SAP ABAP Table - Index S, page 15
Table - S
# Table name Short Description Table Category Delivery Class
1 SWFRCRLINST Correlation Runtime: Instances TRANSP L
2 SWFREVTCNT Container: XML Runtime Data TRANSP A
4 SWFREVTPOQ Process Observation : Event Queue TRANSP L
5 SWFREXTPROC Workflow: Relation Between Work Item and External Process TRANSP L
6 SWFREXTPROCTYP Workflow: Permitted Process Types TRANSP S
7 SWFRLERR Workflow Log: (Error) Messages TRANSP A
8 SWFRLMSG Workflow Log: Message Data (T100) TRANSP A
9 SWFRLOTR Workflow Log: Message Data (OTR) TRANSP A
10 SWFRLSOPER System Table: Standard Comparison Operators TRANSP S
11 SWFRLSUC Workflow Log: Actions TRANSP A
12 SWFRPCSTAR Workflow: Process Step in Status of a Process Unit II TRANSP A
13 SWFRPCSTAT Workflow: Process Step in Status of a Process Unit I TRANSP A
14 SWFRPROCTR Workflow: Process Data (Default Table) TRANSP A
15 SWFRRSTST Workflow: Remote Service -Table for Automated Test TRANSP L
16 SWFRSTP Workflow: Step Data (Default Table) TRANSP A
17 SWFRWLCEVT Workflow - Worklist Client: Work Item Events TRANSP L
18 SWFRXIBND XI Adapter: Binding to Parameter Container TRANSP A
19 SWFRXICNT XI Adapter: XML Container for a Message Object TRANSP L
20 SWFRXIHDR XI Adapter: Header Data for a Message Object TRANSP L
21 SWFRXIPCNT XI Adapter: XML-Parameter Container TRANSP A
22 SWFRXIPRC XI-Adapter: Process-Dependent Message Data TRANSP L
23 SWFRXMPICNT XML Message Proxy: Instance Container TRANSP L
24 SWFRXMPIHDR XML Message Proxy: Instance Header Data TRANSP L
25 SWFSLSAPPLCUS Deadline Service: Application Customizing TRANSP S
26 SWFSLSAPPLCUST Deadline Service: Description of the Application TRANSP S
27 SWFSLSCNT Deadline Service: Data Container TRANSP A
28 SWFSLSDEADL Deadline Service: Deadline Table TRANSP A
29 SWFSLSDEADLTRC Deadline Service: Deadline Trace TRANSP A
30 SWFSLSDLIV Deadline Service: Time Interval of Deadlines TRANSP L
31 SWFSLSINDX Deadline Service: Index Table for Temporary Data TRANSP A
32 SWFSLSLOCKDL Deadline Service: Temporarily Locked Deadlines TRANSP L
33 SWFSLSRSDL Deadline Service: Periodic Deadlines TRANSP A
34 SWFSWRSYSTEM Workflow System Handler: Assignment ID for Remote Dest. TRANSP L
36 SWFVGO General Object Visualization TRANSP G
37 SWFVGOP General Object-Visualization Parameters TRANSP G
38 SWFVGT General Task Visualization TRANSP G
39 SWFVGTP General Task-Visualization Parameters TRANSP G
40 SWFVGVTP General Visualization-Type Parameters TRANSP S
41 SWFVO Object Visualization TRANSP G
42 SWFVOV Object Visualization Parameter TRANSP G
43 SWFVT Task Visualization TRANSP G
44 SWFVTV Task Visualization Parameter TRANSP G
45 SWFVVTP Visualization Type Parameter TRANSP S
46 SWFVW Worklist Clients TRANSP S
47 SWFVWVT WLC - Visualization Type TRANSP S
48 SWFWSCBDB Basis URL of Callback Dialog (Web Service Execution) TRANSP C
49 SWFWSCBDEX Type and Path of Individual Callback Dialog TRANSP S
50 SWFWSEXEID WebFlow: GUID of a Work Item Execution TRANSP A
51 SWFWSHANDT Handler Customizing for Web Service Execution in Workflow TRANSP C
52 SWFWSPIMPL XML Cache for Web Services - Implementations (Bindings) TRANSP C
53 SWFWSPINTF XML Cache for Web Services - Interfaces TRANSP C
54 SWFWSPPORT WebFlow XML Cache: Web Service Ports TRANSP C
56 SWFXIADM_SRH XI: BPE Administration Shutdown/Startup Header TRANSP L
57 SWFXIADM_SRS XI: BPE Administration Shutdown/Startup Steps TRANSP L
58 SWFXIADM_TSK XI: BPE Shutdown/Restart Tasks TRANSP S
59 SWFXIBULKMON BPE: Monitoring Table for Bulks TRANSP L
60 SWFXICACHE XI: Cache for Process Definitions TRANSP L
61 SWFXICLOG XI Cache: Message Log TRANSP L
62 SWFXIDISPATCH BPM: Buffer for Inbound Messages TRANSP L
63 SWFXIDISPMONI Monitoring BPE Inbound Processing TRANSP A
64 SWFXIERR XI Adapter: Information About Last qRFC Error TRANSP L
65 SWFXIINBENQ BPE: Dummy Table for Enqueue Arguments TRANSP S
66 SWFXIINBQUEUES Configuration of Inbound Processing; Specified Queues TRANSP L
67 SWFXIINBSWITCH Switch Configuration of Inbound Processing TRANSP L
68 SWFXIINB_TRC_DAT Workflow-Trace: Data Entries TRANSP L
69 SWFXIINB_TRC_SEL Workflow Trace: Selection Conditions for Trace Start TRANSP E
70 SWFXIKEYMAP Conversion Cache Refresh: XI Object + Condition ID -> BRR TRANSP L
71 SWFXIKEYMAPC Conversion (client dep.): XI Object + Condition ID -> BRR TRANSP L
72 SWFXILOG History of Processing a Message in BPE TRANSP L
73 SWFXIOBJS XI: Cache: Objects of a Process Definition (Proxy, CRL..) TRANSP L
74 SWFXIPROCMSGREL Relationship Between Process Instances in XI Messages TRANSP A
75 SWFXIUSERINFO User Contexts in Integration Processes TRANSP A
76 SWFXST System Table: Assignment XML Schema simpleTypes DDIC Types TRANSP S
78 SWF_BAM_TRC_SEL Selection Data for BAM Tracing TRANSP L
79 SWF_CATIDS Object Categories TRANSP S
80 SWF_MLOBJ Workflow: Relation Mail/Work Item TRANSP L
81 SWF_PF_REL_EVT Relevant events of workflow for process facade TRANSP S
82 SWF_POPCON WF: Control table for display of "What's new?" dialogs TRANSP L
83 SWF_POPORD Sequence of "Tips & Tricks" Popups TRANSP S
84 SWF_POPUP1 Popups for "What's new?" Display TRANSP S
85 SWF_QSTATE BPE: Status of Inbound Queues TRANSP L
86 SWF_SLS_TRC_DAT Trace Data Records of Component Deadline Monitoring TRANSP L
87 SWF_SLS_TRC_SEL Deadline Monitoring: Selection Conditions for Trace Start TRANSP E
88 SWF_TRC_ACONF Trace: Configuration of Trace Components TRANSP S
89 SWF_TRC_CMP Workflow-Trace: Components TRANSP S
90 SWF_TRC_CMP_CONF Client- and Component-Specific (De)Activation Trace TRANSP G
91 SWF_TRC_CMP_TEXT Workflow-Trace: Components TRANSP S
92 SWF_TRC_CONF Trace: Configuration of Logical Trace Times/Dates TRANSP S
93 SWF_TRC_CONT Trace: Container Table TRANSP L
94 SWF_TRC_DEMO_DAT Trace-Data of Workflow-Trace Demo TRANSP L
95 SWF_TRC_DEMO_SEL Trace-Selection of Workfow-Trace Demo TRANSP E
96 SWF_TRC_HEAD Trace: Catalog TRANSP L
97 SWF_TRC_HFILT Trace: Hierarchy Filter TRANSP E
98 SWF_TRC_PCK Workflow-Trace: Packages TRANSP S
99 SWF_TRC_PCK_TEXT Workflow-Trace: Packages TRANSP S
100 SWF_TRC_SELOPT Trace: Hierarchy Filter TRANSP E
101 SWF_TRC_TEXT Trace: Configuration of the Packages and Their Times/Dates TRANSP S
102 SWF_TRC_WF_DAT Workflow-Trace: Data Entries TRANSP L
103 SWF_TRC_WF_SEL Workflow Trace: Selection Conditions for Trace Start TRANSP E
104 SWF_TST_WFUNIT Workflow: Tabelle für Unittests TRANSP L
105 SWF_UNIT_CONF Workflow: Workflow Unit Configuration TRANSP L
106 SWF_UNIT_MON Workflow: Unit Monitoring TRANSP L
107 SWF_VERTAB Table für Workflow Verification Objects TRANSP L
108 SWF_WFPCON WF: Control table for single actions in a release TRANSP L
109 SWF_WFPDSC WFP: Language-dependent description texts TRANSP S
110 SWF_WFPREC WF: Recovery information for Workflow Wizards TRANSP S
111 SWF_WFPTAB WF: Basis information about Workflow Wizards TRANSP S
112 SWH_ABSENCE Workflow: Demo for Workflow Infos TRANSP L
113 SWJPCDEF Container Definition for Parameter Condition TRANSP E
114 SWJPCNT Container Definition/Values for Parameter Conditions (XML) TRANSP E
115 SWJPCOND Parameter Condition (Parsed) TRANSP E
116 SWJPCONT Container Instance for Parameter Condition TRANSP E
117 SWJPCTXT Container Definition for Parameter Condition (Text Table) TRANSP E
118 SWJPHEAD Header Table for Parameter Condition TRANSP E
119 SWJPHTXT Parameter Condition (Text Table) TRANSP E
120 SWJSCONT Container Instance (Separate) for PPF TRANSP A
121 SWJ_CONT Container Instance (Separate) for PPF (XML) TRANSP A
122 SWKEXEID Workflow: GUID for Work Item Execution TRANSP A
123 SWKHANDT URI of Workflow Launch Handler for external HTTP Services TRANSP C
124 SWLCREMABO WLC: Table for remote worklist subscription TRANSP C
125 SWLFBASHOW Display of WIM log entries in workflow log TRANSP S
126 SWLF_UC_EVT_CTRL AB: Outbound Event registration for Use Cases TRANSP S
127 SWLIAG Workflow Inbox Setting for Role TRANSP C
128 SWLICLS Workflow Inbox: Classes for Work Item Selection TRANSP E
129 SWLICLST Workflow Inbox: Classes for Work Item Selection/Texts TRANSP E
130 SWLIGL Workflow Inbox: Logical Systems for All Users TRANSP C
131 SWLIR Workflow Inbox: User Refresh Runtime TRANSP A
132 SWLN3CMPIF Non-R/3 Statistic: Action Type and Service Type Information TRANSP L
133 SWLN3CMPIT Non-R/3 Statistic: Action Type and Service Type Information TRANSP L
134 SWLN3MOIDX Non-R/3 Statistic: Index of Existing Aggregates TRANSP L
135 SWLN3PARAM Non-R/3 Statistic: Control Parameters TRANSP L
136 SWLN3WORKL Non-R/3 Statistic: Summarized Statistic Data (Aggregates) TRANSP L
137 SWLT_PARAMS Parameter for Selection TRANSP S
138 SWLT_SQLM_D SWLT: Display data from SQL Monitor test TRANSP L
139 SWLT_SQLM_H SWLT: Display data (header) from SQL Monitor TRANSP L
140 SWLT_STATIC_C_D Cache for static check data TRANSP L
141 SWLT_STATIC_C_H Cache for static check data TRANSP L
142 SWLT_STATIC_D Static findings cache TRANSP L
143 SWLT_STATIC_H SWLT: Static data - header TRANSP L
144 SWLT_TABLE_MD SWLT: Metadata for tables TRANSP L
146 SWLWPHANDT URLs for Workflow Launch and Callback Handler (Ext. Service) TRANSP C
147 SWLWPLOGSYS Logical Handler System TRANSP C
148 SWLWPS Workflow: External Services TRANSP C
149 SWLWPSSIG Workflow: Parameters for External Services TRANSP C
150 SWLWPSSIGT Workflow: Parameters for External Services: Texts TRANSP C
151 SWLWPST Workflow: External Services Texts TRANSP C
152 SWLWPTSSID Task Linkages for WebFlow Services TRANSP C
153 SWL_CTITLE WLC: Column title for task-specific inbox TRANSP C
154 SWL_CUSTOM WLC: Task-specific columns in inbox TRANSP C
155 SWL_ST_TRA WLC: Transition of work item TRANSP S
156 SWL_ST_TRN WLC: Transition of work item TRANSP S
157 SWL_SYSTEM WLC: System-specific parameters TRANSP C
158 SWNCCOLLCOMPRESS SAP Workload NW Collector: Aggregate Compression Parameters TRANSP L
159 SWNCCOLLPACKSIZE SAP Workload NW Collector: Automatic Package Sizes TRANSP L
160 SWNCCOLLPARAM SAP Workload NW Collector: Collector Parameters TRANSP W
161 SWNCCOLLPATXT SAP Workload NW Collector: Collector Parameters TRANSP S
162 SWNCCOLLPERF Performance Data of the Workload Collector TRANSP L
163 SWNCCOLLPERFTOT Performance Data of the Workload Collector TRANSP L
164 SWNCGLOBDEST SAP Workload NW Collector: GLOB_STAT RFC Destinations TRANSP L
165 SWNCMONI SAP Workload NW Collector: Data Clusters TRANSP L
166 SWNCMONIINDEX SAP Workload NW Collector: Data Cluster Index Table TRANSP L
167 SWNC_SETTINGS Collector Settings TRANSP L
170 SWN_CAT2MSG WF Notif: Assignment Category, Message Template TRANSP E
171 SWN_CATEGORY WF Notif: Category TRANSP E
172 SWN_CATEGORYT WF Notif: Category, Text TRANSP E
173 SWN_COLSCHED WF Notif: Selection Schedule TRANSP C
174 SWN_COLSCHEDT WF Notif: Collective Schedule, Texts TRANSP C
175 SWN_DELPROVI WF Notif: Deliverer TRANSP E
176 SWN_DELPROVIT WF Notif: Deliverer, Texts TRANSP E
177 SWN_DELSCHED WF Notif: Schedule for Delivery TRANSP C
178 SWN_DELSCHEDT WF Notif: Schedule for Delivery, Texts TRANSP C
179 SWN_DELTYPE WF Notif: Delivery Type TRANSP E
180 SWN_DELTYPET WF Notif: Delivery Type, Texts TRANSP E
181 SWN_FILTER WF Notif: Filter TRANSP E
182 SWN_FILTERT WF Notif: Filter, Texts TRANSP E
183 SWN_FILTPAR WF Notif: Filter Parameter TRANSP E
184 SWN_FILTPART WF Notif: Filter Parameter, Texts TRANSP E
185 SWN_FILTVAL WF Notif: Filter Values TRANSP E
186 SWN_MSG2PART WF Notif: Assign.Message Template Parts to Message Templates TRANSP E
187 SWN_MSGTMPL WF Notif: Message Template TRANSP E
188 SWN_MSGTMPLT WF Notif: Message Template, Texts TRANSP E
189 SWN_NOTIF WF Notif: Notifications TRANSP L
190 SWN_NOTIFTSTMP WF Notif: Time Stamp for Notifications TRANSP L
191 SWN_PARTTMPL WF Notif: Message Element TRANSP E
192 SWN_PARTTMPLT WF Notif: Message Element, Texts TRANSP E
193 SWN_REMAP WF Notif: Handler Assignment TRANSP E
194 SWN_REMAPT WF Notif: Handler Assignment, Texts TRANSP E
195 SWN_SCENARIO WF Notif: Scenario TRANSP E
196 SWN_SCENARIOT WF Notif: Scenario, Texts TRANSP E
197 SWN_SENDLOG WF Notif: Send Protocol TRANSP L
198 SWN_SETTINGS WF Notif: General Settings TRANSP C
199 SWN_SETTINGSS WF Notif: General Settings TRANSP S
200 SWN_SETTINGSST WF Notif: General Settings, Texts TRANSP S
201 SWN_SETTINGST WF Notif: General Settings, Texts TRANSP C
202 SWN_SUBS WF Notif: Subscriptions TRANSP C
203 SWN_SUBSPAR WF Notif: Subscription Parameters TRANSP E
204 SWN_SUBSPART WF Notif: Subscription Parameters, Texts TRANSP E
205 SWN_SUBST WF Notif: Subscription, Text TRANSP C
206 SWN_SUBSVAL WF Notif: Subscription Values TRANSP C
208 SWOR Classification System: Keywords TRANSP A
209 SWOT21 Parameter Object Types 2.1 TRANSP W
210 SWOTDI Definition Interfaces TRANSP W
211 SWOTDO Aggregated Objects in Object Type TRANSP S
212 SWOTDQ Verb Parameters, Exceptions TRANSP W
213 SWOTDV Object Type Verbs Definition TRANSP W
214 SWOTICE Index of Frozen DDIC Structures TRANSP S
215 SWOTIP Index Parent Object Types TRANSP S
216 SWOTLI Object Load Interfaces TRANSP S
217 SWOTLQ Runtime Table Parameters, Exceptions TRANSP S
218 SWOTLV Runtime Table Verbs TRANSP S
219 SWOTOL Relationships TRANSP W
220 SWOTOLE Workflow Object Types: OLE Applications TRANSP S
221 SWOTOO Verbs of Aggregated Objects TRANSP S
222 SWOTTO Short Texts for Aggregated Objects TRANSP S
223 SWOTTOLE Workflow Object Types: Texts OLE Applications TRANSP S
224 SWOTTQ Verbs Parameters Texts TRANSP W
225 SWOTTV Texts for Verbs TRANSP W
226 SWO_SEMAPH Semaphore for Asynchronous Method Call TRANSP S
227 SWPCMPCONT Component Container of WFM TRANSP A
228 SWPNODE WFM: Node Properties and Node Hierarchy at Runtime TRANSP A
229 SWPNODELOG Workflow: Instance Data of Nodes of a Workflow Execution TRANSP A
230 SWPSTEPLOG Workflow: Instance Data of Steps of a Workflow Execution TRANSP A
231 SWP_ADMIN Customizing Workflow Runtime System TRANSP C
232 SWP_ADM_US WFM: Administrator(s) for a workflow instance TRANSP A
233 SWP_HEADER Workflow Instances: Header Data of a Workflow Execution TRANSP A
234 SWP_JOIN Workflow instances: Join node of a workflow execution TRANSP A
235 SWP_NODEWI WF: Work items for nodes in a workflow definition TRANSP A
236 SWP_SUSPEN Workflow instances: Suspended work item callbacks TRANSP L
237 SWRNOPROXY Customizing: Proxy Exceptions TRANSP C
238 SWRURLRT URL at Runtime (Header Data) TRANSP A
239 SWRURLSG URL at Runtime (Segments) TRANSP A
240 SWRWEBSERV Customizing Web Server TRANSP C
241 SWR_BPML Workflow: BPML Document TRANSP W
242 SWTRQTRACE Workflow: Trace Table for Requests TRANSP L
243 SWT_ACT Actions that can be carried out in workflow trace TRANSP S
244 SWT_ACTT Description of actions in workflow trace TRANSP S
245 SWT_LOGCAT Workflow trace catalog TRANSP L
246 SWT_LOGENT Workflow: Selections in a workflow trace TRANSP L
247 SWU5_DYNP Chronology of generated program objects TRANSP L
248 SWUFORMTRC SAPforms: Trace management TRANSP L
249 SWUI_FORM Container contents for form data container TRANSP A
250 SWUOCHKF SWUO: File Name of Last Checkout TRANSP L
251 SWUOCHKO SWUO: Checkout Data for a Physical Information Object TRANSP L
252 SWUOCONT1 SWUO: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) TRANSP E
253 SWUOLOIO SWUO: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
254 SWUOLOIOT SWUO: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
255 SWUOLOPR SWUO: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
256 SWUOLORE SWUO: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
257 SWUOLORI SWUO: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
258 SWUOPHF SWUO: Files of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
259 SWUOPHHR SWUO: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects TRANSP E
260 SWUOPHIO SWUO: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
261 SWUOPHNM SWUO: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP E
262 SWUOPHPR SWUO: Attributes of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
263 SWUOPHRE SWUO: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
264 SWUOPHRI SWUO: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
265 SWUORE SWUO: Instances of Relationships TRANSP E
266 SWUOREPR SWUO: Attributes of Relationships TRANSP E
267 SWUTYP2ADR SAP Forms: Map form type to proxy mail address TRANSP C
268 SWU_CHKF SDOK: File Name of Last Checkout TRANSP L
269 SWU_CHKO SDOK: Checkout Data for Physical Information Object TRANSP L
270 SWU_CONT1 SDOK: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) TRANSP E
271 SWU_DBSTR System Table for Structure Persistence Settings TRANSP G
273 SWU_LOIO_D Logical Info Objects in Workflow TRANSP G
274 SWU_LOPR Workflow: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects TRANSP G
275 SWU_PHF SDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
276 SWU_PHIO_D Physical Info Objects in Workflow TRANSP G
277 SWU_PHPR SDOK: Attributes of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
278 SWU_PHRE SDOK: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
279 SWU_WLSCAN Date and time of last work list scan for R3F transmission TRANSP A
280 SWWBINDEF Obsolete 6.1/ Workflow Runtime - Save Bindin... TRANSP A
281 SWWCNTP0 Workflow Container: XML Database (P0) TRANSP A
282 SWWCNTPADD Workflow Runtime: Persistence for Additional Container (XML) TRANSP L
283 SWWCUSTOM Workflow Runtime: WIM Customizing Data TRANSP L
284 SWWDHSTEXT Workflow: Status Texts for Work Item Deadline Status TRANSP S
285 SWWEI Workflow Runtime: Work Items of Type E (Event Items) TRANSP A
286 SWWFBATEXT Workflow: Short Texts for WIM History TRANSP S
287 SWWHRINDEX Time Stamp for Indices in OrgManagement Workflow Environment TRANSP A
288 SWWINDX Obsolete 6.1/ INDX Table for SWW Internal Runtime Constructs TRANSP L
289 SWWJOBCONF Workflow: Configuration Background Processing Using Job TRANSP C
290 SWWLOGHIST Workflow Runtime: History of a Work Item TRANSP A
291 SWWLOGPARA Obsolete 4.6/ WIM Log Table: Actions on WIs - Parameters TRANSP A
292 SWWOPMODE Workflow: Operation Modes for Workflow TRANSP C
293 SWWOPMODETXT Workflow: Operation Modes for Workflow TRANSP C
294 SWWORGTASK Workflow Runtime: Assignment of WIs to Org. Unit/Task TRANSP A
295 SWWOUTBOX Workflow Outbox (Work Item - Processor - Timestamp) TRANSP A
296 SWWREPSTATUS Table for Status of Workflow Runtime Background Jobs TRANSP L
297 SWWRUNMETH Obsolete 6.1/ Workflow Runtime - Save Methods TRANSP A
298 SWWSTATEXT Workflow: Status Texts for Work Item Status TRANSP S
299 SWWSTATUS Workflow: Properties of a Work Item Status TRANSP S
300 SWWSWPRET Obsolete 6.1/ Workflow Runtime - Save Modele... TRANSP A
301 SWWTYPTEXT Workflow: Type Texts for Work Item Types TRANSP S
302 SWWUSERWI Current Work Items Assigned to a User TRANSP A
303 SWWWF2DEST Workflow: RFC Destination for Workflow TRANSP C
304 SWWWIAGENT Workflow Runtime: Agents for Execution of a Work Item TRANSP A
305 SWWWIDEADL Workflow Runtime: Deadline Data for Work Items TRANSP A
306 SWWWIDH Workflow Runtime: Deadline Monitoring of Work Items TRANSP A
307 SWWWIHEAD Workflow Runtime: Header Table for All Work Item Types TRANSP A
308 SWWWIRET Workflow Runtime: Return Values of Method Call TRANSP A
309 SWWWITEXT Workflow Runtime: Work Item Texts TRANSP A
310 SWW_CONT Workflow Runtime: Work Item Data Container TRANSP A
311 SWW_CONTOB Workflow Runtime: Work Item Data Container (Only Objects) TRANSP A
312 SWW_EVENTCRL Workflow: Correlations for Events in Workflow TRANSP A
313 SWW_EVENTS Workflow: Events in Workflow TRANSP A
314 SWW_STAT_CRT Workflow: Created Workflows TRANSP L
315 SWW_TASKCUST Workflow: Task Customizing TRANSP C
316 SWW_WI2OBJ Workflow Runtime: Relation of Work Item to Object TRANSP A
317 SWW_WIREGISTER Workflow: Registration of a Work Item TRANSP L
318 SWXFORMABS Form: Notification of Absence TRANSP A
319 SWXML_CONT WF: Table for Saving Containers as XML TRANSP A
320 SWXTRABOOK Flight Bookings and Offers TRANSP A
323 SWZAI Header Table for all Properties of a Work Queue TRANSP A
324 SWZAIENTRY Object Table for Work Queues (Entries) TRANSP A
325 SWZAIRET Return Values of Method Call of a WQ Line TRANSP A
326 SXADDRTYPE SAPconnect: Address types TRANSP G
327 SXADMINTAB SAPconnect and SAPphone: Administration TRANSP G
331 SXCC_ACT IMG Activation of Business Add-In Implementations TRANSP W
332 SXCC_FLT IMG Activation of Business Add-In Implementations TRANSP C
333 SXCONVERT SAPconnect: Conversion functions TRANSP G
334 SXCONVERT2 SAPconnect: Conversion Functions for Format Categories TRANSP S
335 SXCOS SAPconnect: Send attribute classes TRANSP G
336 SXCOS_T SAPconnect: Text table for send classes TRANSP G
337 SXCPDEF SAPconnect: Default Codepage for Each Send Type TRANSP A
338 SXCPRECV SAPconnect: Language for Code Page TRANSP C
339 SXCPSEND SAPconnect: Code Page for Language TRANSP C
340 SXC_ATTR Exit: Implementation side: Attributes TRANSP W
341 SXC_ATTRT Exit: Implementation side: Text table TRANSP W
342 SXC_CLASS Exit, implementation side: Class assignment (multiple) TRANSP W
343 SXC_COCO BAdI Implementations: Control Composites TRANSP W
344 SXC_EXIT Exit: Implementation side: Assignment: Exit - Implementation TRANSP W
345 SXC_FCODE Exit: Implementation Page: Function Codes TRANSP W
346 SXC_FCODET Exit: Implementation Page: Function Codes, Text Table TRANSP W
347 SXC_IMPSWH Business Add-In Implementations: Type of Implementation TRANSP W
348 SXC_SCRN Exit: Implementation side: Subscreens TRANSP W
349 SXC_TABLE Exit: Implementation Page: Tables TRANSP W
350 SXC_TABLET Exit: Definition Page: Tables; Text Tables TRANSP W
351 SXDA0 SAPDXfer: Data Transfer Object TRANSP E
352 SXDA0T SAPDXfer: Description of Data Transfer Object TRANSP E
353 SXDA1 SAPDXfer: Data Transfer Objects and Sub-Category TRANSP E
354 SXDA1T SAPDXfer: Text for Sub-Category of Data Transfer Object TRANSP E
355 SXDA2 SAPDXfer: Structure Info for Data Transfer Object TRANSP E
356 SXDA2T SAPDXfer: Text for Structures Used TRANSP E
357 SXDA3 SAPDXfer: Field Info for Data Transfer Object TRANSP E
358 SXDEVTYPE SAPconnect: Device Types for Format Conversion TRANSP G
359 SXDEVTYPL SAPconnect: Device Types for Language-Dependent Conversion TRANSP G
360 SXDOMAINS SAPconnect: Management of Internet Mail Addresses Domains TRANSP A
361 SXFORMATG SAPconnect: Format groups TRANSP C
362 SXICACHE XI Runtime: Cache Status Table TRANSP L
363 SXIPERFWSLOG XI Performance: Web Service Log TRANSP L
364 SXIPERF_INDX XI Performance: INDX Cluster TRANSP L
365 SXIPERF_REG_CFG Performance Regression - Configuration TRANSP L
366 SXIPERF_REG_JOB Performance Regression: Job Definition TRANSP L
367 SXIPERF_REG_LGC Performance Regression - Run Log Component Data TRANSP L
368 SXIPERF_REG_LGS Performance Regression - Run Log Statistics Data TRANSP L
369 SXIPERF_REG_LOG Performance Regression - Run Log TRANSP L
370 SXIPERF_REG_RSA Performance Regression - Run Log Aggregate Data TRANSP L
371 SXIPERF_REG_RSR Performance Regression - Run Log Raw Data TRANSP L
372 SXIPERF_REG_STA Performance Regression - Run Stat Aggregate Data TRANSP L
373 SXIPERF_REG_STJ Performance Regression - Run Stat JARM Data TRANSP L
374 SXIPERF_REG_STR Performance Regression - Run Stat Raw Data TRANSP L
375 SXIPERF_REG_TAB Performance Regression - Run Tables TRANSP L
376 SXIPERF_REG_TCC Performance Regression - TestCase Configuration TRANSP L
377 SXIPERF_REG_TGA Performance Regression - TestGroup Assignment TRANSP L
378 SXIPERF_REG_TGC Performance Regression - TestGroup Configuration TRANSP L
379 SXIPMIDEST PMI Component and Destination for XI Component TRANSP C
380 SXIPMIPROCID XI Process Type of PMI Monitoring TRANSP C
381 SXISLDAEC XI: Cache for Adapter Engine Data from the SLD TRANSP L
382 SXISWCV XI: Search Help for Software Component Version TRANSP S
384 SXI_AC_CACHE_IS XI Mapping Table for Alert Category Cache Refresh TRANSP A
385 SXI_LINK Reference Between XI Objects TRANSP C
386 SXI_SWCV_LAYER Layer of Software Component Versions TRANSP C
387 SXJOBS SAPconnect: Send Jobs TRANSP C
388 SXMSAEADPMOD XI: Adapter and Module Information TRANSP L
389 SXMSAEADPMODCHN XI: Adapter Module Chains TRANSP L
390 SXMSAEAGG XI: Adapter Runtime Data (Aggregated) TRANSP L
391 SXMSAERAW XI: Adapter Runtime Data (Raw Data) TRANSP L
392 SXMSAGGDAT SAP XI Status Overview: Aggregated Data TRANSP L
395 SXMSAGGERRMAP Mapping Table for Error Codes TRANSP S
396 SXMSAGGMAP SAP XI Status Overview: Mapping Aggregation Key Attribute TRANSP L
397 SXMSAGGPERIOD SAP XI Status Overview: Aggregration Profile Periods TRANSP S
398 SXMSAGGPROF SAP XI Status Overview: Aggregration Profile Header TRANSP S
399 SXMSAGGPROFR SAP XI Status Overview: Aggregration Profile Runtime Data TRANSP L
400 SXMSAGGPROFT SAP XI Status Overview: Aggregration Profile Short Text TRANSP S
401 SXMSAGGRAW SAP XI Status Overview: Integration Engine Raw Data TRANSP L
402 SXMSALERTCNTRL Control Table for XI Alerts TRANSP L
403 SXMSALERTCONTENT PI Alerting: Alert Information TRANSP L
407 SXMSALERTRULES Rules for Alert Generation: Msg Header -> Alert Category TRANSP C
408 SXMSALERTSTEPS PMI Process Steps for Alerting TRANSP S
409 SXMSALERTTMSTMP Time Stamp of Last PMI Process Instance Checked TRANSP L
410 SXMSARCITF XML Message Archiving TRANSP C
411 SXMSARCITF2 XML Message: Archiving for Interface/NS TRANSP C
412 SXMSBLKAGG XMB: Aggregated Data for Package Statistics TRANSP L
413 SXMSBLKRAW XMB: Raw Data for Package Statistics TRANSP L
414 SXMSBLKRAWDET XMB: Detailed Data for Bulk Statistics TRANSP L
415 SXMSBULK XML Message Broker: Bulk Statistics TRANSP L
416 SXMSCLUP XMB: Property Cluster TRANSP L
417 SXMSCLUP2 XMB: Property Cluster (Switch Table) TRANSP L
418 SXMSCLUR XMB: Resources Cluster TRANSP L
419 SXMSCLUR2 XMB: Resources Cluster (Switch Table) TRANSP L
420 SXMSCONFDF XMS: Integration Engine Configuration Parameters TRANSP S
421 SXMSCONFPP Principal Propagation Configuration for IE TRANSP L
422 SXMSCONFVL XMS: Integration Engine Configuration Data TRANSP C
424 SXMSDCONF Integration Engine: Settings for Deletion Concept TRANSP S
425 SXMSEPBUFFER Exchange Profile Value Buffer TRANSP L
426 SXMSEPCACHE XI: Runtime Cache for Exchange Profile TRANSP L
427 SXMSEPCLOG XI: Log Table for Runtime Cache for Exchange Profile TRANSP L
428 SXMSFTEST Table for XI Runtime Engine Test TRANSP L
429 SXMSGLOBAL Integration Engine: Obsolete TRANSP C
430 SXMSHELP Help Assistant TRANSP S
431 SXMSHELPT Help Assistant (Short Text) TRANSP S
432 SXMSINTERFACE Sender/Receiver Definition TRANSP C
433 SXMSINTF XMB: Container for Application Monitoring (Template) TRANSP L
434 SXMSINTFT Sender/Receiver Interfaces TRANSP L
435 SXMSITF Search Help for Interface for Archiving (Without Content) TRANSP S
436 SXMSJINFO Integration Engine: Job Information TRANSP L
437 SXMSJOBS Jobs for Time-Controlled Message Processing TRANSP L
438 SXMSLOOKUPENGINE Look Up Table for Engine Type and Engine Name TRANSP S
439 SXMSMETERAGG Service Metering - Aggregated data TRANSP L
440 SXMSMETERAGGDEF Service Metering - Definition of the Aggregation Record TRANSP L
441 SXMSMETERAGGPART Service Metering - partly aggregated records runtime inserts TRANSP L
442 SXMSMONSEL Selection Table for Integ. Engine Application Monitoring TRANSP L
443 SXMSMONSET Selection Table for Integ. Engine Application Monitoring TRANSP L
444 SXMSMSGDEF Message Definition TRANSP L
445 SXMSMSGFILTER SAP XI: Filter for Sender/Receiver Attributes TRANSP C
446 SXMSMSGINDCUS SAP XI: Configuration for Indexing of Messages TRANSP L
447 SXMSMSGINDLOG SAP XI: Indexing Log of Messages TRANSP L
448 SXMSMSGINDSRV SAP XI: Services for Indexing of Messages TRANSP L
449 SXMSMSGPMI Using XI Messages in PMI TRANSP A
450 SXMSMSGREF Message Reference Storage TRANSP L
451 SXMSMSTAT Exchange Infrastructure: Message Status TRANSP S
452 SXMSMSTATT Exchange Infrastructure: Message Status Description TRANSP S
453 SXMSPADM XMS Pipeline: Execution Settings TRANSP W
454 SXMSPCONF XMB: Administrative Data for Pipeline Configuration TRANSP L
455 SXMSPDATA Archive for Message Extract TRANSP L
456 SXMSPEMAS Integration Engine: Enhanced Message Queue (Master) TRANSP L
457 SXMSPEMAS2 Integration Engine: Extended Message Queue (Switch Table) TRANSP L
458 SXMSPENTRY XMS: Map Inbound Pipelines to XMB Pipelines TRANSP E
459 SXMSPERFT XMS: Monitor Table for Runtime Measurement TRANSP L
460 SXMSPERRO2 XMB: Message Queue (Entries with Errors) (Switch Table) TRANSP L
461 SXMSPERROR XML Message Broker: Message Queue (Incorrect Entries) TRANSP L
462 SXMSPFADDRESS Integration Engine: Sender and Receiver Information TRANSP L
463 SXMSPFAGG Integration Engine: Aggregated Data for Performance Display TRANSP L
464 SXMSPFCOMPONENT Integration Engine: Component Information TRANSP L
465 SXMSPFMSGTYPEDB XMB: Selektionsdaten für Monitoring TRANSP L
466 SXMSPFRAWD Integration Engine: Data Table for Raw Data for Performance TRANSP L
467 SXMSPFRAWH Integn Eng: Header Table for Raw Data for Performance Evaln TRANSP L
468 SXMSPFSEARCHDB XMB: Selektionsdaten für Monitoring TRANSP L
469 SXMSPHIST XML Message Broker: History TRANSP L
470 SXMSPHIST2 XML Message Broker: History (Switch Table) TRANSP L
471 SXMSPIPE XML Message Server: Pipeline Definition TRANSP S
472 SXMSPIPEEL Pipeline Element Definition TRANSP S
473 SXMSPIPET XMS: Pipeline Description TRANSP S
474 SXMSPLELT XMS: Description of Pipeline Elements TRANSP S
475 SXMSPLSRV XMS: Pipeline Service Specification TRANSP S
476 SXMSPLSRVT XMS: Description of Pipeline Services TRANSP S
477 SXMSPMAST Integration Engine: Message Queue (Master) TRANSP L
478 SXMSPMAST2 XML Message Broker: Message Queue (Master) (Switch Table) TRANSP L
479 SXMSPMIRAW Integration Engine: Performance Data Extracted from PMI TRANSP L
480 SXMSPVERS Integration Engine: Message Version TRANSP L
481 SXMSPVERS2 Integration Engine: Message Version (Switch Table) TRANSP L
482 SXMSQUEUESTATUS Queue Status During Upgrade Phase TRANSP L
483 SXMSQUEUE_RCV Mapping Queue Receiver TRANSP S
484 SXMSQUEUE_REORG Storage Location for Queues That Are Being Reorganized TRANSP L
485 SXMSRECVT Technical Receiver TRANSP L
487 SXMSSYERR XMS: System Error Error Codes TRANSP S
488 SXMSSYERRT XMS: Brief Description of System Error Error Codes TRANSP S
490 SXMSTRANS_CONFIG Configuration Table for Message Transfer TRANSP S
491 SXMSTRANS_HEADER Lookup Table for Message Transfer TRANSP L
492 SXMSTRANS_MSG Body Table for Message Transfer TRANSP L
494 SXMSTRC_SEL XMS: Selection Conditions for Trace Start TRANSP E
495 SXMSTSACT Action Table for Integration Server Troubleshooting TRANSP L
496 SXMSTSTRIG Table of Troubleshooting Trigger TRANSP L
497 SXMSWSCONFIG XI: Configuration Information for Web Services TRANSP L
498 SXMS_AE_AUDITCNF XI: Adapter Runtime Data TRANSP S
499 SXMS_AS_STATUS Status Table of Synchronous/Asynchronous Bridge TRANSP L
500 SXMS_BCFG_MAST Package Configuration Types TRANSP G