Data Element list used by SAP ABAP Table RN1NDOC (IS-H*MED: Structure of the Tables NDOC, DRAW and DRAP)
SAP ABAP Table RN1NDOC (IS-H*MED: Structure of the Tables NDOC, DRAW and DRAP) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Data Element  ADATUM Output date for document
2 Data Element  ANFID Identification of a Request (Number)
3 Data Element  ANPOE IS-H: Nursing Org. Unit Requesting Service
4 Data Element  ARCHIV_ID IS-H: Organizational ID of the medical record archive
5 Data Element  AUDIT Content version
6 Data Element  AUDIT Content version
7 Data Element  BEGRU Authorization Group
8 Data Element  BEZEB Reference Level of a Document
9 Data Element  CADKZ CAD Indicator
10 Data Element  DAENR Change Number
11 Data Element  DAPPL Application
12 Data Element  DAPPL Application
13 Data Element  DATUM Date
14 Data Element  DE_CM_RELEVANCE_FLAG Relevant for Configuration Management
15 Data Element  DMS_CM_FIXED Document fixed
16 Data Element  DOKAR Document Type
17 Data Element  DOKNR Document number
18 Data Element  DOKNR_VL Document Number of Source Document
19 Data Element  DOKST Document Status
20 Data Element  DOKTL_D Document part
21 Data Element  DOKTL_VL Document part of source document
22 Data Element  DOKVR Document version
23 Data Element  DOKVR_VL Document version of source document
24 Data Element  DTTRG Name of Data Carrier
25 Data Element  DTTRG Name of Data Carrier
26 Data Element  DTTRG Name of Data Carrier
27 Data Element  DTTRG Name of Data Carrier
28 Data Element  DWNAM Name of person responsible
29 Data Element  EINRI IS-H: Institution
30 Data Element  ERBOE IS-H: Organizational Unit that Performs the Service
31 Data Element  FALLART IS-H: Case Type
32 Data Element  FALNR IS-H: Case Number
33 Data Element  FILEP Original of document
34 Data Element  FILEP Original of document
35 Data Element  FILEP Original of document
36 Data Element  FILEP Original of document
37 Data Element  ISH_ALBUM IS-H: Album Id for microfilm
38 Data Element  ISH_ARCHST IS-H: Building ID of building unit in the 'archive' OU
39 Data Element  ISH_DOCEXT IS-H: External Medical Record/Document ID
40 Data Element  ISH_INFOMR IS-H: Informational Text for Medical Record
41 Data Element  ISH_MFYEAR IS-H: Year Until when Data Archived on Microfilm
42 Data Element  ISH_MICROF IS-H: Patient's medical record is microfilmed
43 Data Element  ISH_REDO_KZ IS-H: Indicator for Renewable Document Management
44 Data Element  ISH_REDO_TYPE Renewable Document - Category of Renewable Document
45 Data Element  ISH_ROLLNO IS-H: Roll Number of a Micro Film
46 Data Element  ISH_TEMPMR IS-H: Flags a Medical Record as Temporary Medical Record
47 Data Element  LABOR Laboratory/design office
48 Data Element  LFDBEW IS-H: Sequence Number of Movement
49 Data Element  LFDDOK Sequence Number of Document
50 Data Element  LNRLS IS-H: Service Sequence Number
51 Data Element  LOEDK Deletion indicator
52 Data Element  MANDT Client
53 Data Element  MEDOK Indicator for a Medical Document
54 Data Element  N1MITARB Employee Responsible
55 Data Element  N2DOC_CASE_ARCHIVED Case Archived
56 Data Element  N2_BERST Authorization level
57 Data Element  N2_DODAT Document Date
58 Data Element  N2_DOTIM Document Time
59 Data Element  N2_DTID Document Category ID
60 Data Element  N2_PCODE Special Indicator (Presentation Code)
61 Data Element  N2_STORELOC Storage Location / Archive
62 Data Element  N2_STORELOC2 Storage Location (Only Used Internally)
63 Data Element  N2_VERS Version Number
64 Data Element  NZUWFA IS-H: OU with Departmental Responsibility for Case
65 Data Element  NZUWPF Organizational Unit Assigned to Case
66 Data Element  ORGDO Documenting Organizational Unit
67 Data Element  ORGFORM IS-H: Organization Form for Medical Record Management
68 Data Element  ORLN File length of original
69 Data Element  ORLN File length of original
70 Data Element  PATNR IS-H: Patient Number
71 Data Element  PREAR Document type of the superior document
72 Data Element  PRENR Document number of superior document
73 Data Element  PRETL Document Part of Superior Document
74 Data Element  PREVR Document version of superior document
75 Data Element  PRNAM User who sets document status
76 Data Element  PROTF Document management log field
77 Data Element  PZEIT Time of log entry
78 Data Element  RESDRAW Reserve field DRAW
79 Data Element  RESDRAW Reserve field DRAW
80 Data Element  RESDRAW Reserve field DRAW
81 Data Element  RESDRAW Reserve field DRAW
82 Data Element  RI_ERDAT IS-H: Date when Record Created
83 Data Element  RI_ERNAM IS-H: Name of Employee who Created Record
84 Data Element  RI_ERTIM IS-H: Time Record Created
85 Data Element  RI_LODAT IS-H: Date of Deletion
86 Data Element  RI_LOEKZ Deletion Flag/Indicator
87 Data Element  RI_LOTIM Deletion Time
88 Data Element  RI_LOUSR IS-H: User who Deleted Record
89 Data Element  RI_STORN IS-H: Cancellation Indicator
90 Data Element  RI_UPDAT IS-H: Date of Last Change
91 Data Element  RI_UPNAM IS-H: Name of Person who Last Changed Data
92 Data Element  RI_UPTIM IS-H: Time of Last Change
93 Data Element  STORN_DAT Date of Cancellation
94 Data Element  STORN_USER IS-H: Name of User who Canceled Data Record
95 Data Element  STZAE Counter key DRAP
96 Data Element  TARLS IS-H: Service in Service Catalog
97 Data Element  VPRIOR Processing priority
98 Data Element  VRLDAT Due Date
99 Data Element  WERKA Plant