SAP ABAP Table - Index S, page 12
Table - S
# Table name Short Description Table Category Delivery Class
1 SRMACTIVTT Text Table for Activities in Activity Area TRANSP G
3 SRMADE Area - Definition TRANSP E
4 SRMADET Area - Definition - Short Texts TRANSP E
5 SRMAIOCAT Object Type Category TRANSP E
6 SRMAIOCATT Name of Object Type Category TRANSP E
7 SRMAIOTCFG Configuration of Application Object Types TRANSP C
8 SRMAISCN Integration Scenario TRANSP E
9 SRMAISCNAPP Logical Application Systems for Scenario TRANSP C
10 SRMAISCNT Name of Integration Scenario TRANSP C
11 SRMALATTRLDS Attribute Memrory, Language-Dependent, Single-Value TRANSP A
12 SRMALATTRLIM SRM SP AL: Table for Multi-Value Attributes - PU TRANSP A
13 SRMALATTRLIS Attribute Memory, Language-Independent, Single-Value TRANSP A
14 SRMALBOR GDMA SP AL: Business Object Management TRANSP A
15 SRMALDOC SRM: Management Table for ArchiveLink Documents TRANSP A
16 SRMALDOCCO SRM: Management Table for Document Components TRANSP A
17 SRMALLINK Maintain Assignment of SPS ID and BOR Types TRANSP C
18 SRMALPRBOR SRM: SP AL Management Table for Linked Objects TRANSP A
20 SRMALSPROP Management Table for ArchiveLink Standard Documents TRANSP A
21 SRMALVER GDMA SP AL - Version and Variant Management TRANSP A
22 SRMALVPROP Management Table for ArchiveLink Standard Documents TRANSP A
23 SRMAPDIR_T Template for Area-Specific POID Directory TRANSP L
24 SRMAPDIR_T_CLNT Template for Area-Specific POID Directory (Client) TRANSP A
25 SRMAPPLOG Customizing Application Log TRANSP C
26 SRMAPREL_T Template for Area-Specific POID - POID Relation TRANSP L
27 SRMAPREL_T_CLNT Template for Area-Specific POID-POID Relation (Client) TRANSP A
28 SRMAPRTY Area - Definition - POID Relation Type TRANSP E
29 SRMAPRTYT Area - Definition - POID Relation Type - Short Texts TRANSP E
30 SRMASPTY Area - Definition - Service Provider Types TRANSP E
31 SRMBORCUST Overwrite Connection Parameters for SP BOR TRANSP C
32 SRMBRPREF recordsBrowser Preferences TRANSP L
33 SRMBRPREFI recordsBrowser Preferences (Instance Columns) TRANSP L
34 SRMBRPREFM recordsBrowser Preferences (Model Columns) TRANSP L
35 SRMBSPPREF Customizing for SRM Web Client (BSP) TRANSP C
36 SRMCHKF01 SRM Demo Rec: File Name of Last Check Out TRANSP L
37 SRMCHKF03 SRM Records: File Name of Last Check Out TRANSP L
38 SRMCHKF04 SRM Records: File Name of Last Check Out TRANSP A
39 SRMCHKF05 SRM Demo Doc: File Name of Last Check Out TRANSP L
40 SRMCHKF06 SRM Records: File Name of Last Check Out TRANSP A
41 SRMCHKF07 SRM Records: File Name of Last Check Out TRANSP A
42 SRMCHKF08 SRM Records: File Name of Last Check Out TRANSP A
43 SRMCHKF09 SRM Records: File Name of Last Check Out TRANSP A
44 SRMCHKFP00 SRM Records: File Name of Last Check Out TRANSP A
45 SRMCHKFP02 SRM Model: File Name of the Last Check-Out TRANSP L
46 SRMCHKO01 SRM Demo Rec: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information Obj. TRANSP L
47 SRMCHKO03 SRM Records: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information Obj. TRANSP L
48 SRMCHKO04 SRM Records: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information Obj. TRANSP A
49 SRMCHKO05 SRM Demo Doc: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information Obj. TRANSP L
50 SRMCHKO06 SRM Records: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information Obj. TRANSP A
51 SRMCHKO07 SRM Records: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information Obj. TRANSP A
52 SRMCHKO08 SRM Records: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information Obj. TRANSP A
53 SRMCHKO09 SRM Records: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information Obj. TRANSP A
54 SRMCHKOP00 SRM Records: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information Obj. TRANSP A
55 SRMCHKOP02 SRM Model: Check-Out Data For Physical Information TRANSP L
56 SRMCLRODE Class Role - Definition TRANSP E
57 SRMCLRODEI Class Role - Definition - Interfaces TRANSP E
58 SRMCLRODET Class Role - Definition - Short Texts TRANSP E
59 SRMCMATDES Description of Attribute TRANSP S
60 SRMCMATTRS Properties of Attributes TRANSP S
61 SRMCMDESCR Text for Standard Content Models TRANSP S
62 SRMCMEXIST All Content Models Created by Customer TRANSP E
63 SRMCMSEPRE Attributes with Removed Inheritance Relationship TRANSP E
64 SRMCMSTDRD Table for Standard Content Model Data TRANSP S
65 SRMCMUNVIS Attributes that CANNOT be Maintained by Customers TRANSP S
66 SRMCOMPID Component ID - Component TRANSP E
67 SRMCOMPIFID Component Interface ID - Component Interface TRANSP E
68 SRMCONTENT SEM-SRM: Table for Document Contents TRANSP C
69 SRMCONT_MN SRM: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) TRANSP A
70 SRMCONT_MT SRM: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) TRANSP E
71 SRMCONT_UN SRM: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) TRANSP E
72 SRMCONT_UT SRM: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) TRANSP E
73 SRMCORODE Component Role - Definition TRANSP E
74 SRMCORODEI Component Role - Interfaces TRANSP E
75 SRMCORODET Component Role - Definition - Texts TRANSP E
76 SRMCUSTSRV SPS for SRM Custom Services TRANSP C
77 SRMDOC04 SRM Docs: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
78 SRMDOC05 SRM Demo Doc: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
79 SRMDOCP04 SRM Records: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
80 SRMDOCP05 SRM Demo Doc: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
81 SRMDOCSPSPS Table for Assignment SPS-ID to ALINK Docspace TRANSP C
82 SRMDOCTEMPLATE Table of Document Templates TRANSP C
83 SRMDPCUST Circular - List of non-selectable circular objects TRANSP C
85 SRMDPOBJLS Circular - List of Related Objects TRANSP A
86 SRMDPOBJPT Circular - Object Log TRANSP A
87 SRMFPL03 SRM Records: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
88 SRMFPLP03 SRM Records: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
89 SRMFPPREF filePlaner preferences TRANSP L
90 SRMFPPREFI filePlaner preferences (instance columns) TRANSP L
91 SRMGSATNAM Records Management: Content Model-Specific Attribute Names TRANSP E
92 SRMGSPRNAM Names of Log Entries TRANSP A
93 SRMGSPROTO Logging Table for Records Management SPs TRANSP A
94 SRMGSP_ATTR_CUST Customizing for Archive Attribute Search TRANSP C
95 SRMHLELEMD Descriptions for Elements of Hierarchical Lists TRANSP A
96 SRMHLELEML Language-Specific Texts for List Elements TRANSP A
97 SRMHLELEMS Elements of Hierarchical Lists TRANSP A
98 SRMHLLISTS Hierarchical Lists TRANSP A
99 SRMHLTYPES Types of Hierarchical Lists TRANSP E
100 SRMIDXSP00 SRM Records: Status Table for Indexing Documents TRANSP A
101 SRMIDXSP02 SRM Model: Status Table for Indexing Documents TRANSP E
102 SRMIDXST01 SRM Demo Rec: Status Table for Indexing Documents TRANSP E
103 SRMIDXST03 SRM Records: Status Table for Indexing Documents TRANSP E
104 SRMIDXST04 SRM Records: Status Table for Indexing Documents TRANSP A
105 SRMIDXST05 SRM Demo Doc: Status Table for Indexing Documents TRANSP E
106 SRMIDXST06 SRM Records: Status Table for Indexing Documents TRANSP A
107 SRMIDXST07 SRM Records: Status Table for Indexing Documents TRANSP A
108 SRMIDXST08 SRM Records: Status Table for Indexing Documents TRANSP A
109 SRMIDXST09 SRM Records: Status Table for Indexing Documents TRANSP A
110 SRMKCDATA Search Table for Keywords: Keyword and Description TRANSP A
111 SRMKCNAMES Search Table for Keywords TRANSP A
112 SRMLICENSEUNIT Store license units of RM users to exclude from RM licensing TRANSP G
114 SRMLOCSRTINDX Index Table for Search Results TRANSP L
115 SRMLOCSRTTBL Locator: Save Search Result Tables with IMPORT/EXPORT TRANSP L
116 SRMLOIOT00 SRM Records: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
117 SRMLOIOT01 SRM Demo Rec: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
118 SRMLOIOT02 SRM Model: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
119 SRMLOIOT03 SRM Records: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
120 SRMLOIOT04 SRM Docs: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
121 SRMLOIOT05 SRM Demo Doc: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
122 SRMLOIOT06 SRM Records: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
123 SRMLOIOT07 SRM Records: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
124 SRMLOIOT08 SRM Records: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
125 SRMLOIOT09 SRM Records: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
126 SRMLOPR00 SRM Records: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
127 SRMLOPR01 SRM Demo Rec: Attribute Values of Logical Info. Objects TRANSP S
128 SRMLOPR02 SRM Model: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
129 SRMLOPR03 SRM Records: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
130 SRMLOPR04 SRM Docs: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
131 SRMLOPR05 SRM Demo Doc: Attribute Values of Logical Info Objects TRANSP S
132 SRMLOPR06 SRM Records: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
133 SRMLOPR07 SRM Records: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
134 SRMLOPR08 SRM Records: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
135 SRMLOPR09 SRM Records: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
136 SRMLORE00 SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Logical Info Objects TRANSP A
137 SRMLORE01 SRM Demo Rec: Outgoing Relations of Logical Info Objects TRANSP S
138 SRMLORE02 SRM Model: Outgoing Links of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
139 SRMLORE03 SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Logical Info Objects TRANSP E
140 SRMLORE04 SRM Docs: Outgoing Relations of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
141 SRMLORE05 SRM Demo Doc: Outgoing Relations of Logical Info Objects TRANSP S
142 SRMLORE06 SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Logical Info Objects TRANSP A
143 SRMLORE07 SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Logical Info Objects TRANSP A
144 SRMLORE08 SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Logical Info Objects TRANSP A
145 SRMLORE09 SRM Dom Docs: Outgoing Relations of Logical Info Objects TRANSP A
146 SRMLORI00 SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Logical Info Objects TRANSP A
147 SRMLORI01 SRM Demo Rec: Incoming Relations of Logical Info Objects TRANSP S
148 SRMLORI02 SRM Model: Incoming Relations of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
149 SRMLORI03 SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Logical Info Objects TRANSP E
150 SRMLORI04 SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Logical Info Objects TRANSP A
151 SRMLORI05 SRM Demo Doc: Incoming Relations of Logical Info Objects TRANSP S
152 SRMLORI06 SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Logical Info Objects TRANSP A
153 SRMLORI07 SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Logical Info Objects TRANSP A
154 SRMLORI08 SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Logical Info Objects TRANSP A
155 SRMLORI09 SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Logical Info Objects TRANSP A
156 SRMMDPREF recordsModeler/FilePlan preferences TRANSP L
157 SRMMDPREFM recordsModeler/FilePlan preferences (model columns) TRANSP L
158 SRMMIMESPS Table of Possible SPS IDs for File Extensions TRANSP C
159 SRMMOD02 SRM Model: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
160 SRMMODP02 SRM Model: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
161 SRMORGFAV BC-RM: Organizer Favorites TRANSP L
162 SRMORGHIS SRM Organizer : Worklist TRANSP L
163 SRMORGREC SRM Records Organizer : Recently Used Object Names TRANSP L
165 SRMORGRL2 BC-RM : Roles (new) TRANSP C
166 SRMORGRL2T Text Table: View Elements TRANSP C
167 SRMORGROL SRM View Generator : Role Definition TRANSP C
168 SRMORGROLT Text Table for View Definition TRANSP C
169 SRMORGTYP SRM Records Organizer : Maintain Types for Display TRANSP G
170 SRMPATHORG Org. Objects that Can Be Addressed in Process Route TRANSP G
171 SRMPATHORGT Description for Possible Users in Workflow TRANSP G
172 SRMPHF01 SRM Demo Rec: Files of Physical Information Objects TRANSP S
173 SRMPHF03 SRM Records: Files of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
174 SRMPHF04 SRM Records: Files of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
175 SRMPHF05 SRM Demo Doc: Files of Physical Information Objects TRANSP S
176 SRMPHF06 SRM Records: Files of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
177 SRMPHF07 SRM Records: Files of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
178 SRMPHF08 SRM Records: Files of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
179 SRMPHF09 SRM Records: Files of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
180 SRMPHFP00 SRM Records: Files of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
181 SRMPHFP02 SRM Model: Files of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
182 SRMPHHR01 SRM Demo Rec: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects TRANSP S
183 SRMPHHR03 SRM Records: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects TRANSP E
184 SRMPHHR04 SRM Records: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects TRANSP A
185 SRMPHHR05 SRM Demo Doc: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects TRANSP S
186 SRMPHHR06 SRM Records: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects TRANSP A
187 SRMPHHR07 SRM Records: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects TRANSP A
188 SRMPHHR08 SRM Records: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects TRANSP A
189 SRMPHHR09 SRM Records: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects TRANSP A
190 SRMPHHRP00 SRM Records: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects TRANSP A
191 SRMPHHRP02 SRM Model: Ougoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects TRANSP E
192 SRMPHNM01 SRM Demo Rec: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP S
193 SRMPHNM03 SRM Records: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP E
194 SRMPHNM04 SRM Records: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP A
195 SRMPHNM05 SRM Demo Doc: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP S
196 SRMPHNM06 SRM Records: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP A
197 SRMPHNM07 SRM Records: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP A
198 SRMPHNM08 SRM Records: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP A
199 SRMPHNM09 SRM Records: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP A
200 SRMPHNMP00 SRM Records: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP A
201 SRMPHNMP02 SRM Model: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP E
202 SRMPHPR01 SRM Demo Rec: Attributes of Physical Information Objects TRANSP S
203 SRMPHPR03 SRM Records: Attributes of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
204 SRMPHPR04 SRM Records: Attributes of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
205 SRMPHPR05 SRM Demo Doc: Attributes of Physical Information Objects TRANSP S
206 SRMPHPR06 SRM Records: Attributes of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
207 SRMPHPR07 SRM Records: Attributes of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
208 SRMPHPR08 SRM Records: Attributes of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
209 SRMPHPR09 SRM Records: Attributes of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
210 SRMPHPRP00 SRM Records: Attributes of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
211 SRMPHPRP02 SRM Model: Attributes of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
212 SRMPHRE01 SRM Demo Rec: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP S
213 SRMPHRE03 SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP E
214 SRMPHRE04 SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP A
215 SRMPHRE05 SRM Demo Doc: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP S
216 SRMPHRE06 SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP A
217 SRMPHRE07 SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP A
218 SRMPHRE08 SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP A
219 SRMPHRE09 SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP A
220 SRMPHREP00 SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP A
221 SRMPHREP02 SRM Model: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP E
222 SRMPHRI01 SRM Demo Rec: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP S
223 SRMPHRI03 SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP E
224 SRMPHRI04 SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP A
225 SRMPHRI05 SRM Demo Doc: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP S
226 SRMPHRI06 SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP A
227 SRMPHRI07 SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP A
228 SRMPHRI08 SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP A
229 SRMPHRI09 SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP A
230 SRMPHRIP00 SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP A
231 SRMPHRIP02 SRM Model: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects TRANSP E
232 SRMPOIDCR Content Table for POID Content Repository TRANSP L
233 SRMPOIDCR_CLNT Content Table for POID Content Repository (Client) TRANSP A
234 SRMPOTRANS Customizing table for SRM to SCM PO transfer TRANSP C
235 SRMPROTOCOL SRM protocol entries TRANSP A
236 SRMRCD08 SRM Records: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
237 SRMRCD09 SRM Records: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
238 SRMRCDP08 SRM Records: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
239 SRMRCDP09 SRM Records: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
240 SRMRCP06 SRM Records: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
241 SRMRCPP06 SRM Records: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
242 SRMREC00 SRM Records: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
243 SRMREC01 SRM Demo Rec: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
244 SRMRECP00 SRM Records: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
245 SRMRECP01 SRM Demo Rec: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
246 SRMRGCONTC Context Counter: Highest Counter Readings TRANSP A
247 SRMRGCONTK Context Counter: Element Keys TRANSP A
248 SRMRGDEFREL Registry: Defaults: Customizing Relation Types TRANSP G
249 SRMRGDEFRELT Framework Registry: Customizing for Defaults: Relation Texts TRANSP G
250 SRMRGETYPE Types of Rule Elements TRANSP E
251 SRMRGETYPT Texts for Rule Element Types TRANSP E
252 SRMRGETYPU User Interface Classes for Rule Element Types TRANSP E
253 SRMRGOBJEC Results of Program Runs in Record Character Generation TRANSP A
254 SRMRGPARTS Partial Results from Rule Elements for Record No. Generation TRANSP A
257 SRMRGRTYPT RNG: Rule Types -- Texts TRANSP S
258 SRMRMSPDIR Template for Area-Specific POID Directory TRANSP L
259 SRMRMSPDIR_CLNT Template for Area-Specific POID Directory (Client) TRANSP A
260 SRMRMSPREL Template for Area-Specific POID - POID Relation TRANSP L
261 SRMRMSPREL_CLNT Template for Area-Specific POID-POID Relation (Client) TRANSP A
263 SRMSOCO_DRFT_HDR Drafts Header Table for SOCO Fiori TRANSP A
265 SRMSPCL SP - Definition - Registered Classes TRANSP E
266 SRMSPCLR SP - Definition - Registered Classes - Class Roles TRANSP E
267 SRMSPCO SP - Definition - Registered Components TRANSP E
268 SRMSPCOR SP - Definition - Registered Components - Component Roles TRANSP E
269 SRMSPDE SP - Definition TRANSP E
270 SRMSPDET SP - Definition - Short Texts TRANSP E
271 SRMSPPADE SP - Definition - Parameter TRANSP E
272 SRMSPSACPV SPS - Definition - AREA Classification TRANSP E
273 SRMSPSBO Relationship between Business Object ,SPS ID and RMS ID TRANSP C
274 SRMSPSDE ET - Definition TRANSP E
275 SRMSPSDET ET - Definition - Short Texts TRANSP E
276 SRMSPSFOREXT Table of Possible SPS IDs for File Extensions TRANSP C
277 SRMSPSPV1 SPS - Definition: PARA Values CHAR 128 TRANSP E
278 SRMSPTYCLR SP Type - Definition - Class Roles TRANSP E
279 SRMSPTYCOR SP Type - Definition - Component Roles TRANSP E
280 SRMSPTYDE SP Type - Definition TRANSP E
281 SRMSPTYDET SP Type - Definition - Short Texts TRANSP E
282 SRMSRELCUST Settings for Link Display in SP BOR TRANSP E
287 SRMSTATUSPROFT SRM: Test Table for Status Profile TRANSP E
288 SRMSTATUST SRM: Text Table for SRM Status TRANSP E
289 SRMTST07 SRM Records: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP A
290 SRMTSTP07 SRM Records: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP A
291 SRMTYPPOS Position of SP Types TRANSP S
292 SRMURL SRM: Administration Table for URLs TRANSP A
293 SRMURLADM SRM: Administration Table for URLs TRANSP A
294 SRMURLANGU SRM: Descriptive Texts for URLs TRANSP A
295 SRMUSERQUERY Stored Search Query v. Users According to Element Type TRANSP L
296 SRMUSPRO Registry Maintenance - User Profile TRANSP L
297 SRMUSPROFA Registry Maintenance - User Profile - Worklist TRANSP L
299 SRMWDCLUSER User ID for Logon to WebDAV Server TRANSP C
300 SRMWFCUST Customizing of Field Display in Process Route TRANSP C
301 SRMWFCUST_T Column Headers for Process Route Display TRANSP C
302 SRMWFGRP Maintenance of Grouping Options for Process Route Model TRANSP C
303 SRMWFGRPT Text Table for Grouping Process Route Models TRANSP C
304 SRMWFPATH Workflow Process Route TRANSP A
305 SRMWFPATHAGT Other People Involved in Process Route TRANSP A
306 SRMWFPATHGROUP Assignment Table of Process Route Models for Groups TRANSP A
307 SRMWFPATHT Text Table for Process Route Header TRANSP A
308 SRMWFPTHFIELDS Additional Customer-Specific Fields in Process Route TRANSP A
309 SRMWFPTHORGHLP Table of All Allowed Organizational Objects TRANSP C
310 SRMWFPTHPS Process Route Item for Workflow TRANSP A
311 SRMWFPTREL Predecessor-Successor Relations of Process Route Items TRANSP A
312 SRMXMLIDXI Indexing of SRM xml docs (record instance) TRANSP L
313 SRMXMLIDXM Indexing of SRM xml docs (record model) TRANSP L
314 SRMXMLIDXP Indexing of SRM xml docs (file plan) TRANSP L
315 SRM_ACTIVATION RCM: Subsequently Activate Delivered Functionality TRANSP C
316 SRM_ASC_DESC Management Table for Performance Optimization TRANSP A
317 SRM_ATTR_MDL Atttibute Model Definition for Generic Attribute Repository TRANSP E
318 SRM_ATTR_MDLT_CU Texts for Attribute Models TRANSP E
319 SRM_ATTR_MDL_CU Attribute Models TRANSP E
320 SRM_ATTR_MDL_LDM Attribute Repository Def., Lang-Indep., Multi-Value Attribs TRANSP E
321 SRM_ATTR_MDL_LIM Attribute Repository Def., Lang-Dep., Multi-Value Attributes TRANSP E
322 SRM_ATTR_META_CU Attribute Metadata Customizing TRANSP E
323 SRM_ATTR_QUER_CU Attribute Query Metadata Customizing TRANSP E
324 SRM_ATTR_SPS_CU Assignment of SPS ID to Attribute Model ID TRANSP E
325 SRM_ATTR_VISL_CU Attribute Visualization Metadata - List - Customizing TRANSP E
326 SRM_ATTR_VISU_CU Attribute Visualization Metadata Customizing TRANSP E
327 SRM_CNTCONTENT SEM-SRM Contact: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) TRANSP E
328 SRM_CRQY_CU Restriction of a Cross-Query SPS to SP Types or SPS TRANSP E
329 SRM_ECM_BLACKLST Frontend Files to be Hidden from the RM System TRANSP C
330 SRM_ECM_CSO Client Supplied Owners of Document Locks TRANSP L
331 SRM_ECM_HASH HashValues of SRM/ECM optimistic locking (value comparision) TRANSP L
332 SRM_ECM_NNT Lookup table for RM node names in ECM integration TRANSP A
333 SRM_ECM_NNT_AREA Key of Records Management Area TRANSP E
334 SRM_ECM_NNT_RMS Key of Records Management System ID TRANSP E
335 SRM_ECM_RNT Lookup table for RM node names in ECM integration TRANSP A
336 SRM_GSP_TAGGING Unique Document IDs of Documents to be Archived TRANSP L
337 SRM_INDX1 Table for Queue Elements TRANSP L
338 SRM_INDX2 Table for Report Profiles TRANSP A
339 SRM_INDX3 Table for Deleted Queue Elements TRANSP L
340 SRM_INDX4 Table for Search Variants TRANSP A
341 SRM_PARA_PROFILE Global Parameter Profile (Normally Area-Specific) TRANSP G
342 SRM_PROJ_CONTR Control Table of Update for EBP Project Success TRANSP A
352 SRM_PU_QUERY_DEF Pre-Defined Search Based on Selection Criteria TRANSP E
353 SRM_PU_QUERY_ID Id of the Pre-Defined Search TRANSP E
354 SRM_PU_QUERY_IDT ID of the Pre-Defined Search: Text Table TRANSP E
355 SRM_PU_QUERY_SPS Assignment of SPS ID to Query ID TRANSP E
356 SRM_REG_DEFAULTS Registry: Defaults: Customizing Relations TRANSP G
357 SRM_REP_PROFILE Active Report Profile TRANSP A
358 SRM_SUPO_AUTH_T Table for Supplier Portal Authorization DataSource TRANSP A
359 SRM_USER_SUPBPID ID of Vendor Business Partner and User in BW TRANSP A
360 SRM_USR01 Internet User Data TRANSP A
361 SRM_VE_CNTL_WEBS Questionnaire Determination for Vendor Evaluation in BW TRANSP C
362 SRM_VE_DELTAMGNT SRM_VE: Data Extraction, Table for Delta Management TRANSP A
363 SRM_VE_GNCATPROD GUID for Combination of Category/Product Generic Objects TRANSP C
364 SRM_VE_GNLOCATIO GUID for Generic Location TRANSP C
365 SRM_VE_GNVENDOR GUID for Generic Vendor TRANSP C
366 SRM_VE_GR1 Vendor Evaluation - Grouping TRANSP G
367 SRM_VE_GROUP Vendor Evaluation - Grouping ID TRANSP G
368 SRM_VE_GROUP_T Vendor Evaluation - Grouping ID Texts TRANSP G
369 SRM_VE_WT1 Vendor Evaluation - Weighting of Criteria/Grouping TRANSP G
370 SRM_VE_WT2 Supplier Evaluation - Weighting with Generic Objects TRANSP G
371 SRM_VE_WT_T Vendor Evaluation - Weighting Key Texts TRANSP G
372 SRM_WD_PROP_TYPE Attribute Metadata Customizing TRANSP E
373 SROADMAP IA: Roadmap With Type and Flavor TRANSP E
374 SROADMAPEX Attribute Rep. for Reference Objects: Valid Role Values TRANSP W
375 SROADMAPIN Attribute Rep. for Reference Objects: Valid Role Values TRANSP W
376 SROADMAPT IA: Texttable for roadmap from typ and flavor TRANSP E
377 SROADROLE IA: Valid Roles for Roadmap TRANSP E
378 SROADSUBJ IA: Valid Roles for Roadmap TRANSP E
379 SROADTYP IA: Roadmap Types TRANSP E
380 SROADTYPT IA: Texttable for roadmaptyp TRANSP E
381 SROBJGROUP Object Relationship Service object group TRANSP L
382 SROBJINGRP Object Relationship Service table objects in group TRANSP L
383 SROBLBREL Default Table for Object Relationship Service TRANSP A
384 SROBLROLB Persistent Roles of BOR Objects TRANSP A
385 SROBLROLC Persistent Roles of Business Classes TRANSP A
386 SRPROCESS Object Relationship Service: generic binary links TRANSP A
387 SRPSO Sort Criterion for Tree Structure TRANSP S
388 SRPST Sort Criteria Texts for Tree Structure TRANSP G
389 SRRELROLES Object Relationship Service: Roles TRANSP A
390 SRRESPONS Routing: Responsibility TRANSP A
391 SRSACTION Routing Server: Actions Table TRANSP A
392 SRSAGRP Routing Server: Agent_Group Table TRANSP A
393 SRSAGRPT Routing Server: Agent_Group Table Temp TRANSP A
394 SRSATGRP Routing Server: AttribGroup Table TRANSP A
395 SRSATGRPT Routing Server: AttribGroup Table Temp TRANSP A
396 SRSATTRIB Routing Server: Attribute Table TRANSP A
397 SRSATTRIBT Routing Server: Attribute Table Temp TRANSP A
398 SRSCENARIO Routing Scenario: Definition TRANSP A
399 SRSCENATTR Routing Scenario: Attributes TRANSP A
400 SRSCENDEST Routing Scenario: Destinations TRANSP A
401 SRSCENSERV Routing Scenario: Server TRANSP A
402 SRSCENTYPE Routing Scenario: Classifications TRANSP A
403 SRSCONFIG Routing Server: Config Table TRANSP A
404 SRSDEST Routing Server: Description Table TRANSP A
405 SRSDESTT Routing Server: Description Table Temp TRANSP A
406 SRSERVER SAP Rule-Based Routing Servers TRANSP C
407 SRSRESP Routing Server: Responsibility Table TRANSP A
408 SRSRESPT Routing Server: Responsibility Table Temp TRANSP A
409 SRSRVAPP BCOM Routing: Server for each Application TRANSP C
410 SRSRVCHNL Routing Server: Channels (Phone Calls, E-Mails, Fax, ...) TRANSP C
411 SRSSCEN Routing Server: Scenario Table TRANSP A
412 SRSSCENT Routing Server: Scenario Table Temp TRANSP A
413 SRSSRCHT Routing Server: Search Table Table TRANSP A
414 SRSSRCHTT Routing Server: Search Table Table Temp TRANSP A
415 SRSTS Routing Server: Time Stamp Table TRANSP A
416 SRSTST Routing Server: Time Stamp Table Temp TRANSP A
417 SRT2RTTY Report Types in Area Menu TRANSP S
418 SRTAPPL Assignment of Report Tree IDs to Application IDs TRANSP S
419 SRTCM_ACTIVITIES Runtime Check Monitor Activities (History) TRANSP L
421 SRTCM_SNAPSHOT_C Snapshot: Mapping from CTEXT to Hash TRANSP L
422 SRTCM_SNAPSHOT_D Runtime Check Monitor Snapshot Data Table TRANSP L
423 SRTCM_SNAPSHOT_F Snapshot: Mapping from Fragment to Hash TRANSP L
424 SRTCM_SNAPSHOT_H Runtime Check Monitor Snapshot Header Table TRANSP L
425 SRTCM_SNAPSHOT_S Snapshot: Mapping from Subkey to Hash TRANSP L
426 SRTFT_ASSIGN SRT Configuration Assignments TRANSP C
427 SRTFT_ASSIGN_IF SRT DT Assignments: Target State TRANSP C
428 SRTFT_ASSIGN_SEC SRT DT Assignments: Target State TRANSP C
429 SRTFT_NM_CFG_MAP Mapping of FT Configuration Names to WS Keys TRANSP C
430 SRTFT_QDATA_LOG Further Data for Registry Task TRANSP C
432 SRTFT_QUEUE_DATA Further Data for Registry Task Log Entry TRANSP C
433 SRTFT_QUEUE_LG_T Queue Log Message Entries TRANSP C
434 SRTFT_QUEUE_LOG Log of SRT Configuration FIFO TRANSP C
435 SRTFT_SA_APPL SRT Runtime Framework: SOAP Applications TRANSP S
436 SRTFT_SA_APPL_T SRT Runtime Framework: SOAP Applications (Text) TRANSP S
437 SRTMCORREL Text Retrieval: Occ. of 2 Specific Terms in Doc - Clnt-Spec TRANSP A
438 SRTMEXTID Text Retrieval: External document identifiers (client spec.) TRANSP A
439 SRTMLEXENT Text Retrieval: Lexicon entries (client-specific) TRANSP A
440 SRTMLEXICO Text Retrieval: Lexicon (client-specific) TRANSP A
441 SRTMOCCUR Text Retrieval: Occurence of lex.entry in doc. (client spec) TRANSP A
442 SRTMP_DATA Runtime Monitoring: Data Table TRANSP L
443 SRTMP_PROC Runtime Monitoring: Trig Table TRANSP L
444 SRTMP_PROG Runtime Monitoring: Program Table TRANSP L
445 SRTMP_SUB Runtime Monitoring: Subkey Table TRANSP L
446 SRTM_ACT Table of RTM Tests on the Different Servers TRANSP L
447 SRTM_ACT_HIST RTM: History of Test Activation Changes TRANSP L
448 SRTM_DAAB Runtime Monitoring: Data Table TRANSP L
449 SRTM_DATA Runtime Monitoring: Data Table TRANSP L
450 SRTM_DATAX Runtime Monitoring: Data Table for Hexadecimal Strings TRANSP L
451 SRTM_LOG Log Table of the Runtime Monitor TRANSP L
452 SRTM_PARAMS Parameters of RTM Kernel Tests TRANSP L
453 SRTM_PROC Runtime Monitoring: Trig Table TRANSP L
454 SRTM_PROG Runtime Monitoring: Program Table TRANSP L
455 SRTM_SUB Runtime Monitoring: Subkey Table TRANSP L
456 SRTM_TEST Table for Definition of RTM ABAP Tests TRANSP S
457 SRTM_TRIG Runtime Monitoring: Trig Table TRANSP L
458 SRTSERMTCH Error Match Search Engines TRANSP S
459 SRTSERMTVL Error Match Search Engines TRANSP S
460 SRTVCLIENT Text Retrieval: Clients TRANSP S
461 SRTVCORPAR Text Retrieval: Language-Spec. Control Parameter of Index TRANSP S
462 SRTVCORPUS Text Retrieval: Corpora TRANSP S
463 SRTVCORREL Text Retrieval: Total Occurrences of 2 Specific Terms in Doc TRANSP C
464 SRTVEXTID Text Retrieval: External document identifiers TRANSP C
465 SRTVLEXENT Text Retrieval: Lexicon entries TRANSP C
466 SRTVLEXICO Text Retrieval: Lexicon TRANSP C
467 SRTVOCCUR Text Retrieval: Occurence of lexicon entry in documents TRANSP C
468 SRTVONTMAP Table of ontological structures TRANSP G
469 SRTVSTOPLS List of stop words TRANSP G
470 SRT_AGS_E2E_TRC test results of AGS E2E tracing tests TRANSP L
471 SRT_ALT_HOSTS Table for Defining Alternative Host Names TRANSP C
472 SRT_ASSIGN_DATA Assignment Details TRANSP L
473 SRT_ASSIGN_DIR Assignments of Profiles to Configurations TRANSP L
474 SRT_ASSIGN_DIR_T Text of Assignment to Configuration Profiles TRANSP L
475 SRT_AU_TEST_RECI Recipient list for the SRTCFG_AU_TEST TRANSP A
476 SRT_BZT_CFG_IS BizTalk Configuration for intermediated Scenario TRANSP L
477 SRT_BZT_CFG_P2P BizTalk Configuration for Point-to-Point Scenario TRANSP L
478 SRT_CACHE SRT: Generic client-dependant cache table TRANSP L
479 SRT_CC_CHANGES Central Configuration Med Changes TRANSP L
480 SRT_CC_CHANGES_H Central Configuration Med Changes - History TRANSP L
481 SRT_CC_MIF_CDATA SRT Central Configuration: Central Matching Interfaces Data TRANSP L
482 SRT_CC_MIF_CDIR SRT Central Configuration: Central Dir. Matching Interfaces TRANSP L
483 SRT_CC_MIF_LDATA SRT Central Configuration: Local Matching Interfaces Data TRANSP L
484 SRT_CC_PC Central Configuration: Pending Consumer TRANSP L
485 SRT_CC_PP Central Configuration: Pending Provider TRANSP L
486 SRT_CC_ST_ACT Central Configuration: Last Actual State per Domain System TRANSP L
487 SRT_CDTC Central Design Time Cache TRANSP L
488 SRT_CDTC_CF_DET Central Design Time Cache: Consumer Factory Details TRANSP L
489 SRT_CDTC_CHG_ID Central Design Time Cache: Change IDs TRANSP L
490 SRT_CDTC_CI_DET Central Design Time Cache: Contract Implementation Details TRANSP L
491 SRT_CDTC_CO_DET Central Design Time Cache: Contract Details TRANSP L
492 SRT_CDTC_C_DET Central Design Time Cache: Consumer Proxy Details TRANSP L
493 SRT_CDTC_DESCR_T Central Design Time Cache TRANSP L
494 SRT_CDTC_EP_DET Central Design Time Cache: Event Provider Proxy Details TRANSP L
495 SRT_CDTC_G_DET Central Design Time Cache: Service Group Details TRANSP L
496 SRT_CDTC_IS_DET Central Design Time Cache: Integration Scenario Def. Details TRANSP L
497 SRT_CDTC_SC_DET Central Design Time Cache: Semantic Contract Details TRANSP L
498 SRT_CDTC_S_DET Central Design Time Cache: Service Definition Details TRANSP L
499 SRT_CFG_BNDG SOAP Runtime Framework: Bindings TRANSP L
500 SRT_CFG_CFGVAL SOAP Runtime Framework: Configuration Values TRANSP L