 | /MRSS/RMOR_ADD_MONTHS_TO_DATE | R | add months to date |
36 | /MRSS/RMOR_CALC_SELECTED_DAYS | Calculate selected days | |
37 | /MRSS/RMOR_EXIT_CAND_STATUS | Sch exit for candidate status | |
38 | /MRSS/RMOR_EXIT_CONS_COUNTRY | Exit for Candidate country | |
39 | /MRSS/RMOR_EXIT_CORP_ORG | Exit for Corporate Organization | |
40 | /MRSS/RMOR_EXIT_EMAIL_GRP | Search Helps for Resource Management | |
41 | /MRSS/RMOR_EXIT_JOB_TEXT_ID | Sch Help for Job Text ID | |
42 | /MRSS/RMOR_EXIT_REQ_STATUS | Request status | |
43 | /MRSS/RMOR_EXIT_RMGRP | Suchhilfe-Exit für Lieferantenstammsuche nach Adreßattributen | |
44 | /MRSS/RMOR_EXIT_ROLESTATUS | Search Help exit for req status | |
45 | /MRSS/RMOR_GET_DAY_ATTRIBUTES | Get day attributes | |
46 | /MRSS/RMOR_GET_DYN_COL_WEEK | Get Dynamic field name for week | |
47 | /MRSS/RMOR_GET_NEXT_MONTH | Get Next month | |
48 | /MRSS/RMOR_GET_SCH_HELP | FM to fetch search help | |
49 | /MRSS/RMOR_GET_SEL_FIELD | FM for selection fields | |
50 | /MRSS/RMOR_ORG_UNIT_EMPL_GET | FM to fetch org unit for employee | |
51 | /MRSS/RMOR_PROJ_AVAIL_FM | Online reporting API for Candidate availability for each role | |
52 | /MRSS/RMOR_READ_REQ_INFO | R | Fetch request header details |
53 | /MRSS/RMOR_READ_REQ_INFO_SCEN | Fetch request header details | |
54 | /MRSS/RMOR_REPRT_GET_OBJNR | R | FM to get objnr req, role |
55 | /MRSS/RMOR_REP_GET_OBJNR | FM to get objnr req, role | |
56 | /MRSS/RMOR_REP_GET_OBJNR_SCEN | FM to get objnr req, role | |
57 | /MRSS/RMOR_REP_REQSTS_BY_SP | R | Get Requests by RM Group |
58 | /MRSS/RMOR_REP_REQUESTS_BY_SP | Get Requests by RM Group | |
59 | /MRSS/RMOR_REQSTS_BY_REQSTR | Get Requests by RM Group | |
60 | /MRSS/RMOR_REQSTS_BY_RMGROUP | R | Get Requests by RM Group |
61 | /MRSS/RMOR_REQSTS_BY_RMG_SCEN | Get Requests by RM Group | |
62 | /MRSS/RMOR_REQSTS_BY_ROWNER | R | Get Requests by RM Group |
63 | /MRSS/RMOR_REQSTS_BY_RO_SCEN | Get Requests by RM Group | |
64 | /MRSS/RMOR_REQUESTS_BY_REQSTR | Get Requests by RM Group | |
65 | /MRSS/RMOR_REQUESTS_BY_RMGROUP | Get Requests by RM Group | |
66 | /MRSS/RMOR_REQUESTS_BY_ROWNER | Get Requests by RM Group | |
67 | /MRSS/RMOR_REQ_BY_REQSTR_SCEN | Get Requests by RM Group | |
68 | /MRSS/RMOR_ROWNER_BY_RMGROUP | Get Requests by RM Group | |
69 | /MRSS/RMOR_USER_AUTH_REQUESTS | Get Requests by RM Group | |
70 | /MRSS/RMOR_USER_CONVERT_DATE | converts sap internal date format to user dateformat | |
71 | /MRSS/RMOR_USR_AUTH_SFTBK_REQ | Get Requests by RM Group( Specific to Softbook Expiry report) | |
72 | /MRSS/RMS_API_ASSIGNMENT_DET | Assignment Details in Daily , Weekly , Monthly format for each Asgn type | |
73 | /MRSS/RMS_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS | Assignment Details in Daily , Weekly , Monthly format for each Asgn type | |
74 | /MRSS/RMS_ASSIGNMENT_TYPES_GET | Read Assignment types | |
75 | /MRSS/RMS_BCDURATION_UNIT_GET | Broadcast Duration Unit | |
77 | /MRSS/RMS_CAND_STATUS_SETTINGS | Get candidate status settings | |
78 | /MRSS/RMS_CATEGORY_GET | Get Request/Role Categories | |
79 | /MRSS/RMS_CHECK_DUMMY_CUST_EMP | Check for dummy customers and employees | |
80 | /MRSS/RMS_CONTRACT_TYPES_GET | Read Contract types | |
81 | /MRSS/RMS_CORPORATE_COMP_GET | Read Corporate Companies | |
82 | /MRSS/RMS_CORPORATE_ORG_GET | Read Corporate Organizations | |
83 | /MRSS/RMS_COUNTRY_GET | Get Country | |
84 | /MRSS/RMS_CRM_ORDER_PROB_GET | Read Order Probablities | |
85 | /MRSS/RMS_DATE_CONVERSION | Date Conversion for months from 01 to Jan | |
86 | /MRSS/RMS_DB_READ | Reporting FM | |
87 | /MRSS/RMS_ESCALATION_TYPES_GET | Read Escalation types | |
88 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_AUTH_RMGRP | Suchhilfe-Exit für Lieferantenstammsuche nach Adreßattributen | |
89 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_CEM | Search Help Exit for Pernr | |
90 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_CUSTOMER | Search help Exit for Customer | |
91 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_CUST_INDUS | Customer Industry Search Help | |
92 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_DEBIA | Search help exit for DEBIA | |
93 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_H_TVK3 | Search help exit for DEBIA | |
94 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_KRED | Search Helps for Resource Management | |
95 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_OBJID | Suchhilfe-Exit: ObjektID (Objekthierarchie) | |
96 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_ORGGRP | Suchhilfe-Exit für Lieferantenstammsuche nach Adreßattributen | |
97 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_PACE | Search Help Exit for PACE Profiles | |
98 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_PACE_COMPETENCE | Search Helps for Resource Management | |
99 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_PACE_INDUSTRY | Search Helps for Resource Management | |
100 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_PACE_REP | Search Help Exit for PACE Profiles | |
101 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_PACE_SOLUTION | Search Helps for Resource Management | |
102 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_PC | Search help EXIT for Profit Center | |
103 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_PCGRP | Suchhilfe-Exit für Lieferantenstammsuche nach Adreßattributen | |
104 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_PERNR | Search Help Exit for Pernr | |
105 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_PRCTR | Search Help Exit for PRCTR | |
106 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_PREMN_SH | Function Exits for Matchcode Display | |
107 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_PREMU | Search Help Exit for Pernr | |
108 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_PREMU_CEM | Search Help Exit for Pernr | |
109 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_PROJ_PRIO | Search help exit | |
110 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_REMOTE_PERNR | Remote pernr fetch | |
111 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_REQSTATUS | Search Help exit for req status | |
112 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_REQUEST | Request search help | |
113 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_REQUESTS | Requests search help | |
114 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_REQUESTSTATUS | Search Help exit for req status | |
115 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_REQ_STATUS | Search Helps for Resource Management | |
116 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_RMGRP | Suchhilfe-Exit für Lieferantenstammsuche nach Adreßattributen | |
117 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_ROLE | Role Search help exit | |
118 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_ROLESTATUS | Search Help exit for req status | |
119 | /MRSS/RMS_EXIT_SEARCH_ORG_GRP | Search help for RM Group | |
120 | /MRSS/RMS_FLOWDOWN_GET | Read FlowDown Terms | |
121 | /MRSS/RMS_GET_DESC_PROFILE | Get Description for Pace Profiles | |
122 | /MRSS/RMS_GET_FULLDAY_DURATION | To get standard start time/ end time & duration | |
123 | /MRSS/RMS_GET_LIST_CANDIDATES | Get List of Candidates | |
124 | /MRSS/RMS_GET_MATRIX_ID | Get Matrix ID details | |
125 | /MRSS/RMS_GET_OUTLOOK_NAME | Get Outlook Name | |
126 | /MRSS/RMS_GET_RATE_PROFICIENCY | Get Rating and Proficieny Text | |
127 | /MRSS/RMS_GET_RESP_RM_ORG | Read Responsible RM Org | |
128 | /MRSS/RMS_GET_ROLE_STATUS | Get Role Status | |
129 | /MRSS/RMS_GET_STATE_DESC | Get State Description | |
130 | /MRSS/RMS_GET_TIMESPECTYPE | Get time Allocation | |
131 | /MRSS/RMS_GET_WD_RUNTIME_OBJ | Get runtime object from Component | |
132 | /MRSS/RMS_HELPURL_CUST_DATA | Help URL Customizing Data Get | |
133 | /MRSS/RMS_HTF_DESC_GET | Hard To Fill Flag ID get | |
134 | /MRSS/RMS_HTF_FILL_TABLE | filling the table for htf flag | |
135 | /MRSS/RMS_INDUSTRY_GET | Get Industry | |
136 | /MRSS/RMS_JOBTEXT_GET | Read Job Text values | |
137 | /MRSS/RMS_JOBTEXT_GET_RFC | R | RFC-enabled extractor for job texts |
138 | /MRSS/RMS_KNA1_GET | Get Customers | |
139 | /MRSS/RMS_LOB_GET | Read Lines of Business | |
140 | /MRSS/RMS_MAP_PORTAL_DATA | Map data from RMFS to portal structures | |
141 | /MRSS/RMS_ORDER_PROB_GET | Read Order Probablities | |
142 | /MRSS/RMS_ORGUNIT_SEARCH | Search Org Unit | |
143 | /MRSS/RMS_OR_EXIT_PACE | Search Help Exit for PACE Profiles | |
144 | /MRSS/RMS_PACE_SEARCH | Pace search FM | |
145 | /MRSS/RMS_PERSON_SEARCH | Person search FM | |
146 | /MRSS/RMS_POST_SAVE | Post Save Function Module | |
147 | /MRSS/RMS_PRIORITY_GET | Get Priority | |
148 | /MRSS/RMS_PROFILE_FIELDS_GET | Get additional fields from Requirement profile table | |
149 | /MRSS/RMS_PROJECT_AVAILABILITY | Online reporting API for Candidate availability for each role | |
150 | /MRSS/RMS_PROJ_ACTIVITY_GET | Read Project Activity Types | |
151 | /MRSS/RMS_RATING_PSTEXT_GET | Skills Rating and Proficiency get | |
152 | /MRSS/RMS_READ_MATRIX_ID | Read Matrix ID | |
153 | /MRSS/RMS_REASON_CLOSE_GET | Read Reasons for Close | |
154 | /MRSS/RMS_REGION_FOR_BT_GET | Get Region for a Broadcast Target | |
155 | /MRSS/RMS_REGION_GET | Get Regions | |
156 | /MRSS/RMS_REQUEST_ORIGIN_GET | Read Request Origins | |
157 | /MRSS/RMS_REQUEST_TYPE_GET | Read Request types | |
158 | /MRSS/RMS_REQ_ORDER_PROB_GET | Read Order Probabilities Description | |
159 | /MRSS/RMS_RFC_CHECK | Method to check if RFC call is disable for user | |
160 | /MRSS/RMS_RMFS_XI_TRIGGER | R | Send data to XI |
161 | /MRSS/RMS_ROLE_TYPE_GET | Read Role types | |
162 | /MRSS/RMS_SEND_DATA_TO_PORTAL | Send RM Data to Portal | |
163 | /MRSS/RMS_SERVICEPHASE_GET | Resource Management Service Phase Get | |
164 | /MRSS/RMS_SHLP_GRADE_EXIT | Search help for grade | |
165 | /MRSS/RMS_SLA_EXCLUDE_GET | Read SLA Exclusion Reasons | |
166 | /MRSS/RMS_STATUS_CHECK | Check for Statuses | |
167 | /MRSS/RMS_STATUS_FOR_CAND_GET | Get candidate statuses per user role | |
168 | /MRSS/RMS_STATUS_ROLL_UP_GET | Get Roll up information for Statuses | |
169 | /MRSS/RMS_SUBREGION_FOR_BT_GET | Get Region for a Broadcast Target | |
170 | /MRSS/RMS_SUB_REGION_GET | Get Sub-regions | |
171 | /MRSS/RMS_TEMP | Get Line of business | |
172 | /MRSS/RMS_VENDOR_GRP_DESC_GET | Function to get Vendor Group Description | |
173 | /MRSS/RMS_WLIST_DATES_GET | Read Worklist Date Range | |
174 | /MRSS/RMU_OFFLINE_CREATE | R | Create object |
175 | /MRSS/RM_ABORT_ON_ERROR | Error | |
176 | /MRSS/RM_ADD_CAND_STATUS | FM for gettingadditional candidate status | |
177 | /MRSS/RM_ASSIGNMENT_DU | Update Modules for Assignment | |
178 | /MRSS/RM_ASSIGNMENT_FETCH | Assignment fetch based on interval and pernr | |
179 | /MRSS/RM_BCDAT_UPDATE | Update module for BC data update | |
180 | /MRSS/RM_CALCULATE_DURATION | For Calualtiong duration for role | |
181 | /MRSS/RM_CALC_DATE_IN_INTERVAL | Date +/- year/month/day (into the future/past) | |
182 | /MRSS/RM_CALC_WEEK_NUM | week | |
183 | /MRSS/RM_CANDIDATE_DU | Update Modules for Candidate | |
184 | /MRSS/RM_CANDIDATE_STAT_GET_NW | Read Request Origins | |
185 | /MRSS/RM_CAND_STATUS_OBJECTKEY | Candidate status object key | |
186 | /MRSS/RM_CONV_LOG_DATA | Convert Log data | |
187 | /MRSS/RM_DEMAND_DU | Update Modules for Demand | |
188 | /MRSS/RM_EXIT_VARIANTS | Variants for Search Screens | |
189 | /MRSS/RM_GET_CURRENT_CUSTOMERS | Get Current customers for candidates | |
190 | /MRSS/RM_GET_CUSTOMER_FOR_NW | Get customer for network (s) | |
191 | /MRSS/RM_GET_MONTH_NAME | Month name in genitive case | |
192 | /MRSS/RM_GET_OPPORTUNITY_TYPE | Get Opportunity Type | |
193 | /MRSS/RM_GET_ORG_TYPE | Get Org Unit | |
194 | /MRSS/RM_GET_PARTNER_DATA | Get partner data | |
195 | /MRSS/RM_GET_PROJECT_SERVICE | Get Project Service | |
196 | /MRSS/RM_HDR_DEM_CUSTOM_DU | Update Modules for Demand | |
197 | /MRSS/RM_HEADER_UPD | RM Header update function module | |
199 | /MRSS/RM_NW_DEM_INT_KEYS | R | Get the demand Internal keys |
200 | /MRSS/RM_PACE_PROF_CH_ALLOW | Enable/disable the PACE profile fields on UI | |
201 | /MRSS/RM_PACE_PROF_GET | Get PACE Profile details | |
202 | /MRSS/RM_QUICKCLOSE_STATUS | FM to get additional role status | |
203 | /MRSS/RM_RMS_SUPER_REGION | Super region | |
204 | /MRSS/RM_ROLE_UPD | RM Role details update FM | |
205 | /MRSS/RM_SB_EXP_DU | Update Modules for Candidate - Softbooking expiry date | |
206 | /MRSS/RM_SKILLS_UI | To get the Object Type | |
207 | /MRSS/RM_STATUS_READ | Read status | |
208 | /MRSS/SERVICES_TRIGGER_OPT | R | Start Optimizer |
209 | /MRSS/SERVICE_POT_RETRIEVE | R | Retrieve Capacity Pot |
210 | /MRSS/SGA_ALERTS_CREATE | R | Erzeugung eines Alerts |
211 | /MRSS/SGA_ALERT_CONFIRM_AL | Alerts bestätigen | |
212 | /MRSS/SGA_ALERT_MSG_TYPE_AL | Alert Message Type | |
213 | /MRSS/SGA_ANYTHING_CHANGED_AL | ob sich was geändert hat? | |
214 | /MRSS/SGA_CHANGE_DATA_GET_AL | die geändert Alerts ausliefern | |
215 | /MRSS/SGA_CHECK_RELEVANCE_AL | Kontrollieren, ob ein Alert relevant ist | |
216 | /MRSS/SGA_COMPONENT_ADD_AL | Alle relevante Alert von der Datenbank lesen | |
217 | /MRSS/SGA_CONVERT_TS_AL | Timestampsfelder konvertieren! | |
218 | /MRSS/SGA_CREATED_ALERTS_AL | Alerts erzeugen | |
219 | /MRSS/SGA_DELETE_ALERTS_AL | Alerts löschen | |
220 | /MRSS/SGA_DEL_ALERTS_FROM_DB | Delete alert from the data base | |
221 | /MRSS/SGA_DEL_FOR_COMPONENT_AL | Alerts für ein Component löschen | |
222 | /MRSS/SGA_DEL_FOR_MUL_COMP_AL | Alerts für mehrere Components löschen | |
223 | /MRSS/SGA_DEL_LT_ALERT_AL | Alerts löschen (mit GUID) | |
224 | /MRSS/SGA_GET_ALERTOVERLAP_AL | Alerts für überlappende Zeitintervalle lesen | |
225 | /MRSS/SGA_GET_ALERTSAVE_INF_AL | Get Alert Type with Display Code | |
226 | /MRSS/SGA_GET_ALERTS_AL | Alerts vom Puffer lesen | |
227 | /MRSS/SGA_GET_ALERTS_FOR_DEL | Get all alert components for deletion | |
228 | /MRSS/SGA_GET_ALERTTYPEDISP_AL | Get Alert Type with Display Code | |
229 | /MRSS/SGA_GET_ALERTTYPE_AL | Alerttype bestimmen | |
230 | /MRSS/SGA_GET_ALERT_GUID | Alert-GUID bestimmen | |
231 | /MRSS/SGA_GET_AL_FOR_COMPO_AL | Alerts für eine Komponent bestimmen | |
232 | /MRSS/SGA_INITIALIZE_ALERTS_AL | Alle relevante Alert von der Datenbank lesen | |
233 | /MRSS/SGA_INIT_GT_CHANGE_AL | die gt_alert_changed löschen | |
234 | /MRSS/SGA_INIT_GT_COMPONENT_AL | die gt_component_validity löschen | |
235 | /MRSS/SGA_INIT_GT_CONFIRM_AL | die gt_alert_confirmd löschen | |
236 | /MRSS/SGA_INIT_GT_CUSTOM | Initialize customizing global tables | |
237 | /MRSS/SGA_INIT_GT_UPDATE_AL | die gt_alert_update löschen | |
238 | /MRSS/SGA_MOD_FOR_COMPONENT_AL | Alerts für ein component ändern | |
239 | /MRSS/SGA_MOD_FOR_MUL_COMP_AL | Alerts für ein component ändern | |
240 | /MRSS/SGA_RESET_ALERTS | Alertslist leeren | |
241 | /MRSS/SGA_SAVE_AL | Alerts sichern | |
242 | /MRSS/SGA_SAVE_CALL_AL | Alerts sichern | |
243 | /MRSS/SGA_UPDATE_ALERTS_AL | Alerts ändern | |
244 | /MRSS/SGD_DEMANDS_MAINTAIN | R | Pflege der generischen Bedarfe |
245 | /MRSS/SGD_DEMAND_BUNDLE_DU | Bundle DB Update | |
246 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_ADM_DU | Verbuchung der administrativen Positionsdaten | |
248 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_AS_CB | Erhalte Zuordnung der Teilobjekte | |
249 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_HIST_DU | Update Modules for Generic Demand | |
250 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_H_DU | Verbuchung der Kopfattribute | |
251 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_INFO_DU | Verbuchung der administrativen Positionsdaten | |
252 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_MAP_DU | Verbuchung der Mapping-Tabelle | |
253 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_MATE_DU | Verbuchung der administrativen Positionsdaten | |
254 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_PARTNER_DU | Verbuchung der Partner der Positionsdaten | |
255 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_PARTNER_HDR_DU | Maintain Partner Header Table Data | |
256 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_PLRS_DU | Verbuchung der administrativen Positionsdaten | |
257 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_PLR_DU | Verbuchung der administrativen Positionsdaten | |
258 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_RELAT_DU | Verbuchung der Beziehungen | |
259 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_SERV_PRODUCT_DU | Service Product DB Update | |
260 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_SO_CB | Erhalte Teilobjekte | |
261 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_SPLIT_HISTORY_DU | Verbuchung der Beziehungen | |
262 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_SP_LINK_DU | Service product link DB update | |
263 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_STATUS_DU | Verbuchung des Status | |
264 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_TOOL_DU | Verbuchung der administrativen Positionsdaten | |
265 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_TYI_CB | Customizing-Puffer für Bedarfspositionstyp | |
266 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_WL_CUST_STAT | Customizing Kundenstatus Worklist | |
267 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_WL_F_CB | Erhalte Zuordnung der Arbeitsvorratfelder | |
268 | /MRSS/SGD_DEM_WL_HEADER | Erhalte Arbeitsvorratfelder für Kopf (Complex Demand) | |
269 | /MRSS/SGD_GEN_DU | Generischer Verbuchungsbaustein | |
270 | /MRSS/SGE_ADDRESS_DB | Updates the address database | |
271 | /MRSS/SGE_ADD_MONTH_TO_DATE | Calculation of a New Date by Adding Number of Months | |
272 | /MRSS/SGE_ADD_TO_TIME_AND_DATE | Zeitdifferenz zwischen zwei Timestamps | |
273 | /MRSS/SGE_API_ASSIGNMENT_CRE | R | API to create assignments |
274 | /MRSS/SGE_API_ASSIGNMENT_DEL | R | API to delete assignments |
275 | /MRSS/SGE_API_ASSIGNMENT_GET | R | API to read assignments |
276 | /MRSS/SGE_API_ASSIGNMENT_UPD | R | API to update assignments |
277 | /MRSS/SGE_API_ASSMT_MOB_ST_ADD | R | Set Assignment Status from Mobile Device |
278 | /MRSS/SGE_API_COMMIT | R | Function for Commiting API Changes |
279 | /MRSS/SGE_API_DEMANDS_GET | R | API to get the demand details |
280 | /MRSS/SGE_API_GUID_EQUNR | Conversion of Equipment number from/to GUID | |
281 | /MRSS/SGE_API_GUID_PERNR | R | Conversion of Personnel number from/to GUID |
282 | /MRSS/SGE_API_QUAL_MATCH_RES | API to perform qualification matching for a demand against resources | |
283 | /MRSS/SGE_API_RES_CONF | Is the resource confidential for given user? | |
284 | /MRSS/SGE_API_ROLLBACK | R | Function for Commiting API Changes |
285 | /MRSS/SGE_API_SUBS_CRE | R | API for creation of irregular work time |
286 | /MRSS/SGE_API_SUBS_DEL | R | API for deletion of irregular work time |
287 | /MRSS/SGE_API_SUBS_GET | R | API to get irregular work times for resources |
288 | /MRSS/SGE_API_TIMESPEC_CRE | R | API to create time allocations |
289 | /MRSS/SGE_API_TIMESPEC_DEL | R | API to delete the time allocations |
290 | /MRSS/SGE_API_TIMESPEC_GET | R | API to get the time allocations for the resource |
291 | /MRSS/SGE_API_TIMESPEC_UPD | R | API to update tIme allocations |
292 | /MRSS/SGE_API_TOOL_LINKS_CRE | R | API to create tool links |
293 | /MRSS/SGE_API_TOOL_LINKS_DEL | R | API to delete the tool links |
294 | /MRSS/SGE_API_TOOL_LINKS_GET | R | API to read tool links |
295 | /MRSS/SGE_ASSIGNMENT_INFO_DB | Update Additional Information for Assignment | |
296 | /MRSS/SGE_ASSIGNMENT_INFX_DB | Update Partial concretization attributes for stretched assignments | |
297 | /MRSS/SGE_ASS_STATUS_MAINTAIN | Pflegen des Status eines Einsatzes | |
298 | /MRSS/SGE_BRANCH_GET | Lese weiteren Zweig ein | |
299 | /MRSS/SGE_BUPA_DESCRIPTION_GET | Business partner description | |
300 | /MRSS/SGE_CHECK_AC_CB | Erhalte Klassen der aktiven Checks | |
301 | /MRSS/SGE_CHECK_PO_CB | Customizing-Puffer für /MRSS/C_CHECK_T | |
302 | /MRSS/SGE_CHECK_P_CB | Lesen des Prüfungsprofils | |
303 | /MRSS/SGE_CHECK_T_CB | Customizing-Puffer für /MRSS/C_CHECK_T | |
304 | /MRSS/SGE_CHILD_ASSIGNMENT_DB | Save parent - child assignment link | |
305 | /MRSS/SGE_CH_DELETE | Delete change history of an archived object | |
306 | /MRSS/SGE_CH_DEM_DU | Änderungsdaten für Bedarfe | |
307 | /MRSS/SGE_CH_DOCS_DU | R | Update Baustein zum Speichern von Änderungsbelegen |
308 | /MRSS/SGE_CH_DOCS_DU_NEW_TASK | R | Verbuchung von Änderungsbelegen in separatem Modus |
309 | /MRSS/SGE_CH_ORD_DU | Änderungsdaten für Aufträge | |
310 | /MRSS/SGE_CH_READ_FOR_DELETION | Get change documents for deletion | |
311 | /MRSS/SGE_CH_RES_DU | Änderungsdaten für Ressourcen | |
312 | /MRSS/SGE_CLOCK_DU | Verbuchung von /MRSS/D_CLOCK | |
313 | /MRSS/SGE_CLOCK_MAINTAIN | R | Pflege der Zeiterfassungsinformationen |
314 | /MRSS/SGE_CLOCK_READ_ALL | Get all clocking information | |
315 | /MRSS/SGE_COLLISION_DB | Updates the collision DB tables | |
316 | /MRSS/SGE_COLOR_DESCRIPTION | Callback für Farblegende | |
318 | /MRSS/SGE_CONV_BP_GUID_TO_LRP | convert_crm_bp_guid_to_lrp_res | |
319 | /MRSS/SGE_CONV_LRP_TO_BP_GUID | convert_lrp_res_to_crm_bp_guid | |
320 | /MRSS/SGE_CONV_STRING_TO_TABLE | Convert string to table | |
321 | /MRSS/SGE_CONV_TABLE_TO_STRING | Convert string to table | |
322 | /MRSS/SGE_CURRENT_TREE_POP | R | Hole aktuellen Baum vom Stack |
323 | /MRSS/SGE_CURRENT_TREE_PUSH | R | Speichere aktuellen Baum auf dem Stack |
324 | /MRSS/SGE_DAY_IN_WEEK | Day in Week | |
325 | /MRSS/SGE_DEL_OVERLAPS | Beseitigt Überschneidungen in Zeitabschnitten einer itab | |
326 | /MRSS/SGE_DEMANDS_MAINTAIN | Pflegen von Bedarfen | |
327 | /MRSS/SGE_EMPLOYEE_FROM_USER | Get the employee detail from user | |
328 | /MRSS/SGE_EMPLOYEE_TO_RESOURCE | Abbildung von Mitarbeiter auf LRP-Resource | |
329 | /MRSS/SGE_EMPL_FOR_PORTAL_USER | Get the employee detail from user | |
330 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_AUFTYP | exit search help for /MRSS/SH_SGU_ORD_TYPE_MN | |
331 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_AUFTYP1 | Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe | |
332 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_COMM_TYPE | Search help for Communication types | |
333 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_CONTENT_ITEM | Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe | |
334 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_DEM_HDR_USR_ST | Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe | |
335 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_EQNR | Example for a search help exit | |
336 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_LFCOD | Suchhilfe-Exit: Logischer Funktionscode | |
337 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_MAT1 | Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe | |
338 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_OBJID | Suchhilfe-Exit: ObjektID | |
339 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_OBJID_77EO | Suchhilfe-Exit: ObjektID (Callback über T77EO-OBJECT_F4) | |
340 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_OBJID_INFTY | Suchhilfe-Exit: ObjektID (ehemaliger Matchcode) | |
341 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_OBJID_LIST | Suchhilfe-Exit: ObjektID (Objektliste) | |
342 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_OBJID_QUERY | Suchhilfe-Exit: ObjektID (Allg. Ad-hoc Query) | |
343 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_OBJID_STRU | Suchhilfe-Exit: ObjektID (Objekthierarchie) | |
344 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_OBJID_STRU_C8 | Suchhilfe-Exit: ObjektID (Objekthierarchie) | |
345 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_OBJID_STRU_CBK | Suchhilfe-Exit: Objekthierarchie - Bereinigung auswählbare Objekte | |
346 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_OBJID_STRU_CHAR | Suchhilfe-Exit: ObjektID (Objekthierarchie) | |
347 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_OTYPE | Suchhilfe-Exit: Objekttyp | |
348 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_PERNO | Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe | |
349 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_PLOMA | Suchhilfe-Exit: Ehemalige Matchcode-IDs zu PLOM | |
350 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_PLOMS | Suchhilfe-Exit: Ehemaliger Matchcode PLOMS | |
351 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_PLVAR | Suchhilfe-Exit: Planvariante | |
352 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_RELAT | Suchhilfe-Exit: Verknüpfung | |
353 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_RES_LIST_FIELDS | Suchhilfe-Exit: Felder der Ressourcen Liste im Gantt | |
354 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_SCLAS | Suchhilfe-Exit: Zielobjekttyp | |
355 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_S_COUNTRY | Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe | |
356 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_WEGID | Suchhilfe-Exit: Auswertungsweg | |
357 | /MRSS/SGE_EXIT_WRKCENTR | Example for a search help exit | |
358 | /MRSS/SGE_FA_TYPE_STRUC_HELP | R | Struktursuche über Anwendungskomponenten |
360 | /MRSS/SGE_FILL_ACT_NAME_EXTEND | Intern: Fülle act_name (erweiterte Länge) | |
361 | /MRSS/SGE_GENERATE_TABLE | Erzeugung Struktur | |
362 | /MRSS/SGE_GET_EMPL_FOR_BP | Lesen der Personalnummer (HR) zum Geschäftspartner | |
363 | /MRSS/SGE_GET_LINKS_FOR_DEL | Get links for deletion including all with set deletion flag | |
364 | /MRSS/SGE_GET_MAX_KEY_LENGTH | Ermittelt maximale Länge des Schlüssel (snodetext-name) | |
365 | /MRSS/SGE_GET_MONTH_NAME | Month name in genitive case | |
366 | /MRSS/SGE_GET_MRSS_BASIS_INFO | R | Time Alloc.-Handling: /MRSS/BASIS aktiv? |
367 | /MRSS/SGE_GET_WEEK_FOR_DATE | Berechnet die Informationen zu der Woche, die zu einem Datum gehören | |
368 | /MRSS/SGE_HCM_INT_COMMIT | R | Statusverwaltung / Alerts Überltg. : commit |
369 | /MRSS/SGE_HCM_INT_END | R | Update Statusinformation: Transfer finished |
370 | /MRSS/SGE_HCM_INT_ROLLBACK | R | Statusverwaltung / Alerts Überltg. : rollback |
371 | /MRSS/SGE_HCM_INT_START | R | Update Statusinformation: Transfer started |
373 | /MRSS/SGE_HCM_INT_STATUS_READ | R | Lesen des Übertragungsstatus |
374 | /MRSS/SGE_HCM_INT_STATUS_SET | Aktualisieren des Übertragungsstatus | |
375 | /MRSS/SGE_HCM_WORKTIME_DELETE | Deletion of work/work break information | |
376 | /MRSS/SGE_HCM_WORKTIME_READ | Lesen von Arbeitszeiten | |
377 | /MRSS/SGE_HCM_WORKTIME_TRANS | R | Überleitung: HCM - Arbeitszeiten pers. Ressource |
378 | /MRSS/SGE_HRES_DAT_CB | Customizing-Puffer für Kommunikationsdaten | |
379 | /MRSS/SGE_INQUEUE_MONITOR | R | Inbound queue monitor |
380 | /MRSS/SGE_INQUEUE_MONITOR_DU | Update FM for Inbound queue monitor | |
381 | /MRSS/SGE_INQUEUE_POST_PROCESS | R | Post processing after queue is successfully executed |
382 | /MRSS/SGE_IS_HR_ACTIVE | Is HR active or BP ? | |
383 | /MRSS/SGE_LINK_DU | Update von /MRSS/D_LINK | |
384 | /MRSS/SGE_LN_LINK_DU | Update function for Link between Demand Item and its Logical Nodes | |
385 | /MRSS/SGE_LN_TEXT_DU | Update FM for Logical Node Texts | |
386 | /MRSS/SGE_LN_TEXT_GET | Retrieve Texts for Logical Nodes from ERP and/or CRM System | |
387 | /MRSS/SGE_LOGICAL_NODE_DU | Update function For Logical Node | |
388 | /MRSS/SGE_MAINTAIN_READ_LOG | R | Read log COMMIT - Update Module |
389 | /MRSS/SGE_MOBILIZATION_DU | Posting of Mobilization | |
390 | /MRSS/SGE_NODE_TAB_APPEND | Intern: Fülle die Node_tab für Strukturanzeige | |
391 | /MRSS/SGE_NOTE_DU | Update Module for Notes | |
392 | /MRSS/SGE_OBJECT_SHOW | Zeige Objekt an | |
393 | /MRSS/SGE_PARA_GET_OBJID | R | INTERN: Setzen der Hilfeparameter für F4 auf OBJID |
394 | /MRSS/SGE_PARA_POP_OBJID | INTERN: Rückholen der Hilfeparameter | |
395 | /MRSS/SGE_PARA_PUSH_OBJID | INTERN: Zwischenspeichern der Hilfeparameter | |
396 | /MRSS/SGE_PARA_SET_OBJID | R | INTERN: Setzen der Hilfeparameter für F4 auf OBJID |
397 | /MRSS/SGE_PLANNING_NODE_DU | Update Function Module for Logical Node | |
398 | /MRSS/SGE_PLANNING_NODE_SEARCH | Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe | |
399 | /MRSS/SGE_PN_MAINTAIN | R | Maintain Planning nodes |
400 | /MRSS/SGE_PROCESS_ERROR_QUEUE | R | Process the error queues |
401 | /MRSS/SGE_PROCESS_TIME_DU | Posting of Process Time | |
402 | /MRSS/SGE_PROCES_ERROR_INQUEUE | R | Process the error queues |
403 | /MRSS/SGE_PROVIDE | Auslagerung PROVIDE Statement | |
404 | /MRSS/SGE_PROVIDE_ORG | Auslagerung PROVIDE Statement | |
405 | /MRSS/SGE_PR_CB | Customizing-Puffer des Scheduling-Engine Profils | |
406 | /MRSS/SGE_PR_D_CB | Bestimmung des Scheduling Engine Profils | |
407 | /MRSS/SGE_QUEUE_MONITOR | R | Queue Monitor |
408 | /MRSS/SGE_QUEUE_POST_PROCESS | R | Post processing after queue is successfully executed |
409 | /MRSS/SGE_READ_LOG_DU | Update Module for Read Logs | |
410 | /MRSS/SGE_RESOURCE_DU | Scheduling Engine: Update Modules | |
411 | /MRSS/SGE_RESOURCE_MAINTAIN | Pflege einer Ressource | |
412 | /MRSS/SGE_RESOURCE_MAINTAIN_AV | Pflege der Ressource-Verfügbarkeiten | |
413 | /MRSS/SGE_RESOURCE_STATUS_SET | R | Access to the Scheduling Engine |
414 | /MRSS/SGE_RESOURCE_TO_EMPLOYEE | Abbildung von LRP-Ressource auf Mitarbeiter | |
415 | /MRSS/SGE_RES_BUFFER_DATA_DB | Scheduling Engine: Update Modules | |
416 | /MRSS/SGE_RES_GRANULARITY_GET | R | Get the time granularity for resources |
417 | /MRSS/SGE_RES_PN_MAINTAIN | Planning Node based on Resource Capacity | |
418 | /MRSS/SGE_RFC_FIELD_VALUE_REQ | R | INTERN: RFC-Brücke für Suchhilfeobjekte |
419 | /MRSS/SGE_RHWH_INT_INFO_SET_GE | Interne Verwendung: Setzen und lesen interner Informationen | |
420 | /MRSS/SGE_SAVE | R | Speichern der Scheduling Engine |
422 | /MRSS/SGE_SEARCH_TREE_EVENTS | Reagiert auf einen Event des Tree-Controls | |
423 | /MRSS/SGE_SEARCH_TREE_SEL_OBJE | Spalte für ausgewählte Objekte | |
424 | /MRSS/SGE_SEARCH_TREE_SET_NODE | Spalte für ausgewählte Objekte | |
425 | /MRSS/SGE_SELECT_OTYPE | INTERN: Liste der erlaubten Objekttypen | |
426 | /MRSS/SGE_SELECT_PLVAR | INTERN: Liste der erlaubten Planvarianten | |
427 | /MRSS/SGE_SERV_UPD_ASS_DATES | Update Assignment Start and End Date Based on Status | |
428 | /MRSS/SGE_SERV_UPD_ASS_FIX | Update Assignment Fix Resource and Fix Date Based on Status | |
429 | /MRSS/SGE_SIND | Lesen der Statusindividualisierung | |
430 | /MRSS/SGE_STRUCTURE_SHOW | Zeige Struktur an | |
431 | /MRSS/SGE_STRUC_HELP_ROOTS_GET | Wurzelobjekte und Auswertungsweg für Struktursuche | |
432 | /MRSS/SGE_TASKS_FA_STRUC_HELP | Struktursuche für Aufgaben über Anwendungsbereiche (nur interne Verwend.!) | |
433 | /MRSS/SGE_TASKS_WITHOUT_FA_GET | Lese Aufgaben ohne Funktionsbereich | |
434 | /MRSS/SGE_TASKS_WITHOUT_FA_IDX | R | Index: Aufgaben ohne Funktionsbereich |
435 | /MRSS/SGE_TASKS_WITHOUT_FA_ROO | Erzeuge Eintrag für Aufgaben ohne Funktionsbereich | |
436 | /MRSS/SGE_TASK_AGENTS_SHOW | R | Zeige Bearbeiter einer Aufgabe (ggf. beschränkt auf gegebene Tabelle) |
437 | /MRSS/SGE_TASK_AGENT_CUSTOMIZE | Bearbeiter Aufgaben (eines Funktionsbereichs) zuordnen | |
438 | /MRSS/SGE_TASK_CUSTOMIZE | R | Liste von Aufgaben, die gecustomized werden |
439 | /MRSS/SGE_TASK_EVENT_COUPL_SHO | Ereignisse zu einer Aufgabe, die aktiviert oder deaktiviert werden können | |
440 | /MRSS/SGE_TASK_ICON_SET | Erzeuge Icons für die verschiedenen Aufgabenarten in der Node_tab | |
441 | /MRSS/SGE_TEAM_DU | Verbuchung von /MRSS/D_TEAM | |
442 | /MRSS/SGE_TECH_OBJ_DU | Technical Object DB Update | |
443 | /MRSS/SGE_TECH_OBJ_LINK_DU | Technical Object DB Update | |
444 | /MRSS/SGE_TEXT_LFCOD | Text/Beschreibung: Logischer Funktionscode | |
445 | /MRSS/SGE_TEXT_OTYPE | Text/Beschreibung: Objekttyp | |
446 | /MRSS/SGE_TEXT_PLVAR | Text/Beschreibung: Planvariante | |
447 | /MRSS/SGE_TEXT_WEGID | Text/Beschreibung: Auswertungsweg | |
448 | /MRSS/SGE_TIMESTAMP_ADD | Zeitdifferenz zwischen zwei Timestamps | |
449 | /MRSS/SGE_TIMESTAMP_DIFFERENCE | Zeitdifferenz zwischen zwei Timestamps | |
450 | /MRSS/SGE_TIME_GRAN_GET | Erhalte zeitliche Auflösung | |
451 | /MRSS/SGE_TIME_RULE_DU | Updates the address database | |
452 | /MRSS/SGE_TIME_UNITS | Determine internal time units | |
453 | /MRSS/SGE_TOOL_ASSIGNMENTS_GET | R | Erhalte Einsätze |
454 | /MRSS/SGE_TOOL_ASSIGNMENT_CHNG | R | Änderung eines Werkzeug-Einsatzes |
455 | /MRSS/SGE_TOOL_ASSIGNMENT_CREA | R | Legt Einsatz an (auch Ressource und Bedarf) |
456 | /MRSS/SGE_TOUR_DB | Update centroid information | |
457 | /MRSS/SGE_TRAVEL_TIME_DU | Verbuchung von Reisezeiten | |
458 | /MRSS/SGE_TRIGGER_ALERT_IR | R | Alerts bei der HR Überleitung |
459 | /MRSS/SGE_TYPE_OBJECTS_GET | Lese Objekte zu gegebener Tabelle | |
460 | /MRSS/SGE_TYPE_STRUC_GET_PARAM | Struktursuchparameter für Objekttyp liefern | |
461 | /MRSS/SGE_TYPE_STRUC_HELP | Auswahlliste für Objekte zu gegebenem Weg | |
462 | /MRSS/SGE_TYPE_STRUC_INDEX | R | Index: Objekte ohne Verknüpfung zu gegebenem Weg |
463 | /MRSS/SGE_TYPE_STRUC_ROOT | Erzeuge Einstiegsbaum für Objekte zu gegebenem Weg | |
464 | /MRSS/SGE_UPDATE_RES_ADDRESS | R | Update the address information of the resource |
465 | /MRSS/SGE_USER_VIEW_EDIT | Editiere die Parameter der Sicht | |
466 | /MRSS/SGE_USER_VIEW_PARAMETER | Sichtenparameter entsprechend Benutzereingabe (mit eventueller Änderung) | |
467 | /MRSS/SGE_WFM_CALL_BACK | R | Call Back Baustein vom WFM ins CRM |
468 | /MRSS/SGE_WFM_DEST_CB | Erhalte die RFC-Destination des WFM Core | |
469 | /MRSS/SGE_WFM_RES_INFO_GET_DB | Get resource information in addition to WFM data | |
470 | /MRSS/SGE_WFM_RES_INFO_MNT | R | WFM: Resource information maintain |
471 | /MRSS/SGE_WFM_RES_INFO_UPD_DB | WFM: Update resource info to db | |
472 | /MRSS/SGE_WF_COLOR | R | Intern: Bestimme die Farbe abhängig von Objekttyp und Verknüpfung |
473 | /MRSS/SGE_WL_FPR_CB | Erhalte benötigte Felder zu einem Profil | |
474 | /MRSS/SGE_WL_F_CB | Customizing-Puffer für Arbeitsvorrats-Felder | |
475 | /MRSS/SGE_WL_F_DAT_CB | Customizing-Puffer des Scheduling-Engine Profils | |
476 | /MRSS/SGR_INITIALIZE | R | Intialize the Business Layer |
477 | /MRSS/SGR_SET_ORG_UNITS | R | Set the Organization Units |
478 | /MRSS/SGU_CAG_TYPE_GETBASIC | Set indicator for BAsic availability | |
479 | /MRSS/SGU_CAG_TYPE_POPUP | Popup zur Pflege des Kapazitätsgraphen-Typs | |
480 | /MRSS/SGU_CAG_TYPE_READ | Kapazitätsgraphentyp benutzerspezifisch lesen | |
481 | /MRSS/SGU_CAG_TYPE_SETBASIC | Set indicator for BAsic availability | |
482 | /MRSS/SGU_CAG_TYPE_TEXT | Text zum Kapazitätsgraphentyp | |
483 | /MRSS/SGU_CAG_TYPE_WRITE | Kapazitätsgraphentyp benutzerspezifisch speichern | |
484 | /MRSS/SGU_CALL_SEARCH | R | Call search |
485 | /MRSS/SGU_CALL_SRV | R | Call PLBOORGSRV transaction |
486 | /MRSS/SGU_DEM_FILT_DISPLAY | Display the Filter screen for demand | |
487 | /MRSS/SGU_DEM_FILT_OPT_GET | Get the Filter Option values entered by User | |
488 | /MRSS/SGU_DEM_FILT_SEL_SCREEN | Get filter options for demand gantt | |
490 | /MRSS/SGU_EXIT_TEMPLATE | Vorlage für Kontextmenü Exits | |
491 | /MRSS/SGU_FILTER_FLAG | Read/Write Filter Flag | |
492 | /MRSS/SGU_GET_SCHED_TYPES | Get Scheduling types for demands | |
493 | /MRSS/SGU_GET_USER_STATUSES | Get User Statuses for a demand type | |
494 | /MRSS/SGU_ORDER_STATUS_READ | Getting the Order Header and Operation Status | |
495 | /MRSS/SGU_PERS_ASSGN | R | Call to Personnel Assignments screen |
496 | /MRSS/SGU_POPUP_COPY_ASGNMT | Popup für das Kopieren von Einsätzen | |
497 | /MRSS/SGU_RES_FILT_SEL_SCREEN | Get filter for Resources through selection-screen | |
498 | /MRSS/SGU_RES_SORTING_SCREEN | Display Resource sort screen | |
499 | /MRSS/SGU_SELECT_DEMANDS | Select orders for Org unit in RM dash board | |
500 | /MRSS/SGU_STATUS_GROUP_GET | R | MRS: Determine Status Group (and Layer) for Order-Operation |