SAP ABAP Function Module - Index M, page 28
Function Module - M
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | MSM_GRAPH_REMOVE_MERGE_CAL | Löschen des Merge-Kalenders in der MSM Graphik | |
2 | MSM_GRAPH_UPDATE_OBJECTS | Auffrischen der angezeigten Objekte in der MSM Graphik | |
3 | MSM_OBJECT_RECEIVE | R | Baustein zum Empfangen von Daten |
4 | MSM_PAGE_DIALOG | Dialogpopup für Erfassung von MSM Paging Texten & CommAuswahl | |
5 | MSPR_EXTEND | Anreichern mit Vorperiodeninformation aus Tabelle MSPRH | |
6 | MSPR_EXTEND_STFLAG | Aufbereiten der Inventurkennzeichen | |
7 | MSP_CIF_WORK_PKG_INBOUND | R | MSP CIF Inbound: Work Packages |
8 | MSQ_AUTOSTAT_DOWNLOAD | R | SQL Server find all indexes with sp_autostats off |
9 | MSQ_DBSTAT_DOWNLOAD | SQL Server table statistic download function | |
10 | MSQ_DB_SPACE_HISTORY | R | MS SQL Server DB space history |
11 | MSQ_DLL_DOWNLOAD | R | SQL Server download permanent stored procedure info |
12 | MSQ_GET_DB_MONITOR_VERSION | R | Get MS SQL Server DB monitor version |
13 | MSQ_NETLIB_DOWNLOAD | R | SQL Server download network libraries used by app servers |
14 | MSQ_SHOW_EXTENT | R | SQL Server show extent distribution per table |
15 | MSQ_SQLPERF_DOWNLOAD | R | SQL Server DBCC sqlperf Call |
16 | MSQ_VIRTLOG_DOWNLOAD | R | SQL Server Download virtual log information |
17 | MSQ_VTLFILESTATS_DOWNLOAD | R | SQL Server file IO statistics |
18 | MSQ_WAIT_DOWNLOAD | R | MS SQL Server DBCC Wait Statistics |
19 | MSR1_CM_CHANGE | R | Update Customer Master |
20 | MSR1_CM_GETDETAIL | R | Get List of Customer Master Records |
21 | MSR1_CM_GETLIST | R | Get List of Customer Master Records |
22 | MSR1_MD_COUNTRY_GETLIST | R | Get List of Countries |
23 | MSR1_MD_CURRENCY_GETLIST | R | Get List of Currencies |
24 | MSR1_MD_MATGROUP_GETLIST | R | Get List of Material Groups |
25 | MSR1_MD_MATPRICE_GETLIST | R | Get List of Material Prices |
26 | MSR1_MD_MATTYPE_GETLIST | R | Get List of Material Types |
27 | MSR1_MD_ORDERREASON_GETLIST | R | Get List of Order Reasons (TVAUT) |
28 | MSR1_MD_ORDERTYPE_GETLIST | R | Get List of Order Types |
29 | MSR1_MD_PAYTERMS_GETLIST | R | Get List of Terms of Payment |
30 | MSR1_MD_PLANT_GETLIST | R | Get List of Plants (from T001w) |
31 | MSR1_MD_PRCGROUP5_GETLIST | R | Get List of Material Group 5 Entries (TVM5T) |
32 | MSR1_MD_PROPOSAL_GETDETAIL | R | Get Detail of Item Proposal |
33 | MSR1_MD_PROPOSAL_GETLIST | R | Get List of Item Proposals |
34 | MSR1_MD_REGION_GETLIST | R | Get List of Regions |
35 | MSR1_MD_SDITEMCATEG_GETLIST | R | Get List of Sales Document Item Categories |
36 | MSR1_MD_SOPARTNER_GETLIST | R | Get List of SO Partners |
37 | MSR1_MD_TAXRATE_GETLIST | R | Get List of Tax Rates per Country |
38 | MSR1_MD_UNIT_GETLIST | R | Get List of Units of Measurement |
39 | MSR1_MM_GETDETAIL | R | Get Detail of Material Master Records |
40 | MSR1_MM_GETLIST | R | Get List of Material Master Records |
41 | MSR1_SO_CHANGE | R | Change Sales Order |
42 | MSR1_SO_CREATE | R | Create Sales Order |
43 | MSR1_SO_DELETE | R | Delete Sales Order |
44 | MSR1_SO_GETDETAIL | R | Get Detail of Sales Order |
45 | MSR1_SO_GETLIST | R | Get List of Sales Orders |
46 | MSR20_CM_CHANGE | R | Update Customer Master |
47 | MSR20_CM_GETDETAIL | R | Get List of Customer Master Records |
48 | MSR20_CM_GETLIST | R | Get List of Customer Master Records |
49 | MSR20_MD_COUNTRY_GETLIST | R | Get List of Countries |
50 | MSR20_MD_CURRENCY_GETLIST | R | Get List of Currencies |
51 | MSR20_MD_MATGROUP_GETLIST | R | Get List of Material Groups |
52 | MSR20_MD_MATTYPE_GETLIST | R | Get List of Material Types |
53 | MSR20_MD_ORDERREASON_GETLIST | R | Get List of Order Reasons (TVAUT) |
54 | MSR20_MD_ORDERTYPE_GETLIST | R | Get List of Order Types |
55 | MSR20_MD_PAYTERMS_GETLIST | R | Get List of Terms of Payment |
56 | MSR20_MD_PLANT_GETLIST | R | Get List of Plants (from T001w) |
57 | MSR20_MD_PRCGROUP5_GETLIST | R | Get List of Material Group 5 Entries (TVM5T) |
58 | MSR20_MD_PROPOSAL_GETDETAIL | R | Get Detail of Item Proposal |
59 | MSR20_MD_PROPOSAL_GETLIST | R | Get List of Item Proposals |
60 | MSR20_MD_REGION_GETLIST | R | Get List of Regions |
61 | MSR20_MD_SDITEMCATEG_GETLIST | R | Get List of Sales Document Item Categories |
62 | MSR20_MD_SOPARTNER_GETLIST | R | Get List of SO Partners |
63 | MSR20_MD_TAXRATE_GETLIST | R | Get List of Tax Rates per Country |
64 | MSR20_MD_UNIT_GETLIST | R | Get List of Units of Measurement |
65 | MSR20_MM_GETDETAIL | R | Get Detail of Material Master Records |
66 | MSR20_MM_GETLIST | R | Get List of Material Master Records |
67 | MSR20_MM_LISTPRICE_GET | R | Utility: Get List Price Condition for one Material |
68 | MSR20_SO_CHANGE | R | Change Sales Order |
69 | MSR20_SO_CREATE | R | Create Sales Order |
70 | MSR20_SO_DELETE | R | Delete Sales Order |
71 | MSR20_SO_GETDETAIL | R | Get Detail of Sales Order |
72 | MSR20_SO_GETLIST | R | Get List of Sales Orders |
73 | MSR20_SO_INVOICE | Utility FM: Get Invoiced Qty/Amt for SO | |
74 | MSRD_EXTEND | Anreichern mit Vorperiodeninformation aus Tabelle MSRD | |
75 | MSRD_EXTEND_STFLAG | Aufbereiten der Inventurkenn | |
76 | MSR_COPY_RRD_BACKGROUND | Set Up CMR and Save in the Background | |
78 | MSR_F4_FU_CODE | search help exit for FU code - only to be used within MSR_VRM_LFU | |
79 | MSR_GET_DATA | Get MSR data of MSR_MEPO function group | |
80 | MSR_INSP_COMMENTS_SCREEN | Text editor for comments in inspection | |
81 | MSR_INSP_DISPLAY_INSPECTION | Display of Inspection Document | |
82 | MSR_INSP_FILL_USER_SETTINGS | Display of Inspection Document | |
83 | MSR_INSP_LFU_RFC | R | FM for Inspection Result Capturing (RFC) |
84 | MSR_INSP_UI_FAST_ENTRY_SCREEN | Provide Dialog for Fast Entry Data Change | |
85 | MSR_INSP_UI_SELSCREEN | Selection screen for inspection | |
86 | MSR_INSP_UPDATE_INSPECTIONS | Inspection Outcome: DB Update | |
87 | MSR_INSP_USER_SETTINGS_SCREEN | Display of Inspection Document | |
88 | MSR_LFE_DOCUMENT_CREATE_RFC | R | MSR - create follow-up document |
89 | MSR_LFE_EXECUTE_RFC | R | MSR - logistical follow-up execution in background task |
90 | MSR_PROCESS_PO_CHECK | Check Header and Item Data of MSR Order | |
91 | MSR_PROCESS_PO_OPEN | Open MSR Order | |
92 | MSR_PROCESS_PO_PROCESS_HEADER | Process Header Data of MSR Order | |
93 | MSR_PROCESS_PO_PROCESS_ITEM | Process Item Data of MSR Order | |
94 | MSR_READ_PO_ITEM | Read MSR Replacement/Repair PO Data for BAPI | |
95 | MSR_READ_REPLACEMENT_ITEM | Read MSR Replacement Data from BAPI | |
96 | MSR_REFRESH_PO_ITEM | Save MSR Item Replacement/Repair PO Data from BAPI | |
97 | MSR_REP_DISPLAY_LFU | Display of LFU Document for replacement materials from vendor | |
98 | MSR_SAVE_ITEM_CUST_DATA | Save MSR Item Customer Data from BAPI for Further Processing | |
99 | MSR_SAVE_ITEM_REFERENCE | Save MSR Item Reference from BAPI for Further Processing | |
100 | MSR_SAVE_PO_ITEM | Save MSR Item Replacement/Repair PO Data from BAPI | |
101 | MSR_SAVE_REPLACEMENT_ITEM | Save MSR Item Replacement Data from BAPI | |
102 | MSR_SD_ITEM_DEFAULTS | MSR: Item defaults | |
103 | MSR_SD_ORDER_CREATE | Creates SD Repair Order | |
104 | MSR_SD_VMVMO_SELECT | Select Document with material number | |
105 | MSR_SELECT_READ | MSR: Read Entries from MSR_SELECT | |
106 | MSR_SET_DATA | Set MSR data in MSR_MEPO function group | |
107 | MSR_TRC_GET_OVERVIEW_DATA | R | Get Data for Tracking Overview for remote Calls |
108 | MSR_TRC_SET_NEXT_PLANTS | Multistep-returns handle multiple next plants | |
109 | MSR_TRC_UI_DISPLAY_DETAILS | Multistep-returns display tracking details for document | |
110 | MSR_TRC_UI_NEXT_PLANTS | Multistep-returns handle multiple next plants | |
111 | MSR_TRC_UI_VENDOR_ADDRESS | Maintain vendor address | |
112 | MSR_TRC_UPDATE | Multistep-returns update tracking DB tables | |
113 | MSR_TRC_UPDATE_REGISTER | Register for update of tracking data | |
114 | MSR_VIEW_MEPO_HEADER | Show Tab for Returns Header Data | |
115 | MSR_VIEW_MEPO_ITEM | Show Tab for Returns Item Data | |
116 | MSSA_EXTEND | Anreichern mit Vorperiodeninformation aus Tabelle MSTEH | |
117 | MSSQ_EXTEND | Anreichern mit Vorperiodeninformation aus Tabelle MSTEH | |
118 | MSS_ADD_PARTITION_TO_TABLE | Add a partition to a table | |
119 | MSS_ALM_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION | R | function to create mss rz20 trees |
120 | MSS_CALCULATE_DBRELE | Calculate the three character DBRELE in MSSPROCS from the db release | |
121 | MSS_CALL_TCODE_SICK | R | MS SQL Server: Call transaction SICK |
122 | MSS_CCMS_CALL_SCREEN | MSS: Call Screen via Framework | |
124 | MSS_CHECK_JOB_EXISTS | R | Function to check job exists in sql server |
125 | MSS_CHECK_PARAMETER | Check parameter value vs its type | |
126 | MSS_CHECK_SQLAGENT_STARTED | R | Function to check the status of Sql server agent |
127 | MSS_CHECK_VENDOR_BACKUP_TOOL | R | MSS: Function to check for vendor backup tools |
128 | MSS_CLEAN_SQLTEXT | Deletes line-feeds, carriage-returns, quotes from a SQL statement text | |
129 | MSS_COLL_LIST | R | MSSQL DBCOLL : Retrieving performance data |
130 | MSS_COLL_RESET | R | MSSQL DBCOLL : "Reset" performance counters |
131 | MSS_COL_STATS_IN_BROWSER | Show column statistics in external browser | |
132 | MSS_CREATE_CS_INDEX | Create Column Store Index | |
133 | MSS_CREATE_PARTITION_FUNCTION | Create a function for table/index partitioning | |
134 | MSS_CREATE_PARTITION_INDEX | Create a new partitioned index | |
135 | MSS_CREATE_PARTITION_SCHEME | Create a scheme for table/index partitioning | |
136 | MSS_CREATE_PARTITION_TABLE | Create a new partitioned table | |
137 | MSS_DB12_SCHJOBS | List the scheduled jobs | |
138 | MSS_DB13_CLEANUP | MSS - Cleanup of SAP DB13 Tables & SQL Agent Jobs | |
139 | MSS_DBCP_DB12_AGENT_JOBS | Function to get the ccms agent jobs | |
140 | MSS_DBCP_DB12_AGT_PROPERTIES | DBCP - Display SQL Agent Properties | |
141 | MSS_DBCP_DB12_BACKUP_HIST | Function to get the backup history details | |
142 | MSS_DBCP_DB12_BKUPDEVICES | DBCP - list the backup devices | |
143 | MSS_DBCP_DB12_CHECKDB_LOG | CCMS Checkdb Job History | |
144 | MSS_DBCP_DB12_MAIN | Start main screen for DB12 | |
145 | MSS_DBCP_DB12_RESTORE_HIST | DBCP - Display restore history | |
146 | MSS_DBCP_DB12_RESTORE_TAPES | DBCP - Function to get the restore tapes | |
147 | MSS_DBCP_DB12_SCHJOBS | List the sqlagent scheduled jobs | |
148 | MSS_DB_AND_SCHEMA | Set / check database name and schema name | |
150 | MSS_DELETE_SQLAGENT_JOB | R | Function to create, delete, modify sql agent jobs |
151 | MSS_DROP_PARTITION_FROM_TABLE | Drop one partition of a table | |
152 | MSS_DROP_PARTITION_FUNCTION | Drop a function for table/index partitioning | |
153 | MSS_DROP_PARTITION_SCHEME | Drop a scheme for table/index partitioning | |
154 | MSS_DROP_PARTITION_TABLE | Drop a partitioned table (incl. all partitions) | |
155 | MSS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER_SWITCH | R | Switch Dynamic Profile Parameters on/off |
156 | MSS_ENA_DIS_VENDOR_BACKUP_TOOL | R | MSS: Enable/Disable vendor backup tools |
157 | MSS_EXEC_DBCC_CHECKDB | R | Execute DBCC CHECKDB for a given database |
158 | MSS_EXEC_DBCC_CHECKTABLE | R | Execute DBCC CHECKTABLE for a given table |
159 | MSS_EXEC_DBCC_SHOWCONTIG | R | Execute DBCC SHOWCONTIG for a given table (and index) |
160 | MSS_EXEC_DBCC_SHOWSTATS | R | Execute DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS for a given table and index |
161 | MSS_EXEC_DBCC_UPDATEUSAGE | R | Execute DBCC UPDATEUSAGE for a given table (and index) |
162 | MSS_EXEC_SQL | R | MSSQL : SQL Skript ausführen |
163 | MSS_EXEC_UPDATESTATS | R | Execute UPDATE STATISTICS for a given table (and index) |
164 | MSS_EXISTS_PARTITIONED_TABLE | Existenz einer partitionierten Tabelle | |
165 | MSS_EXISTS_PARTITION_FUNCTION | Check if partition function for a table exists | |
166 | MSS_EXISTS_PARTITION_OF_TABLE | Existenztest einer Partition fuer partitionierte Tabelle | |
167 | MSS_EXISTS_PARTITION_SCHEME | Check if Partition scheme for a table exists | |
168 | MSS_EXPLAIN_SQL_STMT | R | MS SQL server function to get statistics, showplan for SQL stmt execution. |
169 | MSS_EXPLAIN_SQL_STMT_RS | R | MS SQL server function to get statistics, showplan for SQL stmt execution. |
170 | MSS_EXPLAIN_SQL_STMT_XML | R | MS SQL server function to get statistics, showplan for SQL stmt execution. |
171 | MSS_FILLING_PROCESSES | R | MS SQL Server filling additonal information for processes monitor |
172 | MSS_FIND_SQLSTRING_START | R | find the start of a SQL String after the parameter list |
173 | MSS_FORMAT_BODY | Format the body of a sql statement into an internal table | |
174 | MSS_FORMAT_PARAMETERS | Format the parameters of a sql statement into an internal table | |
175 | MSS_GET_ABAPLOC_OBJECT | return abap and object given the dbsl's comment string | |
176 | MSS_GET_ALL_APPSERVER_INFO | R | Get Application Server info for MSS |
178 | MSS_GET_ALL_PART_OBJS | Determine all partitioned table in the current database (schema) | |
179 | MSS_GET_APPSERVER_INFO | R | Get Application Server info for MSS |
180 | MSS_GET_BACKUP_DETAIL | R | Function to get backup details |
181 | MSS_GET_BACKUP_DEVICES | R | Function to get the list of backup devices. |
182 | MSS_GET_BACKUP_HIST | R | Function to get backup history overview |
183 | MSS_GET_CHECKDBHISTORY_FILES | R | To get CheckdbHistory Files |
185 | MSS_GET_COLUMNS_OF_INDEXES | Bestimme die Spalten der Indexe einer Tabelle | |
186 | MSS_GET_DATABASES | R | Get all databases in an instance |
187 | MSS_GET_DBSZHIST | R | Get the table size history for a given table |
188 | MSS_GET_DB_DEV_AND_USR_INFO | R | To get dbs, devices and user info |
189 | MSS_GET_DB_MAINVERSION | R | Get SQL Server main version |
190 | MSS_GET_DB_SIZE_DETAILS | R | Get information on the size of all tables and indexes in a database |
191 | MSS_GET_DB_SIZE_INFO | R | Get information on the size of a database |
192 | MSS_GET_DENSITY | R | Get density information on a table |
193 | MSS_GET_DEP_PART_OBJS | Ermittle abhaengige Partitions-Objekte von einer Tabelle | |
194 | MSS_GET_DESTINATION | Get RFC destination for system to be monitored | |
195 | MSS_GET_EXPLAIN_QA | Get rowset containing SQL Server Explain | |
196 | MSS_GET_FILESZHIST | R | Get the file size history |
197 | MSS_GET_INDEXES | ||
199 | MSS_GET_INDEX_STORPARS | Bestimme die Speicherparameter eines Indexes | |
200 | MSS_GET_INDEX_TYPE | Bestimme den Typ eines Indexes | |
201 | MSS_GET_JOB_AND_HISTORY_INFO | R | Function to get job and history info |
202 | MSS_GET_JOB_HEADERS | R | Function to get job history header information |
203 | MSS_GET_JOB_INFO_AND_LOG | R | Function to get job and history info of a job |
205 | MSS_GET_LOGSIZE | R | SQL Server transaction log size |
206 | MSS_GET_OBJECT_TYPE | R | Bestimme den Typ eines Objekts |
207 | MSS_GET_PARTITION_NUMBER | Ermittle Nummer einer Partition | |
208 | MSS_GET_PKC | ||
209 | MSS_GET_R3REPORT_USER | R | MS SQL server to get column density for a given table |
210 | MSS_GET_RESTORE_HIST | R | Function to get the restore history |
211 | MSS_GET_SAPRELEASE | R | Get SAP Release info (makes only sense if called remotely) |
212 | MSS_GET_SAP_SCHEMAS | R | Get all SAP schemas in a database |
213 | MSS_GET_SCHEMAS | R | Get all SAP schemas in a database |
214 | MSS_GET_SCHEMA_SIZE_INFO | R | Get information on the size of all tables and indexes in a schema |
215 | MSS_GET_SCH_AGENT_JOBS | R | To get the ist of schduled jobs in next XX days. |
216 | MSS_GET_SELECTIVITY | R | Get the selectivity of a table |
217 | MSS_GET_SERVERINFO | R | MSS-SQL Server Information |
218 | MSS_GET_SESCONREQ | R | retrieve the connections,session,request data for active requests |
220 | MSS_GET_SPID_ACTIVITY | R | Get name of stored procedure being executed on a spid. |
221 | MSS_GET_SP_CONFIG_VALUE | R | Function to get the value for a configuration option |
222 | MSS_GET_SQLAGENT_PROPERTIES | R | Function to get sqlagent properties |
223 | MSS_GET_SQLEXPLAIN | R | MS SQL Server get explain for a given SQL statement |
224 | MSS_GET_SQLREQUESTS | R | retrieve the contents of sys.dm_exe_query_stats |
225 | MSS_GET_SQLTEXT | Bestimme den SQL Definition Statement Text eines Objekts | |
226 | MSS_GET_SQLTEXT_BY_HANDLE | R | MS SQL server function to get sqltext from sys.dm_exec_sql_text |
227 | MSS_GET_SQLTEXT_BY_HISTID | R | MS SQL server function to get sqltext from sap_workload_history |
228 | MSS_GET_STATS_SCHEMA_VER | R | Get the statistics schema version of a table |
229 | MSS_GET_STORPARS_OF_INDEXES | Bestimme die Speicherparameter aller Indexe einer Tabelle | |
230 | MSS_GET_SY_DATE_TIME | R | Get system date and time for RFC (sy-datum, sy-uzeit) |
231 | MSS_GET_SY_DBSYS | R | Get database name for RFC (sy-dbsys) |
232 | MSS_GET_SY_SYSID | R | Get System ID for RFC (sy-sysid) |
233 | MSS_GET_TABHIST | R | Get the table size history for a given table |
234 | MSS_GET_TABHIST_DL_LIST | R | Get the fastest growing tables in the table history |
235 | MSS_GET_TABHIST_LIST | R | Get a list of the tables in the table size history |
236 | MSS_GET_TABLES_OF_INDEX | Bestimme alle Tabellen mit einem Index mit dem gegebenen Namen | |
237 | MSS_GET_TABLE_COLUMNS | R | Bestimme die Spalten einer Tabelle |
238 | MSS_GET_TABLE_SIZE_INFO | R | Get size information on a table |
240 | MSS_GET_TOP_N_TABLES | R | Get the top n largest/modified tables |
241 | MSS_GET_TRIGGERS | Lese alle exist. Trigger aus der Systemtabelle | |
242 | MSS_GET_TYPES_OF_INDEXES | Bestimme die Typen der Indexe einer Tabelle | |
243 | MSS_GET_VERSION | R | Get MS SQL Server version |
244 | MSS_GET_VIEW_INFO | R | Get information on a view |
245 | MSS_IDX_STATS_IN_BROWSER | Execute DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS for a given table and index | |
246 | MSS_INFO_BUTTON_TEXT | Display text for info button | |
247 | MSS_IS_COMP_ENABLED | Prüfe ob Dezimalkomprimierung möglich ist | |
248 | MSS_IS_TABLE_DEC_COMPRESSED | Ist die Tabelle dezimalkomprimiert? | |
249 | MSS_JOB_ADD_BATCH | MSS: Function to add sql job from new DB13 | |
250 | MSS_JOB_CLEANUP | MSS - Cleanup of Planning calendar | |
251 | MSS_JOB_DELETE_BATCH | MSS: Function to delete Sql job from DBACOCKPIT(DB13) | |
252 | MSS_JOB_GET_ACTION_DESCRIPTION | To get the list of DB13 job actions | |
253 | MSS_JOB_GET_DIALOG_PARAMETERS | MSS: (DB6 Framework) Parameter Dialog for LOGA | |
254 | MSS_JOB_GET_PROGRAM_LOG | MSS: Get Job History from database Server | |
255 | MSS_JOB_HANDLE_BUTTON | MSS: Dialog for special Calendar Buttons(Volumes) | |
256 | MSS_JOB_PREVIEW | R | MSS: Function to add sql job from new DB13 |
257 | MSS_JOB_SET_DIALOG_PARAMETERS | MSS function to set DB13 framework | |
258 | MSS_JOB_SHOW_EXTENSION | DB6: Platform specific display data of jobs | |
259 | MSS_JOB_STOP_BATCH | MSS: Function to delete Sql job from DBACOCKPIT(DB13) | |
260 | MSS_LOG_READ | R | DB6: get protocol list for a given time interval |
261 | MSS_MERGE_PARTITION | Merge a parition into the neighbour partition | |
262 | MSS_MON_GET_ALL_OBJECTS | R | Get all objects of a certain type |
263 | MSS_MON_GET_ONLINE_IDXCR_VAL | R | Read status of online index creation |
264 | MSS_MON_GET_PARTTABS | R | Get a list of all tables that are partitioned |
265 | MSS_MON_GET_REPLTABLES | R | Get a list of all tables that are replicated |
266 | MSS_MON_GET_TRIGGERS | R | Read all trigger names from the systemtabelle |
267 | MSS_MON_OBJECT_TYPE | R | Find the type of an object |
268 | MSS_MON_SET_ONLINE_INDXCREATE | Set online index creation on/off | |
269 | MSS_MON_SQLTEXT | R | Get SQL Text for an MSS object |
270 | MSS_MON_TOP_TABVIEW | R | Get the column definitions of a table |
271 | MSS_PARAMSTRING_FROM_SQLTEXT | R | MS SQL server function to get parameter string from sqltext |
272 | MSS_PARSE_FINAL_COMMAND | MS SQL Server parse final command for explain | |
273 | MSS_PARTITION_STORAGE_GET | Get information about partitioning from db | |
274 | MSS_PARTITION_STORAGE_PUT | Store partition parameters in DDSTORAGE | |
275 | MSS_PLAN_ATTRIBUTES | R | MS SQL server function to get statistics, showplan for SQL stmt execution. |
276 | MSS_PROCS_MAIN | MSSQL : MSSPROCS maintenance | |
277 | MSS_PROC_RFC_GET | R | Remote Lesen aller Stored Procedures |
278 | MSS_QUERY_SQLERRORLOGS | R | query the sql error logs for an input phrase |
279 | MSS_R3_OWNS_CURR_DB | R/3 owns the current db or schema: true/false. | |
280 | MSS_READ_TEXT_FILE | R | Read a text file on sql server host |
281 | MSS_RECOMPILE | R | MS SQL Server function to execute sql command |
282 | MSS_RESTORE_HIST | R | MS SQL Server 6.5 restoration history overview |
283 | MSS_RUN_SQL2 | MSSQL : Execute MSSPROCS script(s) | |
284 | MSS_SDBP_AFTER_IMP | After Import Methode für SDBP | |
285 | MSS_SELECT_ALL_MSSDEADLCK | R | MS SQL Server select total deadlocks from MSSDEADLCK |
286 | MSS_SELECT_MSQSNAP | R | MS SQL Server read database table MSQSNAP |
287 | MSS_SET_DESTINATION | Set RFC destination for system to be monitored (in user GPA) | |
288 | MSS_SHOWPLAN_XML2ABAP | MS SQL function to transform sql2005 XML showplan to an internal table | |
289 | MSS_SHOW_ABAP_CODE | R | MS SQL Server show ABAP code |
290 | MSS_SQLAGENT_JOBS | R | Function to create, delete, modify sql agent jobs |
291 | MSS_START_JOB | R | Start a SQL Agent Job |
292 | MSS_TABLE_DATA_READ | R | Get size information on a table |
293 | MSS_TOOLS_AUTHORITY | MSSQL : Authority check for MSSPROCS and RAT | |
294 | MSS_TRUNC_PARTITION_FROM_TABLE | Truncate a single partition on MS SQL Surfer | |
295 | MSS_WMI_IN_BROWSER | Show WMI data in external browser | |
296 | MSS_XML_PLAN | R | MS SQL server function to get statistics, showplan for SQL stmt execution. |
297 | MSTA_ARRAY_READ_MATNR_ALL | Lesen MSTA im Massenzugriff zu einer Liste Materialnummern | |
298 | MSTA_ARRAY_READ_MATNR_ALL_OLD | Lesen MSTA im Massenzugriff zu einer Liste Materialnummern | |
299 | MSTA_ARRAY_UPDATE | Fortschreiben der MSTA-Daten vom Puffer in die Datenbank | |
300 | MSTA_ARRAY_UPDATE_OLD | Fortschreiben der MSTA-Daten vom Puffer in die Datenbank | |
301 | MSTA_CHANGE_CHECK | Prüfen MSTA, ob eine Änderung durchgeführt wurde | |
302 | MSTA_CHANGE_CHECK_OLD | Prüfen MSTA, ob eine Änderung durchgeführt wurde | |
303 | MSTA_GENERIC_READ_WITH_MATNR | Lesen aller MSTA-Sätze zur Materialnummer | |
304 | MSTA_GENERIC_READ_WITH_MATNR_O | Lesen aller MSTA-Sätze zur Materialnummer | |
305 | MSTA_SET_DATA | Übergeben einer MSTA-Tabelle zu einer Materialnummer | |
306 | MSTB_EXTEND | Anreichern mit Vorperiodeninformation aus Tabelle MSTBH | |
307 | MSTE_EXTEND | Anreichern mit Vorperiodeninformation aus Tabelle MSTEH | |
308 | MSTQ_EXTEND | Anreichern mit Vorperiodeninformation aus Tabelle MSKAH | |
309 | MSV_CMP_WRITE_ARC | R | CDB Archive MMW reload servive |
310 | MSV_CMP_WRITE_I01 | R | MSV_CMP_WRITE: Message Inbound Adapter / Version I |
311 | MSV_COUNTER_ARC | R | CDB Archive MMW reload servive |
312 | MSV_COUNTER_I01 | R | MSV_COUNTER: Message Inbound Adapter / Version I |
313 | MSV_DELIVERY_ARC | R | CDB Archive MMW reload servive |
314 | MSV_DELIVERY_I01 | R | MSV_DELIVERY: Message Inbound Adapter / Version I |
315 | MSV_EMPSL_WRT_ARC | R | CDB Archive MMW reload servive |
316 | MSV_EMPSL_WRT_I01 | R | MSV_EMPSL_WRT: Message Inbound Adapter / Version I |
317 | MSV_GM_FIELD_ARC | R | CDB Archive MMW reload servive |
318 | MSV_GM_FIELD_I01 | R | MSV_GM_FIELD: Message Inbound Adapter / Version I |
319 | MSV_GM_REASON_ARC | R | CDB Archive MMW reload servive |
320 | MSV_GM_REASON_I01 | R | MSV_GM_REASON: Message Inbound Adapter / Version I |
321 | MSV_GM_TYPE_ARC | R | CDB Archive MMW reload servive |
322 | MSV_GM_TYPE_I01 | R | MSV_GM_TYPE: Message Inbound Adapter / Version I |
323 | MSV_GM_WRITE_ARC | R | CDB Archive MMW reload servive |
324 | MSV_GM_WRITE_I01 | R | MSV_GM_WRITE: Message Inbound Adapter / Version I |
325 | MSV_PO_WRITE_ARC | R | CDB Archive MMW reload servive |
326 | MSV_PO_WRITE_I01 | R | MSV_PO_WRITE: Message Inbound Adapter / Version I |
327 | MSV_PRDSTATTR_ARC | R | CDB Archive MMW reload servive |
328 | MSV_PRDSTATTR_I01 | R | MSV_PRDSTATTR: Message Inbound Adapter / Version I |
329 | MSV_PR_WRITE_ARC | R | CDB Archive MMW reload servive |
330 | MSV_PR_WRITE_I01 | R | MSV_PR_WRITE: Message Inbound Adapter / Version I |
331 | MSV_PSL_WRITE_ARC | R | CDB Archive MMW reload servive |
332 | MSV_PSL_WRITE_I01 | R | MSV_PSL_WRITE: Message Inbound Adapter / Version I |
333 | MSV_STOCK_ARC | R | CDB Archive MMW reload servive |
334 | MSV_STOCK_I01 | R | MSV_STOCK: Message Inbound Adapter / Version I |
335 | MS_ACCEPTANCE_POPUP | Dialog Box: Acceptance Document Header Data | |
336 | MS_ACCOUNT_ASSIGNMENT_PACKAGE | Account Assignment Distribution: Package | |
337 | MS_ACCOUNT_ASSIGNMENT_SERVICE | Kontierungszuordnung einer Leistungszeile | |
338 | MS_ACCOUNT_CHANGE_VALUES | Berechnet die neue Werte der Kontierung pro Zeile falls andere Währung | |
339 | MS_ACCOUNT_CHANGE_VALUES_2 | Berechnet die Werte der Kontierung für den erw. Wert bei Währungsänderung | |
340 | MS_ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_EXIST | Abfrage, ob Kontierungswiederholung aktiv ist | |
341 | MS_ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_RESET | Rücksetzen der Kontierungswiederholung | |
342 | MS_ACCOUNT_EXIST_CHECK | Pruefen ob Kontierungen zur Leistungszeile vorhanden | |
343 | MS_ACCOUNT_GET_DATA | Übernahme der Kontierungsdaten für Referenz | |
344 | MS_ACCOUNT_GET_MEASURE | Get Funded Program value | |
345 | MS_ACCOUNT_INITIALIZE | Initialisieren Kontierungszuordnungen | |
346 | MS_ACCOUNT_INTERNAL_RESET | internes Zurückladen der Datensicherung | |
347 | MS_ACCOUNT_INTERNAL_SAVE | interne Sicherung der Kontierungsdaten einer Leistung | |
348 | MS_ACCOUNT_LIMIT_RESET | Kontierungszuordnung der Limits zurückladen | |
349 | MS_ACCOUNT_LIMIT_SAVE | Kontierungszuordnung der Limits sichern | |
350 | MS_ACCOUNT_PACKAGE_VALUES | Kontierungsverteilung des Leistungsverzeichnisses | |
351 | MS_ACCOUNT_READ_BAPI | Kontierungsverweise lesen (für Bapi GetDetail) | |
352 | MS_ACCOUNT_READ_ESKL | Kontierungsverweise gepuffert lesen | |
353 | MS_ACCOUNT_READ_FOR_LINE | Kontierungdaten und -verweise zu einer Leistungszeile lesen | |
354 | MS_ACCOUNT_RESET_DATA | gesicherte Daten zurueckladen beim Abbrechen | |
355 | MS_ACCOUNT_SAVE_DATA | momentaner Datenstand sichern fuer Abbrechen | |
356 | MS_ACCOUNT_SERVICE_LIST | Liste Leistungen zur Kontierung | |
357 | MS_ACTIVATE_STATISTICS | Statistik aktivieren | |
358 | MS_ASK_FOR_VALUE | Erfragt fehlenden Wert | |
359 | MS_ASK_REQUISITION_NO | Abfrage der BANF-Nr für die Selektion in der Erfassung | |
360 | MS_AUTHORITY_CHECK | Berechtigungsprüfung Erfassungsblatt | |
361 | MS_BANF_LIST | Erstellen Erfassungsblätter aus Banf-Liste | |
362 | MS_CALCULATE_LIMITS_TAXES | Berechnet Steuern für Limits mit Daten aus MEPO | |
363 | MS_CALCULATE_PRICE_CONTRACT | Ermiitelt den aktuellen Preis für einen Kontrakt | |
364 | MS_CALCULATE_SERVICE_TAXES | Berechnet Steuern für Leistungen mit Daten aus MEPO | |
365 | MS_CATS_SELECTION | CATS Funktion im MM | |
366 | MS_CCM_CONDITION_UPDATE_CHECK | Check for Condition update in Service lines from CCM | |
367 | MS_CD_FOR_PACKNO | Read changes to package | |
368 | MS_CD_FOR_PACKNO_1 | Lesen Änderungen zum Paket | |
369 | MS_CHANGE_ACCASS_EC | Ändern Kontierungen aus BBP | |
370 | MS_CHANGE_ACCASS_PO | Ändern der Kontierungen über BAPI | |
371 | MS_CHANGE_ACCASS_PR | Ändern der Kontierungen über BAPI (Banf) | |
372 | MS_CHANGE_LIMITS_WAERS | Übernimmt die Kopfwährungs in die Limits | |
373 | MS_CHANGE_LIMIT_EC | Änderung Leistungslimits aus BBP | |
374 | MS_CHANGE_LIMIT_PO | Ändern von Leistungslimits über BAPI | |
375 | MS_CHANGE_LIMIT_PR | Ändern von Leistungslimits über BAPI (Banf) | |
376 | MS_CHANGE_PACKAGE_WAERS | Währung des Leistungspakets ändern | |
377 | MS_CHANGE_SERVICE_PACKAGE | Leistungsverzeichnis ändern | |
378 | MS_CHANGE_SERVICE_PACKAGE_CONT | Ändern des Leistungspaketes über A2A (Kontrakt) | |
379 | MS_CHANGE_SERVICE_PACKAGE_EC | Ändern Leistungspacket aus BBP | |
380 | MS_CHANGE_SERVICE_PACKAGE_OCI | Ändern Leistungspacket aus BBP | |
381 | MS_CHANGE_SERVICE_PACKAGE_PO | Ändern des Leistungspaketes über BAPI | |
382 | MS_CHANGE_SERVICE_PACKAGE_PR | Ändern des Leistungspaketes über BAPI (Banf) | |
383 | MS_CHANGE_TEMPLATE_HEADER | Ändern Muster-LV Kopfdaten | |
384 | MS_CHANGE_TEXT_SRV | liest die Änderungstexte zu Leistungen | |
385 | MS_CHECK_DATE_FOR_INVOICE | Prüfung der Laufzeit für Rechnungen auf Blanko-Positionen | |
386 | MS_CHECK_IF_LIMIT_EXIST | Prüfung, ob Limits zu der aktuellen Paketnummer existieren | |
387 | MS_CHECK_LIMIT_FOR_INVOICE | Prüfung der Wertlimits bei Blanko-POs bei der Rechnungsprüfung | |
388 | MS_CHECK_MAIL | Prüfung, ob im Eingangs-Mail des Benutzers Erfassungsdaten vorhanden sind | |
389 | MS_CHECK_MD_VERSION | Prüfung, ob Leistungsbereichsausgabe gültig ist | |
390 | MS_CHECK_PRICING_RESULT | Prüft Ergebnis der Preisfindung | |
391 | MS_CHECK_SERVICE | Prüfung und Umschlüsselung der Leistung bei HR-Zeiterfassung | |
392 | MS_CHECK_SERVICE_PACKAGE | Prüfung, ob ein Leistungspacket vollständig ist | |
393 | MS_CHECK_SINGLE_SERVICE | R | Prüfung einer Einzelleistung bei der Erfassung |
394 | MS_CHECK_UNPLANED_SERVICE | Prüfung einer Leistung, ob Limit ausreichend | |
395 | MS_COMM_VALUE_BASED | Gibt der Wert von COMM_VALUE_BASED aus T165 zurück | |
396 | MS_CONDITION_CONTRACT_READ | Liest die zum aktuellen Datum gültigen Konditionen des Kontraktes | |
397 | MS_CONFIGURATION_INIT | Initialisierung der Bewertung | |
398 | MS_CONTRACT_CONDITION_EXIST | Prüf ob zu einer Leistung bereits ein Konditionssatz existiert ( Kontrakt) | |
399 | MS_CONTRACT_NET_PRICE | Contract Item Net Price | |
400 | MS_CONTRACT_PLANT_PRICES | Einlesen der Werkspreise im Kontrakt bei National Contracts | |
402 | MS_CONVERT_TO_OTHER_CURRENCY | Convertiert von einer Währung in eine Andere | |
403 | MS_CONVERT_UNIT_TO_TIME | Bestimmt Menge und/oder Umrechnungsfaktoren zur Zeit Einheit | |
404 | MS_COPY_PRICE_TO_KONTRAKT | Übergabe des Preises in den Kontrakt | |
405 | MS_CREATE_ENTRY_HEADER | Anlegen eines Erfassungsblatt-Kopfs | |
406 | MS_CREATE_MASTERDATA_TOP | Ermittlung der Strukturüberschrift für Dien-Stammdaten | |
407 | MS_CREATE_SERVICE_ENTRY_MULTI | Create service entry sheet with multiple account assignment | |
408 | MS_CREATE_SERVICE_ENTRY_PACKNO | MM-SRV: Erzeugung eines Leistungserfassungsblatt mit Bezug zum Paket | |
409 | MS_CREATE_SERVICE_ENTRY_SINGLE | Anlegen Erfassungsblatt mit Einfachkontierung | |
410 | MS_CREATE_TEMPLATE_HEADER | Hinzufügen Muster-LV Kopf | |
411 | MS_CURRENT_PRICE_KONTRAKT | Ermiitelt den aktuellen Preis für einen Kontrakt | |
412 | MS_DATA_ENTRY_SHEET | Change Service Entry Sheet | |
413 | MS_DCM_CHECK_CHANGES | Prüfen druckrelevante Änderung für Versionsverwaltung DCM | |
414 | MS_DCM_CHECK_CHANGES_LIMIT | Prüfen druckrelevanter Änderungen Limit und Text (DCM) | |
415 | MS_DEACTIVATE_STATISTICS | Statistik deaktivieren | |
416 | MS_DECREMENT_TRACE | Tracelevel des Message Servers verringern | |
417 | MS_DELETE_ACCOUNT_PACKAGE | Loeschen der Kontierungsverteilung eines Paketes | |
418 | MS_DELETE_ERRORS | Park and Hold Fm to read service messages. | |
419 | MS_DELETE_NEW_PACKNO | Löschen eines gesamten Pakets während der Neuanlage | |
420 | MS_DELETE_SERVICE_ENTRY | Löschen Leistungserfassungsblatt | |
421 | MS_DELETE_SERVICE_ENTRY_MULTI | R | Löschen Erfassungsblätter |
422 | MS_DELETE_SERVICE_PACKAGE | Leistungsverzeichnis logisch löschen | |
423 | MS_DELETE_TEMPLATE_HEADER | Löschen eines Muster-LVs | |
424 | MS_DEL_ALL_ALTERNATIVE_IPADR | Alternative IP-Adresse löschen | |
425 | MS_DEL_ALTERNATIVE_IPADR | Alternative IP-Adresse löschen | |
426 | MS_DEL_APPL_SERVICE | Service beim Message Server löschen | |
427 | MS_DEL_HTTPSERVICE | HTTP-Service beim Message Server löschen | |
428 | MS_DEL_ICF_INFO_SERVER | ICF-Servername löschen | |
429 | MS_DEL_LOGON | R | Logon Daten beim Message Server loeschen |
430 | MS_DEL_SERVICE_PACKAGE | Physisches Löschen eines Pakets | |
431 | MS_DEL_TEXT | Text eines Applikationsservers holen | |
432 | MS_DEL_VHOST | virtuellen Rechnernamen eines Applikationsservers löschen | |
433 | MS_DETERMINE_KOTABNR | Emittelt die zulässige Konditionstabelle | |
434 | MS_DISCONNECT_CLIENT | Verbindung zu einem Client abbauen | |
435 | MS_DOWNLOAD_ORDER | Download von Leistungsbestelldten an PC-File | |
436 | MS_DOWNLOAD_TRACEFILE | Tracedatei ausgeben | |
437 | MS_DOWNLOAD_TRACEFILE2 | R | Tracedatei ausgeben |
438 | MS_DUMP_ACLINFO | ACL-Informationen ausgeben | |
439 | MS_DUMP_ALL_CLIENTS | Informationen zu allen Clients ausgeben | |
440 | MS_DUMP_CLIENT | Alle Informationen zu einem Client ausgeben | |
441 | MS_DUMP_CON | Alle Informationen zu internen Verwaltung der Requests ausgeben | |
442 | MS_DUMP_FIADM | Informationen zur internen Verwaltung der Clients ausgeben | |
443 | MS_DUMP_FICON | Informationen zur internen Verwaltung der offenen Requests ausgeben | |
444 | MS_DUMP_FILTER_ADMIN | Netzwerkfilter des Admin-Ports des Msg Server ausgeben | |
445 | MS_DUMP_FILTER_EXT | externe Netzwerkfilter des Msg Server ausgeben | |
446 | MS_DUMP_FILTER_EXTBND | Netzwerkfilter des ExtbndPorts des Msg Server ausgeben | |
447 | MS_DUMP_FILTER_HTTP | Netzwerkfilter des HTTP-Ports des Msg Server ausgeben | |
448 | MS_DUMP_FILTER_HTTPS | Netzwerkfilter des HTTPS-Ports des Msg Server ausgeben | |
449 | MS_DUMP_FILTER_INT | interne Netzwerkfilter des Msg Server ausgeben | |
450 | MS_DUMP_INFO | Allgemeine Dump_Infos holen | |
451 | MS_DUMP_NIBUFFER | NI-Puffer in das Tracefile schreiben | |
452 | MS_DUMP_NIBUFFER2 | NI-Puffer anzeigen | |
453 | MS_DUMP_NOSERVER | Serveranzahl anzeigen | |
454 | MS_DUMP_PARAMETER | Message Server Parameter holen | |
455 | MS_DUMP_PERMINFO | HTTP-Zugriffskontrolldatei ausgeben | |
456 | MS_DUMP_RELINFO | Release-Informationen holen | |
457 | MS_DUMP_SIZEOF | Groesse der internen Strukturen ausgeben | |
458 | MS_DUMP_URLHANDLER | Liste der URL-Handler anzeigen | |
459 | MS_DUMP_URLMAP | URL-Mapping anzeigen | |
460 | MS_DUMP_URLPREFIX | URL-Prefixe anzeigen | |
461 | MS_EDIT_T162S | Editierung Feldauswahltabellen | |
462 | MS_ENTRYSHEET_DATA_ARCHIVE | Lesen Erfassungsblattdaten zur Archivierung | |
463 | MS_EVALUATE_FORMULA | Berechnet das Ergebnis einer Formel und gibt es zurück | |
464 | MS_EVALUATION_SERVICE_STAT | Fortschreiben der Punktwerte für Service - veraltet | |
466 | MS_EXECUTE_CONF | R | execute configuration |
467 | MS_EXTERNAL_STATUS | GUI-Status für Selektionsschirm setzen | |
468 | MS_FCODE_PAI | Übegabe des Ok-Codes an das Service Paket | |
469 | MS_FELDAUSWAHL_SACHKONTO_READ | Prüfen Feldauswahl Sachkonto | |
470 | MS_FETCH_CD_FOR_PACKNO | Holen Änderungsbelegdaten für ein Leistungspaket | |
471 | MS_FETCH_CHANGE_DOCUMENT | Lesen der Änderungsbelege der Leistungen | |
472 | MS_FETCH_CHANGE_DOC_ENTRYSHEET | Lesen der Änderungsbelege für ein Erfassungsblatt | |
473 | MS_FETCH_LOCK_ESLL | Locktabelle für Leistungszeilen holen/uebergeben | |
474 | MS_FETCH_SERVICE_DATA | Lesen der Leistungsdaten für Listausgabe und Druck | |
475 | MS_FETCH_SPEC_FOR_LIST | Leistungsverzeichnis lesen für Listausgabe im PM/PS | |
476 | MS_FILL_CONTRACT_NUMBER | Füllen der Kontraktnummer bei der Ausgabe einer ungepanten Erf.zeile | |
477 | MS_FILL_KOMG_SRV | Füllt Kommunikationstruktur für Stammkonditionen Dienstleistung | |
478 | MS_FILL_KOMK_SRV | Füllen der Kokmunikationsstruktur für Konditionen DIenstleistung | |
479 | MS_FILL_KOMP_KOMK_FOR_CONTRACT | Füllt Kommunikationsstrukturen für Kontrakt Dienstleistung | |
480 | MS_FILL_KOMP_SRV | Füllen der KOMP für Leistungszeilen | |
481 | MS_FILL_LIMIT_TABS_FROM_EXT | Füllen der Limitdaten aus externer Quelle | |
482 | MS_FILL_LOCKTAB_LIMITS | Einlesen der Limitwerte bei der Erfassung | |
483 | MS_FILL_REF_LIMITS | Verwaltung von Limits ungeplanter Leistungen zu einem Paket | |
484 | MS_FILL_SAVETABS_FOR_SAVE | Füllen der Schnittstelle für die Verbuchung (Tabellen der Planleistungen) | |
485 | MS_FILL_SERVICE_TABLES_FOR_TAX | funktionslos! | |
486 | MS_FILL_SRVTEXT_FROM_INT_DATA | Fill Service line text data | |
487 | MS_FILL_SRVTXT_FROM_INT_DATA | Fill service package text | |
488 | MS_FILL_TABS_FROM_EXT_DATA | Erzeugung der internen Tabellen wenn von extern eingelesen wird (BANF) | |
489 | MS_FILL_TABS_FROM_INT_DATA | Fill Service package data | |
490 | MS_FILL_TAXCOM_SRV | Füllt die Kommunikationsstruktur für Steuern | |
491 | MS_FORMULA_EXAMPLE | Beispielwindow Formel | |
492 | MS_GENERATE_MAPKEY | Generation of a key for external mapping | |
493 | MS_GET_ACC_FOR_TAXES_LIMITS | Holt Kontierungsdaten der Limits zur Steuerberechnung | |
494 | MS_GET_ACC_FOR_TAXES_SERVICES | Holt Kontierungsdaten der Leistung zur Steuerberechnung | |
495 | MS_GET_ALTERNATIVE_IPADR | Alternative IP-Adresse holen | |
496 | MS_GET_APPL_SERVICE | Service vom Message Server holen | |
497 | MS_GET_CHARACTERISTICS | Abfrage der Merkmalsbewertung | |
498 | MS_GET_CONF | R | test |
499 | MS_GET_DATA | Selektionsdatum erfragen für Selektion von Zeiterfassungsdaten | |
500 | MS_GET_ENTRY_SHEET_LIS | Erfassungsblätter für LIS ermitteln |