SAP ABAP Application Component - Index M
Application Component - Index M (132 records shown)
# Application Component ID Short Description First Release Date First Release Application Component
1 MDM SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management 20020808 620 APLM000001
2 MDM-CLT Client-System Adapter 20050218 700 BYC0000001
3 MM Materials Management 19950221 30A HLA0009510
4 MM-CBP Consumption-Based Planning (See Also PP-MRP) 19950221 30A HLA0006803
5 MM-CBP-CBP Consumption-Based Planning (See Also PP-MRP) 19950221 30A HLA0006804
6 MM-CBP-POP Procurement Proposal (See PP-MRP) 19950221 30A HLA0006805
7 MM-EDI Electronic Data Interchange 19950221 30A HLA0006042
8 MM-EDI-IV Invoice Verification 19950221 30A HLA0006615
9 MM-EDI-PUR Purchasing 19950221 30A HLA0006614
10 MM-FT Foreign trade 20010820 620 AL00000022
11 MM-FT-GOV Messages to Authorities: Import 20010820 620 AL00000023
12 MM-IM Inventory Management 19950221 30A HLA0009516
13 MM-IM-ED Excise Duty 20030402 620 ALN0000437
14 MM-IM-GF Basic Functions 19950221 30A HLA0006049
15 MM-IM-GF-DTF Data Transfer 19960119 30C HLA0001539
16 MM-IM-GF-DTF-RES Data Transfer: Reservations 19960119 30C HLA0001541
17 MM-IM-GF-DTF-STK Data Transfer: Stocks 19960119 30C HLA0001540
18 MM-IM-GF-ES Enterprise Services in Inventory Management 20071010 700 E380000043
19 MM-IM-GF-PHI Data Transfer: Physical Inventory 19960119 30C HLA0001542
20 MM-IM-GI Goods Issue and Return Delivery 19950221 30A HLA0006047
21 MM-IM-GR Goods Receipt 19950221 30A HLA0006045
22 MM-IM-ML Material Ledger 19950221 30A HLA0006070
23 MM-IM-PI Physical Inventory 19950221 30A HLA0006050
24 MM-IM-RS Reservations 19950221 30A HLA0006046
25 MM-IM-ST Stock Transfer/Transfer Posting 19950221 30A HLA0006048
26 MM-IM-VP Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures 19950221 30A HLA0009514
27 MM-IS Information System 19950221 30A HLA0006612
28 MM-IS-IC Inventory Controlling 19950221 30A HLA0006051
29 MM-IS-IC-DTC Data retrieval 19960119 30C HLA0001552
30 MM-IS-IC-EWS Early Warning System 19960119 30C HLA0001554
31 MM-IS-IC-LIB Logistics Information Library 19960119 30C HLA0001553
32 MM-IS-IC-PLN Planning 19960119 30C HLA0001551
33 MM-IS-IC-RPT Reporting 19960119 30C HLA0001550
34 MM-IS-PU Purchasing Information System 19950221 30A HLA0009513
35 MM-IS-PU-DTC Data retrieval 19960119 30C HLA0001547
36 MM-IS-PU-EWS Early Warning System 19960119 30C HLA0001549
37 MM-IS-PU-LIB Logistics Information Library 19960119 30C HLA0001548
38 MM-IS-PU-PLN Planning 19960119 30C HLA0001546
39 MM-IS-PU-RPT Reporting 19960119 30C HLA0001545
40 MM-IS-VE Vendor Evaluation 19950221 30A HLA0006613
41 MM-IV Invoice Verification 19950221 30A HLA0009517
42 MM-IV-ADB Adobe Document Services in Invoice Verification 20040901 700 AC00000050
43 MM-IV-ADB-PRN Document Output with Adobe Document Services 20040901 700 AC00000051
44 MM-IV-CA G/L Clearing Account Maintenance 19950221 30A HLA0006611
45 MM-IV-EM Empties Management (When Extension EA-CP Is Active) 20050224 700 AEN0000074
46 MM-IV-FIV Vendor Invoice (Until 4.6B) 19970806 40A HLA0100764
47 MM-IV-FIV-CAN Reversal 19970806 40A HLA0100767
48 MM-IV-FIV-CRE Entry 19970806 40A HLA0100765
49 MM-IV-FIV-ERS ERS 19970806 40A HLA0100768
50 MM-IV-FIV-PP Preliminary Posting 19950221 30A HLA0006608
51 MM-IV-FIV-REL Release 19970806 40A HLA0100766
52 MM-IV-GF General Functions 19950221 30A HLA0006604
53 MM-IV-GF-ES Enterprise Services in Invoice Verification 20071010 700 E380000044
54 MM-IV-GR Goods-Receipt-Based Invoice Verification 19950221 30A HLA0006606
55 MM-IV-II Invoice Blocking 19960119 30C HLA0001589
56 MM-IV-INT Interfaces 20010820 620 AL00000032
57 MM-IV-INT-SRM Supplier Relationship Management 20100906 703 EBS0000032
58 MM-IV-INT-TM Transportation Management 20100906 703 EBS0000033
59 MM-IV-LIV Logistics Invoice Verification 19960119 30C HLA0001544
60 MM-IV-LIV-CAN Reversal 19970806 40A HLA0100772
61 MM-IV-LIV-CRE Entry 19970806 40A HLA0100769
62 MM-IV-LIV-ERS ERS 19970806 40A HLA0100773
63 MM-IV-LIV-IVB Invoice Verification in Background 19970806 40A HLA0100770
64 MM-IV-LIV-PP Park Document 19991104 46C ALR0008405
65 MM-IV-LIV-REL Release 19970806 40A HLA0100771
66 MM-IV-MP Material Price Changes 19950221 30A HLA0006073
67 MM-IV-PO Purchase-Order-Based Invoice Verification 19950221 30A HLA0006605
68 MM-IV-WR Invoice Verification Without Reference 19950221 30A HLA0006607
69 MM-PUR Purchasing 19950221 30A HLA0009512
70 MM-PUR-ADB Adobe Document Services in Purchasing 20040901 700 AC00000046
71 MM-PUR-ADB-PRN Document Output with Adobe Document Services 20040901 700 AC00000047
72 MM-PUR-EM Empties Management (When Extension EA-CP Is Active) 20050224 700 AEN0000071
73 MM-PUR-EM-DIC Item Calculator 20050224 700 AEN0000072
74 MM-PUR-EM-PO Empties Management in Purchase Orders 20050224 700 AEN0000073
75 MM-PUR-FIP Perishables Procurement 20080416 701 E4A0000032
76 MM-PUR-GF Basic Functions 19950221 30A HLA0006037
77 MM-PUR-GF-CE Customer Enhancements 20020315 620 PL00000012
78 MM-PUR-GF-CON Confirmation Control/Shipping Notification 19960119 30C HLA0001526
79 MM-PUR-GF-CPE CPE in MM 20070104 710 PR00000061
80 MM-PUR-GF-EDI Electronic Data Interchange 20020315 620 PL00000013
81 MM-PUR-GF-EIE Intra-European Import and Export 19960119 30C HLA0001524
82 MM-PUR-GF-ES Enterprise Services in Purchasing 20071011 700 E380000051
83 MM-PUR-GF-OC Message Determination 19980723 45A P450002031
84 MM-PUR-GF-REL Release (Approval) 19960119 30C HLA0001527
85 MM-PUR-GF-REL-OAG Release of Outline Agreements 19960119 30C HLA0001530
86 MM-PUR-GF-REL-POR Release of Purchase Orders 19960119 30C HLA0001531
87 MM-PUR-GF-REL-REQ Release of Requisitions 19960119 30C HLA0001529
88 MM-PUR-GF-REL-RFQ Release of RFQ/Quotation 19960119 30C HLA0001528
89 MM-PUR-GF-SN Serial Numbers in Purchasing 20080528 701 E4A0000041
90 MM-PUR-GF-TAX Taxes 19960119 30C HLA0001525
91 MM-PUR-OA Vendor Outline Agreements 19950221 30A HLA0006035
92 MM-PUR-OA-CON Contract 19960119 30C HLA0001537
93 MM-PUR-OA-SCH Scheduling Agreement 19960119 30C HLA0001538
94 MM-PUR-OPT Optimization in Purchasing 20071210 700 E4A0000001
95 MM-PUR-OPT-GRC Goods Receipt Capacity Check 20071210 700 E4A0000005
96 MM-PUR-OPT-IB Investment Buy 20071210 700 E4A0000002
97 MM-PUR-OPT-LB Load Building 20071210 700 E4A0000003
98 MM-PUR-OPT-PLW Planning Workbench 20071210 700 E4A0000004
99 MM-PUR-PO Purchase Orders 19950221 30A HLA0006041
100 MM-PUR-REQ Purchase Requisitions 19950221 30A HLA0006039
101 MM-PUR-RFQ RFQ/Quotation 19950221 30A HLA0006040
102 MM-PUR-SQ Sources of Supply 19950221 30A HLA0006036
103 MM-PUR-SQ-QTA Quota Arrangement 19960119 30C HLA0001535
104 MM-PUR-SQ-SLI Source List 19960119 30C HLA0001536
105 MM-PUR-SSP Self-Service Procurement 20100602 702 /SRMERP/EBS0000022
106 MM-PUR-VM Vendor-Material Relationships and Conditions 19950221 30A HLA0006038
107 MM-PUR-VM-CON Conditions 19960119 30C HLA0001534
108 MM-PUR-VM-REC Info Record 19960119 30C HLA0001532
109 MM-PUR-VM-SET Subsequent Settlement 19960119 30C HLA0001533
110 MM-SRV External Services 19950221 30A HLA0006033
111 MM-SRV-ACC Account Assignment 20010820 620 AL00000031
112 MM-SRV-ADB Adobe Document Services for External Services 20040901 700 AC00000048
113 MM-SRV-ADB-PRN Document Output with Adobe Document Services 20040901 700 AC00000049
114 MM-SRV-BPI BAPIs 20010903 620 AL00000056
115 MM-SRV-BW LIS and BW 20010903 620 AL00000055
116 MM-SRV-ES Enterprise Services in External Services 20071011 700 E380000053
117 MM-SRV-GF Basic Functions 19970806 40A HLA0100761
118 MM-SRV-IP Invoicing Plan 20010820 620 AL00000030
119 MM-SRV-MD Master Data 19970806 40A HLA0100762
120 MM-SRV-PR Price Determination/Conditions 20010820 620 AL00000029
121 MM-SRV-SR Service Entry 19970806 40A HLA0100763
122 MM-WM-ST Stock Placement and Stock Removal Strategies 19950221 30A HLA0006610
123 MOB Business Mobile 20110722 731 BYI3000331
124 MOB-APP Mobile Applications 20110722 731 BYI3000332
125 MOB-UIA UI5 Content 20130628 700 /UI5/U020000001
126 MOB-UIA-FI UI5 Financials 20130628 700 /UI5/U020000005
127 MOB-UIA-MM UI5 Materials Management 20130628 700 /UI5/U020000008
128 MOB-UIA-PA UI5 Personal Administration 20130628 700 /UI5/U020000003
129 MOB-UIA-PT UI5 Personal Time 20130628 700 /UI5/U020000004
130 MOB-UIA-PY UI5 Payroll 20130628 700 /UI5/U020000002
131 MOB-UIA-SD UI5 Sales and Distribution 20130628 700 /UI5/U020000007
132 MOB-UIA-SRM UI5 Supplier Relationship Management 20130628 700 /UI5/U020000006