SAP ABAP Function Module - Index K, page 5
Function Module - K
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | KL_NAC_ISSUER_RISK_CALC | Night Run I: Calculation of Issuer Risk (Control) | |
2 | KL_NAC_ISSUER_RISK_PARALLEL | Parallel Processing for Issuer Risk | |
3 | KL_NAC_MODIFY_SFGDT | Modifications to SFGDT | |
4 | KL_NAC_NETTING_REP_BUILD | can be deleted | |
5 | KL_NAC_PARALLEL_ADMIN | Parallel Processing in Credit Limit | |
6 | KL_NAC_PRELIMINARIES_FOR_IR | Preparation: Parallel Processing for Issuer Risk | |
7 | KL_NAC_READ_WEIGHTING | Read Weighting Table | |
8 | KL_NAC_REP_REPOS_MERGE | Placing of Repos and Repo Structures into a Complex Structure | |
9 | KL_NAC_RISC_CARRIER_CHECK | Check of Risk Object before Generation of REP/REPOS | |
10 | KL_NAC_SAVE_BEPOS | Save Risk Line Items of Position in the Database | |
11 | KL_NAC_SAVE_BEPOS_POSTING | Save Risk Line Items to Database | |
12 | KL_NAC_SAVE_REP | Save Risk Line Items to Database | |
13 | KL_NAC_SAVE_REPOS | Save Risk Line Items to the Database | |
14 | KL_NAC_SAVE_REPOS_POSTING | Save Risk Line Items to Database | |
15 | KL_NAC_SAVE_REP_POSTING | Save Risk Line Items to Database | |
16 | KL_NAC_SETTLEMENT_RISK_DEALS | Select Settlement-Risk-Bearing Transactions | |
17 | KL_NAC_SETTLE_ACTUAL_NOM | Current Market Value for Settlement-Risk Transactions (T2; T4) | |
18 | KL_NAC_SETTL_ERROR_HANDLING | Add Header Rows to Error Table for Settlement-Risk Transactions | |
19 | KL_NAC_SETTL_RISK_ATTR_AM_CALC | Calculate Attributable Amount for Settlement-Risk Transactions | |
20 | KL_NAC_SETTL_RISK_CANDIDATS | Get Candidates for Settlement-Risk Transactions | |
21 | KL_NAC_SETTL_RISK_CANDIDAT_EXT | Get External Candidates for Settlement-Risk Transactions | |
22 | KL_NAC_SETTL_RISK_CANDIDAT_INT | Get Candidates for Settlement-Risk Transactions from Data Pool | |
23 | KL_NAC_SETTL_RISK_CAND_FILL | Add REPOS Records to Candidates for Settlement Risk Trans. in Data Pool | |
24 | KL_NAC_SETTL_RISK_CAND_REP_CHK | Check Suitability of Candidates for Settlement-Risk Trans. from Data Pool | |
25 | KL_NAC_SETTL_RISK_DET_PROC_CHK | Check whether determination procedure is relevant for sett.-risk trans. | |
26 | KL_NAC_SETTL_RISK_OBJNR_GET | Generate Object Number Table for Settlement-Risk Trans. from Data Pool | |
27 | KL_NAC_T6_ANBETROUT | Writes the attributable amount for FX options | |
28 | KL_NAC_T6_CALC | Calculate Nominal Value and NPV of Underlying of FX Option | |
29 | KL_NAC_T6_CHECK_ERVER | Checks the determination procedure | |
30 | KL_NAC_T6_DATE_CALC | Gets the validity date of the direct settlement risk for FX options | |
31 | KL_NAC_T6_DFIKT_FILL | Fills the fiction date for FX options | |
32 | KL_NAC_T6_EXPORT_BUILD | Adds the tables of FX options to the relevant tables | |
33 | KL_NAC_T6_RISK_CALC | Direct Settlement Risk for FX Options | |
34 | KL_NAC_T6_SETTL_DELETE | Deletes the indicator for settlement risk for FX options | |
35 | KL_NAC_T6_TABLES | Writes data to the tables for FX options | |
36 | KL_NAC_T6_TABLES_APPEND | Adds the tables of FX options to the relevant tables | |
37 | KL_NAC_UL_BSTD_EXISTENCE_CHECK | Check for Position Objects for Underlyings of Securities Transactions | |
38 | KL_NAC_UL_BSTD_EXIST_CHECK_MD | Check for Position Objects for Underlyings of Securities Transactions | |
39 | KL_NAC_WPBSTD_SELECT_FOR_REP | Select Securities Positions (Without Position Values) fro REP Generation | |
40 | KL_NETTING_CP_01 | Netting | |
41 | KL_NETTING_CP_02 | Netting | |
42 | KL_NETTING_CP_03 | Netting | |
43 | KL_NETTING_CP_04 | Netting | |
44 | KL_NETTING_CP_05 | Netting | |
45 | KL_NETTING_CP_06 | Netting | |
46 | KL_NETTING_CP_RISC_PARALLEL | Calculation of Default Risk for Netting (Control) | |
47 | KL_NETTING_CP_RISK_CALC | Netting: Calculate Attributable Amount - Single Task | |
48 | KL_NETTING_DEAL_DISPATCH | Grouping of Transactions by Netting Group | |
49 | KL_NETTING_DEAL_FIGURES_MODIFY | Netting-Specific Processing of Single Transaction NPV and Add-On | |
50 | KL_NETTING_DEAL_FIG_FOR_CA_MOD | Netting-Specific Processing of Single Transaction NPV and Add-On | |
51 | KL_NETTING_FIGURES_CALC | Determination of Key Figures for Netting | |
52 | KL_NETTING_FIGURES_CALC_ADMIN | Calculation of Basic Key Figures and Repos for Netting (Control) | |
53 | KL_NETTING_FORMULA_RESULT_ADM | Calculate Attributable Amounts for Netting for Deter. Proc. and DR Rule | |
54 | KL_NETTING_FORMULA_RESULT_CALC | Calculate Attributable Amount for Netting and for Specific Formula | |
55 | KL_NETTING_FORMULA_RES_CA_CALC | Calculate Attributable Amount for Collateral and for a Specific Formula | |
56 | KL_NETTING_GROUP_CA_FIG_ADMIN | Get Collateral Agreement Data (Control) | |
57 | KL_NETTING_GROUP_CA_FIG_GET | Get Collateral Agreement Data for Key Date | |
58 | KL_NETTING_GROUP_CA_ID_FILL | Enter Collateral ID in Structure for Single Trans. Key Figs for Netting | |
59 | KL_NETTING_GROUP_FIGURES_CALC | Calculate Basic Key Figures and Repos for Netting Groups | |
60 | KL_NETTING_GROUP_RESULT_CALC | Calculate Attributable Amounts for Netting Groups | |
61 | KL_NETTING_GR_DEAL_FIG_MERGE | Calculation of Key Figures for Netting Groups | |
62 | KL_NETTING_GR_FIGURE_TYPE_GET | Get the key figure categories that are to be calculatead for a netting grp | |
63 | KL_NETTING_GR_FIG_AMOUNT_CALC | Calculate Values for Netting Key Figure Categories | |
64 | KL_NETTING_GR_FIG_AM_CA_CALC | Calculate Values for Collateral Key Figure Value Category | |
65 | KL_NETTING_GR_FIG_TYPE_CA_GET | Get the Key Figure Categories for Collateral Agreements | |
66 | KL_NETTING_GR_FIG_TYPE_NT_GET | Get Key Figure Categories for Netting Groups | |
67 | KL_NETTING_GR_RES_FOR_CA_MOD | Add Collateral Valuation To Netting Result | |
68 | KL_NETTING_NID_FROM_OBJNR_GET | Generate Netting ID from Object Number of Netting Group | |
69 | KL_NETTING_OBJNR_CREATE | Generate bject Number for Netting Group | |
70 | KL_NETTING_OBJNR_DISPATCH | Get the object numbers of the transactions that are to be netted | |
71 | KL_NETTING_REP_GET | Find Risk Single Positions for Netting Groups | |
72 | KL_NETTING_REP_PREPARE | Determination of Risk Line Items for Netting (Control) | |
73 | KL_NETTING_RESULT_CALC | Calculation of Attributable Amounts for Netting Groups | |
74 | KL_NETTING_RESULT_CALC_ADMIN | Calculation of Attributable Amounts for Netting (Control) | |
75 | KL_NETTING_RISC_CALC | Calculation of Default Risk for Netting (Control) | |
76 | KL_OBJECT_CHECK_LR | KL: Check Baustein Object-Übernahme für KL-Länderrisiko | |
77 | KL_OBJECT_READ | KL: Lesen des KL Finanzobjektes | |
78 | KL_OBJECT_READ_ACTIVE | KL: Selektion von Finanzobjekten für Kreditlimit | |
79 | KL_OBJECT_READ_SI | KL: Sicherheit für Finanzobjekt auflösen | |
80 | KL_PROT | Text in Log | |
81 | KL_PROT_ACTIVATE | Reactivation of Additional Log Function | |
82 | KL_PROT_ANRECHBETRAG | Writes data for the calculation of the attributable amount | |
83 | KL_PROT_AOF | Writes data for the add-on factor | |
84 | KL_PROT_AWKT | Writes data for default probability | |
85 | KL_PROT_CEQ | Writes data for the credit equivalent | |
86 | KL_PROT_CHECK_DYN_DOC_ACTIVE | Checks whether the dynamic document is active | |
87 | KL_PROT_COLLATERAL_RED_SEC | Collateral: Risk Reduction/Secondary | |
88 | KL_PROT_CVAR | Writes data for value-at-risk weight | |
89 | KL_PROT_DATE_VALID | Generation of Logs for Validity Date of Attributable Amount | |
90 | KL_PROT_DEACTIVATE | Switch off additional log function temporarily | |
91 | KL_PROT_DEAL | Writes general data for a transaction | |
92 | KL_PROT_DELETE_WORK_STOCK | Deletes "Old" worklists | |
93 | KL_PROT_DETAIL_AMOUNT | Detail Log for the Calculation of the Attributable Amount | |
94 | KL_PROT_DETAIL_AMOUNT_BKNZ | Detail Log: Calculation of the Attributable Amount and NPV | |
95 | KL_PROT_DETAIL_AMOUNT_BKNZ_EMI | Detail Log: Calculation of Attributable Amount + NPV for Issuer Risk | |
96 | KL_PROT_DETAIL_AMOUNT_BKNZ_NEW | R | Calculation of Attributable Amount and NPV in New Session |
97 | KL_PROT_DETAIL_AMOUNT_BKNZ_RFC | R | Calculation of Attributable Amount - Remote Function Call |
98 | KL_PROT_DETAIL_AMOUNT_WITH_DYN | Display of Detail Log | |
99 | KL_PROT_DETAIL_FAZ_AMOUNT | Detail Log of the Calculation of the Attributable Amount of a Netting Grp | |
100 | KL_PROT_DETAIL_NETTING_AMOUNT | Detail Log of the Calculation of the Attributable Amount of a Netting Grp | |
101 | KL_PROT_ERROR_ITAB_CONNECT | Connects 2 BAPI error tables with a heading | |
103 | KL_PROT_EVALUATION_BASE | Writes data for the calculation of the attributable amount | |
104 | KL_PROT_EVSPEZ | Writes data for the settings specific to the determination procedure | |
105 | KL_PROT_EV_OBJNR_SET | Set Object Number for Display of Log | |
106 | KL_PROT_EXPORT_EH_TO_DATABASE | Writes the log to the database | |
107 | KL_PROT_FILL_AREA | Fills an area for a dynamic document | |
108 | KL_PROT_FZ_INIT | Intialize Variables Relevant for Netting Log | |
109 | KL_PROT_GET_TEXT_ELEMENTS | Gets the text elements of the IDs specified | |
110 | KL_PROT_GEWFAK | Basic Data for Weighting | |
111 | KL_PROT_GL_PROT_GET | Reads the global log | |
112 | KL_PROT_IMPORT_EH_FR_DATABASE | Writes the log to the database | |
113 | KL_PROT_INITIALIZE | Initialize Additional Log Function | |
114 | KL_PROT_INIT_BASE_DATA | Initializes the basic data for log generation | |
115 | KL_PROT_INIT_NEW | Initializes new and old detail log | |
116 | KL_PROT_INIT_PERC_TAB | Initializes global percentage table | |
117 | KL_PROT_INSERT | Writes data to global table | |
118 | KL_PROT_IS_ACTIVE | Check Whether Log is Active | |
119 | KL_PROT_LEQ | Writes data for the loss equivalent | |
120 | KL_PROT_MERGE_AND_DISPLAY | Display Dynamic Documents | |
121 | KL_PROT_MESSAGE_LINE_INTERN | Writes message texts to the log (without the message handler) | |
122 | KL_PROT_NT_COLLINFO | Writes data for collateral agreements in netting groups | |
123 | KL_PROT_NT_COLLKNZ | Log the Key Figures of Collateral Agreements in a Neting Group | |
124 | KL_PROT_NT_DEALINFO_1 | Writes data for transactions for netting report (before manipulation) | |
125 | KL_PROT_NT_DEALINFO_2 | Writes translation data for netting report (after manipulation) | |
126 | KL_PROT_NT_GETGROUPTAB | Returns the internal table of key figures for netting groups | |
127 | KL_PROT_NT_GROUPINFO | Writes data for determination procedure and netting group for netting rept | |
128 | KL_PROT_NT_INIT | Intialize Variables Relevant for Netting Log | |
129 | KL_PROT_NT_IS_ACTIVE | Check whethher end-of-day processing for netting is active | |
130 | KL_PROT_NT_MAKE_FIELDCAT | Generates the field catalog for ALV on upper level of list | |
131 | KL_PROT_NT_PUT_DET | Temporary Storage of Log Table | |
132 | KL_PROT_NT_RESET | Zurücksetzen von Netting-Protokoll-relevanten Variablen | |
133 | KL_PROT_NT_RESULTINFO_1 | Writes the key figures of a netting group | |
134 | KL_PROT_NT_RESULTINFO_2 | Writes attributable amount and other key figures for netting groups | |
135 | KL_PROT_NT_RESULTINFO_HEAD | Writes heading for netting group key figures | |
136 | KL_PROT_OBJNR_CLEAR | Delete Object Number for Log Display | |
137 | KL_PROT_OBJNR_FOR_ABORT_TASKS | Logs the object numbers for aborted tasks | |
138 | KL_PROT_OBJNR_SET | Set Object Number for Display of Log | |
139 | KL_PROT_OPT_ISSUER_RISK | Generate Logs of Options on Securities | |
140 | KL_PROT_PERC_TAB_APPEND | Attaches percentage rate table to the relevant log table | |
141 | KL_PROT_REGISTER_EVENTS_TREE | Event Registering for Simple Tree | |
142 | KL_PROT_RESERVE1 | Reserve Module | |
143 | KL_PROT_RESERVE2 | Reserve Module | |
144 | KL_PROT_RRF | Writes data for recovery rates | |
145 | KL_PROT_SEC_ISSUER_RISK | Generate Logs for Forwards on Securities | |
146 | KL_PROT_SET_MARK | Enters dividing marks for generation of detail logs | |
147 | KL_PROT_SI_BETRAG | Writes data for the attribution of collateral | |
148 | KL_PROT_TEXT | Writes a user-defined text in the addition log | |
149 | KL_PROT_TEXT_NO_CONDENSE | Writes a user-defined text in the addition log | |
150 | KL_PROT_VARBEL | Writes data for variable assignment | |
151 | KL_PROT_WINDOW | Display Additional Log in New Window | |
152 | KL_PROT_WRITE_TO_WORK_STOCK | Write to Worklist | |
153 | KL_READ_JBKLOBJ1_S5 | Lesen jbdklobj1 mit Objekttypkonstanten und Länderrisk. | |
154 | KL_READ_KLTAGENDSF | Lesen der Tagesendeverarbeitungsselektionsfilter | |
155 | KL_READ_KLTAGENDSFKEY | Lesen des Selektionsfilters auf Grund v. Merkmalen | |
156 | KL_REPISRUN_CHECK | Credit Limit: CHECK Module for KLREPISRUN | |
157 | KL_REPISRUN_SAVE | Credit Limit: SAVE Module for KLREPISRUN | |
159 | KL_RES_KLBEST_DATA_READ_TABLE | Read Items in Positions from Database: Mass Processing | |
160 | KL_RES_KLBEST_SHOW | Call: Overview of Position Information | |
161 | KL_RES_KLREPOS_DATA_READ_TABLE | Read Risk Line Items from Databae: Mass Processing | |
162 | KL_RES_KLREP_DATA_READ_SINGLE | Read Risk Single Items from Database | |
163 | KL_RES_KLREP_DATA_READ_TABLE | Read Risk Single Items from Databae: Mass Processing | |
164 | KL_RES_REP_REPOS_DATA_READ_SIN | Reads REPs and Repos, and places them in a table | |
165 | KL_RES_SAVE_ABEPOS | Save Risk Line Items to the Database | |
166 | KL_RES_SAVE_BEPOS | Save Risk Line Items to the Database | |
167 | KL_RISK_EFFECT_DERIVE | KL: Ableitung der ausfallrisikomäßigen Auswirkung des Geschäfts | |
168 | KL_SELFIL_CONVERT | Konvertierung einer Range von Filtern in eine Tabelle | |
169 | KL_SFGDT_DATABASE_DELETE | Delete SFGDT Cluster Database | |
170 | KL_SFGDT_FROM_DATABASE_IMPORT | Import SFGDT from Cluster Database | |
171 | KL_SFGDT_TO_DATABASE_EXPORT | Export SFGDT to Cluster Database | |
172 | KL_SH_SELECT_FORMID | Selects only formulas based on the determination procedure | |
173 | KL_SH_SELECT_VAR2 | Selects NPVS and nominal amounts only | |
174 | KL_SH_SELECT_VAR3_4 | Selects advance payment amoutn and return payment amount only | |
175 | KL_SIAB_ANT_TO_WERT_CONVERT | Converts the collateral portion to the collateral value | |
176 | KL_SIAB_BESART_AMT_PERC_GET | Receives the amount as per the type of collateral | |
177 | KL_SIAB_COLLATERAL_EVAL | Calculates attributable amounts for securities collateral | |
178 | KL_SIAB_COLLATERAL_RISK_CALC | Generate Rep/Repos Table for Securities Collateral | |
179 | KL_SIAB_COLLAT_COMPLETE_SINGLE | Get All Collateral Data for Attribution in Single Transaction Check | |
180 | KL_SIAB_CONVERTION_PREPARE | Gets the evaluation type and generates rep repos for sec. as collateral | |
181 | KL_SIAB_CURRENCY_CONVERT | Translates the collateraland the WP-REP-REPOS into transaction currency | |
182 | KL_SIAB_FOBJ_FOR_SEC_COL_GET | Generation of SFGDT for Securities Collateral | |
183 | KL_SIAB_PERS_COL_CHECK | Checks personal or tangible collateral | |
184 | KL_SIAB_SECONDARY_RISC_CALC | Secondary Risk: Display and Mitigating Effect | |
185 | KL_SIAB_SECONDARY_RISC_SUM | Secondary Risk: Total of All Secondary Risk Amounts | |
186 | KL_SI_SHOW | Call: Display Collateral | |
187 | KL_SS_FILL_RISKCARR_SINGLE | Settings for Credit Limit Information in Risk Object | |
188 | KL_SS_SLPG_FOR_ACCOUNT | Read Limit Product Group for Position | |
189 | KL_SS_SLPG_FOR_BKK_ACCOUNT | Read the Limit Product Group for the Checking Account Product | |
190 | KL_SS_SLPG_FOR_DEAL_EXT | Read the Limit Product Group for an External Transaction | |
191 | KL_SS_SLPG_FOR_RT | Read Limit Product Group for Risk Object | |
192 | KL_SS_SLPG_FOR_STOCK | Read Limit Product Group for Position | |
193 | KL_SS_SLPG_FOR_VT | Read the Limit Product Group of the Variable Transaction | |
194 | KL_ST_DET_CONTROL_PAR_SINGLE | Determine the Control Parameters - Single Record Processing | |
195 | KL_ST_DET_CONTROL_PAR_TABLE | Determine Control Parameters - Mass Processing | |
196 | KL_T005_READ | KL: Ländertabelle lesen | |
197 | KL_TABLE_INFO_GET | Credit Limit: Read Information for Table/Structure (Runtime Object) | |
198 | KL_TZCURC_EU_READ | KL: Korbwährungen des EURO lesen | |
199 | KL_TZ_DATA_FROM_KLLR01_GET | Lesen des Ratings und der Recovery Rate eines Landes | |
200 | KL_TZ_DATA_FROM_KLLR02_GET | Lesen VaR(%) eines Landes | |
201 | KL_TZ_DATA_FROM_KLLR03_GET | Lesen CEQ-Rate (Credit Equivalent) | |
202 | KL_TZ_DATA_FROM_KLLR04_GET | Ermittlung der Länderausfallwahrscheinlichkeit | |
203 | KL_TZ_DATA_FROM_KLLR05_GET | Lesen LEQ-Rate (Loss Equivalent) | |
204 | KL_TZ_DATA_LGD_GET | Ermitteln LGD in Prozentpunkten | |
205 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FOR_ACCOUNT | Get Default Risk Rule and Limit Product Group for Account | |
206 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FOR_BKK_ACCOUNT | Get Default Risk Rule and Limit Product Group for BCA Product | |
207 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FOR_RC | Get Default Risk Rule and Limit Product Group for Risk Object | |
208 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FOR_VAR_TRANS | Get Default Risk Rule and Limit Product Group for Variable Transaction | |
209 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_DATESHIFT | Get Shift of Validity of Advance Payment Risk for FX Option | |
210 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_GEWFAK | Get Weighting Factors | |
211 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_GEWFAK_EV | Get Weighting Factors for Determination Procedure 1 | |
212 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLARRC | Get Depedent Data for Default Risk Rule | |
213 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLARRCRS | Get Risk Sensistivity from Table | |
214 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLARRCT | Read Texts for Default Risk Rule | |
215 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLBBASIDT | Read Texts for Calculation Base | |
216 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLBESTZU | Get BUKRS, KENNR, Default Risk Rule Assigned to Securities Account | |
217 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLBEWFAK | Get Valuation Factor Determination of Counterparty Country Risk | |
218 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLBEWFAKT | Get Text for Valuation Factor Determination | |
219 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLEGZU | Get Default Risk Rule Assigned to Product Type and Transaction Type | |
220 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLEVC | Get Formula Variables for Determination Procedure and Default Risk Rule | |
221 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLEVCT | Get Texts for Determination Procedure and Default Risk Rule | |
222 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLEVDEF | Get Category of Determination Procedure and Risk Category | |
223 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLEVDEFT | Get Text for Determination Procedure | |
224 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLFORMIDT | Get Texts for Formula ID | |
225 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLNT01 | Get Netting Groups | |
226 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLNT02 | Get Factors | |
227 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLORDERZU | Get the Default Risk Rules Assigned to Individual Securities Transactions | |
228 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLREGDEF | Get Variable Assignment for Formula ID | |
229 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLREGDEFT | Get Texts for Variable Assignment Rule | |
230 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLRRDEF | Get Recovery Rates from Table | |
231 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLRSENSIT | Get Text for Risk Sensitivity | |
232 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLSBV | Get Valuation Method for Collateral | |
233 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLSI01 | Gets the collateral for each collateral category | |
234 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLSI02 | Get Depedent Data for Default Risk Rule | |
235 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLSIART | Get Control Type for Valuation of Collateral | |
236 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLSIBESART | Get Control Type for Valuation of Collateral | |
237 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLSIBETEXT | Get Texts for Collateral Valuation Rule | |
238 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_KLXAKT | Get control entry that defienes whether the credit limit tool is active | |
239 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_SDCTRPASS | Get the Settings for a Single Transaction Product | |
240 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_FROM_VWPANLA | Get Master Data for Security ID Number | |
241 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_KLRATINGRRFZU | Get Recovery Rate Determination from Rating Table | |
242 | KL_TZ_GET_DATA_KLRRFINDDEF | Get Recovery Rate Determination from Table | |
243 | KL_TZ_GET_OBJ_PARM | Get Credit Limit Characteristics for the Object Numbers Transferred | |
244 | KL_TZ_LIMIT_DEALER_CHECK | Check Whether Trader Exists | |
245 | KL_TZ_LIMIT_DEV_PRODART_CHECK | Check whether a product group belongs to foreign currency transactions | |
246 | KL_TZ_LIMIT_PORTFOLIO_CHECK | Check whether the portfolio exists | |
247 | KL_TZ_LIMIT_PRODGRP_CHECK | Check whether the limit product group exists | |
248 | KL_TZ_LIMIT_T006_CHECK | Check whether unit of quantity exists | |
249 | KL_TZ_LIMIT_TCURC_CHECK | Check whether currency exists | |
250 | KL_UTILSII_COLLATERALS_DISPLAY | Display Collateral | |
251 | KL_UTILSII_DATA_FOR_RESERVE | All Relevant Data for Reservations | |
252 | KL_UTILSII_GLOBAL_COLLAT_GET | Gets the global collateral and derived limit characteristics | |
253 | KL_UTILSII_GL_COL_FOR_EGP_GET | Gets the global collateral and derived limit characteristics | |
254 | KL_UTILSII_ISSUER_FROM_RANLW | Get Data for Issuer of Securities Position | |
255 | KL_UTILSII_RESERVE_1 | Reserve Module | |
256 | KL_UTILSII_RESERVE_2 | Reserve Module | |
257 | KL_UTILSII_RRF_GET | Get Recovery Rate Determination | |
258 | KL_UTILSII_SI_ALL_GET | Gets the collateral required | |
259 | KL_UTILSII_VARBEL_CHECK | Get and Check Data from KLEVC and KLARRC for Netting/End-of-Day Processing | |
260 | KL_UTILS_BUKRS_FROM_OBJECT_GET | Get Company Code from Object Number | |
261 | KL_UTILS_GET_DEFAULT_SDCPROD | Read default single transaction check product for external product type | |
262 | KL_UTILS_GET_EOBJNR_BY_IOBJNR | Internal Object Number -> External Object Number | |
263 | KL_UTILS_GET_EXTOBJ_KEY | Credit Limit: Get External Administration Key | |
264 | KL_UTILS_GET_EXT_KEY | Credit Limit: Get External Key Fields | |
265 | KL_UTILS_GET_OBJTYP | Convert External Object Type to Internal Object Type | |
266 | KL_UTILS_GET_POSITION_KEY | Get Position Key (RBEST/OBJNR) for Position | |
267 | KL_UTILS_ISB_AC_SHOW | Call ISB Account | |
268 | KL_UTILS_OBJECT_SHOW_NT | Branch to Maintenance View for Netting Groups | |
269 | KL_UTILS_OBJECT_TEXT_GET_B1 | Get Object Text for Securities Positions | |
270 | KL_UTILS_OBJECT_TEXT_GET_BV | Get Object Text for Variable Transaction | |
271 | KL_UTILS_OBJECT_TEXT_GET_F2 | Get Object Text for Facilities | |
272 | KL_UTILS_OBJECT_TEXT_GET_NT | Get Object Text for Netting Groups | |
273 | KL_UTILS_OBJECT_TEXT_GET_R1 | Get Object Text for Risk Object | |
274 | KL_UTILS_OBJECT_TEXT_GET_T7 | Get Object Text for ISB Accounts | |
275 | KL_UTILS_RISK_SHOW | Call Risk Object | |
276 | KMC_SECURITY_CALLBACK | R | Security callback for attachment security manager |
277 | KNA1ADRNR_BPENQUEUE | Lock on customer numbers | |
278 | KNA1ADRNR_CHECKADDR | Prüfen, ob für die Adressdaten eine Prüfung durchzuführen ist. | |
279 | KNA1ADRNR_QUENQUEUE | Callbackbaustein 'Sperren beim Quartalsabgleich' | |
280 | KNA1ADRNR_QUUPDATE | Callbackbaustein 'Update beim Quartalsabgleich' | |
281 | KNA1VV_GENERIC_READ_CUSTOMER | Kundenstamm: alle Vertriebsbereiche je Kunden lesen | |
282 | KNA1VV_SINGLE_READ | Kundenstamm: Vertriebsbereich je Kunden lesen | |
283 | KNA1_BRAN1_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes kna1-bran1 | |
284 | KNA1_CITYC_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes kna1-cityc | |
285 | KNA1_COUNC_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes kna1-counc | |
286 | KNA1_FISKN_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes kna1-fiskn | |
287 | KNA1_HZUOR_CHECK_1 | Prüfen des Feldes kna1-hzuor | |
288 | KNA1_HZUOR_CHECK_2 | Prüfen des Feldes kna1-hzuor | |
289 | KNA1_INDUSTRY_CODE_CHECK | Prüfen der Branchencodes | |
290 | KNA1_JMZAH_JMJAH_CHECK | Prüfen der Mitarbeiterkennzahl | |
291 | KNA1_KNRZA_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes kna1-knrza | |
292 | KNA1_LIFNR_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes kna1-lifnr | |
293 | KNA1_READ | R | Lesen KNA1 |
294 | KNA1_READ_SINGLE | Lesen KNA1 | |
295 | KNA1_SALES_CHECK | Prüfen der Umsatzdaten | |
296 | KNA1_SINGLE_READ | Select single auf KNA1 mit Pufferergänzung | |
297 | KNA1_SINGLE_READER | Prüft Existenz eines Kundenstammsatzes anhand der Kundennummer | |
298 | KNA1_TEXT_HEADER_SELECT | Header für Textobjekt KNA1 selektieren | |
299 | KNA1_TREX_TRIGGER | Kunde: Änderungszeiger für TREX schreiben | |
300 | KNAS_CHECK | Prüfen der Umsatzsteuer-Id | |
301 | KNAS_DUPLICATE_CHECK | Prüfen der knas auf Doubletten | |
302 | KNB1_AKONT_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knb1-akont | |
303 | KNB1_GENERIC_READ_CUSTOMER | Kundenstamm: alle Buchungskreise je Kunde lesen | |
304 | KNB1_KNRZB_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knb1-knrzb | |
305 | KNB1_KNRZE_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knb1-knrze | |
306 | KNB1_READ_ADHASH | Hashwerte der E-Mail-Adressen eines Debitors lesen | |
307 | KNB1_READ_SINGLE | Lesen KNB1 | |
308 | KNB1_REMIT_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knb1-remit | |
309 | KNB1_SINGLE_READ | Kundenstamm: Buchungskreis je Kunde lesen | |
310 | KNB1_TEXT_HEADER_SELECT | Header für Textobjekt KNB1 selektieren | |
311 | KNB1_XEDIP_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knb1-xedip | |
312 | KNB1_XVERR_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knb1-xverr | |
313 | KNB1_ZAMIM_ZAMIO_CHECK | Prüfen der Felder knb1-zamim und *-zamio | |
314 | KNB1_ZAMI_CHECK | Prüfungen, falls Zahlungsmitteilung auf Mußeingabe | |
315 | KNB5_DUPLICATE_CHECK | Prüfen der knb5 auf Doubletten | |
316 | KNB5_GENERIC_READ_COMPANY_CODE | Kundenstamm: alle Mahnbereiche je Kunde und Buchungskreis lesen | |
317 | KNB5_GENERIC_READ_CUSTOMER | Kundenstamm: alle Mahnbereiche je Kunde lesen | |
318 | KNB5_KNRMA_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knb5_knrma | |
319 | KNB5_SINGLE_READ | Kundenstamm: Mahnbereich je Kunde und Buchungskreis lesen | |
320 | KNBK_BANKL_CHECK | Prüfen der Bankverbindung | |
321 | KNBK_BANKS_CHECK_1 | Prüfen des Feldes knbk-banks | |
322 | KNBK_BANKS_CHECK_2 | Prüfen des Feldes knbk-banks | |
323 | KNBK_DUPLICATE_CHECK | Prüfen der knbk auf Doubletten | |
324 | KNBK_KOINH_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knbk-koinh | |
325 | KNC1_GENERIC_READ_COMPANY_CODE | Kundenstamm: Lesen aller Geschäftsjahre je Buchungskreis und Debitor | |
326 | KNC3_GENERIC_READ_COMPANY_CODE | Kundenstamm: Alle Geschäftsjahre und Sonder.. je Buchungskreis und Debitor | |
327 | KNEX_DUPLICATE_CHECK | Prüfen der knex auf Doubletten | |
328 | KNEX_LNDEX_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knex-lndex | |
329 | KNKK_TEXT_HEADER_SELECT | Header für Textobjekt KNKK selektieren | |
330 | KNMO_GET_CUST_INFO | R | Liefert Transaktionen mit Customizing - Status |
331 | KNMO_GET_DVCL_INFO | R | Liefert alle Entwicklungsklassen |
332 | KNMO_GET_EXCEP_INFO | R | Liefert die Sonderfälle für die Komponentenhierarchie KNM |
333 | KNMO_GET_KOMP_HIERARCHIE | R | Liefert die aktuelle Komponentenhierarchie |
334 | KNMO_GET_TADIR_INFO | R | Liefert Objektinformationen der TADIR |
335 | KNVA_ABLAD_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knva-ablad | |
336 | KNVA_DUPLICATE_CHECK | Prüfen der knva auf Doubletten | |
337 | KNVA_GENERIC_READ_CUSTOMER | Kundenstamm: alle Abladestellen je Kunde lesen | |
338 | KNVA_KNFAK_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knva-knfak | |
339 | KNVA_SINGLE_READ | Kundenstamm: Abladestelle je Kunde lesen | |
340 | KNVA_WANID_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knva-wanid | |
341 | KNVD_DOANZ_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knvd-doanz | |
342 | KNVD_DOCTP_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knvd-doctp | |
343 | KNVD_DOVER_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knvd-dover | |
344 | KNVD_DUPLICATE_CHECK | Prüfen der knvd auf Doubletten | |
345 | KNVD_GENERIC_READ_CUSTOMER | Kundenstamm: alle Nachrichtenarten je Kunde | |
346 | KNVD_GENERIC_READ_SALES_AREA | Kundenstamm: Nachrichtenarten je Kunde und Vetriebsbereich | |
347 | KNVD_NACHA_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knvd-nacha | |
348 | KNVD_SINGLE_READ | Kundenstamm: Nachrichtenart je Kunde, Vetr.Ber. und Sprache | |
349 | KNVD_SPRAS_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knvd-spras | |
350 | KNVH_SINGLE_READ | Gepuffertes Lesen der Tabelle KNVH | |
351 | KNVI_GENERIC_READ_CUSTOMER | Kundenstamm: alle Steuerklassifikationen je Kunde | |
352 | KNVI_GENERIC_READ_LAND | Kundenstamm: Steuerklassifikationen je Kunde und Land | |
353 | KNVI_REFRESH_BUFFER | Refresh buffered KNVI data | |
354 | KNVI_SINGLE_READ | Kundenstamm: Steuerklassifikation je Kunde, Land und Steuertyp | |
355 | KNVI_TAXKD_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knvi-taxkd | |
356 | KNVKADRND_BPENQUEUE | Lock as with contact person (customer number) | |
357 | KNVKADRNP_BPENQUEUE | Lock as with contact person (customer number) | |
358 | KNVKPRSNR_BPENQUEUE | Lock as with contact person (customer number) | |
359 | KNVK_ABTNR_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knvk-abtnr | |
360 | KNVK_DUPLICATE_CHECK | Prüfen der knvk auf Doubletten | |
361 | KNVK_NAME1_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knvk-name1 | |
362 | KNVK_PAFKT_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knvk-pafkt | |
363 | KNVK_READ_CUSTOMER | Kundenstamm: alle Ansprechpartner je Kunde lesen | |
364 | KNVK_READ_VENDOR | Kundenstamm: alle Ansprechpartner je Lieferanten lesen | |
365 | KNVK_SINGLE_READ | Kundenstamm: Ansprechpartner lesen | |
366 | KNVK_TEXT_HEADER_SELECT | Header für Textobjekt KNVK selektieren | |
367 | KNVK_UEPAR_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knvk-uepar | |
368 | KNVK_VRTNR_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knvk-vrtnr | |
369 | KNVL_DATE_CHECK | Prüfen des Gültigkeitszeitraums | |
370 | KNVL_DUPLICATE_CHECK | Prüfen der knvl auf Doubletten | |
371 | KNVL_LICENSE_DATE_CHECK | Prüfen der Lizenzdatümer | |
372 | KNVL_LICNR_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knvl-licnr | |
373 | KNVP_PARVW_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knvp-parvw | |
374 | KNVS_GENERIC_READ_CUSTOMER | Kundenstamm: alle Versandstellen je Kunde | |
375 | KNVS_SINGLE_READ | Kundenstamm: Versandstelle je Kunde | |
376 | KNVV_BEGRU_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knvv-begru | |
377 | KNVV_BOKRE_PRFRE_CHECK | Prüfen der Felder knvv-bokre und *-prfre | |
378 | KNVV_GENERIC_READER_CUSTOMER | Kundenstamm: alle Vertriebsbereiche je Kunde | |
379 | KNVV_KKBER_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knvv-kkber | |
380 | KNVV_REFRESH_BUFFER | Refresh der KNVV-Puffertabelle | |
381 | KNVV_SINGLE_READ | Kundenstamm: Vertriebsbereich je Kunde | |
382 | KNVV_TEXT_HEADER_SELECT | Header für Textobjekt KNVV selektieren | |
383 | KNVV_VKGRP_VKBUR_CHECK | Prüfen der Felder knvv-vkgrp und *-vkbur | |
384 | KNVV_VWERK_CHECK | Prüfen des Feldes knvv-vwerk | |
385 | KNZA_SEL_DUPLICATE_CHECK | Prüfen der knza_sel auf Doubletten | |
386 | KO99_COFA_STATUS_ABGS_SET | Status 'Abgeschlossen' bei CO-Fertigungsaufträgen setzen | |
387 | KO99_PM_ORD_STATUS_ABGS_SET | Set status "Completed" in maintenance orders | |
388 | KOKO_KOPO_MESSAGE | Prüfung, ob Bewegungstypen in KOPO-Tab. vorhanden, Ausgabe Fehlermeldungen | |
389 | KOKRS_GET_FROM_BUKRS | Holt den Kostenrechnungskreis zu einem Buchungskreis | |
390 | KOMB_TO_2LINES | KOMG ist für eine Struktur in zwei Zeilen aufbereitet | |
391 | KOMGM_TO_2LINES | KOMG ist für eine Struktur in zwei Zeilen aufbereitet | |
392 | KOMGM_TO_2LINES_OFFSET | Einen Konditionsschlüssel aufbereiten und eine Offsettabelle aufbauen | |
393 | KOMG_TO_2LINES | KOMG ist für eine Struktur in zwei Zeilen aufbereitet | |
394 | KOMG_TO_2LINES_OFFSET | Einen Konditionsschlüssel aufbereiten und eine Offsettabelle aufbauen | |
395 | KOMG_TO_WINDOW_TABLE | KOMG is für eine Struktur in Tabelleform aufbereitet. | |
396 | KOMKBCF_FILL | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMKBCF | |
397 | KOMKBCV_FILL | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMKBCV | |
398 | KOMKBE1_FILL | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMKBV2 für die Nachrichtenfindung | |
399 | KOMKBEA_FILL | Füllen Kommunikationsstruktur Nachrichtenfindung Anfrage | |
400 | KOMKBES_FILL | Füllen Kommunikationsstruktur Nachrichtenfindung Erfassungsblatt | |
401 | KOMKBJ0_FILL | Füllen Kommunikationsstruktur (Appl. J0, Kopf) | |
402 | KOMKBJ0_FILL_KOPIE | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMKBV1 für die Nachrichtenfindung | |
403 | KOMKBJ1_FILL | Füllen Kommunikationsstruktur (Appl. J1) | |
404 | KOMKBJ2_FILL | Füllen Kommunikationsstruktur (Appl. J2) | |
405 | KOMKBJ3_FILL | Füllen Kommunikationsstruktur (Appl. J3) | |
406 | KOMKBJ4_FILL | Füllen Kommunikationsstruktur (Appl. J4) | |
407 | KOMKBJ5_FILL | Füllen Kommunikationsstruktur (Appl. J5) | |
408 | KOMKBJ6_FILL | Füllen Kommunikationsstruktur (Appl. J6) | |
409 | KOMKBJ7_FILL | Füllen Kommunikationsstruktur (Appl. J7) | |
410 | KOMKBJ8_FILL | Füllen Kommunikationsstruktur (Appl. J8) | |
411 | KOMKBJ9_FILL | Füllen Kommunikationsstruktur (Appl. J9) | |
412 | KOMKBJA_DEL_OLDVALUES | IS-PAM: Lösche *komkbja-fill X-Werte zu einem Auftrag | |
413 | KOMKBJA_FILL | IS-PAM: Kommunikationsstruktur Nachrichten Applikation JA füllen | |
414 | KOMKBJA_FILL_POSNEWVALUES | IS-PAM: Auftrag KOMBKJA füllen für eine aktuelle Position | |
415 | KOMKBJA_FILL_POSOLDVALUES | IS-PAM: Auftrag KOMBKJA füllen für eine alte Position | |
416 | KOMKBJA_GET_OLDVALUES | IS-PAM: Auftrag Rekonstruiere alte Werte zu einem Auftrag | |
417 | KOMKBJA_SET_OLDVALUES | IS-PAM: Sichere X-Werte zu Auftrag zum Füllen *komkbja-Strukturen | |
418 | KOMKBJF_FILL | IS-PAM: Kommunikationsstruktur Nachrichten Applikation JF füllen | |
419 | KOMKBJG_FILL | IS-PAM: Kommunikationsstruktur Nachrichten Applikation JG füllen | |
420 | KOMKBJH_FILL | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMKBJH für die Nachrichtenfindung | |
421 | KOMKBJK_FILL | IS-PAM: Kommunikationsstruktur Nachrichten Apllikation JK füllen | |
422 | KOMKBK1_FILL | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMKBK1 für die Nachrichtenfindung | |
423 | KOMKBM1_FILL | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMKBV2 für die Nachrichtenfindung | |
424 | KOMKBMD_FILL | Füllen Komm.block Dir.beschaff. | |
425 | KOMKBME_FILL | Füllen der Kommunikationsstruktur KOMKBME | |
426 | KOMKBMM_FILL | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMKBMM für die Nachrichtenfindung | |
427 | KOMKBMR_FILL | Füllen der Kommunikationsstruktur KOMKBMR | |
428 | KOMKBNF_FILL | Filling the communication structure KOMKBNF | |
429 | KOMKBOI_FILL | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMKBOI für die Nachrichtenfindung | |
430 | KOMKBOJ_FILL | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMKBOJ für die Nachrichtenfindung | |
431 | KOMKBOK_FILL | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMKBOK für die Nachrichtenfindung | |
432 | KOMKBON_FILL | Oil | |
433 | KOMKBOQ_FILL | Fill commstr for SSR output determination | |
434 | KOMKBOT_FILL | Oil | |
435 | KOMKBP1_FILL | Füllen Komm.block Dir.ferigung. | |
436 | KOMKBPA_FILL | Füllen der Kommunikationsstruktur KOMKBPA | |
437 | KOMKBRS_FILL | KOMKBRS füllen | |
438 | KOMKBV1_FILL | Fill Communication Block KOMKBV1 for Output Determination | |
439 | KOMKBV2_FILL | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMKBV2 für die Nachrichtenfindung | |
440 | KOMKBV3_FILL | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMKBV3 für die Nachrichtenfindung | |
441 | KOMKBV5_FILL | Füllen der Kommunikationsstruktur KOMKBV5 | |
442 | KOMKBV6_FILL | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMKBV6 für die Nachrichtenfindung | |
443 | KOMKBV7_FILL | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMKBV7 für die Nachrichtenfindung | |
444 | KOMKBWA_FILL | Füllen Komm.Block KOMKBWA (Aufteiler / Nachrichtenfindung ) | |
445 | KOMKBWB_FILL | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMKBWB | |
446 | KOMKBWE_FILL | WWS Etikettierung (Kopf): Füllen Kommunikationsstruktur Nachrichtenfindung | |
447 | KOMKBWN_FILL | Füllen der Kommunikationsstruktur KOMKBWN | |
448 | KOMKBWR_FILL | Füllen der Kommunikationsstruktur KOMKBWR | |
449 | KOMKBWS_FILL | Füllen der Kommunikationsstruktur KOMKBWS | |
450 | KOMKBWT_FILL | Füllen der Kommunikationsstruktur KOMKBWT | |
451 | KOMKB_FILL_TEMP1 | Available | |
452 | KOMKB_FILL_TEMP2 | Available | |
453 | KOMKB_FILL_TEMP3 | Available | |
454 | KOMKB_FILL_TEMP4 | Available | |
455 | KOMKB_FILL_TEMP5 | Available | |
456 | KOMPBEA_FILL | Füllen Kommunikationsstruktur Nachrichtenfindung Einkauf/Position | |
457 | KOMPBJ0_FILL | Füllen Kommunikationsstruktur (Appl. J0, Position) | |
458 | KOMPBJ0_FILL_KOPIE | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMPBJ0 für die Nachrichtenfindung | |
459 | KOMPBME_FILL | Füllen der Kommunikationsstruktur KOMPBME | |
460 | KOMPBMR_FILL | Füllen der Kommunikationsstruktur KOMPBMR | |
461 | KOMPBOI_FILL | Oil | |
462 | KOMPBON_FILL | Füllen von KOMPBON | |
463 | KOMPBOT_FILL | Oil | |
464 | KOMPBV1_FILL | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMPBV1 für die Nachrichtenfindung | |
465 | KOMPBV2_FILL | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMPBV2 für die Nachrichtenfindung | |
466 | KOMPBV3_FILL | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMPBV3 für die Nachrichtenfindung | |
467 | KOMPBWA_FILL | Füllen Komm.Block KOMPBWA (Aufteiler / Nachrichtenfindung ) | |
468 | KOMPBWB_FILL | Füllen des Kommunikationsblockes KOMPBWB | |
469 | KOMPBWR_FILL | Füllen der Kommunikationsstruktur KOMPBWR | |
470 | KOMPBWT_FILL | Füllen der Kommunikationsstruktur KOMPBWT | |
471 | KONASSMT_ANALYSE | Analyse für die Freigabe (alle Objekte) | |
472 | KONASSMT_CHANGE | Konditionstableau: Ändern Objekt PRICETAB über VZFGD | |
473 | KONASSMT_CONFIRMATION | Konditionstableau: Freigabe Objekt PRICETAB über VZFGD | |
474 | KONASSMT_DISPLAY | R | Konditionstableau: Anzeigen Objekt PRICETAB über VZFGD |
476 | KONDIND_READ | KONDIND: Konditionsindexdaten lesen | |
477 | KONDIND_UPDATE | KONDIND: Verbuchen | |
478 | KONDIND_UPDATE_PREPARE | KONDIND: Verbuchung vorbereiten | |
479 | KONSILIEF_WRITE_DOCUMENT | ===> Objekt KONSILIEF , generiert durch Programm RSSCD000 | |
480 | KONSISTENZABGLEICH_SCR_SLD | SCR und SLD abgleichen und fehlenden Inhalt dem SLD zuliefern | |
481 | KONTAB_ANALYSE | Analyse für die Freigabe (alle Objekte) | |
482 | KONTAB_CHANGE | Konditionstableau: Ändern Objekt PRICETAB über VZFGD | |
483 | KONTAB_CONFIRMATION | Konditionstableau: Freigabe Objekt PRICETAB über VZFGD | |
484 | KONTAB_DISPLAY | R | Konditionstableau: Anzeigen Objekt PRICETAB über VZFGD |
485 | KONT_ZU_BUKRS_UND_KONDART_C | Kontierung zu einer mit Eigennutzung/Leerstand | |
486 | KONT_ZU_KONDART_UND_BEWART_C | Kontierungsvorschrift zu Konditionsart+Bewegungsart | |
487 | KONT_ZU_KONDITIONSART_C | Kontierungsvorschriften zu Konditionsart mit Nachbuchung | |
488 | KONV_ARRAY_READ | Massenzugriff auf KONV | |
489 | KONV_ARRAY_READ_02 | Massenzugriff auf KONV | |
490 | KONV_BUFFER_READ | Daten aus Puffer G_T_YKONV lesen | |
491 | KONV_BUFFER_REPLACE | Ersetzen des KOMV-Puffers | |
492 | KONV_UPDATE | Tabelle KONV aktualisieren (Verbuchungsbaustein) | |
493 | KOPIERTE_PARTNER_PRUEFEN | Überprüfen der Partnertabelle nach dem Kopieren | |
494 | KOPO_AUS_EFFZINS_BERECHNEN | Berechnet den ProzSatz/Betrag der KoPo bei vorgegebenem Effektivzinssatz | |
495 | KOPO_AUS_EFFZINS_KENNZEICHNEN | Kennzeichnet die KOPOs, deren Werte aus dem Effektivzins zu berechnen sind | |
496 | KOPO_DATUM_ERMITTELN | Aus Zahlweise, Zahlweise mit Korrektur und Rhythmus Datenfelder ermitteln | |
497 | KOPO_ERGEBNISSE_UEBERNEHMEN | Ermittelte Ergebnisse in die Konditionspositionen übernehmen | |
498 | KOPV_CALL_COPY_SCENARIO1_OR | Aufruf Planversionskopieren aus Applikationsexit SAPMKPT4 | |
499 | KOPV_CALL_COPY_SCENARIO1_PS | Aufruf Planversionskopieren aus Applikationsexit SAPMKPT4 | |
500 | KOPV_CALL_COPY_SCENARIO2_PS | Aufruf Planversionskopieren aus Applikationsexit SAPMKPT4 |