SAP ABAP Function Module - Index H, page 29
Function Module - H
# Function Module Mode Short Description
1 HR_DK_CREATE_F42_DETAILED Create Form 42, detailed version (HR-DK) 
2 HR_DK_CREATE_F43 Create Form 43 (HR-DK) 
3 HR_DK_CREATE_F43_CORRECTION Erzeugen FORM 43 Korrekturen 
4 HR_DK_CREATE_F43_DETAILED Create Form 42, detailed version (HR-DK) 
5 HR_DK_CREATE_FORM20A_000400 Ereugen der PBS Form 20A, Record 4, #00 
7 HR_DK_CREATE_FX1 Create Form X1 (HR-DK) 
8 HR_DK_CREATE_FX10 FORM X20: Interfacing der Nachrichten für PBS Entgeltnachweis 
9 HR_DK_CREATE_FX10_GENERAL FORM X20: Interfacing der Nachrichten für PBS Entgeltnachweis 
10 HR_DK_CREATE_FX2 Create Form X2 (HR-DK) 
11 HR_DK_CREATE_FX2A Create Form X2 (HR-DK) 
12 HR_DK_CREATE_FX3 Create Form X3 (HR-DK) 
13 HR_DK_CREATE_FX4 Create Form X4 (HR-DK) 
14 HR_DK_CREATE_FX5 Create Form X5 (HR-DK) 
15 HR_DK_CREATE_FX6 Create Form X6 (HR-DK) 
16 HR_DK_CREATE_FX7 Create Form X7 (HR-DK) 
17 HR_DK_CREATE_FX8 Create Form X8 (HR-DK) 
18 HR_DK_CREATE_FX_TRIGGER FORM X benutzt als Trigger (DK) 
19 HR_DK_CREATE_FX_TRIGGER_8980 Trigger payout of vacation supplement y-2 
20 HR_DK_CREATE_FX_TRIG_TR Vacation transfer related call 
21 HR_DK_CREATE_STANDARD_FORM Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002047 (HR-DK) 
22 HR_DK_CUMULATE_RT_CRT Fortschreiben der kumulierten Werte (aus Ergebnistabelle RT) 
23 HR_DK_DETECT_LEGAL_MOVE Überprüfen ob bei zwei Abrechnungsperioden Arbeitgeber unterschiedlich sin 
24 HR_DK_DETERMINE_PROP_RCLDT Bestimmen der System-definierten Tarifgruppe 
25 HR_DK_DETERMINE_PROP_TARAR Bestimmen des Vorschlagswertes für die Tarifart 
26 HR_DK_DETERMINE_SYSTEM_PAYGR Bestimmen der System-definierten Tarifgruppe 
27 HR_DK_DETERMINE_SYSTEM_PAYLV Bestimmen der System-definierten Tarifstufe 
28 HR_DK_DETERMIN_PROCESS_STOP Bedingte Unterbrechung wenn mehr als &1% Personalnummern abgelehnt 
29 HR_DK_EXPORT_SIGN_PC207 Bestimmung des Vorzeichens aus den drei Feldern: Anzahl, BETPE, Betrag 
30 HR_DK_F4_PAYROLL_TYPES F4-Hilfe für Abrechnungsarten 
31 HR_DK_FETCH_FILEPATH Dateiablage ermitteln 
32 HR_DK_FIND_FREE_SPACE Aufruf zur Bestimmung des freien Speicherplatzes am SAP-Server bei PBS 
33 HR_DK_FIND_SUBTYPES Auffinden der existierenden Subtypen für einen Infotypen 
34 HR_DK_FORMAT_BANKKONTO Formatierung Bankkontonummber (DK) 
35 HR_DK_FORMAT_BANKREG Formatierung der Bankleitzahl (DK) 
36 HR_DK_FORMAT_F171 Formatierungsroutine für Form 171 (HR-DK) 
37 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A1_REC_0005 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A1 Record 0005 (HR-DK) 
38 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A1_REC_0006 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A1 Record 0006 (HR-DK) 
39 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A1_REC_0007 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A1 Record 0007 (HR-DK) 
40 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_0001 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 0001 (HR-DK) 
41 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_0002 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 0002 (HR-DK) 
42 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_0004 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 0004 (HR-DK) 
43 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002030 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002030 (HR-DK) 
44 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002031 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002031 (HR-DK) 
45 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002032 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002032 (HR-DK) 
46 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002040 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002040 (HR-DK) 
47 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002041 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002041 (HR-DK) 
48 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002042 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002042 (HR-DK) 
49 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002043 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002043 (HR-DK) 
50 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002044 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002044 (HR-DK) 
51 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002045 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002045 (HR-DK) 
52 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002046 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002046 (HR-DK) 
53 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002047 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002047 (HR-DK) 
54 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002048 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002048 (HR-DK) 
55 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002049 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002049 (HR-DK) 
56 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002050 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002050 (HR-DK) 
57 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002051 Formatierungsroutine für Form 20A Record 002051 (HR-DK) 
58 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20A_REC_002052 Format form 20A for wagetype 0020 lbnr 52 col 19-20 
59 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20B Formatierungsroutine für Form 20B (HR-DK) 
60 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20C Formatierungsroutine für Form 20C (HR-DK) 
61 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20C_NEW Formatierungsroutine für Form 20C (HR-DK), Neu: für Hire + Fire 
62 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20W FROM 20W: Trigger Datum: Automatische Transactions Generierung PBS 
63 HR_DK_FORMAT_F20Y Formatierungsroutine für Form 171 (HR-DK) 
64 HR_DK_FORMAT_F22 Formatierungsroutine für Form 22 (HR-DK) 
65 HR_DK_FORMAT_F22A Formatierungsroutine für Form 22A (HR-DK) 
66 HR_DK_FORMAT_F22A_10 Payout vacation supplement y-2 trigger (/346) 
68 HR_DK_FORMAT_F22A_3 Formatierungsroutine für Form 22A-3 (HR-DK) 
69 HR_DK_FORMAT_F22A_4 Formatierungsroutine für Form 22A-4 (HR-DK) 
70 HR_DK_FORMAT_F22A_5 Payout vacation supplement y-1 amount 
71 HR_DK_FORMAT_F22A_6 Payout vacation supplement y-2 amount 
72 HR_DK_FORMAT_F22A_7 Trigger payout of vacation supplement y-1 Numer 
73 HR_DK_FORMAT_F22A_8 PAyout of vacation supplement y-2, number 
74 HR_DK_FORMAT_F22A_9 Payout vacation supplement y-1 trigger (/333) 
75 HR_DK_FORMAT_F23B_1 Formatierungsroutine für Form 23B-1 (HR-DK) 
76 HR_DK_FORMAT_F23P_1 Formatierungsroutine für Form 23P-1 (HR-DK) 
77 HR_DK_FORMAT_F23P_2 Formatierungsroutine für Form 23P-2 (HR-DK) 
78 HR_DK_FORMAT_F23P_3 Formatierungsroutine für Form 23P-1 (HR-DK) 
79 HR_DK_FORMAT_F24 Formatierungsroutine für Form 24 (HR-DK) 
80 HR_DK_FORMAT_F27 FORM 27 für PBS, erschaffen 
81 HR_DK_FORMAT_F28 FORM 28 für PBS, erschaffen 
82 HR_DK_FORMAT_F3 Formatierungsroutine für Form 22A (HR-DK) 
83 HR_DK_FORMAT_F30 HR-DK: Generieren einer FORM 30, Ausbezahlungsrequisition füt Lohnart 
84 HR_DK_FORMAT_F36 Formatierungsroutine für Form 36 (HR-DK) 
85 HR_DK_FORMAT_F36A Formatierungsroutine für Form 36 (HR-DK) 
86 HR_DK_FORMAT_F36_NEW Formatierungsroutine für Form 36 (HR-DK) 
87 HR_DK_FORMAT_F3A Format Form 3A (HR-DK) - PBS constants 
88 HR_DK_FORMAT_F40 Formatierungsroutine für Form 40 (HR-DK) 
89 HR_DK_FORMAT_F41 Formatierungsroutine für Form 41 (HR-DK) 
90 HR_DK_FORMAT_F41_CORRECTION Formatierung FORM 41 mit Betrag und Anzahl 
91 HR_DK_FORMAT_F41_DETAILED Formatierungsroutine für Form 41, detailed version (HR-DK) 
92 HR_DK_FORMAT_F41_PAYOUT_SH Format Form 41 (HR-DK) at end of year for special SH payout, /396 or /397 
93 HR_DK_FORMAT_F42 Formatierungsroutine für Form 42 (HR-DK) 
94 HR_DK_FORMAT_F42_CORRECTION Formatierung FORM 42 Korrekturen 
95 HR_DK_FORMAT_F42_DETAILED Formatierungsroutine für Form 42, detailed version (HR-DK) 
96 HR_DK_FORMAT_F43 Formatierungsroutine für Form 43 (HR-DK) 
97 HR_DK_FORMAT_F43_CORRECTION Formatierung FORM 43 Korrekturen 
98 HR_DK_FORMAT_F43_DETAILED Formatierungsroutine für Form 43, detailed version (HR-DK) 
99 HR_DK_FORMAT_FSTARTKORT Formatierungsroutine für Form STARTKORT (HR-DK) 
100 HR_DK_FORMAT_FX1 Formatierungsroutine für Form X1 (HR-DK) 
101 HR_DK_FORMAT_FX10 FORM X20: Interfacing der Nachrichten für PBS Entgeltnachweis 
102 HR_DK_FORMAT_FX10_GENERAL FORM X20: Interfacing der Nachrichten für PBS Entgeltnachweis 
103 HR_DK_FORMAT_FX2 Formatierungsroutine für Form X2 (HR-DK) 
104 HR_DK_FORMAT_FX3 Formatierungsroutine für Form X3 (HR-DK) 
105 HR_DK_FORMAT_FX4 Formatierungsroutine für Form X4 (HR-DK) 
106 HR_DK_FORMAT_FX5 Formatierungsroutine für Form X5 (HR-DK) 
107 HR_DK_FORMAT_FX6 Formatierungsroutine für Form X6 (HR-DK) 
108 HR_DK_FORMAT_FX7 Formatierungsroutine für Form X7 (HR-DK) 
109 HR_DK_FORMAT_FX8 Formatierungsroutine für Form X8 (HR-DK) 
111 HR_DK_FORMAT_FX_TRIGGER_8980 Trigger payout of vacation supplement y-2 
112 HR_DK_FORMAT_FX_TRIG_TR Vacation Tranfer related call 
113 HR_DK_GENERATE_WAGE_INTERVAL PBS-Generieren von Lohnartenintervallen 
114 HR_DK_GET_EXPORT_SIGN Vorzeichenbestimmung beim Export aus RT-ANZHL, RT-BETPE, RT-BETRG (DK) 
115 HR_DK_GET_FIRMA_TEXT Text für eine PBS-Firma holen (HR DK) 
116 HR_DK_GET_FORM_TEXT Text für eine PBS Form holen (HR DK) 
117 HR_DK_GET_LEAVE_ENTITLEMENT Ermitteln des Urlaubsanspruchs einer Person 
118 HR_DK_GET_T5M58_FROM_TEXT Übertragen einer Zeile der Lohnkontodatei von PBS in Kopfzeile T5M58 
119 HR_DK_GET_T5M8P_FROM_TEXT Übertragen einer Zeile der Lohnkontodatei von PBS in Kopfzeile T5M58 
120 HR_DK_HIER_ALV_LIST_PERSON HR_DK: Ergänzung und ALV-Präsentation von Tabellen mit PERNR 
121 HR_DK_IMPORT_SIGN_PC207 Setzen des Vorzeichens der Felder ANZHL, BETPE, BERTG beim Import PBS->SAP 
122 HR_DK_IS_WAGETYPE_IN_INTERVAL HR-DK: Check ist die übergebene PBS-Lohnart in dem Übergebenen Intervall 
123 HR_DK_POPUP_EDUCATION_CODES Anzeige der Möglichen Arbeitsfunktionscodes für DA/DS 
124 HR_DK_POPUP_FA_EDUCATION_CODES Anzeige der Möglichen Ausbildungsschlüssel für FA 
125 HR_DK_POPUP_FA_WORKFUNC_CODES Anzeige der Möglichen Arbeitsfunktionscodes für FA 
126 HR_DK_POPUP_PBS_WAGETYPES Dialogfenster zur Bestimmung einer PBS-Lohnart 
127 HR_DK_POPUP_POSTAL_CODES Auswahlmöglichkeiten für dänische Postleitzahlen 
128 HR_DK_POPUP_POSTAL_CODES_2 Popup dänische Postcodes für Infotyp 6, Einlesen/Abstellen Dynpro-werten 
129 HR_DK_POPUP_POSTAL_CODES_3 Popup dänische Postcodes, Einlesen und Abstellen von Dynpro-werten 
130 HR_DK_POPUP_SPECPAYDAY_WAGETP Dialogfenster für spez.Ausbez.Tage-relevante Lohnarten 
131 HR_DK_POPUP_WORKFUNCTION_CODES Anzeige der Möglichen Arbeitsfunktionscodes für DA/DS 
132 HR_DK_PREPARE_CRT Übernahme der vorigen kumulierten Ergebnisse 
133 HR_DK_READ_MATCHCODE_W HR-DK: Einlesen des Abrechnungsstatus/Person (matchcode w) PA0003 ,T5M8G 
134 HR_DK_READ_TEXTS R Einlesen von Programmsourcen und Texten 
135 HR_DK_SET_FILEPATH Definierien des Dateizugriffs 
136 HR_DK_SET_MATCHCODE_W Setzen des Matchcode W im Infotyp 3 und Tabelle T5M8G (DK) 
137 HR_DK_SHOW_INFO Allgemeine Informationen von PBS in POPUP anzeigen 
138 HR_DK_TO_BE_DELETED *********** HR_DK: DO NOT USE 
139 HR_DON_CHANGE R Change an entry about Donation expense 
140 HR_DON_CREATE R Create an entry about Donation expense 
141 HR_DON_CRESUCCESSOR R Cresuccessor for Donation expense 
142 HR_DON_DELETE R Delete Donation Expense 
143 HR_DON_GETDETAIL R Detail got for Donation expense 
144 HR_DON_GETDETAILEDLIST R Detail list for Donation expense 
145 HR_DON_GETLIST R get donation text 
148 HR_DTYSN_F4_EXIT Duty station search help selection exit function 
149 HR_DV_ALLDATA_GET Bestimmen aller Zeitdaten für Tagessichten 
150 HR_DV_COPY_FILTER Zum Kopieren von Zeitangaben: Überschüßige Felder löschen 
151 HR_DV_DOMINANT_DELETE Löschen der Dominante eines Tages 
152 HR_DV_DOMINANT_GET Bestimmen der Dominante eines Mitarbeiters an einem Tag 
153 HR_DV_DOMINANT_MODIFY Ändern der Dominante eines Tages 
154 HR_DV_FILL_CUSTOMER_FIELDS TMW: Inhalt der Kundenfelder im Table Control füllen 
155 HR_DV_FILL_CUSTOMER_TITLES Initialisieren der Kundenfelder (Überschriften) 
156 HR_DV_FLUSH Übertragen des Tagessichten Änderungspuffers 
157 HR_DV_PREFILL_BUFFER Füllen des Tagessichten Lesepuffers 
158 HR_DV_RESET Zurücksetzen der Tagessichten Lese- und Änderungspuffer 
159 HR_DV_RESET_HANDLES Zurücksetzen der Buffer-Handles für Performanceoptimierung 
160 HR_DV_TIMEEVENTS_DELETE_ID Löschen eines Zeitereignis (ID) Tagesinformation 
161 HR_DV_TIMEEVENTS_GET Bestimmen der Zeitereignisse der Tage eines Zeitraums 
162 HR_DV_TIMEEVENTS_GET_INITIAL Bestimmen eines initialen Zeitereignis 
163 HR_DV_TIMEEVENTS_INSERT_ID Einfügen eines Zeitereignis (ID) Tagesinformation 
164 HR_DV_TIMEEVENTS_MODIFY_ID Ändern eines Zeitereignis (ID) Tagesinformation 
165 HR_DV_TIMESPECS_DELETE_ID Löschen einer Zeitangaben (ID) Tagesinformation 
166 HR_DV_TIMESPECS_GET Bestimmen der Zeitangaben eines Mitarbeiters an einem Tag 
167 HR_DV_TIMESPECS_GET_ID Bestimmen einer neuen ID für Zeitangaben 
168 HR_DV_TIMESPECS_GET_INITIAL Bestimmen einer initialen Zeitangabe 
169 HR_DV_TIMESPECS_INSERT_ID Einfügen einer Zeitangaben (ID) Tagesinformation 
170 HR_DV_TIMESPECS_MODIFY_ID Ändern einer Zeitangaben (ID) Tagesinformation 
171 HR_DV_WORKSCHEDULE_DELETE Löschen des (kurzfristigen) Arbeitszeitplans eines Tages 
172 HR_DV_WORKSCHEDULE_GET Bestimmen des Arbeitszeitplans eines Mitarbeiters an einem Tag 
173 HR_DV_WORKSCHEDULE_MODIFY Ändern des (kurzfristigen) Arbeitszeitplans eines Tages 
174 HR_DWS_BREAKS Lesen der Pausen eines Pausenmodells 
175 HR_DWS_RE550 Lesen der Tabellen zum Tagesarbeitszeitplan 
176 HR_DWS_RE550_VARIA Lesen der Tabellen zum Tagesarbeitszeitplan mit Variante 
177 HR_DWS_RE550_VARIA_P2001 Lesen der Tabellen zum Tagesarbeitszeitplan mit Variante aufgr. Abwesenh. 
178 HR_DWS_SET_CLIENT only for internal use 
179 HR_DWS_WITH_BREAKS R Tagesarbeitszeitplaninformationen für die Produktionsplanung 
180 HR_DYNAMIC_WORK_SCHEDULE Dynamischer Arbeitszeitplan 
181 HR_ECM_0761_READ_LAST Read Record of Infotype 0761 at a Key Date 
182 HR_ECM_0761_READ_SINGLE Read Record of Infotype 0761 at a Key Date 
183 HR_ECM_ACTIVATE_GRANT Create Records of Infotype 0761 on Activation of a Grant 
184 HR_ECM_ACTIVATE_OFF_CYC_BONUS Create infotype 0267 
185 HR_ECM_ACTIVATE_REGULAR_BONUS Create infotype 0015 
186 HR_ECM_ACTIVATE_SAL_ADJUSTMENT Update / create infotype 0008 
187 HR_ECM_ADAPT_PREPDATA_FOR_UI Adapt process preparation data into format for user interface 
188 HR_ECM_ADAPT_PROCDATA_FOR_UI Adapt process preparation data into format for user interface 
189 HR_ECM_ADD_ADM_CONTEXT_MESSAGE Add message to indicate new context CPLAN and PERNR 
190 HR_ECM_ADD_MESSAGE Adding a Message to the Message Handler 
191 HR_ECM_ADD_NEW_INFOTYP_PERIOD Add new budget infotype records with new dates 
192 HR_ECM_ADD_NUMBER_UNIT_TO_DATE Add a period expressed in number/unit to date 
193 HR_ECM_ADD_PERIOD_TO_DATE Add or Subtract a Period from a Date 
194 HR_ECM_APPLY_GUIDELINE Apply guideline to infotype record 
195 HR_ECM_APPROVE_PROC_RECORD Write Compensation Process record (approve) 
196 HR_ECM_BRING_INFTY_TO_MINIMUM Calculate salary increase to shift EE to minimum 
197 HR_ECM_BUDGET_UNITS_DISPLAY Get the budgeting tree for budget units and org units 
198 HR_ECM_BUDGET_USER_EXIT User exit to fill in budget values 
199 HR_ECM_BUILD_BUDGET_STRUC Build budget structure 
200 HR_ECM_BW_EXTRACT_HIER_CATALOG Comp Budget hierarchy catalog 
201 HR_ECM_BW_EXTRACT_HIER_TRANSFR Comp Budget hierarchy transfer 
202 HR_ECM_BW_EXTRACT_IO_BUDGET BW: Extract budget object text 
203 HR_ECM_BW_EXTRACT_IS_BUDGET BW extract for Compensation budget values 
204 HR_ECM_BW_EXTRACT_IS_CMPMARKET BW Extractor Composite Market Data 
205 HR_ECM_BW_EXTRACT_IS_COMP_PROC Template: Übertragung von Bewegungsdaten 
206 HR_ECM_BW_EXTRACT_IS_EEPAYCAT BW Extractor Employee Pay Category's Annual Amount 
207 HR_ECM_BW_EXTRACT_IS_EXERCISE BW extract for Compensation LTI exercise data 
208 HR_ECM_BW_EXTRACT_IS_FORFEIT BW extract for Compensation LTI forfeiture 
209 HR_ECM_BW_EXTRACT_IS_GRANT BW extract for Compensation LTI grant data 
210 HR_ECM_BW_EXTRACT_IS_JOBMATCH BW Extractor Job Matching 
211 HR_ECM_BW_EXTRACT_IS_JOBSALSTR BW Extractor Salary Structure of Jobs 
212 HR_ECM_BW_EXTRACT_IS_SALSTRUC BW Extractor Actual and Plan Salary Structure 
213 HR_ECM_BW_EXTRACT_IS_SVMKTDATA BW Extractor Survey Market Data 
214 HR_ECM_BW_EXTRACT_IS_VESTING BW extract for Comp. LTI vesting schedule 
215 HR_ECM_BW_GET_MASTER_DATA_JA Template: Übertragung von Stammdaten (und Texten ab BW 2.0) 
216 HR_ECM_CALCULATE_HOURLY_RATE Calculate sum of IT0008 wagetypes of hourly paid employees 
217 HR_ECM_CALCULATE_NEW_SALARY Calculate new salary after adjustments 
218 HR_ECM_CALCULATE_OWN_BUDGET Calculate own budget by subtracting subord budgets 
219 HR_ECM_CALCULATE_SALARY Calculate base salary of an employee 
220 HR_ECM_CALC_AGE Calculate age of an employee 
221 HR_ECM_CALC_COMPA_RATIO Calculate compa-ratio of an employee 
222 HR_ECM_CALC_GUIDELINE_LIMITS Calculate guideline limit amounts from percentages and amounts 
223 HR_ECM_CALC_GUIDELINE_RESULT Fill single entry of guideline estimation table 
224 HR_ECM_CALC_NEW_COMPA_RATIO Calculate new compa-ratio after adjustments 
225 HR_ECM_CALC_NEW_PCT_IN_RANGE Calculate new compa-ratio after adjustments 
226 HR_ECM_CALC_OFF_CYC_BONUS Determine new infotype 0267 record created by activation 
227 HR_ECM_CALC_PERCENT_IN_RANGE Calculate percent in salary range of an employee 
228 HR_ECM_CALC_REGULAR_BONUS Determine new infotype 0015 record created by activation 
229 HR_ECM_CALC_SAL_ADJUSTMENT Determine new infotype 0008 record created by activation 
230 HR_ECM_CANCEL_AWARDS Cancel all grants in infotype 0761 of a LTI Plan 
231 HR_ECM_CANCEL_BUDGET_CHANGES Cancel budget changes from buffer (clear buffer) 
232 HR_ECM_CHANGE_BUDGET_PERCENT Mass percentage change for all budget units 
233 HR_ECM_CHANGE_BUDGET_STATUS Change budget status 
234 HR_ECM_CHANGE_BUDGET_VALUE Change budget amount, number or by percentage 
235 HR_ECM_CHANGE_PROC_STATUS Change Process Status of Infotype 0759 and Write Secondary Infotypes 
236 HR_ECM_CHANGE_SPENT_BUDGET Change budget spent value 
237 HR_ECM_CHANGE_STATUS_ALL_RECS Change status of process records of selected employees and save to DB 
238 HR_ECM_CHECK_APPRAISAL_MODEL F4 help for appraisal model 
239 HR_ECM_CHECK_BUDGET_LIMITS Check the minimum and maximum new values so budget stays positive 
240 HR_ECM_CHECK_BUDGET_OBJECT Check budget object exists 
241 HR_ECM_CHECK_BUDGET_STATUS Recursive determination of the budget status 
242 HR_ECM_CHECK_BUDGET_STOCK_UNIT Check stock unit is valid 
243 HR_ECM_CHECK_BUDGET_VALUES Recursively check budget values are not exceeded 
244 HR_ECM_CHECK_CITEM_IS_ANYTIME Check if CITEM belongs to an anytime review 
245 HR_ECM_CHECK_CONSISTENCY Check consistency of processes 
246 HR_ECM_CHECK_ELIGIBILITY Check eligibility of an employee for a compensation plan 
247 HR_ECM_CHECK_ELIG_APPRAISAL Check eligibility: Appraisal or IT 0025 
248 HR_ECM_CHECK_ELIG_COMPA_RATIO Check eligibility: Compa-ratio 
249 HR_ECM_CHECK_ELIG_PCT_IN_RANGE Check eligibility: Percent in salary range 
250 HR_ECM_CHECK_ELIG_SERVICE Check eligibility: Length of service 
251 HR_ECM_CHECK_ELIG_WORK_HOURS Check eligibility: Hours worked per period 
252 HR_ECM_CHECK_EXISTING_RECORD Check if existing record is considered for preparation 
253 HR_ECM_CHECK_EXIT_ALLOWED Check if confirmation is necessary before exit 
254 HR_ECM_CHECK_GUIDELINE_LIMITS Check if minimum and maximum limits of guideline are fulfilled 
255 HR_ECM_CHECK_INFOTYPE_RECORD Perform checks on compensation process infotype record data 
256 HR_ECM_CHECK_MBO_PARAMETERS Check parameters for MBO integration 
257 HR_ECM_CHECK_MICRO_ELIGIBILITY Check micro-eligibility 
258 HR_ECM_CHECK_MICRO_ELIG_OVERRD Get micro-eligibility override (infotype 0760) 
259 HR_ECM_CHECK_ORGUNIT_LEADER Check if employee is the orgunit leader/manager 
260 HR_ECM_CHECK_RELEASE_BUDGET Check budget is consistent and prepare for release 
261 HR_ECM_CHECK_SALARY_IN_RANGE Check that salary stays in range after adjustments 
262 HR_ECM_CHECK_SPENT_VALUES Authority and data checks for Comp Admin Budget data 
263 HR_ECM_CHECK_THRESHOLD_PERIOD Check if program period is at least as long as threshold 
264 HR_ECM_CLEAR_GLOBAL_BDG_DATA Clear budget locks and global budget data 
265 HR_ECM_CLEAR_GLOBAL_COMP_DATA Clear global data 
266 HR_ECM_CLONE_BUDGET_FROM_ORG Create budget structure from organizational hierarchy 
267 HR_ECM_COMPARE_PAYSCALE Compares the pay scale in IT1005 and IT0008 
268 HR_ECM_COMPLETE_COMP_DATA Follow up changes made by user 
269 HR_ECM_COMPUTE_EXPIRY_DATE Evaluate Expiry date from Plan Data 
270 HR_ECM_CONVERT_BDG_DISP_CURRE Convert currency of compensation data 
271 HR_ECM_CONVERT_BUDGET_STKUN Convert budget stock unit for infotype 1520s 
272 HR_ECM_CONVERT_CURRENCY Convert amount from one currency into another 
273 HR_ECM_CONVERT_FREQUENCY Convert amount from one frequency to another 
274 HR_ECM_CONVERT_NOTE_FROM_UI Convert note from UI-format 
275 HR_ECM_CONVERT_NOTE_TO_UI Convert note to UI-format 
276 HR_ECM_CONVERT_NUM_AWDS Convert Number of Awards after Stock Split 
277 HR_ECM_CONVERT_PRICE Convert Prices after Stock Split 
278 HR_ECM_CONVERT_PROCESS_FREQU Read payroll frequency and DIVGV, if necessary, and convert time unit 
279 HR_ECM_CONVERT_STOCK_UNIT Convert Records of Infotype 0761 according to a Stock Split 
280 HR_ECM_COPY_BUDGET_STRUC Copy one budget structure to another new one 
281 HR_ECM_CREATE_ACCOUNTING_TAB Collect LTI Data for Accounting 
282 HR_ECM_CREATE_BUDGET_SUB_TREE Create budget sub tree 
283 HR_ECM_CREATE_BUDGET_UNIT Create Budget Unit 
284 HR_ECM_CREATE_PAYROLL_TAB Provide wage type table for payroll 
285 HR_ECM_CREATE_TCS_TAB Collect LTI Data for the TCS Statement 
286 HR_ECM_DEFAULT_PROCESS_FREQU Evaluates the time unit for a compensation process 
287 HR_ECM_DELETE_BUDGET_UNIT Delete budget unit, relationships and sub bdg units 
288 HR_ECM_DELETE_DB_BUDGET Delete budget units from buffer or database 
289 HR_ECM_DELETE_INFOTYPE Delete a Record of an Employee Infotype 
290 HR_ECM_DELETE_INFTYP Delete infotype 
291 HR_ECM_DEQUEUE_BUDGET Dequeue budget objects 
292 HR_ECM_DEQUEUE_PERNR Dequeue a Personnel Number 
293 HR_ECM_DETECT_INFOTYPE_SPLIT Detect SPLIT for a certain infotype 
294 HR_ECM_DISPLAY_IDOC_CB Call back program for application log 
295 HR_ECM_DISPLAY_IDOC_LOG Display IDoc log 
296 HR_ECM_ENQUEUE_BUDGET Enqueue budget objects 
297 HR_ECM_ENQUEUE_PERNR Enqueue a Personnel Number 
298 HR_ECM_ESTIMATE_COMP_FROM_GDL Estimate Compensation Amount/Numbers from Guidelines 
299 HR_ECM_ESTIM_FROM_GDL_INTERNAL Estimate Compensation Amount/Numbers from Guidelines 
300 HR_ECM_EVALUATE_EE_NAME Evaluate name of employee in predefined format only from PERNR 
301 HR_ECM_EVALUATE_GDL_CONTRIB Evaluate the guideline contribution of one part of the program period 
302 HR_ECM_EVALUATE_GDL_MATRIX Evaluate guideline matrix 
303 HR_ECM_EVALUATE_GUIDELINE Evaluate guideline 
304 HR_ECM_EXPAND_BUDGET_STRUC For a given budget object, expand to show structure 
305 HR_ECM_EXTEND_BUDGET_PERIOD Carry-forward budget (extend budget's validity) 
306 HR_ECM_EXTEND_INFOTYPE_PERIOD For budget infotypes, extend end date 
307 HR_ECM_F4_APPRAISAL_MODEL F4 help for appraisal model 
308 HR_ECM_F4_GET_VALUE Generic Module for Retrieving a Value using F4 Help 
309 HR_ECM_F4_GET_VALUE_FROM_DDIC Get value via search help from Data Dictionary 
310 HR_ECM_F4_MBO_APPRAISAL_PARAMS F4 help for appraisal model 
311 HR_ECM_FILL_BUDGET_TAB Fill table BUDGET_TAB using internal data tables 
312 HR_ECM_FILL_COMP_DATA_TAB Fill table COMP_DATA_TAB using internal data tables 
313 HR_ECM_FILL_GDL_ESTIMATION_TAB Fill guideline estimation table 
314 HR_ECM_FILL_PLAN_TAB Extracts plan data out of process data 
315 HR_ECM_FILL_SEGMENT_HEADER Fill IDoc segment - header 
316 HR_ECM_FILL_SINGLE_GDL_ESTIM Fill single entry of guideline estimation table 
317 HR_ECM_FILTER_EXIST_RECORDS Checks all existing records and finds if any is considered 
318 HR_ECM_FIND_RELEASED_BUDGET Find any released budgets with same type and period 
319 HR_ECM_FLUSH_INFOTYPE Write the Infotype Buffer to the database 
320 HR_ECM_GET_0758_DEFAULT Evaluate Default Values for Infotype 0758 
321 HR_ECM_GET_0759_DEFAULT Evaluate Default Values for Infotype 0759 
322 HR_ECM_GET_0760_DEFAULT Evaluate Default Values for Infotype 0760 
323 HR_ECM_GET_0761_DEFAULT Get Default Values for a Record of Infotype 0762 
324 HR_ECM_GET_0762_DEFAULT Get Default Values for a Record of Infotype 0762 
325 HR_ECM_GET_ACTIVE_PLAN_VARIANT Get active plan variant 
326 HR_ECM_GET_ADM_MESSAGE_TAB Extract messages out of message handler and fill message tab 
327 HR_ECM_GET_ALL_DOMAIN_VALUE Reading text of a domain fixed value 
328 HR_ECM_GET_AMT_TO_SAL_MINIMUM Calculate the amount needed to bring the ee's salary up to the minimun 
329 HR_ECM_GET_APPRAISAL Read appraisal result 
330 HR_ECM_GET_APPRAISAL_GENERIC Read appraisal result 
331 HR_ECM_GET_BUDGET_CONV_DATE Determine key date for conversion of budget display currency 
332 HR_ECM_GET_BUDGET_CURRENCY Read budget currency 
333 HR_ECM_GET_BUDGET_CUSTOMIZING Get active plan variant and object types 
334 HR_ECM_GET_BUDGET_OBJECT_DATA Get budget object data from infotypes 1500 and 1520 
335 HR_ECM_GET_BUDGET_PERIOD Get budget period from configuration 
336 HR_ECM_GET_BUDGET_STRUCTURE Get budget structure 
337 HR_ECM_GET_BUDGET_SUBORDINATES Get all subordinates for a given budget unit 
338 HR_ECM_GET_BUDGET_SUPERIORS Determine all budget units in direct path to the top budget 
339 HR_ECM_GET_BUDGET_TOTAL_ROOT Get the highest node in the budget tree for budget unit 
340 HR_ECM_GET_BUDGET_TYPE_PARAMS Determine budget type parameters 
341 HR_ECM_GET_CALCULATION_BASE Evaluate the calculation base salary for a given compensation process item 
342 HR_ECM_GET_CALC_BASE_KEYDATE Evaluate the keydate for the calculation base salary 
343 HR_ECM_GET_CATEGORY_OF_ITEM Evaluates the category for a given compensation process item 
344 HR_ECM_GET_CITEM_INFO_TAB Get table of process item information 
345 HR_ECM_GET_CITEM_STKUN Get stock unit for compensation process item 
346 HR_ECM_GET_COMPONENT_WAGE_TYPE Get wage type for activation of compensation process 
347 HR_ECM_GET_CRS_DATA Get Compensation data for CRS 
348 HR_ECM_GET_CURRENCY Check for valid currency 
349 HR_ECM_GET_CURRENCY_CONV_DATE Get key date for currency conversion 
350 HR_ECM_GET_DATETYP_FROM_IT0041 Read infotype 0041 and get date of a given type 
351 HR_ECM_GET_DEFAULT_EFF_DATE Evaluates the default effective date 
352 HR_ECM_GET_DEFAULT_XNOIM Get default value for selection flag 'Imputed Income' on Infotype 0762 
353 HR_ECM_GET_DEPENDENT_BUDGETS Get dependent budgets from database 
354 HR_ECM_GET_DIM_SEGMENT Get dimension segment of an employee 
355 HR_ECM_GET_EE_CURRENCY Get currency of employee 
356 HR_ECM_GET_EE_MOLGA Get MOLGA of employee 
357 HR_ECM_GET_EE_NAME Function module to get the employee's name in a predefined format 
358 HR_ECM_GET_ELIGIBILITY_DATES Read key dates for eligibility determination 
359 HR_ECM_GET_EMP_ORGUNIT_REL Get employee to organizational unit relationship 
360 HR_ECM_GET_END_OF_WAIT_PERIOD Get Eligible On date 
361 HR_ECM_GET_EVENT Get event from infotype change log 
362 HR_ECM_GET_EXERCISE_PRICE Get Exercise Price 
363 HR_ECM_GET_EXERCISE_WINDOWS Get Exercise Windows 
364 HR_ECM_GET_EXIST_REC_CANDIDATE Checks all existing records and finds if any is considered 
365 HR_ECM_GET_EXPIRY_DATE Get Expiry Date 
366 HR_ECM_GET_F4_GRANT F4-Help for the Grants of an Employee 
367 HR_ECM_GET_F4_IDOC_NUMBER Get idoc number according to message type 
368 HR_ECM_GET_F4_LTIPL_VALUES R Provide LTI Plans for Accounting 
369 HR_ECM_GET_F4_PARTNER_NUMBER Get partner number according to message type 
370 HR_ECM_GET_F4_STKUN F4-Help for the Stock Unit 
371 HR_ECM_GET_F4_STOCK_SPLIT F4-Help for the Stock Splits of an LTI Plan 
372 HR_ECM_GET_GAIN_FROM_EXERCISE Evaluate Gain from Exercise 
373 HR_ECM_GET_GRANT_DATE Get Grant Date 
374 HR_ECM_GET_GRANT_INFORMATION Get information for Grants 
375 HR_ECM_GET_GUIDELINE_DATES Get guideline key date and evaluation period 
376 HR_ECM_GET_HIRE_DATE Determine hire date of employee 
377 HR_ECM_GET_IDOC_TYPE Get IDoc type 
378 HR_ECM_GET_IT0001 Read organizational assignment at key date 
379 HR_ECM_GET_IT0008 Read basic pay at key date 
380 HR_ECM_GET_LEAVING_DATE Determine leaving date of employee 
381 HR_ECM_GET_LENGTH_TABLE_FIELD Get length of a table field 
382 HR_ECM_GET_LIST_OF_STOCK_UNITS Get a List of Stock Units 
383 HR_ECM_GET_MESSAGE_TAB Extract messages out of message handler and fill message tab 
384 HR_ECM_GET_NEXT_0761_OBJPS Read Record of Infotype 0761 at a Key Date 
385 HR_ECM_GET_NUMBER_OF_MONTHS Calculates number of months between two dates 
386 HR_ECM_GET_NUM_EXERCISAB_AWDS Get Number of Exercisable Awards 
387 HR_ECM_GET_NUM_EXERCISED_AWDS Get Number of Exercised Awards 
388 HR_ECM_GET_NUM_FORFEITED_AWDS Get Number of Forfeited Awards 
389 HR_ECM_GET_NUM_GRANTED_AWDS Get Number of Granted Awards 
390 HR_ECM_GET_NUM_OUTSTAND_AWDS Get Number of Outstanding Awards 
391 HR_ECM_GET_NUM_UNVESTED_AWDS Get Number of Unvested Awards 
392 HR_ECM_GET_NUM_VESTED_AWDS Get Number of Vested Awards 
393 HR_ECM_GET_OBJECT_STRUCTURE Get PD object structure for object id 
394 HR_ECM_GET_OCRSN_EXERCISE_RECS Read infotype 0762 for the offcycle processing 
395 HR_ECM_GET_ORGUNIT_TO_BDG_REL Get all budget units that are related to an org unit 
396 HR_ECM_GET_PARENT_OBJECT Get parent object 
397 HR_ECM_GET_PAYROLL_FREQUENCY Determine payroll time unit of an employee 
398 HR_ECM_GET_PERIOD_BETW_DATES Calculates Period (Years, Months, Days) Between Dates 
399 HR_ECM_GET_PERSON_INFO_TAB Get table of person information 
400 HR_ECM_GET_POSS_CITEM_ATTR Get possible attributes of CITEM according to CAREAs assigned to EE 
401 HR_ECM_GET_POSS_COMP_REVIEWS Get possible compensation reviews (internal) 
402 HR_ECM_GET_POSS_SAL_ADJ_KEYS R Get table of possible salary adjustment version keys 
403 HR_ECM_GET_PROC_RECORD_FREQU Get process frequency of existing infotype record 
404 HR_ECM_GET_PROGRAM_PERIOD Read program periods of an employee and a plan 
405 HR_ECM_GET_PRORATION_FACTOR Get factor for guideline proration 
406 HR_ECM_GET_REVIEW_FREQUENCY Get value and text of review frequency 
407 HR_ECM_GET_SALARY_ADJ_DATA R Read salary adjustment data (RFC) 
408 HR_ECM_GET_SAL_ADJUSTMENTS Fill table of salary adjustments for one ee from planned process data 
409 HR_ECM_GET_SECONDARY_INFTY Determine number of secondary infotype from category 
410 HR_ECM_GET_SERVICE_TIME Determine length of service 
411 HR_ECM_GET_SINGLE_BUDGET Read budget for one person and compensation item 
412 HR_ECM_GET_SPENT_BDG_FOR_UPD Change budgeting spent data along with process record change 
413 HR_ECM_GET_STATUS_FLAGS Evaluates flags indicating the process status 
414 HR_ECM_GET_STOCK_SPLITS Get a List of Stock Splits 
415 HR_ECM_GET_TEXT_DATA_ELEMENT Get description and field labels of data element 
416 HR_ECM_GET_TEXT_DOMAIN_VALUE Reading text of a domain fixed value 
417 HR_ECM_GET_VALID_STOCK_UNIT Get valid Stock Unit 
418 HR_ECM_GET_VESTING_PERCENTAGES Get Table of Vesting Percentages 
419 HR_ECM_GET_VESTING_RULE Get Vesting Rule 
420 HR_ECM_GET_VESTING_SCHEDULE Get Vesting Schedule 
421 HR_ECM_HANDLE_GDL_APPLICATION Update process by defaults from guideline 
422 HR_ECM_HANDLE_NEW_CURRE Convert currency of compensation data 
423 HR_ECM_HANDLE_NEW_EFFDT Handle change of effective date 
424 HR_ECM_HANDLE_PROCESS_DATA "PAI" for Compensation administration (MSS) 
425 HR_ECM_HANDLE_TO_MINIMUM Update salary adjustment such that ees reach salary minimum 
426 HR_ECM_IMPORT_FROM_PCP Import values from Personnel Cost Planning 
427 HR_ECM_INITIALIZE_BUFFER Initialize Infotype Buffer 
428 HR_ECM_INSERT_INFOTYPE Insert a Record into an Employee Infotype 
429 HR_ECM_INSERT_INFTYP Insert infotypes 
430 HR_ECM_INTERPRET_EXERCISE_IDOC Convert and move the data in Exercise IDoc into internal table 
431 HR_ECM_JPR_QUERY_GET_JOBGRP Get mapped survey job 
432 HR_ECM_JPR_QUERY_GET_JOBGRP_TX Get Text for Jobgroup 
433 HR_ECM_JPR_QUERY_GET_MAPPING Get mapped survey job 
434 HR_ECM_JPR_QUERY_GET_PAYCATEGS Get paycategorie values for employee 
435 HR_ECM_JPR_QUERY_GET_PROVIDER Get the selected Provider Key 
436 HR_ECM_LOCK_BUDGETS Enqueue budgets that have changed for save 
437 HR_ECM_MAP_FREQU_CMP_TO_ECM Convert amount from one frequency to another 
438 HR_ECM_MAP_FREQU_ECM_TO_CMP Convert amount from one frequency to another 
439 HR_ECM_MERGE_OBJECT_MESSAGES Collect messages from one object into collecting message handler 
440 HR_ECM_MODIFY_INFOTYPE Modify a Record of an Employee Infotype 
441 HR_ECM_MOVE_BUDGET_OBJECT Move or reassign budget unit 
442 HR_ECM_OVERRIDE_VESTING_RULE Cancel all grants in infotype 0761 of a LTI Plan 
443 HR_ECM_PREPARE_BUDGET_DATA Evaluated budget data for process preparation 
444 HR_ECM_PREPARE_ELIGIBILITY Eligibility determination within process preparation 
445 HR_ECM_PREPARE_PROCESS Perform complete process preparation and collect global data 
446 HR_ECM_PREPARE_PROCESS_DETAIL Create detail compensation process data for preparation 
447 HR_ECM_PREPARE_SINGLE_BUTYP Evaluate budget data of single budget type for preparation 
448 HR_ECM_PREPARE_SINGLE_PROCESS Data preparation for a given person and process item 
449 HR_ECM_PROCESS_ADDITIONAL_FUNC Process additional function of infotype 0759 
450 HR_ECM_PROCESS_EVENT Cancel all grants in infotype 0761 of a LTI Plan 
451 HR_ECM_PROCESS_EXERCISE_IDOC Process the Inbound Exercise IDoc file 
452 HR_ECM_PROCESS_EXISTING_RECORD Considers existing record for process preparation 
453 HR_ECM_PROCESS_LIFE_EVENT Cancel all grants in infotype 0761 of a LTI Plan 
454 HR_ECM_PRORATE_GUIDELINE Prorate guideline 
455 HR_ECM_READ_BUDGET_DATA Read budget data for employees 
456 HR_ECM_READ_BUDGET_REL_INFTYP Read budgeting infotypes - general read 
457 HR_ECM_READ_FEATURE_CARGP Read compensation area from feature 
458 HR_ECM_READ_FEATURE_CP1GP Read first compensation program grouping from feature 
459 HR_ECM_READ_FEATURE_CP2GP Read second compensation program grouping from feature 
460 HR_ECM_READ_FEATURE_ELIGP Read eligibility grouping from feature 
461 HR_ECM_READ_FEATURE_GDEGP Read guideline grouping from feature 
462 HR_ECM_READ_GLOBAL_COMP_DATA Read global data 
463 HR_ECM_READ_GLOBAL_NOTE Read note of compensation process from buffer 
464 HR_ECM_READ_INFOTYPE Read Several Records of an Employee Infotype 
465 HR_ECM_READ_INFOTYPE_1000 Read infotype 1001 (Relationships) 
466 HR_ECM_READ_INFOTYPE_1001 Read infotype 1001 (Relationships) 
467 HR_ECM_READ_INFOTYPE_1500 Read infotype 1500 
468 HR_ECM_READ_INFOTYPE_1520 Read infotype 1520 
469 HR_ECM_READ_IT0041_DATE_TYPE Read date type from given IT 0041 record 
470 HR_ECM_READ_IT1500_GENERIC Search functionality for infotype 1500 
471 HR_ECM_READ_NOTE_FROM_DB Read note of compensation process from database 
472 HR_ECM_READ_OBJECT Read compensation budgeting object 
473 HR_ECM_READ_PROCESS_DATA Reads the data of existing compensation process records 
474 HR_ECM_READ_SALARY_RANGE Read salary range from T710 and convert amounts 
475 HR_ECM_READ_SINGLE_IT1500 Read single infotype 1500 
476 HR_ECM_READ_SINGLE_IT1520 Read single infotype 1520 
477 HR_ECM_READ_TEXT_APPRAIS_MODEL Read text of appraisal model 
478 HR_ECM_READ_TEXT_INFOTYPE Read Texts of an Employee Infotype 
479 HR_ECM_READ_TEXT_MBO_PARAMS Read texts of MBO appraisals parameters 
480 HR_ECM_REASSIGN_BUDGET_VALUE Reassign / move budget amount or number 
481 HR_ECM_RECALC_CALC_BASE Recalculates calculation base salary 
482 HR_ECM_RECURSE_DOWN_BUDGET Recursive calculations through budget tree 
483 HR_ECM_REJECT_PROC_RECORD Write Compensation Process record (reject) 
484 HR_ECM_RELATE_BUDID_TO_BDG Assign/relate budget unit to budget structure 
485 HR_ECM_RELATE_ORGUNIT_TO_BDG Assign/relate org unit to budget unit 
486 HR_ECM_RENAME_BUDGET Rename budget unit 
487 HR_ECM_ROLL_UP_BDG_VALUES Roll-up update individual budget values 
488 HR_ECM_ROLL_UP_BUDGET_CHANGE Roll-up changes in budget value to superiors 
489 HR_ECM_ROUND_AMOUNT Rounding of a Monetary Amount According to Rounding Rule 
490 HR_ECM_ROUND_COMP_AMOUNT Round compensation amount 
491 HR_ECM_ROUND_INFTY_AMOUNT Round amount on an infotype record 
492 HR_ECM_ROUND_NUMBER Rounding of a Number According to Rounding Rule 
493 HR_ECM_ROUND_PERCENT Rounding of a Percentage According to Rounding Rule 
494 HR_ECM_SAVE_ALL_PROC_RECORDS Save all changed process records to database 
495 HR_ECM_SAVE_BUDGET_CHANGES Save budget changes from buffer to database 
496 HR_ECM_SAVE_OBJECT_MESSAGES Save messages from all objects using BAL 
497 HR_ECM_SET_BUDGET_1500_VALUES Set new status and period for infotype 1500 
498 HR_ECM_SET_BUDGET_1520_VALUES Set new currency and conversion date in infotype 1520 
499 HR_ECM_SHOW_MESSAGES Show messages in a simple log 
500 HR_ECM_SHOW_OBJECT_MESSAGES Display all messages from all objects using BAL