SAP ABAP Function Module - Index RFC, page 74
- RFC-1 RFC-2 RFC-3 RFC-4 RFC-5 RFC-6 RFC-7 RFC-8 RFC-9 RFC-10 RFC-11 RFC-12 RFC-13 RFC-14 RFC-15 RFC-16 RFC-17 RFC-18 RFC-19 RFC-20 RFC-21 RFC-22 RFC-23 RFC-24 RFC-25 RFC-26 RFC-27 RFC-28 RFC-29 RFC-30 RFC-31 RFC-32 RFC-33 RFC-34 RFC-35 RFC-36 RFC-37 RFC-38 RFC-39 RFC-40 RFC-41 RFC-42 RFC-43 RFC-44 RFC-45 RFC-46 RFC-47 RFC-48 RFC-49 RFC-50 RFC-51 RFC-52 RFC-53 RFC-54 RFC-55 RFC-56 RFC-57 RFC-58 RFC-59 RFC-60 RFC-61 RFC-62 RFC-63 RFC-64 RFC-65 RFC-66 RFC-67 RFC-68 RFC-69 RFC-70 RFC-71 RFC-72 RFC-73 RFC-74 RFC-75 RFC-76 RFC-77 RFC-78 RFC-79 RFC-80 RFC-81 RFC-82 RFC-83 RFC-84 RFC-85 RFC-86 RFC-87 RFC-88 RFC-89 RFC-90 RFC-91 RFC-92 RFC-93 RFC-94 RFC-95 RFC-96 RFC-97 RFC-98 RFC-99 RFC-100 RFC-101
Function Module - RFC
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | NOR3_CURRENCY_GETTABLES | R | Transfer Currency Tables |
2 | NOR3_DPO_TRANSFER | R | Creation DPO |
3 | NOR3_EMPLOYEE_CHECKEXISTENCE | R | Check Employee Existence |
4 | NOR3_ENTRYSHEET_CREATE | R | Create entry sheet |
5 | NOR3_ENTRYSHEET_GETDETAIL | R | Entry sheet get detail |
6 | NOR3_ENTRYSHEET_GETLIST | R | Entry sheet get list |
7 | NOR3_EXRATE_GETTABLES | R | Transfer Exchange Rate Table |
8 | NOR3_FI_DOCUMENT_READ | R | 45a driver for amount quantity propose |
9 | NOR3_FUNDSRES_GETLIST | R | List of Funds Reservations |
10 | NOR3_FUNDS_CENTER_GETLIST | R | List of FM funds centers |
11 | NOR3_FUND_GETLIST | R | List of FM funds |
12 | NOR3_GET_ACCOUNT | R | Get GL account |
13 | NOR3_GET_ALERT | R | Get schedule release items |
14 | NOR3_GLACCOUNT_GETDETAIL | R | Get Details from G/L Account |
15 | NOR3_GLACCOUNT_GETLIST | R | List of G/L Accounts |
16 | NOR3_GOODSMVT_CREATE | R | Post goods movements with MB_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT |
17 | NOR3_GOODSMVT_UPDATECHECK | R | checks IDOC status for Goods Movement update |
18 | NOR3_GOODSMVT_UPDATECHECK_DUMM | R | Dummy FM for the correct interface |
19 | NOR3_HELPVALUES_GET | R | Helpvalues for BAPI Parameters |
20 | NOR3_INFORECORD_GETLIST | R | Display purchasing info records |
21 | NOR3_INIT_ALERT | R | Get schedule release items |
22 | NOR3_INTERNALORDER_GETLIST | R | List of internal orders |
23 | NOR3_INTERPRETE_DATA | R | Interpretes the data of the requirement items in the R/3 |
24 | NOR3_INVOICE_ACCCHECK | R | Remote COBL check Goods Movement |
25 | NOR3_MATERIAL_AVAILABILITY | R | Read Material - Mara, Marc, Makt, Mbew |
26 | NOR3_MATERIAL_GETBATCHES | R | Create Batch List for a Material |
27 | NOR3_MATERIAL_GETDETAIL | R | Get material details |
28 | NOR3_MATERIAL_GETLIST | R | Provides a List of Materials for the Search Criteria Transferred |
29 | NOR3_MATERIAL_READ | R | Read Material - Mara, Marc, Makt, Mbew |
30 | NOR3_ORDER_GETLIST | R | List of internal orders |
31 | NOR3_PCSTAT_ACCCHECK | R | Remote COBL check Procurement Card Statements |
32 | NOR3_PMORDER_COMP_CREATE | R | Create Components in PM/CS Order |
33 | NOR3_PMORDER_GET_LIST | R | Get PM/CS Order List |
35 | NOR3_PO_CREATE | R | Create Purchase Order |
36 | NOR3_PO_DELETE | R | Delete purchase order |
37 | NOR3_PO_GETDETAIL | R | Display purchase order items |
38 | NOR3_PO_GETITEMS | R | Display purchase order items |
39 | NOR3_PO_GETRELINFO | R | Display purchase order release information |
40 | NOR3_PO_READ_ITEMS_INVOICE_BE | R | Read PO items for Invoice entry in the backend system |
41 | NOR3_READ_TABLE | R | Read Table in Core System |
42 | NOR3_REASONS_GET | R | Determine allowed input values (F4) for Movement reasons |
43 | NOR3_REQUISITION_CHANGE | R | Change purchase requisition |
45 | NOR3_REQUISITION_DELETE | R | Delete requisition |
46 | NOR3_REQUISITION_GETDETAIL | R | Read Details of a requisition in 4.0B |
47 | NOR3_REQUISITION_GETITEMS | R | Display requisition items |
48 | NOR3_REQUISITION_GETRELINFO | R | Get Releasease Info for requisitions |
49 | NOR3_RESERVATION_CREATE | R | Create reservation |
50 | NOR3_RESERVATION_DELETE | R | Delete reservation |
51 | NOR3_RESERVATION_GETDETAIL | R | Read Details of a requisition in 3.1I |
52 | NOR3_RESERVATION_GETITEMS | R | Get reservation items |
53 | NOR3_SERVICE_GET_DETAIL | R | Read detailed data for a service master record |
54 | NOR3_SOURCEDETERMIN_GETSOS | R | Determine sources for material/material group |
55 | NOR3_STATUS_READ | R | Read status information in the core |
56 | NOR3_TRANSACTION_COMMIT | R | 40b driver for amount quantity propose |
57 | NOR3_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK | R | 40b driver for amount quantity propose |
58 | NOR3_WBS_GETLIST | R | List of work breakdown structures |
59 | NOTES_DELETE | R | Delete notes |
60 | NOTES_MODIFY | R | Change a note |
61 | NOTES_SET | R | Set Notes |
62 | NOTICE_DISPLAY | R | Kündigung: Anzeigen Objekt NOTICE über VZFGD |
63 | NO_RESTART_OF_BACKGROUNDTASK | R | Unterbinde nochmaliges Ausführen der LUW trotz Systemfehler |
65 | NUMBER_MOVE_RESTE | R | Get Buffer for NRIV_SHADOW |
66 | NUMBER_RANGE_INFO_GET_ALE | R | Feststellen Nummernkreisstände in entferntem System |
67 | NWA_SETUP_CENTRAL_SYSTEM | R | Initialisierungen im ABAP Stack des zentralen NetWeaver Admin |
68 | NWA_SETUP_MANAGED_SYSTEM | R | Initialisierungen im ABAP Stack des zentralen NetWeaver Admin |
69 | NWBC_READ_FULL_SAP_MENU | R | Read full SAP Menu and store it on Cluster Table |
70 | NWES_ECATT_CREATE_CONNECTOR | R | Creation of connectors for eCATT tests |
71 | NW_BT_MLST_NUM_PERIOD | R | Function module returning number of open milestones based on weeks |
72 | NW_GR_BAR_CHART_SET_TERMKRS | R | set the set of dates from the bar chart |
73 | O2_GENERATE_INDEX_FOR_CROSS | R | Generieren einer Seite für Verwendungsnachweis + Indexaufbau |
74 | O4KT_F_CREATE_POSTINGS | R | Erzeugt Buchungszeilen zu einen Buchungsstring |
75 | OAF_RUN_AGENT_REALTIME | R | Agent sofort ausführen (tRFC) |
76 | OBID_CREATE_MATRIX_ASYNCHRON | R | Create solution matrix synchron |
77 | OBJECTTYPES_GET | R | Load all classifiable objects |
78 | OBJECT_EXISTS | R | Prüfen, ob ein gesuchtes Berechtigungsobjekt vorhanden ist |
79 | OBJECT_GET_DISTRIBUT_CLASSTYPE | R | Read distribution class type for object |
80 | OBJECT_MAINTENANCE_CALL | R | Extended help; for tables(F4) or find obj.,sub-obj.(F1) or transaction |
81 | OBJECT_NUMBER_GET_T1 | R | Objektnummer für Darlehen ermitteln |
82 | OBND_CONNECTOR_REMOTE_CONTROL | R | nur interner Gebrauch: Connector Steuerung |
83 | OBND_CRM_SVY_CACHE_CONTROL | R | nur interner Gebrauch: Connector Steuerung |
84 | OBND_CRM_SVY_FO2PRESENTATION | R | nur interner Gebrauch: XSLT Transformation |
85 | OBND_CRM_SVY_GET_PREVIEW | R | Präsentationsformat zu gegebenem Survey XML erstellen |
86 | OBND_CRM_SVY_INTERN_VALUES_GET | R | Ermitteln der Public Values aus dem Laufzeitformat |
87 | OBND_CRM_SVY_PRESENTATION_GET | R | Beschaffen des Survey HTML |
88 | OBND_CRM_SVY_PUBLIC_VALUES_GET | R | Ermitteln der Public Values aus dem Laufzeitformat |
89 | OBND_CRM_SVY_RATING_GET | R | Rating berechnen |
90 | OBND_CRM_SVY_SURVEY_UPGRADE | R | Ermitteln der Public Values aus dem Laufzeitformat |
91 | OBND_CRM_SVY_TEMPLATE_GET | R | Surveytemplate eines Surveys ermitteln |
92 | OBND_CRM_SVY_VALIDATION | R | Schemavalidierung durchführen |
93 | OBND_CRM_SVY_VAL_TEMPLATE_GET | R | Initial-Werte eines Survey ermitteln |
94 | OBND_CRM_SVY_XSLT_TRANSFORM | R | nur interner Gebrauch: XSLT Transformation |
95 | OCS_API_APPLY_SYSINFO_XML | R | Lädt und interpretiert das System-Info XML und aktualisiert Produktinfos |
96 | OCS_API_CALCULATE_QUEUE | R | Berechnung einer OCS-Queue anhand eines Ziel-Vektors |
97 | OCS_API_CHECK_INACTIVE_OBJECTS | R | Prüfe, ob inaktive Objekte für eine Queue vorhanden sind |
98 | OCS_API_CHECK_TRANSPORT_SYSTEM | R | Prüfe Status des Transportsystems |
99 | OCS_API_CONFIRM_QUEUE | R | Bestätigung des erfolgreichen Imports einer OCS-Queue |
100 | OCS_API_DEFINE_QUEUE | R | Festlegen einer gegebenen OCS-Queue (mit Import-Szenario) |
101 | OCS_API_DELETE_QUEUE | R | Löschen einer OCS-Queue |
102 | OCS_API_DISABLE_WS | R | Aktiviert die Default Laufzeitkonfiguration der OCS WebServices |
103 | OCS_API_ENABLE_WS | R | Deaktiviert die Default Laufzeitkonfiguration der OCS WebServices |
104 | OCS_API_GET_API_VERSION | R | Gibt die aktuelle Version des OCS API zurück |
105 | OCS_API_GET_DIR_PARAMS | R | Liest notwendige Directories aus den Systemparametern |
106 | OCS_API_GET_LOG_NAMES | R | Liest die Logfiles für die Einspielqueue |
107 | OCS_API_GET_QUEUE_STATUS | R | Ermitteln des aktuellen Status der OCS-Queue |
108 | OCS_API_GET_SLANALYTICS_HDR | R | Lese Kopfdaten für SPAM/SAINT SL Analytics Daten |
109 | OCS_API_GET_SLANALYTICS_XML | R | Lese SPAM/SAINT Analytics XML für eine gegebene SL Analytics ID |
110 | OCS_API_GET_SPAM_VERSION | R | Bestimmung der aktuellen Version der OCS-Tools SPAM/SAINT |
111 | OCS_API_GET_STACK_INFO | R | Lädt und interpretiert das Stack XML |
112 | OCS_API_GET_STATISTICS | R | Liest das XML Dokument für die Statistic |
113 | OCS_API_GET_SYSTEM_VERSIONS | R | Bestimme Versionen des Kernel, JVM, IGS |
114 | OCS_API_GET_UPG_INFO | R | Liefert Informationen zum Upgrade/Update von SW Komponente |
115 | OCS_API_IS_BUFFER_EMPTY | R | Überprüfen ob der Buffer leer ist |
116 | OCS_API_LOAD_EPS_FILES | R | Laden von EPS Files vom Applikationsserver (EPS/in) |
117 | OCS_API_LOAD_SETTINGS | R | Liest die Settings von der PAT05 |
118 | OCS_API_LOAD_UPDATE_FROM_CSS | R | Load the latest (internal) SPAM/SAINT Update from CSS |
119 | OCS_API_PREPARE_SPAM_UPDATE | R | Vorbereiten des Imports des aktuellen SPAM/SAINT-Updates |
120 | OCS_API_RECOMMENDED_NOTES | R | Empfohlene Hinweise für die einzuspielende Queue |
121 | OCS_API_SCHEDULE_IMPORT_JOB | R | Import einer definierten OCS-Queue einplanen |
122 | OCS_API_SET_SETTINGS | R | Fügt Settings in die PAT05 ein |
123 | OCS_API_SKIP_PHASE | R | Überspringen der aktuellen Import-Phase |
124 | OCS_API_TP_PREPARE_TRANSPORTS | R | Liste von Transporten überarbeiten |
125 | OCS_BROWSE_POSSIBLE_PATCHES | R | search released transport orders |
126 | OCS_CHECK_SAPRL_CONSISTENCY | R | Prüft, ob SVERS und sy-saprl konsistent sind |
128 | OCS_GET_COMPONENT_PATCH_INFO | R | Liefert Infos zu Komponenten und Support Packages |
129 | OCS_GET_EXPORT_LANGUAGE | R | Get Export Language |
130 | OCS_GET_FILE_INFO | R | Reads attributes as size, date and time of a file or directory |
131 | OCS_GET_INFO | R | Ermittelt Informationen über das System (Patches, Add-On's ...) |
132 | OCS_GET_INSTALLED_COMPS | R | Ermittelt die installierten Softwarekomponenten |
133 | OCS_GET_INSTALLED_SWPRODUCTS | R | Liefert Informationen über installierte Software Produkte und Features |
134 | OCS_GET_SDC_ATTRIBUTES | R | Get Attributes from Software Delivery Composer |
135 | OCS_GET_SFW_COMPONENTS | R | Ermittelt alle Komponente, die vom Switch FW verwaltet werden |
136 | OCS_GET_STAT_INFO | R | |
137 | OCS_GET_SYSTEM_INFO | R | Ermittelt Informationen über das System (Patches, Add-On's ...) |
138 | OCS_GET_TRANSPORT_INFO_40 | R | Get E07* tables for patch |
139 | OCS_MODIFY_ADD_ON_TABLE | R | Modifizieren des Add-On Update-Verzeichnisses |
140 | OCS_MTAPI_EXECUTE_TP_MAINTAIN | R | MT: tenantspezifische Importschritte durchführen |
141 | OCS_MTAPI_GET_STATUS | R | Ermitteln des aktuellen Status der OCS-Queue |
142 | OCS_SETNAME_COFI | R | Setze Name fuer Cofile-Datei des Transportwesens |
143 | OCS_SETNAME_DATA | R | Setze Name fuer Daten-Datei des Transportwesen |
144 | OCS_SET_INSTALLED_SWPRODUCTS | R | Registriert Informationen über installierte Software Produkte und Features |
145 | OCS_UPG_SET_ADDON_STATUS | R | Set the status of add-ons treated by the upgrade |
146 | ODQ_TASK_EXECUTE | R | Operational DeltaQueue: Funktionen per RFC ausführen |
147 | OI0_IF_FM1_OUTBOUND_DEL_CHANGE | R | Change outbound delivery |
148 | OIB_QCI_CONVERSION_SIMPLE_RFC | R | Function module to convert a quantity between two units of measure |
149 | OIB_QCI_RFC_SERVER | R | RFC server interface |
150 | OICQ1_INIT_DB | R | F&A - Rep Formula Header - Initialize DB |
151 | OICQ2_INIT_DB | R | F&A - Rep Formula Item - Initialize DB |
152 | OICQ3_INIT_DB | R | F&A - Rep Formula Term Item - Initialize DB |
153 | OICQ4_INIT_DB | R | F&A - Cond Formula Header - Initialize DB |
154 | OICQ5_INIT_DB | R | F&A - Cond Formula Item - Initialize DB |
155 | OICQ6_INIT_DB | R | F&A - Cond Formula Term Item - Initialize DB |
156 | OICQ7_INIT_OB | R | F&A - Formula Header - Initialize Object Buffer |
157 | OICQ7_READ_OB | R | F&A - Formula Header - Read Object Buffer |
158 | OICQ8_INIT_OB | R | F&A - Formula Term - Initialize Object Buffer |
159 | OICQ8_READ_OB | R | F&A - Formula Term - Read Object Buffer |
160 | OICQ9_INIT_OB | R | F&A - Formula Term Item - Initialize Object Buffer |
161 | OICQ9_READ_OB | R | F&A - Formula Term Item - Read Object Buffer |
162 | OICQ_TEST_ALL | R | Tests the function modules |
163 | OIC_PATTERN_ALL_UPDATE_DU | R | F&A Migr. - Save Results from Pattern Analysis |
164 | OIGI_CHANGE_SHIPMENT_RFC | R | TD RFC-Interface - Change TD Shipment |
165 | OIGI_CREATE_SHIPMENT_RFC | R | TD RFC-Interface - Create TD Shipment |
166 | OIGI_DELETE_SHIPMENT_RFC | R | TD RFC-Interface - Delete TD Shipment |
167 | OIGI_DEL_CONF_CREATE | R | TD Create delivery confirmation data for bulk shipment |
168 | OIGI_LOADING_CREATE | R | TD Create loading data for bulk shipment |
169 | OIGI_WEB_DEL_CONF_CREATE | R | Imports minimized structure for Del. Conf. and calls DEL_CONF_CREATE |
170 | OIGI_WEB_READ_SHIPMENT | R | Read Data for SHNUMBER in minimized structure for Del. Conf. |
171 | OIG_DELIVERY_CONFIRMATION_RFC | R | Do TD rapid delivery confirmation using an RFC |
172 | OIH_OIH01_TO_A419 | R | Fill Table A419 Using Batch Input (Call Transaction or BI Session) |
173 | OII_CUSTOMER_MATERIALS_GET | R | Retrieve customer materials for replenishment |
174 | OII_CUSTOMER_SOC_GET_INDICES | R | Retrieve the storage object characteristic (SOC) segment indices per cust. |
175 | OII_CUSTOMER_SOC_INDEX_DETAIL | R | Retrieve storage object characteristic (SOC) segment detail |
176 | OII_CUSTOMER_STOCKS_GET | R | Retrieve customer stocks - WRPT |
177 | OII_CUSTOMER_STOCKS_UPDATE | R | Update customer stocks - WRPT |
178 | OII_LOCATION_SOC_INDEX_DETAIL | R | Retrieve storage object characteristic (SOC) segment detail |
179 | OII_RFC_GET_VOL_FOR_LIN | R | RFC for returning quantity for dip by storage object bulk segment |
180 | OIJC_AGGR_TANK_CONSTRAINTS | R | Aggregate Tank constraints into Location constraints |
181 | OIJD_GET_OIJX | R | OIL-TSW: Read entries of OIJX |
182 | OIJP_BUFFER_OIJLOCMAT_PLAN_USD | R | IS-OIL TSW : Read DB-Table OIJLOCMAT for all LOC. as Demand in Plan. Sequ. |
184 | OIJP_BUFFER_OIJTSMAT_PLAN_USD | R | IS-OIL TSW : Read DB-Table OIJTSMAT for all TS. as Demand in Plan. Sequ. |
185 | OIJP_BUILD_SUPPL_CHAIN | R | IS-OIL TSW Sort Table to build up TSW Supply Chain for Planning Functions |
186 | OIJP_FIND_CIRCLE_SIMPLE | R | IS-OIL TSW : Checks,if a Loc. has TS as Source and TS has this Loc. as Src |
187 | OIJP_INIT_SUPPL_CHAIN_TABLE | R | IS-OIL TSW : Build initial Supply Chain Table from OIJLOCMAT/OIJTSMAT |
188 | OIJP_UPDATE_OIJPLSEQ | R | IS-OIL TSW : Planning Sequence Table Update |
189 | OIJP_UPDATE_OIJX_PLANNING_FLAG | R | IS-Oil TSW: update Table OIJX planning flag |
190 | OIJU_CHECK_LOCATION_RD | R | OIL-TSW: Check if a location is a rundownable object with 1 plant attached |
191 | OIJU_RD_GET_BOOK | R | OIL-TSW: Get SAP Book inventory for rundown object |
192 | OIJU_RD_GET_OIJRDNOM | R | OIL-TSW: Read view content V_OIJRDNOM |
193 | OIJU_RD_GET_PHY_INV | R | To get the physical inventory from OIJPHYINV |
194 | OIJU_RD_INVENTORY_CALC_FUTURE | R | OIL-TSW: Calculate future planned/base inventory figures in rundown |
195 | OIJU_RD_MODIFY_PHY_INV | R | To insert / update physical inventory in OIJPHYINV |
196 | OIJU_RD_OUTPUT | R | Gives the (projected) inventory for a time period |
197 | OIJU_RD_PHYINV_UPDATE | R | To Update the physical inventory in the Phy Inv/ RD tables |
198 | OIJU_READ_BATCH_RUNDOWN_TABLE | R | Read rundown table for selected date window |
199 | OIJU_READ_RDHEAD | R | OIL-TSW: Read Rundown header |
200 | OIJU_READ_RDHEAD_ARRAY | R | OIL-TSW: Read Rundown header |
201 | OIJU_READ_RUNDOWN_TABLE | R | OIL-TSW: Read rundown table for selected date window |
202 | OIJU_SAVE_EST_RACK_FC | R | To Update rack forecast estimates |
203 | OIJU_UPDATE_OIJRDHEAD | R | OIL-TSW: Modify rundown header on database |
204 | OIJ_BPB_GUI_DATA_GET | R | gets data for Berth Planning Board Table |
205 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_BATCH_TRANSFER_D | R | Material Transfer from tank storage export storage loc. |
206 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_BATCH_TRANSFER_O | R | Material Transfer from tank storage export storage loc. |
207 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CONFIRM_DELIVERY | R | Confirm delivery for a shipment |
208 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CONFIRM_DELIVRY_N | R | Confirm delivery for a shipment |
209 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_BILLING_DOC | R | Create billing document |
210 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_DELIVERY | R | Create outbound delivery (OLD) |
211 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_DELIVERY_N | R | Create outbound delivery |
212 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_DELIVERY_N1 | R | Create outbound delivery for BOM Tests |
213 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_GI | R | Post goods issue for delivery |
214 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_GI_TEST | R | Post goods issue for delivery |
215 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_GOODS_MVMT | R | Create Goods receipt |
216 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_GR | R | Create Goods receipt |
217 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_GR_N | R | Create Goods receipt |
218 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_INB_DELIVRY | R | Create inbound delivery |
219 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_MM_CALLOFF | R | create calloff from a MM-contract |
220 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_PO | R | Create purchase/stock transfer order |
221 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_PO_PR | R | Create purchase/stock transfer order from purchase requisition |
222 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_RESERVATION | R | Create a reservation |
223 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_SD_CALLOFF | R | Create calloff from SD-contract |
224 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_STO_DELIV | R | Create delivery for a stock transfer order |
225 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREAT_GOODS_MVMT_N | R | Create Goods receipt |
226 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREAT_MM_CALLOFF_N | R | create calloff from a MM-contract |
227 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CRE_CHA_SHIPMENT | R | Create or change shipment |
228 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DEL_DELIVERY | R | Delete outbound delivery |
229 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DEL_DELIVERY_ITM | R | Delete item from outbound delivery |
230 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DEL_DELIV_SHIPM | R | Delete delivery note from shipment |
231 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DEL_MM_CALLOFF_ITM | R | Set delete indicator in MM calloff item |
232 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DEL_RESER_SHIPM | R | Delete reservation from shipment |
233 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DEL_SD_CALLOFF_ITM | R | Delete item from SD calloff |
234 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DEL_SHNOT_SHIPM | R | Delete shipping notification from shipment |
235 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DEL_STO_ITM | R | Delete purchase/stock transfer order item |
236 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DOCFLOW_MM_CALLOF | R | Write the MM-Calloff to the DocFlow |
237 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DOCFLOW_STO_DELIV | R | Write the STO delivery to the DocFlow |
238 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_LEFT_ON_VEHICLE | R | Left on vehicle quantity for a shipment |
239 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_LOAD_CONFIRM | R | Create load confirmation for a shipment |
240 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_LOAD_CONFIRM_N | R | Create load confirmation for a shipment |
241 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_MATERIAL_TRANSFER | R | Material Transfer from tank storage export storage loc. |
242 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_MT_LOC_TANK | R | Material Transfer from export storage loc to tank storage loc |
243 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_MT_TANK_LOC | R | Material Transfer from tank storage export storage loc. |
244 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_PRIOR_TO_LOAD | R | Create load confirmation for a shipment |
245 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_BATCH_TRNF | R | Reverse Batch transfer |
246 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_BATCH_TR_O | R | Material Transfer from tank storage export storage loc. |
247 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_BILL_DOC | R | Reverse billing document |
248 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_DELIVERY | R | Reverse delivery |
249 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_DELIVERY_N | R | Reverse outbound delivery |
250 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_DELI_CONF | R | Reverse delivery confirmation |
251 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_GI | R | Reverse goods issue |
252 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_GR | R | Reverse goods receipt |
253 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_INB_DELIV | R | Reverse inbound delivery |
254 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_LOAD_CONF | R | Reverse load confirmation |
255 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_MAT_TRANSF | R | Reverse material transfer |
256 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_MM_CALLOFF | R | Reverse MM Calloff |
257 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_SD_CALLOFF | R | Reverse SD Calloff |
258 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_STO | R | Reverse Stock Transfer Order (STO) |
259 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_STO_DELIV | R | Reverse delivery for stock transfer order |
260 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERS_DELI_CONF_N | R | Reverse delivery confirmation |
261 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERS_LOAD_CONF_N | R | Reverse load confirmation |
262 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERS_MM_CALLOF_N | R | Reverse MM Calloff |
263 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_UPDATE_NOMINATION | R | Update nomination after document generation |
264 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_UPDAT_NOMINATION_N | R | Update nomination after document generation |
265 | OIJ_EL_PD_PRODDATA_MAINTAIN | R | updates production data added, deleted or changed |
266 | OIJ_EL_PD_READ_PROD_DATA | R | reads production data from db table oij_el_prod_data |
267 | OIJ_EL_RFC_UPDATE_NOM_EVENTS | R | Update Nomination Events |
268 | OIJ_EL_UPDATE_NOM_EVENTS | R | RFC..Update Nomination Events |
269 | OIJ_IF_CIF_LOGSYS_GET | R | APO-TSW: Get name of logical system in OLTP system |
270 | OIJ_IF_CIF_TSWV_SEND | R | CIF Send Data for Purchase Orders |
271 | OIJ_IMPORT_TIME_CONSTRAINTS | R | Upload time constraints from external system |
272 | OIJ_RFC_BPBMD_DATA_GET | R | gets data for Berth Planning Board Table |
273 | OIK_BSP_CREATE_REPLENMENT_ORDE | R | Create replenishment orders (Standard order OR & Outbound Delivery) |
274 | OIK_BSP_GET_SALES_ORDERS | R | Get status information of sales orders by customer |
275 | OIK_BSP_GET_UOM | R | Get UOM (only Volume UOM´s) |
276 | OIK_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT | R | IS-Oil/TAS: Receipts / Material movements |
277 | OIK_CREATE_INVENTORY_COUNT | R | IS-Oil/TAS: Inventory counting |
278 | OIK_CUSTOMER_FUNCTION_EXAMPLE | R | IS-Oil/TAS: Example function to call customer functions |
279 | OIK_DELIVERY_CONFIRMATION | R | IS-Oil/TAS: Delivery confirmation |
280 | OIK_DELIVERY_CONFIRMATION_AUTO | R | IS-Oil/TAS: Delivery confirmation - auto |
281 | OIK_IDOC_TO_FUNCTION_PASS | R | TAS: RFC - Call IDoc processing (OILLDD) |
282 | OIK_LID_REFERENCE_GET | R | TAS - get information from reference table |
283 | OIK_SD_CALLOFF_CREATE | R | IS-Oil TAS: Create SD Call-off |
284 | OIK_SD_CALLOFF_DELIVERY_CREATE | R | IS-Oil TAS: Create SD Call-off |
285 | OIK_SD_CALLOFF_READ_EXAMPLE | R | IS-Oil TAS: Create SD Call-off |
286 | OIK_SD_DELIVERY_CREATE | R | Create SD delivery note |
287 | OIK_SD_DELIVERY_CREATE_N | R | Create SD delivery note |
288 | OIK_TD_SHIPMENT_LOAD_CREATE | R | IS-Oil/TAS: Example function to call customer functions |
289 | OIK_TD_SHIPMENT_LOAD_PREPARE | R | IS-Oil/TAS: Prepare loading data for TD shipment |
290 | OIRA_PRN_DOC_PROCESSING | R | Location based |
291 | OIRC_MM_DOC_PROCESSING | R | Material document creation |
292 | OIRE_PROCESS_RECON | R | SSR PC Reconciliation Logic for Matching Data |
293 | OIRE_UPLOAD | R | Function module for all parts of the upload process |
294 | OIRI_DEALER_INVOICE_PROCESSING | R | Service Station partner invoicing |
295 | OIUCA_SET_PARAMID_MP | R | Set MP/WC toggle. |
296 | OIUCA_SET_PARAMID_WC | R | Set MP/WC toggle. |
297 | OIUCM_LOAD_CUSTOMER | R | Load Function - Customers |
298 | OIUCM_LOAD_CUSTOMER_CALL_TXN | R | Load Function - Customers |
299 | OIUCM_LOAD_CUSTOMER_CALL_TXN1 | R | Load Function - Customers |
300 | OIUCM_LOAD_VENDOR | R | Load Function - Customers |
301 | OIUCM_LOAD_VENDOR_CALL_TXN | R | Load Function - Customers |
302 | OIUCM_LOAD_VENDOR_CALL_TXN1 | R | Load Function - Customers |
303 | OIUOW_ORF_RELOAD_DOI | R | OIUOW_ORF Update DOI and check in to database |
304 | OIUPR_DRILL_SKF | R | Production Well Count/Producing Days SKF |
305 | OIUPR_WCVOL_SKF | R | Production Well Completion Volumes SKF |
306 | OIUPR_WLCNT_SKF | R | Production Well Count/Producing Days SKF |
307 | OIUQ6_INIT_DB | R | F&A - Cond Formula Term Item - Initialize DB |
308 | OIUQ9_INIT_DB | R | F&A - Formula Term Item - Initialize DB |
309 | OIUQ9_INIT_OB | R | F&A - Formula Term Item - Initialize Object Buffer |
310 | OIUQ9_PUT_DB | R | F&A - Formula Term Item - Write to DB |
311 | OIUQ9_READ_DB | R | F&A - Formula Term Item - Read DB |
312 | OIUQ9_READ_OB | R | F&A - Formula Term Item - Read Object Buffer |
316 | OIUREP_MMS_2014_LOAD_PRLEASE | R | MMS-2014 - Load OIUREP_LEASE for Ventures |
317 | OIUREP_MMS_2014_LOAD_PRLEASE_O | R | MMS-2014 - Load OIUREP_LEASE for Ventures with Multiple Owners |
320 | OIUREP_MMS_2014_LOAD_PRSALESTY | R | MMS-2014 - Load OIUREP_SALESTYPE for Ventures |
321 | OIUREP_MMS_2014_LOAD_WCLEASE | R | MMS-2014 - Load OIUREP_LEASE for Well Completions |
322 | OIUREP_MMS_2014_LOAD_WCLEASE_O | R | MMS-2014 - Load OIUREP_LEASE for Well Completions w/ Multiple Owners |
325 | OIUREP_MMS_2014_LOAD_WCSALESTY | R | MMS-2014 - Load OIUREP_SALESTYPE for Well Completions |
326 | OIURV01_DIA_MAINLINE_PROC | R | Intermediate mainline process for Valuation Document Concept |
327 | OIURV01_DIA_NO_RFC_MAIN_PROC | R | Intermediate mainline process for Valuation Document Concept |
328 | OIURV01_DIA_NO_RFC_SETT_PROC | R | Intermediate mainline process for Valuation Document Concept |
329 | OIURV01_DIA_SETT_PROC | R | Intermediate mainline process for Valuation Document Concept |
330 | OIURV01_MAINLINE_PROC | R | Control RV Mainline process |
331 | OIURV01_SETT_PROC | R | Settlement Statement Controller |
332 | OIURV_DIA_MAIN_DRIVER | R | Dialog driver for mainline automated processing |
333 | OIUT1_CHECKIN_VENTURE | R | Check in venture after load |
334 | OIUT1_CREATE_TRACT | R | Load Function for Property Tract |
335 | OIUT1_CREATE_VENTURE | R | Load Function for Joint Ventures |
338 | OIUT2_CALL_COMMIT | R | Commit function |
339 | OIUT2_CALL_ROLLBACK | R | Rollback function |
340 | OIUT2_CONTROLLER | R | Inbound Controller |
341 | OIUT2_DELETE_LOG | R | Delete Interface Logs based on a table of CID's |
342 | OIUT2_GET_CODE_TABLE | R | Get Values (and structure) of a codetable |
343 | OIUT2_LOAD_CUSTOMER | R | Load Function - Customers |
344 | OIUT2_LOAD_CUSTOMER_BDC | R | Load Function - Customers |
345 | OIUT2_LOAD_TRACT | R | Load Function for Property Tract |
346 | OIUT2_LOAD_VENDOR | R | Load Function - Customers |
347 | OIUT2_LOAD_VENDOR_BDC | R | Load Function - Customers |
348 | OIUT2_LOAD_VENTURE | R | Load Function for Joint Ventures |
349 | OIUT2_LOG_BUSINESS_CONN_MSG | R | RFC to enable Business Connector to register messages in SAP |
350 | OIUT2_LOG_BUSINESS_CONN_MSGTAB | R | RFC to enable Business Connector to register messages in SAP |
351 | OIUT2_LOG_MESSAGES | R | Log Messages only |
352 | OIUT2_OB_CALL_TO_PARTNER | R | Outbound Controller |
353 | OIUT2_RFC_TEST | R | Business Connector -> SAP Technical Tests |
356 | OIUT2_STORE_DOI_CLUSTER | R | store cluster |
357 | OIUT2_STORE_ERR_CLUSTER | R | store doi_cluster |
359 | OIUT2_STORE_FND_CLUSTER | R | store doi_cluster |
360 | OIUT2_STORE_HEADER | R | store doi_cluster |
362 | OIUT2_STORE_TRACE | R | store doi_cluster |
363 | OIUT2_STORE_UTP_CLUSTER | R | store doi_cluster |
365 | OIUT2_STORE_XML_CLUSTER | R | store doi_cluster |
366 | OIUT3_DELETE_LOG | R | Delete Interface Logs based on a table of CID's |
367 | OIUT3_IMPLICIT_RFC_COMMIT | R | implicit commit without triggering update tasks |
368 | OIUX3_MIG_TX_VL_DOC_PP | R | Tax Reporting - Migration - Texas - VL Doc Load PP |
369 | OIUX3_TX_BATXID_PROCESS_PPN | R | Tax Reporting - Process Texas BA Tax ID PPN |
370 | OIUX3_TX_JOURNALIZE_PP | R | Tax Reporting - Texas Journalize PP |
371 | OIUX3_TX_MASTER_PROCESS_PPN | R | Tax Reporting - Process Texas Master PPN |
372 | OIUX4_TPSL_SUMMARIZE | R | GL-TPSL data summarization |
373 | OIUX5_MIG_OK_VL_DOC_PP | R | Tax 2.0 - Migration - Oklahoma - VL Doc Load PP |
374 | OIUX5_OK_JOURNALIZE_PP | R | Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Journalize PP |
375 | OIUX5_OK_MASTER_PROCESS_PPN | R | Tax 2.0 - Process Oklahoma Master PPN |
376 | OIUX6_MIG_WY_VL_DOC_PP | R | Tax 2.0 - Migration - Wyoming - VL Doc Load PP |
377 | OIUX6_WYC_VALIDATE_PP | R | Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservatiion Validate PP |
378 | OIUX6_WYS_VALIDATE_PP | R | Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Validate PP |
379 | OIUX6_WY_MASTER_PROCESS_PPN | R | Tax 2.0 - Process Wyoming Master PPN |
380 | OIUX7_WYGP_EXTRACT_PP | R | Tax 2.0 - WYGP Extract PP |
381 | OIUX7_WYGP_POPULATE_PP | R | Tax 2.0 - WYGP Populate PP |
382 | OIUX7_WYGP_PREVALIDATE_PP | R | Tax 2.0 - WYGP Prevalidate PP |
383 | OIUX7_WYGP_PROCESS_PP | R | Tax 2.0 - WYGP Process PP |
384 | OIUX7_WYGP_VALIDATE_PP | R | Tax 2.0 - WYGP Validate PP |
385 | OIUX8_MIG_NM_VL_DOC_PP | R | Tax 2.0 - Migration - New Mexico - VL Doc Load PP |
386 | OIUX8_NM_MASTER_PROCESS_PPN | R | Tax 2.0 - Process New Meixco Master PPN |
387 | OIUX8_NM_VALIDATE_PP | R | Tax 2.0 - New Mexico Validate PP |
388 | OIUXC_JE_POST | R | Rpt 2.0 - Common JE Post Routine (Remote Enabled) |
391 | OIUXI_BAC_CHECKIN | R | Check-in Customer BA |
392 | OIUXI_BAC_MULTI_COMP_CODES | R | Create Mulitple Company Codes for Customer BA |
393 | OIUXI_BAC_QUERY | R | Customer BA Query |
394 | OIUXI_BAV_CHECKIN | R | Check-in Vendor BA |
395 | OIUXI_BAV_MULTI_COMP_CODES | R | Create Mulitple Company Codes for Vendor BA |
396 | OIUXI_BAV_QUERY | R | Vendor BA query |
397 | OIUXI_DOI_CHECKIN | R | XI interface for Check In Division of Interest |
398 | OIUXI_DOI_QUERY | R | Export data for Division of Interest |
399 | OIUXI_FDN_QUERY | R | Get status of Funds Deletion notification |
400 | OIUXI_FND_CHECKIN | R | Check In FND object |
401 | OIUXI_LOAD_CUSTOMER_BDC | R | Load Function - Customers |
402 | OIUXI_LOAD_TRACT | R | Load Function for Property Tract |
403 | OIUXI_LOAD_VENDOR_BDC | R | Load Function - Customers |
404 | OIUXI_LOAD_VENTURE | R | Load Function for Joint Ventures |
405 | OIUXI_LOG_MESSAGES | R | Log Messages only |
406 | OIUXI_OB_CALL_TO_PARTNER | R | Outbound Controller |
407 | OIUXI_UTP_CHECKIN | R | Check-in Unit Tract Participation records |
408 | OIUXI_UTP_QUERY | R | UTP Query |
409 | OIUXI_VEN_CHECKIN | R | Check-in Venture |
410 | OIUXI_VEN_QUERY | R | Venture Query |
411 | OIUY3_MIG_TX_JE_HISTORY | R | Roy 2.0 - TX GLO/A&M - Migration JE History |
412 | OIUY3_MIG_TX_VL_DOC_PP | R | Royalty 2.0 - Migration - Texas GLO/A&M - VL Doc Load PP |
413 | OIUY3_TX_MASTER_PROCESS_PPN | R | Royalty 2.0 - Process Texas GLO/TAMU Master PPN |
414 | OIUY3_TX_RRC_PROCESS_PPN | R | Royalty 2.0 - Process Texas GLO/TAMU RRC Master PPN |
415 | OIUY3_TX_VALIDATE_PP | R | Royalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU Validate PP |
416 | OIUY6_MIG_WY_JE_HISTORY | R | Roy 2.0 - WY - Migration JE History |
417 | OIUY6_MIG_WY_VL_DOC_PP | R | Royalty 2.0 - Migration - Wyoming - VL Doc Load PP |
418 | OIUY6_WY_MASTER_PROCESS_PPN | R | Royalty 2.0 - Process Wyoming Master PPN |
419 | OIUY6_WY_VALIDATE_PP | R | Royalty 2.0 - Wyoming Validate PP |
420 | OIU_BAPI_DOI_CHANGE | R | BAPI Base DOI - Change |
421 | OIU_BAPI_DOI_CREATE | R | BAPI Base DOI - Create |
422 | OIU_BAPI_DOI_DELETE | R | BAPI Base DOI - Delete |
423 | OIU_BAPI_DOI_GETDETAIL | R | BAPI Base DOI - Get Detail |
424 | OIU_BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT | R | Call BAPI Transaction Commit with DEQUEUE_ALL also |
425 | OIU_BAPI_VENTURE_CHANGE | R | Change Joint Venture |
426 | OIU_BAPI_VENTURE_CREATE | R | Create Joint Venture |
427 | OIU_BAPI_VENTURE_GETDETAIL | R | Gets Joint Venture Detail |
428 | OIU_REBUILD_SET_HIERARCHY | R | Rebuild E&P hierarchy |
429 | OIU_REBUILD_SET_RELATIONSHIPS | R | Function to rebuild all set relationships in OIU_CM_HIER_EXP |
430 | OIU_T1_ADD_DOI | R | OIU_T1 Add DOI |
431 | OIW_GET_CATALOG_TREE | R | OIW-Informationskatalog für OIW-Browser lesen |
432 | OIW_GET_DATA | R | Read OIW Data for Excel |
433 | OLAP_API_BROWSE_CATALOGS | R | browse available catalogs (Infocubes) |
434 | OLAP_API_BROWSE_CUBES | R | browse available cubes with given restrictions |
435 | OLAP_API_BROWSE_DIMENSIONS | R | browse dimensions for a given restrictions |
436 | OLAP_API_BROWSE_HIERARCHIES | R | browse hierarchies for given restrictions |
437 | OLAP_API_BROWSE_LEVELS | R | browse levels for given restrictions |
438 | OLAP_API_BROWSE_MEASURES | R | browse measures for given restrictions |
439 | OLAP_API_BROWSE_MEMBERS | R | browse members for given restrictions |
440 | OLAP_API_BROWSE_PROPERTIES | R | browse member and cell properties for given restrictions |
441 | OLAP_API_BROWSE_VARIABLES | R | Liste der Parameter zu einem Parametrisierten Cube abfragen |
442 | OLAP_API_CREATE_COMMAND | R | returns a handle on a new command object |
443 | OLAP_API_DELETE_COMMAND | R | destroys runtime objects associated with a hcommand |
444 | OLAP_API_EXECUTE_COMMAND | R | process the mdx statement associated currently with a hcommand |
445 | OLAP_API_FS_GET_DATA | R | Flattening support |
446 | OLAP_API_GET_AXIS_DATA | R | get data describing the members sets of the dataset associated with a hand |
447 | OLAP_API_GET_AXIS_INFO | R | get information about axes in the dataset associated with a hcommand |
448 | OLAP_API_GET_BAPIRETURN | R | Get textual information on errors |
449 | OLAP_API_GET_CELL_DATA | R | get data for cells of the dataset associated with a hcommand |
450 | OLAP_API_GET_DATASOURCEINFO | R | get information about specifics of the current implementation |
451 | OLAP_API_GET_ERROR_MESSAGES | R | Get textual information on errors |
452 | OLAP_API_GET_NAMETAB | R | get descripts of OLAP-API-interface-stucts, rfc-wrapper for nametab_get |
453 | OLAP_API_GET_SELECT | R | get tabledata by RFC |
454 | OLAP_API_RESOLVE_NAMES | R | Auflösen von ODBO-Objektnamen |
455 | OLAP_API_SET_COMMAND_TEXT | R | Set the command text for a hcommand |
456 | OLD_EXPENDITUREPROGTREE_CHVAL | R | Change Budget/Plan Values on the Positions of a Program Sub-Tree |
457 | OLE_CREATE_OBJECT | R | Funktionsschnittstelle für R/3 als Automation Server |
458 | OLE_FLUSH_CALL | R | Funktionsschnittstelle für R/3 als Automation Server |
459 | OLE_RELEASE_OBJECT | R | Funktionsschnittstelle für R/3 als Automation Server |
460 | OLR3_DMS_RFC_CHECK_CONSISTENCY | R | Spezielle Konsistenzprüfungen bzgl. DMS Dokumentenlinks |
461 | OLR3_DMS_RFC_CREATENEWVRS | R | Neue Version zum Dokumenteninfosatz des "Dokuments" anlegen |
462 | OLR3_DMS_RFC_CREATE_DOC | R | Dokumenteninfosatz als "Dokument" anlegen |
463 | OLR3_DMS_RFC_CREATE_FOLDER | R | Dokumenteninfosatz als "Order" anlegen |
464 | OLR3_DMS_RFC_CREATE_ORIG | R | Original im Dokumenteninfosatz anlegen |
465 | OLR3_DMS_RFC_GETCONTENT_DOC | R | Dateidaten des Originals zum 'Dokument' eines Dokumenteninfosatz |
466 | OLR3_DMS_RFC_GETDETAIL_DOC | R | Detailed Data for 'Document' of a Document Info Record |
467 | OLR3_DMS_RFC_GETDETAIL_FOLDER | R | Detaildaten zum "Ordner" eines Dokumenteninfosatz |
468 | OLR3_DMS_RFC_GET_CFX_CUST_LINK | R | cProjects: DMS Dok.typen mit Link DPR_OBJLNK und Default Dok.Typen |
469 | OLR3_DMS_RFC_GET_DOC_STRUCTURE | R | Detailed Data for 'Document' of a Document Info Record |
470 | OLR3_DMS_RFC_GET_DOC_TYPES | R | cProjects: DMS Dok.typen mit Link DPR_OBJLNK und Default Dok.Typen |
471 | OLR3_DMS_RFC_GET_LOGICALSYSTEM | R | Name des aktuell angemeldeten Systems (Mandant in SAP- System) besorgen |
472 | OLR3_DMS_RFC_GET_PARENT_BOMS | R | Übergeordnete DMS BOMs ermittlen |
473 | OLR3_DMS_RFC_LOAD_OBJECT_LINKS | R | RFC Laden über eigene Persistenzverwaltung der Proxy-Klasse |
474 | OLR3_DMS_RFC_OVERWRITE_ORIGNAL | R | Original im Dokumenteninfosatz überschreiben (aktualisieren) |
475 | OLR3_DMS_RFC_SAVE_OBJECT_LINKS | R | RFC Laden über eigene Persistenzverwaltung der Proxy-Klasse |
476 | OLR3_DMS_RFC_STATUS_CHANGE | R | Statusändernug für in eine Collaboration überführtes Dokument |
477 | OLR3_DMS_RFC_UPDATE_BOM_ITEM | R | DMS BOM Items anlegen und löschen |
478 | OLR3_DMS_RFC_USE_ASYNC_UPDMODE | R | Asynchrone Verbuchung bzgl. Objectverknüpfungen ausschalten |
479 | OLR3_RFC_CHECK_CONSISTENCY | R | Konsistenzprüfungen des verknüpften Objekt |
480 | OLR3_RFC_CHECK_EXISTENCE | R | Existenzprüfung des in cProjects verknüpften Objekts |
481 | OLR3_RFC_CN_LDST_ACTIVE_CHECK | R | Prüfung auf mehrsprachigen Kurztext |
482 | OLR3_RFC_GET_DATA | R | Datenbeschaffung im R/3 für ein Objekt oder mehrere Objekte |
483 | OLR3_RFC_GET_DATES | R | RFC FuBa für Termine für cProject ObjectLink Terminbalken |
484 | OLR3_RFC_SEARCH_OBJECTS | R | Suchhilfe eines verknüpften Objekts |
485 | OMS_CANCEL_JOBS | R | OMS Function for Deleting Jobs via RFC (Prototype) |
486 | OMS_FINISH_JOB | R | OMS Function for Completing a Print Request (Prototype) |
487 | OMS_QUERY_DEVICE | R | OMS Function for Querying Device Status and Queue via RFC (Prototype) |
488 | OMS_QUERY_JOBS | R | |
489 | OMS_SEND_DATA | R | OMS Function for Sending Print Request Data (Prototype) |
490 | OMS_START_JOB | R | OMS Function for Accepting a Print Request |
491 | OMS_STATUS | R | Starten/Statusabfrage eines ROMS |
492 | ONBAR_LIST_BACKUP_RESULTS | R | Onbar: List (Given) Information About Onbar Database Backups |
493 | ONE_MAT_MBEW_ML_COMPARISON | R | Vergleich der MBEW und ML-Sätze eines Materials |
494 | OPEN_FI_PERFORM_IBSSIPOD_E | R | BTE: Verbuchung Point of delivery |
495 | OPS_SE_PUR_TRIGGER_PO_SOA | R | Trigger PO SOA messages via qRFC |
496 | ORA_CREATE_SNAPSHOT | R | Create an oracle monitor snapshot of gv$ views |
497 | ORA_LOG_READ | R | ORA: get protocol list for a given time interval |
498 | ORA_PAR_QUERY_EXPLAIN_PLAN | R | Display the Explain Plan for a parallel query |
499 | ORA_READ_TRACEFILE_RE | R | Oracle: Read trace file (remote enabled) |
500 | ORA_REORG_SNAPSHOT | R | Reorganize all oracle monitor snapshot tables (gvd_*, ora_*) |