SAP ABAP Function Module - Index S, page 30
- S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 S-10 S-11 S-12 S-13 S-14 S-15 S-16 S-17 S-18 S-19 S-20 S-21 S-22 S-23 S-24 S-25 S-26 S-27 S-28 S-29 S-30 S-31 S-32 S-33 S-34 S-35 S-36 S-37 S-38 S-39 S-40 S-41 S-42 S-43 S-44 S-45 S-46 S-47 S-48 S-49 S-50 S-51 S-52 S-53 S-54 S-55 S-56 S-57 S-58 S-59 S-60 S-61 S-62 S-63 S-64 S-65
Function Module - S
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | SMO0_GENERATE_KEY_MAPPING | Template: meta-info for function generation (Template) | |
2 | SMO0_GENERATE_MAP_SBDOC | Assists central generator in generating the table mapping Service | |
3 | SMO0_GENERATE_MAP_SEGCONTAINER | Assists central generator in generating the table mapping Service | |
4 | SMO0_GENERATE_PHYS_R3_SNDBITS | Assists central generator in generating the mapping for R/3 Sendbits | |
5 | SMO0_GENERATE_R3FIELD_COMPARE | Template: meta-info for function generation (Template) | |
6 | SMO0_GENERATE_SEGM_R3_SNDBITS | Assists central generator in generating the mapping for R/3 Sendbits | |
7 | SMO0_GENERATE_TABLE_MAPPING | Assists central generator in generating the table mapping Service | |
8 | SMO0_GET_EVENTS_PER_OBJECT | Retrieves the BTE for the given object(s) | |
9 | SMO0_READ_BUFFER | Get global varaibles from FUGR SMO0 | |
10 | SMO0_SET_DEFAULT_VALUES | Fills some fields of segments with default values | |
11 | SMO0_TBE31_MAINTAIN | Maintenance of table TBE31 based on CRS_TBE31_MAINTAIN | |
12 | SMO2_ADD_BW | Hinzufügen eines BW-Systems | |
13 | SMO2_BW_QUERY_DATA | R | Empfängt Querydaten vom BW |
14 | SMO2_CLEARUP_REQUESTS | R | Selektiere Anforderungen aus Tabelle SMOREPREQ |
15 | SMO2_DELETE_MESSAGE_FROM_MW | Sendet ein BDOC zur Middleware | |
16 | SMO2_DELETE_REQUEST | R | Sendet ein BDOC zur Middleware |
17 | SMO2_GARBAGE_COLLECT | R | Prüfen der Konsistenz von Anforderungen und Metadaten |
18 | SMO2_GENERATE_QUERIES | Neugenerierung von Queries bei Bedarf | |
19 | SMO2_GET_GROUP_QUERIES | R | Schickt Query-Request ans BW |
20 | SMO2_GET_INDIVIDUAL_QUERIES | Schickt Query-Request ans BW | |
21 | SMO2_GET_INDIVIDUAL_QUERY | Schickt Query-Request ans BW | |
22 | SMO2_GET_PARAMS | Holt Parameterwerte | |
23 | SMO2_GET_QUERIES | Schickt Query-Request ans BW | |
24 | SMO2_GET_QUERY | Schickt Query-Request ans BW | |
25 | SMO2_GET_SUBSCRIPTION | Holt Subskriptionskriterien zum Initialisieren der Variante | |
26 | SMO2_GET_WORKBOOK | Holt ein BW Workbook vom BW ab | |
27 | SMO2_GET_WORKBOOKS | Holt ein BW Workbook vom BW ab | |
28 | SMO2_LOG_CLEAR | Löscht Logeinträge für eine Anforderung | |
29 | SMO2_LOG_READ | Liest Logeinträge für eine Anforderung | |
30 | SMO2_LOG_WRITE | R | Neue Nachricht zum SMO2-Log hinzufügen |
31 | SMO2_MAP_DATA_TO_FILE | Holt Queries vom BW ab | |
32 | SMO2_QUERY_VARIANT_CREATE | Anlegen oder Ändern von Varianten für Abfragen und Benutzer | |
33 | SMO2_QUERY_VARIANT_PREVIEW | Vorschau der Variante für Abfrage und Benutzer | |
34 | SMO2_READ_MEMO | Lesen eines Memo-Feldes mit neuer Struktur | |
35 | SMO2_REFRESH_REQUESTS | R | Liest aktuelle Requests |
36 | SMO2_REMOVE_BW | Hinzufügen eines BW-Systems | |
37 | SMO2_REQUEST_REPORTS | Anforderung von BW Reports | |
38 | SMO2_REQUEST_STATUS_SET | R | Anlegen/Ändern eines BW-Requests |
39 | SMO2_REQUEST_UPDATE | Anlegen/Ändern eines BW-Requests | |
40 | SMO2_SELECT_LOGS | R | Selektiere Anforderungs-Logtabelle |
41 | SMO2_SELECT_QUERIES | R | Selektiere Workbooks |
42 | SMO2_SELECT_QUERY_REQUESTS | R | Selektiere Anforderungen aus Tabelle SMOREPREQ |
43 | SMO2_SELECT_USER_REQUESTS | R | Selektiere Anforderungen aus Tabelle SMOREPREQ |
44 | SMO2_SELECT_WB_REQUESTS | R | Selektiere Anforderungen aus Tabelle SMOREPREQ |
45 | SMO2_SELECT_WORKBOOKS | R | Selektiere Workbooks |
46 | SMO2_SEND_MESSAGE_TO_MW | Sendet ein BDOC zur Middleware | |
47 | SMO2_TEST | Test | |
48 | SMO2_VARIANT_DATE_CONVERSION | Ermittle Datumswerte für Abfrageselektionen aus Systemdatum und Formeln | |
49 | SMO2_WRITE_LOG_REQUEST | Sendet ein BDOC zur Middleware | |
50 | SMO2_WRITE_MEMO | Sendet ein BDOC zur Middleware | |
51 | SMO3_SUBSCR_AGENT_EMP_TERR | Dynamic called function module for Subscription Agent | |
52 | SMO3_SUBSCR_AGENT_MERGE_CRITS | Dynamic called function module for Subscription Agent | |
53 | SMO4_BDM_GETBDOCLOCKSTATUS | Returns the Locked status of a BDoc | |
54 | SMO4_BDM_GETDATAELEMENT | Read all the Data Element | |
55 | SMO4_BDM_GETDOMAINLIST | Get the list of all Domain | |
56 | SMO4_BDM_GETGENERATIONLOG | Returns the Generation Log for BDocs. | |
57 | SMO4_BDM_GETSQLTYPELIST | Read all the SQL Data Type | |
58 | SMO4_BDM_GETSYSTEMTYPE | Returns whether the system is a SAP or Customer system | |
59 | SMO4_BDM_GETTABLE | Interface to get the information of a table | |
60 | SMO4_BDM_GETTABLES | To Get The List Of Tables Defined In TRDB | |
61 | SMO4_BDM_GETTRANSDATA | R | To get all Transactional Details |
62 | SMO4_BDM_GETTRANSLIST | To Get The List Of The Transactions Defined In TRDB | |
63 | SMO4_BDM_GETTRANSLISTI01 | Test Passing | |
64 | SMO4_BDM_GETTRANSREPG | To Get For RepG | |
65 | SMO4_BDM_SETBDOCLOCKSTATUS | Funciton to lock and unlock BDocs | |
66 | SMO4_BDM_TRANS_ACTIVATE_I01 | Transaction Activate: Repository Interface | |
67 | SMO4_BDM_TRANS_COPY_I01 | Transaction Copy: Repository Interface | |
68 | SMO4_BDM_TRANS_COPY_INC_I01 | Incompatible transaction copy: Repository Interface | |
69 | SMO4_BDM_TRANS_DATA_CHECK | Transaction data check: Repository Interface | |
70 | SMO4_BDM_TRANS_DELETE_I01 | Deletes both Active and Edit copy of transaction | |
71 | SMO4_BDM_TRANS_DISCARD_I01 | deletes edit copy of a transaction | |
72 | SMO4_BDM_TRANS_FROM_ARCH_I01 | Transaction from archive as mod. ver: Repository Interface | |
73 | SMO4_BDM_TRANS_INACT_DEL_I01 | Transaction Copy: Repository Interface | |
74 | SMO4_BDM_TRANS_NEW_I01 | Transaction Copy: Repository Interface | |
75 | SMO4_BDM_TRANS_RELEASE_I01 | Transaction Release: Repository Interface | |
76 | SMO4_BDM_TRANS_SNAME_CHECK | Checks segment name and short name in repository and DDIC | |
77 | SMO4_BDM_TRANS_UPLOAD_I01 | Transaction Upload: Repository Interface | |
78 | SMO4_BDM_TRANS_UPLOAD_TEST | Transaction Upload: Repository Interface | |
79 | SMO4_BDM_TRDATATYPE_UPLOAD_I01 | TR Datatype Upload: Repository Interface | |
80 | SMO4_BDM_TRTBLINDX_UPLOAD_I01 | TR Table Upload: Repository Interface | |
81 | SMO4_BDM_VERSIONDATA | Get details about the version. | |
82 | SMO4_BULK_GET_DATA | Gets segment name and ddic name needed in Bulk template | |
83 | SMO4_BULK_READ_TEST | module to test the BULK_GENERATE_WRITE | |
84 | SMO4_BULK_TABLE_MAPPED_SEGMENT | finds the segment mapped to a table | |
85 | SMO4_BULK_WRITE_TEST | module to test the BULK_GENERATE_WRITE | |
86 | SMO4_CLEANUP_SMOG_TABLE | Removes table definitions from smog_table not in smog_mstab | |
87 | SMO4_FILL_R3FLD_R3KEY | adds r3fld and r3key to SMOG_TFLD and smog_sfld | |
88 | SMO4_GET_DATA_TYPE | R | fn to get data types fron repository via TM |
89 | SMO4_GET_MAPPING | R | fn to get mapping information from repository layer via TM |
90 | SMO4_GET_MAPTR | R | fn to add transaction short text |
91 | SMO4_GET_STYPE | R | returns stype table |
92 | SMO4_GET_TABLE | R | fn to get table and its related tables from repository through TM |
93 | SMO4_GET_TABLE_LIST | R | gets the list of all transaction for the specified version |
94 | SMO4_GET_TRANSACTION | R | Get the transactions from the repository db |
95 | SMO4_GET_TRANSACTION_LIST | R | gets the list of all transaction for the specified version |
96 | SMO4_GET_VERSION | R | fn to get version table from repository |
97 | SMO4_GET_VERSION_LIST | R | Fn to get version information |
98 | SMO4_PUT_DATA_TYPE | R | fn to put data types in repository through TM |
99 | SMO4_PUT_DATA_TYPE_FROM_DDIC | R | fn for TM to fill SMOG tables from DDIC tables |
100 | SMO4_PUT_MAPPING | R | function to put table mapping information in the repository |
101 | SMO4_PUT_MAPPING1 | function to put table mapping information in the repository | |
102 | SMO4_PUT_STYPE | R | function to put SType Table from Workbench |
103 | SMO4_PUT_TABLE | R | to fill repository physical model |
104 | SMO4_PUT_TABLE_FROM_DDIC | function to inport smog_table entries from ddic | |
105 | SMO4_PUT_TABLE_FROM_DDIC_COPY | function to inport smog_table entries from ddic | |
106 | SMO4_PUT_TRANSACTION | R | Put the transaction records in the repository db |
107 | SMO4_PUT_VERSION | R | fill the version details into the repository db. |
108 | SMO4_TEST_FN | Test fn for DCOM Rfc | |
109 | SMO4_TRANSACTION_GETLIST | Downloads transaction header data for a certain version | |
110 | SMO4_TRANSACTION_READ | Reads all transaction data from TR | |
111 | SMO4_TRANSACTION_WRITE | Uploads transaction data to TR | |
112 | SMO4_TRANS_TAB_LIST | Get the list of tables of a transaction | |
113 | SMO4_TRTABLEINDX_WRITE | Uploads table data to TR | |
114 | SMO5_CREATEPARAM_ENTRY | R | Create parameter entry |
115 | SMO5_CREATEPARAM_ENTRY_50 | R | Create parameter entry |
116 | SMO5_DEFAULT_INITIAL_VALUES | R | default Initial values declaration |
117 | SMO5_GET_ASCII_VALUE | Get the ASCII value | |
118 | SMO5_GET_PARAMETER_VALUE | Get the parameter value | |
119 | SMO5_GET_PARAMETER_VALUE_50 | Get the parameter value | |
120 | SMO5_GET_UNICODE_SITEID | R | Get the unicode site ids from the server |
121 | SMO6_GET_SEGMENT_LIST | R | returns all the segments for a given transaction |
122 | SMO7_ASCII_ADAPTER_INVOKE | R | Function Module to Invoke Ascii Adapter Service |
123 | SMO7_ASCII_ADP_CODEGEN | Generate code for BDOC' | |
124 | SMO7_ASCII_ADP_GEN_CONTAINER | Test container for code generation | |
125 | SMO7_ASCII_ADP_IMPORT | Function Module to Invoke Ascii Adapter Service | |
126 | SMO7_ASCII_ADP_METAINFO | Template: meta-info for function generation (Template) | |
127 | SMO7_ASCII_INVOKE_BDOCDASH | R | Function module to invoke Ascii adapter with selected BDOC's |
128 | SMO7_ASCII_LOOK_UP_CONTAINER | Test container for code generation | |
129 | SMO7_ASCII_LOOK_UP_METAINFO | Template: meta-info for function generation (Template) | |
130 | SMO7_FLOWOUTBOUND_ASC | Function module to receive status from Flow Control | |
131 | SMO7_FUNCTION_CHECK_NAME | Checks validity of the function name | |
132 | SMO7_GET_TBLNAME | Function gets the table name with custnamespace. | |
133 | SMO7_INSERT_IN_TOP_INCLUDE | Function module to insert includes for ascii adp. | |
134 | SMO7_POPUP_TO_DECIDE_WITH_MSG | Function Module for msg popup incl yes_to_all | |
135 | SMO7_VARIABLES_IN_TOP_INCLUDE | Include Data Statements in top include. | |
136 | SMO8_BDOCREG_GETBDOCLONGNAME | Flow DBoc Registration: Get BDoc long name | |
137 | SMO8_BDOCREG_GETBDOCTRGNAME | Flow DBoc Registration: Get BDoc long name | |
138 | SMO8_BDOCREG_GETBDOCTYPEID | Flow DBoc Registration: Get BDoc ID from Long name | |
139 | SMO8_BDOCREG_GETLIST | Flow DBoc Registration: Get BDoc List of Write Transactions | |
140 | SMO8_BDOCREG_GETSVCFUNCTION | Flow DBoc Registration: Get BDoc Service Function Module Name | |
141 | SMO8_BDOCREG_GETSVCIFPROG | Flow DBoc Registration: Get BDoc Service Invoker Interface Program | |
142 | SMO8_BDOCREG_GETSVCLONGNAME | Flow DBoc Registration: Get BDoc Service Long Name | |
143 | SMO8_BDOCSEGMENT_GETCLIENTFLD | Get name of client field in BDoc segment structure | |
144 | SMO8_DBGSETTING_DBGACTIVECHECK | Check wheter debugging is active for current configuration | |
145 | SMO8_DEL_O01_METAINFO | Template: meta-info for function generation (Template) | |
146 | SMO8_FLOWDEF_CBMWPORTALCOLLECT | Collect Function for MW Portal: Consistency of Flow Definitions | |
147 | SMO8_FLOWERRSG_DISPLAY | Flow Control Service Error Segments: Display in Popup /Public | |
148 | SMO8_FLOWERRSG_GET | Flow Control Service Error Segments: Get /Public | |
149 | SMO8_FLOW_SERVICE_GET_DATA | Get data for IO Adapter Generation / Private | |
150 | SMO8_GEN_SMOG_SRVFU | Generate Service Functions (SMOG_SRVFU) / Protected | |
151 | SMO8_GET_SITE_ID_QUEUE_PAIR | Get a valid pair of Oueue-Name and Site-ID / Public | |
152 | SMO8_I01_J01_O01_METAINFO | Template: meta-info for function generation (Template) | |
153 | SMO8_LOG | R | Application Logging |
154 | SMO8_LOG_FLASH | Application Logging, Flash Buffer / Public | |
155 | SMO8_LOG_GET | Get Application Log / Public | |
156 | SMO8_LOG_MIG | R | Application Logging / Public |
157 | SMO8_MOBILEINBOUND_PROCESSMSG | Process Message from Mobile Client | |
158 | SMO8_MSAEXIT_CALLINBOUND | Call MSA Exit Inbound | |
159 | SMO8_MSAEXIT_CALLOUTBOUND | Call MSA Exit Outbound | |
160 | SMO8_SITEACCESS_SETHIT | Write a hit to a site's statistics | |
161 | SMO8_SITEACCESS_UPD | Write site statistics to DB (update task) | |
162 | SMO8_ST_O01_INFO | Meta-info function module template for generating ST | |
163 | SMO8_XML_O01_METAINFO | Template: meta-info for function generation (Template) | |
164 | SMO9_BDOC_COMPLETE_GET_DATA | Selects all data for CDB service | |
165 | SMO9_BDOC_DATACOMP_WITH_KEYS | Selects all data for CDB service with Primkey, parentkey & R3keys | |
166 | SMO9_BUILD_FUNCTION_CODE | Handle generation of code for special functions | |
167 | SMO9_CDBDECL | Function Module for CDB table declarations. | |
168 | SMO9_DATASTMT_IN_TOP_INCLUDE | Include Data Statements in top include. | |
169 | SMO9_DLIST_INSERT | Insert destination entry (ies) for the message in smo8_dlist | |
170 | SMO9_FETCH_ALL_FROM_CDB | To Fetch keys and non keys from CDB | |
171 | SMO9_FETCH_ALL_FROM_CDB_NCD | To Fetch keys and non keys from CDB | |
172 | SMO9_GENERATE_GUID | Generate Guid | |
173 | SMO9_GENERATE_GUID_2 | Generate Guid | |
174 | SMO9_GENERATE_KEYGEN_CODE | Meta-info for function generation for KeyGen | |
175 | SMO9_GENERATE_KEYGEN_NEW | Meta-info for function generation for KeyGen | |
176 | SMO9_GETPHY_FLD_POS | Get the position and length of a physical field. | |
177 | SMO9_GET_ACTIVE_VERSION | Get the current version details. | |
178 | SMO9_GET_ALL_PHYFLDS_SEGFLDS | Retreives all segment fields for a table field and replace | |
179 | SMO9_GET_CHECK_FIELD_NAME | Returns the check table field name for a field | |
180 | SMO9_GET_MAPPED_KEY_FIELDS | Returns the mapped physical table key fields | |
181 | SMO9_GET_MAPPED_KEY_FIELDS_HC | Returns the mapped physical table key fields | |
182 | SMO9_GET_NON_KEY_DTLS | Get the Non key attribute details | |
183 | SMO9_GET_SEGFLD_POS | Fetch the Segment field position, length, type and inttype in the segment | |
184 | SMO9_GET_SEGFLD_POS_2 | Fetch the Segment field position, length and type in the segment | |
185 | SMO9_GET_SEGFLD_POS_OLD | Fetch the Segment field position, length, type and inttype in the segment | |
186 | SMO9_GET_SEGFLD_TYPE | For the given symbolic message and field , return the position and length | |
187 | SMO9_GET_SMOG_MAPTR | Get SMOG_MAPTR record, along with trans short name & Message structure | |
188 | SMO9_GET_TBLFLD_NAME | Gives table name and the field name for given transaction segment field | |
189 | SMO9_GET_TRANSEG_NAMES | Get the transaction names and segment names for the given symbolic message | |
190 | SMO9_HANDLE_ERROR | Function to handle Error Transaction | |
192 | SMO9_IS_KEY_IN_KEY_TABLE | Check for Key Value in Key Table. | |
193 | SMO9_IS_KEY_IN_KEY_TABLE_2 | Check for Key Value in Key Table. | |
194 | SMO9_KEYGEN_DEL_CONTAINER | Test container for code generation | |
195 | SMO9_KEYGEN_GEN_CONTAINER | Test container for code generation | |
196 | SMO9_KEYGEN_GEN_CONTAINER_TEST | Test container for code generation | |
197 | SMO9_KEYGEN_GEN_CONTAINER_TST | testing new keygen code generation | |
198 | SMO9_KEYGEN_HARDCODED | KeyGen service | |
199 | SMO9_KEYGEN_INCLUDE_METAINFO | meta info for new keygen include . | |
200 | SMO9_KEYGEN_METAINFO | Meta-info for function generation for KeyGen | |
201 | SMO9_KEYGEN_METAINFO_TEST | Meta-info for function generation for KeyGen | |
202 | SMO9_KEYGEN_METAINFO_TST | testing new kegen metainfo | |
203 | SMO9_KEYGEN_SERVICE | KeyGen service | |
204 | SMO9_KEYGEN_SERVICE_1 | KeyGen service | |
205 | SMO9_KEYGEN_TEST_CONTAINER | Test container for code generation | |
206 | SMO9_KEYGEN_TEST_CONTAINER_NEW | Test container for code generation | |
207 | SMO9_OLD | Structure Mapper Service | |
208 | SMO9_ORDER_FIELDS | Order the fields according to TR_POS in SMOG_TFLD | |
209 | SMO9_RECORD_SECIDX | Records table name and secondary keys for which sec indices are necessary | |
210 | SMO9_SCIDX_GET | get records from table smo9_scidx | |
211 | SMO9_SEGM_FLDS_INFO | Get segment and fields mapping info for Test Tool generation | |
212 | SMO9_SPSEGMENTS | Function module to identify special segments. | |
213 | SMO9_STRUCTFIELD_ATTRIBUTES | Fetch the Segment field position, length, type and inttype in the segment | |
214 | SMO9_STRUMAP_GENERATOR | Code generator for Structure Mapper : using Mapname | |
215 | SMO9_STRUMAP_GEN_CONTAINER | Test container for code generation | |
216 | SMO9_STRUMAP_GEN_CONTAINER_2 | Test container for code generation | |
217 | SMO9_STRUMAP_GEN_CONTAINER_TST | Test container for code generation | |
218 | SMO9_STRUMAP_METAINFO | Meta-info for function generation for KeyGen | |
219 | SMO9_STRUMAP_METAINFO_2 | Meta-info for function generation for KeyGen | |
220 | SMO9_STRUMAP_METAINFO_TST | Meta-info for function generation for KeyGen | |
221 | SMO9_STRU_CHECK_FIELD_VALIDITY | This takes in a structure & field names and check if they exist in DDIC | |
222 | SMO9_STRU_CREA_PARAM_LIST | Build Import or Changing or Table Parameters | |
223 | SMO9_STRU_CREA_PARAM_LIST1 | Build Import or Changing or Table Parameters | |
224 | SMO9_STRU_DISPLAY_ERRORS | errors generated for the list of mappings | |
225 | SMO9_STRU_FLD_ATRB_COMPATIBILE | checks if the source and destination fields are compatible | |
227 | SMO9_STRU_GEN_CODE | Generate the Mapping Code for each Map Detail Row | |
228 | SMO9_STRU_GEN_CODE1 | Generate the Mapping Code for each Map Detail Row | |
230 | SMO9_STRU_GEN_TABLE_CODE | Gets the max table lines out of all the tables used for generation | |
231 | SMO9_STRU_GET_ALL_MAPPINGS | Get all active mappings | |
232 | SMO9_STRU_GET_COMMENT | this generates comments for every line in the smo9_smdtl table | |
233 | SMO9_STRU_GET_FIELD_ATTRIBUTES | returns the properties of a table field. | |
234 | SMO9_STRU_GET_HEADER | This is to generate the header for the generated code. | |
235 | SMO9_STRU_GET_HEADER1 | This is to generate the header for the generated code. | |
236 | SMO9_STRU_GET_KEYFLDS_OF_SEG | Get all key fields for segment. | |
237 | SMO9_STRU_GET_SNDBITS | Get sendbits for all fields of a segment | |
238 | SMO9_STRU_IF_CONDITION_CHECK | checks wether the if condition is correct | |
239 | SMO9_STRU_IF_CONDITION_CHECK1 | checks wether the if condition is correct | |
240 | SMO9_STRU_IF_CONDITION_CHECK2 | checks wether the if condition is correct | |
241 | SMO9_STRU_IF_CONDITION_CHECKCP | checks wether the if condition is correct | |
242 | SMO9_STRU_IMP_CHA_TBL_PARAM | Build Import or Changing or Table Parameters | |
243 | SMO9_STRU_INSERT_DECL_EXCPLIST | Insert Data declarations for the generated code. | |
244 | SMO9_STRU_MAP | Structure Mapper Service | |
245 | SMO9_STRU_MAP_1 | Structure Mapper Service used for testing | |
246 | SMO9_STRU_MAP_CGS | Structure Mapper Service | |
247 | SMO9_STRU_PROCESS_CONDTION | To generate the IF condition statement | |
248 | SMO9_STRU_REVERSE_MAP_CHECKS | checks for conditions where reverse mapping cannot be done | |
249 | SMO9_STRU_ROLLBACK_ALGORITHM | determine rollback of code generation lines | |
250 | SMO9_STRU_RUNTIME_DATADECLARE | To insert data Declarations at runtime | |
251 | SMO9_STRU_SPLIT_LONG_LINE | Split lines of a long line to 72 chars and add to an Itab | |
252 | SMO9_STRU_STRUCT_TO_STRUCT_MAP | Map fields of same data element for two structures | |
253 | SMO9_STRU_SUBSTR_LIMIT_CHECK | check substr applicatibility for different src & dest data types | |
254 | SMO9_STRU_TABLE_MAXLINES | gets the maximum table lines out of the give input tables. | |
255 | SMO9_STRU_TFLDS_WRTO_SFLDS | Filters table fields which are mapped to segment fields. | |
256 | SMO9_TLTEST_GENERATE | Test Container to generate TAP function modules. | |
257 | SMO9_TLTEST_METAINFO | Meta-info for function generation for Local Save. | |
258 | SMO9_TRANSLATE_PYFLD_TO_SGFLD | Find corresponding Segment Field Name (CHECKS ALL SEG OF SMOG_TSEGM) | |
259 | SMO9_TRANSLATE_PYFLD_TO_SGFLD1 | Find corresponding Segment Field Name (USES FIRST FOUND SEG IN SMOG_TSEGM) | |
260 | SMO9_TRANSLATE_PYFLD_TO_SGFLDM | Find corresponding Segment Field Name (INPUT SEG_DD TOO) | |
261 | SMO9_TRANSLATE_PYFLD_TO_SGFLDN | Find corresponding Segment Field Name (CHECKS ALL SEG OF SMOG_TSEGM) | |
262 | SMO9_TRANSLATE_SEGM_TO_TRANS | Translate Segment DDIC Name to Transaction ID and Table Name. | |
263 | SMO9_TRANSLATE_SGFLD_TO_PYFLD | Find corresponding Physical Field Name | |
264 | SMO9_TRANSLATE_TRANS_TO_SEGM | Translate Transaction ID and Table Name to Segment DDIC Name. | |
265 | SMO9_TRANS_TO_SEGM | Translate Transaction ID and Table Name to Segment DDIC Name. | |
266 | SMO9_TRUNCATE_CLIENT_CLASS | Truncation of client class in segdd's | |
267 | SMOCHECKQUEUE | Check whether queue is on hold and reader is running | |
268 | SMOCHECK_ADAPTER_BDM_CHECKS | Check if SBDM action is allowed (from Adapter point of view) | |
269 | SMOCHECK_SUBSCRIPTION_ALLOWED | Check if a subscription of a R/3-Backend is allowed | |
271 | SMOC_CUSTOMIZING_FATAL_CHECK | Check for fatal | |
272 | SMODEQUEUE | Read a message from the queue | |
274 | SMODI_ACGR_ADJUST_ROLE | Compare Roles | |
277 | SMOENQUEUE | Add a message to the queue | |
278 | SMOENQUEUE_RFC | R | Add a message to the queue |
279 | SMOENQUEUE_WRAPRFC | Add a message to the queue | |
280 | SMOE_ACENQUEUE | Starts AC_EXTRACT's and JobID for the started jobs | |
281 | SMOE_ACTIVATE_DEACTIVATE_SITE | Activate/Deactivate Sites | |
282 | SMOE_ACTIVATE_SCHEDULED_ACTION | Function Module which starts Scheduled Actions | |
283 | SMOE_AC_EXTRACT | Create AC Extract (Capsulates Function Module SMO_ACENQUEUE) | |
284 | SMOE_AC_EXTRACT_INACTIVE_SITE | Create AC Extract - Inactive site: Write objects to list | |
285 | SMOE_AC_GET_CURR_STATE | Returns current State struc., and instances of State Obj and Navigator Obj | |
286 | SMOE_AC_JOBS_CHECK_FOR_DISPLAY | Check whether Admin Console Jobs exist | |
287 | SMOE_AC_JOBS_COCKPIT_DISPLAY | Monitoring Cockpit: Interface for action submit function of node | |
288 | SMOE_AC_JOBS_CREATE | Plan the background job for Scheduling | |
289 | SMOE_AC_JOBS_DISPLAY | Display the Admin Console Job screen | |
290 | SMOE_AC_JOBS_SEL | Select Scheduling Job Data | |
291 | SMOE_AC_OBJ_FILTERSCREEN | Display Filter Screen and Return User Filter Settings | |
292 | SMOE_AC_START_FROM_SFW | Middleware Object Navigator: Entry Into Administration Console | |
293 | SMOE_ADMIN_CONSOLE_CALL | Call of transaction Administration Console | |
294 | SMOE_ADMIN_CONSOLE_CALL_OLD | Call of transaction Administration Console | |
296 | SMOE_CALC_SCHEDULED_ACTION | Function module which calculates the scheduled actions to be performed | |
297 | SMOE_CALL_COPY_SCREEN | Calls copy screen for subscription agent generators | |
298 | SMOE_CALL_GEN_CRI_SCREENS | Calls the Criteria Dependent Screens for Subscription Agent | |
299 | SMOE_CALL_GEN_DYN_SCREENS | Calls the Dynamic Dependent Screens for Subscription Agent | |
300 | SMOE_CALL_LIST_PROCESSING | Displays a Popup with Messages/Free Text in a simple list | |
301 | SMOE_CALL_SCHEDULING_SCREEN | Calls scheduling screen (to maintain a new scheduling entry) | |
302 | SMOE_CALL_TEMPLATE_MAINTENANCE | Call Scheduling Template Maintenance | |
303 | SMOE_CALL_TEXT_REPOBJ_POTCRT | Calls long text maintained for REPOBJ/POTCRT | |
304 | SMOE_CALL_USER_EXIT_SITE_SUB | Exit Call: Check Subscription Process Allowed | |
305 | SMOE_CHECK_COPY_SUBSCR_GEN | Checks if a subscription generator can be copied | |
306 | SMOE_CHECK_CRITS_UNIQUENESS | Checks whether list of Potential Criteria Fields is unique or used in Publ | |
307 | SMOE_CHECK_DEL_GEN | Checks and deletes a generator of the subscription agent | |
308 | SMOE_CHECK_DEL_GEN_SITES | Checks if a site to be deleted is not protected by subscription agent | |
309 | SMOE_CHECK_DEL_GEN_SUBSCRS | Checks if a site to be deleted is not protected by subscription agent | |
310 | SMOE_CHECK_DEL_GEN_SUBSIT | Checks if a site to be deleted is not protected by subscription agent | |
311 | SMOE_CHECK_FIELD | Syntax check of a field | |
312 | SMOE_CHECK_FUNCTION_EXIST | Checks the existence of function modules | |
313 | SMOE_CHECK_NAVIGATION_POSSIBLE | Ext. Call: Checks whether navigation to the selected object is possible | |
314 | SMOE_CHECK_PUBL_EXISTS_BY_CRIT | Checks whether a publication with a specific crit combination exists. | |
315 | SMOE_CHECK_REPOBJ_EXISTS | Check whether a Replication Object exists in a certain industry | |
316 | SMOE_CHECK_SITETYPE_BDOCTYPE | Checks and returns the relation between Sitetype and BDoctype | |
317 | SMOE_CHECK_TAG_EXIST | get the possible TAGs for the AdminConsole | |
318 | SMOE_CHECK_TARGET_GROUP | Checks the target group for replication objects | |
320 | SMOE_CHECK_TYPE | Checking the type of the import parameter | |
321 | SMOE_CHECK_VAL1_VAL2 | Checks if Value2 is greater or equal Value1 | |
322 | SMOE_CHK_DEL_BDOC_STYP_REL | Checks if relation BDoc type/sitetype can be deleted | |
323 | SMOE_CHK_REPOBJ_BDOC_DEL | Check on replication repository, if deletion of BDoc type is allowed | |
324 | SMOE_CINDX_SEL | Searches for objects in table SMOCINDX | |
325 | SMOE_CONGRP_SEL | R | select from table SMO5TRNGRP |
326 | SMOE_COPY_REPLICATION_OBJECTS | Copies replication objects from one industry template to another | |
327 | SMOE_CREATE_SUBCHECK_JOB | Creates Jobs in SUBCHECK Queue | |
328 | SMOE_CRITS_ADD | R | Adding new entries in table SMOHCRITS |
329 | SMOE_CRITS_DEL | R | Delete crits from table SMOHCRITS, SMOHVALUES |
330 | SMOE_CRITS_SEL | R | Select all from table SMOHCRITS |
331 | SMOE_CURRSITE_SITEACT_CHANGE | Site activity change in Admin Console | |
332 | SMOE_DEACTIVATE_MSA_SMOFAPPL | Checks if the deactivation of MSA in SMOFAPPL is allowed | |
333 | SMOE_DEACTIVATE_REPOBJ | Deactivate/Activate Replication Object | |
334 | SMOE_DEQUEUE | R | Releasing locked table records |
335 | SMOE_DETERMINE_FIELDS | Selects the segment fields for segments | |
336 | SMOE_DETERMINE_NAMESPACE | Determines the first character for SHORT_ID or SHORTNAME from SMOFPARSFA | |
337 | SMOE_DISPLAY_EXTRACT_LIST | Show Objects for which an Extract will be Created on Site Activation | |
338 | SMOE_DISPLAY_JOB_IN_SM37 | Navigates to tr. SM37 to display job | |
339 | SMOE_DYNAMIC_MAPPING | Makes dynamic mapping between tables | |
340 | SMOE_DYNAMIC_SELECT | Makes a Dynamic Select | |
341 | SMOE_DYNAMIC_SELECT_1 | Makes a Dynamic Select | |
342 | SMOE_DYNAMIC_SINGLE_VALUE | Makes a Dynamic Select | |
343 | SMOE_ENQUEUE | R | Locking table records |
345 | SMOE_EVALUATE_GROUP_HIERARCHY | Get Relative and Absoulte Hierarchy Levels of AC-Organizations | |
346 | SMOE_EXTRACT_CALL | Call of transaction SMOEACEX (Create extract for sites) | |
347 | SMOE_EXTRACT_REPOBJ_SEL | Selects Replication Objects for a subscription of a site | |
348 | SMOE_EXTRACT_SITE_SEL | Selects Sites with Subscriptions | |
349 | SMOE_F4_FIELDS_FOR_TABLE | Shows Value Help for Table Fields | |
350 | SMOE_F4_GROUP_GROUPCHIL | All groups that are not assigned as parent of this group | |
351 | SMOE_F4_GROUP_GROUPPARE | All groups that are not assigned as parent of this group | |
352 | SMOE_F4_GROUP_MITABT | Returns all users not assigned to this group | |
353 | SMOE_F4_GROUP_SITE | Returns all sites not assigned to this group. | |
354 | SMOE_F4_MITABT_GROUP | All groups not assigned to the user | |
355 | SMOE_F4_MITABT_SITE | All sites not currently attached to user | |
356 | SMOE_F4_MITABT_SUBSCR | Returns all subscriptions not assigned to user | |
357 | SMOE_F4_PUBL_CRITS | All criteria not assigned to this publication | |
358 | SMOE_F4_PUBL_ILTP | All linkages not assigned to the publication | |
359 | SMOE_F4_PUBL_REPOBJ | All replication objects not assigned to the publication | |
360 | SMOE_F4_PUBL_SUBSCR | Returns all subscriptions not assigned to this publication | |
361 | SMOE_F4_PUBL_SUBSCR_GEN_WIZARD | Selects all possible publications for a new subscription | |
362 | SMOE_F4_PUBL_SUBSCR_WIZARD | Selects all possible publications for a new subscription | |
363 | SMOE_F4_REPOBJ_POTCRT | All potential criteria not assigned to this replication object | |
364 | SMOE_F4_REPOBJ_PUBL | All publications not assigned to this replication object | |
365 | SMOE_F4_REPOBJ_PUBL_WIZARD | Selects the available replication objects for publications | |
366 | SMOE_F4_REPOBJ_REPOBJCHIL | All children not assigned to this replication object | |
367 | SMOE_F4_REPOBJ_REPOBJPARE | All replication object parents not assigned to this replication object | |
368 | SMOE_F4_SITE_GROUP | Returns all groups not currently assigned to the site | |
369 | SMOE_F4_SITE_MITABT | Returns all users not allocated to the site | |
370 | SMOE_F4_SITE_QUEUE | Returns all queues not allocated to the site | |
371 | SMOE_F4_SITE_SUBSCR | Selects the available subscriptions which are not assigned to current site | |
372 | SMOE_F4_SUBAGENT_EXIN_EMPL | All sites not assigned to this subscription | |
373 | SMOE_F4_SUBSCR_PUBL | All publications not assigned to this subscription | |
374 | SMOE_F4_SUBSCR_REPOBJ | All replication objects not assigned to this subscription | |
375 | SMOE_F4_SUBSCR_SITE | All sites not assigned to this subscription | |
376 | SMOE_F4_SUBSCR_SITE_WIZARD | Available sites for the selected publication (sitetype <- > bdoctype) | |
377 | SMOE_F4_SUBSCR_VALUES | All values not assigned to the subscription | |
378 | SMOE_FILLING_CRITTYPE | Filling values in field CRITTYPE of table SMOHCRITS | |
379 | SMOE_GENSUB_GENSSI_STATISTICS | Statistics of generated objects SMOEGENSUB, SMOEGENSSI | |
380 | SMOE_GEN_AC_DEPINF | Manipulates toolbar in Admin Console | |
381 | SMOE_GEN_AC_EXINEMP | Manipulates toolbar in Admin Console | |
382 | SMOE_GEN_AC_SITATT | Manipulates toolbar in Admin Console | |
383 | SMOE_GEN_CHANGE_STATUS | Change the status of a Subscription Generator | |
384 | SMOE_GEN_CHECK_TRANS_REQUEST | Checks, if Subscription Agent objects are part of transport requests/tasks | |
385 | SMOE_GEN_CRITS_TOOLBAR | Builds up the toolbar for criteria fields grid | |
386 | SMOE_GEN_DEL_GENERATED_OBJECTS | Deletes the generated objects of a generator of the subcription agent | |
387 | SMOE_GEN_DOKU_MODIFY_POPUP | Call Popup to Modify GEN_DOKU of Subscription Generator | |
388 | SMOE_GEN_GET_FLD_LIST_CALL_FUN | Determines the fields to be given to the dynamic called function module | |
389 | SMOE_GEN_IDX_TO_CREATE | Determines the indices needed by Subscription Agent | |
390 | SMOE_GEN_SET_INACTIVE_DELETE | Sets partly active objects inactive and deletes objects to be deleted | |
391 | SMOE_GEN_SITATT_TOOLBAR | Builds up the toolbar for criteria fields grid | |
392 | SMOE_GET_ASSIGNMENT_FUNCTION | Get the Assignment Function for Parent and Dependent Object Type | |
393 | SMOE_GET_DDIC_INFO | Selects fields for tables | |
394 | SMOE_GET_DEACT_REPOBJ | Get the deactivated replication objects | |
395 | SMOE_GET_DEP_INTLNK_OBJECTS | Returns the interlinkage dependent objects | |
396 | SMOE_GET_DISPLAY_TEXTS | Selects the displayed text for Admin Console | |
397 | SMOE_GET_EXCEPT_ERR_MESS | Returns the error messages from exceptions | |
398 | SMOE_GET_F4_SEL_MODE | Gets all field info | |
399 | SMOE_GET_FLDINFO | Gets all field info | |
400 | SMOE_GET_GEN_MODULE_NAME | Returns the generated module name for writing SMOHMITLNK | |
401 | SMOE_GET_INFO | R | Get info from R/3 |
402 | SMOE_GET_MAPPED_OBJECTTYPE | Buffers mapping of object tags for SPEED framework | |
403 | SMOE_GET_NAME | Sets the subscription name | |
404 | SMOE_GET_NAMEFROMUSER | Gets the full name for the TR_USER | |
405 | SMOE_GET_NAMES_OF_DEP_OBJS | Gets the names of dependent objects | |
406 | SMOE_GET_OBJECTS_LIST | Gets the object tags for the application id passed | |
407 | SMOE_GET_OBJECT_FUNCNAME | Returns function name for object tag | |
408 | SMOE_GET_OBJECT_INFO | Gets object details based on object tag | |
409 | SMOE_GET_OBJECT_STRUC | Returns the structure name for the object | |
410 | SMOE_GET_OBJECT_STRUCTNAME | Gets tabtype name from struct name | |
411 | SMOE_GET_OBJECT_TABTYPENAME | Gets tabtype name from struct name | |
412 | SMOE_GET_OBJECT_WIZARDNAME | Gets the name of the function to becalled if ADD is to be done by a wizard | |
413 | SMOE_GET_OBJ_STANDARDINFO | Get standard info for object | |
414 | SMOE_GET_OUTQUEUES_RFC_XML | Get SEND_XML Flag per Out-Queue | |
415 | SMOE_GET_QNAME | Generates a new name for the Queue | |
416 | SMOE_GET_ROLE | Get the Role of the USer | |
417 | SMOE_GET_ROLE_SUBJOB | Checks if function SUBJOB is allowed | |
418 | SMOE_GET_SUBSCR_DEP_SITES | Selects the links to subscriptions for dependent sites | |
419 | SMOE_GET_SYSTEMTYPE | Returns 'CUS' for Customer System, 'SAP' for SAP System | |
420 | SMOE_GET_TABINFO | Gets tab details | |
421 | SMOE_GET_TAG | get the possible TAGs for the AdminConsole | |
422 | SMOE_GET_TREE_FILTERSCR_FUNC | Get the Filterscreen Function for the Tree | |
423 | SMOE_GET_TREE_HIERARCHY | Read customizing of tree hierarchy | |
424 | SMOE_GET_TREE_OBJSELECT_FUNC | Get the Filterscreen Function for the Tree | |
425 | SMOE_GET_TREE_VIEW | Get Tree View for Object Display in Admin Console | |
426 | SMOE_GET_WHERE_CLAUSE | Creates Where Clause from Table Entries in SMOESTASTR | |
428 | SMOE_GROUP_DEL | R | RFC: delete SMOHGROUP |
429 | SMOE_GROUP_FILTERSCREEN | Filter Screen for Organizations | |
430 | SMOE_GROUP_HIERARCHY_NUMBER | Determines the number of hierarchy levels in organization structure | |
431 | SMOE_GROUP_MOD | R | RFC: modify SMOHGROUP |
433 | SMOE_GROUP_SEL_DEP_GROUPS | Selects the dependent organizations | |
434 | SMOE_GROUP_SEL_HIERARCHY | Determines the parents and children in group hierchary | |
435 | SMOE_GROUP_SITE_SEL | R | Selects for an organization details, sites, dependent organizations |
440 | SMOE_HANDLE_QUEUE_SEL | Navigate to Queues on Doubleclick | |
441 | SMOE_HEA_ACT_SEL | Selection function module for table SMOEGENHEA | |
442 | SMOE_ILTP_ADD | R | Adding new entries in table SMOHILTP |
443 | SMOE_ILTP_DEL | R | Delete iltp from tables: SMOHILTP |
444 | SMOE_ILTP_DEP_SAVE | Save object information for employees with dependencies | |
445 | SMOE_ILTP_DEP_SEL | Select object information for publications with dependencies | |
446 | SMOE_ILTP_DEP_SEL_DETAIL_INF | Selects detailed informations for interlinkages | |
447 | SMOE_ILTP_FILTERSCREEN | Filter Screen for Interlinkages | |
448 | SMOE_ILTP_SEL | R | Select all from table SMOHILTP |
449 | SMOE_ILTP_SEL_FIELD | R | Select all tablenames |
450 | SMOE_ILTP_SEL_LINKTABLE | R | Select all tablenames |
451 | SMOE_ILTP_SEL_RELTYP | R | Select all from table SMOHILTP |
452 | SMOE_ILTP_SEL_SOURCE_DEST | R | Select all tablenames |
453 | SMOE_IL_DET_CYCLES | Determines cycles in Interlinkage definitions | |
454 | SMOE_INDIRECTION_SAVE | Saving function module for indirection | |
455 | SMOE_INDIRECT_ASSIGNMENT_CALL | Call of transaction SMOEIND (Indirect Assignment of Subscriptions to Sites | |
456 | SMOE_INDUSTRY_TEMPLATE_GET | R | Get the corresponding INDUSTRY in dependency to MANDT |
458 | SMOE_INTERLINK_REL | Check whether RO type is interlinkage relevant | |
459 | SMOE_LOG_DELETE | Function module to delete log entries | |
460 | SMOE_LOG_DISPLAY | Display the application log | |
461 | SMOE_LOG_INIT | calls initialization functions for logging module | |
462 | SMOE_LOG_MESSAGE | Function module to log the message | |
463 | SMOE_MERGE_LANGU_AND_ORI_LANGU | Merges the texts of logon language with missing texts taken of language EN | |
464 | SMOE_MITABT_CHECK_EXIST_SUBSCR | Check existance of Subscriptions for Employee keys | |
465 | SMOE_MITABT_DEP_SAVE | Save object information for employees with dependencies | |
466 | SMOE_MITABT_DEP_SEL | Select object information for employees with dependencies | |
467 | SMOE_MITABT_DEP_SEL_DETAIL_INF | Selects detailed information for sites | |
468 | SMOE_MITABT_FILTERSCREEN | Filter Screen for Employees | |
469 | SMOE_MITABT_SEL | R | Select all from table SMOHPUBL |
470 | SMOE_MITABT_USER_DEL | Delete the user data of an employee | |
472 | SMOE_MITLINK_DEL | R | RFC: delete MITLINK |
473 | SMOE_MITLINK_MOD | R | RFC: modify MITLINK |
475 | SMOE_OBJ1OBJ2_CHECK_ASSIGN | Checks whether 2 objects Obj1 and Obj2 are assigned | |
476 | SMOE_OBJECTS_FILTER | Filter Objects (Function encapsulating the different Select Functions) | |
477 | SMOE_ORG_DEP_SAVE | Select object information for subscriptions with dependencies | |
478 | SMOE_ORG_DEP_SEL | Select object information for subscriptions with dependencies | |
479 | SMOE_PERMISSION_GET | R | checks the permission for a specified function |
480 | SMOE_PERSIST_LOG | Saves Messages to Log Table | |
481 | SMOE_POTCRT_ADD | R | Adding new entries in table SMOHCRITS |
483 | SMOE_POTCRT_DEP_SEL_DETAIL_INF | Selects detailed informations for potential criteria fields | |
484 | SMOE_POTCRT_SEL | R | Select all from table SMOHPOTCRT |
485 | SMOE_POTCRT_SEL_CRITSEG | R | Selection of TR_SEGDD from SMOG_MAPSG for field CRITSEG |
486 | SMOE_POTCRT_SEL_FIELD | R | Selection of TR_NAME from SMOG_SFLD for field FIELD |
487 | SMOE_POTCRT_SEL_MSGSEG | R | Selection of TR_SEGDD from SMOG_MAPSG for field MSGSEG |
488 | SMOE_POTCRT_SEL_OPERATOR | R | Select possible operators from table DD07L |
490 | SMOE_POTCRT_SEL_SEGMENT | R | Selection of TR_SEGDD from SMOG_SEGM for field SEGMENT |
491 | SMOE_PUBL_ADD | R | Adding new entries in table SMOHPUBL |
494 | SMOE_PUBL_DEP_SAVE | Select object information for publications with dependencies | |
495 | SMOE_PUBL_DEP_SEL | Select object information for publications with dependencies | |
496 | SMOE_PUBL_DEP_SEL_DETAIL_INF | Selects detailed informations for potential criteria fields | |
497 | SMOE_PUBL_FILTERSCREEN | Filter Screen for Publications | |
498 | SMOE_PUBL_GET | R | Get a selection for PUBL_Name from table SMOHPUBL |
499 | SMOE_PUBL_SEL | R | Select all from table SMOHPUBL |
500 | SMOE_PUBL_SEL_TR_SNAME | R | select the TR_SNAME |