SAP ABAP Function Module - Index RFC, page 99
- RFC-1 RFC-2 RFC-3 RFC-4 RFC-5 RFC-6 RFC-7 RFC-8 RFC-9 RFC-10 RFC-11 RFC-12 RFC-13 RFC-14 RFC-15 RFC-16 RFC-17 RFC-18 RFC-19 RFC-20 RFC-21 RFC-22 RFC-23 RFC-24 RFC-25 RFC-26 RFC-27 RFC-28 RFC-29 RFC-30 RFC-31 RFC-32 RFC-33 RFC-34 RFC-35 RFC-36 RFC-37 RFC-38 RFC-39 RFC-40 RFC-41 RFC-42 RFC-43 RFC-44 RFC-45 RFC-46 RFC-47 RFC-48 RFC-49 RFC-50 RFC-51 RFC-52 RFC-53 RFC-54 RFC-55 RFC-56 RFC-57 RFC-58 RFC-59 RFC-60 RFC-61 RFC-62 RFC-63 RFC-64 RFC-65 RFC-66 RFC-67 RFC-68 RFC-69 RFC-70 RFC-71 RFC-72 RFC-73 RFC-74 RFC-75 RFC-76 RFC-77 RFC-78 RFC-79 RFC-80 RFC-81 RFC-82 RFC-83 RFC-84 RFC-85 RFC-86 RFC-87 RFC-88 RFC-89 RFC-90 RFC-91 RFC-92 RFC-93 RFC-94 RFC-95 RFC-96 RFC-97 RFC-98 RFC-99 RFC-100 RFC-101
Function Module - RFC
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | UGMD_SCDT_RFC_FNAM_DATA_GET | R | retrieving the data for a structure |
2 | UGMD_SCDT_STRUCTURE_GET | R | SCDT Callback: Nametab-Information für Strukturen |
3 | UGMD_SYNCH_CHAR_VALUES | R | Massensynchronisation Stammdaten |
4 | UGMD_SYNCH_HIER | R | Massensynchronisation Hierarchien |
5 | UG_MD_BACKUP_UGMD_TABLES | R | FI-Stammdaten: Sicherheitskopie der UGMD-Tabellen |
6 | UG_MD_COPY_COMBI_CONTENT | R | DDIC-Tabelleninhalte kopieren für Kombinationsobjekte |
7 | UG_MD_COPY_TABLE_CONTENT | R | DDIC-Tabelleninhalte kopieren in eigenem Rollbereich |
8 | UG_MD_ENRICH_REMOTE_ATTR_TAB | R | FI-Stammdaten: Lokale Tabelle der Remoteattribute anreichern |
9 | UG_MD_REFILL_MASTERDATA | R | FI-Stammdaten: Stammdaten und Texte in anderes Feld replizieren |
10 | UG_MD_SID_TABLE | R | Füllen von SID Tabelle mit berechneten SIDs in eigenem Rollbereich |
11 | UG_MD_TR_CHECK_AREAID_VALID | R | Prüft, ob eine Areaid instanziierbar ist |
12 | UG_MD_UPDATE_FIELDNAME | R | FI-Stammdaten: Feldname abspeichern |
13 | UG_MD_UPDATE_FPROP | R | FI-Stammdaten: Feldeigenschaften im Puffer sichern / aktualisieren |
14 | UG_MD_UPDATE_FPROP_UGMD21XX | R | FI-Stammdaten: Feldeigenschaften im Puffer aktualisieren |
15 | UG_MD_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP | R | FI-Stammdaten: Zeitstempel fortschreiben |
16 | UISS_SPI_SHLP_F4IF_DATASELECT | R | Fetch the F4 values |
18 | UISS_SPI_SHLP_FILTER_SEAHELP | R | Used to display only valid TREX based search helps |
19 | UI_ORDER_INFO_GET | R | Besorgt Informationen zu BIC Recherchen-Aufträgen |
20 | UI_ORDER_USER_DATA | R | Nutzerdaten RFC |
21 | UI_ORDER_WEB_ENTRY | R | Webeingabe Rechercheauftrag |
22 | UKM_ADD_KEY_MAPPINGS | R | UKM: Schlüsselmappings anlegen |
23 | UKM_ADD_SCHEME_OR_AGENCY | R | UKM: Neue Agency oder Scheme zur Datenbank hinzufügen |
24 | UKM_ADD_TABLES_AND_CONTEXT | R | UKM: Legt Datenbanktabellen und einen Kontext an |
25 | UKM_COMMITMENTS_UPD_METHOD | R | Kreditmanagement : testweise update per rfc |
26 | UKM_COMMMITMENTS_PUSH | R | Obligo fortschreiben |
27 | UKM_CREDIT_QUERY | R | Kreditlimitprüfung |
28 | UKM_DELETE_KEY_MAPPINGS | R | UKM: Schlüsselmappings löschen |
29 | UKM_EXPORT_KEY_MAPPINGS | R | UKM: Export von Schlüsselmappings |
30 | UKM_E_ADD | R | Hinzufügen von Keymappings |
31 | UKM_E_CLEANUP | R | Zurücksetzen des internen Buffers |
32 | UKM_E_DELETE | R | Löschen von Keymappings |
33 | UKM_E_GET | R | Abfragen von Keymappings |
34 | UKM_E_SAVE | R | Übergabe an den Verbuchungsbaustein |
35 | UKM_GET_KEY_MAPPINGS | R | UKM: Schlüsselmappings auslesen |
36 | UKM_ID_D_ADD | R | UKM: Positives Mapping zwischen Objekten hinzufügen |
37 | UKM_ID_D_ADD_NEGATIVE | R | UKM: Negatives Mapping zw. Objekten oder Gruppen hinzufügen |
38 | UKM_ID_D_CHECK_NEGATIVE | R | UKM: Existenz von negativem Mapping überprüfen |
39 | UKM_ID_D_CLEANUP | R | UKM: Internen Puffer zurücksetzen |
40 | UKM_ID_D_DELETE_MAPPING | R | UKM: Mappings inklusive deren Objekte löschen |
41 | UKM_ID_D_GET | R | UKM: Positives Mapping lesen |
42 | UKM_ID_D_GET_NEGATIVE | R | UKM: Negatives Mapping lesen |
43 | UKM_ID_D_REMOVE_NEGATIVE | R | UKM: Negatives Mapping entfernen |
44 | UKM_ID_D_REMOVE_OBJECT_FROM_MA | R | UKM: Objekte aus Mappings entfernen |
45 | UKM_ID_D_SAVE | R | UKM: Änderungen an den Verbuchungsbaustein übergeben |
46 | UKM_ID_D_V_ADD | R | UKM: Positives Mapping zwischen Objekten hinzufügen |
47 | UKM_ID_D_V_ADD_NEGATIVE | R | UKM: Negatives Mapping zw. Objekten oder Gruppen hinzufügen |
48 | UKM_ID_D_V_CHECK | R | UKM: Existenz eines Vektors überprüfen |
49 | UKM_ID_D_V_CHECK_NEGATIVE | R | UKM: Existenz von negativem Mapping überprüfen |
50 | UKM_ID_D_V_CLEANUP | R | UKM: Internen Puffer zurücksetzen |
51 | UKM_ID_D_V_DELETE_MAPPING | R | UKM: Mappings inklusive deren Objekte löschen |
52 | UKM_ID_D_V_GET | R | UKM: Positives Mapping lesen |
53 | UKM_ID_D_V_GET_NEGATIVE | R | UKM: Negatives Mapping lesen |
54 | UKM_ID_D_V_REMOVE_NEGATIVE | R | UKM: Negatives Mapping entfernen |
55 | UKM_ID_D_V_REMOVE_VECTOR | R | UKM: Vektoren entfernen |
56 | UKM_ID_D_V_SAVE | R | UKM: Änderungen an den Verbuchungsbaustein übergeben |
57 | UKM_ID_T_ADD | R | UKM: Identifikatoren zu Objekt hinzufügen |
58 | UKM_ID_T_CLEANUP | R | UKM: Internen Puffer zurücksetzen |
59 | UKM_ID_T_DELETE_IDENTIFIER | R | UKM: Identifikatoren löschen |
60 | UKM_ID_T_DELETE_OBJECT | R | UKM: Objekte löschen |
61 | UKM_ID_T_GET | R | UKM: Objekt lesen |
62 | UKM_ID_T_QUERY | R | UKM: Schlüssel Muster-basiert lesen |
63 | UKM_ID_T_SAVE | R | UKM: Änderungen an den Verbuchungsbaustein übergeben |
64 | UKM_PI_DOCUMENTS_FILL | R | füllen der Sammeltabelle nur mit Belegnummern (bei Verbuchung) |
65 | UKM_PI_DOCUMENTS_SEND | R | direkter update des commitments (ohne Sammeltabelle) |
66 | UKM_SD_DOCUMENT_ACTION | R | Aktionen für SD-Belege |
67 | UKM_SD_VKM_WRAPPER | R | RFC-Verschalung für Aufruf VKM4 |
68 | UKM_VECTOR_PUSH | R | Kreditvektor fortschreiben |
69 | UMB_API_BSP_URL | R | URL der BSP Applikation |
70 | UMB_API_CE | R | Scorecard cause and effect chain |
71 | UMB_API_CHECK | R | Check existence of element |
72 | UMB_API_CLEAR_BUFFER | R | Clear all buffers in statefull mode |
73 | UMB_API_COMPARE | R | Scorecard compare |
74 | UMB_API_ELEMENT | R | Scorecard element detail |
75 | UMB_API_GRAPHIC | R | Scorecard graphic |
76 | UMB_API_HIERARCHY | R | Scorecard hierarchy |
77 | UMB_API_LEGEND | R | Score / status legeng |
78 | UMB_API_OVERVIEW | R | Perspective overview for applet |
79 | UMB_API_PERF_MATRIX | R | Performance matrix for user |
80 | UMB_API_PERF_MATRIX_LIST | R | Get list Performance matrixes for user in |
81 | UMB_API_PERS_GET | R | Score / status legeng |
82 | UMB_API_PERS_SET | R | Set personalisation |
83 | UMB_API_SCARD_INFO | R | Scorecard time |
84 | UMB_API_STRUCTURE | R | Scorecard structure |
85 | UMB_API_TEXT | R | OTR text repository |
86 | UMB_API_TIME | R | Scorecard common information |
87 | UMB_API_TODO_ITEM_DELE | R | Mark ToDo item as deleted |
88 | UMB_API_TODO_ITEM_EXEC | R | Mark ToDo item as executed |
89 | UMB_API_TODO_LIST_GET | R | To Do items |
90 | UMB_API_TREE | R | Scorecard structure |
91 | UMB_API_WRITE_DATA | R | Write data |
92 | UMB_API_WRITE_LOCK_RELEASE | R | Request lock before writing |
93 | UMB_API_WRITE_LOCK_REQUEST | R | Request lock before writing |
94 | UMB_BSC_CECHAIN | R | Generiert Cause & Effect Grafik |
95 | UMB_BSC_GET_CECHAIN_IMAGE | R | Get the image data from temp databasetable |
96 | UMB_BSC_GET_URL | R | Startet BSC Applikation |
97 | UMB_BSC_MINIAPP1_GET_AC | R | Gives a A&C document tree for selected BSC element |
98 | UMB_BSC_MINIAPP1_GET_DATA | R | Show only the personalized data of scorecard |
99 | UMB_BSC_MINIAPP1_GET_DOC | R | Gives a BDS document |
100 | UMB_BSC_MINIAPP1_P_GET_DATA | R | Get the data for personalization |
101 | UMB_BSC_MINIAPP1_P_GET_FILTERS | R | Get the user selected filters |
102 | UMB_BSC_MINIAPP1_P_SAVE_DATA | R | Speicherung der Personalizierung |
103 | UMB_DETAIL_SCORE_GET | R | Liefert Details über Score einer Person |
104 | UMB_EBB_GET_CECHAIN_IMAGE | R | Retrieve applet image for cause and effect chain |
105 | UMB_EBB_GET_POVERVIEW_IMAGE | R | Retrieve applet image for perspective overview |
106 | UMB_EBB_PING | R | Ping the j2ee engine to make sure it is alive |
107 | UMB_EP_ADD_COMMENT | R | Add Comment |
108 | UMB_EP_ADD_MSTONE | R | Add Milestone |
109 | UMB_EP_ADD_TEAM | R | Add Milestone |
110 | UMB_EP_DEL_ASSESSMENT | R | Remove Assessment |
111 | UMB_EP_DEL_COMMENT | R | Remove Comment |
112 | UMB_EP_DEL_MSTONE | R | Remove Milestone |
113 | UMB_EP_DEL_TEAM | R | Remove Milestone |
114 | UMB_EP_GET_ANALYSIS_TREE | R | Get Analysis Tree |
115 | UMB_EP_GET_ASS_COM | R | Get Assessment and Comments |
116 | UMB_EP_GET_BSC_URL | R | Liefert die URL zur Balanced Scorecard Applikation |
117 | UMB_EP_GET_CE_DATA | R | Get XMLData needed by Cause Effect Chain Applet |
118 | UMB_EP_GET_INIT_DETAIL | R | Get Initive Detail |
119 | UMB_EP_GET_MEAS_DETAIL | R | Get Measure Detail |
120 | UMB_EP_GET_MEAS_GRA | R | Get Measure Graphic |
121 | UMB_EP_GET_MEAS_TS | R | Get Measure's Time Series Data |
122 | UMB_EP_GET_MSTONE | R | Get Milestones |
123 | UMB_EP_GET_OBJ_DETAIL | R | Get Objective Detail |
124 | UMB_EP_GET_OWNER_LIST | R | Get Owner List |
125 | UMB_EP_GET_PERIODS | R | Get Current and Target Periods |
126 | UMB_EP_GET_PERSONAL_SCORECARD | R | Get the assigned personal scorecard of the corresponding user |
127 | UMB_EP_GET_PERS_DETAIL | R | Get Strategy Detail |
128 | UMB_EP_GET_RACT_DETAIL | R | Get Risk Activity Detail |
129 | UMB_EP_GET_RCAT_DETAIL | R | Get Risk Category Detail |
130 | UMB_EP_GET_RGRP_DETAIL | R | Get Risk Group Detail |
131 | UMB_EP_GET_RISK_DETAIL | R | Get Risk Detail |
132 | UMB_EP_GET_RISK_GRA | R | Get Graphics for Risk and Risk Group |
133 | UMB_EP_GET_RISK_PROB | R | Get Risk Probability |
134 | UMB_EP_GET_RISK_TS | R | Get Risk Time Series Data |
135 | UMB_EP_GET_SC_DETAIL | R | Get Scorecard Detail |
136 | UMB_EP_GET_SC_HIER | R | Get Scorecard Hierarchy |
137 | UMB_EP_GET_STATUS_LIST | R | Get Status List |
138 | UMB_EP_GET_STRA_DETAIL | R | Get Perspective Detail |
139 | UMB_EP_GET_TEAM | R | Get Team Member |
140 | UMB_EP_GET_TEXTS | R | Get All Texts |
141 | UMB_EP_GET_TREE_TYPES | R | Get Tree Types |
142 | UMB_EP_GET_VALUE_FIELDS | R | Get Value Fields |
143 | UMB_EP_LOCK_OBJECT | R | Lock BSC Object |
144 | UMB_EP_SET_ASSESSMENT | R | Set Assessment |
145 | UMB_EP_SET_CE_STATE | R | Set Cause Effect Chain State |
146 | UMB_EP_SET_MSTONE | R | Set Milestone |
147 | UMB_EP_SET_STATUS | R | Set BSC Object Status |
148 | UMB_EP_UNLOCK_OBJECT | R | Unlock BSC Object |
149 | UMB_LAUNCH_BSC_APPLICATION | R | Startet BSC Applikation |
150 | UMB_SEM_RELEASE_GET | R | Liefert SEM-Release |
151 | UMB_STRATEGIC_OBJECTS_GET | R | Liefert strategische Objekte (Ziele) für Beurteilungen |
152 | UMB_STRATEGIC_OBJECTS_TEXT_GET | R | Liefert strategische Objekte (Ziele) für Beurteilungen |
153 | UMC_FISCPER_DEC_MA | R | Decrements fiscper field acording to its setting |
154 | UMC_FISCPER_INC_MA | R | Increments fiscper field acording to its setting |
155 | UMG_GET_VOC_ENTRIES | R | Give the vocabulary entries for a table. |
156 | UMG_READ_LANG_INFO | R | Read language-vector and show codepage. |
157 | UMG_TEST_DRIVER_AUTH_CHECK | R | Authorisation check |
158 | UMG_TEST_DRIVER_CREATE_ANTABS | R | Create alternate nametabs |
159 | UMG_TEST_DRIVER_EXISTENCE | R | Check the existence of a scenario |
160 | UMG_TEST_DRIVER_EXP_IMP | R | Remote function call for R3load testing |
161 | UMG_TEST_DRIVER_GET_SYSINFO | R | Get some information on a remote system |
162 | UMG_TEST_DRIVER_GET_VERSIONS | R | Get versions of expected results |
163 | UMG_TEST_DRIVER_METHOD_CALL | R | Remote test driver call |
164 | UMG_TEST_DRIVER_METHOD_LIST | R | Get a list of methods to be executed |
165 | UMG_TEST_DRIVER_READINESS | R | Check the readiness of a scenario |
166 | UMG_TEST_DRIVER_REMOTE_LOCK | R | Show locks of Unicode conversion tests |
167 | UMG_TEST_DRIVER_START_TEST_RUN | R | Start a test run with a specific variant |
168 | UMG_TEST_DRIVER_TASK_TABLES | R | Write task files |
169 | UMK_CATALOGUE_LIST_GET | R | Read list of catalogues |
170 | UMK_MEASURE_CATALOGUE_GET | R | Read structure of measure catalogue |
171 | UMK_MEASURE_HIERARCHY_GET | R | Kennzahlhierarchie lesen |
172 | UMK_MEASURE_PROPERTIES_GET | R | Read measure properties |
173 | UMK_MEASURE_VALUES_GET | R | Kennzahlwert lesen |
174 | UMK_X_MEASURE_INFO_GET | R | Get Measure detail information |
175 | UMK_X_MEASURE_LIST_GET | R | Get Measure List |
176 | UMK_X_MEASURE_ODBO_KEYFIG_GET | R | Get ODBO keyfigure for measure-data-source |
177 | UMK_X_MEASURE_SEARCH | R | Measure search help |
178 | UMK_X_TRANSACTION_CALL | R | Kennzahlkatalog transaction call |
179 | UML_REMOTE_SYNTAX_CHECK | R | Remote Syntax-Check für UML-Tool |
180 | UMM_EP_DEL_PERS_BY_TYPE | R | Delete Personalization Data by Type |
181 | UMM_EP_GET_BUFFER_INTERVAL | R | Get Buffer Interval |
182 | UMM_EP_GET_CHAR_HIER | R | Get Nodes of Hierarchy for Characteristic |
183 | UMM_EP_GET_CHAR_HIERS | R | Get All Hierarchies for Characteristic |
184 | UMM_EP_GET_COCKPIT | R | Get Cockpit Data for Miniapps |
185 | UMM_EP_GET_COCKPIT_HIER | R | Get Cockpits Hierarchy |
186 | UMM_EP_GET_CSS_LIST | R | Get Style Sheet List |
187 | UMM_EP_GET_DD_CHAR_VALUE | R | Get Drilldown Value list |
188 | UMM_EP_GET_DD_FRAME_CHARS | R | Get Drilldown Charac. List and Default Value |
189 | UMM_EP_GET_DD_FRAME_DATA | R | Get BW Data for the Frame after selection changed |
190 | UMM_EP_GET_DETAIL_BICDOC | R | Get Detail BIC Document |
191 | UMM_EP_GET_FRAME | R | Retrieve chart graphic from frame |
192 | UMM_EP_GET_FRAME_STATUS | R | Get status of the frame |
193 | UMM_EP_GET_MEAS_DEF | R | Get Measures Definition |
194 | UMM_EP_GET_MEAS_TREE | R | Get Drilldown Charac. List and Default Value |
195 | UMM_EP_GET_MULTI_FRAME | R | Retrieve chart data or BIC document list from multi-frames |
196 | UMM_EP_GET_PERIOD | R | Get Period List |
197 | UMM_EP_GET_PERS_PRINT | R | Get Personalization Data for Printing |
198 | UMM_EP_GET_PERS_WEBVIEW | R | Get Personalization Data for Web View |
199 | UMM_EP_GET_PRT_DATA | R | Get Printing Data |
200 | UMM_EP_GET_RUNTIME_VAR | R | Get Runtime Variables |
201 | UMM_EP_GET_SEM_REL | R | Get SEM Release |
202 | UMM_EP_GET_UI_TEXTS | R | Get all language dependent UI texts |
203 | UMM_EP_GET_VAR_HIER | R | Get Nodes of Hierarchy for Runtime_variable |
204 | UMM_EP_GET_VAR_HIERS | R | Get All Hierarchies for Runtime Variable |
205 | UMM_EP_GET_VAR_VALUES | R | Get possible values of a runtime variable |
206 | UMM_EP_GET_WEBREPORT | R | Get Web Report List |
207 | UMM_EP_REFRESH_BUFFER | R | Refresh BW Buffer |
208 | UMM_EP_SET_FRAME_STATUS | R | Set Status of the frame |
209 | UMM_EP_SET_PERS_PRINT | R | Set Personalization Data for Printing |
210 | UMM_EP_SET_PERS_WEBVIEW | R | Set Personalization Data for Web View |
211 | UMUPG_STATUS_HANDLING | R | Combined Upgrade & Unicode Conversion: Status |
212 | UNENROLL_USER_FROM_COURSES | R | WS: Stornieren einer Teilnahme |
213 | UNICODE_RFC1 | R | RFC container without language field, cast binary data |
214 | UNICODE_RFC10 | R | All texts as string |
215 | UNICODE_RFC11 | R | Example data as table |
216 | UNICODE_RFC12 | R | All texts as string |
217 | UNICODE_RFC2 | R | RFC container with language field, cast binary data |
218 | UNICODE_RFC3 | R | RFC container without language field, move characterlike structure |
219 | UNICODE_RFC4 | R | RFC container with language field, move characterlike structure |
220 | UNICODE_RFC4B | R | RFC container with lang field, move charlike struc + alignment correction |
221 | UNICODE_RFC5 | R | RFC structure without lang field |
222 | UNICODE_RFC6 | R | RFC structure with lang field |
223 | UNICODE_RFC7 | R | RFC string |
224 | UNICODE_RFC8 | R | RFC character field of size 98 |
225 | UNICODE_RFC8B | R | RFC String instead of char field |
226 | UNICODE_RFC9 | R | RFC table of CHAR16 fields |
228 | UPARA_GET_CUBETYPE | R | Liest den Infocubetyp |
229 | UPARI_CHA_VALUES_GET_PACKAGE | R | Characteristic Values List |
230 | UPARI_EXECUTE_BUDGET_RFC | R | Select and send data package of planned budgets |
231 | UPARU_UI_COMMIT_DOCUMENT | R | Commit the changed documents |
232 | UPARU_UI_DELETE_ROW_CHECK | R | Perform an operation on a Document in a Planning Layout |
233 | UPARU_UI_EXECUTE_DOC_FUNCT | R | Perform an operation on a Document in a Planning Layout |
234 | UPARU_UI_EXECUTE_FUNCTION | R | Execute a planning function |
235 | UPARU_UI_EXECUTE_SEQUENCE | R | Execute a planning sequence |
236 | UPARU_UI_EXISTS_FUNCTION | R | Verify if a planning function exist |
237 | UPARU_UI_EXISTS_SEQUENCE | R | Verify if a planning sequence exist |
238 | UPARU_UI_GET_APPLC | R | Get planning applications and their planning folders |
239 | UPARU_UI_GET_AREA_DETAIL | R | Get planning area detail |
240 | UPARU_UI_GET_CHA_DETAIL | R | Get planning characteristic detail |
241 | UPARU_UI_GET_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR | R | Determine the decimal separator from R/3 user setting |
242 | UPARU_UI_GET_FOLDER_DETAIL | R | Get planning folder detail |
243 | UPARU_UI_GET_LAYOUT_DETAIL | R | Get planning layout detail |
244 | UPARU_UI_GET_PLEVEL_DETAIL | R | Get planning level detail |
245 | UPARU_UI_GET_TEXT_ELEMENTS | R | Get text elements |
246 | UPARU_UI_GET_VARIABLE_DETAIL | R | Get planning variable detail |
247 | UPARU_UI_GET_VARIABLE_TEXT | R | Get planning variable text |
248 | UPARU_UI_MASTERDATA_HELP_LIST | R | Get a search help value list for a specific info object |
249 | UPARU_UI_POST_DATA | R | Post the planning layout into the database |
250 | UPARU_UI_REFRESH_DATA | R | Refresh planning layout data |
251 | UPARU_UI_REFRESH_VARIABLE | R | Get planning variable detail |
252 | UPARU_UI_SAVE_TEMPLATE_LOCALLY | R | Transfer the SEM Layout Excel template to local PC |
253 | UPARU_UI_SEND_DATA | R | Send the layout planning data to the MAP-BPS server |
254 | UPARU_UI_UPDATE_VARIABLE | R | Get planning variable detail |
255 | UPB_EXCHRATE_GETRATES | R | Output Selected Exchange Rates and Factors from the SAP System |
256 | UPB_PM_ENQUEUE_RFC | R | lock planning folder |
258 | UPB_PM_EXECUTE_POB_RFC | R | Execute POB |
259 | UPB_PM_EXECUTE_RFC | R | Run Planning object |
260 | UPB_PM_GET_ALL_RFC | R | Selection of the available planning books read |
261 | UPB_PM_GET_BSP_URL | R | for its -> what forwarding (what n this for kauderwelsch?) |
262 | UPB_PM_GET_DESIGN_RFC | R | Read design of a planning session by RFC |
263 | UPB_PM_GET_ERROR_TAB_RFC | R | read errors that occurred |
264 | UPB_PM_GET_PROP_ALL_RFC | R | Read Properties of all POB of a PM |
265 | UPB_PM_GET_PROP_RFC | R | Read properties of a POB |
266 | UPB_PM_GET_RFC | R | List of planning folders, RFC |
267 | UPB_PM_GET_VARIABLE_RFC | R | read Global selections |
268 | UPB_PM_MAIN_RFC | R | Creating, Changing, Displaying Planning Folders |
269 | UPB_PM_PUT_DATA_RFC | R | Write data |
270 | UPB_PM_PUT_ILO_DATA_RFC | R | Write data (data of all input layouts of a planning session) |
271 | UPB_PM_PUT_ONE_ILO_DATA_RFC | R | Write data (data of all input layouts of a planning session) |
272 | UPB_PM_READ_DATA_RFC | R | Read Data |
273 | UPB_PM_READ_DESIGN_RFC | R | Read Desing of a planning folder |
274 | UPB_PM_READ_ILO_DATA_RFC | R | Write data (data of all input layouts of a planning session) |
275 | UPB_PM_READ_ONE_ILO_DATA_RFC | R | Write data (data of all input layouts of a planning session) |
276 | UPB_PM_READ_OUT_DATA_RFC | R | Read data (for output layouts!) |
277 | UPB_PM_SAVE_DATA_RFC | R | Save data to DB and possibly terminate |
278 | UPB_PM_SET_DATA_RFC | R | Write data of a planning object to the buffer |
279 | UPB_PM_START_RFC | R | start planning with Planning workbook |
280 | UPB_PM_VARIABLE_SET_RFC | R | Change Global settings |
281 | UPC_BW_TIME_INC | R | Remote call BW time incrementor |
282 | UPC_CHASEL_ENQUEUE_RFC | R | Lock Management |
283 | UPC_DISP_F4 | R | F4 for planning objects |
284 | UPC_DISP_READ | R | Read objects of one type |
285 | UPC_FW_START_RFC | R | Start of the planning framework |
286 | UPC_PACKAGE_CREATE_ADHOC | R | Creation of Ad-Hoc package |
288 | UPC_PROFILE_F4 | R | Search help |
289 | UPC_PROFILE_GET | R | Get |
290 | UPC_SAVE_SDB | R | SAPR3 user in UPC Speichern |
291 | UPC_TRACE_CHA_VALUES_UPDATE | R | Update attributes and attribute values # |
292 | UPDATEQUEUESTATUS | R | Sets queue state to a new state |
293 | UPDATE_CALENDAR_DATA | R | updata data in calendar database |
294 | UPDATE_DEFAULT_BINDING | R | Insert Default RT Values |
295 | UPDATE_EVENT_STATUS_REMOTE | R | Statusänderung |
296 | UPDATE_JOB_MSQ | R | MS SQL server function to enable/disable the job |
297 | UPDATE_LTR_PRESEL_TAB | R | Updating the ltr presel tab in resepective system |
298 | UPDATE_PARAMETERS_TAB | R | Upload Parameters table |
299 | UPDATE_RT_CONFIG | R | Modify RT Configuration |
300 | UPDATE_SDBAHSDB_SDB | R | SAP DB: update SDBAHSDB (DBA Protokollierung) |
301 | UPDATE_TABSPACE_INFO | R | Neuen Tablespace in DDIC eintragen: alte Version |
302 | UPD_CALL_SM13 | R | Call SM13 (for parameterized call of SM13, first screen in background) |
303 | UPD_CHECK_LOCAL_QUEUE | R | Check, ob Update-Requests vorhanden sind |
305 | UPD_DBCON_ENTRY_SDB | R | Update DBCON Entry |
306 | UPD_DELETE_LOCAL_QUEUE | R | Verbuchungs-Queue loeschen |
307 | UPD_SAUF_IN_SAUFX | R | Manpower Planning II: update changed SOP orders in internal table SAUFX |
308 | UPD_TEST_HANDLER | R | Test update layer |
309 | UPE_HIER_INFO | R | Hierarchie Metainformationen mit RFC lesen |
310 | UPGRADE_GET_PROFPARAM | R | Lese Profilparameter |
311 | UPGRADE_READ_TABLE_SIZES | R | Comversion of Output from PUT_READ_RSUPGTAS_DATA for the Upgrade |
312 | UPGRADE_SWITCH_DIR_PUT | R | Switch or read profile parameter DIR_PUT |
313 | UPG_APPLSERVER_INFO | R | UPG: Application Server Info |
314 | UPG_BUFFER_SYNC | R | Erzwinge Buffer-Synchronisierung |
315 | UPG_CHECK_NA_USER | R | Berechtigungsprüfung für Hinweiseinbau |
316 | UPG_GET_COMPONENT_INFO | R | Upgrade-Info für Komponenten |
317 | UPG_GET_COMPONENT_INFO_EXT | R | Upgrade-Info für Komponenten (inkl. Umzüge) |
319 | UPG_GET_NOTES_QUEUE | R | Hinweisqueue für Targetvektor ermitteln |
320 | UPG_GET_TOOLIMPORT_FEATURE | R | Toolimport Eigenschaften |
321 | UPG_GET_TOOLIMP_DYNAMIC_FEAT | R | get dynamic (patchable) features of toolimport |
322 | UPG_GET_TOOLIMP_STATIC_FEATURE | R | get static (unpatchable) features of toolimport |
323 | UPG_INT_IS_BRIDGE_SYSTEM | R | Check whether this is a bridge system (ZDM) |
324 | UPG_IS_BYDESIGN_SYSTEM | R | Check for ByDesign Components |
326 | UPG_READ_SYS_ENVIRONMENT | R | Liest die für den Upgrade relevanten Umgebungsvariablen des Systems |
327 | UPLOAD_INFOAPAR_FOR_PTF_CHECK | R | AS/400: Upload Infoapar from local harddisk |
328 | UPP_PLAN_GET_LAYOUT_FLAGS | R | Some settings in the planning layout |
329 | UPR_FISLPLN_CHECKPOST | R | FISL Planung: Check and Post |
330 | UPR_SEM_FISL_GET | R | Retraktion Planung SEM FISL |
331 | UPR_SEM_R3 | R | Retraktion SEM |
332 | UPSIFMW_CALL_OBJECT_SEND_MSG | R | Aufruf von Service : Objekt senden |
333 | UPSIFMW_CALL_OBJECT_SEND_MSG_T | R | Aufruf von Service : Objektliste senden |
336 | UPSIF_CALL_GET_APPLOG_KEYS | R | Aufruf von Service : Applikations-Log Schlüssel ermitteln |
337 | UPSIF_CALL_OBJECT_DISPLAY | R | Aufruf von Service : Objekt anzeigen |
338 | UPSIF_CALL_OBJECT_KEY_MAINTAIN | R | Aufruf von Service : Objektschlüssel pflegen |
343 | UPT_COPY_1001 | R | Transport hrp1001 remote |
344 | UPWB_GET_APPLICATIONS | R | Returns all available BSP Applications |
345 | UPW_READ_DATA_FOR_GRAPH | R | Read data (read-only) for graphics |
346 | UPW_SET_DATA_SHORT | R | stateful, commit to shortened etk_data structures |
347 | UPX_API_COMMIT | R | UPX ext. API: commit BPS buffers |
348 | UPX_API_DATA_GET | R | Read data object to a planning |
349 | UPX_API_DATA_SET | R | Write data of a planning object to the buffer |
350 | UPX_API_DONE | R | UPX: Final API after all work is done |
351 | UPX_API_FUNC_EXEC | R | API: Execute planning function |
352 | UPX_API_INIT | R | UPX: Initialize the communication with the engine |
353 | UPX_API_ITEM_ALL | R | UPX: Get launchpad items for given planning task |
354 | UPX_API_ITEM_DONE | R | UPX: Finish work with item |
355 | UPX_API_ITEM_EXEC | R | UPX: Accept the launchpad item & get planning book |
356 | UPX_API_MESSAGE_TEXT | R | Get long text for error message |
357 | UPX_API_REJECT | R | UPX ext. API: reject BPS buffers |
358 | UPX_API_RELEASE | R | UPX: Current release of the API |
359 | UPX_API_SEARCH_HELP | R | Show search help and return the value |
360 | UPX_API_SEMBPS_GETDATA | R | Read Planning Data |
361 | UPX_API_TASK_ALL | R | UPX: Get list of the planning tasks/books |
362 | UPX_API_TASK_DONE | R | UPX: Finish work with item |
363 | UPX_API_TASK_EXEC | R | UPX: Accept the launchpad item & get planning book |
364 | UPX_EXEC_API_START | R | to start Sales Planning environment remotelly |
365 | UPX_KFP_MKT_GET_BPHN | R | Derive BPHN of BP |
366 | UPX_KFP_VARIABLE_SET | R | Extended Variable Set |
367 | UPX_KPI_API_ADD_MESSAGES | R | Set message to table gt_messages |
368 | UPX_KPI_API_CONNECT | R | Initial connection from calling application |
369 | UPX_KPI_API_DATA_GET | R | to get the data from SEM to CRM |
370 | UPX_KPI_API_DATA_SET | R | to set the data fromCRM to SEM |
371 | UPX_KPI_API_DISCONNECT | R | to release BPS buffer and close the whole session |
372 | UPX_KPI_API_EVAL_LIST | R | to read all the evaluation KPIs |
373 | UPX_KPI_API_EVAL_READ | R | to read the value for given KPI |
374 | UPX_KPI_API_FORECAST_PREPARE | R | to prepare forecasting UI |
375 | UPX_KPI_API_FORECAST_RESUME | R | to resume forecasting UI |
376 | UPX_KPI_API_FORECAST_UPDATE | R | to prepare forecasting UI |
377 | UPX_KPI_API_GET_MESSAGES | R | Get messages from gt_messages |
378 | UPX_KPI_API_HIERARCHY_SYNC | R | to synchronize the BW external hierarchy |
379 | UPX_KPI_API_IS_FLEX_COMPATIBLE | R | FM to check if planning profile is Flex compatible |
380 | UPX_KPI_API_OBJECT_ENQUEUE | R | to enqueue the CRM object at SEM/BW side |
381 | UPX_KPI_API_OBJECT_SYNC | R | to synchronize the combinations from CRM |
382 | UPX_KPI_API_PROFILE_CHECK | R | to check the planning profile and provide some infos |
383 | UPX_KPI_API_PROFILE_LIST | R | to get the list of profiles available in the SEM |
384 | UPX_KPI_API_SAVE | R | to save the BPS data on the CRM demand |
385 | UPX_KPI_API_SET_PROP_TIMELINE | R | Sets timeline in case of proportional distribution from CRM |
386 | UPX_KPI_API_VAL_SID_CONVERT | R | SID Conversion |
387 | UPX_KPI_API_VIEW_HTML | R | to get the generated DHTML for the view |
388 | UPX_KPI_API_VIEW_PREPARE | R | to prepare forecasting UI |
389 | UPX_KPI_API_VIEW_RESUME | R | to resume forecasting UI |
390 | UPX_KPI_API_VIEW_UPDATE | R | to update the DHTML view |
391 | UPX_KPI_API_VIEW_UPDATE2 | R | to update the DHTML view |
392 | UPX_KPI_API_XML | R | to connect planning services with XML layer |
393 | UPX_KPI_MKT_PLEVEL_GETDETAIL | R | Read the full information for planning level |
394 | URL_SERVER_TYPE_DATA_GET | R | Klassifikationen für URL Generierung lesen |
395 | URL_SERVICE_PARAMS_GET | R | Read query parameter definition of a service |
396 | UR_EXEC_DISTINCT_CHAR_VALS | R | Merkmalsausprägungen in der Objekttabelle |
397 | UR_INSERT_OBJECT_TABLE | R | Objekttablle verbuchen und COMMIT (interner Baustein!) |
398 | USC_API_CONTACT_DETAIL_GET | R | Lesen eines Kontakts |
399 | USC_API_CONTACT_LOCK | R | Kontakt für Benutzer sperren |
400 | USC_API_CONTACT_SAVE | R | Kontaktinformationen sichern als Update oder als neuen Kontakt |
401 | USC_API_CONTACT_SEND | R | Kontakt versenden |
402 | USC_API_CONTACT_UNLOCK | R | Sperre eines Kontakts für einen Benutzer aufheben |
403 | USC_API_DOCUMENT_CONTENT_LOAD | R | Laden des Inhalts eines Dokuments |
404 | USC_API_DOCUMENT_CONTENT_SAVE | R | Sichern von Dokumentinhalt in KW Ablage Kontakte |
405 | USC_API_HELP_VALUES_GET | R | Wert-/Textpaare für Eingabehilfe lesen |
406 | USC_API_SEARCH_CONTACTS | R | Kontakte nach verschiedenen Kriterien suchen |
407 | USERLIST_MIGRATION | R | Migration of Userlist. |
408 | USER_EXISTENCE_CHECK | R | Existenzprüfung für einen Benutzer |
409 | USER_NAME_GET | R | |
410 | USMDZ_EXTRACT_REMOTE_DATA | R | FinMDM: General Extractor for Virtual Access |
411 | USMDZ_EXTRACT_REMOTE_F4 | R | Read Values for F4 Helps in Virtual Queries |
412 | USMD_CREATE_NRIV_TMP_KEY | R | Create Number Range Interval for Temporary Keys |
413 | USMD_CREQUEST_CHECK | R | Verification of a Change Request |
414 | USMD_EDITION_CHECK | R | Verification of an Edition |
415 | USMD_MODEL_SHM_INVALIDATE | R | Invalidate SHM/Application Server |
416 | USMD_RS_CHECK_CREQUEST | R | Obsolete |
417 | USMD_RS_CHECK_EDITION | R | Obsolete |
418 | USMD_WD_GET_CONFIGURATION | R | Read Configuration for Web Dynpro Application |
419 | USMD_WF_RECEIVER_TYPE | R | Template for a Receiver Type Function Module |
420 | UWL_ASSIGN_USERS_CHANNEL | R | Adding user to a uwl channel |
421 | UWL_ASSIGN_USER_CHANNEL | R | Adding user to a uwl channel |
422 | UWL_CREATE_SERVICE_USER | R | Creating uwl service user |
423 | UWL_DEL_ALL_USERS_FROM_CHANNEL | R | Remove all users from UWL channel |
424 | UWL_DEL_USER_FROM_CHANNEL | R | Remove user from UWL channel |
425 | UWL_DETECT_BWF_DELTA_JOB | R | Check whether the required BWF delta job is scheduled |
426 | UWL_DOCUMENTS_HEADER_READ | R | Read headers of multiple attachments |
427 | UWL_GET_FILTERED_ITEMS_PROXY | R | Getting the filtered UWL Delta items |
428 | UWL_GET_ITEMS_PROXY | R | prototype for UWL proxy |
429 | UWL_SWN_GET_OUTBOX | R | |
430 | UWL_SWN_GET_RESUBMISSIONS | R | Wiedervorlage eines Benutzers für die UWL auslesen |
431 | UWL_SWN_GET_WORKLIST | R | Worklist eines Benutzers für die UWL ermitteln - SWNCONFIG-Filter UWL_FULL |
432 | UWL_SWO_INVOKE | R | Wrap around bundling for SWO_INVOKE |
433 | UWSP_SEND_MAIL_PARALLEL | R | Paralleles Versenden (Paket) |
434 | VAKO_USEREXIT_MATCHING_AND_VAR | R | Example Module for VaR Calculation in Variance/Covariance Approach D/G |
435 | VALIDATE_CI_KEY_REMOTE | R | Check (Remote), if the Specified Code Inspection Exists |
436 | VAR_TRANS_GET_DETAIL_FOR_RM | R | Variables Geschäft: Daten für Risk Management Auswertungen |
437 | VBCU_CALL_TRANSACTION_BMBC | R | Transaktion BMBC aus Applikation aufrufen |
438 | VBC_CONFIG_DELETE | R | Delete Configurations |
439 | VBC_CONFIG_QUERY | R | Read Configurations |
440 | VBC_CONFIG_WRITE | R | Write (create or update) a Configuration |
441 | VBC_DATA_SOURCE_GET | R | Get information regarding data source |
442 | VBC_MODEL_DELETE | R | Read a model from the Database |
443 | VBC_MODEL_LIST | R | Get list of VB applications |
444 | VBC_MODEL_READ | R | Read a model from the Database |
445 | VBC_MODEL_WRITE | R | Write (create or update) a model on the Database |
446 | VBC_SEP_QUERY | R | List of Service Endpoints in the System |
447 | VBC_SEP_READ | R | Read a model from the database |
448 | VBC_USER_READ | R | Read User Information and Authorizations |
449 | VBDBDM_ACTIVE_CHECK_PRODS_RFC | R | Dokumentationscharge - RFC-fähige Prüfung pro Material/werk |
450 | VBDBDM_DATA_MAINTAIN_RFC | R | Maintain Documentary Batches - RFC |
451 | VBDRV_DERIVATION_REMOTE | R | Remote-faehiger Aufruf von VBDRV_DERIVATION |
452 | VBEP_EDATU_EINGEBEN | R | Konvertierung der Eingabe des Einteilungsdatums |
454 | VBOB_MM_OB_UPDATE_EXT | R | Ursprungschargen verwalten (externer Aufruf) |
455 | VBWC_BATCH_DECOUPLED_CHECK_RFC | R | Verteilung von Chargen - Prüfung auf Entkopplung |
456 | VBWS_BATCH_VALUATION_CHANGE_UD | R | Umbewertung einer Charge bei variablen ME (nur im Verwendungsentscheid) |
457 | VBWS_BATCH_VALUATION_SET | R | Umbewertung einer Charge bei variablen ME (Aufgrund Merkmalsbewertung) |
458 | VBWS_UOM_SAVE_REPLICA | R | Anteils-/Produktmengeneinheiten im Zielsystem replizieren |
459 | VBXD_ATP_WITH_CRITERIA_RFC | R | ATP-Prüfung mit Selektionskriterien RFC-fähig |
460 | VBXD_BATCH_CRITERIA_CHECK_RFC | R | Prüft die Zulässigkeit der Chargen (RFC fähig) |
461 | VBXR_MATERIAL_CBATP_ADJUST | R | Aktivieren/Deaktivieren Merkmalsbasierte ATP |
462 | VB_BATCHES_EXISTENCE_CHECK_RFC | R | Chargen auf Existenz prüfen |
463 | VB_CP_SHOW_OTF | R | Chargenprotokoll: Druckansicht in neuem Task |
464 | VCDCRM_INSOBJECT_QUERY | R | IC WebClient: Ermitteln von Versicherungsobjekten |
465 | VDARL_DISPLAY | R | Darlehen: Anzeigen Objekt VDARL über VZFGD |
466 | VDHOBJBL_DISPLAY | R | Objekt: Anzeigen Objekt VDHOBJBL über VZFGD |
467 | VDHOBJ_DISPLAY | R | Objekt: Anzeigen Objekt VDHOBJ über VZFGD |
468 | VDMEKO_DISPLAY | R | Tableau: Anzeigen Objekt VDMEKO über VZFGD |
469 | VEG_DS_CONFIG_GET | R | Get configuration details |
470 | VEG_JOB_ABORT | R | Abort the job |
471 | VEG_JOB_COMPLETE | R | Complete the job |
472 | VEG_JOB_GET_DETAILS | R | Get details for the job |
473 | VEG_JOB_START | R | Start the job |
474 | VEG_REGISTER | R | Registration API |
475 | VEG_SET_TSK_CMPLT | R | Set the status of the job as complete |
476 | VEG_SET_TSK_OBJ_INFO | R | Update the error objects in a task |
477 | VEG_SRV_JOBLOG | R | RFC to update Veg Joblog table |
478 | VEG_SRV_READ_INSTANCE_CUST | R | RFC to read veg instance customizing table |
479 | VEG_SRV_READ_LOOKUP | R | Read the entries in LookUp table |
480 | VEG_SRV_RESET_LOCK | R | Reset lock on Look-up table for VEG Integration |
481 | VEG_SRV_SET_LOCK | R | Set lock on Look Up table for VEG Integration |
482 | VEG_SRV_UPDATE_LOOKUP | R | Update entries in Look up table |
483 | VELO01_AFTERIPC | R | VELO:Gets the pricing and the configuration from the IPC context structure |
484 | VELO01_CHECK_EXISTENCE | R | VELO:To check if the document,add data exists for vehicle |
485 | VELO01_CHECK_RETURN | R | VELO:function to check the error return table |
486 | VELO01_CREATE_ENDCUSTOMER | R | VELO:Create new end customer for the dealer |
487 | VELO01_CREATE_STORE_OCD | R | VELO: Creation of Original Customer Demand and store it in Inquiry |
488 | VELO01_CUSTOMER_SEARCH | R | VELO:Gets customer data and the customer vehicle data |
489 | VELO01_DWB_RETURN | R | VELO:Füllen der BAPI Vehicle Return Tabelle |
490 | VELO01_GETPREDEFINED_TEMPLATES | R | VELO : Get pre-defined templates |
491 | VELO01_GET_CONFIGURATION | R | VELO: To retrieve the configuration based on the CUOBJ |
492 | VELO01_GET_CONFIG_TEXT | R | Get Texts for Characteristics and Values |
493 | VELO01_GET_DELIVERYDATE | R | VELO: Bestimmen des bestätigten Liefertermins (ATP/CTP) |
494 | VELO01_GET_FAMILYATTRIBUTES | R | VELO:gets the Characteristics and all values for a class |
495 | VELO01_GET_MODELL_LIST | R | VELO: gets the familiesand the modellist |
496 | VELO01_GET_ORGDATA_FOR_USER | R | VELO:Organizational data for the user (profile of dealer) |
497 | VELO01_GET_PARTNERS | R | VELO:Get the partners for specified partner function & customer |
498 | VELO01_GET_PART_ADDR_FOR_VBELN | R | get the partners and their address details for the sales order |
499 | VELO01_GET_POSSIBLE_ACTIONS | R | VELO:Beschafft Liste aller Aktionen die für User / Liste von Fahrzeugen mö |
500 | VELO01_GET_PRICING_COND_TEXTS | R | Get pricing condition texts and pricing procedure texts |