SAP ABAP Domain - Index U, page 4
Domain - U
# | Domain Name | Short Description | Data type | Length | Decimals |
1 | UMGOIGNORE | Container handling: Ignore bad references | CHAR | 1 | |
2 | UMGOINITS | SPUMG: Status of the Initialization | CHAR | 1 | |
3 | UMGOIUUC | IUUC mode | CHAR | 1 | |
4 | UMGOLOGCAT | SUMG: repair category | CHAR | 1 | |
5 | UMGOLOGPAR | SPUMG: Parameter for main log messages | CHAR | 40 | |
6 | UMGOLVOP | Logical Operators for Filterelements | CHAR | 5 | |
7 | UMGOMANCAT | SUMG: repair category added manually | CHAR | 1 | |
8 | UMGONFIELD | Non-Unicode field | RAW | 254 | |
9 | UMGONTABR | Reason for the inconsistency of a nametab object | CHAR | 1 | |
10 | UMGONTABU | Status of RADCUCNT | CHAR | 1 | |
11 | UMGONUM16 | SPUMG/SUMG Number | NUMC | 16 | |
12 | UMGOOWNER | Owner flag: S = SAP, C = Customer | CHAR | 1 | |
13 | UMGOPMERR | Warning Type | CHAR | 1 | |
14 | UMGOPMSTAT | Status of table | CHAR | 1 | |
15 | UMGOREPT | SUMG: Repair Type | CHAR | 1 | |
16 | UMGOSCANTIME | Scantime of a table in seconds | INT4 | 10 | |
17 | UMGOSEP | Word separator type | CHAR | 1 | |
18 | UMGOSPLITSTATUS | Status of conditions for table splitting | CHAR | 1 | |
19 | UMGOSTAT | Task Queue Status | CHAR | 1 | |
20 | UMGOSTATUSOBJECT | Reference Object for Status Message | CHAR | 50 | |
21 | UMGOSTEP | Step in test scenario | CHAR | 2 | |
22 | UMGOSYSTEMTYPE | SPUMG System Type | CHAR | 1 | |
23 | UMGOSYSTYPE | UMG System type | CHAR | 1 | |
24 | UMGOTABC | Unicode Migration Tool: Table Category | CHAR | 1 | |
25 | UMGOTABLESTATUS | Status of a table | CHAR | 1 | |
26 | UMGOTABTYPE | Table Type of a database table | CHAR | 1 | |
27 | UMGOTEXT2 | Text with two characters | CHAR | 2 | |
28 | UMGOTEXT512 | Text 512 | CHAR | 512 | |
29 | UMGOTRANS | R3trans codepage mapping | CHAR | 1 | |
30 | UMGOUFIELD | Unicode field | CHAR | 254 | |
31 | UMGOUVPSTATUS | User status for vocabulary maintenance | CHAR | 1 | |
32 | UMGOVOP | Logic Operators for Filterelements | CHAR | 8 | |
33 | UMGOVPSTATUS | Status of a vocabulary package | CHAR | 1 | |
34 | UMGOWNOCP | Reasons why no codepage could be assigned | NUMC | 2 | |
35 | UMGPROB | SPUMG Probability | DEC | 17 | 14 |
36 | UMGRD_KK | Transfer posting reason | CHAR | 2 | |
37 | UMGRP | Revaluation group | CHAR | 4 | |
38 | UMGTABID | Unique Table Identifier | NUMC | 6 | |
39 | UMG_STAGE | Unicode conversion: Has next stange been activated | CHAR | 1 | |
40 | UMKRS | Taxes on sales/purchases group | CHAR | 4 | |
41 | UMKRS_DATUM | Choose Selection Date of Time-Dep. Sales/Purchases Tax Grps | CHAR | 1 | |
42 | UMK_D_APPLICATION | Application | CHAR | 1 | |
43 | UMK_D_APP_OBJTYPE | Application Object Type | CHAR | 1 | |
44 | UMK_D_BKFLG | Flag for characteristic in benchmark InfoCube | CHAR | 1 | |
45 | UMK_D_BOOL | Boolean | CHAR | 1 | |
46 | UMK_D_CATALG | Measure catalog | CHAR | 30 | |
47 | UMK_D_CATALOG | Measure catalog name | CHAR | 30 | |
48 | UMK_D_CHAVLEXT | Field for any characteristic value - external display | CHAR | 70 | |
49 | UMK_D_COMP | ObjectKey | CHAR | 30 | |
50 | UMK_D_COMPID | BIW: Name (ID) of a Reporting Component | CHAR | 30 | |
51 | UMK_D_COMTP | Component type in Measure Builder | CHAR | 1 | |
52 | UMK_D_CONTENT | Content as XSTRING XML | RSTR | 0 | |
53 | UMK_D_DIRECTION | Desired change | CHAR | 1 | |
54 | UMK_D_EXT_SCEN | External System - Scenario | CHAR | 1 | |
55 | UMK_D_FLTFLG | Used flag | CHAR | 1 | |
56 | UMK_D_IBKTP | InfoObject Type for Benchmark | CHAR | 3 | |
57 | UMK_D_ICKEYFTYPE | Indicator: InfoCube key figure type | CHAR | 1 | |
58 | UMK_D_ICUBE | BW: InfoCube | CHAR | 30 | |
59 | UMK_D_INDFLG | Industry-dependent flag for measure | CHAR | 1 | |
60 | UMK_D_INDU | Industry | CHAR | 4 | |
61 | UMK_D_INFOPROV_TYPE | InfoProvider Type | CHAR | 1 | |
62 | UMK_D_IOBJFLG | InfoObject flag | CHAR | 1 | |
63 | UMK_D_IOBJNM | BW: InfoObject name | CHAR | 30 | |
64 | UMK_D_IOBJTP | Type of an InfoObject | CHAR | 3 | |
65 | UMK_D_KEYTEXT | Display option: Key and text | CHAR | 1 | |
66 | UMK_D_KF_TYPE | Measure Type | CHAR | 1 | |
67 | UMK_D_KYFTP | Key Figure Type | CHAR | 3 | |
68 | UMK_D_LTXT | Long Text | CHAR | 60 | |
69 | UMK_D_MEAS | Measure | CHAR | 18 | |
70 | UMK_D_MEASDEC | Measure decimals | CHAR | 1 | |
71 | UMK_D_MEASSCALE | Scaling Factors | CHAR | 1 | |
72 | UMK_D_MNODE | Measure Group | CHAR | 30 | |
73 | UMK_D_OBJVERS | Object version | CHAR | 1 | |
74 | UMK_D_ODBONM | ODBO name | CHAR | 143 | |
75 | UMK_D_OPERAND | Formula operand | CHAR | 32 | |
76 | UMK_D_OPERTP | Formula operand type | CHAR | 1 | |
77 | UMK_D_POSCAT | Position category | NUMC | 2 | |
78 | UMK_D_PROVIDER | Measure & Benchmark Provider | CHAR | 10 | |
79 | UMK_D_SELFLG | Selection value flag for characteristic | CHAR | 1 | |
80 | UMK_D_SELVAL | Selection value | CHAR | 70 | |
81 | UMK_D_SIGN_REV | Reverse +/- signs | INT4 | 10 | |
82 | UMK_D_SIGN_REVERSE | Reverse +/- signs | CHAR | 1 | |
83 | UMK_D_SOURCETYPE | Type of data source | CHAR | 1 | |
84 | UMK_D_STXT | Short text | CHAR | 20 | |
85 | UMK_D_UNIT | Measure Unit | CHAR | 3 | |
86 | UMK_D_URL_255 | Uniform Resource Locator | CHAR | 255 | |
87 | UMK_D_VALTYPE | Measure value type | CHAR | 1 | |
88 | UMLGE | Stock transfer from DC to plants | CHAR | 1 | |
89 | UMLGNUM | Stock Transfer Number | CHAR | 3 | |
90 | UMLZU | Stock transfer order, aggregate | CHAR | 1 | |
91 | UMM_D_ADMIN_BUFFER_MODE | Mode for Manual Data Buffering | CHAR | 1 | |
92 | UMM_D_CONAME | Technical name of a Cockpit | CHAR | 15 | |
93 | UMM_D_CONOD | Hierarchy node in the Cockpit hierarchy | NUMC | 10 | |
94 | UMM_D_COUNT | Counter | INT1 | 3 | |
95 | UMM_D_DSTATUS | Technical status of an object | CHAR | 1 | |
96 | UMM_D_EXITNM | Name of the Exit | CHAR | 30 | |
97 | UMM_D_FRNAME | Technical name of a frame | CHAR | 15 | |
98 | UMM_D_FRNOD | Hierarchy - node in the frame hierarchy | NUMC | 10 | |
99 | UMM_D_FRSELFLG | Flag for selection condition | NUMC | 3 | |
100 | UMM_D_FRTYPE | Frame Type (Graphic, BIC Text or Links) | CHAR | 1 | |
101 | UMM_D_LINKTYPE | Link Type | CHAR | 1 | |
102 | UMM_D_LVNAME | Technical name of a logical view | CHAR | 15 | |
103 | UMM_D_LVNOD | Hierarchy node in the logical view hierarchy | NUMC | 10 | |
104 | UMM_D_MEASFLG | Measure flag | CHAR | 4 | |
105 | UMM_D_NOFR | Frame numbers | NUMC | 1 | |
106 | UMM_D_NOLV | Logical view numbers | NUMC | 1 | |
107 | UMM_D_NOWA | Wall numbers | NUMC | 1 | |
108 | UMM_D_OBJNAME | Technical name of a MC object | CHAR | 15 | |
109 | UMM_D_OBJTYP | MC - Object Type | CHAR | 1 | |
110 | UMM_D_OBJTYPE | MC - Object type | CHAR | 15 | |
111 | UMM_D_PARREL | Mode for reading transaction data in the Presentation | CHAR | 1 | |
112 | UMM_D_PRINTTYPE | Domain: Print Element | CHAR | 1 | |
113 | UMM_D_PSTATUS | Status of a Frame (Presentation) | CHAR | 1 | |
114 | UMM_D_SEL | Selection condition: Characteristic value or variable nname | CHAR | 143 | |
115 | UMM_D_SELTYP | Selection type | CHAR | 1 | |
116 | UMM_D_STATGEN | Type of Status Determination | CHAR | 1 | |
117 | UMM_D_STATUS | Object status: Release for presentation | CHAR | 1 | |
118 | UMM_D_STYLE_SHEET | Management Cockpit Web Version: Style Sheet | CHAR | 50 | |
119 | UMM_D_UNIQUEID | Unique ID of Buffer Record in Frame | NUMC | 6 | |
120 | UMM_D_VANAME | Technical name of a variable | CHAR | 15 | |
121 | UMM_D_VARFILL | Variable replacement type | CHAR | 1 | |
122 | UMM_D_VARFLG | Selection Type | CHAR | 1 | |
123 | UMM_D_VARTYP | Variable type | NUMC | 1 | |
124 | UMM_D_WACOL | Color code - wall background | NUMC | 2 | |
125 | UMM_D_WANAME | Technical name of a wall | CHAR | 15 | |
126 | UMM_D_WANOD | Hierarchy node in the wall hierarchy | NUMC | 10 | |
127 | UMNAE | Inclusion of business volume after comp./agree. final settlm | CHAR | 1 | |
128 | UMNAP | Inclusion of business volume after comparison, period-settl. | CHAR | 1 | |
129 | UMR6U | Conversion factor T006U | DEC | 10 | |
130 | UMRDT | Type of translation date | CHAR | 1 | |
131 | UMRECHDAT | Conversion date of foreign amount | DATS | 8 | |
132 | UMRZL | Numerator for conversion into base quantity unit | FLTP | 16 | 16 |
133 | UMR_D_ARGTYPE | Formula Argument Type | CHAR | 3 | |
134 | UMR_D_ATTR_KEY | Attribute Key | CHAR | 30 | |
135 | UMR_D_ATTR_VALUE | Attribute Value | CHAR | 60 | |
136 | UMR_D_BUF_STATUS | Buffer Status | CHAR | 1 | |
137 | UMR_D_COLLISION | Type of Overlapping | CHAR | 1 | |
138 | UMR_D_COMP | Component of Measure Builder Hierarchy | CHAR | 30 | |
139 | UMR_D_COMTP | Component Type in Risk Builder | CHAR | 1 | |
140 | UMR_D_DEV_TYPE | Type of Deviation | CHAR | 1 | |
141 | UMR_D_INTTYPE | Type of Risk Intensity | CHAR | 1 | |
142 | UMR_D_OBJVERS | Object Version | CHAR | 1 | |
143 | UMR_D_OKEY | Key of Assigned Object | CHAR | 30 | |
144 | UMR_D_OTYPE | Type of Assigned Object | CHAR | 1 | |
145 | UMR_D_PROBABILITY | Risk Probability | DEC | 4 | 1 |
146 | UMR_D_RACT | Risk-Reducing Activity | CHAR | 10 | |
147 | UMR_D_RACTIVITY | Indicator for Use of Risk Activities | NUMC | 1 | |
148 | UMR_D_RCATG | Risk Category | CHAR | 10 | |
149 | UMR_D_RISK | Risk | CHAR | 10 | |
150 | UMR_D_STATCALC | Type of Automatic Risk Status Calculation | CHAR | 1 | |
151 | UMR_D_TLEVEL | Threat Level | NUMC | 2 | |
152 | UMR_LTYPE | List type for currency translation | NUMC | 1 | |
153 | UMR_METHO | Translation method | CHAR | 5 | |
154 | UMR_SETTYP | SET type 1 = Item set / 2 = Transaction type | CHAR | 1 | |
155 | UMR_STA | FI-LC: Customizing currency translation | CHAR | 1 | |
156 | UMR_STAIA | FI-LC: Customizing consolidation | CHAR | 1 | |
157 | UMSA1 | Annual sales | CURR | 15 | 2 |
158 | UMSART | Type of business volume data | CHAR | 1 | |
159 | UMSAT | Annual sales | CURR | 8 | 2 |
160 | UMSEI | Foreign Trade: Export/Import Data Conversion | CHAR | 1 | |
161 | UMSKS | Sales type | CHAR | 1 | |
162 | UMSKS_019 | Sales type | CHAR | 1 | |
163 | UMSKZ | Special G/L indicator | CHAR | 1 | |
164 | UMSSOKZ00 | Sort Indicator 1/2 | NUMC | 1 | |
165 | UMSTA | Status of conversion planning | CHAR | 1 | |
166 | UMSTM | Changeover method | CHAR | 1 | |
167 | UMSVDPER | Reporting Period of Electronic Tax Return | NUMC | 2 | |
168 | UMSVDYEA | Reporting Year of Electronic Tax Return | NUMC | 4 | |
169 | UMSVT_C | Type of business volume distribution across plants involved | CHAR | 1 | |
170 | UMSVW | Foreign Trade: Indicator for Using the Reference Country | CHAR | 1 | |
171 | UMS_ANZ | Value field PL8 with sign | INT4 | 10 | |
172 | UMS_FILE | Export file for rollups | CHAR | 40 | |
173 | UMVAR | Translation method | CHAR | 2 | |
174 | UMV_D_ASSIGN_TYPE | Value Driver Tree: Setup of Tree Structure | CHAR | 8 | |
175 | UMV_D_COL_TYPE | Value Driver Tree: Value Field Type | CHAR | 1 | |
176 | UMV_D_ORIENT | Orientation of value driver tree | CHAR | 1 | |
177 | UMV_D_POSITION | Position in the hierarchy of the value driver trees | INT4 | 10 | |
178 | UMV_D_REF_TYPE | Object type | CHAR | 1 | |
179 | UMV_D_TRANS_MODE | Value driver transaction mode | CHAR | 1 | |
180 | UMV_D_VDRIVER | Value driver | CHAR | 10 | |
181 | UMV_D_VDTNOD | Hierarchy node of the value driver trees | CHAR | 25 | |
182 | UMV_D_VDTREE | Value driver tree | CHAR | 10 | |
183 | UMV_D_VDT_TERM | Value Driver Tree: Classification Key | CHAR | 4 | |
184 | UMWFAKT | Conversion factor | DEC | 31 | 14 |
185 | UMWGRUND | Conversion reason | CHAR | 1 | |
186 | UMXXX | Number of sales | CURR | 15 | 2 |
187 | UMZPKT | Date of translation | NUMC | 1 | |
188 | UMZUGKZ | Control of whether values are kept in move-in/out | CHAR | 1 | |
189 | UMZUGSKVG | Indicator: Approval of moving costs refund (separ.allow.) | CHAR | 1 | |
190 | UNAME | User Name | CHAR | 12 | |
191 | UNAME_KK | Identification for internal use | CHAR | 18 | |
192 | UNART | Examination type | CHAR | 4 | |
193 | UNBKZ | Sub-stock indicator | CHAR | 1 | |
194 | UNBTA | garnishment amount | CHAR | 1 | |
195 | UNCSL | Count as Uncertified Sick Leave for SL Accrual Computation | CHAR | 1 | |
196 | UNDERP_SC | Procedure for underpayments | CHAR | 2 | |
197 | UNFART | IS-H: Accident type | CHAR | 3 | |
198 | UNFNR | IS-H: File Number / Processing Number for Accident | CHAR | 12 | |
199 | UNFUNCT | Function assignment | CHAR | 70 | |
200 | UNGRK | Correction for non-garnishable amount | CHAR | 2 | |
201 | UNIQUE_EXP_CODE | Unique number to Identify Export Documents | NUMC | 10 | |
202 | UNIT_STATE | Status of a Unit in Background RFC | CHAR | 10 | |
203 | UNIT_TYPE | Type of Background RFC Unit | CHAR | 1 | |
204 | UNIXUSER | Operating system user | CHAR | 20 | |
205 | UNOTE | Mark | DEC | 2 | 1 |
206 | UNSOLDNUMBER | IS-M: Number | CHAR | 10 | |
207 | UNSOLD_GROUP | IS-M: Group | CHAR | 2 | |
208 | UNSOLD_GROUP_TYPE | IS-M: Operation Type | CHAR | 2 | |
209 | UNSOLD_TYPE | IS-M: Operation | CHAR | 2 | |
210 | UNTBRGRD | Reason for suspension | CHAR | 3 | |
211 | UNTERPOS | Unterpositionen OeNB-Meldung Österreich | NUMC | 3 | |
212 | UNTFI | Allocate under-delivery to store | CHAR | 1 | |
213 | UNTGR | IS-H: Insurance Subgroup | CHAR | 2 | |
214 | UNTGR_OLD | Insurance provider subgroup | NUMC | 2 | |
215 | UNTVZ | Allocate under-delivery to DC | CHAR | 1 | |
216 | UNTYP | Organization type | CHAR | 1 | |
217 | UNUSED | Dummy domain for unused fields | DEC | 13 | 2 |
218 | UNVST | Foreign Trade: Field Control / Incompletion in Document | CHAR | 1 | |
219 | UOBJCT | Sub-object in task lists | CHAR | 1 | |
220 | UPAGCNT | # Page blocks for user | INT4 | 10 | |
221 | UPARA_IOBJNM | InfoObject | CHAR | 30 | |
222 | UPARA_Y_CUSTCL | Retail Analytics Settings | CHAR | 5 | |
223 | UPARA_Y_CUSTSUBCLASS | Subclass of Settings | CHAR | 4 | |
224 | UPARA_Y_FYVR_TYPE | Type of Fiscal Year Variant | CHAR | 1 | |
225 | UPARI_BUDG_APPL_ID | Application Identifier | NUMC | 2 | |
226 | UPARI_BUDG_BOOLEAN | Boolean Value ('X' = True, ' ' = False) | CHAR | 1 | |
227 | UPARI_BUDG_CHA_VAL | Characteristic Value | CHAR | 70 | |
228 | UPARI_BUDG_CHECK_TYPE | Type of OTB check | CHAR | 1 | |
229 | UPARI_BUDG_HIEID | Hierarchy ID | CHAR | 2 | |
230 | UPARI_BUDG_KEY_ID | Budget number | NUMC | 16 | |
231 | UPARI_BUDG_KS | Set of key figures | CHAR | 10 | |
232 | UPARI_BUDG_LEVEL | Budget Level | CHAR | 10 | |
233 | UPARI_BUDG_NUM_PACKAGE | Number of package for data transfer | INT4 | 10 | |
234 | UPARI_BUDG_NUM_PROC | Number of parallel processes | NUMC | 2 | |
235 | UPARI_BUDG_TOL | tolerance value in percent | DEC | 5 | 2 |
236 | UPARI_BUDG_TYPE | Budget Type | CHAR | 2 | |
237 | UPARI_BUDG_TYPE_STATUS | Status of bugdet type | CHAR | 1 | |
238 | UPARI_BUDG_TYPE_TEXT | Description budget type | CHAR | 30 | |
239 | UPARI_BUDG_VALUE | Budget Value | CURR | 13 | 2 |
240 | UPARI_COMM_METH | Communication method | CHAR | 1 | |
241 | UPARI_KEYFIG_ID | Key figure ID | CHAR | 2 | |
242 | UPARI_MSGTYPE | MAP data interface: messagetype | CHAR | 20 | |
243 | UPARI_MSGTYPETEXTLG | Long text of a message type | CHAR | 40 | |
244 | UPARI_MSGTYPETEXTSH | Short text of a message type | CHAR | 20 | |
245 | UPARI_OTBLEVEL | OTB Level | CHAR | 10 | |
246 | UPARI_OTBLEVELTEXT | Description of OTB level | CHAR | 30 | |
247 | UPARI_SELFIELD | Selection field | CHAR | 20 | |
248 | UPARI_SUBST | Substitution name of a select option | CHAR | 30 | |
249 | UPARI_SYSUUID_C22 | UUID in 22 Characters (Usually Base 64 Encoded) | CHAR | 22 | |
250 | UPARI_SYSUUID_C26 | UUID in 26 chars (usually Base 32 encoded) | CHAR | 26 | |
251 | UPARI_SYSUUID_C32 | UUID in 32 Characters (Hexadecimal Encoded) | CHAR | 32 | |
252 | UPARI_SYSUUID_X16 | UUID in 16 Bytes (Raw Format) | RAW | 16 | |
253 | UPARI_VERSION | Version | CHAR | 3 | |
254 | UPARI_Y_RPP_SEQ_NO | Domain for Sequence Number of Retail Purch. plan | NUMC | 2 | |
255 | UPARM_AGGREGATION | Key Figure Aggregation | CHAR | 4 | |
257 | UPARM_ATTR_FORMAT | Master Data Maintenance View - Column Format | NUMC | 2 | |
258 | UPARM_ATTR_TYPE | Master Data Maintenance View - Attribute Type | CHAR | 1 | |
259 | UPARM_BUTTON_LOCATION | Location of a custom event button | CHAR | 8 | |
260 | UPARM_CHANGE_RULE | Master Data Maintenance View - Release Attr Change Rule | NUMC | 1 | |
261 | UPARM_CHLD_VW_USAGE | Child View Usage | CHAR | 8 | |
262 | UPARM_COLUMNS_COUNT | Count the Number of Columns | NUMC | 3 | |
263 | UPARM_COL_COLOR | Exception Column Color | NUMC | 2 | |
264 | UPARM_COL_DISPAY_AREA | Exception Display Area | CHAR | 1 | |
265 | UPARM_COL_FILTER_OPERATOR | Column Filter Operator | CHAR | 2 | |
266 | UPARM_COL_FILTER_SIGN | Sign Include/Exclude | CHAR | 1 | |
267 | UPARM_COL_SORTING_EXP | Column Sorting Expression | CHAR | 50 | |
268 | UPARM_COPY_RULE | MDP Copy Rule | NUMC | 1 | |
269 | UPARM_DIMENSION_SOURCE | MDP - Characteristic Source (Criteria, Row, Fixed Value) | CHAR | 10 | |
270 | UPARM_EXCEPTION_ID | Identifies a unique Exception | RAW | 16 | |
271 | UPARM_FILTER_ID | Filter ID | RAW | 16 | |
272 | UPARM_FIXING_COL_EXP | Expression to fix columns using their sequence number | CHAR | 11 | |
273 | UPARM_GROUP_DESC | MDP Group Description | CHAR | 60 | |
274 | UPARM_GROUP_ID | MDP Group ID | CHAR | 15 | |
275 | UPARM_INF_PRO_READ_PCKG_SIZE | Packge Size for Cube Read | NUMC | 10 | |
276 | UPARM_IOBJ_DESC_LENGTH | Info Object description length to use | CHAR | 1 | |
277 | UPARM_IOBJ_KEY | InfoObject key | CHAR | 180 | |
278 | UPARM_KF_UNIT_SOURCE | KF Unit Source (InfoObject or Virtual Column) | CHAR | 1 | |
279 | UPARM_LOGICAL_OP | Logical Operator used to operate on records | CHAR | 3 | |
280 | UPARM_REL_VAL | Master Data Maintenance View - Release Value | CHAR | 30 | |
281 | UPARM_RESULT_TABLE | MDP Result Table | CHAR | 1 | |
282 | UPARM_RESULT_TABLE_USAGE | MDP Result Table | CHAR | 4 | |
283 | UPARM_ROW_ID | Row ID | INT4 | 10 | |
284 | UPARM_ROW_STATUS | Row Status | CHAR | 1 | |
285 | UPARM_RULE_DESC | Description of a Rule | CHAR | 60 | |
286 | UPARM_RULE_ID | Rule ID | RAW | 16 | |
287 | UPARM_RULE_TYPE | Rule Type | CHAR | 1 | |
288 | UPARM_RULE_VIEW_ID | A View represents the UI grid in which records are displayed | CHAR | 60 | |
289 | UPARM_SELECT_TYPE | MDP Selection Criteria Type: Embedded, Dialog or Invisible | CHAR | 1 | |
290 | UPARM_SEQ_NO | Sequence Number | NUMC | 3 | |
291 | UPARM_SORT_ORDER | Column Sort Order | CHAR | 1 | |
292 | UPARM_UNIT_SOURCE | Source for Unit in IOBJ Header (Sel. Crit.) | CHAR | 10 | |
293 | UPARM_UNIT_SRC_CIP | Source for Unit in KF Header (dim r.,fixed, sel. crit.) | CHAR | 10 | |
294 | UPARM_UNIT_SRC_CVI | Source for Unit in Virtual Header (sel. crit., kf dim) | CHAR | 10 | |
295 | UPARM_VIEW_CHANGE_RULE | Master Data Maintenance View - Release Attr Change Rule | NUMC | 1 | |
296 | UPARM_VIEW_DESC | Master Data Maintenance View - View Description | CHAR | 60 | |
297 | UPARM_VIEW_ID | Master Data Maintenance View - View ID | CHAR | 15 | |
298 | UPARM_VIEW_TYPE | MDP View Type: Tabular, Assignment, Multi or Browse&Collect | CHAR | 1 | |
299 | UPARM_VIRTUAL_COLUMN_TYPE | Virtual Column Type (Calculated or Image) | CHAR | 3 | |
300 | UPARM_WD_COMPONENT_NAME | WD Component Name | CHAR | 30 | |
301 | UPARM_WEIGHTING_FACTOR | Weighting Factor | INT4 | 10 | |
302 | UPARO_SYSUUID_C32 | UUID in 32 Characters (Hexadecimal Encoded) | CHAR | 32 | |
303 | UPARS_IOBJNM | InfoObject | CHAR | 30 | |
304 | UPARU_ATRAGGR | Define the aggregation behavior for an attribute | NUMC | 1 | |
305 | UPARU_ATRFMT | Define the attribute output format | NUMC | 1 | |
306 | UPARU_ATRSEQ | Sequence the presention of the attributes | INT1 | 3 | |
307 | UPARU_CHA_DELETED | Characteristic value marked for deletion | CHAR | 1 | |
308 | UPARU_DOCFUNC | Operation on a document | CHAR | 1 | |
309 | UPARU_EXCELFMT | Excel cell format | CHAR | 10 | |
310 | UPARU_FUNCTEXT | Label for the layout maintenance functions | CHAR | 60 | |
311 | UPARU_LAYSECTION | Planning layout section | CHAR | 2 | |
312 | UPARU_NEWID | Indicate how new ID has to be generated (internal/external) | CHAR | 1 | |
313 | UPARU_NODEIDX | Planning Folder Navigation Tree - Node Index | INT4 | 10 | |
314 | UPARU_ROWSTS | Planning layout row status | NUMC | 1 | |
315 | UPARU_SUM_DOCU | Formula for the total calculated on front end | CHAR | 255 | |
316 | UPA_MCB_AMOUNT_CHAR | Amount Key Figure Characteristic | CHAR | 3 | |
317 | UPA_MCB_AMOUNT_TYPE | Amount Key Figure Type | CHAR | 1 | |
318 | UPA_MCB_BUDGET_CAT | Budget Category | CHAR | 2 | |
319 | UPA_MCB_BUDGET_STR | Budgeting Method | CHAR | 2 | |
320 | UPA_MCB_BUSI_CAT | Budget Use | CHAR | 2 | |
321 | UPA_MCB_CHANGEABLE | Changeability of a Data Record | CHAR | 1 | |
322 | UPA_MCB_COCEN | Cost Center (Copy of /BI0/OCOSTCENTER) | CHAR | 10 | |
323 | UPA_MCB_COORD_TYPE | Maintenance Order Type | CHAR | 4 | |
324 | UPA_MCB_EQUIPMENT | Equipment Number (Copy of /BI0/OEQUIPMENT) | CHAR | 18 | |
325 | UPA_MCB_FLAG | Indicator: Yes/No | CHAR | 1 | |
326 | UPA_MCB_FLAG_GEN | Indicator Yes/No/Undefined | CHAR | 1 | |
327 | UPA_MCB_FLAG_INTERVAL | Budgeting Period Uniqueness | CHAR | 1 | |
328 | UPA_MCB_FUNCT_LOC | Functional Location (Copy of /BI0/OFUNCT_LOC) | CHAR | 30 | |
329 | UPA_MCB_MAINTPOS | Maintenance Item (Copy Of /BI0/OMAINTPOS) | CHAR | 16 | |
330 | UPA_MCB_PLAN_SCEN | Planning Scenario | CHAR | 2 | |
331 | UPA_MCB_PMACTTYPE | Maintenance Activity Type | CHAR | 3 | |
332 | UPA_MCB_PM_ORDER | Maintenance Order (Copy of /BIO/OPM_ORDER) | CHAR | 12 | |
333 | UPA_MCB_PM_PLANIND | Maint.Orders Planning Indicator | CHAR | 1 | |
334 | UPA_MCB_SCENARIO_TYPE | Type of a Planning Scenario | CHAR | 1 | |
335 | UPA_MCB_TASKLIST | Task List (Copy of /BI0/OTASKLIST) | CHAR | 11 | |
336 | UPA_MCB_VERSION | Planning Version | CHAR | 3 | |
337 | UPA_MCB_VERSION_TYPE | Planning Version Type | CHAR | 1 | |
338 | UPA_MCB_WBS_ELEMT | Work Breakdown Structure Element | CHAR | 24 | |
339 | UPB_APPLC | BW Planning Application | CHAR | 4 | |
340 | UPB_CALDAYSEL | Calendar Day Selection | CHAR | 1 | |
341 | UPB_CCP_APPL | SEM cost center planning: Application | CHAR | 8 | |
342 | UPB_CCP_ROLE | SEM cost center planning: User role | CHAR | 8 | |
343 | UPB_CCP_TYPE | SEM cost center planning: Type | CHAR | 8 | |
344 | UPB_CCP_Y_FUNC | SEM Cost Center Planning: Name for Internal Use | CHAR | 10 | |
345 | UPB_CI_FLG_BUDGET_PLAN | Indicator: Plan or Budget | CHAR | 1 | |
346 | UPB_CI_FLG_BUDGET_PLAN2 | Indicator: Plan oder Budget | CHAR | 1 | |
347 | UPB_CI_FLG_SUPPL_RET | Indicator: Post Original Budget or Returns and Supplements | CHAR | 1 | |
348 | UPB_CI_FLG_SUPPL_RET2 | Indicator: Post Original Budget or Returns and Supplements | CHAR | 1 | |
349 | UPB_CPP_Y_DESC | SEM Cost Center Planning: Description | CHAR | 40 | |
350 | UPB_DATA_WORKMODE | Planning Applications: Mode of Data Handling | CHAR | 1 | |
351 | UPB_DPTYP | Balance sheet planning: Depreciation method | CHAR | 2 | |
352 | UPB_D_CMI | Capital Market Interpreter: Version | CHAR | 8 | |
353 | UPB_D_CMI_CALC_TIME | Calculation within the Capital Market Interpreter | CHAR | 2 | |
354 | UPB_D_CMI_CHANM | Distinguishing characteristic for CMI | CHAR | 2 | |
355 | UPB_D_CMI_COUNT | Counter for Layouts in CMI | NUMC | 3 | |
356 | UPB_D_CMI_KYFNM | Key Figure in CMI | CHAR | 10 | |
357 | UPB_D_CMI_KYFNM_REPR | Textual representation of a CMI key figure | CHAR | 1 | |
358 | UPB_D_CMI_TXT | Capital Market Interpreter: Description | CHAR | 60 | |
359 | UPB_D_CMI_VALUE | Value | DEC | 12 | |
360 | UPB_D_CW_CCS | Cost Center Wizard: Topic | NUMC | 4 | |
361 | UPB_D_CW_DESC | Cost Center Wizard: Description | STRG | 0 | |
362 | UPB_D_CW_EDTYPE | Cost Center Wizard: Economic Description Type | CHAR | 1 | |
363 | UPB_D_CW_EP_FW_TYPE | Cost Center Wizard: Type of a BPS Object | CHAR | 20 | |
364 | UPB_D_CW_ESTYPE | Cost Center Wizard: Economic Specification Type | CHAR | 1 | |
365 | UPB_D_CW_ID_EXT | Cost Center Wizard: ID Visible for Users | CHAR | 8 | |
366 | UPB_D_CW_ID_FIX | Cost Center Wizard: ID for Elements | NUMC | 8 | |
367 | UPB_D_CW_NAME | Cost Center Wizard: Name | CHAR | 40 | |
368 | UPB_D_CW_QCAT | Cost Center Wizard: Question Category | CHAR | 1 | |
369 | UPB_D_CW_QUI | Cost Center Wizard: Question User Interface | CHAR | 1 | |
370 | UPB_D_CW_SG | Cost Center Wizard: Semantic Group | CHAR | 1 | |
371 | UPB_D_CW_STATE | Cost Center Wizard: Status | NUMC | 2 | |
372 | UPB_D_CW_STEP | Cost Center Wizard: Processing Step | CHAR | 2 | |
373 | UPB_D_PLNOBJ | Objects for the Import of Planning Applications | CHAR | 4 | |
374 | UPB_D_POFO_FIXED_SIZE | Fixed Size for all Elements | CHAR | 1 | |
375 | UPB_D_POFO_PRES0 | Portfolio Graphic: Display of Zero Values | CHAR | 2 | |
376 | UPB_D_POFO_VALUE | Portfolio Graphic: General Data Type | STRG | 0 | |
377 | UPB_FIETP | Balance Sheet Planning: Type of field with special semantics | CHAR | 1 | |
378 | UPB_FLAG | Balance sheet planning: Flag (X or SPACE) | CHAR | 1 | |
379 | UPB_FLAG2 | Balance sheet planning: Flag (X or SPACE) | CHAR | 1 | |
380 | UPB_LINE | Planning Applications: Line | NUMC | 2 | |
381 | UPB_PM_AS_GRAPH | Output as graphic or layout | CHAR | 2 | |
382 | UPB_PM_ATTRIBUT_ID | Attribute Name | CHAR | 40 | |
383 | UPB_PM_ATTRIBUT_VALUE | Attribute Value | CHAR | 70 | |
384 | UPB_PM_CHAVLEXT | Field for external display of a user-defined char. value | CHAR | 70 | |
385 | UPB_PM_FLAG | Planning Folders: Status | CHAR | 1 | |
386 | UPB_PM_GRAPH_SIZE | Size of Graphic (in Pixels) in a Planning Folder in Web | NUMC | 4 | |
387 | UPB_PM_GRAPH_TYPE | Graphic output types | CHAR | 20 | |
388 | UPB_PM_GRAPH_TYPE_TXT | Text field, graphic presentation type | CHAR | 40 | |
389 | UPB_PM_ITEM | Attribute of a Planning Folder | CHAR | 60 | |
390 | UPB_PM_LEGEND | Position of a legend | CHAR | 5 | |
391 | UPB_PM_LEGENDE_TEXT | Legend Text | CHAR | 60 | |
392 | UPB_PM_URL | URL | CHAR | 255 | |
393 | UPB_PM_VALUE | Specification of an Application Class Attribute | CHAR | 60 | |
394 | UPB_PM_XY | Drilldown order | CHAR | 4 | |
395 | UPB_POB_INT_TYPE | Domains of internal type of a planning object | CHAR | 3 | |
396 | UPB_PS_NAME | Name of Planning Folder | CHAR | 8 | |
397 | UPB_PS_POB_KEY | Technical key of planning object | CHAR | 8 | |
398 | UPB_PS_POB_POS | Position of POB in planning book | NUMC | 3 | |
399 | UPB_PS_POB_TEXT | Name of planning object | CHAR | 40 | |
400 | UPB_PS_POB_TTTEXT | Quick Info Text on Planning Object | CHAR | 30 | |
401 | UPB_PS_POB_TYPE | Type of Planning Object or Folder | CHAR | 10 | |
402 | UPB_PS_TYP | Type of planning interfaces (B/S, investment, all,...) | CHAR | 2 | |
403 | UPB_PS_TYPE | Type of Planning Folder | CHAR | 1 | |
404 | UPB_YD_SY_HIERARCHY | Select a Hierarchy | CHAR | 4 | |
405 | UPB_Y_PS_TYPET | Execution Possibilities of a Planning Folder | CHAR | 60 | |
406 | UPC_ACC | GUI fastpath ID | CHAR | 1 | |
407 | UPC_APPL | Application in SEM-BPS | CHAR | 4 | |
408 | UPC_APPLCLASS | Grouping: Development class | CHAR | 4 | |
409 | UPC_APPLTXT | Name of application | CHAR | 20 | |
410 | UPC_AREA | Planning area | CHAR | 8 | |
411 | UPC_AREATXT | Name of Planning Area | CHAR | 40 | |
412 | UPC_AREA_TYPE | Type of planning area | CHAR | 2 | |
413 | UPC_ATRVL | Value of an attribute | CHAR | 60 | |
414 | UPC_ATRVLEXT | Field for any attribute of external display | CHAR | 70 | |
415 | UPC_BW_TIMEREF | Time reference for currency translation | CHAR | 1 | |
416 | UPC_CHAVLEXT | Field for external display of a user-defined char. value | CHAR | 70 | |
417 | UPC_CHAVLINT | Field for Any Characteristic Value | CHAR | 60 | |
418 | UPC_CONTREL | Content release | CHAR | 6 | |
419 | UPC_COUNTER | Change counter | NUMC | 3 | |
420 | UPC_DATASLICETXT | Name of data slice | CHAR | 20 | |
421 | UPC_DATUM | Date | DATS | 8 | |
422 | UPC_DBPART | DB Partition | CHAR | 16 | |
423 | UPC_DOC_SOURCE | Last Source of a Changed Document | CHAR | 1 | |
424 | UPC_DUMMYLEAF | Indicator: Help Node | CHAR | 1 | |
425 | UPC_FORDER | Order in menu | NUMC | 3 | |
426 | UPC_FROMTO | From/To Values of Intervals | CHAR | 1 | |
427 | UPC_FW_APP | Framework Applications | CHAR | 8 | |
428 | UPC_FW_MODE | Framework Modes | CHAR | 8 | |
429 | UPC_HIEID | Hierarchy ID | CHAR | 25 | |
430 | UPC_HIETYPE | Hierarchy type | CHAR | 1 | |
431 | UPC_HIEVER | Hierarchy Version | CHAR | 3 | |
432 | UPC_ID | Identification | CHAR | 8 | |
433 | UPC_INTERVL | Indicator: Interval Node | CHAR | 1 | |
434 | UPC_IOBJNM | InfoObject | CHAR | 30 | |
435 | UPC_IOBJTP | Type of an InfoObject | CHAR | 3 | |
436 | UPC_ITEMTEXT | Item text | CHAR | 40 | |
437 | UPC_KYFDECIM | Display decimal places of a key figure | CHAR | 1 | |
438 | UPC_KYFPRSNT | Display a key figure | CHAR | 1 | |
439 | UPC_KYFTP | Key figure type | CHAR | 3 | |
440 | UPC_LEAF | Hierarchy Leaf | CHAR | 32 | |
441 | UPC_LEVELTABTYPE | Level Table Type for BW Hierarchies | NUMC | 1 | |
442 | UPC_LINK | Link Indicator for a Hierarchy Node | CHAR | 1 | |
443 | UPC_LOGSYS | Source System | CHAR | 10 | |
444 | UPC_METHOD | Planning function | CHAR | 8 | |
445 | UPC_METHODTXT | Name of planning function | CHAR | 40 | |
446 | UPC_MODE | Framework modes | CHAR | 8 | |
447 | UPC_MTYPE | Type of Relation | CHAR | 1 | |
448 | UPC_NODEID | Node ID | NUMC | 8 | |
449 | UPC_NODENAME | Account name | CHAR | 32 | |
450 | UPC_NODEPOSITION | Positions of Nodes in Reference to Their Leaves | CHAR | 1 | |
451 | UPC_NODE_TYPE | Framework node types | CHAR | 10 | |
452 | UPC_NUMBERLEVEL | Number of Levels in a Hierarchy | NUMC | 2 | |
453 | UPC_OBJSTAT | Object Status | CHAR | 3 | |
454 | UPC_PACKAGE | Planning package | CHAR | 8 | |
455 | UPC_PACKAGETXT | Name of Planning Package | CHAR | 40 | |
456 | UPC_PARAM | Parameter Group | CHAR | 8 | |
457 | UPC_PARAMTXT | Name of parameter group | CHAR | 40 | |
458 | UPC_PARSER_TEXT | Text | CHAR | 100 | |
459 | UPC_PFTYP | Planning: Role of the field | CHAR | 1 | |
460 | UPC_PFTYPE | Role of a Characteristic | NUMC | 1 | |
461 | UPC_PLEVEL | Planning level | CHAR | 8 | |
462 | UPC_PLEVELTXT | Name of Planning Level | CHAR | 40 | |
463 | UPC_PROFILE | Planning profile | CHAR | 8 | |
464 | UPC_PROFILETXT | Name of planning profile | CHAR | 40 | |
465 | UPC_REQUEST | Request Number for the Data Transfer | CHAR | 30 | |
466 | UPC_SCREEN_MODE | Screen mode | CHAR | 8 | |
467 | UPC_STARTLEVEL | Level up to which the Hierarchy Is First Expanded | NUMC | 2 | |
468 | UPC_STAT_NAME | Name of Statistic Info | CHAR | 4 | |
469 | UPC_STEP | Relation between Characteristics | NUMC | 2 | |
470 | UPC_SUBAPPL | Subapplication in SEM-BPS | CHAR | 50 | |
471 | UPC_TEXT_TYPE | Type of text | CHAR | 10 | |
472 | UPC_TIMEREF | Time reference for currency translation | CHAR | 1 | |
473 | UPC_TLEVEL | Level of a Hierarchy Node | NUMC | 2 | |
474 | UPC_TODO | SEM-BPS: Action for Documents | CHAR | 1 | |
475 | UPC_TYPETXT | Text of a type of planning object | CHAR | 20 | |
476 | UPC_UNITP | Unit type | CHAR | 3 | |
477 | UPC_VARIABLE | Variable | CHAR | 8 | |
478 | UPC_VARIABLETXT | Description of variable | CHAR | 40 | |
479 | UPC_VARIABLE_OFFSET | Offset of variable | INT4 | 10 | |
480 | UPC_VARLIST_FILTER_AREA | Filter to Planning Area in the List of Variables | CHAR | 10 | |
481 | UPC_VARLIST_FILTER_TYPE | Filter to Type in the List of Variables | CHAR | 10 | |
482 | UPC_VAR_NUMBER | Numeric Value for Variables | DEC | 31 | 9 |
483 | UPC_VAR_NUMBER_DISP | Numeric Value for Variables | CHAR | 40 | |
484 | UPC_VAR_REPLACE_TYPE | Replacement type of variables | CHAR | 10 | |
485 | UPC_VAR_TYPE | Variable Type | CHAR | 10 | |
486 | UPC_Y_PRES | Display of Characteristic Value and Text for API | CHAR | 1 | |
487 | UPDATEFLAG | Flag for update task with values 'D', 'I' and 'U' | CHAR | 1 | |
488 | UPDATEMODE | Call Transaction update mode. See CALL help. | CHAR | 1 | |
489 | UPDATEZUO | IS-PSD: Indicator - type of assignment update | CHAR | 1 | |
490 | UPDATE_TYPE | Type of Change | CHAR | 1 | |
491 | UPDATE_TYPE_PI | Change Type | CHAR | 1 | |
492 | UPDFLG | ATP: Update indicator for requirements | CHAR | 1 | |
493 | UPDKZ | Update indicator | CHAR | 1 | |
494 | UPDMOD_KK | Data: Processing status | CHAR | 1 | |
495 | UPDSC_EXT | Update Schedule Lines from External Procurement | CHAR | 1 | |
497 | UPENUM | Personnel number | NUMC | 8 | |
498 | UPE_D_TIME | Time characteristics for dynamic simulation | CHAR | 32 | |
499 | UPE_ITEMTYPE | Planning Modeler: Type of Items in Cube Table | CHAR | 4 | |
500 | UPE_Y_MODKEY | Planning Modeler: Key Model | CHAR | 32 |