SAP ABAP Function Module - Index M, page 17
Function Module - M
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | MEPO_DOC_ACC_GET_REPETITION | Info bezüglich Kontierungswiederholung | |
2 | MEPO_DOC_ACC_SET_REPETITION | Setzen Kontierungswiederholung | |
3 | MEPO_DOC_CHECK | Abschlußprüfung des Einkaufsbelegs im SAPMM06E | |
4 | MEPO_DOC_DCM_MANAGER_GET | Holen DCM Manager für Belegkopf | |
5 | MEPO_DOC_FORM_PROCESS | Prozessieren einer Formroutine | |
6 | MEPO_DOC_GET_HEADER_TABS | Liefert inaktive Tabreiter für MEPO | |
7 | MEPO_DOC_GET_ITEM_TABS | Liefert inaktive Tabreiter für MEPO | |
8 | MEPO_DOC_GET_TRANSACTION_STATE | Transaktionsstatus besorgen | |
9 | MEPO_DOC_HEADER_GET | Holen des Kopfes aus SAPMM06E | |
10 | MEPO_DOC_HEADER_PROCESS | Verarbeiten der Kopfdaten im SAPMM06E | |
11 | MEPO_DOC_INITIALIZE | Initialiseren des Einkaufsbelegs | |
12 | MEPO_DOC_INIT_CALL | Banfreferenz: Initialisierungen | |
13 | MEPO_DOC_ITEMS_GET | Holen aller Positionen aus SAPMM06E | |
14 | MEPO_DOC_ITEMS_ID_GET | Holen aller Positionen aus SAPMM06E | |
15 | MEPO_DOC_ITEM_ACCOUNTS_ID_GET | Holen der Einteilungen einer Position aus SAPMM06E | |
16 | MEPO_DOC_ITEM_ACCOUNT_PROCESS | Verarbeiten von Einteilungen einer Position im SAPMM06E | |
17 | MEPO_DOC_ITEM_ATP_EXP | Call ATP explicitely | |
18 | MEPO_DOC_ITEM_GET | Holen der Position aus SAPMM06E | |
19 | MEPO_DOC_ITEM_PROCESS | Verarbeiten einer Einkaufsbelegposition im SAPMM06E | |
20 | MEPO_DOC_ITEM_SCHEDULES_GET | Holen der Einteilungen einer Position aus SAPMM06E | |
21 | MEPO_DOC_ITEM_SCHEDULES_ID_GET | Holen der Einteilungen einer Position aus SAPMM06E | |
22 | MEPO_DOC_ITEM_SCHEDULE_PROCESS | Verarbeiten von Einteilungen einer Position im SAPMM06E | |
23 | MEPO_DOC_PARTNERS_GET | Holen der Partner aus SAPMM06E/SAPLEKPA | |
24 | MEPO_DOC_PARTNERS_PROCESS | Prozessieren der Partner | |
25 | MEPO_DOC_PBO_HEADER_CONDITIONS | PBO Kopfkonditionen | |
26 | MEPO_DOC_PBO_ITEM_CONDITIONS | PBO Positionskonditionen | |
27 | MEPO_DOC_POP_BAT | BAT exportieren | |
28 | MEPO_DOC_POST | Verbuchen des Einkaufsbelegs im SAPMM06E | |
29 | MEPO_DOC_PROCESS | Verarbeiten der Bestelldaten | |
30 | MEPO_DOC_READ | Lesen eines Einkaufsbelegs im SAPMM06E | |
31 | MEPO_DOC_SCHEDULE_GET | Holen von einer Einteilung aus SAPMM06E | |
32 | MEPO_DOC_SET_TRANSACTION_STATE | Transaktionsstatus besorgen | |
33 | MEPO_DOC_STATUS_GET | Holt Statusinformationen aus SAPMM06E | |
34 | MEPO_DOC_SUBITEMS_ID_GET | Holen aller Positionen aus SAPMM06E | |
36 | MEPO_SHOW_TAXES | Steuern | |
38 | MEQUERY_GET_DATABLADE_FACTORY | Erzeugt eine Datablade Factory zum Zugriff auf Datablades (Queries) | |
39 | MERCHANDISE_GROUP_ART_MODIFY | Modifizieren von Warengruppenwert- und Warengruppenvorlageartikeln | |
40 | MERCHANDISE_GROUP_DATA_CHECK | Lesen T023 und T023T-Einträge mit Check ob Eintrag vorhanden | |
41 | MERCHANDISE_GROUP_DATA_SELECT | Lesen alle Felder T023 und T023T für Übergabetabelle | |
42 | MERCHANDISE_GROUP_HIER_ART_SEL | Zu einer Basiswaengruppe werden alle WG-hierachiewertartikel ermittelt | |
43 | MERCHANDISE_GROUP_HIER_SELECT | Read all material groups with characteristics profiles and material groups | |
45 | MERCHANDISE_GROUP_MODIFY | ADD/COR/DEL Warengruppen und 1:1 Klasse incl. Commit u. Änderungsbelege | |
46 | MERCHANDISE_GROUP_MODIFY_ALE | ADD/COR/DEL Warengruppen nach Verteilung ins Zielsystem ohne Klassenanlage | |
47 | MERCHANDISE_GROUP_SELECT | Read base material group. Output: T023 and description from T023T | |
48 | MERCHANDISE_GROUP_SELECT_ALL | Read MG access to T023 single or '*'. All fields output. | |
49 | MERCHANDISE_GROUP_SINGLE_SEL | Lesen Warengruppe und Bezeichung | |
50 | MERCHANDISE_GROUP_USE | Use of Material Groups | |
51 | MERELVI_CREATE_VIEW | View für Anzeige Freigabeinformation | |
52 | MEREL_GET_MANAGER | Determine Singleton | |
53 | MEREL_POST_WFC | Verbuchen Workflow | |
54 | MEREL_PREPARE_WFC_EBAN | Auslösen Workflow-Event für Gesamtfreigabe Bestellanforderungen | |
55 | MEREP_AHANDLER | R | Handler |
56 | MEREP_ARECEIVER | Receiver | |
57 | MEREP_CALL_CHECKRFC | R | Call RFC BAPI Wrapper Check Function with a Parameter |
58 | MEREP_CASCADE_DATA_PREPARE | Prepare Cascade Data | |
59 | MEREP_CASCADE_DATA_SEQNO | Process Sequence Number of Cascade Data | |
60 | MEREP_CASCADE_DELETE | Prepare Cascade Deletion | |
61 | MEREP_CASCADE_DELETE_1 | Prepare Cascade Deletion | |
62 | MEREP_CASCADE_SETTING | R | Cascade Setting |
63 | MEREP_CHECK_RFC | R | Check Function Parameters for SyncBO |
64 | MEREP_CIRCULATION_CHECK | Checking Circulation | |
65 | MEREP_CIRCULATION_INST_CHECK | Cheking Circulation of Instances | |
66 | MEREP_CODE_COMMENT_OUT | Function To Comment Out | |
67 | MEREP_CODE_GENERATOR | Code Generator | |
68 | MEREP_CONNECTOR_INBOX | Mobile Engine: Template for Interface for Generic Body Containers | |
69 | MEREP_CONTACT_CREATE | R | Contact address: Create |
70 | MEREP_CONTACT_DELETE | R | Contact address: Delete |
71 | MEREP_CONTACT_DELTA_CREATE | R | Contact address: Create |
72 | MEREP_CONTACT_DELTA_DELETE | R | Contact address: Delete |
73 | MEREP_CONTACT_DELTA_GETDETAIL | R | Contact address: GetDetail |
74 | MEREP_CONTACT_DELTA_GETLIST | R | Contact address: Getlist |
75 | MEREP_CONTACT_DELTA_MODIFY | R | Contact address: Modify |
76 | MEREP_CONTACT_GETDETAIL | R | Contact address: GetDetail |
77 | MEREP_CONTACT_GETLIST | R | Contact address: Getlist |
78 | MEREP_CONTACT_MODIFY | R | Contact address: Modify |
79 | MEREP_CONTACT_PARTIAL_GETLIST | R | Contact address: Getlist |
80 | MEREP_CONVERSATIONID_GENERATOR | R | Conversation ID Generator |
81 | MEREP_CONV_EX_2_IN_DTEL | R | Vertual Dynpro |
82 | MEREP_CONV_IN_2_EX_DTEL | R | Vertual Dynpro |
83 | MEREP_COPY_DEFAULT_VALUE | R | Copy Default Value |
84 | MEREP_COPY_FILTERING | R | Copy Filtering criteria |
85 | MEREP_COPY_RDB | Copy RDB contents | |
86 | MEREP_COUNTRY_GETLIST | R | Country: GetList |
87 | MEREP_COUNT_SYNBO_FOR_DEVICE | R | Read 10100/10700 for syncbo and mobile-id |
88 | MEREP_DEFAULTVALUES_GET | Get Default Values from Database | |
89 | MEREP_DEFAULTVALUE_ASSIGNMENT | R | Get Missing Assignment of Default Value |
90 | MEREP_DEFAULTVALUE_GET | Get a Default Value | |
92 | MEREP_DELETE_MOBILE_IDS | R | Delete the all the data related to the mobile id |
93 | MEREP_DELTABO | R | Delta BO (T51 Delta BO Receiver) |
94 | MEREP_DELTABOALEAK | FM -> IDoc: Create IDoc | |
95 | MEREP_DEL_SCENARIO_OBJ | Delete SyncBO | |
96 | MEREP_DEVICEID_GENERATOR | R | Device ID Generator |
97 | MEREP_DYNAMIC_FILTER_CREATE | R | Create Dynamic Filter |
98 | MEREP_EXECUTE_SYNC | Execute Sync | |
99 | MEREP_EXIT_HANDLING | Function to add exit source code | |
100 | MEREP_EXT_TO_INT_CON_FRM_KEYTB | External to internal conversion form key mapping table (merep_111) | |
101 | MEREP_FILTER | Fitering | |
102 | MEREP_FILTER_GET | SAP Mobile: Create WHERE clause in a SELECT statement (Mobile ID, Group) | |
103 | MEREP_FILTER_UPDATE | Update Selection Criteria for Mobile ID | |
104 | MEREP_FIX_EXT_TO_INT_CONVERT | Convert Fixed Format: External to Internal | |
105 | MEREP_FIX_INT_TO_EXT_CONVERT | Convert Fixed Format: Internal to External | |
106 | MEREP_FIX_INT_TO_EXT_CONVERT_1 | Convert Fixed Format: Internal to External | |
107 | MEREP_FLDNAME_CREATE | Create a field name of ABAP program | |
108 | MEREP_FUNCTION_GENERATOR | Function module generator | |
109 | MEREP_GENERATE_411 | Generated Function Modules | |
110 | MEREP_GENERATION_CHECKER | Main code generator | |
111 | MEREP_GET_CONFIG_PARAM_VALUE | To get the value for a configutration parameter | |
112 | MEREP_GET_CONVID_FROM_MSD | R | Retrieve All Conversation IDs for an MCD Entry |
113 | MEREP_GET_CONVID_FROM_MSD_RFC | R | Retrieve Conversation ID (remote) |
114 | MEREP_GET_DEVICEID_FROM_CONVID | Get Device ID from Conversation ID | |
115 | MEREP_GET_DE_ATTRIBUTES | R | Return Data Element Attributes |
116 | MEREP_GET_FIELDGROUP | Get Field Group | |
117 | MEREP_GET_LOG_PER_MBLID | Get Log per Mobile ID | |
118 | MEREP_GET_MAPS | Return Mappings for a Given SyncBO | |
119 | MEREP_GET_METADATA | Return Metadata for a Given SyncBO | |
120 | MEREP_GET_MOBILE_IDS | R | get the mobile ids for the given BWAFDEPL records |
121 | MEREP_GET_RFCDEST_ACTUAL | Get Actual RFC Destination for the SyncBO | |
122 | MEREP_GET_SCENARIO | Return Metadata for Outside Caller | |
123 | MEREP_HANDLER | Handler | |
124 | MEREP_IDOC_INPUT_MEREP_DELTABO | IDoc -> FM : IDOC Inbound Process | |
125 | MEREP_INBOUND_GENERATE | Inbound List (Handler Worklist & Inbox Data) Generate | |
126 | MEREP_INBOX_MODIFICATION | Inbox Modification | |
127 | MEREP_INT_TO_EXT_CON_FRM_KEYTB | Internal to External conversion from key mapping table (merep_111) | |
128 | MEREP_JAVACLIENT_DDIC_BACKUP | R | Get DDic for Java Client |
129 | MEREP_JAVACLIENT_DDIC_IMPORTER | R | Get DDic for Java Client |
130 | MEREP_JAVACLIENT_MCD_LIST | R | Get the component list |
131 | MEREP_JAVACLIENT_META_IMPORTER | R | Imports the meta data for the given application |
132 | MEREP_KEY_MAPPING_UPDATE | To update the key mappings in merep_111 table (for T01/T51 SyncBOs) | |
133 | MEREP_KEY_MAPPING_UPDATE_S01 | To update the key mappings in merep_112 table (For S01 SyncBO) | |
134 | MEREP_LANG_TO_ORG_CONV | Converts to the Client Language | |
135 | MEREP_LOG_APPEND | Append Application Log into Internal Table at Runtime | |
136 | MEREP_LOG_DB_UPDATE | Update Application Log into Database | |
137 | MEREP_LOG_TO_WL | R | Drill up the Log Structure for a Single Log |
138 | MEREP_LOG_TO_WL_EXIST | R | Check Existence of Parent Worklist for a Single Log |
139 | MEREP_MAINTAIN_FIELD_GROUP | Field Group Maintenance | |
140 | MEREP_MAIN_GENERATOR | Main code generator | |
141 | MEREP_METADATA_TRANSMITTER | Metadata Transmitter | |
142 | MEREP_MOBILE_REFRESH | R | Refresh Device |
143 | MEREP_MOBILE_REFRESH_EXIST | R | Check if Mobile Refreshed |
144 | MEREP_MOBILE_REGISTER | R | Register Mobile ID to Middleware |
145 | MEREP_MOBILE_UNREGISTER | R | SAP Mobile: Unregister mobile ID(device) to middleware |
146 | MEREP_MPC_COPY_DEVICE | Kopiert die nötigen Attribute des Geräts | |
147 | MEREP_MPC_CREATED_IMAGES_INFO | R | Image Parameter from WebConsole |
148 | MEREP_MPC_CREATE_APP_ENTRIES | Kopiert die Einträge von der Temporären DeviceID | |
149 | MEREP_MPC_CREATE_IMAGE | R | Image Parameter from WebConsole |
150 | MEREP_MPC_CREATE_IMAGE_DEVID | R | Image Parameter from WebConsole |
151 | MEREP_MPC_CREATE_USER | MI:Installation Toolkit | |
152 | MEREP_MPC_IMAGE_INFO | R | MI: Suchen eines konkreten Installations-Image |
153 | MEREP_MPC_IMAGE_UPDATE_STATUS | R | MI:Setzen des Status in einem Installations-Image |
154 | MEREP_MSD_APPLICATION | R | MeRep Application Entries for MCD |
155 | MEREP_NOTIFICATION | Notification Module | |
156 | MEREP_NUMBER_NEXT_GET | Assigns Next Free Number | |
157 | MEREP_OBJECT_END | Update Runtime Information (RUNTIME, LOGS) into Global Data | |
158 | MEREP_OBJECT_START | Runtime Tool for Object Execution Measurement | |
159 | MEREP_OBJECT_START_END | Update Runtime Information (RUNTIME, LOGS) | |
160 | MEREP_POPUP_GET_STRUCT_ID_ITEM | R | Reassign Structure ID |
161 | MEREP_POPUP_GET_SYNCBO_COPY | R | Dialog Box for Requesting Values |
162 | MEREP_PROCESS_HANDLER_WL | Process Handler Worklist Entry | |
163 | MEREP_PROCESS_JOB_FOR_MOBILEID | R | Process distributor job for a mobileID |
164 | MEREP_PROCESS_SENDER_WL | Process Sender Worklist Entry | |
165 | MEREP_R3KEY_FROM_SYNCKEY | Return R3_KEY Based on Passed in Sync. Key | |
166 | MEREP_RDBLOG_RWD_TOP | To Store the TOP data per Mobile ID / Language | |
167 | MEREP_RDBNAME_CREATE | Generate Table Name | |
168 | MEREP_RDB_D01_EXIST | Check Existence of Replica Database For Sync Type D01 | |
169 | MEREP_RDB_D01_GET | SAP Mobile: Get data from /SAPNEA/MBL201 | |
170 | MEREP_RDB_D01_RESET | Reset Replica DB For Sync Type D01 | |
171 | MEREP_RDB_D01_UPDATE | SAP Mobile: Update /SAPNEA/MBL201 | |
172 | MEREP_RDB_DELETE | Delete RDB | |
173 | MEREP_RDB_GENERATOR | Replica Database Generator | |
174 | MEREP_RDB_S01_EXIST | Check Existence of Replica Database For Sync Type S01 | |
175 | MEREP_RDB_S01_GET | SAP Mobile: Get header from /SAPNEA/MBL201 | |
176 | MEREP_RDB_S01_GET_SINGLE | Read One TOP Block | |
177 | MEREP_RDB_S01_RESET | Reset Replica DB For Sync Type S01 | |
178 | MEREP_RDB_S01_UPDATE | SAP Mobile: Update /SAPNEA/MBL101 from inttab | |
179 | MEREP_RDB_T01_CASCADE_UPDATE | Update MEREP10700 for Cascade Download | |
180 | MEREP_RDB_T01_CONVERT | Update MEREP_207 | |
181 | MEREP_RDB_T01_CONVERT_1 | Update MEREP_207 | |
182 | MEREP_RDB_T01_EXIST | Check Existence of Replica Database For Sync Type T01 | |
183 | MEREP_RDB_T01_EXISTENCE_CHECK | Check Existence Of MEREP_10700 Records | |
184 | MEREP_RDB_T01_GET | SAP Mobile: Get header from /SAPNEA/MBL201 | |
185 | MEREP_RDB_T01_GETLIST_SKEY | SAP Mobile: Get header from /SAPNEA/MBL201 | |
186 | MEREP_RDB_T01_GETLIST_SKEY_1 | SAP Mobile: Get header from /SAPNEA/MBL201 | |
187 | MEREP_RDB_T01_GET_1 | SAP Mobile: Get header from /SAPNEA/MBL201 | |
188 | MEREP_RDB_T01_GET_SINGLE | Read One TOP Block | |
189 | MEREP_RDB_T01_INIT | SAP Mobile: Get header from /SAPNEA/MBL201 | |
190 | MEREP_RDB_T01_MBL_GET | SAP Mobile: Get header from /SAPNEA/MBL201 | |
191 | MEREP_RDB_T01_MBL_GET_SINGLE | Read One TOP/ITEM Block of 10700 | |
192 | MEREP_RDB_T01_MBL_PARTIAL_GET | SAP Mobile: Get header from /SAPNEA/MBL201 | |
193 | MEREP_RDB_T01_PARTIAL_GET | SAP Mobile: Get header from /SAPNEA/MBL201 | |
194 | MEREP_RDB_T01_PARTIAL_GET_S | SAP Mobile: Get header from /SAPNEA/MBL201 | |
195 | MEREP_RDB_T01_P_GETLIST_SKEY | SAP Mobile: Get header from /SAPNEA/MBL201 | |
196 | MEREP_RDB_T01_RESET | Reset Replica DB For Sync Type T01 Or T51 | |
197 | MEREP_RDB_T01_SENT_BY_GET | Get Value Of Field MEREP_10700-SENT_BY | |
198 | MEREP_RDB_T01_SENT_BY_RESET | Reset Field MEREP_10700-SENT_BY To 'S' Or 'C' | |
199 | MEREP_RDB_T01_SENT_BY_SET_TO_C | Set Field MEREP_10700-SENT_BY To 'C' | |
200 | MEREP_RDB_T01_UPDATE | SAP Mobile: Update /SAPNEA/MBL207 | |
201 | MEREP_RDB_T01_UPDATE_1 | SAP Mobile: Update /SAPNEA/MBL207 | |
202 | MEREP_RDB_T51_GET | Get RDB contents for T51 | |
203 | MEREP_RDB_V01_EXIST | Check Existence of Replica Database For Sync Type V01 | |
204 | MEREP_RDB_V01_RESET | Reset Replica DB For Sync Type V01 Or V51 | |
205 | MEREP_READ_SCEN_OBJ | Read SyncBO | |
206 | MEREP_READ_SYNCTYPE_OBJ | Read Synchronization Type (801/801T) Object | |
207 | MEREP_REASSIGN_STRUCT_ID | R | Reassign Structure ID |
208 | MEREP_RECEIVE_ACK | Receive Acknowledgement | |
209 | MEREP_REFERENCE_RECORDING_GET | Get Reference Recording Data | |
210 | MEREP_REGISTRATION_AGENT | ME Replica: Device Registration Agent | |
211 | MEREP_REG_SCENARIO1_3 | R | SAP Mobile: Dummy Function For Registration SyncBO |
212 | MEREP_REPLICATOR | R | Replicator Starter |
213 | MEREP_REPLICATORS | R | Replicator Starter |
214 | MEREP_REPLICATOR_TRIGGER | R | Replicator Wrapper (Backend Driven) |
215 | MEREP_REPLICATOR_TRIGGER_BP | R | Replicator Wrapper (Backend Driven) |
216 | MEREP_REPLOG_UPDATE | SAP Mobile: Replicator log update | |
217 | MEREP_REPROCESS_HANDLER | Re-Process Synchronizer Worklists | |
218 | MEREP_RESULT_HANDLING | Log and Error Handling | |
219 | MEREP_RETRIEVER | Retriever | |
220 | MEREP_RETURN_GET | Fills the BAPI Return Parameter (BAPIRETURN1) | |
221 | MEREP_RFCDEST_GET | Get Common RFC Destitnation | |
222 | MEREP_RFCDEST_UPDATE | SAP Mobile: Update common RFC destination | |
223 | MEREP_RTN_CREATE | Prepare Return Messages for Structure ID RTN | |
224 | MEREP_RTN_HNDLG_CREATE | RTN handling create | |
225 | MEREP_RTN_UPDATE | Prepare Return Messages for Structure ID RTN | |
226 | MEREP_RUNTIME_LOADER | SAP Mobile: Load SyncBO Specific Data | |
227 | MEREP_RUN_END | Job Close - Update JOB Database and End an Object | |
228 | MEREP_RUN_START | Job Open - Get New Run Number and Start an Object | |
229 | MEREP_SAP_ADM001 | Refresh Replica Data | |
230 | MEREP_SCENARIO_BOM | Stückliste für cascadisches SyncBo | |
231 | MEREP_SCENARIO_COPY | R | SyncBO Copy |
232 | MEREP_SCG_000000 | Specific code generator 000000 | |
233 | MEREP_SCG_001100 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 001100 | |
234 | MEREP_SCG_001150 | Specific Code Generator 001150 | |
235 | MEREP_SCG_002030 | Specific code generator 002030 | |
236 | MEREP_SCG_002050 | Specific code generator 002050 | |
237 | MEREP_SCG_002100 | Specific code generator 002100 | |
238 | MEREP_SCG_004030 | Specific code generator 004030 | |
239 | MEREP_SCG_004100 | Specific code generator 004100 | |
240 | MEREP_SCG_004150 | Specific code generator 004150 | |
241 | MEREP_SCG_004200 | Specific code generator 004200 | |
242 | MEREP_SCG_004350 | Specific code generator 004350 | |
243 | MEREP_SCG_004500 | Specific code generator 004500 | |
244 | MEREP_SCG_004510 | Specific code generator 004500 | |
245 | MEREP_SCG_004600 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 004600 | |
246 | MEREP_SCG_004610 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 004600 | |
247 | MEREP_SCG_004630 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 004630 | |
248 | MEREP_SCG_004650 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 004650 | |
249 | MEREP_SCG_004700 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 004700 | |
250 | MEREP_SCG_004900 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 004900 | |
251 | MEREP_SCG_004930 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 004930 | |
252 | MEREP_SCG_100406 | Specific code generator 002100 | |
253 | MEREP_SCG_110406 | Specific code generator 110406 | |
254 | MEREP_SCG_140100 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 140100 | |
255 | MEREP_SCG_140200 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 140200 | |
256 | MEREP_SCG_140210 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 140210 | |
257 | MEREP_SCG_140220 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 140220 | |
258 | MEREP_SCG_140230 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 140230 | |
259 | MEREP_SCG_140240 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 140240 | |
260 | MEREP_SCG_140250 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 140240 | |
261 | MEREP_SCG_140300 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 140300 | |
262 | MEREP_SCG_140310 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 140310 | |
263 | MEREP_SCG_140400 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 140400 | |
264 | MEREP_SCG_140410 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 140410 | |
265 | MEREP_SCG_140420 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 140420 | |
266 | MEREP_SCG_140423 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 140423 | |
267 | MEREP_SCG_141100 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 141100 | |
268 | MEREP_SCG_141200 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 141200 | |
269 | MEREP_SCG_141400 | SAP Mobile: Specific code generator 141400 | |
270 | MEREP_SCG_180406 | Specific code generator 180406 SPRE | |
271 | MEREP_SCG_250406 | Specific code generator 250406 - SPRE | |
272 | MEREP_SENDER | R | Sender |
273 | MEREP_SENDER_LAUNCH | Create Device Worklist and Launch Sender | |
274 | MEREP_SFLIGHT_CHANGE | R | test bapi to update sflight paymentsum value |
275 | MEREP_SFLIGHT_GETDETAIL | R | Flight details |
276 | MEREP_SFLIGHT_GETLIST | R | List of flights |
277 | MEREP_SFLIGHT_ITEM_CHANGE | R | test bapi to update sflight paymentsum value |
278 | MEREP_SMAPI_PARAM_STORE | Write BAPI Wrapper Parameters on Local File of Server | |
279 | MEREP_STUB_GENERATE | SAP Mobile: RFC function for code generate | |
280 | MEREP_SYNCBO_DATA_DETAIL | Emulator Detail Screen | |
281 | MEREP_SYNCBO_DATA_EDITOR | R | Emulator |
282 | MEREP_SYNCKEY_FROM_R3KEY | Return Sync. Key Based on Passed in R3KEY | |
283 | MEREP_SYNCKEY_FROM_R3KEY_1 | Return Sync. Key Based on Passed in R3KEY | |
284 | MEREP_SYN_RESULTS_UPDATE | Create Sender Data | |
285 | MEREP_T01_DELTA_FIND | Find delta for T01 | |
286 | MEREP_T01_DELTA_SEND | Send Delta Data | |
287 | MEREP_T01_DELTA_SEND_1 | Send Delta Data | |
288 | MEREP_T51_SCHEDULE_REPLICATION | R | Schedule T51 Replication |
289 | MEREP_TABLES_LOADER | SAP Mobile: Loader for mobile system tables | |
290 | MEREP_TABNAME_CREATE | Generate Table Name | |
291 | MEREP_TECH_MON_GET_LIST_STAT | R | AGS:Aggregated data of table MEMON_TECH |
292 | MEREP_TECH_MON_GET_POS_STAT | R | AGS: Technical monitor |
293 | MEREP_TYPEP_CHECK | Plausibility Check: Data Type P | |
294 | MEREP_TYPE_DATA_CREATE | SAP Mobile: Create type structure | |
295 | MEREP_TYPE_ORGSTR_CREATE | R | Create Type Structure for Emulator |
296 | MEREP_TYPE_RFCSTR_CREATE | SAP Mobile: Create type structure | |
297 | MEREP_TYPE_STRUCT_CREATE | SAP Mobile: Create type structure | |
298 | MEREP_TYPNAME_CREATE | SAP Mobile: Create a type name | |
299 | MEREP_UCOPY_GET_DATA | FM to get count of records in a table after data transfer | |
300 | MEREP_UPLOAD_DATA_CREATE | SmartSync Create upload data | |
301 | MEREP_UPLOAD_DATA_CREATE1 | Upload data CREATE | |
302 | MEREP_V01_TYPE_CREATE | Create Type Structure | |
303 | MEREP_WHERE_2CL_CREATE | Create WHERE Clause in a SELECT Statement (Mobile ID, Group) | |
304 | MEREP_WHERE_CL_CREATE | Create WHERE Clause in a SELECT Statement | |
305 | MEREP_WHERE_CL_CREATE1 | R | Create WHERE Clause in a SELECT Statement |
306 | MEREP_WHERE_CL_GET | R | Create WHERE Clause in a SELECT Statement (Mobile ID, Group) |
307 | MEREP_WL_TO_SUBITEMS | R | Read for Handler Worklist, Either Logs or Sync. Worklist |
308 | MEREP_WL_TO_SUBITEMS_EXIST | R | Check Existence for Handler Worklist, Either Logs or Sync. Worklist |
309 | MEREP_WRITE_SCEN_OBJ | Save SyncBO | |
310 | MEREP_WSDL_AS_FILE | Store WSDL as file | |
311 | MEREP_WSDL_GENERATOR | R | WSDL generator |
312 | MEREQBADIEX_INIT | Initialisierung Geschäftslogik für Banf | |
313 | MEREQBADI_ACCOUNT_DELETE | Löschen Mehrfachkontierung | |
314 | MEREQBADI_BAPI | Bestellanforderungs-BAPI | |
315 | MEREQBADI_CHECK | Abschlusspüfung | |
316 | MEREQBADI_CHOICE_OBLIGO | Deaktivierung BAnf-Obligo-Generierung | |
317 | MEREQBADI_CLOSE | Abschlussbearbeitung | |
318 | MEREQBADI_FS_HEADER | Sonderfeldauswahl Kopf | |
319 | MEREQBADI_FS_HEADER_REFKEYS | Feldauswahlreferenzschlüssel Belegkopf | |
320 | MEREQBADI_FS_ITEM | Sonderfeldauswahl Position | |
321 | MEREQBADI_FS_ITEM_REFKEYS | Feldauswahlreferenzschlüssel Belegposition | |
322 | MEREQBADI_FS_MULTI_ACCOUNT | Sonderfeldauswahl Mehrfachkontierung | |
323 | MEREQBADI_INITIALIZE | Initialisierungen | |
324 | MEREQBADI_OPEN | Öffnen einer Bestellanforderung | |
325 | MEREQBADI_POST | Buchen | |
326 | MEREQBADI_PROCESS_ACCOUNT | Verarbeitung von Kontierungsdaten | |
327 | MEREQBADI_PROCESS_HEADER | Verarbeitung von Kopfdaten | |
328 | MEREQBADI_PROCESS_ITEM | Verarbeitung von Kopfdaten | |
329 | MEREQBADI_SOURCING | Automatic selection for external sourcing | |
330 | MEREQS_EBAN_INVALIDATE | Banf aus Proxy besorgen | |
331 | MEREQS_EBAN_LOOKUP | Banf aus Proxy besorgen | |
332 | MEREQS_EBAN_PUSH | Proxyobjekt aufbauen | |
333 | MEREQS_REFRESH | Rücksetzen Funktionsgruppe | |
334 | MEREQS_STATISTICS_EXPORT | Export Verbuchungsstructur | |
335 | MEREQS_STATISTICS_FINAL_CHECKS | Mengenprüfung Banfaggregat | |
336 | MEREQS_STATISTICS_PROCESS | Update Banfstatistik | |
337 | MEREQ_DEBUG | Debug | |
338 | MEREQ_GET_FACTORY | Fabrik zum Erzeugen / Verwalten Bestellanforderungen | |
339 | MEREQ_MLSC_BGRFC_MESSAGE | R | Verbuchung der Nachrichten |
340 | MEREQ_MLSC_CREATE_PO | R | Erstellen der Bestellung via BgRFC |
341 | MEREQ_MLSC_GET_FACTORY | Factory anliefern | |
342 | MEREQ_READ_EBAN_TECH | EBAN_TECH Daten lesen | |
343 | MEREQ_UPDATE_EBAN_TECH | Update Funktionsbaustein für EBAN_TECH | |
344 | MEREQ_UPDATE_STATUS | Status from external sourcing system | |
345 | MERGE_BUPA | Abmischen von Geschaefspartnerdaten | |
346 | MERGE_BUPA_CENTRAL | Abmischen von Geschaefspartnerdaten: Zentrale Daten | |
347 | MERGE_BUPA_FINSERV | Abmischen von Geschaefspartnerdaten: Financial Services | |
348 | MERGE_BUPR | Abmischen von Daten zu Geschaefspartnerbeziehungen | |
349 | MERGE_BUPR_CENTRAL | Abmischen von Daten zu Geschaefspartnerbeziehungen: Zentrale Daten | |
350 | MERGE_CHANGES_INTO_MDPSX | Einmischen Aenderungen in die MDPSX | |
351 | MERGE_IDOC_WITH_EXTENSION | R | Syntax einer Erweiterung im Kontext des Basis-Typen erzeugen |
352 | MERGE_IM_DOKU_EXT | The function edits UDM documentation modules (entity variables) | |
353 | MERKMAL_TAB_HELP | Function module for reading characteristics for the base material group | |
354 | MERK_TREX_TRIGGER | Merkmal: Änderungszeiger für TREX schreiben | |
355 | MESCR_EDIT_TEXT | R | Bearbeiten Lieferabruftext |
356 | MESCR_SH_EXIT_PARTNER | Suchhilfe-Exit für Lieferanten-Partner | |
357 | MESSAGES_ACTIVE | Information, whether the collection of messages is activated | |
358 | MESSAGES_ADD_FROM_CM_F | Read messages from CM_F log and append them to the message table | |
359 | MESSAGES_COUNT | Determine number of collected messages in a line interval | |
360 | MESSAGES_DB_DELETE | Delete messages that have been saved by this message handler | |
362 | MESSAGES_FILTER_GET | Converts Filter String to Flag | |
363 | MESSAGES_FILTER_SET | Converts Filter String to Flag | |
364 | MESSAGES_GIVE | Transfer collected messages into table. | |
365 | MESSAGES_GIVE_CATT | Gesammelte Nachrichten in Tabelle übergeben - nur für CATT | |
366 | MESSAGES_INITIALIZE | Delete messages collected up to now, collect future messages | |
367 | MESSAGES_INITIALIZE_CACS | Initialize Log Handling | |
368 | MESSAGES_SAVE | ||
369 | MESSAGES_SHOW | Display collected messages and associated long texts | |
370 | MESSAGES_STOP | End collection of messages; report importance of errors occurred | |
372 | MESSAGETYPE_FOR_METHOD_GET | Nachrichtentyp für BAPI mit ALE-Schnittstelle ermitteln | |
373 | MESSAGE_ADD | Add a message to the log | |
374 | MESSAGE_ADD_TO_DDPRS | *** Nicht mehr verwenden *** -> TR_WRITE_LOG | |
375 | MESSAGE_ADD_TO_PROTOCOL | *** Nicht mehr verwenden *** -> TR_WRITE_LOG | |
376 | MESSAGE_CHANGE | Ändern des Types von gesammelten Meldungen | |
377 | MESSAGE_CHECK_APPLICATION_DATA | Prüfung der Anwendungseinstellungen für Nachrichtentyp | |
378 | MESSAGE_CHECK_TECHNICAL_DATA | Prüfung der technischen Einstellungen für Nachrichtentyp | |
379 | MESSAGE_CONVERT | Übertragen der Systemfelder einer Message in die BAPIRETURN-Struktur. | |
380 | MESSAGE_ERROR_GET_AND_RESET | Intern: Lesen und Zurücksetzen des Fehlerkennzeichens | |
381 | MESSAGE_EXPORT_IMPORT | Specify Collected Messages Across Roll Area Limits | |
382 | MESSAGE_GET_ENTITY_TABLES | Ermittlung der Entitätstabellen für Nachrichtentyp | |
383 | MESSAGE_GET_FROM_DB | Lesen gespeicherter Nachrichten in Message Handler | |
384 | MESSAGE_GET_TEXT | IS-IS: Lesen eines Textes aus der T100 mit Variablenersetzung | |
385 | MESSAGE_HANDLING | ATP-Server: Nachrichten-Verwaltung | |
386 | MESSAGE_HIGHEST_ERROR | Determines Type of the Most Critical Error in Message Buffer | |
387 | MESSAGE_LANGTEXTE | Message für Langtext ausgeben | |
391 | MESSAGE_PREPARE | Read T100 message and format message with parameters | |
392 | MESSAGE_SEND_AS_MAIL | Nachricht als Mail verschicken | |
393 | MESSAGE_SET_ACTIVE | Setzen der Systemfelder einer Message | |
394 | MESSAGE_SET_AND_CONVERT | Setzen und Übertragen der Systemfelder einer Message. | |
395 | MESSAGE_SET_DEFAULTLINE | Store default line and heading for the following messages | |
396 | MESSAGE_STORE | Store transferred message or output directly | |
397 | MESSAGE_STORE_ON_DB | Sicherung gesammelter Nachrichten auf der Datenbank | |
399 | MESSAGE_TEXTS_READ | Read texts of messages | |
400 | MESSAGE_TEXT_BUILD | Set up a message with parameter | |
401 | MESSAGE_TEXT_DISPLAY_WITH_PARA | Display message text with parameters | |
402 | MESSAGE_TYPES_READ_INBOUND | Get possible inbound message types for object | |
403 | MESSAGE_TYPES_READ_OUTBOUND | Get possible outbound message types for object | |
404 | MESSAGE_TYPE_CREATE_AS_COPY | Anlegen eines Nachrichtentyps | |
405 | MESSAGE_TYPE_DELETE | Deleting a message type | |
406 | MESSAGE_TYPE_GET_MAPPING | R | Lesen der Mapping Informationen aus EDIMAP |
407 | MESSAGE_TYPE_GET_METHOD | Read methods for message type | |
408 | MESSAGE_TYPE_GET_TEXT | Read text for message type | |
409 | MESSAGE_TYPE_UPDATE_EDIMAP | Updates EDIMAP entries for given message type | |
410 | MESSAGING | Output Determination Using the Condition Technique | |
411 | MESSAGING_KOPIE | Nachrichtenfindung über Konditionstechnik | |
412 | MESSAGING_PROTOCOL_GET | Findungsprotokoll lesen | |
413 | MESTYP_FOBJTYPE_GET_FMESTYP | Referenz-Nachrichtentypen zum Nachrictentyp lesen | |
414 | MESTYP_FOBJTYPE_GET_FTYPE | Filtertypen für Filterobjekt eines Nachrichtentyps lesen | |
415 | MESTYP_GET_FMESTYP | Referenz-Nachrichtentypen für Nachrichtentyp lesen | |
416 | MESTYP_GET_FOBJTYPE | Filterobjekte für Nachrichtentyp lesen | |
417 | MESTYP_GET_REFERENCE_FOBJTYPE | Filterobjekte für Refrenzen für Nachrichtentyp lesen | |
418 | MESWP_SIC_APO_SA_GET_DEL_SCHD | Holt Lieferplaneinteilungen vom APO | |
419 | MESWP_SIC_APO_SR_GET_HEADERS | R | Holt Köpfe aller historisierter Abrufe vom APO |
420 | MESWP_SIC_APO_SR_GET_ITEMS | R | Holt historisierte Abrufeinteilungen vom APO |
421 | MESWP_SIC_APO_SR_GET_I_HEADERS | Holt Köpfe aller offener Abrufe vom APO (Internet/aktuell) | |
422 | METAL_FILE_LOAD | loading the transfer file into internal table | |
423 | METAL_FILE_SAVE | Saving an environment for creating a METAL file | |
424 | META_ACCSERV_CHECKACCASSIGNMT | R | BAPI: Object BUS6001 AccountingServices, Method CheckAccountAssignment |
425 | META_ACCSERV_CHECKACCASSIG_BUF | Capsule the Buffering | |
426 | META_ACC_GOODS_MOVEMENT_CHECK | R | Driver for ACC Goods Movement |
427 | META_ACC_GOODS_MOVEMENT_POST | R | Driver for ACC Goods Movement |
428 | META_ACC_OBJECTS_DESCRIPTION | Beschreibung von Kontierungsobjekten | |
429 | META_ACC_PURCHASE_ORDER_CHECK | Check purchase order budget | |
430 | META_ACC_PURCHASE_ORDER_POST | Post purchase order commitment | |
431 | META_ACC_PURCHASE_REQUI_CHECK | Check purchase requisition budget | |
432 | META_ACC_PUR_ORDER_CHECK_BUF | Capsulate the buffering | |
433 | META_ACC_PUR_REQUI_CHECK_BUF | Capsulate the buffering | |
434 | META_ACLPAY_IDOCCREATE | R | Acounts Payables Interface |
435 | META_ACPJOU_IDOCCREATE | R | Post Journal |
436 | META_ADV_MED_GET_ITEMS | Produktkatalog-Positionen lesen | |
437 | META_ADV_MED_GET_LAYOUT | Produktkatalog-Layout lesen | |
438 | META_ADV_MED_GET_LIST | R | Katalogliste lesen |
439 | META_ADV_MED_GET_PRICES | Produktkatalog-Positionspreise lesen | |
440 | META_ADV_MED_GET_VARIANT_LIST | Produktkatalogvarianten lesen | |
441 | META_ATTACHMENT_CREATE | Anlegen eines Attachments | |
442 | META_ATTACHMENT_DELETE | Löschen von Attachments | |
443 | META_AUCTION_CRT | Anlegen einer Auktion in externem Auktionstool | |
444 | META_BAPI_DISPATCH | Meta BAPI dispatch | |
445 | META_BAPI_MONITOR | Test Backend Integration | |
446 | META_BAPI_PREDISPATCH | Type of financial validation . | |
447 | META_BUDGET_READ | Read budget data from backend | |
448 | META_BUSINESS_PARTNER_CHANGE | Change Business Partner | |
449 | META_BUSINESS_PARTNER_CREATE | Create Business Partner | |
450 | META_CALCULATE_TAX | Meta Bapi | |
453 | META_CFOLDER_COL_DELETE | Delete the reference of cfolders | |
460 | META_CF_SEND | Send Confirmation to external system | |
461 | META_CHECK_PLANT | Material availability information | |
462 | META_COMMITMENT_ITEM_GETLIST | R | List of FM commitments items |
463 | META_COMPANYCODE_GETDETAIL | R | Company code details |
464 | META_COMPANYCODE_GETLIST | R | List of company codes |
466 | META_CONF_RESPONSE_CREATE | Create Confirmation Response | |
467 | META_CONVERSION_EXT2INT | R | Converts Parameters of BAPIs from the External to the internal format |
468 | META_CONVERSION_INT2EXT | R | Converts Parameters of BAPIs from the internal to the external format |
469 | META_CORE_AVAILABLE | R | check if CORE system is available |
470 | META_COSTCENTER_GETLIST | R | List of cost centers |
471 | META_CO_AREA_FIND | R | Find CO Area |
472 | META_CREATE_ASSET | R | meta bapi used to create an asset at the core-side |
473 | META_CREDITOR_CHECKPASSWORD | R | Check Vendor Password |
474 | META_CREDITOR_EXISTENCECHECK | R | Checks the existence of a Creditor |
475 | META_CREDITOR_FIND | R | Find Creditor |
476 | META_CREDITOR_GETCURRENCY | R | Get currency of the vendor for purchasing |
477 | META_CREDITOR_GETDETAIL | R | Get Details from Creditor Data |
478 | META_CREDITOR_GETLIST | R | List of Creditors |
479 | META_CTINFO_SEND | Versenden Kontrakt Legal Document | |
480 | META_CTLD_SEND | Versenden Kontrakt Legal Document | |
481 | META_CTR_CHANGE | Change contract | |
482 | META_CTR_CHECK | Kontrakt: Prüfung ob vollständig angelegt | |
483 | META_CTR_CREATE | Kontrakt anlegen | |
484 | META_CTR_INIT_UPLOAD | Meta BAPI for Initial Upload of Contracts | |
485 | META_CTR_TRANSFER | Change contract | |
486 | META_CTR_UPLOAD | Contract upload from backend system | |
487 | META_CURRENCY_GETTABLES | R | Get currency tables |
488 | META_DPO_TRANSFER | R | Creation of DPO |
489 | META_EMPLOYEE_CHECKEXISTENCE | R | Checks the existence of an Employee |
490 | META_EMPLOYEE_GETDATA | R | Get Employee Data |
491 | META_ENTRYSHEET_CANCEL | Leistungserfassungsblatt stornieren | |
492 | META_ENTRYSHEET_CREATE | R | Create entry sheet |
493 | META_ENTRYSHEET_GETDETAIL | R | Entry sheet get detail |
494 | META_ENTRYSHEET_GETLIST | R | Entry sheet get list |
495 | META_EXRATE_GETTABLES | R | Get Exchange Rate tables |
496 | META_EXTREQ_FULFILLMENT | Rückmeldung zu bestellten externer Anforderungen | |
497 | META_FI_DOCUMENT_READ_40B | R | propose amounts and quantities for invoice |
498 | META_FUNDSRES_GETLIST | R | List of Funds Reservations |
499 | META_FUNDS_CENTER_GETLIST | R | List of FM funds centers |
500 | META_FUND_GETLIST | R | List of FM funds |