SAP ABAP Domain - Index J, page 6
Domain - J
# Domain Name Short Description Data type Length Decimals
1 J_1IFORTYP Form Type CHAR   
2 J_1IFRMNUM Form Number CHAR 10    
3 J_1IFRMRCV Form to be receieved CHAR   
4 J_1IFRMREQ Form required CHAR   
5 J_1IFRMSND Form to be sent CHAR   
6 J_1IINDEXP Export Type CHAR   
7 J_1IINDICATOR Tax Due Date Rule CHAR   
8 J_1IINDTAX Excise Tax Indicator CHAR   
9 J_1IINTCHLN Challan Number CHAR 12    
10 J_1ILICNO Excise Bonding: Internal License Number NUMC 10    
11 J_1ILICTYP Excise Bonding: License Type CHAR   
12 J_1ILIFNR Vendor account number CHAR 10    
13 J_1ILISTATUS Excise Bonding: License Status CHAR   
14 J_1INOGROUP Number group for Internal Challan number range- EWT India. CHAR   
15 J_1IOFFREASONCODE Reason Code for lower / higher deduction CHAR   
16 J_1IOTMVMTS Automatic posting for J1IS CHAR   
17 J_1IPART1INDC Part1 creation time indicator CHAR   
18 J_1IPLACE Place CHAR 30    
19 J_1IREAPPLI Application CHAR   
20 J_1IREASONCODE Section of Income Tax Act CHAR   
21 J_1IRECTYP Record typ for TDS database CHAR   
22 J_1IREFTYP Refrence document type CHAR   
23 J_1IREGID Excise registration id NUMC   
24 J_1IREGS Register : either RG23A or RG23C CHAR   
25 J_1IREGTYP CENVAT Register Type CHAR   
26 J_1IREMARK Remarks CHAR 40    
27 J_1IRFTRTY Transaction type of reference document CHAR   
28 J_1IRG23DOPT Indicator whether RG23D selection and posting CHAR   
29 J_1IRGSTAT Register Status CHAR   
30 J_1IRIND Reference Document Type CHAR   
31 J_1IRISIND Receipt Issue indicator CHAR   
32 J_1IRMRK Remarks CHAR 1000    
33 J_1IRMRPIND Max Retail Price Relevance CHAR   
34 J_1ISCONDT Subcontract document date DATS   
35 J_1ISECREF Secondary reference for the document CHAR 10    
36 J_1ISECTIO TDS - section under which tax is deducted CHAR   
37 J_1ISELTYP Excise invoice selection procedure CHAR   
38 J_1ISERDOCTYP Service Document Type CHAR   
39 J_1ISERGRP Excise Document Series group CHAR   
40 J_1ISESN Service entry sheet number CHAR 10    
43 J_1ISTATECODET ITD State Code Description CHAR 40    
44 J_1ISTATUS Excise Document Status CHAR   
45 J_1ISTCODE ST applicability CHAR   
46 J_1ISURC Surcharge Calculation Method CHAR   
47 J_1ISURCHG Surcharge applicability indicator CHAR   
48 J_1ISURETY Excise Bonding: Indicator for Surety of security CHAR   
49 J_1ITAXEXM Indicator for tax exemptions CHAR   
50 J_1ITDSIND TDS update indicator CHAR   
51 J_1ITEXT Text for Users CHAR 40    
52 J_1ITRNDES Description of Transaction type CHAR 50    
53 J_1ITRNTYP Transaction type CHAR   
54 J_1ITRPMODE Excise Bonding Mode Of Transport CHAR   
55 J_1ITXRATE Excise Duty (%) DEC
56 J_1ITXSTAS Tax status CHAR   
57 J_1ITXVNDS withholding tax - vendor type description CHAR 20    
58 J_1ITXVNTY withholding tax - vendor type CHAR   
59 J_1IUPDIND Update indicator CHAR   
60 J_1IVENCUS Vendor/Customer/Sub-Contractor CHAR 10    
61 J_1IVTYP Type of Vendor CHAR   
62 J_1IXREF Number of Goods Receipts per Excise Invoice CHAR   
63 J_1IZEILE Item in document NUMC   
64 J_1I_ARE_STATUS ARE doc status CHAR   
65 J_1I_AR_SECTION Annual Return - Income tax section CHAR   
66 J_1I_BAL_AMT Amounts CURR 16 
67 J_1I_DUTY_NAME Excise duties CHAR 10    
68 J_1I_GTA_SER_TYPE Service Type for GTA CHAR 25    
69 J_1I_INTCHLN_NO Internal Challan no NUMC 10    
70 J_1I_MM_SER_TYPE Service type for MM CHAR 25    
71 J_1I_MONTH Month CHAR 12    
72 J_1I_PERIOD Quarterly E-returns Period CHAR   
73 J_1I_QRTR Quarter CHAR   
74 J_1SANZAUS IS-M/SD CH: Number of Issues of an Edition per Period DEC   
75 J_1SBOTART IS-M/SD CH/S: Carrier Type for Swiss Post PTT CHAR   
76 J_1SC1 IS-M/SD CH/S: Char Field Length 1 CHAR   
77 J_1SC10 IS-M/SD CH/S: Char Field Length 10 CHAR 10    
78 J_1SC121 IS-M/SD CH/S: Char Length 121 CHAR 121    
79 J_1SC125 IS-M/SD CH: Char Length 125 CHAR 125    
80 J_1SC18 IS-M/SD CH/S: Char Field Length 10 CHAR 18    
81 J_1SC2 IS-M/SD CH: Char Length 2 CHAR   
82 J_1SC25 IS-M: Char Length 25 CHAR 25    
83 J_1SC27 IS-M/SD CH: Char Length 27 CHAR 27    
84 J_1SC28 IS-M/SD: CH/S: Char String Length 28 CHAR 28    
85 J_1SC3 IS-M/SD CH: Char Field Length 3 CHAR   
86 J_1SC4 IS-M/SD CH: Char Field Length 4 CHAR   
87 J_1SC40 IS-M/SD CH: Char String Length 40 CHAR 40    
88 J_1SC5 IS-M/SD CH: Char Length 5 CHAR   
89 J_1SC53 IS-M/SD CH: Char String Length 53 CHAR 53    
90 J_1SC6 IS-M/SD CH: Char Length 6 CHAR   
91 J_1SC7 IS-M/SD CH: Char Length 7 CHAR   
92 J_1SC72 IS-M/SD CH: Char String Length 72 CHAR 72    
93 J_1SC79 IS-M/SD CH: Char String Length 79 CHAR 79    
94 J_1SC8 IS-M/SD CH: Char Length 8 CHAR   
95 J_1SC9 IS-M/SD CH: Char Length 9 CHAR   
96 J_1SERSCHW IS-M/SD-CH: Publication Frequency Post CH CHAR   
97 J_1SGPLZ IS-M/SD CH/S: Basic Postal Code NUMC   
99 J_1SKATART IS-M/SD CH/W: Processing Type Category CHAR   
100 J_1SKATEG IS-M/SD CH/S: Postal Code Categories NUMC   
101 J_1SKENN IS-M/SD CH/S: Customer-Specific Street Identifier CHAR   
102 J_1SPRPCOD IS-M/SD CH/S: Preposition Code CHAR   
103 J_1SPSART IS-M/SD: Order Item Type for PTT Settlement CHAR   
104 J_1SPTTAUFL IS-M/SD-CH: Circulation (Greater than 20000?) Yes/No CHAR   
105 J_1SPTTFORMAT IS-M/SD-CH: PTT Format (B4 or B5) for Format Surcharge CHAR   
106 J_1SPTTNR IS-M/SD-CH: PTT Newspaper Number CHAR 10    
107 J_1SPTTTEXT IS-M/SD-CH: PTT Text Portion (>15% or >30%) CHAR   
108 J_1SPTTTREUE IS-MSD-CH: Loyalty Gift CHAR   
110 J_1SSTRART IS-M/SD CH/S: Street Type CHAR   
111 J_1SSTRKUN IS-M/SD CH/S: Processing Indicator CHAR   
112 J_1SUPDAFUNC CH Postal Upgrade Functions CHAR   
113 J_1SUPDATAB CH Postal Upgrade Table CHAR 10    
114 J_1SVERD IS-M/SD CH/V: Summarization Postal Code or Summarization ID CHAR 10    
115 J_2IAR_DT Excise Invoice date on removal DATS   
116 J_2IAR_NUM Excise Invoice No. on removal CHAR 10    
117 J_2ICAPGDS Capital goods indicator CHAR   
118 J_2ICHRL Long char - 1024 bytes LCHR 1024    
119 J_2IEXIND Re-extract indicator CHAR   
120 J_2IIDENT Identification mark CHAR 20    
121 J_2IKEY Identifier for key NUMC 14    
122 J_2ILAYDES Layout description CHAR 64    
123 J_2IMATFRM Form of the material (packed, loose) CHAR   
124 J_2IREGDOM Domain for Register names CHAR 10    
125 J_2IREGIST CIN: Excise register name CHAR 10    
126 J_2IREMARK Remarks CHAR 45    
127 J_2IRG1_PL Packed or Loose CHAR   
128 J_2IRIIND Indicator for Receipts / Issues CHAR   
129 J_2IRIINDI Indicator for Receipts / Issues CHAR   
130 J_2IRULE RuleSection CHAR 10    
131 J_2ISLINDI Storage loc. indicator CHAR   
132 J_2ISTDT Start date DATS   
133 J_2IVRFYDT Verification date DATS   
134 J_2IXFLD Checkbox CHAR   
135 J_2I_ADDR Address CHAR 40    
136 J_2I_DUTY Duty CURR 13 
137 J_2I_NAM35 Address CHAR 35    
138 J_2I_NAME Name CHAR 40    
139 J_2I_TOTAL Total Amount calculated CURR 13 
140 J_3GABRART Settlement type CHAR   
141 J_3GABRKEN Settlement indicator CHAR   
142 J_3GABTYP Mapping category, group mapping NUMC   
143 J_3GAKTION Action code for calendar visualization CHAR   
144 J_3GANLC Choice of asset fields CHAR 30    
145 J_3GART Activity types for settlement calendar CHAR   
146 J_3GARTBES Inventory management indicator CHAR   
147 J_3GARTBU Posting type (providing/debited party) CHAR   
148 J_3GAUSGJ Edition year CHAR   
149 J_3GBART Stock type indicator NUMC   
150 J_3GBARTM Inventory management type CHAR   
151 J_3GBEGRU CEM authorization group CHAR   
152 J_3GBELNR Document number CHAR 10    
153 J_3GBELSTA Document status CHAR   
154 J_3GBESTF Inventory management indicator in CEM CHAR   
155 J_3GBEWEG Internal indicator for transaction category CHAR   
156 J_3GBEZ01 Document type text CHAR 30    
157 J_3GBEZ02 Activity type description CHAR 30    
158 J_3GBEZ03 Recipient type description CHAR 30    
159 J_3GBEZ04 Description CHAR 30    
160 J_3GBFART Inventory management type CHAR   
161 J_3GBLART Document type CHAR   
162 J_3GBLTYP CEM document category CHAR   
163 J_3GBUART Posting type NUMC   
164 J_3GBW_AB Sending construction site CHAR   
165 J_3GBW_ALL Receiving and sending construction site CHAR   
166 J_3GBW_ZU Receiving construction site CHAR   
167 J_3GCOFIKZ FI or CO documents CHAR   
168 J_3GCOLNR Column number in catalog NUMC   
169 J_3GCOTYP Account assignment category for warehouse NUMC   
170 J_3GDEBBEZ Indicator: reference to debtor CHAR   
171 J_3GDISPO Planning indicator CHAR   
172 J_3GDOMLMB Dominance price determination P/I-D / I/D CHAR   
173 J_3GDOMPR Dominance for pricing CHAR   
174 J_3GEDITM Edit screen for catalog CHAR 30    
175 J_3GEIFR Own/external indicator CHAR   
176 J_3GEIGVER Owner/administrator CHAR 12    
177 J_3GEIVBEZ Description for owner/administrator CHAR 30    
178 J_3GEQART External equipment type CHAR 10    
179 J_3GETYP Recipient type CHAR   
180 J_3GEVNUMA Internal/external number assignment indicator CHAR   
181 J_3GFAKTKZ Billing indicator CHAR   
182 J_3GFILLER Filler for a value CHAR   
183 J_3GFUEART Filler Type for PBE Documents CHAR   
184 J_3GGENSTA Generation status CHAR   
185 J_3GGERGR Equipment group NUMC 18    
186 J_3GHERST Publisher of catalog CHAR 30    
187 J_3GHIERA Hierarchy levels for catalogs CHAR 30    
188 J_3GIBEWEG Internal transaction type NUMC   
189 J_3GINTERP Catalog has been interpolated CHAR   
190 J_3GINTEX Internal/external price settlement/document creation CHAR   
191 J_3GINVSTA Status of construction site inventory CHAR   
192 J_3GKALART Costing type of number in catalog CHAR   
193 J_3GKAPPL Area of usage CHAR   
194 J_3GKATBEZ Catalog description CHAR 60    
195 J_3GKATGR1 Catalog group 1 CHAR   
196 J_3GKATGR2 Catalog group 2 CHAR 15    
197 J_3GKATGRP Catalog group CHAR 15    
198 J_3GKATLOG Key for numbers in catalog CHAR 40    
199 J_3GKATNR Number in catalog NUMC   
200 J_3GKATNRC Full length of number in catalog CHAR 30    
201 J_3GKATNRS Full length of number in catalog CHAR 14    
202 J_3GKBAUL CEM-relevant indicator CHAR   
203 J_3GKENIE Indicator for I(nternal) or E(xternal) posting CHAR   
204 J_3GKENNZ Identification number for structure CHAR   
205 J_3GKENORG Indicator: org. struct. for acc. dtrmn (providing/debited) CHAR   
206 J_3GKMERKM Catalog characteristics indicator CHAR   
207 J_3GKONDTP Table type for conditions on screen CHAR   
208 J_3GKSTAT Status of catalog rating? CHAR   
209 J_3GKURZB Short description CHAR 30    
210 J_3GKVERK Indicator: sales/repurchase SD document types for mat. dely CHAR   
211 J_3GKZBERG Provision fee indicator CHAR   
212 J_3GKZEIVE Indicator for owner/administrator CHAR   
213 J_3GKZERF Document entry indicator CHAR   
214 J_3GKZFRIS Usage period indicator CHAR   
215 J_3GKZLAD Loading costs indicator CHAR   
216 J_3GKZLADG Indicator: relevancy to loading costs CHAR   
217 J_3GKZLATR Indicator: activity type distinction CHAR   
218 J_3GKZMENG Item/multipart indicator CHAR   
219 J_3GKZPACH Leasing type indicator CHAR   
220 J_3GKZSOPR Indicator for entering special price CHAR   
221 J_3GKZUEB Indicator: copy shipping document CHAR   
222 J_3GLADBEZ Description CHAR 30    
223 J_3GLARUECK Activity type "Repurchase" for materials CHAR   
224 J_3GLEIERB Service provider CHAR   
225 J_3GLEIFLU Settlement view CHAR   
226 J_3GLEIST Service provider or service recipient CHAR   
227 J_3GLFDNR Sequence number for catalog costing NUMC   
228 J_3GLG_VAR Weekly/daily report CHAR   
229 J_3GLOGIK Standard allocation table CHAR   
230 J_3GLVART Activity type CHAR   
231 J_3GMASCHB "Fill PBE Documents" Indicator CHAR   
232 J_3GMBDIA Measuring document maintenance dialog für PBE reports (days) NUMC   
233 J_3GMIEMPF Intermediate recipient indicator CHAR   
234 J_3GMITEMPFERF Intermediate recipient indicator CHAR   
235 J_3GNUML10 Number length 10 CHAR 10    
236 J_3GNUML12 Number range object length 12 CHAR 12    
237 J_3GPACHT Leasing type CHAR   
238 J_3GPAKET Package CHAR 18    
239 J_3GPAKPOSNR Package item NUMC   
240 J_3GPAUSCH Document flat rate CHAR   
241 J_3GPERIOD Period of portion of insurance contribution CHAR   
242 J_3GPERNR Personal number NUMC   
243 J_3GPKTYP Package type CHAR   
244 J_3GPMKENZ Cost key figure of the maintenance order CHAR 10    
245 J_3GPOSNR Document item number NUMC   
246 J_3GPROZ Percentage rate DEC
247 J_3GREFTYP Reference type for recipient CHAR   
248 J_3GRESTYP Resource indicator CHAR   
249 J_3GSTEUER Control whether price list determination or condition type NUMC   
250 J_3GSTEUKZ Tax between persons involved CHAR   
251 J_3GSTLMAT Determine use of catalog for BOMs or material CHAR   
252 J_3GTPLKZ Structure indicator for catalog CHAR   
253 J_3GTPLTXT Structure indicator for catalog texts CHAR 30    
254 J_3GUEBSTA Copy indicator for location settl. type for settl. calendar CHAR   
255 J_3GUMBUA Posting type for transfer postings CHAR   
256 J_3GVERWTP Central/decentral equipment management category CHAR   
257 J_3GVMONAT Full months indicator NUMC   
258 J_3GWOFFS Offset weekly overview NUMC   
259 J_3GZDEQUI Central - decentral equipment indicator CHAR   
260 J_3GZUBEGR CO object redirection CHAR   
261 J_3GZUFRIS Surcharge on evaluation for relevancy to deadlines CHAR   
262 J_3GZUGR Indicator for access to basic price CHAR   
263 J_3GZULERF Allowed entry categories NUMC   
264 J_3GZULRESS Allowed resource NUMC   
265 J_3G_COLOR Color definition for field according to general list colors NUMC   
266 J_3RALEMPTY Flag:fixied asset is empty or not NUMC   
267 J_3RALNRUN Flag: Fixed asset is not started NUMC   
268 J_3RALOLD Flag: Old fixed asset or not NUMC   
269 J_3RALREQ Flag:Fixed asset has left completely NUMC   
270 J_3RALSTATUS Status of fixed asset NUMC   
271 J_3RALVIRT Flag:Asset take a part in calculating,but it isn't showing NUMC   
272 J_3RBS5COL Content of Column CHAR   
273 J_3RBS5VALUE Value for ALV-output (1-10) CURR 18 
274 J_3RBS_FORMNAME Reporting form number CHAR   
275 J_3RBS_FORMNR Reporting Form Number CHAR   
276 J_3RBS_PER Reporting Period CHAR   
277 J_3RBS_VALUE Value for amount is Balance Sheet Supplements CHAR 12    
278 J_3RBS_YEAR_MOD Year Modifier CHAR   
279 J_3RBWASLTYPE Retirement Type CHAR   
280 J_3RCARDNUMBER Filling an invetory card number CHAR   
281 J_3RCODEOBJ Controlling object code CHAR 20    
282 J_3RDEPBMESSTYP Message type CHAR   
283 J_3RDEPB_TYPE Depreciation bonus: Transaction type CHAR   
284 J_3RDEPR_CALC Depreciation summ calculating CHAR   
285 J_3RFACTIVITY_TYPE Activity Type CHAR 50    
286 J_3RFANKATYPE Asset Type CHAR 10    
287 J_3RFCHAR3 Character field, length 3 CHAR   
288 J_3RFCLC_WRBTR Amount field PL 17.4 CURR 21 
289 J_3RFCLRNUM Clearing document number CHAR 10    
290 J_3RFCLRQUAN Number of iterations QUAN   
291 J_3RFCNT_SRCTY Domain for source types for table J_3RFCNT_SRCTY CHAR   
292 J_3RFDI_COUNTER_KEY Counter key for XML archive NUMC 10    
293 J_3RFF4ACCTYP Account type CHAR   
294 J_3RFF4ACTYPE Activity Type CHAR   
295 J_3RFF4AMOUNT Cash flow figure CHAR 15    
296 J_3RFF4AMOUNTLONG Cash flow figure CHAR 28    
297 J_3RFF4CALCT Amount Calculation Base CHAR   
298 J_3RFF4CHAPT Start new chapter CHAR   
299 J_3RFF4OFFSET Field offset NUMC   
300 J_3RFF4ROW Financial statement row code NUMC   
301 J_3RFF4ROW5 Financial statement row long code NUMC   
302 J_3RFF4SEP_DC Separate debit and credit (UA) CHAR   
303 J_3RFF4SHIDE Hidden Row CHAR   
304 J_3RFF4VERSN Financial Statement Version CHAR   
305 J_3RFGTDACTION Executable Action in Customs Declaration Interface CHAR   
306 J_3RFGTDREF Reference Document in Customs Declaration Interface CHAR   
307 J_3RFINV_CLARIF_STATUS Clarification Request Status CHAR   
308 J_3RFINV_CUSMATCH_DIALOG Dialog for Matching CHAR   
309 J_3RFINV_DOC_STATUS Document Status CHAR   
310 J_3RFINV_NONREG Flag: Non-Registered Digital invoice CHAR   
311 J_3RFINV_RESULT Result of operations with REGINV tables CHAR   
312 J_3RFINV_STATUS_KEY Key Number For Log Table NUMC 10    
313 J_3RFOKOFDESC OKOF-code description CHAR 130    
314 J_3RFOKOFDPDESC Extended OKOF-code description CHAR 130    
315 J_3RFPROCESSED Yes/No field CHAR   
316 J_3RFPROPERTY_TYPE Property type CHAR 50    
317 J_3RFPROPTAXRATE Property tax rate DEC
318 J_3RFPTMONTH12 Month NUMC   
319 J_3RFSEC_TYPE Secondary event type (Russia) CHAR   
320 J_3RFSHORTXBLNR Short XBLNR (search key) CHAR 12    
321 J_3RFSHORTZUONR Short ZUONR () CHAR 14    
322 J_3RFTAX_PERIOD Tax Period CHAR 20    
323 J_3RFTAX_VERSION Possible tax versions CHAR   
324 J_3RFTIMESTAMP Time stamp (yyyymmddhhmmss) CHAR 14    
325 J_3RFVATMM_ORG_TYPE Organization Type CHAR   
326 J_3RFVATMM_XML_VERSION XML version (Customs Union) CHAR   
327 J_3RFVATMM_XML_VERSION_KZ XML version (Kazakhstan) CHAR   
328 J_3RFVAT_ERR Error priority for VAT in transit ALV grid item NUMC   
329 J_3RFVAT_RVRS Selection Criteria for Canceled Billing Documents CHAR   
330 J_3RFVAT_SEL Processing Status of ALV Item CHAR 100    
331 J_3RFVAT_ST Status of Document in Posting VAT for Goods in Transit CHAR 100    
332 J_3RFVAT_ST_MM Document Status: Posting VAT for Goods Import Declaration CHAR 100    
333 J_3RFVAT_W_POSTED Selection Criteria for Posted Documents CHAR   
334 J_3RF_101 Payer Status CHAR   
335 J_3RF_104 Budgetary classification code for CIS CHAR 20    
336 J_3RF_106 Tax payment reason, Russian localization CHAR   
337 J_3RF_110 Tax payment type for CIS CHAR   
338 J_3RF_ATTR_TYPE_PERNR_DESC Infotype field from HR module CHAR 100    
339 J_3RF_BK_GUID GUID for XML file generation CHAR 36    
340 J_3RF_BK_TYPE Indicator: Sales or Purchase Ledger CHAR   
341 J_3RF_BOUND_STATUS Bound With Journal Entry Number NUMC 10    
342 J_3RF_BUE_CORR_TYPE Type of correction CHAR   
343 J_3RF_CITIBRANCH Citibank branch code CHAR   
344 J_3RF_CNTCOND Settings for Filling In Assignment Number Field CHAR   
345 J_3RF_CNTSRCTY Domain for source types for table J_3RFCNT_SRCTY CHAR   
346 J_3RF_CNTTYPE Contract type (for contract accounting and transfer pricing) CHAR   
347 J_3RF_CUPDATE Data Update Mode CHAR   
348 J_3RF_CUSSEND Send Date Selection CHAR   
349 J_3RF_DBOPER Database operation type CHAR   
350 J_3RF_DIGINV_LOGMCAT Message category for xml invoices logging INT1   
351 J_3RF_DIGINV_LOGMTYPE Message type for the logging CHAR   
352 J_3RF_DIXML_CCD_NUM Customs Declaration Number CHAR 29    
353 J_3RF_DIXML_INV_TYPE Invoice Type CHAR   
354 J_3RF_DIXML_OUT_MODE Outgoing document processing mode INT1   
355 J_3RF_DIXML_PARTNER_TYPE Partner Type (Electronic Documents Exchange) CHAR   
356 J_3RF_DIXML_PART_ID Parther id for XML invoices CHAR 46    
357 J_3RF_DIXML_PRICE Net Price CURR 26  11 
358 J_3RF_DI_DEADLINE_TYPE Deadline type for digital invoices CHAR   
359 J_3RF_DI_DIRECTION Document direction NUMC   
360 J_3RF_DI_DOCTYPE Document type NUMC   
361 J_3RF_DI_SOURCEDOC_TYP Document type of the source document NUMC   
363 J_3RF_DI_XML_STATUS XML document status NUMC   
364 J_3RF_DI_XML_STATUS_ICON XML document status icon CHAR 100    
365 J_3RF_EXCHTYP Exchange Format CHAR   
366 J_3RF_EXTCNTNUM External Contract Number CHAR 40    
367 J_3RF_GTDCUST GTD Customs station NUMC   
368 J_3RF_GTDDAT Customs Declaration Date DATS   
369 J_3RF_GTDFIELD Field name CHAR 30    
370 J_3RF_GTDITEM GTD line item number NUMC   
371 J_3RF_GTDNUM Customs Declaration Number CHAR 10    
372 J_3RF_GTDPOSNR GTD item number NUMC   
373 J_3RF_GTDREPLINE Item Type in Customs Declaration Usage Report CHAR   
374 J_3RF_GTDTYPE Customs Declaration Type CHAR   
375 J_3RF_HALFYS Half Years Tax CIS NUMC   
376 J_3RF_INV_TYPE_XML Invoice type: Incoming or Outgoing INT2   
377 J_3RF_KORRSP_MSGTYWS Batch Message Control - Online Off. Account Determination CHAR   
378 J_3RF_MRPORDER Repair order CHAR 12    
379 J_3RF_PARTN Vendor or Customer CHAR   
380 J_3RF_PARTNER_NAME Full Partner Name CHAR 160    
381 J_3RF_PBU18_DIFFSIGN Difference amount sign CHAR   
382 J_3RF_PBU18_DIFFSOURCE Difference component CHAR   
383 J_3RF_PBU18_DIFFTYPE Difference type CHAR   
384 J_3RF_QUARTERS Quarters Tax CIS NUMC   
385 J_3RF_RAWSTRING Rawstring RSTR   
386 J_3RF_REGFLAG Flag: Document Is Registered CHAR   
387 J_3RF_REGINV_HANDLE Automatic Handling of Clarifiacation Requests CHAR   
388 J_3RF_REGINV_INV_TYPE Invoice Type CHAR   
389 J_3RF_REGINV_STGRD Delete Mode for Invoice Registration Journal CHAR   
390 J_3RF_REP_ACTI1 Extended activity CHAR   
391 J_3RF_REP_ATTR_NAME Reporting Object Attribute Name CHAR 30    
392 J_3RF_REP_ATTR_TYPE Type of the Reporting Hierarchy Object Attribute CHAR   
393 J_3RF_REP_CONCAT_METHOD Concatenation method for logical expressions INT1   
394 J_3RF_REP_DICT_DESCR Description of Dictionary Value for Reporting Obj. Attribute CHAR 60    
395 J_3RF_REP_DICT_VALUE Dictionary Value for Reporting Hierarchy Object Attribue CHAR 100    
396 J_3RF_REP_DP_PAR_DESC Data provider parameter description CHAR 50    
397 J_3RF_REP_EXPR_DESCR Description of Reporting Hierarchy Object Inclusion Criteria CHAR 50    
398 J_3RF_REP_EXT_ATTR_NAME External Long Name of Reporting Object Attribute CHAR 250    
399 J_3RF_REP_FIXVAL Attribute's fixed value CHAR 40    
400 J_3RF_REP_GRP_DESC Description for selection screen group CHAR 30    
401 J_3RF_REP_GRP_KEY Numeric id of the group INT1   
402 J_3RF_REP_HIER_KEY Reporting Elements Hierarchy Code CHAR   
403 J_3RF_REP_HIER_NAME Reporting Hierarchy Name CHAR 50    
404 J_3RF_REP_INCLEXPR Logical Expression for Reporting Object Inclusion Criteria CHAR 255    
405 J_3RF_REP_INCL_CRIT_OP Logical operand for object inclusion criteria INT1   
406 J_3RF_REP_INCOND_DESCR Description of Reporting Object Inclusion Criteria CHAR 250    
407 J_3RF_REP_NODESIGN Reporting Object Sign CHAR   
408 J_3RF_REP_NODE_ALIAS Alias for the node CHAR 20    
409 J_3RF_REP_NODE_NAME Reporting Object Name CHAR 21    
410 J_3RF_REP_OBJECT Reporting Object INT4 10    
411 J_3RF_REP_OBJ_NAME Reporting Object Description CHAR 100    
412 J_3RF_REP_OBJ_STYPE Type of the node in xml report hierarchy INT1   
413 J_3RF_REP_OPTYPE Field Activity Type CHAR   
414 J_3RF_REP_PMAND Mandatory for selection screen output CHAR   
415 J_3RF_REP_PRANGE Param have range CHAR   
416 J_3RF_REP_PRESETID Reporting Hierarchy Element Preset Code CHAR   
417 J_3RF_REP_PRESET_DESCR Description of the Reporting Hierarchy Element Presets CHAR 70    
418 J_3RF_REP_USE_CRITERIA Inclusion Criteria Status of the Reporting Hierarchy Object INT1   
419 J_3RF_REP_VALLEN Length of Reporting Hierarchy Element INT2   
420 J_3RF_REP_VALOUTFMT Formatting pattern for internal vars:date,time etc CHAR 50    
421 J_3RF_REP_VALRANGE Value of Reporting Hierarchy Element D16D 15 
422 J_3RF_REP_VALTYPE Type of Attribute Value CHAR   
423 J_3RF_REP_VPATTERN Reporting Hierarchy Element Pattern CHAR 100    
424 J_3RF_SD_XNEGP_VF Reversal Reason enhancement for SD     
425 J_3RF_SIGN_TYPE Type of Responsibility CHAR   
426 J_3RF_TAX_ACTGRP FI-SL activity group CHAR   
427 J_3RF_TAX_ACTI1 FI-SL extended activity CHAR   
428 J_3RF_TAX_ACTTXT FI-SL Activity group text CHAR 50    
429 J_3RF_TAX_ACTTYPE Activity Type CHAR 10    
430 J_3RF_TAX_ALIAS Table alias CHAR 30    
431 J_3RF_TAX_ASSIGNMENT_ID Hierarchy assignment ID CHAR   
432 J_3RF_TAX_ASSIGNMENT_TEXT Tax Assignment text CHAR 50    
433 J_3RF_TAX_BATCH_MODE Call trasnaction batch mode CHAR   
434 J_3RF_TAX_BATCH_UPD Batch input update mode CHAR   
435 J_3RF_TAX_CHAINCODE Tax chain code CHAR   
436 J_3RF_TAX_CHAINSEQ Tax chain sequence NUMC   
437 J_3RF_TAX_CHAINTEXT Tax chain description CHAR 50    
438 J_3RF_TAX_CONTRACT Allocation number CHAR 18    
439 J_3RF_TAX_COPTYPE Chain operation type CHAR   
440 J_3RF_TAX_DECROW Tax declaration row number CHAR 17    
441 J_3RF_TAX_DESCRIPTN Description CHAR 200    
442 J_3RF_TAX_DIVISION Division Number CHAR   
443 J_3RF_TAX_EXPTYPE Type of expences CHAR   
444 J_3RF_TAX_EXTNAME Tax Extract Name CHAR 50    
445 J_3RF_TAX_EXTRACT Extract name CHAR 12    
446 J_3RF_TAX_HEADER Header entry CHAR   
447 J_3RF_TAX_HIER_KEY Tax Accounting Elements Hierarchy Code CHAR   
448 J_3RF_TAX_HIER_NAME Tax Hierarchy Name CHAR 50    
449 J_3RF_TAX_MAPPING_ERROR Mapping Error INT2   
450 J_3RF_TAX_NODESIGN Tax object sign CHAR   
451 J_3RF_TAX_OBJDESCR Tax Object Description CHAR 50    
452 J_3RF_TAX_OBJECT Tax Object CHAR 21    
453 J_3RF_TAX_OPCODE Chain Operation Code CHAR 12    
454 J_3RF_TAX_OPTYPE Field Activity Type CHAR   
455 J_3RF_TAX_PRODTYPE Product Type CHAR   
456 J_3RF_TAX_REGCOD Tax Register Code CHAR 10    
457 J_3RF_TAX_ROWDESC Tax declaration row description CHAR 100    
458 J_3RF_TAX_SOURCE_TYPES Electronic File Source Types CHAR   
459 J_3RF_TAX_STYLESHEET Stylesheet file name CHAR 100    
460 J_3RF_TAX_XSD XSD file name CHAR 100    
461 J_3RF_TEXT255 Text 255 / Lower case allowed CHAR 255    
462 J_3RF_TP_AMOUNT_SIGN Amount with sign DEC 17 
463 J_3RF_TP_COUNTRY_ORG Country of organization NUMC   
464 J_3RF_TP_INTERCHANGEABILITY 100 - interchangeability CHAR   
465 J_3RF_TP_N0Y1 0 - No, 1 - Yes CHAR   
466 J_3RF_TP_NAME_ORG Name of organization CHAR 160    
467 J_3RF_TP_NAME_TAXPAYER Name of taxpayer CHAR 160    
468 J_3RF_TP_NAME_TRANSACTION Name of taxpayer CHAR 160    
469 J_3RF_TP_QUANTITY_SIGN Quantity with sign DEC 15 
470 J_3RF_TP_TOTAL_140 Price total 140 DEC 15    
471 J_3RF_TP_TRAN_TYPE_020 020 - Type of transaction CHAR   
472 J_3RF_TP_UNIT_CODE Unit of measurement code CHAR   
473 J_3RF_VAL_STATUS Status of structural division attribute value CHAR   
474 J_3RF_VAT_XML_UL_IP Company type for XML generation in VAT reporting CHAR   
475 J_3RF_VIEW_TAX_PER List tax periods CIS CHAR   
476 J_3RF_VIEW_YEAR View Year Tax CIS NUMC   
477 J_3RINFOSTATIST Write statistic records into table J_3RTSE CHAR   
478 J_3RINVDIFFGRD Group of inventory difference (description) CHAR 80    
479 J_3RINVNUMBER Inventory number from field CHAR   
480 J_3RKACTIONID Action identificator CHAR 10    
481 J_3RKCODEPOS Position creation method CHAR   
482 J_3RKD_K Debit/credit indicator CHAR   
483 J_3RKEYSET Code of parameters line for printing form OS-6 CHAR 10    
484 J_3RKINKRP G/L Account Pair CHAR   
485 J_3RKITYPE Interpretation type CHAR   
486 J_3RKPOS Position NUMC   
487 J_3RKSORTID Sort Rule CHAR 10    
488 J_3RKSORTTXT Sorting rule description CHAR 30    
489 J_3RKSPLITID Split Rule CHAR 10    
490 J_3RNDSPOS VAT related to invoice position CURR 13 
491 J_3RNKSACTIVE Find invoces for AuC and assets purchasing CHAR   
492 J_3RNKSEVENT Secondary Event Type CHAR   
493 J_3RNKSSTARTD VAT Recognition Date CHAR   
494 J_3RPERRCODE Error Code CHAR   
495 J_3RRESP_PERSON Responsible person filling rule CHAR   
496 J_3RSAKNRTYPE G/L Account Classification CHAR   
497 J_3RSDUPL_HANDLE CDec Duplicate Error Handling CHAR   
498 J_3RSHORT_CHAR Asset Characteristic Field CHAR   
499 J_3RSINDICATOR Indicator CHAR   
500 J_3RSINVPART Part of Invoice DEC