SAP ABAP Application Component - Index S
Application Component - Index S (500 records shown)
# | Application Component ID | Short Description | First Release Date | First Release | Application Component |
1 | SAP | Application Components | 19950203 | 30A | HLA0009999 |
2 | SAP-R/3-BS | Basis Application Components | 19950201 | 30A | HLB0009998 |
3 | SCM | Supply Chain Management | 20020822 | 620 | /SAPTRX/BYA0000001 |
4 | SCM-BAS | SCM Basis | 20020228 | 620 | /SCMB/AP91000002 |
5 | SCM-BAS-DF | Cross-System and Cross-Partner Document Flow | 20021021 | 620 | /SCMB/BYA1000001 |
6 | SCM-ECT | Execution | 20050218 | 700 | /LIMEB/BYC1000001 |
7 | SCM-ECT-LIM | Logistics Inventory Management Engine | 20050218 | 700 | /LIMEB/BYC1000002 |
8 | SCM-ECT-LIM-AI | Application Interface | 20050218 | 700 | /LIMEB/BYC1000003 |
9 | SCM-ECT-LIM-R3 | Connection R/3 to LIME | 20021204 | 620 | AXA0000031 |
10 | SCM-EM | Event Management | 20020304 | 620 | /SAPTRX/AI62000001 |
11 | SCM-EM-AS | Application System | 20020304 | 620 | /SAPTRX/AI62000002 |
12 | SCM-EM-AS-CNF | Application System Configuration | 20020304 | 620 | /SAPTRX/AI62000003 |
13 | SCM-EM-AS-CON | Application Control Processing | 20020304 | 620 | /SAPTRX/AI62000004 |
14 | SCM-EM-AS-EVG | Event Generation | 20020304 | 620 | /SAPTRX/AI62000005 |
15 | SCM-FC | Fulfillment Coordination | 20020304 | 620 | /SCFC/AP92000001 |
16 | SCM-FC-AS | Application System | 20030221 | 620 | AXA0000051 |
17 | SD | Sales and Distribution | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0009600 |
18 | SD-BF | Basic Functions | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006560 |
19 | SD-BF-AC | Availability Check | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006562 |
20 | SD-BF-AC-SOA | Enterprise SOA | 20081106 | 701 | EB50000001 |
21 | SD-BF-ACT | Account Determination | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006568 |
22 | SD-BF-AS | Material Sorting | 20030402 | 620 | ALN0000433 |
23 | SD-BF-CM | Credit Management | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006563 |
24 | SD-BF-CPE | CPE in SD | 20070104 | 710 | PR00000062 |
25 | SD-BF-CS | Cross Selling | 20050422 | 700 | PCO0000002 |
26 | SD-BF-EC | Extra Charge | 20040212 | 640 | ALN0000007 |
27 | SD-BF-FG | Free Goods | 19970805 | 40A | HLA0100730 |
28 | SD-BF-FM | Funds Management | 20050422 | 700 | PCO0000001 |
29 | SD-BF-MD | Material Determination | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006564 |
30 | SD-BF-OC | Output Determination | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006565 |
31 | SD-BF-PD | Partner determination | 19980730 | 45B | P450002041 |
32 | SD-BF-PR | Pricing and Conditions | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006561 |
33 | SD-BF-SMI | Supplier Managed Inventory | 20071126 | 700 | E4E0000001 |
34 | SD-BF-TP | Word Processing | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006566 |
35 | SD-BF-TX | Taxes | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006567 |
36 | SD-BIL | Billing | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0009603 |
37 | SD-BIL-CA | Account Assignment | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006584 |
38 | SD-BIL-EM | Empties Management | 20030402 | 620 | ALN0000434 |
39 | SD-BIL-GF | Basic Functions | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006580 |
40 | SD-BIL-IL | Invoice List | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006582 |
41 | SD-BIL-IV | Processing Billing Documents | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006581 |
42 | SD-BIL-IV-BP | Billing Plan | 19970805 | 40A | HLA0100734 |
43 | SD-BIL-IV-CP | Complaints Processing | 20030701 | 620 | PLN0000071 |
44 | SD-BIL-IV-DP | Down Payments | 19970805 | 40A | HLA0100735 |
45 | SD-BIL-IV-IB | Intercompany Billing | 19970805 | 40A | HLA0100737 |
46 | SD-BIL-IV-PC | Payment Cards | 19970805 | 40A | HLA0100732 |
47 | SD-BIL-IV-SBI | Self-Billing Proced. | 20030701 | 620 | PLN0000072 |
48 | SD-BIL-IV-SM | Expense-Related Billing | 19970805 | 40A | HLA0100736 |
49 | SD-BIL-RB | Rebate Processing | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006583 |
50 | SD-BIL-RB-ENH | Extended Rebate | 20030402 | 620 | ALN0000432 |
51 | SD-BIL-RB-PL | Pendulum List Indirect Sales | 20030402 | 620 | ALN0000436 |
52 | SD-BIL-RR | Revenue recognition | 19990401 | 46A | ALR0006031 |
53 | SD-CAS | Sales Support | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0009604 |
54 | SD-CAS-BD | Basic Data | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006585 |
55 | SD-CAS-SA | Sales Activities | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006587 |
56 | SD-CAS-SP | Sales Promotions | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006586 |
57 | SD-CH | Contract Handling | 20040212 | 640 | ALN0000009 |
58 | SD-EDI | Electronic Data Interchange | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0009607 |
59 | SD-EDI-IM | Inbound Message Processing | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006591 |
60 | SD-EDI-OM | Outbound Message Processing | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006590 |
61 | SD-FT | Foreign Trade | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006576 |
62 | SD-FT-COM | Communication / Printing | 19960119 | 30C | HLA0001835 |
63 | SD-FT-CON | Legal Control | 19960119 | 30C | HLA0001832 |
64 | SD-FT-GOV | Declarations to Authorities | 19960119 | 30C | HLA0001834 |
65 | SD-FT-IMP | Import Processing | 19970805 | 40A | HLA0100739 |
66 | SD-FT-LOC | Documentary Payment Guarantee | 19970805 | 40A | HLA0100738 |
67 | SD-FT-PRE | Preference Handling | 19960119 | 30C | HLA0001833 |
68 | SD-FT-PRO | Basic Functions | 19960119 | 30C | HLA0001831 |
69 | SD-IS | Information System | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0009605 |
70 | SD-IS-DC | Data Collection | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0009766 |
71 | SD-IS-EWS | Early Warning System | 19960119 | 30C | HLA0001836 |
72 | SD-IS-LIS | Interface to Logistics Information Library (LIL) | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0009765 |
73 | SD-IS-PLN | Planning | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0009764 |
74 | SD-IS-REP | Reporting | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0009763 |
75 | SD-MD | Master Data | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0009606 |
76 | SD-MD-AM | Agreements | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006003 |
77 | SD-MD-AM-CMI | Customer Material Information | 19960119 | 30C | HLA0001823 |
78 | SD-MD-AM-PRO | Promotions / Sales Deals | 19960119 | 30C | HLA0001825 |
79 | SD-MD-AM-RAG | Rebate Agreements | 19960119 | 30C | HLA0001824 |
80 | SD-MD-CH | Customer Hierarchy | 20040901 | 700 | AC00000045 |
81 | SD-MD-CM | Conditions | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006002 |
82 | SD-MD-MM | Material Maintenance | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006859 |
83 | SD-MD-MM-CS | Additional Material Functions | 20061219 | 710 | PR00000051 |
84 | SD-MD-MM-DET | Material Determination | 19960119 | 30C | HLA0001822 |
85 | SD-MD-MM-LIS | Material Listing / Exclusion | 19960119 | 30C | HLA0001821 |
86 | SD-MD-MM-PPR | Item Proposal | 19960119 | 30C | HLA0001820 |
87 | SD-POS | POS Interface | 19960229 | 30B | I020004209 |
88 | SD-POS-IN | POS Interface - Inbound | 19970814 | 40A | HLA0100861 |
89 | SD-POS-OUT | POS Interface - Outbound | 19970814 | 40A | HLA0100862 |
90 | SD-SLS | Sales | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0009601 |
91 | SD-SLS-API | SD API Interface, LORD | 20080418 | 701 | E4A0000033 |
92 | SD-SLS-ES | Enterprise Services in Sales | 20071011 | 700 | E380000052 |
93 | SD-SLS-GF | Basic Functions | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006007 |
94 | SD-SLS-OA | Outline Agreements (Customer) | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006010 |
95 | SD-SLS-OA-CCO | Customer Contract | 19960119 | 30C | HLA0001826 |
96 | SD-SLS-OA-SCH | Customer Scheduling Agreement | 19960119 | 30C | HLA0001827 |
97 | SD-SLS-OA-SCO | Service Contracts | 19970805 | 40A | HLA0100731 |
98 | SD-SLS-PLL | Part Load Lift Orders | 20040212 | 640 | ALN0000008 |
99 | SD-SLS-PLL-OBS | Remaining Beverage - Obsolete Objects | 20040213 | 640 | ALN0000012 |
100 | SD-SLS-QUT | Customer Inquiries / Quotations | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006008 |
101 | SD-SLS-RE | Complaints | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006011 |
102 | SD-SLS-RE-SR | Sales Returns | 20030402 | 620 | ALN0000435 |
103 | SD-SLS-SO | Sales Orders | 19950221 | 30A | HLA0006009 |
104 | SLL | Global Trade Services | 20010710 | 610 | /SAPSLL/SLL0000002 |
105 | SLL-AES | SAP Customs Processing for Automated Export | 20070903 | 700 | /SAPSLL/KSU0000005 |
106 | SLL-AES-DE | AES: Germany - ATLAS Export | 20070903 | 700 | /SAPSLL/KSU0000006 |
107 | SLL-ECR | Electronic Compliance Reporting | 20060529 | 700 | /ECRS/KSG0000001 |
108 | SLL-LEG | Global Trade Services | 20010710 | 610 | /SAPSLL/SLL0000003 |
109 | SLL-LEG-ARC | GTS Archiving | 20081001 | 700 | /SAPSLL/GSU0000002 |
110 | SLL-LEG-CON | GTS: Compliance Management | 20010710 | 610 | /SAPSLL/SLL0000007 |
111 | SLL-LEG-CON-DOC | GTS: Compliance: Document Processing | 20070903 | 700 | /SAPSLL/KSU0000001 |
112 | SLL-LEG-CON-EMB | GTS: Compliance: Embargo | 20010710 | 610 | /SAPSLL/SLL0000014 |
113 | SLL-LEG-CON-LMG | GTS: Compliance: License Management | 20010710 | 610 | /SAPSLL/SLL0000015 |
114 | SLL-LEG-CON-REX | GTS: Reexport | 20081001 | 700 | /SAPSLL/GSU0000001 |
115 | SLL-LEG-CON-SPL | GTS: Sanctioned Party List Screening | 20010710 | 610 | /SAPSLL/SLL0000006 |
116 | SLL-LEG-CON-SPL-UX | Sanctioned Party List Screening User Experience | 20110708 | 702 | /SAPSLL/GC10000001 |
117 | SLL-LEG-CUS | GTS: Customs Management | 20040506 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000001 |
118 | SLL-LEG-CUS-BWH | GTS: Customs Processing: Customs Warehouse | 20050609 | 700 | /SAPSLL/KSO0000011 |
119 | SLL-LEG-CUS-DOC | GTS: Customs: Document Processing | 20070903 | 700 | /SAPSLL/KSU0000002 |
120 | SLL-LEG-CUS-DUC | GTS: Customs: Duty Calculation | 20040513 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000016 |
121 | SLL-LEG-CUS-ECC | GTS: Customs: Electronic Customs Comm. | 20040513 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000015 |
122 | SLL-LEG-CUS-EMC | Excise Duty Monitoring | 20110708 | 702 | /SAPSLL/GC10000002 |
123 | SLL-LEG-CUS-EXP | GTS: Customs: Export Processing | 20070903 | 700 | /SAPSLL/KSU0000004 |
124 | SLL-LEG-CUS-FCR | GTS: Customs: Free Circulation | 20040506 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000003 |
125 | SLL-LEG-CUS-IPR | GTS: Inward processing | 20081001 | 700 | /SAPSLL/GSU0000003 |
126 | SLL-LEG-CUS-MDT | GTS: Customs: Master Data | 20040513 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000014 |
127 | SLL-LEG-CUS-OPR | GTS: Customs: Outward Processing Report | 20070903 | 700 | /SAPSLL/KSU0000003 |
128 | SLL-LEG-CUS-TRP | GTS: Customs: Transit Procedures | 20040506 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000002 |
129 | SLL-LEG-FUN | GTS: General Functions | 20010710 | 610 | /SAPSLL/SLL0000008 |
130 | SLL-LEG-FUN-CLS | GTS: GF: Classification | 20040513 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000012 |
131 | SLL-LEG-FUN-COM | GTS: GF: Communication | 20010710 | 610 | /SAPSLL/SLL0000016 |
132 | SLL-LEG-FUN-DAP | GTS: GF: Data Provider | 20041203 | 700 | /SAPSLL/KSO0000001 |
133 | SLL-LEG-FUN-EDI | GTS: GF: EDI Communication | 20040513 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000011 |
134 | SLL-LEG-FUN-PRN | GTS: GF: Printing | 20040506 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000007 |
135 | SLL-LEG-FUN-UPL | GTS: GF: Upload | 20040513 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000013 |
136 | SLL-LEG-MDT | GTS: Master Data | 20010710 | 610 | /SAPSLL/SLL0000005 |
137 | SLL-LEG-MDT-CBP | GTS: MD: Customs Business Partner | 20010710 | 610 | /SAPSLL/SLL0000012 |
138 | SLL-LEG-MDT-CPM | GTS: MD: Customs Product Master | 20010710 | 610 | /SAPSLL/SLL0000013 |
139 | SLL-LEG-PI | GTS: Plug-In | 20040507 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000009 |
140 | SLL-LEG-PI-CRM | GTS: PI: Customer Relationship Mgmt | 20040513 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000026 |
141 | SLL-LEG-PI-R3 | GTS: PI: R/3 | 20040513 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000024 |
142 | SLL-LEG-PI-SRM | GTS: PI: Supplier Relationship Mgmt | 20040513 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000025 |
143 | SLL-LEG-RSK | GTS: Risk Management | 20040506 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000004 |
144 | SLL-LEG-RSK-LOC | GTS: Letter of Credit Processing | 20050609 | 700 | /SAPSLL/KSO0000012 |
145 | SLL-LEG-RSK-LOC-MDT | GTS: Letter of Credit Processing: Master Data | 20050609 | 700 | /SAPSLL/KSO0000013 |
146 | SLL-LEG-RSK-LOC-PRO | GTS: Letter of Credit Processing: Processes | 20050609 | 700 | /SAPSLL/KSO0000014 |
147 | SLL-LEG-RSK-PRE | GTS: Risk: Preference Management | 20040506 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000005 |
148 | SLL-LEG-RSK-PRE-CLC | GTS: Preference: Determination | 20040513 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000018 |
149 | SLL-LEG-RSK-PRE-PRO | GTS: Preference: Processes | 20040513 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000019 |
150 | SLL-LEG-RSK-PRE-VDC | GTS: Preference: Vendor Declaration Man | 20040513 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000017 |
151 | SLL-LEG-RSK-RES | GTS: Risk: Restitution / Export Refund Managagement | 20040506 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000006 |
152 | SLL-LEG-RSK-RES-CLC | GTS: Restitution: Export Refund Calc. | 20040513 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000022 |
153 | SLL-LEG-RSK-RES-PRO | GTS: Restitution: Processes | 20040513 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000023 |
154 | SLL-LEG-RSK-RES-RCP | GTS: Restitution: Recipe Management | 20040513 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000021 |
155 | SLL-LEG-RSK-RES-SEL | GTS: Restitution: Security and Export R | 20040513 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000020 |
156 | SLL-LEG-SPL | GTS: Sanctioned Party List Screening | 20040507 | 620 | /SAPSLL/KSL0000008 |
157 | SLL-NFE | Nota Fiscal Eletronica (NF-e) | 20070918 | 700 | /XNFE/KSU2000001 |
158 | SLL-NFE-COM | NF-e: Government Communication | 20070918 | 700 | /XNFE/KSU2000003 |
159 | SLL-NFE-MGM | NF-e: Communication Management & Monitoring | 20070918 | 700 | /XNFE/KSU2000002 |
160 | SRM | Supplier Relationship Management | 20020916 | 620 | A4C0000121 |
161 | SRM-BW | SRM Analytics | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000184 |
162 | SRM-BW-EBP | Enterprise Buyer Analytics | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000185 |
163 | SRM-BW-SUS | Supplier Self-Services Analytics | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000186 |
164 | SRM-CAT | Catalogs | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000187 |
165 | SRM-CAT-ICA | Integrated Catalog | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000189 |
166 | SRM-CAT-PI | Product Information | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000190 |
167 | SRM-CAT-RQI | Requisite Catalog | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000188 |
168 | SRM-CI | Content Integrator | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000181 |
169 | SRM-CI-APP | Content Integrator Application | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000183 |
170 | SRM-CI-BAS | Content Integrator Basis | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000182 |
171 | SRM-CM | SRM Category Management | 20060314 | 700 | PME0000011 |
172 | SRM-CM-BW | SRM Category Management - BI Content | 20060314 | 700 | PME0000013 |
173 | SRM-CM-UI | SRM Category Management - WebDynp part | 20060314 | 700 | PME0000012 |
174 | SRM-CMT | Content Management | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000191 |
175 | SRM-CMT-PCM | Product Catalog Maintenance | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000193 |
176 | SRM-CMT-PCW | Product Content Workbench | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000192 |
177 | SRM-CSD | Central Supplier Directory | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000194 |
178 | SRM-EBP | Enterprise Buyer | 19980828 | 45A | AEC0000002 |
179 | SRM-EBP-ADM | Enterprise/Business Partner Management | 19990311 | 45B | AEC0000019 |
180 | SRM-EBP-ADM-ORG | Organizational Management | 20010227 | 610 | AEC0000494 |
181 | SRM-EBP-ADM-USR | User Maintenance | 20010227 | 610 | AEC0000492 |
182 | SRM-EBP-ADM-XBP | External Business Partner | 20010227 | 610 | AEC0000493 |
183 | SRM-EBP-ALR | Events and Alert Management | 20050519 | 700 | E5S0000021 |
184 | SRM-EBP-APM | Application Monitors | 19991119 | 46A | PFC0000001 |
185 | SRM-EBP-APP | Approval | 19990311 | 45B | AEC0000016 |
186 | SRM-EBP-ARV | Archiving | 20011220 | 620 | A3C0000006 |
187 | SRM-EBP-BID | Bid Invitation | 19991119 | 46A | PFC0000002 |
188 | SRM-EBP-BW | Business Warehouse Integration | 20011220 | 620 | A3C0000005 |
189 | SRM-EBP-CA | Cross-Application Functions | 20010227 | 610 | AEC0000495 |
190 | SRM-EBP-CA-ACC | Account Assignment | 20010227 | 610 | AEC0000496 |
191 | SRM-EBP-CA-ATT | Attachments | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000201 |
192 | SRM-EBP-CA-BUD | Budget | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000199 |
193 | SRM-EBP-CA-CND | SRM DO Conditions | 20070712 | 700 | /SAPSRM/PMF0000001 |
194 | SRM-EBP-CA-DEX | Document Extensibility | 20100902 | 703 | /SAPSRM/E9D0000011 |
195 | SRM-EBP-CA-DIF | Version comparison | 20100902 | 703 | E9D0000012 |
196 | SRM-EBP-CA-HIS | History | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000200 |
197 | SRM-EBP-CA-LIM | SRM abhängiges Objekt: Limit | 20070220 | 700 | /SAPSRM/E6S0000041 |
198 | SRM-EBP-CA-MSP | MarketSet Procurement | 20010227 | 610 | AEC0000498 |
199 | SRM-EBP-CA-NUM | SRM Configurable Line Item Numbering | 20100902 | 703 | E9D0000013 |
200 | SRM-EBP-CA-PAY | SRM Payment Data DO | 20100902 | 703 | E9D0000014 |
201 | SRM-EBP-CA-PRC | Pricing | 20011220 | 620 | A3C0000001 |
202 | SRM-EBP-CA-PRS | Partner / Partner Screen | 20040331 | 640 | PMC0000001 |
203 | SRM-EBP-CA-PRT | Document Output / Forms | 20040331 | 640 | PMC0000003 |
204 | SRM-EBP-CA-PWL | Persönlicher Arbeitsvorrat | 20061212 | 700 | /SAPSRM/E6S0000033 |
205 | SRM-EBP-CA-SCL | SRM Schedule Line DO | 20100902 | 703 | E9D0000015 |
206 | SRM-EBP-CA-SIG | Digital Signature | 20070719 | 700 | /SAPSRM/PMF0000033 |
207 | SRM-EBP-CA-SRH | Schnellsuche und erweiterte Suche | 20061212 | 700 | /SAPSRM/E6S0000032 |
208 | SRM-EBP-CA-TAX | Taxes | 20010227 | 610 | AEC0000497 |
209 | SRM-EBP-CA-TOL | SRM Tolerances DO | 20100902 | 703 | E9D0000016 |
210 | SRM-EBP-CA-UI | User Interface/Templates | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000202 |
211 | SRM-EBP-CA-UWL | Zentraler Arbeitsvorrat | 20061212 | 700 | /SAPSRM/E6S0000034 |
212 | SRM-EBP-CA-VRS | Versions | 20040331 | 640 | PMC0000004 |
213 | SRM-EBP-CA-XML | XML Communication | 20010227 | 610 | AEC0000499 |
214 | SRM-EBP-CAT | EBP Catalog Interface | 19990311 | 45B | AEC0000012 |
215 | SRM-EBP-CGS | Confirmation Goods/Service | 19991119 | 46A | PFC0000008 |
216 | SRM-EBP-CMT | Content Management | 20010227 | 610 | AEC0000491 |
217 | SRM-EBP-CON | Purchase Contract | 20000822 | 46D | AEC0000372 |
218 | SRM-EBP-CON-MC | SRM Mass Changes to Contracts | 20070719 | 700 | /SAPSRM/PMF0000032 |
219 | SRM-EBP-CPO | Component Planning PM/CS Orders | 19991119 | 46A | PFC0000004 |
220 | SRM-EBP-CRI | Cross-Industry Functions | 20101119 | 703 | E9D0000072 |
221 | SRM-EBP-CRI-OPT | Options | 20101119 | 703 | E9D0000073 |
222 | SRM-EBP-CRI-PA | Pricing Arrangements | 20101119 | 703 | E9D0000074 |
223 | SRM-EBP-CRS | Collaboration-Room Services | 20011220 | 620 | A3C0000004 |
224 | SRM-EBP-CUS | Customizing | 19991119 | 46A | PFC0000007 |
225 | SRM-EBP-ESA | SRM Enterprise Services | 20060602 | 700 | F5S0000001 |
226 | SRM-EBP-EXR | External Requirement | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000197 |
227 | SRM-EBP-FW | SRM Framework | 20110519 | 731 | E9D0000081 |
228 | SRM-EBP-INB | Inbox | 19990311 | 45B | AEC0000015 |
229 | SRM-EBP-INT | R/3 Plug-In Interfaces | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000203 |
230 | SRM-EBP-INV | Invoicing | 19990311 | 45B | AEC0000021 |
231 | SRM-EBP-LCA | Authoring Tool for Legal Contracts | 20060602 | 700 | E6S0000002 |
232 | SRM-EBP-MOB | Mobile Procurement | 20000211 | 46A | PFC0000071 |
233 | SRM-EBP-PD | Procurement Document Methods | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000198 |
234 | SRM-EBP-POR | Local Purchase Order | 19991119 | 46A | PFC0000005 |
235 | SRM-EBP-PPS | Public-Sector Functions | 20101116 | 703 | /SAPPSSRM/E9D0000067 |
236 | SRM-EBP-PPS-FI | Public Sector Integrated with Financials | 20101116 | 703 | /SAPPSSRM/E9D0000068 |
237 | SRM-EBP-PPS-GM | Guaranteed Minimum | 20101119 | 703 | E9D0000071 |
238 | SRM-EBP-PRC | Procurement Card | 19990311 | 45B | AEC0000017 |
239 | SRM-EBP-PRE | Purchase Order Response | 20031119 | 640 | EBS0000001 |
240 | SRM-EBP-PRO | Product Master Data | 20060602 | 700 | E6S0000001 |
241 | SRM-EBP-QUO | Quotation | 19991119 | 46A | PFC0000003 |
242 | SRM-EBP-REP | Reporting | 19990311 | 45B | AEC0000018 |
243 | SRM-EBP-RMS | Integration with SAP Records Management | 20070807 | 700 | /SAPPSSRM/PMF0000041 |
244 | SRM-EBP-SCL | Shopping Cart with Limit | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000195 |
245 | SRM-EBP-SHP | Shopping cart | 19990311 | 45B | AEC0000011 |
246 | SRM-EBP-SOC | Sourcing | 20011220 | 620 | A3C0000003 |
247 | SRM-EBP-STA | Status | 19990311 | 45B | AEC0000013 |
248 | SRM-EBP-TEC | Technical Problems | 20020102 | 620 | A3C0000011 |
249 | SRM-EBP-TEC-ITS | ITS und Web Files | 20020102 | 620 | A3C0000012 |
250 | SRM-EBP-TEC-MW | Middleware | 20100902 | 703 | E9D0000017 |
251 | SRM-EBP-TEC-UPG | Upgrade | 20100902 | 703 | E9D0000018 |
252 | SRM-EBP-VE | Vendor Evaluation | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000196 |
253 | SRM-EBP-VL | Vendor List | 20011220 | 620 | A3C0000002 |
254 | SRM-EBP-VL-ASL | List of Preferred Suppliers | 20070920 | 700 | /SAPSRM/PMF0000051 |
255 | SRM-EBP-VL-QTA | Quota Arrangement | 20070920 | 700 | /SAPSRM/PMF0000052 |
256 | SRM-EBP-WFL | Workflow | 19990311 | 45B | AEC0000022 |
257 | SRM-EBP-WKL | Redistribution of Workload | 20040331 | 640 | PMC0000002 |
258 | SRM-ESO | E-Sourcing | 20080312 | 701 | /SAPSRM/E7S0000014 |
259 | SRM-ESO-CLM | Contract Lifecycle Management | 20080312 | 701 | /SAPSRM/E7S0000015 |
260 | SRM-LA | Live Auction | 20101013 | 703 | E9D0000051 |
261 | SRM-LA-INT | Integration | 20101013 | 703 | E9D0000052 |
262 | SRM-LA-MSG | Messaging | 20101013 | 703 | E9D0000053 |
263 | SRM-LA-UI | User Interface | 20101013 | 703 | E9D0000054 |
264 | SRM-LOC | Localization - Country Versions | 20101116 | 703 | /LOCSRM/E9D0000061 |
265 | SRM-LOC-BR | Localization - Country Version Brazil | 20101116 | 703 | /LOCSRM/E9D0000062 |
266 | SRM-LOC-ES | Localization - Country Version Spain | 20101116 | 703 | /LOCSRM/E9D0000063 |
267 | SRM-LOC-FR | Localization - Country Version France | 20101116 | 703 | /LOCSRM/E9D0000065 |
268 | SRM-LOC-IL | Localization - Country Version Israel | 20101116 | 703 | /LOCSRM/E9D0000064 |
269 | SRM-LOC-IN | Localization - Country Version India | 20101116 | 703 | /LOCSRM/E9D0000066 |
270 | SRM-ROS | Registration of Suppliers | 20031215 | 640 | EBS0000011 |
271 | SRM-SUS | Supplier Self Services | 20011017 | 610 | PIC0000051 |
272 | SRM-SUS-ADM | Business Partner, User, Customizing | 20100902 | 703 | E9D0000019 |
273 | SRM-SUS-COF | ASN / Confirmation | 20100902 | 703 | E9D0000020 |
274 | SRM-SUS-INV | Invoice | 20100902 | 703 | E9D0000021 |
275 | SRM-SUS-ORD | Order / Order Response | 20100902 | 703 | E9D0000022 |
276 | SRM-SUS-XI | XI Mapping, Interfaces, Process Integration | 20100902 | 703 | E9D0000023 |
277 | SRM-XXX | Supplier Self-Services (Not Used!) | 20020923 | 620 | A4C0000204 |
278 | SV | Service | 19981202 | 46A | B200000092 |
279 | SV-ASA | ASAP (AcceleratedSAP) | 19950505 | 30A | HLB0006920 |
280 | SV-ASA-ADD | ASAP Tools and Contents | 20000519 | 50A | B200000252 |
281 | SV-ASA-ADD-SMC | Solution Map Composer | 20091111 | 800 | B200004568 |
282 | SV-ASA-IA | Implementation Assistant | 19970723 | 40A | HLB0100196 |
283 | SV-ASA-ML | Master Lists | 19950407 | 30A | HLB0006326 |
284 | SV-ASA-PE | Project Estimation | 19950427 | 30A | HLB0009172 |
285 | SV-ASA-PRE | Preconfigured Systems | 19970828 | 40A | HLB0100263 |
286 | SV-ASA-QAD | Question & Answer Database | 19950407 | 30A | HLB0006327 |
287 | SV-ASA-RDM | ASAP Roadmap | 20061201 | 710 | B200003388 |
288 | SV-ASA-REF | SAP Reference Structure | 19951105 | 30B | HLB0009788 |
289 | SV-BO | Back Office Service Delivery | 20070308 | 710 | B200003478 |
290 | SV-BO-BI | Business Information | 20070308 | 710 | B200003479 |
291 | SV-BO-CRM | Service Delivery CRM | 20070308 | 710 | B200003469 |
292 | SV-BO-DB | Database Performance Problems | 20070308 | 710 | B200003480 |
293 | SV-BO-EP | Service Delivery NW EP | 20070308 | 710 | B200003470 |
294 | SV-BO-EWA | Early Watch Alert | 20070308 | 710 | B200003471 |
295 | SV-BO-REQ | Request for Remote Service | 20070308 | 710 | B200003472 |
296 | SV-BO-SCM | Service Delivery SCM | 20070308 | 710 | B200003473 |
297 | SV-BO-SW | Session Workbench Problems | 20070308 | 710 | B200003474 |
298 | SV-BO-XI | Service Delivery XI | 20070308 | 710 | B200003475 |
299 | SV-FDB | Feedback Messages | 19991021 | 50A | B200000242 |
300 | SV-FDB-CUS | Installation/Customizing | 19991021 | 50A | B200000246 |
301 | SV-FDB-INT | Interface to SAP; record feedback | 19991021 | 50A | B200000247 |
302 | SV-FDB-NTF | Process R/3 Messages (In-house Support / CCC) | 19991021 | 50A | B200000248 |
303 | SV-GST | Generic Service tools | 19991021 | 50A | B200000243 |
304 | SV-GST-SDD | Service data download | 19991021 | 50A | B200000245 |
305 | SV-SMB | Small and Medium-Sized Businesses | 20020624 | 630 | B200001519 |
306 | SV-SMB-AIO | mySAP All-in-One | 20021015 | 630 | B200001620 |
307 | SV-SMB-AIO-PSF | Preconfigured Smart Forms | 20020624 | 630 | B200001520 |
308 | SV-SMB-OSD | SAP One Server | 20021015 | 630 | B200001619 |
309 | SV-SMG | Solution Manager | 20020624 | 630 | B200001518 |
310 | SV-SMG-ADM | System Administration and Planning | 20080313 | 711 | B200004129 |
311 | SV-SMG-ADM-CNM | Central Notification Management | 20100602 | 703 | BYI3000035 |
312 | SV-SMG-ADM-CNT | Guided Procedure Content Repository | 20140224 | 740 | BYI3001164 |
313 | SV-SMG-ADM-CSA | Central System Administration | 20090223 | 720 | B200004358 |
314 | SV-SMG-ADM-DTM | Downtime/Work Mode Management | 20090223 | 720 | B200004359 |
315 | SV-SMG-ADM-MDM | MDM System Administration | 20080722 | 712 | B200004258 |
316 | SV-SMG-ADM-TSK | Task Management | 20090223 | 720 | B200004360 |
317 | SV-SMG-ASU | Application-Specific Upgrade | 20070301 | 710 | B200003468 |
318 | SV-SMG-AUT | SAP Solution Manager Authorization | 20100728 | 703 | BYI3000042 |
319 | SV-SMG-BPR | Business Process Repository | 20020624 | 630 | B200001521 |
320 | SV-SMG-CCM | Custom Code Management | 20140224 | 740 | BYI3001161 |
321 | SV-SMG-CCM-CDM | Custom Development Management Cockpit | 20080617 | 711 | B200004228 |
322 | SV-SMG-CDB | Integration of Configuration Management Database | 20110720 | 731 | BYI3000325 |
323 | SV-SMG-CM | Change Request Management | 20040621 | 700 | B200001899 |
324 | SV-SMG-CON | Content Delivery | 20030314 | 640 | B200001688 |
325 | SV-SMG-DIA | Solution Manager Diagnostics | 20050901 | 710 | B200003189 |
326 | SV-SMG-DIA-APP | Applications | 20090223 | 720 | B200004365 |
327 | SV-SMG-DIA-APP-CA | Change Analysis + Reporting, Configuration Validation, CCDB | 20090223 | 720 | B200004369 |
328 | SV-SMG-DIA-APP-EA | Exception Analysis | 20090223 | 720 | B200004368 |
329 | SV-SMG-DIA-APP-EM | Exception Management | 20110720 | 731 | BYI3000323 |
330 | SV-SMG-DIA-APP-OSD | OS & DB Analysis | 20090223 | 720 | B200004370 |
331 | SV-SMG-DIA-APP-TA | Trace Analysis | 20090223 | 720 | B200004371 |
332 | SV-SMG-DIA-APP-WA | Workload Analysis | 20090223 | 720 | B200004372 |
333 | SV-SMG-DIA-SRV | Infrastructure/Framework | 20090223 | 720 | B200004361 |
334 | SV-SMG-DIA-SRV-AGT | Agent Framework | 20090223 | 720 | B200004373 |
335 | SV-SMG-DIA-SRV-CHK | Self-Checks | 20090223 | 720 | B200004362 |
336 | SV-SMG-DIA-SRV-EFW | Extraction Framework | 20090223 | 720 | B200004374 |
337 | SV-SMG-DIA-SRV-HPI | HTTP plug-in (client side)/Correlation ID Library | 20090223 | 720 | B200004375 |
338 | SV-SMG-DIA-SRV-LSC | Landscape registration | 20090223 | 720 | B200004376 |
339 | SV-SMG-DIA-SRV-NAT | Support for native component | 20090223 | 720 | B200004377 |
340 | SV-SMG-DIA-SRV-NAV | Navigation Framework | 20090223 | 720 | B200004378 |
341 | SV-SMG-DIA-SRV-SET | Setup Framwork / Self-Monitoring Framwork | 20090223 | 720 | B200004379 |
342 | SV-SMG-DIA-WLY | Solution Manager Introscope Integration | 20091111 | 800 | B200004569 |
343 | SV-SMG-DIA-WLY-BCA | Byte Code Agent Setup | 20100728 | 703 | BYI3000043 |
344 | SV-SMG-DIA-WLY-EMS | Enterprise Manager Setup | 20100728 | 703 | BYI3000044 |
345 | SV-SMG-DIA-WLY-HST | Host Adapter | 20100728 | 703 | BYI3000045 |
346 | SV-SMG-DIA-WLY-LIB | Library | 20100728 | 703 | BYI3000046 |
347 | SV-SMG-DIR | Solution Directory | 20040909 | 700 | B200001929 |
348 | SV-SMG-DOC | Application Help for SAP Solution Manager | 20131126 | 740 | BYI3001085 |
349 | SV-SMG-DS | SAP Solution Manager Download Service | 20140224 | 740 | BYI3001162 |
350 | SV-SMG-DVM | Data Volume Management | 20100311 | 703 | BYI3000001 |
351 | SV-SMG-GAL | SolMan Unified Directory Graphical Display | 20140224 | 740 | BYI3001163 |
352 | SV-SMG-GPF | Guided Procedure Framework | 20120522 | 732 | BYI3000592 |
353 | SV-SMG-GPF-AUT | Guided Procedure Authoring | 20120522 | 732 | BYI3000593 |
354 | SV-SMG-GPF-CTU | Guided Procedure Content Update | 20120522 | 732 | BYI3000595 |
355 | SV-SMG-GPF-EXE | Guided Procedure Execution | 20120522 | 732 | BYI3000594 |
356 | SV-SMG-ICC | Innovation Control Center | 20130430 | 740 | BYI3000952 |
357 | SV-SMG-ICO | Implementation Content | 20041126 | 700 | B200002439 |
358 | SV-SMG-ICO-BOJ | Business Objects | 20110830 | 701 | SL20000064 |
359 | SV-SMG-ICO-CRM | Customer Relationship Management | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000001 |
360 | SV-SMG-ICO-ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000002 |
361 | SV-SMG-ICO-ERP-CPR | Project Portfolio Management | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000027 |
362 | SV-SMG-ICO-ERP-CS | Service | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000028 |
363 | SV-SMG-ICO-ERP-EHS | Environment, Health and Safety | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000029 |
364 | SV-SMG-ICO-ERP-FIN | Financials | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000030 |
365 | SV-SMG-ICO-ERP-HCM | Human Capital Management | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000031 |
366 | SV-SMG-ICO-ERP-PDM | Product Development and Manufacturing | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000032 |
367 | SV-SMG-ICO-ERP-PLE | Procurement and Logistics Execution | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000033 |
368 | SV-SMG-ICO-ERP-QM | Quality Management | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000034 |
369 | SV-SMG-ICO-ERP-RE | Real Estate Management | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000035 |
370 | SV-SMG-ICO-ERP-SD | Sales | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000036 |
371 | SV-SMG-ICO-ERP-TRA | Travel Management | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000037 |
372 | SV-SMG-ICO-EWM | Enterprise Warehouse Management | 20110726 | 701 | SL20000045 |
373 | SV-SMG-ICO-FBS | Focused Business Solutions | 20110829 | 701 | SL20000063 |
374 | SV-SMG-ICO-FI | Financials | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000003 |
375 | SV-SMG-ICO-FND | Business Suite Foundation | 20110905 | 701 | SL20000067 |
376 | SV-SMG-ICO-GBT | Global Batch Traceability | 20110822 | 701 | SL20000061 |
377 | SV-SMG-ICO-GTS | Global Trade Services | 20110726 | 701 | SL20000046 |
378 | SV-SMG-ICO-HR | Human Resources | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000004 |
379 | SV-SMG-ICO-IA | SAP for Automotive | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000005 |
380 | SV-SMG-ICO-IAD | SAP for Aerospace and Defense | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000006 |
381 | SV-SMG-ICO-ICH | SAP for Chemicals | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000007 |
382 | SV-SMG-ICO-ICP | SAP for Consumer Products | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000008 |
383 | SV-SMG-ICO-IDS | SAP for Defense & Security | 20110726 | 701 | SL20000050 |
384 | SV-SMG-ICO-IEC | SAP for Engineering, Construction & Operations | 20110726 | 701 | SL20000048 |
385 | SV-SMG-ICO-IER | SAP for Higher Education & Research | 20110726 | 701 | SL20000052 |
386 | SV-SMG-ICO-IFS | SAP for Banking | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000009 |
387 | SV-SMG-ICO-IHE | SAP for Healthcare | 20110726 | 701 | SL20000051 |
388 | SV-SMG-ICO-IHT | SAP for High Tech | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000010 |
389 | SV-SMG-ICO-IIM | SAP for Industrial Machinery & Components | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000011 |
390 | SV-SMG-ICO-IIN | SAP for Insurance | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000012 |
391 | SV-SMG-ICO-IM | SAP for Media | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000013 |
392 | SV-SMG-ICO-IMI | SAP for Mill Products | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000014 |
393 | SV-SMG-ICO-IMN | SAP for Mining | 20110726 | 701 | SL20000049 |
394 | SV-SMG-ICO-IOG | SAP for Oil and Gas | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000015 |
395 | SV-SMG-ICO-IPH | SAP for Life Science | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000016 |
396 | SV-SMG-ICO-IPR | SAP for Professional Services | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000017 |
397 | SV-SMG-ICO-IPS | SAP for Public Sector | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000018 |
398 | SV-SMG-ICO-IRE | SAP for Retail | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000019 |
399 | SV-SMG-ICO-IT | SAP for Telecommunications | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000020 |
400 | SV-SMG-ICO-ITL | SAP for Travel and Logistics Services | 20110726 | 701 | SL20000053 |
401 | SV-SMG-ICO-IU | SAP for Utilities | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000021 |
402 | SV-SMG-ICO-IWD | SAP for Wholesale Distribution | 20110726 | 701 | SL20000055 |
403 | SV-SMG-ICO-IWR | SAP for Waste and Recycling | 20110726 | 701 | SL20000054 |
404 | SV-SMG-ICO-MFC | Manufacturing | 20110726 | 701 | SL20000047 |
405 | SV-SMG-ICO-NW | SAP NetWeaver | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000022 |
406 | SV-SMG-ICO-NW-ASA | SAP NetWeaver - AS ABAP | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000038 |
407 | SV-SMG-ICO-NW-ASJ | SAP NetWeaver - AS Java | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000039 |
408 | SV-SMG-ICO-NW-BI | SAP NetWeaver - BI | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000040 |
409 | SV-SMG-ICO-NW-EP | SAP NetWeaver - Enterprise Portal and EPC | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000041 |
410 | SV-SMG-ICO-NW-GW | SAP NetWeaver - Gateway | 20110830 | 701 | SL20000065 |
411 | SV-SMG-ICO-NW-MDM | SAP NetWeaver - Master Data Management | 20110902 | 701 | SL20000066 |
412 | SV-SMG-ICO-NW-MI | SAP NetWeaver - MI | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000042 |
413 | SV-SMG-ICO-NW-PI | SAP NetWeaver - PI | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000043 |
414 | SV-SMG-ICO-PLM | Product Lifecycle Management | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000023 |
415 | SV-SMG-ICO-SCM | Supply Chain Management | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000024 |
416 | SV-SMG-ICO-SEA | SAP Service and Asset Management | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000025 |
417 | SV-SMG-ICO-SLC | Solution Lifecycle Management | 20111007 | 701 | SL20000068 |
418 | SV-SMG-ICO-SMG | SAP Solution Manager | 20110825 | 701 | SL20000062 |
419 | SV-SMG-ICO-SRM | Supplier Relationship Management | 20110720 | 701 | SL20000026 |
420 | SV-SMG-ICO-TM | Transportation Management | 20110721 | 701 | SL20000044 |
421 | SV-SMG-IFM | SAP IT Infrastructure Management | 20111107 | 731 | BYI3000435 |
422 | SV-SMG-IFM-CDB | Integration in Configuration Management Database | 20110720 | 731 | BYI3000326 |
423 | SV-SMG-IFM-CHM | Integration in Change Request Management | 20111107 | 731 | BYI3000437 |
424 | SV-SMG-IFM-INC | Integration in Incident Management | 20111107 | 731 | BYI3000436 |
425 | SV-SMG-IFM-MON | Integration in Monitoring and Alerting | 20111107 | 731 | BYI3000438 |
426 | SV-SMG-IMP | Solution Manager Implementation | 20010608 | 620 | B200001309 |
427 | SV-SMG-IMP-BIM | Business Blueprint/Implementation | 20020722 | 630 | B200001528 |
428 | SV-SMG-IMP-CTC | Automatic Technical Configuration | 20100602 | 703 | BYI3000036 |
429 | SV-SMG-IMP-DIS | Customizing Distribution | 20030613 | 640 | B200001730 |
430 | SV-SMG-IMP-ELM | E-Learning Management | 20040909 | 700 | B200001930 |
431 | SV-SMG-IMP-PAD | Project Management | 20020722 | 630 | B200001529 |
432 | SV-SMG-IMP-RDM | Roadmap Functionality | 20090617 | 800 | B200004478 |
433 | SV-SMG-IMP-SEA | Scope and Effort Analyzer | 20130304 | 740 | BYI3000925 |
434 | SV-SMG-IMP-WPB | Workforce Performance Builder Interface | 20130305 | 740 | BYI3000931 |
435 | SV-SMG-INS | Solution Manager Installation, Configuration and Upgrade | 20030314 | 640 | B200001689 |
436 | SV-SMG-INS-AGT | Installation of Solution Manager Diagnostics Agent | 20130304 | 740 | BYI3000926 |
437 | SV-SMG-INS-CFG | Solution Manager System Set-Up and Configuration | 20110720 | 731 | BYI3000321 |
438 | SV-SMG-INS-CFG-BSC | Basis Configuration | 20130304 | 740 | BYI3000922 |
439 | SV-SMG-INS-CFG-MNG | Managed System Configuration | 20130304 | 740 | BYI3000923 |
440 | SV-SMG-INS-CFG-SYP | System Preparation | 20130304 | 740 | BYI3000921 |
441 | SV-SMG-INS-DIA | Configuration of Root Cause Analysis-related infrastructure | 20130304 | 740 | BYI3000924 |
442 | SV-SMG-ISM | Issue Management | 20080617 | 711 | B200004234 |
443 | SV-SMG-LDB | Landscape Management | 20100602 | 703 | BYI3000037 |
444 | SV-SMG-LDB-CLV | Common Landscape Visualization | 20121115 | 740 | BYI3000841 |
445 | SV-SMG-LDB-LC | Logical Components | 20121115 | 740 | BYI3000842 |
446 | SV-SMG-LIC | License Management/Maintenance Certificate | 20080617 | 711 | B200004229 |
447 | SV-SMG-LV | Landscape Verification for Solution Manager | 20100602 | 703 | BYI3000038 |
448 | SV-SMG-MAI | Maintenance Optimizer | 20061201 | 710 | B200003389 |
449 | SV-SMG-MAI-APR | Approval Process | 20090722 | 800 | B200004488 |
450 | SV-SMG-MAI-FWK | Maintenance Optimizer Framework | 20100602 | 703 | BYI3000039 |
451 | SV-SMG-MON | Monitoring & Alerting | 20040518 | 700 | B200001858 |
452 | SV-SMG-MON-ALR | Monitoring/Alerting/Reporting Infrastructure | 20080313 | 711 | B200004128 |
453 | SV-SMG-MON-ALR-CFG | Alert/Metric Configuration | 20080624 | 712 | B200004241 |
454 | SV-SMG-MON-ALR-CLC | Alert Calculation Engine | 20080624 | 712 | B200004239 |
455 | SV-SMG-MON-ALR-CNS | Alert Inbox/Processor | 20080624 | 712 | B200004240 |
456 | SV-SMG-MON-ALR-CNT | Monitoring and Alerting Contents | 20121115 | 740 | BYI3000843 |
457 | SV-SMG-MON-ALR-DIR | Alert/Metric Directory | 20090806 | 800 | B200004499 |
458 | SV-SMG-MON-ALR-IRD | Reporting and Dashboard Infrastructure | 20111107 | 731 | BYI3000432 |
459 | SV-SMG-MON-ALR-PRV | Metric/Event Provider Connector | 20080624 | 712 | B200004238 |
460 | SV-SMG-MON-BPM | Business Process Monitoring | 20090617 | 800 | B200004479 |
461 | SV-SMG-MON-BPM-ANA | Analysis | 20140520 | 740 | BYI3001191 |
462 | SV-SMG-MON-BPM-DAS | Infrastructure for Business Process Operation Dashboards | 20140520 | 740 | BYI3001192 |
463 | SV-SMG-MON-BPM-DCM | Data Consistency Management | 20140520 | 740 | BYI3001193 |
464 | SV-SMG-MON-BPM-MON | Monitoring | 20140520 | 740 | BYI3001194 |
465 | SV-SMG-MON-EEM | End User Experience Monitoring | 20090806 | 800 | B200004501 |
466 | SV-SMG-MON-IPO | Interface & Process Orchestration Monitoring | 20131126 | 740 | BYI3001081 |
467 | SV-SMG-MON-IPO-CON | Connection Monitoring | 20090806 | 800 | B200004500 |
468 | SV-SMG-MON-IPO-IC | Interface Monitoring | 20120306 | 732 | BYI3000551 |
469 | SV-SMG-MON-IPO-MF | Message Flow Monitoring | 20131126 | 740 | BYI3001083 |
470 | SV-SMG-MON-IPO-PI | PI Monitoring | 20090806 | 800 | B200004502 |
471 | SV-SMG-MON-JBI | Job and BI Monitoring | 20131126 | 740 | BYI3001082 |
472 | SV-SMG-MON-JBI-BI | BI (Techn.) Monitoring in SAP Solution Manager | 20101206 | 703 | BYI3000141 |
473 | SV-SMG-MON-JBI-JOB | Unified Job Monitoring | 20130430 | 740 | BYI3000951 |
474 | SV-SMG-MON-REP | Technical Monitoring Reporting Contents | 20111107 | 731 | BYI3000431 |
475 | SV-SMG-MON-SFM | Self-Monitoring for Monitoring and Alerting | 20100728 | 703 | BYI3000041 |
476 | SV-SMG-MON-SLR | Service Level Reporting | 20090617 | 800 | B200004480 |
477 | SV-SMG-MON-SYS | System Monitoring | 20090617 | 800 | B200004481 |
478 | SV-SMG-MP | KPI Measurement Platform | 20131126 | 740 | BYI3001084 |
479 | SV-SMG-OP | Solution Directory | 20010608 | 620 | B200001298 |
480 | SV-SMG-PSM | Process Scheduling Management | 20070618 | 710 | B200003939 |
481 | SV-SMG-QC | Adapter for SAP Quality Center by HP | 20070618 | 710 | B200003940 |
482 | SV-SMG-RQM | IBM Rational Quality Manager Connector | 20100728 | 703 | BYI3000047 |
483 | SV-SMG-RSC | Remote Support Component | 20100311 | 703 | BYI3000002 |
484 | SV-SMG-SDA | Solution Documentation Assistant | 20080617 | 711 | B200004230 |
485 | SV-SMG-SDD | Service Data Download | 20040116 | 700 | B200001818 |
486 | SV-SMG-SDG | SAP Solution Manager Self-Diagnosis | 20080617 | 711 | B200004231 |
487 | SV-SMG-SEP | Support Enablement Package | 20061221 | 710 | B200003398 |
488 | SV-SMG-SER | SAP Support Services | 20010608 | 620 | B200001308 |
489 | SV-SMG-SER-ESR | Enterprise Support Report | 20091111 | 800 | B200004570 |
490 | SV-SMG-SER-EWA | EarlyWatch Alert | 20090616 | 800 | B200004468 |
491 | SV-SMG-SER-GSS | Guided Self-Services | 20130430 | 740 | BYI3000953 |
492 | SV-SMG-SER-PSL | PSLE Report BI Self-Service | 20111107 | 731 | BYI3000433 |
493 | SV-SMG-SER-RFW | Report Framework BI Self-Service | 20111107 | 731 | BYI3000434 |
494 | SV-SMG-SPA | SAP ProductivityPak RWD Adapter | 20080617 | 711 | B200004232 |
495 | SV-SMG-SR | System Recommendations for Managed Systems | 20110720 | 731 | BYI3000322 |
496 | SV-SMG-SUP | Service Desk/Incident Managment | 20021015 | 630 | B200001621 |
497 | SV-SMG-SUP-FDB | Incoming Message | 20040116 | 700 | B200001819 |
498 | SV-SMG-SUP-IFA | Interface to External Service Desk Application | 20090617 | 800 | B200004482 |
499 | SV-SMG-SUP-INT | Interface to SAP | 20040116 | 700 | B200001821 |
500 | SV-SMG-SUP-ISV | Service Desk for Software Partners | 20090806 | 800 | B200004498 |