SAP ABAP Domain - Index SLASH, page 16
Domain - /
# | Domain Name | Short Description | Data type | Length | Decimals |
1 | /SAPQUERY/S_CUSTTYPE | Business/private customer | CHAR | 1 | |
2 | /SAPQUERY/S_DATE | Date | DATS | 8 | |
3 | /SAPQUERY/S_DISCOUNT | Discount in % | NUMC | 3 | |
4 | /SAPQUERY/S_DISTANCE | Distance | QUAN | 9 | 4 |
5 | /SAPQUERY/S_DURA | Flight time in minutes | INT4 | 10 | |
6 | /SAPQUERY/S_EMAIL | E-mail address | CHAR | 40 | |
7 | /SAPQUERY/S_FLAG | Flag (initial or not) | CHAR | 1 | |
8 | /SAPQUERY/S_FLTYPE | Flight type (charter or scheduled) | CHAR | 1 | |
9 | /SAPQUERY/S_FWEIGHT | Weight of plane | QUAN | 14 | 4 |
10 | /SAPQUERY/S_GEO_COO | Geographical coordinates | FLTP | 16 | 16 |
11 | /SAPQUERY/S_LENGTH | Length specification | FLTP | 16 | 16 |
12 | /SAPQUERY/S_LUGWEIGH | Weight of Luggage | QUAN | 8 | 4 |
13 | /SAPQUERY/S_MATNR | Material number | CHAR | 18 | |
14 | /SAPQUERY/S_NAME20 | Company name | CHAR | 20 | |
15 | /SAPQUERY/S_PHONE | Telephone number | CHAR | 30 | |
16 | /SAPQUERY/S_PLANE | Aircraft Type | CHAR | 10 | |
17 | /SAPQUERY/S_POSTBOX | PO box | CHAR | 10 | |
18 | /SAPQUERY/S_PRICE | Price | CURR | 15 | 2 |
19 | /SAPQUERY/S_PRODUCER | Manufacturer ID | CHAR | 5 | |
20 | /SAPQUERY/S_REGION | Region for Query | CHAR | 3 | |
21 | /SAPQUERY/S_RESERV | Flag | CHAR | 1 | |
22 | /SAPQUERY/S_SEATS | No. of places | INT4 | 10 | |
23 | /SAPQUERY/S_SMOKER | Smoker | CHAR | 1 | |
24 | /SAPQUERY/S_SPEED | Speed | QUAN | 17 | 4 |
25 | /SAPQUERY/S_STREET | Street | CHAR | 30 | |
26 | /SAPQUERY/S_SUM | Sum of currency amounts | CURR | 17 | 2 |
27 | /SAPQUERY/S_TEXT15 | Text with length 15 | CHAR | 15 | |
28 | /SAPQUERY/S_TIME | Time specification | TIMS | 6 | |
29 | /SAPQUERY/S_UNIT | Unit of Measure | UNIT | 3 | |
30 | /SAPQUERY/S_URL | URL | CHAR | 255 | |
31 | /SAPQUERY/S_WEBNAME | Web name for customer | CHAR | 25 | |
32 | /SAPSLL/AARTY | GTS: Type of Duty | CHAR | 4 | |
33 | /SAPSLL/AARTY_EXT | External Duty Type | CHAR | 6 | |
34 | /SAPSLL/ABI_ACTCOD | ABI Update Action Code | CHAR | 1 | |
35 | /SAPSLL/ABI_ACTCOT | ABI Update Action Code | CHAR | 1 | |
36 | /SAPSLL/ABI_ADCPQA | ABI ISF Address Component Qualifier | CHAR | 2 | |
37 | /SAPSLL/ABI_ENIDQA | ABI ISF Entity Identifier Qualifier | CHAR | 3 | |
38 | /SAPSLL/ABI_ENTCO2 | ABI ISF Entity Code Record ID 31 | CHAR | 3 | |
39 | /SAPSLL/ABI_ENTCOD | ABI ISF Entity Code Record ID 30 | CHAR | 3 | |
40 | /SAPSLL/ABI_IMPTYP | ABI Importer Type | CHAR | 1 | |
41 | /SAPSLL/ABI_ISFACD | ABI ISF Action Code | CHAR | 1 | |
42 | /SAPSLL/ABI_ISFARC | ABI ISF Action Reason Code | CHAR | 2 | |
43 | /SAPSLL/ABI_ISFCDQ | ABI ISF Code Qualifier | CHAR | 2 | |
44 | /SAPSLL/ABI_ISFCQ3 | ABI ISF Code Qualifier 3 Digits - Record ID SF20 | CHAR | 3 | |
45 | /SAPSLL/ABI_ISFCQF | ABI ISF Code Qualifier 3 Digits FROB - Record ID SF50 | CHAR | 3 | |
46 | /SAPSLL/ABI_ISFINQ | ABI ISF Importer Number Qualifier | CHAR | 3 | |
47 | /SAPSLL/ABI_ISFSTC | ABI ISF Shipment Type Code | CHAR | 2 | |
48 | /SAPSLL/ABI_ISFSTP | ABI ISF Submission Type | CHAR | 1 | |
49 | /SAPSLL/ABI_SBJCOD | ABI Subject Code | CHAR | 3 | |
50 | /SAPSLL/ACLOC | Activation of Stock Key Location | CHAR | 1 | |
51 | /SAPSLL/ACSMD | Access Using Logical System or Logical Systems Group | CHAR | 1 | |
52 | /SAPSLL/ACSTA | Status of an Activity | CHAR | 1 | |
53 | /SAPSLL/ACTPA | GTS: Responsibility for Activity Message for Global TS | CHAR | 1 | |
54 | /SAPSLL/ACW_EXCH_RATE | Exchange Rate | DEC | 9 | 5 |
55 | /SAPSLL/ACW_INB_DEL_ITEM | Inbound Delivery Item Number | NUMC | 6 | |
56 | /SAPSLL/ACW_LINE_ID | Unique Document Line ID | NUMC | 6 | |
57 | /SAPSLL/ACW_POITM | Purchase Order Item Number | NUMC | 5 | |
58 | /SAPSLL/ACW_PROC_STA | Manual Reprocessing of the Item Necessary | CHAR | 1 | |
59 | /SAPSLL/ACW_TYPE_REFNO | Type of Reference Number | CHAR | 3 | |
60 | /SAPSLL/ADCOND | Preference: Additional Condition | CHAR | 14 | |
61 | /SAPSLL/ADCOND_PRE | GTS: Preference: Additional Condition (Data Prov. Upload) | CHAR | 14 | |
62 | /SAPSLL/ADCOND_PSV | GTS: Preference: Additional Condition (Manual) | CHAR | 14 | |
63 | /SAPSLL/ADDF1 | Additional Field 1 | CHAR | 5 | |
64 | /SAPSLL/ADDF2 | Additional Field 2 | CHAR | 10 | |
65 | /SAPSLL/ADDF3 | Additional Field 3 | CHAR | 15 | |
66 | /SAPSLL/ADDNR | Additional Number | CHAR | 5 | |
67 | /SAPSLL/ADJST | Status of Comparison | CHAR | 1 | |
68 | /SAPSLL/ADJTY | Type of Adjustment | CHAR | 4 | |
69 | /SAPSLL/ADPRO | GTS: Additional Procedure | CHAR | 4 | |
70 | /SAPSLL/ADRKIND | BP: Address Type | CHAR | 10 | |
71 | /SAPSLL/ADRTN | Legal Services: Name of Object Used as Basis for Comparison | CHAR | 10 | |
72 | /SAPSLL/ADSTAT | Status of Request | CHAR | 1 | |
73 | /SAPSLL/ADTYPE | Type of Customs Declaration the Tax Statement Applies To | CHAR | 2 | |
74 | /SAPSLL/AFTYP | Field Type for Item Aggregation | CHAR | 1 | |
75 | /SAPSLL/AGMOD | Aggregation Mode | CHAR | 1 | |
76 | /SAPSLL/AGRFD | GTS: Aggregation Field | CHAR | 10 | |
77 | /SAPSLL/AGRUL | GTS: Aggregation Rule | CHAR | 5 | |
78 | /SAPSLL/AKKTP | GTS: Letter of Credit Category | CHAR | 2 | |
79 | /SAPSLL/ALCOC | Re-Export Calculated Control Relevance of a Product | CHAR | 1 | |
80 | /SAPSLL/ALCON | Re-Export Control Relevance of a Product | CHAR | 1 | |
81 | /SAPSLL/ALDAY | Number of days | NUMC | 3 | |
82 | /SAPSLL/ALINF | Additional Information for Application Log | CHAR | 20 | |
83 | /SAPSLL/ALQUA_R3 | Quantity in Supplementary Unit | QUAN | 16 | 3 |
84 | /SAPSLL/ALTGR | Preference: Grouping for Alternative Items | CHAR | 5 | |
85 | /SAPSLL/ALTNR | Alternative | CHAR | 2 | |
86 | /SAPSLL/AMNT | Value | CURR | 19 | 2 |
87 | /SAPSLL/AMNTVZ | Value | CURR | 19 | 2 |
88 | /SAPSLL/AMNT_MAX | Customs Processing: Minimum Amount | CURR | 16 | 2 |
89 | /SAPSLL/AMNT_MIN | Customs Processing: Minimum Amount | CURR | 16 | 2 |
90 | /SAPSLL/AMNT_THRESHOLD | Customs Processing: Amount Threshold | CURR | 16 | 2 |
91 | /SAPSLL/AMOTY | Value Type | CHAR | 2 | |
92 | /SAPSLL/ANL_VAL | Preference: Default Minimum Amount for Analysis Tool | DEC | 6 | 2 |
93 | /SAPSLL/AOPTI | Communication Activity Is Optional | CHAR | 1 | |
94 | /SAPSLL/AORIND | Alert/Rejection (Indicator) | CHAR | 1 | |
95 | /SAPSLL/AORRE | Reason for Rejection | CHAR | 2 | |
96 | /SAPSLL/APEVS | Application Level from Feeder System | CHAR | 4 | |
97 | /SAPSLL/APEVS_R3 | SLL: Application Level - Backend System | CHAR | 4 | |
98 | /SAPSLL/APEVS_SPI | SLL: Application Level Feeder System | CHAR | 4 | |
99 | /SAPSLL/APEVS_TLEBVS | Application Level from Feeder System | CHAR | 4 | |
100 | /SAPSLL/APEVS_TLEYVS | Application Level from Feeder System | CHAR | 4 | |
101 | /SAPSLL/API6800_OBJ_TYP_R3 | Type of Unknown Objects in SAP GTS | CHAR | 1 | |
102 | /SAPSLL/APIDOCAT | Category of Document | CHAR | 4 | |
103 | /SAPSLL/APIDOCNO | Number of Document | CHAR | 35 | |
104 | /SAPSLL/API_CEVET | Type of Customs Event | CHAR | 10 | |
105 | /SAPSLL/API_CEVET_R3 | Type of Customs Event | CHAR | 10 | |
106 | /SAPSLL/API_PGE_OBJ | API: Packing Data: Packing Object | CHAR | 2 | |
107 | /SAPSLL/API_PGE_WEIGHT | API: Packaging Data: Weight | QUAN | 15 | 3 |
108 | /SAPSLL/API_SRVLL_R3 | Single Service for Activating Customs Shipment | CHAR | 6 | |
109 | /SAPSLL/APPVS_SPI | Legal Services: Document Application Feeder System | CHAR | 4 | |
110 | /SAPSLL/ARECD | Area Code | CHAR | 5 | |
111 | /SAPSLL/ARNTY | Type of Additional Registration Number | CHAR | 4 | |
112 | /SAPSLL/ATCHK | GTS: Check and Maintenance of Attribute Value from Feed.Sys. | CHAR | 1 | |
113 | /SAPSLL/ATFID | GTS: Control Settings for Attribute Maint.: Field Identif. | CHAR | 1 | |
114 | /SAPSLL/ATLNG | GTS: Control Settings for Attribute Maintenance: Fld Length | CHAR | 2 | |
115 | /SAPSLL/ATSCEN | Audit Trail Scenario | CHAR | 1 | |
116 | /SAPSLL/ATTCAT | Category of Attachment for a Customs Shipment/Declaration | CHAR | 2 | |
117 | /SAPSLL/ATTGRP | Attachment Grouping | CHAR | 1 | |
118 | /SAPSLL/ATTRI | GTS: Type of Attribute from the Feeder System | CHAR | 10 | |
119 | /SAPSLL/ATTRV01 | GTS: Characteristics from Feed. Sys.: Attrib. Defin. Lgth 01 | CHAR | 1 | |
120 | /SAPSLL/ATTRV02 | GTS: Characteristics from Feed. Sys.: Attrib. Defin. Lgth 02 | CHAR | 2 | |
121 | /SAPSLL/ATTRV05 | GTS: Characteristics from Feed. Sys.: Attrib. Defin. Lgth 05 | CHAR | 5 | |
122 | /SAPSLL/ATTRV10 | GTS: Characteristics from Feed. Sys.: Attrib. Defin. Lgth 10 | CHAR | 10 | |
123 | /SAPSLL/ATTRV20 | GTS: Characteristics from Feed. Sys.: Attrib. Defin. Lgth 20 | CHAR | 20 | |
124 | /SAPSLL/ATTRV40 | GTS: Characteristics from Feed. Sys.: Attrib. Defin. Lgth 40 | CHAR | 40 | |
125 | /SAPSLL/ATTRV60 | GTS: Feed. Sys. Characteristics: Attribute Value Length 60 | CHAR | 60 | |
126 | /SAPSLL/AUART | SLL: Export Type | CHAR | 2 | |
127 | /SAPSLL/AUFST | Order level | NUMC | 2 | |
128 | /SAPSLL/AUTGR | GTS Authorization Group | CHAR | 10 | |
129 | /SAPSLL/AUTHO | GTS: Objects for Authorization Check | CHAR | 10 | |
130 | /SAPSLL/BADI_CDOC_MSGC_CONTEXT | Call Context | CHAR | 1 | |
131 | /SAPSLL/BADI_EXT_CDOC_MODE | Processing Mode of Customs Document | CHAR | 1 | |
132 | /SAPSLL/BADI_EXT_PRD_MODE | Processing Mode of Customs Product Master | CHAR | 1 | |
133 | /SAPSLL/BALNREXT | Application Log: External number | CHAR | 100 | |
134 | /SAPSLL/BALOBJ | Application log: object | CHAR | 20 | |
135 | /SAPSLL/BALSUB | Application Log: Subobject | CHAR | 20 | |
136 | /SAPSLL/BAOBJ | SLL: Base Object | CHAR | 1 | |
137 | /SAPSLL/BAPTI | Origin of Description of Goods for Document | CHAR | 1 | |
138 | /SAPSLL/BAPVS | ID of Document Type/Item Category from Feeder System | CHAR | 5 | |
139 | /SAPSLL/BAPVS_R3 | SLL: Identification Doc.Type / Item Type of Backend System | CHAR | 5 | |
140 | /SAPSLL/BAPVS_SPI | SLL: Identifier Doc. Type/Item Category of Feeder System | CHAR | 5 | |
141 | /SAPSLL/BARVS_SPI | Trans.Type from Feeder System SRM/CRM for Legal Services | CHAR | 5 | |
142 | /SAPSLL/BATCH | Batch | CHAR | 10 | |
143 | /SAPSLL/BEIPA | SupplmItem | CHAR | 1 | |
144 | /SAPSLL/BINNR | GTS: Business Identification Number (BIN) | CHAR | 35 | |
145 | /SAPSLL/BLDCS | Control Settings for the Selection of Blocked Documents | CHAR | 1 | |
146 | /SAPSLL/BLKST | Processing Status for Sanctioned Party List Screening | CHAR | 1 | |
147 | /SAPSLL/BMCAT_R3 | GTS: Category of Bill of Material for Transfer to GTS | CHAR | 1 | |
148 | /SAPSLL/BNDWY | Type of Bonded Area | CHAR | 1 | |
149 | /SAPSLL/BOCUS_R3 | Time to Assign Placement into Customs Status | CHAR | 1 | |
150 | /SAPSLL/BODNO | Number of Settlement Run for Special Customs Procedures | CHAR | 10 | |
151 | /SAPSLL/BOITY | GTS: Category of BOP Item | CHAR | 2 | |
152 | /SAPSLL/BOMET | SLL: Type of BOM Explosion | CHAR | 1 | |
153 | /SAPSLL/BOMET_R3 | Type of BOM Explosion | CHAR | 1 | |
154 | /SAPSLL/BOMEXPL | SLL: Preference: Method of BOM Explosion | CHAR | 1 | |
155 | /SAPSLL/BOMLEVEL_R3 | GTS: Preferences: Level (Low Level Code) | DEC | 3 | |
156 | /SAPSLL/BOMMATNR | Material (Backend System) | CHAR | 18 | |
157 | /SAPSLL/BOMNO | GTS: BOP Number | CHAR | 20 | |
158 | /SAPSLL/BOMST | Status of Bill of Material | CHAR | 1 | |
159 | /SAPSLL/BOM_IDENT | Unique Identification of a Document Bill of Material/Product | CHAR | 32 | |
160 | /SAPSLL/BOM_USAGE | Bills of Product: Application Area | CHAR | 1 | |
161 | /SAPSLL/BOM_USAGE_R3 | BOPs: Application Area | CHAR | 1 | |
162 | /SAPSLL/BOPAF | GTS: BOP: Allow Alternative BOP | CHAR | 1 | |
163 | /SAPSLL/BOPAL | GTS: BOP: Number of Alternative BOP | INT4 | 10 | |
164 | /SAPSLL/BOPAN | GTS: BOP: Object Reference | CHAR | 1 | |
165 | /SAPSLL/BOPID | BOM ID | CHAR | 10 | |
166 | /SAPSLL/BOPLV | GTS: BOP Level | DEC | 8 | |
167 | /SAPSLL/BOPNO | GTS: BOP Number | CHAR | 10 | |
168 | /SAPSLL/BOPNX | GTS: External BOP Number | CHAR | 40 | |
169 | /SAPSLL/BOPOR | GTS: Origin of BOP | CHAR | 1 | |
170 | /SAPSLL/BOPST | GTS: BOP: Type of Proportion | CHAR | 1 | |
171 | /SAPSLL/BOPTY | GTS: BOP Category | CHAR | 4 | |
172 | /SAPSLL/BPMID | Manufacturer ID in Customs Administration | CHAR | 30 | |
173 | /SAPSLL/BPTYP | Business Partner Category from Feeder System | CHAR | 2 | |
174 | /SAPSLL/BPTYP_APPL | SLL: Business Partner Category in Feeder System: Applicant | CHAR | 2 | |
175 | /SAPSLL/BPTYP_EMC | Business Partner Category in Feeder System | CHAR | 1 | |
176 | /SAPSLL/BPTYP_EMP | SLL: Business Partner Category in Feeder System: Employee | CHAR | 2 | |
177 | /SAPSLL/BPTYP_LOG | SLL: Business Partner Category in Feeder System: Logistics | CHAR | 2 | |
178 | /SAPSLL/BPTYP_R3 | SLL: Partner Master Identification - Length 2 | CHAR | 2 | |
179 | /SAPSLL/BPTYP_SPI | Legal and Logistics Srv.: Business Partner Cat. Feeder Syst. | CHAR | 2 | |
180 | /SAPSLL/BPVSY_SPI | Extern. Business Partner Number for Legal and Logistics Srv. | CHAR | 40 | |
181 | /SAPSLL/BP_PRENE | SLL: Pref. BP: 'Vendor Declaration Exists' Identification | NUMC | 2 | |
182 | /SAPSLL/BSPSV | Legal and Logistics Services: BSP: Service Type | CHAR | 15 | |
183 | /SAPSLL/BSTYP | Document Types from Feeder System | CHAR | 1 | |
184 | /SAPSLL/BSYID | Business System ID | CHAR | 60 | |
185 | /SAPSLL/BTDPC | Business Document Type | CHAR | 4 | |
186 | /SAPSLL/BTDTC | Business Document Category | CHAR | 5 | |
187 | /SAPSLL/BTDTC_R3 | Business Document Category | CHAR | 5 | |
188 | /SAPSLL/BTIPC | Item Category of Business Document | CHAR | 4 | |
189 | /SAPSLL/BTITC | Category of Business Document Item | CHAR | 5 | |
190 | /SAPSLL/BTTYP | Business Transaction Type (Intrastat Code) | CHAR | 2 | |
191 | /SAPSLL/BUKRS | Company Code Taken from Feeder System | CHAR | 4 | |
192 | /SAPSLL/CALCTYP | SLL: Preference Costing Category | CHAR | 1 | |
193 | /SAPSLL/CALC_INCO | Calculation to Interpret Incoterms for Transport Costs | CHAR | 3 | |
194 | /SAPSLL/CALL | Call Type for BSP Module | CHAR | 1 | |
195 | /SAPSLL/CALLFKT | Calling Application or Communication Component | CHAR | 1 | |
196 | /SAPSLL/CALLM | Call Type for Maintenance of Customs Worklist | CHAR | 1 | |
197 | /SAPSLL/CALTY | GTS: Restitution: Calculation Type | CHAR | 1 | |
198 | /SAPSLL/CANCEL_ID_R3 | Customs Processing: Indicator for Cancellation of Goods Mvmt | CHAR | 1 | |
199 | /SAPSLL/CANRE | Reason for Cancellation | CHAR | 1 | |
200 | /SAPSLL/CAPID | Application | CHAR | 4 | |
201 | /SAPSLL/CASACT | Case Activities | CHAR | 1 | |
202 | /SAPSLL/CASETYP | SLL: Preference WorstCase Indicator | CHAR | 1 | |
203 | /SAPSLL/CASID | Case ID | CHAR | 20 | |
204 | /SAPSLL/CASST | Case Status - Selection Options | CHAR | 1 | |
205 | /SAPSLL/CATID | Dashboard Chart Category (Such as Time Unit) | CHAR | 10 | |
206 | /SAPSLL/CCAFA | GTS: Requested Concession | CHAR | 5 | |
207 | /SAPSLL/CCDOC | Status of Document Verification | CHAR | 1 | |
208 | /SAPSLL/CCMHST | Status of Collective Completion - Header | CHAR | 1 | |
209 | /SAPSLL/CCMIST | Status of Collective Completion - Item | CHAR | 1 | |
210 | /SAPSLL/CCMSTA | Processing Status of Worklist | CHAR | 1 | |
211 | /SAPSLL/CCMTY | Type of Completion (Collective Completion for Customs WH) | CHAR | 2 | |
212 | /SAPSLL/CCNAD | GTS: Additional Code | CHAR | 4 | |
213 | /SAPSLL/CCNGA | GTS: Range of Goods | CHAR | 2 | |
214 | /SAPSLL/CCNGN | Legal & Logistics Services: Customs Tariff No.(Generic Part) | CHAR | 30 | |
215 | /SAPSLL/CCNGN_MASK | SLL: Pref.: Customs Tariff No. Masking for Tariff No. Change | CHAR | 30 | |
216 | /SAPSLL/CCNGN_R3 | Commodity Code | CHAR | 30 | |
217 | /SAPSLL/CCNGN_SPI | Legal & Logistics Srv.: Customs Tariff Number - Generic Part | CHAR | 30 | |
218 | /SAPSLL/CCNTY | Category of Commodity Code | CHAR | 3 | |
219 | /SAPSLL/CCNTY_R3 | Category of Commodity Code | CHAR | 3 | |
220 | /SAPSLL/CCNVG | GTS: Number Systems: Recoding Group | CHAR | 10 | |
221 | /SAPSLL/CCPBS | Status of Examination of Goods | CHAR | 1 | |
222 | /SAPSLL/CCPNF | Follow-Up | CHAR | 1 | |
223 | /SAPSLL/CDCTL | Profile Data Access Control | CHAR | 1 | |
224 | /SAPSLL/CDDET | Detailed Control of Document | CHAR | 2 | |
225 | /SAPSLL/CDOBT | Correction: Object Type | CHAR | 10 | |
226 | /SAPSLL/CDORG | Document Source | CHAR | 1 | |
227 | /SAPSLL/CDSSF | Start Follow-On Function in Feeder System | CHAR | 1 | |
228 | /SAPSLL/CDSSF_R3 | Start Follow-On Function in Feeder System | CHAR | 1 | |
229 | /SAPSLL/CDTYP | Application Area of Document for Global Trade Services | CHAR | 1 | |
230 | /SAPSLL/CFBOM | Preference: Indicator: Configurable Bill of Material | CHAR | 1 | |
231 | /SAPSLL/CHACT | Type of Data Change | CHAR | 1 | |
232 | /SAPSLL/CHANGED_ALL_BP | Indicator: Only Changed Partner Addr. or All Partner Addr. | CHAR | 1 | |
233 | /SAPSLL/CHAR03 | Character Field Length 3 | CHAR | 3 | |
234 | /SAPSLL/CHAR05 | Character (Length 5) | CHAR | 5 | |
235 | /SAPSLL/CHAR40_SC | Character String with Length of 40 in Lower Case | CHAR | 40 | |
236 | /SAPSLL/CHAR80S_SPI | SLL: RFC Error | CHAR | 80 | |
237 | /SAPSLL/CHGST | Change Status for Change Scenarios in Customs Declaration | CHAR | 1 | |
238 | /SAPSLL/CHKTY | Scope for Checking Tariff Measures | CHAR | 1 | |
239 | /SAPSLL/CHNGSTAT | SLL: Preference Logging Change Display | CHAR | 1 | |
240 | /SAPSLL/CHPRC | Communication Progress for Changes | CHAR | 1 | |
241 | /SAPSLL/CLA_CHK_STA | Check Status of Classification | CHAR | 1 | |
242 | /SAPSLL/CLPPT | Determination Time of Closing Portions - IP | CHAR | 1 | |
243 | /SAPSLL/CMCOP | Relational Operator for Reqmt for Comparing Addresses/String | CHAR | 2 | |
244 | /SAPSLL/CMDEL | Address/String Comparison: Delimiter | CHAR | 40 | |
245 | /SAPSLL/CMKEY | Key for Case Management | NUMC | 15 | |
246 | /SAPSLL/CMNOC | Reqmt String for Phonetic Search in Address/String Compare | CHAR | 10 | |
247 | /SAPSLL/CMNOS | Address/String Comparison: Normalization of Search String | CHAR | 40 | |
248 | /SAPSLL/CMOBJ | Object for Case Management | CHAR | 1 | |
249 | /SAPSLL/CMPAD_B | Address Comparison: Data Container for PO Box | CHAR | 10 | |
250 | /SAPSLL/CMPAD_H | Address Comparison: Data Container for House Number, Floor | CHAR | 10 | |
251 | /SAPSLL/CMPAD_H1 | Address Comparison: Data Container for House Number, Floor | CHAR | 30 | |
252 | /SAPSLL/CMPAD_H2 | Address Comparison: Data Container for House Number, Floor | CHAR | 20 | |
253 | /SAPSLL/CMPAD_I | Address Comparison: Data Container for PO Box City | CHAR | 40 | |
254 | /SAPSLL/CMPAD_I1 | Address Comparison: Data Container for PO Box City | CHAR | 80 | |
255 | /SAPSLL/CMPAD_K | Address Comparison: Data Container for Communication Data | CHAR | 40 | |
256 | /SAPSLL/CMPAD_N | Address Comparison: Data Container for Name | CHAR | 230 | |
257 | /SAPSLL/CMPAD_P | Address Comparison: Data Container for Postal Code | CHAR | 20 | |
258 | /SAPSLL/CMPAD_S | Address Comparison: Data Container for Street, Building | CHAR | 240 | |
259 | /SAPSLL/CMPCT | Leg. & Log. Srv.: Rule Set for Address/String Comparison | CHAR | 5 | |
260 | /SAPSLL/CMPKO | Address Comparison: Origin of Search Term/Search Index | CHAR | 2 | |
261 | /SAPSLL/CMPMT | Base Value of Percentage of Number of Found Terms | CHAR | 1 | |
262 | /SAPSLL/CMPOM | SLL: Relational Operator for Address/String Comparison | CHAR | 1 | |
263 | /SAPSLL/CMPOP | SLL: Linking Operator for Address/String Comparison | CHAR | 1 | |
264 | /SAPSLL/CMPOS | Legal Services: Comparison - Address Data as String | CHAR | 38 | |
265 | /SAPSLL/CMPSD | SLL: Scope of Check: Leading Obj. for Address/String Compare | CHAR | 1 | |
266 | /SAPSLL/CMPTA | Term Action | CHAR | 1 | |
267 | /SAPSLL/CMPTY | Legal & Logistics Srv.: Type of Address/String Comparison | CHAR | 1 | |
268 | /SAPSLL/CMP_AREA | Object Area in Which an Activity Is to Be Used | CHAR | 1 | |
269 | /SAPSLL/CMP_ASSG | Component Assignment Indicator | CHAR | 1 | |
270 | /SAPSLL/CMP_CARD | Cardinality of a Completeness Rule | CHAR | 1 | |
271 | /SAPSLL/CMP_CPRULE | Rule for Completeness Check in Duty Calculaiton | CHAR | 4 | |
272 | /SAPSLL/CMP_LOGOP | Relational Operator | CHAR | 2 | |
273 | /SAPSLL/CMP_TABNAME | Component from Customs Document for Completeness Check | CHAR | 30 | |
274 | /SAPSLL/CMP_VALUE | Comparison Value for Completeness Check | CHAR | 50 | |
275 | /SAPSLL/CMREF | Reference Number of Object for Case Management | CHAR | 40 | |
276 | /SAPSLL/CMSTA | Status of a Case in Case Management | CHAR | 2 | |
277 | /SAPSLL/CMSTR | Address/String Comparison: Original and Target String | CHAR | 40 | |
278 | /SAPSLL/CMXCL | Address/String Comparison: Text to Be Excluded | CHAR | 60 | |
279 | /SAPSLL/CNCAT | Cancellation Needed in Authority Customs System | CHAR | 1 | |
280 | /SAPSLL/CND_CSQN | Condition for the Applicability of a Duty | CHAR | 4 | |
281 | /SAPSLL/CNOBT | Cancellation: Object Type | CHAR | 10 | |
282 | /SAPSLL/CNTFL | Container Flag | CHAR | 1 | |
283 | /SAPSLL/CNTNO | Container Number | CHAR | 45 | |
284 | /SAPSLL/CNTR2 | Legal & Logistics Services: 2-Digit Sequence Number | NUMC | 2 | |
285 | /SAPSLL/CNTR4 | Legal & Logistics Services: 4-Digit Sequence Number | NUMC | 4 | |
286 | /SAPSLL/CNVBA | GTS: Basis for Conversion of External Unit of Measure | CHAR | 6 | |
287 | /SAPSLL/CNVCS | GTS: Recoding: Creation Strategy | CHAR | 2 | |
288 | /SAPSLL/CNVND | L&L Services: Conversion Factor - Numerator, Denominator | DEC | 7 | |
289 | /SAPSLL/CNVST | GTS: Recoding: User Status | CHAR | 1 | |
290 | /SAPSLL/CNVTY | GTS: Number Systems: Type of Recoding | CHAR | 1 | |
291 | /SAPSLL/CODEP_R3 | Separating Stock by Country of Origin | CHAR | 1 | |
292 | /SAPSLL/CODEP_SPI | Separating Stock by Country of Origin | CHAR | 1 | |
293 | /SAPSLL/COETY | GTS: Restitution: CAP Conversion - Reference Type | CHAR | 2 | |
294 | /SAPSLL/COMCC | Category of Technical Communication with External System | CHAR | 1 | |
295 | /SAPSLL/COMCD | Commodity Code | CHAR | 8 | |
296 | /SAPSLL/COMCD_ECR | Commodity Code | CHAR | 8 | |
297 | /SAPSLL/COMCD_FULL_R3 | Complete Commodity Code | CHAR | 30 | |
298 | /SAPSLL/COMPC | Company number | CHAR | 10 | |
299 | /SAPSLL/COMPL | Indicates a Completed Supplementary Customs Declaration | CHAR | 1 | |
300 | /SAPSLL/COM_PRODUCT_ID | Product ID | CHAR | 40 | |
301 | /SAPSLL/CONAD | Legal Control - Detailed Control Settings - Active | CHAR | 1 | |
302 | /SAPSLL/CONDI | SLL: Linking of Condition | CHAR | 4 | |
303 | /SAPSLL/CONGR | Groupings for Materials | CHAR | 30 | |
304 | /SAPSLL/CONNR | GTS: Field Identification: Assgmt of Attribute to Obj. Field | CHAR | 10 | |
305 | /SAPSLL/CONPS | SLL: Indicator: Save Global Trade Services Check Log | CHAR | 1 | |
306 | /SAPSLL/CONSISTENT | Legal & Logistics Services: Object Consistency | CHAR | 1 | |
307 | /SAPSLL/CONTA | Container Indicator | CHAR | 1 | |
308 | /SAPSLL/CONTENT_CHK_STA | Content Check Status | CHAR | 1 | |
309 | /SAPSLL/CONV_OBJECT | Conversion Object for ISO/SAP for GTS | CHAR | 10 | |
310 | /SAPSLL/COPYSEL | Set Copy Scope | CHAR | 1 | |
311 | /SAPSLL/CORFLOW_SELCRIT | Domain: Corflow Monitoring Selection Criterion | CHAR | 20 | |
312 | /SAPSLL/CORNO | Legal & Logistics Services: 10-Character Document Number | CHAR | 10 | |
313 | /SAPSLL/CORNO_R3 | SLL: 10-Character Doc. No. | CHAR | 10 | |
314 | /SAPSLL/COR_PLANT | SLL: Plant | CHAR | 4 | |
315 | /SAPSLL/COR_PLANTGRP | SLL: Plant Group | CHAR | 4 | |
316 | /SAPSLL/CPGST | Container/Package Status | CHAR | 2 | |
317 | /SAPSLL/CPGTY | Type of Container Status | CHAR | 2 | |
318 | /SAPSLL/CPPRI | Percentage Rate of Compensatory Interests | DEC | 12 | 6 |
319 | /SAPSLL/CPRED | Previous Document Type from Feeder System | CHAR | 10 | |
320 | /SAPSLL/CPREN | Previous Document Number from Feeder System | CHAR | 30 | |
321 | /SAPSLL/CPRET | GTS: Previous Document Category | CHAR | 2 | |
322 | /SAPSLL/CPR_DISPLAY_MODE | SLL: Customs Product Master - Display Mode | CHAR | 1 | |
323 | /SAPSLL/CPR_LOCATOR | Customs Product Master: Control Data: Locator | CHAR | 1 | |
324 | /SAPSLL/CPTYP | Type of Closing for Special Customs Procedures (IP/PUCC) | CHAR | 1 | |
325 | /SAPSLL/CPTYP_FCPEU | Type of Closing Free Circulation with Prescribed End Use | CHAR | 1 | |
326 | /SAPSLL/CRECO | Method of Entry | CHAR | 2 | |
327 | /SAPSLL/CREFT | Type of Reference Number | CHAR | 3 | |
328 | /SAPSLL/CRNTY | Type of Customs Registration Number | CHAR | 4 | |
329 | /SAPSLL/CRULE | Calculation Rule for Customs Duty Type (Internal) | CHAR | 4 | |
330 | /SAPSLL/CRUL_EX | Calculation Rule for Customs Duty Type (External) | CHAR | 10 | |
331 | /SAPSLL/CSACT | Activate Reason/Comment Entry during Release | CHAR | 1 | |
332 | /SAPSLL/CSIDD | Schema for Identification Types | CHAR | 10 | |
333 | /SAPSLL/CSSCH | Determination Procedure for Release Reason | CHAR | 10 | |
334 | /SAPSLL/CSSTA | SLL: Customs Status | CHAR | 3 | |
335 | /SAPSLL/CSTAT | Customs Status | CHAR | 1 | |
336 | /SAPSLL/CSTAT_TXT | Description of Customs Status | CHAR | 20 | |
337 | /SAPSLL/CTROB | GTS: Type of Control Object from Backend System | CHAR | 1 | |
338 | /SAPSLL/CTROB_R3 | SLL: Control Object Type from Backend System | CHAR | 1 | |
339 | /SAPSLL/CTSAC | Action Code for Measure Condition | CHAR | 3 | |
340 | /SAPSLL/CTSCC | Assignment Category of Additional Codes | CHAR | 12 | |
341 | /SAPSLL/CTSCT | Type of Condition | CHAR | 2 | |
342 | /SAPSLL/CTSDT | LLNS: Relevant Database Table | CHAR | 2 | |
343 | /SAPSLL/CTSFC | Measure Usage | CHAR | 1 | |
344 | /SAPSLL/CTSKR | GTS: Configurable Bill of Material/Product | CHAR | 1 | |
345 | /SAPSLL/CTSMS | System for Units of Measurement | CHAR | 10 | |
346 | /SAPSLL/CTSMT | Type of Migration Run | CHAR | 1 | |
347 | /SAPSLL/CTSMU | External Unit of Measurement | CHAR | 20 | |
348 | /SAPSLL/CTSPC | Product Category Tariff Code Number | CHAR | 5 | |
349 | /SAPSLL/CTSREG | Regulation/Decision | CHAR | 20 | |
350 | /SAPSLL/CTSRI | Activation of Reference Code | CHAR | 1 | |
351 | /SAPSLL/CTSRT | Reference Type for Numbering Systems | CHAR | 1 | |
352 | /SAPSLL/CTSSM | Status of Migration | CHAR | 2 | |
353 | /SAPSLL/CTSTT | Legal & Logistics Services: Text Type of Customs Tariff Sys. | CHAR | 1 | |
354 | /SAPSLL/CTSTT_CAP | Legal & Logistics Services: Text Type of Customs Tariff Sys. | CHAR | 1 | |
355 | /SAPSLL/CTSTY | Legal & Logistics Services: Type of Customs Tariff System | CHAR | 3 | |
356 | /SAPSLL/CTSUM | Number of Special Units of Measure in Customs Tariff System | CHAR | 1 | |
357 | /SAPSLL/CTSUOM | GTS: Special Unit of Measure/Qualifier | CHAR | 12 | |
358 | /SAPSLL/CTYGR | Legal Services: Country Group | CHAR | 10 | |
359 | /SAPSLL/CTYTY | Legal & Logistics Services: Type of Country Key | CHAR | 3 | |
360 | /SAPSLL/CUAGG | Duty Group for Tax Assessment | CHAR | 4 | |
361 | /SAPSLL/CUBMS | GTS: Assessment Measure for Tax Assessment | CHAR | 4 | |
362 | /SAPSLL/CUCCU | Currency Code | CHAR | 3 | |
363 | /SAPSLL/CUCCY | Country Code | CHAR | 3 | |
364 | /SAPSLL/CUCRS | SLL: Customs Control Result for SLL | CHAR | 4 | |
365 | /SAPSLL/CUCZA | GTS: Demand for Payment for Customs Processing | CHAR | 3 | |
366 | /SAPSLL/CUDOF | Goods Origin Indicator - Domestic/Foreign | CHAR | 1 | |
367 | /SAPSLL/CUFIS | Customs Status | CHAR | 1 | |
368 | /SAPSLL/CUHDA | Legal Services: Document Type of Customs Document | CHAR | 6 | |
369 | /SAPSLL/CUINC | SAP GTS: Indicator Type for Customs Processing | CHAR | 3 | |
370 | /SAPSLL/CUIND | GTS: Indicator for Customs Processing | CHAR | 1 | |
371 | /SAPSLL/CUITA | Legal Services: Customs Document- Item Category | CHAR | 6 | |
372 | /SAPSLL/CUITA_R3 | Legal Services: Customs Document: Item Category | CHAR | 6 | |
373 | /SAPSLL/CUMES | SLL: Message Type for EDI | CHAR | 20 | |
374 | /SAPSLL/CUMULATION | Preference: Cumulation Endorsement | CHAR | 1 | |
375 | /SAPSLL/CUOBJ | GTS: Object from Customs Code List | CHAR | 6 | |
376 | /SAPSLL/CUOBM | GTS: Customs Code Lists: Object Feature | CHAR | 10 | |
377 | /SAPSLL/CUPPS | GTS: Customs Processing Base | CHAR | 2 | |
378 | /SAPSLL/CUPRC | GTS: Customs Processing Type | CHAR | 8 | |
379 | /SAPSLL/CUPRO | GTS: Place into a Customs Status (Procedures) | CHAR | 8 | |
380 | /SAPSLL/CURPRE | Currency Field for Preference Processing | CURR | 16 | 2 |
381 | /SAPSLL/CURRB | Currency Field | CURR | 17 | 2 |
382 | /SAPSLL/CURRF | Currency Field for SLL | CURR | 16 | 2 |
383 | /SAPSLL/CURRFILFORMAT | Format of Upload File for Customs Exchange Rates | CHAR | 3 | |
384 | /SAPSLL/CUSCS | SLL: Det. Procedure for Customs Code Lists for SLL | CHAR | 5 | |
385 | /SAPSLL/CUSTA | Legal Control: Statuses for Licenses of a Legal Regulation | CHAR | 4 | |
386 | /SAPSLL/CUSTAT | Customs Status | CHAR | 1 | |
387 | /SAPSLL/CUSTAT_R3 | Customs Status | CHAR | 1 | |
388 | /SAPSLL/CUSTFILFORMAT | Format of Upload File for Customs Offices | CHAR | 3 | |
389 | /SAPSLL/CUS_REFNO | Customs Registration Number | CHAR | 40 | |
390 | /SAPSLL/CUTID | GTS: Participant Identification Number (PIN) / Company No. | CHAR | 30 | |
391 | /SAPSLL/CUZAT | GTS: Type of Demand for Payment for Customs Processing | CHAR | 2 | |
392 | /SAPSLL/CVRTF | GTS: Toll Determination: Exchange Rate Fixed Indicator | CHAR | 1 | |
393 | /SAPSLL/CVRTQ_STD | Exch. rate positively standardized w.o. indir./dir. exch. r. | DEC | 22 | 11 |
394 | /SAPSLL/CVSID | Version Number of Data Record of Data Provider | CHAR | 20 | |
395 | /SAPSLL/CWALV | Type of ALV List for Customs Worklist | CHAR | 2 | |
396 | /SAPSLL/CWD06 | Info. Level Comparison of Transferred/Cleared Quantity | CHAR | 1 | |
397 | /SAPSLL/CYEAR | Year | NUMC | 4 | |
398 | /SAPSLL/DABID | Dashboard Identification | CHAR | 20 | |
399 | /SAPSLL/DABIN | TREX Index ID for Dashboards | CHAR | 54 | |
400 | /SAPSLL/DABTP | Period for Dashboards | CHAR | 2 | |
401 | /SAPSLL/DAB_ID | Dashboard File Identifier | CHAR | 16 | |
402 | /SAPSLL/DAB_PATH | Dashboard MIME Path | CHAR | 255 | |
403 | /SAPSLL/DAB_RESTIME | Processing Time of Blocked Partners/Documents | TIMS | 6 | |
404 | /SAPSLL/DANNO | Dangerous Goods Number | CHAR | 4 | |
405 | /SAPSLL/DAPID | External Identification of Data Provider | CHAR | 20 | |
406 | /SAPSLL/DATCN | Date Check | CHAR | 1 | |
407 | /SAPSLL/DATID | Qualifier for Date and Times | CHAR | 3 | |
408 | /SAPSLL/DATPRO | Procedure for Defaulting Data - Date | CHAR | 5 | |
409 | /SAPSLL/DATTY | Legal & Logistics Services: Type of Deadline | CHAR | 6 | |
410 | /SAPSLL/DATTY_CFB | Type of Date | CHAR | 6 | |
411 | /SAPSLL/DBCFC | Access Control - Function | CHAR | 5 | |
412 | /SAPSLL/DBCGR | Access Control - Group | CHAR | 5 | |
413 | /SAPSLL/DCNTRL | GTS: Dialog Control for Default Data | CHAR | 1 | |
414 | /SAPSLL/DCSTA | GTS: Customs Status | CHAR | 10 | |
415 | /SAPSLL/DCTYP | SLL: Type of Declaration | CHAR | 10 | |
416 | /SAPSLL/DCVAR | Declaration Type | CHAR | 1 | |
417 | /SAPSLL/DDSIGN | SIGN Component in Row Type of a RANGES Table Type | CHAR | 1 | |
418 | /SAPSLL/DECLY_SAD_EU | Type of Declaration EU Standard Document Field Number 1 | CHAR | 4 | |
419 | /SAPSLL/DECNO | Declaration Number to Declare General License | CHAR | 15 | |
420 | /SAPSLL/DEFTYP | SLL: Preference Definition Type | CHAR | 1 | |
421 | /SAPSLL/DELEV | SLL: Preference: Level of Detail for LTVD Form | CHAR | 2 | |
422 | /SAPSLL/DESC | Short Description | CHAR | 40 | |
423 | /SAPSLL/DESCT | Type of Goods Description | CHAR | 1 | |
424 | /SAPSLL/DESTTY | Type of Destination | CHAR | 1 | |
425 | /SAPSLL/DEVIND | Quantity Variance Indicator | CHAR | 1 | |
426 | /SAPSLL/DGRTY | Type of Depreciation Group | CHAR | 1 | |
427 | /SAPSLL/DIMEN | Legal & Logistics Services: Dimension (Qty, Weight, l, h,..) | QUAN | 19 | 3 |
428 | /SAPSLL/DIMEN_R3 | SLL: Dimension (Qty, Weight, Height, Width, Length, ...) | QUAN | 19 | 3 |
429 | /SAPSLL/DIMEN_SPI | SLL: Dimension (Quantity, Weight, Height, Width, Length...) | QUAN | 19 | 3 |
430 | /SAPSLL/DIOBJ | Display Object for Release Reason | CHAR | 1 | |
431 | /SAPSLL/DISPA | Bills of Material: Low-Level Code | CHAR | 3 | |
432 | /SAPSLL/DISPO | SLL: Low-Level Code from Backend System | CHAR | 3 | |
433 | /SAPSLL/DLLRG | Determination Rule for Active Legal Regulations | CHAR | 1 | |
434 | /SAPSLL/DLVST | Delivery Start Date | CHAR | 50 | |
435 | /SAPSLL/DMSRT | Ratio of Domestic Sales | DEC | 16 | 2 |
436 | /SAPSLL/DOCAT | Classification of Document | CHAR | 4 | |
437 | /SAPSLL/DOCAT_R3 | Category of Document | CHAR | 4 | |
438 | /SAPSLL/DOCNO_R3 | Number of Document | CHAR | 35 | |
439 | /SAPSLL/DOCPOS | SLL: Indicator - Docking Control Item | CHAR | 1 | |
440 | /SAPSLL/DOCST | Legal and Logistics Services: Internal (Technical) Status | CHAR | 1 | |
441 | /SAPSLL/DOCTY | Type of Document | CHAR | 1 | |
442 | /SAPSLL/DOCTYP_SPI | Document Type of the Feeder System | CHAR | 4 | |
443 | /SAPSLL/DOCUS | Category of Determination Rule | CHAR | 1 | |
444 | /SAPSLL/DOC_REFTYP | Type of Reference Object for Document Information | CHAR | 1 | |
445 | /SAPSLL/DOC_REFTYP_R3 | Type of Reference Object for Document Information | CHAR | 1 | |
446 | /SAPSLL/DODAT_R3 | Type of Document Date | CHAR | 1 | |
447 | /SAPSLL/DOTCC | DOT Product Group | CHAR | 1 | |
448 | /SAPSLL/DOTYP | Document Type: Customs Document | CHAR | 1 | |
449 | /SAPSLL/DPACC | Access No. for Data Proposal | NUMC | 4 | |
450 | /SAPSLL/DPAIP | GTS: Reserve Field | CHAR | 3 | |
451 | /SAPSLL/DPCTY | GTS: Data Upload: External Country Definition | CHAR | 3 | |
452 | /SAPSLL/DPFCMB | Default Data Structure - Field Combination | CHAR | 10 | |
453 | /SAPSLL/DPFDAT_S | Default Data Field - Date (Source) | CHAR | 8 | |
454 | /SAPSLL/DPFDAT_T | Default Data Field - Date (Target) | CHAR | 8 | |
455 | /SAPSLL/DPFGEN | Default Data Field - Generic | CHAR | 10 | |
456 | /SAPSLL/DPIND | Flag: Object Was Created by Data Upload | CHAR | 1 | |
457 | /SAPSLL/DPKEY | Access Key in Data Proposal | CHAR | 200 | |
458 | /SAPSLL/DPLEN | Length of a Data Proposal Field | NUMC | 3 | |
459 | /SAPSLL/DPNUM | Sequence Number for Default Data | NUMC | 4 | |
460 | /SAPSLL/DPORG | Origin of Default Data Field | CHAR | 1 | |
461 | /SAPSLL/DPQUA | Qualifier in Default Data | CHAR | 10 | |
462 | /SAPSLL/DPRGR | Legal Services: Depreciation Group | CHAR | 6 | |
463 | /SAPSLL/DPUSA | Use of Default Data Field | CHAR | 1 | |
464 | /SAPSLL/DPVAL | Default Data Value | CHAR | 100 | |
465 | /SAPSLL/DSLRG | SLL: Legal Cntrl: Determ. Procedure: Active Legal Regulation | CHAR | 5 | |
466 | /SAPSLL/DSLTT | GTS: Type of Determination Procedure for License Types | CHAR | 1 | |
467 | /SAPSLL/DSLTY | SLL: Legal Control: Determination Procedure: License Types | CHAR | 5 | |
468 | /SAPSLL/DTADD | Incompleteness: Determination Supplement | CHAR | 10 | |
469 | /SAPSLL/DTLRG | GTS: Determination Strategy for Active Legal Regulations | CHAR | 10 | |
470 | /SAPSLL/DTLTY | SLL: Strategy for Determining License Types | CHAR | 10 | |
471 | /SAPSLL/DTYPE | Type of Print Form | CHAR | 3 | |
472 | /SAPSLL/DUMPS | SLL: Preference: Phantom Item Indicator | CHAR | 1 | |
473 | /SAPSLL/DUTTY | Type of Customs Notice and Tax Statement | CHAR | 1 | |
474 | /SAPSLL/ECAGG | Item Aggregation Active for Electronic Communication | CHAR | 1 | |
475 | /SAPSLL/ECBWH_R3 | Relevance for Customs Warehouse | CHAR | 1 | |
476 | /SAPSLL/ECBWH_SPI | Bonded Warehouse Relevance | CHAR | 1 | |
477 | /SAPSLL/ECC_ACOAGG | Aggregated Information for Item Conditions | CHAR | 1 | |
478 | /SAPSLL/ECC_ACOTY | Type of Additional Code | CHAR | 3 | |
479 | /SAPSLL/ECC_ARTDUTYTYP | ECC: Type of Duty Key | CHAR | 1 | |
480 | /SAPSLL/ECC_BANKK | Bank Key | CHAR | 15 | |
481 | /SAPSLL/ECC_BANKN | Bank Account Number | CHAR | 35 | |
482 | /SAPSLL/ECC_CUCRS | Customs Inspection Results - 2 Places | CHAR | 2 | |
483 | /SAPSLL/ECC_CUCRS06 | Customs Inspection Results - 6 Places | CHAR | 6 | |
484 | /SAPSLL/ECC_LCCLA_HLC | Type of Authorization | CHAR | 1 | |
485 | /SAPSLL/ECC_LCCLA_ILC | Type of Authorization | CHAR | 1 | |
486 | /SAPSLL/ECC_LIACC | Code to Specify an Action with a Line of a Document | CHAR | 3 | |
487 | /SAPSLL/ECC_LICAGG | Aggregated Authorization Information for Item | CHAR | 1 | |
488 | /SAPSLL/ECC_POSEC | ID of Section to Be Changed | CHAR | 10 | |
489 | /SAPSLL/ECC_POTAG | ID of Element to Be Changed | CHAR | 10 | |
490 | /SAPSLL/ECC_QALSP | ECC: Qualifier for Special Case Data | CHAR | 3 | |
491 | /SAPSLL/ECC_RFFPG | Reference Qualifier for Container/Package | CHAR | 4 | |
492 | /SAPSLL/ECC_SEQID | Sequence ID | CHAR | 5 | |
493 | /SAPSLL/ECC_TSPTY | Tax Statement: Type of Duty | CHAR | 1 | |
494 | /SAPSLL/ECIPR_R3 | Relevant to Inward Processing | CHAR | 1 | |
495 | /SAPSLL/ECIPR_SPI | Relevant for Inward Processing | CHAR | 1 | |
496 | /SAPSLL/ECPDL | Deletion Indicator for Relevance to Customs Warehouse | CHAR | 1 | |
497 | /SAPSLL/ECPID_R3 | Customs ID for Customs Procedure with Economic Impact | CHAR | 10 | |
498 | /SAPSLL/ECPID_SPI | Customs ID for Customs Procedure with Economic Significance | CHAR | 10 | |
499 | /SAPSLL/ECPLY | Type of Warehouse for Customs Procedure w/Economic Impact | CHAR | 2 | |
500 | /SAPSLL/EDIASS | EDI Message Assigned | CHAR | 1 |