SAP ABAP Transaction Code - Index O, page 6
Transaction Code - O
# | Transaction code | Short Description | Corresponding Report (if exist) |
1 | OF40 | Activate Funds Management and HR | |
2 | OF41 | Define Default FM-PM Account Asst | |
3 | OF4A | Categories | |
4 | OF4B | Assign transaction/subtransaction | |
5 | OF4C | Calculate Budget Surcharges | BPCALC01 |
6 | OF51 | Nummernkreispflege: FM_CTRNR01 | SAPMSNUM |
7 | OF52 | Maintain RFC Dest.for FM Pos.Mgt | |
8 | OFAK | Activate/Deactivate PPA | |
9 | OFB2E1 | RFC Connections for IC Reconciliatn | |
10 | OFB2E2 | e-mail Templates for IC Reconciliatn | |
11 | OFB2E3 | Define Reconciliation Criteria | |
12 | OFB2E_CNUM | Company IDs in External System | |
13 | OFBL | Budgetary ledger account derivation | |
14 | OFBLBW | Budgetary Ledger BW Extractors | RGUCBIW1_PI |
15 | OFBW | Classify Movement Types | |
16 | OFC1 | Assign FM Area to CO Area | |
17 | OFC2 | Nummernkreispflege: FM_BELEGCO | SAPMSNUM |
18 | OFC3 | Year-Dependent Assignment | |
19 | OFC4 | Assign CO Transctns for FM Recording | |
20 | OFCA | FM: Budget Calculation | |
21 | OFCC | Cover Eligibility Restrictions | |
22 | OFCL | Rules for Closing Ledger Accounts | |
23 | OFCV | Settings for Cover Eligibility | |
24 | OFD1 | Cash Bdgt Mgt: Delete Master Data | RFFMMDD1 |
25 | OFD2 | Cash Budget Mgt: Delete Act.Data | RFFMDL52 |
26 | OFD3 | Cash Budget Mgt: Delete Plan Data | RFFMDL53 |
27 | OFD5 | Delete Funds and Application of Fnds | RFFMMDD4 |
28 | OFD7 | Funds Management: Delete Budget | RFFMDL90_ISPS |
29 | OFD8 | Delete Commitment Item From G/L Acct | RFFMDL03 |
30 | OFDA | FM Areas - Year-Dependent Parameters | |
31 | OFDB | Finanzstelle für Budgetierung | |
32 | OFDC | Real Estate Implementation Guide | |
33 | OFDE | FM: Delete Cmmt Items in FM Area | RFFMMDD1 |
34 | OFDF | Delete Funds Centers in FM Area | RFFMMDD2 |
35 | OFDG | Delete Funds Centr in Hierarchy Var. | RFFMMDD3 |
36 | OFDH | Funds Management: Delete CO Actuals | RFFMDLCU |
37 | OFDM1 | Delete Earmarked Funds by Client | RFDLKBLA |
38 | OFDM2 | Delete Selection of Earmarked Funds | RFDLKBLX |
39 | OFDSM | Delete Status Management Entries | RFFMMDD5 |
40 | OFE1 | Maintain Resvtn Doc.Types for HR/PM | |
41 | OFED | Create Template for Commitment Items | |
42 | OFES | Create Characters for Cmt Itm Templ. | |
43 | OFEW | Einwohnerzahl pro Finanzkreis | |
44 | OFFNUMLV | Obsolete: Assignment of Act Numb.Grp | |
45 | OFFNUMLV2 | Assign Number Ranges for ODN LV | |
46 | OFFP | Maxium amount limit | |
47 | OFFPMG | Fast Pay material group | |
48 | OFFT | Create FM fund types | |
49 | OFG1 | Cash Bdgt Mgt: Take Over All Docs | RFFMRP50 |
50 | OFG2 | Cash Budget Mgt: Take Over MM Data | RFFMRP53 |
51 | OFG3 | Cash Bdgt Mgt:Take Over Fds Res Data | RFFMRP56 |
52 | OFG4 | Cash Bdgt Mgt: Take Over Pymt Tsfr | RFFMRP55 |
53 | OFG5 | Funds Mgmt: Take Over All Documents | RFFMRP99 |
54 | OFG6 | Funds Mgmt: Take Over MM Data | RFFMRP99 |
55 | OFG8 | Funds Mgmt: Take Over Pymt Tfr Data | RFFMRP99 |
56 | OFG9 | CBM: Gradual FI Data Transfer | RFFMRP52 |
57 | OFGA | CBM: FI Data Transfer in Full | RFFMRP51 |
58 | OFGB | Funds Mgmt: Gradual FI Data Transfer | RFFMRP99 |
59 | OFGC | Funds Mgmt: FI Data Transfer in Full | RFFMRP99 |
60 | OFGD | Customize Budgeting | |
61 | OFGE | Cash Holding Years | |
62 | OFGG | Copy Commitment Item To G/L Account | RFFMCP01 |
63 | OFGH | Sequence In Generic Arguments | |
64 | OFGR | Create user groups | |
65 | OFIR | (Penalty) Interest rate entries | |
66 | OFIV | Invoice verification rules for PPA | |
67 | OFK1 | Maintain Criteria Type Cmmt. Item | SAPL0FMK |
68 | OFK2 | Maintain Criteria Category Group | SAPL0FMK |
69 | OFK3 | Assign Crit.Cat. to Crit.Cat.Group | SAPL0FMK |
70 | OFK4 | Maintain Criteria | SAPL0FMK |
71 | OFKA | Maintain Carryfwrd Values Tot. Rec. | SAPLFM11 |
72 | OFKT | Generic in Revenues Incr. Budget | |
73 | OFKT2 | FM Account Assignment Settings | |
74 | OFM01A | Create Doc. Type and Clearing Item | |
75 | OFMBG0 | Activating public-owned comm. oper. | |
76 | OFMBG1 | Maintain PCO | |
77 | OFMBG2 | Maintain Input Tax Deduction Rates | |
78 | OFMBG3 | Maintain Global Data | |
79 | OFMCA_P000 | Account Determination: Rec/Pay | |
80 | OFMCA_P001 | Account Determination: Rev/Expense | |
81 | OFMCA_P010 | Derive Transactions for Acct Balance | |
82 | OFMCA_P020 | Ranking Order Funds Application Sel. | |
83 | OFMCA_P030 | Write Off Additional Specifications | |
84 | OFMCA_P040 | Petty Amounts for Mass Write-Off | |
85 | OFMCA_P100 | Paymt Medium - ID Application Form | |
86 | OFMCA_P110 | Switch off Acct Asmnt on RE Contract | |
87 | OFMCA_P200 | Document Interface PSM-FM =>IS-PS-CA | |
88 | OFMCA_P201 | Doc. Type Assgnmnt PSM-FM =>IS-PS-CA | |
89 | OFMCA_P203 | IS-PS-CA Clearing Account Assignment | |
90 | OFMCA_P204 | Document Interface PSM-FM =>IS-PS-CA | |
91 | OFMCA_P205 | RDCA: Settings for One-Time Customer | |
92 | OFMCA_P210 | Sender of XML Files to Coll. Agency | |
93 | OFMCA_P220 | Payments Without Mail for Coll.Agncy | |
94 | OFMCA_PD05 | Default Values: Contract Acct Cat. | |
95 | OFMCA_PGIN_E1 | C FKK Acct Determination (Grantor ) | |
96 | OFMCA_PL05 | Versions for Plan and Sample Docs | |
97 | OFMCA_PSOBASACT | AS for Contract Objects is Active | |
98 | OFMCA_PSOBNUM | Number Range Maintenance: FMCA_PSOB | SAPMSNUM |
99 | OFMFGRLAYOUT | Reporting Layout | |
100 | OFMFG_ALC | Maintain Agency Location Code | |
101 | OFMFG_PMS_ALC | Map Pmt Meth Supp to ALC and Pmt Off | |
102 | OFMFG_PO | Maintain Payment Office | |
103 | OFMG | Funds Management Message Control | |
104 | OFMM | Maintain minimum & maximum penalties | |
105 | OFMR0 | Global Settings for Earmarked Funds | |
106 | OFMR1 | Earmrkd Funds: Maintain Lock Reasons | |
107 | OFMR2 | Earmarked fnds: Diplay block reasons | |
108 | OFMR3 | Maintain Acct Assgmt Transfer Rules | |
109 | OFMR5 | Assgt of Activities to Transfer Rule | |
110 | OFMR6 | Maintain Template Types | |
111 | OFMRO_TKBBA | Recurring Obligation document types | |
112 | OFMS | FM: +/- Sign in the Info System | |
113 | OFMTOAC2 | Define Debit/Credit GL in FM to AC | |
114 | OFM_ACT_MD_YEAR | Activate Year-Dependent Master Data | RFFMMDACT |
115 | OFM_FM01_KOM | Maintain ID Number in FM Area | |
116 | OFM_HSART | Maintain Commitment Item | |
117 | OFNG | Maintain negative grace days | |
118 | OFNM | Maintain payment term for mat. group | |
119 | OFN_YR | Number range maintenance: OFN_YR | SAPMSNUM |
120 | OFO1 | OI List Per Real Estate Objects | RFVIDOPO |
121 | OFP1 | Maintain Transfer Price Number Range | |
122 | OFP2 | Access Seqs: Packing Object Determ. | |
123 | OFP3 | Condition types: Pack.obj.determin. | |
124 | OFP4 | Procedure: Pack.obj.determination | |
125 | OFP5 | Condition table: Pack.obj.determin. | SAPMV12A |
126 | OFP6 | Condition table: Pack.obj.determin. | SAPMV12A |
127 | OFP7 | Condition table: Pack.obj.determin. | SAPMV12A |
128 | OFP8 | Field catalog pack.obj.determination | |
129 | OFPK | FM budgetary ledger posting keys | SAPMFKM0 |
130 | OFPM | Change Message Control | KFPR_VIEW_MAINTENANCE |
131 | OFPT | Maintain all PPA payment terms | |
132 | OFR1 | Cover Pool Number Ranges | SAPMSNUM |
133 | OFR2 | Assign Cover No.Range to FM Area | |
134 | OFRA | Report Selection | SAPMKKB5 |
135 | OFRB | Report Selection | SAPMKKB5 |
136 | OFRC | Maintain reason codes & their texts | |
137 | OFSN | Collective Expenditure Settings | |
138 | OFTC | Funds Management | MENUOFTC |
139 | OFTD | Cash Management Configuration Menu | MENUOFTD |
140 | OFUC | Call Procedure | |
141 | OFUD | Distribution Procedure/Line Items | |
142 | OFUG | Settings for Revenues Incr. Budget | |
143 | OFUN | Assign Commitment Item to Fund | |
144 | OFUP | Funds Management Control | |
145 | OFUR | Overwrite FM update profile | |
146 | OFUT | Totals-Based Distribution Procedure | |
147 | OFY5 | Closing Ops for Budget: Approval | |
148 | OFY6 | Number Ranges Fiscal Yr Change Docs | |
149 | OFY7 | Number Ranges Lot Number | |
150 | OFZC | Cash Holding Years | |
151 | OG00 | Personnel Administration Customizing | RPUCUS10 |
152 | OG01 | Personnel Administration Customizing | RPUCUS10 |
153 | OG02 | Recruitment Customizing | RPUCUS10 |
154 | OG03 | Generate calendar for cumulation | RPUCUS10 |
155 | OG04 | Customizing: Country-Spec. Features | RPUCUS20 |
156 | OG05 | Customizing: Dyn. Schema Selection | RPUCUS30 |
157 | OG07 | Current settings Time Management | RPUCUS70 |
158 | OG30 | HR:call SM30 subobjects individually | RPUCUS10 |
159 | OG42 | Customizing Tool for PA42 | RPMYPA42 |
160 | OGS6 | Load zip codes | RPUBSIU8 |
161 | OGS7 | Generate schema | RPUSCG00 |
162 | OGS8 | Delete tax table entries | RPUTAXU0 |
163 | OGS9 | Generate ADP number ranges | RPUANRU0 |
164 | OH00 | Access Subset View | RPUCUS00 |
165 | OH02 | Call View Cluster with Subset Views | RPUCUS50 |
166 | OH04 | Conversion of third party remittance | RPUUMS00 |
167 | OH11 | Copy Wage Types | SAPMPU30 |
168 | OH12 | Access View for T512W | RPVIEW00 |
169 | OH13 | HR Customizing: Wage Type Grouping | RPVIEW10 |
170 | OH14 | Access Subset View for Check Table | RPUCUS14 |
171 | OH16 | Call RPUCTF00 with Var. SAP_OH16 | RPUCUS16 |
172 | OH17 | HR Customizing: SI Contrib.Statement | RPUSVBD0 |
173 | OH18 | HR Customizing: Absence Docu. | RPDABWD0 |
174 | OH19 | Access Transaction OH20 | RPCCON00 |
175 | OH20 | Maintain Payroll Constants | SAPMOH20 |
176 | OH21 | Supply Parameters for PE51 | RPUCUS21 |
177 | OH23 | Enter Parameters for PUFK | RPUCUS23 |
178 | OHPS | Org.Management Configuration | MENUOHPS |
179 | OHU_INV | (empty) | SAPMSNUM |
180 | OHX2 | Maintain wage types for remittance | RPURMW00 |
181 | OHX3 | Maintain number ranges for 3PR | |
182 | OHX4 | Number range for 3PR | |
183 | OHX5 | Number range for tax reporting | |
184 | OIAA | ABC Indicator | |
185 | OIAB | Plant Sections | |
186 | OIAC | Matchcode notifications | SAPMSD20 |
187 | OIAD | Field sel. equipment-specific fields | |
188 | OIAE | Field selection funct.loc/ref.loc | |
189 | OIAF | Field sel. equipment/functional loc. | |
190 | OIAG | Authorization Group | |
191 | OIAH | Bus. transactions with auth. profile | |
192 | OIAI | Maintenance Planner Groups | |
193 | OIAJ | Field sel. for (ref) funct. location | |
194 | OIAK | Cost key figure info system | |
195 | OIAL | Field Selection for PM Notifications | |
196 | OIAN | Field Selection Order Header Data | |
197 | OIAO | Field Select. Ref. Obj. PM Notific. | |
198 | OIAP | Maintenance Order Cost Profile | |
199 | OIAS | Maintain Locations | |
200 | OIAT | Object Cat. Transaction Def. Value | |
201 | OIAW | Stats. Currency: Info System | |
202 | OIAY | Field Selection Order Header Service | |
203 | OIAZ | Field selection functional location | |
204 | OIB1 | Maintain inv.program budget profile | ROOBP100 |
205 | OIB3 | Budget profile: proj.->invst.prg.typ | ROOBP100 |
206 | OIB4 | Budg. profile order -> inv.prog.type | ROOBP100 |
207 | OIB5 | Depreciation areas/value transfer | RACSTABL |
208 | OIB9 | TL list - production resource/tool | RIOFSE00 |
209 | OIBC | List Task Lists (M.-Lev.) Eqpmt Data | RIOFSE00 |
210 | OIBD | List Task Lists (M.-Level) Loc. Data | RIOFSE00 |
211 | OIBS | Maintain Status Profiles | SAPMBSVA |
212 | OIBY | List Display of Goods Movements | RIOCUS00 |
213 | OICA | User-Specif. Settings f. BOMs | |
214 | OICB | BOM Modification Parameters | |
215 | OICC | BOM Default Values | |
216 | OICD | BOM Usage | |
217 | OICE | BOM Usage Default Values | |
218 | OICF | DefltVals f. Copying Item Status | |
219 | OICG | Valid Material Types in BOM | |
220 | OICH | BOM Status | |
221 | OICI | Laboratory/Office | |
222 | OICJ | BOM Usage Priorities | |
223 | OICK | Item Categories | |
224 | OICL | BOMs with History Requirement | |
225 | OICM | Variable-Size Item Formulas | |
226 | OICMPD | Field Selection for Components PM/CS | |
227 | OICMPL | Field selection component list PM/CS | |
228 | OICN | Spare Part Indicators | |
229 | OICO | Material Provision Indicators | |
230 | OICP | Valid Material Types for BOM | |
231 | OICQ | Application-Specific Criteria | |
232 | OICS | Alternative BOM Selection | |
233 | OICT | C PM BOM Application | |
234 | OICX | BOM Item Object Types | |
235 | OICY | Application ID for PM | RIOT399J |
236 | OID1 | Shop Papers | |
237 | OID2 | Shop Papers by Document Type | |
238 | OID3 | User-Specific Print Control | |
239 | OID4 | Activate Print Diversion | |
240 | OID5 | Print Diversion Values | |
241 | OID6 | Print Control Online/Update | |
242 | OID7 | Determine Printing Time for Papers | |
243 | OID8 | PM Shop Papers for Orders | RIPRJUMP |
244 | OIDA | PM Shop Papers for Notifications | RIPRJUMP |
245 | OIDB | PM Shop Papers by Notification Type | RIPRJUMP |
246 | OIDC | PM Notifs - User-SpecifPrintControl | RIPRJUMP |
247 | OIDD | PM Print Diversion for NotifPapers | RIPRJUMP |
248 | OIDE | PM NotifPrintDivers. by FldContent | RIPRJUMP |
249 | OIDF | PM Shop Papers for Orders | RIPRJUMP |
250 | OIDG | PM Shop Papers by Order Type | RIPRJUMP |
251 | OIDH | PM Orders - User-SpecifPrintControl | RIPRJUMP |
252 | OIDI | PM Shop Paper Print Diversion | RIPRJUMP |
253 | OIDJ | PM OrdPrintDivers. by FldContent | RIPRJUMP |
254 | OIDP | PD Order - Define Shop Papers | RIPRJUMP |
255 | OIDQ | PD Shop Papers by Order Type | RIPRJUMP |
256 | OIDR | PD Order - User Specif. Print Contrl | RIPRJUMP |
257 | OIDS | PD Print Diversion f. Shop Papers | RIPRJUMP |
258 | OIDT | PD Order Print Diversion by FldConts | RIPRJUMP |
259 | OIDU | PM Download | |
260 | OIDV | Download SAP Tables into MS Access | RIACCESS |
261 | OIDW | Download catalog profile | RIACCCAT |
262 | OIEA | Equipment Types | |
263 | OIEB | Equipment Status Profile | |
264 | OIEF | EquipMaster Field Selection | |
265 | OIEG | Editing Types | |
266 | OIEH | Usage History | |
267 | OIEM | Matchcode for Equipment | SAPMSD20 |
268 | OIEN | Equipment Number Ranges | SAPMSNUM |
269 | OIEP | Installation at FunctLoc. | |
270 | OIES | Multilingual Texts | |
271 | OIET | Equipment Categories | |
272 | OIEV | Allocate PartnrDetProc. to EqCateg. | |
273 | OIEZ | Insert Usage Period | |
274 | OIF1 | Partner schema for app. request | RAIPAR00 |
275 | OIF2 | Maint. of plan profile f. app.req. | ROOBP100 |
276 | OIF3 | Maint.- plan profile app.r. cash flw | ROOBP100 |
277 | OIFL | Vehicle List | RIOCUS01 |
278 | OIF_MAINTAIN | Maintain Outbound Interface Models | OIF_REPORT_START_APPLICATION |
279 | OIGN | List Editing of Permits | RIOCUS00 |
280 | OIIB | Number range maintenance: IB_IBIB | SAPMSNUM |
281 | OIIC | Nummernkreispflege: IB_IBASE | SAPMSNUM |
282 | OIK1 | Maintenance of PM value categories | RKP_ACPOS_MAINTENANCE |
283 | OIK2 | Maint. of PM value cat. assignments | RKP_ACPOS_MAINTENANCE |
284 | OIKS | Maintenance of Cost Estimate Version | SAPMIKSC |
285 | OIL0 | Number Ranges: FunctLoc.Task Lists | SAPMSNUM |
286 | OIL1 | Task List Status | |
287 | OIL2 | Standard Task List Usage | |
288 | OIL3 | Planner Group | |
289 | OIL4 | Task List Number Ranges | SAPMSNUM |
290 | OIL5 | Equipment number ranges | SAPMSNUM |
291 | OIL6 | Operation Default Value Profiles | RIOCA41I |
292 | OIL7 | Operation Control Keys | |
293 | OIL8 | Standard Text | SAPLC0VL |
294 | OILA | Wage groups | |
295 | OILB | Qualification Type | |
296 | OILC | Object Overviews Gen.Task Lists | |
297 | OILD | Object Overview Equip.Task List | |
298 | OILE | Object Overviews FunctLoc Task Lists | |
299 | OILG | Standard Task List Matchcode | SAPMSD20 |
300 | OILJ | User Fields | |
301 | OILZ | BOM Usage Free Material Asssignment | |
302 | OIM1 | PM Notification Workflow Settings | |
303 | OIM2 | SM Notification Workflow Settings | |
304 | OIM3 | Order Type by NotifType | RIOTQ80A |
305 | OIM6 | Alloc. PartnDetermProc. to NotifType | |
306 | OIM7 | Response time monit. by NotifType | |
307 | OIM8 | Priorities by Priority Types | |
308 | OIM9 | Service Notif. Special Parameters | |
309 | OIMD | Object Info Parameters | |
310 | OIME | Edit Response Profile | |
311 | OIMF | Service Window | SAPMIO10 |
312 | OIMK | Catalog Types | |
313 | OIML | Notification Info Window | |
314 | OIMM | Operating Condition | |
315 | OIMN | Customizing setting table TQSCR | RICUTQSCR |
316 | OIMP | Priority Types | |
317 | OIMRC | Field Selection Meas.Points & Docs | |
318 | OIMW | Effects on the Function | |
319 | OIMX | Define follow-up actions for tasks | |
320 | OIMZ | System Status | |
321 | OINI | Network ID | |
322 | OINM | Object Link Medium | |
323 | OINV_HU | Number Range Maintenance: HUINV | SAPMSNUM |
324 | OIO1 | Priority Types | |
325 | OIO2 | Priorities by Priority Types | |
326 | OIO3 | Maintenance Activity Types | |
327 | OIO4 | Default MAT by Order Type | |
328 | OIO5 | Valid MATs by Order Type | |
329 | OIO6 | Default Control Keys | |
330 | OIO7 | Operation Control Keys | |
331 | OIO8 | Default Current Date | |
332 | OIO9 | Operation Units: Duration/Work | |
333 | OIOA | Maintenance Order Types | |
334 | OIOB | Revisions | |
335 | OIOD | Valid Order Types by PlanPlant | |
336 | OIOE | Operation No. - AutoIncrement | RIO399XS |
337 | OIOF | Costing Parameters | RIO399XK |
338 | OIOG | Maintenance Order Status Profile | |
339 | OIOH | PM Graphic and Rel. for Orders | |
340 | OIOI | MatAvailCheck Control | |
341 | OIOJ | Object Info Parameters f. Order Type | |
342 | OIOK | Posting Rules | |
343 | OIOL | Service Order Indicator | |
344 | OIOM | Assign PartnDetermProc. to OrdType | |
345 | OION | Order number ranges | SAPMSNUM |
346 | OIOP | Order Priority Types | |
347 | OIOPD | Field Selec. for Order Opertn Detail | |
348 | OIOPL | Field Selec. for Order Opertn Detail | |
349 | OIOR | Order Completion Confirmation | RIOTCORU |
350 | OIOS | Default Planning Indicator | |
351 | OIOT | Scheduling Type | |
352 | OIOV | PM Order Costing Sheet | |
353 | OIP1 | Maintain inv.prog. planning profile | ROOBP100 |
354 | OIPG | Maintenance of Permit Group | SAPLIPCL |
355 | OIPK | FunctLocation StructIndicators | |
356 | OIPL | Plant Maint./Service search help | |
357 | OIPM | Matchcode for Functional Locations | SAPMSD20 |
358 | OIPP | Change functional location category | |
359 | OIPR | RefFunctLocation Categories | |
360 | OIPSMDMAT | Field Selection for PS Components | |
361 | OIPSMKMAT | Field Selection PS Component List | |
362 | OIPT | FunctLocation Categories | |
363 | OIPU | Alternative Indicator Syst. Settings | |
364 | OIPV | Functional Location Labeling Systems | |
365 | OIR0 | Task lists (multi-lvl)- Test eqpmt | RIOFSE00 |
366 | OIR1 | FieldSel. PartnType Customer | RIOFSE00 |
367 | OIR2 | FieldSel. PartnType Vendor | RIOFSE00 |
368 | OIR3 | FieldSel. PartnType Personnel No. | RIOFSE00 |
369 | OIR4 | FieldSel. PartnType Contact Person | RIOFSE00 |
370 | OIR5 | FieldSel. PartnType OrganiznUnit | RIOFSE00 |
371 | OIR6 | FieldSel. PartnType Position | RIOFSE00 |
372 | OIR7 | FieldSel. PartnType User | RIOFSE00 |
373 | OIR8 | Field Selection for General Address | RIOFSE00 |
374 | OIRA | Field selectn serial no. RefurbOrder | RIOFSE00 |
375 | OIRB | PM Object Contracts | RIOCUS00 |
376 | OIRC | Multi-Level EquipList - Permit | RIOFSE00 |
377 | OIRE | Field Sel. Serial No. Product. Order | RIOFSE00 |
378 | OIRE0 | Field Sel. Serial No. Handling Unit | RIOFSE00 |
379 | OIRE1 | Field Selection Serial No. Inventory | RIOFSE00 |
380 | OIRE2 | Field Selection for Serial No. in PO | RIOFSE00 |
381 | OIRE3 | Field Selection for Serial No. in PR | RIOFSE00 |
382 | OIRF | Measuring Point List | RIOCUS00 |
383 | OIRG | Multi-Level Order List - Permit | RIOFSE00 |
384 | OIRH | Order List (M.-Lev.) - Iss. Permits | RIOFSE00 |
385 | OIRI | Location List (Multi-Level) - Permit | RIOFSE00 |
386 | OIRL | Measurement Document List | RIOCUS00 |
387 | OIRM | FieldSelect. Ser.No. Goods Movement | RIOFSE00 |
388 | OIRN | FieldSelect. Ser.No. Delivery | RIOFSE00 |
389 | OIRO | FieldSelect. Ser.No. Inspection Lot | RIOFSE00 |
390 | OIRP | FieldSelect. Ser.No. Sales Order | RIOFSE00 |
391 | OIRQ | FieldSelect. Ser.No. PM Order | RIOFSE00 |
392 | OIRR | Field Sel. Serial No PM Notification | RIOFSE00 |
393 | OIRS | Multi-level Order List: Sub-Orders | RIOFSE00 |
394 | OIRT | List Task Lists (M.-Level) - Header | RIOFSE00 |
395 | OIRU | List Task Lists (M.-Lev) - Operation | RIOFSE00 |
396 | OIRV | List Task Lists (M.-Lev.) - Sub-Optn | RIOFSE00 |
397 | OIRW | List Task Lists (M.-Lev.) - Relships | RIOFSE00 |
398 | OIRX | List Task Lists (M.-Lv) - Components | RIOFSE00 |
399 | OIRZ | List Task Lists (M.-Lv) - Maint.Pkg. | RIOFSE00 |
400 | OIS0 | Funds Management | MENUOIS0 |
401 | OIS1 | Global Parameters for Serial Numbers | |
402 | OIS2 | Maintain serial number profile | |
403 | OIS3 | Task Lists (Multi-lvl)- ServPackages | RIOFSE00 |
404 | OIS4 | Task List (Mul.lev.) - ObjectDepend. | RIOFSE00 |
405 | OIS5 | Archive Serial Number History | |
406 | OISC | Generation of PM Orders | |
407 | OISD | Generation of PM Orders from SD | |
408 | OISE | SD Service Processing Active? | |
409 | OISF | Generation of Orders from the WP | |
410 | OISH | Customizing | MENUOISH |
411 | OISK | Funds Management | MENUOISK |
412 | OISM | Customizing | MENUOISM |
413 | OISN | Number range maintenance: IRESTO | SAPMSNUM |
414 | OIST | Maintain Permit Categories | |
415 | OIT1 | Special Character Position Coding | |
416 | OIT2 | Coding Masks for Inv. Prog. Position | |
417 | OIT3 | Program types | |
418 | OIT4 | Number range maint: IM_POSNR | SAPMSNUM |
419 | OIT5 | Assignmt of actual vals to bdgt cat. | |
420 | OIT6 | Inv. Programs Report Selection | SAPMKKB5 |
421 | OIT7 | Approp. Request Report Selection | SAPMKKB5 |
422 | OIT8 | Budget categories | |
423 | OITA | Investment profile | |
424 | OITB | Inv. Profile - AuC per Source Assgn. | |
425 | OITD | Definition of scale | |
426 | OITE | Version aspect cap.inv. FI-AA/PM | |
427 | OITF | Version aspect cap.inv. IM/PS/CO-OPA | |
428 | OITG | Value type aspect cap. investments | |
429 | OITK | Key figure allocation for scale | |
430 | OITL | Field selection for app. request | |
431 | OITM1 | User name for user field 1 | RAMODWRD |
432 | OITM10 | User name for user field 10 | RAMODWRD |
433 | OITM11 | User name for user field 11 | RAMODWRD |
434 | OITM12 | User name for user field 12 | RAMODWRD |
435 | OITM13 | User name for user field 12 | RAMODWRD |
436 | OITM14 | User name for user field 12 | RAMODWRD |
437 | OITM2 | User name for user field 2 | RAMODWRD |
438 | OITM3 | User name for user field 3 | RAMODWRD |
439 | OITM4 | User name for user field 4 | RAMODWRD |
440 | OITM5 | User name for user field 5 | RAMODWRD |
441 | OITM6 | User name for user field 6 | RAMODWRD |
442 | OITM7 | User name for user field 7 | RAMODWRD |
443 | OITM8 | User name for user field 8 | RAMODWRD |
444 | OITM9 | User name for user field 9 | RAMODWRD |
445 | OITN | Assign workflow tasks | RAIMAWFC |
446 | OITO | Master Data Tab | RAVC0ALA |
447 | OITW | Lower value limit for scale | |
448 | OIU | E&P Production Application Menu | MENUOIU |
449 | OIUB | Field Sel. Equipment Usage List | RIOCUS00 |
450 | OIUC | Equipment List - CS | RIOCUS00 |
451 | OIUCI_CR | Check Input Copy/Reverse | ROIUCI_COPY_REVERSE |
452 | OIUF | Functional Location List - CS | RIOCUS00 |
453 | OIUG | Service Order List | RIOFSE00 |
454 | OIUH_CI03 | Check Layout | SAPLOIUHCI03 |
455 | OIUH_CI04 | Remitter/Layout Cross Reference | SAPLOIUHCI04 |
456 | OIUH_CI05 | Check Input - Process Rules - CI05 | SAPLOIUHCI05 |
457 | OIUH_CI06 | Product/Property Translations | SAPLOIUHCI06 |
458 | OIUH_DO08 | DOI Owner Accounting Entry code | SAPLOIUHDO08 |
459 | OIUH_JE01 | Account Maintenance | SAPLOIUHJE01 |
460 | OIUH_JE02 | Account Entry Control | SAPLOIUHJE02 |
461 | OIUH_JE04 | Journal Entry Batch Control | SAPLOIUHJE04 |
462 | OIUH_JE05 | Manual Journal Entry | SAPLOIUHJE05 |
463 | OIUH_JE07 | General Ledger Query | SAPLOIUHJE07 |
464 | OIUH_JE10 | Miscellaneous Subledger Query | SAPLOIUHJE10 |
465 | OIUH_JE11 | Intercompany Subledger Query | SAPLOIUHJE11 |
466 | OIUH_JE12 | Owner Payable Subledger Query | SAPLOIUHJE12 |
467 | OIUH_JE13 | Legal Suspense Subledger Query | SAPLOIUHJE13 |
468 | OIUH_JE14 | Statistical Subledger Query | SAPLOIUHJE14 |
469 | OIUH_JE15 | Income Subledger Query | SAPLOIUHJE15 |
470 | OIUH_JE16 | Expense Subledger Query | SAPLOIUHJE16 |
471 | OIUH_JE17 | Tax Payable Subledger Query | SAPLOIUHJE17 |
472 | OIUH_JE18 | Accounts Payable Subledger Query | SAPLOIUHJE18 |
473 | OIUH_JE19 | Accounts Receivable Subledger Query | SAPLOIUHJE19 |
474 | OIUH_RD02 | A/R Reconciliation | SAPLOIUHRD02 |
475 | OIUH_RD03 | Owner Check | SAPLOIUHRD03 |
476 | OIUH_RD04 | Owner 1099 Information | SAPLOIUHRD04 |
477 | OIUH_RD05 | Owner Check Detail | SAPLOIUHRD05 |
478 | OIUH_RD06 | Withholding Tax Rate | SAPLOIUHRD06 |
479 | OIUH_RD07 | Ad Valorem Tax Recovery | SAPLOIUHRD07 |
480 | OIUH_RD08 | Negative Payable/Suspence | SAPLOIUHRD08 |
481 | OIUH_RD09 | A/R Write-off Approval | SAPLOIUHRD09 |
482 | OIUH_RD10 | Manual Royalty Check (RD10) | SAPLOIUHRD10 |
483 | OIUH_RD14 | Owner Interest Calculation | SAPLOIUHRD14 |
484 | OIUH_SRDA | Responsibility Id | SAPLSAPLOIUHSRDA |
485 | OIUH_TR01 | Tax and Royalty Profile | SAPLOIUHTR01 |
486 | OIUH_TR02 | Severance Tax Master File | SAPLOIUHTR02 |
487 | OIUH_TR04 | Severance Tax Transaction | SAPLOIUHTR04 |
488 | OIUH_TR06 | Colorado Ad Valorem | SAPLOIUHTR06 |
489 | OIUH_VL10 | Purchaser/Remitter Cross Reference | SAPLOIUHVL10 |
490 | OIUI | Order List - CS | RIOCUS00 |
491 | OIUK | Order list (multi-lev.) - goods mvmt | RIOFSE00 |
492 | OIUL | Order list (multi-lev.)-relationship | RIOFSE00 |
493 | OIUN | Order list (multi-lev.) costs/rev. | RIOFSE00 |
494 | OIUN_OP | Multi level, Operations, Cost/Rev | RIOFSE00 |
495 | OIUO | Func.loc.list (multi-lev)-meas.point | RIOFSE00 |
496 | OIUOR | R.P. List (Multilev.)- Ref. Meas.Pt | RIOFSE00 |
497 | OIUOW01_SCH_A | DOI Schedule A Report | ROIUOW01_DOI_SCHEDULE_A |
498 | OIUP | Func.loc.list (multi-lev)-meas.doc. | RIOFSE00 |
499 | OIUQ | Equi.list(multi-lev)-measuring point | RIOFSE00 |
500 | OIUR | Equi.list(multi-lev)-measuring doc. | RIOFSE00 |