SAP ABAP Domain - Index D, page 3
Domain - D
# Domain Name Short Description Data type Length Decimals
1 DDNODEKIND Type of a Node in the ABAP Dictionary CHAR   
2 DDNODENAME Node Name of a BO CHAR 30    
3 DDNODEORIGIN DD: Origin of a BO Node CHAR   
4 DDNONTRANSP_INCLUDED DD: At least one non-transparent one contained CHAR   
6 DDNR_____1 Number of the panel title CHAR   
7 DDNR_____2 Title no. CHAR 20    
8 DDNTABACTION DD: Nametab Actions CHAR   
9 DDNTFIELD Nametab header and field structure (without key) RAW 220    
10 DDNTHEAD Nametab header and field structure (without key) RAW 120    
11 DDNULLABLE Field description for screen: nullable, not null, undefined CHAR   
12 DDNUM Numbering NUMC   
13 DDOBJECTID Additonal ID of an ABAP/4 Dict. object (MC IDs, indexes) CHAR   
14 DDOBJFUNC DD: Field for addtl. info from ext. table or transp. request CHAR   
15 DDOBJLEN DD: For object lengths in the ABAP Dictionary INT1   
16 DDOBJNAME Name of ABAP Dictionary Object CHAR 30    
17 DDOBJNAME1 CCM domain for object CHAR 10    
18 DDOBJPOSI Position in print output NUMC   
19 DDOBJSTATE Read status of an ABAP/4 Dictionary object CHAR   
20 DDOBJTYP Object type CHAR   
21 DDOCCURS DO: Occur Parameter for Table Types NUMC   
22 DDOFFSET Offset for table manual NUMC   
23 DDOFFSETT Offset for table manual (short description) NUMC   
24 DDONSOURCE DD; Source of On Condition CHAR 1333    
25 DDOPERA ABAP Dictionary operation CHAR   
26 DDOPTION OPTION component in the row type of a ranges type CHAR   
27 DDPARAM Parameter length 10 CHAR 10    
28 DDPARNAME_RAW DD: Name of a parameter in original notation CHAR 30    
29 DDPARTITIONED DD: Statement on Partitioning (System, Table) CHAR   
30 DDPATH DD: path identifier CHAR 15    
31 DDPERCENT DD: Percentage FLTP 16  16 
32 DDPGMID Object type in ABAP/4 Dictionary CHAR   
33 DDPOS Position in output list NUMC   
34 DDPOS1 Position of lists in Basis NUMC   
35 DDPOSITION Dictionary: Line item NUMC   
36 DDPREDEFFUNCTION DD: Predefined Function CHAR 30    
37 DDPREFIX DD: Prefix for Dependent Object CHAR 30    
38 DDPREFIXDELIM DD: Prefix Delimiter for DOs CHAR   
39 DDPRESERVE_FK DD: Retain Foreign Key During Replication CHAR   
40 DDPRESERVE_INDX DD: Retain Secondary Indexes During Replication CHAR   
41 DDPROC DD: Process class CHAR   
43 DDPRONR DD: Number of conversion processes for a table INT2   
44 DDPROPERTY DD: name of an attribute CHAR 30    
45 DDPROT Name of the ABAP/4 Dictionary logs CHAR 60    
46 DDPROTNAUS Flag if log should not be output to the screen CHAR   
48 DDPROXYTY DD: Is a generated proxy object CHAR   
49 DDPRTDEV Output medium CHAR 10    
50 DDPRTSENQ Settings for lock objects CHAR 17    
51 DDPRTSGEN General Settings CHAR 14    
52 DDPRTSMC Settings for matchcodes CHAR 20    
53 DDPRTSSHLP Settings for search helps CHAR   
54 DDPRTSTAB Settings for tables CHAR 21    
55 DDPRTSVIEW Settings for views CHAR 23    
56 DDPRTTEXT Text of print parameters CHAR 30    
57 DDPRTTMP Flag indicates whether log is a temporary log CHAR   
58 DDPRTTYPE Log type CHAR   
59 DDPRTUPAR Name of a special printer setting CHAR 10    
60 DDPTEXT DD: Short description for object in dialog box CHAR 63    
61 DDPTITEL1 DD: Domain for dialog box with flag for DB table CHAR   
62 DDPTYPE Description of the type of access paths CHAR   
63 DDQUICKINFO DD: Info for Accessibility or 'Mouse Over' Function CHAR 250    
64 DDR2DEC Dictionary: No. of decimal places (domain structure R/2) RAW   
65 DDR2POS Dictionary: No. of valid places (domain structure R/2) RAW   
66 DDR2TAB Dictionary: Table name for R/2 CHAR   
67 DDRANKING DD: ranking about include-and subtype-extension NUMC   
68 DDRAW4 ABAP Dictionary: RAW of Length 4 (For Nametab) RAW   
69 DDREFKIND Source of information for reference table (DB check) CHAR   
70 DDREFTYPE Type of Object Referenced CHAR   
71 DDRELEASE Dictionary: Current release CHAR   
72 DDREPLISET DD: Scope of objects to be handled CHAR   
73 DDREPNAME Dictionary report name CHAR 40    
74 DDRESERV Reserved field in the ABAP/4 Dictionary CHAR   
75 DDROOTNODE DD: Flag whether a node is the root node CHAR   
76 DDROWORCOLST For distinction between Row or Column Store CHAR   
77 DDROWSTFLAG Table is in row store (otherwise column store) CHAR   
78 DDRSETKIND DD: For type of selection when resetting replication CHAR   
79 DDRTOBJ Source of a runtime object CHAR   
80 DDRUNTIME Expected runtime for DD processes in minutes INT2   
81 DDSCENARIO Scenarios (status transition graphs) for conversions CHAR 10    
82 DDSCENE_IN Starting Scenarios for Conversions CHAR 10    
83 DDSCRPMASK Dictionary: ScreenPainter mask (domain structure R/2) CHAR 50    
84 DDSEANDOR Link search help parameters if external indexes CHAR   
85 DDSECTTYPE String/nat. language text in fuzzy F4 help CHAR   
86 DDSEGID Dictionary: Segment ID for domain structure R/2 CHAR   
87 DDSEOP Operator for search string CHAR   
88 DDSETYCONT Document attribute type CHAR   
89 DDSETYPE Search types for search engines CHAR   
90 DDSEVERITY DD: severity CHAR   
91 DDSFLNAME Dictionary: Substructure field name (table fld.struct.R/2) CHAR 30    
92 DDSHATACHK Type of search help attachment to screen CHAR   
93 DDSHDEFTYP Default type of a search help field CHAR   
94 DDSHDIATYP Dialog type CHAR   
95 DDSHLACION Action on F4 Hit List CHAR   
96 DDSHLFORMT Output Format for F4 Hit List INT4 10    
97 DDSHLPIO Direction of the value transfer CHAR   
98 DDSHLPTYP Type of an input help CHAR   
99 DDSHLSCRLL Scroll Statement on F4 Hit List CHAR   
100 DDSHMAXREC Maximum number of hits for the input help INT4 10    
101 DDSHOCXOFF Status of ActiveX Display CHAR   
102 DDSHPKIND Type of Package for Hit List Display CHAR   
103 DDSHPVCTRL Control of personal help (only set D externally) CHAR   
104 DDSHPVKEY Key for personal help CHAR 61    
105 DDSHROLLCH Data elem. of parameter indep. of field of selection method CHAR   
106 DDSHSORTOF Sort flag for hit list of input help CHAR   
107 DDSH_GEOCITY Domain with entity table CHAR 20    
108 DDSH_TEXTSEARCH_REQUEST Dictionary Search Help: Text Search Request CHAR 60    
109 DDSICHT View (active tab in TABSTRIP) on Dictionary object CHAR 20    
110 DDSIGN SIGN component in row type of a RANGES table type CHAR   
111 DDSKIND DD: types of standard character strings CHAR   
112 DDSPACECHK Space check for conversion CHAR   
113 DDSTATE Dictionary: Status of the entry CHAR   
114 DDSTDFUNCTION DD: Standard Function CHAR 20    
116 DDSTRORLOCPO DD: Indicator about level whether a stream/locator exists NUMC   
117 DDSTRUCOBJCLASS DD: Types of a Structured Object CHAR 10    
118 DDSTRUCOBJNAME DD: Name of Structured Object (For Example, Entity, Context) CHAR 30    
119 DDSTRUCOBJNAME_RAW DD: Original Name of a Struct. Obj. (e.g. Entity, Context) CHAR 30    
120 DDSUFFIX DD: Suffix for Field Names CHAR 10    
121 DDSYS System name CHAR   
123 DDTABCLASS DD: Data class category (system, customer, standard) CHAR   
124 DDTABLEN Table Length NUMC 10    
125 DDTABTYP Table type for DD auth. CHAR   
126 DDTARGETKIND DD: Target Type of an Assoc. (Table, View, Entity, ...) CHAR   
127 DDTEXT Short descriptive text for DD objects CHAR 60    
128 DDTEXT60 Flight class CHAR 60    
129 DDTEXT_I_KK Name of Change CHAR 60    
130 DDTIME Dictionary: Time of last change TIMS   
131 DDTMENGE Number of transport requests INT2   
132 DDTRANSIENT DD: Indicates whether a field exists in the database CHAR   
133 DDTRANSP Flag indicating whether table is transparent CHAR   
134 DDTTEXT DD: templates (sample text) CHAR 100    
135 DDTYPECLASS DD: Class of type - for example: numeric, char-like CHAR 10    
136 DDUNICODEINFO DD: Information whether Unicode or Non-Unicode CHAR   
137 DDUSER Dictionary: User who made the last change CHAR 12    
138 DDVALUE DD: Value in text CHAR 100    
139 DDVARIANT DD: For different variants of exclusion times NUMC   
140 DDVERACCP Test domain ACCP ACCP   
141 DDVERBOSE DD: Level of Detail for Log Output INT1   
142 DDVERCHAR Test domain CHAR CHAR 50    
143 DDVERCLNT Test domain CLNT CLNT   
144 DDVERCUKY Test domain CUKY CUKY   
145 DDVERCURR Test domain CURR CURR 10 
147 DDVERDEC Test domain DEC DEC
148 DDVERFLTP Test domain FLTP FLTP 16  16 
149 DDVERI2P Domain for foreign key tests INT2   
150 DDVERINT1 Test domain INT1 INT1   
151 DDVERINT2 Test domain INT2 INT2   
152 DDVERINT4 Test domain INT4 INT4 10    
153 DDVERLANG Test domain LANG LANG   
154 DDVERNUMC Test domain NUMC NUMC   
155 DDVERPREC Test domain PREC PREC   
156 DDVERQUAN Test domain QUAN QUAN   
157 DDVERRAW Test domain RAW RAW 20    
158 DDVERS DD: Version of DD object to be activated? CHAR   
159 DDVERSION Dictionary: Version of the entry NUMC   
160 DDVERTEST Number of verification run NUMC   
161 DDVERTIMS Test domain TIMS TIMS   
162 DDVERUNIT Test domain UNIT UNIT   
163 DDVIEWKIND DD: Type of a Database View CHAR   
164 DDVRSDO Erzeugt vom Verilauf VERDDVRS NUMC   
165 DDWIDTH DD: For Table/View/Index and Primary Key Width INT4 10    
166 DDWITHPAR DD: Set whenever a view or base view has parameters CHAR   
167 DDWRITEDDLDEP DD: Writes DDL dependency CHAR   
168 DDWRONGCL DD: Classification of extension is incorrect CHAR   
169 DDWRTBATG DD: Write TBATG entry CHAR   
170 DDWRTREXT Activation or deletion results must be recorded CHAR   
171 DDXDITESTAPP0 DD. Append 0     
172 DDXDITESTAPP1 DD: Append 1     
173 DDXDITESTAPP2 DD: Test Append for xdi     
174 DDXDITESTAPP3 DD: Test Append for xdi     
175 DDXDITESTDOMA1 DD: Test Domain for XDI CHAR   
176 DDXDITESTDOMA3 DD: Test Domain for XDI INT2   
177 DDYNR Notification abbreviation-dependent data screen CHAR   
178 DD_ACTEXE Flag: Switch on/off actions when activating CHAR   
179 DD_ACTMODE DD: Type of activation INT2   
180 DD_CHECK Contains 'X' or message ID, number and severity of error CHAR   
181 DD_CHKBOX Selection field with two values CHAR   
182 DD_FTI_CONFIGURATION DD: Type of Text Analysis CHAR   
183 DD_FTI_FAST_PREPROCESS DD: Fast Preprocessing On/Off CHAR   
184 DD_FTI_FUZZY_SEARCH_INDX DD: Additional Index for Fuzzy Search CHAR   
185 DD_FTI_LANGU_DETECTION DD: Full Text Index: Languages for Autom. Language Search CHAR 200    
186 DD_FTI_MIME_TYPE DD: Full Text Index: Mime Type - Ex.: 'application/pdf' CHAR 127    
187 DD_FTI_MIME_TYPE_DESCR DD: Description of a Mime Type CHAR 120    
188 DD_FTI_PHRASE_INDX_RATIO DD: Ratio Phrase Index to Full-Text Index NUMC   
189 DD_FTI_SEARCH_ONLY DD: Original formatting will be removed CHAR   
190 DD_FTI_TEXT_ANALYSIS DD: Switches on the text analysis CHAR   
191 DD_FTI_UPDATE_MODE DD: Update Mode of Full-Text Index CHAR 10    
192 DD_FUNC_KIND DD: Type of Function - Aggregate, Predefined, User-Defined CHAR   
193 DD_KONTEXT Context in DD maintenance CHAR 30    
194 DD_MESSAGE DD: Contains message ID and error no. for checks CHAR   
195 DD_MESSID DD: work area, message number CHAR 23    
196 DD_MODEFLG DD: Flag how DB operations should be performed CHAR   
197 DD_NT_FUNC Functions for nametab check CHAR 10    
198 DD_NT_STAT Status of a nametab (active; inactive) CHAR   
199 DD_PARAMETER_TYPE DD: Type of a Parameter of a Function CHAR   
200 DD_PREDEF_FUNCNAME DD: Name of a self-defined function CHAR 30    
201 DD_RADIO Selection field with two values CHAR   
202 DD_SUFFIX Field name suffix in the ABAP/4 Dictionary CHAR   
203 DD_TFI_TOKEN_SEP DD: Token Delimiters CHAR 50    
204 DD_TRACE DD: trace level NUMC   
205 DEACT Deactivation Indicator for SD Self-Billing CHAR   
206 DEAGD_CA Deactivation Reason CHAR   
207 DEAGD_KK Reason for deactivation CHAR   
208 DEAGR_KK Callback Reason for Submitted Items CHAR   
209 DEAKTIVKZ Deactivation indicator CHAR   
210 DEAR3 Customer type 3 : Sales prospect CHAR   
212 DEBID_0009 Generated domain for matchcode field CHAR 18    
213 DEBID_0011 Generated domain for matchcode field CHAR 20    
214 DEBIE_0009 Generated domain for matchcode field CHAR 20    
215 DEBIE_0011 Generated domain for matchcode field CHAR 25    
216 DEBIS_0009 Domain generated for matchcode field CHAR 18    
217 DEBIS_0011 Domain generated for matchcode field CHAR 20    
218 DEBIZ_0009 Generated domain for matchcode field CHAR 24    
219 DEBIZ_0011 Generated domain for matchcode field CHAR 25    
220 DEBUG____8 Debug flag CHAR   
221 DEBWECHS Customer Change CHAR   
222 DEBWZERO Billing document W/O invoicing (zero doc., customer change) CHAR   
223 DEC Proportion of Goods Receipt Quantity to PO Quantity DEC
224 DEC02 Decimal field of length 2 DEC   
225 DEC03 Decimal field of length 3 DEC   
226 DEC03_2 Decimal 3.2 DEC
227 DEC04 Decimal field (length 4) DEC   
228 DEC05 Decimal counter field DEC
229 DEC06 Counter field 6 DEC   
230 DEC08 Decimal field of length 8 DEC   
231 DEC083S Decimal 8.3 with sign DEC 11 
232 DEC1 Decimal field length 1 DEC   
233 DEC10V 10-character value with +/- sign DEC 10    
234 DEC10_1 Decimal Field of Length 16, 1 Decimale DEC 10 
235 DEC10_2 Packed field for TMIN DEC 10 
236 DEC10_2V Decimal no.w.10 before decimal place, 2 after and +/- sign DEC 12 
237 DEC10_3 Decimal field 10 places bef. / 3 places after decimal point DEC 13 
238 DEC10_5 Amount field DEC 10 
239 DEC11 Decimal field length 11 DEC 11    
240 DEC11_2 Decimal number with 11 whole number, and 2 decimal places DEC 13 
241 DEC11_3 Decimal field - length 15, with 3 decimal places DEC 11 
242 DEC11_4 Decimal number of 11 in length with 4 decimal places DEC 15 
243 DEC12 Decimal field length 12 DEC 12    
244 DEC12_3 Decimal no. 12 digits before, 3 after decimal pt, +/-sign DEC 15 
245 DEC12_9 Dec12 with 9 Decimal Places DEC 12 
246 DEC13 Decimal field of length 13 DEC 13    
247 DEC13_2 Decimal no. with 13 digits before & 2 after the decimal pnt. DEC 15 
248 DEC13_3 Decimal field with length 17 and 3 decimal places DEC 13 
249 DEC13_7 7 Decimal Places DEC 13 
250 DEC14 Decimal field of length 14 DEC 14    
251 DEC14_3 Decimal no. 27 digits, 3 decimal places and +/- sign DEC 27 
252 DEC14_4 Amount field, with 14 whole number, and 4 decimal places DEC 14 
253 DEC15 Decimal field length 15 DEC 15    
254 DEC150_DB4 DEC(15,0) (iSeries) DEC 15    
255 DEC154_DB4 DEC(15,4) (iSeries) DEC 15 
256 DEC15D5 Decimal number 15 places, 5 decimal places, no +/- sign DEC 15 
257 DEC15_12 DEC15_12 DEC 15  12 
258 DEC15_13 15-digit number with 13 decimal places, no +/- sign DEC 15  13 
259 DEC15_2 Decimal field length 15 with 2 decimal places DEC 15 
260 DEC15_3 Decimal field - length 15, with 3 decimal places DEC 15 
261 DEC15_4 Decimal Field, Length 15 with 4 Decimal Places DEC 15 
262 DEC15_5 Decimal number 15 places, 5 decimal places, no +/- sign DEC 15 
263 DEC15_5DB4 Decimal number 15 characters, 5 decimal places, +/- sign DEC 15 
264 DEC16_13 Decimal fld w/ 3 places before decimal and 13 after w/o +/- DEC 16  13 
265 DEC16_3 Decimal no. 16 digits before, 3 after decimal pt, +/-sign DEC 19 
266 DEC16_3K Decimal number, 16 digits, three after decimal point DEC 16 
267 DEC17 Decimal field length 17 DEC 17    
268 DEC17_2 Decimal field length 17 with 2 decimal places DEC 17 
269 DEC17_2V Decimal no.:17 spaces before decimal pt,2 after it, +/- sign DEC 17 
270 DEC17_3 Decimal 17_3 DEC 17 
271 DEC17_5 Decimal field - length 17, with 5 decimal places DEC 17 
272 DEC17__3 DEC17__3 DEC 17 
273 DEC18 Decimal field of length 18 DEC 18    
274 DEC18_2 Decimal no. with 18 digits before & 2 after the decimal pnt. DEC 18 
275 DEC1_1 Decimal fld with 1 fld before, 1 fld after point DEC
276 DEC1_10 1 place before decimal point, 10 places after DEC 11  10 
277 DEC1_2 Decimal number with 1 whole number, and 2 decimal places DEC
278 DEC1_3 Decimal field with 1 place before and 3 after the dec.point DEC
279 DEC1_4 Decimal number with 1 place before, 4 places after dec.point DEC
280 DEC1_9 Decimal number DEC 10 
281 DEC1_S CATS: Decimal field of 1 character with sign DEC   
282 DEC1_SCMA Decimal field with one character, and +/- sign DEC   
283 DEC2 Decimal field length 2 DEC   
284 DEC20 Decimal number, 20 digits, none after decimal point DEC 20    
285 DEC20_2 Dec20 with 2 decimal places DEC 20 
286 DEC20_3 Dec20 with 3 decimal places DEC 20 
287 DEC20_4 DEC20 with four decimal places DEC 20 
288 DEC20_D3 liveCache: 20 Digits with Three Places After Comma DEC 20 
289 DEC22_5 Decimal 22_5 DEC 22 
290 DEC23 Decimal 2 places before, 3 after dec. point without sign DEC
291 DEC23_2 Decimal number w/ 23 characters, 2 decimal places, +/- sign DEC 23 
292 DEC2S Two-character number with sign DEC   
293 DEC2_1 Standard packed field (2 places, 1 decimal place) DEC
294 DEC2_2 Norm: 2 Places Before and After Decimal Point DEC
295 DEC2_2V 2 places before, 2 places after the decimal point DEC
296 DEC2_3 Decimal 2 places before, 3 after dec. point without sign DEC
297 DEC2_4 2 characters before and 4 after decimal point norm DEC
298 DEC2_5 Decimal number, 2 pos. before, 5 after decimal pt, w/out +/- DEC
299 DEC3 Decimal field, length 3 DEC   
300 DEC31_14 Counter Field (31 Digits, 14 Decimal Places, and +/- Sign) DEC 31  14 
301 DEC3_0 Decimal number with 3 places before dec.point, no decimals DEC   
302 DEC3_1 Decimal 3 places before, 1 after comma DEC
303 DEC3_11 Percent. rate: 3 digits before dec.point, 11 decimal places DEC 14  11 
304 DEC3_12 Percentage: 3 Whole Number Places, 12 Decimal Places DEC 15  12 
305 DEC3_2 3 places before, 2 decimal places after decimal point DEC
306 DEC3_2S 3 digits, 2 with +/- sign DEC
307 DEC3_2STUN Decimal number with 3 places before and 2 after the point DEC
308 DEC3_2V 3 places before, 2 decimal places after decimal point DEC
309 DEC3_3 3 whole number places and 3 decimal places, without +/- sign DEC
310 DEC3_3V Decimal 3.3 with +/- sign DEC
311 DEC3_4 Decimal no., 3 whole no. and 4 decimal places, no +/- sign DEC
312 DEC3_6 Decimal Number: 3 Places Before/6 Places After Decimal Point DEC
313 DEC3_7 Decimal no., 3 whole number and 4 decimal places DEC 10 
314 DEC4 Decimal field of length 4 DEC   
315 DEC4_1 Decimal no. with 4 places before, one place after dec. point DEC
316 DEC4_2 Decimal no., 4 whole number and 2 decimal places DEC
317 DEC4_3 Decimal number with 4 places before and 3 after the point DEC
318 DEC4_4 Decimal, 4 characters before and 4 after decimal point DEC
319 DEC4_5 Decimal number, 4 whole number and 5 decimal places DEC
320 DEC5 Decimal field, length 5 DEC   
321 DEC52V Dec.figure/5 places before, 2 places after point and sign DEC
322 DEC5V Number of days DEC   
323 DEC5_1 Decimal 3 places before, 1 after comma DEC
324 DEC5_2 Decimal place, 5 whole number and 2 decimal places DEC
325 DEC5_2V Dec.figure/5 places before, 2 places after point and sign DEC
326 DEC5_2V_AU Dec.figure/5 places before, 2 places after point and sign DEC
327 DEC5_3 Decicmal pl.,5 places before, 3 after decimal point, no +/- DEC
328 DEC5_4 Decimal no., 5 whole number and 4 decimal places DEC
329 DEC6 Decimal field of length 6 DEC   
330 DEC6_2 Decimal no., 4 whole number and 2 decimal places DEC
331 DEC6_3 9 places: 6 before and 3 after decimal point DEC
332 DEC6_4 6 Integer Places, 4 Decimal Places DEC 10 
333 DEC6_5 Decimal field with 6 places before decimal point, 5 after DEC 11 
334 DEC6_5SIGN Dezimalfeld 6 Vor-, 5 Nachkommastellen und Vorzeichen DEC 11 
335 DEC6_7 Decimal number: 6 places before and 7 after decimal point DEC 13 
336 DEC6_7_KK Decimal number: 6 places before and 7 after decimal point DEC 13 
337 DEC7 Decimal field of length 7 DEC   
338 DEC7K3 7 spaces before the comma, 3 spaces after the comma DEC 10 
339 DEC7_1 Decimal Field of Length 7, 1 Decimale DEC 10 
340 DEC7_2 Decimal no. w/ 7 characters before and 2 after decimal point DEC
341 DEC7_2S Decimal no. w/ 7 characters before and 2 after decimal point DEC
342 DEC7_4 Decimal 7,4 DEC
343 DEC7_S Decimal field length 7 (used in Basis component) DEC   
344 DEC8 Decimal field of length 8 DEC   
345 DEC8_2 Decimal no. w/ 8 characters before and 2 after decimal point DEC 10 
346 DEC8_2S Packed integer: 8 bytes, 2 decimal places, leading sign DEC 14 
347 DEC8_3 Normed Domain dec8_3 DEC 11 
348 DEC8_3S Packed integer: 8 bytes, 3 decimal places, leading sign DEC 14 
349 DEC9 Decimal number - length 9 DEC   
350 DEC9V 9-character value with +/- sign DEC   
351 DEC9_2 Decimal no. w/ 9 characters before and 2 after decimal point DEC 11 
352 DEC9_2S Decimal number with 11 digits, of which 2 decimal places DEC 11 
353 DEC9_3 Decimal no. w/ 9 characters before and 2 after decimal point DEC 12 
354 DEC9_3SIGN Dezimalzahl mit 9 Vor-, 2 Nachkommastellen und Vorzeichen DEC 12 
355 DEC9_5 Decimal 9,5 DEC
356 DECAN Number of decimal places INT2   
357 DECE_ASCEN CATS: Sorted in ascending or descending order CHAR   
358 DECI10 Decimal Field with Length 10 DEC 10    
359 DECIE FI-SL: Decimal separator CHAR   
360 DECIM Decimal places CUKY   
361 DECIP FI-SL: Number of decimal places CHAR   
362 DECISION User decision CHAR   
363 DECL_YEAR_PRD_M340_ES Declaration Year and Period/Quarter (YYYYMM) CHAR   
364 DECMARK DMC: Decimal Character (Period or Comma) CHAR   
365 DECML HR: Comp. 709: Number of decimals NUMC   
366 DECOM Decommissioning Requested CHAR   
367 DECORATOR_MENU_TYPE Decorator Menu Item CHAR   
368 DECV03 Decimal number (*/-) (length 3) DEC   
369 DECV10_2 Decimal No.: Length 10 with 2 Dec.Places and Plus/Minus Sign DEC 10 
370 DECV13 13-character decimal field with +/- sign DEC 13    
371 DECV13_2 Decimal field, length 15 with 2 decimal places and +/- sign DEC 15 
372 DECV13_3 Dec.fld 10 places before/3 places after the dec.pnt with LS DEC 13 
373 DECV14_4 Decimal number with +/- sign DEC 14 
374 DECV15 Decimal field 15 char. long with sign DEC 15    
375 DECV15_1 15-character decimal field with +/- sign, 1 place after pt. DEC 15 
376 DECV15_2 15-character decimal field with +/- sign, 2 places after pt. DEC 15 
377 DECV15_3 Decimal field with 15 length, +/- sign, 3 decimal places DEC 15 
378 DECV15_5 Decimal number 15 characters, 5 decimal places, +/- sign DEC 15 
379 DECV16 Decimal field - length 16 with +/- sign DEC 15    
380 DECV17 Decimal field of length 17 with +/- sign DEC 17    
381 DECV19_2 Decimal no.19 characters, 2 places after dec.point, +/- sign DEC 19 
382 DECV19_5 Decimal no.19 characters, 5 places after dec.point, +/- sign DEC 19 
383 DECV1_3 Decimal places: 1 place before decimal, 3 after, no +/- DEC
384 DECV1_5 Decimal places: 1 place before decimal, 5 after, no +/- DEC
385 DECV23 Decimal field, length 23, with +/- sign DEC 23    
386 DECV23_2 Decimal number w/ 23 characters, 2 decimal places, +/- sign DEC 23 
387 DECV23_5 Decimal no.23 characters, 5 places after dec.point, +/- sign DEC 23 
388 DECV2_2 Precosting 2, costing 2 with +/- according to standard DEC
389 DECV3_1 Decimal place field with 3 digits, 1 decimal place, +/- sign DEC
390 DECV3_2 Dec. field w/ 3 characters before & 2 after dec. point, sign DEC
391 DECV3_3 Dec.fig.w. 3 places before/3 after dec.point with +/- DEC
392 DECV3_7 Decimal number with +/- sign DEC 10 
393 DECV4 Decimal number (+/-) (length 4) DEC   
394 DECV4_2 Dec. field w/ 4 characters before & 2 after dec. point, sign DEC
395 DECV4_3 Dec. no. w/ 4 characters before & 3 after dec. point, sign DEC
396 DECV4_5 Floating point with 5 decimal places and sign DEC
397 DECV5 Decimal Field of Length 5 with +/- Sign DEC   
398 DECV5_10 Decimal number with +/- sign DEC 15  10 
399 DECV5_2 3 places before, 2 decimal places after decimal point DEC
400 DECV6_2 Decimal With 6 Predecimal and 2 Decimal Places and +/- Sign DEC
401 DECV7 Decimal Field of Length 7 with +/- Sign DEC   
402 DECV7_2 Decimal number sign, 7 places before decimal + 2 behind DEC
403 DECV8 Decimal field, 8 digits long (with +/- sign) DEC   
404 DECV8_2 Dec. no. w/ 8 characters before & 2 after dec. point, sign DEC 10 
405 DECV8_3 Dec. field with 8 characters before & 3 after dec. pt., sign DEC 11 
406 DECV8_4 Decimal field, length 8 inc. +/- sign, 4 plc. beh. dec. pt. DEC 12 
407 DECV9_2 Dec. field with 9 numbers before & 2 after dec. point, sign DEC
408 DECV_5_2 Dec.figure with +/- sign, 5 places bef. 2 after deminal pnt DEC
409 DEC_02 Decimal field with two places after decimal point DEC   
410 DEC_10 Decimal field of 10 characters (without decimal places) DEC 10    
411 DEC_13 Decimal field with 13 decimal places DEC 13    
412 DEC_15_3 Dec. field with 3 places after decimal point DEC 15 
413 DEC_16_00_S Decimal Field Length 16 with 0 Decimal Places and +/- Sign DEC 16    
414 DEC_16_01_S Decimal Field Length 16 with 1 Decimal Place and +/- Sign DEC 16 
415 DEC_16_02_S Decimal Field Length 16 with 2 Decimal Places and +/- Sign DEC 16 
416 DEC_16_03_S Decimal Field Length 16 with 3 Decimal Places and +/- Sign DEC 16 
417 DEC_16_04_S Decimal Field Length 16 with 4 Decimal Places and +/- Sign DEC 16 
418 DEC_16_05_S Decimal Field Length 16 with 5 Decimal Places and +/- Sign DEC 16 
419 DEC_16_06_S Decimal Field Length 16 with 6 Decimal Places and +/- Sign DEC 16 
420 DEC_16_07_S Decimal Field Length 16 with 7 Decimal Places and +/- Sign DEC 16 
421 DEC_16_08_S Decimal Field Length 16 with 8 Decimal Places and +/- Sign DEC 16 
422 DEC_16_09_S Decimal Field Length 16 with 9 Decimal Places and +/- Sign DEC 16 
423 DEC_16_10_S Decimal Field Length 16 with 10 Decimal Places and +/- Sign DEC 16  10 
424 DEC_16_11_S Decimal Field Length 16 with 11 Decimal Places and +/- Sign DEC 16  11 
425 DEC_16_12_S Decimal Field Length 16 with 12 Decimal Places and +/- Sign DEC 16  12 
426 DEC_16_13_S Decimal Field Length 16 with 13 Decimal Places and +/- Sign DEC 16  13 
427 DEC_16_14_S Decimal Field Length 16 with 14 Decimal Places and +/- Sign DEC 16  14 
428 DEC_1_9 Decimal number 1 digit before decimal place, 9 after DEC 10 
429 DEC_25 Decimal, 25 digits DEC 25    
430 DEC_31 Decimal Value DEC 31 
431 DEC_3_6 Decimal Number: 3 whole no.s / 6 Places After Decimal Point DEC
432 DEC_5 Decimal field of length 5 (without decimals) DEC   
433 DEC_6_2 Decimal number with 6 places before and 2 after (% totals) DEC
434 DEC_8_2 Decimal with 6 whole digits and 2 decimal places DEC
435 DEC_AVRG_RATE Average Tax Rate DEC
436 DEDFL Special rule for leave deduction CHAR   
437 DEDPR Priority for deduction sequence for absence quotas CHAR   
438 DEDRG Rule for Deduction Sequence for Absence Quotas NUMC   
439 DEDUCT_KK Deduction Indicator CHAR   
440 DEF02 Default instruction key NUMC   
441 DEFAU Standard layout CHAR   
442 DEFAULT Default CHAR   
443 DEFAULTVAL Personalization User Field Default Value CHAR 32    
444 DEFAULT_FIELD_SELECTION Indicates a Layout Is the Default Setting CHAR   
445 DEFAULT_VA Value of a database default CHAR 75    
446 DEFAULT_VALUE_REMARK Default Value for Remark for Digital Signature CHAR   
447 DEFAULT__3 Default value for import parameter CHAR 21    
448 DEFAU_046S Default values to be allocated to payt advices via DME CHAR   
449 DEFBA DRS FM default doc. type CHAR   
450 DEFBP_INDPAY Payment Specification: Default Value for Payer CHAR   
451 DEFFDNAME DD: Default name for fields depending on data element CHAR 30    
452 DEFFK Applicability of public holiday class CHAR   
453 DEFGR Default reason for specification in POD CHAR   
454 DEFINE Number of screen 'Assignment to a report class' CHAR   
455 DEFINITION Definition CHAR 10    
456 DEFLT Default value for CAD transfer field CHAR 70    
457 DEFMXACC VAT Return Item CHAR   
458 DEFOPTION Mini-Scenario default option CHAR 32    
459 DEFTAX_DOC_TYPE Document Type for Function Module CREATE_DEFTAX_ITEM CHAR   
460 DEFTP Deferred/Non-deferred Type of Wagetype CHAR   
461 DEFVALLIST Default value list CHAR 32    
462 DEF_ABSP Definition of Cutoff Period CHAR   
463 DEF_CURSOR IS-M: Start Cursor Position in M/AM CtlAcc, ClOrdEtry + CIC NUMC   
464 DEF_FNAME Print default field name CHAR   
465 DEF_KAP Default capacity of picking wave CHAR   
466 DEF_SAVE_METHOD Default save method CHAR   
467 DEF_SAVE_METHOD2 Default save method (without parallel process) CHAR   
468 DEF_START_PT Starting Point for Service Def. (Inside-Out or Outside-In) CHAR   
469 DEF_SUBSCREEN IS-M/AM: Central access - Tab page default setting CHAR   
470 DEG Degrees DEC 15  12 
471 DEGEX Degree of Exhaustion DEC   
472 DEHAC Local tax office CHAR   
473 DEKR Transaction type CHAR   
474 DEL12 Number of the 12 character MRP element CHAR 12    
475 DELB0 MRP element description CHAR   
476 DELB1 MRP element description CHAR 10    
477 DELCF Commitment date - Calculation rule CHAR   
478 DELCO Delivery time agreement CHAR   
479 DELCOM Self-Billing: Grouping of Deliveries CHAR   
480 DELCONMATCH Delivery confirmation: flag for completed logistics matching CHAR   
481 DELCONNUM Delivery confirmation: internal ID number NUMC 10    
482 DELCONOK DELCON: logistics matching set to complete CHAR   
483 DELCONPOS Delivery confirmation: internal ID number for item NUMC   
484 DELCONREF Delivery confirmation: reference numbers CHAR 35    
485 DELCONTYP Delivery confirmation: type CHAR   
486 DELEM MRP element in MPS evaluation CHAR   
487 DELET MRP element scheduling number NUMC   
488 DELETE_FLAG General flag CHAR   
489 DELE_COUNTER Deletion Counter INT4 10    
490 DELE_DURATION Deletion Duration INT4 10    
491 DELGRP_NUMBER Outbound Delivery Groups NUMC   
492 DELIM Separator in Data Strings CHAR   
494 DELIVERY Indicator: Deliveries CHAR   
495 DELIVERY1 Indicator: Deliveries CHAR   
496 DELIVERY_STATUS Indicator for Delivery Status CHAR   
497 DELIVRTIME Delivery Time for Books INT1   
498 DELIVSPLIT IS-M/SD: Delivery Address Alternation CHAR   
499 DELIVSPLITGRP IS-M/SD: Address Alternation Group CHAR 10    
500 DELIV_DAY Inward Delivery Day Indicator CHAR