SAP ABAP Domain - Index N, page 4
Domain - N
# Domain Name Short Description Data type Length Decimals
1 N2_DESTAT IS-H*MED: Documentation elements status CHAR   
2 N2_DETYP IS-H*MED: Category of Documentation Element CHAR   
3 N2_DEVICE Code of the modality CHAR 10    
4 N2_DEVTYP Type of apparatus system CHAR   
5 N2_DGFDBEL IS-H*MED: KDS-Belegungsart (Datenherkunft) CHAR   
6 N2_DGQSUMS IS-H*MED: Type of Value Conversion for Interfaces CHAR   
7 N2_DGRUEST IS-H*MED: DGAI Status Rückmeldung CHAR   
8 N2_DGSTBEZ IS-H*MED: Langbezeichnung Version Kerndatensatz Anästhesie CHAR 60    
9 N2_DIABEZ IS-H*MED: Diagnosis reference module diagnoses CHAR   
10 N2_DIAFP IS-H*MED: Flat rate per case CHAR   
11 N2_DIALO IS-H: Medical Localization CHAR   
12 N2_DIALO_REF IS-H: Internal Key of Medical Localization CHAR   
13 N2_DIAPR IS-H*MED: Diagnosis priority CHAR   
14 N2_DIASE IS-H*MED: Procedures surcharge (only for OR diagnoses) CHAR   
15 N2_DIASI IS-H: Diagnostic Certainty CHAR   
16 N2_DIASI_REF IS-H: Reference for Diagnostic Certainty for ICD-10 Diagn. CHAR   
17 N2_DIASI_REFA IS-H: Reference for Diagnostic Certainty for ICD-10 Diagn. CHAR   
18 N2_DIASI_REFV IS-H: Reference for Diagnostic Certainty for ICD-10 Diagn. CHAR   
19 N2_DIASI_REFZ IS-H: Reference for Diagnostic Certainty for ICD-10 Diagn. CHAR   
20 N2_DIAZS IS-H*MED: Diagnostic Supplement CHAR   
21 N2_DICT_EASY Display Dictation Functions as List or Tree CHAR   
22 N2_DIENSTA IS-H*MED: Shift types (fixed value) CHAR   
23 N2_DIOPT1 IS-H*MED: Dialog option 1 CHAR   
24 N2_DIOPT1_AUSW Dialog Option 1 for Selection Fields CHAR   
25 N2_DIOPT1_FPUSH Pushbutton: Display option CHAR   
26 N2_DIOPT1_JA_NEIN Dialog Option 1 for Yes-No-Fields CHAR   
27 N2_DIOPT1_MULT Dialog Option 1 for Multiple Structure CHAR   
28 N2_DIOPT6_INMULT Dialog Option 6 for Elements of Multiple Structure CHAR   
29 N2_DIOPT6_MULT Dialog Option 6 for Multiple Structure CHAR   
30 N2_DOKELTY IS-H*MED: Classification of Documentation Element CHAR   
31 N2_DOKKATKEY IS-H*MED: Document Category CHAR 20    
32 N2_DOKKATTEXT IS-H*MED: Text for Document Category CHAR 60    
33 N2_DOKKATTYP IS-H*MED: Document Category Type CHAR 20    
34 N2_DOKUTEXT Doc.text CHAR 30    
35 N2_DOKU_OBJ PMD: DocuObject CHAR 60    
36 N2_DO_VORB_AKT PMD: Preset (and Update) CHAR   
37 N2_DRAINAG ISHM:OR: List of drainages CHAR 10    
38 N2_DSGDTTYPE GDT: Record Type (Code for Classification of Transfer) NUMC   
39 N2_DSLOCATION Storage Location of File CHAR   
40 N2_DSPROTMODE Logging Mode in Device Interface CHAR   
41 N2_DSSDEST ISHMED: Logical Destination CHAR   
42 N2_DS_FTP_PWD Password of FTP Connection CHAR 32    
43 N2_DS_FTP_USER User of FTP Connection CHAR 32    
44 N2_DS_GET_DATA_SEL DS Cardiology Data Transfer Selection CHAR   
45 N2_DTART IS-H*MED: Indicator for the document category type CHAR   
46 N2_DTART1 IS-H*MED: Document categ.type without tech. doc.categories CHAR   
47 N2_DTART2 IS-H*MED: Document Category Type w.Value Space for Selection CHAR   
48 N2_DTBEZ Name of Document Category CHAR 50    
49 N2_DTID Key of the document category CHAR 10    
50 N2_DTIDINT IS-H*MED: Internal Use of Document Category CHAR   
51 N2_DTPROID IS-H*MED: Document profile ID CHAR   
52 N2_DTSTAT IS-H*MED: Status for document categories CHAR   
53 N2_DTUMS IS-H*MED: Type of document conversion CHAR   
54 N2_DT_ITEM_TEXT Item text CHAR 60    
55 N2_DURCHL IS-H*MED: Type of X-ray CHAR 10    
56 N2_DURST IS-H*MED: Thirst (fixed value domain) CHAR   
57 N2_DYNAR IS-H*MED: ID of the area on the screen CHAR   
58 N2_DYNNUM IS-H*MED: Dynpro number (4Num) NUMC   
59 N2_DYNTYP Screen type CHAR   
60 N2_DYN_ALL_NO_THIS From which screen? all, no, this CHAR   
61 N2_DZOTEXT IS-H*MED: Text for the type of diagnosis assignment CHAR 20    
62 N2_DZOTYP IS-H*MED: Diagnosis Assignment Type CHAR   
63 N2_EAAN IS-H*MED: I/O (fixed value domain) CHAR   
64 N2_EAFEST ISHM: An: I/O fxd value CHAR   
65 N2_ELEKART ISHM:OR: List of electrode types CHAR   
66 N2_ELEKLAG ISHM:OR: List of electrode sites CHAR   
67 N2_ELEMTYP_A PMD: Element Type for Abstract Elements -> Values CHAR   
68 N2_ELEMTYP_ALL Vale List: All Permitted Element Types CHAR   
69 N2_ELEMTYP_SUB External Classification (Subelements) CHAR   
70 N2_ELEMTYP_TEXT External Indicator for the Element Type CHAR 30    
71 N2_EMPFTEXT Dispatch: Recipient Text CHAR 100    
72 N2_ERNZUS IS-H*MED: Nutritional state of the patient in an anamnesis CHAR 25    
73 N2_ERRLEV IS-H*MED: Error Classification for External Data Modules NUMC   
74 N2_ERROR_COUNT No. of defects NUMC   
75 N2_ETID Ident of the DE to DC Assignment NUMC   
76 N2_ETSTAT IS-H*MED: Status for Doc.categ. assignments (N2ET) CHAR   
77 N2_EVTNUM IS-H*MED: Event number INT4 10    
78 N2_EXIST Existence indicator CHAR   
79 N2_EXIT_FLT_AFTER Base Items: Filter Value After Execution CHAR 15    
80 N2_EXIT_FLT_BEFORE Base Items: Filter Value Before Execution CHAR 15    
81 N2_EXIT_FLT_COMPONENT Base Item Type with Module Basis Filter Value CHAR 15    
82 N2_EXIT_FLT_CORDER Base Item Filter Value - Clinical Order CHAR 15    
83 N2_EXIT_FLT_DIAGNOSIS Filter Value Base Item Diagnoses CHAR 15    
84 N2_EXIT_FLT_EXEC Base Items: Filter Value for Execution CHAR 15    
85 N2_EXIT_FLT_PATHWAY Filter Value Base Item Treatment Pathway CHAR 15    
86 N2_EXIT_FLT_PROBLEM Base Items: Filter Value Base Item Type Problem CHAR 15    
87 N2_EXIT_FLT_PROCEDURE Filter Value Base Item Procedures CHAR 15    
88 N2_EXIT_FLT_PROGRESS Base Item Type Progress Entry Filter Value CHAR 15    
89 N2_EXIT_FLT_SERVADM Filter Value Base Item Adm. Service CHAR 15    
90 N2_EXIT_FLT_TA Filter Value Base Item Transaction CHAR 15    
91 N2_EXIT_FLT_URL Filter Value Base Item URL CHAR 15    
92 N2_EXTID IS-H*MED: Internal ident. of the diagnosis coding tool CHAR   
93 N2_F4INFO_60 Info(60) CHAR 60    
94 N2_FALLART IS-H*MED: Case Type CHAR   
95 N2_FALLREVISION Case Revision CHAR   
96 N2_FCODE IS-H*MED: Double-click function code (F2) CHAR   
97 N2_FDBSID IS-H*MED: External data module ID CHAR 10    
98 N2_FDBSINF IS-H*MED: External data module interface version CHAR   
99 N2_FDSELCRIT PMD: Additional Search Criteria CHAR   
100 N2_FILEBASE IS-H*MED: Desktop application installation directory CHAR 30    
101 N2_FILENAM IS-H*MED: Fully qualified host file name CHAR 128    
102 N2_FILE_EXTENSION File Name Extension CHAR   
103 N2_FKEY Foreign code on a radiological information object CHAR 30    
104 N2_FLAG1 IS-H*MED: Flag: ON/OFF CHAR   
106 N2_FLAGX Checkbox X=Yes, Everything Else No CHAR   
107 N2_FORMWIN Window name of a SAPscript form CHAR   
108 N2_FSCIFOR SAPscript form CHAR 16    
109 N2_GENREL IS-H Release + Patch Level when Generating CHAR 30    
110 N2_GEN_KZ IS-H*MED: Generation Indicator CHAR   
111 N2_GEN_UID IS-H*MED: RAD Indicator Generate EID CHAR   
112 N2_GERATBL ISHM:OR: Types of device for bloodlessness CHAR   
113 N2_GERATBS ISHM:OR: Type of tourniquet device CHAR   
114 N2_GETFROM Where from? CHAR   
115 N2_GEWEBE ISHM: Tissue fixed value CHAR   
116 N2_GLB_ELEMTYPE IS-H*MED: GLP Layout Element Type CHAR 30    
117 N2_GNRTREL IS-H*MED: Generator release number of parameterized doc. NUMC   
118 N2_GRAPH Graphic Type CHAR   
119 N2_GROUPING PMD: Element Grouping CHAR 20    
120 N2_GRTYP Group type CHAR   
121 N2_GTID RI: Identification nursing standard CHAR   
122 N2_GTKID IS-H*MED: Coding of the Classification Area Catalog CHAR 20    
123 N2_GVS_FLAG GLP flag CHAR   
124 N2_HAARE IS-H*MED: Hair color as test for radio buttons CHAR   
125 N2_HARNABL ISHM:OR: Urinary drain list CHAR 10    
126 N2_HAUTZUS IS-H*MED: General condition of a patient in an anamnesis CHAR 25    
127 N2_HEX1 IS-H*MED: 1 character binary RAW   
128 N2_HFCHIRA ISHM:OP: High frequency surgery list CHAR   
129 N2_HINFO Short Description of Transport Object CHAR 255    
130 N2_HL7SEG IS-H*MED: Domain for HL7 segment CHAR   
131 N2_HTYP1 Type of Transport Object CHAR   
132 N2_HTYP2 Subtype of Transport Object CHAR   
133 N2_ICON_LONG Icons with Tooltips/Quick Info CHAR 50    
134 N2_IDOKART IS-*MED: OR internal document type CHAR   
135 N2_IFORMAT Image Format CHAR   
136 N2_IMAGEID Code of the image CHAR 10    
137 N2_IMPLANT ISHM:OR: List of implants CHAR   
138 N2_INDGR ACM: Indikationsgrppe CHAR   
139 N2_INSTALL_TYP IS-H*MED: Type of program to be installed CHAR 10    
140 N2_INT10 IS-H*MED: 10 integer field NUMC 10    
141 N2_INT5 IS-H*MED: 5 digit number field NUMC   
142 N2_IP IP-address of a modality CHAR 15    
143 N2_IPADRESS IS-H*MED: IP Address CHAR 32    
144 N2_ISHMED IS-H*MED: AUTHORITY Object don't use RAW   
145 N2_ITYPE Type of the DICOM image CHAR   
146 N2_JANE IS-H*MED: Yes/No (fixed value domain) CHAR   
147 N2_JA_NEIN IS-H*MED: Yes/No fixed value domain for radiobuttons CHAR   
148 N2_JUST IS-H*MED: Alignment of a field CHAR   
149 N2_KAGROUPING PMD: Grouping in Combo Box CHAR 60    
150 N2_KALJAHR Calendar year NUMC   
151 N2_KATID IS-H*MED: Catalog ID of the lab service CHAR 10    
152 N2_KHIDENT IS-H*MED: Hospital ident. no. NUMC   
153 N2_KONTMIT ISHM:Sg: Contrast-medium list CHAR 10    
154 N2_KTEXT IS-H*MED: Text for lab services CHAR 30    
155 N2_KUMBEGIN IS-H*MED: Evaluation start for lab cumulative findings CHAR   
156 N2_KUMID IS-H*MED: ID of cumulative finding CHAR 10    
157 N2_KUMPRINT IS-H*MED: Print preparation for lab. cumulative findings CHAR   
158 N2_LABSID Link Module ID CHAR 30    
159 N2_LACTION Log Action CHAR 20    
160 N2_LAGERUN ISHM:OR: Positioning types list CHAR 50    
161 N2_LEISTID IS-H*MED: Key for lab service CHAR 10    
162 N2_LENDOC IS-H*MED: Last x documents NUMC   
163 N2_LEVEL Reference level of the radiological findings CHAR   
164 N2_LFN IS-H*MED: Sequential number for desktop components NUMC   
165 N2_LINECMT For LINNO in Message Box CHAR 10    
166 N2_LINKELETYP IS-H*MED: Link element type CHAR   
167 N2_LINKMETH PMD: Method Abbreviation for Link Modules CHAR 30    
168 N2_LINKPARAM Control String for Link Module CHAR 130    
169 N2_LNGATTR IS-H*MED: Length attribute for text fields INT2   
170 N2_LNG_TOTAL Total Length NUMC   
171 N2_LO DICOM Long string CHAR 64    
172 N2_LOGSP Logical Column Identifier CHAR 10    
173 N2_LOTEXT IS-H: Text for Medical Localization CHAR 20    
174 N2_LSKOMPL IS-H*MED: OR: Complications CHAR   
175 N2_LTE_SM_TAG IS-H*MED: Markers Tag CHAR 50    
176 N2_LTE_SM_VALUE IS-H*MED: Markers Value CHAR 255    
177 N2_LTE_TB_CATEGORY IS-H*MED: Text Module Category CHAR 32    
178 N2_LTE_TB_DESCRIPTION IS-H*MED: Keyword of a Text Module of the LTE CHAR 50    
179 N2_LTE_TB_KEYWORD IS-H*MED: Keyword for a Text Module of the LTE CHAR 32    
180 N2_LTE_TB_LEVEL IS-H*MED: Level of a Text Module of the LTE INT1   
181 N2_MARK_ORDER IS-H*MED: Marker character for 'Order not released' CHAR   
182 N2_MAS OR: X-Ray mAs Entry DEC
183 N2_MENGEML ISHM: Quantities NUMC   
184 N2_MITNAME IS-H*MED: Employee Name CHAR 40    
185 N2_MMMENG ISHM: Material Quantity NUMC   
186 N2_MMMENGE ISHM: Material Quantity NUMC 15    
187 N2_MODUS IS-H*MED: Mode CHAR   
188 N2_MULTV Dispatch - Multiple Dispatch NUMC   
189 N2_MV_AGER_FIX Control for "Output Device" Field CHAR   
190 N2_MV_FSTKZ Field Control for Recipient Data NUMC   
191 N2_MV_MULTV Multiple Dispatch Control NUMC   
192 N2_MV_PROTO_STATUS Dispatch Attempt Status CHAR   
193 N2_MV_PROTV Dispatch Logging Control NUMC   
194 N2_MV_RSTATUS Dispatch Order Status NUMC   
195 N2_NARK IS-H*MED: Fixed value domain Anesthetic CHAR 10    
196 N2_NOABSEN IS-H*MED: Document categ. without abstract design CHAR   
197 N2_NOOUT IS-H*MED: Output of a field CHAR   
198 N2_NR_INITIALLY_EXPANDED Should nursing report entries be open as standard? CHAR   
199 N2_NR_VIEWTYPE IS-H*MED: Display Variant of Nursing Report CHAR   
200 N2_NUM3 IS-H*MED: Numerical 3 NUMC   
201 N2_NUMC2 ishm:or: Numerical text field of length 2 NUMC   
202 N2_OBJECT_SALE IS-H*MED: License Sales Description CHAR 20    
203 N2_OBJECT_SALE_DESCRIBE IS-H*MED: License Sales Description Text CHAR 80    
204 N2_OBJTYPE Object Type for Messages: Header... CHAR   
205 N2_OBLIG IS-H*MED: Indicator for obligatory entry CHAR   
206 N2_OPAART ISHM:OR: Type of anesthesia CHAR   
208 N2_OPDOKOE IS-H*MED: Default Documenting OU CHAR   
209 N2_OPDRING ISHM:OR: Priority of the operation CHAR   
210 N2_OPERAT Executor of the examination CHAR 10    
211 N2_OPFABT IS-H*MED: Operating Department CHAR   
212 N2_OPFACH ISHM:OR: Operating OU CHAR   
213 N2_OPORT ISHM: Surgery site fixed value CHAR   
214 N2_OPS IS-H*MED: Surgical proc. code accdg to §301 SGB V (Germany) CHAR   
215 N2_OPTION IS-H*MED: Option (CAPITALS only) CHAR   
216 N2_OPZEIT IS-H*MED CHAR 10    
217 N2_OPZUTYP IS-H*MED: Assignment type in the OR documentation/OR monitor CHAR   
218 N2_ORGID IS-H*MED: Help domain for ORGID (number range) CHAR   
219 N2_PACSID Code of a PACS CHAR 10    
220 N2_PATGES ISHM: Sex fixed value CHAR   
221 N2_PATHCHAR IS-H*MED: Separator for pathological indicator CHAR   
222 N2_PBKID IS-H*MED: Coding of a basic nursing catalogs CHAR 20    
223 N2_PBKTYP IS-H*MED: Category of Basic Nursing Catalog CHAR   
224 N2_PBTYP Type of Nursing Report Entry CHAR   
225 N2_PCSTORELOC IS-H*MED: Storage / Storage Location CHAR   
226 N2_PMDC200 PMD: 200 Characters CHAR 200    
227 N2_PMDFLAG General Flag CHAR   
228 N2_PMD_FLAG PMD: Any Flag CHAR   
229 N2_PRILINE IS-H*MED Printed line (250 bytes) CHAR 250    
230 N2_PRINT_NEW PMD: Print New Technology CHAR   
231 N2_PROPNAME Name of a Property CHAR 30    
232 N2_PROPVALUE Value of Characteristic CHAR 30    
233 N2_PROTV Dispatch - Logging NUMC   
234 N2_PRTEXT IS-H*MED: Text of the diagnosis priority CHAR 20    
235 N2_PSCIPRG SAPscript control program CHAR   
236 N2_PSID RI: Identification nursing standard CHAR   
237 N2_PSKID IS-H*MED: Coding of the nursing standard catalog CHAR 20    
238 N2_PSTATUS Status of the prefetch rule CHAR   
239 N2_PTXTEL Text element in the SAPscript form CHAR 30    
240 N2_PUPILLE IS-H*MED: Pupil findings in surgery anamnesis form CHAR 25    
241 N2_QS1AFA IS-H*MED: Specialist status 1st assis. for QA for FR and PS CHAR   
242 N2_QSANARE IS-H*MED: Regional anesthesia indic. for QA for FR and PS CHAR   
243 N2_QSJLEER IS-H*MED: Yes / Empty for QA for FR and PS CHAR   
244 N2_QSJN IS-H*MED: Yes / No indicator coded with 1 or 0 CHAR   
245 N2_QSOPPF IS-H*MED: Qualification of surgery nurse for QA for FR/PS CHAR   
246 N2_RAW2 IS-H*MED: RAW field of length 2 RAW   
247 N2_RAW255 IS-H*MED: Raw data line 255 bytes RAW 255    
248 N2_RAWLINE Rawline RAW 255    
249 N2_RDESC Short description of a prefetch rule CHAR 30    
250 N2_REASON_OBL IS-H*MED: Reason as Required Entry Field CHAR   
251 N2_RECART Dispatch Control CHAR 10    
252 N2_REFSTATE Status of the Reference Addition CHAR   
253 N2_REGION Body region CHAR 30    
254 N2_RENTE IS-H*MED: Type of pension (fixed value domain) CHAR 15    
255 N2_RMA Radiology employee(s) CHAR 10    
256 N2_ROENTG ISNM: Findings fixed values CHAR   
257 N2_RSTATUS IS-H*MED: Results Status for Lab Values CHAR   
258 N2_RULEID Key value for the prefetching rule CHAR 10    
259 N2_SCHNITTNAHT IS-H*MED: Flag for indicating incision and suture time CHAR   
260 N2_SDOPT1 IS-H*MED: Display options of the system administration CHAR   
261 N2_SDSORT Sort mode for printing the element list CHAR   
262 N2_SEGID IS-H*MED: Ident. for HCM segment CHAR   
263 N2_SELKR IS-H*MED: Selection criterion CHAR   
264 N2_SEND Send CHAR   
265 N2_SEQN4 PMD: 4 Digit Sequence Number NUMC   
266 N2_SERDESC Description of a DICOM image series CHAR 30    
267 N2_SERIEID Key value of the DICOM image series CHAR 10    
268 N2_SH DICOM Short String CHAR 16    
269 N2_SITEXT IS-H: Text for the Diagnostic Certainty CHAR 50    
270 N2_SKOMPL IS-H*MED: Domains for complications CHAR   
271 N2_SONSTAN IS-H*MED: Char 15 CHAR 15    
272 N2_SOURCE Source of an Object CHAR   
273 N2_SRTDIR IS-H*MED: Sort direction CHAR   
274 N2_SSTATUS Status of the DICOM study CHAR   
275 N2_STATUS Status for Medical Documentation Objects CHAR   
276 N2_STDDV Dispatch - Standard Output Device CHAR   
277 N2_STORELOC IS-H*MED: Storage Location / Archive CHAR   
278 N2_STORELOC2 IS-H*MED: Storage Location (Only Used Internally) CHAR   
279 N2_STRTYP IS-H*MED: Category of doc. element structure CHAR   
280 N2_STRUC Structure of the documentation element CHAR   
281 N2_STUDYID Identifier for the radiological DICOM study, StudyIUID CHAR 16    
282 N2_STUFEKO ISHM:OR: Degree of complication CHAR   
283 N2_SUBID IS-H*MED: Sub-ID for lab service CHAR   
284 N2_TARLS IS-H*MED: Service identification within a service catalog CHAR 20    
285 N2_TEXT40 PMD: Text 40 Characters CHAR 40    
286 N2_TEXTDARSTELLUNG Text display indicator CHAR   
287 N2_TE_NAME Name of the SAPscript text element CHAR 50    
288 N2_TMPFLAG Flag in PMD-Sysdef CHAR   
289 N2_TRANSART PMD: Transport Type CHAR   
290 N2_TRANSDAT Transport Date DATS   
291 N2_TRART IS-H*MED: Indicator for the tranport type CHAR   
292 N2_TREE_TEXT_30 For DocCat tree CHAR 30    
293 N2_TSCIFOR Template for SAPscript form CHAR 16    
294 N2_TSCIPRG Template for SAPscript control program CHAR   
295 N2_TXT008 IS-H*MED: Text of length 8, with small letters CHAR   
296 N2_TXT012 IS-H*MED: Text of length 12, with small letters CHAR 12    
297 N2_TXT060 IS-H*MED: Text of length 60, with small letters CHAR 60    
298 N2_TXT072 IS-H*MED: Text with Length 72 Capitalized/Lower Case CHAR 72    
299 N2_TXT20 Text Field Length 20 Small Letters CHAR 20    
300 N2_TXT30 Text Field Length 30 Small Letters CHAR 30    
301 N2_TXT35 Text (Length 35; lU) CHAR 35    
302 N2_TXT70 Text Field Length 70 Small Letters CHAR 70    
303 N2_TYP IS-H*MED: Type of desktop application CHAR 10    
304 N2_TYPKOMP IS-H*MED: OR - Type of complication CHAR   
305 N2_UECHECK_ACTIV_AT User exit active with... CHAR   
306 N2_UHRZEIT IS-H*MED: Data field for time input/output TIMS   
307 N2_UI Unique Identifier CHAR 64    
308 N2_UNIT IS-H*MED: Result Unit CHAR   
309 N2_UNIT20 IS-H*MED: Result unit of length 20 bytes CHAR 20    
310 N2_VALREF Type of Value Assignment (Direct/Reference) CHAR   
311 N2_VALUE IS-H*MED: Entry for lab value CHAR 60    
312 N2_VALUE_255 String 255 Char CHAR 255    
313 N2_VARNAME IS-H*MED: Variable name CHAR 30    
314 N2_VERBAND ISHM:OR: List of dressings (bandages) CHAR 10    
315 N2_VERLEG IS-H*MED: Transfer according to DGAI CHAR   
316 N2_VERS Version number NUMC   
317 N2_VERSION_2 Two figure version number NUMC   
318 N2_VERSORG IS-H*MED: Hospital care level - fixed values NUMC   
319 N2_VNAME IS-H*MED: View-name CHAR 32    
320 N2_VOLUME1 IS-H*MED: Quantity details with +/- prefix DEC   
321 N2_VTYPE IS-H*MED: Result data category CHAR   
322 N2_WHICH_DYN Flag: Element on which screen CHAR   
323 N2_WINNAM Window name in SAPscript CHAR   
324 N2_XMLCUSTFORMAT Customer-Defined XML Format Indicator CHAR   
325 N2_XMLFILENAME IS-H*MED XML: Name of File CHAR 28    
326 N2_XTYP External data type (presentation form) CHAR   
327 N2_ZEITZUO IS-H*MED: Time-related assignment of documents CHAR   
328 N2_ZSTEXT IS-H*MED: Text of diagnosis addition CHAR 50    
329 N2_ZTKOMP IS-H*MED: Time phase of the complication CHAR   
330 N301DASART IS-HCM: Type of EDI Data Collection Point NUMC   
331 N301DEST IS-HCM §301 data collection department CHAR 10    
332 N3166 ISO 3166 CHAR   
333 N3A_ALL01 HI: Subject to Charge CHAR   
334 N3A_ALL02 HI: Prescription CHAR   
335 N3A_ALL03 HI: Home Visit CHAR   
336 N3A_ALL04 HI: Emergency Case CHAR   
337 N3A_ALL05 HI:RB - Aid, Vaccine, Consultation Required CHAR   
338 N3A_ALL06 HI:RB - Treatment Type CHAR   
339 N3A_ALL07 HI:RB - Service Type CHAR   
340 N3A_ALL08 HI:RB - Transport Means CHAR   
341 N3A_ALL09 HI:RB - N.I./Yes/No CHAR   
342 N3A_ALL12 KV:RB - Leistungsart incl. Notfallbehandlung CHAR   
344 N3A_CHAR10 charakter 10 CHAR 10    
345 N3A_CHAR20 Textfeld max 20 Stellen CHAR 20    
346 N3A_F07A05 HI:Quarter CHAR   
347 N3A_FIRSTORNEXT HI: F01A First or Subsequent Certificate CHAR   
348 N3A_FIRSTORNEXT_V KV: F12A First or Subsequent Regulation CHAR   
349 N3A_JANEIN HI: yes/no CHAR   
350 N3A_NEINJA HI: no/yes CHAR   
351 N3A_QUARTA HI:Quarter CHAR   
352 N3A_RB1KR HI: Health Insurer Checkbox CHAR   
353 N3A_RB1KR2 HI: Checkboxes Health Insurance with Accident Insurance* CHAR   
354 N3BG_ALK BG: Alkoholeinfluss RB (k.Angabe/ ja /nein) CHAR   
355 N3BG_ALKN Alkohol, Drogen, Medikamenteneinfluss CHAR   
356 N3BG_AMB_S WCA: Outpatient or Inpatient CHAR 10    
357 N3BG_ANL1 Document Key CHAR 25    
358 N3BG_ASS7 Sterbewahrscheinlichkeit CHAR   
359 N3BG_AUF1 Initial Disturbance of Consciousness CHAR   
360 N3BG_AUF13 Entscheidung 0 rechts 1 links 2 bds. CHAR   
361 N3BG_AUF3 Dauer - Bewusstseinsstörung - Einheit CHAR   
362 N3BG_A_S BG: Rb Nachschaubericht ambulant/stationär CHAR   
363 N3BG_BART Treatment Type CHAR   
364 N3BG_BE111 N3BG_BE111 CHAR   
365 N3BG_BE114 Bandführung CHAR   
366 N3BG_BE116 Germany Only CHAR   
367 N3BG_BE117 Germany Only CHAR   
368 N3BG_BE139 Germany Only CHAR   
369 N3BG_BE14 Blutergßverfärbung CHAR   
370 N3BG_BEK10 Pupillenraktion CHAR   
371 N3BG_BEK4 Eyes Open CHAR   
372 N3BG_BEK5 beste motorische Antwort CHAR   
373 N3BG_BEK6 Best Verbal Response CHAR   
374 N3BG_BEK8_9 Pupillenweite CHAR   
375 N3BG_BES1 Complaint CHAR   
376 N3BG_BHI13 keine Beurteilung weil CHAR   
377 N3BG_BHI9 Tätigkeit wieder auszuüben CHAR   
378 N3BG_BTYP Behandlungstyp CHAR   
379 N3BG_BWER Behandlung durch CHAR   
380 N3BG_CHAR20 String der Länge 20 CHAR 20    
381 N3BG_CHAR4 BG: 4 stelliges Textfeld CHAR   
382 N3BG_DAT1 Datum mit unbekannten Teilen CHAR 10    
383 N3BG_DATUN Datum nicht genau bekannt CHAR   
384 N3BG_DAUE1 IS-H*MED/BG: Einheit einer Dauer (Sek.-Tage/Festwerte) CHAR   
385 N3BG_DAUE2 BG: Dauereinheit Sekunde bis Stunden CHAR   
386 N3BG_DAUE3 BG: Zeiteinheit für Dauer (Minuten/Stunden) CHAR   
387 N3BG_DAUEH IS-H*MED/BG: Einheit für die Dauer (Tage-Jahre) / Festwerte CHAR   
388 N3BG_DIA1 Diagnose betrifft CHAR   
389 N3BG_DIA2 Diagnose betrifft CHAR   
390 N3BG_DIABP IS-H*MED: diastolischer Blutdruck CHAR   
391 N3BG_EIN3 Arrived With CHAR   
392 N3BG_ENT3 Treatment CHAR   
393 N3BG_ENT5 Entlassung in andere Fachabteilung CHAR   
394 N3BG_GCSAU BG: GCS - Augenöffnung CHAR   
395 N3BG_GCSMO BG: GCS - Motorik CHAR   
396 N3BG_GCSVE BG: GCS - verbale Antwort CHAR   
397 N3BG_HBR Ziffer des Begründungskataloges CHAR   
398 N3BG_KDI2 info zur Entlassung CHAR   
399 N3BG_KDI9 BG: Radio weitere Behandlung durch CHAR   
400 N3BG_K_N_J BG: Radiobutton k.A. / nein /ja CHAR   
401 N3BG_LFD WCA: Sequence Number WCA Document NUMC   
402 N3BG_LOKAL BG: Lokalisation des Gelenks CHAR   
403 N3BG_MSM3 Weitere Behandlung CHAR   
404 N3BG_N21 2 Vorkommastellen 1 Nachkommastelle + Vorzeichen DEC
405 N3BG_N22 BG: numerisch 2.2 DEC
406 N3BG_N31 BG: Angaben numerisch 3 Vor- 1 Nachkommastelle DEC
407 N3BG_N32 Prozentsatz im Format 3,2 DEC
408 N3BG_NAME Namensangaben CHAR 80    
409 N3BG_NBH1 Besondere Heilbehandlung AU CHAR   
410 N3BG_PUREA BG: Pupillenreaktion CHAR   
411 N3BG_PUWEI BG: Pupillenweite CHAR   
412 N3BG_RB09 BG: Radiobutton Transportart CHAR   
413 N3BG_RB1 BG: Radiobutton normal/erhöht CHAR   
414 N3BG_RB10 BG: Zustand Erinnerung CHAR   
415 N3BG_RB11 BG RadioButton CHAR   
416 N3BG_RB12 BG: Art 1 der Atmung CHAR   
417 N3BG_RB13 BG: Radio Art der Atmung FlachTTief CHAR   
418 N3BG_RB14 BG: Radio CHAR   
419 N3BG_RB15 BG: RB positiv, negativ; leer CHAR   
420 N3BG_RB2 BG: Radiobutton k.A./normal/gelockert CHAR   
421 N3BG_RB3 BG: Radio k.A./normal/vermehrt CHAR   
422 N3BG_RB4 BG: Radiobutton k.A./normal/verändert CHAR   
423 N3BG_RB5 BG: Radiobutton rein blutig/frisch/alt CHAR   
424 N3BG_RB6 BG: Radio sofort / später CHAR   
425 N3BG_RB7 BG: Art der Fortbewegung CHAR   
426 N3BG_RB8 BG: Radio unbekannt/Rechtshänder / Linkshänder CHAR   
427 N3BG_RB9 BG: Radion k.A./gering/mittel/stark CHAR   
428 N3BG_RBAT1 BG: Radiobutton Atmungsmodus - spontan<>beatmet CHAR   
429 N3BG_RBAT2 BG: Radiobutton Atmungsmodus - frei<>intubiert CHAR   
430 N3BG_RBAU2 BG: Radiobutton AU CHAR   
431 N3BG_RBBEH BG: Radiobutton zur Behandlungsart CHAR   
432 N3BG_RBENT BG: Radiobutton CHAR   
433 N3BG_RTKO BG: Radio konservativ/ operativ CHAR   
434 N3BG_RWBEH BG: Radio weitere Behandlung durch CHAR   
435 N3BG_SWECH BG: Radio Statuswechsel CHAR   
436 N3BG_SYM1 Erinnerungsvermögen CHAR   
437 N3BG_SYM2 Änderung der Beschwerden CHAR   
438 N3BG_TEMP BG: Körpertemperatur (DEC 3,1) DEC
439 N3BG_TOS4 Tod nach CHAR   
440 N3BG_TXT3 BG: Char 3 Feld CHAR   
441 N3BG_USU3 Respiration CHAR   
442 N3BG_VBG1 Severity of Illness CHAR   
443 N3BG_VKT1 Grund der Verbrennung CHAR   
444 N3BG_VNE3 Time of ceasing to work CHAR   
445 N3BG_VNE5 Art der Fortbewegung CHAR   
446 N3BG_VWBEH WCA: Further Treatment CHAR 10    
447 N3BG_WART1 BG: Wundart1 CHAR   
448 N3BG_WBM3 Methods CHAR   
449 N3BG_WBM5 Gerät zur Wiederbelebung CHAR   
450 N3BG_WEIT Routing CHAR   
451 N3BG_ZUS1 Zustand des Patienten CHAR   
452 N3BG_ZUU2 Specialty CHAR   
453 N3DV2BND40 Punktat Aussehen CHAR   
454 N3DV2DIA01 Verletzungsort CHAR   
455 N3DV2ENT03 Behandlung CHAR   
456 N3DV2ENT05 Entlassung wohin CHAR   
457 N3DV2HBR01 Ziffer des Begründungskataloges CHAR   
458 N3DV2KDI19 MdE Minderung der Erwerbsfähigkeit CHAR   
459 N3DV3KDI02 ACM: Info zur Entlassung CHAR   
460 N3DV3NAME ACM: Name fuer Krankenhaus/ Praxis/Arzt CHAR 81    
461 N3DV3ORT Ort DALE_UV CHAR 30    
463 N3DV3STRA ACM: Strasse Hausnummer weiterbeh. CHAR 46    
464 N3RNAME PC component project name CHAR 32    
465 N3_BG_M_AD WCA: By Myself / By Another Physician CHAR 10    
466 N3_N_J_U Kennzeichen nein, ja, unbekannt CHAR   
467 N3_U_N_J BG: Radiobutton keine Angane/ nein/ ja CHAR   
468 N6ASSLR_R Lungenreifebehandlung CHAR   
469 N6CH41 Enzymimmunoessays (EIA) DEC
470 N6DKIAB_IE Antibiotikagabe CHAR   
471 NAART ID: how plants are notified CHAR   
472 NAAUS Indicator for shift change compensation CHAR   
473 NACAR Foreign Trade: Verification Documents CHAR 10    
474 NACHBER Backbilling indicator CHAR   
475 NACHN Last name CHAR 25    
476 NADIC Verification mode for object overview data CHAR   
477 NAFKT Settlement type of vendor billing document CHAR   
478 NAFVER Indicator:Recalculate past dep. CHAR   
479 NAICS NAICS code CHAR 10    
480 NAM35 IS-H: Name field for standardized names CHAR 35    
481 NAME Partner name CHAR 35    
482 NAME1 Name CHAR 35    
483 NAME255 Verifikation : Domäne für lange Texte mit Kleinbuchstaben CHAR 255    
484 NAME35 Name CHAR 35    
485 NAMESPACE Namespace CHAR 10    
486 NAME_FPM Payment medium: Output description CHAR 35    
487 NAME_L_H Name of select object/parameter CHAR 13    
488 NAME_MACO Name of Partner (Upper Case for Matchcode) CHAR 35    
489 NAME_PAYER Legal Name of the taxpayer CHAR 60    
490 NAME_T Name of object type CHAR   
491 NATION Address Management: International ID CHAR   
492 NATRB Item with free goods CHAR   
493 NATSL Country key CHAR   
494 NATSS Social insurance number (Spain) NUMC 11    
495 NATXT Message text CHAR 73    
496 NAVMODE_CM_CA Action navigation mode CHAR   
497 NAVPR Navigation profile CHAR 10    
498 NAVP_CONTEXT_MENU_SETUP Context Menu Settings in the Navigation Profile CHAR   
500 NAVP_EXECUTE_CLASS Call of a Class Instance CHAR