SAP ABAP Domain - Index D, page 3
Domain - D
# | Domain Name | Short Description | Data type | Length | Decimals |
1 | DDNODEKIND | Type of a Node in the ABAP Dictionary | CHAR | 1 | |
2 | DDNODENAME | Node Name of a BO | CHAR | 30 | |
3 | DDNODEORIGIN | DD: Origin of a BO Node | CHAR | 1 | |
4 | DDNONTRANSP_INCLUDED | DD: At least one non-transparent one contained | CHAR | 1 | |
5 | DDNONUC | DDNONUC | CHAR | 1 | |
6 | DDNR_____1 | Number of the panel title | CHAR | 3 | |
7 | DDNR_____2 | Title no. | CHAR | 20 | |
8 | DDNTABACTION | DD: Nametab Actions | CHAR | 1 | |
9 | DDNTFIELD | Nametab header and field structure (without key) | RAW | 220 | |
10 | DDNTHEAD | Nametab header and field structure (without key) | RAW | 120 | |
11 | DDNULLABLE | Field description for screen: nullable, not null, undefined | CHAR | 9 | |
12 | DDNUM | Numbering | NUMC | 3 | |
13 | DDOBJECTID | Additonal ID of an ABAP/4 Dict. object (MC IDs, indexes) | CHAR | 3 | |
14 | DDOBJFUNC | DD: Field for addtl. info from ext. table or transp. request | CHAR | 1 | |
15 | DDOBJLEN | DD: For object lengths in the ABAP Dictionary | INT1 | 3 | |
16 | DDOBJNAME | Name of ABAP Dictionary Object | CHAR | 30 | |
17 | DDOBJNAME1 | CCM domain for object | CHAR | 10 | |
18 | DDOBJPOSI | Position in print output | NUMC | 3 | |
19 | DDOBJSTATE | Read status of an ABAP/4 Dictionary object | CHAR | 1 | |
20 | DDOBJTYP | Object type | CHAR | 4 | |
21 | DDOCCURS | DO: Occur Parameter for Table Types | NUMC | 5 | |
22 | DDOFFSET | Offset for table manual | NUMC | 2 | |
23 | DDOFFSETT | Offset for table manual (short description) | NUMC | 2 | |
24 | DDONSOURCE | DD; Source of On Condition | CHAR | 1333 | |
25 | DDOPERA | ABAP Dictionary operation | CHAR | 4 | |
26 | DDOPTION | OPTION component in the row type of a ranges type | CHAR | 2 | |
27 | DDPARAM | Parameter length 10 | CHAR | 10 | |
28 | DDPARNAME_RAW | DD: Name of a parameter in original notation | CHAR | 30 | |
29 | DDPARTITIONED | DD: Statement on Partitioning (System, Table) | CHAR | 1 | |
30 | DDPATH | DD: path identifier | CHAR | 15 | |
31 | DDPERCENT | DD: Percentage | FLTP | 16 | 16 |
32 | DDPGMID | Object type in ABAP/4 Dictionary | CHAR | 4 | |
33 | DDPOS | Position in output list | NUMC | 1 | |
34 | DDPOS1 | Position of lists in Basis | NUMC | 5 | |
35 | DDPOSITION | Dictionary: Line item | NUMC | 6 | |
36 | DDPREDEFFUNCTION | DD: Predefined Function | CHAR | 30 | |
37 | DDPREFIX | DD: Prefix for Dependent Object | CHAR | 30 | |
38 | DDPREFIXDELIM | DD: Prefix Delimiter for DOs | CHAR | 1 | |
39 | DDPRESERVE_FK | DD: Retain Foreign Key During Replication | CHAR | 1 | |
40 | DDPRESERVE_INDX | DD: Retain Secondary Indexes During Replication | CHAR | 1 | |
41 | DDPROC | DD: Process class | CHAR | 4 | |
42 | DDPROJ | x | CHAR | 1 | |
43 | DDPRONR | DD: Number of conversion processes for a table | INT2 | 5 | |
44 | DDPROPERTY | DD: name of an attribute | CHAR | 30 | |
45 | DDPROT | Name of the ABAP/4 Dictionary logs | CHAR | 60 | |
46 | DDPROTNAUS | Flag if log should not be output to the screen | CHAR | 1 | |
47 | DDPROTOCOL | Logging | CHAR | 1 | |
48 | DDPROXYTY | DD: Is a generated proxy object | CHAR | 1 | |
49 | DDPRTDEV | Output medium | CHAR | 10 | |
50 | DDPRTSENQ | Settings for lock objects | CHAR | 17 | |
51 | DDPRTSGEN | General Settings | CHAR | 14 | |
52 | DDPRTSMC | Settings for matchcodes | CHAR | 20 | |
53 | DDPRTSSHLP | Settings for search helps | CHAR | 6 | |
54 | DDPRTSTAB | Settings for tables | CHAR | 21 | |
55 | DDPRTSVIEW | Settings for views | CHAR | 23 | |
56 | DDPRTTEXT | Text of print parameters | CHAR | 30 | |
57 | DDPRTTMP | Flag indicates whether log is a temporary log | CHAR | 1 | |
58 | DDPRTTYPE | Log type | CHAR | 1 | |
59 | DDPRTUPAR | Name of a special printer setting | CHAR | 10 | |
60 | DDPTEXT | DD: Short description for object in dialog box | CHAR | 63 | |
61 | DDPTITEL1 | DD: Domain for dialog box with flag for DB table | CHAR | 2 | |
62 | DDPTYPE | Description of the type of access paths | CHAR | 1 | |
63 | DDQUICKINFO | DD: Info for Accessibility or 'Mouse Over' Function | CHAR | 250 | |
64 | DDR2DEC | Dictionary: No. of decimal places (domain structure R/2) | RAW | 1 | |
65 | DDR2POS | Dictionary: No. of valid places (domain structure R/2) | RAW | 1 | |
66 | DDR2TAB | Dictionary: Table name for R/2 | CHAR | 5 | |
67 | DDRANKING | DD: ranking about include-and subtype-extension | NUMC | 1 | |
68 | DDRAW4 | ABAP Dictionary: RAW of Length 4 (For Nametab) | RAW | 4 | |
69 | DDREFKIND | Source of information for reference table (DB check) | CHAR | 3 | |
70 | DDREFTYPE | Type of Object Referenced | CHAR | 1 | |
71 | DDRELEASE | Dictionary: Current release | CHAR | 4 | |
72 | DDREPLISET | DD: Scope of objects to be handled | CHAR | 1 | |
73 | DDREPNAME | Dictionary report name | CHAR | 40 | |
74 | DDRESERV | Reserved field in the ABAP/4 Dictionary | CHAR | 1 | |
75 | DDROOTNODE | DD: Flag whether a node is the root node | CHAR | 1 | |
76 | DDROWORCOLST | For distinction between Row or Column Store | CHAR | 1 | |
77 | DDROWSTFLAG | Table is in row store (otherwise column store) | CHAR | 1 | |
78 | DDRSETKIND | DD: For type of selection when resetting replication | CHAR | 1 | |
79 | DDRTOBJ | Source of a runtime object | CHAR | 1 | |
80 | DDRUNTIME | Expected runtime for DD processes in minutes | INT2 | 5 | |
81 | DDSCENARIO | Scenarios (status transition graphs) for conversions | CHAR | 10 | |
82 | DDSCENE_IN | Starting Scenarios for Conversions | CHAR | 10 | |
83 | DDSCRPMASK | Dictionary: ScreenPainter mask (domain structure R/2) | CHAR | 50 | |
84 | DDSEANDOR | Link search help parameters if external indexes | CHAR | 1 | |
85 | DDSECTTYPE | String/nat. language text in fuzzy F4 help | CHAR | 7 | |
86 | DDSEGID | Dictionary: Segment ID for domain structure R/2 | CHAR | 2 | |
87 | DDSEOP | Operator for search string | CHAR | 1 | |
88 | DDSETYCONT | Document attribute type | CHAR | 1 | |
89 | DDSETYPE | Search types for search engines | CHAR | 1 | |
90 | DDSEVERITY | DD: severity | CHAR | 1 | |
91 | DDSFLNAME | Dictionary: Substructure field name (table fld.struct.R/2) | CHAR | 30 | |
92 | DDSHATACHK | Type of search help attachment to screen | CHAR | 1 | |
93 | DDSHDEFTYP | Default type of a search help field | CHAR | 1 | |
94 | DDSHDIATYP | Dialog type | CHAR | 1 | |
95 | DDSHLACION | Action on F4 Hit List | CHAR | 1 | |
96 | DDSHLFORMT | Output Format for F4 Hit List | INT4 | 10 | |
97 | DDSHLPIO | Direction of the value transfer | CHAR | 1 | |
98 | DDSHLPTYP | Type of an input help | CHAR | 2 | |
99 | DDSHLSCRLL | Scroll Statement on F4 Hit List | CHAR | 1 | |
100 | DDSHMAXREC | Maximum number of hits for the input help | INT4 | 10 | |
101 | DDSHOCXOFF | Status of ActiveX Display | CHAR | 1 | |
102 | DDSHPKIND | Type of Package for Hit List Display | CHAR | 1 | |
103 | DDSHPVCTRL | Control of personal help (only set D externally) | CHAR | 1 | |
104 | DDSHPVKEY | Key for personal help | CHAR | 61 | |
105 | DDSHROLLCH | Data elem. of parameter indep. of field of selection method | CHAR | 1 | |
106 | DDSHSORTOF | Sort flag for hit list of input help | CHAR | 1 | |
107 | DDSH_GEOCITY | Domain with entity table | CHAR | 20 | |
108 | DDSH_TEXTSEARCH_REQUEST | Dictionary Search Help: Text Search Request | CHAR | 60 | |
109 | DDSICHT | View (active tab in TABSTRIP) on Dictionary object | CHAR | 20 | |
110 | DDSIGN | SIGN component in row type of a RANGES table type | CHAR | 1 | |
111 | DDSKIND | DD: types of standard character strings | CHAR | 4 | |
112 | DDSPACECHK | Space check for conversion | CHAR | 1 | |
113 | DDSTATE | Dictionary: Status of the entry | CHAR | 1 | |
114 | DDSTDFUNCTION | DD: Standard Function | CHAR | 20 | |
115 | DDSTRORLOC | StrLoc | CHAR | 1 | |
116 | DDSTRORLOCPO | DD: Indicator about level whether a stream/locator exists | NUMC | 2 | |
117 | DDSTRUCOBJCLASS | DD: Types of a Structured Object | CHAR | 10 | |
118 | DDSTRUCOBJNAME | DD: Name of Structured Object (For Example, Entity, Context) | CHAR | 30 | |
119 | DDSTRUCOBJNAME_RAW | DD: Original Name of a Struct. Obj. (e.g. Entity, Context) | CHAR | 30 | |
120 | DDSUFFIX | DD: Suffix for Field Names | CHAR | 10 | |
121 | DDSYS | System name | CHAR | 3 | |
123 | DDTABCLASS | DD: Data class category (system, customer, standard) | CHAR | 3 | |
124 | DDTABLEN | Table Length | NUMC | 10 | |
125 | DDTABTYP | Table type for DD auth. | CHAR | 1 | |
126 | DDTARGETKIND | DD: Target Type of an Assoc. (Table, View, Entity, ...) | CHAR | 1 | |
127 | DDTEXT | Short descriptive text for DD objects | CHAR | 60 | |
128 | DDTEXT60 | Flight class | CHAR | 60 | |
129 | DDTEXT_I_KK | Name of Change | CHAR | 60 | |
130 | DDTIME | Dictionary: Time of last change | TIMS | 6 | |
131 | DDTMENGE | Number of transport requests | INT2 | 5 | |
132 | DDTRANSIENT | DD: Indicates whether a field exists in the database | CHAR | 1 | |
133 | DDTRANSP | Flag indicating whether table is transparent | CHAR | 1 | |
134 | DDTTEXT | DD: templates (sample text) | CHAR | 100 | |
135 | DDTYPECLASS | DD: Class of type - for example: numeric, char-like | CHAR | 10 | |
136 | DDUNICODEINFO | DD: Information whether Unicode or Non-Unicode | CHAR | 1 | |
137 | DDUSER | Dictionary: User who made the last change | CHAR | 12 | |
138 | DDVALUE | DD: Value in text | CHAR | 100 | |
139 | DDVARIANT | DD: For different variants of exclusion times | NUMC | 5 | |
140 | DDVERACCP | Test domain ACCP | ACCP | 6 | |
141 | DDVERBOSE | DD: Level of Detail for Log Output | INT1 | 3 | |
142 | DDVERCHAR | Test domain CHAR | CHAR | 50 | |
143 | DDVERCLNT | Test domain CLNT | CLNT | 3 | |
144 | DDVERCUKY | Test domain CUKY | CUKY | 5 | |
145 | DDVERCURR | Test domain CURR | CURR | 10 | 2 |
146 | DDVERDAT | Date | DATS | 8 | |
147 | DDVERDEC | Test domain DEC | DEC | 8 | 2 |
148 | DDVERFLTP | Test domain FLTP | FLTP | 16 | 16 |
149 | DDVERI2P | Domain for foreign key tests | INT2 | 5 | |
150 | DDVERINT1 | Test domain INT1 | INT1 | 3 | |
151 | DDVERINT2 | Test domain INT2 | INT2 | 5 | |
152 | DDVERINT4 | Test domain INT4 | INT4 | 10 | |
153 | DDVERLANG | Test domain LANG | LANG | 1 | |
154 | DDVERNUMC | Test domain NUMC | NUMC | 4 | |
155 | DDVERPREC | Test domain PREC | PREC | 2 | |
156 | DDVERQUAN | Test domain QUAN | QUAN | 3 | |
157 | DDVERRAW | Test domain RAW | RAW | 20 | |
158 | DDVERS | DD: Version of DD object to be activated? | CHAR | 1 | |
159 | DDVERSION | Dictionary: Version of the entry | NUMC | 4 | |
160 | DDVERTEST | Number of verification run | NUMC | 4 | |
161 | DDVERTIMS | Test domain TIMS | TIMS | 6 | |
162 | DDVERUNIT | Test domain UNIT | UNIT | 3 | |
163 | DDVIEWKIND | DD: Type of a Database View | CHAR | 1 | |
164 | DDVRSDO | Erzeugt vom Verilauf VERDDVRS | NUMC | 4 | |
165 | DDWIDTH | DD: For Table/View/Index and Primary Key Width | INT4 | 10 | |
166 | DDWITHPAR | DD: Set whenever a view or base view has parameters | CHAR | 1 | |
167 | DDWRITEDDLDEP | DD: Writes DDL dependency | CHAR | 1 | |
168 | DDWRONGCL | DD: Classification of extension is incorrect | CHAR | 1 | |
169 | DDWRTBATG | DD: Write TBATG entry | CHAR | 1 | |
170 | DDWRTREXT | Activation or deletion results must be recorded | CHAR | 1 | |
171 | DDXDITESTAPP0 | DD. Append 0 | 0 | ||
172 | DDXDITESTAPP1 | DD: Append 1 | 0 | ||
173 | DDXDITESTAPP2 | DD: Test Append for xdi | 0 | ||
174 | DDXDITESTAPP3 | DD: Test Append for xdi | 0 | ||
175 | DDXDITESTDOMA1 | DD: Test Domain for XDI | CHAR | 3 | |
176 | DDXDITESTDOMA3 | DD: Test Domain for XDI | INT2 | 5 | |
177 | DDYNR | Notification abbreviation-dependent data screen | CHAR | 4 | |
178 | DD_ACTEXE | Flag: Switch on/off actions when activating | CHAR | 1 | |
179 | DD_ACTMODE | DD: Type of activation | INT2 | 5 | |
180 | DD_CHECK | Contains 'X' or message ID, number and severity of error | CHAR | 6 | |
181 | DD_CHKBOX | Selection field with two values | CHAR | 1 | |
182 | DD_FTI_CONFIGURATION | DD: Type of Text Analysis | CHAR | 1 | |
183 | DD_FTI_FAST_PREPROCESS | DD: Fast Preprocessing On/Off | CHAR | 1 | |
184 | DD_FTI_FUZZY_SEARCH_INDX | DD: Additional Index for Fuzzy Search | CHAR | 1 | |
185 | DD_FTI_LANGU_DETECTION | DD: Full Text Index: Languages for Autom. Language Search | CHAR | 200 | |
186 | DD_FTI_MIME_TYPE | DD: Full Text Index: Mime Type - Ex.: 'application/pdf' | CHAR | 127 | |
187 | DD_FTI_MIME_TYPE_DESCR | DD: Description of a Mime Type | CHAR | 120 | |
188 | DD_FTI_PHRASE_INDX_RATIO | DD: Ratio Phrase Index to Full-Text Index | NUMC | 3 | |
189 | DD_FTI_SEARCH_ONLY | DD: Original formatting will be removed | CHAR | 1 | |
190 | DD_FTI_TEXT_ANALYSIS | DD: Switches on the text analysis | CHAR | 1 | |
191 | DD_FTI_UPDATE_MODE | DD: Update Mode of Full-Text Index | CHAR | 10 | |
192 | DD_FUNC_KIND | DD: Type of Function - Aggregate, Predefined, User-Defined | CHAR | 1 | |
193 | DD_KONTEXT | Context in DD maintenance | CHAR | 30 | |
194 | DD_MESSAGE | DD: Contains message ID and error no. for checks | CHAR | 6 | |
195 | DD_MESSID | DD: work area, message number | CHAR | 23 | |
196 | DD_MODEFLG | DD: Flag how DB operations should be performed | CHAR | 1 | |
197 | DD_NT_FUNC | Functions for nametab check | CHAR | 10 | |
198 | DD_NT_STAT | Status of a nametab (active; inactive) | CHAR | 1 | |
199 | DD_PARAMETER_TYPE | DD: Type of a Parameter of a Function | CHAR | 1 | |
200 | DD_PREDEF_FUNCNAME | DD: Name of a self-defined function | CHAR | 30 | |
201 | DD_RADIO | Selection field with two values | CHAR | 1 | |
202 | DD_SUFFIX | Field name suffix in the ABAP/4 Dictionary | CHAR | 3 | |
203 | DD_TFI_TOKEN_SEP | DD: Token Delimiters | CHAR | 50 | |
204 | DD_TRACE | DD: trace level | NUMC | 1 | |
205 | DEACT | Deactivation Indicator for SD Self-Billing | CHAR | 1 | |
206 | DEAGD_CA | Deactivation Reason | CHAR | 2 | |
207 | DEAGD_KK | Reason for deactivation | CHAR | 2 | |
208 | DEAGR_KK | Callback Reason for Submitted Items | CHAR | 2 | |
209 | DEAKTIVKZ | Deactivation indicator | CHAR | 1 | |
210 | DEAR3 | Customer type 3 : Sales prospect | CHAR | 1 | |
211 | DEA_SCHEDULE_UI | Pharma: DEA SCHEDULE | CHAR | 2 | |
212 | DEBID_0009 | Generated domain for matchcode field | CHAR | 18 | |
213 | DEBID_0011 | Generated domain for matchcode field | CHAR | 20 | |
214 | DEBIE_0009 | Generated domain for matchcode field | CHAR | 20 | |
215 | DEBIE_0011 | Generated domain for matchcode field | CHAR | 25 | |
216 | DEBIS_0009 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 18 | |
217 | DEBIS_0011 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 20 | |
218 | DEBIZ_0009 | Generated domain for matchcode field | CHAR | 24 | |
219 | DEBIZ_0011 | Generated domain for matchcode field | CHAR | 25 | |
220 | DEBUG____8 | Debug flag | CHAR | 1 | |
221 | DEBWECHS | Customer Change | CHAR | 2 | |
222 | DEBWZERO | Billing document W/O invoicing (zero doc., customer change) | CHAR | 1 | |
223 | DEC | Proportion of Goods Receipt Quantity to PO Quantity | DEC | 6 | 3 |
224 | DEC02 | Decimal field of length 2 | DEC | 2 | |
225 | DEC03 | Decimal field of length 3 | DEC | 3 | |
226 | DEC03_2 | Decimal 3.2 | DEC | 5 | 2 |
227 | DEC04 | Decimal field (length 4) | DEC | 4 | |
228 | DEC05 | Decimal counter field | DEC | 3 | 2 |
229 | DEC06 | Counter field 6 | DEC | 6 | |
230 | DEC08 | Decimal field of length 8 | DEC | 8 | |
231 | DEC083S | Decimal 8.3 with sign | DEC | 11 | 3 |
232 | DEC1 | Decimal field length 1 | DEC | 1 | |
233 | DEC10V | 10-character value with +/- sign | DEC | 10 | |
234 | DEC10_1 | Decimal Field of Length 16, 1 Decimale | DEC | 10 | 1 |
235 | DEC10_2 | Packed field for TMIN | DEC | 10 | 2 |
236 | DEC10_2V | Decimal no.w.10 before decimal place, 2 after and +/- sign | DEC | 12 | 2 |
237 | DEC10_3 | Decimal field 10 places bef. / 3 places after decimal point | DEC | 13 | 3 |
238 | DEC10_5 | Amount field | DEC | 10 | 2 |
239 | DEC11 | Decimal field length 11 | DEC | 11 | |
240 | DEC11_2 | Decimal number with 11 whole number, and 2 decimal places | DEC | 13 | 2 |
241 | DEC11_3 | Decimal field - length 15, with 3 decimal places | DEC | 11 | 3 |
242 | DEC11_4 | Decimal number of 11 in length with 4 decimal places | DEC | 15 | 4 |
243 | DEC12 | Decimal field length 12 | DEC | 12 | |
244 | DEC12_3 | Decimal no. 12 digits before, 3 after decimal pt, +/-sign | DEC | 15 | 3 |
245 | DEC12_9 | Dec12 with 9 Decimal Places | DEC | 12 | 9 |
246 | DEC13 | Decimal field of length 13 | DEC | 13 | |
247 | DEC13_2 | Decimal no. with 13 digits before & 2 after the decimal pnt. | DEC | 15 | 2 |
248 | DEC13_3 | Decimal field with length 17 and 3 decimal places | DEC | 13 | 3 |
249 | DEC13_7 | 7 Decimal Places | DEC | 13 | 7 |
250 | DEC14 | Decimal field of length 14 | DEC | 14 | |
251 | DEC14_3 | Decimal no. 27 digits, 3 decimal places and +/- sign | DEC | 27 | 3 |
252 | DEC14_4 | Amount field, with 14 whole number, and 4 decimal places | DEC | 14 | 4 |
253 | DEC15 | Decimal field length 15 | DEC | 15 | |
254 | DEC150_DB4 | DEC(15,0) (iSeries) | DEC | 15 | |
255 | DEC154_DB4 | DEC(15,4) (iSeries) | DEC | 15 | 4 |
256 | DEC15D5 | Decimal number 15 places, 5 decimal places, no +/- sign | DEC | 15 | 5 |
257 | DEC15_12 | DEC15_12 | DEC | 15 | 12 |
258 | DEC15_13 | 15-digit number with 13 decimal places, no +/- sign | DEC | 15 | 13 |
259 | DEC15_2 | Decimal field length 15 with 2 decimal places | DEC | 15 | 2 |
260 | DEC15_3 | Decimal field - length 15, with 3 decimal places | DEC | 15 | 3 |
261 | DEC15_4 | Decimal Field, Length 15 with 4 Decimal Places | DEC | 15 | 4 |
262 | DEC15_5 | Decimal number 15 places, 5 decimal places, no +/- sign | DEC | 15 | 5 |
263 | DEC15_5DB4 | Decimal number 15 characters, 5 decimal places, +/- sign | DEC | 15 | 5 |
264 | DEC16_13 | Decimal fld w/ 3 places before decimal and 13 after w/o +/- | DEC | 16 | 13 |
265 | DEC16_3 | Decimal no. 16 digits before, 3 after decimal pt, +/-sign | DEC | 19 | 3 |
266 | DEC16_3K | Decimal number, 16 digits, three after decimal point | DEC | 16 | 3 |
267 | DEC17 | Decimal field length 17 | DEC | 17 | |
268 | DEC17_2 | Decimal field length 17 with 2 decimal places | DEC | 17 | 2 |
269 | DEC17_2V | Decimal no.:17 spaces before decimal pt,2 after it, +/- sign | DEC | 17 | 2 |
270 | DEC17_3 | Decimal 17_3 | DEC | 17 | 3 |
271 | DEC17_5 | Decimal field - length 17, with 5 decimal places | DEC | 17 | 5 |
272 | DEC17__3 | DEC17__3 | DEC | 17 | 3 |
273 | DEC18 | Decimal field of length 18 | DEC | 18 | |
274 | DEC18_2 | Decimal no. with 18 digits before & 2 after the decimal pnt. | DEC | 18 | 2 |
275 | DEC1_1 | Decimal fld with 1 fld before, 1 fld after point | DEC | 2 | 1 |
276 | DEC1_10 | 1 place before decimal point, 10 places after | DEC | 11 | 10 |
277 | DEC1_2 | Decimal number with 1 whole number, and 2 decimal places | DEC | 3 | 2 |
278 | DEC1_3 | Decimal field with 1 place before and 3 after the dec.point | DEC | 4 | 3 |
279 | DEC1_4 | Decimal number with 1 place before, 4 places after dec.point | DEC | 5 | 4 |
280 | DEC1_9 | Decimal number | DEC | 10 | 9 |
281 | DEC1_S | CATS: Decimal field of 1 character with sign | DEC | 1 | |
282 | DEC1_SCMA | Decimal field with one character, and +/- sign | DEC | 1 | |
283 | DEC2 | Decimal field length 2 | DEC | 2 | |
284 | DEC20 | Decimal number, 20 digits, none after decimal point | DEC | 20 | |
285 | DEC20_2 | Dec20 with 2 decimal places | DEC | 20 | 2 |
286 | DEC20_3 | Dec20 with 3 decimal places | DEC | 20 | 3 |
287 | DEC20_4 | DEC20 with four decimal places | DEC | 20 | 4 |
288 | DEC20_D3 | liveCache: 20 Digits with Three Places After Comma | DEC | 20 | 3 |
289 | DEC22_5 | Decimal 22_5 | DEC | 22 | 5 |
290 | DEC23 | Decimal 2 places before, 3 after dec. point without sign | DEC | 5 | 3 |
291 | DEC23_2 | Decimal number w/ 23 characters, 2 decimal places, +/- sign | DEC | 23 | 2 |
292 | DEC2S | Two-character number with sign | DEC | 2 | |
293 | DEC2_1 | Standard packed field (2 places, 1 decimal place) | DEC | 3 | 1 |
294 | DEC2_2 | Norm: 2 Places Before and After Decimal Point | DEC | 4 | 2 |
295 | DEC2_2V | 2 places before, 2 places after the decimal point | DEC | 4 | 2 |
296 | DEC2_3 | Decimal 2 places before, 3 after dec. point without sign | DEC | 5 | 3 |
297 | DEC2_4 | 2 characters before and 4 after decimal point norm | DEC | 6 | 4 |
298 | DEC2_5 | Decimal number, 2 pos. before, 5 after decimal pt, w/out +/- | DEC | 7 | 5 |
299 | DEC3 | Decimal field, length 3 | DEC | 3 | |
300 | DEC31_14 | Counter Field (31 Digits, 14 Decimal Places, and +/- Sign) | DEC | 31 | 14 |
301 | DEC3_0 | Decimal number with 3 places before dec.point, no decimals | DEC | 3 | |
302 | DEC3_1 | Decimal 3 places before, 1 after comma | DEC | 4 | 1 |
303 | DEC3_11 | Percent. rate: 3 digits before dec.point, 11 decimal places | DEC | 14 | 11 |
304 | DEC3_12 | Percentage: 3 Whole Number Places, 12 Decimal Places | DEC | 15 | 12 |
305 | DEC3_2 | 3 places before, 2 decimal places after decimal point | DEC | 5 | 2 |
306 | DEC3_2S | 3 digits, 2 with +/- sign | DEC | 6 | 2 |
307 | DEC3_2STUN | Decimal number with 3 places before and 2 after the point | DEC | 5 | 2 |
308 | DEC3_2V | 3 places before, 2 decimal places after decimal point | DEC | 5 | 2 |
309 | DEC3_3 | 3 whole number places and 3 decimal places, without +/- sign | DEC | 6 | 3 |
310 | DEC3_3V | Decimal 3.3 with +/- sign | DEC | 6 | 3 |
311 | DEC3_4 | Decimal no., 3 whole no. and 4 decimal places, no +/- sign | DEC | 7 | 4 |
312 | DEC3_6 | Decimal Number: 3 Places Before/6 Places After Decimal Point | DEC | 9 | 6 |
313 | DEC3_7 | Decimal no., 3 whole number and 4 decimal places | DEC | 10 | 7 |
314 | DEC4 | Decimal field of length 4 | DEC | 4 | |
315 | DEC4_1 | Decimal no. with 4 places before, one place after dec. point | DEC | 5 | 1 |
316 | DEC4_2 | Decimal no., 4 whole number and 2 decimal places | DEC | 6 | 2 |
317 | DEC4_3 | Decimal number with 4 places before and 3 after the point | DEC | 7 | 3 |
318 | DEC4_4 | Decimal, 4 characters before and 4 after decimal point | DEC | 8 | 4 |
319 | DEC4_5 | Decimal number, 4 whole number and 5 decimal places | DEC | 9 | 5 |
320 | DEC5 | Decimal field, length 5 | DEC | 5 | |
321 | DEC52V | Dec.figure/5 places before, 2 places after point and sign | DEC | 7 | 2 |
322 | DEC5V | Number of days | DEC | 5 | |
323 | DEC5_1 | Decimal 3 places before, 1 after comma | DEC | 6 | 1 |
324 | DEC5_2 | Decimal place, 5 whole number and 2 decimal places | DEC | 7 | 2 |
325 | DEC5_2V | Dec.figure/5 places before, 2 places after point and sign | DEC | 7 | 2 |
326 | DEC5_2V_AU | Dec.figure/5 places before, 2 places after point and sign | DEC | 7 | 2 |
327 | DEC5_3 | Decicmal pl.,5 places before, 3 after decimal point, no +/- | DEC | 8 | 3 |
328 | DEC5_4 | Decimal no., 5 whole number and 4 decimal places | DEC | 9 | 4 |
329 | DEC6 | Decimal field of length 6 | DEC | 6 | |
330 | DEC6_2 | Decimal no., 4 whole number and 2 decimal places | DEC | 8 | 2 |
331 | DEC6_3 | 9 places: 6 before and 3 after decimal point | DEC | 9 | 3 |
332 | DEC6_4 | 6 Integer Places, 4 Decimal Places | DEC | 10 | 4 |
333 | DEC6_5 | Decimal field with 6 places before decimal point, 5 after | DEC | 11 | 5 |
334 | DEC6_5SIGN | Dezimalfeld 6 Vor-, 5 Nachkommastellen und Vorzeichen | DEC | 11 | 5 |
335 | DEC6_7 | Decimal number: 6 places before and 7 after decimal point | DEC | 13 | 7 |
336 | DEC6_7_KK | Decimal number: 6 places before and 7 after decimal point | DEC | 13 | 7 |
337 | DEC7 | Decimal field of length 7 | DEC | 7 | |
338 | DEC7K3 | 7 spaces before the comma, 3 spaces after the comma | DEC | 10 | 3 |
339 | DEC7_1 | Decimal Field of Length 7, 1 Decimale | DEC | 10 | 1 |
340 | DEC7_2 | Decimal no. w/ 7 characters before and 2 after decimal point | DEC | 9 | 2 |
341 | DEC7_2S | Decimal no. w/ 7 characters before and 2 after decimal point | DEC | 9 | 2 |
342 | DEC7_4 | Decimal 7,4 | DEC | 7 | 4 |
343 | DEC7_S | Decimal field length 7 (used in Basis component) | DEC | 7 | |
344 | DEC8 | Decimal field of length 8 | DEC | 8 | |
345 | DEC8_2 | Decimal no. w/ 8 characters before and 2 after decimal point | DEC | 10 | 2 |
346 | DEC8_2S | Packed integer: 8 bytes, 2 decimal places, leading sign | DEC | 14 | 2 |
347 | DEC8_3 | Normed Domain dec8_3 | DEC | 11 | 3 |
348 | DEC8_3S | Packed integer: 8 bytes, 3 decimal places, leading sign | DEC | 14 | 3 |
349 | DEC9 | Decimal number - length 9 | DEC | 9 | |
350 | DEC9V | 9-character value with +/- sign | DEC | 9 | |
351 | DEC9_2 | Decimal no. w/ 9 characters before and 2 after decimal point | DEC | 11 | 2 |
352 | DEC9_2S | Decimal number with 11 digits, of which 2 decimal places | DEC | 11 | 2 |
353 | DEC9_3 | Decimal no. w/ 9 characters before and 2 after decimal point | DEC | 12 | 3 |
354 | DEC9_3SIGN | Dezimalzahl mit 9 Vor-, 2 Nachkommastellen und Vorzeichen | DEC | 12 | 3 |
355 | DEC9_5 | Decimal 9,5 | DEC | 9 | 5 |
356 | DECAN | Number of decimal places | INT2 | 5 | |
357 | DECE_ASCEN | CATS: Sorted in ascending or descending order | CHAR | 1 | |
358 | DECI10 | Decimal Field with Length 10 | DEC | 10 | |
359 | DECIE | FI-SL: Decimal separator | CHAR | 1 | |
360 | DECIM | Decimal places | CUKY | 5 | |
361 | DECIP | FI-SL: Number of decimal places | CHAR | 1 | |
362 | DECISION | User decision | CHAR | 1 | |
363 | DECL_YEAR_PRD_M340_ES | Declaration Year and Period/Quarter (YYYYMM) | CHAR | 6 | |
364 | DECMARK | DMC: Decimal Character (Period or Comma) | CHAR | 1 | |
365 | DECML | HR: Comp. 709: Number of decimals | NUMC | 2 | |
366 | DECOM | Decommissioning Requested | CHAR | 1 | |
367 | DECORATOR_MENU_TYPE | Decorator Menu Item | CHAR | 8 | |
368 | DECV03 | Decimal number (*/-) (length 3) | DEC | 3 | |
369 | DECV10_2 | Decimal No.: Length 10 with 2 Dec.Places and Plus/Minus Sign | DEC | 10 | 2 |
370 | DECV13 | 13-character decimal field with +/- sign | DEC | 13 | |
371 | DECV13_2 | Decimal field, length 15 with 2 decimal places and +/- sign | DEC | 15 | 2 |
372 | DECV13_3 | Dec.fld 10 places before/3 places after the dec.pnt with LS | DEC | 13 | 3 |
373 | DECV14_4 | Decimal number with +/- sign | DEC | 14 | 4 |
374 | DECV15 | Decimal field 15 char. long with sign | DEC | 15 | |
375 | DECV15_1 | 15-character decimal field with +/- sign, 1 place after pt. | DEC | 15 | 1 |
376 | DECV15_2 | 15-character decimal field with +/- sign, 2 places after pt. | DEC | 15 | 2 |
377 | DECV15_3 | Decimal field with 15 length, +/- sign, 3 decimal places | DEC | 15 | 3 |
378 | DECV15_5 | Decimal number 15 characters, 5 decimal places, +/- sign | DEC | 15 | 5 |
379 | DECV16 | Decimal field - length 16 with +/- sign | DEC | 15 | |
380 | DECV17 | Decimal field of length 17 with +/- sign | DEC | 17 | |
381 | DECV19_2 | Decimal no.19 characters, 2 places after dec.point, +/- sign | DEC | 19 | 2 |
382 | DECV19_5 | Decimal no.19 characters, 5 places after dec.point, +/- sign | DEC | 19 | 5 |
383 | DECV1_3 | Decimal places: 1 place before decimal, 3 after, no +/- | DEC | 4 | 3 |
384 | DECV1_5 | Decimal places: 1 place before decimal, 5 after, no +/- | DEC | 6 | 5 |
385 | DECV23 | Decimal field, length 23, with +/- sign | DEC | 23 | |
386 | DECV23_2 | Decimal number w/ 23 characters, 2 decimal places, +/- sign | DEC | 23 | 2 |
387 | DECV23_5 | Decimal no.23 characters, 5 places after dec.point, +/- sign | DEC | 23 | 5 |
388 | DECV2_2 | Precosting 2, costing 2 with +/- according to standard | DEC | 4 | 2 |
389 | DECV3_1 | Decimal place field with 3 digits, 1 decimal place, +/- sign | DEC | 4 | 1 |
390 | DECV3_2 | Dec. field w/ 3 characters before & 2 after dec. point, sign | DEC | 5 | 2 |
391 | DECV3_3 | Dec.fig.w. 3 places before/3 after dec.point with +/- | DEC | 6 | 3 |
392 | DECV3_7 | Decimal number with +/- sign | DEC | 10 | 7 |
393 | DECV4 | Decimal number (+/-) (length 4) | DEC | 4 | |
394 | DECV4_2 | Dec. field w/ 4 characters before & 2 after dec. point, sign | DEC | 6 | 2 |
395 | DECV4_3 | Dec. no. w/ 4 characters before & 3 after dec. point, sign | DEC | 7 | 3 |
396 | DECV4_5 | Floating point with 5 decimal places and sign | DEC | 9 | 5 |
397 | DECV5 | Decimal Field of Length 5 with +/- Sign | DEC | 5 | |
398 | DECV5_10 | Decimal number with +/- sign | DEC | 15 | 10 |
399 | DECV5_2 | 3 places before, 2 decimal places after decimal point | DEC | 5 | 2 |
400 | DECV6_2 | Decimal With 6 Predecimal and 2 Decimal Places and +/- Sign | DEC | 8 | 2 |
401 | DECV7 | Decimal Field of Length 7 with +/- Sign | DEC | 7 | |
402 | DECV7_2 | Decimal number sign, 7 places before decimal + 2 behind | DEC | 9 | 2 |
403 | DECV8 | Decimal field, 8 digits long (with +/- sign) | DEC | 8 | |
404 | DECV8_2 | Dec. no. w/ 8 characters before & 2 after dec. point, sign | DEC | 10 | 2 |
405 | DECV8_3 | Dec. field with 8 characters before & 3 after dec. pt., sign | DEC | 11 | 3 |
406 | DECV8_4 | Decimal field, length 8 inc. +/- sign, 4 plc. beh. dec. pt. | DEC | 12 | 4 |
407 | DECV9_2 | Dec. field with 9 numbers before & 2 after dec. point, sign | DEC | 9 | 2 |
408 | DECV_5_2 | Dec.figure with +/- sign, 5 places bef. 2 after deminal pnt | DEC | 7 | 2 |
409 | DEC_02 | Decimal field with two places after decimal point | DEC | 2 | |
410 | DEC_10 | Decimal field of 10 characters (without decimal places) | DEC | 10 | |
411 | DEC_13 | Decimal field with 13 decimal places | DEC | 13 | |
412 | DEC_15_3 | Dec. field with 3 places after decimal point | DEC | 15 | 3 |
413 | DEC_16_00_S | Decimal Field Length 16 with 0 Decimal Places and +/- Sign | DEC | 16 | |
414 | DEC_16_01_S | Decimal Field Length 16 with 1 Decimal Place and +/- Sign | DEC | 16 | 1 |
415 | DEC_16_02_S | Decimal Field Length 16 with 2 Decimal Places and +/- Sign | DEC | 16 | 2 |
416 | DEC_16_03_S | Decimal Field Length 16 with 3 Decimal Places and +/- Sign | DEC | 16 | 3 |
417 | DEC_16_04_S | Decimal Field Length 16 with 4 Decimal Places and +/- Sign | DEC | 16 | 4 |
418 | DEC_16_05_S | Decimal Field Length 16 with 5 Decimal Places and +/- Sign | DEC | 16 | 5 |
419 | DEC_16_06_S | Decimal Field Length 16 with 6 Decimal Places and +/- Sign | DEC | 16 | 6 |
420 | DEC_16_07_S | Decimal Field Length 16 with 7 Decimal Places and +/- Sign | DEC | 16 | 7 |
421 | DEC_16_08_S | Decimal Field Length 16 with 8 Decimal Places and +/- Sign | DEC | 16 | 8 |
422 | DEC_16_09_S | Decimal Field Length 16 with 9 Decimal Places and +/- Sign | DEC | 16 | 9 |
423 | DEC_16_10_S | Decimal Field Length 16 with 10 Decimal Places and +/- Sign | DEC | 16 | 10 |
424 | DEC_16_11_S | Decimal Field Length 16 with 11 Decimal Places and +/- Sign | DEC | 16 | 11 |
425 | DEC_16_12_S | Decimal Field Length 16 with 12 Decimal Places and +/- Sign | DEC | 16 | 12 |
426 | DEC_16_13_S | Decimal Field Length 16 with 13 Decimal Places and +/- Sign | DEC | 16 | 13 |
427 | DEC_16_14_S | Decimal Field Length 16 with 14 Decimal Places and +/- Sign | DEC | 16 | 14 |
428 | DEC_1_9 | Decimal number 1 digit before decimal place, 9 after | DEC | 10 | 9 |
429 | DEC_25 | Decimal, 25 digits | DEC | 25 | |
430 | DEC_31 | Decimal Value | DEC | 31 | 2 |
431 | DEC_3_6 | Decimal Number: 3 whole no.s / 6 Places After Decimal Point | DEC | 9 | 6 |
432 | DEC_5 | Decimal field of length 5 (without decimals) | DEC | 5 | |
433 | DEC_6_2 | Decimal number with 6 places before and 2 after (% totals) | DEC | 8 | 2 |
434 | DEC_8_2 | Decimal with 6 whole digits and 2 decimal places | DEC | 8 | 2 |
435 | DEC_AVRG_RATE | Average Tax Rate | DEC | 5 | 3 |
436 | DEDFL | Special rule for leave deduction | CHAR | 1 | |
437 | DEDPR | Priority for deduction sequence for absence quotas | CHAR | 1 | |
438 | DEDRG | Rule for Deduction Sequence for Absence Quotas | NUMC | 3 | |
439 | DEDUCT_KK | Deduction Indicator | CHAR | 1 | |
440 | DEF02 | Default instruction key | NUMC | 2 | |
441 | DEFAU | Standard layout | CHAR | 7 | |
442 | DEFAULT | Default | CHAR | 1 | |
443 | DEFAULTVAL | Personalization User Field Default Value | CHAR | 32 | |
444 | DEFAULT_FIELD_SELECTION | Indicates a Layout Is the Default Setting | CHAR | 1 | |
445 | DEFAULT_VA | Value of a database default | CHAR | 75 | |
446 | DEFAULT_VALUE_REMARK | Default Value for Remark for Digital Signature | CHAR | 1 | |
447 | DEFAULT__3 | Default value for import parameter | CHAR | 21 | |
448 | DEFAU_046S | Default values to be allocated to payt advices via DME | CHAR | 1 | |
449 | DEFBA | DRS FM default doc. type | CHAR | 2 | |
450 | DEFBP_INDPAY | Payment Specification: Default Value for Payer | CHAR | 1 | |
451 | DEFFDNAME | DD: Default name for fields depending on data element | CHAR | 30 | |
452 | DEFFK | Applicability of public holiday class | CHAR | 1 | |
453 | DEFGR | Default reason for specification in POD | CHAR | 1 | |
454 | DEFINE | Number of screen 'Assignment to a report class' | CHAR | 4 | |
455 | DEFINITION | Definition | CHAR | 10 | |
456 | DEFLT | Default value for CAD transfer field | CHAR | 70 | |
457 | DEFMXACC | VAT Return Item | CHAR | 3 | |
458 | DEFOPTION | Mini-Scenario default option | CHAR | 32 | |
459 | DEFTAX_DOC_TYPE | Document Type for Function Module CREATE_DEFTAX_ITEM | CHAR | 2 | |
460 | DEFTP | Deferred/Non-deferred Type of Wagetype | CHAR | 1 | |
461 | DEFVALLIST | Default value list | CHAR | 32 | |
462 | DEF_ABSP | Definition of Cutoff Period | CHAR | 1 | |
463 | DEF_CURSOR | IS-M: Start Cursor Position in M/AM CtlAcc, ClOrdEtry + CIC | NUMC | 1 | |
464 | DEF_FNAME | Print default field name | CHAR | 7 | |
465 | DEF_KAP | Default capacity of picking wave | CHAR | 1 | |
466 | DEF_SAVE_METHOD | Default save method | CHAR | 1 | |
467 | DEF_SAVE_METHOD2 | Default save method (without parallel process) | CHAR | 1 | |
468 | DEF_START_PT | Starting Point for Service Def. (Inside-Out or Outside-In) | CHAR | 1 | |
469 | DEF_SUBSCREEN | IS-M/AM: Central access - Tab page default setting | CHAR | 2 | |
470 | DEG | Degrees | DEC | 15 | 12 |
471 | DEGEX | Degree of Exhaustion | DEC | 3 | |
472 | DEHAC | Local tax office | CHAR | 2 | |
473 | DEKR | Transaction type | CHAR | 1 | |
474 | DEL12 | Number of the 12 character MRP element | CHAR | 12 | |
475 | DELB0 | MRP element description | CHAR | 6 | |
476 | DELB1 | MRP element description | CHAR | 10 | |
477 | DELCF | Commitment date - Calculation rule | CHAR | 1 | |
478 | DELCO | Delivery time agreement | CHAR | 3 | |
479 | DELCOM | Self-Billing: Grouping of Deliveries | CHAR | 1 | |
480 | DELCONMATCH | Delivery confirmation: flag for completed logistics matching | CHAR | 1 | |
481 | DELCONNUM | Delivery confirmation: internal ID number | NUMC | 10 | |
482 | DELCONOK | DELCON: logistics matching set to complete | CHAR | 1 | |
483 | DELCONPOS | Delivery confirmation: internal ID number for item | NUMC | 6 | |
484 | DELCONREF | Delivery confirmation: reference numbers | CHAR | 35 | |
485 | DELCONTYP | Delivery confirmation: type | CHAR | 1 | |
486 | DELEM | MRP element in MPS evaluation | CHAR | 2 | |
487 | DELET | MRP element scheduling number | NUMC | 4 | |
488 | DELETE_FLAG | General flag | CHAR | 1 | |
489 | DELE_COUNTER | Deletion Counter | INT4 | 10 | |
490 | DELE_DURATION | Deletion Duration | INT4 | 10 | |
491 | DELGRP_NUMBER | Outbound Delivery Groups | NUMC | 8 | |
492 | DELIM | Separator in Data Strings | CHAR | 1 | |
494 | DELIVERY | Indicator: Deliveries | CHAR | 1 | |
495 | DELIVERY1 | Indicator: Deliveries | CHAR | 1 | |
496 | DELIVERY_STATUS | Indicator for Delivery Status | CHAR | 1 | |
497 | DELIVRTIME | Delivery Time for Books | INT1 | 3 | |
498 | DELIVSPLIT | IS-M/SD: Delivery Address Alternation | CHAR | 8 | |
499 | DELIVSPLITGRP | IS-M/SD: Address Alternation Group | CHAR | 10 | |
500 | DELIV_DAY | Inward Delivery Day Indicator | CHAR | 1 |