SAP ABAP Domain - Index S, page 10
Domain - S
# Domain Name Short Description Data type Length Decimals
1 SMO3LTYPV Run ATP check on material variants CHAR   
2 SMO3LVS_B WM-PP: material staging indicator CHAR   
3 SMO3MABER Dunning area CHAR   
4 SMO3MAHNA Dunning type CHAR   
5 SMO3MAHNS Dunning level NUMC   
6 SMO3MAHNT Reminder days DEC   
7 SMO3MANSP Dunning block CHAR   
8 SMO3MAREF Material types reference CHAR   
9 SMO3MATKL Material class CHAR 20    
10 SMO3MATNR Material number (field C40) CHAR 40    
11 SMO3MBLPO Item in material document NUMC   
12 SMO3MBRSH Industry sector key (material application type) CHAR   
13 SMO3MB_GR Reason for movement NUMC   
14 SMO3MB_IN Stock type CHAR   
15 SMO3MENG1 Quantity field 13 with +/- sign QUAN 13 
16 SMO3MENG11 Quantity field, length 15 QUAN 15 
17 SMO3MMSTA Material status from MM/PP view CHAR   
18 SMO3MPROK Status manual price change CHAR   
19 SMO3MREGL Sample accounts rule CHAR   
20 SMO3MSCHL Dunning key CHAR   
21 SMO3MSGAR Message type CHAR   
22 SMO3MTART Material type CHAR 20    
23 SMO3MTEND Switch last/first of month during date determination CHAR   
24 SMO3MTPOS Item category group CHAR   
25 SMO3MTVER Export/import material group CHAR   
26 SMO3MTVFP Controlling the availability check CHAR   
27 SMO3MVGR1 Material Group 1 CHAR   
28 SMO3MVGR2 Material Group 2 CHAR   
29 SMO3MVGR3 Material Group 3 CHAR   
30 SMO3MVGR4 Material Group 4 CHAR   
31 SMO3MVGR5 Material Group 5 CHAR   
32 SMO3MWSK1 Sales tax indicator CHAR   
33 SMO3MWSK2 Withholding Tax Code CHAR   
34 SMO3MWSKZ Taxes on sales/puchases code CHAR   
35 SMO3NIELS Nielsen indicator CHAR   
36 SMO3NLFZT Lead-time offset DEC   
37 SMO3NOH No of working Hours DEC   
38 SMO3NORMT Standard description CHAR 18    
39 SMO3NO_DI Relevancy to materials planning CHAR   
40 SMO3NRART Type of partner number CHAR   
41 SMO3NUM5 Numeric Field (Length 5) NUMC   
42 SMO3NUMC8 Numeric, 8 characters NUMC   
43 SMO3NUMTP Number category of International Article Number (EAN) CHAR   
44 SMO3OBJKN Object list number INT4 10    
45 SMO3OBJKZ Indicator: Remaining split record CHAR   
46 SMO3OBJTY BOM Item Object Type CHAR   
47 SMO3OBJVW Object list usage CHAR   
48 SMO3OBLAC Activate open item management CHAR   
49 SMO3OBZAE Counters in the object list INT4 10    
50 SMO3OPVAR Open period variant CHAR   
51 SMO3PACKN Service package number NUMC 10    
52 SMO3PAFKT Contact person function CHAR   
53 SMO3PALAN WM number of pallets DEC 11    
54 SMO3PARGR Partner group CHAR   
55 SMO3PARNR Activity partner number NUMC 10    
56 SMO3PARVO Contact person authority CHAR   
57 SMO3PARVW Partner function CHAR   
58 SMO3PARZA Business partner numerator NUMC   
59 SMO3PAVIP VIP code for contact person CHAR   
60 SMO3PERNR Personnel number NUMC   
61 SMO3PL2 Numerically packed, 2 bytes, with +/- sign DEC   
62 SMO3PLART Planning type (old) CHAR   
63 SMO3PLMIN Quantity/value is positive, negative or not calculated CHAR   
64 SMO3PLNAW Application of the task list CHAR   
65 SMO3PLNUM Planned order number CHAR 10    
66 SMO3PLPLA Production storage bin CHAR 10    
67 SMO3PLTYP Price list type CHAR   
68 SMO3PON CRM Product Order Number (PON) CHAR 54    
69 SMO3POSAR Item type CHAR   
70 SMO3POSEX Item number of the underlying customer purchase order CHAR 10    
71 SMO3POSNR Item number of the SD document NUMC 10    
72 SMO3POSTP Item category CHAR   
73 SMO3PRAEF EAN prefix CHAR   
74 SMO3PRBST Check purchase order number CHAR   
75 SMO3PRCTR Profit center CHAR 10    
76 SMO3PRDAT Prop.f.pricing date CHAR   
77 SMO3PRFZA Check-digit algorithm for EAN category CHAR   
78 SMO3PRGRS Period for date (day, week, month, interval format) CHAR   
79 SMO3PRIDX Index number for PERFORM in programs DEC   
80 SMO3PRIOK Priority CHAR   
81 SMO3PRODH Product hierarchy CHAR 20    
82 SMO3PROJN Project number: DO NOT use -> PS_POSNR CHAR 16    
83 SMO3PROSA ID for material selection - active CHAR   
84 SMO3PROVG Commission group CHAR   
85 SMO3PRREG Checking rule for the availability check CHAR   
86 SMO3PRSFD Pricing indicator CHAR   
87 SMO3PRSQU Price source CHAR   
88 SMO3PRVBE Supply area CHAR 10    
89 SMO3PRZ21 Percentage packed, NN,N DEC
90 SMO3PRZ23 Packed percentage rate NN,NNN DEC
91 SMO3PSTYV Sales document item category CHAR   
92 SMO3PS_PO WBS element number (internal counter as DB key) NUMC   
93 SMO3QAUSW Selected set CHAR   
94 SMO3QCODE Codes CHAR   
95 SMO3QCODE1 Code group CHAR   
96 SMO3QFEHL Defect class CHAR   
97 SMO3QFELF Item number without value table NUMC   
98 SMO3QFOLG Follow-up function CHAR   
99 SMO3QINSP Status of goods receipt inspection CHAR   
100 SMO3QKATA Catalog type CHAR   
101 SMO3QKENN Quality score DEC   
102 SMO3QKTTA Indicator: selected set or code group CHAR   
103 SMO3QKURZ Short text CHAR 40    
104 SMO3QKZMO Indicator for display mode CHAR   
105 SMO3QKZVE Indicator for version CHAR   
106 SMO3QLOES Status of data record CHAR   
107 SMO3QMART PM notification type CHAR   
108 SMO3QMERK Inspection plan characteristic number NUMC   
109 SMO3QMNUM Quality notification no. CHAR 12    
110 SMO3QMTYP Quality notification category CHAR   
111 SMO3QSSBW Indicator: inspection/test in quality assurance CHAR   
112 SMO3QSTEL Number of decimal places INT1   
113 SMO3QSWOR Key word for inspection catalog type CHAR 12    
114 SMO3QVERS Version number CHAR   
115 SMO3RANL Asset number CHAR 13    
116 SMO3RANTY Contract number typing CHAR   
117 SMO3RAUBE Storage condition(s) CHAR   
118 SMO3RBNR Notif.catalog profile CHAR   
119 SMO3RCOMP Company CHAR   
120 SMO3REFTP Reference equipment category CHAR   
121 SMO3REGGB Rule for determining the business area NUMC   
122 SMO3REGKZ Region Codes CHAR   
123 SMO3RELEV Relevancy indicator CHAR   
124 SMO3RESP Responsible Sales Organization CHAR 14    
125 SMO3REVFP Rule for transferring the results of the availability check CHAR   
126 SMO3RFMNG Referenced quantity (float) FLTP 16  16 
127 SMO3RFORM Formula key for variable-size part formulas CHAR   
128 SMO3RKEOB Profitability segment number (CO-PA) NUMC 10    
129 SMO3ROUTE Route for shipping CHAR   
130 SMO3RSART Record type CHAR   
131 SMO3RSNUM Reservation/dependent requirements number NUMC 10    
132 SMO3RSPOS Item: reservation/dependent requirements NUMC   
133 SMO3RSTYP Indicator: account assignment of reservation CHAR   
134 SMO3RUEK Confirmation indicator CHAR   
135 SMO3RUKOR Rebate: Accruals correction procedure CHAR   
136 SMO3RVREL Relevant to sales and distribution (SD) CHAR   
137 SMO3SAKNR G/L account number CHAR 10    
138 SMO3SANUM Standard article number CHAR   
139 SMO3SA_VE Quantity distribution key CHAR   
140 SMO3SBEWA Flow type of flow item CHAR   
141 SMO3SBGRP Credit representative group for credit management CHAR   
142 SMO3SCOPE Object class (five-figure print length) CHAR   
143 SMO3SCRTP Subscreen category CHAR   
144 SMO3SELPA Selection parameter for Purchasing lists CHAR 10    
145 SMO3SERAI Profile for serial number management CHAR   
146 SMO3SERESP Responsible Service Organization CHAR 14    
147 SMO3SERGRP Service Organization Group CHAR 14    
148 SMO3SERNR BOM explosion number CHAR   
149 SMO3SERORG Service Organization CHAR 14    
150 SMO3SETYP Fast entry type for conditions tables CHAR   
151 SMO3SHELL Bill of material in foreground CHAR   
152 SMO3SHKZG Debit/credit indicator CHAR   
153 SMO3SOBKZ Special stock indicator CHAR   
154 SMO3SOSTA Special form for determining scale rates CHAR   
155 SMO3SPAPO Order item division CHAR   
156 SMO3SPAPR Check division CHAR   
157 SMO3SPART Division CHAR   
158 SMO3SPEVB Sales document block CHAR   
159 SMO3SPLIT Number of fixed splits DEC   
160 SMO3SPOSN BOM item number CHAR   
161 SMO3STAFO Statistics update group CHAR   
162 SMO3STAFO1 Credit update CHAR   
163 SMO3STATG Status error group CHAR   
164 SMO3STATR Status of reservation CHAR   
165 SMO3STATU General SD Status CHAR   
166 SMO3STATV Document status CHAR   
167 SMO3STATV1 Shipping unit status CHAR   
168 SMO3STAWN Commodity code CHAR 17    
169 SMO3STCD1 Tax code 1 CHAR 16    
170 SMO3STCD2 Tax number 2 CHAR 11    
171 SMO3STCEG VAT registration number CHAR 20    
172 SMO3STDCL Standard class indicator CHAR   
173 SMO3STEUC Foreign Trade: Control code CHAR 16    
174 SMO3STEUS Control key CHAR   
175 SMO3STFKZ Scale type indicator (from/to) CHAR   
176 SMO3STGKU Customer statistics group CHAR   
177 SMO3STGMA Material statistics group CHAR   
178 SMO3STGVB Statistics group CHAR   
179 SMO3STKZA Business partner subject to equalization tax ? CHAR   
180 SMO3STKZN Indicator: Business partner a sole proprietor ? CHAR   
181 SMO3STLAN BOM usage CHAR   
182 SMO3STLST BOM status NUMC   
183 SMO3STLTY BOM category CHAR   
184 SMO3STNUM BOM number CHAR   
185 SMO3STRAT Configuration processing strategy CHAR   
186 SMO3STRUM Structure CHAR   
187 SMO3STULI Material structure CHAR   
188 SMO3STUNR Level number NUMC   
189 SMO3STZKL Serviceable life class (as a factor) (variable portion) DEC
190 SMO3STZZU Serviceable life surcharge (fixed portion) DEC   
191 SMO3SUBAR Type of substitution CHAR   
192 SMO3SUERG Outcome of substitution CHAR   
193 SMO3SUGRD Reason for material substitution CHAR   
194 SMO3SVGNG Process for Controlling Technical Objects CHAR   
195 SMO3TABNA Table name for incompletion check CHAR 30    
196 SMO3TAGE2 Number of days NUMC   
197 SMO3TAGGZ Calendar day NUMC   
198 SMO3TANUM Transfer order number NUMC 10    
199 SMO3TARKZ Controlling: Price Indicator CHAR   
200 SMO3TAXIK Tax indicator: Account assignment (Purchasing) CHAR   
201 SMO3TAXIL Tax indicator: Import CHAR   
202 SMO3TAXIM Tax indicator for material (Purchasing) CHAR   
203 SMO3TAXIR Tax indicator: Region CHAR   
204 SMO3TAXIW Tax indicator: Plant (Purchasing) CHAR   
205 SMO3TAXKD Tax indicator CHAR   
206 SMO3TAXKM Tax indicator for material CHAR   
207 SMO3TBNUM Transfer requirement number NUMC 10    
208 SMO3TBPOS Transfer requirement item number NUMC   
209 SMO3TBPRI Transfer priority CHAR   
210 SMO3TECHS Effectivity object CHAR 12    
211 SMO3TEMPB Temperature condition(s) CHAR   
212 SMO3TPGRP Means of transport group CHAR   
213 SMO3TPLKZ Functional location structure indicator CHAR   
214 SMO3TPLNR Functional location CHAR 30    
215 SMO3TPQUA Means of transport category (required accessories) CHAR   
216 SMO3TRAGR Transport group CHAR   
217 SMO3TRAID Shipment ID CHAR 20    
218 SMO3TRATY Transportation category CHAR   
219 SMO3TRSTA Transportation planning status CHAR   
220 SMO3TRVOG Transaction/procedure control group CHAR   
221 SMO3TRVOG1 Transaction/procedure control group CHAR   
222 SMO3TSEGT Time segment application template CHAR 10    
223 SMO3TVWKZ Time scheduling indicator CHAR   
224 SMO3TXJCD Jurisdiction for tax calculation - tax jurisdiction code CHAR 15    
225 SMO3TXJLV Tax Jurisdiction Code Level CHAR   
226 SMO3TXKRS Exchange rate proposal for tax items CHAR   
227 SMO3TXN08 Number of the standard text CHAR   
228 SMO3TXPRF Rounding rule CHAR   
229 SMO3TXT30 30-character text CHAR 30    
230 SMO3TXTGR Text ID group CHAR   
231 SMO3TYPBZ Manufacturer model number CHAR 20    
232 SMO3TYPKZ Type of object with capacity load CHAR   
233 SMO3TYPZM Means of payment CHAR   
234 SMO3TZONS Origin of the time zone in the notification CHAR   
235 SMO3UBNUM Posting change number NUMC 10    
236 SMO3UEPVW ID for higher-level item usage CHAR   
237 SMO3UEVOR FCODE proposal for sales document overview screen CHAR 20    
238 SMO3UMBSN Denominator: conversion factor DEC 10    
239 SMO3UMBSZ Numerator for the conversion factor DEC 10    
240 SMO3UMFNG Scope of list CHAR 20    
241 SMO3UMKRS Taxes on sales/purchases group CHAR   
242 SMO3UMSKS Sales type CHAR   
243 SMO3UMSKZ Special G/L indicator CHAR   
244 SMO3VAKEY Variable key 100 bytes CHAR 100    
245 SMO3VARCO Variant condition CHAR 26    
246 SMO3VBASD Baseline date for indirect date determination CHAR   
247 SMO3VBELN Sales document number CHAR 10    
248 SMO3VBOBJ SD document object CHAR   
249 SMO3VBTYP SD document category CHAR   
250 SMO3VCOPY Contract data: validity and copy rule CHAR   
251 SMO3VDREG Rule for calculating agreement date CHAR   
252 SMO3VERSN Version number (NL2) NUMC   
253 SMO3VGWRT Standard value QUAN
254 SMO3VKBUR Sales office CHAR 14    
255 SMO3VKGRP Sales group CHAR 14    
256 SMO3VKOPO Consider contract data from header or item CHAR   
257 SMO3VKORG Sales Organization CHAR 14    
258 SMO3VKPAR Cancellation party in a contract CHAR   
259 SMO3VKUES Cancellation procedure for an agreement CHAR   
260 SMO3VLAUK Validity period category of contract CHAR   
261 SMO3VLFKZ Plant category CHAR   
262 SMO3VLTYP Distribution chain category CHAR   
263 SMO3VMSTA Material status from the SD view CHAR   
264 SMO3VORAB Advance shipment indicator CHAR   
265 SMO3VORNR Operation number CHAR   
266 SMO3VPROF Contract data profile CHAR   
267 SMO3VPRSV Price control indicator CHAR   
268 SMO3VSBED Shipping conditions CHAR   
269 SMO3VSCHL Default value for demand management transactions CHAR   
270 SMO3VSTEL Shipping point CHAR   
271 SMO3VSTRM Delivery scheduling CHAR   
272 SMO3VTRNR Representative number NUMC 10    
273 SMO3VTWEG Distribution channel CHAR   
274 SMO3VWPOS Item usage CHAR   
275 SMO3VZSKZ Interest calculation indicator CHAR   
276 SMO3WAERS Currency key CUKY   
277 SMO3WAKTI Promotion number IS-R CHAR 10    
278 SMO3WANID Goods receiving hours CHAR   
279 SMO3WEART Bill of exchange type CHAR   
280 SMO3WEMPF Goods recipient CHAR 12    
281 SMO3WERKS Plant CHAR   
282 SMO3WFVAR Workflow variant CHAR   
283 SMO3WMAK Material type ID CHAR   
284 SMO3WRKD Working Days in Week DEC   
285 SMO3WSORT Header element, ranges CHAR 18    
286 SMO3WT_WI Withholding tax code CHAR   
287 SMO3XKOKO Indicator for cost element accounting CHAR   
288 SMO3ZAEHK Numerator conditions NUMC   
289 SMO3ZAEHK3 Numerator conditions NUMC   
290 SMO3ZAEKO Condition Counter (Header) NUMC   
291 SMO3ZAHLS Block key for payment CHAR   
292 SMO3ZDART Date type for payment period baseline date CHAR   
293 SMO3ZEITB Time to TIMS   
294 SMO3ZLSCH Payment key CHAR   
295 SMO3ZTERM Terms of payment key CHAR   
296 SMO3ZUSCH Status key: batch CHAR   
297 SMO3ZUSTD Batch status CHAR   
298 SMO3ZUVKZ Consumption indicator CHAR   
299 SMO3_CCM_XTRNL_URL CIC: External URL CHAR 150    
300 SMO3_CD0PREC Domain Type PREC Veri- Project Data Dictionary PREC   
301 SMO3_CDB_CHAR2 Alphanum 2 CHAR   
302 SMO3_CDB_TXT64 64 Char. Text CHAR 64    
303 SMO3_CDB_USAGE Usage Ind. for Campaign Product Group Customizing CHAR   
304 SMO3_CGPL_PLANNING_TYPE Planning method CHAR   
305 SMO3_CHKFLAG Check Indicator CHAR   
306 SMO3_COMT_PARTNER_DETERM_PROC Description of a Partner Determination Procedure CHAR   
307 SMO3_CRM_ACCTGRPBP Account Assignment Group for Business Partner CHAR   
308 SMO3_CRM_BUAG_PAYMETH Payment key CHAR   
309 SMO3_CRM_INDUSTRY Industry CHAR   
310 SMO3_CRM_MKTPL_CAMPTYPE CRM Marketing Planning Campaign Type CHAR   
311 SMO3_CRM_MKTPL_DATE_ID Unique identifier for additional date ranges NUMC   
312 SMO3_CRM_MKTPL_DEF_BPAT_TYPE Type of Buying Pattern CHAR   
313 SMO3_CRM_MKTPL_DEF_PCT_NEG Domain for Negative Percentages DEC 10    
314 SMO3_CRM_MKTPL_EVT Customer Event ID CHAR   
316 SMO3_EV_TYPE Date Type CHAR 12    
317 SMO3_EV_TYPE_APPL Applic.appoint.type CHAR   
318 SMO3_KMPMG Quantity field, length 13, with +/- sign QUAN 13 
319 SMO3_MSATPM_UPLOADFLAG Char. 1 for Loading of Campaign Sales Area Ind. CHAR   
320 SMO3_ORIGKNBK Original Values BANKN, BANKS, BANKL CHAR 40    
321 SMO3_ORIGKNVI Original Values ALAND, TAX_REG, TATYP CHAR 14    
322 SMO4_CHAR a single char domain CHAR   
323 SMO4_LGTXT Text with length 255 CHAR 255    
324 SMO4_PHLIST Status of assignment position/unit CHAR   
325 SMO5_FLAG_D Flag CHAR   
326 SMO5_FLDNAM_D Domain CHAR 10    
327 SMO5_IMAGLG Length for Long Binary Data Type INT2   
329 SMO5_LRAW LRAW - 8192 LRAW 8192    
330 SMO5_NUM2 Numeric field length 2 DEC   
331 SMO5_RAW255 SMO5_RAW255 RAW 255    
332 SMO5_TXT10 Text with length 10 CHAR 10    
333 SMO5_TXT255 Text with length 255 CHAR 255    
335 SMO7CHAR01 text-field of length 1 CHAR   
336 SMO7CHAR03 text-field of length 3 CHAR   
337 SMO7CHAR08 text-field of length 8 CHAR   
338 SMO7CHAR10 text-field of length 10 CHAR 10    
339 SMO7CHAR12 text-field of length 12 CHAR 12    
340 SMO7CHAR20 text-field of length 20 CHAR 20    
341 SMO7CHAR30 text-field of length 30 CHAR 30    
342 SMO7CHAR50 text-field of length 50 CHAR 50    
343 SMO7NUM04 number-field of length 4,0 INT4 10    
344 SMO7NUM10 number-field of length 10,0 INT4 10    
345 SMO7_TXT60 String field of length 60 CHAR 60    
346 SMO8DBGACT Flow Debuggin Active CHAR   
347 SMO8DBGKEY Flow control debugger: debug key CHAR 32    
348 SMO8ERRSGN Flow Control Error Segments: Segment number NUMC 10    
349 SMO8FDPRI Flow Definition - Transition Condition Priority NUMC   
350 SMO8FLDVAL Field value of compared field (<= 100 chars) CHAR 100    
351 SMO8FTLOCK Flow Control Trace: Lock flag for configuration CHAR   
352 SMO8FTMSGS Flow Control Trace: Processing State of BDoc CHAR 10    
353 SMO8FTSTP Flow Control Trace: Step number in flow process NUMC   
354 SMO8FTSTPT Flow Control Trace: Flow Step type CHAR 10    
355 SMO8FVNAME Flow Definition Variant: Name CHAR 10    
356 SMO8FVNAMT Flow Definition Variant: Shorttext CHAR 80    
357 SMO8FVSVC Servicename in Flow Variant CHAR 10    
358 SMO8FVSVCT Flow Definition Variant: Longtext for Service CHAR 80    
359 SMO8QNAME Queue name CHAR 32    
360 SMO8QOWNER Queue owner CHAR 10    
361 SMO8QREGST Queue registration state NUMC   
362 SMO8QTYPE Queue type CHAR 10    
363 SMO8ROWOP Row Operation (I, U, D, <SPACE>) CHAR   
364 SMO8SEGKEY Segment Key of a BDoc Message CHAR 32    
365 SMO8SOOPTN Select Options: Option (see ABAP/4 RANGES statement) CHAR   
366 SMO8SOSIGN Select Option: Sign (See ABAP/4 RANGES Statement) CHAR   
367 SMO8TCASED Description of Flow Control Test Case CHAR 80    
368 SMO8TCASEN Key of a Flow Control Test Case CHAR 32    
369 SMO8_ASTP Delay assynchronous tRFC processes CHAR   
370 SMO8_ATID Attachement ID CHAR 64    
371 SMO8_CATG Category CHAR 10    
372 SMO8_CMT80 Comment CHAR 80    
373 SMO8_CONV Conversion flag CHAR   
374 SMO8_COUNT Count INT4 10    
375 SMO8_CTG25 Category (25) CHAR 25    
376 SMO8_CTG30 Category, char 30 CHAR 30    
377 SMO8_DEL Deletion flag CHAR   
378 SMO8_ERCNT Error Count for Middleware Scheduler INT4 10    
379 SMO8_FLAG Flag CHAR   
380 SMO8_HBTYP Middleware Heartbeat Type CHAR   
381 SMO8_KEY10 Key field, 10 digits CHAR 10    
382 SMO8_KEY20 Key Field CHAR 20    
383 SMO8_LOGLV Log Level CHAR   
384 SMO8_MNUM Message number / BAPI return CHAR 10    
385 SMO8_MTYPE Message Type / BAPI Return CHAR 10    
386 SMO8_ORIG Origin CHAR 32    
387 SMO8_PMODE Processing Mode CHAR   
388 SMO8_STEP Flow Control Step CHAR 15    
389 SMO8_TATID Attachment ID CHAR 64    
390 SMO8_TID BDoc ID CHAR 32    
391 SMO8_TRCID Trace ID CHAR 15    
392 SMO8_TSTID Transaction Store ID CHAR 70    
393 SMO8_TSTMD Test Mode CHAR   
394 SMO8_TSTMP Timestamp (P8) DEC 15    
395 SMO8_VER Routing Version CHAR 10    
396 SMO9_CH100 Character type length 100 CHAR 100    
397 SMO9_CH116 116 characters - Concatenated R3 Key values. CHAR 116    
398 SMO9_CH120 120 Characters CHAR 120    
399 SMO9_CH20 Domain of character length 20 CHAR 20    
400 SMO9_CH200 Character of length 200 CHAR 200    
401 SMO9_CH255 Character of length 255 CHAR 255    
402 SMO9_CHR90 Characer Type Length 90 CHAR 90    
403 SMO9_DATA Long character data of size 4000 characters LCHR 4000    
405 SMOBDATETM 14-character Time Data yyyymmddhhmmss CHAR 15    
406 SMOBDATFMT formatiertes Datum 'yyyy mm dd hh:mm:ss' für Anzeige CHAR 19    
407 SMOBWCHAVL Field for any Characteristic Value CHAR 32    
408 SMOBWCNTNT Line for binary document content RAW 1022    
409 SMOBWCOORD Key figure coordinate = seq. no. in the text table INT4 10    
411 SMOBWDELTA BWA: Delta Status CHAR   
412 SMOBWFLGS Indicators for BW adapter CHAR   
413 SMOBWGUID CRM Marketing: Mnemonic ID CHAR 32    
414 SMOBWKEY Valuation key CHAR   
415 SMOBWPRTNR Business Partners CHAR 10    
416 SMOBWSID Technical ID INT4 10    
417 SMOBWUSER BW user name CHAR 12    
418 SMOCALMON Calendar month NUMC   
419 SMOCALWEK Calendar Week NUMC   
420 SMOCALYEAR Calendar year NUMC   
421 SMOCOMPPRD Indicates Product as Competitor Product CHAR   
422 SMOCOUNTER Counter for BW Adapter DEC   
423 SMODATINV Date inverted CHAR   
424 SMODAV Model selection procedure CHAR   
425 SMODAW Model selection indicator CHAR   
426 SMODE Drill down: Special reports CHAR   
427 SMODLTPROC Processing of delta download data CHAR   
428 SMODSTYPE Type of Oltp Source CHAR   
429 SMODTYPE Modification Type for SMODILOG Statistics CHAR   
430 SMOEACDEAC Site Activation/Deactivation Action CHAR   
431 SMOEACTIVE Object active CHAR   
432 SMOEADAPTOUT Adapt Outtab Handling CHAR   
433 SMOEANDOR AND/OR link in a selection condition CHAR   
434 SMOEB Furnished rental unit CHAR   
435 SMOEBWUSER BW user name CHAR 12    
436 SMOEC130 Char of length 130 CHAR 130    
437 SMOECHAR100_DOM 100 Char, Lower Case CHAR 100    
438 SMOECONST Value of Static Where Clause CHAR 128    
439 SMOECREATE Flag if generator is should create objects CHAR   
440 SMOECREAVIS Tab Visibility on 'Create Object' CHAR   
441 SMOEDEACSP Domain: Site Deactivation supported for Site Type CHAR   
442 SMOEDYNSTA Status for Dynamic Where Clause in Subscription Agent CHAR   
443 SMOEEXCLUD Exclude Objects from Generation of Subscription Agent CHAR   
444 SMOEEXCTYP Type of the objects in subscription generation CHAR   
445 SMOEEXSTAT Extract Status CHAR   
446 SMOEEXSTXT Extract status CHAR 12    
447 SMOEFUCALL Function call CHAR   
448 SMOEGENREL Subscription Agent Relevant CHAR   
449 SMOEGENSTAT Status of generator settings for criteria fields CHAR   
450 SMOEGRIDTY Grid Type (Used in Gridhandler Class) CHAR 10    
451 SMOEISPAR Flag if generator is parent of other ones CHAR   
452 SMOELINK Determines if Fields are Linked in Subscription Generator CHAR   
453 SMOELNK Link Key for Subscription Generator CHAR 32    
454 SMOELSTDET List Action: Detail Information Flag CHAR   
455 SMOELSTLOG List Action: Log ID Flag CHAR   
456 SMOEMSGTYPE Message Types CHAR   
457 SMOENAVDIR Navigation Direction: FORW, BAKW CHAR   
458 SMOENOBDOC Determines if a Site type can assigned to a BDoc type CHAR   
459 SMOEOBJSTXT Replication Object Status CHAR 30    
460 SMOEOPERATOR Operators in Subscription Agent Selection Conditions CHAR   
461 SMOEPROTECT Protect Generated Objects CHAR   
462 SMOEQNAME Long Name of Queue CHAR 20    
463 SMOERECURR Number of recurrences in hierarchy reading INT4 10    
464 SMOERIGHT Flag for authorizations CHAR   
465 SMOEROLES Allowed Roles for Object CHAR 10    
466 SMOERUNTIMES Run Every X Times NUMC   
467 SMOESNDXML Flag: XML enabled CHAR   
468 SMOESTATVA Static where clause CHAR   
469 SMOESUBNOT Create not needed subscriptions CHAR   
470 SMOETAB Key of tables for generators CHAR 32    
471 SMOETABMAP Table mapping CHAR   
472 SMOETASK Task of subscription generator CHAR   
473 SMOETXT Text: Char 100 CHAR 100    
474 SMOEVAL_H Flag Value Low/High CHAR   
475 SMOEWHERCL Static where clause CHAR 255    
476 SMOE_ALV_OUTPUT Display Field in Grid CHAR   
477 SMOE_ASSIGNTY Assignment Type CHAR   
478 SMOE_ASSIGNTY_TXT Subscription Assignment Type Text CHAR 40    
479 SMOE_CLSP Selection in Admin Console is client specific or not CHAR   
480 SMOE_CMGROUP Context Menu Item Group (For Grouping ans Sorting) NUMC   
481 SMOE_EXTR Domain for extract flag CHAR 12    
482 SMOE_FUNPAR_VAL Function Parameter Value (Subscription Agent, Dyn Func Call) CHAR 255    
483 SMOE_INFO Site description CHAR 255    
484 SMOE_MSG Return Message (Lowercase-Enabled, CHAR220) CHAR 220    
485 SMOE_NAMINGCONV Naming Convention Sourcetext (Subscription Agent) CHAR 255    
486 SMOE_NCVPARV Naming Convention Parameter Value CHAR 40    
487 SMOE_NODTYP Node Type in AC Tree CHAR   
488 SMOE_NO_ATTRIB Sitetype Without Attributes CHAR   
489 SMOE_NR_DOM Number range length subscription agent NUMC 20    
490 SMOE_OBJNAME Object Name (CHAR80 Field to pass SMOEAC Obj Names to SFW) CHAR 80    
491 SMOE_Q_DESC Inbound/outbound Queue Description CHAR 60    
492 SMOE_Q_FLAG Queue flag integer INT4 10    
493 SMOE_Q_PRIO Inbound/Outbound Queue Priority INT4 10    
494 SMOE_RELTYP Interlinkage Relation Value CHAR   
495 SMOE_SELM Selection Mode for F4 Help - Admin Console CHAR   
496 SMOE_SETGET Set/Get Flag: 'S' Set/ 'G' Get Object CHAR   
497 SMOE_SITNAM Site Name CHAR 32    
498 SMOE_SITREL Site Relation Type CHAR   
499 SMOE_SITRELSHIP Site Relationship CHAR 30    
500 SMOE_SMW1ATTR Mobile client site attributes CHAR 120